36 posts
dating hermione granger
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annaloveshjp · 6 months ago
People call a fictional character a 'horrible friend' and then they show you a child who went through hell and back.
Speaking of you Harry James Potter and Ronald Bilius Weasley.
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annaloveshjp · 8 months ago
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In my ronarry feels right now
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annaloveshjp · 1 year ago
Hi!!! I’m really sorry for not being active in my writing, I just wanted to let you guys know that I see your requests but I’m not super motivated at the moment!! I’ll get to them as soon as I can. ❤️
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annaloveshjp · 1 year ago
genuinely incredible
kiss with a fist | chapter ten.
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masterlist 💋 chapters 💋 playlist
pairing: theodore nott x reader.
song inspiration: the way i loved you - taylor swift.
author's note: get in, besties. we're crawling out of the trenches. i hope ya'll aren't too mad at me after this.
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The fallout from your fight with Theo wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be. Mostly because you spent the entire weekend holed up in your dorm and avoiding the nuclear aftermath. It was a coward’s approach, but you were content to let sleeping dogs lie. You didn’t know if you could bear facing the others. 
The newfound friendships you had formed with the Slytherins were all sure to implode given the circumstances. Theo was one of their oldest friends and they were loyal to their own. Once Theo told them what had gone down between you, they would undoubtedly take his side. You would've. The worst part was, you couldn't even blame them for it. 
The argument with Theo hurt. Because you knew each other so well, he knew exactly what to say to push your buttons. You were so, so angry in the moment, but the more that time passed, you could see that you were both in the wrong. Yes, Theo shouldn't have acted like an emotionally constipated twat, but you also could've approached the situation better. Instead, the two of you crashed and burned, imploding whatever precarious thing you had built up over the past few months. You were afraid that your newfound friendships with the others would become collateral damage.
The possibility of losing all of them filled you with unbearable sadness. You cried in bed until you were sure that you couldn’t possibly have anything left in you and then you cried some more. Luna was obviously very concerned on your behalf. She had never seen you cry, so you could only imagine how incredibly jarring it was for her to witness you sob for three days straight.
To her credit, Luna never judged you for any of it. She just let you feel the range of emotions you’ve been holding back for months, often rubbing your back and fixing you a soothing cup of tea. Every now and then she’d ask if you’d like to come to the Great Hall for a meal, but you declined each time. You wanted to put off the inevitable for as long as possible. 
When Monday crept around and hiding in your dorm was no longer an option, you carefully timed your arrival and departure to class so that you wouldn’t run into any of them. Especially not Theo. 
The plan was working well and you successfully avoided everyone until Wednesday afternoon. You had just gotten out of History of Magic when Mattheo and Enzo cornered you. They were both out of breath and sweaty, presumably from quidditch practice. 
“Y/N!” Enzo called from across the hall. You froze and rounded the corner, hoping to lose them in the crowd. 
“I know you see us, Y/N!” Mattheo called after you.
Unfortunately, they were much faster and caught up to you easily. You clutched your books in your arms like a safety blanket. “I have to go to class.” 
“No, you don’t,” Enzo said. “History of Magic is your last class of the day. We used to study after, remember? Before you decided to ditch us.” 
“I’m not ditching anyone,” you countered defensively. 
“Is that why we haven’t seen you for four days?” Mattheo pondered. “You don’t eat meals with us. You don’t attend game nights. You don’t let us walk you to class. Sounds like a classic ditching to me, Y/N.”
“Look, it’s just…complicated right now, okay.” You sighed, adjusting the strap of your satchel. “With everything that happened with Theo, I thought it would be best to keep my distance.” 
“Is that why he’s been moodier than usual?” Enzo asked. “You two had a fight?”
“He didn’t tell you?” 
Mattheo shook his head. “He nearly took my head off at practice, but when I tried to ask what the bloody hell was up his arse, the git just stormed off. I should’ve known it was because of you.” 
You flinched. Enzo elbowed Mattheo in the ribs, which caused the latter to grumble dramatically. “What Mattheo meant to say is that ever since you stopped coming around, Theo’s been in a proper foul mood.” Enzo placed a hand on your shoulder. “What exactly happened between the two of you?” 
The tears spilled out before you could stop them. You had done your best to keep it together during classes and club meetings and even prefect duties, but that one simple question seemed to push you over the edge. What happened between you and Theo? Your friendship, rivalry, flirtation, whatever had been forming these past few months had blown up in your face and you had been the one to light the match. 
Before you knew what was happening, Enzo crushed you into a hug. “It’s okay, Y/N. You don’t have to tell us.”
“It’s bad, Enz. I fucked up. I fucked up really bad.” 
To your surprise, Mattheo rubbed your back despite the mild discomfort on his face from seeing you cry. “Whatever it is, I’m sure you and Theo can fix it. You two are crazy about each other.” 
“You don’t understand, Mattheo. We said some really awful things to each other. I think—I think I really hurt him. I figured he would have told you all by now and that it would mean the end of my friendship with everyone.” 
“No way,” Mattheo countered. “You’re only just admitting that we’re friends. I’m not letting all that hard work go to waste.” 
You chuckled, wiping a tear away with the back of your hand. Enzo grinned, pinching your cheek. “There’s that smile. Mattheo’s right. We wouldn’t drop you just because you and Theo are fighting.” 
“The fight was my fault,” you sniffled. “I took it too far and I said some things that I really, really regret. I would understand if you took his side.” 
“We’re not taking sides,” Enzo assured you. “You’re both our friends. We care about you equally.”
“But you’ve known Theo your whole lives.” 
“Exactly,” Mattheo said with a nod. “We know how frustrating he can be sometimes. Even with us, Theo’s not exactly the most open person in the world. But something changed when you started becoming closer. You changed him, Y/N.”
“We all felt it,” Enzo added. “He started opening up more. Even talked about his mum and he never talks about his mum. I suspect you had something to do with that.” You felt the tears well up again. “My point is, it would be silly to let one little fight ruin a friendship. We’re definitely not letting it ruin ours. 
Mattheo draped a shoulder over you. “You’re one of us now, Y/N. There’s no getting rid of us.” 
Your heart felt like it might burst as you pulled the two boys into a group hug. Enzo chuckled as you practically crushed him and Mattheo ruffled your hair, messing up the neat braid you had arranged it in. 
“If either one of you tell anyone about this, I’ll slip a whiz-bang underneath your pillows.”
"There's the Y/N we know and love," Mattheo said with a grin. "Now come on, you're coming to dinner with us."
"We're not taking no for an answer either," Enzo stated when he saw the hesitation on your face.
You chuckled. "It's Wednesday," you recalled, training your suspicion towards Mattheo. "You just want me to come to dinner so I can stop Malfoy from taking the last red velvet cupcake, don't you?"
Mattheo huffed in indignation. "Can't I be a good friend and secure my sweets at the same time?"
"You're officially demoted to acquaintance, Riddle."
He gasped dramatically. "You take that back, Y/N!"
The knot in your stomach eased as the three of you made your way over to the Great Hall. The reconciliation didn't fully rid you of the guilt and anxiety, but at least it was a start.
"Well, well, well," Draco drawled as he raised a pale brow at you. "Look who decided to join us."
Blaise rolled his eyes. "Don't mind him. He's just upset you haven't been around to help touch up his roots."
"I'll have you know I'm a natural blonde, Zabini!"
"Merlin, all that bleach has truly seeped into your head," you quipped back.
The boys smiled as you took your seat. You appreciated how easy it was to slip back into things. They seemed to know that silly banter and arguments over cupcakes were exactly what you needed. You knew that they had to be at least a little bit curious about your situation with Theo, but they didn't pry. You would tell them when you were ready.
For now, it was just nice to sit and eat dinner with your friends.
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After reconciling with Draco and Blaise in the Great Hall over dinner, you were at least comforted by the fact that none of the Slytherins hated you. With the exception of Theo and probably Pansy as well. Out of the entire group, she was probably the one that you were scared to face the most. You had made an entire deal out of threatening her not to hurt Luna and then turned around and did the same exact thing to one of her closest friends instead. 
She had to be beyond angry. You put off speaking with her until the last possible second. As you walked back to your dorm that Friday night, you were nearly shaking with anticipation. You knew that Pansy would be studying with Luna before heading off on their weekly date night. 
You winced as you opened the door. As expected, Luna and Pansy were sprawled out on the rug, surrounded by parchment and ink. 
“Hi, Y/N,” greeted Luna. 
“Hi, Loons,” you said, fidgeting by the door. You had never felt more uncomfortable than when Pansy turned over to look at you. “Hi…Pansy.” 
“Y/N,” she said simply. Her glossy bob curved perfectly underneath her cheekbone as she turned towards you. “We’re finishing up here so you’ll have the room to yourself.” 
You swallowed thickly. “Actually, I’ve been meaning to talk to you. If you don’t mind.” 
Luna closed her book. “Would you like a moment alone, Y/N?” 
“No,” you said a bit quickly. “Stay, Loons. I could use the emotional support.” 
Your friend smiled and shot a pleading look at her girlfriend. Pansy conceded with a nod. “Are you going to finally tell me what the hell’s going on between you and Theo?” 
You sighed, sitting cross legged on the rug between them. “We had a fight.” 
“I gathered as much. Theo said something stupid, didn’t he? He always does when he gets scared of his own emotions.”
“We both said really stupid things to each other. I…think I took it too far though. I hit him where it hurts. Used his own words against him. I really hurt him, Pansy.” You averted your gaze, picking at the rug beneath you. “That’s why I’ve been skipping meals and avoiding everyone. Especially you. I know how much you care about the boys, and I really fucked it up with Theo. I understand if you’re mad at me, but I just want you to know that I really regret it.” 
The Slytherin girl appraised you for a moment. You had never been one to shy away from scrutiny, but you felt incredibly small as Pansy looked you over. You deserved whatever condemnation and vitriol she wanted to throw your way. You braced yourself for the worst as you met her gaze, but all you found was hurt in Pansy's expression.
“I’m not mad at you because you got into a fight with Theo,” Pansy said. “That’s his and your business to sort out. I’m mad because you just pulled away from all of us without saying anything. You assumed we’d drop you, so you did it first."
“And it was really stupid of me, but I know how loyal you are to each other and I hurt one of you. I didn’t know how to face everyone.” 
“You’re one of us too, Y/N,” Pansy declared. You felt your eyes brimming with tears as Luna squeezed your hand. “Not because you’re my girlfriend’s best friend, but because you’ve become my friend too. It hurt that you pushed us all away.” 
