#they are truly soulmates and belong together and i want to feel that way with someone one day
broadwaycantdie · 4 months
i know love is real cause dan and phil are real
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tink27 · 9 months
Steddie ficlet (might do a follow up to show Eddie's reaction)
"He likes a boy"
after years of friendship, and being joined at the proverbial hip, Robin liked to think she could read Steve pretty well, however, his love of being just vague enough to confuse her made this difficult.
"who likes a what now?" still trying to get a read on Steve's feelings, but as of right now he just seemed, disconnected. Since showing up unexpectedly at her house, he had maintained that far-away sort of look that showed that even Steve didn't know what he was feeling.
"Eddie... he... we were hanging out and he" finally he fully met Robin's gaze, and the heartbroken edge to his vacant stare became evident "he was implying, heavily, that he likes me"
"... likes likes you?"
Steve's expression briefly switched to mocking disbelief at her childish choice of words, but he didn't have the energy for any kind of clever retort
"Yes Robin! like likes me!" throwing up his hands before allowing them to smack down against their Jeans ("their" because they fit them both and had been making the rotation between both Steve and Robin's wardrobe for months, she wasn't entirely sure who they belonged to to begin with, not that it mattered)
"And you're... upset?" This was baffling because in the months since Eddie returned for the upside-down, the two had never been closer. Far too many shifts consisted of Steve waxing poetic about Eddie while Robin vaguely tried to relate and be supportive. Although why Steve seemed so utterly smitten as he talked about Eddie's hair or musical elitism would never really make sense to Robin. But still, she saw how they were together.
Steve had a bad track record for love, pouring every part of himself into another person in a way that was truly heartbreaking to watch. However, it became significantly less heartbreaking when it was accompanied by Eddie's eyes following Steve around every room, and always looking to him in conversations no matter who was there because it was Steve's opinion and thoughts that mattered to him most. They truly were obsessed with each other, and honestly, Robin had been waiting for the other shoe to drop.
So Steve's stricken expression made no sense, nor did his frustration that Robin - despite being his platonic soulmate - didn't magically understand the issue he was having.
"I dont know Robs, its just he likes... Steve Harrington" his voice was defeated as he said it, but it still explained nothing
"....you're Steve Harrington" The confusion in her voice was evident "Am I missing something here, this isn't a 'King Steve' thing is it, because Eddie has made it pretty clear that he thought you were a jerk back then"
the noise of frustration from Steve showed she clearly had missed the point and never had she wished so badly to read her best friend's mind as when the tears began to well up in his eyes. She wanted to hug him, but knew from experience that Steve needed to get the thoughts out first.
There was a minute of silence that Robin had to try desperately to not break, every instinct wanting to spit out an awkward and unhelpful comment to lighten the mood, but she knew she just had to wait.
"I'm not..." the words seemed to get lodged in his throat, even those two words came out scratchy and uncomfortable
He squeezed his eyes shut "I'm not a boy"
Steve opened their eyes, with a desperate expression "I'm not a boy"
It was a statement but also a plea. Begging for Robin to know exactly what to say. She didnt.
"you're not a boy." Robin made sure to sound confident, at least she could pretend to know what she was doing. It seemed okay because they gave an awkward nod, head moving slightly too much for it to seem natural
"you're.... a girl?"
the tears seemed to spill the second she said it, and a choked noise lodged itself in their (her?) throat, but after a moment of panicked pause their eyes screwed shut and they nodded but also shrugged. Clearly just as confused by their discomfort as Robin is.
"Okay, thats okay Ste-" shit, stupid "that's okay babe, you're still you, and hey I might be... severely romantically challenged but even I know Eddie is obsessed with you"
there's a brief watery smile before the corners of her lips are pulled down "He likes Steve, he wouldn't like me"
"Horse shit" Robin wasn't as confident as she was trying to sound, but she knew that her best friend was still her best friend and that anyone who didn't adore her was an idiot (as all best friends know)
she moved to sit next to her friend who had ended up on the floor with her knees pulled to her chest, and once again the silence was allowed to stretch out before them, only broken up by heartbroken sniffles and shakey breaths
"so..." Robin wished more than any other moment that she wasn't so awkward "Not Steve?"
"I-" the thought gets broken off " It doesn't feel right, doesn't feel like it's me"
"whats you?" two words encapsulating a question that was near impossible to answer, but it still felt right to ask, to show that Robin wanted to know the answer.
the expression on her face showed that her friend also thought the question unanswerable, and a frustrated shrug fell from her
Robin hated that defeated expression, so she tried "Michelle?"
Clearly, the scrunched-up expression implied it wasn't a fit
"Hannah?" no not that
"Sarah?" seemed less disgusted but still no
"Becky?" okay back to disgust, moving on
"OH! Punch me if this sucks, but... Stevie?" Robin felt the need to justify her choice, showing that she wasn't just trying to make her keep her old name "Like Stevie Nicks! I could see that, dye your hair blonde, get some bangs"
the comment about changing her hair was obviously met with a scowl, but after a soft smile found its way onto her face "Stevie feels better"
Robin had never felt so smart, she was a fucking genius "Stevie is it babe"
Stevie spent moments looking at her, seemingly deep in thought before softly speaking "Thank you Robin"
it seemed too formal for them, to say it so directly with her name like that, but she could tell that Stevie was really grateful so Robin held back the tears (one of them had to be the butch one in this relationship)
"no problem babe" it was spoken just as softly as the thanks, and for now it seemed enough
"Now, tell me what happened with Eddie"
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Co-Stars pt.3
Callum Turner X Actress! Reader
Summary: The moment Callum and Y/n got together, and the interviews that followed...
Warning: Kissing/ allusion to sex/ use of Y/n/
Word count: 1.1k
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Before they admitted their feelings, they flirted a lot. Especially on set, but today, they were filming a sad scene. It was Bucky finding Y/n character letters letter after she got captured. She didn’t tell anyone except the makeup artist, but she wrote real love letters, only changing the name. She confessed her feeling for Callum and decided to make him read these love letters as his character. But the letter that Bucky was reading was already recorded by Y/n. Tom Hanks asked her to write a love letter so he could react to one. But today, Callum was getting make up on, by the only person on set that knew… ‘’Callum, you should know that the love letter that your about to read, Y/n wrote it for you, confessing her real feelings for you’’ she whispered. The makeup artist wanted to help the two of them getting together, so that’s why she broke her silence vow. ‘’How do you know that?’’ he asked. ‘’She told me’’ she winked. Callum didn’t know how to act, but he sure was going to read every line of this letter.
‘’Action!’’ the director yelled. Callum came in the room, showing the emotion that needed to be shown. He grabbed the letter and opened it. He was nervous to read it, but he had to act.
Dear Bucky,
When we met, I couldn’t have predicted the place that you were going to have in my heart. You’ve been there for me since the beginning. I am truly thankful for you. You’re my best friend, my partner, my other half. I never told you how much I love you, more than a friend. I don’t really believe in the soulmate stuff, but you and I, I think we’re soulmate in every universe. I love you so much, it pains me to just be your friend. The sleepless night I’ve spent, thinking about you and I. You have the special ability to make me feel like the most important person on earth when I’m with you. My body aches when you’re not in a room with me, my heart hopes that you feel the same way. Because I’ve suffered enough, I want to be with you. I want you to be my tomorrow. I want to wake up next to you, and smile because my dreams are finally reality. When we’re in the same room, I feel like a 12-year-old again, waiting for my crush to look at me. You belong with me Callum Bucky. I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow.
Forever yours
He couldn’t believe what he just read. When the director said cut, he stayed seated, that letter was filled with true emotions. He had to find her, to tell her that he was feeling the same way. He got up and walked towards her trailer. Y/n heard a knock at her door, when it opened, it was Callum, with her letter in his hand. She looked at the piece of paper, then her gaze went to his eyes. ‘’Callum I, uh, someone told you? Right?’’ she whispered. He nodded. ‘’Listen I – ‘’ Callum cut her off by walking up to her. Their face was so close, Y/n tried to hold eye contact, but she was panicking. She took deep breaths, waiting for him to say anything. ‘’Y/n, you have no idea how long I’ve waited for you. I was afraid to ruin our friendship. I love you too, I love you so much’’ he said, smiling. Y/n blushed and put her hand of Callum’s cheek, caressing his skin with her thumb. ‘’Please, can I kiss you?’’ she asked. Callum nodded and they pressed their lips together. It was gentle, but filled with passion, a tear of joy rolled down Y/n cheek. She was finally with the men of her dreams. ‘’I wanna be yours, Callum’’ she whispered. ‘’You’re already mine, Y/n, and I’m yours’’ Callum replied, between kisses.
‘’It’s time to address the rumors about you two!’’ Jimmy Fallon said, taking out pictures. The first pictures were one of Y/n and Callum passionately kissing/ making out against a telephone pole. The crowd screamed, and the couple wasn’t official yet, so it was awkward. ‘’You two are clearly kissing.’’ Jimmy said, laughing. ‘’Uh, we wanted to give the paparazzi something. I mean, they followed us all night, so we wanted to give them good content’’ Y/n blurted out. It was the first thing that came to her mind. ‘’Okay, I’m not convinced, what about this one?’’ he said, switching this picture. It was Callum carrying Y/n that was in a koala position on him. ‘’She twisted her ankle, and I offered to carry her’’ Callum said. They both looked at each other, blushing and trying their best not to giggle because they knew what happened after these photos. They went back home and had sex. ‘’But your hand is on her butt’’ Jimmy argued. Callum giggled and Y/n, too. ‘’You don’t but your hand on your friend’s butt?’’ Y/n laughed. ‘’I, no I-I-I don’t’’ Jimmy stuttered. Even if the internet wasn’t convinced, at least they tried to avoid more damage.
They with Drew Barrymore, after the date thing, they tried to act normal. ‘’What’s your favorite Rom-Com?’’ Drew asked. ‘’The Weeding Singer’’ Callum said. ‘’10 things I hate about you’’ Y/n replied. ‘’Wait, you love The Wedding Singer’’ Drew said, with tears in her eyes. ‘’Yes, the gestures are amazing and yeah, it’s really great’’ Callum says. ‘’Yes, chasing her on the plane. Y/n what’s your favorite love gesture a man as ever done to you’’ she asked. She thought about it. ‘’Uh, I think it was when I was 17, I was feeling really sad, and this guy drove 2 hours to come and give me a hug. Or when I was 24, I really wanted a ring, it was so pretty, not as an engagement ring, just to have jewelry, and the guy bought me the ring. I still wear it today.’’ She was talking about Callum. She showed the ring to Austin and Callum, to not be suspicious and when Drew saw it, she gasped. ‘’That’s so sweet! If a man gives me a ring one day, I think I’ll cry’’ she said. ‘’I did cry’’ Y/n laughed. Callum remembered that day like it was yesterday. She drunkenly said to him that she wanted to have a ring to fidget with, when the passed in front of a jewelry store, she pointed at a ring. The next day, he went to buy the ring and gave it to her when he got home. Saying it was a promise ring of friendship. Y/n bawled her eyes out and fell more in love with Callum that day.
