#they buy lots of snacks and frozen foods easy to make stuff
badlydrawn-brostrider · 10 months
So what’s the grocery shopping situation like in your house?
BRO: Well we aren't dead. I try to make sure Mini Me eats greens sometimes.
BRO: Usually I'm the one who actually goes out to buy the shit we need. Everybody in this house hates bein' out in crowds but I'm the adult so I'm the one stuck with the responsibility. Mini sometimes comes with if he's up to it.
BRO: And, I'm sure y'all are happy to hear, there's no swords in the fridge. Most of the time.
BRO: Sometimes the lil' shits will stab a knife into empty cartons of milk or juice to 'indirectly' say we need more. That, or they'll stab their grocery lists onto the fridge with a sword so I remember to buy the snacks they want. The joys of livin' with sword wielding teens.
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hollowsart · 6 months
what kinds of food does Acedia and her boyfriends usually make or buy to eat? you can learn a lot about a person by what they've got in their fridge and pantry:
Acedia: boxes of pasta/noodles, jars of sauces, hotdogs, buns, bread, cans of chili and soup, lots of snacks. water (with flavor packets) and ginger ale are all she really drinks. most of these are relatively cheap. also blueberry bagels, rice, chicken, cheese, ham, and eggs. and milk. (she's often hungry, but knows how to make a few meals that sit heavy for awhile, good for the boosted metabolism she's got) probably eats the least healthy out of the group. on special occasions she'll have a bit of money saved up to get some better food. she likes to visit and eat out at the [Commodite Cafe], they have a lot of her favorite foods for a good price.
Beck: the basics, bread and milk (whatever is cheapest), but also plenty of coffee, any kind of bagel really (tends to favor cinnamon & raisin most), boxed or frozen meals (a tv dinner kind of guy.. not really by choice), occasionally he'll stock up on some ingredients to make him something special that he can have leftover for a couple of days that's more filling and healthier. he likes takeout, anything cheap and easy. he's a busy guy most of the time so he doesn't have the time to cook very often. but when he does, he's actually not too bad. has a few recipe books in a cabinet in the kitchen, his favorites have colored notes sticking out of the pages.
Otto: eats the healthiest out of the group and has all the basics when it comes to what fills his pantries. he makes the time to prepare his own meals. having the actuators helps a lot. he's not exactly a chef nor a baker, but he finds it quite pleasant and not too different from his usual work, making food for himself and all his pets. he's usually got a stocked fridge and freezer filled with stuff for him and his pets, too. he's got a few cabinets of snacks and treats. enjoys both coffee and tea, and enjoys a nice everything or cheesy bagel, depending on the time of day. ..he has a slight sweet tooth and does his best to refrain from eating too many chocolate/chip bagels, he's moved to occasionally getting a honey one instead.
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bisluthq · 11 days
Something that also really works for me is to take 2 days off in a week to cook in batches, like 2-3 side dishes. That's enough to not have to cook for the rest of the week or maybe. And if I don't feel like eating more of one of them, i just freeze. It's actually a running joke in my household that when I can only cook in army quantities.
I like to cook in general, but I'm more of a baker. I also like to cook breakfasts and middle of the day snacks type of thing. Actual meals cooking sometimes I don't find as fun and in the moment if I don't have food ready I end up by not eating or eating crap. Which is kind not good for me. So doing it this way is also kind of me trying to make these fun and varied and planned. I'm a big fan of meal planning and lists of all kind.
One thing that really helps me to make sure I eat vegetables everyday is buying those bags of mixed frozen vegetables and when I'm pre making whatever side dish I just dump the vegetables at the same time. And then the main protein I decide on the day by putting something in the oven or whatever. So even though you are eating the same 2-3 side dishes, it doesn't get boring because the rest is different
In my country there's a big culture around eating soup at all meals, so I also make sure to do a batch of soup to last a week. All seasons of the year. There's dozens of soup recipes, but mainly it really is just vegetables with a bit of olive oil. All children get used to this, since they're little. So sometimes if you don't eat a lot of dinner, your parents are like oh but he ate a bowl of soup he's fine. Cause it's just filling, good nutrients and nothing else.
It’s a good idea for sure. It doesn’t really work for me personally - I’ve tried this like batch cooking/meal prepping but then I don’t want to eat the thing I made and I make something new and the stuff I batch cooked sits in the freezer for ages. But also I am just very impulsive.
what I do do recently though is I keep a loooot of stuff in my freezer. I have been going on a monthly shop and I buy a lot of different kinds of meat and fish and frozen stuff like peas and veggie packs and stick it all in the freezer so then when I decide I want to make oxtail or I want to make bolognese or I want to make chicken or whatever then I have it there and also I always have a lot of choices so then I don’t want to go out or order a takeout.
When I didn’t work from home (so before the pandemic) I used to shop every day after work and decide what to make then. In the pandemic, I started doing the big shops so I wouldn’t have to go out for a while and then I stopped doing that again and went through a phase of eating a lot of takeouts which worked for just me. When my bf and I moved in together we were getting lots of takeouts and it was just… starting to cost me a lot lol and we were also both getting bored of it because we’d order the same things from the same places every time. But I work from home and I don’t really want to go to the shops that much so idk I’ve just been doing this bulk shop thing and it makes it way easier for me to control my spending and always have something I want to make in the fridge. I try to get a fair amount of easy to cook stuff (like things you just need to stick in the oven or air fryer, you know) and a couple fancy things for if I feel like making something complicated and as I said veggies and stuff and I always keep rice and potatoes and I try to have fresh veggies for like a simple side salad in my fridge all the time but sometimes I forget and/or they go off because there’s only 2 of us so if it’s like a head of lettuce then that’s hard for us to finish and even the little packets tend to go off without us finishing them. So I also sometimes order salad or buy at a deli but then I’ll do that on the day.
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artemisbarnowl · 11 months
Okay so Costco was a time but I called my sister about it and now I'm like...it was fine I guess.
It's strange. Yes everything is big and there's the biggest fucking TVs I've ever seen as well as fresh fruit and Xmas ornaments and frozen fish and a whole isle of soda but the strangest thing to me (after the freaking....inflatable pool slide hanging from the ceiling which when I was in the central open part of the store felt like it was hunting me) was the organisation. There are general sections such as Food and Tech but....there's candles next to kitchen bench top appliances, snacks seem to be spread across different Isles and then also some in the central island where the clothes are. There are several freezer locations that are separate from each other and not necessarily related to whatever else in the isle. The Isles are BARELY 2 trolleys wide. With such huge trolleys turning a corner is difficult but there is not a lot of room to turn if someone is already in the isle you're turning into. No check out lines. It was just a crowd. which I hated. The car park also did not think so much about flow of traffic and while it was relatively quiet for us it was easy to see how it would be a nightmare if busier.
My friend who has a membership told me they don't have the same stuff every time??? So you're getting your once a year dishwashing liquid bucket or whatever and next time they might not have the same brand or flavour? Also this could have been a person I went with thing but things seem to move. There was one kind of seaweed snack but we were looking for a different one and we found it on a pallet near dogfood which is not normally where it lives??
There were the biggest bags of chips I'd ever seen in my life and literal tin buckets of ghee but many Big Things were actually just normal large size but they are packaged in 2 or 4s so you cannot buy 1 4litre bottle of vinegar you must buy a box of 4. The bakery onsite was surprising but as one woman who lives a lot I could not buy 26 mini pan au Chocolat for 10 dollars even though they smelled very yummy. You can order birthday cakes with lettering. They didn't even have full coffins/caskets just end pieces to show the finish/shape but they all looked cheap nasty plastic as heck. One was called the Nixon coffin which I thought was funny for tenuous reasons. Did he get buried in one like it? Was it his favourite? Do people buried in this have some semblance to him?
I got a bag of freeze dried fruit (peaches, lychees and strawberries) to share with my friend as office snacks. 100g for 15 dollars is expensive but freeze dried fruit are very light so it should go a long way. My friend also bought some mangosteen juice to try.
I stared longingly at large slabs of paneer and fior de late. Also at the 15 cents cheaper than average fuel prices. Not sure I'd go enough to actually make any savings (fuel alone would probably get my money back, but I live alone so can't buy much in bulk as a way to save). Also many things just didn't seem That Cheap. Many pantry staples were just the normalish price scaled up, like rice. Some things were cheap (6 tubes of miso ramen flavoured Pringles for 10 dollars for example) but they were often somewhat novelty so you are buying A LOT with the risk you don't like it.
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sassypotatoe1 · 1 year
@wheatforme hi you said you wanted to look for more shelf stable foods in the tags on the post about weight gain in disabled people, and while I don't want to derail that post with this I do still want to help out so here's what I learned with the help of my former dietician.
For breakfast, cereal is a fantastic option. You'll get a ton of health nuts slamming breakfast cereals for being unhealthy but that's solely because of the sugar content. Most breakfast cereals on the market are not only cheap, shelf stable and delicious and less likely to trigger eating disorders like ARFID, but they're pretty packed with nutrients. You don't even need the fancy gross nutrition cereals froot loops have vitamins and minerals worked in to make it more nutritious for kids because of us fda regulations.
You can also eat breakfast bars, those are shelf stable and nutritious, but the portion sizes are iffy because you'll consume about twice the recommended portion before reaching satiety. That's not to say you shouldn't go over the recommended portion size, by all means eat until you are satiated, but if you are diabetic or have some other related health issues sticking to the recommended portion size might be better.
For lunch things like cracker bread, rice cakes, saltine crackers, dried fruit, protein bars and cookies are great. They're all shelf stable, you can buy them in bulk (enough for 3 months I'd say) and except for the dried fruit, if you take them out of the package and store them in air tight containers they'll hold.
Dried fruit you should ideally consume in a month tops, because it can still go bad faster than the rest, but it's very important to incorporate fiber and fruit sugars and vitamins into your diet so if fruit go bad in your house or you have arfid and differences in fruit texture triggers it, dried fruit is a fantastic shelf stable way to get those nutrients without things getting in the way.
You could also keep processed fruit juice, which a lot of health nuts will also slam but if you check the label thoroughly and it does contain adequate vitamins and minerals and fiber, it doesn't matter if it has preservatives that's a shelf stable nutrition source. Preservatives aren't evil and they very likely don't cause cancer there's just a small negligible chance that they might.
For dinner my favorite things to keep are frozen microwavable meals. Granted they're not as nutritious as fresh meals but they're still packed with nutrients so they're a good choice. They don't mess with your executive dysfunction because you literally take them out of the box while frozen, stab holes into the plastic top with a fork, put them in the microwave for 6 minutes (or however long the box says) and eat.
I also like to keep instant noodles, and not just ramen though that's pretty good snack-wise and I'll tell you in a bit why, I mean the packets of instant Mac and cheese, or pasta Alfredo, stuff like that. They're probably the least nutritious things in this entire post and they still have proteins, carbs, and calcium from milk. They're great for an energy boost when you haven't eaten in two days because nothing is appetizing and you couldn't get out of bed.
You literally throw it in a bowl, throw in milk, add boiling water and stir. Some of it you have to microwave for a few minutes, other kinds you boil on the stove for a bit, but it's quick and it's easy and it's a perfect boost when you need it.
Snack-wise I keep a huge party pack of chocolates, like pralines or wafer balls. I also keep chocolate spread and peanut butter, and both are fantastic on crackers. For instant ramen I like to get frozen cooked spinach, a big bag, and eggs. The eggs aren't shelf stable but I just use them when I have them. I make the ramen with a chunk of the spinach, and then I boil the egg, cut it up and put it in the ramen. It was the snack that kept me alive in my last year of university. It's got protein, spinach which is like a super food, and carbs. It's great.
Of course I also kept cheese and yogurt but like the eggs they were use when I had them items because my executive dysfunction didn't allow me to go shopping frequently enough to replace them as they ran out.
My real life saver though, quite literally in fact, was ensure nutrition shakes. It may be expensive but a can lasts 3 months if you drink a shake a day, and it's positively loaded with all the nutrients you could possibly need. I preferred the chocolate flavored one, but my brother liked vanilla and my university roommate liked banana.
I don't know what's available where you are, but a nutrition shake is fantastic if you struggle with executive dysfunction or arfid or both like me. You can, within limits, use it as a meal replacement. If I didn't eat for an entire day and didn't have energy to make even instant ramen I made myself a shake. You scoop 6 scoops into a tumbler, add a cup and a half of water, I used milk because I was trying to gain fat, and you shake all your frustrations out. Then you have a great tasting nutritious liquid meal.
Like I said though within limits. Nutrition shakes may have all the nutrients you need, but if you only consume that and not much else you could end up with dehydration, constipation or diarrhea, kidney problems, nausea, and excessive weight gain. One shake a day should be your cut off, and you have to consume something with a lot of fiber and a ton of water so your body can digest it properly.
