#they are not like Ling who was basically born to be a dad
askblueandviolet · 5 months
You don't love your daughter...?
She loved you so much and yet you killed her...Maybe she's feeling disappointed in her father now:(
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s2pdoktopus · 4 months
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I found Lilai!! My baby <3
Since I have this, I'm gonna gush about her
Lilai is born between a Yu disciple who followed Jiang Cheng in the name of the Violet Spider and a rogue cultivator who followed him during the Sunshot campaign. Her parents' love story is quite famous (or infamous, depending on the person retelling it.) Its popularity rivals the stories about Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan.
Yu MeiSi is a stoic woman, borderline emotionless and her falling for a clumsy no name rogue cultivator was a hilarity nobody saw coming. (Jiang Cheng was busy wrangling a wayward Wei Wuxian to witness the events)
After the Sunshot campaign MeiSi basically approached Gui Peng and asked him what he thinks of her. (When she first saw him she thought he was hot. No one else saw what she saw in the guy but it's love at first sight for her.) Peng, not sure why one of their best generals was asking his opinion, said that he thought she was strong and that he's honored to have fought with her in the war. MeiSi was pleased (it didn't reflect on her face) and left. After that she kept coming back to him for tea time, joined him in his errands and kept insisting that she wanted to help in the area where he was rebuilding. Hanging out with her made Peng fall for her and he later complained to his friends that she's out of his league. The response of his peers at the time being, "I thought you're already seeing each other?" (MeiSi definitely thought they were dating) Peng got a realization and in a drunken fit of confidence, asked for her hand in marriage. MeiSi accepted gracefully (in her head she thought "FINALLY!! how long should the courtship be??") They gathered everything they could for the wedding in a ruined, rebuilding sect and surprised Jiang Cheng with the request to officiate the wedding.
Jiang Cheng was teased for officiating a wedding when he wasn't married himself. When he broke this news to Yanli she told him to collect her money from Hao Fei (there's a bet between the girls on whether Peng will realize or not. The guy is very oblivious.)
The wedding between MeiSi and Peng happens then the canon plot happens, Jin Ling is born and then almost a year later Yu Lilai is born. (Her dad chose to give her the surname Yu to show her connection to a clan)
Yu Lilai is the first child born to a Jiang disciple in the Jiang clan.
She is currently the best swordswoman in her age group, as if she was born with a sword in her hand. She is considered to be a genius at it. Although it does appear as if the gods took away her ability to understand social cues in exchange. She's strong, she knows she's strong and she isn't afraid of many things, her sect leader included. Whenever the disciples want to ask their leader something (like, for example: a torture dungeon) they ask her to do it.
Jiang Cheng is exasperated about her lack of tact. (He has learned from the many many interventions he had to do between the children that she has no ill intentions. And has small to zero emotional sensitivity. Or social awareness) Small mercies, she's well mannered, polite and obedient. She's learned that asking for his permission to speak first is important to avoid offending diplomatic guests. Jiang Cheng is happy when she's racking up points for Yunmeng Jiang in cultivation conference exhibitions though.
She is often with her XinXue Shijie and Lian Shixiong. XinXue enables her bad habits and Lian made it his responsibility to dodge possible diplomatic problems made by them.
She was also Jin Ling's friend as a young child. But since Jin Ling isn't spending all of his time in the Jiang Sect, and with the new kids her age joining the sect giving her more options, they kind of just fell off. She's too oblivious to notice that this affected him. She does remember that as kids she and Jin Ling promised to marry each other.
One day, in Jin Ling's attempt to reconnect with her, he asked her to join him and his new friends on a night hunt. She offhandedly mentioned the childhood promise, wondering if they'll fulfill it now because he needs a wife. This embarrasses Jin Ling (Lan Jingyi wouldn't let him live it down) and vehemently disagrees. Yu Lilai doesn't get why it's a big deal but promises Jin Ling that she'll wait for him anyway. (Jin Ling is embarrassed but also weirdly touched)
(Whether there's actually anything there, the adults only wish they would figure it out)
Every time she emotionally compromises someone important to her, she gains a little emotional maturity. Her dad feels kind of bad about it because she definitely got it from him. Her mom consoles her husband by saying that it was cute. They are one of the Jiang Sect's weirdest families, second only to Jiang Cheng's own.
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thegreymoon · 2 years
Love Like the Galaxy
LMAO, is this where she ends up with porn? 🤣🤣
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I love her so much 🖤 Also, she would have loved AO3! 🤣🤣
OMG 🤣🤣
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I’ve never heard of condolences being offered like this 🤣🤣
Cackling 🤣🤣
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This show is a comedy 🤣🤣
LMAO, find you a man who will bring you alcohol to go with reading porn 🤣🤣
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Studying hard, indeed 🤣🤣
Well, if Confucius says so 🤣🤣
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Yes, baby, we’ve all noticed you’re a natural-born dom 🤣🤣
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Oh, yes, two virgin teenagers surely have a lot to teach the world on relationships 🤣🤣
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Oh, shut up about Yangyang!
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If your precious golden child can’t have something, then the scapegoat certainly can’t have it. Go die already. 
I think that at this point we can all stop pretending you’re in any way concerned about your daughter’s happiness here. 
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Third Aunt has the patience of a saint for not smacking her with that spoon. 
This meddling loser 😠😠
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Good girl, Niaoniao, murder him good 💀💀
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LMAO, this incorrigible gossip 🤣🤣
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He kept souvenirs 😋
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This asshole.
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Tell him, A-Yao! He’s just jealous, petty and mean.
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The worst.
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Thank you! You tell them, girl! I rolled my eyes so hard at his ridiculous, self-pitying tale.
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So, basically, he let this woman wait for 7 years, be abused by his ridiculous family, called her ugly and unworthy of him, and then acted shocked when she finally broke of the engagement after he wouldn’t extend her the minimum courtesy and publicly humiliated her yet again. The fact that he had a good reason to stand her up that last time does not change the fact that he had been negging and standing her up for seven fucking years. In short, fuck him. I’m glad Third Aunt had the common sense to finally leave his crusty ass. 
Thank you, Zisheng!
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LMAO, this loser 🤣🤣 I can’t stop laughing!
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Dying 🤣🤣
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Did I mention that I love Third Aunt? Because I love Third Aunt.
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Oh, yikes. What is going on with Ling Buyi and his mother? She thinks he’s her freeloading nephew? 
Go choke.
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Mom and dad are suspicious 😂😂
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She’s in a rush to get away from you.
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bookwormlover10 · 1 year
Hunter Jay Clawthorn
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This is hunter Jay Clawthorn my wittechild ( he the son of Caleb Wittebane and Evelyn Clawthorn) hes name is hunter cause Evelyn lost a coin toss before he was born But he goes by jay cause he likes it more than hunter. He grow up in a nice house hold were he learn to carve from his dad and love of paliman from his mom. When he was little and first went to the knee he got a love of snow
Growing up like Jacob he was also billed for be a half-,ling. People called he a half a Witch but it didn't work on him because that what he is! He was the one that suggested that they were cousins. Like Jacob he also wants to be a knight to protect people and prove people wrong. When he went to the training academy his parents were fine with it, they want his to have a live full of adventure and life to the fullest with no regrets. ( It was mostly Caleb though)
Dering his training he developed a herpe mode ( basically herbe edea) that gave him the name of the beast knight
Near the end of the undead war he married a seamstress name Norma pine. Who he wrote letters with dering the war
After Jacob was killed he was the one who drag Jacob corps. He leg was also cut of too. But luckily Philip made him a new one. ( He might not like his brother but he not going to let his nephew suffer)
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regentbison · 1 year
new aus hand them over 👀
Ok wow that was fast. What are you stalking me now? /j
The first one’s a bit more complicated. Basically, Lydia was actually adopted.
In said au, she is also a demon. Well, half demon. I haven’t decided yet if I want to make BJ her dad and her mom a human, if I want to make Juno her mom and her father a human (making BJ her brother), or if I want her demon parent to be someone else entirely (there’s already some ideas).
Though how fucking weird would it be to have Beej be her dad when they meet when she’s about 15 and their relationship will (probably) develop from earth thinking the other is weird (and being confused at the connection between them) and not even knowing he’s her biological dad, then becoming sort of like siblings, and then figuring out he’s actually her biological fucking father. I might make this a one shot or something and keep it out of the au
Now having them be biological siblings could be really cool, and there’s already a lot of angsty ideas regarding that floating around in my head. I.e BJ grew up thinking he was alone, he grew up with Juno’s abuse, while Lydia also grew up (is growing up?) feeling really out of place. And people always avoid her for seemingly no reason.
