#but Spinner doesn’t realize it lmao
grimmcheems · 3 months
Inko au I came up with yrs ago….
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AU where bakugou’s actions have consequences lmao. I only remember coming up with this yrs ago after thinking through all the terrible stuff Bakugou put Izuku through and it was more of a “what if” scenario, was even planning to write a fic with this concept in mind but never got to it and lost all my motivation to do so, especially with all the spoilers I’ve been getting about the series recently. I have not read the manga past Aoyama’s reveal and I think I’m going to keep it that way.
…..just realized I never added her freckles…..pretend you don’t see it……..
Will forever be a Bakugou hater and I will die on this hill. Also whole convo ppl are having about Aoyama rly peeves me when I take Iida’s past actions into account and the fact that there’s way worse people in the series yet ppl suddenly have so much to say when it comes to my bby Aoyama. That’s a conversation for another day though sigh.
Anyways. In this au Izuku’s low self esteem and inner demons win and, along with Bakugou ‘s relentless bullying, lead him to take his (Bakugou’s) earlier suggestion about the rooftop and it quickly becomes the worst case scenario. Let’s just say he doesn’t make it and Inko is left to mourn and try to piece together why it happened and what caused it. She eventually figures out that Bakugou had a hand in it and eventually she gains the resolve to cultivate a plan for revenge, not just for herself but for Izuku as well. She’s especially angry after finding out Bakugou is accepted into UA and it’s no longer just about getting revenge against him, but also holding society accountable for the way they treat quirkless people in general. It also delves deeper into the quirk aspect after she meets Toga and Spinner, as well as everyone else in the league or other villains that she meets that were more so driven out and mistreated because of their quirks (like Dabi).
Other than that, Aizawa also gets involved (idk why but he always makes his way into being a main character for my mha aus). Idk how much more to include on him since idk if I’ll be making some sketches or more art over this but he does become pissed once he finds out about Bakugou’s bad reputation before enrolling.
I added some silly stuff in between the serious parts. She does end up training her quirk and I do plan on making some sketches at least of that happening and she is also a caretaker alongside Kurogiri.
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princessmuk · 7 months
Okay, Degrassi reboot idea:
Liberty and JT’s son, now 18 (assuming he was born in 2006) decides to spend his senior year at Degrassi in hopes of reconnecting with his parents. He acts as the bridge between TNG and the reboot as Emma did for Classic and TNG. If we fudge the dates a bit, we could even get him in the same class as Frankie and have that be the Senior class, in order to give those characters a chance to finish their arcs.
Now this is DEFINITELY fudging the dates because Emma and Spinner got married in 2010, but I think a great second link would be THEIR kid as a freshman. Now that the kid is entering high school, the now-divorced couple decides it’s time to tell them the truth: Spinner isn’t their biological father.
They didn’t tell the kid exactly why they got divorced, because it was for a lot of reasons, but Emma’s affair was definitely a big part of it. She met up with Sean a few times a couple years (or months if we’re being realistic about this kid’s age lmao) into the marriage, but ended things after feeling extremely guilty about the entire thing. She was going to tell Spinner, but then she got pregnant, and she thought that would fix the relationship. But eventually, she realized that the kid was Sean’s… so she told Spinner, and they ended up separating a year later, though they stayed friends and were both incredibly involved in the kid’s life.
The other catch? Sean doesn’t know it’s his kid. After the affair ended, he cut ties with Emma and got stationed overseas. But now, he’s back in town… and his child wants to get to know him.
I think this would be so cool bc we would get some realistic retconning to the Spinner and Emma marriage, Emma and Sean have a chance to get back together, we can see Emma and Spinner as parents, and Sean trying to be a dad for this kid. Plus, it would be some interesting parallels to Spike with the bio dad not being involved and give Emma a great space to be a better person that she was as a teenager.
Bonuses would of course be Marco as a teacher (BROKEN UP WITH DYLAN, AMEN), Manny and Jay still together and Manny as a famous actress (she’d be the Caitlin Ryan here lol), Toby and Liberty relationship(?) (doesn’t have to last but would be nice to explore), Alex as a school counselor, Snake as the principal, and cameos from the previous characters ofc. Even better is that the longer the reboot goes on, the more likely it is that past characters could be parents of the new kids at Degrassi. Imagine a Holly J kid, a Peter kid, a Paige kid, basically any character that you’d never think of as a parent lmao.
Anyway I’m dying to know y’all’s thoughts on what a reboot would look like bc I’m so starved for content 😭
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lumilasi · 3 years
I’ve been struggling to write this one for a month or something now, so I decided to give y’all a sneak peek on the latest Spinaraki one-shot request I’m writing. IDK when I’ll finish it tho, I’m still struggling to decide how to end it. Also I’ve been wanting to focus on writing all the remaining chapters for Depths as that one is nearly finished. Tomura/Tenko is almost home.
Anyway, here’s the sneak peek:
Going through the third week, the weather was still very warm, so warm that Spinner finds Tomura awake one night, clearly unable to sleep due to the heat - or maybe he was insomniac, at this point he wasn’t sure.
Tomura was only wearing loose-fitting black pants with a thin canvas to them, glancing up at him from the couch he’d sat on, TV running in the background while kept on low volume, probably had been to try and not wake him up. Spinner could tell he was sweaty from the heat with how his hair was sticking to his skull. It was totally just the hair he was looking, not anything else.
”Your AC seems to be malfunctioning.”
Checking on it, Spinner notes he was right.
”Damn. I’m sorry. Guess gotta call someone to repair it tomorrow.”
”M’fine. Used to sleeping very little anyway.”
Huh, so maybe he was insomniac?
Spinner sits down next to him hesitantly, trying his best not to look while also kind of looking - again. What was with him lately anyway? He’d seen people half naked before during his schooldays in boys’ locker room, and on the beach and so on. Why did Tomura being like that bother him so much?
”Heh. Spooky folklore and urban legends reruns during the night? Guess it makes sense, fits with the dark atmosphere.”
Spinner looks up at the TV screen, quickly realizing what Tomura meant. There was a show he’d seen before, talking about urban legends across the country. This episode was one he hadn’t seen before, revolving around ancient ninjas or something.
”Well would ya look at that? What a coincidence.”
Tomura muses out and Spinner looks at him confused, before looking back at the TV. The episode legend was talking about some sort of group of supposed near mythical ninjas of assassins or something. Wait weren’t those kinda the same thing?
”What’s this legend about? Never heard of it.”
”It’s called the Yokai King. A master assassin of legendary skill that people to this day debate whenever he existed. According to the legend all the assassins under his command were some form of yokai, from bakenekos to kitsunes, and even a jorogumo.”
”W-what? Really?”
Tomura shrugs, cracking his neck slightly.
”From what I understand - and what the show is talking about right now - it is suspected the ”yokai’ were just humans who used a name of a creature to describe them. There are some rumors that these people might’ve had special kind of mutations that give no outward changes but ’internal’ abilities that cannot be seen.”
”Huh...that’s...kinda cool? I mean as a legend, the assassin part is a bit...”
”To be fair, the legend states the Yokai king only sends his ilk against those he deems unworthy of life. In most stories the victims of his children - as these underlings are called, though how many of them actually are his kids is a debated matter - have been criminals of worst kind. Child abusers, rapists, serial killers, stuff like that. Rich Tax frauders.”
Tomura turns to look at him with a smirk. That smile was giving him a weird funny feeling, but Spinner was too focused in on the story to care about it.
”There’s more modern versions of the tale about his ’children’ going after rich landlords who abuse their wealth.”
”So they just...”
Spinner makes a slitting motion across his throat, gaining a slight shake of head from Tomura.
”Not always. The ’death’ dished out isn’t always physical. Sometimes it can be mental, social, or financial kind. Tax frauders end up dirt poor, prideful child abuser holding up appearances gets shunned away from their community, etc. To some people there are fates worse than simple death.”
”Yeah. I think in a lot of tales the King typically has four assassins; one for each type of ’death.”
Tomura holds up his finger now, smirking amused at how closely he was listening.
”First, is the ’financial death’ often known with the nickname Tanuki. This one is typically the one in charge of dealing with unruly greedy people and leaders, making sure they lose all they hold dear - their finances and influence typically.”
”Why Tanuki?”
”There’s lotta stories about it. Some say the first holder of this title in the legend was an actual one, or had Tanuki-like tendencies with gambling, playing tricks on people and such.”
Tomura shrugs, glancing at the TV briefly. The program was currently discussing this same topic, but Spinner found himself more interested in hearing Tomura tell it, as he seemed to have knowledge of the legend.
”Second is usually either known as the Jorogumo or Snow woman. As you can guess this ’child’ is typically a woman in these legends, often linked to the more psychological death - though arguably they also often literally kill their prey. She is often depicted as stalking their victim for a while, keeping an eye on them and causing psychological turmoil. Other times she’s said to even lure the victims into a trap, until it is too late.”
”...Kind of clicheed in a way, that the woman does that.”
”That’s how these old folk tales are. Didn’t make ’em. Plus there have been some stories from what I remember that dispute whenever this ’child’ was always a woman.”
Tomura shrugs and cracks his neck, now holding up a third finger. His red eyes looked almost like they were shining in the surrounding darkness, with the TV screen reflected on them. It was kind of eerie but also mesmerizing to look at.
”Third, the kitsune, is said to be the one for social deaths. This one will burn all the bridges around you, making you isolated for everything and everyone you had control over, before devouring you. In the same sense the kitsune also protects the victims from the person they punish.”
”And...the...last one?”
Tomura holds up a fourth finger now, the light from TV dimming down as the screen switched to a darker scene.
”The Shinigami. The ultimate death. This one’s often said to be the yokai king’s strongest child, for they represent an absolute death. No mercy, no second chances. If this child goes after you, you are a goner.”
Tomura drops his hand slowly, and Spinner swallows down hard, frozen in place. He stares at the pale face for a long moment, up until Tomura closes his eyes suddenly, starting to snicker. It eventually grows into a full blown laughter, making Spinner blush and frown, asking what was so funny.
”Your face! You’re real freaked out.”
Shigaraki laughs and tries to get his breath back under control, wheezing almost.
”It’s a folktale Spinner, a legend. Not real. Relax.”
”Can you blame me for getting spooked? It’s dark and you’re really good at storytelling stuff like this apparently!”
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gaysimpsstuff · 4 years
Accidentally Injuring Their Partner PT. 2
Part One Here
Y’all- the last one is like, my most popular post. As I’m currently writing this, it’s literally almost at 1K notes so... yeah. This one needed a lot of thought and effort if it’s going to meet people’s expectations. 
Please read the note I added at the end of the fic
Genre: angst
Type: drabbleshot
Warnings: gore, mentions of hospitals, crying, cursing, toxic relationships, self blame, some real ‘who cares how I feel, how do you feel?’ kind of unhealthy vibes, hazbin hotel reference (found in Todoroki’s section), talking down on oneself,
Other: this was requested multiple times, but this bitch was planning it before it was requested haha I’m so cool no I’m not I still feel like shit lmao. 
Angst Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @combat-wombatus @mandalorian-baby-bird @waffleareniceandfluffy @catcherisvibin @thesubtlewhore
Tomura Shigaraki
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It was really all he could do to stare at you.
You’d moved from the theatre to an abandonment hospital, mostly to find any leftover supplies to help with your arm, or rather, lack thereof.
You’d only sort of expected this. Tomura lashing out at you, you getting hurt, you just didn’t expect it to result in you loosing a fucking arm.
Toga was helping to change your bandages, and Magne was speaking quietly with Twice, Spinner, and Compress.
Dabi was speaking with Shigaraki outside the room, and you couldn’t hear what they were saying. You were glad, you didn’t exactly want to hear his voice right now.
You didn’t think you were being that annoying, you thought you were just helping him. And you usually did. When he’d have his little tantrums, he’d get upset at you sure, but he’d never hurt you.
You knew you didn’t do anything differently than usual, maybe he was just more stressed than ordinary? Maybe you should’ve recognized that and altered yourself to fit accordingly.