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bewitchingivy · 2 years
pick a card: love letter received (valentine's special)
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Holyf- all these songs and cards that I shuffled are sooooo fucking good. YA'LL ARE BEING SPOILED. I keep squealing reading these messages lmfao. Anyways! These letters are from anyone you have a romantic connection with; soulmate, future spouse/lover/girlfriend, boyfriend, the one, whatever you wanna label!
methods used in this reading: tarot & intuition.
Tarot or any forms of divination is not set in stone. It’s not your only future, but a probable one with the current energy you have right now. If a reading doesn’t resonate, simply let it fly away and shift your energy. Because you can change your reality, and you have the undeniable power to do so.
Please keep in mind that my readings are for entertainment, positive, or inspirational purposes only. Please don’t take them as a professional or medical advice. Any actions or decisions taken are your responsibility.
The images I use in my blog are not mine unless I say so. The pictures belong to their respectful owners.
Let your intuition guide you and enjoy the reading, folks!
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letter #1
shufflemancy: Never Really Over by Katy Perry
My dearest,  I know you think sometimes that you don't deserve the good things in your life, and that you don't deserve a love like we have. God, you're so stubborn. How many times will I have to tell you that you deserve each and every wonderful thing in your life and more? Oh, well. I'm coming home soon to you anyway. And I don't mind reminding you everyday that you deserve all of it, that you're worth it, and that I love you with all I am. I truly believe that we are fated to be with each other, and even though you may have a hard time believing that, you can't escape the love that we have. Sorry, not sorry! >:) Anyways, keep doing the things that make you become the best version of yourself. You're doing good. We'll find each other soon enough. I love you. Until we meet,  Your lover.
about them: they're such a romantic, but they also have this sarcastic and chill personality, HAHA. Assuring person. They only have their eyes on you. Encouraging, they really love cheering and rooting for you. Will always comfort you in your times of need.
signs i saw for you: daisies, co-workers, september, purple aura, someone likes to listen to taylor swift, letters; j, v, d 444.
Hope you enjoyed your reading! Remember to love yourself the way you want others to love you! Any thoughts on this reading? Leave a feedback!— Ivy
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letter #2
shufflemancy: I Will Spend My Whole Life Loving You by Imaginary Future & Kina Grannis
Hi, babe! I can't wait for us to be together. I promise you, it will be anytime soon. It won't even feel like you waited. Just keep being you and be cool (wink). I'm so excited for all the things that we're going to do together, I really can't wait to spend this life with you. I know I can come off as someone who's annoying and blunt sometimes (wait, I think it's most of the time? LOL) but I hope you'll accept and love me for who I am. It's hard to be my authentic self around others, I really hope I can be with you, because I want to. When we've come together one of these days, I promise to give you all my love and everything that you deserve. I will do my best to make you laugh and smile everyday. Make you relax and just wind up after a long day from all the chaos and noise in the world. (Your name), I am ready to spend my whole life loving you and living with you. (their nickname)
about them: they're clingy, but in a good and adorable way though lol. they really like to annoy or tease you out of fun. very cheerful and warm energy here. doesn't seem to be like it, but they do have some insecurities (notice how they hope for you to love and accept them despite their personality in the letter?)
signs i saw for you: 444, 555, letters; w and s. tropical island/country. north america.
 Hope you enjoyed your reading! Remember to love yourself the way you want others to love you! Any thoughts on this reading? Leave a feedback!— Ivy
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letter #3
shufflemancy: Love Never Felt So Good by Michael Jackson
Dear (your name), I hope you know that I appreciate and love you so much. There are times when I worry that I may not be showing that enough to you, and I'm sorry. But this is me telling the truth. I adore you with all of my heart, and honestly, these words are never enough to fully express my love for you. I hope you know that you're an amazing person. You give me so much light, inspiration, and life. You teach me a lot of valuable things and I really admire that about you. Don't let anything dim the light that you shine in this world. Keep on shining, my love. Life makes so much sense and more worth-living when I'm with you. With all my love,  (their name)
about them: they're a person who doesn't open up easily, or someone who somehow struggles expressing their emotions to you. ah, they're so adorably shy. quiet. a quiet person, someone who's meticulous. logical. 
signs i saw for you: 333, 222, sunflowers.
notes: fuck. the last line in their letter made me sooooo 🥹🥹🥹 AAAAHHHH. KEEP THEM, BRUH. i don't necessarily show cards in my readings, but i'll spoil you with this one; i practically squealed when i got the queen of wands and the sun for you. LIKE AGH. I love this combination, especially since they both have sunflowers. And I totally felt so much warmth in my heart while writing their letter UwU
Hope you enjoyed your reading! Remember to love yourself the way you want others to love you! Any thoughts on this reading? Leave a feedback!— Ivy
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letter #4
shufflemancy: love somebody like you by joan
Hey Princess/Prince, I understand that you're not in a pretty situation right now, you really wish you could just escape, don't you? Don't worry. Even if I'm not there with you physically in the time that you're reading this, I'm always with you in your heart and in spirit. Listen, I'm proud of you of how far you've come. And I know that you have the strength to get through this. You can do it! I wholeheartedly believe in you, babe. Just so you know, I'm your biggest cheerleader, haha. Sooo... just do it, okay? There's no need for you to be afraid. I promise that once you've overcome this, something really amazing is coming for you. And it's worth it. Mmm, I can't say for sure if this surprise is me coming in to your life, but welp, who knows? :) Love ya! - (their name)
about them: they're such a fun person to be around. gentle and polite, wholesome, like a happy kid in an adult body HAHA. jester. golden retriever energy (gosh, i effing love people who has this energy.) passionate about art. is into music that doesn't seem to match their personality and vibe (eg: they love listening to metal.) might be into anime.
signs i saw for you: 222, party, celebration, a park, carnival or something. someone's born in 2002, or something significant happened in 2022 for either of you, like a drastic change in your life of some sort. 
notes:  They really want to call you princess/prince, I'm sorry if you don't like it but that's that LMAO- why do i get the feeling that some of you are in some sort of relationship (not necessarily romantic) that is not stable, and healthy, and you're definitely advised to put yourself first now, leave, and heal from it.
Hope you enjoyed your reading! Remember to love yourself the way you want others to love you! Any thoughts on this reading? Leave a feedback!— Ivy
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letter #5
shufflemancy: So My Darling by Rachel Chinouriri
Hi, love. You've gone through so much, life hasn't been much fair to you, to us. But no matter how hard it is, it's important for us to never give up and stay strong. But it's not easy to stay strong either. Let me give you a gentle reminder that it's ok to cry and break down when you have to, okay? It's okay to let it all out and not bottle all the negative feelings inside. And then once you've done that, you can slowly get back up, take back your strength, and have stronger faith for the future. I know you're strong, I see it in you :) You're really capable more than you think. And it also gives me strength to see your strength. Don't allow yourself to be defeated, okay? We'll get through this. And once we meet, we won't have to go through it all alone. We'll be fighting alongside together. Yours, (their name)
about them: a positive person. stylish and classy. for some of you, they might reside in london or is from the uk. might tend to see things through rose-colored glasses. machiavellian. 
signs i saw for you: paris, france. travel, foreign country, 222, 333, rainbow.
Hope you enjoyed your reading! Remember to love yourself the way you want others to love you! Any thoughts on this reading? Leave a feedback!— Ivy
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It's been a tough year in a lot of ways, but one thing I've been able to consistently count on to bring me joy is the incredible writing in this fandom! I feel like 2023 has been almost a golden age of Tarlos fic. With both the sheer quantity AND quality of fic, it has been a wonderful time to be a Tarlos fic reader! In celebration of this golden age, I wanted to share a list of some of the fic that brought me the most joy in the past year.
Of course, this is not a comprehensive list...as much as I may want to, I can't possibly read everything this fandom has to offer. There's still a lot to get to on my to-read list. And even from the fic I did read, I'm sure I'm forgetting some amazing ones. There's just SO MUCH. But here I have listed (alphabetic by author) some of the fic that most resonated with me the past year, fic that I still think about and reread, and fic that has taken up full time residence in my brain!
There are A LOT...so I'll be putting the list under the cut.
all my blood for the sweetness of his laugh by @alrightbuckaroo
A truly beautiful little fic about Carlos' feelings about TK's laugh. A bit of angst and a lot of love.
anger has told me her real name is grief by alrightbuckaroo
An excellent 4x17/4x18 fic that deals a lot with Carlos' grief and the journey he goes through in those two episodes.
my beatin' heart belongs to you by bartsy
A fic about Carlos' anxiety after the death of his father, manifested in his fears for the safety of his husband. This fic is so beautiful and very in character. I would love it so much if the show would go even a tiny bit in the direction of exploring Carlos' anxiety!
It Beats for You by @basilsunrise
A 4x04 coda, porn with feelings and bottom Carlos...truly, what more could I ask for?? Very hot and SO MANY feelings!
she has almost killed me with love for that boy by @beautifulhigh
Another 4x04 coda (there can never be enough) that's also a study of the different types of love, all of which Carlos has in his life.
How quickly we change overnight by @birdclowns
A pre-canon fic about TK and his relationship with Alex. I particularly love this kind of thing where we have so little concrete information in canon. It's a perfect opportunity for fic, and I really love this one. Alex could easily be handled as some horrible villain, but the way he's handled here is far more realistic and I think it makes my heart break for TK even more.
Even if the World Ends Tomorrow by @bonheur-cafe
A post-apocalypse AU that's a little terrifying but ultimately very hopeful. This is one that I kept thinking about long after I read it.
can i be close to you? by @catanisspicy
A 5+1 fic about TK asking Carlos if he'd still love him if he was a worm. A true delight! This is another fic I still think about all the time.
slowly, then all at once by catanisspicy
A fic about TK and Carlos loving each other, which is one of my favorite things in the world.
The Center of the Maze by @carlos-in-glasses
7 times TK and Carlos thought they would never get married and one time they actually did. This fic covers so many of the most significant moments of their relationship and is so very beautifully written. I think my favorite part is (predictably) the section related to the soulmates scene.
When Soulmates Swim by carlos-in-glasses
A wonderful AU where TK and Carlos get to know each other while swimming together. It's everything: hot, sweet, beautiful, poignant, and sometimes incredibly hilarious.
Release the Hand to Relax the Animal by carlos-in-glasses
A fic that's all about touch and the great sex, past and present, that TK and Carlos have had. A true masterpiece.
