#they could have a secret love child or could genuinely hate each other
angevvine · 4 months
not sure how to articulate this but i’ll try my best
honestly one of the best parts of npmd/ hatchet field in general is the potential for dynamics
like every character is so fun and charming that u could basically mix and match them however and it always works
prolly most obviously is the idea of jon matteson’s characters being a family, the idea of them all at thanksgiving is brill, but why stop there?
like i could just put names in a generator and every result has dozens of scenarios and possible dynamics
they could hate each other or be madly in love and either way be in character
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alienzil · 11 months
Okay so I saw this post and you know the types of fics where adult Danny moves to Gotham and winds up emotionally adopting one or more of bat kids or accidentally coparenting with Bruce (with or without a relationship between them)? I had the thought, what if Danny parented the bat kids but he started doing it out of spite?
Like, Danny moves to Gotham and runs into Batman and Robin one night while out for a late night flight and drops down to the rooftop to say hi.
Bruce sees this 5'6" twink that looks like a stiff breeze could knock him over and is so obviously new in town and thinks Gotham is going to eat him alive, he needs to leave before he gets killed.
Batman: Looming menacingly and in his deepest scariest Batman voice, "Leave. Metas aren't allowed in Gotham."
Danny: Offend! Excuse?! Who does this guy think he is?! 😡 Danny was trying to be polite here! "First of all, I'm not a meta. Second of all, rude much?!"
Batman: Does scariest bat glare. "Leave." Swoops off into the night.
Robin (Damian): "My father is correct. You should leave the city for your own safety."
Danny sees this tiny vigilante child with fierce expression and a sword and is just like awww, so cute! 😍 Then he noticed Robin had a small cut on his arm and his inner gremlin activates. If the rude flying furry can't take care of his own kid properly, Danny will do it better!
He bandages up Damian's arm, gives him a cookie and teaches him a neat sword trick before sending him on his way with a hug telling him he needs his sleep.
Danny goes out of his way to run into the bat kids and be the absolute best dad.
He takes Nightwing flying and throws him in the air so Nightwing can do all the fanciest acrobatic tricks.
He tracks down Red Hood and starts a book club with him (Danny may or may not have used his connection with Ghost Writer to get ahold of some rare books).
He eats waffles with Spoiler and trys out weird topping combinations that make them both make faces and laugh.
He makes new gadgets for Red Robin but carefully breaks them just a little bit and takes them to the teen so they can fix them together (it's enrichment!). He always insists RR keep them as a reward.
He follows Signal around during the day invisibly, making faces and doing tricks only Signal can see (he made him laugh in front of the police at a crime scene twice!).
All of the kids get his attention and love and Danny smugly thinks how Batman must be absolutely seething about his kids bonding with Danny and Batman missing out on all of it.
Danny started it out of spite but he does wind up genuinely loving the bat kids.
Batman definetly hates it when the kids are bonding with Danny and is extremely jealous (sulky Batman brooding in his cave about it).
Bruce's repeated attempts to intimidate Danny into leaving Gotham don't work and him telling his kids to stay away from Danny had zero effect (the terrible children don't listen to him at all).
So Bruce starts spending more time with the kids to compete against Danny. The bat kids love it and (little gremlins that they are) use the two of them against each other constantly.
Bruce:"Sorry Tim, I can't make it to your photography exhibit this weekend, there's a meeting with the Justice League."
Tim:"Oh that's fine... I'll just ask Danny to come." 😏
Bruce: Narrows his eyes and grits his teeth, "Actually, the Justice League needs to have contingencies in place to manage without my input. This would be a good time to test their capabilities. I'll skip the meeting and come to your exhibit."
With both of them competing to spend more time with the kids it leads to the two of them spending time with each other to be around the kids more.
After Damian catches a terrible flu bug, Danny spends an entire weekend at the manor babying him. This is when Bruce finds out Danny has known their secret identities for months and tries to get mad about it but Alfred puts his foot down, raises a judgmental eyebrow in Bruce's direction that puts a stop to that nonsense and sets up Danny with his own room in the family wing.
Eventually, Danny gets to the point where he spends most of his nights at the manor and he and Bruce consult each other on all major household decisions.
The whole family is at the manor one morning including Danny. Bruce has a meeting at WE and he and Danny are absently discussing their plans for the day at the breakfast table.
Bruce: " The meeting should take most of the morning and then I have paperwork this afternoon and a scheduled walk through on one of the new engineering projects. I probably won't be done by the time school let's out. Can you pick up Damian today?"
Danny: "That shouldn't be a problem. Would you mind swinging by the bookstore on the way home and getting my preorder? Jay and I just finished rereading the first book and we were wanting to start the second tonight before you all go on patrol. I'd rather not try to make it to the bookstore in school rush hour traffic"
Bruce: "Sure."
Stephanie watches Danny reach out and absently straighten Bruce's tie as they both get up to leave. Bruce grabs Danny's coffee thermos and hands it to him while they walk out the door.
Stephanie: "Sooo, bets on how long until they realize they're basically married?"
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zukomysweetbabyboy · 1 year
This may be a controversial opinion but I'm glad that Azula was the prodigy firebender and not Zuko not just because Aang stumbling upon the prodigies of all the elements is unrealistic and feels cheaper but it was so essential to both Zuko and Azula's character arcs.
I mean, it’s no secret that Azula's character arc did not get the attention that she deserved. But from what we did get, we know that she put a lot (and I mean A LOT) of her self worth in her firebending which isn't surprising because she idolized Ozai and he was fucking useless without bending and, specifically, in being better than Zuko. Azula was the best firebender in the world and inheriting an entire kingdom at FOURTEEN years old. From her father, she was taught that she was safe as long as she was better than Zuko ("You can't treat me like this! You can't treat me like Zuko!"). This meant being sneaky (staying behind in the throne room while Azulon talked to Ozai), being emotionless (teasing Zuko about his grandfather literally ordering his father to kill him - what the fuck baby Azula), being tactful (knowing the answer to the question Ozai asked in the throne room & only speaking in turn), being perfect ("Almost isn't good enough!"), and most importantly: being the best firebender (mastering advanced forms as a child, blue firebending, etc.). She was taught from her mother that these things made her a monster ("My own mother thought I was a monster - she was right of course", "What is wrong with that child"). She was smart enough to know that she couldn’t have the acceptance from both parents, but acceptance from Ozai meant being safe and acceptance from Ursa meant being loved, and to Azula being safe was more important.