“I’m so sorry, Pans.” 
She sighed and awkwardly patted your back. Clearly displays of emotion were a completely foreign concept to the two of you. Luckily, Luna more than made up for the uncertainty. She nudged Pansy gently.
“It’s alright, Y/N. I get it, truly. If there’s anything Slytherins understand, it’s the sin of pride. We’re all quite good at hiding behind our cozy little walls of self preservation, as Lu likes to say. That’s exactly what Theo’s doing now.” 
“How is he?” you asked hoarsely. 
Not being able to see or speak to Theo this week had been hell. It felt like a part of you was missing. Like you were trying to function without a vital organ. As terrified as you were to admit it, Theo had become as essential as breathing.
Somewhere between your late night talks at the Black Lake, your childish arguments about pumpkin flavored creamers in the Great Hall, and sneaking him into Ravenclaw Tower to watch the stars in the common room, Theo's presence had become so ingrained in your life that its sudden absence felt like losing a limb. You didn't just miss him. You felt entirely lost without him.
“I won’t sugarcoat it. Theo’s not well. He’s moody and cranky and snaps at the smallest things.” You winced. “It’s not entirely your fault. I pushed him to tell you. Hell, we all did. I think we might’ve overwhelmed him.” 
“Tell me what?” 
Pansy smiled sadly. “I think you know.” 
“I don’t.” 
She sighed. “You two are so alike. Ignoring things that are right in front of you. Stubborn as hell, too. It’s bloody frustrating.” 
“Sounds like someone I know,” Luna added softly.
Pansy chuckled. “Point taken, Lu.” The two of them smiled softly at each other, which made you grin a little. They were so obviously smitten and you were happy for both of your friends. 
It made your heart ache all over again. You never knew how much you wanted that. That closeness, that intimacy. And all it took was a stupid, idiotic fight to realize that you already had it all along.
“When we came back from Hogsmeade, I took Theo aside and asked him about the two of you. Anyone with an ounce of common sense could tell that he's head over heels for you, but he was being an absolute wanker and stalling so I thought I’d give him a push.” Pansy crossed her legs, looking troubled. “I told him that he couldn’t keep ignoring his feelings, which is classic Theodore behavior. After some convincing, he said that he would tell you the following night.”
“The night of the slug club dinner.” 
Pansy nodded. “Theo left the common room with a bouquet of wisterias. The boys gave him so much shit for it, but he walked out with a smile.” 
A bouquet of wisterias. Like the one you’d seen in the bin outside of Ravenclaw Tower. You had plucked a flower from it and pressed it into one of your journals. 
“I didn’t see him that night.” 
“I think he might’ve gotten scared and abandoned the plan altogether,” Pansy confirmed. “I figured this week was just Theo’s way of coping. He has a bad habit of running away from things when they get too real.” 
“We have that in common.” 
“Trust me, we noticed.” 
Luna nudged Pansy with her elbow. You covered your face with your hands and sighed in frustration. “What do I do now, Pans? How do I fix this?”
“I promised not to meddle,” Pansy started. You nodded, knowing that there were boundaries that you couldn’t ask her to cross. “But if I happen to accidentally leave the passcode to the Slytherin dorms as well as the proper spells to get past Theo’s door laying around, then I can’t be blamed if someone comes across it. After all, it’s not like I’d purposely do anything to reconcile two blubbering idiots who are so obviously miserable without each other."
She scribbled furiously on a piece of parchment and slid the page over to you. Her gaze softened. “Look, Y/N. I’ve been friends with Theo for a long, long time. He has a hard time letting people in and you did it so easily that I think it terrified him. As hard as it may be, you’re going to have to tell him how you feel. You can’t dance around it anymore. He deserves more than that. You deserve more than that.”
You nodded, taking her words to heart. “Thank you, Pansy. To truly show my appreciation, I won’t make you hug me.” 
Her mouth quirked. “I knew I liked you for a reason.”
Luna beamed. She pulled you in for a hug and squeezed extra tight. “Good luck, Y/N. Remember what I said. Lead with your heart, not with your head.”
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Lead with your heart, not with your head.
Your best friend’s words echoed over and over in your head as you paced across Theo’s dorm. Thanks to Pansy’s thorough instructions, you managed to sneak through the dungeons and into his room without any problems. Sneaking in had been a piece of cake, but forcing yourself to stay was another story. 
Logically, you knew that only fifteen minutes had passed since your crime of breaking and entering, but it felt like an eternity. Your palms were sweaty, your head was spinning, and your stomach was twisted into knots. You were bloody nervous. 
What if Theo didn’t want to see you? What if he turned you away? Oh gods, what if he came in here with another girl—
You shook your head so violently that you were surprised that you hadn’t given yourself whiplash. For Godric’s fucking sake. You truly needed to get it together.
The door swung open and Theo threw his quidditch bag on the floor whilst kicking off his shoes. He nearly tossed his Nimbus right at your head, but you dodged it with a yelp at the last possible second. 
Theo whirled around, his eyes widening in surprise. “Merlin's fucking beard, you scared the bloody hell out of me!” He propped his broom up against the wall and crossed his arms. “What are you doing here, Y/N?” 
In the dim dungeon lighting, you could see the heavy bags underneath those watercolor eyes. Theo looked like he hadn’t slept in days and a part of you felt guilty for contributing to his distress. Despite practicing outside for hours, he looked paler than usual like the color had seeped out of his skin. You didn't imagine that you looked any better.
Seeing Theo again was harder than you thought it would be. It was like receiving the kiss of life and having the breath knocked out of your lungs all at once. Every fiber in your being, every nerve ending, every cell and neuron came alive at the sight of him. Theo was the sun and you were just a wandering star resisting his gravitational pull.
You fidgeted with your fingers. “Pansy let me in.” 
“Clearly my protection charms are ineffective against meddling witches,” Theo declared loudly, probably half expecting Pansy to be eavesdropping on the conversation. 
“Don’t be mad at Pansy. She was just trying to help me because she knew how badly I needed to talk to you.”
He sighed and closed the door behind him. Theo stayed put by the doorway as though he was afraid to take another step closer. You couldn’t blame him. “I heard you loud and clear during our last conversation.”
“That’s the thing. I’ve gone over that conversation over and over again in my head and I can’t even figure out what we were really even fighting about. I said some truly awful things and I’m—“ you paused, taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry for that, Theo.” 
You wrung your hands together and averted his gaze. “If you couldn’t tell by now, I’m sort of shit at this whole vulnerability thing.”
“No fucking shit.”
A part of you knew you deserved that, but it didn’t hurt any less. You took a shaky breath, intent on focusing solely on the rug beneath your feet to keep yourself from crying. 
Theo came closer, his lanky frame coming into view. The smell of sweat and sea salt and cigarette smoke was so overwhelming that it made you feel a bit homesick. “Sorry, force of habit." He sat down next to you, nudging you with his shoulder. You swallowed thickly, wondering how in the hell that tiny bit of contact instantly soothed your nerves. "To be fair, I wasn’t entirely innocent in that exchange either. I said some horrible things too and it's eaten away at me all week. I'm sorry, Y/N. I was a complete arsehole to you."
“Yeah, I guess we’re both pretty big arseholes.”
His throaty chuckle sounded like music to your ears. “Is that it? You broke into my dorm just to call me an arsehole?”
You shook your head and forced yourself to look up at him. The fact that he was this close yet you weren't able to touch him made you physically ill. “No. During our fight, you said that I had no idea how you felt and you’re right. I don’t. I think I was just so hurt when you said that you weren’t my friend that I flew off the handle and didn’t even give any consideration to how you felt.” 
Theo clenched his jaw. “I don’t blame you. I was being an absolute prick when I said that.” His voice grew softer as he came closer. “What I really meant was that I didn’t want to be just friends. I was going to tell you.”
The pieces started coming together. He had been outside Ravenclaw Tower when Harry had dropped you off. “The night of the slug club dinner. Pansy said you were coming to talk to me and that you left the common room with flowers in your hand.”
He frowned. “I’m going to need to have a serious talk with Pansy about the importance of confidentiality. But yes, I had a whole speech prepared for you. I was going to pour my little heart out to you that night.”
“So why didn’t you?”
Theo clenched his fists and avoided your gaze. “I saw you kissing Potter.”
“You were jealous.”
It was more of a statement than a question. The entire thing clicked into place for you then. The discarded bouquet. The strange behavior afterwards. Theo had seen you kiss Harry on the cheek and mistook it for something else entirely. 
“I wanted to rip him to shreds.” Theo shifted beside you and sighed deeply. "I was so angry. At him, at you, but most of all, at myself. I saw you two together and I realized that Harry is the type of man you deserve. A good man. One who isn't haunted by dark magic and bad blood."
"What are you talking about, Theo?"
"I've been so selfish these past few months. I let myself think that I could...that I could be someone who deserves to be by your side. Someone who makes you smile and snort and roll your eyes at all my stupid jokes. Instead, all I've brought you is grief. You almost turned down the Slughorn dinner because of me. You came close to fighting Romilda because you were defending me and my friends. People whisper and stare when we walk down the halls together. I never cared when it was directed towards me, but I can't do that to you. I won't drag you down."
Tears filled your eyes. "I don't regret any of the things that have happened these past few months. People will always talk, Theo. That's their own problem. But the fact that you think you're dragging me down breaks my heart." Theo took a shaky breath when you took his face in your hands. "Do you not see how good you are? You're caring and kind and resilient. You're annoyingly charming and you infuriate me like no other, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Anyone would be lucky to have you in their lives. You're the best person I know, Theodore Nott, and I'll not have you argue otherwise."
He closed his eyes and leaned into your touch. "I wouldn't dream of it, amorina. You always win every argument we have anyways."
You chuckled, releasing a breath that you hadn't realized you've been holding since the moment Theo walked away from you in that potions classroom. He gently grasped your wrist, rubbing soothing circles against your skin. "What about Potter?"
"What about him?"
"That kiss," Theo whispered. "You don't know how much it killed me to see someone else kiss you."
"You know he's with Ginny right?" you said, watching as relief visibly washed over him. "Even if he wasn't, Harry is not my type."
"Oh yeah? What's your type then, diavolina?"
The nickname that you used to hate so much suddenly felt like a comforting hug. It was your thing. An inside joke that was only between the two of you.
"Snarky little Slytherins who vex me to death by thinking that I have a crush on Potter when I'm so obviously only into him," Theo chuckled softly. “If you had stayed, you would have seen that it was just an innocent kiss on the cheek. I was thanking Harry for walking me back to my dorm and for saving me from myself during the dinner.”