We Have Suffered Enough by @chicgeekgirl89
A 4x16 coda. Oh, the soulmates scene! I'm automatically going to love anything even remotely soulmates scene-adjacent, and this one is particularly beautiful.
Shiner by chicgeekgirl89
A 4x15 coda dealing with Carlos finding out about TK's black eye, which is something I desperately wanted to see on screen. I love the way it goes here. It's incredibly sweet.
Cold Feet by @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
A lovely little fic that has Carlos feeling some big feelings about his soon-to-be husband.
When I'm Like This by cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
An early season 1 Tarlos fic with a lot of angst and feelings, which is always one of my favorite things. This one is ridiculously hot, yet also filled with so much emotion and feelings and gorgeous writing. Just thinking about it makes me want to reread!
to build a home by @freneticfloetry
A Carlos character study, from pre-series through season 4. If there was ever a character I wanted to study, it's Carlos Reyes. And this fic is beautifully done, expertly exploring the complexities of his character and the gaps canon has left to be filled.
The Sting by @goodways
Shortly after they're married, Carlos gets involved in an FBI sting operation that requires him to go on a date and flirt with another man, something that TK is not thrilled about. This fic is at times funny, emotional, hot and sweet.
First night by goodways
The first time TK and Carlos have sex and all the feelings and attempted avoidance of feelings that comes with it. So many feelings!!!
Take my hand, take my whole life, too by @heartstringsduet
HANDS. What more could I ask for? This fic is an absolutely gorgeous exploration of TK and Carlos' intimacy across their whole lives together. I'm ready to tear up just thinking about it!
But most of it was beautiful by heartstringsduet
An at-home Tarlos honeymoon fic. I call a lot of fic on this list beautiful, but sometimes there's no better word. This fic is beautiful.
broken glass by @irispurpurea
A beautiful, heartbreaking exploration of Carlos' grief. It's all fragmented and non-linear, which only adds to how moving and powerful it is.
a little bit more by krissyloowhoo
An installment of a series in which TK and Carlos adopt a baby girl. This one features Carlos in love with what a good dad TK is.
Stand your brand of love by @ladytessa74
A Tarlos honeymoon fic written prior to the end of the season. This was a go-to reread for me in the weeks leading up to the finale. Even now, when it's no longer technically canon compliant, the emotions hit just as hard.
How I linger to admire by ladytessa74
This fic is pretty much my dream season 5. It has everything: Carlos solving his father's murder, TK and Carlos getting held at gunpoint, and Lou II saving the day. Several items on my wish list for season 5 were directly inspired by reading this fic.
Do it all over again by ladytessa74
TK tries for a do over of the proposal because he thinks Carlos deserves better, which leads to a series of funny, adorable and touching moments. The writing is beautiful, and it even inspired a cross stitch! I have many favorite things about Tessa's writing, but one of my very favorite things is the way she writes the intimacy and affection and touch between TK and Carlos. This fic is filled with some of my favorite examples of that.
All Your Colors Make Me Feel Alive by @lemonlyman-dotcom
This wonderful fic uses the music of Beck to explore moments in TK and Carlos' relationship. Angst and fluff: the best combination.
I'm Not A Fortress, But I Will Try To Protect You by lemonlyman-dotcom
TK and Marjan have a conversation in the wake of the events of 2x04. One of my favorite parts of Lemon's writing is the incredible amount of backstory detail, most particularly the friendship between TK and Marjan. There are hints of this in canon, but here it's beautifully developed and I love it so much.
Call Me If You Get Lost by lemonlyman-dotcom
TK and Carlos go for a romantic weekend while also looking out for a friend. This fic is a delight and so much fun!
Love From the Other Side by @lightningboltreader
Exes to lovers and only one bed...what could possibly be better?? I particularly enjoy the conversation between TK and Carlos that leads to their reconciliation.
We were in screaming color by @liminalmemories21
I was looking forward to this season 4 fic since before the season even started airing! I can imagine it must have been particularly difficult to write, from the ridiculous season 4 timeline to all the plotholes and inconsistencies that the Iris storyline and Carlos' sudden two sisters created, but it was done beautifully. It made me think about so many season 4 details and moments in different ways and ultimately led to an enhanced appreciation of the season.
I need you so much closer by @marjansmarwani
A 4x04 coda. This one focuses on all the many people who love Carlos. I always love to read about Carlos being loved!
where the empty space is a saving grace by @maxbegone
Carlos talks with Gwyn in the time before he's revived by TK and the narcan in 4x04. Beautiful and poignant.
etched in gold by maxbegone
A lovely little wedding moment where TK and Carlos get some alone time during the reception.
By Your Side by @never-blooms
The Reyes kitchen through the years. If there's anything that deserves more exploration, it's the Reyes family and all their complexities. This fic does an incredible job of this and is so beautifully written.
The Calling by @orchidscript
This is a fascinating and beautiful fic about TK using his experience with addiction to help people in the course of his job as a paramedic. It's something I would love so much for them to explore on the show!
Under A Star Spell by orchidscript
In this AU, Carlos practices folk magic. The fic itself is absolutely magical. One of the things I love about it is how different it is from pretty much every other Tarlos fic I've ever read.
Lost and Found by @paperstorm
A 4x04 coda (if there's one thing about me, it's that I love a 4x04 coda). I loved this episode so much but there was so much more I wanted, particularly to see what happened in the aftermath at the hospital, which is why this fic is so appreciated.
Ritual by paperstorm
An installment of Andie's spectacular Missing Moments series. I could easily have put every installment on this list, but I chose the one for 2x11, which is my favorite of the season 2 fics. I'm always a sucker for Carlos working through his feelings about his relationship with his parents!
The Firehouse by paperstorm
An incredible AU with TK and Carlos as childhood friends who meet again years later when Carlos is undercover and TK is living a life of crime. The angst in this one is spectacular, and the payoff is beautiful and earned and extraordinarily satisfying.
peace by @redshirt2
Carlos post-breakup. This little fic is heartbreaking and perfectly captures Carlos' desolate state of mind as he's left alone.
dream this night away by @reyesstrand
A pre-season 4 honeymoon fic where TK and Carlos end up in a motel after their flight is cancelled. A little bit of angst and a lot of love and tenderness.
to which there is no reply by reyesstrand
An absolutely gorgeous honeymoon fic, this time canon-compliant, that features Carlos struggling with his grief and being loved by his husband.
balancing act by reyesstrand
TK and Carlos sharing food and falling in love. What could possibly be better? This fic is so beautiful and it spans the entirety of their relationship. An incredible achievement and a true gift to readers!
the strong will never fall by @rmd-writes
Another 4x04 coda (I truly can never get enough). This one is incredibly tender and emotional.
shine some light on my day by @rosedavid
A sweet, fluffy, gentle fic about TK and Carlos waking up and getting ready for the day together. Domestic fluff at its finest!
and salt the earth behind you by @safeashousespdf
TK brings Carlos to New York 6 months after Gwyn's death and TK grapples with the ways things have changed and the ways he has changed. This fic is incredibly powerful. I read it months ago but I still think about it.
you and me, forevermore by @strandnreyes
A gorgeous wedding coda that made me cry multiple times.
Come what may, I'll still stay by strandnreyes
Carlos struggles with his work-life balance when he becomes a detective. It gets worse and worse until he makes a pretty big mistake that shows him just how bad things have gotten. Lots of angst, but also lots of happiness by the end and so much love permeating through every bit of it. This was one of the THE fics of the year for me and it still lives rent free in my brain!
no rules in breakable heaven by strandnreyes
An AU where Carlos takes a job as a private chef in the Hamptons for TK's family. Jen wrote so many incredible AUs this year, but this one was my favorite. Just the right amount of angst with a proportionately happy ending! And the descriptions of the food Carlos was preparing always made me very hungry.
As long as it's with you by @tailoredshirt
TK and Carlos spend their first Valentine's Day as husbands in the ER, but it's nothing too serious. This fic is mostly soft and sweet. I still think about it all the time, especially the little gestures and affectionate touches between them. It's a lovely little fic that's guaranteed to make you smile.
tell me how by @theghostofashton
Carlos and his grief leading up to the wedding. Beautiful and heartbreaking. I loved this so much.
Back to You and Me by @three-drink-amy
A lovely 4x16 coda. In celebration of finding out that TK doesn't have to worry about Huntington's, TK and Carlos go back to the honky tonk where it all began!
The Weight of Grief by @wandering-night19
This is an absolutely riveting fic that has TK near-death in a coma (again). It's poignant and heartbreaking. One scene in particular in the final chapter makes me want to cry just thinking about it! Some chapters deal with Andrea and Gabriel backstory, which eventually links up to the ongoing story in the present. The whole thing is so well written and beautifully constructed.
living at the centre of a wound still fresh by @welcometololaland
A heartbreaking, beautiful masterpiece of a fic. Carlos struggles with his grief on their honeymoon, but TK is there to help him through. Just thinking about this one makes me want to cry...and also reread!
a long time ago (we used to be friends) by welcometololaland
A masterpiece of an AU, exes to lovers with private investigator Carlos and wrongly accused of murder TK. They work together to clear TK's name and come back together in a beautiful way.
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I'll Regret It Tomorrow
TW - Very DETAILED make-out session, CHEATING, Suggestive remember how my page is 17+ AN - Soo... WC - 1120 Part 1
The tension could be cut with a knife.
 Milo’s mate dropped him off a couple of hours ago. They wanted him to hang out with Ash. Milo was against the idea but they were persistent. He didn’t know why; that was a lie.. He knew why. They saw the way they looked at each other at that party. Maybe this was them giving up. 
Telling him to be with the one he truly loved. To be with the one who had his heart. While they only held a faction. He didn’t know what hurt more. The fact that they were right in that assumption. Or the fact they’ve given up. Was he really using them as a placeholder? A temporary fix?
Now he sat here on the couch. One that belongs to the man who had and still has his heart. The same man who awkwardly let him inside. Who agreed to let him stay.` Who looked like he had his heart crushed. And yet he still stepped away to make snacks, while setting up a movie night for the both of them. 
This wasn’t fair, not fair to any of the parties involved. 
Milos's thoughts were interrupted by Asher walking back into the living room. 
‘’ sorry.. I didn’t have much on stand-by.. ‘’  it was true. Asher wasn’t expecting any guests and he’d eaten most of his snacks the night of the house party. 
‘’ you’re fine.. ‘’  
‘’ so.. Did.. you have a movie in mind? ‘’ Asher wanted to cut the tension. But it’s hard to cut year-old tension. 
‘’n...no.. not really.. ‘’  and Milo wanted to be anywhere but here. He can’t do this. 
‘’ I heard.. Brokeback Mountain is good.. ‘’ 
‘’ lets.. Go with that.. ‘’ Milo just wanted this conversation to be over. 
