#they have literally no reason being as good together as they are
moghedien · 2 days
Love that Word of Radiance literally opens like:
Shallan: Jasnah hates me now because I robbed her and is just taking me along with her forever because of some unknowable reason probably she definitely thinks I’m bad now 😞
Jasnah: *wrote to her mom to tell her about Shallan, came up with a plan to help Shallan’s family even though it would help her enemies, talked up Shallan to her mom to a point where her mom thought it would be a good idea to have Shallan marry into the family and started the betrothal process (but left enough room to back out in case Shallan doesn’t want to get married), got worried because hasn’t seen Shallan in five minutes and decided to sit on deck with her even though she clearly wants to be inside, told Shallan that she thinks the magical beings have brought the two of them together and they need to be together now because fate or whatever (she’s the worlds most prominent atheist btw)*
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jeonginsleftcheek · 3 days
The sun to me
Chapter II. Water drop.
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pairing: hwang hyunjin x afab!reader
word count: 5.1k
chapter summary: you could say that destiny always has a way of bringing together the souls that need each other. hyunjin meets not one but two people who will change his life for good.
warnings: tw for brief and vague mention of depression and suicide
~ Masterlist for the series
~ next part
🤍 Snowdrop - hope and the ability to overcome challenges.
Deep breath in.
Hyunjin feels like his lungs are expanding, like a flower opening up its petals to receive the warmth of the sun.
It takes him a few seconds to even register the sounds of people who were aboard the ship with him, laughing, talking, walking further away from the pier.
Someone walks towards him and for a brief moment his chest constricts as he waits to be questioned, bothered and ogled at but the man passes him by, saying hello to one of the crew members.
Hyunjin exhales and starts walking towards the road, he needs to track down the location of the room he barely managed to find on the internet.
It was a hassle, getting to the owner of the little apartment, since it wasn't summer yet and the tourists haven't even started arriving. Not that many people even come to this island, which is exactly why Hyunjin chose to hide away on it.
He knows, hopes, no one here has heard about him. He hopes he can just be a regular guy and go about his day, reset his body and his mind.
Fishing out his phone out of his pocket as he stops walking, he frowns immediately upon seeing it blowing up with messages.
Good thing he put it on silent or he might've just let his intrusive thoughts win and chucked the godforsaken device right into the sea.
Hyunjin ignores all the little bubbles and notifications, opting to just find the address on google again.
The island is so small, so unknown, so irrelevant that even after finding the address information, it seems that gps has trouble finding him on the map.
It's like he literally fell off the face of Earth and for some reason, that brings him relief.
He stuffs his phone back in his pocket, he's gonna have to find someone to ask for directions.
He looks around, noticing everyone cleared away from the pier so he just follows the first street down.
It's eerily quiet, even on such a sunny, lively day, the sound of his suitcase being dragged breaking the beautiful peace of the island. All the houses are adorned with flower pots on their windows and balconies, colorful gardens inviting you in, mesmerizing like a flower is to a bee.
Hyunjin hopes he can find some kind of shop or cafe or anything with people in it, but all he comes across are a few cats sitting on a low roof and staring at him menacingly, as if asking 'what the hell are you doing here'.
He sighs in frustration, thinking he'll actually have to knock on someone's door and disturb their Friday afternoon peace.
Just when he's mentally prepared himself to knock on a stranger's door and potentially have them yell at him, his eyes light up.
There, on the corner, is a little flower shop like an oasis in a desert, promising safety and aid. Hyunjin speeds up towards it, the suitcase almost flipping behind him as it bumps against the uneven and cracked sidewalk.
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It's time for your lunch break, the old clock on the wall reminds you together with your stomach, growling embarassingly loudly.
You're behind the counter, about to grab your bag and keys, when you hear footsteps approaching and the sound of suitcase wheels scraping against the stones before they come to a stop in front of the door.
"Um, hello?"- you hear a pleasant and curious voice ring out from the outside, you almost want to curse the person out because everyone on the island knows when lunch breaks happen, but judging by the suitcase and the unknown voice it must be someone who just arrived here for the first time.
"Hello, come in!"- you sense the apprehension and you walk around the counter, coming face to face with what you would describe as a man made of dreams.
Your breath gets stuck in your throat, and his reaction seems to be similar, as his eyes widen slowly to the point where he almost looks completely bamboozled as his lips part and he just stares.
Quickly shaking it off and putting on your customer service persona, you smile at the stranger.
"How can I help you?"- you ask and he swallows, closing his lips as he seems to snap out of whatever trance he fell in.
"I- um- I'm looking for this address. I booked a room here, but I can't seem to find it on google maps."- the stranger pulls his phone out and shows you the address and you nod.
"Oh, at Isaac's. It's not too far away from here, just keep going straight until you see a blue house, then go right and up the hill a little bit, you can't miss it since it's the biggest house on that street."- you explain.
"Oh, thank you! I thought I was gonna get lost."- he smiles a little and you chuckle, shaking your head. This seems to deepen the redness of the young man's cheeks.
"You can't get lost here. The island is so small, you can circle around it three times in one day and still have some daylight left. Plus, most of the time the internet doesn't even work so you can't rely on gps. If you need to make calls or such, you'd best stand on the pier and try to catch the signal."
"Oh, thank you for the tips. I'm actually relieved that there's no internet."- the man says, running a hand through his dark hair.
You quirk an eyebrow at him, your eyes running over his frame.
"That's a first. People usually complain about that."- you say, as you take in his expensive looking jewelry, the branded shirt hugging his lean but toned frame, jeans also probably more expensive than your entire wardrobe and the fancy sneakers on his feet.
"Then they've probably come to the wrong place."- he concludes with a small smile.
"Probably."- you agree, ready to end the chat even though literal eye candy was standing in front of you, you craved a warm meal more than anything else.
There was a moment of awkward silence as the handsome stranger sucked his bottom lip between his teeth, bringing your attention to it.
"Well, it's my lunch break, so... If I can't assist you with buying some flowers, I'd like to close up shop."- you say as politely as you can.
"Oh! Sure, sorry for taking up your time."- he looks apologetic as you round your counter to grab your things.
"It's okay, glad I could help."- you smile as the both of you make your way towards the exit.
"I'm Hyunjin, by the way."- he reaches his hand towards you just as you close the door.
"Y/n."- your hand slots into his and he shakes it, soft but firm.
"Nice to meet you, y/n."- something about the way your name rolls from his pillowy lips melts the ice built around your heart, gentle like the first snowdrop peeking it's head through the snow.
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There's something different bubbling up inside Hyunjin, something he hasn't felt in a long time.
As he makes his way up the little hill towards the biggest house with faded yellow paint, chipped at some parts of the wall, his heart skips a few beats.
Maybe it's because he's been a bit out of shape lately, or maybe it's because of you.
You with your genuine smile, you with your curious eyes and with all the pretty flowers surrounding you.
The flowers that used to bring inspiration and comfort to Hyunjin, ones he painted so happily, his hand gliding easily across the once blank canvas, the colors all bleeding into one another, kissing and loving.
The feeling he forgot. The feeling of love. The feeling of home. The nostalgia that inevitably comes with it.
Hyunjin knocks on the big wooden door, and after a few moments he hears heavy footsteps and a voice calling out.
The door swings open and a man probably in his 60s stands in the frame with a friendly smile on his face.
His grey hair is neatly pulled back, the wrinkles on his face are proof of how many years he smiled and frowned. There's a sparkle in his eyes and a bright smile on his face, showing off perfectly white teeth that he probably had done.
He's dressed in a simple black turtleneck and grey pants, the only ornament on his body in the shape of a huge silver ring, a black tourmaline stone in the middle of it.
"Welcome, welcome! You must be Hyunjin. Come in, young man."- the man smiles wide, immediately helping Hyunjin with his suitcase and stepping aside so he could come in.
"My name is Isaac. But you probably already had that figured out."- the man waves his hand as if to dismiss what he just said. "Welcome to my humble abode, I hope your stay here is as cozy as can be."- Isaac says, leading Hyunjin through the lobby and towards the big carpeted wooden stairs.
The house looks old but well taken care of, everything is wiped clean and polished, each nook and cranny devoid of any dust and neglect.
Hyunjin can't help but notice the skillfully crafted wood on the handrail, as well as a few other sculptures carved out of wood, taking the shape of people with their head in their hands who are desperately crying, lovers holding onto each other where you can't even tell where one ends and the other starts, beautiful women with big breasts and tummies lying on their side, vunerable and goddess-like.
Isaac eyes Hyunjin carefully as he seems glued to all the works of art around him, probably forgetting that he should be settling into his room and eating something.
"What do you think, young man?"- Isaac asks, making Hyunjin jolt a little as he looks up for a second before the carved sculptures grab his attention again.
"Very beautiful pieces, there's so much detail in each and every one. They must be very expensive."- Hyunjin comments making the older man chuckle deeply.
"Yes, very expensive. Cost me a lot of time and patience. And then of course, there's the material. The actual wood."- Isaac crosses his arms on his chest and Hyunjin needs a few seconds before a lightbulb appears above his head.
"Oh... Oh, you made them. That's incredible, you're an artist."- Hyunjin smiles, somewhat chuckling ironically for the fact that he can't seem to escape that which he considers brought him to the state he's in right now. "I'm kind of an artist too."- he downplays whatever life he built, suddenly feeling too dumb and embarassed do act boisterous in front of Isaac.
"Let me see your hands."- Isaac says and Hyunjin doesn't question him, just reaches his hands towards the man and Isaac leans down a little, his lips pursed as he folds his hands behind his back, a quiet hum in the back of his throat.
"You're a painter."- Isaac concludes before lifting up.
"How did you know?"- Hyunjin's eyes widen just a little, his eyebrows lifting up and Isaac lets out a laugh.