That's all I have for you, though your preferences will be a lot of trial and error to see what works for you and what doesn't. I hope this helps!
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drvitaltips · 6 months
Best Foods to Freeze: Cut Waste, Save Cash
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Did you know freezing food is like hitting 'pause' on the freshness clock? It's a genius way to save money, eat healthier, and make mealtimes a whole lot easier. Whether you're buying in bulk to save a few bucks or rescuing those almost-too-ripe bananas, your freezer is your friend. Let's dive into the best foods to freeze, some handy tips, and a few things to avoid tossing in there. Get ready to make your kitchen more efficient! Foods That Freeze Well (and Why) Ok, let's get practical! Here's a breakdown of foods that love a little chill time: - Dairy Delights: Milk? Yep! Butter? You bet! Even shredded cheese and yogurt (if you're using it in smoothies or baking later) can take a freezer vacation. - Quick Tip: Textures can change a bit, but the taste won't. - Fruit & Veggie Heroes: Think berries, bananas ready for smoothies, grapes (a fun frozen snack!), peppers, onions, carrots, even zucchini if you grate it first. - Pro Tip: Blanch veggies (quick dip in boiling water) to keep them bright and flavorful. - Protein Powerhouses: Cooked meats like chicken and ground beef are perfect for future meals. Raw meats freeze fine too – just follow those USDA guidelines for safe storage! - Meal Prep Champs: Soups, stews, and casseroles are amazing freezer friends. Just leave a bit of room on top for things to expand as they freeze. - Handy Staples: Tomato paste, bread, cooked rice, nuts, even popcorn kernels freeze like a dream. Tips for Freezing Food Ready to fill up that freezer? Here's how to do it right: - Cool it Down: Don't put hot food straight in the freezer – let it cool to room temperature first. You don't want to warm everything else up! - Portion Control: Freeze stuff in the amounts you'll actually use. No one needs a giant block of frozen berries when a handful will do! - Airtight is Key: Use freezer bags, containers, or even good quality plastic wrap to keep air out and prevent freezer burn. - Label Everything: Write the name of what it is and the date you froze it. Your future self will thank you! - Liquids Need Room: Soups and sauces will expand a little when they freeze, so don't fill containers to the very top. Myth Buster: Did you know you can freeze eggs? It's true, but you have to crack them first! Whisk them up and freeze them in an ice cube tray for easy use in recipes later. Is there anything these freezers can't do? Well, some things don't love freezing... Foods That Don't Freeze Well Not everything belongs in the icy depths! Here's what to avoid freezing: - Delicate Produce: Lettuce, cucumbers, and other high-water-content veggies turn to mush when thawed. Best eaten fresh! - Creamy Creations: Sauces with cream or milk tend to separate when frozen. They might be okay in cooked dishes, but not on their own. - Fried Foods: The crispy goodness won't survive the thaw, sadly. Enjoy those while they're hot! - Soft Cheeses: Cream cheese, ricotta... their textures take a serious hit in the freezer. Hard cheeses generally fare better. Making the Most of Your Freezer Now, let's turn your freezer into a superpower! Here's how: - Meal Prep Master: Got a favorite recipe? Double it and freeze half for a night when cooking feels impossible. - Bulk Bargains: Meat on sale? Stock up and freeze it! Just remember to divide it into usable portions first. - Waste Warrior: Bananas turning brown? Bread going stale? Pop them in the freezer for later use (smoothies and bread pudding, anyone?) - Freezer Inventory: Keep a list on your fridge of what's frozen. It'll prevent you from buying stuff you already have stashed away! ProsConsSaves money: Buy in bulk or rescue food about to go badRequires some planning: Need proper containers and portioningReduces food waste: Prevents perishables from spoilingSome texture changes: Certain items won't be exactly the same after thawingConvenient: Have pre-prepped ingredients or ready-to-heat mealsFreezer space: Can fill up quicklyPreserves nutrients: Locks in nutrition at its peakNot everything freezes well: Delicate foods and creamy sauces can be tricky FAQs about Freezing Food - How long does food last in the freezer? It depends on the food, but usually several months to a year. There are handy charts online for reference. - Thawed something and won't use it all? In most cases, you can safely refreeze food as long as it was thawed properly in the fridge. - Is freezer burn dangerous? Nope, just unappetizing. It affects the taste and texture, but it won't make you sick. The Importance of Food Safety & Quality Freezing is fantastic, but food safety still matters! Here's the lowdown: - USDA Guidelines Are Golden: They'll tell you safe freezing times and the best way to thaw different foods. Read the Freezing and Food Safety here - Freezing Stops the Clock: It doesn't kill bacteria. So, if food was getting a bit iffy, freezing won't magically make it good again. - Thaw Right: In the fridge is the safest way! Never leave things out on the counter to thaw. Freezing Tips for Specific Foods Alright, let's get specific! Here are some bonus tips for those everyday items: - Fruits: - Berries: Rinse, dry, and spread them out on a baking sheet to freeze individually. Then pop them in a bag – perfect for smoothies and snacking! - Bananas: Peel, slice, or even leave whole (for smoothies). A squeeze of lemon juice helps them keep their color. - Other fruits: Peaches, apples, and the like need a little prep before freezing, like peeling and preventing browning. - Vegetables: - Green beans, broccoli, etc.: Blanching quickly preserves their vibrant color and a bit of crunch. - Peppers and onions: Chop and freeze raw – so convenient for tossing into soups and stir-fries later! - Zucchini: Grate and squeeze out extra moisture. Great for sneaking into sauces and baked goods. - Bread and baked goods: - Sliced bread: Separates easily when frozen, perfect for grabbing a slice or two at a time. - Muffins, cookies, etc.: Freeze individually, then store them together for easy grab-and-go treats. - Herbs: - Hardy herbs: Think rosemary and thyme – freeze them whole on the stem. - Tender herbs: Like basil and cilantro – chop them finely and freeze in ice cube trays with a bit of olive oil for bursts of flavor. - Liquids: - Stock and broth: Freeze in ice cube trays or portions you'll actually use. Label with the amount! - Tomato Sauce: Use freezer-safe containers and remember to leave room for expansion. Funny Freezer Fact: You know those popsicles you buy in the long plastic sleeves? You can make your own! Fill the sleeves with juice, yogurt, or whatever you like, and freeze – perfect summer treat! Key Takeaways - Your freezer is a powerful tool for saving money and reducing food waste. - Many foods freeze beautifully, extending their shelf life and preserving nutrients. - Proper freezing techniques ensure your food stays tasty and safe to eat. Conclusion Your freezer isn't just for ice cream anymore! It's your secret weapon for saving money, reducing waste, and making healthy eating easier. By knowing what freezes well and following a few simple tips, you'll be amazed at what you can do. Remember, freezing is like a pause button on freshness – so use your frozen goodies in a timely way for the best flavors and textures. Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions about your health. Read the full article
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soft-boi-eli · 3 years
okay I literally just made this acc bc there's no anon requests and I have an idea that I asked someone else but they turned it down and I'm lowkey embarrassed that they denied my request. I PINKY PROMISE ITS NOT BAD, HERE ME OUT
do you think you can write a lil bit about schlatt ending up having to "babysit" the reader (even though she's dead ass 18 lmaoo) because her parents are strict and don't trust her and they think Schlatt is a good influence because his parents are "🇺🇲🍟🐟🐷" but he's genuinely nice and respectful of other peoples views and opinions (unlike his other family). Basically Schlatt was like "aww hell yeah we're gonna play video games until 4am and watch action movies and be homies there's no parents stopping us" but the reader gets her period and she's just like laying around in misery and schlatt literally doesn't know what to do (bc yk periods are supposed to be a secret shhh) so he looks up what to do when girls get their period so while she's sleeping he just goes out and buys a bunch of stuff for her and its just fluffy (DONT FORGET PLATONIC) and the reader wakes up to all this stuff and its just 🥰 anyways she ends up falling asleep while watching Schlatt play COD.
(the reader is afab and uses she/her pronouns)
This is amazing. I have one other request but I am going to hop right on this one. Also sorry about the anon thing. I'm still newish to tumblr and I have no clue on how to turn it on. I've been trying to but i seriously cant find it. 😭
If this takes a bit I do apologize sincerely.
Warnings:periods cursing, strict parents.
Schaltt with an AFAB bff reader that he 'babysits'
Your parents. Thay dont know when to let you go.
Teaching you everything about females are supposed to be like this or that. Periods arent supposed to be talked about. They were the strict, bible Americans.
The best way to put it. Periods meant sin. And you were supposed to hide it. You were 18 in their eyes you're still a child. A child that worked 2 jobs just to hopefully live away from them.
But there was that rare day where you had it off from both jobs and could just relax.
That was until you heard there was someone coming to babysit you. You're a perfectly capable 18 year old. Not a toddler.
Yet your parents didn't trust you. You have a bed time of 10pm. And they got a baby sitter just for that.
He was there on time. And he looked you up and down in confusion. "This is who I'm babysitting right?" He looked the same age as you. "Alright. There will be no problem. They'll be in bed by 10pm. They'll have dinner at 6PM. And shower at 8pm." Your parents nodded in agreement and he watched them walk off. Shutting the door he looked at you. "Yeah. No. You are a grown woman and I'm not going to force you to do that. Also you're not paying me. You like call of duty? Action movies?" Perking up you nodded. "Yeah!"
He smirked. "Yeah. You up for a long night of movies and games?"
That day bloomed a friendship. The fourth time he came over you two were like best friends.
But the fifth time you seemed like you were dying. Laying around. Not wanting to play games. Not wanting to watch movies.
He was so concerned about you. Like deadass he thought you were dead his parents never saw the importantace of him learning what a period.
When you said the word period he was confused he searched it up and felt dread. You went through what every momth?! You can have so many symptoms yet nothing to help it?! What the fuck!
"Bro you want anything? Need anything?" You looked at him. He looked so concerned for you. "Heating pack. Dark chocolate. Please." He was quick to nod and start the heating pack.
Looking around the kitchen he couldnt find any dark chocolate and there was a store across the street. "You want strawberry ice cream and dark chocolate?"
The quite yeah was heard and he was off and back the heating pack fully heated and the ice cream that perfect texture. And a huge ass bar of dark chocolate. Along with a huge gallon of three flavored ice cream.
You know the neapolitan shit. You were so confused.
"Movie marathon or watching me play COD?" you thought for a sec. "COD." he nodded and sat next to you.
As you ate the sweet strawberry cream with frozen strawberries. Turns out he was preparing for when you finished you ice cream with the gallon.
When he saw you pint empty and you getting slightly sad he paused the game. In the middle of the campaign. And got you a huge ass bowl of the three ice creams.
You had never seemed so happy. Half way through the bowl you rested your head on his lap. You just wanted to sleep now and that's what you did.
You didnt know that schaltt left once more. Buying popcorn, your favorite candy, he felt embarrassed about this but he took a picture of the pads you use, like brand, size and everything. Got you quiet a few packs of them to be safe. Chips, chicken nuggets, even stuff to make your favorite meal by scratch. Stumbling into the stuffed animal aisle he scarned the shelves.
Finding a huge one with a zipper in it you had mentioned your parents have been trying to take your money and you could technically hide it in there.
Checking out the cashier gave him a weird look. But he didnt give two shits, he literally carried it back to your place. No car to help. He took that mile long walk with the bags and got back right before you woke up. Pads in the bathroom everything set up so it was easy access. And the stuffed snorlax was huge.
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Like a fuckin bed huge.
He didnt wake you. Just started up his game again.
When you did wake up you were covered in a blanket, snacks set out in a nice array of candy to chips.
Four drinks. Two waters and one coke with the other being your favorite kind of soda.
Then the heavenly scent that came from the kitchen. And before you could even get up to see what it was schaltt came out two (bowls/plates) of your favourite food.
"You didnt have to do this." He shook his head. "I wanted to. You're in pain and all that shit. You need to relax, keep hydrated, stay warm. All of it. And I might as well take care of my best friend."
I have finished. I do apologize if this isnt fully what you wanted!! And the other person was quite mean. I dont reject unless I fully explain it and tell them gently.
But I hope this is good. I have been quite busy as of late due to it being the first and all.
But yeah. Nearly died today and all. Roller coasters, indeed fun, but sometimes unsafe.
It's all good though had lots of fun at a fair, keeping safe with covid and all, I even got a shiny rock I am very happy.
Anyways have a good day!!
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doyouknowbtsswag · 3 years
Wegmans |Ted Nivison|
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(video dates will be messed up for story details)
Another day another set of annoying customers to send my way. I haven't worked at Wegmans for long, but long enough to know what type of people come to the store and buy, and the layout of the store.