Asher walked over to turn on the Xbox and went to join Milo on the couch. It was going to be a long night. And he knew that.. As the Xbox powered on. He couldn’t help but glance at Milo. His soulmate sitting this close to him. Was the idea of being alone with him that enjoyable? 
They hadn’t been this close since.. That night. He didn’t want to think about that. Not tonight. This could finally be his chance to.. Make things right. To apologize.. When the green screen went black.. And eventually to the profile segment. 
Milo was flashed with his Xbox account. He remembered making it when Ash first got it. He’d thought he would have gotten rid of it. This made him wonder if he deleted his switch account off his switch. If the Xbox account was still here probably not. 
Asher logged in, going to the video section. And finding Netflix, hoping Milo would fall asleep during the movie. So he could just go hide in his room for the rest of the night. But he knew Milo and that wasn’t going to happen easily. But he could only hope. 
‘’ so.. ‘’ Milo attempted a conversation. Though he wouldn’t know what to do with a response. 
Ash didn’t respond. He didn’t know what to say. He just pretended not to hear him.. Maybe if he just focused on finding this movie he’d be fine. 
Milo took that as a sign to shut up. I mean he technically did show up on his doorstep. Without warning.. Adding on the fact they haven’t had a proper conversation in years. They hadn’t been this close in months. Even at pack meetings, Asher kept his distance. 
Milo couldn’t take it anymore. He couldn’t ignore the burning in his chest. He couldn’t push those feelings down.. He couldn’t do it. Not while he was sitting next to him. Movie be damned. He wanted him.. No he needed him. The marking on his chest only proved the universe wanted them together too. 
‘’ Ash.. ‘’ Milo palmed the controller out of his hands. 
‘’ what.. Milo .. ‘’ the sudden contact caused him to freeze. The marking that littered his shoulder started to burn. He couldn’t do this.. 
‘’  t…thats my name.. ‘’ 
‘’  I.. need you to be honest with me.. ‘’ Milo was laying all his cards on the table. If he was going to risk this.. It wasn’t going to be for nothing.     
‘’ honest about what.. ‘’ 
‘’ Me. ‘’ 
Asher looked at his friend. What did he mean be honest? 
‘’ Tell.. me what… you wanted to say all those years ago..’’ Milo held his hands in his ‘’ tell me.. What.. you failed to tell me then.. ‘’ his eye watered as he remembered that day. He needed to hear Ash say he loved him. He loved his partner but Asher would always have his heart. 
Fuck. It. 
‘’ Milo.. I want to be your everything.. I want to be the person you wake up too. I need to be the person you hold when you’re down. I need that.. But i need that with you.. You Milo Greer. ‘’ 
Asher couldn’t believe the words that left his mouth. And he couldn’t believe Milo either.. He had a partner. Someone who loved him.. Someone he fell for. And yet here he sat. in front of him. Begging to hear some words that never left his mouth. Words he promised would never leave his mouth. 
And maybe in a moment of passion and desperation. Milo kissed him. And he kissed him back. Pulling him onto his lap; were they really about to do this? 
For once in his life Asher stopped thinking and let his body take control. And god did it feel good. Milo's warm body against his, lips intertwined. God he didn’t want this to end. He didn’t know when he’d feel this warmth again. 
And he wasn’t going to waste it. Not again. Not ever.. 
Asher pulled away, causing Milo to open his eyes. He was confused.. 
‘’ I need you to tell me this..is what you want..I Need you to tell me.. You won’t regret this. ‘’ 
Asher was getting desperate. He needed him.. But he needed to know for sure. This is what he wanted too. 
‘’ I won’t.. Whatever happens after.. I’ll deal with it. Just, please.. ‘’ 
Once again lips met skin.. And god the noises that escaped his mouth were just as good as he imagined. He bet his partner couldn’t make him feel like this. Asher made his way down Milo’s neck while he made music under him. 
He needed more. 
‘’ clothes.. I.. need to feel.. More.. ‘’ Asher whined in his ear. And Milo gladly offered a solution. 
As he slid his shirt over his head. And Asher eyed his tattoo. The one they shared. The one that let him know. Milo Greer was his. And smiled. 
Though Milo lied. 
He’d Regret It Tomorrow. 
He knows he will. But god did it feel good. 
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blakeswritingimagines · 6 months
Dear Y/N.
Dear Lover, You are the light that fills my darkest days, the warmth that fills my coldest nights, and the song that fills my quietest moments. My love for you is endless and I cherish every second I spend with you. From the moment I lay eyes on you, I knew that you were the love of my life. I love your kind heart, your strength and determination, and your unwavering loyalty. Our journey has been full of challenges, but with you beside me, I know that together we can overcome anything. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you, for you are truly my soulmate.
You are the light that makes my life brighter, the joy that fills my heart, and the reason I wake up each day with a smile on my face. Our love is a flame that burns in both of us, and I will not let that flame die out. We will continue our journey together, hand in hand, trusting and supporting one another. My life is complete with you in it. As my flame burns for you, my love, it also burns away all of my worries. With you by my side, my heart dances with joy and my soul soars with freedom. My dear, I promise to love you now and forever, for you are the light of my life. Also, I want you to know that no matter where life takes us, I will always be your biggest supporter and truest companion. I will never forget the countless nights we've spent together, and how they have shaped me into the man I am today. I love you more than life itself, sweetheart, and there's nothing in the world I wouldn't do for you.
Baby, you are the very essence of beauty. Your smile melts my heart, and I feel so lucky to have found you. When we're together, it's like the rest of the world doesn't even exist - it's just you, me, and our love. Whenever I feel sad or stressed, I can still hear your voice in my head, urging me to keep going and never giving up. you've touched my heart in ways I can never thank you for. You see, I've never felt so much warmth and joy. And for that, I want to make you happy, to fulfill your dreams and aspirations, and to bring you as much pleasure as possible. You are my everything, and I don't know what I would do without you in my life. So, let us continue to be there for each other, and never stop chasing our dreams together.
One thing I love most about you is how easy it is for me to be myself around you. You make me feel comfortable and accepted, without judgment or reservation. I feel like I can talk to you about anything, and I love knowing that you'll always support me no matter what challenges lie ahead. In short, you make me feel like the happiest and luckiest man in the world. I miss you so much, my dear. I can't wait to see you again and to be able to hold you in my arms. Whenever you're feeling down or insecure, know that I'm always here for you and that you can always count on me. I love you with all my heart, and I want you to know just how much you mean to me.
My beloved, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. I knew you would be mine one day, and now that you're in the palm of my hand, I can't imagine letting you go. You belong to me and always will. But this is all in the name of keeping you safe from the dangers of the world. Don't try to fight it, my dear, for the only outcome is heartbreak. You belong to me and always will.
Love Criston Cole
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—𓆩[shuffle play || masterlist]𓆪—
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AGH I’M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG, BUT HEY, IT’S UP! This is for my 100 followers' event ‘Shuffle Play’ and if you have any requests, just submit them! How to request is in the link ‘updated bingo card!’ I hope y’all enjoy all of them, and I hope you guys love them just as much as I do! Don't be afraid to request, and thank you! This will be updated with each fic ♡
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—𓆩[will they, won't they]𓆪— 𓆩♡𓆪 FIRST SPOT — FRIENDS TO LOVERS ♡ TASM! Peter Parker  ❦ You and Peter had a more… complicated friendship. Best friends since childhood and ever since then, you both have always danced around your feelings. You finally decide to drop your feelings for your best friend after he starts spending more time with Gwen Stacy and decided to go out on a date with one of the jocks from school and pull away from Peter, unbeknownst to you him, Gwen, and some more of your best friends are planning a giant date proposal for you.
—𓆩[on show]𓆪— 𓆩♡𓆪 SECOND SPOT — YANDERE ♡ Finnick Odair  ❦ Finnick has always taken care of you, and he had shown that by murdering everyone that ever touched you and winning you over just as easily as you did him. The Quarter Quell has come, and he will never let anyone lay a hand on you again, and neither will you.
—𓆩[recharge]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 THIRD SPOT — PILLOW PRINCESS        ♡ Ethan Landry            ❦ You and Ethan were an odd couple, he was more introverted while you were always wanting to do something until your energy burnt out. When it did burn out though, there was always one thing that could fix it- or, one person; Ethan Landry.
—𓆩[something worse]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 FOURTH SPOT — BREEDING KINK        ♡ Tobias Eaton            ❦ You and Four had been together since he chose Dauntless, especially because you were one of the Dauntless born pulled into training. You both had never put a label on your relationship because it never seemed right, but everyone knew that you both were a couple, except the newest tributes you both were training, no matter how obvious you both made it. It seems you both have to make it a little more obvious.
—𓆩[be jealous]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 FIFTH SPOT — SOULMATE        ♡ Finnick Odair            ❦ If there was one thing that the Capitol wasn’t, it was kind. So when they input the law where soulmates cannot be put into the same game, you and Finnick have to come clean about your relationship in the Quarter Quell - even if it’s too late.
—𓆩[i'll be gentle]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 SIXTH SPOT — VIRGIN        ♡ Finnick Odair            ❦ You were the first person Finnick actually fell in love with, his best friend. A survivor of one of the games after he was called into his own, winning by your skill of trapping and running, you were quickly a fan favorite and everyone had their eyes on you, even though your more ‘innocent’ mindset was still intact after the games. With everyone in District 13 eyeing you, including Gale, Finnick decides he has to show everyone who you belong to.
—𓆩[movie night]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 SEVENTH SPOT — ENEMIES TO LOVERS        ♡ Ethan Landry            ❦ Ethan had a school boy crush on you - it was the best way to explain how he felt about you. He loved the nights of bickering during movie nights, but when he gets told that he needs to kill you because you’re going to get in the way, he can’t. You get shaken up and aren’t your normal self so he goes to check on you, and one thing leads to something he truly didn’t expect to happen.
—𓆩[so good, baby]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 EIGHTH SPOT — OUT OF THEIR LEAGUE        ♡ Ethan Landry            ❦ Ethan wasn’t someone people thought would end up with you, but it didn’t stop you from getting him to fall for you, like it was hard. He never told you about his inexperience, but when you start teasing him during tutoring and bring him back to your house, he can’t really stop what he thinks will happen - not that he wants to.
—𓆩[we go down together]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 NINTH SPOT — WEDDING NIGHT        ♡ Andrew Garfield            ❦ Andrew promised you that he would make sure your wedding was perfect. He didn’t care how much it cost, where it would be, who was invited, as long as he was marrying you. Even then though, as much as he wanted to stick by the rules and not see you on the special day, he sneaks a peak and sees a small little surprise you had just for him.
—𓆩[my beautiful idiot]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 TENTH SPOT — HIMBO        ♡ TASM! Peter Parker            ❦ You and Peter have been best friends for what seemed like eternity, and has been in love with you for what seemed like forever, but he’s not going to give up — no matter how much it seems like you don’t like him back. The kid you babysit though that is way too old to be babysat disagrees though and tries to show him how much you were in love with him too.
