#oc: Amsonia mahina
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a-tale-of-legends · 3 months ago
" You could always quit,"
Red doesn't speak much. And when he does, it's often to a select few, at a few times. To the outside world, it adds to his mystery, this vision of the cool and quiet legend. To those who actually know him, it's just Red. Still, Red is fortunate - Blue almost has an uncanny way of knowing what he's thinking ( until he doesn't), and Leaf always seems to be on the same wavelength as him, despite how....insane, she can get. Though that's just another trait they share, he suppose. Yes, Red is fortunate to have people who can understand him so easily. So even if he wants to speak, he doesn't. Words are unnecessary......with Blue and Leaf.
Red tends to forget that Amsonia can't read his mind. The look of confusion on her face is evident of that.
" Champion," he clarifies. That only seems to confuse Amsonia further, her eyebrows furrowing.
The downside of words being unnecessary is that he ends up not being good with words.
' It's a lot,' he signs, ' A lot of pressure. Feeling like you have to commit when you don't want to'
As Amsonia's gaze softens, registering his words, Red relaxes a little. He continues,' I don't want to see you get crushed by that weight'.
' Just know you could always quit. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise,'
Amsonia stares at him for a bit, then looks away, her face scrunching up in a way that Red has learned means she's thinking particularly hard on something. It reminds him of Kenji, in a way. He sees her eyes flicker from one emotions to another - confusion, frustration, clarity and....humor? Her eyes are back at him, and she's smirking.
' Are you projecting?'
That was not the reaction Red was expecting. A solemn nod, or Amsonia's typical defiance in her face. Not a lighthearted joke at his expense. He opens his mouth to deny her, only to close it when realizing she's right. Suddenly embarrassed, he tips his hat down. Being read like a book by his friends is common practice at this point. Being read like a book by a 12 year old feels like a punch to the gut.
He can hear Amsonia giggle, and feels a gentle tap on his hat. Raising his hat from his eyes, he sees Amsonia smiling at him.
" Thanks," she says quietly, then signing ' I'll keep that in mind,'. Red relaxes once more, sighing to himself before ruffling Amsonia's hair, earning him a hand swat.
' Good,' he pauses, ' You didn't need to call me out like that, though'
Amsonia only shrugs cheekily.
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a-tale-of-legends · 22 days ago
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Ames and Ray!
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a-tale-of-legends · 6 months ago
Amsonia Mahina things cause I was thinking about her last night cause I love my little moon baby.
• Surprise, Surprise. The night sky calms her. It became a welcomed presence more and more as she adjusts into her new life in Alola.
• This is especially so when she starts to sneak out at night. The night sky is freeing in a way. She gets to go around doing whatever - go for walks, fly in the sky with Nebby or Arty, practice the powers she has- anything she wants without the pressure of being "the first", or with fear that her temper may get the best of her. All of her secrets are kept between herself, her pokemon, and the moon in the sky.
• "where's Amsonia?" " At the Battle Tree" "Again?" "Yeaaaah, Mrs. Jamison had her tight"
• Ever since coming to Alola, Ames wanted to present herself as someone who doesn't hide. Someone who doesn't fear. She did that in Kanto. She wanted to be someone who does the protecting- hence why she's as protective as she is. But as time goes on I do think that instinct to simply run and ride grows a little stronger. Fight or flight, you know? The urge to simply hide in the shadows,to be small so no one can find you. She hates it when she feels that way.
• Amsonia's ability to talk to pokemon was something she never fully told anyone. It wasn't until Hau wonders out loud one day " you know, I wonder what they're talking about" and then Amsonia types out word for word what one of his pokemon are saying. Hau, who honestly can't think of any reason to not believe Ames, she usually pretty serious about things, just stares at her phone in shock. " Wha- Could you have talked to pokemon this whole time?!" Amsonia only shrugs " AMSONIA!"
• I love Amsonia's and Red's relationship. Red looked at Ames and went "...?" ( Translation: Is anyone gonna be a pseudo father/older brother figure to this stray cat of a child?") And didn't wait for an answer despite Kukui and Guzma being right there. I genuinely do think they Get each other though. Ames likes to bother him and Blue when she's bored ( or upset and doesn't want to bother her mom).
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a-tale-of-legends · 6 months ago
I need to think about the Alola - Galar quartet more cause they can be hilarious.
All four are powerful in their own right but.... they're also still teenagers that get into dumb arguments. All of which started because Ray innocently ( "innocently") asked a question that eventually sparked a full blown heated argument between Amsonia and Carol. Carol seems to be egging Ames on but it's very clear that they're getting frustrated and more into the argument with each second- they even got a white board. Amsonia is angrily signing/typing text to speech/ verbally yelling her points on her end, agitated and close to kicking knee caps. Poor Naomi is trying her best to make sure her friends don't kill each other. Ray, who has been quiet throughout the entire argument, speaks up once, only to make Carol and Ames flip out and thus, their debate continues. Wild gestures and cursing galor. Ray simply continues to eat his malasada , watching the chaos. Naomi is just glaring at him.