This is where the difference between Zuko and Azula starts. Where Azula is all head (being safe > being loved), Zuko is all heart. Zuko didn't understand why his father hated him or why Azula was cold. He was genuine in his love and in his hurt and in his anger. He wasn't good at being the perfect prince, so he couldn't gain acceptance from his father (he couldn't be safe) but he clung to his mother (preferring her company even to Mai and Ty Lee and Azula, who were his age). He internalized what she said in the throne room about his struggling making him strong, and we see him repeat that sentiment throughout the show. Zuko's sense of identity comes from his persistence whereas Azula's comes from her perfection and both of these ideals are trauma responses. It's obvious that it's not healthy for Azula to base her identity around being perfect and It's no wonder she cracked by the end of the series although that should have been handled SO MUCH better - WHERE is the buildup she deserved, Bryke. But it is also not healthy for Zuko to base his identity around struggle, even though this flaw doesn't drive him insane like Azula's perfection and in a fucked up sort of way it is productive to him being a great Fire Lord. Zuko's character arc is well done (maybe the most well done character arc ever, actually) but he finishes the show with a lot of growth left to do.
tldr: Both of their characters relied on Azula being a prodigy and Zuko not being. Azula is all head and Zuko is all heart and their parents pitted them against each other.
p.s. I have SO many thoughts about their dynamic and how canon could have been tweaked just a little bit to make it so beautiful and tragic and compelling, but that will have to be a different post. Also all of the quotes are from memory so if they're wrong oops.
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tbgkaru-woh · 5 months
hi hi hi!!! since last time u asked for hcs or ideas, and i couldn't come up with any in the moment, I AM HERE TO SHARE (mine) AND ASK UR OPINIONS ON XIANXUAN (WWX X JZX) NOW... 😩
dont even get me started, personally for me, its HARD TO NOT ship two men who have punched each other for at least once in their life. AND WHEN THEY BOTH ACTUALLY HV CONSIDERATION FOR EO DEEP DOWN LIKE from hating each other's guts to punching each other's face to competing to an extent (over one girl literally) to actually having no hard feelings for each other to having consideration deep down for each other to believing in each other (to love the girl genuinely) to wwx accidentally and unintentionally killing jzx to mourning over his death and blaming himself for all of it to living again and taking care of his child...😩 i...ok half of the grief came bcs of shijie but ONE CAN IMAGINE AAAAH.
im sorry for making this long, help. (honestly ure the first ever acc i have found shipping them in one of ur arts so i HAVE to rant omg)
i love their dynamic sm, somehow i want wwx to top jzx at any fucking cost. WHY ?! because he wanna prove he's better and better and BETTER than this fucking peacock and he wanna crush his attitude so bad like...and jzx just tryna keep up with him and this fucker is back with new tricks to put him where he belongs. then ends up putting him under himself. oMG. help. im crazy. bye.
SJSHSKSK MY GOD. looks like im gonna go on a brainrot.
They were some of the most obvious to me too only to find no one talking about them, I guess the whole WangXian tunnel-vision and Jin Zixuan not having a fandom will do that to a dynamic.
I just hoped in canon they'd have...more. I wanted to see their arc, I wanted them to fight side by side, wanted to see Zixuan defend Wei Wuxian in front of the gossipy pricks and his word mattering to them, wanted to see Wei Wuxian punch someone for Jin Zixuan, instead of punching him for Yanli.
Straight Zixuan is also extremely boring to me and him secretly crushing on the brothers, maybe even popping a boner while wwx gets REAL CLOSE to him during a fight and needing to leave RIGHT NOW... He'll be a good bridge between the two, he's quiet, arrogant and loyal to duty as Jiang Cheng is, but wwx is what he wished he could be like in certain aspects, not to say that with their constant teasing and play-fights, some truths will come out sooner rather than later.
And when it comes to smut I love to imagine that something that starts as a hate fuck with neither backing down but both their inexperience starts showing but unlike jzx who's more honestly embarrassed about it, wwx has this fake confidence and "need-to-take-cate-of" impulse that turn it into something a bit clumsy but respectful and with a genuine goal of the other enjoying it. Maybe wwx can keep it as their secret,as jzx parades himself around like the straight guy people think he is afterwards.
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lovemyromance · 7 months
"Well, Elain is kind and gentle and sociable. She deserves to be with a courtier like Lucien who has ties to all the courts 😡"
I've seen this argument pop up recently. So Lucien has ties to all the courts..? Okay... how? Walk with me:
Night Court: Current Emissary? I think? Not really sure what his job entails but at least this mate lives here. Although SJM does make it clear he does not live in the night court so-
~does not currently live there~
Spring Court: He lived there with Tamlin but now avoids him. So/
~does not currently live there or step foot there~
Autumn: Originally born in Autumn Court
~does not currently live there or step foot there~
Day Court: Obviously we all know he is Helion & LoA's secret love child, but neither Lucien nor Helion knows that right now. So I don't think Lucien is spending a lot of time at that court if he doesn't know the truth of his parentage yet. So-
~does not currently live there or step foot there~
Dawn Court: I think Lucien mentioned he had a friend from Dawn Court? Is that the "tie tot he court"? Either way
~does not currently live there~
Summer Court: I'm blanking on this one but how is he connected to the Summer Court? Can't think of anything to tie him to that court so-
~does not currently live there or step foot there~
Winter Court: genuinely cannot think of a single reason he is tied to the Winter Court. So-
~does not currently live there or step foot there~
Is that all 7? Did I cover all his ties to the courts? Aka his ties to maybe 4 (if I'm being generous)?
Either way, the point is despite having all these so called connections to all the courts, Lucien is currently living in the Human Lands. With Vassa. And Jurian. In his mate's, ex-fiancé's Manor (which is honestly a power move lmao but still).
Ties to all... home to none?
Which is why I am genuinely confused how people could read Elain being at home in the night court, making friends, being with her sisters, glowing with health - and say "No 😡 she needs to be where Lucien is because she's sociable and they can travel to all the courts"
You're gonna make her uproot her life, leave her home to go live in her ex-fiancé's manor with a mate she doesn't want and far away from her friends and the sisters she just started rebuilding her relationship with?
For what?
To travel the world with her swashbuckling handsome roguish lord who will sweep her off her feet with his romantic notions of "is she even worth fighting for tho?" and "I'm going to go move across the world to avoid her"
And truly, I'm not trying to hate on Lucien. But I think people are imagining a different version of him than what he is actually written as in the books. He was actually my favorite character in ACOTAR, but he's been on a steady decline since ACOMAF and practically nonexistent by ACOSF. He does deserve to be happy, but they all do.
And I don't think that Elucien can find that happiness together. Not when they didn't choose each other in the first place. Not when there are other people they clearly want to choose instead.
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menlove · 1 month
Heeey! I need some help from the mclennon truthers community... And I love your blog, so I'll just leave the ask here :)
I was just lurking on the internet and found very strong opinions about rpf and just mclennon in general. and now I feel so upset... like i get it, they have been on the public eye for so long and every little part of their lives was used by the press to cause controversy. It must be tiring. And I know they are real people, and they have families, and children, and grandchildren, etc.
