#Operablr Pride Month
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monotonous-minutia · 11 months ago
Gearing up for Operablr Pride Month 2024
Welcome to the beginning of the journey!
Like last time, I will be asking people to submit ideas for operas that we will watch throughout the month of June. Each opera should include one or more of the following criteria:
-The opera has LGBTQ+ characters, themes, or elements (subtext or explicit)
-The opera is written by LGBTQ+ composers/librettists
Operas can be old, new, or in between! I like having a variety for people to choose from. The amount of opera suggestions per week will depend on how many are submitted. Last time it was 3-4 per week.
I'm hoping to get some new suggestions (see this post for a list of the operas we watched last time) though if there's a particular opera someone feels wasn't explored enough last time feel free to suggest it again!
You can DM me, comment here, or send me an ask to submit an opera idea. In your suggestion it's helpful (though not required) to include how it meets the criteria and any suggested productions you have for it.
Something I wanted to do last time but didn't get around to was to also highlight specific LGBTQ+ opera composers/librettists/performers once or twice a week. So if anyone has some ideas of people to highlight you can submit those as well!
Now here is where the "I would like to contribute content" part of the poll comes in. Last time, for each opera, I included links to libretti, summaries, recommended productions, and sources (articles, videos, podcasts, etc.) that examined/highlighted the opera. (This post is a good example of what that looked like.) If anyone has suggestions for this kind of content, feel free to include them in your submissions!
Also, if you want to share sources for your composers/librettist/performer suggestions, or even want to write a bio yourself, please indicate that as well!
I know this is a lot of information, so if anything doesn't make sense or I seem to be missing something, please let me know.
Due to the amount of time it took me to put things together and the fact that I have less free time this year than the last round, I think I will have the deadline for submissions be next Friday, May 10th. I'll reblog this post once or twice for reminders.
If anyone has any questions, concerns, thoughts, or suggestions, please let me know!!
Thanks all! I'm really looking forward to this!
(also feel free to reblog this post to reach a wider audience!)
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carovisetto · 4 years ago
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Hoffmann and Nicklausse in Les Contes d’Hoffmann, for Operablr Pride Month
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infinitelytheheartexpands · 4 years ago
Dorilla in Tempe (Wexford, 2019): Reactions (from half-watching it)
holy shit that overture was so gay. gay yearning personified.
It’s “Spring”!
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Baroque just bops. it has so much life in it. it’s so...light-filled and tangy.
let me move here and have these tea parties please
Nomio is so cute
I want Admeto’s outfit DESPERATELY
clever way of showing the python
these singers are all really great
and this chorus is so sad but so pretty
poor Dorilla
I want EVERYONE’S costumes
the whole shtick with the bird over the conductor’s head lolol
personally I thought the python-killing would be cooler and not set to recitative but yay Dorilla’s okay 
Act II:
this sounds so languid-- early draft for “Summer”??? (not sure about the dates)
you go Dorilla
omg this SCENE the GAY
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I am Feeling Things
oh Elmiro
the synchronized leaf-waving lol
excellent clapback Dorilla
Filindo deserves better
oh Nomio
I love Nomio’s look
Vivaldi just bops y’all
this is just so pretty. slow Baroque has its own vibe.
you go Filindo tell her what’s what
just the overall aesthetic
party time!!!
this bops
Act III:
so much “Four Seasons” stuff I love it
you go Elmiro and Dorilla
Filindo I love you but whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Nomio NO
nooooooooooooooooo don’t kill Elmiro
we love a good Baroque rage aria
Eudamia please
Dorilla deserves better
poor Elmiro
nice tableau!
deus ex machina :)
Nomio (Apollo) ships Eudamia and Filindo
happiness!!! gayness!!! this was lovely :)
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wearethekat · 4 years ago
Operablr Pride Month Review: Les Contes d’Hoffmann
Production: Joseph Calleja, Kate Lindsey, and some random sopranos?? (Anna Netrebko, Kathleen Kim, Ekaterina Gubanova). Met 2009. Yes I did rewatch this production for the umpty-umpth time rather than something new. to be fair, it’s one of my all-time operatic favorites. AND I can manage without subtitles. I love this production, and not entirely for the Nicklausse costume. one complaint about the production, though: did they really have to have random scantily clad ladies everywhere? this isn’t the bacchanale from Samson. a little restraint might be more appropriate here.