"Your skin is too pristine for anything else. But your nails are stained a little."- Hyunjin brings his hands up, closer to his face, and stares as if he sees his own hands for the first time.
He never noticed the slight staining on his fingers, almost forgetting the fact that beyond all the expensive paintbrushes and tools, an artist's work comes from his hands and his heart.
Is his heart stained too?
"Which one calls to you the most?"- Isaac brings him out of his thoughts again with his warm and patient voice and Hyunjin follows his line of sight, landing his eyes on the beautiful wooden sculptures again.
Maybe if he was younger he'd choose the woman, her breasts full and supple, inviting him to lay his head on them, wrap his lips around the tender nipples.
Maybe if he wasn't so jaded, he'd choose the lovers because love is the greatest feeling of them all, love is what makes people climb the highest mountain peak, swim the deepest ocean, reach the furthest star.
But Hyunjin can't help but stare at the man sitting in despair, fingertips digging into his own forehead as if he wants to rip his face out, take his brain out and scream at it.
Isaac sees. He sees through Hyunjin, he was once like him. Caught in the web of self-hatred and nihilism, despising everything he once held so dearly in his heart.
"You must be hungry."- Isaac never comments on Hyunjin's silent choice and he's thankful for that.
"Actually, yes."- Hyunjin feels the emptiness in his stomach as soon as food is mentioned and he realizes he hasn't eaten anything since last night.
"Why don't you get settled in and I will heat up some dinner?"- Isaac suggests and Hyunjin quickly shakes his head.
"You don't need to do that for me, I'm sure you have other business to attend to."- Hyunjin says.
"Nonsense, I don't mind at all. Honestly, it gets a little lonely here before the tourists start coming in so it would be nice to have someone to talk to. Other than my sculptures, that is."- Isaac says with a chuckle.
"Alright, if it's no bother then."- Hyunjin nods, giving a small smile to the warm man.
"Your room is the last door on the right."- Isaac points towards the staircase.
"Thank you."
Isaac smiles, quickly turning on his heel and leaving, presumably to the kitchen.
Hyunjin makes his way upstairs, his suitcase in his hands, the floorboards look too old and sensitive to drag the harsh wheels on them so he opts to just keep carrying his suitcase to his room.
Every wall is adorned with framed wooden carvings, sculptures even bigger than the ones downstairs are sitting in the corners of the hall.
Hyunjin curiously eyes every single one of them, waiting for them to suddenly come alive and move.
He shakes his head quickly, opening the last door on the right.
A loud gasp escapes his lips as soon as he walks into the room. It's bigger than he thought it would be, decorated like the rest of the house, everything is carved out of wood and the works of art made from Isaac's hands have become a staple that Hyunjin's eyes are already getting used to.
Hyunjin lays his suitcase down next to the closet and his legs first take him to the big window, the curtains pulled back and neatly tied up on the sides of the window frame.
The view is breathtaking, being up on the hill allows him to see almost everything, the sea, the shore, the main square with a church and also part of the little flower shop that he was just inside a few minutes ago.
Hyunjin needs to snap a picture. He fishes out his camera and after adjusting it, he takes a few pictures of the beautiful view, zooming in on the flower shop for a second and seeing that the door is still closed and the lights are still off.
You must be on your lunch break as you said.
He looks around the room again, the huge bed looks inviting after traveling for hours but he needs to eat something first.
The room that's warm and lived in, the smell of varnished wood and cinnamon enveloping his senses, the lively art pieces around him, make for a big contrast to Hyunjin's modern apartment, cold steel, black leather, the smell of cleanliness, the perfection of it all, the paintings that he despises from the bottom of his soul.
The ones he made in a state of delirium because Charlie was pressuring him, because people want more, because he needs to meet the deadline, because he's obligated to do them.
A metallic taste spreads inside Hyunjin's mouth and it takes him a few seconds to realize he bit his lip so hard that he drew blood.
He curses under his breath, walking into the adjoining bathroom to wash his mouth and thoughts away.
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Lunch break was something you loved to spend in your favorite restaurant unless it was tourist season.
Then, it would get too crowded for your liking so you'd just go back home and eat before re-opening your shop.
Everything is 2-3 minutes of walking distance, your shop and your home, and the restaurant that a young married couple owns.
"The usual?"- Bennet peeked his head from behind the kitchen wall, and you chuckled giving the man a thumbs up.
You took your book out of your bag and looked out the window before little giggles on your left caught your attention and you turn to see Luna, the owner's 6 year old daughter, staring at you with big shiny eyes and holding a makeshift daisy bouquet in her little hands.
"Oh, is that for me?"- you ask slowly, pointing at yourself.
She stares at your lips before giving a little nod and another giggle before she reaches the flowers towards you.
Your hand is placed on your chin, then reached towards her as you mouth a 'thank you'.
She smiles happily, her chubby cheeks rosy before she runs away to play.
Catherine is quick to catch up to the little girl, gently grabbing her shoulders before signing a 'be careful' to which the girl nods and mouths an 'okay'.
"Hey, y/n."- Catherine lets out a sigh and you chuckle.
"Is she giving you a hard time today?"- you ask as she puts your lemonade down on the table.
"Try yelling at a deaf child to watch out from a distance."- she shakes her head, a bead of sweet running down her forehead. "My whole life flashed before my eyes, but luckily it was Delmar and he managed to stop his car just in time."
"Heart attack inducing stuff."- you nod. "But everything ended well and I'm sure she'll be more careful now."
"I hope so too."- Catherine nods with a smile, before turning to go check on her daughter.
You sigh quietly, looking through the window again as you sip on your lemonade when suddenly, the face of the handsome stranger called Hyunjin appears in your mind.
There's something that flickers in your chest at the thought of his smile. Then it clicks.
He's probably the celebrity that Barbara talked about, he must be an actor or a singer with a face like that, you think.
You wonder why he would come here though.
Maybe he got sick of all the glitz and glitter that being famous brings. That's something you could never be, live in the spotlight like that, to be picked at and proded at like you were some kind of test subject, looked at like you were some kind of animal in a cage, existing to entertain other people.
"Here you go, y/n."- a plate is placed on your table, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Oh, thank you."- you smile at Bennet, as the aroma of your favorite meal fills up your space, making your stomach growl again.
It's quiet as you start eating and as always you ask Catherine and Luna to join you, which they usually happily agree to unless there are customers to attend to.
Bennet whips up their favorites quickly and excuses himself because he has a kitchen to clean, as he says, while you learn a few new words that help you communicate with Luna.
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The sounds of utensils clinking against plates fill up the room as Hyunjin and Isaac sit in his dining room. It's the most lavish room yet, the table they're eating on feels too precious to even be used so Hyunjin is extra careful with his meal.
The big chandelier hangs above their heads, the sunlight shining through the huge windows that reveal a balcony, reflects in the crystal pendants decorating the chandelier, creating little rainbows scattered around the room.
"My father made this table."- Isaac notices Hyunjin looking at it, as if he's deep in thought.
"It's really exquisite. I feel a little apprehensive using it as a regular dining table."- Hyunjin says and Isaac chuckles.
"We ate on it every day. And then my wife and son too."- Isaac says, the mood shifting suddenly as a sad smile spreads on his face.
"You have a son?"- Hyunjin asks, taking another bite of the meat.
"I had a son."- Isaac nods and Hyunjin feels bad that he pried.
"I'm sorry."- he didn't want to dig into someone's wound so he looked down at his plate, feeling remorseful for asking.
"It's okay, it's been years. He was probably around your age when he left us."- Isaac reminisces.
"Was he sick?"- Hyunjin asks, seeing that Isaac wanted to talk about his son, maybe it brought him some kind of comfort to keep the memory of him alive.
"He was... sad. Very sad. We tried everything. But nothing could light the spark in his eyes."- Isaac shivers with a sad smile.
"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked anything."- Hyunjin quickly says, feeling embarassed for himself and sad for the kind man sitting across from him.
"No, it's okay, you didn't know."- Isaac shakes his head. "I like talking about my son. He was also great with woodwork. I learned from my father and he learned from me. Guess it runs in the family."- he nods with a small smile.
"If you'd like, I could teach you some woodworking too."- Isaac suggests before Hyunjin can say anything.
He can see the turmoil on Hyunjin's face, the cogs turning behind his eyes as he struggles with whether to love or hate that suggestion.
"I'll be in my studio later if you want to join me."- Isaac intervenes quickly, pointing to the hall.
"What was his name, if you don't mind me asking?"- Hyunjin asks after a few moments of silence, referring to Isaac's son.
"Leo."- Isaac says with a kind of pain in his voice.
Hyunjin finds those three letters etched into the windowsill in the room he booked, his fingertips tracing the chipped wood, realizing quickly that this room once belonged to him.
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Hyunjin doesn't join Isaac in his studio, he can't bear to even think about painting or woodwork at this moment, all he wants is to feel free from the confines he created for himself.
After lunch, he took a much needed nap and then an even more needed warm shower. He walks out into the room with only a towel wrapped around his waist, using another one to dry his hair.
Being up on the hill probably caught some signal on his phone as it buzzes next to the bed. Hyunjin frowns, making his way to it and grabbing it.
Charlie. Of course.
In the heat of the moment, he doesn't think, he just chucks the phone on the bed and it bounces up and smacks into the closet and then lands down on the floor with a loud thud, the battery falling out.
"That oughta do it."- he says quietly, leaving the device where it landed.
Hyunjin gets dressed quickly, grabbing his backpack and camera before he makes his way downstairs. He glances shortly at the big door leading to Isaac's studio, something heavy weighing on his chest before he turns away and walks out of the house.
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There's nothing like watching the sunset while sitting on the beach. The beautiful golden rays mixing with the orange and pink hues, reflecting on the water as the sun itself drowns in it.