The fruits and vegetables are in a big space near the cash registers. If you go left you’ll end up where the frozen foods are, especially the Ice cream. Next to that on the left is hygienic stuff, like soap, toothpaste and even drug store makeup. If you go further down the isle it’ll take you to where the vitamins are located.
If you go to the right of the hygiene isle you’ll come across home goods such as toilet paper and paper towels and a random candy isle for some reason. Now on the right of the fruits and vegetables there’s the bakery and pizza, if your on the morning shift you’ll be lucky to get the small of fresh baked goods and pizza dough. If you keep going you’ll end up at one of the entrances which entails some alcoholic beverages and a small restaurant.
From the cash register you can see the dairy products, next to the dairy products are the meats and sea food. It’s a easy layout and all you really have to do is follow the signs. I typically work as a cashier or stock the shelves some days both.
I put on my uniform and walked to cash register 6. I could see the dairy and candy isle. I sighed looking around the somewhat empty store, the store was huge so there could be more people around. There wasn’t much cash registers open just me and some guy named Jared.
I caught eye of someone in the dairy isle, the person had their back facing me as they looked through the milk so I could tell what this person looked like, all I know is that the said person is really tall. The person grabbed a lot of milk all different types of milk that filled up their cart.
Once the person turned around I got a small glance of what the person looked like. It was a male wearing glasses he had brown hair and was wearing a shirt that says milk on it.
He approached the cash register nothing but milk in his cart. He placed it on the conveyor belt one by one. I grabbed each container scanning it then putting it in bags.
He finished putting the milk on the conveyor belt and walked closer to the actual register.
“Seems you really like milk huh?” I said trying to be friendly as I scan the last two cartons. “And different kinds”
“Oh I’m not drinking all of this” he chuckled pulling out his card. “It’s for a YouTube video I’m making with one of my friends”
“What would you need this much for?” I asked curiously as he swiped his card.
“Well we are combining all of them together” He said grabbing his bags.
I wasn’t the biggest fan of milk, I can drink it just isn’t my favorite and mixing different kinds all together made me wanna gag.
“Do you want a receipt?”
“Sure” He replied as I handed him his receipt.
“Have a good day!”
“You too” He smiled before walking away.
I looked at the time noticing I started my break. I turned off my registers light off indicating it was close. I walked to the bakery where one of my close friends worked.
“Hey Caroline”
“How’s your shift been so far?” She asked leaning over the counter where the pastries where hidden behind glass.
“Pretty good actual, there was a interesting guy who bought a shit ton of milk”
“Was he cute?” She asked
“Yeah I would say so”
“Lucky, you get a cute guy to deal with on your shift the only guy I’ve had was a old man getting his wife’s name written on a chocolate cake.”
“That’s cute”
“What the old man?”
“No no the fact that he got something for his wife”
“Yeah I guess so” she sighs placing her forehead on the counter. “I’m never gonna get a boyfriend”
“Don’t say that”
“You literal just talked to a guy” she said looking me straight in the eye.
“Caroline, that’s the last time I’ll end up seeing him remember he’s just a customer they come and go”
“I guess, I should probably head back to my shift talk to you later”
“Bye” I smiled waving at my friend.
I walked to the staff only room and grabbed some change out of my pocket. I don’t really eat at work just a small snack will get me through the day.
The next few days rolled by same as usual. Today I was stocking the shelves. I pushed the cart full of flour to the isle they belonged to. The cart was heavy and hard to push but I manage to get there. I put a few things of flour on the shelf before being interrupted with a tap on my shoulder.
“Excuse me?” The same guy from last week looked down at me. I quickly stood up slightly covered in flour.
“Can you help me find a few things?”
“I would be happy to help” I responded.
“Thanks I need help finding ground cinnamon”
“Oh alright let me show you” I’m not gonna be one of those workers who just point to a isle hoping the person understands what they are saying.
I lead him to where the cinnamon was.
“Seems like you have a strict list is it for YouTube?”
“You remember huh?” He smiles “Yeah I’m making banana bread”
“Oh my god” he looked confused “I love banana bread!”
“Oh really?”
I nodded as we made it to the cinnamon isle.
“Thank you for showing me the cinnamon” He smiled
“Anytime” I smiled back as I started to walk away he grabbed my wrist.
“I’m Ted Nivison by the way” He said the cinnamon in the small basket I didn’t realize he was carrying.
“Y/n Y/l/n”
“It’s nice meeting you”
“You too” He let go of my wrist.
“I know this is a weird thing to ask but do you wanna be in my video making the banana bread? You don’t have to but you know”
“Sure tomorrow at like 5? That’s when my shift ends.
“Sounds like a plan”
I pull out the pen and notepad I’m supposed to be using for counting flour but oh well. I write my number and hand it to him.
“Text me” I smiled.
“I will, uhm see you later!”
“Bye!” I waved watching him jog away. He fist pumped the air just a bit.
“I told you he’d come back”
“Whatever Caroline how long have you been there for Anyways?”
“Two minutes the manager is letting people off early so I was wondering if you wanna head out to get something at I dunno McDonald’s or something of the sort.”
“Sure let me grab my things, I’ll be right back”
I went to the staff only room and my locker pulling out my bag my phone beeped notifying me that I got a text.
Is this the Y/n?
I smiled replying with a yes before adding his contact name in it phone.
“Guess it's a blessing to work a Wegmans I joked to myself gathering things to go meet up with Caroline.
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devian235 · 3 years
Is Eating Junk Food Once a Day Healthy
Junk foods
For what reason do we ache for rich, crunchy, singed dishes that cause swelling waistlines, more elevated cholesterol and rising pulse? Since they taste great! Peruse on for the 9 most exceedingly terrible food sources you’re eating and the sound substitutes to go after when you simply need to enjoy…
Worst Junk Food #1: Ice Cream
Ah, ice cream. The source of many tummy aches and dessert hangovers. Junk Foods I’ve heard ice cream is the best flavor ever, but sometimes ice cream can do more damage than good. People love ice cream so much, and so readily, that some see it as a “treat” all the time. This is a mistake! Drinking a lot of ice cream does not count as healthy, healthy-sounding, indulgent behavior. Ice cream has the highest levels of fat per ounce of any food, no matter what shape or flavor it is. The sugar, lactose, and calories you eat from ice cream make up all of the nutrition you get from it, and it’s way too high in calories for someone to truly be able to enjoy ice cream. With regular ice cream, you’ll lose nearly all of the benefits of regular ice cream if you eat it every day.
Worst Junk Food #2: French Fries
It’s almost impossible to go past the deliciously crispy, white-grey skin that surrounds fries, it’s as iconic as the cheese sauce and aubergine ketchup combo found on a chips dinner. If you crave French fries and are not ready to take the health leap, ask the restaurant for a side of steamed green vegetables. You can eat them with some dipping sauce on the side for an easy alternative.
Healthy Substitutions:
Mushrooms. Roasted, chopped mushrooms – they’re also a great source of fiber and protein. Add them to your daily diet and keep snacking healthy! Beans. They can be washed and eaten as is with your favorite dip. Cashew.
Worst Junk Food #3: Donuts
Donuts are another example of good tastes being sacrificed for money-making. They are not healthy and are very bad for you. Junk Foods The fat content is around 16g per donut and the sugar content in the Krispy Kreme variety is around 10g per donut. A donut is essentially nothing more than a giant hole in the middle of a pastry and it’s so much better for you to make your healthy cakes and muffins at home instead of buying them. Here are some more tips for healthier donuts:
Use a healthier source of butter such as sunflower oil rather than margarine (margarine is only 2.
Worst Junk Food #4: Granola Bars
They’re everywhere. As seen on television, seen on the internet, in every store I visit.
A granola bar is a portion of basic, dehydrated breakfast food. And as you know, they’re not so bad, except that, well, they’re disgusting. I mean, even if you’re healthy, there is nothing particularly healthy about them.
One serving (just one granola bar, mind you) has a whopping five grams of sugar, a whopping 60 grams of fat, and almost 150 calories, making it a quick meal for the whole family and a diabetic’s nightmare.
As you can see, you would have to eat 13,500 granola bars to get to 1 gram of saturated fat. That is not a formula for great wellbeing.
So why do we keep eating them? We think they taste good.
Granola bars are nothing more than mini, frozen candy bars.
Worst Junk Food #5: Pizza
I’ll just come out and say it: pizza is the foulest junk food ever created. I’ve tried to make my own. I’ve tried the Quorn Pizza Crust (and it’s delicious). I’ve tried tofu pizza. I’ve tried the M&S version. None of them compare to that warm, cheesy, delicious pizza that’s been lovingly cooked in front of you by an actual pizza delivery man.
But why?
There is just no reason for it. Junk Foods It’s doughy, unhealthy, filling, delicious, and devoid of any redeeming qualities. Eat a regular pizza. It’s edible, it’s fine. But eat a Domino’s? You’re an idiot and you’re going to get fat.
The final piece of the pizza-pizza-pizza jigsaw puzzle is garlic bread. This stuff just sits on your plate like a disease waiting to consume the entire plate.
Worst Junk Food #6: Cookies
A survey by the ‘Daily Mail’ has revealed that one in five Brits has the awful habit of eating four or more cookies a day. Junk Foods Fortunately, several suitable substitutes exist in the form of low-calorie desserts and healthy breakfast cereals.
Raisin, oat, plain, gluten-free oats, rice, millet, quinoa, and buckwheat – all great choices if you’re on a health kick and can’t quite imagine nibbling a whole bag of junk food cookies in one sitting. Check out this rather delicious recipe from Diabetes UK for low-sugar wholewheat oatcakes and this Quinoa Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe from Australian food writer Candice Kumai.
Worst Junk Food #7: Sandwich Wraps
Hand-wrapped sandwich wraps have become a huge thing over the last few years. A perfect blend of convenience food, a reliable and cost-effective lunch option, sandwich wraps are one of the most popular lunch items for office workers across the globe.
I think that these tasty lunch items are the epitome of all things unhygienic, unhealthy, and lacking in taste.
But as long as you pack your wraps in a reusable bag to take home with you, you can indulge yourself with a “healthy” sandwich wrap.
Don’t miss: The 6 Perfect Lunch Wraps To Cook At Home For Last-Minute Meal Prep
Cutting the middle-man (on calories) and relying on homemade lunch wraps can be the easiest and most tasty way to keep your waistline trim while keeping your wallet happy read more...
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acti-veg · 5 years
Cheap Vegan Essentials
With everything going on right now, I thought may be useful to repost an edited version of my list of cheap vegan groceries. Most of this is standard stuff but if you’re used to ready meals and faux meats but you can’t get them with the panic buying, this post may prove helpful to you. A lot of these have a really long shelf life as well, so they will be useful if you end up isolating. You may struggle to find some of these items with people clearing the shelves, but it will hopefully help to know what to keep a look out for. Just please avoid stockpiling. It is sensible to have these items in your cupboard but you should only buy what you need.
Rice: Rice is an extremely cheap and filling staple. A cup of rice contains roughly 45 grams of carbohydrates and 4-5 grams of protein. In an airtight container it lasts at least 6 months.
Beans: Beans are one of the most accessible protein sources and have been a staple around the world for thousands of years. Just one cup of soybeans, for example, contains a massive 28.62 grams of protein, while even standard baked beans contain around 14 grams. They also contain lysine, which is missing from most other plant sources.
Chickpeas: Chickpeas can be purchased very cheaply canned, and in large bags in bulk if you’re willing to prep them yourself. Each cup contains about 15 grams of protein, tonnes of fibre as well as magnesium and folate.
Lentils: Similar to chickpeas, lentils can be bought canned or in large bags. A cup of cooked lentils contains a massive 18 grams of protein, they also lower cholesterol, improve heart health and help stabilise blood sugar.
Oats: Oats are very cheap, can be bought in bulk and have great shelf life. They are high in protein, fibre, and B12; they are even thought to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
Cereals: Most cereals, especially supermarket’s own brand products are very cheap. Whole grain cereals like bran or oat based products are high in fiber, calcium and iron, and most are fortified with B vitamins.
Pasta: Pasta is another great product to always have on hand, it is one of the least expensive items in any supermarket, can be bought in bulk and has a very long shelf life. Depending on the type, pasta can be a good source of fibre and carbohydrates; it is a high energy food and is very filling.
Potatoes: Potatoes are one of the cheapest foods available in most supermarkets, at an average of just $0.56 per pound. They are versatile, filling and despite their reputation as unhealthy, they are an excellent source B6 and a good source of potassium, copper, vitamin C, manganese, phosphorus, niacin, dietary fiber, and pantothenic acid.
Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes are as versatile as white potatoes, are high in vitamins B6, C, D, iron, magnesium and potassium. They’re also a more balanced source of energy than white potatoes, as their natural sugars release slowly, avoiding blood-sugar spikes.
Noodles: Many varieties of noodles are vegan, they are very cheap and last a long time. Noodles are very filling and contain high levels of B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, iron, riboflavin, and calcium.
Nut butters: Depending on the type, nut butters can be purchased very cheaply. It has a surprisingly good shelf life, is an excellent source of heart healthy fats and is very high in protein.
Falafel: Falafel is usually cheap to buy pre-made but it is even cheaper when made at home just using chickpeas and spices. It is filling, can be used to make great vegan burgers and is a good source of protein, fat and soluble fibre.
Hummus: Though buying pre-prepared hummus is usually relatively cheap, it is far more cost effective to make your own in larger quantities, depending on the recipe you usually only need chickpeas, tahini and lemon.
Couscous: Couscous can be great in salad or as its own side dish, it is cheap to buy and is a convenient option since it is so easy to prepare. It is a good source of lean protein, dietary fibre and B vitamins.
Tofu: Tofu has an odd reputation for being expensive, quite probably among people who have never bought it. Tofu has been a Chinese staple for thousands of years, it is now widely available in supermarkets and is far cheaper than comparable animal products, averaging less than $2 per pound. It is filling and is high in both protein and calcium. If you find it expensive in your local supermarket, try a Chinese market or world foods store. It will keep for months if you freeze it.
Tempeh: Tempeh is similar to tofu in price and use, but has a different texture and slightly different nutritional properties. The fermentation process and its retention of the whole bean give it a higher content of protein, dietary fibre and vitamins compared to tofu, as well as firmer texture and a stronger flavour.
Seitan: Seitan is made with wheat gluten and is extremely high in protein, as well as being one of the cheapest sources of protein per dollar when made at home and is around the same price as low quality beef in stores. It has a steaky texture and is very filling.
Frozen fruit/vegetables: Large bags of mixed frozen vegetables can be bought extremely cheaply almost anywhere. Despite popular opinion to the contrary, frozen vegetables are almost as healthy as fresh produce since they are frozen while fresh and don’t endure the loss of nutrients associated with long travel and extended shelf time. Frozen fruit like mixed berries can be a cheap way to prepare smoothies or dessert.
Canned fruit/vegetables: Having a few cans of fruit or vegetables around is always a good idea, things like canned tomatoes or corn can be a side on their own, canned peaches or orange pieces are an instant dessert and canned tomatoes can be used to make sauces.
Bananas: Bananas are one of the cheapest fruits available and deserve a mention based on their nutritional value and their versatility. They can be used in desserts, as a healthy snack and can be used to make cheap vegan ice cream.
Citrus Fruits: Citrus fruits like lemon, orange and limes are cheap to buy in bunches, especially when in season and can be eaten as a healthy snack or used as a cheap way to add flavour to existing dishes.
Vegetable stock: Vegetable stock is good to have around for a variety of purposes; it will add flavour to any dish from gravies to soups and roast dinners. It is extremely cheap and relatively healthy if you go for a low sodium option. It is even cheaper if you make it yourself from leftovers or trimmings.
Olives: Olives are a healthy source of fat, they are thought to have anti-inflammatory properties and contribute to good health health, as well as being good sources of iron. They can be bought in large jars very cheaply and can be a healthy snack.
Olive Oil: Thought to be the healthiest oil to cook with, it is heart healthy and can be used to add flavour to a variety of dishes like pastas and salad.
Spinach: Spinach is often called a super-food in terms of nutritional content, it is is high in niacin and zinc, as well as protein, fiber, calcium, iron and a multitude of vitamins. You can also buy large bags of pre-prepared spinach very cheaply.
Kale: It has a different flavour and texture to spinach, but has similar uses. It is a great source of dietary fibre and is packed with nutrients, vitamins, folate and magnesium. Even a 500g bag should only set you back around $2.50.
Bread: Many new vegans assume bread is off limits, but many breads are vegan. Even speciality loafs are very cheap considering the amount of meals they can contribute towards, and they can be a good source of carbohydrates and protein. It will keep for 3-6 months if you freeze it.
Plant Milks: Plant milks have an undeserved reputation for being expensive, this is only in comparison to heavily subsidised dairy milks, though even then the price is comparable, in fact, some supermarket’s own brands are even cheaper. Plant milks are packed with calcium and are usually supplemented with vitamins B6 and B12.
Non-Dairy Spreads: Non-dairy spreads can be made form a variety of sources, from soy or olives to coconut oil. They tend to be comparable to dairy butter in terms of calcium, but without the unhealthy fats and cholesterol. They are usually priced similarly or cheaper than their dairy counterparts.
Peppers: Peppers tend to be very cheap to pick up in large bags, particularly bell peppers. They can be stretched over several meals, and can add flavour and texture to curries, stir fries and salads.
Nutritional Yeast: Seen as something of a speciality health food, nutritional yeast is actually very cheap, lasts a long time and is one of the best sources of vitamin B12. It has a nutty, cheesy taste, so you can use it in place of anything you’d usually sprinkle cheese on. It is also great in soups and when used to make “cheesy”, creamy sauces.
Flax seeds: Each tablespoon of ground flax seed contains about 1.8 grams of omega-3s. It is included in this list as they make a great egg substitute in baking, can be sprinkled on cereal, yogurt or oatmeal. It is cheap to buy, and even a small packet lasts a long time.
Dark chocolate: Dark chocolate is not only far healthier than milk chocolate, it is usually cheaper to buy in the same quantities and is far more filling. It is versatile for use in baking and desserts and is a healthy snack in small quantities.
Selected Produce: Fresh vegetables are not always expensive. Seasonal vegetables are usually cheap in most supermarkets, but some vegetables like carrots, turnips, onions, cabbage and cauliflower are inexpensive all year round, and can often be bought on offer or as “irregular” (but still perfectly edible) for even less.
Herbs and Spices: Having a range of spices on hand is always a good idea; things like cumin and garlic can add depth and flavour to simple meals and they last a very long time. Investing in a good spice rack and some curry powder will save you money in the long term.
Stay safe everyone, and please check in on your vulnerable friends, family members and neighbours. I am always around if you need any advice, resources, accessible recipes or just a bit of a chat to help with the stress. Take care of yourselves and each other.
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barnesbabee · 2 years
My workout + diet plan
Hello guys so as I said here goes what I do during the week for weight loss + toning. I'll do some at home versions here for the machines I use.
(Note that I do 1 cheat day a week and workout 5-6 times a week)
If you want a little help tracking your calories/knowing how much you should consume to lose weight I use an app called Qalorie :)
attention: Im not telling anyone to diet or lose weight, Im just trying to help whoever wants to.
-> Cardio I do 40 minutes of cardio, 20 minutes on the elliptical machine as a warm up and 20 minutes of treadmill at the end of the workout. Note that I usually also walk to the gym for some more cardio work.
You can substitute the machines by going on a walk (you don't necessarily need to run) or jumping rope.
-> Strenght What I do varies, but I usually do 2-3 machines. I try to change machines every day and not do the same one 2 days in a row to let certain muscles rest and work other ones. I always do 5-15 (5 sets, 15 reps each)
I usually do leg press (with weighs from 60kg-79kg depends), but if you don't work out at the gym you can get the same results by buying some weights and doing squats at home holding the weight for some extra pressure on your legs.
I also do the outer thigh machine (machine where you have to force your legs open, or otherwise force them close with weights) which is one of the best machines for legs and glutes, and you can do one of these exercises at home by buying one of those resistance bands and doing the same motions with your legs.
My gym partners hate arm work but I like it so sometimes I workout in the machines, but the exercise I did the longest was the barbell chest press, which you can do at home with 2 weights.
I've been doing some ab workouts now too for summer and for this I really recommend trying chloe ting's video on ab exercises because I really like them and think they're really good, and you don't need any material at all :) you can find my favourite one here
-> The most important part is to know when to give yourself a break or a treat instead of having a breakdown and going on weekend-long spree of junk food and then feeling bad. If one day you REALLY feel like eating something like chocolate or fried chicken, don't replace it with something sort of healthy that kind of replaces it, because you will still want it. Give yourself a cheat day a week and have an unhealthy meal because it's also good to reward yourself for all the hard work.
-> For snacks, besides fruit I often eat crackers (with no salt) and light cream cheese which is really good. And also those laughing cow mini wedge cheeses, love them and my nutritionist said they were great. Always try to get the light version if you can tho.
-> Chicken is the best meat to eat, and I found that a great way to make a delicious and healthy meal is to make chicken burritos. Throw in chicken and your favourite veggies in a tortilla (normal ones are fine but if you can find them with seeds it's better) and it's amazing. Mustard is also relatively healthy so adding it is no problem!
-> Aside from that, seed bagels with cream cheese, lettuce and cherry tomatoes are surprisingly good!
-> I hated those frozen veggies (Like broccoli) for the longest time, but if you boil them and then throw them in a pan with some coconut oil it's really nice. It's no McDonalds fries but it tastes a lot better.
-> Don't forget to check the calories in the 'healthy' things you buy! Sometimes it's 'fake' healthy stuff filled with calories, just because it has veggies and nuts doesn't mean it's better than the regular things.
-> Jello is very low calorie and a great dessert/snack :) it's also easy to make and there are sugar free versions that are just as good
-> nuts like almonds, peanuts and whatnot are usually not that great despite what you might think because they are high in fat, so although they're not bad in small quantities, a lot of it isn't great.
-> cheese and (regular) ham slices are terrible, they're awful if you're dieting and so is white bread. This one was a hard one for me because I love me a cheese and ham toast :(
-> Cut up apples, put them on the stove until they start to get soft, add a bit of honey and cinnamon and throw it on some oatmeal and it's a tasty, easy and healthy snack!
-> water water water water
-> don't forget to include protein and fiber in your diet
I didn't include fish here cause I fucking hate it so I have a tuna sandwich and salmon here and there for the omega 3 and iron
I think I've added everything I can! Remember every body reacts differently to diets and don't be too extreme at first. Pay attention to what your body tells you and stay healthy :)
ps.: if you are a girl and start dieting, me and my friend had our periods for a month straight, so if you drastically change your eating habits it might happen to you too, just know you're not alone lol
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440mxs-wife · 4 years
Cookies and Milk
Pairing: Sam x Reader. Other characters: Dean Winchester, Jody Mills
Word Count: 5060+
Warnings: None really, except here there be fluff
You were on a supply run in town to restock the bunker's refrigerator and pantry, one of your jobs while the boys were on a hunt. The list for this run wasn't as long as usual, but you still had quite a bit to buy. On your list were the items to make meatloaf, spaghetti, beef stew, chili, and your famous lasagna.
As you were nearing the frozen food section and the end of your list, your phone buzzed in your pocket with a text message from Dean. They were on their way home, and had stopped at a gas station for fuel and snacks. He wanted to let you know about when to expect him and Sam home.
DW: Hey, sweetheart. We stopped for gas and stuff, but we're still about five hours from home. Wanted to let you know.
You: I'm in town now, on a supply run. How did it go?
DW: I'll tell you more when we get back.
You: Okay, Dean. Drive careful, see you guys when you get home. Over and out.
Dean's last text message had you a little concerned, but there was no sense in worrying about it now. The best you could do was be there for the boys to support them, whatever they might need. Something you'd been doing for quite some time now, it seemed.
You've been bunking with the Winchesters for the past six years now, but you've known them much longer than that. Ever since Bobby sent them to help you on that wendigo hunt, you've been the best of friends.
Over the years, you had drifted in and out of each others' lives, meeting up on a hunt or taking a break at Bobby's house. It wasn't until Bobby passed away that you moved into your own room in the bunker and semi-retired from hunting. You knew hunting was important work, it was just that you felt you could be more useful in a support capacity.
The bunker's gym helped you keep in shape and maintain your fighting skills. For the most part, though, you were in charge of the bunker. Your duties mostly included supply runs, chief cook and bottle washer, research and medical service. You also fielded calls for information from other hunters, given the expansive Men of Letters' library.
You and Dean shared a love of classic rock music, action movies and baked goods. Whenever Dean needed a bit of cheering up, you knew just how to do it. Usually, a freshly-baked pie was all it took to put him on the road to recovery. Didn't matter what flavor, though you knew apple, cherry and pecan were among his favorites.
Sam was different. To you, he was the "quieter Winchester". With his warm hazel eyes, thick chestnut hair and long arms perfect for providing comfort when you needed it. The two of you bonded over books, whether for research or for fun. You didn't always see eye-to-eye on music, but he didn't mind watching a chick-flick with you every now and then.