—𓆩[cupid's arrow]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 ELEVENTH SPOT — OUT OF THEIR LEAGUE (repeat spot)        ♡ TASM! Peter Parker            ❦ You were surprised when you found out that Peter fucking Parker was single, and you quickly fixed that. It was a surprise to everyone, especially him, when they found out you were interested in him - the head cheerleader and a physics nerd? Even then though, when a party occurs, and his friends get to know more about you and think you’re so fucking cool — a wasted Peter gets jealous of how much they have your attention.
—𓆩[red suit, red dress]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 TWELVTH SPOT — HIGH SCHOOL SWEETHEARTS        ♡ Dylan O'Brien            ❦ You and Dylan had been together since he was shooting YouTube videos, and even replaced Holland as Lydia in Teen Wolf after a family emergency, and had been his partner in every film he shot from American Assassin to Love and Monsters to The Outfit. Besides, who could have better chemistry with Dylan than you?
—𓆩[warmth]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 THIRTEENTH SPOT — SPOILED RICH READER        ♡ Stiles Stilinski            ❦ No one expected you and Stiles to start dating. Come on, a rich vampire posing as a high school student who could’ve been a real life Cullen? Fuck no. But, it happened, and Stiles fucking loves you - and your fangs - probably more than he should, and he wants to try something.
—𓆩[the perfect virgin]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 FOURTEENTH SPOT — MOMMY KINK        ♡ Ethan Landry            ❦ You were originally attracted to Ethan because he looked like a boy who had never been touched by a woman - ever. Your corruption kink was going haywire, and it was the main reason why you pursued him before you got way too attached to his stupid nerdy personality and his utter obliviousness to anything that has to do with sex, so you decide to put him to a… test of sorts.
—𓆩[men like him]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 FIFTEENTH SPOT — SPOILED RICH BOY        ♡ Finnick Odair            ❦ The biggest rule about a sugar daddy-baby relationship is that you can’t gain feelings, ever. Never fall in love. Finnick was the one to break that rule - not you, sadly, as much as he wanted you to - and since then, he’s been trying to get you to fall in love with him too. But obviously, as a sugar baby, you’re doing something right by hiding your true feelings from your sugar daddy who also has to be fine as hell.
—𓆩[secret admirer]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 SIXTEENTH SPOT — DARK FIC        ♡ Ethan Landry            ❦ Ethan knew you were the perfect target whenever he met you. Oh you were perfect; beautiful,, sweet, funny, smart… but at the same time, so fucking stupid. He started sending you small things at first, your favorite candy and a CD with music that reminded him of you with a record player, but he needed more. He needed to make you know who he was, he needed you to love him. He couldn’t stay in the shadows anymore, and now that he’s finally sent you the biggest thing ever, he’s ready to reveal who he is - right after his first kill.
—𓆩[give me the word]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 SIXTEENTH SPOT — CUM DUMP        ♡ Jimmy Keene            ❦ Everyone knew you were Jimmy’s girl, everyone. It didn’t stop them from trying to steal you away, though, not that it ever worked. Besides, tonight was the opening of a new club, you both might as well give everyone something to look at - right?
—𓆩[six months]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 SEVENTEENTH SPOT — SUGAR MOMMY        ♡ Spencer Reid            ❦ Spencer truly didn’t know he was a sugar baby until Derek told him. At first, he just thought your love language was gift giving, but then Derek made an extremely good point, and that made him think. Was he just a sugar baby to you, or was it something more, like he wanted it to be?
—𓆩[full moon cove]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 EIGHTEENTH SPOT — FANTASY AU        ♡ Finnick Odair            ❦ Finnick always loved the water. It was his only escape from the life of the Crown Prince who just took over the Kingdom of Panem after the death of the previous ruler, Snow. The cove he went to was different, though, and it always felt like someone was watching him. He certainly didn’t expect it to be true, much less from a beautiful woman like you.
—𓆩[you missed a spot]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 NINETEENTH SPOT — MAID        ♡ TASM! Peter Parker            ❦ As soon as Peter graduated college with his degree, he was gone. No one appreciated him enough, so he was going to show them — all of them. After making billions with everything he made and keeping his alter ego a secret, the only thing he’s missing is someone to share his life with, but you quickly fill that whenever you come in applying for his maid job.
—𓆩[your majesty]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 TWENTIETH SPOT — BIMBO        ♡ Eggsy Unwin            ❦ Eggsy truly didn’t know how you were recruited into Kingsmen, but he wasn’t complaining. You helped him out a lot during training, but for fucks sake, were you blind to how Charlie and his friends looked at you? When you go missing, though, Eggsy has to save you. He couldn’t live with himself if he didn’t.
—𓆩[i love cherries]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 TWENTY-FIRST SPOT — GLORY HOLE        ♡ College AU! Frat Boy! Dave Lizewski            ❦ Dave wasn’t sure how he got into a fraternity, especially not one of the biggest at the university, but he went along with it. What he wasn’t prepared for was initiation, where everyone found out he was a virgin and were determined to make his first time something special.
—𓆩[mi menté, cuerpo, corazón, y alma]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 TWENTY-SECOND SPOT — SUGAR DADDY        ♡ Modern AU! CEO! Sugar Daddy! Soft! Miguel O'Hara x Sugar Baby! Fem! Reader            ❦ You loved being a sugar baby. Truly, you did. The only con was the fact that you had to get with someone who was literally a hair away from dying, so when Miguel found you, it was truly a saving grace. After a while, he made you cut off all of your other sugar daddies, easily matching what they give you and more. Things have gotten weird lately, though… and you’re not sure how to take it, even when he says everything is ‘strictly pleasure’.
—𓆩[surprise getaway]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 TWENTY-THIRD SPOT — FREE USE (HIGH SCHOOL SWEETHEARTS)        ♡ Ethan Landry x Fem! High School Sweetheart! Reader            ❦ Ethan loved you more than you could ever know, but the problem was he was trying to get himself to understand he could choose you over his family - someone who could give him a life of happiness and not murder. So when you surprise him with a trip to your cabin normally used for trips in the winter before you both go off to college, he finds out he could live a life with you he initially didn’t think was possible. And maybe, just maybe, he can get away from his family once and for all, and stay with you.
—𓆩[save a horse, ride a cowboy]𓆪—   𓆩♡𓆪 TWENTY-FOURTH SPOT — COWBOY        ♡ Ethan Landry x Fem! Crush! Reader            ❦ NON GHOSTFACE AU Ethan had been crushing on you since the first day of college. Now, three years in and finally getting the courage thanks to his best friend Chad, he dresses up for the Halloween party as something much more… suggestive. He truly didn’t expect you to show up in an exposed Halloween outfit dressed up as a classic horror character, ready to tease him all night long.
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chrkrose · 1 year
When it comes to twincest and their relationship, Jaime Lannister is the victim. Cersei Lannister is an abuser. Mutual abuse doesn’t exist.
I had both a tumblr interaction and I saw a Reddit post on r/asoiaf mainly talking about the sane thing. How Jaime was toxic to Cersei and that the relationship was mutually abusive. In the Reddit post specifically, they talk about how Jaime r*aped Cersei by coercion because of an specific quote of hers where she thinks of him (with a smile) when another character mentions a situation where she felt like she couldn’t say no and asks Cersei if she ever lived the same.
So I decided to write this down because much like @ginmo did once, it’s absolutely infuriating that in the year of 2023, we have such a hard time identifying a male victim of abuse.
I’m gonna use the old “reverse the genders” argument here because unlike most cases, I think this is one of the rare situations where it can be applied, because even though Jaime and Cersei live in a very patriarchal society and he is a man, he is in a rare position where he doesn’t hold power over her in terms of their social hierarchy and overall relationship dynamic. Thats not to say that a man can’t be a victim of abuse even in a patriarchal society where the social structure favors him to be the one in power. Because while misogyny and male privilege is often tied with domestic violence, and used as tools to abuse female victims, they aren’t necessarily fundamental for abuse to happen. And reversing the roles in this particular situation is interesting because it shows how much gender bias blinds people to the obviousness of their dynamic. As if a veil is lifted and you see what would be so easily identified if Jaime had been a woman and Cersei, a man. So let’s do that, lets reverse their roles.
Here are the Lannister twins. From an early age, they engaged in sexual interactions. One of the twins, the boy, from an early age impressed upon the other twin, the girl, that they belong together, are one soul in two bodies, they were born together so they will die together, that they are soulmates and actually one person. The girl of course, buys into all of that. This same twin, the boy, from an early age shows not only a dominant personality but also actions that speak of a flawed character. This twin brother sexually/physically assaulted their other sibling once for example (by twisting his penis when he was a baby). This twin brother, by age 12, murders his best friend because said best friend showed an interest in his twin sister. This twin brother seduces and manipulates his twin sister by spending an entire night having sex with his sister for the first time when they are teens, not allowing her to sleep properly the entire night so they have sex, while talking about how they will be separated forever if the twin sister doesn’t accept what he’s proposing, that is a small price to pay and his twin sister needs to agree in giving up her birthright so she can take a role where she will lose everything she was supposed to become (a mother, a wife and the lady of her house) so she can stay beside him forever in court. Like that, the twin sister will only ever be with him, no one else. All of that while the twin brother had always intended on actually marrying someone else, someone this twin brother has actually desired his entire life since he was young, even though said twin brother couldn’t stand the thought of someone wanting his twin sister (again, murdered his best friend because of that). And the only reason the twin brother didn’t marry the one he wanted was because they died. And in this whole scenario, the twin sister has no idea about these thoughts and feelings of his twin brother, she truly believes they are soulmates and love each other in a way they can’t be apart, she fully believes in everything her twin brother has said about them being one soul in two bodies etc etc.
The years pass, they carry on with their affair, the twin brother withholds and uses sex/affection as punishment/reward against his twin sister, establishes a dynamic where it must be always the twin sister coming to him, he will never do the same, actually gets off on the idea of his twin sister being so irresistibly attracted to him that she can’t take no for an answer and liked the power play this gives him. The twin brother was also frequently physically abusive towards the twin sisters, which she was used to and managed to diffuse the situation by turning the slaps she received into them having sex. Later in the story, when both twins have committed horrible horrible crimes for each other, with the twin sister going as far as almost killing a child to protect the twin brother, among other terrible stuff, the twin sister starts to show some personal growth after going through some hard times and becoming disabled. The twin brother insults the twin sister physically and verbally, and often actually assaults her physically by slapping her when she doesn’t agree with him or accepts doing something for him. The twin sister then finds out that the twin brother has actually lied to her, he has slept with other people many times even though he didn’t actually need it (he had other ways of making those people do his biding because of the position he holds in their social hierarchy), but he has done that anyway and lied to his twin sister about it, pretending that outside of a marriage he was forced to enter he had never been with anyone else outside his twin sister.