You're sitting with your little diary in your hands, well one of many you have, one that still has empty pages you have to fill up.
Most of them consist of dried up flowers and even a few little sketches you did, sometimes you write something you found funny in it, sometimes you pour your soul out on the pages, your tears blurring your vision and smearing the ink of your pen.
Today, the page is blank but your mind isn't.
For some reason, it's filled with Hyunjin and you wish you were better at drawing people so that your hand could capture the face that was already etched in your brain even after you only saw him once.
A twig snaps behind you, and you quickly turn around, jolting a little.
He appears in your view like he was summoned, like he was there to help you see his face again so that you could maybe try to capture the beauty on paper.
"Oh..."- he also jolts a little like he got frightened by your presence. "Y/n, right?"- he licks his lips and swallows, as his feet come to a halt.
"Yeah."- you nod.
"Sorry if I scared you. Kinda scared myself too."- Hyunjin says with a timid smile, still keeping a good distance away from you.
"It's okay. Usually, no one comes here at this time so I was surprised."- you say and he slowly makes his way to you.
"Mind if I join you?"- he asks, almost timidly and you have to wonder what kind of celebrity is shy like that.
"Sure."- you nod and he comes closer, slowly sitting down on the rock next to yours.
"I decided to explore the island a little. And you were right, I saw everything in one evening."- he chuckles as he looks at you, then at the notebook in your hands curiously.
"Are you sure you saw everything? There are a few hidden spots here that only the locals know about."- you eye the camera in his hands.
Such pretty hands.
"Oh really? Is there a guide who could show me some of those hidden spots?"- he asks and you let out a small chuckle.
"Depends on how much you pay up."- you say and he looks at you before you start chuckling, making him chuckle too.
"I'm joking, of course. I mean, I'm free tomorrow if you want me to give you the real tour of the island."- you suggest, wiggling your eyebrows.
"I would love that."- Hyunjin nods, a smile spreading on his face that makes his eyes crinkle.
When was the last time he smiled like that?
Hyunjin lifts up his camera to snap a few pictures of the sunset and you can't help but look at his features more closely while he's distracted.
Beneath the smile and the obviously expensive attire, something inside him seems sad and tired, you can feel it meandering between your bodies.
"Is that a sketchbook?"- Hyunjin asks curiously, as you play with the cover of your notebook.
"Kind of. It's a sliver of my thoughts, if you will."- you say as you stare at it.
"Can I see?"- he asks and you look up at him, genuine interest painted on his face.
"Sure, I'll show you some sketches, just not the things I write."
"Yeah, of course, I don't want to invade your privacy."- he says and you nod, finding a page where you sketched a few tulips from different angles.
"Oh, that's really pretty. I like your shading."- Hyunjin leans in closer and you get a whiff of his shampoo that gets you feeling entranced for a moment.
"Ah, thank you. I'm not the best at drawing at all, it's just that I'm good with anything that has to do with flowers."- you smile, somewhat sadly, Hyunjin notices and something pulls him to you.
He wants to know everything, he wants to tell you everything.
But he's afraid.
He's afraid of revealing the truth, afraid of bursting the little bubble appearing around the two of you, he's frightened to open his soul up, only to find it was rotten, only to see you turn away.
Hyunjin is someone who believes, well, used to believe in love at first sight but that was before he destroyed everything gentle and pure inside him, creating another person out of the broken shards, a fake person, a disgusting and cold person who fades away into other darkened souls, lost in the abyss of eternal nothingness.
"You're an expert in your field. That's admirable."- Hyunjin manages to dig up anything that feels gentle, even for a split second.
"What about you? What is your field of expertise?"- you ask and Hyunjin dreads answering and talking about that which he despises right now.
"Art, I guess. Painting to be exact. I'm a painter?"
"You say that like you're unsure of it."- you give him an inquisitive smile.
"Sometimes you forget who you are and why you even do what you do. Sometimes, something you always knew and loved gets further away from you the more you try to reach out for it."- Hyunjin talks and you giggle, putting your notebook aside.
"Are you sure you're not a poet?"- you tease and Hyunjin chuckles nervously, his cheeks becoming rosy like the cotton candy clouds in the sunset before you.
"I'm better with colors than words, or at least I was."- he says, scratching his head as he purses his lips.
"You talk so nicely so I'm sure your art is even nicer."- you conclude.
It hasn't even been a day since he first laid his eyes upon you, but Hyunjin feels like you set his mind at ease with little effort, with just a few words and a sweet smile.
"Thank you."- he smiles. "I'll show you another time. I don't have my phone on me."- he adds.
"Looking forward to that."- you say. "And what you said earlier, I relate to it. Sometimes I feel like that with my flowers. But they're all I really know."- you shrug. "I always come back to them."
"Yeah, I find myself sitting in front of a blank canvas many times without even painting anything. I guess it's etched into my bones by now."
"Like part of your DNA."- you follow up and Hyunjin agrees.
"Is it okay if I take a picture of you?"- he asks after a few moments of comfortable silence.
The sun has almost completely immersed itself into the water and the last light of the day illuminates your facial features perfectly, the sparkle prominent in your eyes.
Hyunjin wants to capture what you talked about, how you looked and how you smiled at him and keep it in his heart forever.
"Sure."- you nod, chuckling a little.
You turn towards the sea, the last of the sun's rays reflecting off of the surface and almost hypnotizing you as you hear the click of the camera.
Hyunjin thinks this is the best picture he ever took.
And as he walks back to his current home, he feels like destiny intertwined her hands into his life, bringing the two of you together, like this is a start to something he can't even begin to fathom yet, like whatever he searched for, he found in you.
Maybe he just met you, but deep inside his wounded soul Hyunjin knows, you will become the most important person that touched his heart.
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✨Taglist: @moonchild9350 @janepg @velvetmoonlght @hwanghyunjinismybae @jehhskz @laylasbunbunny @porangporangmeong @jeonginslefthand @sapphirewaves @simpforleeknaur @laughatdanger @lixies-favorite-cookie @linavc @quokkacidal @thisaintredwine @m00gyu @yaorzu-blog @skzfelixlove @tajannah-price1 @puccaaak @aft2rsexs @xxkissesforchanniexx @aprilmaejune77 @lilmeowneow @stayjinnie @astrobebba @danihwang882 @kaysungshine @nchhuhi @1810cl @chartrucewhore @babigriin @jisuperboard @alisonyus @minluvly
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coffeegnomee · 2 days
Ok just caught up and like. What the fuck man. 
I literally all can do is just sit here and hope and pray that the old members stick it out and help the new members understand what lifesteal is actually about.
Because lifesteal has the reputation of being the lying and betraying and killing people server. 
But it is just Not That. Like obviously those things have happened on the server, fine. 
But lifesteal is far far far more about teammates. Believing that they will have your back. Working together to do cool shit. Trusting each other. 
It’s about commitment and honor and respect and working together on an interesting goal. 
It’s about not screwing over your teammates for a cheap moment that ruins the rest of your relationship on the server. (Mapicc showed this perfectly this week too! He ended the experiments because he’d rather have a teammate than execute a crazy emotional manipulation arc on Zam and really push him over the edge.) 
They sacrifice for each other. They protect each other. They pick each other up when they get killed by their enemies. They encourage them when they’re down. Help them be strong against their fears. Get each other gear and hearts and make sure they’re safe. Spend hours on each other’s arc together in vc all night. 
They lie to OTHERS for their team. They protect the wormhole for months even when they don’t want to or believe in it at all.
They do tiny little things that they know the other person will like just so they know they love them and appreciate them being on the team. They say it too, to each other’s faces. 
It’s about loving each other bro. There’s a massive fucking reason why there’s so much shipping fanart man. They fucking love each other platonically so damn much and so damn perfectly that you can make it romantic and it’s like not even like all that weird.
It makes me so fucking mad that you could boil down this beautiful server into lying and killing and go on it and be like, I heard princezam betrays every team he’s on obviously we should betray everyone and be on the lookout for every single person being a betrayer. 
Zam fucking lost his mind over betraying team awesome and eclipse. He AGONIZED for MONTHS before pulling the trigger for eclipse and he didn’t betray team awesome until after their massive arc together that he was completely loyal to, finished it out as a team, and only when they looked like they weren’t going to give up their unfair advantage did he seek to leave them. And he fought them and left.
The fucking respect he has for a team is insane.
And same goes for Bacon and Mapicc. 
as for others:
Ro only betrays if he gets a better offer (from mapicc) 
Leo betrays when it’s interesting for the story to have a juggernaut.
Spoke betrays only when he has his own bigger plan to execute that will create something interesting for the whole server to encounter. 
Clown only betrays when you go against his morals of creating content by chaos. 
I can’t even think of any notable betrayals from before s5. Most of the server does not betray ever. Most of the server never lies. 
They only lie and betray when it’s for the benefit of the content. 
And that’s what fucking makes me so upset about this. Bacon is doing this arc for the BETTERMENT of the server. He literally says he’s doing it to make other people’s lives on the sever more interesting. It ain’t even about him. He’s not even making a video about this. He just likes to do cool shit on the server because it’s fun to craft an overarching story for everyone to play into.
It’s never been about hearts man. 
The most valuable resource on the server is content. 
And Bacon understands this. In a way that quite possibly could make him a worldender like spoke and clown. He’s really getting into the role of strategizing fun things for the server to do for no other reason than someone has to do it and that it’s good for the server. 
But the new members just do not understand what “for content” means. They just kill randomly. They don’t defend each other. They don’t tell the other teammate to give the heart back bc it’s been proven enough that they’re innocent. They’re constantly suspicious and will only meet if there are no enemies online. 
It’s not about the hearts man. 
It’s about the team.