He was particularly sensitive to other peoples' emotions, quick to offer comfort at the first sign of distress.  On the other hand, accepting comfort from those closest to him wasn't always easy for Sam. He had a tendency to want to process things on his own, away from prying eyes and concerned hearts.
With Sam, if you needed to talk, you could count on him to listen and not dismiss your feelings. You could be yourself with him, even let your inner "nerd self" shine through. As time passed, your feelings had developed to where you saw Sam as more than your best friend. You knew you had to keep those thoughts about him to yourself, though. The last thing you ever wanted was to risk a longtime friendship over what you were sure was one-sided affection.
While you were putting away the groceries at home, your thoughts drifted back to your feelings about Sam. You wished there was some way to show him how much you cared, how you were there for him if he needed someone.
You remembered that one way you showed Dean that you cared was with a homemade pie. You wondered if something like that would work in the same way for Sam. So instead of pie, you decided to make Sam a batch of cookies. It would be your way of telling him that someone was thinking about him, like the pie did for Dean.
With a plan of action and a renewed sense of purpose, you rummaged through the cupboards and found that you had everything you needed for some oatmeal chocolate and peanut butter chip cookies. You hurried to put away the rest of the groceries so you could get started on the baking.
You got right to work mixing the butter, sugar, eggs and the other ingredients. You also made sure to sample a few of the chocolate and peanut butter chips. Got to check the quality level, you thought with a smile.
After you finished cleaning up from your baking endeavors, you still had a couple of hours before Dean said they would be home. You reached for your book that was left on the coffee table and you picked up reading where you left off. Next thing you knew, a hand was caressing your cheek, so you opened your eyes to see Dean smiling down at you.
"We're home, sweetheart," he said softly.
You yawned and stretched in your chair. "Welcome home, Winchesters," you replied sleepily. You pulled yourself into an upright position and looked around the room. "Where's Sam?" you asked.
Dean dropped his gaze. "He headed off to go take a shower," Dean answered. "This was a rough one, honey. I'm just glad it's over, though. It's so good to be home," he explained.
"I'm glad you're home too, Dean. Wanna tell me what happened?" you asked gently.
He took a seat on the couch next to your chair. "It was a lot of little things that added up to one giant mess. Nothing went according to plan, even more 'off book' than usual," Dean explained. "We both almost got clawed, but we managed to fight them off. Now they can't hurt anyone else," he remarked.
You stood up from your chair and held out your hand. "Walk with me, Dean, I have a surprise for you in the kitchen. I may or may not have made you an apple pie yesterday. You know, unless you're not interested...." you teased, a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth.
Dean jumped up from the couch as if sitting on a spring, taking your hand as he reached his feet. "Really?" he asked excitedly. You nodded, and he gave you a peck on the cheek. "Bestest best friend ever," he grinned and rushed off in the direction of the kitchen.
Later that night after a dinner of pizza and Dean having a third slice of pie, you went to your room to read to help you fall asleep. Dean's exhaustion started to take its toll on him, so he showered and after wishing you goodnight, he went to bed. Sam hadn't come out for dinner, but there was enough leftover pizza that you weren't worried about him going hungry.
As the night wore on, you started to hear talking from the direction of Sam's room. You put your book down, put on your slippers and carefully opened your door. You roamed the hallways, trying to find the source of the noise. It was at its loudest when you were standing in front of Sam's door.
You peeked into his room to see him in the middle of a nightmare, tossing and turning. A sheen of perspiration had formed on his brow. Your heart broke for him a little to see him in such turmoil when he should be at rest.
After getting a cool, wet washcloth for him, you carefully sat on the edge of his bed. You gently placed the washcloth on his forehead and reached to take his hand in both of yours. He jumped at the unexpected contact and his eyes flew open. His head swiveled frantically from side to side, taking in his surroundings and trying to figure out what was going on.
"Shh, shh, it's okay, Sam. I'm here, you're safe now. It was just a nightmare, it wasn't real," you soothed. His breathing slowly returned to normal and he started to come back around.
"Did I wake you? I'm sorry if I did," Sam rasped.
"No, I was awake, reading when I heard you in here, having your nightmare. Do you want to talk about it?" you asked gently.
"Not right now," he answered with a shiver.
You placed a hand on his shoulder and was surprised to discover that it was so wet. His clothes were soaked in sweat, as were his sheets. "Hey, let's get you into some dry clothes, you'll catch cold if you don't," you remarked. "I'll take the sheets off and put them in the laundry room to be washed tomorrow. While I'm doing that, you change," you ordered.
"Yes, ma'am," he grinned.
After he had changed into some dry clothes, Sam wandered into the kitchen for a late snack, since he hadn't come out for dinner. He knew you and Dean had pizza for dinner, so he headed for the fridge to get some of the leftovers.
He stopped when he saw the note on the table with his name on it, next to a plate of cookies and an empty glass. Sam didn't remember you making any cookies before they left for the hunt. He loved it when you made cookies. If he had seen them, he definitely would've taken some with him.
Sam looked around to see if you were near the kitchen and were going to join him, but didn't see you anywhere. He chuckled at your instructions that he was to eat all of the cookies by dunking them in the tall glass of milk. Then he was supposed to drink all of the milk, even though it would have cookie crumbs in it. Well, if she insists, he thought with a grin. Sam poured himself a glass of milk, then sat down to attack the plate of cookies.
Per your instructions, he dunked the first cookie, letting it soak up some of the milk like a sponge. The first bite was heavenly, as it seemed to melt in his mouth. A groan of appreciation escaped his lips, not only for the taste, but for your efforts in making the cookies in the first place.
As the cookies disappeared one by one, Sam thought about how you helped him out of his nightmare tonight. You woke him up out of it, and took care of him by making sure he changed into some dry clothes. You also set up his sheets to be washed in the morning. That last hunt really took it out of him, with so much not going according to plan.
Sam welcomed any opportunity he could to confide in you about how he was feeling or just to feel your arms around him. He longed to hear your kind words and let them wash over him in your soft, soothing voice as it fell from those pouty, kissable lips. And your eyes always held such understanding. No matter what secrets he shared with you, he never saw any judgment in their depths.
Before Sam knew it he was out of cookies, so he followed your last instruction and drank all the milk. He smiled to himself because he had to admit that he felt a bit better than when he first walked into the kitchen. He took his dirty dishes to the sink, rinsed out the glass, then he headed back to his room to sleep. The only part that would've made it better is for you to have also been in the kitchen, spending time with him and talking.
The next morning, you wandered into the kitchen to start making breakfast, still wearing your pajamas. Coffee was the first order of business, because Dean was very grumpy without it. You went to the sink to fill the pot with water for making coffee. You noticed that the plate and glass you left out for Sam had been rinsed and were waiting to be washed. A small smile crept across your face, knowing that your mission had been accomplished.
Dean stumbled into the kitchen shortly after you pressed the 'start' button on the coffee pot. He took a seat at the table and grumbled as he rested his head on top of the table. "Good morning, Dean," you giggled.
He lifted his head and stared at you through half-lidded eyes. "Is coffee ready yet?" he rasped.
"Not yet, but I'll make sure you get some as soon as it is," you chuckled. You squeezed Dean's shoulder as you walked by him on your way back to the stove.
You heard someone clearing his throat and looked up to see Sam standing in the doorway. "Good morning, Sam," you said with a smile. "I hope it didn't take you too long to get back to sleep last night," you remarked.
"Good morning to you. No, I came in here after I changed clothes and had some cookies and milk that a certain someone left for me," Sam replied as he returned your smile.
You couldn't help but grin as you kept your head down and continued to prepare breakfast. "I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about, Sam," you said.
"Uh huh, yeah right," he smirked. "I thought for sure you were going to come in here to join me, but you didn't," Sam pouted.
"Oh. I thought you might want that time to yourself, so I went back to my room. Sorry," you replied.
He stepped behind you to grab three coffee cups from the cabinet, then turned to glance over your shoulder. Sam was so close that you swore you could feel his breath on your neck as you flipped the pancakes.
"Something I can help you with, Sam?" you asked. As you turned to make eye contact with the man behind you, he was so close that your lips meshed against his ever so gently. Your cheeks immediately felt blazing hot and you closed your eyes tightly to regain your composure.
Sam jumped back in surprise, then touched his lips where yours had most recently been. He took a hesitant step towards you as you flipped the last of the pancakes. You put them on the platter and turned off the griddle. You brought the steaming stack of flapjacks over to the table, then awkwardly excused yourself from the room.
Dean stared after you as you bolted from the kitchen. "What's wrong with her?" he asked.
A grin slowly spread across Sam's face as it dawned on him what had just occurred. He realized how perfect it felt to have your lips pressed against his, even if only for the briefest of moments. Sam also became aware of how much he wanted to do that again, but for longer and with even more contact. "I don't know, Dean," he said slowly.
"Dude, you okay?" Dean asked, cutting into Sam's daydream.
"Perfect, Dean. Just perfect. Can you please pass the bacon?" Sam answered.
"You know this is real bacon, right?" Dean said as he eyed his brother.
"Yeah, I know. It's okay, I'll burn the calories off tomorrow on my run," he assured Dean.
"Getting weird around here," Dean muttered.
Back in your room, you sat on the edge, head in your hands. What the hell was I thinking, kissing Sam? you asked yourself. Not like you hadn't thought or dreamed about it a thousand or more times. But with how he jumped back like he was burned, that was indication enough that he considered it a mistake.
Now it's going to get weird around here and that's my fault, you thought bitterly. You had to admit to yourself that his lips felt nice, and that you would like to do it for real and often. However, you decided your best course of action for at least today was to hole up in your room for a date with Netflix.
A couple of days after the "Kitchen Incident", as you thought of it, you decided to quit hiding out in your room. Whatever fallout was going to happen, you wanted to meet it head-on, then move forward, whatever that looked like.
Sam and Dean still went on cases, some that lasted a few days or even a week, while you stayed behind to run research. Life had seemingly returned to somewhat normal, or as normal as the hunting life gets.
Every once in a while, a plate of cookies and an empty glass for milk appeared on the kitchen table. Next to the glass would be a tented piece of paper marked, "For Sam". The usual instructions were written on the inside. He had to eat all of the cookies by dunking them in the milk, then drink all of the milk. Sometimes there would be a quote from a movie that you had watched together, or some silly knock-knock joke.
About a month had passed and Sam and Dean were on their way home from a demon hunt in Montana. They had stopped in Sioux Falls to rest up at Jody's house and hang out with her and the girls before heading home. You asked Sam and Dean to say hi to everyone for you, and that you wished you were there.
Dean asked if you were going to do any baking, to which you laughed and asked him what kind of pie he wanted you to make. "Well, sweetheart, as long as you're offering, would you make a pecan pie for me?" he asked.
"I can do that. Um....how was the hunt?" you wondered.
Dean knew what you were really asking, but played along anyway. "It was fine, just demons being demons, causing their usual trouble. Sammy got knocked around a little though," Dean answered. "For the most part, he's okay. Sprained his wrist and has a bump on his head," he explained.
"What?!? Is he okay? Does he have a concussion, are you sure his wrist is only sprained?" you rambled.
"Shh, shh, relax. He's going to be fine. Here, talk to him," Dean said as he threw his phone to his brother, who threw him an epic bitch face in return.
"Hello? Sam, are you there?" you inquired nervously.
"I'm here. Don't listen to anything Dean says, I'm fine. How're you doin'?" Sam asked.
"Just trying to keep busy while I wait for you guys to come home. I must have done around seven loads of laundry in the last couple of days, though," you giggled. "You and Dean had at least three loads apiece!" you teased.
Sam smiled and chuckled in return. "I'm sure sorry about that, honey. I'll try not to let the clothes pile up so much next time," he promised.
Jody looked at Dean, with her mouthing the word, "Honey?" Dean just shrugged.
"Oh, it's all right, Sam. I was only kidding. I've got plenty around here to keep me busy and out of trouble," you remarked. "I miss you guys, but I know you don't get much chance to visit with Jody and her girls. So, don't be in a hurry to get home, and I'll see you when you get back," you replied softly.
"It's all up to Dean when he wants to leave, but I'll tell him you said that," Sam said. "Until then, take care of yourself and don't work too hard, okay?" he asked.
"I won't. Bye, Sam," you answered shyly. You heard a click and the call was disconnected.
Sam threw the phone back to his brother, a smile on his face. He got up from the couch and went into the kitchen for a bottle of water. Jody's and Dean's eyes followed Sam as he left the room. Once he was out of earshot, Jody and Dean were sharing their thoughts about Sam's phone conversation with you.
"Is there something going on between those two?" Jody asked. "Because it sure seems that way to me," she finished.
