#they aren’t allowed to even look at ranpo!
vitasexualiiis · 1 year
mori sends black lizard to break stuff and cause problems whenever fukuzawa doesn’t answer his texts
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crazyqueenmoon · 4 months
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Atsushi x Fem! Secretary, both mid-20s
Setting: 1960s AU
TW: sexism, mentions of s*xual harassment, CW: Drinking, smoking, implied NSFW stuff
So I’ve gotten back to watching the rest of Mad Men after so long. Though I haven’t finished it, it’s definitely a show I’ve found myself loving and find kinda similar to BSD in terms of its themes and workplace setting. Though they’re TOTALLY different as shows. Mad Men has no action, gore, or flashy characters and is 100% grounded in real life, so if you can’t be down with that stuff in a live-action show, expect to be bored AF. I’ve come it with some head-cannons around the 1960s. Also, Joan is one of my favorite female characters ever and I love Atsushi. Their personalities are completely opposite from each other, and this idea of Atsushi being this new employee at the ADA being shown around the office by a tsunderish secretary and them falling in love was just begging to be written, so here it is:
• The ADA would be like the Sterling Cooper office but with far less drama and gossip. The office would still look nice, but not nearly as nice
• You’re the badass, snarky head secretary of the ADA, refusing to settle for anyone’s BS. The Agency would not function without you helping all the higher-ups and you have a multitasking ability which allows secretarial tasks that typically take 8 hours to be completed in 10 seconds
• Unfortunately, most people have a hard time taking you seriously when it comes to your ambitions and underestimate your intelligence.
• BC it is the 1960s we’re talking about, unfortunately some of your male coworkers will be sexist a-holes that believe women aren’t supposed to be in higher positions/ ask for raises and should accept where they’re at and not be so demanding:
-Kunikida would say this to you after he got overhears you saying that you ought to be promoted. (I know you all love Kunikida and talk about how he drinks Respect Women juice, but this is 1960s Kunikida we’re talking about NOT Regular Kunikida. Plus Regular Kuni does kind of conduct himself in an old-fashioned way, so it doesn’t surprise me.
-You can expect Dazai to harass you and hit on you every single day unfortunately. He’ll also joke about how you’ve only gotten the job BC you offered Fukuzawa s*xual favors even though he’s well aware that’s not the case at all. But he will shut his goddamn mouth and behave in front of you once Fukuzawa or Kunikida is in sight. You’ve also learned some good comebacks from Yosano that’ll leave him terrified of you for the rest of the day. Interactions between you two will go something a little like this:
You: ‘I wanna be on top.’
Dazai: ‘Of me, dollface? Come on, now. Don’t be so feisty at work!’
You: ‘Of the company.’
Dazai: *laughs* ‘You’re gonna be a secretary for the rest of your life. That’s you’re fate, as a working woman. I don’t make the rules. But if you don’t like being a secretary, you can be mine instead.’
-Tanizaki also laughs when you mention this to him. He won’t make lewd comments about you or act domineering like Kunikida and Dazai do, but consider him trash as well.
-You tried to seduce Fukuzawa as a way to get promoted, but he noped immediately. He thinks of you as a daughter, and engaging in quid pro quo behavior completely goes against his values. He hires you because you’ve got the right skills and bc of your hard work, but doesn’t think you’re ready for a promotion combined with some sexist biases.
-Kenji respects you as his elder and superior. He wouldn’t really have any opinions on you being a leader, but even if he thought the same as all your male coworkers, it wouldn’t really bother you or frustrate you that much.
-Ranpo’s probably the only man in the office who isn’t dismissive of your ambitious tendencies, though he’s not necessarily a cheerleader about it. He’s more of a ‘Yeah, you’d be good at it, I guess’ kind of guy at most.
• You also smoke cigarettes a lot. You need them the way Ranpo needs his snacks, and it’s the only way you can calm yourself down.
•You’re filling in for Kunikida’s secretary today BC she’s sick. He calls you into his office, introducing you to your new employee, Atsushi Nakajima.
• “He’s the weretiger that he spent all night looking for, and now he’ll be working with us.”
• “Working with us?” you ask coolly. “Who’s idea was it, to employ a shapeshifter of all ability users?”
• “The president’s,” says Kunikida. “Should I report to him you doubted his decisions, Y/N?”
• “No need to,” you answer. “If it’s what president decrees, then I can expect it to be good.”
• Atsushi’s in awe as he looks at you pulling out a cigarette as you’re glaring.
• “Show the new guy around for the next hour,” says Kunikida, impatiently pushing a startled Atsushi from behind. “And cancel my 2 PM appointment! I won’t get it done with all these documents to read.”
• “Yes, Mr. Kunikida,” you scoff rolling your eyes.
• “Um, ma’am?” Atsushi asks. “Are you okay?”
• “Yes, I’m okay,” you say icily. “Now how about you shut up so I can give you the damn tour, tiger man? Could you do that for for me?”
• He nods quickly and walks behind you.
• “This is where you’ll be sitting,” you say, pointing to a small desk with a typewriter and a pen holder. It’s also facing a gray wall with no window. “Not pictureresque, I know. Though a chump like you should consider yourself lucky getting a desk with a typewriter. Now that you’re part of the Agency, you’d better learn to be punctual and not let your emotions get in the way. Don’t, and you’re left for dead. God knows it’s a pain, but it’s how work gets done around here.”
• Atsushi has no goddamn clue how to use a typewriter, so you have to teach him the whole day, in between passing out documents from Kunikida to the president and vice versa. You give Atsushi your worst frown once the day is done bc of all the stress he’s piled on you.
• On your desk the next day, you find a ‘Thank You’ card and a bouquet of flowers.
• It’s from Atsushi himself. He thanks you for helping him learn how to use a typewriter, and apologizes for upsetting you. Some of the ink is smeared, and he asks you to let him know how he can make it up to you.
•You march up to Dazai’s office holding the card and flowers, telling his secretary you’d like to speak to him shortly. She tells you he’s busy but he insists that she let you in over the intercom.
• “Eager, to see me so early, honey, huh?” he teases as you enter his office. “I knew you’d come through one of these days. You’re making me one lucky man.”
• “Is this some kind of joke, Dazai?” You demand, holding the card and flowers and opening the card.
• Dazai looks at the card and reads it. Handing it back to you. “Oh no, not my doing at all. The one thing I’d never do in a love note to a woman is let the ink get smeared with my tears. You’ve got an admirer Y/N. Atsushi-kun’s in love with you. You heartbreaker you. You’re makin’ me jealous!”
• You spend the whole day wondering if it’s true. As much of a scheming bastard Dazai is, he is good at solving mysteries
• You spend the next two weeks testing out if Atsushi’s got a crush on you, offering him employee training which he surprisingly manages to catch up on
•At this point, YOU’RE the one whose got a crush on him. He’s sweet, friendly, takes you seriously and doesn’t laugh at your goals. He’ll even bring you a treat from the bakery a couple times a week. But you won’t show those feelings to him. When you ask him if he’d like anything in return, he tells you he doesn’t.
• “Y/N, you never asked me what I can do for you in return,” he says.
• “Take me on a date,” you say. “At the Green Palace. 6 PM sharp.”
• “Date?!” he asks, shocked by your answer and how nonchalantly you said it.
• He takes you out and it goes well, eager to foot the bill despite his lowly salary.
• As you spend more time together, you vent to him about how you’re underestimated when it comes to your abilities because of your gender. He doesn’t know what that’s like, but he confides in you about how he’s felt so useless his whole life growing up in the orphanage and during his time at the church shelter. He also thinks it’s ridiculous that all the men at work belittle you, and believes you have what it takes to be in a higher role at the company.
• You’re one of the few people not to judge him for bringing up his traumatic experiences to him, and if he didn’t already trust you in the first place, he’s now given 1000% of it to you.
• You two keep your relationship a secret, though Dazai and Ranpo know. You’ll hear Dazai ask Atsushi personal questions about you two, but luckily Atsushi knows to be careful around him and scoffs at him, telling him it’s none of his business.
• He’ll come over to your apartment after missions to decompress and he’ll try to comfort you too when you’re stressed with work.
• A year into your relationship, you tell Atsushi it’s time everyone knows. He’s hesitant at first, but then agrees to it, and wants you to announce if this is to happen.
• Before announcing to the ADA, Fukuzawa decides to promote you to junior director. It’s got ‘junior’ in it, but it’s a far cry from being secretary and you get your own office. You’re now the only other female employee along with Yosano to have her own office.
• When you’ve announced to ADA, everyone cheers. Kunikida’s surprised, and angry you didn’t inform him about this, but gets over it. Fukuzawa wishes you told him, but approves of Atsushi as a boyfriend to you.
• Surf rock music plays on a record, and everyone gets drunk and hollers.
• “Happy one year together,” Atsushi says softly, holding a small gift bag. “ I got you this. Hope you like it.”
• “A marble bluebird,” you gasp, looking into the bag.
• “You said they’re your favorite birds once,” he says nervously. “I thought it’d be a great gift to give you.”
• “Atsushi…” you mutter. “Thank you.”
• You walk up him and kiss his cheek. His face turns bright red with everyone looking you two.
• “Don’t forget to give me one, too!” Dazai calls out. “It just took a measly glass bird? I’ll get you all of them, Y/N.”
• Kunikida makes a fist towards Dazai and he gets frightened.
• “ You hated my guts, when you first met me,” says Atsushi. “ The last thing I expected was that you’d fall in love with me.”
• “I never hated you, Atsushi,” you say. “ I just hated how I felt. You’ve helped me to believe in myself, and you’re always good to me. I love you, Atsushi.”
• “I-I love you too, y/n,” he stammers. He’s told you every single day, but he wants to say it again anyways. “You‘ve done really great. You deserve all this. Got any orders for me, director?”
• “Follow me to my office,” you jest, smacking his ass.
JFC this is MUCH longer than I thought it’d be. And writing this has kind of made me hate Dazai. But I had a lot of fun, writing this. If you’ve made it all the way here, thank you, thank you, thank you! Please leave a comment and LMK your thoughts.
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teacrying · 2 years
Husband/Boyfriend Headcanons with Fukuzawa Yukichi!
A/N: head empty, only Fukuzawa Yukichi.
C/W: slightly spicy.
He is a very rational man until it has something to do with you then he’s slightly less rational.
Ranpo has to, and does, like you. Fukuzawa made the ADA for Ranpo so if Ranpo didn’t like you he’d have some self reflection away from you.
This man is large so he loves a softer, and smaller partner (but even if you aren’t he fell for your personality).
If you did have an ability he would offer to help by using his ability if you bring it up.
He craves your touch and presence more than he’d like to say, but as soon as you guys are alone and with your consent he would gladly sit you on his lap and run circles into your skin gently.
If, and when, shit hits the fan he makes sure you know what to do and he also makes sure the ADA has your back.
During more stressful chunks of business he loves to unwind with you by sharing a bath. He loves seeing you unharmed this way and also the view of you is his favorite.
He might not appear to be this type of man but he loves marking your body with love bites where only he could see. Not to mention the flush that covers your face looking at his handy work makes it even more incredible.
There have been moments where his mask fell at work and it was with regards to you. It would either be you surprising him at work or in the few instances you had been injured. The latter being the scariest for everyone in the office. The former was much more favorable because everyone loved to see their boss happy!
Ranpo appreciates all you do behind the scenes and he shows that by allowing you some snacks of his. This brought pause to the office the first time it happened.
I can see the younger members of the ADA flock to you for some help or even relaxation. Even Atsushi seemed to seek out some support from you.
The ADA loves you and so do the brief times the few Mafia members who met you out and about liked you.