Now if I have someone else entirely be the Demon parent then I’m either going to have it be this actually nice demon who didn’t want their half human baby to grow up in that toxic environment where she would definitely be shunned by everyone. (Less likely). OR, it’ll be this dirty dildo (thank you @karazoreswell for that amazing mental image) husk of a body. Who literally throws Lydia to the wolves the second she’s born. (More likely)
There aren’t any recorded, or known about, “half-lings” (I’m too lazy to name them properly rn). So Lydia is completely in her own, even after learning about her heritage. She has to somehow figure out her powers, finish the school year with decent grades, stay out of anyone from the netherworld’s sight, grieve over Emily (spoiler: who will only be dying mid fic), figure out her heritage, deal with Beetlejuice, and cope with learning she was adopted. Not necessarily in the order
Ok so the second au is a lot more simple, and also kind of ridiculous? It’s not my usual style, but I was drawing someone doing a split today for some reason, and when getting to the face I started thinking about how Enid is flexible and you can’t convince me otherwise.
So I got to thinking, the original photo I was referencing off of is an old photo from when I used to practice rhythmic gymnastics. The sport has never really left me, and I still find myself thinking about it and watching some current competitions here and there.
And then my mind started ✨doing its thing✨. I already established that Enid is flexible and you can’t change my mind. But Wednesday? Ho ho ho that girl is a beast.
So here we are, with me possibly doing a Wednesday rhythmic gymnastics au. I’m debating wether having Wednesday and Enid in the same squad and having them also be in a group together. Or having them practice in different studios and basically be mortal enemies.
Thinking about it now, they’ll probably be at the same studio. Rhythmic gymnastics, especially competitive and at that age, means already getting ready for the Olympics. So boarding school for athletes, Wednesday and Enid are the best rhythmic gymnasts at Nevermore company, everyone knows they’ll be the two to represent the US at the upcoming Olympics. So obviously, the two are put in the same dorm room.
Wednesday thinks of Enid like a nemesis. She will do anything to beat her. At first Enid is pretty much the same - although she at least tried to be civil in the beginning - yet slowly her view of Wednesday shifts.
They both start noticing how each girl holds herself, the grace, the form. How well she works with each apparatus, which one she holds more confidently than the others yet manages to hide it perfectly. And then they group numbers become a thing.
In rhythmic gymnastics, there’s the individual program, and the group program consisting of six gymnasts. Usually, the individuals who compete individually don’t also compete in the group. But Enid really wanted to try out the group event one time and basically fell in love with it, so she’s now working her ass off to be in both. Did I forget to mention her mom just loves seeing her daughter preform up there on the mat all by herself. Wednesday absolutely refuses to take part in the group program, having never worked in a squad before and never having the intention to work in a squad. Yet she’s always there when they practice, and the coach sometimes pulls her over to help them with something, so she’s basically got their routines down already. When one of the girls is injured about two weeks before a really important competition that they can’t back out of without risking their place in the Olympics, Wednesday is basically forced to join the group.
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wonunuu · 3 years
iris beauty ❀
27: little toy car
✎ synopsis: falling for a guy is never easy, especially when your best friend of many years basically claimed him; you and mina have been friends for as long as you can remember, but your loyalty and trust are tested when she asks you to pretend to be her in meeting a guy she had been talking to online and you unintentionally start to develop feelings for him.
✎ genre: romance, angst
✎ pairing: reader x yoon jeonghan
✎ word count: 1k+
✎ warnings: mentions of bullying, health conditions, death (lmk if there's more)
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Mina takes a deep breath before taking a few steps towards the boy facing away from her. Taking another breath, she builds up the courage to tap him on the shoulder. 
“Jeonghan,” Mina says, barely audible, as she stares at her feet. He turns around to face her. “It’s me, the real Mina.” 
“Hey.” is all he says before wrapping his arms around her. Mina stood there frozen, taken aback from his unexpected greeting. 
Jeonghan pulls back, reaching out his hands to put her hair behind her ear, her face now on full view. He pulls her to the bench, not too far from where they stood.
Freckles is covering her square-shaped face. She had heavy lower lips, round nose and her irises had two different colours. Her eyes were her biggest insecurity. 
When Mina was born, she was diagnosed with heterochromia iridium, a condition that causes two different eye colours in an individual. As a young child, she was never bothered by her features because her parents gave her all the love. They treated her as if she was the prettiest little girl on the planet, just as she deserves. But everything started changing when she attended school. Her classmates made fun of her everyday, and she made no friends. Until two new students transferred in sixth grade; you and Joshua. The three of you became friends rather quickly. At first, Mina was scared that the two of you would be like the others, but that fear faded away when you got involved in a fight with her bully in eighth grade, Joshua backing you up  from the side by running his mouth. He called it, “hyping YN up as she beats that rat shitless” —quite the vulgar language for a thirteen year old. 
The three of you entered high school hand in hand, and with the two of you by her side, Mina thought things would get better. But she was wrong. As the weeks went by, the bullying got worse. Everyday she would get notes in her locker stating “freak”, “get surgery” and “leave the world”. She kept it from you and Josh because she didn’t want the two of you to get dragged in her situation. The bullying went on until the last year of high school, and scared to take the next step in college, she dropped out. She didn't want you and Joshua to find out so she used an excuse by saying that the program she wanted to take was only available online. 
You and Josh only found out about the notes months later when you were going to surprise her with a room makeover. They were stashed in a box under her bed. The two of you confronted her when she got home. She explained that those notes were the reason why she dropped out, and apologized for not telling you. 
Mina went to on explaining to Jeonghan all of that—from her childhood to her high school years. She also explained to Jeonghan the reasons why she pulled that little white lie, as she called it.
“I was scared that you were going to leave me or make fun of me when you saw me,” she admitted, tears pooling in her eyes. Jeonghan sighs, “So you wanted to put my shallowness to the test?”. Mina shakes her head. “No, it’s not like that at all—I was just scared and insecure, a-and I just didn’t want you to leave. I’m so, so sorry. I know it’s very shameless of me, but I hope you can forgive me and not leave.
During those times that you met with my friend who was pretending to be me, I was always hiding behind some tree and wishing that I was in her place instead—”
“So did you actually go on the trip or not?” Jeonghan interrupts Mina. 
“What do you mean?” Mina asks, confused. 
“You said that you were always there when I met with YN. I’ve been meeting with her the past month while you were on your trip.’” Jeonghan explains, quoting on the word trip. Suddenly, Mina stands up, shock on her face.
“H-how do you know her name? I didn’t tell you her name yet, Jeonghan. A-and you’ve been meeting with her while I was gone?” At this point, Mina is yelling. 
Jeonghan tries to calm her down. “Sit, and I’ll explain what happened, or at least what I think happened.”
He tells Mina how he saw you working in the café, and that he thinks that you needed to keep pretending to rid suspicions that he had, which is true. He also explains that the reason why you couldn’t tell her right away was probably for the same reason he couldn’t talk to her himself—because Mina’s phone was locked away, which again is true.
Mina understands that part, but not the part of how Jeonghan knew your name. Hesitantly, she asked, “While the two of you were meeting, did she tell you her name? Is that why you know?”
Jeonghan shakes his head. “I actually knew her before you.” Mina is as confused as she can be. Why didn’t you tell her that you knew Jeonghan?
“But I doubt she remembers who I am though, given the fact that we’ve been meeting all this time and she hasn’t brought up anything from the past.” Jeonghan chuckles.
“When I was young, my father was very sick. We couldn’t afford to buy him medications, let alone admit him to the hospital. As time went by, my father’s condition worsened, and given our situation, I was sure that there would be no more hope. Until two medical professionals moved into town and built a clinic. The couple saw my dad during his daily walks, and they offered him a check up. My father refused because we didn’t have the money to pay, but they insisted and told him it would be done for free. 
He had free weekly check-ups after that, and he would bring me too, sometimes. It turns out the couple had a daughter, around the age of five and six. We would play together, you know? Every time my father went to his check up, I would ask him to bring me so that I could play with her. Every week we played with each other.
She would also lend me her little toy cars, and I would give them back the week later when I went back. I was so happy because I never had toys before other than wood painted to look like a car. 
The last one she lent to me was a red to car. She told me that it was her favourite and that I should take care of it. I did, and I still am. I never got the chance to give it back because… my dad didn’t need to go for his check-ups anymore. He passed away shortly after that last check-up.” 
A drop of tear fell on the back of Jeonghan’s hand, but he composed himself quickly, wiping away the tears that were about to fall.
"The mother—YN's mother—always wore this beautiful flower necklace. It was also the clinic's logo. She told me what the flower meant and how it's her favourite.
That's how I figured out YN is... YN. She wears the same necklace that her mother wore. I asked her to confirmed my suspicions, and she did. She told me how it was her mothers and how the iris was her favourite flower."
He smiles as he looks at Mina who was completely frozen, and the expression on her face, unreadable.
Mina has mixed feelings. Relief because you kept your promise on not telling Jeonghan the truth while she was gone. Anger because you didn’t tell her right away that you had been meeting without her. Lastly, jealousy; she is jealous that you and Jeonghan have some sort of connection longer than she has with him, and deeper.  