But at the same time is like I am SO sure they had something. Idk if it was something physical or whatever, but as a queer person, I know what it feels like to be in this homoerotic friendship and to deal with all the feelings and thoughts about sexuality and gender. IT WAS THE BLOODY 60S!!! ofc being in love or feeling attracted to your friend/partner/coworker/closest friend would be like insane, dangerous, and scary. And they have left so many secret hints for each other on their songs for example... And as you have said before, if one of them were a woman, people would absolutely say that they were fucking or had something going on.
So I am conflicted now about enjoying being a mclennon truther :( Is it weird to feel so attached to people who could be my grandparents?
Also I can't talk about it with friends bc they hate the Beatles or hate any rpf in general (or make fun of people who read on ao3)...
I just would like to hear some people's thoughts on this. I feel like this community is so small and frowned upon
I totally get you and that's a huge part of why I stopped taking abt the beatles & pretending like I thought they were an embarrassing guilty pleasure
but the thing is I genuinely think it's partially an age thing. like not to assume or anything & sorry if I'm mistaken but idk I feel like. for me personally and a lot of people around my age or even up to like 35 for The Realization Moment........ there truly comes a point where you stop giving a shit. like you eventually cycle around to the blissful cringeful carefree attitude of a child.
we spend so so much time worrying about how other people view us and our interests and our hobbies that we forget that we're supposed to have interests born out of joy, not anxiety
ANYWAY. tl;dr fuck em, be cringe, enjoy it, we love you!
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cyllres · 3 months
Devil | JJK x Makima! Reader
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Chapter 03
Having a body is weird. Your soul does not feel any emotions but your body does.
It sweats profusely when stuck in a situation where your body seems uncomfortable. For one instance, you walked inside a classroom with your brother, Yuuji. It was a small school and both of you are fairly new. You catch yourself shifting your weight from one foot to the other, an unconscious rhythm that you can’t quite stop. The room feels smaller than it should, the walls inching closer with every passing moment. It's almost as if you could suffocate in it.
Sometimes your body feels energetic every time you and Yuuji play. You remember those moments vividly, the way your heart races with excitement as soon as you step outside. The sun seems to shine a little brighter, the air feels crisp, your laughter echoes in the open spaces. There's a lightness in your step, a kind of buoyant energy that lifts you off the ground as you run. Every game, every shared secret, and every mischievous adventure with Yuuji brings a sense of freedom and invincibility.
Your brother's presence is a comforting constant, his enthusiasm infectious. Whether you're racing each other to the big oak tree or pretending to be explorers discovering new worlds, there's a spark that ignites within you. It's a feeling that makes the mundane magical, turning ordinary afternoons into treasured memories. The way you both get lost in the moment, forgetting the world around you, fills you with a sense of completeness and contentment.
Even now, thinking back to those times, you can almost feel that familiar rush of warmth spread through your chest. It’s a sensation that starts deep inside and radiates outward, making everything around you seem more vibrant and alive.
And the most hated experience you had with this body was the bitterness you felt everytime your grandfather scolds you. The dull pain in your chest, it's almost as if, it's as painful as the way you died. You understand that it's fear that's pulling him to act that way. But you couldn't help but feel bitter.
Sometimes you stupidly ask yourself. Why can't you be love the way he loves Yuuji. After all this body belongs to his granddaughter doesn't it?
For so long, you've wondered how it feels to have a family. How it feels to be loved as a child, to be taken care of. Wasn't that your main goal from the start? For so long you've always yearned for something like a family. As the Control Devil you are incapable of forming equal and meaningful relationships. You don't know who to trust and in return, no one really trusts you. Isn't it ironic, the first time you have an actual family, tied by blood ends up like this. A mom and a dad nowhere to be found and a grandfather that is scared of you.
Perhaps it is anger that you're feeling because of the unfairness? Or maybe sadness? You never know; you never felt emotions as Makima. The complexities of human emotions confused you, each one a tangled mess that you can't quite unravel. They swirl within you, a maelstrom of conflicting feelings that you can't seem to grasp.
At the end of the day, you could not help but envy your body; it feels. Maybe without you in possession of it, Y/n would be loved. After all, Y/n as Y/n is easier to love, rather than Y/n as Makima. The thought lingers, a bitter pill that you swallow every day, a constant reminder of your own flaws.
Of course, you'd never allow yourself to get controlled by your own body. You refuse to show genuine discomfort, fear, sadness or anger.
"Nii-chan." You called out your brother making him hum as he continued walking home, pulling you with him.
"Hmm? Imouto-chan?" He glances back at you, his smile warm and reassuring, a beacon of light in your otherwise dark world. His hand, firmly gripping yours, grounds you, tethering you to the present, and for a moment, the chaos within you settles.
"Do you think Ojii-san will ever like me as much as he likes you?" The question slips out before you can stop it, a soft whisper that carries the weight of your curiosity.
Yuuji stops walking and turns to face you fully, his expression shifting from curiosity to concern. He looks up a bit, thinking, then went back looking at you, his hand never leaving yours.
"Why would you think that, N/n-chan? Ojii-san loves both of us," he says gently, his eyes earnest and sincere.
"It just feels different. He always seems happier with you. When he looks at me... it’s like he’s seeing someone else." You paused. "Do you see someone else when you look at me Nii-chan?"
Yuuji's brow furrows as he tries to understand. "Every time I look at you, I only see my favourite twin." He reassured. "Maybe he's just worried about you. He might not show it the same way, but I’m sure he cares."
You nodded. Yuuji pulls you into a hug, his warmth enveloping you, offering a fleeting sense of security. For a moment, you allow yourself to relax into his embrace, savoring the rare comfort it brings.
As you continue walking home, the streets gradually darken with the setting sun, Yuuji starts talking about the game you’ll play tomorrow. His excitement is infectious, momentarily lifting the heaviness from your heart. You nod along, smiling at his enthusiasm, but the questions and doubts still gnaw at the back of your mind.
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a-tale-of-legends · 9 days
Amsonia Mahina things cause I was thinking about her last night cause I love my little moon baby.
• Surprise, Surprise. The night sky calms her. It became a welcomed presence more and more as she adjusts into her new life in Alola.
• This is especially so when she starts to sneak out at night. The night sky is freeing in a way. She gets to go around doing whatever - go for walks, fly in the sky with Nebby or Arty, practice the powers she has- anything she wants without the pressure of being "the first", or with fear that her temper may get the best of her. All of her secrets are kept between herself, her pokemon, and the moon in the sky.
• "where's Amsonia?" " At the Battle Tree" "Again?" "Yeaaaah, Mrs. Jamison had her tight"
• Ever since coming to Alola, Ames wanted to present herself as someone who doesn't hide. Someone who doesn't fear. She did that in Kanto. She wanted to be someone who does the protecting- hence why she's as protective as she is. But as time goes on I do think that instinct to simply run and ride grows a little stronger. Fight or flight, you know? The urge to simply hide in the shadows,to be small so no one can find you. She hates it when she feels that way.