This man loves to see you in traditional clothing but understands that you only do so rarely. He thinks anything you wear only enhances the beauty you have.
He would gladly watch an impromptu fashion show of clothing you bought. He enjoys any show you give him though.
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silvfyre-writings · 24 days
His Brat is Hurting (BSD Fanfic)
Crossposted from AO3
There’s something wrong with Ranpo.
Genichirou watches the younger man with narrowed eyes as he flits about the room to gather information from a bunch of sleazy men that he would not be caught dead associating with, which is why he’s the one at the bar and Ranpo’s the one making the rounds and sweet-talking a bunch of drunken fools. It’s not too far from what usually happens when they aren’t working now that Genichirou thinks about it and it amuses him, lips twitching into a smile that he hides under the guise of sipping his drink.
Now’s not the time to be smiling, however.
There’s something wrong.
With the brat.
Something he can’t quite put his finger on.
Genichirou slowly lowers his glass, not once letting his eyes stray from Ranpo’s form as he tries to decipher what it is that’s wrong with the brat. He could just ask Ranpo what’s wrong, but it’s unlikely that he’d get an answer in the first place—he has more chance of receiving an array of insults accompanied with the threat of no sex if he pushes too hard. The joys of being involved with someone who’s frame is tiny, but overflowing with pride. Still, something is wrong and Genichirou plans to figure out what it is and fix it, if he can.
It's definitely not an injury, because Ranpo’s spend the entirety of this job making Genichirou rush around to protect him after landing himself in hot water, and he’s also glad that it’s not because the last time they were on a job and Ranpo got himself hurt—well, nothing quite like watching someone drop and fall off the roof of a building like a ragdoll, dragging their target down with him in the process. He also doubts that it’s sickness, if only because Ranpo has always been the kind of person to complain and whine loudly when under the weather. And with the two main suspects ruled out, there really is only one other option.
His eyes narrow further, and he watches Ranpo more closely.
The genius leans in close to the man that he’s currently talking to, and the change in position allows Genichirou to see his face, the way his face is tense despite the easy-going smile plastered onto his face. It’s a fake smile, one that Genichirou can see right through because he knows how to read Ranpo just as easily as the younger knows how to read him, much to his chagrin.
Ranpo moves on, and Genichirou can see the way his muscles are tensed even from where he’s sitting on the other side of the room; it’s only because everyone else is too stupid and too drunk that they can’t see what he can see. And speaking of too drunk…
The man that Ranpo’s approaching lets out a booming laugh.
And Ranpo flinches.
In an instant, Genichirou is on his feet and crossing the room towards his companion, already thinking of how to play it off so as to not arouse suspicion. The mission is still a priority, but it won’t be if he doesn’t get Ranpo out of the room before he implodes. They have time. A few hours to take a step back and recuperate will not make or break their job—even though Ranpo will vehemently argue against him about that. Regardless, Genichirou doesn’t care. Worst case, he just threatens people with his sword, a tactic that usually gets him the information he wants.
Ranpo turns towards him before he’s even close, and the tension grows in his body; he’s a coiled spring, ready to lash out at a moment’s notice.
Genichirou slows his approach, but doesn’t stop until he can wrap an arm around Ranpo’s waist and pull him closer.
“What are you doing?” Ranpo hisses at him, green eyes glaring up at him, yet not quite looking at him.
He’s just in time.
“Helping your scrawny ass.” Genichirou says, bending down to speak quietly into Ranpo’s ear. “You’re overwhelmed. You need to get out of here.”
And just as he predicted, Ranpo shoves at him angrily, eyes looking everywhere else but at him. “I am not! Just get out of here before you ruin my hard work.”
“Our hard work. And the only way I’m leaving this room is if you leave it with me.” Genichirou raises a hand to cup at Ranpo’s cheek and presses their foreheads together. Ranpo shivers underneath his touch, eyes closing.
There’s the sound of glasses crashing to the ground, shattering, and suddenly there’s a fist curled in his shirt.
And Ranpo’s tension has given way to tremors.
“We’re going.” Genichirou insists, turning them towards the bar’s exit.
Ranpo resists, because it’s in his nature to resist everything that Genichirou does even if it’s beneficial to the current situation, and tries to pull free. “The job—”
Genichirou interrupts before the argument can even begin. “They aren’t going anywhere. We’ll come back tomorrow.”
Silence follows his words and Ranpo follows him. He places a hand between Ranpo’s shoulder blades, providing a firm pressure that is hopefully reassuring instead of harmful.
Considering that Ranpo doesn’t shrug him off, it must be the former.
It doesn’t take long for Genichirou to guide Ranpo back to their shared room—because apparently it’s too much effort for their bosses to arrange separate rooms—and the moment the door shuts behind him is the moment that Ranpo breaks completely. The younger shoves Genichirou with all the strength he can muster when he’s feeling like utter shit, which isn’t a lot yet Genichirou still steps away to give Ranpo the space he’s demanding, and watches as Ranpo takes a few shaky steps before collapsing to the floor, curling in on himself.
Now most people would look at Ranpo, an adult genius with childish tendencies, yet strangely serious when the moment calls for it, and assume that any emotional outbursts the man had would be volatile and loud. And sure, sometimes that’s the case—Genichirou can attest to that—but most of the time it’s actually the opposite. If Ranpo’s being loud it’s because his needs were ignored until the only way he could express them was by exploding at the people around him. But most of the time, like right now, Ranpo is quiet, making himself small so as to not inconvenience whoever it is that he’s with—if anyone’s with him in the first place.
There’s been a few times in his life, in the time that they’ve been paired up, that he’s received phone calls from Ranpo after the genius has gone through an episode alone, asking to be picked up.
Which Genichirou does without a question because as Ranpo so very much loves to point out, he has him wrapped around his finger.
Ranpo lets out a strangled noise, his hands now pressing harshly into his eyes, fingernails digging into the skin above them, threatening to draw blood and that’s when Genichirou steps in.
He moves forward, shrugging off his jacket in the process, and with one arm he drags Ranpo upright and over to lean against the wall instead of remaining curled on the floor. Ranpo’s limbs flail for a moment before Genichirou lets go of him. His jacket goes around Ranpo’s shoulders, resting on top of his head like a hood and Genichirou crouches in front of him, keeping his face neutral because when he’s like this, Ranpo takes every micro expression as pity. Genichirou could glare at him angrily right now and he’d still take it that way. It’s almost like a switch flips in Ranpo’s brain when he gets like this; rationality becomes irrationality, and the only way to handle it is to just remain a blank slate so his mind doesn’t know how to react.
“Put your head between your knees.” Genichirou instructs.
“I’m not panicking.” Ranpo snaps.
He’s right, he’s not, but Genichirou refuses to risk letting him get to the stage where panic is a possibility. “Do it anyway. It’ll help.”
It takes a second, but Ranpo does it, bending his knees so that he can hide his face between them. He also winds his arms underneath his thighs, locking his hands together, and then he’s as still as a statue.
Genichirou sits on his heels and watches Ranpo as he breaths deep and breaths slow.
That is why he insisted on the position.
It’s only when his knees start to protest his current position that Genichirou moves, sliding over to sit beside Ranpo, mere centimetres apart. He’s close enough that his presence will be known, but not so close as to place pressure on an already fragile mind.
And then he waits.
And waits.
He keeps track of the time, counting thirty-seven minutes before a weight falls against his arm, and he glances down at Ranpo. He shifts his arm, receiving a tired look in response before Ranpo pulls away, tucking himself into Genichirou’s side the moment he raises his arm out of the way.
Genichirou drops the limb to rest around Ranpo’s shoulders. “You good now?”
Ranpo nods.
“Want to go back?” He asks, knowing what the answer will be before Ranpo shakes his head.
“Tomorrow.” Ranpo murmurs, turning towards Genichirou so that Ranpo’s head is resting on his chest. “’m tired now.”
As is the usual whenever Ranpo gets overstimulated. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a minor episode or a major, or whether he implodes or explodes, a wave of exhaustion always follows, one that leaves Ranpo feeling as if he’s been sucked dry by his emotions. Genichirou always assumed that it was because Ranpo struggled with his emotions on the best of days—another similarity between the two of them—and so when his emotions decided they’d had enough, it became a battle for him.
He doesn’t really understand it, and maybe he never will.
His mind isn’t the same as Ranpo’s, but he does know Ranpo, which is why Ranpo will always come to him in the end.
At some point Ranpo’s breaths even out, and he slumps against Genichirou entirely. Genichirou sighs and stretches his legs out but otherwise doesn’t move. He’s sure to regret staying on the floor in a few hours, but oh well.
His brat is hurting, and he’ll do what he can to keep him comfortable.
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The early days of the Armed Detective Agency
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44330419
Fukuzawa glanced up at the clock 3:30 in the morning, he groaned, looking down at the massive pile of paperwork in front of him. His desk, normally kept so clean and ordered with only his active bodyguard in contracts on it. Currently lay in a mess of case files, reports and ministry documents. He placed his head in his hands and sighed. Was this really the life he wanted? The past few weeks had been some of the most chaotic he had ever experienced. Many hours had been spent in meetings with high up officials. He had to use many favours he was owed just to cover for Ranpo and his frequent rudeness and disregard for authority.
 He knew he had much to atone for. The sins of his past constantly followed him like blood that wouldn’t wash off of his sleeves. However, this punishment seemed harsh even for someone like him. He was well accustomed to long periods of silence and meditation, but the stress he went through every time that Ranpo called an important official an idiot to their face shortened his life span more than any of his martial arts training ever had.
 He was meant to submit some of these reports in the morning, deciding that pondering such things would be a waste of time, Instead, he tried to refocus on the task in front of him. But as he mulled over the endless signings and documents, he quickly found his mind wandering again. He wasn’t qualified for this, Ranpo needed someone who could look after him properly someone who could stand on the level of his mind, Fukuzawa had no idea where someone like that could be found but he most certainly wasn’t him. He sighed once again. Maybe he would just go to sleep.
 He heard a creaking at the door. Quickly, his eyes shot to the door, years of practice letting him get into a combat ready stance without seeming to change his composure He readied for a potential intruder. However, it was Ranpo who entered, rubbing his eyes tiredly and looking like he had just woken up. wandering into the room he asked, “what are you doing in here, aren’t old people meant to go to sleep early?”
 “I have to finish the reports from our previous mission. You deduced the answer so fast that there wasn’t time for the police to finish the paperwork.” Fukuzawa replied ignoring the comment on his age.
 “Paperwork? I bet that’s really boring, I don’t understand why they don’t just lock the people up and leave it at that”.
 Fukuzawa sighed again. This had been a frequent complaint of Ranpo’s and he knew he would never get him to understand, much less do his own paperwork. This would always be another burden for him.
 Ranpo wandered over to the desk and looked over the things Fukuzawa was writing. “I can’t believe you can write all of this. I’d get bored after 2 seconds. Well, I’m sure glad I have you to do this for me if I want to be a great detective.”
 Fukuzawa swallowed his frustration at hearing that, he was slowly growing used to working with Ranpo and remarks like that had little effect on him now.
 “Anyway, I’m gonna go back to sleep. You should head to bed too. This can’t be that important.”
 Fukuzawa watched Ranpo leave the room. Then he noticed on the desk where Ranpo had been standing lay a small, box of Nama chocolate. Ranpo must have brought it up for him. He hadn’t even noticed. Making sure the Ranpo wasn’t in the doorway. He allowed a rare smile to cross his face. Maybe doing this would be hell, but he’d gladly march through it if meant he could see Ranpo shine.
 He ate the chocolate as he turned back to the work Infront of him, it was delicious.