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a-tale-of-legends · 8 months ago
After 5,000 years I fucking got my Kommo-o. God bless.
Truthfully he's.....not what I was fully expecting. Nature wise and stat wise. But I think he fits the mold of what I plan for him so.
Koa the Kommo-o: Naive, highly curious. The youngest son of the Totem pokemon! Because of his almost noble status + the culture along the Kommo-o line, Koa knows one thing and one thing only: battle. Even when he decided to stray away from his father's training in favor of finding his own path, he carries the culture and traditions he was raised on with pride. However, because he only knows battle, he is pretty inept at socially. Where he comes from fighting and the clanging of scales are ways to convey your emotion. But to others? He simply comes off as a pompous brute. Which.... honestly is kinda fair. He tends to judge people based on how he grew up, disproving of their "honor in battle" of how they " are wasting their potential". He means well, but yeah he can be a jerk.
Despite all of his shortcomings, Koa is willing to learn - it's why he set off on his own after all. He's naturally pretty curious actually! Even if something conflicts with his viewpoint, he still can't help but be curious about it. And he's more than willing to share his own history and culture too! It's why he and Arty kinda hit it off well: Arty is interested in learning more about Alola 's history, and Koa is more than willing to share from his experiences.
I think the character that best captures Koa the most is probably Knuckles the Echidna. Kinda, not fully, but I think they're both of the same cloth in a way. Maybe with a bit of Silver, if we're doing more sonic characters.
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a-tale-of-legends · 6 months ago
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a-tale-of-legends · 9 months ago
Amsonia's team as of now( before olivia's trial)
Artemis/ Arty: Careful, scatters things a lot( actually loves to eat, but i think i've been getting that with other protag ocs recently so gonna change it): Currently a Dartrix, Arty is a bit of a high strung nerd who wishes to prove his worth to those around him. Ever the strategist, but tends to....overthink. A lot.
Zeke: Calm, mischievous: The first pokemon Ames caught, if you don't count Arty, a now charjabug. His main job is to make sure Arty doesn't explode. Very level headed, a good second in command to Arty, and is generally very easy to talk too. I still need to think on him more, but i think it would be funny if he was a fan of making very bad puns. A funny dissonance from his generally very cool, calm and collected outward appearance.
Tiny: Bold, likes to relax: A ribombee that doesn't seem to bat an eye at danger, no matter how much bigger it is. Doesn't see the point in hiding more often than not, and prefers to be more direct. The more direct he is, the quicker the solution presents itself, the faster he gets back to relaxing with his friends.
Daisy: Docile, quick to flee: A young mudbray that grew up in the peaceful Paniola Ranch. Despite her sturdiness and strength, she is not adept in fighting, perferring to run away from conflict than actually do anything about it. She's a sweet, quiet gal that's learning what it means to stand up more for what she believes in.
Ocean: Modest, quick tempered: Fished from route 7, it became clear that Ocean was a force to be reckon with, though in their eyes, they still have a lot to learn. Despite this humility, their temper can get the better of them, especially towards those who don't immediately get what they are saying ( which tends to be a lot of people). Ironically, they tend to get frustatred when they themself don't fully understand something.
Keahi: Hardy, good endurance: ( fun fact. i caught. several salandit to find a decent one): Deciding that she wishes to be as powerful and illustrate as her lead salazzle, Keahi has worked hard to stand above the other salandit of her pack. The result is her developing tough skin, both mentally and physically, and doesn't take bullshit from anyone. Bc of this, she's not used to working in a team, but her goal is still the same, so if it means working with a human and stranger pokemon, so be it.
There's other pokemon that Ames have and will have, but i just wanted to focus on her main team currently.
Some relationship stuff i thought about:
Tiny n Daisy: Is genrally very blunt, speaking his mind, so he definitely told Daisy that he thinks she's a coward. To her face. It's almost funny bc he says this as a fact, and doesn't exactly have any malice when he says it. He just think she's a coward and doesn't understand why she's on the team. Which. Okay man. Obviously this has caused tension ( albiet kinda one sided) between the two: Tiny doesn't realize what he said hurts, and Daisy now has the motivation to prove Tiny wrong.
Daisy - Keahi: I dunno man, i just like the idea of a a cowgirl and a ( future) high femme having yuri. Blame applejack and rarity. But outside of that, Keahi's hard work and determination is something that Daisy deeply admire, and wishes to be just as cool as she is one day. Keahi is slightly erked by Daisy's pacifism - she grew up with competition all around her, no time for hanging back and not wanting to fight. But in way, it shows her that she doesn't have to always be fighting. She can simply be. It's still very early in their relationship, but I think right now, they're kind to each other.