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novy2sirius · 2 days
Heyy! Can you do a post about calculating your address numerology?
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༄ your address in numerology can tell about the main themes you may experience in that specific residence. you must reduce the number to find out! the date in which you move into the house and purchase it is also very important, but that’s not what this post will be about
༄ to calculate it’s very simple. just add together and reduce like your life path. example: if your address number is 123 add 1+2+3
༄ it sounds silly, but if your address isn’t a good number to live in you can literally just write a number next to it in sharpie to make the reduced number a more beneficial one
© novy2sirius
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🏘️ one address: although it would be good to move in a 1 universal or personal year as it’s the number of new beginnings, i don’t recommend 1 addresses because it’s the number of conflict and aggression. could cause you to attract conflict such as angry neighbors that are lame
🏘️ two address: this is a great number although uncommon to find in addresses. it’s the number of peace and calm energy, so this shouldn’t bring lots of conflict
🏘️ three address: this is the second best number for your address to reduce to. it can create healthy communication and be a good home to raise a child in as well. 3 is also the number of good luck
🏘️ four address: not recommended because as we know 4 is the number of hard work. could cause the home to need lots of maintenance similar to 7
🏘️ five address: although this isn’t a good number to live at long term it can be good for a short term apartment because it’s the number associated with fun. it’s also the second luckiest number. the only reason i don’t recommend it long term is because with it being the number of travel it could create an energy wanting you to leave the house or residence all the time
🏘️ six address: the best number to live under. 6 is the number of home and family, so this creates a comfortable and safe home environment
🏘️ seven address: this is one of the worst numbers to have your address reduce to since 7 is the number of accidents and injuries. your house is more likely to get damaged and have lots of problems that you’ll have to pay for all the time
🏘️ eight address: you can attract money when your home address adds to 8, so this can be good if you don’t have a lot of negative karma attached to you. if you do have lots of negative karma it may indicate lots of ups and downs occurring when living here
🏘️ nine address: with 9 being an upside down 6 and 6 being the number of homes, 9 isn’t good for home addresses. 9 is the number of endings and death, so this is one i don’t recommend
🏘️ eleven address: this is one of my least favorite numbers for addresses because it creates lots of emotional energy. this includes both sadness and anger
🏘️ twenty-two address: not recommended in my opinion. 22 in numerology is the number of master destruction, so this could end bad
🏘️ thirty-three address: this can create a very high vibrational home and is very good for raising a family
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ghostdiva · 12 hours
ok so the new trailer for episode 3 just dropped. big hype. here are some theory's, notes, and observations.
also I took a lot of screenshots...
anyway here we go.
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so the adventure is set to be "The Mystery of Mildenhall Manor". Now, I do think that Caine is gonna be the quest giver this time, sending the gang to find something inside the spooky, probably haunted manor.
small guess is that they gotta find Matilda, one of the ghosts haunting the manor, and trap her in a vacuum. idk why, it's literally just a hunch.
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Jax also takes a moment to harass Pomni with a vacuum, which just makes me think of Luigi's Mansion.
anyway, the gang (minus Zooble) are gonna go in the manor and try to find whatever they're looking for, and either by agreement or random set of events, the gang is gonna split up, Pomni and Kinger being paired up. I don't really know if Ragatha, Gangle, and Jax stick together or not, as they're not really shown much in the trailer.
I am inclined to believe it is a set of events that separates the gang tho.
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it's the one of the reasons I can think of that'd make Pomni climb on the door like that.
I mean... outside of the very spooky decorum.....
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which Pomni has a pretty reasonable reaction to
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btw, I fucking love Pomni's cartoon physics with the squash and stretch rubber-hose animation. it's so expressive and fun to watch.
anyway, it seems Caine is determined to have Zooble go on adventures. so he literally sits them down and tries to therapize them.
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though with Caine being an AI with very little knowledge of how the human mind works, this goes predictably horribly.
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I imagine Zooble tries on some level to convey to Caine the ludicrousness of their situation. stuck in a digital world getting repeatedly traumatized by meaningless adventures that seem to do more harm than good. though I get the feeling Caine would miss the point, leading Zooble to correct him, and/or get upset at him for not understanding. watching this verbal fight happen between these 2 will probably lead to us, the viewer, understanding more about Zooble.
anyway, back to the manor with this cute little guy.
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look at him, he's so cute and squishable. unfortunately this guy is the only cute and squishable NPC here because Pomni and Kinger seems to really be going through it.
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they're mostly poking around, opening drawers and stuff. maybe they're looking for a key to get back with the others or something? who knows.
they both probably stumble around in the dark for a bit, both figuratively and literally.
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they might end up stumbling into an antagonist NPC, which is the only way I can explain some of these screenshots.
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it looks to me like Kinger is facing something. I mean, He's missing an eye in the first one, smacking something with a gun in the second, and looking really worried in the third. Plus the fist 2 have similar lighting so I'm inclined to believe those 2 pics come from clips in close time frames to each other.
there's also another image that has similar lighting...
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now... this may sound weird, but I think that either Pomni got Possessed somehow, or something tried to take her shape. Possession seems more feasible since we know at least 2 of the NPC's in this adventure are ghosts, and at least in media ghosts are known to possess people. seeing as digital circus seems to love pulling from video game mechanics, this wouldn't surprise me at all.
this would also kind of explain why in the "POMNI WAKE UP!! IT'S TIME TO GO ON AN ADVENTURE" video, in the "Kinger with a shotgun" clip, he seems to be hitting Pomni with the gun. it makes a lot more sense if Pomni ends up getting possessed somehow, forcing Kinger to hit her in order to defend himself from the ghost.
this also could tie back to the worried look on Kingers face in the screenshot before Possessed Pomni. Cause he'd know what he has to do, even though he doesn't want to hurt Pomni.
Hell, I'm pretty sure Kinger even openly protects Pomni in this episode.
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because of the shot in the trailer taken from this hole's perspective
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not only is Pomni hiding behind Kinger, but he has one of his hands out in front of her, as if to protect her from whatever is in that hole.
also in regards to guns, Kinger isn't the only one who gets to have a gun.
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Pomni gets to wield a shotgun too, and it's likely to help both herself and Kinger fight off whatever was after them in the hole.
Ghost possession and gun-slinging aside, I do think that Pomni and Kinger have a little heart to heart in this episode.
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boy doesn't that screenshot look familiar. reminds me of episode 2 with the blue lighting and concerned expression on Pomni's face. That scene in the test room where Pomni comforts Gumigoo. this time tho, she's comforting Kinger. it almost makes me wonder if this will be a reoccurring theme, with all the other characters eventually having a heart to heart with Pomni, and Pomni comforting them.
it'd really make her live up to her quote in episode 2 "I guess I just don't want you to feel like you're nothing. I don't want anyone to feel like that".
the only thing I do still have questions about, is wtf is Kinger looking at here?
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I mean, it looks like the eyes of a ghost, if they could make their eyes glow like that.
ya know what, maybe he's looking at a mound of pillows or something.
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yeah, like that.
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glisten-inthedark · 24 hours
You wanna know what gives me confidence for Byler? The show.
That's it.
Because I promise you, if you watch the show objectively everything is there. You don't even have to look at camera angles, lighting, or signs that point towards closets, the information you need is there.
And it isn't even shit people made up (****** I'm looking at you, even though I ship it). It's there, I fucking saw it before even shipping it.
And at first, I assumed I was seeing shit. To be honest I mostly brushed it off, but when we found out that Will was gay and in love with Mike, it clicked.
My favorite mental exercise is: If Will was a girl, how would you perceive their scenes? All you have to do it's switch up their genders and it's not even up for debate because we all know everyone would eat that shit up.
I mean, a boy relentlessly looks for a girl in the woods, stays by this girl' side, tells her they'll go crazy together while touching her hand, tells her that asking her to be his his friend was the best thing he's ever done, fights with her but actually tries to apologize, then we find that said girl has been in love with her friend but it's lying so that this friend could be happy. Tell me that if this was the case there wouldn't be like 30000 fics of that couple on Ao3 and millions of people begging the showrunners to make them canon? Tell me, I fucking dare you.
And at this point I'm like a broken record but I am going to repeat myself.
WILL BYERS BEING IN LOVE WITH MIKE WHEELER does not make a difference to the plot. It doesn't.
He could have been gay and not be in love. If the life lesson was: "Will has to learn to accept himself as gay, and to love himself and understand he isn't a mistake" they could've done without the love. They could've given him exploring that part of himself in California, they could've presented another gay character that taught him that.
They could've fixed El and Mike's relationship without Will's love. We've seen them doing it before. Will could've helped by just being Mike's friend.
So can we ask ourselves this itsy bitsy question: Why make Will in love with Mike in the first place? Why make him say not once, but twice, that he and Mike could play DnD together for the rest of their lives which, if you're not good at subtext, means he sees himself with Mike by his side as long as he lives if all they're going to do is bring him more misery?
Because I'm going to be honest, with the way they wrote this love Will has, they literally didn't gave themselves a easy way out. They made sure we knew it was real, it was unconditional and that it would never change. We didn't make it up, they gave us that information with their writing.
So again, ask yourselves why that is.
Because whatever non Byler explanation I try to come up with doesn't make sense.
Queerbaiting? More like Bylerbaiting at this point considering Will is gay and again, he could've been in love with anyone else or not be a queer character experiencing love at all.
Make Mil*even stronger? It literally did the opposite, the ship is going down in flames and we all know it. Their relationship isn't healthy, El's arc isn't about romantic love and the painting which was the only reason Mike proclaimed the romantic love he doesn't feel literally came from Will.
So... Again. Why?
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meraki-yao · 2 days
RWRB Book Thoughts: Ellen and Oscar
Re-reading RWRB and thinking about Oscar and Ellen. The thing is book Ellen and Oscar's relationship scares me because it's like the worst-case scenario of my own parents (they're a lot better now but covid was hell) So I understand it.