Singers: let’s face it, this opera is really about the mezzo trouser role. I mean. there’s a tenor, but he’s not terribly exciting. and this is one of my favorite of Lindsey’s roles (with the possible exception of Nerone. that was also very good). AND THE COSTUME. adsfjjakpiuea;digh the COSTUME:
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[ID <image of Kate Lindsey in costume as Nicklausse, wearing a black coat and waistcoat with a red neckcloth and a top hat. her hair is shoulder-length and the tenor singing Hoffmann has an arm around her shoulders> /END ID]
this production also featured Anna Netrebko as both the nonsinging role of Stella and as Antonia. which was an interesting comparison. she’s really wasted in these silly ingenue roles, acting-wise. She makes a much better diva Stella than as Antonia. which generally extends to the rest of her roles-- she shines as dramatic stabby ladies like Lady Macbeth, Violetta, Tosca, etc. 
Pride: mmm, I dunno. I can’t really see Hoffmann and Nicklausse as a romantic relationship. not at all, in this production. the implication here seems to be that Nicklausse is somehow complicit in all Hoffmann’s troubles-- the way they’re always lurking onstage when the villain is plotting. because they’re the embodiement of Art, and Art thinks that Hoffmann should quit indulging his truly terrible taste in women (I mean, the doll. he fell in love with an automaton) and write opera instead. They seem to be either exasperated with or openly mocking Hoffmann most of the time, which... is not exactly the respect you’d want to see.  it’s a complicated and possibly toxic relationship, but it’s not romantic.
HOWEVER. even if they’re isn’t an implied gay relationship here, there is the icon Kate Lindsey as the genderfluid Nicklausse. did I mention the costume?? 
Overall: I just really love this opera, okay? but  I do really need to see the other extended versions though. but it has to be with subs, I can’t manage these convoluted plots without for the first time watching.
(source: https://www.operaonvideo.com/les-contes-dhoffmann-met-2009-calleja-netrebko-kim/)
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chansondefortunio · 4 years ago
i did in fact think it was today im about to blow my head off.
HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY OFFENBACH!!! Here's some rareish Offenbach music you should check out!!
This next one is a real gem!
We can't forget his ouvertures, waltzes and marches
if you're gonna listen to Les Contes d'Hoffmann, it better be this one
ok ok thats it
Happy birthday Jacques Offenbach, you've changed my life for better or for worse and I'm eternally grateful. Rest in Peace ❊
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carovisetto · 4 years ago
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Operablr Pride Month: Alice Coote as Vitellia and Anna Stéphany as Sesto in La Clemenza di Tito at Glyndebourne, 2017
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infinitelytheheartexpands · 4 years ago
La clemenza di Tito (the 1980 film version): Reactions, Part II
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there’s no manual for when your boyfriend tries to kill his other boyfriend because his girlfriend told him to
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but Annio is precious and tries anyway
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*sigh of relief*
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major oof
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oh child
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such a pretty chorus
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Tito how do I break this news to you
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nvm Publio did it first
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Annio and Servilia are still so cute
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oh buddy
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“nope, no one in this opera is straight”
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I mean look at them
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:( :( :( also Tatiana looks so TINY (yes I know she’s kneeling but still)
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Area Tenor Actually Makes A Good Life Decision
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tfw you realize your boyfriend didn’t rat you out after all
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Servilia is a very smart cookie
also: baby Catherine Malfitano
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I love this aria so much
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and I love her and the aesthetic
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those are...more than a little creepy
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annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd there it is
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oh buddy
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the real Tito: *dies a year later*
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YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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wearethekat · 4 years ago
Operablr Pride Month Review: Cendrillon
Production: de Niese and Lindsey, Glyndebourne 2019. I did not get along with this production at all. it was just some guys wearing clothes in a dark room. Part of this may be because I’m comparing it to the other production I saw some time ago(the gorgeous storybook production with DiDonato) and nothing could possibly compare. but still. Cinderella’s dress is like a puffy blue prom dress. no. just no. The direction/acting was unobjectionable, though, albeit a little opaque. they were definitely trying to say something with the stuffed heart and the glass barriers and Cinderella or the prince turning up in random scenes and not speaking. I don’t think I got it though. English subs were nice, though.
Singers: de Niese was charming, Lindsey was fantastic as always. there was a bad moment when she was dressed in the maid costume in the first act, when I thought they had cast her as Cendrillon. which would have been a terrible waste.
Pride: lovely. perfect. peak trouser role/soprano opera here, since almost the entire opera is focused on that romance. However, they did not let their divas kiss. they did go for a tight hug with faces very close, though, so that’s something.
Overall: this opera is only acceptable in the DiDonato production. all other productions are mere pale shadows in comparison. I have mixed feelings for Massenet outside of Werther, though. Cendrillon hasn’t got any real Tunes that stand out for me either. 