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unable to tag: @tyongs @jeongjungkaka @jammyjamjamss @hauntedprincessarbiter @scoffingscully
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featherfur · 3 years
This is probably mildly controversial but I really don’t get the appeal of the fix it’s that involve the juniors going back to their 17ish year old parents and going “hi yes I’m your kid” and then the 17 year old decides ‘oh yes I’m going to be the best parent!’
Like they’re 17??? The juniors are 16-20 assuming CQL and 13-16 novel (since Sizhui is a toddler when JL is born) like that’s not their parent nor would any 17 year old want to take on a kid?? They’re all very different people before the time skip and three of the main people are dead! Also imagine being Sizhui and meeting your dad and you’re three years older than both of them, if he even considers them parents. That’s actually a separate issue I won’t go into because that’ll definitely cause drama
I get like if the juniors look at their parents and miss the people they knew but they’re not going to look at children who are basically the same age as them and go “you’re my parent and I will treat you as such”
Like yes I like the idea of Jin Ling meeting his parents but he wouldn’t meet 17/18 yr old Zixuan and 20ish Yanli and go “I want to be your kid again” because a. He already has a parent even if it’s not the same as having a mother and father he wouldn’t ever leave his uncle alone and would be offended at the thought and b. He would probably cry his eyes out for like three minutes and then get over it because his parents are at most seven years older than him and at youngest one year
There’s nothing wrong with it but it does always confuse me when I see people write that because if I met my mother at 17 I would not be considering her my mother because she 17 and knows Jack shit and is not who she actually is as I know her. Also like a lot of who these people are is built by the pain of WWX’s death (and Yanli and JZX). Lan Wangji stops being super loyal to his rules and allows his juniors to be gremlins and super rude. He also starts his whole crusade of going where the trouble is and leaving Gusu Lan behind him pretty often. Jiang Cheng stops smiling, laughing and joking and goes hard on the “Do. Not. Fuck. With me” aura. Lan Xichen is a lot more open with his emotions pre-timeskip and you can see him visually processing more where later he’s more composed. Yanli and JZX are barely more than kids when they had JL and most take on right after the war which means they’re not even together yet and would have no idea how to handle JL especially when he’s literally a few years younger than them.
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zhuilingyizhen · 4 years
the MDZS juniors but they’re in a PJO/HoO AU
The Lans are at the Roman camp bc that would just be cool
Jin Ling is the only child of Apollo who absolutely sucks at all things musical and medical. He also hates Apollo because he raped his mother, and couldn’t stop both of his bio mom from dying.
Which means JL also has extreme self-hatred, bc his mom died a month after he was born due to... idk. Weakness after birth? Something went wrong? Anyways, self-hate. And then, jl’s demigod status attracted monsters to his place, and his dad (who can see through the Mist, bc plot convenience) died for a ling.
So best uncle jc takes jl in, and jl is scarred. Since he’s basically home-schooled, he probably gets through 15 w/o going to camp, before his bio dad takes pity on him and brings him to camp, with jl screaming and fighting the whole way.
But that made all the other Apollo kids jelly *coughjinchancough* so now jl gets harassed by them. Yay.
Zizhen is a child of Demeter, an innocent spring bb! His dad told him “hey your mom REALLY likes plants” when it was time, and he skipped over to Camp Halfblood with a basket of cookies.
He’s quick to befriend everyone, even the loner from the Apollo cabin who’s scarily good at archery. (Jc may or may not have taught jl how to use a gun.)
Seriously, jl’s archery is like on par with the hunt’s. His musical & medical skill is eh at best though, but he eventually learns basic first aid.
Sizhui is a praetor, son of Minerva (Athena). Jingyi’s dad is Mercury (Hermes), and he loves to create chaos within the Romans.
They’re never seen apart. Never.
Idk how they meet (maybe on seperate quests) they bump into each other & go “who tf are you??”
Or even better, oyzz and ljy meet while visiting family (their families both live in the same area, and they both go back for Christmas) and become friends w/o knowing the other is also a demigod 0-0
Since they go to different camps they have no idea, but two demigods in one place is usually bad news. Especially since yk, monsters exist.
So obviously that's how they figure out the other is a demigod (oyzz gets attacked by a monster, screams a lot, has plants curl up around the guy, and ljy is astounded)
They find out abt the other camps and have no idea why it's such a big deal they hate each other. This is also probably the part where they negotiate something between the camps, but there's pushback on both sides.
And we'll, eventually they have to go back (so they do). jl doesn't visit his uncle bc he's an angsty teen. lsz practically lives with his (lan) dad.
meanwhile, while jl is lonely and sulking in the forest (I think there's a forest), he meets uncle #2 (wwx, he's just some mysterious guy that appears and kills people sometimes)
ofc wwx saves jl from a group of monsters or smth. and they don't know who the other is, wwx just kinda scorns jl bc he's a child of apollo and apollo raped his sister.
also bc jl is a bitch to wwx because you know, stranger danger
"i didn't need your help." "what, were you gonna beat them up with just your arrows?" "...yes."
ahhh pt2 later maybe? idk where this is goin, gotta sit on it for a while
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Do you have any ideas for fullmetal alchemist brotherhood headcanons I can use in my Post?????If you do send them right away please
I only have one that I’m exceptionally passionate about, and that’s if Hohenheim had cried when he left his bois instead of leaning into the nonsense that is toxic masculinity, then maybe Ed and Al would’ve had a lot less trauma. And Ed might’ve been a lot more trusting. So basically everything that happened is because of Hohenheim not crying about leaving his baby bois
Aside from that…….
When Mei introduces Al as her boyfriend, he’s declared her royal concubine by the Chang family, and Ling approves the title as Emperor. This I want. More than life itself.
So basically whenever he visits Xing, he’s just a walking piece of fine golden booty tied to the Chang Family’s princess - which has to elevate her status given he’s a golden eyed golden haired “perfect being”
Mustang finds himself walking home from the office one day and is suddenly apprehended by shadowy figures who pin his hands and throws him down and shaves off his moustache.
As he lies there, de-moustached, he catches a glimpse of a stray blonde curl pushing out from underneath a black cap and the familiar figure of his Hawk eyes running away from the scene.
The next day, he greets his team who all compliment his clean shave and he sets their eyebrows on fire. Then Riza enters the room and also compliments his clean shave and he stares at her ticked off for a sec before throwing himself into his work to avoid her amused stare
Ed is a stay at home dad the first few years of his kids being born. Winry goes and gets the bread. Ed wants to be there for his babies.
The first time he leaves is for the Al-Mei Xing wedding bc he can’t bring the babies across the desert. But then Al and Mei have a second wedding in Amestris so they can all be together.
Al fixes the armor and its stands in the office that he and Ed share when they’re both home
Ed also still carries his State Alchemist pocket watch but he’s taped his family photo over the “Never forget/Dont forget” marks
Mustang still only ever clicks his fingers as his main move bc he forgets that he can do other alchemy having learned the truth
Riza remains Mustang’s main bodyguard well into his eventual reign as Fuhrer (which he fought Olivier tooth and nail for) but they secretly get married with only a handful of close friends who attended, but everyone knows anyway
While I would love if General Armstrong was the Fuhrer, I like to believe Olivier decided she hated the stuffy bureaucracy of Central and all the paper work she has to do, and she can’t get away with straight up murdering the people she doesn’t like so strikes a compromise with Mustang to be one of his senior staff but still operates from the north…
Uh. Idk more but there you are!
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peterstanslizzie · 4 years
Mulan (2020) Was Such a Cringey Film (Trigger Warning)
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My Thoughts On The Live-Action Remake of Mulan
Overall, I would describe this movie as a well-wrapped Christmas present but after opening it, you tell yourself, REALLY?! 
This movie is also seriously giving me ‘The Last Airbender’ movie trauma vibes…
1. This movie takes itself way too seriously. The lack of comedy combined with the emotionless acting done by majority of the cast members felt to me as if I was watching a low-rent dramatic stage play.
2. Liu Yifei, in particular, looked the part but I can’t seem to connect with her emotionally as Mulan. Her portrayal of someone who was supposed to be relatable and rootable to the audience was so underwhelming. It felt stoic, robotic and completely sterile. 
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3. There were tons of ICONIC scenes from the original film that were surprisingly excluded from this film. WHY DISNEY, WHY? I will elaborate on this in the spoilers section.
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4. The inclusion of new characters like the Witch, Xianniang and Mulan’s sister, Hua Xiu were completely unnecessary. It’s like they wanted to incorporate Gong Li (whom I adore btw) in this film no matter what but couldn’t quite figure out a good way to do that.
5. The fight scenes were pretty good. But they really needed to chill out with the dramatic slow motions and aerial stunts, seriously. 