Ellen and Oscar are soulmates. As in they are both intelligent, stubborn and headstrong. They are very similar people. Unfortunately this is a case where it's like forcefully pushing two North ends of a magnet together: Ellen in particular wants and needs a complimentary relationship instead of collaborative relationship, which is why Leo works for her: Leo is meek compared to Oscar. He really just listens and generally agrees with Ellen. His appearances are limited in the book but when he does show up he doesn't really have his own opinion. Ellen wants/needs someone who won't speak up against her.
Honestly? I, kinda feel sad for Oscar. He said it himself, "We're both too fucking proud. But God, that woman. Your mother is, without question, the love of my life. I'll never love anyone else like that." It's sad to know that he never stopped loving Ellen while vice versa isn't true, and to know that she's it for Oscar.
When it comes to parenting I honestly think Oscar is the better parent. It was really shitty of him to leave without telling Alex and June and that evidently really hurt Alex til this day, but when it comes to the other parent things? I was re-reading/listening to Chapter Four today when he goes to DC for Christmas, and both Alex and June are so much more comfortable with him. Part of that is probably because he doesn't carry the inherent pressure of being the fucking president, but part of it is that he really cares about his kids as they are. Ellen downplays June's passion for journalism and pressures her into a political job that she didn't want at all, while Oscar "raved about June's latest blog post for The Atlantic". Ellen immediately started piling up all the political consequences of firstprince literally minutes after Alex plucked up the courage to come out to her while Oscar gave him relationship advice. This isn't to say Ellen isn't a good mother, she is flawed, as Oscar is, as all parents are. But if we're looking at non-crisis moments, Oscar's actions are more comfortable for his children.
There's a reason June initially wanted to go to California and be close to her dad. Yesterday I talked a little about how I hated how Ellen and Alex treated June at the earlier chapters of the book. Well in the rest of the book it's implied that she has a much closer relationship with Oscar, jumping into his arms when he arrives at the White House, him picking her up and spinning her when they arrive at the lakehouse.
Either way, Ellen and Oscar clash becasue they're too alike, and my opinion is that Ellen tends to fan the flames more, see Christmas dinner where Oscar suggests campaigning with them to help and she immediately shoots it down with "you can't be serious". Anyways, the children suffer the most. And uh, speaking from experience here, that shit never goes away. My parents are still together and are a lot better compared to the past, but I flinch at any sound of argument/angry yelling because of all of their fighting.
And there's this one paragraph in the book: "Even before Alex's parents split, they both had a habit of calling him by the other's last name when he exhibited a particular trait. They still do. When he runs his mouth off to the press, his mom called him into her office and says ' get your shit together Diaz.' When his hard-headedness gets him stuck, his dad texts him, 'Let it go, Claremont'" and God that's so shitty? To know, to be reminded that one parent hates the part of you that is from the other parent. Even if that's not what Ellen and Oscar's intention is, that's what it feels like, and it's really, fucking, shitty.
I wonder how would book Alex feel if he know that there was an alternative universe out there where his family was functional. I wonder how would he feel if he knew that movie Alex doesn't have his loving sister, but has loving, gentle parents who have a healthy, functional relationship.
My guess, is that he would say that he'd choose his life and his sister no matter what, and he means it because he does love June, but deep down a part of him would be jealous of movie Alex for having a smaller but healthier and happier family.
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Maybe, Shinichiro with a s/o that is friendly but a bit of an air-head. S/O is 5 years younger than Shinichiro (if this part makes you uncomfortable you may skip it. OF COURSE DO THIS IN THE ADULT TIMELINE WHERE THEY ARE BOTH ADULTS). S/O used to be a gang leader, when she first told Shinichiro about it, he kinda freaked out, warning her about the dangers of gang world but s/o just told him to trust her. S/O is considered pretty, she has heart shaped face and small waist. When she was in high school, she rejected 20 love confessions, her reason? In s/o's words, she didn't understand romantic love (andshealsodidn'tfeelthesameasherpretenders), to the point she was even called a heartbreaker, despite her just being honest about what she felt 🥲. If you need height, s/o is 1.74
Oh, and s/o gets along pretty well with Manjiro and Emma. She came from an orphan center as well. (She lives with her best friend whom she calls a 'sister'). She surprisingly has 'innocent feelings as well (ex. Shinichiro once went to buy an earring pair but he got into an accident that left him in a hospital for a few days, when he came back to s/o with the earrings, s/o saw the injuries, then she cried "I don't want this! I don't want you to be hurt because of me!" 😭. Shinichiro upon seeing this was surprised but mostly moved.)
Gang Activity {Shinichiro Sano}
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A/n: thanks for requesting but seriously, I didn't need that much of a detail because you almost wrote the piece yourself. That being said I didn't quite catch what the plot you wanted me to write was because I kind of got lost in the details you mentioned. And also yeah the details were pretty much useless because I don't include descriptions. I made the reader to be around the same age as Shin in the first timeline so about 22 or 23. Anyways, hope you like it.
Pairing: Shinichiro x fem!reader
Trigger Warnings: MANGA SPOILERS
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“Shit's not good for your lungs Shin.” You hugged Shinichiro and he returned the gesture by placing a kiss on your cheek. 
  “Ugh I could get used to this.” He exclaimed, throwing his head back to look at you rolling your eyes. A devilish smile was plastered on his face, a triumphant look in his eyes celebrating the way he had actually avoided your comment. But had he really? No, you loved pestering him about him smoking habits and he loved it as well.
  “Listen, I really didn't want to do this but here I go.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I told Manjiro and Emma about you moving in and um… Manjiro wanted to help with the whole process… so he… he wants to carry your things with his friends.” A sigh escaped Shinichiro's lips. 
  “I don't mind really.” 
  Mikey was for sure trying his luck on you, something that Shinichiro despised, to say the least, so having him help you move out of the apartment you shared with your best friend was the worst case scenario according to him.  
  It was funny seeing him being jealous of his brother however. During your first days together, you had concluded that his innocent jealousy was only because he had never had a girlfriend before so he didn’t know how to act but later on you found it was more than that.
  “He is literally twelve, relax.” You giggled. “That's how boys his age act.” It was a desperate attempt on your side to relax your nerves as well and Shinichiro knew that.
You had been honest with him, had told him all about you coming from an orphanage and the difficult years you spent there and he had been more than understanding. But while he could understand how difficult living without any parents was since he had lost his own parents too, what he couldn't quite understand was the fact that you couldn't seperate your best friend that easily.
The two of you living together had only been a natural progress since you now spent most nights at his place rather than your own and even though you had been quite hesitant to accept, you did it because you knew that someday it would happen. You couldn't live with your best friend forever no matter how much you wanted to.
Not surprisingly enough, your best friend had been way more excited than you. In her words it was about time you actually did something for yourself and not for someone else.     
Mikey and his friends came to the shop right after school ended, one hour after yout arrival at Shinichiro’s shop, and by the way the young Sano boy had walked in, you figured out that there had been some kind of stupid argument between the two brothers. Mikey shook his head and introduced you to his friends: Baji, Haruchiyo and Senju, Haruchiyo’s little sister. 
It wasn't long until you found out that they were just as chaotic as Mikey was so it was no surprise that Shinichiro had almost emptied not only his pack of cigarettes but also a small bottle with aspirins by the time you left. 
  “Go and pack your stuff and take whatever you guys can with you. I'll come for the heavier things in like half an hour from now.” Shinichiro had said.   
  “Thank you guys for offering to help me, it means a lot.” You told them once you were alone. You couldn't tell how you managed to be more anxious around four little kids than every other adult you had ever met. It was silly, really, given the reputation you had. But of course, no one knew that yet.
  “It's our pleasure.” Haru smiled and Baji with Mikey aggressively nodded their heads in affirmation. Senju was holding her older brother’s hand, not really talking throughout the entire walk back to your house. 
  “Okay this is how it will go: I'll take my guitar along with two boxes and the rest of you can take this small suitcase with some of my clothes, okay?” 
  It wasn’t okay. They protested because they didn’t want to let you carry both your guitar and the two boxes all alone and so you ended up agreeing on you taking just one box, Mikey and Baji the other two boxes, Haru the small suitcase and Senju a bag with your jewellery. Obviously you didn’t give them any heavy things and they were so excited that they never noticed you taking your guitar even though you had promised not to. 
  “Say Y/n.” Baji spoke while you were all walking towards Mikey's house. You noticed his eyes were glued on the insides of the box he was carrying. “Were you in some sort of gang?” The rest of the kids abruptly stopped walking and turned around to look at you. 
  “I was the leader actually.”
  And yes that was the reputation you have been talking about. It wasn’t much to be honest and it had gotten you in trouble many times but you were proud of it.  
  Everyone seemed to be in awe and suddenly they became even more energetic, saying how amazing and cool you were. If you hadn’t stopped them, they would have set the boxes on the street just to take a look at the box in Baji’s hands. 
  “Y/n, you know how to fight, right?” Baji asked you. You had reached Mikey’s house by that time and were catching your breath, getting ready to leave again.  
  “I do.” 
  “Amazing!” Haru and Senju said in sync.
  “Big bro doesn't know shit about fighting and he always got beaten up even though he was the leader.” Mikey rolled his eyes. 
  “Why are we suddenly talking about gangs?” Shinichiro took the box you had forgotten to set down and placed it on the floor of his room. 
  “Y/n was in one.” Mikey said and Shinichiro's eyes widened at the sound of this new information. He looked at you and then at the box Baji had opened which contained your gang uniform and some pictures you had taken with the founder members. There was also one box back in your apartment that contained the gifts that the members had given you the day you disbanded the gang. 