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grymmnox · 1 year
week #36
i forgot it was saturday,, oopsies. tbf im tired
fandom(s): bungo stray dogs, good omens, supernatural
ship(s): soukoku, ranpoe, ineffable husbands, destiel
leaking red glitter; crispy_ceasar - bungo stray dogs
teen and up | 2k words | READ TAGS summary: dazai wakes up and he feels like a miracle.
Sunlight; thewritingotter - good omens/spn fusion
teen and up | 12.6k words | aziraphale/crowley, castiel/dean summary: It’s only been a couple of days since their first kiss (the memory of which is seared forever in Crowley’s infernal heart, something he knows he will never allow himself to forget -- not when it’s similarly the most amazing and frightening thing that’s ever happened to him), and while Crowley craves affection and hand holding and all of those soppy things demons aren’t supposed to be in want for, Aziraphale is drastically and very firmly on the other side. He’s stiff and unyielding, and even though Crowley is one of the few who are allowed to touch him, these instances are few and far between. -- Crowley and Aziraphale go on a much needed holiday after the Apocalypse That Didn't Happen.
You're Still A Dream Of Hope To Me; BlackUnicorn - good omens/spn fusion
not rated | 10.1k words | aziraphale/crowley, castiel/dean summary: “There you go, love.” A plate with a generous slice of apple pie was set on the table and the man-shaped being across from Crowley made a face that looked like it was trying very hard to be both exasperated and excited. “You told me to order for you, so I did,” Crowley said, innocently as you please, “And I happen to be rather fond of apples.” *** “What can I get ya?” the waitress asked. “Well – Molly,” Dean read her nametag, “How ‘bout some of that apple pie?” “’fraid that was the last slice,” Molly said and Dean could feel the smile steadily dripping of his face, “We still have cake, though.” “No, thanks,” Dean answered, “Just coffee is fine.” *** It was supposed to be a holiday. Crowley and Aziraphale make a trip to the States for a little change of scenery. Sam and Dean are still recovering from everything that happened. Things sort of go downhill when the Winchesters think they're on a Hunt for a Trickster, then uphill, depending on where you stand, and then they just go sideways.
All In The Pronunciation; Dr_Wahoo - good omens/spn fusion
teen and up | 2.4k words | implied aziraphale/crowley, dean & sam summary: Sam and Dean make the unenviable decision to summon Crowley. However, the demon standing in their summoning circle is decidedly not the right Crowley — or so they think at first.
Complete Fics
I'll crown your inner child with laurel; acuteguwu - bungo stray dogs
mature | 26 chapters, 197k words | chuuya/dazai, chuuya & dazai, poe/ranpo, poe & ranpo | READ TAGS summary: “I didn’t get my education in the best culinary school of France for some mediocre apprentice to tell me how to cook my dishes.” “Just shut it, Chuuya, and salt your goddamn béchamel.” (AU in which Dazai and Chuuya are both competing in the famous culinary contest, but it's more about childhood traumas and attempts to fix them with adult lovestories.)
Incomplete Fics
The Whim of a Cat; Stormlight8 - bungo stray dogs
teen and up | 10/? chapters, 18.1k words | natsume & oda, ango & dazai & oda, dazai & oda, atsushi & oda, ango & oda summary: All it took was a few lines in the Book to change reality. Natsume Soseki, using the page held by the government, wrote a change that came into effect when the Decay of the Angels stole the page: the revival of Oda Sakunosuke. Having not been killed by his battle with Mimic, but believed by everyone to be dead, the ex-mafioso became committed to fulfilling what he had previously failed at. In order to save more innocent children, he had to keep the balance. With the Decay of the Angels disturbing the balance, it was finally time for Oda Sakunosuke to step into the fray. And hopefully, he'd meet a few old friends along the way.
nothing, the wind, the sky; lilydaze (Icosagens) - bungo stray dogs
mature | 2/7 chapters, 19.5k words | chuuya/dazai, (once again, and i cannot stress this enough, past & unhealthy.) dazai/mori | READ TAGS summary: "There's this moment, right before you do it, where your body tries to save you. It's not fear, or hesitance; it's a biological desire to survive that wells up in you and tries to overwhelm you into quitting. It rises up to become this... nearly insurmountable mental block. It's very powerful. It... possesses you. There's a lot of willpower involved in committing suicide, if you didn't know." "Does it," Chuuya asks quietly, "get easier? The more times you do it?" Dazai looks him in the eye. "No," he says. "It doesn't."
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nyxs-sins · 3 years
Could you write something cute with Kunikida, Ranpo, or Fukuzawa x reader? Whatever pops into the brilliant mind of yours will work. Love you.
Of course!
Dating Them Would Include
The house is spotless.
He’s a clean freak, I just know it.
He has so many notebooks of ideals and schedules though, so it almost feels cluttered to you.
He refuses to get a pet.
But will also love and spoil the pet if you get one.
When you first moved in, he drew an imaginary line that your stuff was not allowed to cross.
Of course as time passed, that line did not move.
Very orderly.
Will help you cook.
He’s not great at taking you out in dates, so you’ll have to give him a little nudge.
Acts annoyed when you show up unannounced at the agency, but secretly loves it.
He loves kids, and would love to start a family with you.
Would take you to a sweets shop.
And by take you I mean he tells you what he wants to do and you lead him there.
You’re the only person he shares his snacks with.
Will only allow you to have the best snacks. If they aren’t Ranpo approved, you don’t get them.
Lots of detective abs marble games.
Will show you his marble collection, will not let you touch it.
You have to do the cooking.
Unless it’s sweets, that’s all he knows how to make.
Hanging out with Yasano and Poe.
You have to stop Ranpo from stealing Karl.
Will read you mystery stories before bed.
Only watches crime shows.
You threaten to duct tape him and his mouth shut to give you a chance to figure out who the criminal is.
He always wins at any games you two play, even the ones he says he’ll go easy on you.
He never does go easy, he’s too prideful.
Wants cuddles 24/7, but hates PDA.
But when you two are alone his all over you.
Will spank you as you walk by and then act like he didn’t.
If you don’t cuddle him at night, he will think you don’t love him anymore.
He’s extremely protective, and refuses to tell you where he works.
All you know is he’s a detective. And a really good one at that.
He never talks about you to the others because he doesn’t want anyone to know that he has a weakness.
You will never be safer.
He will protect you at all costs, and knows how to do it.
The only other people he trusts you around are Ranpo and, surprisingly, Mori.
Takes you to fancy restaurants for dates.
Buys you the most beautiful outfits.
You live a very comfortable life financially, but it doesn’t look like it on the outside.
A very simple lifestyle, I wouldn’t say he’s a minimalist though.
Teaches you how to sword fight and other self-defense.
You are basically Ranpo’s mom.
You are always welcomed at the ADA, and he prefers to keep you close no matter where he is, unless it’s on a mission.
Even if you can defend yourself, he’d prefer you to stay behind with Ranpo.
But if you’re stubborn enough he’ll allow you to go on missions with him so long as you don’t leave his side.
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anonymousewrites · 2 years
There's a Will; There's a Way (Book 3) Chapter One
Chapter One: Becoming Part of the Armed Detective Agency
One year ago…
            (Y/N) looked up at the building, debating whether what she was about to do was a good idea or not. She had been invited to become a detective at the Armed Detective Agency. An honor, to be sure, but (Y/N) remained hesitant. She was indeed in need of a new job, but she was still unsure about being a detective. This was her last day to back out from even trying for a position at the Agency. Today was her interview. There had been no instructions. She had no clue what to expect.Taking a deep breath, the young woman steeled herself and walked inside. (Y/N) walked up the stairs and knocked on the door of the Agency’s office.
            The blonde, Kunikida, opened it and ushered her in. “Good, you’re on time. Come inside.”
            “Hey! You came,” said Dazai. “That’s great. Otherwise, I would’ve had to track you down again.” He gave her a smile.
            “I guessed I didn’t really have a choice on coming to the interview,” said (Y/N).“So, what exactly—.”
            “We will be with you in a moment. Currently, I am taking the statement of the young woman over there,” said Kunikida, nodding to a woman with short black hair and a butterfly barrette.
            “What is she here for?” asked (Y/N) curiously.
            “Do you see that man over there?” Dazai pointed to a man with brown hair and cloak on.
            “She has accused him of stealing her hairpin. They were friends, went out, got drunk, and when she woke up the next morning, he and the barrette were gone,” explained Kunikida, “We managed to locate the hairpin hidden in his house, but he insists he is innocent and she’s trying to frame him for some reason.”
            “We have to determine who is telling the truth. Afterwards, we’ll be free to interview you,” said Dazai. He smirked at her, a strange glint in his eyes.
            (Y/N) narrowed her eyes, sensing some sort of ulterior motive hidden beneath his pleasantries. However, since she couldn’t identify anything specific, she just nodded. “Okay. Should I move away so I don’t overhear details of your case?”
            “That would be helpful. There is a meeting room where—,” said Kunikida.
            “Nonsense!” Dazai waved a hand dismissively. “I’m sure you’ll end up an agent, so it doesn’t matter.”
            “If you say so,” said (Y/N). She was definitely interested in who was lying, so it was nice to be allowed to stay.
            “Very well. Just don’t cause problems for our investigation,” said Kunikida. He huffed and then walked over to the woman and accused man.
            “Businesslike as usual, Kunikida,” teased Dazai.
            “Excuse me, but while you two are joking around, this man is getting away with theft!” cried the client.
            “I didn’t take anything,” complained the man.
            “Dr. Yosano, Mr. Edogawa, please remain calm. We are trying to solve this case,” said Kunikida.
            “Solve it?!” cried Yosano, “Your culprit is sitting right there!” She pointed furiously at the man next to her. “Ranpo did it!”
            “You’re lying,” said Ranpo defensively, “I didn’t do anything!”
            “If you could both repeat your version of the night’s events, we will try to determine the truth. We aren’t accusing anyone of lying or stealing until we make sure we have all the facts,” said Kunikida.
            “Fine,” said Yosano. “Ranpo and I went out a couple drinks last night. We had a little much too drink. I blacked out for most of the night. I went home, apparently got myself ready for bed, and when I got up the next morning, my gold hairpin was gone. Ranpo was, too.”
            “That’s because I woke up at my own house. And even if the barrette was with me, you probably lost it at the bar, and I had to pick it up,” said Ranpo.
            “Excuse me, may I ask a question?” said (Y/N).
            “Go ahead,” said Dazai, curious to see what she was thinking.
            “Dr. Yosano, neither of you drove your own cars while drunk, correct?” asked (Y/N).
            “Of course not,” said the raven-haired woman, “We took taxis.”
            “I guess we must have. Neither of us took cars to the bar,” said Ranpo.
            “ ‘Taxis?’ As in, more than one?” clarified (Y/N).
            Yosano’s eyes widened.
            (Y/N) continued, “You said you woke up and Ranpo was gone, but if he had already taken a separate taxi, then of course he wasn’t with you.”
            “W-well, I—,” stammered Yosano.
            “And Ranpo over here is drinking water and wincing from what I’m guessing is a headache because of his hangover while you seem completely fine,” said (Y/N).
            “I have a high tolerance,” Yosano tried to defend herself.
            “You said you were blackout drunk. Yet you conveniently remember moments of going home in a taxi so you can say you didn’t drink and drive,” said (Y/N).
            Kunikida and Dazai watched her. Dazai was smirking, pleased at her logic.
            “What are you trying to say?” said Yosano angrily.
            “That you’re lying. You obviously dislike Ranpo for some reason and were trying to frame him for theft,” said (Y/N).
            “She’s right, Kunikida,” said Dazai to his partner.
            “Yes, I see it, too,” said the blonde, nodding.