• Amsonia's ability to talk to pokemon was something she never fully told anyone. It wasn't until Hau wonders out loud one day " you know, I wonder what they're talking about" and then Amsonia types out word for word what one of his pokemon are saying. Hau, who honestly can't think of any reason to not believe Ames, she usually pretty serious about things, just stares at her phone in shock. " Wha- Could you have talked to pokemon this whole time?!" Amsonia only shrugs " AMSONIA!"
• I love Amsonia's and Red's relationship. Red looked at Ames and went "...?" ( Translation: Is anyone gonna be a pseudo father/older brother figure to this stray cat of a child?") And didn't wait for an answer despite Kukui and Guzma being right there. I genuinely do think they Get each other though. Ames likes to bother him and Blue when she's bored ( or upset and doesn't want to bother her mom).
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melonbear51 · 2 years
Lasombra concepts
I got your ask @iamthegodof but for some reason Tumblr won’t let me answer it normally so here we are lol. So, I know I say this about all the clans, but the Lasombra are just *chef's kiss.* Their vibes, their disciplines, their history are just top tier. Complete side note: the song/spoken-word poem "Want" by Recoil just SCREAMS Lasombra and I highly encourage you to check it out if you want to get into the headspace of one before a roleplay sesh or just want to jam out. But you didn't want song recs or opinions, you wanted ideas, so here they are! 1. We all know the Ventrue and Lasombra are antagonistic towards each other, to say the least. Imagine a pair of feuding vamps, one of each clan, who decide to truly test which clan is superior. As such, they target a pair of identical twins, the Lasombra siring one and the Ventrue siring the other. The twins are then encouraged to rise in vampire society, gain power, and generally become better and stronger than their sibling. By any means they see fit. I feel like playing the Lasombra twin in this scenario could be incredibly interesting, as they could either genuinely love their sibling and not want to participate in this charade, or resent and hate their sibling and fully give in to the ruthlessness of their bloodline at their sire's urging. Plus, the dynamics with their sire are just a breeding ground for interesting (and pretty unhealthy) interactions. 2.  A famous classical musician whose performances have a strict "no photographs or recordings allowed" policy.  They refuse to release albums or recordings, stating that performance art is best live, and that mechanical reproductions suck the soul out of art. This, of course, is a complete crock of bullshit and the musician is actually a Lasombra trying to make sure their bane doesn't get them caught by the Second Inquisition. Thanks to their retinue of security ghouls who diligently keep an eye on crowds and venues, they haven't run into too many issues, but the stress this causes them is doing nothing for their mental health and is making them begin to hate that which once gave them joy. 3. A Lasombra who specializes in corporate espionage. Need a competitor's newest prototype to glitch right before an important press event? They've got you covered. Need trade secrets or information on an upcoming acquisition or deal? They'll seduce the right employee and get the information out of them one way or another. The paycheck and the vitae are great, but the enjoyment they get out of it? Priceless. 4. A Lasombra who practices the Japanese art of Kintsugi, both to make a living and because they find it therapeutic. After all, much like the broken pottery, they've mended and come back stronger and, in their opinion, more beautiful. For a darker spin on this otherwise wholesome concept, have them really enjoy sabotaging others' lives and unlives to see "how much more beauty and strength can be achieved through adversity." 5. A Lasombra fledgling abandoned after the embrace, who, after a turbulent adjustment period, seems to be finding their way and who enjoys learning more about their bloodline from sympathetic clanmates and older vampires willing to educate them.  What this fledgling doesn't know is that their sire is a VERY old vampire who abandoned them to truly test the "survival of the fittest," sink-or-swim mentality of the clan. This vampire has been watching them from the shadows, and will only reveal themselves if they think their childe worthy of their presence. 6.  A Lasombra who leads a religious congregation at a college's local church/temple/mosque/[INSERT PLACEOF WORSHIP HERE]. Holding prayer meetings and other extracurriculars complete with vitae-spiked refreshments , the Lasombra has slowly been ghouling a sizeable section of the congregation, providing them with an ample herd to drink from and young, impressionable minds to mold as they see fit. 7. A Lasombra neonate who presented their staked sire to the Camarilla in order to join the sect. Initially happy to have a modicum of safety, they've become tired of their treatment from the Ivory Tower and plagued by guilt. Recently they have begun to consort with the Hecata in order to learn the secrets of Necromancy so they may see their sire once more. 8. A Lasombra grief counselor who actually engineered the deaths of their patient's loved ones and who is slowly indoctrinating them into the nihilistic views of the Cult of Shalim. Thanks again for engaging with my ideas and interacting with me! If you'd like to tip me (though you are under no obligation to do so) you can do so with this ko-fi link: https://ko-fi.com/melonbear51 Hope you enjoy these!
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lol-jackles · 11 months
How do you think Jensen might be feeling in relation to Jared (or about himself) now that TW failed? If it was a way fir him to be "good enough" for Jared …
Also, I know you’ve been asked this before, so I won’t ask you to weigh in on whether J2 are still real friends. I think they still consider each other friends, but probably more in an extended family way, where you care and have shared history but don’t really talk overly often. Of course, Jared often mentions on interviews or at cons that he and Jensen were just texting "the other day," but for me that could mean anything from yesterday to three weeks ago, so I don’t see it as proof they talk all the time.
Anyway, my other questions was based off the fact that Jared and Jensen are getting increasingly more sentimental, or at least nostalgic, telling stories about back in the early days of SPN at cons during panels and their M&G. Do you think they play-up on their old memories because they don’t have many good new shared experiences to talk about, or do you think now that they haven’t worked together for a few years, they are truly starting to miss it and each other as cast mates? Or a secret third option where they are just trying to stir up fan nostalgia (even though J2 fans live that shit 24 anyway), and telling stories is easier than dodging strike-breaking questions?
Jensen probably self-soothed that The Winchester failure is mainly due to a combination of the SPN spinoff curse and bad timing due to Zaslav's reign of terror, burst of the streaming bubble, and the WGA-SAG strike. As for his post TW relations with Jared, my pet theory of psychology is there are two motivators of human behavior - love and fear. Codependency is where love and fear get messed up between it, sometimes fear gets disguised as love in that they fear that unless they control others, they will not do what they need them to do in order to feel loved. And it is attracted to those who “need saving” through control of their behavior. So kids, study your fears, lean to control or dismiss them as necessary. Set the people in your life free from you control.
To answer your other question... First, time and distance sanitize memories and paper over issues in their friendship. The thing about friendship is a lot of red flags are tolerated that is not tolerated in marriages. My friends can be late, or bad with money, or have significant differences of opinion on a variety of issues, because if it gets too bad, I can just not hang out with them anymore. But with life partners you have to trust and rely on them 100%, because there’s so much more at stake - buy property together, comingle finances, raise a child or bunch of cats or both, so you can't ignore the red flags.