Or maybe he’d just been horrible, and attacked you for no reason, and you had just been trying to help him.
You knew it was more likely the latter, but you couldn’t help but blame yourself. People don’t just try to kill their partners that they love so much
The door slid open, and Dabi stepped in. He glanced around the room, waving his hand to usher Magne, Spinner, Twice, and Compress out of the room. Today stood up, but you grabbed her hand.
Dabi pushed the door open a little wider, and your boyfriend stepped inside. For once, you were glad he had that horrible hand in his face, you knew that if he took it off you’d probably vomit.
“Call us in if you need anything.” Dabi offered uncharacteristically, sliding the door shut behind him.
Everything was quiet.
Not even the people in the hallway wanted to say anything.
He slowly walked towards you, pulling up a chair and sitting down.
You sat cross-legged on the creaky hospital bed, staring at him as Toga held your hand.
“Why are you here?” You asked quietly.
“I- I um. Why is she here?” Tomura ignored your question, pointing to Toga next to you.
“She’s here because she chopped off my arm after you dusted it. She’s here because she saved my life. Why are you here, Tomura?”
One of his hands lifted to his neck, scratching lightly.
“Shit- I didn’t want anyone else in here-“
“Why not? Don’t want anyone to see you loose yourself and hurt me more? Don’t want anyone here to save me?” You snapped.
“You- you know I didn’t mean it-“
“It doesn’t matter if you meant it or not, Shigaraki.” He flinched away when you spat out his last name like that. “I still got hurt. I lost a fucking arm because of you. How horrible are you that you have to cover up your own insecurities by trying to kill me? No really, I could have died.”
“I’m sorry!” He exclaimed, nails digging deeper into his neck. “I love you, okay? And I promised I’d protect you so-“
“So you broke your promise in the worst way possible.” You swung your legs over the side of the bed, squeezing Toga’s hand before letting go. You walked up to Shigaraki, lifting your hand and gripping his shoulder tightly.
“I’m going.” You whispered. “I can’t be around you. I still have family outside the League, friends that aren’t villains. I can build myself a semi-normal life. I’ll be happy without you.” You turned back to Toga, offering her a smile. “You can come over whenever you want, you’re my friend.” You headed towards the door.
You paused when you heard a soft noise, like a gargled scream. You turned around, seeing Shigaraki shaking.
“No, no please no- don’t go!” He spun around, grabbing your shoulders. You shoved him off you in an instant, curling into yourself
“GET OFF ME!” You screamed. But he was already launching himself at you again, you saw his palm flying towards your face. This time, it wasn’t an accident.
And you knew you wouldn’t make it out this time.
You were pulled back by a strong force, realizing Magne was holding you tight. Compress and Dabi were on either side of Shigaraki, holding him back, while Twice had ran to Toga.
“No! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! Please don’t leave me!” He screamed, the hand fell loose on his face, tumbling down to the floor. You turned away, not wanting to see him.
You could only imagine his expression.
“Goodbye, Shigaraki.” You whispered, ducking out of Magne’s grip and rubbing off.
Touya Todoroki/ Dabi
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It had been a week since he’d seen you, a week since he’d felt your hands on his. A week since he’d heard your voice. A week since he’d seen your smile.
A week since he’d burned you.
Called you inferior.
Threatened to kill you.
Well there was certainly a reason why he hadn’t gone to see you since the incident.
He missed you.
He felt so guilty, knowing what he’d said and done to you, and he needed to see you.
Maybe he was just being selfish.
Maybe he knew he’d done something wrong.
Maybe he needed to call you.
He flipped his phone upside down, then right side up again on the counter of the bar.
Toga sat on a stool next to him, tapping her hands against the marble in boredom.
“So... what’s up with you?” She asked, cocking her head and glancing at him.
“Like I’m telling a brat like you.” He growled, flipping his phone over again.
“You’ve been off all week!” She exclaimed, leaning towards him. “Somethings happened to you.”
“If i tells you a little, will you shut up?”
“Mhm mhm!”
“Ughhhhh fine. I had a fight with someone close to me. I... I really hurt them. I know it. I haven’t spoken to them in a week.”
“So... Dabi has a soft spot?”
“That’s not the point of this. Also say that again and I’ll kill you.”
“Oookay then. You should just call them. Say something to them and apologize.” She offered with a shrug.
Dabi sighed, pressing his face into his hands.
“They don’t want to talk to me. Trust me on that.”
“Welp- that’s just my advice. Cent for my thoughts kind of thing except you didn’t pay me. You owe me a penny.”
Toga shrugged, hopping off the chair and leaving the room.
“Don’t owe you shit.” Dabi grumbled, glowering down at his phone again. He pulled up your contact, staring at the picture he’d set for you.
You had a bright smile, emoji hearts decorating your cheeks. It was from your first ‘date.’ When you’d hung out at your place after he broke in looking for shelter and food.
You’d taken care of him, let his spend the night, and even offered to let him stay whenever he needed to.
You were an Angel on earth.
And he’d burnt you.
Called you dirty.
And selfish.
You were anything but.
“Why the hell are you calling me?”
“Dabi. Why are you calling me? You hate me, don’t you?”
“I don’t hate you...”
“Jeez, coulda fooled me.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“I- I didn’t mean it.” He choked out. “Everything I said, I didn’t mean it. And I-“
“I really don’t care. The doctors said my arms would scar. I’m burnt and scarred like you. Are you happy? Is that what you wanted to achieve? Make me like you so that no one would want me? So that only you could have me?”
“No! I never wanted to hurt you, ba- Y/n please,”
“Please what? Please what, Dabi? What do you want from me? Huh? You want me to cradle you and say is all going to be okay? You want me to kiss your scars and tell you you’re beautiful? You want me to suck your dick and tell you I love you? After everything you’ve put me through?”
“It’s not just you burning me. You’ve left me for days without contact, and then showed up like nothing’s happened! You’ve hit me and then groveled and cried for my mercy! You’ve made me do so much shit for you in bed that I never wanted to do! Our entire relationship, I was scared you’d get sick of me and kill me!”
“You really thought that?”
“Well guess what motherfucker? You can’t come after me! I’ve told the police what happened. Everything between us. They’re helping me move across the country. You’ll never see me again. Happy?”
“No. No no I’m not happy why would I be happy? You made me happy, when I didn’t even know what the word meant, you don’t have to go through with this, please don’t go through with this!”
“Don’t flatter me. I never made you happy. Nothing could make you happy except watching the world burn. I don’t make you happy, Dabi-“
“Yes you do!”
“Just shut up. I’m going to hang up. If I’m being honest... I’ll miss you. You made me happy. But with so much anger and fear surrounding you, it’s hard to even remember the last time we were happy together.”
“I’m... I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
You were gone.
Shouto Todoroki
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If you thought Shouto was quiet before, you should see him now, wait, you were seeing him now, in class, eyes boring into your spine.
You still had a large bandage on your face, being hit in the face with plus added fire power is bound to leave a mark that lasts for over three days.
Did I mention it had been three days now?
It’s very hard to ignore Shouto, seeing as you were in the same class and lived in the same dorms. 
Plus everyone in class wanted to know what happened between the two of you, why Shouto seemed so down, why you had the bandage on your face, and if it was all connected.
You’d only told one person what had gone down between the two of you, and that was Bakugou.
Which maybe was a mistake, because he took to trying to fight Todoroki every time he saw him, and repeatedly told you that he ‘fuckin knew that icy-hot bastard was a good-for-nothing bag of of poorly packaged horse shit.’
You appreciated his comfort, but it hurt you every time he said something about Todoroki.
“I don’t get why you’re defending the scumbag. His hand hasn’t even healed off your face yet!” 
You and Bakugou were heading to the dorms after class, and he had gone on his usual tangent about how Todoroki did this, Todoroki did that, Todoroki was an asshole, etc etc.
“I mean... he’s technically still my boyfriend. And he’s been nothing but kind to me up until this point. He just... he was stressed, and I was being a bother. I’m sure the injury will fade at some point, then he’ll talk to me again and we can get back to normal.” you shrugged, rubbing at the back of your neck. “We’ll be fine.”
“You know what you are? A pushover.” Bakugou glared at you. 
“Wha- I am not! Where did you get that idea?” 
“Oh I don’t know, maybe from the fact that You forget to check in with how you feel and keep thinking only about that Half n Half bastard! ‘Oh, he must be so upset with himself!’ Fuck that! How do you feel?” 
You kept your eyes on the ground, speeding up. Bakugou grabbed your sleeve, tugging you backwards. His hands found your shoulders, thumbs rubbing soft circles. Your breath hitched, did Shouto ever do this for you? 
Not that you could remember.
“I feel... nervous.” you admitted. “I’m nervous that he meant what he said to me. That I’m nothing but a bother to him. I’m nervous that he’ll never come and talk to me, never apologize. I’m worried that if he does talk to me, he’ll think it was my fault. It wasn’t was it?”
You looked up at Bakugou warily, and squeaked when he tightened his grip on your shoulders.
“The fuck? Of course it’s not! Idiot.” he poked your forehead, and you couldn’t help but giggle a little. “Keep talking.”
“Um... I’m...” you took a deep breath. “I’m angry. I’m angry that he hasn’t talked to me. I’m angry about what he said. I’m angry that he even hit me to begin with. If we were training, of course it’d be different, but we weren’t training. And he hurt me. And now I’m doubting everything between us.”
Bakugou was silent, Cardinal eyes met yours. The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife, and for a moment, you feared Bakugou would try to blow your ass up for being a pathetic little weakling.
I mean... compared to people like Todoroki and Bakugou, you were right?
Bakugou took a step forward, pulling you into his arms. You held your breath, wondering if he was going to finally snap and kill you. 
But... it felt nice. 
You lifted your arms, wrapping them around his body and tugging him a little closer. You buried your face into his uniform shirt, body shaking a little as you cried.
You almost wanted to scream, but then the school would panic.
So you just cried, sobbing into his arms and letting him hold you. His embrace was war and comforting, nothing like you’d felt from your so-called boyfriend.
Maybe he was right, maybe you really shouldn’t try to think about him.
You did deserve better.
You sniffled, pulling off Bakugou with a soft smile.
“Thanks, Bakugou. I really needed that. And you’re right.”
“What was that second thing?”
“You’re right.”
“Hmmm?” Bakugou cupped a hand around his ear, feigning deafness.
“Oh my goodness- I said you’re right!”
“That’s it.” he patted you on the shoulder, proud smirk traced across his features. You chuckled. “Now you’re going to tell that to Mr. Daddy Issues and get the fuck over him.” 
“Alright, but you’re coming with me!” he nodded, keeping his hand on your shoulder as you returned to the dorms, heading to his dorm.
You paused just outside his door, knocking lightly. Bakugou was a few feet behind you, out of the way, but close enough to step in if something were to happen.
The door swung open slowly, revealing a bored-looking Todoroki. WHen his eyes landed on you, he jumped a little, taking a step back. His hand tightened around the doorknob, his other hand gripping his pants
“Y-Y/n-“ he stuttered, eyes flickering between you and Bakugou. “I-“
“We need to talk.”
“Listen I- I’m sorry!” He exclaimed.
“Todoroki, I don’t think you get it. ‘Sorry’ doesn’t cut it. You might have scarred me, so your one mistake might stay with me my whole life!”
“I know.” His head drooped, and his grip on his pants loosened. “I know. I’m- I’m just like him.”
“I promised I was nothing like him but here we fucking are!”
“Shoto what are you talking about?”
“I’m the worst kind of person!”
Shouto looked up, eyes brimming with tears. You took a few steps forward, taking his face into your hands.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered “it was an accident, and you didn’t mean it. Please don’t talk about yourself like that.”
Bakugou grabbed you, yanking you away from him
“Uh, what the fuck? You came here to sever ties with him, not fucking comfort him!”
“Look at him, Bakugou. He needs me.”
“Trust me.” You smiled at Bakugou, pushing him away from you slowly before turning back to Shouto. You took the boy into your arms, rocking back and forth with him.