Are you gonna tell me this is a relationship where both parties hold equal power? Are you gonna tell me the twin sister is as much at fault as the twin brother? Because whoever says yes is absolutely lying, don’t even bother. And if you are honest with yourself and recognizes that no, you don’t think that and actually sees how the twin sister is clearly being abused, how is that different then when you reverse them to their original genders? Because I haven’t added anything there that is not present in their canon relationship. Notice I have addressed the privileges/lack of that come with their respective positions (the twin sister inheriting her house seat/ the twin brother forced into a marriage he doesn’t want). That the twin sister is often the one seeking the twin brother and not accepting a no from the twin brother. So if you can see this relationship for what it is when the genders are switched, how can you not do the same for a male victim?
Now something else to consider: There’s a big difference between toxic relationships vs abusive relationships. And a difference between a toxic person vs an abusive one. Not all toxic relationships are abusive; however, all abusive relationships can be considered toxic. In a toxic relationship, there is usually a lack of respect and a violation of boundaries. But this behavior occurs without the person or people involved even realizing they're doing it. They normalized it. They aren’t trying to control their partner.
Usually, every victim in an abusive relationship is a toxic person. Tbh, is almost impossible to survive an abusive relationship without becoming toxic yourself and engaging in toxic behavior. But that doesn’t mean the person is abusive, because a key element is missing: they aren’t intentionally doing that to exert control over the other party in the relationship.
All of this is to say: I honestly cannot understand how people have such a hard time understanding that, within the dynamics of Cersei and Jaime, she is the abuser. Mutual abuse doesn’t exist. Abuse is about an imbalance of power and control.
They are both incredible toxic people, there’s no denying that. Possessive, jealous, engaged in some dubious sexual dynamic, violent… all of this. But only one of them tries to exert control over the other. Only one of them intentionally tries to dictate how the other should behave and intentionally harm the other when they don’t conform to what they want. Only one of them displays a pattern of behaviors used to gain or maintain power and control.
This is not to say Jaime is a wonderful angel who has never done anything wrong in his life. Is just to say that, within his relationship with Cersei, Jaime is the victim. He’s just not a perfect one.
So, no, I don’t think Jaime r*ped Cersei by coercing her into sex because their pre established dynamic within their relationship is so incredibly disturbing and toxic that Jaime coming to her, asking and begging and ultimately not accepting being denied is actually something that Cersei likes, and is used as a power play where she can exert control and dominate him. No, I don’t think Jaime and Cersei are mutually abusive because this doesn’t exist and even if it did, he is not the one trying to exert control towards her.
Jaime Lannister is a toxic person. Jaime Lannister is a victim of abuse. Cersei Lannister is an abuser. Period.
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annaloveshjp · 2 years
dream girl•♡
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post-war (19yr)
pairing: Harry potter x fem!reader
word count: 3k
!warnings!: a few cuss words, emo Harry.
a/n: this is a little story I thought of a while ago. if you listen to any cigarettes after sex song, that’s basically what the vibe of this story is.
(This is kinda short, let me know if you’d like a part two <3)
summary: harry, the boy who works at the local cafe has been having one recurring dream of this mysterious girl, until one day he finally meets her.
Opening his eyes, he sits up, groans, and drags his hand down his face, questioning if he’ll ever get a new dream.
Harry has been having the same recurring dream for the past 2 weeks: a girl with Y/H/C hair who is always lost in her books comes up to him and asks his name, but he never gets the chance to answer before he wakes up yet again.
At first he thought nothing of it. Just a dream, no special meaning. until he continued getting it for 4 more days, then he became confused. Does this mean something? Should he research recurring dreams?
Many theories agree that recurring dreams are related to unresolved difficulties or conflicts in the dreamer's life. The presence of recurrent dreams has also been associated with lower levels of psychological wellbeing and the presence of symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Great. Harry thinks to himself. Just what I wanted to hear.
He wondered if he had seen this girl before, but anytime he racked his brain for a familiar face, he could never find her.
Harry has never been the type to believe in soulmates- Well, he used to be. love is stupid. he thinks to himself when he sees happy couples enjoying eachothers company.
He had one relationship in the past. Ginny Weasley was a kind, fierce, confident girl, Harry loved her and truly believed they belonged together. That was until she unexpectedly decided they didn’t.
“Harry, there isn't any easy way to say this, but i think we should stop seeing each other,” She said, avoiding eye contact with the 17 year old boy.
“I- What?” He stuttered, “Why? Did I do something wrong? Tell me how to fix it i swear i will—“
“You did nothing wrong Harry,” She reassured him “It's not you, it's me. I Promise, It's just—My feelings have changed, I Don’t know how to explain. I’m Sorry.”
With that said, and nothing more to say, she walked away, leaving him sitting in the Coffee shop alone.
And since then, he decided that love wasn’t his thing anymore. Not worth wasting years on something for it to just fall apart so easily. He truly didn’t want a repeat of his last relationship.
But deep inside, he wishes to have the kind of love that puts you at ease, the love that makes your breaths easier each time you hold your lover in your arms, the love that he almost had.
Each of his days are the same: Wake up, go to work, go home, question life, is any of this worth anything in the end? Will I just be stuck in this loop of nothing forever? go to sleep, and dream of that girl.
These dreams tend to annoy him when they occur several nights in a row, he always feels her right at his fingertips, his name on the tip of his tongue, waiting for its escape into her ears so she can finally find him, but he always has to wake up.
Little did he know, the girl in his dreams is real, living in the same city, having the same dreams, about a boy her age with raven hair and beautiful jade eyes, from her point of view, waiting to hear his name, never succeeding.
Unlike Harry, she believes in soulmates. She believes that the boy in her dreams is the one for her, waiting somewhere for her out there, longing to meet his one just as much as she is.
And also Unlike Harry, she has never been in a relationship before. But instead, reads about love… And Heartbreak, but mostly love.
Every time she has this dream of this mysterious boy, she wonders. Will I ever meet him? Have I already met him?
She sighs, lying on her bed shortly after waking up from that dream.
Getting up, she walks over to her bathroom to start her day, shower, get dressed, brush teeth.
Looking up from her bathroom sink, she looks into her mirror examining her appearance.
Calm but energetic resting face, ghost of a smile always lingering on her lips. When upset, her frown is prominent, but Beautiful. light freckles scattered across the bridge of her nose and cheeks, which are dusted with a dark rose color.
Her makeup, light but noticeable, consists of dark mascara, lipgloss and concealer.
Lately she has found concealer very helpful, as she has been waking up in the middle of the night to write about anything slightly different that happens in her dream.
For example; the first night she had this dream, it was sort of a blur, just a boy and a girl —the girl being her— sitting next to each other on a bench, a simple wooden bench. You might expect this bench to be somewhere like a park, or a sidewalk, but this bench was nowhere.
A bench sitting in void, the ground, walls and ceiling all white, no emotions radiating from the room except from the boy and girl. The girl calmly reading another one of her romance books, the boy, with headphones in, occasionally glancing at the girl and her pages.. Until she looks over at him and taps his shoulder. When he gives her a questioning look while taking one headphone out, she asks his name, then it ends.
The next few nights of having this dream were the same, except she started to notice some of the boys features more, like his eyes, which were an enchanting shade of green. Or his lips, pink, soft and slightly chapped; he was beautiful.
She wished everyday that she would see him soon, or even at all. He was the one. She could feel it.
She grabbed her bag then left her bedroom to have breakfast. She opened the fridge and got some strawberries, washed a few and threw them in a plastic bag, then made her way outside to walk to her bus stop.
I wonder if he likes strawberries. she thinks of him. if he doesn’t, then we definitely aren’t for each other. She thought, plopping a strawberry into her mouth as she waited for her bus.
The bus pulled around the corner, and made a loud hiss sound when it stopped. She entered once the doors opened, and found a seat by the window.
She pulled out the book she was currently reading, put her headphones in and began to read.
She liked the bus, it was a nice way of traveling. She sometimes just has her whole day consisting of riding the bus. She sees so many interesting people.
I hate this job, why do I still work here? Harry thought to himself as he handed a warm latte to one of his customers. “Have a nice day,” he told her.
Right, it’s the only job that would take me. He remembered. “Hey, Harry,” one of his coworkers called to him.
He whipped his head around. “Hm?” He questioned.
“Could you work the register for a bit? I have to go do something,” his coworker said hurriedly.
“Yeah sure, whatever,” Harry replied, walking over to the cash register and straightening his name tag.
His coworker left for the bathroom. Harry watched as he saw another person follow them into the bathroom.
Ah, that’s what they meant by ‘go do something’ he rolled his eyes, turning his head back to the register to find a customer looking curiously to where he was previously looking.
“Sneaky little guy, eh?” She joked, turning back to order.
When Harry got a good look at her face, he swore he almost pissed himself. Is that actually her? No way no way no way-
Her eyes went a bit wide too, but Harry assumed it was because of the look of shock on his face.
“Uhm-“ she cleared her throat, “could I have a pumpkin latte with oat milk?” She ordered quickly.
“I uhm- yeah sure,” Harry stuttered, tabbing in her order, his hands shaking slightly.
That definitely looks like her. Her hair is the same, her eyes, she even has the same bag.
Harry saw out of the corner of his eye that she was examining his face for a second, only to stop when he turned back to her.
“2.13 is your total today, ma’am,” he said, watching her search her purse for her wallet.
“Here,” she handed him the money.
Just as she was about to walk away, he quickly said, “Oh and- sorry but, could I get a name for that order?”
“Oh, yeah sure,” she was a bit confused since this cafe didn’t usually take names for orders, but told him anyway. “Y/N,”
“Thanks,” he said, giving her a nod and a smile.
She smiled back and walked over by a window to wait for her order.
That’s a nice name. he massaged his temples. If that’s actually her, I don’t know what I’ll do.
After a few minutes, Harry saw her drink was done. He quickly rushed over to another coworker of his—who had the drink—and said “Hey, I’ll do this one,”
“Okay…?” He responded, before handing Harry the drink and starting to make the next one.
Harry quickly took the drink and walked over to the counter. “Pumpkin latte with oat milk for Y/N?”
She looked up from her phone and walked over to the counter. “Thank you, Harry,” she said, grabbing her drink.
He gaped at her with his lips slightly parted, wondering how she knew his name. She seemed to have noticed his shock, and said, “Your name tag,” she pointed to his chest.
He looked down at it. “Right, yeah,” he laughed awkwardly.
“I’ll see you around, Harry.” She said, giving him a smile and walking away.
“Yeah, you will,” he said faintly.