            Upset, Yosano suddenly reached into her purse and pulled out a gun. “You! You just butted in and ruined everything!” She pointed the weapon at (Y/N) and pulled the trigger.
            (Y/N) raised one hand, stopping the rubber bullet in midair, and flicked her other wrist to the side. Yosano’s gun was wrenched from her hands and skidded across the ground.
            “Good job,” said Dazai.
            “Thank you, but aren’t you going to arrest her?” (Y/N) was confused at Dazai and Kunikida’s lack of action.
            “Finally! We’re done!” cheered Ranpo in a childish voice, his demeanor changing entirely. He pulled out a bag of chips and began eating.
            “My, you are talented. Dazai was right,” said Yosano, her anger fading into calm sophistication.
            “What’s going on?” asked (Y/N).
            “Congratulations, you passed the entrance exam,” said the bandaged brunette, smiling at her.
            “This was a test?”
            “We needed to see if you had what it took to actually be a detective,” said Kunikida.
            “You did very well,” said Dazai, “It took you very little time to catch on. You’ll do well at the Agency.”
            So that’s what his motive was, thought (Y/N), He was part of this ruse.
            “Welcome to the team,” said Dazai. “Let’s get started on a real case.”
            “Uphold the good name of the Agency,” said Kunikida.
            She smiled. “I can do that.” I’ve found a place I can belong. I won’t mess this up.
Nine months ago…
            “Which way did he go?” said (Y/N), skidding to a stop. She was out on a case, trying to catch a robber who made a run for it. Unfortunately, he had disappeared into a crowd.
            “Down that street, likely into one of the restaurants where he can blend in as a customer,” said Dazai.
            “We’ll each take one,” said Kunikida. His partners nodded and quickly went into the cafes.
            (Y/N) glanced up at the sign above the door. It read “The Painted Glass.” She went inside and was met with a view of a bar. Calm lighting and soft music created a nice atmosphere. Looking around, (Y/N) couldn’t see the robber. She knew that if he was here, he would try to avoid attention and just sit and drink. She went up to the bar counter since the bartender might have seen something.
            “Hello, I was wondering if—.”
            “No drink, no information,” teased the black-haired woman.
            She is running a business, conceded (Y/N). Pulling out some money, she said, “Give me a glass of whatever, I won’t be here long.”
            “That’s a downer,” said the bartender, pouring a drink, “Can I at least get the name of the investigator in my bar?”
            “How’d you guess I was investigating something?” asked (Y/N) curiously.
            “You instantly asked for information, and you didn’t look like you were asking for my number.” The woman shrugged and smirked devilishly.
            “Fair enough,” said (Y/N), “You’re right. My name is (Y/N) (L/N). What’s yours?”
            “Buy another drink for information.”
            “You never even gave me anything for the first drink,” pointed out (Y/N).
            “You’re good. I’m Akira Mori,” said the woman.
            “Nice to meet you.” (Y/N) handed over more money. “Is this enough for more information?”
            “It is indeed.” Akira leaned over the counter, sliding a second drink to (Y/N) (who hadn’t even touched her first). “What do you want to know?”
            (Y/N) handed her a photograph of the robber. “Has this man entered your bar?”
            “What did he do?”
            “He stole some documents from a businesswoman and tried to blackmail her,” said (Y/N).
            “He’s in the corner, watching you,” said Akira. “As soon as you turn, he’s going to bolt out the backdoor.”
            (Y/N) contacted Dazai and Kunikida, telling them to guard the back exit. “Thank you.”
            She stood up and made eye-contact with the robber. His eye’s widened while she smirked. The man ran for the door. (Y/N) moved to follow him.
            “What about your drinks?” commented Akira as the detective ran away.
            (Y/N) paused for a moment and grinned at the bartender. “I’ll come by later for a drink” With that, she ran out after the man.
            Akira smirked to herself. Entertaining. She began to serve her other customers. I have a feeling we’re going to get along.
Six months ago…
            “This is a dumb idea, Dazai. I can’t believe you talked me into this,” grumbled (Y/N).
            “We need to confront the killer. She currently performing, but she was planning on sabotaging her partner and causing their death,” said Dazai, using the earpiece to communicate with her.
            “There has got to be a better way to catch an acrobat,” said (Y/N), looking down from the platform she was standing on. A trapeze was next to her, ready for her to grab. She, Kunikida, and Dazai were at a circus to catch a killer. The trapeze artist murdered her partner in an attempt to move up the ranks but was replaced instead, so she was planning to kill again. That’s why (Y/N) was disguised as the partner and was going to perform. She had the strength and appearance, so it was obvious that she should be the bait.
            “Don’t tell me you can’t do it!” teased Dazai.
            “I can, but I really don’t think this is a good idea,” said (Y/N).
            “Well,” Dazai dismissed her worries, “Time for the show! Have fun!”
            This is ridiculous. (Y/N) sighed and grasped the trapeze tightly. She looked across to the second platform where the killer was doing the same.
            Taking a deep breath, (Y/N) swung down, as did her “partner.” The killer flipped in the air and landed on (Y/N)’s bar, attempting to stomp on her hand with the poisoned barbs in her shoes. The detective barely had time to move her hand. Summoning her strength, (Y/N) swung over and kicked the acrobat off. She then lost her grip and fell into the safety net below as well. The pair rolled off the net to the ground. Angry at her plan failing, the murderer pulled out a hidden pocketknife and went to stab (Y/N). The detective pushed the acrobat away with her ability but got cut first. Before the killer could try again, Kunikida appeared to pin her down.
            “Good job,” said Dazai, walking to (Y/N). He noticed her injury on her arm. “Are you okay?”
            “It’s not too bad,” said (Y/N), shrugging.
            “Let me help,” said Dazai. From his pocket, he pulled out spare bandages. Holding her arm gently, he wound the gauze around it.
            (Y/N) watched him, her cheeks tinted pink. Soft… This was the first time she’d seen him be so kind. Yes, there were hints here and there, but usually Dazai just employed false pleasantries. Seeing him be so good and so…domestic was nice. She wished she could see this soft, gentle side of him more. See him smile, see him laugh, see him be him without his mask. (Y/N) paused for a moment and blinked. She had just realized she had feelings for Dazai. (Y/N) was completely, totally, utterly in love with Dazai Osamu.
            Oh, boy. What am I going to do with these feelings? thought (Y/N), sighing as he walked away from her. Dazai…If it means I can stay by your side, I’ll hide my feelings forever.
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djcarnationsblog · 2 years
I’m sorry, this is a fucking urge I need to get off my chest XD A few hcs for each BSD Character I’m feelin-
Ships including Dazai/Chuuya, Atsushi/Akutagawa, Poe/Ranpo
Warning for spoilers!
>Dazai is a transmasc man, but also a femboy. I say this why? Well, take a look at my semi-indepth, legit serious reasoning for giving it to him XDXDXD
Dazai, back in the Port Mafia, never had much control of how his life went, if you think about it. Where he slept, where he lived, what he did, who he was or wasn’t allowed to kill, whether he was allowed to die or not. Barely any part of his life was in his control. Being trans only made it harder on himself, mostly because of...well, Mori and his bullshit. He wasn’t even in control of the way some people saw him, in terms of gender.
The bandages he wears aren’t only for scars, but they were to bind. Why? Because they were the only thing available he could use. The scars were an excuse to bind, and make it look like a natural, aesthetic choice, yet Dazai himself wished he didn’t have to bind with his own bandages, just another thing he couldn’t control. HOWEVER, before he found out he was trans, there was one specific outlet he had, one that he could indulge within the safety of his own living quarters.
And that was what he wore. You see, Dazai doesn’t care about gender norms, and that carelessness also helped him find in outlet, the one thing that he was in control of. He especially grew fond of wearing feminine clothes.
So, he’s a trans femboy because it started out as a sort of outlet for him in the Port Mafia, which then became one of the things he loves because of how free it makes him feel, to make his own decisions and all.
>Dazai can dance. He so totally danced with Chuuya back in the Port Mafia. Don’t matter if it’s classical dance, or fuckin’ obscene dancing, just. Dance-
>Dazai, when Odasaku was alive, saw him as a brother figure. Because he’d have these moments with Odasaku, whether it be asking him to iron his clothes, or fucking around at the bar, he’d have these moments where he goes ‘huh, brother material’. One time he accidentally called Odasaku his brother, Oda never let him live it the fuck down.
>Dazai is emotionally constipated, fuckin’ stupid when it comes to romance especially. Chuuya asking him out on their first date? Man fucking fainted. He may be good at manipulating people with his charms, but he CAN NOT for the life of him, take what he dishes if it’s genuine. And often times he doesn’t know when it’s genuine until it’s up in his face as obvious as the sun.
>Dazai also can’t take genuinely affectionate nicknames, which Chuuya uses sparingly JUST so this fucker doesn’t get used to it.
>Chuuya likes wearing harnesses. Doesn’t matter on what part of the body, he just likes how they look on him.
>The first time Dazai had ever been vulnerable with him, he didn’t actually know how to process it, and just put a hand to his cheek cluelessly. Turns out Dazai likes affectionate physical contact, so Chuuya would make sure to do it at least once or twice a day.
>Chuuya may be a lightweight to liquor and wine, but damn if people said he couldn’t make some GOOD. DAMN. WINE. They’d be either liars, or they don’t even know Chuuya. Everyone loves Chuuya’s wine.
>Chuuya mutually simps for Dazai, even though he tries so damn hard to hide it. Literally loves the shit out of him but he’s too much of a tsun to admit it-
>Chuuya and Kouyou would have days where they just sit down, and gay. That’s it. A gay and a lesbian just simping over hot guys and girls.
>*Bonus cause fuck yeah* Chuuya is like the father figure to so many people it’s fucking crazy. Elise, Q, Kyoka, all the kiddies. Just. Dad vibes.
>He’s a bi icon, all the bi vibes.
>Atsushi’s pupils will sharpen like a cat’s in daylight, it’s just that the others don’t often notice unless you stare at him when he goes into dark areas, then comes out of them.
>Atsushi CAN in fact purr. He has done it. When Dazai had put a hand on his head, Atsushi just kinda started purring. Dazai has never been so astonished by the fact that his ability actually meshes with some part of his being like this. He never let Atsushi live it down either.
>Atsushi definitely can pick up Akutagawa, like we’ve all seen before. I like to think he actually doesn’t rely on the tiger for that strength, he’s just naturally very strong, and often times he’s training to gain more of that strength.
>More often than not, when Aku and Atsu are in a relationship, Atsushi has the habit of just picking up Akutagawa and walking around with him, absolutely everywhere. He likes doing that, and Akutagawa doesn’t mind, so score-
>Akutagawa is definitely demisexual and somewhere on the asexual spectrum to me.
>Akutagawa is a damn fashionista, you can not tell me otherwise. His whole wardrobe is filled with outfits he’ll wear off the job for specific days and everything.
>Akutagawa and Gin would constantly mock each other behind their coworkers’ backs. Middle fingers, stuck out tongues, the like. They’re like overgrown children to each other and literally nobody’s caught them yet.
>Akutagawa likes laying his head on Atsushi’s lap, because that prompts upside down kisses and he loves those kisses. Atsushi knows what the fuck he’s doing whenever he does that, but he indulges him anyways.
>Akutagawa and Chuuya are like, the best of fucking friends and you can not change my mind. They do so much together and shit, it’s adorable because Chuuya’s just teaching him about all these different things and Aku’s always willing to learn.
>Ranpo’s got so much sass in his tiny body. He’ll literally chew out a person without hesitation. Man, chill XD.