The expression of concern on his face softened everything in you. “It didn’t go well with Slughorn?”
“No, it went brilliantly. I listened to him commend our stellar performance in his class and I couldn’t fucking stomach any of it. Not when the one person that deserved it wasn’t even there,” your voice cracked as you recalled the anger you felt that night. “All because of something that isn’t your fault. I lost it. I gave Slughorn a piece of my mind and stormed out. I would’ve done a lot worse if Harry hadn’t stopped me, but it made me sick…all of it made me sick. And I wished more than anything that you were beside me making inappropriate jokes that would’ve had me rolling my eyes in annoyance.”
Theo tilted your chin up, giving you a full view of the spreading grin on his face. “You missed me.” 
You nodded, feeling your breath catch in your throat. “I did,” you confirmed. “I do.” 
To your surprise, Theo wrapped you in his arms. As he hugged you, every ounce of dread and anxiety dissolved while he held you so tightly that you could hardly breathe. 
“I’ve missed you too,” he whispered into your hair. “I have missed you every moment we were apart.” 
Whatever armor you may have had around your heart came crashing down at that moment. Theo had taken a sledgehammer to your defenses and obliterated them entirely. 
“I’m sorry, Theo,” you cried, clutching at his chest. “I’m sorry for all the horrible things I said. I didn’t mean it—I was just scared.” 
Theo rubbed your back and whispered in a soothing voice. “I know, love. I was scared too. I still am,” he admitted shakily. You blinked as he swiped your tears away with his thumb. “When we started this, I thought it would be easy. Sleeping with someone who hated me meant that there was no chance of me getting hurt. It was supposed to be simple, but you made it anything but."
The tenderness in his gaze pierced through your very soul. "You clawed your way into my heart with your surly attitude and violent threats, but you also showed me this vulnerable side of you that feeds baby thestrals and defends my friends and drinks disgusting pumpkin flavored beverages. Then you started becoming more than just someone I wanted to sleep with. You became my friend.” 
You sobbed, burying your face in his chest. “I’ll always be your friend, Theo. Always.”
“I know, Y/N. Aside from Pansy and the guys, you’re probably my best friend. Though if Mattheo asks, I'll deny it. You know how possessive he gets."
You chuckled through your tears. "You're my best friend, too. You're the only person I want to talk about my day with, no matter how eventful or boring. I care about your quidditch rants and your gelato obsession and your weird habit of cutting the crust off of every sandwich you eat."
"Hey, it's perfectly normal for a teenage boy to have an aversion to crust, okay." You snorted, which made him grin from ear to ear. "Gods, I have missed that laugh. I have missed everything about you, my sullen, irritable, and borderline violent little Ravenclaw." You smiled as he caressed your cheek. "No one has ever stood up for me like you have. I’ve just gotten so used to being blamed for my father’s sins that I stopped fighting it. It’s easier to let them think that I’m the bad guy.”
You looked up and held his gaze, conveying everything that you wanted to say that you couldn't put into words. “But you’re not, Theo. You’ve never been the bad guy.”
He smiled softly. “I know and you know. That’s enough for me.”
“When did you get to be so mature, Theodore Nott?”
“Since the girl that I’m hopelessly and pathetically in love with told me to grow the fuck up.” Theo’s eyes shone with emotion as he looked at you.  “I tried not to fall for you. Gods, I tried so fucking hard, but I failed.” He dropped his forehead down to yours. “I have failed utterly and miserably, because I am in love with you and I’m tired of hiding it. You have my heart, Y/N. Break it. Crush it. Decimate it. Do what you must, but please know that it's yours. It will always be yours."
A pained laugh escaped from your lips. “I love you too, Theo. I have no defense left. No armor of logic or reason that you haven’t completely destroyed. Hai conquistato il mio cuore.”
You have conquered my heart. 
Theo placed your hand on his chest. “Do you feel that? I think my heart just stopped beating. The things you do to me, Y/N.” 
You smiled and pulled him in by the front of his jersey. “I think I know a way to make it start beating again.”
“Yeah?” Theo asked with a smirk. 
He smiled as you impatiently tugged him down, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him. Theo sighed against your mouth before picking you up bridal style, which made you yelp in surprise. You giggled as he gently placed you on the bed, his lips never once leaving yours. 
“Gods, I love you,” he murmured. “Not just your body, but your smile. Your laugh. Your cute little snort. The way your nose scrunches up when I annoy you. I love it. I love all of it. I missed you so fucking much. Staying away from you was hell.” 
“I missed you, too. All your snarky little comebacks and borderline vulgar one-liners and your eyes. Gods, you have no right having such pretty eyes.” 
Theo smirked. “Oh my god, Y/N. You totally have a crush on me.” He dug his fingers into your sides as you laughed and wriggled underneath him. Theo continued his assault, bypassing the top layer of your robe for better access. His gaze softened as he hovered over you. “Are you wearing my jumper?” 
You tugged at the hem and smiled sheepishly. “I may or may not have slept in it all week. You’re not getting it back, so don’t even ask.” 
“It’s alright. At least now you’re finally representing the best uni.” 
His words gave you pause. “Wait,” you said, looking down at the faded jumper. “Theodore, are you telling me that all this time I’ve been wearing a Cambridge jumper? The Cambridge jumper that you begged your mum to buy for you during your first visit?” 
“The very same one.” 
“But you love this thing. You said you wore it until it was down to its last thread.” 
“Yeah, but I love you more,” he beamed as he kissed your cheek. “I knew I was a goner the night I gave it to you. I spent the entire summer thinking about you. I thought I was going insane. It was worse than nicotine withdrawals. Then I had you again and I thought that would take care of the craving, but I got greedy. I just wanted more and more of you.” 
“Oh my god, Theo. You totally have a crush on me.” 
“I fancy the pants out of you, Y/N.”
“Good, cause you’re about to get me out of them in a minute.” 
“You,” Theo said, punctuating the word with a kiss. “Are,” Another kiss. “Perfect.” You giggled as he smacked his lips against yours. “Sono pazzo di te, amore mio.” 
You smiled. “I’m crazy about you too, Teddy.” 
“D’ya like it?” 
Theo kissed you again, this time savoring every second as he pressed his body against yours. “I love it and I love you.” 
“I love you too, Teddy.”
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annaloveshjp · 1 year ago
Truth or Dare
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-harry potter x fem!reader
-warnings: none :)
-summary: Harry and Y/N play truth or dare, friends to lovers.
-a/n: this is a short little conversation post (only quote lines used) green is harry, white is y/n.
ʚ ═══・୨ ꕤ ୧・═══ ɞ
“Y/N, Truth or Dare?”
“Oh, fuck. Um, truth,”
“Hey, you gave me options!”
“Fine. What’s your biggest fear?”
“Hmm. Losing the people I love most,”
“That got serious quickly,”
“You asked! What did you want me to say? Feet?”
“I mean, that would’ve been funnier,”
“Okay, whatever. Your turn; Truth or Dare, Harry?’
“Oh, come on! I only have good ones for truth,”
“Well at least I’m not boring,”
“Shut up. Fine. I dare you to… next time you see your crush, confess.”
“No, I can’t do that,”
“Who’s the boring one now?”
“No. Tell me to do something else. Anything else.”
“Why? Scared?”
“Yeah, crazy, right?”
“Yeah… Sorry,”
“It’s fine, just give me something else to do,”
“Wait, why won’t you do the dare? You usually do anything. You’d jump off of the Astronomy tower and catch yourself with your broom if I told you to.”
“I don’t know. I’m a wuss with girls, you know me.”
“Harry, I’ve seen you flirt. Yes, it’s awful, but you walk up all confident and actually have decent strategies sometimes.”
“I mean it. I just don’t understand why you won’t do it this time… I know it’s never worked out with any relationships you’ve had so far, but what’s another girl gone for you? You can have anyone you want, you’ve seen the way the girls in our year goggle at you. The Chosen One.”
“It’s just different this time, Y/N. I don’t think she’ll like me back,”
“Oh, that’s new.”
“Okay um, Truth or Dare?”
“Who’s your crush?”
“What?! I didn’t want to tell you another dare, as you can see, my dares aren’t very good.”
“I can’t do this one either!”
“Why not?”
“It will make everything awkward,”
“Harry… don’t tell me…”
“This is why i didn’t want to say—“
“That was—“
“Me kissing you, yes, Harry.”
“So… you like me back?”
“No, Harry, I just kissed you for fun. Yes, I like you back!”
“You need to tone down your sarcasm sometimes, Y/N.”
“I think it’s a perfect amount, thank you.”
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annaloveshjp · 1 year ago
reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
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annaloveshjp · 1 year ago
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summary: harry potters bimbo girlfriend secretly knits him a sweater.
warnings: hufflepuff!reader. bimbo!reader. female!reader. set in mordern times. reader and harry are super close (she tells him when she’s pooping) a little short
notes: my request are open soooo pls send me harry potter request <333 request rules are in my pinned post !! i’m like kinda (totally) falling back into my harry potter faze >:> the ending is a little rushed and i apologize for that ! comments, reblogs and likes are all greatly appreciated :) finished while watching: good girls episode 2
harry potter masterlist
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you were hiding something from harry. he doesn’t know what. but he knew it was something. you were not by any means a secretive person, especially not with harry.
he first noticed when he had walked in on you in his common room, hunched over the couch angrily muttering to yourself. “what’s wrong love?” he walked over to you with concern.
you yelled up in surprise, looking up at him with wide eyes and quickly placing whatever was in your hand under your butt. “hi harry!” you blinked up at him with wide eyes, voice still bubbly.
both of you were now in your third year in hogwarts, and while you were a pureplood hufflepuff with rich parents, you didn’t act like the stereotypical  “rich snob” and your parents absolutely loved harry. so much that when he had run away, they welcomed him into their mansion with welcoming arms.
you spent most of your time in the gryffindor  common room, saying it “fit your aesthetic more than my yellow common room.”
“what’s that?” he trailed his eyes down to your bum. “hm?” you tilted your head up at him. “oh nothing….” you looked around the room with a pout, not being able to look your boyfriend in the eyes.
but after a few seconds, you blinked up at him, as if you wanted him to read your mind. but for some odd reason, he knew exactly what you were asking.