He stood there for a good minute, taken aback by the whole situation before he heard someone clearing their throat. Harry looked over and saw his coworker nodding his head toward the register where a customer was waiting.
Oops. he thought to himself.
After his shift was over, he started to clean up the store. While he was wiping down tables, he noticed a book was left on one of them.
Hm, I wonder who forgot their book. He thought, picking up the book and examining it.
Romance, ew.
He decided he would store the book in his bag for now, just if the person who lost their book came looking for it some day, he’d return it.
He went home that night thinking about Y/N more than usual. She’s fucking real? He thought while he brushed his teeth. or I’m going insane.
I’m probably going insane, how could I dream about her for months when I only just met her today? He thinks as he lay in bed, biting his nails out of habit.
What the fuck just happened. She thought, walking out of the cafe with her pumpkin latte.
Universe, when I said I wanted to see him soon, I didn't mean today!
I could be going crazy… but his hair was the same! Even his eye colour!
She was so deep in thought for so long, by the time she was back on the bus to go home, she didn’t realize she had forgotten her book at the cafe.
Shit. she thinks, searching her bag for her book. I forgot it at the cafe.
She decided she would just go looking for it the next time she went back to the cafe.
Finally, she was home. She kicked her shoes off, put her bag away, then headed to her room.
Walking to her dresser, she picked out a pair of pajamas, then brushed her teeth, then got into bed.
See you in a minute, Harry. She thought to herself. If it’s even you.
“Hey, what’s your name?”
“Oh uhm- it’s Harry. What’s yours?”
Both of the teenagers shot up from their beds right when they woke up.
It’s him
It’s her
Y/N didn’t know what to do now. She knows where he works, his name, and what he looks like. But she didn’t feel ready to get to know him yet.
I’m just going to avoid the cafe for a few days. Maybe I’ll cool down and he’ll forget my face. Yeah, that’s a good idea.
I have to see her. Harry thinks, pacing around his room. I have an idea. I’ll just ask her if it’s her book today and then we’ll talk about something. Easy.
He started his day happier than usual. He decided he would have a healthy breakfast. Some oatmeal with fruit.
Ugh, I hate fruit. Why do I have to hate fruit? He thinks, looking at his empty fruit drawer in his fridge. He looked closer and spotted some blueberries. Jackpot.
After he ate his oatmeal—which wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be—he took his bag, which contained the romance novel, and made his way to work.
The whole ride there, he tapped his fingers anxiously on his steering wheel, and glanced at his bag every few minutes.
It’ll be fine, she came in late last time, it’ll be a while before she comes in again.
His day went by as normal. Making drinks all day, occasionally stealing a cookie from the dessert case, and becoming extremely bored. Except today, all he could think about was her.
By the time eight o’clock came around (closing time) he hadn’t seen her come in.
Maybe she’s busy today. He thought to himself as he finished washing the dishes, and closed the store.
He took his bag and got into his car, sighing as he turned on the radio. Maybe tomorrow.
The next few days were the same. No sign of her whatsoever. Harry wondered if she was scared of him. No, that would be weird… right?
He began to lose hope, slowly, but surely. His routine cycled back to normal. Wake up, go to work, go home, question life, is any of this worth anything in the end? Will I just be stuck in this loop of nothing forever? go to sleep, and dream of that girl.
Only his dreams had stopped since that night. I finally told her my name. He thought. I wonder if she’s having the same dreams, maybe that’s why she’s avoiding the cafe.
A week later
Maybe it’s safe to go back now. Y/N thought to herself one morning as she showered. I’ve been wanting my book back…
After arguing back and forth with herself for maybe ten minutes, she finally decided she would go back to the cafe.
It’s fine, it’ll be fine. You were the one who wanted to meet him so badly anyway! Y/N argued with herself again as she rode the bus to the cafe.
He might not even be at the register this time. She took a deep breath. Just get your coffee and go.
She walked into the cafe and got in line. She didn’t see Harry at first glance towards the counter, but she played it safe still and kept herself distracted with her phone until it was her turn to order.
Her turn soon arrived, and she shut her phone off and looked up at the worker who was taking orders.
Phew. She breathed out. “How are you today?” The worker asked.
“I’m good, thank you.” Y/N replied.
“What can I get for you?”
“I’ll just have a pumpkin latte with oat milk, please.” Y/N said politely.
The worker tabbed her order in. “Pumpkin latte with oat milk? Is that all for today?”
“Yes, please. Thank you.” Y/N thanked the worker, then walked over to an empty table to wait for her drink.
See? It wasn’t so bad, you didn’t even see him. She thought, cracking her knuckles. And even if you do see him, he probably won’t even see you, he’ll be working. It’s fine—
“Pumpkin latte with oat milk for Y/N?” A voice interrupted her thoughts.
I- I didn’t give them my name—? She thought before she looked up and saw Harry holding her drink for her behind the counter.
He had a nervous grin plastered on his face, looking at Y/N. Her eyes widened, then she walked up to the counter to collect her drink.
“Hi again, Harry.” Y/N smiled at him, trying to suppress her shaking as she reached for her latte.
“Hi. I noticed you hadn’t come in for a while,” Harry said, “something happen?”
“Oh- no,” she waved him off, “nothing happened, just busy is all.” She lied.
“Hm, Alright,” he said.
“Oh and by the way,” she suddenly remembered her book, “have you stumbled across a book that might’ve been left here a bit ago? I left mine here,”
His eyes brightened, “actually, yes I have,” he grabbed his bag and pulled out the romance novel.
“That’s it!” She smiled wide, “thank you, Harry.”
“No problem,” he handed her the book and grinned. “enjoy your latte, Y/N.”
“Thanks,” she smiled, then began to walk out.
“Sweet dreams,” Harry called to her when she was ten feet away from the counter.
She froze. Oh my god. With a sudden burst of confidence, she turned around and replied, “you too,” with a wink.
Harry’s face flushed with colour as he watched her walk out of the cafe. It's definitely her. Maybe this job isn’t so bad after all…
It’s him. She thought, grinning as she walked outside. Maybe I’ll visit here more often.
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stheresya · 2 years
The way the Darkling is not called a darkness summoner, but a shadow summoner, which implies the presence of light because there can be no shadow without light. The way his favorite colors are the bright colors of sunlight. The way his symbol is a sun in eclipse. The way he spent centuries waiting for a glimmer of hope for a better world, while also wishing for an equal that could balance him and make him feel less alone in the world.
Then comes Alina, sun summoner and possible immortal companion, everything he’d ever wished for. The symbolism in her being found withering away as she buried her power deep down, and Aleksander being the one to initially ignite the sun inside her, his bones calling forth her power like a magnet. Her going from a weakly girl to someone who yielded a grand and unique power, wanting nothing more than to belong, and Aleksander being the one to provide that and much more. The way it was Aleksander who actually saw her and wanted her as she truly was, reveling in all her mightiness instead of fearing it. And how this was so important for a girl who spent her entire life repressing herself in fear of losing the few crumbs of love she had.
The way they had lines and exchanges such as:
"Like calls to like."
"Why won't you leave me alone? [...] –Then I'd be alone too."
"I've seen what you truly are, and I've never turned away. I never will."
"We are alike, as no one else is, as no one else will ever be.
"My power is yours. Your power is mine."
"You were meant to be my balance."
"You could make me a better man. [...] –And you could make me a monster."
"With her he was human again."
These are lines that allude to two people that are fated to be part of one another, opposites who must coexist together in complete wholeness. Much like shadow and light, or yin-yang, if you will. They give the impression that this is a story about balance.
But it wasn’t about balance after all. So I wonder... how does someone write the most soulmate-like relationship completely by chance? How does someone write two characters so intrinsically connected and then try to convince everyone it wasn’t supposed to mean anything on the long run? This was meant to be a classic 'virtuous heroine defeats the evil dark lord' type of story but the villain x hero dynamic we got instead was soulmatism.
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i know you have a hardshine playlist, but top 5 hardshine songs 👀
ohh shit this is fun
here's my hardshine playlist as well if you want to check it out (they're probably all gonna be on here if i'm fucking honest)
If We Were Vampires - Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit [Maybe time running out is a gift/I'll work hard til the end of my shift/And give you every second I can find] This is like THE hardshine song, if we're honest with ourselves. The idea that you wish yourself immortal, so that the time you spend together could possibly be trivial? It's so perfect. And this song is something I really have enjoyed for years so adding hardshine context to it makes it that much better, for me.
Work Song - Hozier [No grave can hold my body down/I'll crawl home to her] I was conflicted for half a second what number 2 on this list would be and then I remembered this bitch. God fucking damn. Not only are the lyrics so true to them on like a wider level, but Hardwon has literally, time after time, attempted to overcome the impossible to save Moonshine. To get back to Moonshine. The bargaining with the death horseman, Jake begging Murph to let him give Moonshine one of his luck points. Attempting, as a man with -1 intelligence, to fix a teleporter that wasn't working just so he could save her. (also the mental backflips i did to not name any of my recent fics with lyrics from this song. still can't believe i won that struggle)
After the War - Branches [My home is in your arms] This one is big on loneliness, and the kind of crux of the two people meeting ending the loneliness. And I think that's at the heart of hardshine, right? That before they met, they were both lonely and alone, in their own distinct ways. And then Moonshine walked into the bar. And in an instant, Hardwon found the home he'd been yearning for, while Moonshine finally found someone who would take her culture at face value and never try to belittle it. It's why Twinkling Lights plays under Hardwon meeting Red and asking Moonshine to live at the Crick. One way or another, they are defined by finding that safety in one another.
Love Like This - Ben Rector [It's a million things about you and I don't know what it is/I have never known a love like this] One thing that makes hardshine so beautiful, to me, is the way that it's so drastically ill-defined. Not even in the way that they never tell each other their feelings in canon, but also like the way that Jake and Emily have talked about it and the myriad of different ways they've played it. They're best friends, they're soulmates, they're in love, they can't stand more than 20ft apart without feeling lost. I think if you sat the characters down they'd have such a hard time defining, truly, what they mean to each other. And the idea here of a love that defines you while you also don't know the true depth of it feels right for them to me.
Hello My Old Heart - The Oh Hellos [Oh, I don't wanna be alone/I wanna find a home/And I wanna share it with you] Obviously home is a theme in my picks, which I feel like I have mostly explained already. But this one really hits a C3 stride for me, because it's kind of talking about returning to feeling like your heart can accept someone. And I feel like there's an insane paradigm shift that happens for Hardwon, post-distress signal. He's opening up again. But his heart does already belong to someone, and he just has to find home with her once more and his heart will remain safe, with her.
Bonus #6 is The Twinkling Lights of Galaderon. For obvious reasons
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theintrovertbean · 1 year
*boss music approaches*
I'd like to request anything about Nadia dealing with Mc wanting a divorce
Rai, you know I love you, but you have a habit of making me cry.