You ignored the heavy feeling in your chest, and the screams your brain slew ar you to get off of him, get away from him, and let Bakugou protect you.
You ignored logic, emotion, and all better judgement.
For this boy who’d hit you.
But Bakugou would end up being right, he was smart.
You’ll see.
Katsuki Bakugou/ Dynamight
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Shit wrong Pomeranian
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That’s better
Katsuki stood outside Recovery Girl’s room, waiting for Kirishima to come out and tell him what was going on.
He was chewing on his nails, foot tapping against the ground as he stared at the door. He could hear people moving around and talking inside.
He couldn’t get the sound of your screaming out of his head, the large dark patch that formed on your skin around your face, the way you just... fell.
The door slid open, and Bakugou stared forward and Kirishima stepped out, smiling and thanking Recovery Girl.
Bakugou was on his feet in an instant, grabbing Kirishima’s arm.
“How are they? Do they hate me? Can I see them?” He rambled, Kirishima gently pushing Bakugou off him.
“Uh, they’re fine for the most part, they haven’t said anything about you at all, and ask Recovery Girl.” He said, backing off down the hall as Bakugou stared helplessly after him.
“You uh- you might want to apologize. They are really upset.” Kirishima told him, quickly running off down the hall. Bakugou faced towards the room, stepping inside.
A cyan curtain blocked him from seeing you, and he heard shuffling behind it. It slid open, Recovery Girl stepping out. She looked up and saw Bakugou.
She wacked his leg with her needle/cane, and he yelped, stumbling backwards.
“You have no shame!” she snapped. “With what you did to them, you should be cowering outside right now!”
“Shhh!” Bakugou pressed up against the wall. “Do you want them to know I’m here?”
“Are you that clueless?” she grumbled, pulling herself up into her chair. “They’ve gone temporarily deaf.” Bakugou froze, glancing back at the curtain.
He’d blown up your eardrums.
He felt Recovery Girl press something into his hands, and he glanced down. 
It was a small whiteboard, with a pen and washcloth.
This was how he’d have to talk to you.
On a fucking whiteboard.
RG pulled the curtains aside, revealing you.
You were laying in the bed, half your face wrapped up in bandages, hands resting on your lap.
“Y/n...” he murmured. You remained still, staring out the window. Bakugou cleared his throat, and you still didn’t react.
“They can’t hear you, remember?” RG shook her head, waddling over to the other side of your bed, pointing at Bakugou. He watched your face slowly turn, before his eyes shot away from you, staring at the ground.
He heard you swallow, and you let out a soft whimper.
Were you scared of him?
Bakugou lifted the whiteboard, quickly scribbling some kanji on it 
ごめんなさい (Translation: I am sorry)
You reached forward, taking the whiteboard from him and erasing his words, putting your own down instead.
分かってる。(Translation: I know)
Bakugou pursed his lips, fidgeting with his shirt before he watched you put more writing down
どうして?(Translation: Why?)
Bakugou reached out, taking the whiteboard back, quickly putting down his excuse explanation
私は弱いと感じました。 じゃあ霧島を助けてくれたんだ。 うらやましくなってきた (Translation: I felt weak. Then you helped Kirishima. I got Jealous)
お許しください (Translation: Please forgive me.)
He handed you the whiteboard back, tapping his foot against the ground. You passed it back to him, and he hurridly read your response.
私はそれについて考えます (Translation: I’ll think about it.)
He had a chance. His eyes finally lifted off the whiteboard, landing on you.
The visible part of your face looked exactly the same, although there was a large bandage on your ear. Your eye looked sad, fearful, and nervous. You had a shaky smile on your face, trying to make him feel better.
You were always thinking about him.
それは再び起こらないだろう (Translation: It won’t happen again)
You sighed, smile falling.
本気?(Translation: Are you sure?)
Bakugou felt his heart drop into his stomach.
Well of fucking course you didn’t trust him, look what he’d done to you!
おっしゃる通りです。. もうお前を放っておいてやる さようなら、y/n。(Translation: You are right. I will leave you alone now. Goodbye, y/n.)
He stood up, leaving the whiteboard on your bed. He headed towards the door, with his hands stuffed into his pockets. He ignored the soft cry of your voice, surprised he was leaving.
He ignored the way you managed to choke out his name in a warbly, unsure voice.
He slid the door shut behind him, slumping against it and sliding down until he sat on the cold ground. He buried his face into his arms, finally allowing himself to cry.
He wasn’t going to try and talk to you, he resolved. He wasn’t going to bother you or scare you.
He’d keep you safe by refusing to talk to him.
He’d let the author end the fanfiction right then and there.
The door slid open behind him, and he flopped backwards, staring up at your face. You were holding the whiteboard.
オマンコにならないでください。 事故だったのは分かってる 頑張って俺を捕まえるのか諦めるのか? どんなヒーローがあきらめるだろうか?
(Translation: Don't be a pussy. I know it was an accident. Are you going to work hard and get me or give up? What kind of hero would just give up?)
A smirk slowly spread across his face. Yeah, he’d work hard. He’d never scare you or hurt you again. He’d do better.
He’d be the best boyfriend.
And he’d accept your help to stand up next to you.
After fic note: ohmygod I’m finally finished. This took fucking forever. You loved part one so much, I had to make sure part two was perfect.
Some of these ended in heartbreak
Another ended in a questionable descision
The last ended happily
All of them are different! 
I hope you get my references, and appreciate the Japanese Kanji I put in Bakugou’s part (if any of it is inaccurate, please let me know so I can try my best to fix it. I don’t speak or write Japanese, I used this translator to get what I needed). 
I worked hard on this, so if y’all could tell me what you like and dislike about this so I can improve my writing, that would be lovely. Don’t be afraid to pop a comment or pop into my ask box, I do my best to respond to every comment and ask, so don’t worry about being ignored.
I love all of you, and I’m so glad to be able to write for you.
Thanks for all of your support, I promise I’ll work hard on all of my drafts to make sure you get entertainment constantly! 
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96 and 99 with tom and reader doesn't want to play with him? Lmao
Lmao, of course love, here's Tom being a brat. Hope you enjoy babes xx
Twister with a Twist
96 - "I can't believe I agreed to this."
99 - "I don't wanna play with you because you keep cheating."
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Tom wants to play Twister, but he doesn't play fair
Summer of Love
“Uh, what’s all this?” (y/n) knit her brow as she entered the living room, confused by what seemed to be a single player game of Twister.
“Just making sure the mat wouldn’t slide,” Tom beamed back at her, “You know I realized we’ve never played any board games together.”
“Yeah, I didn’t realize that was a concern of yours,” she chuckled, “Is Twister even a board game?”
“There’s a board, it’s got the spinner on it,” he jumped to his feet and took her hands, “It’s not really a concern but I thought it’d be something fun we could do together. I always had fun doing shit like this with my brothers growing up.”
“My family never really did stuff like this,” she hummed, “It could be fun though.”
He kissed her head with a big smile, “You go first.”
“Alright,” she kicked the spinner before walking to one side of the mat, “Right foot blue.”
Tom smirked as he took his hand, “Left foot green.”
“You’re going down Holland,” she taunted.
“Not a chance darling.”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
“Right hand green,” (y/n) called, giggling as Tom stretched to try and reach.
“No problem,” he scoffed as he spun the wheel, “Shit… Right foot yellow.”
“Oh you’re so going down,” she smiled, “No fucking way you can do that.”
“I totally can,” he tried to stretch around her, just barely touching the yellow circle before collapsing, causing her to fall as well.
She laughed, “I win!”
“Yeah, yeah, you win,” he sighed, “That was fun, we should go again.”
“Sure,” she smirked, “I’m just gonna kick your ass again.”
“How about we spice it up a bit?” “Oh are we placing bets?”
“No, strip Twister. We pick a color and everytime we land on it we take a piece of clothing off, without getting up.”
“You’re on, I pick yellow.”
“You’re going down this time sweetheart,” he winked.
She stuck out her tongue, “No way, I’m gonna destroy you loser.”
“In your dreams,” he spun the wheel with a smirk, “Right arm blue.”
She stomped on the mat and spun the wheel, “Right leg blue.”
“Left leg green,” he snickered, “You should have packed on a couple extra layers darling.”
“Clothed or nude, I’ve got this,” she insisted, “Left leg yellow.”
“And it begins,” Tom kicked off one of his socks before setting his foot down.
“No problem,” she tossed her own sock to the side, “You’re turn love.”
The couple continued, losing both of their socks, her necklace, Tom’s watch, and finally Tom’s sweater. Leading her to realize Tom was much more prepared for a stripping game than she was.
“Come on darling, you’ve got to take something off,” Tom taunted.
“Damnit,” she huffed, glancing down at herself, “I can’t believe I agreed to this.”
“Something’s got to come off,” he laughed.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got it,” she finally ended up just removing her shirt, “There.”
“I would have gone for pants,” he shrugged and spun again, “Left arm red.”
“Got it,” she stuck out her tongue as she stretched to reach.
Tom smirked and pressed a kiss to her bare stomach before reaching for the spot. She squealed, being totally startled by the action and almost falling.
He laughed, “Come on darling, we’ve barely started.”
“You’re a dick, keep your hands to yourself,” she snapped, “Right foot blue.”
“I’ll do my best darling but this game tends to get a little touchy,” he poked her side as her moved, “Right arm red.”
“You’re doing it on purpose,” she bit back before groaning, “Right arm yellow.”
“Easy peasy,” he sang, tossing his shirt across the room, “I’m just playing the game.”
“Are not,” she wiggled her shorts off her hips, “You’re trying to make me fall, and it’s not going to work, cheaters never prosper you know?”
“I’m doing no such thing,” he smirked as he watched her try to maneuver her body around his, “Although…”
She squealed as he pinched her newly exposed butt cheek, promptly falling onto the floor while he burst into laughter, “Thomas Stanely Holland!”
“Oh come on, I do it all the time,” he rolled his eyes, “You should have been expecting it.”
“You are such a cheater!” she snapped as she sprung to her feet, “You know you can’t beat me fairly so you started cheating!”
“Alright, alright, I’m sorry,” he raised his hands in surrender, “Why don’t we go again.”
“No way! I don’t wanna play with you because you keep cheating!” she huffed, crossing her arms while he smiled.
“I promise I’ll keep my hands to myself this time,” he pleaded, “Or I got some other games we could try out.”
Her eyes wandered over the pile of board games on the coffee table, “Fine, strip scrabble, no touching, and loser has to make dinner.”
“Deal,” he sealed the deal with a kiss and a smile, “Hope you’re ready for some cooking darling.”
“In your dreams Tommy.”
@niallberry @spideyssunshine @namoreno @thevery-firstpage @outshineallthestars @roseke @zspideyy @emistrash @andreagf956 @tomsirishgirlx @peachyafshawn @agbspidey
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 294: A Half-Assed Escape
Previously on BnHA: Mirio was all “SURPRISE I’M BACK THANKS TO OUR RESIDENT SEVEN-YEAR-OLD WHO RECENTLY EARNED HER BACHELOR’S OF BEING A TOTAL BADASS.” Kacchan was all, “you know what, Dabi’s been trending long enough, time to remind the fandom what a real G looks like,” and he blasted his little bleeding body back into the fray and was all “FROM HERE ON OUT CALL ME DYNAMIGHT!!” Mirio was all, “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... oh, you’re serious,” and Kacchan was all “!!”, and so that’s the story of how my son got murdered twice in one day. Meanwhile in the Todoroki Drama Zone, Deku was all “STOP MURDERING MY FRIEND” and Dabi was all “THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS” and fandom had a whole big debate about Whether Or Not Dabi Trying To Murder Deku’s Friends And Mentors Is Any Of Deku’s Business, which went exactly how you think it went. Anyway, so then Deku yelled at Dabi, and Endeavor was all moved by his manly words and randomly went to go uppercut Machia in the chin. And, seeing as how the Momoserum finally chose that exact moment to kick in, Machia is now down for the count.