“do you want me to close my eyes, so you can hide what’s under your bum?” he sighed. “i’m not hiding anything harry,” you shook your head side to side widely, a fat pout on your lips, “but yes please…” you whispered.
with a sigh, harry lifted his hands up to his eyes and firmly placed them there. he didn’t try to peak, knowing if you caught him, you would lose trust in him. and harry rather die then let that happen.
it’s not like he genuinely thought you were doing something bad. you told harry everything. from drama in the hufflepuff house, to when you were texting and pooping.
the last time you kept something from harry was when you had bought him a nimbus 2000. it was awesome.
he had heard you quickly stand up and run away, once he had heard you leaving the common room, he removed his hands from his face and leaned back into the sofa with a lovesick smile. how he loved you.
it was later that week when harry had walked into great hall, he had instantly spotted you on the gryffindor  table, talking your mouth off too both ron and hermione.
with a smile he had started making his way towards you. he hadn’t talked to you all morning, and that automatically made his day horrible.
you peaked up from your soup, only to make eye contact with harry. you instantly began to panic, your gift wasn’t ready yet, and if harry sat down, you were sure you would spill all the beans.
so as soon as you made eye contact, you let out a small squeal before hopping over the bench and gracefully running away, ignoring harry’s calls behind you.
harry looked towards the doors you had just walked out of with disappointment as he sat down in front of hermione and ron.
“what’s wrong harry?” ron questioned, noticing the sad look on harry’s face.
but before harry could even open his mouth, hermione beat him to it, “harry’s sad y/n won’t give him attention,”
ron turned to harry, looking for confirmation, but all harry did was drop his head into his hands and mumble a small, “she’s right.”
it was later that night, harry was having a dream about you, you were standing above him, poking him widely? and then he woke up, and realized, it was in fact, not a dream.
you were standing above his bed, looking down at him with a smile, it made a small one appear on his face, “what are you doing here?” he mused standing up straight and pulling you to sit next to him.
“i brought you your present!” you whispered shouted. in your hands was the cutest blue knitted sweater he had ever seen. he instantly took it from your hands. “you made this for me?..”
you proudly nodded, placing your legs under harry’s covers, “you can compliment me tomorrow, i’m sleepy now!” and with that, you laid down on harry’s bed without a care in the world.
harry placed the sweater carefully on his bedside table, before slowly and carefully laying down next to you, “thank you…” he whispered to you.
“‘course harry, anything for you.”
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annaloveshjp · 1 year ago
Warming a Cold Night
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-18+!! hermione granger x fem!reader
-warnings: SMUT! public sex if you have anxiety, yelling at the start, oral sex ( reader recieving ), fucking outside on leaves, third person POV
-summary: hermione and y/n haven’t touched anyone in months, and who is better to relieve that than your best friend?
-a/n: first Hermione post!!! expect more in the future and leave requests! (fluff coming up soon, promise :) )
ʚ ═══・୨ ꕤ ୧・═══ ɞ
“See you later,” Y/N waved to Harry and Ron as she walked out of their shared tent and sat beside Hermione, who was leaning on the cold canvas.
Hermione gave a small smile in greeting, unfolding a blanket and covering the both of them. Y/N sighed in content as she curled into Hermione’s warmth.
It was November and the quartet had apparated into a forest filled with beautifully colored trees a few days ago, Hermione and Harry having found a spot a few miles from a small town.
The previous night, Y/N had taken the Invisibility Cloak and walked to a small shop, filling a sack with food (Hermione insisting she leave money). She had returned two hours later to a panicking Hermione, Harry trying to calm her down.
When Y/N walked into the tent, the sight of Hermione on the verge of tears had almost immediately vanished when they saw her. Hermione rushed out of her seat and enveloped Y/N in a hug so tight that she thought she might break her ribs.
“Hermione, gosh!” Y/N squeaked as Hermione crashed into her. Hermione gave a relieved laugh (it could’ve been a sob) as Y/N dropped the cloak and bag of food to the ground to wrap her arms around Hermione’s waist.
“W-what took you so long?” Hermione said breathlessly as she pulled away from Y/N, her eyes wide and slightly red. Y/N reached her cold hands up and held Hermione’s face.
“It’s a long walk, and I found an empty clothes shop,” Y/N nodded to the bag on the floor, almost bursting at the seams with food and what seemed to be gloves.
Ron barked a laugh. “Nice, Y/N!” He walked past Y/N, thumping her on the shoulder, picked up the bag and dumped it onto the main table, spilling out clothes and food.
Harry walked over and began examining the clothes, picking up three pairs of gloves. “Oh, sorry,” Y/N said, taking Hermione’s hand and leading her over to the table. “I could only fit three pairs, but I think they’ll fit you all well,”
Hermione looked at Y/N, shocked. “Y/N! You can’t expect us to take these and leave you with nothing when you did all that for us! Take mine, I insist,” she found the smallest pair and shoved them into Y/N’s hands.
“Oh, Hermione,” Y/N smiled. “It’s alright, really. I have my own gloves,” Y/N gestured to her bunk where a pair of fingerless gloves lay, unused for days.
“But, Y/N, your fingers will freeze off with those!” Hermione said. “Just take these, no returns,”
“She’s right, Y/N,” Harry said. “Your fingers will freeze off with those,”
“Finger-cicles,” Ron said.
Y/N sighed. She knew there was no changing Hermione’s mind. “Okay, thanks guys. Sorry I couldn’t get another pair,”
“Oh, shut up, will you?” Hermione snapped. “You did all this but say all these things like you’re not enough? You are! And it really bothers me that you think otherwise!”
Y/N glanced to Hermione’s neck, seeing the familiar golden chain dangling down to her chest. Y/N looked into her eyes and gently reached behind Hermione’s neck to unclasp the locket.
Once off, Y/N took the locket and clasped it around her own neck. “Better?” She asked Hermione.
“Yeah,” Hermione whispered. “But I still meant what I said. You are enough,”
Y/N had gone to bed that night, though with the locket around her neck, feeling much more wanted than before. The others had never shown even a sliver of dislike toward her, but for some reason, she felt she wasn’t good enough. Hermione’s words had spread a loving warmth through her whole body.
Now, as she leaned on Hermione outside of their tent, she didn’t feel as if she were putting an unwanted weight on her shoulder, but a comforting one.
Hermione’s warm hand found Y/N’s cold one, squeezing gently. Y/N’s stomach did a backflip at her gesture, the corners of her mouth involuntary tugging into a grin.
Y/N leaned over and kissed her on the shoulder, hoping Hermione would feel her love through her sweater. Hermione turned her head and had an odd look on her face; it resembled deep thought and love.
After a moment of looking into Y/N’s warm eyes, Hermione leaned forward and pressed her lips to Y/N’s slightly chapped ones.
Y/N closed her eyes and reached the hand that wasn’t holding Hermione’s to cup the side of her face, the latter reaching to hold the back of Y/N’s neck.
The blanket dropped off of them when Hermione deepened the kiss by moving herself onto Y/N’s lap, both her hands now on the back of Y/N’s neck. Y/N’s hands went to Hermione’s waist, keeping her steady.
After a minute, Hermione pulled away.
“Wait, Y/N,” she said, panting. “We shouldn’t do this. Not here,”
Y/N looked at her, tilting her head. “Why not? Afraid we’ll get caught?”
“I mean—“ Hermione stuttered. “Yes! And—“
Y/N cut her off by kissing her again, this time, with more passion. Her hands traveled down to Hermione’s thighs, gripping onto them tightly. Hermione let out a whimper.
“Hermione,” Y/N muttered against Hermione’s lips. “There’s no better place to do this, really. We can never get alone inside the tent, it’s only out here when we’re left alone.”
“I know, but—“ Hermione started before Y/N interrupted her.
“‘What if someone does find us?’ Has anyone ever found the tent, Hermione?” Y/N reasoned, leaning back and tucking hair behind the brunette’s ear.
Hermione sighed. “No,”
“That’s right,” Y/N cooed before taking her wand and casting a silencing charm on the tent opening. She turned to Hermione and began kissing her again, reaching her hands under her best-friend’s sweater.
Y/N’s cold hands gave Hermione chills. She started to roll her hips onto Y/N as they kissed, craving the friction.
Hermione gasped as Y/N’s hands traveled from her stomach to her breasts, squeezing them gently and feeling her nipples harden at the sudden chill.
Hermione’s hands raked through Y/N’s hair, tugging almost harshly, desperate for more. Y/N suddenly dropped her hands down to the waistband of the muggleborn’s pants, dipping beneath and into her underwear.
Hermione threw her head back as she let out a moan; her best-friend had started rubbing circles on her clit, her cold fingers only enhancing the pleasure. She bucked her hips towards Y/N’s core, the latter’s other hand gripping her hips, guiding her.
“That’s it, good girl,” Y/N mumbled against Hermione’s neck. She wasn’t leaving her any marks, she only wished to rest her lips there, leaving gentle kisses every now and then.
She then dipped her hand lower and pressed her middle and ring finger against Hermione’s entrance, earning a loud whimper from her.
Y/N sunk her fingers into Hermione, rapidly thrusting in and out. Hermione cried out many curse words of pleasure along with strangled moans, pushing her hips onto Y/N’s hand, riding it.
Y/N took her other hand and tilted Hermione��s head down to take her lips in her own, swallowing the brunette’s moans, her tongue pushing into her mouth, exploring every inch.
“Y/N, I’m almost there,” Hermione managed between whimpers. “Faster, please!” She was vigorously humping Y/N’s hand, close to her release.
Y/N leaned her mouth to Hermione’s ear and whispered, “come for me, darling,”
With an almost pornographic moan, Hermione reached her climax, releasing warm cum onto Y/N’s hand, warming it.
Y/N kissed Hermione as she pulled her hand from her trousers. She pulled away, bringing her hand up to show Hermione.
“Open,” Y/N instructed. Hermione obliged, opening her mouth. Y/N pressed her cum soaked fingers to Hermione’s tongue, the latter closing her lips around them, humming as she sucked on the delightful taste of herself.
Y/N removed her fingers, then patted the crunchy leaves beside her, inviting Hermione to sit again.
“Come on, we’ve talked about this,” said Hermione. She continued when Y/N raised a brow. “You can’t do all that for me and expect nothing in return!”
Y/N blinked. She suddenly remembered the other night when Hermione basically screamed at her telling her she was enough.
“Now,” Hermione said, grabbing the forgotten blanket and folding it into a square, setting it beside Y/N. “Sit on this,”
Y/N did as she was instructed. “So, my turn now?” She smirked.
“Mhm,” Hermione confirmed as she crawled up to Y/N, kissing her once again. Hermione’s hands quickly traveled to undo Y/N’s belt, tugging her pants down not long after.