  “I…” Shinichiro was at a loss for words. You already knew what he was going to say as if he hadn't been a member of a gang himself. "You know that shit is dangerous, right?"
"So? I was really good at it, you know?" You waved him off and picked up the box Baji had been carrying. “This contains meetings, fights and general hangouts with the gang. One of the founding members was aiming to become a filmmaker therefore he was filming everything. If you guys are interested, you can watch it.” You handed the cassette to Mikey and almost immediately he and his friends went to the living room. “Shin?” you reached out to your boyfriend once the kids left. 
  “How can you get even more amazing as the days pass?” He smiled and patted your head, bringing you close for a hug. “Why didn't you tell me?"
"You never asked."
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queenlua · 2 days
hey. hey. what mtg deck would naesala play?
Naesala doesn’t play Magic: the Gathering.  what do you think he is, some kind of nerd?
…that’s what he says, at least. except, at some point, Leanne gets her hands on some cards & omigosh there are ANGELS on here and they’re so pretty!!! & so now she has an ANGELS DECK & she wants Naesala to play, so he’s like “fine i guess”
(this is when they’re all still young and precious and adorable.  also: Ice Age is the hot new set of cards in town.  no one is actually good at Magic yet, the only way you learn the rules is via exciting rumors on the playground, the metagame advances at the pace of a monthly Scrye magazine subscription, etc)
ANYWAY.  Naesala starts out just playing whatever pile of cards Leanne hands to him & is perfectly happy getting rolled by her; he’s really treating it as a social hanging-out kinda thing, kinda like pinochle or whatever
except then Reyson makes a whole THING of it, y’know.  he shows up with his own aggressively handcrafted green/white deck and he’s going to BEAT Naesala and that’s going to make him stop bugging LEANNE.  (i mean, it won’t, but insert whatever adolescent boy logic you like here)
Naesala doesn’t care that much about winning either way, but he *is* a horrible troll and enjoys rankling Reyson
so that’s when he bothers walking into an Actual Hobby Shop for the first time (taking care not to touch anything more than he has to) (when is the last time anyone dusted this place or wiped down a counter, gross) & he asks if they have a copy of The Official Rules & he then proceeds to read them cover-to-cover
and thus, the following week, he’s the one that breaks the news to Reyson, mid-game, that regeneration can’t save your creatures from Wrath of God & Reyson is PISSED.  “that’s not fair” “it’s the rules” “you hafta SAY that first” “sorry Reyson but your river boa is dead” etc etc insert childish squabbling here
anyway.  fast-forward a bunch of years + one genocide later, and, dang, it’s been a while since Naesala and Reyson talked, huh?
Naesala hasn’t touched the game much in the interim.  i mean, he’s played some, because he’s got this one annoying underling who’s really into it, and part of being a good leader is very occasionally letting your hair down & letting everyone dunk on you in some goofy multiplayer MtG game in the mess hall.  so he has a couple gimmicky decks he’s thrown together for casual play.  he’s got a Relentless Rats + Thrumming Stone deck.  he’s got a goofy Tinker deck—he put it together when he was REALLY out of the loop, and thought he’d discovered this great new combo no one else had noticed—he was pissed when he learned that card had been banned, like, two years ago, dude.
but his main deck is this black/white weenie deck that he’s cobbled together over the years—it’s charmingly old school but still holds up reasonably well.  it’s got Hypnotic Specter and Order of the Ebon Hand and Order of the White Shield and Hymn to Tourach, and he’s thrown in a Stromgald Crusader and a Damnation and such over time, it doesn’t exactly adhere to good modern deck design principles but it generally puts in a respectable showing.
meanwhile, Reyson has gotten *way* too into MtG—like, uncomfortably into it. have you ever had a friend who got Way Into A Particular Hobby Because They Were Clearly Desperately Unhappy About Something Else In Their Life? And They’re Trying To Tell You About All This Insane Hobby Drama That They’re WAY Too Invested In And You’re Trying To Find A Subtle Way To Tell Them Bro Get A Little Bit Of A Life Please?  yeah, that.
i mean, it’s understandable!!!  he can’t possibly compete with the hawks in all their reindeer games, dude just literally does not have the muscle, but there is a decent contingent of hawks that are pretty into MtG so he is determined to dominate there.
Reyson is not a natural talent at the game, but he’s a total grind, so he is in fact the most dominant MtG player on all of Phoenicis.  so when Naesala shows up in Phoenicis for the first time in years and years, and Reyson's got all these Unresolved Feelings about that whole deal, of course he challenges Naesala to a game of MtG, yugioh frenemy style, to test his friendship mettle or something
Reyson’s playing a ridiculously aggro red/black deck.  i’m thinking some good filthy gargadon rakdos.  just on and on and on the attack
so Naesala gets out his charmingly old school black/white weenie deck, kinda rolling his eyes, but sure he’ll give Reyson a game if he wants a game, no Reyson he doesn’t know if it’s a standard legal deck or not but it’s the deck he’s got, will you shut up and just play—
and Reyson’s mostly dominating, but Naesala’s doing his level best to hang in there, and the match comes to a rather dramatic climax when Naesala manages to stabilize during one of the games & he taps out to cast a 5-mana big boi—
and, yeah, of course Naesala’s janky old school black/white deck has a Serra’s Angel as a win condition & yeah it’s the exact same one Leanne gifted him years and years ago & they both know it.
they end the game pretty quickly & awkwardly after that & neither of them remembers who actually won.
(wow this Naesala guy is such a simp.  god this is such a fucking cheesy moment.  i hate this, hold on, i’m gonna go throw up in my mouth a little… OKAY i’m back.)
ANYWAY.  all that plays out, doot dee doo, fast forward to post-Radiant Dawn:
* Reyson’s a very happy red/white Boros player these days.  he has chilled out a little bit but is still pretty easy to bait into getting Mad And Competitive again.  (Tibarn frequently does this because it’s kind of cute when Reyson’s pissed about magical cards) ((Tibarn’s decks are absolute piles, oh my god.  just the most janky barely-functional Timmy stuff imaginable. someone explain the concept of a mana curve to this poor man))
* Leanne still likes ANGELS!!!! & also white weenie stuff & also cute stuff generally.  despite her benign appearance & her weakness for playing Cute Stuff over Good Stuff, she’s a more naturally talented player than Reyson & has just enough of a killer instinct to generally come out on top
* Naesala favors black, and mostly just tries to figure out whatever deck he can play to troll his local meta, but he’s still got that black/white deck in a sentimental drawer somewhere.
also: look, i don’t play Commander nearly enough to provide any substantive commentary on that front, but… my very first instinct, when i read this question, was: “this bitch would definitely run Braids, Cabal Minion as his commander.”  except i looked it up and apparently Braids is Very Banned In Commander.  boo.  does the format ban fun, too.  c’mon, let a dude ruin everyone’s game every once in a while!!!  i think Naesala is equally pissed about Braids being banned is what i’m saying
so yeah that is my complete theory of Naesala And Magic The Gathering lol
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windywriter · 3 days
Who has Pathetic Worm Energy when in a relationship
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Definitions/explanations under read more because this got LONG
Definitions: What is Pathetic worm energy?
To me Pathetic Worm energy has two definitions
The act of making a fool out of ones self in order to receive affection/pity from a loved one/romantic partner
The over correction one makes in order to avoid making a fool out of oneself in front of a loved one/potential romantic partner.
One's general pathetic energy for both funny and unfunny reasons.
Potential Pathetic Worm Energy:
A bit self explanatory but I feel that these characters have potential to be silly but only in certain situations. Additionally, this definition includes portrayals/characterizations that I personally find are close enough to canon that I could imagine it happening without straying too far.
These characters will only show a softer (wormier) side to them under very specific circumstances and feel as though they have a reputation to uphold.
These ones I feel either do not fit into any of the categories listed above or I just do not have a firm grasp on their character.
Has Pathetic worm energy:
Some of these characters are a bit obvious (Takemichi, Shinichiro, Akkun) however, I would like to explain why I put a few characters on here.
Kisaki: I feel like Kisaki fits into the over correction definition because when you look at what he did on paper, its kinda pathetic. He started all this shit, ruined friendships, orchestrated literal gang wars, killed/had innocent civilians killed all just to show one person, who didnt even really like him, how great he was.
Shion: Mainly because of how boisterous he is about his position only to get sandbagged multiple times throughout the story. And while the same could be said about the Haitani brothers, I feel like Shion's lack of charisma sort of gives him a different kind which pushes him to the top.
Takeomi: I feel he more fits the third definition. This is mainly because, despite the fact that he was moved to tears by Senju's genuine conviction he still fell to his greedy nature. And honestly, if that isnt textbook tragedy I dont know what is.
Has potential Pathetic worm energy:
Okay, these ones will require a little more explanation.
Rindou: For him, I have seen interesting interpretations of his character where he has a bit of an inferiority complex due to being stuck in his older brother's shadow. Which I find very interesting as it gives his character depth and a good contrast to Angry and Hakkai during their fight. However, I did not put him in the top tier because it is an interpretation and i feel like Rindou would only show that side in reaction to being compared to his brother rather than naturally doing it.
Mikey: While he is spoiled and possessive I feel like those traits only apply when he isnt locked in. I am also not including the other Mikeys because I feel like there isnt much to go off of. Though I guess Botan Mikey would probably be in "Pathetic worm" tier but for less funny haha reasons and more "This dude genuinely needs help" reasons.
Ran: Like Rindou, I feel like he'd probably only show a more cutesy spoiled side to him if it was calculated beforehand. He is the Charisma of Roppongi. However, I have also seen interpretations where the person he was trying to charm manage to outwit him (unwittingly or not) and leave him surprised. Which honestly, I find the gap moe very cute. Its fun to see The Ruler of Roppongi Ran Haitani left flabbergasted by someone he thought he had dancing in the palm of his hand.