6. Mulan is such a Mary Sue in this movie, it’s not even funny. What happened to the concept of character development?
7. The film was gorgeous to look at but everything seemed so well-packaged to the point that it sucked all of the heart and soul out of why I fell in love with Mulan’s story in the first place. 
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1. Going back to point number 3 of my ‘7 NON-SPOILER THOUGHTS’, where the heck was that iconic hair-cutting scene when Mulan bravely decided to take her dad’s place in the army? Also, where was the scene of Mulan finding the little girl’s doll in the village rubble? And lastly, why did they change the way Mulan’s true identity as a woman is revealed? There were so many unnecessary changes; It’s like they purposely gone out of their way to make me angry. Not to mention, the film tends to transition between scenes really quickly; Let each scene breathe on its own for like 2 seconds damn…
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2. I hate that they got rid of Mushu, Cri-Kee and Grandmother Fa. With Mushu, he was absolutely integral in helping Mulan succeed in becoming a warrior and saving China. But instead, we got a discount (albeit pretty) version of Mushu in the form of a phoenix that does absolutely nothing but serves as Mulan’s GPS. 
3. With the grandmother, I loved her dry and witty sense of humor, which was seriously missing in this film. With Cri-Kee, it was just a cute little character but somehow it got replaced by an actual human character and he was given the name Cricket? Ummm, what? Couldn’t the actor just play Ling or Chien-Po or something?
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Another iconic scene left out….ugh
4. Speaking of the trio consisting of Yao, Chien-Po and Ling, apparently from reading up on the film’s cast, they were actually in the film. I literally do not remember anything significant that these guys had said or did in the film. That goes to show how dull these portrayals were.
5. According to the writers, Hua Xiu, Mulan’s sister was included because “this added a broader emotional context and added more motivation for [Mulan’s] character”. I completely disagree; Excluding her wouldn’t make any difference in my opinion.
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6. So Chen and Commander Tung were two characters based on Li Shang. I’m always going to like Donnie Yen; So, he was alright as Tung and with Chen, I’m on the fence with his portrayal by Yoson. He gave off an energy that was very similar to what I wanted to see in terms of a live-action Shang but there’s something missing about Chen as a character that I can’t quite pinpoint. Maybe it’s just a lack of prominence, especially in the second half of the film? Or maybe it’s because we didn’t see him having any personal ties to the war unlike Shang whose father died in battle.
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7. Mary Sue Mulan. This is my biggest pet peeve about this remake. What I liked about the original Mulan is that she didn’t start out strong; She had to work extremely hard to gain the respect of her comrades. Instead, live action Mulan entered the Imperial army already having the fighting ability since she was more or less born with chi powers. I’m calling BS on that. Disney why? Why do you think that in order to make a female protagonist fight alongside her male counterparts, you need to give her powers? What happened to good old intelligence and hard-work?
8. Is it just me or did it feel like watching Mulan 2020 was like watching an English dub of a period Chinese film? I felt like with some of the characters (for example Jet Li’s The Emperor character), the sounds that come out of their mouths did not match the mouth movements or basically, it just doesn’t feel natural. Is it bad audio mixing or I wonder if a voice over was actually done…
9. Favorite moment in the film? Ming-Na Wen’s cameo in the film. I freaked out when I heard her voice. I was like OMG that is OG Mulan.
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splendidshinobi · 3 years
been awhile since i’ve watched but.... another day, another emotional rollercoaster 
episode 26: her reason
who’s her and what’s her reason
bother him ALLLLL you want maria ross...bother him all day long
he deserves it
dont yell at maria fuck off!!!! 
i screamed i did
i love sig and izumi sm!!!!!!
omg ed and al’s faces
why does she have an automail arm whAT
i feel almost insulted for paninya’s dope weapon legs
oh wait ive seen this arm wrestling scene before lmao
go paninya goooo
i do not tolerate this mr dominic slander
sucks to suck!!!!
i do think winry may have just fallen in love
ed is such a simp though
JUMBO????? his name iS JUMBO??????
al’s mousy little what?
yikes yeah you know what winry id be pissed too
she felt so good about her work!!!
crush over
jk theyre soulmates
wow roy ur so smart
damn oh ok they kept paninya’s legs too
so she only has 1 biological limb wow
paninya is definitely a lesbian 
we’ve all known that though i mean-----the camo pants
i saw paninya wearing army pants and flip flops, so i bought army pants and flip flops
oh my god winry you DEVIOUS BASTARD
i can see why people ship paninya and winry but im sorry im an edwin simp
young pinako is hot i get it dominic
kill him?? pANINYA think about that before you shoot someone!!! 
AWWWWWW ED!!!! “best automail in the world!!!!” IM CRYING
“hello sir” alphonse you sweet boy
sheska u good???
ed why are you sad
omg winry dont cry!!!! 
hahahaha sig
episode 27: teacher
izumi time lets gooooooooooooo
the ominous music lolololol
xerxes drop
edward you are being so foreboding
izumi queen of my life lets go girl!!!
umbrella king sig curtis!!!
ed you dumbass!!!!!
angry face boys
mom dad and the kids on the train!!!! makes me cry
awww win’s gonna miss the dudes
omg havoc plzzzz
why is he calling riza like she doesnt already know shes going too
do not leave my boy falman behind!!!
oh good ok
mason my dude!!!
“yes maam”
guys i simp for sig tbh
omg al scary boy
uh oh she SAWWWWWWW you!!!
aww i forgot about the dead cat goddamnit
ok but those baby kittens need some MELK
its all over for you two watch out
cant hide JACK SHIT from mama bear
she gonna kick your ass oof
hugs oh thats nice
episode 28: all is one, one is all
island timeeee
wait theyre on island time PART 2???? ok
the way sig’s HAND---- anyway
ok so creepy naked child??
im suspicious
clearly the boys didnt read my hero academia 
or the three musketeers
al really got YEETED
oh the kid has clothes on. leaf clothes
i know dublith is in the “south” but is it really a tropical locale?
aww the bunny
“kill it”
owie hope you dont get rabies edward
the ost man so good for both series
al really said J’ACCUSE
they didnt know the masked man was mason the first time around? aight
im really having trouble typing and eating dumplings at the same time
might pause for a dumpling break
i made these in the microwave theyre pretty good
def not the best ive had but they were, ya know, microwaved
anyways sad al hours
it’s the circle of life simba
getting REAL philosophical rn
“dont call me small”
now we’re getting REAL scientific
im just imagining these idiots on shrooms rn
wow what a yummy snake breakfast
izumi said 👁 👄 👁
izumi is so hot
that is the creepiest motherfucker i ever did see
ok im gonna go rinse this dish out be back in a min!!!
episode 29: the untainted child
i am the tainted adult
you SURE his parents are lookin?
i feel like izumi is being very loving towards this child
what happened to tough love bbygirl
im not saying shes not loving in her ways but shouldnt she by nature be a litttttleeee bit more sus of this kid???
dont tell me
this is sig and izumi’s “child”
theory pending
winry is such a protective lil egg
here’s whats cookin in my head
its sig and izumi’s child and ed’s arm and leg smooshed together into a homunculus...theory still pending but im definitely right
whole situation is a mess my dudes
what did u do kid????? 
“i know ed lies sometimes”
l oh fucking l
who transmutes themselves with a bed though
not the move kid
of course winry slept through this whole thing
sheska and elicia and gracia. my heart.
did the colonel just LEAVE HER BEHIND? god what a dick
sheska WENT OFFFFFFFF!!!!!!
yes maam!!!!!!!
u tell that dumbass!!!!!!
why does envy have to sit like that
gon make me SIMP
*debby ryan hair tuck meme*
i love the way al sits
hes so dainty
what a gent
oh that lil kid was in the gate!!!!
how a homunculus is born? please tell me more
ARCHER....my sister was texting me about him when she asked how far i was. i googled him i saw his....bod....
my brain waves are unparalleled
off goes the kid
why is she upset??? what did you realize izumi
that its your baby??? probs
im just that smart
episode 30: assault on south headquarters
seeing yoki and scar makes me miss mei chang
yoki really about to snitch
everyone showing up this episode
greed is gonna roll up with a venti frappuccino any minute now
archer is a creep
is this footage from the arnold classic?
“the muscles did the talking for them”
archer is a creep
who ru calling a freak HAHA AL’s angwy voice
how IS hughes doing
pls not the pain
how did this kid come into the corporeal world
armstrong what
so he’s either wrath or pride ig
i dont think bradley is a homunculus in this one
yoki is basically michael yagoobian aka the bowler hat guy
there’s greed lmao 
with the ladies
izumi taking on the military
of course
kimblee JESUS 
this is rOUGH
there are so many parties vying for the kid
i still cant get over kimblee like WHAT
AGAIN it just seems like bradley is everywhere at all times
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Dance of the Phoenix - Episode 8
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I haven’t typed episode 7 yet, but I was busy subtitling episodes so yeah. After a super nice bath, I figured I could treat myself a little more with a sheet mask and a few episodes before going to bed. Costume drams are just so addicting to me and this one is just soooooo beautiful. I just can’t. And I have candle that smells super good soooo yeah! So nice! So happy!