Today on BnHA: The Miriosquad handles the Nearly High End Noumus, freeing up Jeanist to jasphyxiate (okay that one doesn’t really work so well) the rest of the League. Compress is all “TIME FOR THIS MILD-MANNERED SIDE CHARACTER VILLAIN TO SHINE”, except that by “shine” what he actually means is “use his quirk to punch a literal hole right through his own ass to free himself.” The rest of the chapter is basically just a back and forth between him and Jeanist, with Jeanist trying to recapture him, and Compress repeatedly thwarting him by chopping more holes out of himself because HE’S FRESH OUT OF FUCKS, AND THE ONES AT THE STORE ARE ALL SOLD OUT, MOTHERFUCKERS. Anyway, so with Compress basically dying and all, Horikoshi is all “you know what that means”, and delivers a freshly-baked villain flashback revealing that Compress is a descendant of Harima Ouji, a.k.a. the Peerless Thief, a.k.a. some famous guy whom Gentle mentioned this one time for like two seconds back in the day. The chapter ends with Compress finally demasking himself and dumping Tomura back onto the ground, a.k.a. The Worst Possible Place For Tomura To Be. ( •﹏•)
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AIZAWAAAA you’re alive and receiving medical help thank GOD. HOW MANY EYES DO YOU HAVE. AND MIRKO!! HOW MANY LIMBS DO YOU HAVE, OMG
so is this Aizawa dreaming about Crust’s final moments, then?? jesus. with All Due Respect to Crust’s memory, does Aizawa not already have enough misplaced guilt on his conscience as it is?? “nope, we’re gonna keep piling it on. that’s all he is now. three limbs, an indeterminate number of eyes, sexy hair, and Guilt” well shit
motherfucker y’all really out here placing an oxygen mask on Gran Torino’s corpse. fucking shounen characters. each one comes with a lifetime warranty
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for a moment I considered going back and checking my previous recaps to count how many times I’ve already made a joke about Dabi’s fire incinerating Hawks’s wings but not touching so much as a hair on his five o’clock shadow, so that I could calculate whether or not I could possibly get away with making that same joke one more time. but then I realized I could just do it in this kind of roundabout way I’m doing right now instead. so there you have it
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so anyway though, Jeanist is giving a speech about how god knows how many people all worked together to bring Machia down. and now RHA is getting in on those fabric puns too, I see. “A SINGLE STRAND MAY BE THIN BUT TOGETHER THEY FORM A STRONG ROPE” oh so you think you guys are funny eh? I’m a frayed knot
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fffffff. so much for him taking over as the Number One once all this is over. so let’s just recap real quick, because Horikoshi has long since made it clear that one of his plot goals for this arc is to wipe out every single member of the Billboard Top Ten. so how we doin?
Endeavor - was just figuratively eviscerated in front of the entire nation by his homicidal zombiepunk son. also burnt half to death and possibly down a lung. will almost certainly be forced to retire after this one way or the other
Hawks - lying prettily in a medical tent. wings status: gone. hair status: still perfect
Edgeshot - MIA, last seen fighting Re-Destro. I really want him to have kicked RD’s ass because fuck that guy, but realistically they probably fought to a draw at best
Mirko - alive but in critical condition and missing something like 1.5 limbs
Crust - dead, currently haunting Aizawa’s traumatized dreams. now he’s gonna be triggered the rest of his life by people giving him the thumbs up, THANKS A LOT
Kamui Woods - was set on fire which is His Weakness. thoughts and prayers
Wash - last seen floating hospital patients to safety as Tomura’s wave of decay descended towards him. probably dead ffff
Old Man Samurai - haven’t seen this fucker in a hot minute, who even knows where he’s wandered off to
Ryuukyuu - currently being treated for her wounds, looked pretty bad off. but it’s hard to tell how hurt she is since most of the injuries were acquired in her transformed state. SHE BETTER GET WELL SOON
anyways, so yeah. so much for the top ten. guess that’s another reason Horikoshi brought Mirio back now, huh
so there’s a big panel of everyone fighting the Noumu while Machia lies there all “blurgh.” good riddance my dude. it took like twenty chapters and a hundred people to stop this guy so I really fucking hope he stays down. you’ve had your fun
anyway so Jeanist is sending another steel thread towards Dabi! and he’s all “just a bit more!!” fklklj this is gonna go real well isn’t it
meanwhile Mirio’s fighting a Nearly High End with all of these weird rock formations jutting out of its skin. go on and kick his ass then, Mirio
“each of these guys is probably just as strong as the Noumu from Kyuushuu” hold on I thought Ujiko or Tomura or someone said that wasn’t the case? not that Mirio would know I suppose. anyways let’s just hope he’s wrong cuz if not these kids are probably screwed
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WOW, SON. IT’S ALMOST AS THOUGH YOU HAVE A HOLE IN YOUR TORSO, OR SOMETHING!! although listen up, real talk, the fact that Kacchan of all people can’t muster the energy to yell at someone questioning his ability to kick ass is HIGHKEY troubling and we may be in need of an intervention here soon :/
now Jeanist is finally turning his attention to the League! was... was it not already on the League. omg
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hey so um. what the actual fucked up hell. my soul left my body. imagine if you saw the reflection of this panel on your bedroom window. you would never sleep again
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(ETA: just a next-day clarification here, apparently my sleep-deprived ADHD word-skipping brain completely skipped right over the “a” in that last panel, so what I read was, “and Shigaraki’s limp noodle.” so yeah, the moral of this story is always read the speech bubble carefully before you start making running jokes throughout the rest of your post, folks.)
oh wow he’s really freaking out lmao
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to be fair though, I’d argue that Dabi has gotten pre-tty close at this point :’) thrilled for him, really I am
but anyway, well then figure something out you big dramatic robot-armed fiend. didn’t you just say you could touch your own ass? can you not just Compress yourself to break free?? does it not work on you? or would you be stuck afterwards lol
(ETA: I was picturing him compressing his entire body at once, not just chunks of it. ghhhlkh.)
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holy shit Jeanist. are you stupidly trying to cut off their air, or are you going for more of a sleeper hold (jleeper hold??) thing instead. the latter would be way smarter and faster and probably safer as well just saying
but unless Spinner is just being super dramatic, it sure looks like he’s fucking strangling them djslkjlk. this will certainly cement his popularity among the villain stans. good thing you’re not running for office any time soon bud
anyway so I have no idea what these guys are trying to do now. what is this
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do you even have till the count of 5 at this rate. I mean
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jeez, talk about... A HALF-ASSED ESCAPE ATTEMPT :D :D :D hahaha. but real talk though, Horikoshi has clearly never tried to leap twelve feet straight up in the air multiple times in succession with only half his glutes though. everyone, I regret to inform you that this panel right here on the left may be slightly unrealistic
also where the hell is he going to go?? did you pack a jetpack away in one of those little marbles sir. and what about Dabi?? and Skeptic too, I guess, but we don’t really care about Skeptic
(ETA: at this point I had to stop reading for about two hours because I had to go out and take care of something; that’s also why this is being posted later than usual lol. anyways so where were we.)
oh my lord
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the existence of a translator’s note here implies that the earlier line about Compress being able to reach Tomura’s junk was not, in fact, ad-libbed. hmm. hmmmmmmmm
anyway so now he’s grabbing Compress again because OF COURSE HE IS, so now we’re right back to square one! except now Tomura and Spinner are secured inside of little marbles, and presumably Compress is the only one who can release them
oh nevermind he’s just maiming himself again instead, SHEESH
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Skeptic a man is dying please have some goddamn respect
so, uh. is he gonna die, though??
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I really can’t tell wtf is going on here, this is the most confusing the art has been in a while. Horikoshi put all of his spoons into that creepyass close-up panel earlier, that bastard
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so apparently Harima was a Robin Hood type guy who stole from... heroes?? wtf. are heroes the 1% in this scenario. y’all didn’t have any Fortune 500 CEOs to steal from?
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THAT’S THE BLOOD THAT FLOWS THROUGH YOU, OH SHIT. and in a related oh shit, the fact that we are getting a Compress flashback now of all times doesn’t bode super well for him. ffff
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listen here boy if you touch one freaking hair on Shouto’s candy cane head I swear to god --
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(ETA: “masks are removable, makeste” you know what it’s been a long day okay lmao. or I suppose Compress is really the one who is lmao.)
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okay. okay. looooool okay then
as if it wasn’t enough for him to demask himself, he also had to get all shirtless and then do this weird attempt at a sexypose too huh
hard to say exactly how much of his torso is currently missing, but safe to say that’s proooooooobably not good. :///// fuck
on the other hand, Kacchan also has a torso hole and he’s still flying around like he just drank a dozen red bulls, so
this man lost his ass and he’s still out here monologuing like it’s the last two minutes of The Prestige. one might say he is monologuing his ass off
so he let Spinner and Tomura free, but is Dabi still trapped in his marble?? wasn’t he all on fire and stuff?? hopefully he can still turn off his quirk in there because if not that’s a pretty fucked up way to die. somewhere out there Snatch’s ghost is all “YEAH I’LL SAY.” oh how the turntables
last but not least, sooooooo. Tomura. back on the ground. that’s. um. ...shiiiiiiiit
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years
A couple of questions here but 1. Do you think their will be prior confrontations with the pro heroes and the LOV or do you think that they will join the fight with the kids? 2. Do you think there will be a Hawks vs. Dabi confrontation 2.0? 3. Do you think there will a confrontation between All Might and Shigaraki? and last question 4. What do you think Spinner's role in the up coming battles will be?
Oof predictions. Can’t wait to be wrong lmao. I’m joking, I think some of these hold water while others are very much either or. Anyway.
I shall answer in order:
1. I really don’t know. In my personal opinion I would love most of the pros to be sidelined except for Endeavor, Hawks, Aizawa, and All Might, but Best Beanist keeps getting thrown in there and his involvement in the Todofam plot has gone absolutely nowhere so, it’d be nice if he could just go. But, I know Touya will encounter Endeavor obviously but for the others, I’m not sure. Used to think Shigaraki would end up causing All Night’s death but it doesn’t look like that will happen at this point. I’m not sure. Toga I’m really really not sure. Spinner? Maybe. Maybe All Might. Maaaaybe. I’ll get to Spinner at the end. All I know is that each villain will have a final confrontation with their kid that will result in a change of heart for both the villain and the kid.
2. I had kinda given up on Hawks’s involvement in…anything really after so long of just nothing even remotely important developing with him, and expected him to just be considered a hero in the end. But after the traitor reveal (after being believed to be forgotten about by many, including me lmao 🤡) I’m going back to holding out hope on Hawks. Idk that he’ll die heroically anymore because he seems to have been stagnant for too long to have that kind of deep development, I’m just not sure. But for now I’m doubling down on my prediction that he’s gonna try to go after Touya with negative intentions, whether that be hurting/killing/arresting or whatever, under the idea that he is somehow helping Endeavor since according to Hawks—
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—and because he has the wrong idea of “who needs saving” in his head.
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And that’s when Endeavor has to choose hero or father. And as a result Hawks would get “burned”. Whether that be emotionally or physically idk. But the Icarus reference and Endeavor being drawn to look like the SUN is too much for me to ignore, for now. Idk that Hawks will die anymore, but regardless I do think he will have come to some sort of realization that Endeavor is not….the answer to his dreams, his wellbeing, or the answer to what it means to be a hero. And that killing Twice was not the answer. Hawks’s character is set up to learn something good, and I hope it’s carried out. Hori’s pacing sucks ass man but he’s shown that he follows up on foreshadowing, so…I’m hopeful again lol.
3. Gah idk about All Might and Shigaraki. Kinda what I said in the first answer. It used to look like Shigaraki, or ShigAFO would cause All Might’s death. But it doesn’t particularly look like All Might is gonna kick the bucket anymore. Same with Hawks, the noble death doesn’t seem to be sticking to the narrative anymore. Shigaraki is still attributing his pain to All Night’s existence though, so man idk. I really don’t. But I personally feel that Shigaraki complaining about All Might again is another reminder that Midoriya needs to separate himself from All Might’s shadow and be his own type of hero. The type of hero Shigaraki needs.