Y/N shivered from the lack of clothing, an autumn breeze just passing by. Hermione, still kissing her, searched for her wand with her hand (thrown in the leaves earlier), and casted a temporary heating charm onto Y/N’s bare legs.
Y/N sighed into the kiss, relieved at the warmth. Hermione then traveled her hands to Y/N’s panties, sliding them off of her fellow Gryffindor.
Hermione broke apart from the kiss, but only to dip her head down and start kissing Y/N’s thighs, making her shiver.
Once finished leaving a few marks on Y/N’s thighs, Hermione traveled her mouth to attach her lips onto the younger girl’s clit.
Y/N gasped as Hermione licked a stripe up her soaked cunt, the former's hand shooting down to grip Hermione’s brown curls.
Hermione pushed Y/N’s thighs apart gently as she lapped at her cunt, sucking on her sensitive bud. Y/N’s hips continuously bucked forward, pushing Hermione’s face closer as she did so.
“Mm, fuck,” Y/N groaned when Hermione pushed her tongue inside her vagina, her nose rubbing against her clit. Hermione moaned whenever Y/N forced her head closer, vibrating onto Y/N’s pussy.
Hermione’s tongue moved faster and faster, Y/N getting closer and closer to her climax. She sucked on every part of Y/N that she could.
“I’m close— I’m cumming, Hermione!” Y/N cried out as she reached her climax, spilling her juices out into Hermione’s mouth. Y/N felt Hermione lick and swallow every drop.
Hermione gave one last kiss to Y/N’s puffy pussy before sitting up and reaching for the girl’s clothes, Y/N putting them back on immediately.
“Fuck, Hermione,” Y/N said as her best friend sat down next to her. “I didn’t know you were experienced with that,”
“I’m not, really,” Hermione went pink. “I just— watched some videos… and read books,”
Y/N giggled. “Works for me,”
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annaloveshjp · 1 year ago
yes, really ✰ m. riddle
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prompt: “i knew you’d be here”
summary: you’re drawing in the astronomy tower to clear your head & mattheo finds you
pairing/dynamic: best friend!mattheo x reader, mutual pining but they don’t really talk about it???? just two oblivious besties in love w each other
warnings: mentions of smoking (cigarettes), very very mild innuendo?? not even??? idk i think that’s pretty much it
note: i’m actually very happy with this one (i think) so i hope y’all enjoy :) i’m still planning on working on some requests, but i just wanted to start w something cute n fun while i had the inspo
comments & reblogs are so appreciated!! <3
✰ ✰ ✰
“can’t sleep?”
in other circumstances, you might’ve been startled - but you recognize the voice in a second.
mattheo stands just inches away from you - the scuffed toes of his black chucks nearly touching your own.
with a soft little sigh, you set aside your sketchbook. “no. what about you?”
mattheo shrugs, before moving to sit beside you. “haven’t even bothered to try yet.” he slides down the wall, letting his long legs sprawl in front of him. then - with his thigh pressed up against your own, he begins fishing around in his jacket pocket. you watch him curiously, lips quirking upwards in understanding when he produces a familiar gold zippo and a pack of smokes.
even though it’s a miserably cold night, the heat of mattheo’s leg against your own is enough to make you dizzy. in a vain attempt to calm your quickly beating heart, you draw your legs up against your chest, before wrapping your arms around them. you watch as mattheo slots a cigarette between his lips, letting your cheek fall against your knees. “you know those are bad for you, right?”
he offers you a familiar little grin, cigarette bobbing between his lips as he responds. “i had no idea.”
you roll your eyes, bumping your shoulder against his. “you should quit.”
“maybe you should pick it up.”
a quiet little giggle slips past your lips. “could you imagine me smoking?”
mattheo laughs softly as he exhales, and you pretend not to notice how he blows the smoke away from you. “not really.” he takes another slow drag, and you watch distractedly as the cherry illuminates his handsome features. “it’d be hot though.” he says the words casually, through a mouthful of smoke, and your cheeks suddenly feel like they’re on fire.
he shrugs with his lips tugged upwards in an infuriating smirk. “what?”
you roll your eyes fondly, suddenly unable to look at anything but your shoes. “you are such an arse.”
for a few moments, the two of you slip into a comfortable silence. while mattheo finishes his half-smoked cigarette, you gaze distractedly up at the stars. eventually, you grow tired of the quiet - opting to ask the question you’d been mulling over since he turned up in front of you. “why’d you come up here, anyways?”
mattheo’s quiet for a second and your mind races anxiously in wait. then, he stubs out the end of his cigarette with a shrug. “i knew you’d be here.”
your heart aches fondly in your chest. “really?”
another shrug, and then he’s turning to you with this soft little smile that seems to be reserved for you and you alone. “yes, really.”
he says it as if it’s obvious - maybe it is - and you can hardly contain your stupid little giggle. “oh.”
“oh?” mattheo’s eyebrows are furrowed in confusion, but his knowing-grin never wavers.
it’s your turn to shrug - you’re not sure if you can bring yourself to do anything more at this point.
he bumps his shoulder against yours, leaning in to look at you. “is it a good “oh” at least?”
he’s being awful on purpose and you pretend to hate it. with a meek little nod, you finally meet his eyes. “it’s a good “oh””
mattheo grins, dropping his arm across your shoulders. “good.”
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annaloveshjp · 1 year ago
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[Navigation] [Masterlist]
@firewhiskyss: 🎢 harry with either “That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?” or “I’m afraid I’ve been thinking…” “A dangerous pastime.” because my heart can’t handle angst rn 😋☝🏼|| for my 300 followers celebration
Pairing: Harry Potter x Fem!Muggle!Reader
Summary: Being stuck in the elevator is bad enough, but being with a stranger makes matters worse.
Words: 3.9k
Warnings: not proofread, light cursing, elevators, power outage + let me know if i missed anything
A/N: too bad u cant handle angst i could’ve found ways to sneak that into this hehe jk anywaaayy ok i felt uninspired sorry hydagjih
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Harry held a bag he did not own in his hand. His shirt was a bit muddied and moist on one side, but he didn’t mind. He stood in front of the eighth door he’ll be knocking on in hopes it was the owner of the bag. It still wasn’t, though.
Instead, a woman his age greeted him with a smile. She was pretty, sure, but she wasn’t what he was looking for. He apologized for interrupting and went ahead to knock on the ninth door.
It swung open, and Harry let out a long sigh.
“Hold the door!” said a voice from the lobby. Harry pressed the open door button in haste, the doors doing as it was told to do. The figure rushed inside, hair dripping wet on the tiled floor of the elevator. He kept his eyes trained to floor as she moved his way to press the button to the eighth floor. “Thank you,” she mumbled.
The girl next to him began to dry her drenched hair with a purple towel, patting herself dry. Harry risked a brief glance in her direction — she was wearing a floral one-piece swimsuit which she layered with denim shorts. When she caught his eye, they both inched away from each other uncomfortably. To their relief, the elevator started to move up.
Nobody seemed to be coming in just yet. After all, it was six p.m. and most were probably outside biding their time for night swimming. Harry, on the other hand, just came down to get a box of doughnuts for Mr. Weasley, who he can only assume was changing into his swimming trunks in their hotel room. The rest were probably doing the same.
Harry was waiting for it to reach the ninth floor when the elevator lurched to a stop on the seventh. While Harry refused to meet eye contact with the girl next to him, she was busy trying to convince herself it was alright.
It’s okay, she thought to herself as she made a show of more aggressive patting of her hair in more of an attempt to calm her drumming heartbeat than to really dry it. Another passenger was probably just entering.
But she knew better, they both knew better. The lights above them began to blink in an inconsistent manner. To her dismay, the doors did not open nor did they continue to go up.
They both turned to each other with a bewildered look on their faces. Harry made to reach for his wand, but held himself back. Then the lights went out along with the tiny ones coming from the buttons. Harry froze. He heard the stranger next to him shift, probably wrapping the towel around herself. She had stopped pretending to pat herself now. Harry watched as her as she dropped her bag down on the wet tiled floor and pulled out a bulky gray block from it. Harry stood there awkwardly as if a statue while she kept on fumbling with the block thingy he now recognized was a flip phone. A light glowed from it, her face looking similar to that of a ghost.
She pressed it against her ear, but it seemed to not be working. She then raised her hand higher in hopes of getting better reception to no avail. Harry cleared his throat. The girl’s head whipped to his direction. “The emergency call button,” said Harry.
“I know,” she spat, reaching out for the buttons. But instead of clicking that particular button, she clicked the button for opening doors. Harry noticed she seemed to be shivering a bit even with the towel.
The girl was still dripping, albeit lesser now. She kept pressing the open door repetitively with her wrinkly fingers. Harry remained stiff, unsure if he should use his wand. “What floor are we currently?”
Taken aback, Harry didn’t respond for a couple of seconds until she reached out to his shoulder to check on him. “Oh, er — seventh, I think.”
He then heard her click a button he supposed was for the seventh, then a bunch of other buttons the next.
“We’re gonna die, we’re gonna die, we’re gonna die. . . .” Harry found that he preferred the constant clicking noises from the buttons over her constant reminder of their ‘impending doom.’ It was like fourth year all over again when their Divination teacher Professor Trelawney kept telling him he was going to die an early death. She kept chanting to herself in hysterics.
“Have you tried . . . the emergency call button? The one with the bell?”
“What do you think I’ve been doing?” said the girl. To his surprise, she picked up her bag again and aimed it at the elevator door before swinging it right in the middle. She then started banging her fist hard on the doors, pounding. “Help! I’m stuck! I mean, we’re stuck! Hello? I’m wi —”
“There’s a press to call thing here,” pointed Harry.
“Good,” she remarked as she practically run to it when the elevator made a creaking noise from above. The girl let out a shriek as she fell backwards and pulled Harry down with her. “Lie flat or we’re both gonna die!”
“Why — ?”
“JUST DO IT.” He did. Both of them sprawled their legs and he felt the damp floor wet his back a bit, but he was still weighing the pros and cons of pulling out his wand. Of course, if it were up to him, he’d pull it out in a heartbeat but the Weasleys’ vacation was on the line and he couldn’t jeopardize that by—
The elevator whined, and it felt as if it was moving a bit. “We’re gonna plummet to do our death!”
“Calm down,” said Harry, hardly knowing why he even bothered in the first place because he didn’t know what to say next especially with the girl’s expectant eyes on him. He thought of what Hermione had told them when they first came here, who then attempted to calm the others down about their feelings on Muggle Elevators. “Er — elevators are one of the safest ways of transportation with only the fatality rate of zero point zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-something-fifteen percent per trip.”