>Ranpo likes making origami swans, he learned it from Poe and has just been casually filling up one of the rooms of Poe’s mansion with them.
>He’s stolen Poe’s boots before. Bitch can’t walk in them, but he sure as hell looks fabulous in them. Poe doesn’t even mind, man.
>Ranpo can play the ukelele, he’ll often play it for Poe while he writes, and Poe gives him candy as compensation.
>Ranpo’s a proud, picky pan.
>Poe can play the piano, calling it now. He’ll be playing that shit when he has writer’s block to help clear his head.
>Poe doesn’t even remember where the hell he got Karl. Just picked him up one day and decided that was how it’s gonna go.
>Poe’s actually freakishly flexible, Ranpo’s always impressed by it because this man can and will sit in what seems like the most uncomfortable positions when writing but it really helps him actually.
>Poe didn’t really have a choice when his bangs decided to grow over his eyes, he just decided to go with the flow afterwards cause it benefitted him.
>Poe’s Sapiosexual and Bisexual. That’s it-
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cyla · 3 years
The Armed Detective Agency With a Puppygirl
Ah this is my first actual post I'm gonna die of nervousness. But these are just some headcanons about if a couple of the agency babes adopted themselves a lil puppy girl ;3
I take no criticism, Atsushi would be the best owner
He would take a bit to get used to you, but when he is, you'd both love each other to bits
He'd get scared and do some research on how to train you, all that blah blah
He would love to take you for walks almost every day (not quite every day, but close)
I feel like he'd feel bad leaving you at home all day, so sometimes he'd take you to work or sneak back home and play with you for a bit before going back to the ada
If you're doing something you aren't supposed to, all you have to do is look up at him with those cute lil puppy eyes and he melts and let's you get away with it
He's so soft for you its adorable :((((
He'd try his best to discipline you, but he feels so baaad
Let's you sleep on his bed :p
I just remembered his ability
Let's forget about his ability for a moment
He's literally a cat
Forget it no he isn't
AnYwAy, next oop
Who the hell let Dazai get a puppygirl
He was bored okeaah
Anyway, he has done absolutely zero research
Research? What's that?
Dazai would absolutely love to tease you
Cause your such an adorable lil stupid pup, you're so easy to tease!
He'd go to throw a ball for you, and keep the ball in his hand >:((
He also loves to squish your cheeks in his hand and call you his 'stupid lil pup,' or 'dummy puppy'
Will absolutely not let you too basic tasks because, 'SiLLy LiL pUpPiEs WiLL gEt HuRt'
Tries to get you to do tricks and he is absolutely horrible at it
You have no idea what hes going on about
Weird hand signals mess up your lil puppy brain
But when he eventually does teach you to sit, he gets so excited so he tries to teach you other things too
That's even more confusing, so you just sit, hoping that's what he wanted
Did wayy too much research before actually adopting his lil pup
He wants the absolute perfect pup so he takes a long time choosing
In the first couple, theres a lot to take in as hes a pretty bad control freak, he wants everything to be perfect; including you
Has a very specific diet and eating schedule for you
Feeds you exactly two times a day and takes you for a walk every morning
Theres a lot of rules to follow
But it's all worth it because...
He also spoils you like crazy
I swear he'd spend more than half of his allowance on you
He is also so so proud of you
You're just his perfect lil pup
You're everything he wanted and more
He also spends a lot of time working out which food you like best
And...its the most expensive
Heh whatever, he'll buy anything for his lil pup
He would be so chill with you
He'd let you do just about anything and everything
He let's you sleep in his bed, feeds you ice cream, doesnt care about the dirty lil paw prints on the couch
Like Atsushi, I don't think he'd like leaving you home while hes at work, so most days he'll probably bring you with him
Absolutely loves showing you off to everyone at the agency
Depending on the work he occasionally brings you on missions
If its guaranteed 100% safe for you
He wouldn't be able to live with himself if anything happened to you
He would do no research
Can't be bothered to
He also loves sharing treats with you
He loves getting your opinion on different candies
When you two are bored, you do lil candy reviews
I don't think he'd walk you ever, so you gotta get your exercise by going to work with him
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voidcat · 4 years
— take me home
Characters: Dazai Osamu/gn!reader (+agency members)
Genre & wc: fluff — 1.9k
a/n: happy Valentine’s Day!!! Normally I was gonna make this one big thing but my writing style for all this so far and “the second part” don’t carry the same vibe. (Also it was getting v long) Anyways, enjoy. I still suck at naming fics. — part 2 !!
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“You could feel the bomb going off and suddenly-“ Doctor Yosano stops looking at the clock, “Oh it’s been that long already? I shouldn’t keep you waiting for any longer” she motions with her hand to you with a smile.
“It’s alright, I enjoy hearing your stories.” You smile back. “If it’s alright with you and no new cases show up, would you like the finish the story tomorrow at my place? Maybe over a cup of tea or a glass of wine?”
The glint in her eyes tell you the answer long before. “Only if the infamous pastries Ranpo cannot get enough of are there!” Yosano says with enthusiasm and all you can do is nod and share the excitement.
As she proceeds to get her coat and bag, you decide to wait until you hear someone else speak up.
“I thought you didn’t like to have people over?” Atsushi asks standing behind you with a stack of papers and files.
Eyes closed, you hum “True, true… But I make an exception for some, dear. Where did you think we baked all those for Kyouka?”
Stopping for a second to recall that day Atsushi scratches his head. The moment of realization comes to him fast, apparent from the sudden change of expression and the wide smile on his face “Oh! You’re-“
“I thought you didn’t allow anyone in the kitchen!” Ranpo exclaims rather loudly, slamming the newspaper he was reading moments ago onto his table.
Tilting back and forth from where you’re standing and occasionally looking for Yosano to come back, you turn to where his voice came from. “That rule only applies to you, I’m afraid. No matter what an amazing detective you are, cooking and baking simply aren’t your forte.” With one hand in the air as if offering the plainest of truths, you say.
“However you’re still my most trusted taster, so please don’t make that face?” You finish with an apologetic smile and hearing a low rumble coming from him, you let out a breath thinking you’re off the hook.
You thought wrong.
As Yosano’s heels clank against the surface, you can feel a persistent gaze on your back, already sensing what’s to come next. Before you can make an attempt to the door however, Dazai announces your name, in a whine no less, coming a little too closer than you expected right behind your ear.
Slowly turning back to see his smug face, right in your personal space just as you guessed, you refrain from rolling your eyes. “What was it Dazai? Is something the matter?”
Coming all the way from wherever he was previously , he couldn’t be here now for anything other than to bother you. You just hoped Yosano would show up and drag you away before your patience was tested again.
Raising his arm and resting the back of his hand against his forehead, eyes closed and mouth open, as if a he were a character straight out of a tragedia, Dazai opts for the dramatic route. “Yes! I’ve just been informed of horrifying news!”
“Which is?..” you leave the statement unfinished, already knowing what’s to come.
“That you never invited me over to your house! And we’ve been friends for the longest time! What our live have come to, have we driven so far away from ea-“
“Enough with the antics Dazai, we’re busy, can’t you see?” Your savior, Yosano cuts in putting a hand over your shoulder. Turning to look at her, you mouth a ‘thank you.’, and you think she has never looked as beautiful as she does in this moment now, with the golden sun behind her setting, the lights illuminating her face, making her look like those heroes painted to be immortalized.
As you step out, you hear Yosano stop and say: “And for the record, I’ve known them the longest.”
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The day spent with Yosano goes better than you could accept. By the end your face hurts from laughing, your stomach full from all the food and drinks you’ve consumed, times flies away like a plane and by the time Yosano makes way to the door, it’s dark and you’re both dragging your feet.
Despite the enjoyable day off, Dazai’s recent behavior starts to make you question if it was worth inviting her over so publicly.
At any chance he gets, he tries to get you to give away something about your location, who has been over before and how many times, what type of hosts you prefer and ‘oh maybe we never got the chance because of our schedules, you should invite me over some time’, ‘don’t be so shy, we’re friends after all! Oh is it your place you’re ashamed of? Worry not, I won’t judge!’, ‘hey are you free on a Thursday night?’s met with ‘No, I don’t want you over.’, ‘Yes, I have a very good reasoning.’ And almost a slip up of a ‘I’m free- Oh wait, I have a date with Sergio, sorry no can do!’.
For each cheeky smile he offers, you give back a grunt or a snarl, one time almost yelling right in front of the director and another time you stomp out of the office in fury while Atsushi watches in horror.
Fifth time of your hiding in the café and you find yourself wishing for a crisis to surface, the carefree Dazai to be replaced by the serious and logical man that manages to impress you no matter how hard the case, counter measure after counter measure, even if he takes reckless risks once in a while.
Inhaling the sweet smell of your tea before taking a sip, your wish seems to have come true partially, from the set of steps approaching you in a determined yet unrushed pace.
Taking a long sip, savoring the taste and the warmth of it, you slowly place the cup down and open your eyes to see Dazai standing in his neutral and calm state.
The two of you stay like that for a while, like a photograph, the café empty and the mixed smells of coffee and tea lingering in the air, not quite looking at one another but not dozed off either.
When he opens his mouth, it doesn’t feel like the moment has been broken, not even a clearing of throat or a quite mumbling under his breath beforehand, yet his voice flows along the smells despite the absurdity of the topic of conversation.
But you beat him to it. “If you’re going to be standing for so long, you might as well sit down.”
He settles down as you reach for your cup again.
“So, how are things with Sergio?” He says the name with a hint of hostility.
It takes everything in you not to spit out your tea laughing. “Sergio is a street cat I take care of.”
Composure and crossed arms off, Dazai’s eyes widen. “But- you said that-“ “A date with Sergio, yes, for his yearly check up at the vet.” You finish for him.
“That was just an excuse to get you to stop bothering me.” You add.
“Fair enough, I deserved that.” He chuckles “but you did mention you had a very good reasoning for not inviting me over. I know I pestered you enough about that…” he trails off, reaching for your hand with his. “And yet, would you be so kind to tell me why?” he asks, eyes locked into yours.
“My cat doesn’t like you.”
And this, you think, is the exact moment the atmosphere is ruined, the photograph ripped apart in the middle.
Dazai just stares at you, still holding your hand.
Blinking few times, rather unimpressed, you notice a waitress by the counter, probably there to rearrange something.
“Alright, I’ll be off now if that’s all!” You say a bit too cheerfully, pull your hand before Dazai can do anything, pay and leave as soon as you can.
Dazai just blinks, hands still in the air, stays frozen like that until Kunikida drags him back to work.
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Bad decision after bad decision seems to follow you wherever you go because after that interaction at the café, it gets worse.
You thought Dazai was like a fruit fly before? It gets more irritating than an army of them. And on top of that, Kunikida scolds you to undo whatever you’ve done on Dazai, his already poor work ethics now on the floor, getting on Kunikida’s nerves and yours.
Hearing your name spreads terror in you now, the second your ears catch the familiar tone of Dazai’s voice, you fleet for your life.
Coming clean and explaining your statement from earlier would be the logical way to end this but fate disagrees as it laughs you in the face.
“Why wouldn’t your cat like me? I didn’t even step foot into your place before!”
“Hey Dazai, remember the day you wouldn’t get off my back? Trying to embrace at any chance and I gave up in the middle of the day at one point?” Resting his hand under his chin to think, as if his face doesn’t make it obvious he remembers the day crystal clear, he lets out a “hmm…”
With a snap of fingers and a “Ah! I remember now! You were so comfortable, I almost fell asleep.” He grins.
With a shake of your hand, trying to dismiss the memory of how he basically trapped you to the couch, you cough and continue. “That evening, when I got home, my clothes must have reeked of your smell.” He nods, good, so far he seems to follow. “My cat just sniffed the air once and stayed in the living room until I washed those clothes and took a bath.”