4. Spinner, man. Okay I talked about what I think might come of Spinner here. However things were different then because we were all so sure Shigaraki was gonna get New Order and kickstart the finale. But then that didn’t happen and shit hit the fan with the traitor stuff lol. I do still think Spinner’s role in everything is either tied to being that final deciding factor for Midoriya to reach Shigaraki, or be that deciding factor for all of the villains to accept salvation by the hand of their heroes. What’s different about Spinner is that unlike the LOV trio, Spinner believes in heroes. TRUE heroes, just like Stain. Spinner sees the virtues in All Might as a hero, just like Stain, and he even saw the virtues in Midoriya enough to keep Magne from killing him during the camp arc. The fact that Stain acknowledged Midoriya, and that leading to Spinner acknowledging Midoriya shortly after, leads me to believe he’ll play that mediator between the LOV and the heroes. Spinner could honestly be a lot of things. But this panel—
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—leads me to believe he’ll encounter Stain at some point, and as I said in my post above—he’ll decide that the LOV need to break away from AFO and hopefully reach out to either Midoriya, All Might, or any of the main kids tbh to kickstart the saving process for each of the villain trio.
I guess more than anything, I see Spinner being the first villain to reach out to and/or cooperate and work with the heroes (hopefully just the kids though, please no more pros🙏🏼) so that his friends can be saved. That initial cooperation, just like how it was with All Might and Stain—will be the NEXT step to the heroes and villains coexisting together in society again. I feel like he’s a bridge between the two groups. At least I hope.
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aphrodaisyacs · 3 years
You know what? I just realized something. Animal Quirks/Heteromorph Quirks are common enough in MHA that there are respected people like Hawks, Gang Orca and Sansa(who's the Cat cop again?) So, say they have natural urges like eating other animals-
If that's normal for them, why can't it be normal for others?
Also, Snake Head girl from Tsuyu's past. What about her?
Point is, the discrimination against such quirks is so...wishy-washy. How can they respect one and not the other when they're exactly the same? I can chalk it up to privilege, maybe upbringing but since when celebrities and authorities immune to hate speech? Maybe I'm overthinking this lmao
Anime/In-Universe Logic that I am not aware of.
The thing is, I get the impression that even if Hawks, Gang Orca and Sansa have natural urges to eat other animals, that would still not be socially acceptable in-universe, no matter how respected they are.
I can’t say for Sansa because he’s an extremely minor character and we don’t know how his Quirk affects him, but we know with Gang Orca that people already find him scary and unsettling based on appearance alone, to the point that they literally voted him as one of the top heroes who looks the most like a villain the fact that such a poll even exists in the first place is pretty yikes but I won’t get into that because it’s a different topic altogether. And he’s getting discriminated against like this despite being a top ranked hero who seems like a pretty nice person in the limited screentime he has, so imagine how much worse it would be for Mongoose (Tsuyu’s friend) and not to mention Spinner. And this is purely based on physical appearance! Imagine if Gang Orca was seen e.g. ripping a live fish apart with his bare teeth. I don’t think it would be too much of a leap to say that the general public would instantly turn against him for such “animalistic”, “inhuman” and “villainous” behaviour.
From what we’ve seen Hawks hasn’t been discriminated against for his Quirk, but I think that this is because the only visibly animalistic part of him is his wings; otherwise, he looks just like a human and hey, we already know that people have a Thing for pretty humans with pretty wings. So Hawks ‘passes’ in a way that Gang Orca doesn’t, which results in less people discriminating against him (we can definitely see real life parallels when it comes to e.g. racism). HOWEVER, if Hawks was seen biting into the raw corpse of a bird (like Toga in her childhood), I don’t think that people would be happy to brush it off as ‘normal’ either.
At the end of the day, people don’t like different- and this has been proven time and again throughout history and throughout different parts of the world, so it’s unlikely that this would change even in a world with Quirks. Because as we have already seen, people would just find new ways to discriminate against others.
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dabiismainhoe · 3 years
Dabi HC 18+
TW I guess? Idk also kinda out of character/ not canon and basically just what I imagine happening in some AU type of thing idk oh and SPOILERs
(Edit: I just looked it over and damn it’s a lot lmao ups)
He’s intersex
He’s one of those skinny bitches that are obsessed with chubby/ big girls
Either bisexual or no label cuz he thinks everyone and everything can be hot
He also likes dad bods, doesn’t care about muscles but doesn’t mind them either
Would probably be into almost everything ( except piss and shit cuz that just screams infections, oh and also feet bc feet are disgusting)
Has hardcore/ violent s*x even tho he actually likes it soft and careful (but he doesn’t do it bc he feels like he doesn’t deserve care and love thanks to trauma)
Love/ hate relationship with shoto (goes from wanting to protect him to wanting to harm him)
He feels awful and disgusting for feeling that way tho
Might have some sort of DID like twice ( Touya being the child alter and Dabi being the persecuter/ protector) and Dabi was slowly being created as the years passed and where touya was losing control over himself and the situation he was in but Dabi ultimately manifested right after the incident in which touya almost burned himself to death (or in other words where touya „died“). So now Dabi is in control while touya is hidden away deep inside his mind
During the war arc, specifically after his revelation Dabi slowly starts losing it and touya ends up „breaking free“ and Dabi is then having kind of a fight with touya trying to keep him locked inside but fails
Dabi ends up being caught and his DID is starting to show
Depending on who talks to him he’s either acting like 13 year old touya or 24 year old Dabi
His mother and siblings get Touya, the police and other pro hero’s get Dabi while endeavor and hawks get both
Endeavor bc duh Touya got hurt by him and Dabi now wants revenge for what happened to Touya
Hawks bc he killed Twice who was one of the few ppl Dabi liked/ accepted and for working with him but also Touya bc Touya is hurt that hawks doesn’t understand him and sides with endeavor despite going through similar abuse hoping he’d have at least one person feeling his pain and anger
He has mixed feelings about his mother and sister
On one hand he missed his mother and understands her and doesn’t blame her but on the other he’s hurt that she didn’t try hard enough and just let him be on his own
Fuyumi bc she tries so hard to get endeavor to like her and is nice to him and forgave him and that makes Dabi/ Touya feel like she’s just dismissing his feelings and pain and what he went through but he also gets why she acts like this bc she was also neglected and only wishes to have a „normal“ family ( as normal as it gets at least)
Dabi does feel awful about the fact that ending almost killed natsuo bc that wasn’t his intention at all. He wanted to get at his father and not the only person that has ever been there for him
He still loves natsuo a lot even if it’s hard for him to show it like ppl normally would
Dabi has lost sense of taste and smell bc of overusing his fire
Probably developed asthma at one point
I feel like he once randomly coughed up a piece of his lung and just stared at it for like 10 seconds before kicking it
His stamina used to be okay-ish but now it’s just shit and he’s only able to burn and do all that crazy shit bc of adrenaline and drugs
He only let hawks top him bc his stamina kept decreasing and he was also sick of getting accidentally whacked by hawks wings during freaky deaky time
(I hate hawks now but I’m still a sucker for dabihawks omg I hate it but I can’t get enough of it 😩)
Has some sort of father/son suga Daddy/suga baby relationship with Giran
Lives of daddy’s money (wether it’s Girans or his actual dads money idk lmao probably both but endeavor doesnt realize it cuz shoto and Dabi buy similar shit or just draw money out of an atm if it’s something that shouldn’t be known by endeavor)
Dabi is into consent and protection and no one can tell me otherwise
He cannot risk getting an infection or any stds
Might drop dead one day from organ failure
He hates hawks interior decor and burned half of it
Touya is usually locked away but there were a few moments where he came out and those always involved a butterfly bc Touya loved butterflies
Dabis fav animals are butterflies
Calls hawks birdshit
Hes overly dramatic for No reason
Probably did it with almost the whole league except for shiggy (he’s too crusty) spinner (reminds him too much of ninja turtles) and toga (she’s a minor). At first he didn’t wanna do it with twice bc twice kept contradicting himself and that confused Dabi and he didn’t know wether twice was actually comfortable or even wanted it to begin with. It got better after a while tho
Burns abusers, rapists, pedophiles and molestors on the spot bc they hit a certain nerve inside of him
Gets made fun of by the leaugue for getting knocked out almost every time
He likes slushees and always buys himself one at exact 2:38 am in the morning
Giran was the one who found him after he burned himself and got taken in by him
First two years after the incident everything is a blur in his memory and he doesn’t know what exactly happened there (either from drugs to relieve the pain or Girans quirk)
Dissociates a lot
Sometimes it gets so bad he physically needs to be slapped hard to come back to reality
Coke head
Uff this is more than what i thought It’d be and it’s not even all. Anyway not everything is correct or canon and it’s what I think of Dabi. If you have anything to add or discuss please tell me
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clevercorvidae · 4 years
BNHA Common Misconceptions
I’ve been seeing wayyy too much bs on my dash lately. So I thought I’d share some of my thoughts on some Controversy™
***Spoilers For The Manga***
1. “What the HPSC did to Hawks wasn’t bad”
A government organization putting a young child through rigorous training so that he can be used as a tool is bad. I don’t know why I have to spell that out
Hawks had to abandon his real name at a very young age. That’s damaging for a kid’s sense of identity. His identity as a person no longer has any separation from his work as a hero. Being a hero is all he is now. I wouldn’t be surprised if (provided Hawks’s wings are gone for good) he has an identity crisis after this arc because he can’t be “Hawks” anymore.
Hawks is based on Lionel Messi, a soccer player recruited at a young age in return for paying for his medical procedures. I’ve seen people say that Hawks chose to be a hero. One, he was a child, young children shouldn’t be making decisions like that. Two, we know based on context clues that Keigo was more than likely living in poverty, possibly with alcoholic parents, and we literally are told that the HPSC payed for his family’s living expenses. Do you really think Keigo had much of a choice here?
I’ve seen people say “it’s just like what UA is doing”. First of all, UA is called out for being irresponsible and endangering their students IN UNIVERSE. Second, Keigo was a young child, the UA kids are 15+. There’s a huge difference.
2. “Mitsuki isn’t abusive”
Honestly when it comes to her smacking Katsuki, I could excuse it as a joke done in poor taste and not hold it over her as a character.
Hitting him WASNT just discipline tho. You should never, ever, under any circumstances hit your kid. Fuck that noise.
What I really have an issue with is what she SAYS to Katsuki. Her guilt tripping him isn’t a throwaway line either. He repeats the sentiment that he is responsible for Kamino during Deku v Kacchan 2. It’s one of the main reasons he fights Deku.
Horikoshi says that Katsuki has a good relationship with his mother. In that case, he did a horrible job at presenting that. What is written in the canon is what should be used as the basis for how we interpret her character.
3. “Shigaraki chose to kill his family/was born evil”
No...just...no. He was FIVE for crying out loud.
He wanted to be a hero, and took extra care to play with kids that had no friends. He definitely wasn’t born evil lmao.
His quirk manifested while he was having an emotional crisis. Decay is controlled by emotion so of course it went haywire.
He didn’t even know it was him doing it at first.
“But Shigaraki said he WANTED it to happen” Shigaraki is an unreliable narrator. What we actually SEE tells a very different story. He reaches out to Hana and his Mother for help. His grandparents are just caught in the shockwave. The ONLY person he killed on purpose was his father.
Now when it comes to his father, he had just beat him and locked him outside. He’s FIVE, and he has no healthy outlet for his anger and frustration. Hell, we see that in his “itchiness”, he only feels like this in the house, because his father makes him suppress his love for heroes and his dream to become one. He takes joy in killing his father because it’s the only release he’s ever experienced.
The fact that you guys forget that this is an abused child with no real control over his quirk that just got beaten and locked outside... Nope, no reading comprehension here.
4. “The League of Villains are justified/are a revolutionary group”
...Shigaraki has stated over and over again that he just wants to destroy everything. He doesn’t care about reform or improving anything. That one panel in Ch. 222, where he says he wants to destroy everything I think sums it up perfectly.