Second, shared experiences are the basis for many deep and casual relationships rather than actual compatibility. It's why we still go to high school reunions because nobody else in the world knows what you’ve experienced other than your classmates, even if you hated them back in the day. Or thought you hated them. Again, time and distance sanitize many things and you and the kid you never talked to in high school are reminiscing and laughing together over nostalgia. So it's not surprising that Jared and Jensen have some nostalgia for the SPN days because it was 15 years of high school. So the answer to your question is option #2.
Third, in general, men don’t have many male genuine friends.  I hated the movie I love you, man because it was too familiar - Paul Rudd’s character doesn’t have male friends to be his best man for his upcoming wedding so he goes out looking for one. So even though Jared and Jensen’s friendship is more on the codependency level, it’s still more than what most actors could have in the industry. Aso, it's easier for Jared to be the bigger person because he’s currently in much better position: a lead actor who is able to film in the city of his choice.  Very, very few lead actors can demand to work in their referable city of choice and even then, the best they can ask for is L.A or N.Y.C.  David Duchovny got X-Files production moved from Vancouver to L.A and he still left the show.
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squaloropera · 9 months
alright, I was originally gonna make this as a comic but I’m really busy so I can’t manage that. I swear, this is my last anti-fujoshi post and then we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled inane nonsense.
firstly, I’ve seen a lot of people saying that they dislike the term ‘fujoshi’ to describe these people because of its misogynistic origins. I find this to be reasonable, so I will be referring to them as maiali pervertiti instead. It’s Italian! Hope y’all like it xx That out of the way, let’s begin.
I have put real, genuine, actual research into this. I scoured maiali pervertiti blogs to find their arguments, their mindsets, their justifications. As far as I could find, there are four main arguments. These being the following: ‘It’s just fiction, not reality’, ‘Hating us is misogynistic’ ‘hating us is transphobic/homophobic’ and ‘hating us is racist’. I will be unpacking each of these, looking at them from both perspectives, and explaining why exactly they’re flawed perspectives. Hopefully, a properly researched and informed take on this will help to clear the waters.
Let’s start with the first take. The ever-quoted ‘it’s just fiction, not reality’. This is an argument you’ll find in a lot of places, mostly in any place which is in support of questionable things being treated as erotic. Pro ships and pro-shippers also love to tote this. Now, on its surface this argument seems logical. However it starts to fall apart when you think about it critically. When we consider how the brain works, you’ll see what I mean. To be concise, the human mind slowly accepts things the more it’s exposed to justifications for them, regardless of how reasonable those justifications are. It associates a bad thing with ‘but nevermind, it’s fine’ and you stop feeling shame or regret over time. This is why you’ll often see lolicons say downright atrocious things about child characters- they’ve justified it for so long that they don’t see a problem with it.
Now, on the ‘it doesn’t affect reality’ claim, let’s look at other groups for this. Think about how many studies have been done saying that men who watch rape porn are more likely to become rapists. Think of all the people raised on the ‘I can fix him’ mentality on tv growing up to get in bad relationships or romanticise abuse under the idea that they can make an abuser better by loving him. It’s no secret of society that, actually, fiction does affect reality. The most concise, albeit silly way I’ve heard it put was ‘But you’re still jacking off to it. It’s affecting your dick and balls’. And I think that sums it up.
Next, let’s look at the ‘If you hate us you’re misogynistic’ claim. The mentality behind this claim is that women in Japan were referred to as ‘rotten girl’ for liking yaoi and bl, and to continue that rhetoric of not liking them is the continuation of misogyny. Again, this is a take that seems logical right up until you pick it apart. First we have to understand that the reason these men were calling these women rotten was because they disapproved of them exploring their sexuality and reading erotic content at all. They don’t hate women for reading gay porn, they hate women for reading porn period. The gay people criticising maiali pervertiti on tumblr aren’t hating them for the same reason. We don’t hate you for reading porn, read all the porn you’d like, we just want you to stop fetishising us. The difference is in the context; the men who were shaming Japanese women were shaming them for exploring their sexualities, were shaming you for treating an entire minority of people like they’re a porn category and for spreading gross, abusive content of mlm because you think it’s hot. It’s also important to note that Japanese women mostly started reading yaoi and bl because of the culture toward female sexuality in Japan. They couldn’t read erotica of straight couples, or they’d be seen as perverts. They couldn’t read wlw erotica, or they’d be seen as lesbians and shamed. Their only option for exploring their sexuality became mlm erotica. You, Lindsey from California, do not share this same issue.
Next we have the ever-irritating ‘If you hate us, you’re a transphobe’ argument.
*deep, deep sigh*
stay with me, fellow trans achillians. We can get through this. This argument is based in the idea that transmascs, specifically mlm transmascs, might read yaoi to explore their genders through sexual content. Unfortunately, exploring your gender through erotica and having a fetish are two different things. I personally did explore my gender through gay sexual content. Mostly fanfiction and mental fantasy, but with the odd fanart or comic sprinkled in there for flavour. The difference is that I never had a fetish for it. Most maiali pervertiti seem to argue with a very subtle straw man by implying that reading mlm content is the same as reading the gross rape porn yaoi that ‘fujoshi’ spaces are steeped in. This is not the case- there is a clear divide. I personally consumed actual, healthy content of gay sex. To go further with this argument, I actually think it’s actively harmful to perpetuate the idea that young trans people struggling with their gender should be exploring it through the things that are spread in fujoshi spaces. I’ve read some pf this stuff mostly by accident or against my will and that shit should not be associated in a young trans person’s mind with their gender. It isn’t safe.
Next we have ‘it’s homophobic to hate us’ which is definitely. A take. The rhetoric here is that by hating on the fetishisation consumption of yaoi, you’re really just hating gay men.
this is just… can I drop the nuance voice here? It’s bullshit. It’s gross bullshit. Gross, steaming, cowpat bullshit. Okay, nuance voice back up, let’s explore. maiali pervertiti, please understand that it’s mostly gay people who don’t like you. This is, again, a straw man argument. They’re trying to yell homophobia so they can ignore the real criticisms. The problem isn’t the homosexuality, my dear sweet perverted little fucking weirdos, it’s the rape porn and incest and abuse. Just read normal fucking mlm content I’m begging you.
Finally, we have the ‘it’s racist to hate us’ argument. This is an example of what I like to call ‘the firemen diversion’. This name comes from an example where a person might take the statistic of their being higher fatality risk the more firemen walk into a burning building, and then using it as an argument to suggest that it’s dangerous to call the fire brigade if there’s a fire. There’s a tiny nugget of reasonable argument in there, but it’s backing up a complete and utter bullshit lie.
This is basically what this argument is. The idea here is that the term ‘fujoshi’ was originally a reclaimed slur, and that westerners are changing it to degrade women again and are therefore misunderstanding the actual language behind it.