“Oh, shut up, stranger,” cried the girl. “There’s still a fifteen in that end. We’re gonna die, accept that!”
“You seem to be the one having troubles accepting that,” argued Harry back. She shot him a glare.
“I haven’t written my will and we’re gonna die. You see — you hear that rumble? We’re slowly falling down and we’re gonna die. I should have — should have taken the stairs. Please, please, please let me live! I swear I’ll start eating vegetables! This is it stranger, we’re gonna die.”
“That’s a bit melodramatic, don’t you think?”
“We’re about to die and you have time to think? Lie with your chunkiest bits on the floor to increase our chance of survival.”
He wanted to argue, but he resorted to inching further away from her and stretching his limbs awkwardly.
“Damn it, you shouldn’t have kept the door open!”
“How is that my fault? If anything, I was being nice,” said Harry.
“Being nice? You just sentenced me to my death and now I’m dying in this cramped space in a swimsuit and shorts that aren’t even for swimming!”
Surprisingly, the elevator whined to a stop. They remained on the floor for half a minute. Eventually, she was the first to stand up. Dusting herself and not meeting Harry’s eye, she smashed the bell button with her finger. It buzzed for a few seconds before a guy’s voice answered.
“Hello,” said the operator. The intercom seemed to be having troubles.
“Uh, hello, hi,” replied the girl.
“So are you currently stuck in the elevator?” Harry could hear the girl turn to him in the dark and call up the look of utter disbelief, as if wanting to reply, ‘No shit.’
“Yes, very much.”
“Okay, are you alone?” asked the operator.
“Unfortunately, no. I’m with . . .” she trailed off, turning to Harry with prolonged contemplation. “With stranger. I’m with stranger. A stranger. With a stranger, I mean.”
“May I know your names please?”
“Uh, sure? I’m . . . Papier Matchen and this is —”
“Har — Neville. Neville Longbottom, sir,” answered Harry. The operator did not respond. “Neville Longbottom.”
“Are you both guests?” asked the operator.
“Yes,” said [Y/N]. “Wait, are you a guest?”
“I am a guest,” said Harry stiffly.
“He’s a guest,” she added, as if in an attempt to keep whatever morale is left high. The operator didn’t respond again. “Hey, uh, operator? It would really help if you didn’t keep disappearing on us.” She chuckled nervously.
“What floor are you currently on?” said the voice with a bit more static.
“Uh, well,” she said, turning to Harry, “last time we checked, it was on the seventh but it moved down a bit and we might be in-between floors seven and six.”
“Alright, thank you. We’re currently experiencing a city wide power outage, and it appears that the back-up battery in Elevator Three has not yet been replaced since the last brownout. We apologize for the inconvenience.”
“Yeah, you should be sorry. So, uh, is any of your authorities gonna come and pick us up?”
No response. She pressed the button again. And again. And again. No sound came, not even static. “Hello? Hi?”
When no one responded again, she slumped to the floor once more, her hair still wet but no longer dripping. “Sit down,” she said, pointing at the spot right next to her. Harry obliged. “You can sit across, I don’t care. I know I smell like chlorine right now.”
Harry sat across from her, leaning back against the wall. She didn’t talk either. This went on for about five minutes until Harry had the urge to do something or at least say something.
“I’m afraid I’ve been thinking,” he started.
“A dangerous pastime, you should be afraid. Go ahead,” she said, gesturing a finger gun his way.
“Shouldn’t we try to get out of this?”
“Who are you, Bruce Willis? Need I remind you that you are Nev . . . Bottom?”
“That’s not actually my name,” said Harry.
“Same, I just said Papier Matchen off the top of my head. Like papier mache but witchy. My name’s actually pretty good, I think. I’m [Y/N] [Y/L/N]. Oh, wait, nope, don’t like it.”
“I think it’s good.” [Y/N] turned on her phone and shone it around until it landed on his face. Harry realized he had kept the box of doughnuts in the corner when she made them sit down. “I’m Harry,” he said when she finally turned off the phone.
[Y/N] turned it on again and directed it to the box of doughnuts. “Are those doughnuts to make us super tiny like Alice in Wonderland or something?”
“Oh, those are for my friend’s father.”
“Let’s eat it, I’m hungry,” said [Y/N].
“It’s for my friend’s father.”
“You have to realize that that is so not a good enough point. We’re trapped in an elevator with no means of communication with that musty man and eating that is the only thing we can do. Unless you want to do something else?”
“Er — What?” choked Harry, clearing his throat. “Okay, fine, uh, doughnuts.”
She made a triumphant sound Harry couldn’t explain, but paid it no mind as she reached out to grab the box of doughnuts from the corner. She set it in front of her.
“Hey, these are from my aunt’s bakery.”
“They are?” asked Harry.
“Yeah! The one across the street from here?” asked [Y/N], to which Harry nodded. “Ooh, you got the one with Oreos? Nice! I helped design those.”
“Okay, uh, can I have some?”
“I thought it was against your will to take some of these from your ’friend’s dad?’” teased [Y/N], but she handed him a doughnut anyway. Harry began to eat just like she did. “Sorry I forced you to lie down here. . . .”
She looked at him, waiting for something. What? Harry furrowed his brows, confused.
“Sorry, I mean, what’s your name again?” asked [Y/N], hints of the chocolate stuck between her teeth and some on her lips.
“Harry Potter,” replied Harry, who debated against himself whether or not he should point it out. After all, she seemed to be having a good time and they just started to lose the tension. “You’ve got uh, something on your, you know.”
“I know,” said [Y/N], but she didn’t do anything about it. “Anyway, can you believe six and seven are lucky numbers yet here we are, stuck in the wretched elevator between them?”
“No, that’s why I don’t really believe in those . . . things.”
“I’d say that’s insulting, but I’m dripping in my swimwear while I’m stuck in the elevator with a total stranger, so fair enough.”
Harry didn’t know how long they were talking, but it just went on. He was pretty sure there were times he even laughed. Harry reached out to grab another doughnut when he realized she was holding it as well. They both let it drop back to the box.
“Oh, no, it’s yours,” said [Y/N].
“It’s okay, you can have it,” said Harry.
“I ate more than you did, you can have it. Just go,” said [Y/N].
“You can —”
“You know what? Let’s just split it.”
[Y/N] ripped it in half, handing him the bigger slice. Just when Harry was going to offer to exchange, she swallowed it whole.
“Too late, I ate my half already.”
“I can see that,” said Harry. He began to eat his own half, savoring it with three more bites.
“Sorry I smell like chlorine again.”
“Eh, I don’t know, it’s kind of growing on me,” said Harry. “I shouldn’t have said that, sorry.”
“On a good day, that would sound like an insult but it’s anything but a good day, so, thank you, I guess.”
The two shared a laugh (and most definitely three) the entire time when the lights turned on. They could see each other clearly now. There was no denying they felt quite vulnerable — like finally meeting an friend you only send letters and emails to for the first time, but she smiled to make it feel lighter.
Suddenly, it started to move up again, [Y/N] kept them seated just in case it started plummeting again. It didn’t, though. It opened on the seventh, as the indicator told them so.
The intercom buzzed once more and different operator spoke. None of them stood up.
“Hi, power’s slowly being restored. How’s everyone?”
“We’re good,” said Harry. [Y/N] smiled in the shadows, tossing the towel in the corner. “Wait, you’re — er — good, right?”
“Yeah, surprisingly so,” she said.
“Good to hear, we’re currently doing the best we can to cater everyone’s needs. Has your, uh, elevator moved yet? Sorry, I’m new here. Anyway, has it?” asked the operator.
“Currently open on the seventh floor, but we’re both going up, all’s good now, don’t worry,” answered [Y/N]. She stood up, taking the towel with her.
“Okay, great, thank you and take care!” said the operator before the intercom buzzed off. Harry and [Y/N] stood there as the elevator door closed shut and began to move up and open again to the eighth.
“So,” started [Y/N], “this is me. My floor, I mean.”
“Right,” said Harry
“Well, I still don’t like elevators and I may or may not ride one ever again so I can’t believe I’d ever say this because it’s hella cheesy but thanks for making it bearable.”
“I feel like I should say, ‘you’re welcome?’” said Harry.
“Oh yeah, you should.”
The door began to close, but Harry pressed the open door button.
“Okay, you’re welcome.” The two shared lighthearted laughter. “Anyway, er — thank you, too. See you around?”
“Yeah, yeah, see you around. Bye.” [Y/N] waved as the doors closed between them and Harry was once again all alone in the elevator.
He noticed what a mess the floor was, and went to pick up the empty box of donuts. His hand went to where he kept his wand to clean up and looked around for cameras and found one tucked in the upper corner. Harry let his hand down and dusted his shirt with his hands when something caught his eye. A beach bag in the corner, resting carelessly.
The door finally opened to the ninth floor. Harry was frozen, looking directly at a long hallway of doors. It took a few seconds until it whirred and shut close. Not knowing what to do, Harry picked up the bag and swung it over his shoulder.
He tapped his foot as he waited for the elevator to go up to the twelfth floor until it began going down again. He pressed the button to the ninth floor again.
Eleven. A couple his age entered, probably about to go down. Narrowed eyes landed on him and his dirty shirt and pants, but he paid them no mind.
Twelve. The couple started to talk about their plans on the honeymoon tomorrow. Harry busied himself by playing with the straps of the beach bag. He realized just now it had her name inside one of the straps lazily written with a sharpie. [Y/N], it stated.
Eleven again.
Ten again.
Nine again. The door opened, but he did not step out. Of course, the couple began to eye him with suspicion now as he reached out to press the button to the eighth floor.
Eight. When he stepped out, he heard the hushed but relieved sighs from both of the other two behind him as the elevator proceeded to close shut and go down.
Harry knocked on the first door. A man in his pajamas answered. Harry muttered an apology as he walked away to try the second door. He heard the first door swing shut.
The second door was equipped with a sign on the doorknob saying, ‘Do not Disturb.’ So, of course, Harry moved on to the third. He heard loud sounds of children playing inside. When he knocked, a tired woman carrying a toddler in her arms answered. Harry apologized once more and moved on.
Harry’s shoulder was aching, so he let the bag down and simply held it in his hands.
The fourth door was answered by a middle-aged man holding a glass of wine.
The fifth door’s knob held the same message as the the second — ‘Do not Disturb.’