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He wants to destroy EVERYTHING good or bad or neither or both. There’s a newborn baby, a field of flowers , Nine, various heroes, the UA kids, etc all varying in innocence.
The rest of the league have very different goals and reasons why they continue to support Shigaraki. Twice wants to protect the only people that accepted him. Spinner just wants to have purpose for his life. Toga wants to live the way she wishes with no consequences. Compress is also here.
The only “revolutionary” is Dabi. But his views are not universal throughout the league.
Even if they were trying to improve things. They have killed countless innocent people, they’ve tried to kill the UA kids too. That’s not ok. And it’s not erased by the fact that they’ve done good. (I do appreciate them for killing the MHA version of the KKK, truly epic of you)
5. “Hawks is abusive”
It’s not abuse to manipulate someone for info when you’re a double agent. It’s kinda shitty, and you could argue that it was unnecessary for Hawks to do so in context. But it’s not abuse.
Y’all need to stop using the word abuse/abusive tendencies to describe all immoral actions
I’ve also seen people say that Hawks has abusive tendencies (as in he’s abusive in all his relationships with other characters) and...do I really need to explain why that makes no sense at all?
6. “Twice deserved to die/it was necessary to kill him”
Feel like I need to remind people that we’ve only ever actually seen Twice kill one guy and that was one of the KKK guys.
Twice isn’t evil, even Hawks admits that he is a genuinely good person. Good people don’t deserve to die.
It wasn’t necessary, and here’s why: Hawks could’ve just knocked him out or even just severely injured him. (Or the HPSC could’ve just grown a brain cell and sent more people to back him up, making it easier to hold back his quirk and arrest him)
Hawks shouldn’t have killed Twice, he only killed him because he’s been raised as a child soldier and I wouldn’t be surprised if what he told Twice about taking out villains was a direct quote from the HPSC
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Also, Hawks would’ve killed Twice with or without Dabi’s intervention
Something I do have to say though is that Hawks was right not to just let Twice go. It’s tragic because Twice WAS leaving to help his friends, but the other side of that tragedy it that his friends are terrorists. If he was allowed to leave a shit ton of people would have died (again that doesn’t mean he deserved to die either, don’t get it twisted)
The WHOLE POINT of Hawks v Twice is to make you question who the bad guy is. Both characters are morally gray and the only reason they even have to fight is because of the outside forces controlling their fates. It’s supposed to be tragic it’s supposed to be unclear who is in the right, so stop arguing about it.
7. “Bakugou is abusive/irredeemable” (I know it’s been talked to death but I still see it everywhere)
People are, in fact, allowed to grow past the person they were in middle school.
Most people get hung up on the “throw yourself off a building” line. Which is fair, but again, he was in middle school.
People also say “he hasn’t apologized yet”. Yeah? And? The story isn’t over yet. Horikoshi has already acknowledged that too. I don’t know what you want? People who like him know that his arc isn’t over yet.
I’ve seen a lot of people denying his character development. In the beginning of the series he was a bully and let his ego control him. I don’t think he’s bullied...anyone since Deku v Kacchan 2. He insults people but they obviously don’t take it seriously.
He’s also gone from preferring to fail a final exam to avoid working with Deku, to following him into battle against Shigaraki.
Also, when he actually likes and respects someone he doesn’t mistreat them. This is the same thing with Hawks where y’all NEED to stop misusing the word abuse. He was an abusive friend to Deku when they were kids, that’s it.
8. “Rei was abusive too!”
I’m BEGGING YOU to learn what the term “abuse” means istg
She had a psychotic break. She genuinely thought it was her abusive husband coming through the door, and she acted out of fear.
“Well that’s not an excuse” yes it fucking is. Not to mention that as soon as she realized what happened, she sobs hysterically because she hurt Shouto and tries to use her quirk to help him.
I genuinely don’t understand why people think this
9. “Dabi actually does care about the league”
Listen, I know it sounds harsh, but y’all need to get your heads out of your piles of headcanons.
We know next to nothing about how Dabi feels about just about anything. But we do see that he’s aloof and distant with the league, he doesn’t put in more than he needs to. The rest of the league think of each other as family. Dabi straight up says he doesn’t give a shit about them.
“What if he was just putting up a front for Hawks” Why? Why would he do that? When asked who he was he answered him. He tells him how he feels about hero society and Stain. Not to mention that he was getting ready to kill him. If he was hiding his true feelings about the league I doubt he would’ve so easily said that he didn’t care about them but rather how useful they were.
At this point it’s just wishful thinking. Based on everything we’ve seen in the series so far and everything we know about Dabi, I think it’s safe to say that he doesn’t care about them all that much. If he secretly does care about them, I’d say it’s likely that he doesn’t even know he does.
Idk why all of a sudden villain stans and hero stans are feuding over things that shouldn’t even be up for debate in the first place. Sorry if this came off as super aggressive, I’m just sick of seeing this stuff all over the place. If anyone has anything to add go ahead
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summonerscenarios · 4 years
May be old school, but may I ask for 7 minutes in heaven with Wakan Tanka?
ASDFGHJKLKJH Aw man I didn’t think I’d ever get the chance to write one of these BUT HERE WE ARE! This was way spicier than intended but hey that’s the aim of the game lmao.
Also let’s take a moment of silence for Kyuma whose poor room will never be the same.
The door clicks shut behind you and already your face feels hot. This game had started off as a joke, something brought up to pass the time because the Yoyogi students were too antsy to sleep, everyone buzzing with unspent energy from the school day. There were only a couple basic rules being tossed around for you to get a grasp on what you were all getting into, enough to convince you to join in on the fun, but you didn’t actually think about getting picked until you watched the empty soda can you guys were using as an impromptu spinner slowly come to a stop pointing directly at you. And who’d it land on next? Of course it had to be Wakan.
You at least feel better about not being crammed into a closet or cupboard for the duration- with it being too risky to find a storage room to play this game, the group had decided that emptying out one of the dorm rooms was easier than sneaking back and forth through the dorm halls. Given that Kyuma’s room was the cleanest (or wasn’t actively covered in dirty uniforms at least) Ashigara had been more than happy to volunteer it for the game - this got more than a little protest from the baseball player once he realized everyone had just mutually agreed on his behalf, but after some convincing he relented and gave you guys the go ahead to carry on, already nervously eyeing the state of his bedroom before the door even closed. 
There’s not much light in the room, only a small table lamp on a dresser providing enough light that you don’t need to bother with finding the light switch, but it definitely sets the mood. You’ve never actually been in the other’s rooms before - you’d just assumed that they all looked the same, but he’s got some cool looking posters on the wall, a couple of baseball caps and some memorabilia littered across his desk. It’s easy to get distracted taking it all in, which is when you feel a hand on your shoulder you just about scream and shoot around, looking up into Wakan’s apologetic face.
Oh yeah, you weren’t alone.
There’s faint snickering coming from outside the door, followed by a swift whack and hushed ‘Oi, shut it!’before things go quiet again. You give the door a suspicious squint before you look back at Wakan, who, all things considered, looks genuinely happy to be in the room with you. 
“So, uhhhh-” you trail off, trying to find the right words “-you have any idea where you wanna start?”
Wakan cocks his head at you, expression warm making you feel a little less awkward about the whole situation. Don’t get it wrong, you love being around him, but knowing that the rest of your friends are right outside of the door within earshot is making you more than a little nervous. The hand that’s still on your shoulder gives an affirming squeeze and you brush your fingers over it as he offers a bright smile.
“Want me to start? Here” Wakan pulls you into his arms and you don’t protest - the second you press up against him you can feel yourself relaxing. He’s the affectionate type, so you’re more than used to being pulled into impromptu hugs, but this time it feels a bit different.
Wakan’s notorious for giving good hugs, with beefy arms and his tendency to always be the last one to let go, it's hard not to feel at ease with his arms wrapped around you. One hand rubs absentmindedly at your back as you bury your face into his chest. His body’s warm to the touch feeling almost like you’re cuddling up against a heat pad, and you can't help the sigh that escapes your lips as you nuzzle against his bare chest, hands coming up to hold onto the sides of his jacket. 
You wouldn’t complain in the slightest if you ended up spending the entirety of you seven minutes like this - it would be easier to explain once the door opened back up anyways- but a part of you wants a little more.It’s been a while since you’ve been alone together (well, as alone as you can be), so, feeling emboldened, you tug at his jacket until Wakan gets the hint and leans back enough to face you. 
Taking the chance you yank him down to claim his lips, the pleasantly surprised noise he makes swallowed up as you minimize the distance between the two of you. He’s more than happy to return the gesture, kissing back and tightening his hold on you to press you further into his embrace and you mewl appreciatively at the warmth that spreads through you even hotter this time. For a brief while, you focus on the feeling of his lips pressed against yours, relishing the way he feels against you, but it’s not long before you begin to wander, grip releasing his jacket to travel up along his chest, taking care to dance your fingers across his bare skin in your journey up his body. He bristles a little when you brush along his neck, head tilting mid-kiss wondering what you’re doing when your hands reach their target.
You move up to his ears, taking them into your hands and rubbing circles into them with your thumbs and that’s what gets a reaction out of him. Wakan moans against your mouth, ears twitching in your grip and a shiver running through his body - using this advantage you run your tongue along his bottom lip before pulling him into a deeper kiss, a hum of satisfaction only eliciting further moans in response. The arms wrapped around you shift from keeping you pressed against his chest to running along your sides, broad hands lay flat against your back with no obvious destination - it’s like he’s getting a feel for your body beneath his hands despite the layers of clothes in the way, taking his time to move slowly, which from Wakan comes as a surprise. Then he does it.
Wakan Tanka scoops you up in one swift motion and you squeak in shock, your hands dropping down to brace against his arms as he holds you up with no effort at all. His arms move to rest under the crook of your knees, hands coming to cradle your ass to keep you upright and effectively pin your body to his. The two of you break apart and you gasp for air, a string of saliva still connecting you until you swallow, heat flooding through you and pooling in the pit of your stomach at the new position. Wakan’s still smiling, expression bright and warm even though you can make out his ruddy cheeks in the lamp light, and can feel the way his chest heaves with heavy pants.
The next kiss is deep, and just as passionate; even pressed flush against his body it feels like you’re not close enough, your hands coaxing him to press forward until you’re just about back to back with the wall. Like this, you can feel your blood pumping in your ears, your body growing even hotter. You’re getting worked up - you both are, if the way that his hips twitch when you arch into him is any indication - and at this rate things are going to escalate to way more than just kissing if you don’t calm down. But even with this thought in mind you want to keep kissing him; keep holding him; keep pulling and pushing until there’s nothing left between you.
Your hands dart down to the waistband of his sweatpants, fingers hooking into the fabric tugging experimentally as you pull away from the kiss, lips still hovering over his, and you look up to meet his gaze, pupils blown and eyes lidded.
“Can I?” 
“Please” he tilts his head to nuzzle into the crook of your neck, breath fanning over your. 
You need no other hint and make a move to pull his sweats over his hips, hand dipping in to squeeze his hip in an attempt to get another moan out of him.
Then, the door swings open. 
It’s like something out of a comedy skit - the door flies open and suddenly there’s a pile of your friends all tumbling over each other as they hit the floor. There’s a chorus of complaints, each of them fighting over one another to get up and you’re torn between being mortified at being caught and baffled at what’s happening.
“Gah-Ashigaraaaa, get off of me-!”
“Oi! Who opened the door?!”
“I thought you locked it!”
“Dammit, Gunzo!”
Over the group of students you can see back to where you were sitting earlier, where Kyuma, the only one not pressed right up against the door, gives you a sheepish wave, watching the whole thing unfold with secondhand embarrassment. Not knowing what else to do you wave back before you catch yourself, suddenly remembering your current position and you yank your hands back up to your chest with a jolt of panic, nudging anxiously at Wakan until you’re free enough to shift yourself into a less compromising spot.
By the time everyone’s back onto their feet you’re still being held up by Wakan, but he’s released your legs so that they hang loosely around his waist and now it just looks like he’s carrying you. You know that you’re blushing - your face feels like it’s on fire and you’re about ready for the wall to swallow you up so you can conveniently forget the past few seconds. Apparently Wakan doesn’t share your embarrassment, instead he perks up at the sight of the other Yoyogi students and smiles. 