Kazutora + Sanzu: I put these two together because while their obsessions are adjacent to Pathetic Worm territory, I feel like what stops them from going to that tier is the fact that they are incredibly dangerous people. And while that may sound rich coming from a tier list about Tokyo Revengers, with characters like the Haitani brothers on it, I feel like Kazutora and Sanzu ( particularly Botan Sanzu) are on a different level because they are willing to get their hands dirty and are not able to be talked down if you were to try to talk to them when they are in a certain headspace. So less funny haha, more "Oh God I need to get away now."
Takuya Yamamoto: Hes mainly here on the virtue of being apart of the Mizo Middle Five (Makoto is in the same tier is just forgot about him). However what holds him back from being at the top is his laid back nature. Yes he probably would act like a fool, but I feel like he wouldnt go too overboard. And I feel like hes too laid back to really worry about his reputation. Truly, hes probably the freest person here.
What convinced me about him for this position is his relationship with Yasuda and their dynamic. Its very sweet how far he went to help the sewing club.
Kakucho: The reason I put him here is because while he is very loyal and I can imagine that resulting in some entertaining scenarios, I also feel like Kakucho has a really bad habit of codependency. Additionally, I feel like hes just so sincere that he could say the sappiest pickup line and you'd still think hes cool.
Inupi: Mainly for similar reasons as Kakucho. However, I feel like what holds him back is instead is his kinda deadpan expression. So while he might say some out of pocket stuff, he says it so matter-of-factually you'll be the one reacting instead of him.
Angry: Like Rindou, I feel like he has a sort of natural inclination towards being spoiled being the baby of the family. However, what stops him from joining Hakkai is his eternal grimace + hes decently sensible so i doubt he'd go too far.
I feel like she approaches Worm energy I feel like her sincerity + natural charisma tips the scales a little.
Izana: Honestly, I think he'd rather die than be perceived as having a flaw in any way. He has his moments, but I doubt he'd make that much of a big deal out of them. And if anyone tried well, theyl'll probably wake up with a few missing teeth, and loved ones.
Draken: I feel like while he certainly does have his cute moments (especially with Emma). I feel like his straightfoward nature keeps him from truly indulging in the silly.
Smiley: Now, this is purely speculative but I feel like because Smiley tends to hide parts of himself in order to look cool
Baji: While he is quite honest with himself, I remember in the boyfriend tier list for Touman he was mentioned to be a bit tsundere so i put him here.
Hanma, Mochizuki, South: With how inscrutable Hanma is its sort of hard to pin him down. As for Mochizuki and South, I dont have a very good grasp of their characters so I dont feel very confident about them. Sorry.
Mitsuya, Yuzuha, Naoya, Benkei, Wakasa, Muto, Pah: I feel like they would just kinda be normal? Like, they'll have their cute moments but I dont think they'd go out of their way to act like fool to impress their partner.
Taiju: Excluding his habit of expressing "love" via violence, I feel like Taiju is so straight laced that he probably doesnt have a reason to do much outside of the basics for a relationship.
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sketch-guardian · 3 days
Mc having a second secret acc that the rad classmates and angels don’t know about and it’s literally them just being super down bad saying the most heinously down bad things that got even the devil and god shaking in their boots from how down bad they are so down bad they’ve become a meme but for shits a gigs I think it’d be interesting if they heard about it from other students from RAD and just assume the worst of what’s in the acc and ask azul to snoop/azul snoops and around and it’s just Mc being so down bad like going feral down bad ex
“So you guys saw how Domnra beat the shit out of that student today right? Well goddamn how I wish it were me like YALL SAW HOW HOT HE LOOKED RIGHT?!”
Like it’s just Sukuna/Gojo fan level of downbadness like so down bad it’ll get a reaction out of Nathanial type of downbadness!!
Or another scenario is they’re already dating and Mc is pretty normal like normal flirty stuff but the acc is jsut horrendous from how down bad they are
(Sorry for the word vomit😭)
Don't worry about the word vomit, honestly I find this ask hilarious😂I'll try my best to write some good headcanons☺I also apologize for the delay🙈I was looking for a university for a master's degree these days, lessons start next week so I'll start being busy again😭:
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Demya is a pretty shameless demon, especially when it comes to her mate, in fact she would have no problem with PDA or showing her affection for MC through compliments and praise, after all she has to let everyone know that they're a couple, so as to discourage competition and let them see just how proud she is of MC. So, the fact that MC has a secret secondary account dedicated exclusively to simp for her even at different times of the day, such as when she eats, hunts or dances, would make Demya curious about the reason for MC's secrecy, but also very amused, she would probably tease MC about it every now and then, even posing on purpose in case they wanted to post new pics, maybe even together this time. It wouldn't be the first time she has received compliments, but Demya would prefer them from MC, because they would be more genuine and without ulterior motives
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Domnra, of all people, would actually be the one with the most doubts and who would immediately think the worst at the suspicion that his partner is hiding something from him, not because he doesn't trust MC, but because he is a fairly insecure demon, although it doesn't look like it, especially due to his anger issues. Therefore, when Mobim would cheerfully come to him with his D.D.D in its little arms in order to show him a surprise, Domnra would be quite puzzled, but relieved, to find out that MC only has a secret secondary account used to post sappy comments about him. Domnra would be quite flustered to read certain down bad posts, especially those about him listening to music, his training sessions or fights, it's likely that he wouldn't confront MC on the subject, however Domnra would usually reread certain posts when he feels down, to raise his self-esteem. Mobim, instead of down bad comments, would find posts where MC would treat the little curse as a baby or a puppy. Mobim would likely be more affectionate towards MC, grateful for their love
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Bold of MC to assume that Azul wouldn't post down bad comments and photos dedicated to his lovely star without shame on his main Devilgram account, after all he is a simp par excellence and proud of it, Azul isn't bashful to show his devotion and admiration for his source of inspiration, that is MC. It wouldn't take Azul long to figure out the identity behind MC's secret secondary account, he would chuckle to himself as he read the posts, while his colors would change from light blue to pale pink, index of affection. In a sing-song tone Azul would go to MC to tell them he had discovered their little secret, teasing them lovingly with hugs and kisses. Azul wouldn't understand the reason behind MC's shyness, but if they want to simp for him in secret while he paints, sculpts or floats around, who is he to stop them? Azul would also find amusing that both him and MC seem consider themselves each other muses
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Not gonna lie, Zuri has several admirers despite having worked as a model only on few occasions, so being flattered would be nothing new for her, even as an angel in the Celestial Realm she had people who at the mere sight of her turned to stare at her beauty, Zuri's aware of her appearance and makes sure to take care of it, however she wouldn't pay much attention to fans, more committed to improving her style and sewing skills. It's likely that Azul, being a troublemaker and a snitch, would show Zuri the down bad posts about her and it would take Zuri only a few seconds to guess that MC was behind the secret account, probably recognizing their way of typing, she's a detail-oriented and perceptive demon after all. Zuri would find MC's sappy posts about her working, trying on new clothes, during social events and although slightly exasperated, she would eventually let out an amused scoff and smile faintly. Zuri would approach the topic with MC with caution, not wanting to embarrass them too much, to their surprise she might even propose to do something romantic together in the privacy of her home, given that they seem so infatuated with her
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Although Odon doesn't use social media much, because technology sometimes struggles to work due to their eldritch horror nature, that doesn't mean they wouldn't discover MC's secret secondary account, rather they would find out about it thanks to their eye-like creatures, who can see everything in Devildom, probably even MC writing the down bad posts, unknown to them, in fact the grumpy eye-like creature (Bob) would stare at MC with an unimpressed gaze, while the cheerful eye-like creature (Rob) would look at them with a sly gaze, in any case, the familiars would report everything to Odon. For Odon, such down bad posts would remind them of their youth, when there were some cults that worshipped them and made sacrifices in their honor, hoping of being noticed. Looking back on it, Odon would find that past fact quite awkward, because although flattered, they would think it was all quite unnecessary. However, MC's comments would please Odon, because they would be grateful to be genuinely liked and to be seen as a good friend, even if some posts would confuse the eldritch horror, especially the most feral ones, for simple actions such as reading or cooking. Odon would only confront MC on the subject if they thought they wouldn't get too embarrassed, after all Odon doesn't want to upset them, they would likely write MC a poem though, to return their kindness in their own way
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Remiel is still learning how to use a D.D.D, having never had to use such means of communication before, so someone else would have to show the angel of death how social media works and possibly let her discover MC's secret secondary account, a guy like Azul for example. Remiel, as often has occurred, would be a little confused by such custom, not understanding the feral posts and trying to interpret them from a logical point of view, furthermore she wouldn't know why MC posted such comments instead of talking to her. Remiel, being a gloomy yet blunt angel, would have no trouble saying what she thinks of MC, even if her statements would be more on the sweet, emotional and poetic side. MC's down bad comments that would strike Remiel the most would be the soft ones, those of encouragement, complimenting her while she learns, flies and stares at things absent mindedly, the sweetness could make Remiel shed some tears, not used to such displays of love if not from her family. Speaking of feral posts, since she would be confused, Remiel would ask for explanations from a person she trusts, namely her father Death, so depending on how inappropriate some of MC's comments are, they could find the fucking grim reaper outside their front door
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In the Celestial Realm, Nathaniel is seen as a sort of mentor, a figure that many look up to for wisdom, so it wouldn't be uncommon to find people who admire him for his appearance as well, ethereal according to some, without effort, Nathaniel has always been very casual about it though, since physical appearance is one of the last things on his mind. Nathaniel knows enough about social media, he would check them every now and then out of pure curiosity, but he would still be flabbergasted to see posts about himself and it takes a lot to catch Nathaniel off guard, so MC's down bad comments must be really feral to have made even the archangel react. Nathaniel would be amused to see sappy posts about him as he meditates, takes strolls through nature or practices archery with his hair tied in a ponytail, he would find them cute, if a little exaggerated. MC would notice Nathaniel occasionally glancing at their D.D.D and then showing them a small knowing smile, without elaborating any further, before disappearing into another room, leaving MC with the doubt of whether or not he has discovered their secret, his nonchalant and quiet attitude wouldn't help at all. Nathaniel may seem innocent, but he can be a bit of a tease when he wants to
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Uriel wouldn't often use a D.D.D, not used to communicating with similar means, so it would take someone like Nathaniel to point out to the warrior angel that someone is writing about her and with great enthusiasm to boot, he would also make it clear that MC is the one behind the secret account, otherwise Uriel would ignore the matter. Uriel would be confused by the praise, as she technically isn't a saint to be worshipped or entrusted with one's prayers, however she would still appreciate the admiration towards herself, especially during her training sessions, duties and times in her armor. However, Uriel wouldn't understand why MC, in their secret secondary account, would confess and insist on wanting to be crushed, stepped on or squeezed by her, the warrior angel would not find such masochism healthy and could get scandalized by some feral posts. At the beginning, Uriel would ask MC for explanations, but over time, despite the embarrassment, Uriel would also proclaim her pride and love, only upon request though, as she thinks such displays should be private
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 17 hours
I'm aroacespec (and honestly confused about where I fall on that spectrum, but I do know I'm sex/romance favorable) and tbh my relationship with shipping is weird.