As you may recall, Harry held a bag he did not own in his hand. His shirt was a bit muddied and moist on one side, but he didn’t mind. He stood in front of the eighth door he’ll be knocking on in hopes it was the owner of the bag. It still wasn’t, though.
Instead, a woman his age greeted him with a smile. She was pretty, sure, but she wasn’t what he was looking for. He apologized for interrupting and went ahead to knock on the ninth door.
It swung open, and Harry let out a long sigh.
An older woman greeted him with a pleasant smile. “Hello, dear,” she said. He took a shot and asked if she knew anyone by the name of [Y/N] [Y/L/N]. Unfortunately though, she did not.
Harry finally made it to the last door. He knocked once more, holding the bag tighter now. A little kid answered, with her parents and siblings in the background, eating pancakes. They did not know of someone named [Y/N] [Y/L/N], either.
Shoulders slumping, Harry made his way back to the elevator. He pressed the up button.
“Excuse me?” called out a voice from behind him. His heart skipped a beat. Wait, don’t skip, he thought to himself.
It still wasn’t her. It was the same girl from the ninth door. “Yes?”
“You’re looking for [Y/N]?” she asked. “[Y/N] [Y/L/N]?”
“Er — yes. Do you know her?” asked Harry.
“Yeah, she’s in the shower. Is that her bag?”
“Oh!” He almost forgot that he was holding it. “Yes, yes it is.”
“I can give it to her,” called out the woman. She closed the door behind her, making her way towards him. When she was close enough, she extended her hand.
The elevator dinged open. Harry was about to hand it over to her, when he decided something else.
“Er — no, uh, I was actually hoping if I could see her.”
She let her hand down, grinning. “You must be Elevadork.”
“Oh, yeah, it’s an inside joke,” said Harry.
“You can wait inside,” said the girl. “I’m Karolina, by the way. She’s just showering because she’s, and I quote, ‘will be too unlovable if smelling like chlorine.’”
Harry chuckled as Karolina led him to their hotel room. It was just like every other room he had seen, then he saw the same towel she had with her just a while ago when they were stuck with only each other’s company.
“He was nice, though. I wouldn’t mind seeing him again. By the way, we’re out of hair conditioner. My hair badly nee — Harry!” [Y/N] tumbled backwards to the bathroom with a different towel wrapped around herself. Harry’s eyes widened, and he turned around.
“He wanted to return your bag and ask you out,” said Karolina.
“That’s not what I actually said,” whispered Harry, turning crimson.
“Honey, trust me, it was definitely what you said,” laughed Karolina, patting him in the back. “You might want to change first.”
“I guess,” added Harry.
[Y/N] rushed to the get her clothes from one of the two beds and ran back to the shower, where she hastily pulled on her shirt and checkered pajama pants.
“She’s done changing, by the way,” said Karolina, patting Harry on the shoulder again as she left to pour iced tea for herself.
[Y/N] led Harry out, earning two thumbs up from Karolina, who was beaming up at the two of them. “How’d you find me?”
“Fate,” said Harry mockingly, as if from a show. She giggled. “I knocked on all the doors in this hallway.”
“To return a bag?”
“Sure, that, too. But mainly to ask if you’d like to get some — er — doughnuts with, uh, me. I really want to bring some up to —”
“Your friend’s dad, right,” [Y/N] cut out. “Are we still taking the elevator?”
“Yeah,” said Harry.
They finally reached the elevator, where they stood side by side.
“Aren’t you going to change first?” asked [Y/N].
“Nope,” said Harry, pressing the down button. He turned to [Y/N], looking at her shirt. “Does that say ‘Treacle Treat?’”
“Yeah, like as in Trick or Treat. See the pumpkin?” She pointed at the bottom part of her shirt.
“Oh, there it is.” The two were laughing even when they stepped into the elevator. They exchanged a knowing glance at the sight of scattered crumbs of doughnuts on the floor, not daring to talk about it in front of one another guest.
As the elevator began to go down, Harry realized he might as well believe in the lucky numbers. After all, if it weren’t for six, seven, and nine, he wouldn’t be here right now standing shoulder up to shoulder with the girl wearing a funky shirt.
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Taglist: @gingerale2017 @maybanksslut @hey-there-angels @mrzweasley @gwlvr @booksarealwaysbettersworlds-blog @greenlyblue @henqtic @meiitanoia @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts
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annaloveshjp · 1 year ago
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Ron Weasley (2012)
15 he/him 🏳️‍⚧️ mlm
Born. March 1 1997
Attends hogwarts high, crushing on his roommate/best friend harry potter.
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annaloveshjp · 1 year ago
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annaloveshjp · 1 year ago
The Shower of yearning part 1
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Harry Potter x female reader
Summary: Harry Potter likes y/n, although he won't admit it. y/n likes Harry Potter, although she won't admit it. Hogwarts Castle is sick and tired of it - and decides the two need some help, forcing them to shower together again and again.
warnings:Hand Jobs,Shower Sex and Accidental Voyeurism
The first time it happened, it was mortifying.
Harry was standing in the shower, under the hot spray. y/n had been right - it was a privilege to be able to use the Prefects Bathroom as Gryffindor’s new Qudditch captain. And while he didn’t have time to have a bath every night he now favored nightly showers in the grand shower room for the boys. It was much better than sharing a bathroom with Seamus. He was coming to the end of his wash - soaping up his armpits, when all of a sudden there was a loud pop.
Standing in front of him was y/n. More important, standing in front of him was a very wet, very naked, and very soapy, y/n Since she had been in the middle of washing her hair - her eyes were closed and she did not immediately recognize their predicament. Instead Harry was treated to five glorious seconds of his friend’s nude body. His eyes devoured her. Running from her feet, up her legs toned by years of climbing staircases, to the tidy patch of hair that covered her sex, and then he looked up to her breasts. Her naked breasts. He watched a soap suds trickle down the curve of one, ending perched on a nipple.
y/n eyes opened and they stared at each other in mounting horror.
Before Harry could even think to do anything chivalrous - or even cover up his rapidly hardening cock - y/n had squeaked like a mouse, threw one hand over her breasts and another in front of her sex, and ran from the shower. So stunned by it all, Harry didn't even think to turn and look at her ass as it scurried away.
He regretted it for the rest of the night.
The second time it happened, it was awkward.
Harry and y/n - both pink in the face throughout all of the next breakfast - had snuck away from Ron and Hermione to have a quiet conversation before class. They worked out that they had both been using the showers at the same time, y/n in the girls’ and Harry in the boys’, and they decided it must have just been some strange jinx. Another mystery of Hogwarts. They promised that it wouldn’t ruin their friendship or make things uncomfortable.
And for four nights they were right. Harry showered in peace and solitude - and while a part of him wished he could see y/n naked again he was glad not to endure that embarrassment again. Anyway, his dreams took care of his desires. He had woken up most nights now with a raging erection and a faint memory of a nude y/n. He tried to ignore it. She was his friend. Nothing more.
Still, his heart thundered in excitement when he heard that loud pop again. He knew what happened last time he heard that sound - and sure enough y/n was suddenly in the shower with him again. Except this time, she wasn’t washing her hair. She was washing her legs - bent at the waist as she soaped up her calves. Standing behind her, Harry was presented with the greatest view of his life. His eyes followed up her legs, over her thighs, to her plump, round bottom presented to him like a five course meal. He devoured the view - each soapy, wet asscheek there to be squeezed and kneaded.
“Oh Merlin” he babbled.
y/n stopped washing her legs. She went very still and then realizing her position she quickly stood up. She did not turn around however - instead standing facing the wall, letting Harry bathe in the view of her delectable rump. “Harry?” she whispered with uncertainty.
“Yeah. It's me” Harry said. He begged every power in the universe that y/n didn’t turn around. Partly because he wanted to continue to stare at her ass. Partly because his cock was so hard now it could cut stone.
They stood together in silence for a while - only the sound of the shower covering their breathing. Harry’s cock twitched as he watched a droplet of water run down the curve of her back and dipped between her cheeks, vanishing out of sight. Then y/n finally said, “could you leave this time? I still haven’t finished washing. If that’s ok?”
Harry gulped. “Sure” he said, backing out of the shower, not letting his eyes leave her ass until they had to.
The third time it happened, it was explosive.
Harry and y/n had again managed to find an excuse to leave Ron and  Hermione at breakfast the following day and had a hurried conversation in an abandoned classroom. They worked out that it only seemed to happen when they were showering at the same time - and so the obvious answer to their problem was to make sure their schedules never aligned. Harry felt a stab of disappointment as they agreed, but he supposed it was for the best.
For a week then - Harry enjoyed his showers in peace and quiet. Enjoy being the right word because whenever Harry was alone under the water, his hand always dropped to his cock, stroking himself, jerking his shaft until he spilled his cum against the wall. He only ever thought about one thing. Her breast,.Her bottom. Her legs. Her back. Her wet hair and face. The visions came to him as he pumped himself, always concluding with a grunt of relief.
On Monday night then he had quickly washed - ready to engage in his new past-time - when the loud pop filled the shower again. He stumbled back, caught by surprise. There was y/n in front of him again. She was naked again. Her body glistened with the water again. Her face was already pink and her breasts were already heaving as she breathed heavily - as if she was trying to control herself after a long run. “Oh sorry!” she squeaked. “I thought you were finished!”
Harry had no reply at first. He found it hard to think of anything but the word “tits” that was currently doing laps around his brain. He wanted to squeeze them. He wanted to kiss them. It was only when he realized with mounting horror that he was now hard - fully erect, aching for relief - in front of one of his best friend did he finally return to earth. “Ok” he said. Trying to remember how English worked. “I wasn’t done.”
“What did you have left to do?”
It wasn’t the question Harry expected y/n to ask. Did she think that they should simply both finish their showers and pretend this was normal? More to the point, it wasn’t a question Harry wanted to answer - since there was no polite way to say “all I have left to do is jerk myself off to the memory of your naked ass.” Still he found himself looking down at his cock - still hard, still pointing directly at y/n. She followed his gaze and let out a little squeak. “Oh. Ok. Here, I have some soap.”
It was at this point Harry was certain this was a dream. It had to be a dream. It couldn’t not be a dream. Because y/n had just reached forward with a soapy hand and wrapped her fingers around his penis. He grunted. It didn’t make any sense. He had touched his own cock a million times before and somehow it never came anywhere near as good as y/n soft, dainty fingers pressed against his flesh. For a moment she simply held him, cock in hand, her eyes looking up at him. And then she started to move. As if this was normal. As if it was perfectly innocent for her to wash his shaft clean. Her arm gently pumped - her breasts bouncing with the movement - as she started to stroke his cock, lathering him up. Harry lasted for all of about ten delirious, delicious and delectable strokes until with a shuddering groan, he came. His seed splattered against her naked thigh.