“Oh! Has it been seven minutes already?”
“Uhh, yeah! It’s up!” Seeing the opportunity to avoid addressing the situation Durga jumps up and none too gently shoos the others out of the doorway with the heel of her foot, flashing the two of you a nervous smile before retreating back to the ring of seats you were all sat at before. 
You expect Wakan to lower you back to the floor so that you can leave the dorm room; instead, he secures his grip on you and proceeds to carry you back over to the group, practically beaming as he drops down into one of the seats and shifts about until you’re perched in his lap. His arms come to wrap around your waist, hands rubbing your stomach in a way that has you leaning into the gesture, your own hands resting on his knees as you try to turn your focus back onto the game, watching the rest of your friends as their attention turns back to the task at hand spinning the can for the next player.
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lumilasi · 3 years
Soulmates AU where they can hear each other's thoughts. Shigaraki and Spinner have been told all of their lives that soulmates don't exist, even after they started hearing each other's thoughts.
They were just happy to have a friend. So, when they eventually meet each other in the League, they're ecstatic to find out that soulmates exist and that they're soulmates.
Ahh, now this is an interesting - and a bit tricky one! Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll see what I can do C; I might tweak around some details to better suit my writing style/how I like to portray the characters though, if that’s okay? (Namely I might tone down Tomura’s enthusiasm over the idea and willingness to believe in it, make him more contemplative about it rather than ’ecstatic’)
The same time tho.... seeing your idea, I now realize something I proooobably should’ve realized from the get go (I feel dumb for not thinking this lmao); people are likely to propose popular fic trope things, that I typically tend to not read or write personally as I’m not interested in them/might full blown dislike them sometimes. (You won’t see me writing a coffee shop AU on my own, or fake dating thing for example)
I have to admit, there are some tropes I likely just can’t bring myself to write, so I guess I have to put some limitations/rules down for these requests after all. I REALLY didn’t want to do that, but thinking of trying to write something with some of these tropes that I’m really not a fan of, I know if I force it I’m not gonna enjoy the writing process and thus the quality will suffer. Spinaraki fans deserve better than that!
So, here’s the list of Tropes I won’t do, for future clarification, I’ll also add these on the series notes for the Spinaraki one-shots:
1. Fake dating AU of any sort. I just can’t. I can’t even read these and I’ve tried because I’ve liked the author’s other works. My second hand embarrassment for the characters is too strong, I just can’t handle it OTL (I’ve had this issue since I was a kid where I can’t watch/read moments in books, TV or movies that I perceive as embarassing to the characters) This is probably the biggest ’nope’ for me out of these
2. Any form of Hanahaki disease. I’m just not a fan of the whole ’you must be with this person or you’ll get sick and die’ aspect that seems to be common/main thing with this trope from what I’ve seen anyway. I guess this does kinda fall under Soulmate AU’s, but its one of those more specific ones, a specific one I dislike
3. Major Character deaths. I’m just not about that tragedy y’know? I’ve tried (FS’s ending, Hisashi originally was legit supposed to die) and I can’t make myself do it typically lmao
This goes without saying, but if anyone likes these story types, that’s totally fine by me, it’s all just personal preference! I’m one of those weird people who doesn’t vibe with most common fandom fic tropes for whatever reason, which does limit a LOT what I can read, so all the more power to you if you like ’em, you got much more stuff you can read haha
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bnhablessings · 5 years
Lol, so I made myself really sad and had to write some self-indulgent fluff. For background information I am 4’11 (149.86 cm) (I’m shorter than Tsuyu lord) Anyway, I recently came to a realization that the hot baddie Dabi is apparently taller than (with his platform boots on) Aizawa who is 6’0 (182.88 cm) and ya girl is shooketh. Like he can crush me with a pinkie or something. I would die happy.
Anyway, I am used to being called Shorty in a teasing way. What I am not used to is one of the definitions. Lmao, I found out that Shorty is a term that guys (or girls, or just taller people than me lol) use as a term of endearment for people they find attractive. Now ya girl is beyond shooketh. All this time I was being an angry smol bean oops
Anyway, this goes out to all my fellow struggling shorties! :’) <3
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Dabi x Short!Female!Reader
Warnings: Suggestive (these villains are nasty in a good way and I have the hots for them) (Profanity but it’s literally the villains' area so-)
Probably grammar mistakes (I wrote this at like 2 in the morning when the clock decided to go back an hour before I finished it just now)
Words: 2,013
Your patience is running real thin. You don’t know how much longer you can stand this. Ignoring it is no longer an option. Ever since joining the League of Villains you have been targeted by Dabi and now it’s become a problem.
You would think you would get used to the constant teasing as you have been your entire life but now it’s just annoying. Mostly because this devilishly handsome tall as fuck male keeps relentlessly taunting you for your height. It’s annoying because you find him so goddamn attractive.
From his burnt skin to the staples on his stupidly cute face, and oh lord, that smirk that can put you six feet under when it’s directed at you. Oops, your mind went too active for a second.
“Hey Shorty, I asked you a question,” Dabi states as he rests his elbow on your head.
You raise an eyebrow and he dares to repeat the question, “How’s the weather down there?”
Snap. You can hear snapping and you fully believe it’s your sanity breaking. Your teeth grind down on each other and you try to come for a comeback in your angry haze.
“What was that? I can’t hear you from down here.”
Fuck. You just played yourself.
Your cheeks feel hot from embarrassment as you hear his amused chuckle. He simply tousles your hair and you let out a groan. Thankfully, a chirpy fellow shorty walks by.
“Himiko! Baby, tell him off for me!” You plead.
From the use of her first name and the fact that she finds you adorable, you find yourself in her arms as she glares playfully at Dabi. He’s already glaring at her for taking his toy away from him but that’s all okay with you.
“Be nice to (Name)! She’s my gentle baby and I will stab you!” She threatens with a happy gleam in her eyes.
“Yeah! Wait, gentle? What do you mean? I am ferocious,” You pout.
She just laughs her maniac laugh and Dabi rolls his eyes. This war will continue another day it seems.
“Who the heck put my chips all the way up there?!” You screech.
Shigaraki merely glances at you before resuming his game on his portable console. Kurogiri is nowhere in sight and Twice is talking with Toga. Dabi looks to be staring intently at his alcoholic beverage on the barstool farthest away from Shigaraki.
You groan. You are a fool to ask when your savior Kurogiri isn’t here. With full-on determination, you go on your tippy-toes to reach for the snack in the cabinet. Just as your fingertips graze the plastic holding your snack, another hand comes up and grabs it, pulling it more out of your reach.
You squeak and fall back onto the balls of your feet, your back clashing into Dabi’s chest. He whispers in your ear, “Need a hand, Shorty?”
You’re just in slight shock from the close contact with the attractive male. Nothing new, but definitely more annoying in your eyes. You turn to glare at him only to see his eyes drop to the front of your chest.
Oh hell no.
You ruthlessly stomp on his foot. He drops your snack and you grab it before sitting right next to your boss. All while glaring at your burnt boy, you open the bag and offer some to Shigaraki who accepts it with two fingers.
Again this war looks like it’ll go on for another day.
“Himiko, did you take my clothes from the bathroom?” You ask as you enter her room in a hurry and a blush.
She looks you up and down a few times before bursting out with laughter. She won’t stop laughing and your face couldn’t get hotter from embarrassment. After all, you just finished your shower and with your clothes gone had to hurry to her room in only a towel (thankfully with your undergarments underneath that).
“Oh, this?” A new voice states.
Never mind, it can. You turn to glare at the male, physically craning your head to look up. God, this is so embarrassing. He’s holding the only clean clothing you had brought to the bar. Of course you could go and rummage through your bag for your dirty clothing that’s slathered in dirt but you aren’t that villainy. You have standards.
“Here ya go. You can wear this. Your current clothing seems to have disappeared,” He says with that- Oh that smirk, as your clothing suddenly turns into a crisp from his flames.
Welp… he tosses a shirt at you that was in his opposite hand.
“Hey Toga, lend her some shorts will ya?”
She can only nod through her laughter. He leaves and you hurry to change ready to go make him catch these hands. As soon as you are changed you hurry to the bar area ready to make a scene.
Shigaraki glances up from his console and watches your angry stature go and actually try (in vain) to push Dabi off a bar stool. Of course, he doesn’t budge. Instead, his eyes rake over you and instead of a smirk a brilliant smile forms on his face as he rests his chin on his hand.
He doesn’t say a damn word. He pulls out his phone and the sound of a click goes off confusing you.
“Did… Did you just take a photo of me?” You ask unsure what the heck just happened and why.
He nods his head. Your eye twitches at the silence you receive. You quickly ask, “Why?”
“My shirt is like a dress on you. It’s cute.”
Wow. Okay, your heart just died since for once he didn’t say anything perverse.
“It looks like you’re wearing nothing else.”
Never mind. Why does life have to prove you wrong? Since his face is closer down to you, you, of course, try to hit him. He dodges with ease. Damn him.
“It’s not fair, Shigaraki. Why does the world have to be so cruel to me?” You question.
It’s just you, him, and Kurogiri in the bar now.
He clicks his tongue out of annoyance and asks, “By world do you mean Dabi?”
“I wasn’t aware your relationship progressed like that. Congratulations,” Kurogiri says confusing you.
You look at them in alarm, “What do you mean?”
“You referred to Dabi as your world, correct?” Kurogiri questions in thought.
You groan at their misinterpretation and let your face slam into the countertop of the bar. Shigaraki scoffs and Kurogiri tries to console you. Your face is hot but now it’s because you do realize that your attraction to the man is noticeable to these two.
“Either way, he’s so cruel to me. He calls me Shorty, steals things from me, and puts things out of my reach. He even uses me as an armrest! How do you take down a giant?” You suddenly ask as you look at these two rather tall people with interest.
Shigaraki grumbles, “He’s flirting with you, dumbass.”
“What do you mean?” You ask puzzled as you look up at your boss.
He doesn’t spare you a glance as he taps a button repeatedly on his handheld console. He does give you an explanation, “His teasing is his stupid way of flirting with you. Have you really not realized it?”
You stare at him dumbfounded. Feeling your intense stupidity aimed at him, he closes his handheld and looks at you with those ruby red eyes. He scoffs upon seeing that stupid confused look on your face (though he won’t admit you are easily his favorite member of LOV as you are the least annoying and actually listen to him).
“Think about it. It’s like an Otome or an eroge game. He’s trying to unlock your route in a stupid way.”
Okay, that did not help. He sucks at giving advice like this and thankfully Kurogiri is here. He is quick to translate what Shigaraki means.
“Do you see him doing this to Toga who is similar in height to you?” He questions softly as he puts a glass away.
You shake your head no and he continues, “He only does this to you because you pique his interests.”
“Like when he took your photo the other day. He thinks you’re hot so he really wanted to use it to jack off to-“
Kurogiri is quick to interrupt, “He finds you adorable and wishes to pursue a relationship romantically with you. If he wasn’t interested in you he would treat you like Toga.”
“And if you are wrong?” You ask feeling the slight disappointment build up if that were the case.
Shigaraki smirks as he says, “Let’s play a small game. If he snaps you’ll know. I’ve been meaning to fuck with him for a while.”
You go with it for having literally nothing to lose.
As soon as Dabi walks into the bar, his eyes begin to search for you. When he spots you, almost instantly, does the same angry feeling he gets when you are close with another male (mostly with Shigaraki) immediately rises in his chest.
You are sitting awfully close to him. Too close for comfort.
It looks like he’s trying to show you how to play his stupid game and Dabi doesn’t like that. At all. You haven’t once looked his way and he knows you heard the damn door open. He goes to sit beside Toga and Spinner who keep their eyes and ears opened since they are aware of the so-called ‘plan’.
Twice is entertaining himself with the lone television and Kurogiri is on alert in case things go wrong.