Okay let’s get down to business. Last episode Zuo Qingluan gave suspicious pills to Feng wu and I want to know if she was dumb enough to eat them or not. Hopefully not.
So Zuo Qingluan is teaching Feng Wu swordsmanship but there is no improvement at all. Well Zuo Qingluan probably just wanted to check if she had any spiritual powers left. She leaves after receiving a not. Communication was very convenient back then, notes would always find their way. She tries to summon the colourful phoenix but he won’t come out of the ring. She’s feeling a little down and lies on the beach. Then Jun Linyuan comes and teaches her. He’s so elegant, seriously! Where can I get one me too?
So Zuo Qingluan was called back to the capital by their master to attend some special guest.
Feng Yiran goes to pay a visit to his aunt and brought her gifts as a token of his apology for what happened. She’s rather upset about it and wants him to leave but that annoying guy has something which he wants to discuss with her which is finding a good match for Feng Wu. Qiu Ling happens to hear that and she’s so shook that she drops the medicine she was bringing and runs away. That Feng Yiran is really an annoying dude and ennemies of Feng Wu will definitely take advantage of the fact that he’s so dumb.
Qiu Ling finds Feng Wu after they are done flying on Jun Linyuan’s sword. He’s kind of unwell but the news that Feng Yiran is looking for a husband to marry her makes the two girls leave without poor Jun Linyuan, probably having trouble because of his loveless venom.
Zuo Qingluan asks Feng Liu to assist Jun Linyuan in her stead while she’ll be gone. I hate that girl. She’s so... ugh. Well. At least Zuo Qingluan knows how to use people to her advantage. She tells her to focus on Jun Linyuan, but Feng Liu is still determined to take Feng Wu down. While Feng Wu is arguing with Feng Yiran and making it clear that she won’t get married as he decides, Feng Liu comes out with her whip. She’s definitely ready for a fight. Ugh. I so hate her, she’s a pain... Okay so she callenges her to a fight. If she wins Feng Wu has to give away the Phoenix Chant sword. If she loses, she’ll go back to the capital. Well that’s unfair. FEng Wu has no spiritual powers. Not to doubt her wit, but how could she win?
At the same time, Yu Mingye comes at Jun Linyuan. He shows him the pendant and say he will give it back if he tells him what’s his relationship with Feng Wu. But he won’t. That’s kind of dumb. They don’t have a relationship, what’s the point of hiding it?
So it’s a double fight. Feng Xun wants to help Feng Wu but neither he nor Xuan Yi can interfere with the business of the FEng family. They’ll save her last minute if needed. Yu Mingye asks Jun Linyuan to give him back his pendent and to hand Feng Xiaowu to him. Jun Linyuan figures out Feng Wu told Yu Mingye that he has captured Feng Xiaowu. So he hands back the pendent and leaves. Yu Mingye asks him why is he not fighting anymore and Jun Linyuan tells him he has been tricked again. Both of them now knows that Feng Xiaowu is Feng Wu. When Feng Liu is about to beat FEng Wu, the sword comes to her and her phoenix blood, well her master’s, mark appears on her forehead and she beats the crap out of Feng Liu. Right when Jun Linyuan arrives. Then she faints and everyone rushes to her side.
When Feng Wu wakes up, she hears the trio talking about interrogating her, so she runs away through the window and goes to see Old Ba who finished making the nine transformations spiritual restauration pill so she eats it and the taste is disgusting, as all good medicine are. Just when she’s done eating it, Jun Linyuan is on his way up to Old Ba’s place. While she’s trying to hide, Yu Mingye comes in through the window - he doesn’t like doors as we now know so well. He tries to hit on her but then Jun Linyuan is coming so she hides him behind the furnace. When she says she has no ties to the darknight court, Yu Mingye isn’t happy about it and comes out saying he wish they were working hand in hand but Feng Wu wouldn’t give him the chance of doing that. All of this activates yet once again the loveless venom and Jun Lin yuan summons his sword, drawing lightning from the sky. I feel poor Old Ba’s house will burn into ashes. Beut then Yu Mingye kidnaps Feng Wu. And Jun linyuan has pains again when he takes back control of himself.
Well Feng Wu won’t follow Yu Mingye to the darknight court and on her way home she saves a little boy that was bullied. And that triggers a memory to Yu Mingye and ugh. This character is going to break my heart, I can already feel it. It seems he was raised the harsh way. Poor baby. The ring is starting to act up so she leaves him behind. As soon as she’S alone, she goes into the ring. She tries to wake up her master but he’s still in deep sleep.
Jun Linyuan finds Yu Mingy and asks him where is Feng Wu. Oh wow. Fist fight. None of them wins over the other. Yu Mingye finally tells Jun Linyuan she went back home. Aww. Those two. The so would have been BFF if there were born in the same clan. This is such a shame. They so break my heart. I just know it so bad.
Yu Mingye gets called back by his father.
Feng Wu’s mom promises that Feng Wu will help Jun Linyuan to repay her debt for causing him that much trouble.  They organize some event that I don’t really get and during that time she apologize and young master Bi seem to take a liking to her and Feng Yiran notices that. Jun Linyuan seems to see also the looks of young master Bi on Feng Wu and he gives him the killer stare: he’s a possessive lad. Oh so basically they sent notes to the dad of Jun Linyuan to make him happy. Someone even compared him to Liu Bei and he doesn’t who it is. OMG. That’s... OMG. And he’s the big ruler. Wow... So lacking culture. I really like how they plug so many stories characters so far. It makes it more enjoyable to me.
Well there’s not much to say about my expectations for next episodes. Also I’m just moving on with episode 9 right now. A lot happened in this episode. I feel the story is starting to move on. See you in episode 9!
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antiquecompass · 5 years
So for the Untamed fest, I’m doing a set of ficlets set in the Long and Happy Life Modern!AU ‘verse. This set of ficlets will be focused on Lan Sizhui and his years at Lan Academy in Grades 6 through 12. On tumblr they’ll be posted on each prompt day, in November they’ll be uploaded to Ao3 in chronological order. The first ficlet is below.
Untamed Fest Day One: Character
“It’s not too late to turn around. Schools in Boston don’t start for another week. We could do late enrollment. Hell, I’ll let Madame Yu take over. She’ll demand they admit you to any school right on the spot.”
Lan Sizhui tried not to show his nerves as his dad rambled on about alternative choices and escape routes. They hadn’t even backed out of their driveway yet. He knew he should’ve rode in with Papa, but both of his parents insisted he needed a good night’s sleep and a large breakfast.
He looked up at the eaves of their new home, the large Victorian style mansion came with a history and a name, Hills of Heaven, and looked like a castle from the road that led to the long and winding driveway. It was a massive change from their cozy house back on the outskirts of Boston, but he’d spent the last few weeks of his summer exploring all the secret passages and hidden nooks. It was a great distraction from what he was about to face.
New kid at a new school. At least he had friends and family there. Lots of family. And he’d grown up around Lan Academy. He’d never attended as a student though, and that’s what made him so anxious this morning, the first day of Sixth Grade. He needed to be good enough. He couldn’t let down Papa or Uncle or Great-Uncle. He was only a Lan in name and he wouldn’t disrespect them.
“Hey,” Dad said, pulling the keys out of the ignition. “I’m serious, Yuan. Say the world and I’ll pull you out of Lan Academy and we’ll enroll you somewhere else. It doesn’t have to be Boston. You can go to Andover like I did.”
His dad didn’t often use his birth name, not since Sizhui had legally become theirs and chosen a new name for his new, official, life. Just like his dad did when he was younger and adopted by Granddad Jiang. Nowadays Dad only used it when he was worried. 
“I want to attend Lan Academy,” Sizhui said. “And Papa’s waiting for us.”
“He’ll understand.”
He would. And he would never judge Sizhui for it. He’d still love him and support him. And he’d still do that even if Sizhui turned out to be the worst Lan family student to ever attend the Academy.
“I just don’t want to disappoint them,” he confessed, voice small.
“Not fucking possible.” 
He looked up in surprise at his father’s fierce tone. He rarely spoke like that around Sizhui. 
His father grasped his chin and turned his face to study him. “It’s not fucking possible, Sizhui. Besides the fact that you’re fucking brilliant, an actual genius, you’re our son. Our blessing. Our gift. As long as you are true to yourself, you’ll never disappoint us. Do you understand me?”
Sizhui nodded. 
“Okay,” Dad said. He started the car again. “Now let’s show those fuckers just what you can do. You may be a Lan, but you’re a Wei and a Wen too. They’ll never know what hit them.”