Now, this is based in a little bit of truth. Westerners do, in all fairness, misunderstand the term. I can’t speak for the reclamation of the slur, considering how I don’t know if that’s true, but I do know that the way it’s used has been quite incorrect a lot of the time. That’s the true bit. The rest of the argument, however, is nonsensical. While yes, some people misunderstand the word ‘fujoshi’, it doesn’t mean that the criticism of the culture (especially the culture in the western world) is racist. Please, don’t cry racism when you see people asking not to be fetishised. You will end up making the actual movement against anti-Asian hate crimes (which have increased in recent years, need I remind you) look less credible. Once again, I am asking allies to shut the fuck up talking for the minorities they claim to represent while being batshit insane x
TL;DR: no, it is not misogynistic, racist, transphobic or homophobic when gay people tell you to stop fetishising us. Stop arguing straw men and just take accountability.
Also, maiali pervertiti are the female equivalent of straight men who watch lesbian porn. But somehow worse. That’s all, have a good day.
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alekyareads · 1 year
I never thought i would be back so quickly to posting on tumblr due to a lot of issues coming up in my life all at once. but i saw the discourse of who Anya loves more her mom or dad and made me realise how much of a essentially unhealthy relationship they have.
Now, before anything, let me say i love and adore the series so far and this post is not meant to hate on any of the characters. I love how they are presented in both the anime and the manga and how Endo brings out the nuances of the characters in the situations they find themselves in. Second, this post will contain manga spoilers.
Starting off with Loid/Twilight, cause currently where the manga rests, the lines are blurring between the two personas. He is caught thinking that everything he dose is for the mission, weather that is true or not is up for debate its not, he is falling for his family Hard The way anya perceives this is essential. She is younger than six, and at that age a child is still learning and cannot tell the difference between rejection/acceptance. if we look at a teenager, an example of behaviour could be if someone found out their friend was only with them for the benefits, weather it may be social or related to studies, that person will be hurt. Anya sees the 'for the mission' As taking part to save the world with her papa. When Loid brings up plan-C, Anya thinks of her mother as competition. Not necessarily as 'papa will send anya back to the orphanage if she doesn't get stellas' type, but papa will not care about me anymore or i am not the priority type. If at some point in the manga when all the secrets are revealed, if the Forger family doesn't sit down and have a talk about their thoughts, Anya will grow up to to have many issues on a healthy relationship dynamic in her daily life.
For Yor/Thorn Princess, the issue arises in two parts. one, Yors relation with herself, And two, How Anya perceives her mother as competition. First we know that Yor never really interacted with people and wes solely focused on her job as a hitmen and taking care of Yuri. This lead to her having insecurities and being unable to navigate social situations properly. This is seen in how she interacts with anya. She is accepting of anya the second she meets her and this relation has progressed quite fairly until Yors interaction with melinda Desmond. Here, we see two distinct paths of thought. Yoris slowly getting over her insecurities by interacting with a group of mothers and learning more of herself. While anya sees her mother as competition. Thus, what I predict is that some time in the future, Yor hears Anya say something about her in her childlike whims and the genuine fear of not being taken care of anymore, this will break a few of the bridges built between the mother and daughter.
Yet, even after looking through all of this, I still believe that there is love present in the family. Weather or not some may be ready to call it 'love', There is care and looking from the first episodes, we can see how well written and nuanced the character emotion and interaction towards each other have grown. And this family slowly yet surely growing from a place of lies and deception and fear to acceptance, love and care is one of the favourite parts of the series foe me.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 8 months
Pride and prejudice OCs you say....
Tell me everything 🤩
Your wish is my command, Layne my darling!! I hereby introduce you to the Kaur siblings, Ananya and Rohan!! (And I’m also gonna tag my beloved @oneirataxia-girl since I know she’s a fan of these babies. <3)
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Now, Rohan is the older sibling and the next in like for his family’s title and small fortune. His and Ananya’s father is a baron of decent means, who met their mother on a trip to India shortly after he inherited the title from his own father and married her (and would have taken her last name if he could have, but settled for allowing his children to take it instead). Their family isn’t incredibly rich or important, somewhere between the Bennets and the Bingleys in terms of money, but they have a decent-sized estate and some good business contacts that Rohan has been trained to take over since he was only ten years old.
The thing is, though, that Rohan doesn’t want to take over the estate once he gets married - he’s never had a head for business or managing relationships. He’s a bookworm through and through, fascinated with history and the pursuit of knowledge itself, and he’d much rather be holed up in the estate’s library all day with his nose in any informational text he can get his hands on than dealing with a bunch of stodgy old nobleman. And as much as his father loves him and wishes he could let him fulfill his dream of being a historian, Rohan is his only son, and his sister has no more of a head for business than he does, so unless he manages to marry a woman capable of running the estate, it’s going to be up to Rohan to keep things going.
Rohan, understandably, is incredibly upset about the whole situation, especially because he doesn’t ever really intend to marry (due to the fact that he is not interested in women at all and is, unfortunately, not allowed to marry another man). But when his parents make the decision to move their estate to Hertfordshire, wanting a bit of a quieter life as they get older, Rohan finds the perfect solution in one Elizabeth Bennet. He and Lizzie become fast friends after meeting, bonded by their love of reading and knowledge in general, and it also doesn’t take Rohan long to notice that Lizzie and his little sister seem to be taking a particular interest in one another - the same kind of interest he and Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy have been taking in each other at the same time. And as luck would have it, Ananya seems to get along splendidly with Mr. Darcy as well, despite their vastly different personalities.
This whole turn of events leads Rohan to think of a (in his opinion, anyway) genius plan: he will marry Elizabeth and Ananya will marry Mr. Darcy. That way, he can leave the running of his family’s estate up to Lizzie, who has much more of a talent for running things than he does, Lizzie’s family will get a better life since Lizzie has married into nobility, and to top it all off, their little group of four will all be able to spend time with their respective lovers with little fear of having to keep a secret and absolutely no jealousy. It’s a bit of a crazy plan, he knows (and Darcy makes it very clear that he thinks so), but still a good one, and so the four of them go along with it. And so Rohan winds up married to his best friend while having nightly rendezvous with the man he loves and that his wife used to hate, while his beloved little sister does the same thing, just in reverse.
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And speaking of little sister, let’s talk about Ananya!! She is a genuine ray of sunshine, almost always smiling and letting out the sweetest little giggle every time someone says something she finds funny. She is also decidedly her and Rohan’s mother’s favorite child, a fact which the woman would never admit and that Ananya would never hold over Rohan’s head, but it’s true nonetheless; for the most part, she has always been a perfect little proper lady who needed little training on matters of etiquette and manners, and her mother adores her for that.
But there is still that for the most part, and it lies in the fact that Ananya loves to get dirty in the garden. Despite the fact that her family does have a gardener on staff, she’s basically in charge of the garden both at their estate in the city and in Hertfordshire, and if anyone ever can’t find her in the house it’s a pretty safe bet that she can be found in the garden, soiling the knees of one of her day dresses with her hands shoved into the soil. It drives her mother just a little bit crazy, but she also doesn’t really do too much about it considering the floral arrangements Ananya puts together for the house always get positive comments from visitors.