Tiny - Ocean: Surprisingly, they get along well. If you think "well" is them throwing insults at each other casually. Ocean appreciates Tiny's bluntness and Tiny thinks Ocean is Fancy. They're friends :)
Arty - Zeke: Like I said, Zeke makes sure Arty doesn't explode, Both have known each other the longest, and thus usually confide in each other in a way that the others simply can't do. While Arty isn't always a fan of Zeke's puns, he still appreciates them, and Zeke would gladly listen to Arty's rambles from his observations pre-Amsonia about Alola and it's history. If there's feeling attached, neither has realized it.
Everyone at Arty - " man you are weird" they all respect him though.
Everyone at Zeke - " such a reliable pokemon :) Please stop making puns"
I'm getting tired so that's it for now <3
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a-tale-of-legends · 8 months ago
Hau: Okay Ames, show me a smile!
Amsonia: ....( shows a very crooked smile that makes her look like she's gonna murder someone)
Hau: Come on, Ames, Gladion can do better than that-
Amsonia: >:0
Amsonia: ( signing) You're just saying that because you think his smile is pretty and laughs at your stupid jokes.
Hau: No comment~
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a-tale-of-legends · 8 months ago
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a-tale-of-legends · 8 months ago
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Had to take a picture of this, I love it so much. Gladion's rage, Hau's closed eyed smile, and Amsonia's blank stare. I'm just imagining the three looming over a tiny Faba lmao.
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a-tale-of-legends · 8 months ago
Kinda felt I was jumping the gun with Ray a bit, not exactly writing down his personality. I still like him being hoh mind you, and am doing research on it, but I also recognize that his character should come first, and then explore his ( partial) deafness. Though admittedly, deciding his hoh definitely helped me characterize him better.
Generally very bright and curious. Very carefree, possibly too much for his situation, and likes to have a good laugh. Can come off as insensitive given how he doesn't seem to be bothered by most things. While I think depending on the situation, he can be the voice of reason or the enabler. Very much a " don't worry about it" type of guy, to contrast Ames " very much worrying about it".
Deep down is very torn up about his situation, between losing his hearing and not remembering who he was before getting found, he feels very lost, but overall just going with the flow to see what sticks/ distract him from his situation.
May be slightly uncomfortable with mother figures? He has this gut feeling that he has a mom, or at least someone like that. But he can't remember her face, and can only remember the snippets of her voice. It bothers him greatly that he can't remember, and thus feels a bit uncomfortable when Ames interacts positively with her mom , or when Lillie talks about Burnet, and definitely when Lusamine starts talking about sharing her love with others. They're not his mom. He misses his mom. He does not remember her face.
This doesn't help me choose if he was founded by the aether foundation or not. But it would be interesting: Lusamine is like " please, let me be your mother -" and Ray is actively like " no, thank you ^^". Burnet would somewhat have a similar effect but she isn't pushing this motherly role into him. If anything, the tension comes from Ray trying to find the line between general care taker ( bc he's a fucking Faller) and mother figure. Lillie's relationship with Burnet does not help.
On the verge of a break down but we stay Sillay :3
Kinda uses the island challenge as a distraction. He is invested in it, I think it's something he always wanted to do ( though he has no idea why ) but above all else he needs something to not make him think about his amnesia. Heck for a long while, he doesn't want to figure out his past bc it means thinking about how he doesn't fucking know it and is lost in a world that feels so familiar yet isn't exactly his ( Hao'oli city probably hits him hard but he refuses to let that show for his own sake).
Relationship with other characters as of now:
Ames - As the secondary protagonist, I feel like he has to be close with her to some degree. Both are practically night and day ( heh ),but they're both fish out of water in terms of Alola,and both kinda struggle with the language barrier ( Ames only knows so much ASL and Unovan, Ray's hoh is recent due to being a Faller, and thus he has a bit of a learning curve in both sign and general hearing words ). Despite their differences, Ray, much like Hau, makes it a bit easy for Ames to just. Adjust. Kinda. Ames gets very annoyed with Ray's seemingly carelessness about some situations and does get frustrated with him from time to time. Ray just wishes for things to be chill. But overall, I think they get each other in the loneliness of it all. Outside of that, Ray is the one that stops Amsonia from kicking people's kneecaps. But he's also the type to just wander a dangerous cave for fun with Ames vigorously signing for him not to in the background ( jokes on her, he doesn't understand ASL yet ). So it's hard to say if he's the responsible one or not lol.