The whispers had started as soon as he’d been dropped off. Of course, that could’ve been the fact Dad had hugged him so tight he’d picked him up off the ground and then forcibly carried him over to Papa’s arms, but that in and of itself wasn’t an uncommon scene between his parents. 
The whispers had persisted through homeroom and his first class, and the morning assembly. He could feel the eyes on him as he walked the halls, Jingyi and Zizhen on either side of him.
“What’s going on?” he asked as they took their seats in the auditorium.
“It’s just the assholes who aren’t Lans or Lan-adjacents,” Jingyi said. He pulled out a Snickers from his bag and handed it to Sizhui. “They just don’t know you.”
“And you’re already being put forth as the valedictorian of our class,” Zizhen said. “Being Hanguang-Jun’s kid and all.”
Sizhui made a face at the name they students had given his papa. He supposed he could forgive them, considering saying Mr. Lan could mean at least fifty different teachers  here, but it still sounded like a name doled out by a group of kids with a crush.
Hearing some of the things already said about his fathers, Sizhui was sure that wasn’t too far off. 
“It’s the first day,” Sizhui said. “I haven’t even completed an assignment. And we’re only eleven.”
“You’re wicked smart, yo,” Jingyi teased, chocolate in his teeth and on his cheek. 
Sizhui shook his head and wiped the chocolate off his face. “How do you always miss your mouth?”
“It’s what I have you for,” Jingyi said. He leaned forward and rubbed his face on Sizhui’s shoulder. “My own personal paper towel.”
Zizhen sighed next to them. “You two,” he said with a shake of his head. 
“Seriously though,” Jingyi said as he settled back into his seat. “If you don’t think some of these Ivy League obsessed parents didn’t have, like, private investigators combing through your school records the second news hit you were coming to the Academy, then we need to talk about your self-esteem, Sizhui.”
“Grandfather finally won his bet he had going with Jin Ling’s grandfather. Apparently Old Man Jin thought your dad would never let you come to the Academy,” Zizhen said. He patted Sizhui’s shoulder. “You just paid for our new yacht.”
“You’re welcome?” Sizhui said.
Zizhen nodded. “Of course the near billion dollar pot is on when Headmaster Lan and your Uncle Cheng will marry.”
“Madame Yu says they refuse to do it just to spite her,” Sizhui said. “And that she’s surprised Great-Uncle Lan hasn’t intervened yet.”
Jingyi shrugged. “All I know is that years ago he had a long talk with Headmaster Lan and he basically considers the two of them common-law married since Uncle Cheng moved in. Mom doesn’t really talk about it, but since Headmaster holds the proverbial purse-strings to the majority of the Lan fortune, he can basically do whatever the fuck he wants. Not that he would. Because he’s the prime example of the Lan Character.”
Sizhui wanted to slide down in his seat at those words, but he didn’t dare drop his perfect posture. If Uncles Xichen and Cheng didn’t adopt, then Sizhui was the presumed next heir to that Lan Character. And fortune. And everything. His parents didn’t talk about it, didn’t put the pressure on him, but he’d heard it spoken among all the family elders at their large gatherings, the eyes that always judged him, the approving nods or disapproving frowns. 
Sometimes it felt like just too much. 
Sitting in the auditorium, waiting for his Uncle Xichen, now his Headmaster, to deliver a welcoming speech to grades K through 12, to feel all those eyes on him, and the whispers about him, Sizhui suddenly very clearly understood the real reason why Dad had fought so long to keep him away from Lan Academy as a student. 
He was trying to protect him from all of this. 
The urge to bolt, to grab his bag and run to the nurse’s office, and feign sick and call his Dad to come pick him up burned through his veins. He hid his shaking hands as he fought that urge to jump over the seat in front of him and disappear. 
He let out a breath as an arm slung around his shoulder, a familiar weight that kept him grounded.
“I’ve got some Goldfish too, if you’re still hungry,” Jingyi said.
Sizhui thanked everything in the world for his best friend.
He opened his eyes and stared ahead. “No talking during assemblies.”
Jingyi laughed. “Look at you. Already trying for Class President.”
Zizhen nodded in agreement as the lights dimmed and Headmaster Lan walked towards the center of the stage.
Lan Sizhui was born Wen Yuan. He was a Lan by name only, a Wen and a Wei by birth, and a Jiang by association. He was eleven years old, with the weight of four family legacies on his shoulders, and just trying to keep his head above water. 
The kids at this school didn’t know him. Not really. But they were about to learn. Because if there was one family motto he kept true to his heart, worn on a bracelet around his wrist, it was the one that gave him strength now.
Attempt the Impossible.
Bring it on. 
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cornerverse · 5 years
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What’s this? Who are these adorable children? Y’all should’ve seen this coming since I like Next Gens. That, and both Seren and Yang have appeared in fics now, so i decided to do a full post on them. 
So we have some kids for the EdWin/EdLing polyship, and a couple AlMei kids. 
Edit: Added some more character info. 
Let’s start with the Ed Sandwich (EdLing/Edwin Polyship)! My favorite and most consistent polyship tbh. While Yang is the only one that’s biologically Ling’s, all the kids are considered his just as much. To differentiated between Paternal figures, Ed is called ‘Dad’ while Ling is ‘Papa’.  
So, some explanation on Yang before doing bios. I’ll go into more detail if asked, but Yang was made by Alchemically combining Ed and Ling’s genetics into a surrogate mother(Winry). Yang and Aydan are also ‘twins’, since they didn’t know that Winry was a few weeks pregnant with Aydan when they made Yang.
Born 1920
“”Quiet”” one of the group. Tends to try and puzzle things out and rarely asks for help.
He’s the one who sets the toaster on fire. Claims he was just trying to make toast, but possibly was trying to dismantle it to see how it functions.
As an adult, he’s the one who ends up in the family Automail shop.
Panromantic Asexual (Sex positive I guess? Like, if he had a partner he would enjoy sleeping with them.)
Born 1921
The leader of the group, tends to figure things out on her own but will ask questions if she can’t.
Once (Accidentally) tripped Mustang into landing face-first in birthday cake(Ed hugs her for that.). Mustang wants to be mad but the kids are too cute for him to even try(he is so soft with them it’s ridiculous)
Honestly, she’s probably the one kid that ends up in the military. Ed is Very Upset™ about that, but she’s an adult and he can’t stop her. He absolutely does threaten Mustang with a ‘if you send her somewhere and get her killed I will murder you’. Mustang’s like ‘that’s fair’, and does try to protect her. But, well, Aydan is related to Ed so just try and stop her. That said, Amestris is in an era of peace for the moment, so she does get a break.
Born 1921
She’s the kid who speaks without thinking, and always asks questions. Curious af.
Yang inherited Ling’s climbing habits. Which is bad for the kids’ babysitter, Elicia. During hide and seek one night Yang climbed on top of the fridge where Elicia couldn’t see her, and nearly gave the poor kid a breakdown because she couldn’t find her.
The artist of the family. Ends up as a painter/writer. Loves historic cultures/myths and legends. She absolutely writes and publishes a book about the whole fuckery of what happened in Xerxes and all of the Promised Day shit. Like, what really went down instead of what the official reports say. But she passes it off as ‘fiction’. (Everyone else is simultaneously proud and pissed off)
Bi/Pan(I am undecided)
AlMei kids! - Not much to say here since it’s just two parents and both kids were made the old fashioned way. But anyway!
Born 1921
She has two moods, “naptime” and “Gotta go fast!”. Has a talent for wandering off (and giving her parents a heart attack when they realize she’s gone).
Never thinks things through, just kinda goes for it. Everyone’s kind of surprised because Al and Mei are the ‘responsible’ ones of the family, but that’s only because most people forget that these two can be just as much of a chaotic disaster as the rest of the family(I mean, Al was co-conspirator in most of Ed’s shenanigans, and Mei accidentally befriended a serial killer so…). Auriana just happened to inherit that.
That said, she might be a little bit of a disaster, but the one place she’s fantastic is in the kitchen.
Born 1922
Very quiet. Not that she’s shy or anything, she just doesn’t speak nearly as much as everyone else. Don’t let that fool you. She’s just as much a force for chaos as the rest of the family. 
The closest thing to being ‘the responsible one’. She does tend to thinks things though, and can remain calm under pressure and overall diplomatic.
Honestly, I’ll go into it in the next paragraph, but probably the one of the Next Gen to end up ruling Xing?
Bi/Pan(I am undecided)
So, on that note, the whole thing with Xing and the ‘heir to the throne’ stuff. 
Like, Ling did become Emperor. And he gets rid of the old system of the fifty wives thing. But there’s the question of ‘who inherits the throne after him’?