Still, the countess always tells her daughter, she won’t be able to garden forever once she gets married - which Ananya doesn’t want to do, really, for very similar reasons to her older brother. When the family moves to Hertfordshire and she meets Lizzie Bennet, of course, she very much reconsiders that, and it breaks her heart every time she has to remind herself that she can never marry the person she truly loves.
Of course, Ananya then strikes up a truly unexpected friendship with Fitzwilliam Darcy - they are very much a sunshine/sunshine protector friendship - whose estate has an amazing garden, and Rohan eventually proposes his plan for he and Ananya to marry their friends and meet up with their lovers in secret. Ananya is head over heels in love with Lizzie, with her witty remarks and bright smiles that she seems to reserve specifically for Ananya, so of course she agrees to Rohan’s scheme and accepts Darcy’s proposal of marriage - especially because it will make her parents happy, and especially because Darcy agrees to give her full control over the estate’s garden and she enjoys proving her mother wrong that little bit.
Anyways, those are my two Pride & Prejudice babies!! I will make a proper intro post for them at some point, but for now feel free to ask more questions about them if you want to!!
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scary-monsters · 2 years
Diego Brando
Coming from dm!!! I wanna hear some Diego headcanons, could you tell us?
OF COURSE, THANK YOU 🤸‍♀️ im eating up every opportunity to talk about this man !!! some of these i've probably mentioned before but i have a few core HCs that i am quite passionate about so that's inevitable :'))
(warning for SBR spoilers!)
he's 5'3", i think this is widely accepted but i want to emphasize my love for short king diego
he has freckles, yes this is my tendency to give every single one of my favorite characters freckles but i won't back down on this
he's very particular about aesthetics, including but not limited to his clothing, his living space, the way he physically carries himself, the state of silver bullet's appearance (though he is very passionate about caring for her in general and considers it his way of bonding with her)
he's VERY good at braiding hair and can do several different kinds with ease and quickness.
morning guy, he likes being up to see the sunrise and get in some early morning exercise
modern diego is a huge movie buff, his favorite films are peak and you cannot convince him otherwise! he loves psychological thrillers, is very particular about the horror he enjoys, can't stand romantic comedies, and his secret guilty pleasure is animated movies about animals (spirit is very special to him)
modern diego watches hours of animal videos, if he's smiling at his phone it's very safe to assume he's watching something like "cat bonds with lizard" or "newborn foal walks for the first time"
annoyingly photogenic, he cannot take a bad picture no matter how hard someone tries to catch him off guard, however if you get a chance to take one while he's sleeping... that's when he looks the worst (he will not rest until you delete that photo)
when he's in love (rare!!!) or has decided to trust someone (also rare!!!) he gets soooo clingy and overly protective, he will do anything for the people he cares about, though gaining that trust is an extremely difficult and unbearable feat.. he's hard to love initially (and actively repellent to it anyway) but when his walls finally come down it's very much worth it
dinopants REAL, that's it that's the headcanon but araki told me himself that they're in love and compliment each other so well and make each other better people
modern diego loves jaffa cakes, they remind him of his mother because they would share them when he was very young
not the best cook but he really wants to be, his mother left behind a recipe book which he treasures dearly and wants to master.
he has a very loud laugh, it's actually a little off-putting 💀
if you don't laugh at his jokes then you're wrong and he will hold a grudge (im mostly joking but like... he thinks he's the funniest motherfucker around)
he's happiest when it's clear skies with lots of sunshine, he hates the cold, hates the rain, and despises snow, during the winter if he has to leave the house, even if it's just to get the mail or something, he wears several layers and bitches about it the entire time
scary monsters has long-lasting side effects on diego's body outside of him actively using it - his skin gets very dry much quicker (if he doesn't moisturize often his skin will peel and turn a gross green color), his nails grow exponentially faster and have to be trimmed often, he's much more sensitive to the cold, he can see perfectly fine at night without any light (his elevated senses are a canon thing anyway, i just think it's cute)
silver bullet is diego's bff !!!!!! he raised her from the time she was born and he cares deeply for her (when he called her his 'beloved' in canon i genuinely lost it) people have wronged him his entire life but horses have been his safe place for as long as he can remember
the bow on diego's helmet was placed there in dedication to his mother - the bows on his shirt when he was a child were hand-crafted by her in her (rare) free time and he's always associated these kinds of decorations with her
during the race diego finds solace in keeping his helmet close by him at all times, during quiet moments where he's alone he will have quiet conversations with it as if his mother is sitting there with him (it keeps him motivated)
diego genuinely cared for his late wife - he lacked a proper education while growing up, and while he did get some informal education during his time with the joestars, she spent a lot of time teaching him academics more relevant to his age, all while treating him with a kind of nurturing love that he'd been unknowingly craving and desperately in need of
despite this, he still has huge difficulty with vulnerability and emotional awareness in general (canon??) and has stuffed his inner struggles so deep down that he's not even aware of them anymore, his ego is definitely a coping mechanism for how troubled he actually is
but to end on a positive note: he has a youthful soul and at his best he's goofy and charismatic, he matures wonderfully and he makes an amazing mayor because he understands the struggles of the lower class and wants to work as hard for them as he can
i have to stop there or else i'll be here all day !!!!! a lot of the canon-related ones are/will be fleshed out in my current diego character study that i'm working on... god i love him he's so layered and interesting!!! and hot too!!!
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goldenbloodytears · 5 months
If you feel up to it I have a lot of random questions that I would like to know about Danny and if you comfortable Sam.
The questions beeing 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 16, 24, 27, 33, 37, 42, 43, 46 and 49. Please feel free to discard any if they are too many or spoil something.
-Mx. 👍
Canon I outright reject
Honestly... I don't actually think there's a lot about Danny's current canon as stated by BHVR that I reject--I think the closest is maybe the fact that he hates satire/parody... but that's not so much due to dislike rather than that I have trouble wrapping my head around it. Comedy and Horror are two sides of the same coin, and as a somebody who likes absurdist gallows humor I find it personally hard to wrap my head around.
2. Canon/Headcanon hill I will die on Bisexual Danny is the hill I will die on. If his sexuality were to be confirmed one day.... no it ain't! 3. Answered this one in another ask, see it here.
12. See above.
13. Dumbest thing they've ever done Falling in love with each other… otherwise Plot Spoilers :)
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves For Danny... I don't know if it's a secret exactly, but I genuinely think he is deeply alienated from the idea that when he was a child he likely wanted to be more than a killer. Sure, he was fascinated by his dad's war stories and drawn to horror... but I think if he could have a talk with his 8 year old self, little baby Danny would not say "Oh boy I can't wait to be a serial killer!" I don't think he's really prepared to face the concept, and as such, this sense of betrayal at how his life has gone is buried very deeply in his subconscious and it’s giving him stomach ulcers. For Sam, I honestly feel like it's a bit similar. She knows to some extent, but fights against the idea that she's a bit of the odd duck in her family. She doesn't know how to wrap her head around the concept of a mother who loves her and wants the best, but doesn't really like her or 'get' her. Slightly related, but the concept that she knows that she's failing spectacularly to look for people who genuinely appreciate her for her.