(source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmeZVUBDw_g)
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monotonous-minutia · 11 months ago
please reblog to reach all the far corners of operablr <3
(if you don't know what Operablr Pride Month is you can check out this post and/or search it in tags)
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monotonous-minutia · 9 months ago
How is everyone's Operablr Pride Month going??
I'm having fun so far discovering new operas and revisiting old faves!
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monotonous-minutia · 10 months ago
Operablr Pride Month 2024 Week #2 (June 8-14)
Juditha Triumphans (Vivaldi/Cassetti) Keywords: Oratorio, lesbians, Italian opera, baroque, Biblical stories
Champion (Blanchard/Cristofer) Keywords: Modern opera, opera in English, bisexual character, American opera
I Capuleti e i Montecchi (Bellini/Romani) Keywords: Italian opera, bel canto, trouser roles, sapphic, Shakespeare
Summaries, libretti, recommended productions, and more under the line! (Disclaimer: I have not necessarily seen all the productions recommended here. Most of them are those that have been recommended to me.)
Juditha Triumphans
Libretto: Latin/Italian (Translate enabled) Summary: https://baroque.boston/vivaldi-juditha Production recs: Opera on Vidoe search link: Juditha Triumphans Vivaldi - Opera on Video Bonus: Some analysis of the opera and story: https://notesfromthegarrett.com/opera/vivaldi-antonio/juditha-triumphans https://www.wrti.org/wrti-spotlight/2024-03-07/vivaldis-juditha-triumphans-composed-for-an-all-women-ensemble-is-a-window-into-a-world
Libretto: (too new!) Summary: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Champion_(opera) Production recs: The only fully filmed one I know of is the Met 2023 one. Can be watched on Met On Demand (see free trial) but is also on VK. Bonus: Commentary, info, & analysis from Lyric Opera Chicago: Champion | Lyric Opera of Chicago Bonus bonus: Info on the roles and creation of the opera: Metropolitan Opera | The Opera's Plot and Creation (metopera.org)
I Capuleti e i Montecchi
Libretto: Italian (translate enabled) Summary: https://www.opera-arias.com/bellini/i-capuleti-ed-i-montecchi/synopsis/ Production recs: Barcelona 2016 San Fransisco 2014 Opera on Video search link: I Capuleti e i Montecchi Bellini - Opera on Video Bonus: Julie Fuchs on the characters in the opera: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCbCaoia5HY
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monotonous-minutia · 9 months ago
healing my heart with some lesbian opera. Vivaldi is delivering as usual.
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monotonous-minutia · 9 months ago
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monotonous-minutia · 10 months ago
Operablr Pride Month Schedule
Here is the lineup for the month! This year we have 3 operas per week with the last weekend in June being a time for people to catch up if needed, initiate discussion, recap the month, or however we want to send off!
Weeks will be run Saturday-Friday, just because that's kind of how the calendar fell. Keep a lookout for individual posts headlining each coming week's lineup.
Thanks to everyone who submitted suggestions! Exited to see what the month holds!
Week #1 (June 1-7)
Good Country
(Allegretti/Raker Ehrenfeld)
La Calisto
Week #2 (June 8-14)
Juditha Triumphans
I Capuleti e i Montecchi
Week #3 (June 15-21)
The Hours
Lucio Silla
Week #4 (June 22-28)
Billy Budd
Bonus Weekend/Wrap (June 29-30)
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monotonous-minutia · 9 months ago
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Erismena moments
Festival D'Aix-en-Provence, 2017
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monotonous-minutia · 9 months ago
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gettin my baroque on this fine weekend
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pulling a full-on Mulan here I see
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comin in hot
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the quintessential operatic line
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area twink dances to the praises of love as world-weary cross-dresser has silent panic attack
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tell me you're a disaster bi without telling me you're a disaster bi
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I feel like i should be looking away
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the genderfuckery continues
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Erismena just third wheeling it over here bleeding out while Aldimira and Orimeno pretend to be straight
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everyone's expressions here i am dying
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Alcesta was written for an alto but apparently the role has a bit of history of being played by male performers. I don't mind the genderbending there but if you're already replacing my mezzos with countertenors the least you could do is keep the alto in there
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literally countertenors are only acceptable in baroque opera if they're allowed to be raging bisexuals
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the dramatic irony is almost painful
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oh dear
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wait what ew he's old enough to be your dad
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ngl this is pretty cool
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this opera is just about a bunch of ladies being madly in love with each other
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oh dang
more to come as tumblr is requiring me to make a new post
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