Out of Ling’s kids I’d say Aydan, because she has good Leadership qualities and could do it. However, they all kind of know that the people of Xing would not accept her as Empress. As much as all of the family considers Aydan to be Ling’s daughter, people outside of the family don’t always see it that way. Especially when it comes to this, as she’s not biologically Ling’s. Hell, she’s not even Xingese.
Yang is biologically Ling’s(though some people question it due to Ed and Ling both being male and they don’t always explain how she was made…), but Yang is not suited for the role and does not want to do it.
However, before the kids were even born, Ling decided that if he gets killed then Mei can have the throne. Therefore, her kids are also eligible. As mentioned, Auriana isn’t the best fit due to her not being a ‘think things through’ person. Sylvian, however, is.
Obviously they let her decide for herself if she wants that, but still.
Other notes on family things:
Any characters who are close to Ed and Al get called ‘aunt’ and ‘uncle’ by the kids. Some adore it, some pretend to hate it but it’s obvious they adore it, and one had a minor breakdown of happiness the first time. 
Due to… certain character relationships… it is debated over whether Mustang should be called ‘uncle’ or ‘grandpa’. Mustang’s response was basically “fuck you no way in hell am I being called ‘grandpa’ before I’m at least 50! I’ll settle for 45 if I have to but holy shit not yet!”.
When they’re younger, the kids don’t realize how weird their family is, and they say weird things that confuse newcomers. 
Sometimes it’s relatively normal. For example, Seren, Aydan, and Yang refer to Ed as ‘Dad’ and Ling as ‘Papa’. They don’t realize that new people wouldn’t know about their family situation, so they don’t clarify that ‘Dad’ and ‘Papa’ are two different people.
Sometimes it’s more ridiculous and ‘unexplainable’ things, like saying ‘Grandpa used to be Immortal!’
I know some people do the thing of ‘naming the kids after dead characters’, but... well, firstly this happens in the EHSA AU so some of those characters aren’t dead. Secondly, I don’t like the ‘naming a kid after a dead person’ thing because it feels less like ‘honoring the memory’ and more like ‘I can’t let go and I’m gonna take this out on the kid’(Even if it’s well-intentioned and supposed to be honoring the memory). So I just grabbed other names! Though they are themed... but you know how it goes with me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also! Heights! I don’t have exact heights in numbers but I can give how tall they are in relation to other characters and eachother. 
Yang is tall! Not only tallest of the group but also in general because she’s taller than 2/3 of her parents.
Seren is pretty average height for a male character (About the same height as Ed)
Aydan and Auriana are average height for female characters(About the same height as Winry). However, Aydan seems taller because of the shoes she wears. The boots of the military uniform are thick and heeled enough to add some height, and she usually wears heels when out of uniform. 
Sylvian is tiny like her mom. 
That’s all for now! But feel free to ask questions of course~!
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FMA AU; The Small Difference
I have this FMA AU where Ed saves a town from this whole big conspiracy that involved the town’s local church-- think the whole “Leto” situation except escalated times 100 and with a mini-civil war breaking out across this no-name area that the military has been neglecting. The whole area is kind of barren: food shortages, unreliable water source, crackpot doctors giving incorrect prescriptions, the whole shebang.
Anywhoot, when he’s done Saving Lives he gets up on this stone-pedestal type thing and stands before the crowd of people waiting for answers, and tells them what was happening and things he did/could do to help. Like he has a very basic knowledge of medicine/medical alchemy (he has automail and knows how to do basic maintenance on that, he and his brother had to do some pretty serious research on the human body to do the transmutation, and Ed healed himself after being impaled-- no matter how poorly or enhanced, he still had that basic knowledge.) and changed the acidity of the soil so things could grow better/ grew some of the crops faster, fixed the water filter, etc.
But while he’s giving this speech and telling people what he did and now what they should do, he inadvertently positioned himself so that the statue of their Goddess/messenger of their Goddess is directly behind him, so it looks like he has these huge stone wings. Their Goddess is one of truth and healing, and what has this boy done? He has healed their people from greed and illness and starvation, and he has unveiled the lies that were being fed to them. It helps that their religion has this well-known story of the Sword and his Shield, believed to be two parts of their Godess’ whole: Edward is more abrasive and blunt and honest but also caring and passionate (just like the truth should be); meanwhile, Alphonse is sweet and hopeful and determined (his mere presence can be healing at times). They see Al’s armor and it reminds them of this story: the person made of armor and the person that was completely made of metal/gold aside from his piercing eyes (Fullmetal, anybody?) and how the two were borne from man’s transgressions but the Goddess whispered to them and they became the most human of all. (Sorry for going into a bit of a rant here I am super interested in my made up religion lol)
So it doesn’t change anything. At first.
When Ed is on the run with Greedling they don’t do nothing. Greed does primarily want friends, and he knows Ed has to stay under the radar, but he is still Greed: he still wants power and fuck does he want to thrive after he beats down Father and his so-called siblings. So first they get disguised: Greed just wears his tacky clothes and, when not in their more animal forms, Heinkel and Darius just look like very confused and gruff dads. Ed needs to change: he gets some sort of haircut but Ed is Ed so he gets it in a bob or pixie cut or something super edgy. He disguises his automail by adding unnecessary flourishes to it: snakes or vines with flowers and skulls-- people associate him with the sleekest, newest models, now it looks like his arms are art pieces. Without the cloak and the hair and the different automail, most people don’t recognize him. Greedling’s group ends up saving a few towns and recruiting some more people: Ishvallans from slums, human chimera that are in hiding, hungry children without a home. As much as the entirety of the group try to pretend otherwise, the four and-a-half (does Greed-Ling count as two people??) original members are huge softies. 
And while they’re doing that? The town that Ed saved have been whispering. They see the wanted posters and frown. Because this boy saves lives. Because they’ve been following his misadventures and he’s helped so many people. Word of mouth lets them know that Ed and Al frequently help homeless people, pay off others’ debts, sit down and talk to someone on the knife’s edge, give thieves money and a stern talking to, help rebuild and feed and protect (without alchemy) in the Ishvallan districts. Edward is good, and they won’t believe this bullshit. They don’t believe that Ed is their Goddess, or even that he’s an angel of some sort, but there is this quiet belief that the Goddess crafted the Elric brothers herself, that she made them to save lives and bring goodness. They start rumbles of discontent. Contact people in towns the brothers had saved. It’s a quiet rebellion, but a rebellion none-the-less. People recognize Edward as the Fullmetal Alchemist and turn a blind eye, don’t call the authorities. They protest against more laws and officers than ever before. Something is stirring.
Ed and co. start a smear campaign against military officials they know are in on the whole “immortality” thing. With alchemy, the right lighting, and a camera, there isn’t a lot Ed can’t do. Scandals about officers sighted being at brothels or hitting a child are reported, mostly in gossip magazines, but the talk has started. Ed pays two little thief girls to cry and make say that this officer pushed them or threw their ice-cream money in the sewer or slapped their mother. He starts rumors about Lab Five and greedy old men that would take the lives of a whole country just for power and about a ruthless dictator who only acts innocent.  He encourages haunted ex-soldiers to talk to newspapers about the atrocities they were forced to commit. Anonymous women speak about how often the old men come to “see” them. Ed is thankful that Ling is part of their group because he never could have done this himself. Mustang is thankful because people in positions of power are weakening and he manages to pass a few laws and get a few people fired and get himself lined up for a promotion.