Though it looks like Dabi’s resting on the couch now, he keeps his half-lidded eyes glued to your form. The twinge of jealousy and anger grows when he hears your angelic laugh as you ask the creep a question.
Another laugh is heard and he clicks his tongue. It’s surprisingly very hard for him to hold back like this and not lash out at his crusty boss. In truth, he’s never felt anything like this for anyone and to him, you are just the perfect little doll that he actually adores.
He tries to move his thoughts away from you and Shigaraki but finds it difficult to not have his eyes placed on you. This turns out to be a good call to him since the next move Shigaraki makes is in slow motion to him as a fucking shit-eating grin is discreetly sent his way.
His arm is about to go around you. The pinky extended perfectly doesn’t go past him. This fucker is ready to put his hand on you. That is all it takes for him to see pure red and everyone in the room who was watching patiently is just in shock at how fast he stood up and sped over to the both of you. You are in pulled flushed against him, with one of his arms wrapped tightly around your mid-section and the other extended out towards Shigaraki presenting a blue hot flame to the male.
“Don’t fucking touch my girl with your creepy-ass disgusting hands,” Dabi growls out in warning his eyes showing that he is not kidding.
Shigaraki decides to keep toying with him seeing as you are in shock.
“Your girl? I don’t recall you making it official with Shorty.”
Dabi sees red again. That’s his nickname for you and no one else is allowed to use it. The arm originally out to Shigaraki hovers around you as his hand catches your neck and forces your head up. His lips are upon yours in a hungry way.
He is most certainly not holding back in shoving his tongue down your throat. The only thing you can process is how his upper and lower lip, despite the contrast in texture, feel heavenly upon yours. When he pulls away you don’t miss the amusement in his half-lidded gaze.
“You’re my damn Shorty so don’t forget it,” Dabi says with a small smile as he lazily gives your boss the finger.
If you liked this feel free to check out my other works! (Masterlist)
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transhawks · 5 years
I know dabi acts mocking and rude but what if that was just tragic layer to cover just how much pain hes in?
Lmao this word choice made me laugh.
Okay, so here's what I think: Dabi is naturally rude, first and foremost, in some ways also because he has a lack of awareness at times. I base this off the fact he was genuinely perplexed in the manga and irritated with Spinner's response to him calling him a lizard. I think he's not used to that sort of criticism and probably didn't realize that was a social boundary not to cross. Just going off of Shouto's difficulties, and, again, I am very fond of Smash's characterization of him on some level, I think Dabi's upbringing has made him naturally socially awkward. Not at shouto's level, but Shouto has strengths in the way he deals with others, too. He is pensive, thoughtful. But the way he's shown in smash is interesting because there's a light level of that same 'literalness' that Shouto has.
And yet Shouto ia constantly describe as being ill-mannered and I think Touya had that too.
I do believe so much of it, regarding heroes, is genuine mocking and rudeness. Sure I think that it's also one of the masks he wears; I don't believe vulnerability is something he would ever show willingly. With heroes he mocks, gives a false friendliness as if he's a cat playing with its food. With his allies he's standoffish, cold; he's not here to make friends. He can work with others because Dabi is aware of his own physical limitations, but I don't think he feels that requires anything but cooperation.
Of course there's probably a lot of trauma there and just pain under all that, but I find it interesting to think of him as someone who is naturally not super quick to grasp social conventions and also, genuinely pushing people away and rather vengeful towards heroes. Dabi has a bone to pick with the concept of heroism; we're sure to learn more about it soon.
Yet this doesn't mean he isn't earnest. He is very dedicated to the League as far as goals are concerned, even if he isn't a friend (yet).
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how do you think the league of villains would react if the Nomu (the black one that should have defeated All Might) got really attached to the fem! reader ? (in a romantic way if you want) like always protecting her and always being besides her ? i just randomly thought about that when listening to music lmao
Okay, so I know Nomu’s are like giant genetically manipulated former human monsters, but this is just like super cute? Like really cute to imagine a Nomu with a crush.
I tagged relationships in this to give it some visibility. I don’t think a lot of people would search Nomu x reader, so sorry in advance!
You, Kurogiri, and Tomura barely managed to escape the USJ with your lives while recovering your damaged Nomu from the field All Might super punched the monster. You had done your best to treat Tomura’s bullet wounds with your healing quirk but he still had some healing he’d have to do on his own.
You gazed at the giant bird-like creature fallen in the center of the bar floor. Impact wounds littered its muscular pitch-black frame and the blood leaking from the exposed mass of brain at the top of its head made you wince. Tomura, however, held less sympathy in his anger for the toy he so graciously accepted from his master; and right now, he was taking his frustration out on the creature physically.
It may have been a huge, scary monstrosity of nature but you couldn’t really stand watching that. “You shouldn’t take your anger out on it like that,” you spoke up, not thinking about the rage your leader had been going through. He glowered at you. A hand had risen to his neck in frustration.
“Master gifted him to do with as I wish, besides this is nothing for a creature like this.”
“Just because it’s a monster doesn’t mean it doesn’t have feelings, and just because it can absorb attacks doesn’t mean it can’t still feelyou kicking him.”
“Don’t be thick. It has no brain, no feelings; it only exists to follow orders.” You intensified your glare at your leader, and he scoffed.“Fine. You take care of it then. I’m going to bed.”
You scowled, watching him leave the bar before kneeling down to rub your hand along Nomu’s bent beak. “You took a lot of damage, didn’t you? Don’t worry, I’ll have you feeling better in no time,” you whispered softly before letting your healing quirk wash over it. You followed his other wounds until he was finally able to come to a standing position.
You smiled at your work before releasing a loud yawn and stretching. “I think that’s good for a night,” you said and gently patted the Nomu on the arm. “Good night, Nomu-chan,” you said and quietly made your way to your room. You only took a few steps before you heard the clomping of giant feet behind you. You turned to face the birdlike beast, who froze in place with you. You cocked your head at the gigantic creature but then continued on to your room with a shrug, not failing to notice it following you all the way like a sentry.
Finally, you stopped. “What is it?” you asked, turning back to it. When it didn’t respond, you reached into your pocket and pulled out a candy bar. “You hungry? I was saving it for later,” you said and offered it to the creature in hopes that he would eat and leave you be. Although, you weren’t sure if these things even needed to eat. “Here you can eat it,” you said and opened it; and to your surprise, the Nomu carefully took it from you and placed his other hand on top of your head. It was big enough to cover your entire face if it wanted but instead it patted in a friendly manner.
It was then you thought that Shigaraki may be wrong about it being brainless.
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- You ruined a perfectly good Nomu. His perfectly good Nomu. It doesn’t even take directions from him anymore. Even worse, it actually stood between him and you like he was the threat.
- He was about three seconds away from sending it back to his master for a reprogramming before you threatened to leave the league if he did so.
- Shigaraki does update AFO from time to time about the Nomu’s behavior mainly for research and study about the creature’s behavior and mannerism.
- After the Kamino ward incident, Shigaraki stops questioning its infatuation with you and simply starts to accept it as another weird thing about the people in his group.
- Kurogiri is curious to how the entire situation will develop while also worried for your long-term safety with the creature always following you around.
- You have to reassure him quite often that the Nomu hasn’t tried to hurt you and that the creepiest thing it does is watch you sleep, and that’s mostly because you think it can’t sleep itself.
- Honestly, you never felt more protected.
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- Ultimately is weirded out about the entire situation but his lone wolf status doesn’t have enough care to say anything about it.  
- Though, one time he touched you to give you back the phone charger you let him borrow; and next thing he notices, the Nomu nearly throws him across the room.
- You had apologized profusely on its behalf before leaving with it to go to your room.
- A weakly uttered, “I don’t think it likes you touching its woman” from Twice made sure Dabi always warns the Nomu before he tries to talk to you.
- It still glares at Dabi whenever you heal him or sit close and touch his face to patch up his staples.
- He doesn’t get paid enough for this.
- His livelier personality loves to crack jokes about your attachment to the Nomu despite the snarls the creature gives him for doing so.
- Twice also pats the creature and tries to playfully offer it advice or tease it when it grows jealous at another member.
- Truthfully, this side of him is just as attached to the Nomu as you are.
- His other side shows far more concern and thinks you’re the crazy one for putting up with the creature since he hasn’t exactly seen it as a person like you.
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- Thinks its cute in a really strange way. She likes to question the Nomu about its feelings for you, but she always fails to get a response since it can’t really…talk.
- She’s a little jealous herself from time to time, wanting a Nomu similar to that one to have. She may have asked Shigaraki for this onceor twice, much to his annoyance.
- Out of everyone, she’s the person the Nomu likes best. After you, of course.
- His life hasn’t really been one full of acceptance and so he can feel a small sense of sympathy for the Nomu since it has to be even worse to be locked in your own mind and body.
- So, he’s incredibly impressed at the close relationship you managed to build with it and how you seem completed comfortable with the Nomu around.
- He’s probably the most respectful of the friendship or whatever it is that’s going on between the two of you.
- At first, he thinks you somehow enslaved the Nomu or tricked it, and he’s pretty impressed and wants to know your secrets.
- When you tell him you were only nice to it, he doesn’treally believe you at first.
- Eventually, he does accept your story but becomes a constant nag in your ear about watching out for yourself. It isn’t until later on, that he finally realizes that the creature indeed showed no threatening behavior towards you, and now he constantly tells the others not to purposely rile it up when they’re bored.
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codenamesazanka · 6 years
Imagine if Toga and Twice manage to kidnap Eri, and then the League was stuck with a six year old
I’m like 99% certain Twice and Toga would have robbed a store for baby food
Only for Dabi to tell them that a six year old can eat regular food
Not that they have any lmao
For a couple of days afterwards, Twice and Toga and Eri has to finish all of it
 Dabi would have tried to stay away from the whole thing, but eventually get so fed up with the idiots he takes Eri with him out for like McDonalds or something
Scrounge up some of the last of his (read: the league’s) money for this, what the hell
Eri gets a sundae and a toy and gets to play on the jungle gym. It’s one of the best days of her life
 “It’s your turn to watch the kid while we go massacre a hate cult!”
Mr. Compress offers to compress her into a marble and is shouted down...by only Spinner
Spinner’s the only one that shows any common sense
Dabi just watched for some laughs but would’ve stepped in if they actually did try to marble her
 Dabi ends up quietly, secretly taking care of her: making sure someone fed her, slipping her sweets, getting a jacket from somewhere cuz it’s getting cold
 Eri’s super afraid of Shigaraki at first, hands and face and all
But realizes that while he has a scary face, he’s surprisingly subdued and just gloomy
Most interaction they do are unspoken staring contests
There was once when Shigaraki tossed her half a granola bar, but she couldn’t catch it and it smacks her in the face
He gets (teasingly) admonished by Toga and Twice
She plays with Toga and Twice the most, they’re weird, but cheerful and seem to actually like her.
Both of them try to tell her stories, taking turns after each paragraph, and nothing makes sense
Twice gives them both a piggyback ride at the same time and twists an ankle prob
Sometimes Spinner play with her too, by telling her the exploits of the great Stain
 The League try to get her to use her quirk, but she isn’t able to do anything. They don’t really try to force her though. They got the bullets already, she’s too young to master her quirk, there’s no need. 
She musters up to courage to ask about when they first started being able to use their quirks and
no one answers. everyone’s just very quiet. 
she doesn’t ask for anything else again the rest of the day
 As the month drags on, the League’s getting more worn out, money has all but disappeared
They come home soaked in blood one day, and that night Eri gets nightmares that wakes up everyone 
Shigaraki calls a meeting the next day
 Eventually Mr. Compress does get to use his quirk on her
He turns her into a marble, gives her to Toga
Who puts on a nurse disguise and sneaks into a hospital
and places the marble on an empty bed in a nice empty private suite 
 When Eri wakes up, she’s in a hospital, and the UA kids and heroes are there, and everyone’s asking her lots of questions
But they all seem very relieved and happy she’s back
She’s happy to be with the nice people too
Yet she knows better than to tell them she thought the League of Villains was sorta nice too
 and that AU ends and the universe is back on track 
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