Hands resting on his hips, he keeps nodding and humming in understanding. “I see…”
You let out a breath, thank god it’s over.
“Nope! Still makes no sense.” Hs exclaims suddenly, turns away and leaves. You just stare at his back, now it’s your turn to blink in ‘unbelievable, is this real?’
The loud chatter and pestering doesn’t stop however and with each word, it gets more ridiculous.
“Is your cat perhaps jealous of me? That you secretly love me and they don’t want competition?”
“The cat is just another excuse, isn’t it! Admit it, you have a secret! It must be something you’re afraid I won’t like.”
“Is it Chuuya? Did you take pity and let him rent a room?”
“I don’t even know a Chuuya…”
“Maybe a weird collection…” he gasps and says your name. “Are you a hoarder? Is that why you won’t let me in? I told you already, I would never judge your lifestyle!”
“Dazai, please stop-“
“No, no, I got it this time. It’s a shrine of me! Isn’t it? Your face tells it all, it is a shrine! Ah, I must say I’m flattered, if not a little scared now.”
If anger could set a fire, you think Kunikida would be arrested of arson right now. You just rest your head in your palm, trying to ignore Dazai’s ongoing nonsense.
“Is there really a-“ Kenji begins a question as Ranpo ends it with a firm “Nope!”
Getting up from your place at last, you grab Dazai by his coat and drag him out.
“There is No shrine, no other human, no hoarding or weird collections. It’s just me and my cat who scrunches his nose when I bring home a file that sat in your desk all day!”
Before giving him a chance to reply, you walk away.
The next day, and many other days to follow, goes uneventful, Dazai’s never ending bickering about your house seems to have reached a stop. Everyone, especially Kunikida, enjoys the newly achieved peace of going back to normal. You hope this marks the end of this whole nonsense, and that the Dazai everyone knows with a little mix of annoying and impressively serious has returned back to his sense of regular.
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Tags: @atsumusdomain @celosiiaa @ywanfen
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,308 Words
Summary: A mission failure.
Warnings: Alcohol Mention, Drinking Mention, Underage Drinking Mention, Death Mention, Food Mention, Drugging Mention, Kidnapping Mention, Caps, Assault Mention, Character Death, let me know if I should tag anything else.
How Poe Stumped Ranpo: Chapter 3
The Crimson Bullet was loud, Jun'ichiro didn't really like it here in a bar, but he could at least bring Naomi and they could talk with Atsushi when Dazai wasn't challenging the underage members to a shot game.
Kunikida was, of course, busy trying to stop the underage drinking by Atsushi, Izumi, and Kenji. Ranpo was trying his best to talk to the bartender and was getting no answers, thus was ungratefully sipping on whatever he managed to order this time.
Yosano was watching over the three drunk underage members to make sure they were at least safe, while Dazai himself was more drunk than anyone else and was at least giving the siblings some entertainment as he bothered Kunikida and just about everyone else in the agency while he was at it.
"Hey." Jun'ichiro looked up at the man who had greeted himself to them.
"Hey, Uncle!" He greeted back as the blonde man sat down with them.
"What brings you two to a bar tonight, aren't you underage to drink?" Carroll asked.
"An investigation. We're backup, just here to make sure the idiots don't get lost or something." He sighed, looking over his now empty drink.
"Hey, Jun'ichiro, who is that?" Atsushi slurred as he came over to hang on him. He really hoped not everyone was that drunk.
"Just our uncle, Atsushi. Don't worry, we know him." Atsushi grumbled drunkenly and wandered away again.
"Here, let me get you two drinks. On me." Carroll offered.
"Sure, thanks, man. I'll buy you a drink later, kay?" Carroll went up to the bartender for them and ordered them sodas.
"I didn't know Uncle Lewis would be here tonight, Jun." Naomi told her brother.
"Neither did I, to be fair, Naomi." Jun'ichiro told her.
"Here we are." Carroll told them, setting two colored drinks before them.
"Why are they colored?" Jun'ichiro asked.
"I figured we're in a bar, you two may as well try something new, even if you're not allowed to drink. Your father would rise from the grave and kill me if I let you two drink. Jun'ichiro, yours has blackberry syrup. And Naomi, yours has cotton candy flavor syrup." Carroll explained.
"Thank you, Uncle!" Naomi happily drank her drink and Jun'ichiro did the same, both happy to spend time with someone on their investigation. "Uncle, I feel tired." Naomi claimed.
"So do I." Jun'ichiro agreed quietly.
"Maybe I should take you both home then. I can't let you two be vulnerable in a bar. Someone may hurt you." Carroll told them.
"Okay. Let's go home." Naomi agreed.
"Yeah, okay." Jun'ichiro helped Naomi get up and then tried himself, only to have Carroll have to catch him.
"Careful, Jun'ichiro." Carroll told him and Jun'ichiro cursed the bartender, probably slipped alcohol into their drinks for sick fun or something.
"Alright, home with you two." Carroll told them, leading them out and Jun'ichiro was out before he arrived home, cursing that bartender and himself for not being vigilant. He hoped the others got home safe, he was sure Kunikida would likely make sure of that.
When he woke up, he felt chains on him, he felt a bed. He slowly opened his eyes to find darkness and Naomi cuddled up to him, hiding herself. She'd woken up before him. He could vaguely recognize Poe, huddled up against the bed's headboard, against his chains, seeming to hide himself from them.
"Poe? Naomi?" Jun'ichiro asked.
"Brother, you're awake!" Naomi hid further into him.
"Shh, they'll hear you. Don't move or they'll come in and test on you both." Poe whispered. Jun'ichiro strained to hear him.
"Alright. What are they doing here? Why did they take us?"
"They're testing a drug on us. I don't know where we are, but those two are monsters." Poe whispered.
"Jun, where's Uncle? Do you think they hurt him?" Naomi asked. Poe was quiet as the lights came on and he realized the siblings had moved too much.
"It's time! Wakey wakey, Jun'ichiro, Naomi, Poe." Carroll waltzed in with someone Jun'ichiro realized was their uncle's friend, Anderson, behind him.
"Uncle Carroll! You're okay! Why's your friend here?" Naomi hugged him immediately once he was close enough.
"Oh, poor girl, doesn't know any better." Anderson laughed from the doorway, that stupid camera in hand.
"Naomi, don't." Jun'ichiro realized it before her and tried to get her away but Anderson came to grab him, to stop him from getting to her as Carroll was on top of her before she realized what he was doing.
"I'd say I hate doing this, but I've been waiting to do this forever. You look so much like your father." Carroll told the dark haired girl.
Poe hid his face in shame, he refused to look and Jun'ichiro wished he could too, but he was kind of busy screaming at Carroll to let her go while Naomi screaming drowned him out. She was too busy staring at the ceiling with tears on her face after to stop the tourniquet on her arm.
"STOP!" He tried to scream at Lewis, he couldn't use his ability, whatever they'd drank was suppressing it.
"Shut up!" Anderson snapped, smacking him and he saw a needle in Naomi's arm, her reaction being a scream before she started seizing with foam in her mouth.
"Oops. I must have forgotten she doesn't have an ability." Carroll pushed the rest of the drug into he arm and he couldn't look away from the way she spasmed almost inhumanly.
"NAOMI!" He tried to get to her, he had to save her. She was his only family, he had to save her.
"Looks like she's already gone, boy." Poe didn't look still, Jun'ichiro's scream was all the confirmation he needed that Naomi was dead.
"Naomi, please." Jun'ichiro was finally let go and he tried to get her back, he had to wake her up.
"Stay still." He got shoved onto his back while Jun'ichiro saw Anderson taking a picture of Naomi before he felt the needle in his arm and his blood felt so icy cold in his arm.
He had to wonder if this is what Naomi felt or if she just died without feeling pain. He hoped she didn't feel pain. He vaguely knew Naomi was on the ground now, she wasn't on the bed, chains off her, Poe still squishing himself into the corner.
He was too busy wallowing in his own misery to really care what Lewis was doing to him. He was supposed to be Naomi's protector, her older brother and her only family left.
"You look so much like your mother. I'm glad, I can imagine you're her." He felt so cold he was sure he was shaking. "You're so pretty still, Seki." He felt a hand burn like a brand on his leg but he couldn't bring himself to care as he felt Carroll use him like he did Naomi.
Eventually he felt it stop and he heard Anderson brag about a picture, but his mind was too busy echoing Carroll calling him by his mother's name, Naomi's scream, the burning hand on his leg. Poe whimpering barely reached him by the time he realized that Anderson was hurting Poe like Carroll hurt Naomi and him.
Once the light was off again, he realized Poe was shaking, laying on his back like he still was, and Naomi was gone. He reached to touch the brunette but he felt heat in his hand and Poe jolted from it.
He saw the blankets in one corner and wrapped one around himself and he put another over Poe, bringing the brunette close while he tried to comfort them both. Poe clung to him, hands far too warm against his skin but he'd endure that to keep someone safe. God knows he failed Naomi, he wouldn't fail Poe.
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taiyohima · 4 years
“He Failed them”
Characters: Fukuzawa Yuchi, The ada, new character
Fic request by: @bloody-eyez  
Type: Angst, Hurt no comfort 
Words: 1,270 
Warnings: Blood and gore, maybe cause intrusive thoughts so beware. 
Summary: They were dead. All of the. Fukuzawa failed to save them from the fruit of his own mistakes. 
Fic under the bar! 
"Saccho," Ranpo called him out, "Who is this Robinson guy? Never heard of him." He said as he tossed the letter on Fukuzawa's desk.
"..Robinson...?" Fukuzawa raised an eyebrow as he took the letter and started opening it. He didn't remember any Robinson named guy. Who is this then? Keeping aside the envelope, that was neatly torn from its opening, he sat down on his chair, the  letter in his hands. His eyes started tracing the words written in bold cursive writing. It read:
"When the battle is done, and you think that you have won- don't dance on my grave just yet.
If you are the moon I am the sun- I won't allow you to forget.
In my own time, I will take away from you what's mine- for I'm not your friend.
In the dark of nights In the depth of tides, I'll come to you then."
Fukuzawa started at the written nonsense for half a minute, before folding it and keeping it back in the envelope again. Maybe it was a mistake by the postman on delivering it here. Yeah, it was.
The sun deweled behind him and amber covering hit the room. A small breeze made his hair fly and the birds chirped softly. The faint noises coming from the agency whispered in his ears. Probably Kunikida shouting at Dazai again. All normal. Fukuzawa blinked at the ruby-amber sky before turning around to a photograph of him and his agency children.
They had rich smiles on their faces which beamed with happiness. He sighed, hoping this will stay forever.
~ ~ ~ 
The next day when Fukuzawa entered the agency, it was all silent. Deadly silent. The glasses were broken, tables and desks were flipped, some of them broken. The wall hangings and the photographs were all lurking on the wall like a dead ghost. There were gunshot holes everywhere and no agency member was present.
It couldn't be the mafia as they were on the truce. His attention was drawn to a knife that was stabbed inside the wall with a paper.
He rushed towards it, stabbing out the knife from the wall, as the paper fell off and rested near his feet. He picked it up only to  find out that it was the same photograph of him and his children. Their faces were covered in red crosses and a big circle on Fukuzawa's  photo was seen.
He turned the photograph around, finding an address that instructed him to follow it. Fukuzawa's eyes twitched at the sight of the address. 'Is this written with blood?' He thought sniffing it. '..Yeah, it is..' He nodded and thought it would be better if he followed this  address. This better is something serious. And, off he was, locking the agency door behind. Just as he walked away, the board that read, 'The Armed Detective Agency' fell off with a loud THUD in the empty hallway, not knowing that there will be nobody to pick it up again...