"Yeah, you should see them at home. They'll be sitting at the table researching or doing something on their laptops. I'll look up and see one of them staring at the other, then looking away. It's kind of cute, though," Dean replied.
"I can imagine. So, you'll have a pecan pie waiting for you when you get home, that'll be nice," Jody remarked.
"Yeah, and Sammy will probably have a plate of cookies waiting for him on the table," Dean answered.
"Wait. Mr. Eat-A-Salad-With-Every-Meal eats cookies?!?" Jody exclaimed.
"Oh, yeah, but only the ones she makes for him. It started after we got back from that werewolf hunt that went so bad," Dean explained with a grin. "At first, it was how she let Sammy know that he could talk to her about it or anything else if he wanted to. However, I think it's evolved into something more than that at this point," Dean said.
"Hmm. Maybe now it's her way of showing Sam how she feels. She might be too afraid to say it out loud," Jody suggested.
Neither Dean nor Jody had heard Sam come in from the kitchen. He heard the tail end of their conversation, the part about the reason you'd been leaving a plate of cookies out for him. "Hold on a minute. That's why she's been making me cookies?" Sam asked, taking a seat on the couch.
Jody and Dean looked at each other, debating on what to say next. Dean finally rolled his eyes and spoke first. "Come on, Sam, add it up," he started. "I've seen the two of you making goo-goo heart eyes at each other when you think the other's not looking. Then there's that phone conversation between you today," Dean smirked.
"What about our phone conversation?" Sam demanded.
"Nothing, just that if you smiled any wider while you were talking to her, your face would've split in half. And somehow, I don't think this is a recent thing for her," Jody chimed in.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Sam wondered.
"Well, remember the last time we all got together with Donna and Doug, about six months ago?" Jody asked and Sam nodded. "I noticed how her eyes seemed to follow you as soon as you entered the room. Then she looked away when you smiled at her and had caught her staring. How her face fell when you started talking and laughing with another woman," Jody finished quietly.
"H-how was she looking at me, Jody?" Sam asked, even though he pretty much knew the answer.
"Like a woman in love," she replied gently.
Sam turned to look at his brother. "Really?" he asked, his voice higher than usual.
Dean nodded. "So, the question really becomes, how do you feel about her, Sam?"
"I think I need some air," Sam said as he got up and walked out to Jody's back deck.
Once outside, he tilted his head up to see the endless array of stars shining in the night sky. Get it together, man, he told himself. This is your best friend you're talking about. You've known her for years. Do you really want to lose that if she doesn't feel the same? he silently asked.
Looking at the other side of the argument, Sam asked himself what would happen if you did feel the same, and how he would know. He loved the late-night conversations you had when neither of you could sleep. The warm towel you placed outside the shower for him after a cold morning run. Your laughter at his usually lame-ass jokes. Even that heartbroken look on your face as he flirted with another woman at the bar was enough to indicate how you felt.
The more Sam thought about it, the more he marveled at how he didn't see it sooner. It was all in front of him this whole time, the little things you do to show you care. Comforting him after he'd had a nightmare, buying his favorite veggies for snacks.....making cookies. You were in love with him.
Sam was suddenly desperate to have you in his arms at this very moment. As the two of you gazed at the stars, he knew your eyes would sparkle with amazement. Then you'd turn your focus on him and give him one of your heart-stopping smiles.
At that point, Sam knew he'd be a goner. He wouldn't be able to resist capturing your lips in a searing kiss, if your mouth moved even a fraction of an inch in his direction. That last thought was what sealed it in his mind. He was in love with you. If even half of what Jody and Dean said was true, then he didn't want to waste any more time before telling you how he felt.
He walked back through the house and into the living room, where he'd left Jody and Dean. When Sam entered the room, they stopped their conversation, because to them, it looked like he had something to say. "Hey Dean? Um....Could we...." he fumbled.
"Yeah, we can leave for home in the morning, Sam," Dean replied with an understanding smile.
"Thanks," Sam sighed with relief.
"Go get 'er, Sam," Jody remarked in support, bringing a smile to Sam's face.
You had just pulled Dean's pecan pie from the oven and set it on the counter to cool. With any luck, it would be cooled off enough and ready to eat when he got home. There were also a few dozen snickerdoodle cookies you had made for Sam, resting on the wire cooling racks. You took out a plate from the cupboard and a tall glass. You placed about six cookies on the plate and set the glass next to the plate.
Taking out a blank sheet of paper, you folded it and tore it in half. On one half, you folded it into a tent and wrote "For Dean", then placed it next to the pecan pie. For the other half, you folded it the same, and wrote "For Sam" on the outside, then turned to write something on the inside.
Several minutes ticked by and you hadn't written anything. You couldn't think of a movie quote or line from Shakespeare to adequately express how you were feeling at the moment. You thought about your last conversation, the one where you heard he'd been hurt. Sam said it wasn't serious, but it was enough to cause you concern.
You decided you didn't want to hold back anymore when it came to your feelings about Sam. A hunter's life isn't always known to be a long one, and you were done wasting time. A smile broke out over your face as you resolved your writer's block. You wrote the three words that you felt best fit the situation, then left the note next to the cookies.
Sam convinced Dean to drop him off at the bunker so he had some time alone to talk with you. Dean said he would use the time to go back to town for a pizza or something. Sam first went to the kitchen, because he smelled the evidence of your baking endeavors. He saw the plate of cookies and bit into one as he read the note. As soon as he read the three words, he ran out of the kitchen.
A knock at your door startled you enough to make you drop the book you were reading. You took a deep breath then turned the doorknob. As soon as the door was open, Sam's hands were on you, cradling your face as he smashed his lips to yours. The urgency of his kiss made you gasp in surprise, creating an opening for Sam's tongue to slip inside. As you returned the favor, you could taste the cinnamon and sugar of the cookie he ate before he knocked on your door.
You broke the kiss when you needed to catch your breath. "Wow, Sam," you whispered. "That's some 'welcome home' you've got there," you chuckled.
"Couldn't help it, I had to see you, baby," he murmured. His right hand slid behind your head, his thumb gently stroking your cheek. "Then I found the cookies and the note you'd left in the kitchen," he explained. Sam dove in for another kiss, but this one was slow and tantalizing, full of everything he was feeling at the moment. He pulled back from the kiss and guided you so you were both sitting on the edge of your bed.
Your hands slid up his chest and clasped behind Sam's neck. "I couldn't think of anything clever to put in the note this time. The more I thought about you, the less I wanted to hide how I felt about you. So I wrote the three words I believed would best fit the situation, and figured I'd explain once you read the note," you replied.
Sam grinned. "It said, 'Come find me', and how could I do anything else? I've thought about you so much these past couple of days. I don't want to hide how I feel about you, either. I love you," he declared, dipping his head lower to capture your lips with his own.
"Oh, Sam," you whispered. "I've felt this way for such a long time, but didn't know how to tell you. So, I baked," you both laughed. "I love you too," you replied softly.
You were about to pull Sam in for another kiss when you heard the bunker door slide open, which meant Dean was home. The two of you looked at each other and laughed, Sam's forehead leaned against yours. He gave you one last peck on the lips before he got up from the bed, his hand held out for you to take. You took his hand in yours and intertwined your fingers as you walked out to see what Dean brought for dinner.
@janicho88 @akshi8278 @magssteenkamp @swiftlymoniquesblog @lyarr24 @miss-nerd95 @distefano123 @hobby27 @deanwanddamons @jessica-noel94 @wayward-mikaelson @jawritter @gabrielslittleangel @jensengirl83 @deangirl93 @ellewritesfix05 @supernatural-jackles @idreamofplaid @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @winchesterprincessbride
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cptsdstudyblr · 3 years
How I feed myself well as a mentally ill person
CW: food; brief discussion of disordered eating, dieting, weight gain, and food insecurity in the first paragraph
Food has always been something I struggled with. Growing up, my view of food was skewed in so many ways from food insecurity, parents who were constantly on extreme diets, etc. To this day, I struggle to have a positive, healthy relationship with food. I don't have an eating disorder, but the way I eat is somewhat disordered, if that makes sense. Recently, despite really struggling with my mental health, I've been making efforts to fix my relationship with food and gain some much-needed weight. It took me a really long time to get to a place where I figured out how I can ensure that I still eat well despite not being a functional human most of the time, and I want to share what I figured out.
Foods I have on hand
Starkist premade tuna salad packets - they look like this and there's a lot of flavors
Canned soups - I usually go for chicken noodle and loaded baked potato, but get ones you like
Instant mashed potatoes - you can get flavored ones if you want to
Some sort of premade food mix you like - this brand makes incredible Cajun mixes, and I always have them in stock because they are comfort food from my culture, but you can get just about anything you like - even Kraft Mac & Cheese
Ramen - even the cheap, low-quality stuff is totally fine
Rice - this is such a staple food
Bread, I guess:
Bread - pick what kind you like, I usually go for honey wheat
Bagels - I vary my flavors to avoid repetitiveness, but you don't have to
Granola and/or cereal - I usually have both mixed berry granola and cereal of my choice
Snack-sized chips - I love sour cream and onion Pringles but go for whatever you want; I get snack-sized ones because they are so much easier and keep me from eating the entire package at once
Premade pastry - I usually just grab whatever looks good from the bakery section; mini muffins are some of my favorites
Granola bars and/or pop tarts - I cannot recommend S'mores pop tarts enough
Plain sausage - I also like to keep andouille and Jimmy Dean breakfast patties and sausage crumbles on hand for some variety
Frozen shrimp - Cajun food has a lot of seafood, plus it's a great way to mix up your source of meat
Lunchmeat - make sure it's one you like before you stock up, they vary a lot
Dairy and dairy-adjacent:
Milk - It's milk, it's necessary
Eggs - I usually get 1 dozen eggs plus 6 pre-hard-boiled eggs for egg salad
Cream cheese - for the bagels
Mayonnaise - key condiment
Mustard - key condiment
Ketchup - I'm actually allergic to tomatoes, so I very much don't keep ketchup on hand, but you might want it
Chocolate milk - I love this in the evenings before bed
Individual servings of rice pudding - this is a super filling, tasty snack
Sandwich cheese - make sure to get a type of cheese you like
Fruit juice - I'm obsessed with mango juice at the moment, so I recommend that, but any juice is fantastic
Berries - I usually just get strawberries but get what you like
Apple sauce - this is a really easy, refreshing snack and a good way to get in some fruit
Chopped onions - you can freeze these if you don't use them
Chopped jalapeños - very much optional, but I like to add flavor to everything; you can also freeze these
Frozen mixed vegetables - I use these for fried rice, and they're fantastic
Fruit cups - I don't keep these anymore because they're a little sweet for me, but they are such an easy way to get in a serving of fruit
Soy sauce - can't make fried rice without this
How I use the food
Bagel + cream cheese (with juice or chocolate milk)
Granola with milk + berries (with juice or chocolate milk)
Cereal with milk (with juice or chocolate milk)
Some sort of egg - fried, scrambled, omelet, etc. (with juice or chocolate milk)
Not breakfast
Made weekly for several servings:
Egg salad sandwich (with chips and fruit)
Shrimp fried rice
Various premade Cajun dishes with sausage or shrimp - replace this with whatever premade food you like
Made for one serving:
Ramen (usually with rice)
Normal sandwich (with chips and fruit)
Some sort of egg, often on toast (with chips and fruit)
Tuna salad sandwich (with chips and fruit)
Soup from a can (sometimes with rice, sometimes not)
Sausage and mashed potatoes
Bagel + cream cheese
Fruit cup, apple sauce, or fruit in general
Pop tart or granola bar
Rice pudding
Chocolate milk
This adds enough variety to my diet that I don't get bored while also being very predictable, easy to keep track of, and straightforward to make. Of course, sometimes I buy things to make something else specific, but this is just a general idea.
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aondaneedles · 3 years
Bella Goth (all as well!)
Which one, my fake (the clone) or the real one? I'll just answer for both (and will regret this not even halfway through).
❤️: OTP
Of course I ship Bella with Mortimer. That's not even a question.
For fake!Bella, I think she's a free spirit. She needs to find herself before she can ever settle down. For now, I don't see her with anyone.
💔: No OTP
Um, anyone but Mortimer? But that's not true. I've seen her with Pascal and liked that. I don't think I have a NOTP for her...
Anyone who clips her wings.
🌈: Sexuality
Bella is straight, maybe bi-curious?
Fake!Bella is bi.
😊: Friends
Morty, of course, and the rest of her family. Bella is everyone's friend. You may have met her just two minutes ago, but she behaves just like you've already known her for years.
Fake!Bella befriends Erin pretty early on and they're as thick as thieves. She's also one of the few sims who really just... gets Nervous.