Hau - VERY appreciative of Hau, the two became the fastest friends. Two kids who loves having fun and enjoying the world. Hau also speaks pretty loudly, which is something Ray greatly appreciates. They both kinda struggle with "taking things seriously", though for Ray it's more so a distraction for his problems, and for Hau it's both something he has to learn in general but also bc he knows how stressed other people in Alola are. So he tries to be a force of energy that other people can be at ease to....with varying success. Overall these two are very close, though I can see Hau wishing for more vulnerability as time goes on, something Ray isn't sure of atm.
Lillie - Despite having complicated feelings about her and Burnet's relationship, he actually really likes Lillie! Doesn't immediately pick up her relationship with Lusamine like Ames does, but he's always very nice to her and made it his goal to see her smile more. LOVES to pamper Nebby, and likes faking being hurt when it starts to gravitate towards Ames more. Again, both kinda being a fish out of water helps the two bond a lot more than what's expected of them. Lillie, I think, is pretty patient with him, and probably helps him learn sign ( possibly as someone who is learning sign herself).
Gladion - Truthfully I haven't fully thought out their dynamic. I think to differentiate himself from Hau here, Ray doesn't really react to Gladion 's edginess. Rather he just speaks to him regularly, not exactly treating Gladion with the grandiose he's probably expecting as an edgy teen. Post game, if anyone is gonna drag Gladion outside of the Aether Foundation, it's Ray lmao. I dunno how to describe it. Ray is just as bright and as loud as Hau, but also not as..... head buttable? Like he doesn't take offense to Gladion 's edge ( he thinks it's kinda funny), and actually tries to talk to him throughout the SM arc ( I can see them bumping into each other a few times). Of all the kids, I think he would know sign language the best? Partly bc of Lusamine, partly bc of Team Skull ( thank you Plumeria for teaching this guy sign language), so I can see him helping Ray with his sign language ( though really Ray is mostly learning from an expert/ teacher lol. Just wanted to make that clear).
I could do the adults but there are like. The main ones I wanted to talk about.
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a-tale-of-legends · 8 months ago
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Okay I was just gonna do Arty, but then I did Keahi and now here's Tiny. No yellow background cause I felt it clashed with his hair.
And now here's Ocean ( purple) and Daisy ( Orange)
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I tried making Keke, but the colors just don't match him.....that being said I feel bad that he is the only one that's not here so. Here's a "rough sketch" of his design!
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.... something like that! I imagine his hair is a dark teal like Vikavolt. I actually see him wearing a cool sleek jumpsuit with a cool helmet that covers his head most times. Aaaand. Yeah
Picrew again :)
Oh and it should go without saying,bc of picrew limitations, these picrews are in general not 100% accurate. For example, Daisy's locs are more akin to how Mudsdale hair is like. Tiny's clothing is a bit more elaborate, etc etc.
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a-tale-of-legends · 9 months ago
Arty: I CAN'T DO IT!
Tiny, laughing: I CAN'T EITHER!
Arty: I appreciate it,
Zeke: Arty-
Ocean: Arty we gotta-
Arty: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY 'What am I willing to put up with today?'
Arty, motioning to the Ultra Beasts: NOT FUCKING THIS
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a-tale-of-legends · 11 months ago
Had this idea I shared on discord: Ames and Hau battle it out for the champion spot and Hau wins, right? Since the kahuna spot is open, Ames takes that spot ( no clue what type she would specialize in-) bc Tapu Koko already likes her a ton, and she can focus more on her surfing career.
Deer then suggested they would switch every six months or so, which I find hilarious. They're both evenly matched and bc of that, they kinda have to flip flop between jobs hgvhvgvgvcg.
Even funnier is that I like to imagine Tapu Koko ( who doesn't Choose btw, this is just Tapu Koko being Tapu Koko) would just. Crash a championship battle bc they were bored or bc they think the trainer doing the battling has potential like Ames and Hau did. And both Ames and Hau ( if I have them switching jobs being a constant thing) would just have to deal with it lol.
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a-tale-of-legends · 10 months ago
Playing ultra moon.....again! For the....who knows how many times now.
I like that the players mom surfs. I think it's where Amsonia gets her love for surfing from. And is probably one of the few happy memories she had from Kanto.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years ago
So! The main story of XY is fine,and all I have to do is Emma's plotline. So let's do a poll to see what's do next!
I will say, both Violet and Ultra Moon I am much further in than PLA, and well. I said post game last time I did the poll but what I meant was IOA and Crown Tundra for Carol. My bad!
I think this time around, regardless of who wins, I'll dabble in the other games of this poll, cause I found myself kinda wishing to play other games when doing the y nuzlocke. Not bc I wasn't having fun!!! I had lots of fun, but it's hard focusing on one game, you know? But yeah, vote away!
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