~ ~ ~ 
The address leads Fukuzawa into a small dark alley, that smelled of fish and spinach. His silvery-blue eyes made their way towards the end of the alley, where there was a small open space, at which people of different organizations used to fight off before it became a baren sight. 
Fukuzawa suddenly stopped a half a meter away from the ground. Horror filling him. There was a strong smell. The smell of bloodshed. The smell of heavy bloodlust. He rushed towards the baren ground. His heart racing and mind running. His slender feet stopped as they entered the ground, but the trantruma began.
Bodies soaked in a pool of their blood were laying mercilessly on the ground. Fukuzawa's eyes wild opened. His heartbeat became even faster. His hands and legs began to tremble. His heart was scattered and his blood came to a standstill. The bodies were none other than the fellows of the armed detective agency itself!
There was Kunikida, with his broken glasses and his dead body, leaning on the wall, his gun lying beside his cold hand. Yosano was laying somewhere near a broken light pole, drowning in a pool of her blood. Her knife beside her. Kenji and Tanizaki's bodies lay somewhere shredded in pieces. Atsushi lay near Dazai, with his tiger claws out, his white shirt, now crimson with blood. Dazai was hidden near a box, with blood  dripping from his fingertips and face. Ranpo's right leg seems to be chopped off and his fluffy face was bewildered, staring at the sky, as blood dripped down his lips.
There was no sign of life. Some weapons were scattered on the ground, that too, with the same red covering. Fukuzawa's breathing stopped. His blood was no longer warm, but icy cold. His heart skipped beats and it felt like living a heart attack. His legs could not carry him any longer. His knees fell to the ground, raw emotions visible on his face. His throat went sore and eyes burned.
A sharp laugh echoed on the bloody graveyard and a tall man with a bred and piercings was seen. His clothes were stained with the blood of the agency members and he had a mischievous grin on his crooked face.
"Isn't this the same Silver Wolf, I saw years ago in the war of Shrishama?" He laughed coming closer to the grief-stricken Fukuzawa.
"Krub Ivan Robinson," His throat hurt, and his voice was now raspy "Your behind all this aren't you...?" Fukuzawa asked, his head still facing the ground.
"How can you be so dense. Of course, it's me, Fukuzawa." Robinson shrugged "You seem to have forgotten your old enemy, now haven't you?"
"Why..." Fukuzawa grunted his teeth. Anger and sadness filling him.
Robinson's playful gaze suddenly turned dark. "You killed my seven children in front of my own eyes. Ever since that, my wife hasn't eaten anything and she eventually died. Your selfish self took everything away from me. My wife, my kids... Isn't it fair about me taking yours?" He smiled, "I've heard that you had changed. And, well, the rumors are right." He straights himself "When, more specifically, how did the Silver wolf stooped hunting and started saving people from hunts?"
"It is against the wolf's nature, isn't it?" He leaned closer to Fukuzawa, only to be slashed into two pieces.
"The wolf can change his nature if he wants to." He said looking down on the body he just chopped off. "You just don't have to remind him of it."
Fukuzawa turned his gaze towards the dead ADA members. Their bodies all stiff and their faces flushed. Expect Dazai's, he had a faint smirk on his face, joying that it was finally over. Maybe his dream of a peaceful, painless death was not successful. What was he gonna tell Poe, Chuuya, Akutagawa, Kyukou, and Katai? Namoi will burst into tears once she knows and Kenji's family will fall apart. He wanted to reach out to them, but he was holden aback. By every breath he took, they became more  dead. Their bodies rotting by every second.
The times that were the most fun seemed to be followed by sadness now, because it was when life started to feel like it did when they all were with him that he realized how utterly, totally gone they were. He tried to destroy the memories of them from his heart, but you cant destroy a made-up place. Fukuzawa stood there, starting down upon the lifeless bodies, knowing that he could never be anything but wholly, unforgivably guilty.
He failed all of them.
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silvfyre-writings · 25 days
Don't go without me (BSD Fanfic)
I bring you some more bramran hehe, I hope you all enjoy <3
Ranpo likes hugs.
In fact, Ranpo likes physical affection of any kind, however hugs tend to be his go to whenever the chance arises to receive some affection, Bram has noticed. Like right now, in the office of the Agency, Ranpo is seated on the couch, pressed up against Dazai who doesn’t seem all that bothered for someone that usually rejects all kinds of physical affection and is instead running his hands through Ranpo’s hair, the two quietly chatting about something that he can’t decipher. No one else in the office seems bothered either by the fact that the two genius detectives aren’t doing any work, but then again, since the near end of the world with a certain rat of a man, work for them has been slow.
Not that Bram works of course.
No, he just sits around the office and does nothing.
And that’s fine by him.
It allows him to study those of the Agency with careful eyes, to see what kind of people they are that he chose to align himself with—even weeks after the incident he still runs over the passionate speech that Ranpo used to convince him to their side. A speech that resonated within Bram’s own heart that was simply tired of being used for other people’s gain. So in a way it had been unnecessary with the conflict that’d been within his own heart, yet Bram welcomed it all the same. It showed him that Ranpo would do anything to make sure that those closest to him were safe, and upon agreeing to the younger’s terms, that included Bram as well.
Unfamiliar and strange yet… nice.
And now Bram’s been thrown into a mundane life where no one expects anything of him and he can live peacefully—so long as he doesn’t start turning the people of Yokohama into vampires just for the sake of it. Not that he has any intention of doing so because he’d much rather spend his days listening to the music that Aya insists upon him and getting some much needed rest. Which is what he’s in the process of doing; observing the Agency members as they move about is just his way of drifting off to sleep.
He watches the doctor enter the room and head straight towards Ranpo and Dazai, demanding that they sit still while she checks their still healing wounds. Bram can hear a little grumbling come from the geniuses, but they do as she asks, so Bram turns his attention elsewhere. He’s still learning the names of those at the Agency, mostly because he’s still figuring out the language for the most part and sometimes he struggles to decipher name from word—he’s getting better at it though, so Aya has told him in her efforts to teach him.
Now his attention is on the young ones of the Agency; the boy and the girl that are still children but were forced into growing up far too soon. The two are playing some sort of game that Bram doesn’t recognise, overseen by the tiger boy and the redhead, but they all have smiles on their faces which tells him that they’re having fun.
“Whatcha looking at?” Bram turns his gaze upwards, to see Ranpo leaning against the arm of the couch with his elbows. There’s a fresh bandage on the hand that’d been impaled that Ranpo’s not to subtly trying to pry loose with one of his fingers.
Bram reaches up to grab that hand with one of his own, holding it carefully in his grasp. “Just observing the young ones.”
Ranpo shifts his gaze towards the group, a look of understanding on his face. “Ah, yes. Fukuzawa-san found a bunch of games from when I was young and thought they might like them.”
“They are being children; such is a privilege in today’s society.” Bram says, letting his eyes slip shut.
“Well aren’t you being dramatic today.” Bram feels fingers dance across his forehead. “Everything alright?”
Maybe it’d be worth turning Ranpo into a vampire just so he couldn’t stand there and deduce Bram’s feelings like they were an open book.
But then again, if he does that, it means he’ll lose that caring bluntness that he loves so much.
He’ll settle for pretending he didn’t hear Ranpo instead.
Which of course, never works.
“Hey, don’t ignore me!” Ranpo whines, dropping down to nuzzle into the side of Bram’s neck, his arms crossing over Bram’s chest.
Bram grunts and cracks open an eye as he glances down at Ranpo. “I could not if I tried.”
“Good, then tell me what you’re thinking about already.”
“Why?” Bram asks.
A slender finger jabs him in the cheek none too gently and Bram fights the urge to bite the offending appendage off, instead raising a hand to swat at the annoyance instead. “Because I’m such a loving and caring partner that wants to know why you look so down today.”
“You are just being nosy.”
“Yeah, I am.” Ranpo admits without any hesitation. “So you might as well just tell me.”
Bram sighs and tips his head back, both eyes open to look into Ranpo’s own that stare down at him, the easy smile on the detective’s face more than enough to relax him. “I am just tired.”
“Tired?” Ranpo repeats, cocking his head to the side.
He nods. “Tired. That is all.”
“Well then I say we rectify that with a nap!” And before Bram can even protest, he’s being shoved upright so that Ranpo can squeeze onto the couch behind him, all of the shorter’s limbs enveloping him in a hug that really shouldn’t be as comfortable as it is. Bram feels a bit like he’s in his coffin, only instead of hard walls and a single pillow, he’s surrounded in warmth and all the pillows he could ever need.
It makes him feel alive.
He turns over to bury his face into Ranpo’s stomach, mumbling under his breath. “Do not leave.”
“I won’t.” Ranpo runs a hand through Bram’s hair. “A case may come through, but I’ll wake you if that happens.”
“Mmkay.” Bram murmurs, and closes his eyes.
And then opens them seconds later as quiet footsteps approach the couch.
Kunikida stands before them, a folder in hand and apologetic look on his face as he addressed Ranpo. “Minoura-san called with a case. Urgent, he doesn’t want to waste time in trying to find the killer. He said he’ll buy as many sweets as you want if you’ll help.”
Bram can hear the pout in Ranpo’s voice without having to even see it. “I’m with Bram.”
“I know, but it’s urgent, Ranpo-san.”
Ranpo lets out another grumble that prompts Bram to raise his head. “It will be fine. I will be here when you get back.”
Another grumble, but this time, Ranpo extricates himself from underneath Bram, making his displeasure known as he snatches the folder out of Kunikida’s hands. “Minoura owes me big time for this.”
Bram watches as Ranpo walks off, gut churning with an emotion he can’t decipher, one that he can’t remember having ever felt before. Whatever it is, it left him watching Ranpo, wishing for him to come back even though logically, Ranpo had to work. It wasn’t the first time that their time together had been interrupted, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last, but this time it was different and Bram couldn’t figure out why that was. Nothing had changed between them since Ranpo’s last case—in fact, the only thing different was that they hadn’t spent much time together because that last case had taken Ranpo away from Yokohama and—
Was he missing Ranpo?
Was that it?
Bram blinks and sits up, curiosity on his face as he studies the doorway that Ranpo had walked through just moments ago. It makes sense for him to miss Ranpo if he doesn’t get to spend a lot of time with the younger man, but why is it making an appearance now? Why not every other time? Is it because they’ve grown closer? Done more things together? Bram doesn’t understand it, but he does understand the feeling now; it’s just been some years since he last felt that way towards another person so he didn’t immediately recognise it.
But that feeling sends him upright, moving before he even realises as he strides down the hall to follow after Ranpo at a pace that would be considered a jog if he were shorter.
It doesn’t take long for him to catch up to Ranpo, and it only takes a few seconds for his love to hear him coming and turn around. Kunikida does as well, but Bram ignores him and throws himself at Ranpo, nearly sending the both of them crashing to the ground as he draws Ranpo into his arms into a tight hug.
“What is it?” Ranpo asks, seemingly shocked but getting right to the point.
Bram remains silent for a moment, letting the hug go on before he pulls back and stares intensely at Ranpo. “I want to come with you.”
Ranpo blinks up at him.
“I miss you.” Bram elaborates. “To rectify it, I wish to accompany you on this case.”
For a moment, Bram thinks that he’s done something wrong when Ranpo continues to stare at him, but that fear eases when Ranpo smiles widely at him, reaching out to grab one of Bram’s hands and entwine their fingers.
“Fine with me! You can buy me sweets!”
Bram rolls his eyes. “Ranpo, I have no money.”