Nadia x MC who wants a divorce
It was a usual day for the Countess; nothing special was planned, just some work and spending time with MC. When she was done with her duties, she returned to her chambers, where MC was already waiting for her.
When entering the bedroom, Nadia had a big smile on her face as she was looking forward to seeing her beloved. However, that sweet smile faded very quickly.
"We need to talk," MC told her, and Nadia's heart was already beating fast from nervousness.
A thousand thoughts raced through her head, wondering what could have caused MC to feel the need for a serious talk.
So the two of them sit down at a table on opposite ends, and Nadia waits for MC to talk first, which does take them a good moment. Nadia has a hand resting on the table, awaiting her fate.
"I want a divorce," MC tells her, plain and cold.
She doesn't say anything at first. Her mind is blank, and she can't believe her ears. This can't be. There is no way this is happening.
"A divorce?" Nadia asks, her hand trembling as she removes it from the table and puts it on her lap, hiding it from MC. This must be a joke. Her MC would never want a divorce. She must have heard it wrong; there is simply no other way. "A-are you sure?" The Countess stutters, something she never does.
But MC confirms their wishes. Nadia swallows hard, trying her best to keep it together, but she can already feel that painful lump in her throat.
MC apologizes, but Nadia says nothing. They know her. They know that she would prefer to be alone now, so they leave her.
And Nadia sits there, alone, just like before she met MC. Loneliness is her destiny. She thought that with MC in her life, things could change, but how wrong she was. MC was just another proof that she belonged to no one and that she shall live in isolation forever.
MC, the love of her life, her soulmate, her one true love, wants a divorce. How is she going to survive that?
She won't. While her life doesn't end there, a part of Nadia dies that day. She continues to live for Vesuvia and for no other reason.
And what else could this mean? That Nadia is unlovable. There is no love left in this world for her. Not before and not after MC.
Nadia remains dutiful to her people, but she grows cold and completely broken. There was no place for emotions in her heart. She lived to work, and she worked to live. Except she no longer felt truly alive.
But she cherished the days she had with MC forever. She would lay awake at night on her side, staring at the empty space next to her. She hoped that this was just another coma or a nightmare, that one day she'd wake up and MC would be there with her again.
Deep inside her heart, she knew it would never happen. And it never did.
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soartfullydone · 10 months
Would you ever write a historical fiction story? Would you ever write one of those Non-fiction But Artistic Liberty stories? Would YOU ever write a Fated Mates story?
Would you ever write a historical fiction story?
I would love to find the inspiration for one because I truly love research. That's probably one part of higher education that I deeply miss. The Hades/Persephone novel sorta had some of those historical fiction elements, but it's too firmly in the category of mythology to be considered anything else. In truth, I most love historical fiction that has a tinge of fantasy, magic, or magical realism to it. Yangsze Choo's Malaysia novels, The Book Thief narrated by Death, Like Water for Chocolate, those have all really stuck with me due to how wonderfully married the historical is with the fantastical. Knowing me, I'd gravitate to a 1920s mafia story, something pertaining to the Golden Age of Piracy, or that sinful, gothic, immortal romance with Count Saint-Germain set in Victorian London (thanks, Code: Realize). I think the only other historical figure I've ever been intrigued to write about is Vlad Tepes, hardly original.
Would you ever write one of those Non-fiction But Artistic Liberty stories?
No. I don't even have to think about it, really. It's a miracle that I ever read anything nonfiction, and always with the intention to learn. Writing it sounds dreadful. I'd want to be Profound and Intellectual, but without being able to lean on emotional impact and my silly goose tendencies (I can't not slip into something comedic if I see the timing for it), it'd just come out Very Researched but Very Dry. It's kinda funny because I just waxed poetic about historical fiction; surely this is but a hop, skip, and a jump away? Yeah, straight into a ravine, feels like. Now that I think about it, all the best ~Based on a True Story~ things I like are all screenplays, and I never got close to learning that craft.
Would YOU ever write a Fated Mates story?
Sure, if I could break everything about it that's mainstream. "Mates" would never be referred to, even in a soulmate context. No A/B/O-lite shit. I'd rather just show it instead of ever say it. I would want people to read it, declaring that these people belonged together no matter where or what or who they were. So, honestly, I see a work with two characters whose existences are always linked, for better or worse. I see a lot of time skips, of existing in different periods, states, genders, worlds. A lot of tragedy with their time cut short, with death, with fleeting opportunity. Of one being alive while the other is waiting for them in Limbo, in Elysium, in Yomi. A lot of hope, too, with rebirth, with seeing each other again and falling in love anew, however brief. And then, there are the times where they don't fall in love. Where they're only friends for a season before going their separate ways or bitter enemies until death, each falling to the other. But always, always that spark of recognition. I know this person. I've seen those eyes before. No matter what, they cannot escape each other, but even when that realization is its most bitter, still, there is a strange kind of peace to be found in it. After all, isn't it a relief to have your existence be for a purpose, even if it's for someone else? To know you can shout into the universe and always hear that one person shout back, even if it's late? Even if it's just the once?
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prince-tulip · 2 years
I need to stop trying to be everything for everyone.
I cant let go of people, i have a severe abandonment issue that has gone too far. My reality became so blurry, with so many people wanting things from me..cognitive distortions and people pleasing stemming from overwhelming guilt and shame and fear..living off defense mechanisms first..
Its like if ive done wrong to you, i feel I have to be punished and be exactly whoever to whomever person im involved with. Which that plays into daily life, i feel I always have to be how they want me to be, im HEAVILY influenced by the world and often times in bad ways, its a big reason i dont just live my life.. Not to say either that i dont have genuine emotions and love for literally anyone ive loved or even if they hurt me and are toxic, i won't leave. When something i cant handle happens, i look for an escape route maybe? But i know i don't actually want to leave or cut someone off..My feelings become caught in a bundle of wires, words become misdirected, impulsive and if i have a trauma bond with you, subconscious feelings and past events come screaming at my face, confusing my reality more, saying and doing things i shouldn't. All things ive tried so hard to heal from..i have so much love to give and I think overall just genuine connection is what im looking for..even if thats just as friends with whoever my sentiment gets the best of me too, i feel as if everything must mean something but thats just not true and its going to keep killing me if i think like that...that's the big question..
What does connection mean to me? What form do i want it in and how can i better understand how to communicate with my loved ones or future companions? Growing up it was always soulmate, marriage, kids, happy life but i dont think(as of right now, i do hope one day) that the typical life isn't for me..societys need to be perfect, to be perceived as happy and successful, forcing a life out of want oppose to need..i dont understand..
Maybe though..just maybe nothing can grow if you dont allow it to and thats a fault on me.."here comes the contradiction" lmao...*insert*
Could i just be honest and communicate how i properly feel? Yes..but with how my mental illness is, i dont know how i feel. Every thought, perspective, moral is just contradictory. Every second. Its a constant battle of not self destructing, hurting people, picking fights, loss of interest, feeling numb, thinking every is meant for a reason when its not that fucking serious. Its not just negative moods either. Happiness comes in big waves that feel uncomfortable, pleasure feels wrong, like i dont deserve it, in any form.
Im riddled with guilt and regrets..
I feel torn through out time, belonging to people from different points in my life, struggling to feel whole and until i do, especially when it comes to love, romance and building together.
I cant have those, it burns me out. I focus too much on them, then burn out which causes problems and personal anger, sadness, resentment in everyone involved..
I never understood i had a need for validation but oh god, how i understand now..I never understood cognitive distortion but oh god, how i understand now..i never understood how to truly express myself and my desires..but how i understand now..too late... Ironically.
My honest intentions questioned due to my lack of mental understanding, a lack of time perception, a lack of being able to sift through my emotions of how i truly feel, a lack of being able to realize i dont need to people please, a lack of realizing i dont have boundaries for myself or others, a lack of not being able to not self destruct, if i hurt or disappointed someone i feel i need to fix things and be someone that i actually dont really wanna be but i end up filling that role because i need to fix something or i just have a personality switch and im saying and doing things i really don't mean, its so polarizing and its no ones fault, its so much my fault....
I now realize i do not need to feel like i need to be punished..or that i dont deserve good things...The lack of not letting things be natural, not letting things just happen, always fear driven and being controlled by my defense mechanisms. This overwhelming guilt, shame and disgust i harbor in my heart of all the wrongs ive ever made, it all haunts me and im so familiar with it, its almost if thats all i will feel my life, as if thats what i subconsciously wanted...not needed..i didn't need this..but here i am..
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nickfowlerrr · 2 years
Love pwyc! I’ve been thinking about it a lot since I finished it and I had a question. Does Bucky actually change how he reacts to the reader’s anger or coldness in the future? Would he pull that move again where he basically ignores her, like when he tied her up and left her with no aftercare? I know you’ve shifted the whole vibe to being a little fluffier and less dark, so does that mean Bucky has learned to react differently to the reader stressing him out? I’m so scared of a future where the reader feels relaxed and safe with him and then he suddenly snaps back to his earlier actions.
hey, thanks so much! i'm glad you like it!
i understand that worry for sure - and honestly i think reader shares the same fear sometimes.
i'd like to think when soulmates are brought together in that universe, they truly help to heal each other and become their best selves with their partners. i don't think he would do that again, knowing how badly it hurt her, but that's not to say everything is sunshine and rainbows no matter what just bc they're soulmates. i think they're still learning and growing and healing and their presence in each other's lives is part of what prompts those changes to take place to begin with.
i think there's definitely more understanding on both of their parts now, too. he isn't as willing as he used to be to hurt her in order to get her to see things his way and i think she isn't as willing to hurt him to show him how badly he hurt her to begin with - if that makes sense?
never say never, but i'd like to think he's learned how to control his reactions and not be so sensitive bc we all know when it comes to reader, he was very insecure and wary of the connection and hold she had on him since the moment they met. i think i kind of touched on this in regrets, too.
i'm sorry if this doesn't make sense - i feel like i rarely do lmao. but long answer short - i think he's learning and changing for the better and that he wouldn't do something that hurtful or harmful to her again. and in that same breath, i don't think reader could do anything to get that kind of reaction from him again.
unless we go like dark, dark and say reader gets pregnant and completely freaks and runs away with their baby and then i think he'd go absolutely psycho. i don't think he'd hurt her necessarily, but he'd definitely want to reminder her they belong to each other and teach her a bit of a lesson.... *i'm on my laptop or else i'd insert a side eye emoji here*
but again, at this point i dont see that happening at all - reader finds out she's pregnant and i think she might freak, but i don't think i see her running. they're so intertwined now, it wouldn't even be a thought for her to want to leave him bc he's the one she'd want most when she's losing it or scared or anything.
super long answer - i'm sorry lol but thank you so much for asking this! <3
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