24. Most annoying habit
With Danny, I'm kinda tempted to say that he talks a lot... except I feel like he's got to be a decent listener to be of any use. I think his most annoying habit would genuinely be that he comes off like a blowhard who likes to hear himself talk when discussing something he knows a lot about. So it's not so much that he talks a lot all the time, but rather that he will steamroll you with info... which might come off as him thinking you're stupid.
Sam also tends to do this behaviour, and is the person who will "Well, actually" you when you say something wrong. The only difference from Danny is she's more likely to argue about it, where Danny is more likely to drop it and quietly seethe about the debate. Unlike Danny, she's not necessarily trying to prove a point (up until someone doubles down on being wrong) but rather that she likes sharing trivia.
27. their guilty pleasure I think Danny's guilty pleasure is getting to sleep :')
Sam's guilty pleasure is music. She's used up a lot of her paychecks on cassettes and cds. She also likes detective fiction, and as a child read the entire series of Nancy Drew detective novels (1930-1979).
33. something guaranteed to make them cry
For Danny? Honestly I think he's borderline an angry crier. He's got it on lock so as to not actually cry, but just general stress is enough to get him close. He very much will go into a bathroom and slash his face with water while trying to calm down (and probably thinking about violence while he does it). He's going to resist crying at a sad movie even if it kills him. Sam gets teary-eyed pretty easily too, but she's more open about it when in places where it's expected--like at a sad movie or a funeral. She very much cries at funding commercials for local pet shelters.
37. what they really think about themselves
Danny thinks he's great, pay no attention to the fragile ego hiding behind the curtain. Basically, where Danny's ego is wrapped up in attempting to hide his insecurities from himself and others, Sam's ego is somewhat wrapped up in tearing herself down. It kinda sucks for everyone around them if they're both in a depressive funk because they both need external feedback to counterbalance it.
42. three comfort items Danny: his vcr player, his pocket knife that belonged to his grandpa, his bug-out (escape) bag. Sam: Her walkman, her tape recorder, the original 56 hardcover novels of Nancy Drew with multiple dog-eared pages.
43. three favourite foods and three they despise Danny loves shepherd's pie, Texas sheet cake and coca-cola. He hates olives, beans and wieners (together), and blueberries.
Sam loves cheesecake, hot dogs and poutine, and will devour les oreilles de crisse like no tomorrow. She hates ketchup chips, canned tuna and bananas that are either too ripe or not enough.
46. The person they most admire
Danny is drawn to men that remind him of his father aka very masculine archetypes. It’s hard to find someone who will outright replace his dad, it’s probably borderline impossible without a lot of therapy work… but he lowkey admires his boss at the paper, something he shares in common with Sam. O’Reilly just gives off big Irish dad energy, he can’t help it.
Sam lowkey thinks of O’Reilly as a father figure, not that she would admit to it. It helps that he was dating her aunt at one point, and said aunt was also the closest thing Sam had to fitting maternal figure.
49. Favourite toy as a child
I don’t actually have any real answer for this one at this point. I feel like I will have to do some more research into 1960s-70s children toys, it would be nice to have something a little more specific than “generic gendered child toy” bc they definitely had lots of those each.
For Sam, it’s maybe not her favourite toy in the sense she got to play with it a lot, but she has a porcelain doll that she’s kept into adulthood despite the fact it has a cracked and reglued face in a way that makes it look kinda wonky. It was a gift from her mom, which proceeded to get broken by her younger brother Robby, but when Joan went to throw it out Sam threw a fit instead… so the doll got repaired, but on the condition she’s now a display doll, which she proceeded to be for the next 20 years.
Thank you for the ask!!
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dream thinks he understands tommy. just a little.
it’s worse for him, of course. for one, tommy deserved what he got. he needed to learn, he needed to listen. it was for his greater good. dream… he was just trying to help. really, he was. he wasn’t sure why people didn’t believe him there. he was not a honest man- of course he wasn’t, he wasn’t fucking naive- but neither would he classify himself a liar. if someone were to ask him, he’d say he mostly tells truths, and he’d be genuine when saying that. you don’t have to lie to make a truth mean whatever you want.
he did want to help. deeply and truly, he does want to help- even sam and quackity will have that grace extended to them, a seat at the dinner table offered all the same. dream isn’t like tommy in that sense- oh, he holds grudges, but he doesn’t let that get in the way of helping, unlike the way tommy spits and swears and screams and struggles. he wants a big happy family. that’s all he wanted. a big happy family, for eternity, as the beloved patriarch.
that was another way this differed- dream did everything out of love, the pure love of family. a parent to a child, an older sibling to a younger, a teacher to their student, a ruler to their heir. tommy was a prototype, really- a test on how to convince those who wouldn’t listen that his way was just, really. any extreme was justified for that end- an eternally loving, eternally supportive family. coercion and force and fear would fade away into smiles and laughter and joy. spare the rod, spoil the child.
dream has grown to fear and hate the cold disdain on sam’s face, the burning fury on quackity’s. that was where they went wrong- they did not bring pain out of love. that was the secret- any action done out of love for others, however bad in isolation, was really for the greater good. if sam and quackity caused their suffering out of a true and just desire to help, dream would hold no hate in his heart for them.
but he could understand the variables that had confused him at the time- how quickly tommy had given in, played along. at the time, it seemed out of character, but it made sense now. with the bite of an axe in your flesh, you’d say and do anything for the sweet release from the growing agonies. if your brain was being picked apart at the seams, torn by cruel words, you’d do whatever to avoid that. if you were alone, you’d do anything to make someone stay.
well. he knew the last one, obviously. that was why he exiled tommy, after all.
perhaps he had been to harsh. not in his actions- as far as dream was concerned, actions did not matter however bad if they achieved an ultimate good. a happy family was a truly noble goal no one could disagree with- and if they did, dream had learned a few tricks on convincing them of the obvious gospel truth. he’d martyr himself for that cause without a second thought, and everyone else’s unwillingness to do so spoke of a troubling moral deficiency that must be the only reason the server was divided. but he hadn’t understood tommy, and that was why he left.
it figures, he supposes, in a server so self centred and heretical, even the friend he moulded to be unable to leave him, unable to even make a decision without his command, an angel awaiting the orders of its diety, would run from him. even tommy, ever so close, always slips from his grasp, leaving the loneliness he detested to gnaw at his heart like tendrils of sin.
and in a world abandoned by gods and primes, it’s  a moral imperative to become it’s god. and in a world without selflessness, who could be that god but dream? it was a kindness, one that everyone would understand once convinced.
and each step of understanding brought him closer to the divinity he deserved.
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