“Just use Kunikida-kun’s card, he has plenty of money.”
“Please don’t.”
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discotenny · 5 years
_Atsushi, Ranpo, Kunikida_
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Special boy gets special hugs when he gets home from work
You’ll look to see if Kyouka needs one too, but she’s usually gone off somewhere by the time you’re finished with Atsushi
More time for Atsushi tho 👀
He’s usually tired when he gets home due all of the pressure he feels from his job at the agency, so your hugs give him a whole new life every time he comes home
When he’s feeling the stress from all of the expectations the agency places on him, he’ll ask if you two can bring it to the sofa [and you’ll always say yes]
He’ll hug you tight and pull you close, burying his head into the crook of your neck
If you stroke his head while this happens, he will melt
He’s the kind of person that would smell your hair tbh
You just smell like home to him. He’s comforted by your scent, and he’s comforted by you
Whenever you pull away from his greeting at the door, he’ll give you a kiss on the cheek and begin asking you about your day
You two are a very wholesome couple with wholesome hugs and moments 🥺
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Whenever he sees you/you see him unexpectedly in public, you’ll give each other affection as a geeeting
As the name of these headcanons implies, it’s usually in the form of hugs
He’ll run at you unexpectedly with open arms, and sometimes you’ll do the same
Ranpo cuddles into your chest whenever you guys hug, being taller or shorter than him doesnt matter; he will do it and he will like it
He doesn’t like being the only one giving the affection in a hug, he prefers it if you were the one who gave most of the attention tbh
Whenever he comes home from work and you aren’t there, wether because of your job or you simply just went out, he’ll slump into bed and take a nap
When you do come home, get ready for a not so serious rant on leaving him all on his lonesome
To stop his complaints, tackle him into bed and he’ll instantly shut up
He may act like a baby, but it isn’t all bad
With him resting on your chest area, he’ll slowly relax and begin talking about his day, in turn asking what you did as well
He’ll listen intently to what occurred in your daily happenings, if it’s interesting or not he won’t care. He’s fine just laying there and twirling a piece of your hair around his finger
All in all, expect to be the big spoon whenever you guys hug. Ranpo is the best in the business after all, and requires only the best hugs; which can only come from you
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Doesn’t show pda often
Doesn’t feel real comfortable with dishing out affection
Most of your hugging sessions occur at nighttime
When he’s too tired to care or notice, you can slip yourself into his arms and you guys will wake up tangled in one another’s limbs
He gets all embarrassed but a lecture isn’t what you want to hear first thing in the morning so you tackle him back down into bed with another hug
He’s even more embarrassed, but he’ll reluctantly wrap and arm around your shoulders and hook his other arm around your waist
Before he leaves and you two part ways, you give him a quick hug and a peck on the cheek, leaving him in a daze until he gets to the agency
On the days when he’s truely had enough of dealing with keeping the agency afloat, Kunikida won’t hesitate in cuddling with you before bed
He doesn’t show affection much, but in times you need it most, he’ll pull you into his arms and ask you what’s wrong and if you’re okay
Afterwards, Kunikida will bring you a nice cup of tea and bring one arm around you, making sure you’re alright
While he isn’t the most comfortable with affection, he tries, and that’s enough for you
This is the first headcanon I’ve made for this blog and the first draft didn’t save so if that’s not a prediction for how this’ll go I don’t know what is. Writing this on mobile doesn’t allow me to put a read more line so I’ll do that if needed tomorrow.
I hope y’all enjoy and please send in requests if you like what I do (^○^)
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grymmnox · 2 years
weekly fic rec #3
weee. format change on this one, to try and make it a tad easier to digest. or something. it’ll also be easier to type. i’ll try and sort them by fandom + type of fic or wordcount.
& = platonic, / = romantic, just like ao3.
I Want to Build You a Protest by Some_Dead_Guy - bungo stray dogs
teen and up | 2.5k | yosano & dazai, some ranpo & dazai
Dazai shifts in his seat for the tenth time in five minutes, trying to find a position that doesn’t irritate his injuries. It’s not exactly working out.
Or, Yosano has to force Dazai into her office because he won’t take care of himself.
The Coat in the Closet; SwimminNoodles - bungo stray dogs
teen and up | 7.4k words | dazai/chuuya | READ TAGS
The President cleared his throat. “Good morning, everyone. Yosano is starting a project that will be sponsored by the Agency. Please support her in whatever ways you can.”
The announcement seemed to grab the attention of everyone in the room, even Ranpo, who put down the chocolate crêpe he was enjoying. The detectives around him looked expectantly at Yosano while Dazai looked just over her right shoulder. She passed a stack of paper to Kenji, who took one and passed it along.
“It’s an initiative to spread awareness for sexual assault and harassment in Yokohama,” Yosano announced. The room somehow grew quieter than it already was. Yosano’s face was steeled, it showed no weakness, only confidence and conviction. Dazai both admired and envied her.
revise these lines; Oxalisalis - bungo stray dogs
teen and up | 5.4k words | dazai & atsushi, dazai & chuuya, dazai & oda | BEAST!au fix-it
“You never did tell me why you’re doing all this.” Chuuya decides to change the topic. “You look like you’re having a shit time. Why force yourself?”
Dazai hums, resting his head on his knees. “Currently, I’m not allowed to die. So I suppose I’m trying to earn my right to live.”
A scoff, unamused but not derisive either. “The hell is that? You’re here right now, aren’t you?” When he receives no response, he sighs. “You know, I don’t get you at all. You toy with friends and foe alike, always lording over everyone, but it’s not like you’ve ever looked at anything. It’s like you’re far off in your own world. I can’t tell what’s going on in your head half the time.”
“Maybe if your brain weren’t being consumed by your hat, you would,” Dazai replies automatically, earning an indignant shout from Chuuya.
For Dazai, living might be far more terrifying than dying, but there are people who will catch him when he falls.
A BEAST ending rewrite in which Atsushi makes it in time, Dazai says the right things for once, and things aren’t as broken as they seemed.
grim’s notes: part of a series! the series isn’t complete, but it’s definitely enjoyable. i highly suggest giving it a read if you wish BEAST had a happier (or at least less soul-wrenching) ending.
Emergency Contacts; archerwrites - bungo stray dogs
teen and up | 3.4k words | married!dazai/chuuya
“Your paperwork is piling up and I don’t have time to deal with this today. Thanks to your tardiness, I’ve had to revise my schedule six times.”
Dazai gasped, pressing a hand to his chest in characteristic fashion. “Kunikida, that’s terrible! Why didn’t you tell me sooner? If I’d known you’d go through all that trouble for my sake, I would have been late by six hours instead!”
Dazai Osamu arrives to work exceptionally tired, and a slip of the tongue ends up revealing why. Chaos ensues.
There’s beauty in the breakdown; NeonCrayons - bungo stray dogs
teen and up | 3.2k words | dazai/chuuya, dazai & kouyou, dazai & kenji, dazai & oda
The simple choice to skip one hair appointment alters Dazai's life in ways he never truly expected it to.
Or, that long haired dazai fic that Discord made me write.
high time; finalizer - bungo stray dogs
teen and up |  5.5k words | married!dazai/chuuya
In which everyone knows Dazai and Chuuya are partners.
That is, everyone except Atsushi.
Nothing but your spine; osamuchuu - bungo stray dogs
mature | 6.2k words | dazai/chuuya | READ TAGS
“Oi, Dazai. We’re here.” Chuuya reached into the car to shake Dazai’s shoulders a bit, rearranging his coat to lay over the man’s back. Dazai swayed and blinked up at him. Whatever painkillers he’d been given had stolen the sharpness from his face. Dazai looked fifteen again, wide-eyed and vulnerable.
And then he smiled. He smiled and Chuuya’s heart stuttered because it was so fucking real, so small and different from all the painted faces he wore now.
This was dangerous.
grim’s notes: part of a series! alas, i have yet to finish said series; but i’m sure it’s just as well-written as the first part.
A Dash of Murder, Please; Temperature_Ray - bungo stray dogs + my hero academia
not rated | 3.2k words | dazai/chuuya or dazai & chuuya; up to interpretation
Aizawa’s not a man to be taken by surprise. Yet it doesn’t stop him from twitching when, as he stands in from of a barista and orders his usual expresso, a voice sounds behind him.
“Oi, that fucking bastard. Always setting me up.”
Aizawa walks into a cafe and out of all the things, he doesn't expect an orange headed teenager to turn his morning upside down and sure as hell doesn't account for the so called "Mackerel" on the phone with him. Or the fact that they're nothing like any kids he's met, with that dark glint in the ginger's eyes and how "Mackerel" discusses suicide like the weather.
Alike (Yet Not At All); Temperature_Ray - bungo stray dogs + my hero academia
not rated | 2k words | midoriya & atsushi summary:
“That’s so cool! You can fight?”
“Yeah, not well though. But at least I’m not always angry like stupid Akutagawa.” For the first time, a pout appears on Atsushi’s face and Izuku stifles a laugh. “Like he’s better than me. Always scowling and moping, you’d think he never smiled in his life.”
Well, Izuku thinks, that sounds oddly similar to a certain someone.
Namely, Kacchan.
Atsushi and Izuku have a chat.
Complete Fics
An Inhuman in human skin; BlowingYourMind - bungo stray dogs
teen and up | 2/2 chapters | 12.8k words | dazai/chuuya | READ TAGS
Then he was burning, his blood boiling and pouring out of his skin, or at least, that had been how it felt. Chuuya’s touches were soft, a stark comparison to those hands that usually crushed men's skulls. He had asked if he could take off Dazai’s shirt, though Dazai’s mind was too muddled to actually translate the question so he nodded along. Anything to rid him of this horrible fever running through his body.
Six times Dazai couldn't take care of himself and left the job to those closest to him.
Learning experiences; BlowingYourMind - bungo stray dogs
general audiences | 3/3 chapters | 13.7k words | dazai/chuuya
Chuuya can't read.
Dazai can't ride a bike.
They both can't swim for one reason or another.
All learning experiences they missed out on in their early childhood, though it seemed that they would need to make up for lost time.
Dazai teaches Chuuya how to read, Chuuya teaches Dazai how to ride a bike, and they both take swim lessons.
bad enough for you; Maristella - bungo stray dogs
teen and up | 6/6 chapters | 28.5k words | dazai/chuuya | READ TAGS
There are two reasons why Chuuya tolerates Dazai: 1.) The god inside Chuuya hates him; 2.) Chuuya definitely hates the god more than the stinking demon mackerel.
Or, alternatively, that one time Dazai and Chuuya swaps abilities, and Arahabaki was never the same.
“Arahabaki says you’re nothing but trouble.” “…and do you believe him?” “I think he’s right.” "..." “He also said I should stay away from you." “…and what did you say?” “I told him he also got that right, but being right isn't enough to make him my boss.”
Incomplete Fics
altschmerz; kit_scrolls - bungo stray dogs
teen and up | 4/? chapters | 7.6k words | dazai & armed detective agency, dazai & kunikida, dazai & atsushi
A client of the Agency receives a threat from the "Demon Prodigy". Intrigued, Kunikida, Atsushi, and Dazai are assigned to investigate, only for it to spiral into much more than a simple case closed.
the identity reveal that 7 people asked for but we all deserve
Two of a Kind; Bibliophile109 - bungo stray dogs + my hero academia
teen and up | 21/? chapters | 34k words | aizawa & dazai | READ TAGS
“Don’t mind Shuji,” Shouta’s mother said once, when she spotted him staring at his cousin. “He’s never been normal, you know.” Aizawa Shouta has no interest in his mother’s side of the family. Dazai Osamu tracks him down anyway.
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