There are some ships I look at and I'm like "how can you see this as anything but romantic" and there are other ships where I'm like "okay but why do we have to ship them, can't they just be friends?" and it's almost always the total opposite of what the fandom majority's view is. For example, my Sonic "how can you see this as anything but romantic" ship is Espilver, and my "okay but why do we have to ship them, can't they just be friends?" ship is Silvaze.
I will say that something I've noticed is there tends to be a double-standard with allo people (specifically cishet people) when it comes to ships. You get a ton of "why can't they just be friends" with slash and femslash ships, but then those same people will ship a het pairing that look at each other in a single frame. I don't know if it's something that's more obvious to me because I'm gay myself (or even if it's more obvious because I'm aroacespec specifically), but it's weird to me. I choose to look at it this way: if this was a het ship with the same character dynamic, would people still say "why can't they just be friends?"
That's not to say aroace people are in the wrong for looking at a pairing and saying "can't they just be friends? Why do we have to ship them?" but with a lot of cishet people specifically, it feels like there's a lot of people perpetuating a borderline homophobic double-standard. I get it when it's something like Scott and Jay from Ninjago, but so many masc characters' dynamics are canonically given homoerotic or even just romantic undertones (a good example of this being, in my opinion, Sonadow; there's not an almost 3 and a half hour long Sonadow iceberg video on YouTube for no reason. As far as I'm aware it's the longest Sonic-related iceberg video on YouTube that covers exclusively official content) which is why people tend to gravitate towards those ships. I could do an entire analysis on why gay ships tend to have bigger followings than het ships but if I did this would get too long lmao. I will once again point to the Sonadow iceberg video though.
I generally use shipping to explore my own relationship with my aroace-ness, and usually I do that using characters I either headcanon as aroace in some way or who are canonically aroace, because I can relate to those experiences. It's kinda weird to me to see other aroace people acting like doing that is bad or wrong, because usually that's what people are doing, and even if that's not what's going on, fanfiction doesn't affect canon.
There is no right or wrong way to participate in fandom (unless you're harassing people and/or actively putting people in danger), no matter what you identify as.
Basically: People should be allowed to do what they want, if something bothers you that bad there's nothing wrong with blocking a person or tag.
(I might've gotten off subject a few times, sorry lol)
Okay, that thing about blocking tags inspired me to look through my blocked tags to see what ships I've blocked and here's my petty aroace thoughts on all of them without naming names lmao
Fanon het ship. They've never given any indication that they know of each other's existence. Her girlfriend is right there.
Canon het ship. Had the chemistry of two wet paper bags. Literally just shoehorned in there because god forbid any story exist without a romance subplot.
Semi-canon het ship. I'm mostly neutral about them. Just unnecessary.
Fanon mlm ship. Literally brothers?? I don't care that one of them is adopted, they grew up together?? As brothers??
Fanon het ship. I don't care what you call their relationship. You can call it professional, platonic, familial, just please don't call it romantic.
Semi-canon het ship. Again, completely unnecessary. God forbid a man convince a woman to become a villain without there being ~attraction~
Fanon het ship. She is 14?? And he is like 30??
Semi-semi-canon het ship. He did have a crush on her when he was, like, 14 but he's a grown adult now and she's the most lesbian-looking woman to ever exist and they're the most found family siblings to ever find a family
Fanon mlm ship. I personally see them more as brothers. But whatever floats your boat.
Semi-canon het ship. Just really shoehorned. I don't like the woman very much. I liked her more when she was allowed to be a badass without being a ~flirty badass~
Fanon mlm ship. Again. Adopted brothers. Gross.
Canon het ship. I've seen many things from this director. He's a creative man. He couldn't think of a way to move the plot forward without a smooch?? He couldn't create a series that didn't have an unnecessary love triangle??
Semi-canon het ship. The man isn't coming back for S2 and boy folly gee am I glad
Fanon het ship. Not my cup of tea. Just let them be friends
good lord I have a lot more ship tags blocked than I thought
anyway, this is your daily reminder to just block stuff you don't want to see and move on
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rainybraindays · 1 year
The best dc friendship is Ted kord blue beetle and booster gold, and if you disagree thats okay but clearly you're blind
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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Bare skin, bare feelings.
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s0fter-sin · 5 months
i need ghoap frantically making out against a door finally taking the leap on their feelings. need ghost grinding against soap, expecting to find him just as hard as him, only to feel nothing
and in all his wisdom and experience, he concludes soap was tortured and never told him
he’s trying to think of a delicate way to say he understands, that he’s been through it and it doesn’t change anything about how he feels (and who the fuck touched him so he can hunt them down and rend them limb from limb)
meanwhile trans!soap’s just trying to find the best angle to grind his cunt on ghost’s thigh
just it never even entering ghost’s head bc he’s never known a trans person but he has met plenty of people who’ve been tortured - himself included - so of course that’s his logical leap
soap takes off his shirt and he sees his top surgery scars and ghost asks if he wants him to kill the one who did it and soap just hums like, “actually, man did pretty good, they healed real well,” and ghost’s just teary-eyes with awe at how well he’s coping, “looking on the bright side, that’s my johnny.”
imagine he thinks johnny was fully castrated but sees he’s determined to still have a sex life with him so he buys packers and straps to help him bc hell yeah healing and soap’s just like, “holy shit i’ve never had such a thoughtful partner before, such a sweet man, lt.”
#he a little confused but he got the spirit#its so good bc it can be super angsty of ghost really dreading whats been done to his sergeant and trying to make it right#or just go full crack treated seriously and have fun with it#i love just completely oblivious ghost#in any military context hes the smartest guy in the room#he always knows the play and has more experience than anyone#but stick him in the normal world? man is Lost#ghost just thinks hes had some kind of reconstruction surgery after being tortured and accepts thats what johnny looks like#bc hes never seen a pussy before#it takes years for soap to actually come out to him bc he just never thought to#hes seen him naked theyve literally slept together what else is there for him to say#then he shows him like a family album or something and ghosts just like ‘why arent you in any of these i only see girls’#and he just goes ‘hang on a second’#soap gets one of his sporadic periods one night and panics a little thinking it would weird ghost out or remind him that hes not cis#but ghost just thinks its a normal part of such a thorough reconstruction that hed bleed sometimes#and doesnt question it when soap grabs a pad out of his drawer bc ‘thats such a good way of handling the discharge my johnnys so smart’#just really supportive ghost for the wrong reasons#coming out of my cage and ive been doing just fine.txt#we’re a team. ghost team#soapghost#ghostsoap#simon ghost riley#ghost cod#john soap mactavish#soap cod#save post
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puhpandas · 4 months
I love ggy so much how did they accidentally make the most intriguing hypothetical gay romance ever
#also the book is just so fucking good#and tony becker is literally the best fnaf book protaganist ever once you understand his character#and how crazy the book writes him#like oh my god hes so tunnel visioned doomed by the narritave#any scenario where tony survives the attack is the best idea ever like fr#its just so fun and awesome to make stuff up with that very loose premise#like u can do anything#and the characters are likeable too because they have FLAWS#tony isnt a bad person hes just in a bad place and is an asshole without realizing#and also twelve#like how am i not supposed to become obsessed with beckory when tony spent the whole book#accidentally obsessing over gregorys evil side and then being so tunnel visioned by his own emotional baggage that it kills him#exactly how his father warned him#and his father is the reason hes even so deep into solving mysteries like#and u can put that onto gregory if tony ever survived the attack#like he wouldnt want to believe it the same way he didndt want to believe his dad did it and repeat history#by delving deep into ggy#like damn every relationship ever with gregory is so fucking interesting#ggy never stop being awesome#pandas.txt#obviously beckory isnt the only reason i like ggy but damn its a big reason#tony and Gregory are both so flawed and have so much going on in their head theyd be fucking crazy together#also expanding on the tony stuff i said earlier gregorys side has so much potential too like#even if tony died if gregory ever remembered hed mourn tony and have to deal with that#even if they werent even that close at the time and Gregory doesnt even like. actually have any memories of being friends with him#and if tony survived its like gregorys remembering this faceless nameless boy as the only connection to his past#like what if they both searched for eachother after surviving what then
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