💀: Enemies or Rival
Bella has this larger than life personality that doesn't hate anyone. Or at least, you won't notice if she hates you. She'll always behave just as amicable as if she likes you. Dina was one of the only people who could see behind that facade and it drove Bella nuts.
The Beakers, no doubt. They'd love to get their hands on the clone, and while fake!Bella may not realise this, she senses that something is way off about them!
🐶: Pet or favorite Animal
Bella comes from a long line of witches. She is a cat person, 100%. But like... those ridiculously fancy, naked cats. They're just as high-maintenance as she is.
Fake!Bella has a pet lizard back at the gas station she sleeps at. She's named him Ziggy.
🌷: Flowers or plants they like
Have you ever seen a blooming cactus? They're kind of pretty...
☀️: Favourite Season
Winter, when everyone gathers together and all of the big functions are held.
Anything but summer.
🌧️: Favourite Weather
That's easy! Sunny weather for both!
🕯️: Favourite Aromatic candle
Bella is a big fan of exotic flowers. Mix them with anything that creates an interesting smell (like herbs, sea salt or something) and she's all over it.
Fake!Bella likes it simple, in contrast. Lavender is nice.
🥘: Favourite Food
There's nothing better than a homemade barbeque with burgers for Bella. They had an old grill they got out of storage a few times of the year and did a small family barbeque. Bella manned the grill (because Mortimer burns everything he touches). Michael and Dina used to bring salads (Bella would never admit it, but Dina's salad was actually quite tasty) and the kids played in the graveyard. There aren't as many family barbeques nowadays...
Fake!Bella is not too picky. Anything that fills her up is fine with her. Whenever she's got some money, she heads over to the diner. Their burgers are good.
☕: Favourite Drink
Officially, champagne. Inofficial, Bella is fuelled by coffee.
Tap water. If she ever had coffee, she'd be all over it, too.
🍦: Ice-cream Flavour
Something simple, yet elegant, like Straciatella. Bella loves the little chocolate bits in it.
🍕: Pizza Topping
Bella and Mortimer used to get salami pizza every Friday back when they were in high school. She's been craving it lately.
Once again, Fake!Bella is not picky. She's heard that pineapple pizza is a crime against pizza, though and steers clear from it.
🍟: Snack
Bella's favourite snack is frozen grapes. Very refreshing and sweet.
Fake!Bella's favourite snack is chips. Every flavour is fine, but the more savoury, the better.
🍿: Movies they like to watch
Bella is really into those old-school Hollywood movies. Movies like that just aren't made anymore...
Whatever's running on tv. Fake!Bella has a soft spot for those lifetime-esque movies though, where long lost family members are reunited and everyone gets a happy ending.
📺: TV Show they like to watch
Don't tell anyone, but Bella loves telenovelas. They are her guilty pleasure.
Fake!Bella has been watching soap opera reruns religiously lately. Erin showed her how to use SimTube, and she's been spending all her free time watching them. She's on Episode 2751 of "Days of the Cowplant" already!
🎵: Music they listen to
Classical music. Maybe a bit jazz, if Bella's feeling fancy.
Fake!Bella hasn't heard anything but the type of elevator music they play at the gas station yet, but she's pretty sure that that's not it.
⚽: Sport they like or play
Fake!Bella goes running sometimes. Just runs as far as possible. Until her lungs burn and she can't remember anything. It's freeing.
📚: Books they like to read
There's a library of classics in the Goth library and Bella has read most of them.
Fake!Bella has found a tattered copy of "The Great Simsby" behind the trash cans of the community pool one day and for some reason, it spoke to her...
🕹️: Video Games they like or Play
Bella doesn't do video games.
You can find fake!Bella at the arcades on a good day. She likes anything that has jumping and running. And she loves rhythm games!
🎻: Musical instrument
Bella knows how to play the piano and usually plays it to entertain guests.
Nothing yet. Maybe synthesizer?
🎨: Favourite Colour
Her signature colour, red!
Red, even though she feels like a fraud for wearing it...
👠: Shoes they like
Fancy high heels. Bella has ruined her feet years ago but she doesn't care. She loves how powerful and sexy she looks in it.
Sensible shoes. Who needs uncomfortable shoes, fake!Bella thinks.
👕: Clothing style
Fancy, elegant, yet understated.
Anything that she can find in the dumpster behind the clothing store. She makes sure to look put together, though. It's an urge she can't help.
👜: What’s always on their bag
Her lipstick. And a good book. Always carry a good book with you and you'll always be in good company.
A few coins, if she needs to buy stuff.
📰: Section of the Newspaper they read
The society section.
The celebrity section.
💻: Website they visit the most
Bella spends a lot of time on various fundraiser sites to look for a good cause to sponsor and fundraise for.
📱: Social media they use the most
Bella doesn't really use social media. She'd rather spend time with her family and friends in person.
Fake!Bella is addicted to SimTube. Not only for her daily dose of soap but also for conspiracy videos about aliens and the Elixir of Life.
📗: Favourite School Subject
Economics and Biology. Morty may be the genius in their family, but she was no ditz either!
Fake!Bella never went to school. But if, she would have been be super into P.E.
📕: Less Favourite School Subject
P.E. She wasn't bad at it, but she hated getting sweaty.
Maths. Her brain's wired weirdly and she just can't wrap her head even around simple maths. She usually just tosses money on the counter and hopes it's enough.
🎓: University they attended (or not)
Bella attended ALT, of course. She was in a long-distance relationship for all of it, as Morty attended LFT.
Fake!Bella was never college-aged.
🎒: University Major
Economics. It surprises a lot of people, but it really suited her. She has a mind for business. In another life, maybe...
I think that Fake!Bella would have ended up in philosophy due to being unable to decide which major to choose.
🔮: Something Random
Sometimes, Bella wonders what would happen if she were to disappear. Would her family be fine, or would they struggle without her? Of course, she wants them to be happy, but a not so nice small part of her wishes that they'd have trouble to move on...
Fake!Bella sometimes has random flashes of... she's not sure what she sees, but it makes her sad... a small girl with pigtails, a big house, a man holding a baby...
Phew! Thanks for playing, anon!
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hopetofantasy · 4 years
Culture, parallels & meta - S3 E3
Zaterdag 08:10
Perfect parallel: An upset Robbe being little spoon to Noor this episode, him being a relaxed little spoon to Sander in the last one.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Moyo has half eaten wafers cookies on his bed. Between the cellphone time and timestamp, it took Robbe five minutes to get dressed and to the beach. The beautiful angel pendant makes its first appearance.
Bonus: This cinematography trick of using a wide shot with nobody else in the sight, makes us actually feel how lonely Robbe actually is. 
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Zaterdag 08:23
C is for culture: “Vamanos” - As you may have noticed, Flemish has a lot of words that aren’t typically Dutch. These are called ‘leenwoorden’ (= ‘borrowing words’). In some cases, the language has made the word its own, with their conjugation or sound (like barbecue - barbecuet - or e-mail - ge-e-maild), other times the expression is copied completely (like smartphone or laptop). There are various reasons as to why people don’t want to change it: globalization, wanting to be more vague/cool, general laziness, ...
Perfect parallel: 
Sander’s playful “Are you the manager?” and “That’ll be zero stars on Booking.com” to Robbe when they meet in this episode, Sander’s sheepish “Zero stars on Booking.com” and Robbe’s pointed “Where is that manager when you need him?”, when they have their fall-out in a later episode. 
Sander saying “When I booked this room, I explicitly asked for room-service” here and him actually booking a room with room-service for the both of them later on.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jens’ keyboard is lying on top of the closet. Sander grabbing his keys (to his car?).
Zaterdag 08:44
C is for culture: The option to use self-scanning is pretty common in Belgian supermarkets, especially in shop-and-go city stores. You pick up the scanner, scan the stuff you buy, go to a counter, pay and walk out with your groceries. A sales assistant is still present to help out with problems or do random routine checks. It’s fast, easy and cost-efficient. The downside? Shoplifting becomes a bit easier this way.
That’s character: Sander is putting up a ‘cool guy, devil may care’ facade. He jokes about not scanning everything, dismisses Amber’s list, whirls the shopping cart around and sings David Bowie to this boy. He wants to make a lasting impression on Robbe. If he’s the most charming, chaotic and adventurous version of himself, then he doesn’t have to think about other stuff like his own crumbling relationship. (Also the reason why he doesn’t answer the question about Amber: they simply met through Britt). As the boxes fall down, so does Sander’s tough exterior, as he never intended to hurt Robbe by playing around in the supermarket.
Robbe’s clumsiness meter: +3, he almost topples off the cart twice and drops the chocolate bars on the floor. (The crash with Sander isn’t his fault though)
Sander is wearing a leather jacket, but we don’t see it in the previous clip. Either he left it in his car or it’s an ‘oopsie’.
When Sander accidentally tosses Robbe into the boxes, we hear glass breaking. However, in the next shot, the boxes seem to empty (and they were supposed to be filled with chips, which don’t make that sound).
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Sander is wearing black Converse. They bought Jupiler beer. Robbe pulls out ‘Delhaize’ Biscuit chocolate bars and Florentin cookies.
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Zaterdag 13:13
C is for culture: "Croques” - The word ‘croque’ is an abbreviation for ‘croque monsieur’ (= ‘crunch mister’). These are grilled ham-and-cheese sandwiches, a typical greasy snack at taverns, markets, carnivals, your home, ... Other versions include the ‘croque madame’ topped with a fried egg, ‘croque bolognese’ with bolognese sauce, ‘croque hawai’ with a pineapple slice.
That’s character: It’s clear that Robbe has no idea how to eat properly. All throughout the season he eats unhealthy breakfasts (choco spread with cookies), snacks (chips, cookies) and dinners (Aïki noodles, frozen lasagna). But here we see the reason: he doesn’t seem to know how to cook or work a stove. Exactly why he buys prepackaged or instant food options. So, it’s probably for the best that Zoë helps out his eating habits.
Perfect parallel:
Robbe making an unhealthy breakfast in the previous episode, Sander providing him with an unhealthy snack in this one. (The way to a man’s heart is through the stomach)
Britt’s condescending “Listening to David Bowie again?” in this episode, her calling Robbe his next obsession similar to David Bowie later on. 
Sander’s “Do you know where I can find the coffee?” to Robbe in an earlier scene and his “Was coffee on the list?” to Amber here.
Robbe’s clumsiness meter: +2, he stumbles backwards after Sander touches his shoulder and burns himself after turning the ‘croque’.
Nod to the OG: This kitchen scene is the equivalent of the ‘5 fine frøkner’ scene, as Sander sings his favorite song to Robbe and makes breakfast, whilst both flirt with each other (subtly).
Oopsie: They supposedly went to ‘Delhaize’ for all their groceries, but the ketchup bottle comes from ‘Carrefour’ and the butter from ‘Colruyt’. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Sander messes up the first words to ‘Under Pressure’ - it’s ‘pressure’ not ‘under pressure’. He mixes the weed with tobacco for his joint. The conflict on Sander’s face at the end.
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Zondag 16:34
C is for culture: "What kind of shit question is this?” - They’re playing ‘De Slimste Mens ter wereld’ (= ‘The smartest human on earth’), a board game by the popular Flemish television show with the same name. The quiz is very challenging. People have to solve associative, general knowledge and out-of-the-box questions with multiple answers in different rounds. Points are awarded in the form of seconds, which are used during the game. The candidate with time left at the end, wins.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The group is drinking white wine out of plastic cups. Sander studied at ‘de!Kunsthumaniora’, the same school as Noor. Sander’s wearing his combat boots again.
Maandag 15:12
C is for culture: Aaron is wearing a bunny costume for the paintball game ‘Hunt the bunny’. This is usually played by people on a bachelor party or a corporate team building (with the groom/boss as the bunny). The goal is simple: the bunny has to cross the field from one corner to another, whilst the hunters shoot as much paintballs as possible to ‘kill’ it. Which is... rather painful, especially at close range. 
Oopsie: What they’re doing is actually illegal or even impossible. People aren’t allowed to play paintball in protected environments, like dunes. Unless they’re doing it with a specialized organization who’s trained for these games (and are present at the time of playing) or have the written permission from the ‘Agency of Nature and Forest’, the police, the city, ... There is a whole heap of permissions, administrative papers and laws to deal with. 
Lost in translation: Britt saying “Doe normaal” (= “Act normal”) has nothing to do with her dismissing Sander’s mental health. This Flemish phrase is often used to calm people down, telling them that they’re acting rather irrationally or childish. It’s an angry way of saying “Can’t you behave yourself? Calm down. What are you doing? Be rational!”. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The blue and red flags tells us that they’re going to play ‘capture the flag’. Some of the ‘pfff’ gun sounds you hear, indicate that the air pressure needs to be checked. Moyo took off his protection mask, which is dangerous and sometimes considered a foul during the game.