“Finished?” Asked y/n breathlessly.
Harry nodded and took that as his sign to leave.
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annaloveshjp · 2 years ago
The Exit
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- ex!harry potter x fem!reader - summary: this is inspired/based off of the song "The Exit" by Conan Gray :) grab your tissues, loves - a/n: started writing this a while ago and just finished it recently. I hope you like it and I'm sorry it's kind of short - word count: 1.8k
ʚ ═══・୨ ꕤ ୧・═══ ɞ
Your heart sunk at the sight. Harry had just walked into the café you used to visit together, but it wasn’t you on his arm this time.
Ginny was her name. She was beautiful, you couldn’t lie to yourself. You knew her from Harry's hometown; she was the sister of his best friend. You watched as they walked up to the counter and ordered their drinks. You tried to look away, yet you couldn’t help but notice her features and wonder why he chose her and left you. She was so similar in so many ways.
It had been nine months since your split, yet, you hadn’t moved on. He had. He seemed so happy, and you couldn’t understand how he did it. You wished you could walk up to him and ask him “How?”
But no, that would embarrass both of you.
So you sat with your half-cold coffee and watched them playfully bicker about how boring Harry’s coffee order was: Plain black, no cream, no sugar. Just bitter. 
Like yourself. You thought bitterly as Ginny ordered something different for Harry.
You wanted to be happy for him, truly, but all you could think about when you saw the forced smile on his face as Ginny ordered for him was how you would never do something like that. Let him make his own decisions. Your jaw clenched, It’s not cute.
Or maybe it was? 
You had been so deep in thought that you almost didn’t notice them finish ordering. Ginny pulled Harry by the arm and started to look for an empty table. While her eyes were wandering, Harry’s eyes met yours for only a second. They grew wide before looking for a table to distract themselves. In that second, you took notice of Harry’s clean-shaven face. You knew Harry liked growing out his facial hair a bit, so Ginny must’ve said she liked a clean face.
“Here,” you heard GInny say as she walked with Harry over to an empty table not too far from yours. You tensed up as Harry took the chair that faced away from you, leaving Ginny to face you.
You focused your attention on your forgotten book on your table, but you couldn’t help but overhear their conversation. They started to talk about moving plans and apartment ideas. The words on the pages of your book began to blur as you unconsciously aimed your focus at Ginny’s words about how she’d officially move in by the end of the week.
Your mind suddenly flashed back to all of those days of talking about your life with Harry. You two would share the biggest room in his apartment, and the smaller one would be the guest room for friends. Thinking about mornings in the kitchen; you could see yourself singing a tune while Harry made breakfast. But you never got to those days. Ginny will.
Harry had talked about Ginny a few times during your relationship, but it seemed like she was a younger sister-type figure. You never noticed how he would go on about how funny she was, or the way he liked how she would tease him. You had been so blinded by your love for him that you didn’t even see he loved someone else. 
You didn’t hate Harry, you never could, but you wished he had tried to keep the relationship together. It was a rough parting–for you at least. Harry had invited you to his apartment one day, which you accepted, but you had arrived late. Your hair was messed up from the wind. Your mascara, smudged, from the rain and you rubbing your eyes.
“I’m sorry I look a mess,” you muttered an unnecessary apology as you entered his apartment. “The rain was awful, and–”
“Where were you?” Harry asked you, a touch of suspicion in his voice. 
You looked up at him. “I got home from work late,” you told him, trying to be kind. “I was exhausted and decided to take a nap, but I totally lost track of time, so I had to rush to get here. I’m sorry. Really.”
“Work, hm?” he said quietly. You watched as he walked around the couch to get closer to you, not making eye contact.
“Yes, Harry. Work,” you said, confused. “What else would I be doing on a Tuesday night? Drinking at a bar?” you asked him sarcastically. 
“Maybe,” he said. 
You hung your jacket up, walking closer to him. 
“Are you alright–?” you began to ask before Harry interrupted.
“No, I’m not,” he said bluntly. “I want to know where you’ve been,”
“What do you mean?” you asked him, backing up a step.
“You know what I mean,” he scoffed, walking away. “You’re always late coming over here and I want to know why,”
“Always?” you asked. “It’s only been a few times that I was late, and usually it’s because I work late or there’s traffic. I don’t know what you’re on about, Harry, but whatever it is, I don’t like where it’s going.” 
“Me bloody either, Y/N!” he said loudly, making you jump. “You’ve been seeing someone else and I want to know who!”
“What the fuck, Harry?” you shouted back. “Why would I be seeing someone else?”
“Maybe because I’m not good enough, I don’t know!” he cried. “Look at you! Your hair’s all messed up and so is your makeup!”
“Yeah, Harry, if you couldn’t tell, it’s pouring outside!” you yelled exasperatedly, motioning to the horrid weather showing through his window. 
He laughed bitterly. “Don’t be making excuses now, love,”
“I’m not,” you said quietly. 
“Fuck, Y/N!” he shouted, pulling at his hair. 
“What do you want me to say?” you asked loudly. 
“I don’t know, tell me the truth!” he yelled. 
“I am!” you yelled back, stomping your foot.
“We’re done, Y/N,” Harry said lowly, looking up and glaring at you. 
You stop. What the fuck?
“Harry, wait–”
“No, Y/N, you heard me,” he said. 
“But why?” you begged. “I didn’t do anything.”
“Sure you didn’t,” he grumbled. “Get out, please,”
Suddenly, you had an epiphany. 
“Are you and Ginny fucking?” you asked him, leaving all your emotions behind.
His face dropped. 
“I– what?”
“Answer the fucking question, Harry,” you demanded, glaring daggers at him.
How could you have not seen it before? It’s so obvious now, you wanted to smack yourself across the face right then and there. 
Harry only looked at you guiltily before saying, “So, you really aren't cheating?”
“No, Harry, I’m not,” you said. “I never was. But now that I know that you are, I’m leaving,”
“No, wait–”
“No, Harry! You’ve made it pretty obvious that you’re seeing Ginny, and I wouldn’t want to ruin your perfect bond, now, would I?” you cried, tears burning your eyes.
“Y/N, I’m sorry, I was being stupid. I never thought you cheated I just–” he pleaded.
“Just what? Wanted to make yourself feel better about the fact that you were already fucking someone else?” you said. “And yeah, Harry, you’re pretty fucking stupid.”
“Fuck,” Harry sighed. “Don’t know why I did that, Baby, I’m sorry,”
“Good for you,” you said sarcastically. “I’m done,”
You quickly grabbed your coat and turned the door handle. 
With the door open, you turned to Harry. 
“Fuck you,” you spat.
Slamming the door, you walked out of his apartment, letting your tears fall free.
You hadn’t talked to him at all since then, but now that you’re seeing him with her, part of you wanted to run to him and forgive him for everything that he did, but the other part wanted him to miss you and regret ever leaving you.
You watched from behind Harry as he sipped his coffee (Caramel latte, two sugars, with a pump of vanilla) and you could imagine the forced look of delight as he placed his cup down. Definitely way too sweet for him.
Your lips quivered as you remembered how he would laugh if you would ever suggest he try something out of his comfort zone. You missed how comfortable he was with you. You hadn’t seen that with Ginny the whole ten minutes they’d been here. 
Maybe his taste for coffee changed? No, that would be stupid, right? I don’t know.
You couldn’t take it much longer. With a loud screech, you pushed your chair out and walked to the bathroom, needing a break from Ginny's pretty face. You made sure not to look back to see if Harry saw.
Down the hall to the restrooms, you stopped in front of the door, not needing to go in. You took a few deep breaths, trying to clear your head. 
Footsteps approached behind you and came to a halt, making you realize you were probably blocking the bathroom door. 
“Sorry,” you mumbled, not looking up but backing away from the door. The owner of the footsteps didn’t go into the bathroom but said your name. 
“Y/N,” the voice said. You couldn’t believe your ears for a moment, so you trusted your eyes and looked up to see Harry looking down at you with an emotion you couldn’t quite recognize in his eyes.
“Oh, uhm, hi,” you said. “What do you want?” 
“I– fuck. I wanted to apologize. Properly,” said Harry.
You looked around. “Seriously? Right here?” you whispered. “Ginny is literally right there, you dumbass!” you pushed his chest slightly, a part of you wanting to touch him, even for a moment.
“Yes, right here, Y/N. I told her I was going to the bathroom, it’s fine.” he ensured. “I just– I realized how big of a mistake I made last February and I wanted you to know how sorry I am,”
“You just realized?” you scoff. “I realized that the moment I stepped out of your apartment, Harry. I swear, things had just started to bloom between us, like, the peak of us, and you just left. I felt like I was standing at the exit for months. The exit to our relationship. Maybe I still am.”
He opens his mouth to speak, but you interrupt him. 
“Oh, and speaking of apartments! Ginny is moving in with you this Friday, right? I’m so happy for you!” you congratulate him sarcastically with a bitter laugh. “You must really be in love if she’s coming with you that fast! It took you over a year to ask me to move in, but she’s already moved with you in nine months?”
“Y/N,” he starts.
“Don’t Y/N me,” you say lowly. “You love her, it’s over. This is over.” you motion to the two of you. 
He gives you a pleading look but you just glare at him. You push your way past him and walk back to your table. Ginny catches your eye and gives you a polite smile. You return it. You figured Harry had never talked about you to her, so you didn’t worry about her recognizing you.
You finish packing your things and head for the door. Looking back at their table, you see Harry looking at you, but you only give both of them a polite smile and walk out of the exit.
ʚ ═══・୨ ꕤ ୧・═══ ɞ
419 notes · View notes
annaloveshjp · 2 years ago
✿ = fluff
✦ = story
♡ = smut
harry potter -
cold kisses ✿
drunk in love ✿
towel secret ✿
goodbye tears ✦
ravioli shenanigans ✿
dream girl ✦ ✿
the exit ✦
truth or dare ✿
hermione granger-
warming a cold night ♡
85 notes · View notes
annaloveshjp · 2 years ago
don't mind me I'm about to maybe redo my masterlist and stuff cuz it's uglyyyyy
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annaloveshjp · 2 years ago
Pls learn how to use the Read more button on posts
LMAOO thank you for this😭😭 i’ll try to remember from now on
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