Dinsdag 20:02
C is for culture: "Do you know how to make s’mores?” - Toasting marshmallows above a campfire, isn’t really a tradition in Belgium. So that’s why the girls don’t know how to make s’mores. 
Lost in translation: ’Smoor’ is a Flemish dialect word for smoke or the act of smoking. It does sound a lot like ‘s’mores’. This is why Luca thinks Aaron wants to hold the marshmallow into the fire. 
Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: Of course Robbe had nothing to lose with Noor, he wasn’t actually interested in her. With Sander, however, Robbe doesn’t dare to do anything.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Aaron is drinking ‘Bock’ beer. Amber looks at Aaron like she really likes him, when he’s preparing the s’mores.
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Woensdag 20:42
C is for culture: 
“An old german bunker” - The province of West-Flanders as well as its coast still has a lot of remnants left from WWI. From German bunkers to trench-networks, burial sites and museums, the 'Great war’ left its traces. Unsurprisingly, every year, people still find around 300 tons of (active) bombs underneath the fields.
“Around ‘All Souls’ Day’ they come back to life” - ‘All Souls’ Day’ is a christian holiday on the 2nd of November, on which the dead are commemorated. However, since that day isn’t an official holiday in Belgium, people visit the graves and honor of their loved ones on the 1st of November, ‘All Saint’s Day’. 
The group drinking ‘jenever’ shots - ‘Jenever’ (known in English as ‘Dutch gin’ or ‘genever’) is a traditional liquor in Belgium and the Netherlands. Young people usually drink these colored, high percentage spirits at Christmas markets, pre-drinks or parties when it’s cold outside. Different flavors include vanilla, chocolate, berries, lemon, apple, ...
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The wooden panel behind Jens says ‘Volg de pijlen’ (= ‘Follow the arrows’). Aaron and Amber are holding hands after their fall. Robbe downs a chocolate-cream ‘jenever’ shot at the end. 
Woensdag 21:53
Perfect parallel: Robbe lashing out at his friends in this episode - he feels left out and confused about his sexuality - and blames the pranks. Him doing the same in the next - he thinks his friends are hypocrites by saying homophobic comments to him yet defending the gay teacher - and blames the vlogs. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The second living room has a spinning disco light.
Donderdag 21:12
C is for culture:
“In dat jeugdhuis” - A ‘jeugdhuis’ (= ‘youth house’) is a meeting place, run by young volunteers. All teens and young adults are welcome to hang out, throw parties, drink at their bar, organize concerts, attend workshops - just making the space their own. 
“He sounded like a begging Romanian” - Luca is referring to Romanian Romani families, who roam around in the streets of Brussels begging for some money. These ethnic groups have a mostly negative image amongst the Europeans. Which is why she states this harsh and hurtful comparison.
Perfect parallel: Noor asking Robbe for a playlist so she can listen to his favorite songs here, Sander actually making a Bowie playlist for Robbe in the next episode.
Lost in translation: Luca is mocking the West-Flemish dialect by copying what the boy said, namely “Moe’en julder ok ‘n flyer ‘ennen?”. This dialect is known for blowing their ‘g’ and ‘h’ so that they sound similar, conjugating their 'yes’ or ‘no’, having double subjects, seemingly swallowing some letters, among other things. It’s one of the most confusing and difficult dialects for the Flemish to understand themselves.
Oopsie: When Aaron asks Amber if she needs a drink, Britt and Sander are dancing right behind him. When she answers and walks away, they’re suddenly gone, only to be seen again when Moyo walks over.
Nod to the OG/Wink to other remakes: The ‘call your girlfriend’ kiss, duh! 
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Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jana is wearing one white contact lens.
Vrijdag 08:43
Perfect parallel: 
Sander searching for coffee first thing in the morning earlier this episode and him pouring a cup before any task in this clip.
Sander’s “Maybe I’m scared that I will never find someone” here and Robbe’s multi-layered “I’m so happy that I found you” in the last episode.
Oopsie: When the boys walk to the recycling spot, the lighting changes from sunny to clouded to dark in a matter of seconds.
Funny coincidence: Sander referring to his relationship as ‘ups and downs’, probably similar to his experience with bipolarity.
Wink to other remakes: An almost kiss near trash, remind you of certain Italian boys?
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Amber delegating tasks, but doing nothing herself. Robbe smiles for a few milliseconds, because Sander touched him. The flash of panic in Robbe’s eyes afterwards.
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vegetalass · 4 years
RDR2 Boys Cooking + Eating Habits
Somebody else on here wrote some headcanons about Arthur not being able to cook and just eating microwave food all the time and I just have to say…. That’s canon 
Lowkey though he’s trying his best to get better at cooking
Probably the only thing he knows how to make is pasta 
He adds a bunch of random frozen veggies to water as the noodles are cooking 
And then smothers the whole thing in butter and calls it a meal
Or he puts marinara sauce on it straight from the jar 
And yes, that means it’s cold
He’s also getting better at friend rice, too
But he’s really bad at actually making rice 
If he doesn’t add too much water… He burns the bottom 
Charles makes a mental note to buy him a rice cooker for his birthday 
Makes his own popsicles out of random fruit juices and eats them 24/7 
Thinks this qualifies him as a chef
Eats pickles and olives straight out of the jar with a fork 
And sauerkraut too probably 
Just goes over to john’s house on his pizza nights 
Puts ketchup on eggs
Pizza dad 
Probably orders pizza, salad, and a 64oz soda twice a week 
Everything else is just Dino chicken nuggets, Eggos, hot dogs, quesadillas, and frozen peas and corn 
Food you feed to little kids, basically 
Mostly because he does have a little kid 
But also because it’s easy and takes minimal effort and he doesn’t mind eating it, too
Abigail would be mad but she has no room to talk
The most you’ll see him actually make is buttered pasta (like Arthur) or sometimes beans and rice 
Abigail bought them a rice cooker a while ago so that’s one thing he doesn’t have to worry about 
Probably always has some type of dessert laying around 
Doesn’t mean it’s good, but it’s there 
Abigail buys a bunch of those gross, low calorie ice creams and John ends up having to finishing them 
Family lunches consist of a bologna sandwich on wheat bread with American cheese and mayo, a piece of fruit, a bag of chips or crackers, a go-gurt, and some gummies 
And yes he makes them for himself and Abigail too 
They’re all eating good at the Marston household 
(Not really)
Everything he cooks are things that can’t be made in single batches 
Lots of healthy soups, chilis, stew, etc…
Most of the time, he makes too much of whatever it is so he always has leftovers 
Everyone is jealous when he brings them for lunch
Probably finds all of his recipes in the newspaper or random magazines he reads while at the grocery store checkout line
Everyone is like, “Charles… Why are you reading Women’s Fitness?” 
And he’s like, “Check out this salad recipe, though”
Puts hot sauce on everything 
Salad, macaroni and cheese, hamburgers... You name it 
And he’s the king of snacking
All of his snacks are healthy, though
Raw veggies and fruit and quinoa chips from Whole Foods or something like that
Nobody likes this
He’s one of those people who brings hard boiled eggs everywhere as a “snack,” too
And yea, he puts hot sauce on those, also 
He really likes those weird protein bars that are hard to bite into and taste like chalk 
The flavors are either normal stuff like white chocolate macadamia or Protein Power Punch with whey, chia and seaweed 
There’s no in between 
He’s also a charcuterie board legend
Hosea is jealous of this talent
Spends all his money on take out 
He’s totally one of those weird people who’s entire trash can is just filled with take out boxes and cans of coke or beer
Constantly eating fast food 
You ask him what he bought at the supermarket and he’s like “Pub mix and bud light” 
Everything that he does manage to cook only involve one step of preparation 
Unseasoned, fried meats and boiled veggies 
Sometimes scrambled eggs and bacon
If he’s feeling fancy, he will make plain sandwiches
This is very rare, though
Can and will complain about anyone’s cooking
Even if it’s good and he he likes it
There are certain people he can’t do this to, though, or they won’t let him eat
The only person’s cooking he doesn’t complain about is Dutch’s
Constantly snacking from an entire party sized bag of chips
And yes, he eats straight out of the bag and wipes his fingers on his jeans
His oven is dirty
A meal for him is probably a handful of almonds and an applesauce or yogurt cup 
He is constantly making a bunch of those Tik Tok recipes where you just put a bunch of random stuff into your crock pot and add ranch seasoning and cream cheese
*insert all of those memes about mom pulling out the crock pot*
If you complain, he says “Well, you’re always welcome to cook, too”
Wears an apron when he cooks
Constantly eating plain toast with butter
And bananas 
And cheese sticks
Thinks that this makes him “healthy” 
Definitely likes to snack on those cocktail fruit cups and canned mandarin oranges
His entire freezer is just full of ice cream 
It’s all weird flavors like Cherry Garcia, chocolate banana, and pistachio though
Everyone hates him for this
Raisins are his late night treat 
Has a secret stash of candy no one can find 
That’s okay though because it’s mostly Werthers Originals
And Chiclets gum
He picks out all the orange ones, though
Tries to re-plate takeout so he can call it his own
Everybody sees through this but they stopped commenting on it like four Thanksgivings ago 
Buys a bunch of those meals from Costco that all you need to do is heat up in the oven
He does like fast food but only from the less popular places
Carl’s Jr., Wendy’s, BK, Arby’s, etc. 
A&W, too, because he’s old and weird
He can totally cook, he just never does 
It’s just normal stuff like spaghetti and meatballs or chicken and rice, though
Tuna fish casserole
He over-seasons everything, though
Mostly because he’s trying to prove that he’s a good cook 
Eats dessert twice, every night 
Once right after dinner, and then later when he’s feeling like a treat 
Will eat in bed
Uses a little bib and tray and everything 
Likes pumpkin and sunflower seeds
Would eat hot wings with gloves on 
He’s the one who taught Arthur to put ketchup on eggs 
The second I realized that Kieran would probably be white trash, my life changed 
Hamburger Helper meals for LIFE
That one cheeseburger pasta? Kieran probably eats that three times a week 
He 100% makes the ketchup-butter sketti from Honey Boo Boo 
“It’s been a while since I done had roadkill in my belly”
His favorite dessert is ambrosia salad or that weird yogurt/Cool Whip covered jello that was popular in the 2000s
Probably has a TV dinner every once in a while, too
Instant mashed potatoes and minute rice type of guy 
Also gives me big microwave cheddar broccoli vibes 
I’ve said this before, but his house is probably stocked with all kinds of on-brand goodies 
Probably always has some kind of chip and cookie around 
Eats dinner in front of the TV
Dips french fries in mayonnaise
All of this said though, he isn’t a picky eater and will eat whatever is put on his plate 
That’s why he’s great to take to restaurants, because he never complains
Honestly it’s just so sweet to think of him making big crockpot meals to share with ppl even if his cooking is a lil.... strange 
Thinks that the hot dog combo from Costco is a suitable dinner 
Also gets hot food from the grocery store for dinner a lot
Literally will just heat up a can of something and eat it plain 
Beans, chili, soup… 
Doesn’t doctor it up or change it at all 
He’s happy to share but no one wants any
Chips and dip, 24/7
And it’s just Tostitos Hint of Lime chips and hummus
Probably puts hummus on everything, too 
Corn chips, tortilla chips, tortillas, vegetables, sandwiches, etc. 
Will put anything in a tortilla and call it a sandwich 
Eats leftovers cold 
The rest of the gang thinks this is a sin
Makes stir fry with whatever is laying around the house
It’s a little gross because he will try to add leftover beans
Refuses to eat fast food
The only exception he’ll make is for french fries and ice cream
Walks around and eats at the same time
Isn’t above asking the other boys to share with him 
Despite the fact that this only happens if what they’re eating is good
Which is almost never
Sean can’t cook. That’s the end of it
The most he can make is that weird microwave Mac and cheese where the pasta is boiled in the mug?? 
He never does it tho and just sticks with the normal, frozen Mac and Cheese you can microwave instead
Uses his microwaving ability to make mug cakes
And microwave scrambled eggs
Burns his popcorn every single time
He’s probably set of the smoke detector or fire alarm multiple times
He’s Irish though so of course he’s addicted to potatoes and cabbage
And since he’s from the UK, he likes stuff like beans on toast and marmite
He’s a little nasty too so catch him eating bologna sandwiches on wonder bread
Not even the Marstons are that bad
When he does get takeout, he overspends trying to use a delivery app 
He’s like, “And do I need the extra side of special sauce for $5…? Yes.” 
Cooks like this 
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