It all builds up when Greed remembers a base of operations full of fake philosopher's stones and chimeras and weapons. In order to take it out, Greedling needs a distraction. Ed, who has been hiding in slums and hanging out with the outcasts of Amestrian society, knows exactly what to do. He makes a monument. It takes a few days to set it up, but then he’s got it. It’s almost in the center of the city he’s in and it is covered in names. Designs of foreign desert plants line the oddly-rounded building. Ed has been speaking to survivor’s for months. He’s asked them if he could do this. It is the names of all the Ishvallan victims he has read and heard about. A statue of the Rockbells fitting a tired man with a new arm, of a now-dead Ishvallan with his arms and mouth open and beseeching eyes, of the real heroes of Ishval are scattered about. There’s a statue of Wrath, pleasant expression on his face and one hand on his sheathed sword and the other holding a leash. Collared to the leash is Kimblee, sadistic elation on his face and one armed stretched, crackling with alchemic energy. In front of him is an Ishvallan priest, face firm and determined, arms linked with Ishvallans that are faceless aside from piercing red eyes. Signs are in front of names and statues, giving estimated death tolls and heroic acts and anti-military sentiment. Of course the place is stormed. But people are already gathered around and inside. Ishvallans link arms just like in the statue around the monument because this is theirs, because they’ve given up so much but to finally see an acknowledgment? To see real stories and real names and the blunt, harsh truth? They won’t give in. They didn’t before and they won’t now. Guns are pointed at them, and the hesitation to shoot isn’t even there. Hate crimes done by the military are a constant, no one will even look twice at this. But then, a woman runs in front of them, eyes hard and mouth thin. She’s Amestrian. “My mother,” she begins, “died for something she didn’t believe in. She died in your dumb war so that my little brother wouldn’t be drafted. I won’t let you kill anyone else. Not again.” And she’s crying, but her arms are spread and she means it.  “Move.” One Amestrian woman could be a scandal, but swept under the rug. The soldiers stand firm. “No.” says one of her friends, standing besides her and linking arms like the Ishvallans behind them. “We let this happen once. We will not let history repeat.” And her friends join. The crowd thins as Amestrians stand in front of Ishvallans, arms linked, a silent but loud promise: You have to go through us to get to them. They use their privilege to protect, this once. They are all scared, terrified, but seeing the names and reading the stories somehow makes it all real: genocide. Not a war, genocide.  One soldier points his gun, finger on the trigger, and Ed decides he’s done hiding. “Instead of killing innocent civilians, why not pick on someone who can fight back? ‘Course, you’ll need a hundred more of you canon fodder to beat me.” He leads them on a wild goose chase throughout the city. He gets hurt, of course he does; they’re going for the kill and, just like with Kimblee, Ed is still going for the mercy blows. People see this. Officers notice. Something, again, stirs.  Greedling gets the stones, recruits the chimeras, and blows that base to kingdom come.  They’ve been destabilizing the military for awhile now, and Wrath has been unable to help in the preparations for the Promised Day because his main job is keeping the military afloat; without the military, the whole plan crumbles.  People rally, calling for officers to be discharged. For Bradley to resign or explain himself. There are riots in the streets and abuse against high ranking military officers by civilians. Ed becomes the face of a revolution. With all this focus on him, Mustang and his team can act a bit more freely, despite being separated. Laws are almost absently passed or remade or taken down entirely. Winry is giving poor people automail those people turn around and help others; they all realize that the military should not have abandoned them, that they have to help each other, and they are all angry and begin planning attacks of their own. Greedling makes several bases of their own, full of “minions” (hungry children and lab experiments and amputees and those with disfigurements. A home for the homeless. A war base and safe place for the oppressed.) and with the focus on Ed, manages to launch attacks of his own. Greed has been alive for centuries, although he has forgotten much of it, and Ling grew up in politics with assassins and war, they fight the government like they were born to do it. 
It’s a civil war; unlike in Liore, it is no longer one sided. The civilians fight their dictator, military officials fight from within the system. 
This is all I have for it, so far. It’s very ramble-y but vgadhbjnfk I refuse to believe that for about 6 months Greedling and co. sat around and goofed off like Ed has a saving people thing and Greed is antsy and wants (to know) things and Ling wants power and he wants it now. Ed is like pure chaos in a five-foot bundle like you can’t tell me he sat around and didn’t even try to do what he could from the outside?? He is a literal genius smh
Also, you might have noticed that I mentioned the Ishvallans a lot and that’s because there needs to be more about and with them. The manga/anime does handle it pretty well but there is so much potential that isn’t used. Also I am a culture-nerd and love learning about different religions and cultures and architecture so I need this ok???
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mochidoodle · 6 years
Houseki - 宝石
Since there’s been some curiosity about it lately, I’ve decided to officially introduce Houseki! Houseki is my original series made with the help of my faithful editor-in-chief @ukitakejuushiro​​​.
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It all began with my first D&D character, a half-elf druid named Eizan Shen whose backstory I fleshed out over the past year. The story takes place in the elf nation of Liang (Chinese: 亮), meaning “light/brightness.” I incorporated my Asian heritage into a fantasy, magic-filled world brimming with all the classic (and favorite) fantasy story tropes. Sky-high towers and mages and dragons...a mix modern fashion with ancient Chinese wardrobes...and a set of unique customs built on Asian foundations. (ok now I sound like a chef on Chopped😅)
This explanation ended up hella long, so the rest is under the cut! I’m so happy people are curious about Houseki. It’s the culmination of my love for drawing, world-building, and storytelling (and anime ofc lol). Hope y’all enjoy my first original story!
The Kingdom of Liang
The prosperous Kingdom of Liang is a country landlocked on three sides, facing the sea on its west coast. It’s ruled by an oligarchy-monarchy mishmash I’ve yet to totally work out and three big political factions I won’t delve into too much now. The important thing to know is Eizan’s wife, Saya, connects him to the nobility because she’s the niece of the king. Her entire backstory is a wild ride involving a dispute for the throne, “dishonoring” her clan, and finding a family for herself. 
For the most part, the main plot revolves Eizan and his job. If you’ve read MTNN by Matsui Yuusei, you’ll figure out exactly who inspired Eizan...in fact he’s kinda like a (slight) Pokemon evolution of my favorite MTNN character (lol oops...)
Anyway, for that reason, I gave Eizan a similar-ish job. (I’ll keep Eizan spoilers to a minimum here because the campaign I’m playing right now has yet to reveal his deets... but if asked, I’d be happy to give’em!) We follow his adventures and meet his best friend, Taizi (a human) and his brother-in-law, Chai (an aspiring mage). 
Due to a horrific 100-year-long war (appropriately named the 100 Year War), Liang experiences the aftereffects of rampant xenophobia. Nowadays, border relations are peaceful and the xenophobia is minimal, but the bitter aftertaste of intermittent racism and elf elitism remains. 
We get a dose of this in Taizi’s backstory — Taizi and his human family were immigrant beggars rejected by the locals until Eizan’s father offered them a home and helped them get back on their feet. Ever since then, Eizan and Taizi have been the best of friends, like brothers. 
Meanwhile, Chai, the snooty son of one of the biggest royals around, learns what it means to be the “non-elite.” He meets Taizi, his sister marries Eizan (a commoner and a half-blood), and he becomes a working apprentice at the local woodshop. His is a tale of self discovery, treating people with fairness, finding his own goals, and opening his worldview when he crosses paths with characters from all walks of life.
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One of the most important customs in Liang is the symbolism of jade. Jade is the most sacred stone, symbolizing a lifelong promise between two (or more) people. It is a vow of friendship, family, love, and loyalty. Jade is not to be gifted lightly. Royals tend to have a family and/or individual ring made of jade.
Most, if not all couples, will exchange unique jade pieces when they marry. I call it “Trade a Jade” (˚▽˚) For example, Eizan gave Saya her hair clip and she gave him a set of earrings. Sky gave Yuri a beautiful hair ornament, and she gave him jade chevron ear cuffs. (Couples do trade other items, but these happened to be similar gifts.)
The theory of magic in Liang is based off the number eight, representing harmony and balance. Mages use “anchors” to connect themselves to the natural energy of the world. While magic theory/technique may vary geographically, Liangese magic always utilizes eight anchors. A gate between the first seven anchors and the universe is established using your soul anchor (the eighth pillar, one’s own mana). The first seven are elemental anchors (fire, earth, water, etc) which draw power from the natural world. The stronger the mage, the purer the magic, meaning one can draw a greater quantity of power with a better connection.
Gemstones — houseki (宝石) — are used to enhance the channels established by anchors. Certain jewels even have elemental affinities. Stones with high purity resonate strongly and channel the best magic. 
Fun fact: If you take away the hat-shaped radical in the first character of Houseki, you get the word for “jade”...! 
Connecting to different anchors produces different spells. For example, combining several elements provides complex magics like telepathy and foresight. Using only one type of anchor creates create pure magic, such as straight up fire or water spells. However, magic is not produced out of thin air — it requires a trade of the user’s mana for the world’s energy. A spell’s strength still depends on the caliber of mage, not just what anchors they use.
Magic tools are very common. They use magic batteries made of gems/metal ores or simply rely on the user’s mana. Inscriptions and magic circles establish anchors if none are enchanted into the gems. High quality magic tools are made of metals with high magic compatibility. The more common items made from regular steel, stone, and glass include thoughtography radios, magic-infused cameras, and quartz crystal TVs.
Additionally, healing is possible by accessing life element anchors (found in your soul anchor or in organic objects) to summon sheer life force energy. Liangese healing magic is very advanced to the point where one can conduct brain and open-heart surgeries. However, the usage of certain magics is forbidden without qualification. Medicinal magic is limited to certified clerics, and alchemy is strictly prohibited unless you’ve graduated from the capital’s School of Alchemy. 
Note: Much sketchy underworld business revolves around black magic, illegal alchemy, and magic weapons trade.
Basic spells are taught in grade schools, but not everyone has strong magic affinity, so mastery isn’t a requirement. Most children continue on to a regular university, vocational school, or magic academy if they don’t enter a direct apprenticeship following primary education. Easy spells are frequently used in daily life to simplify tasks. For example, one can check the quality of materials or speed up certain processes using analysis/trace magic. Cooking magic is an entire art on its own, and very difficult to master.
There are laws banning time-altering magic and revival of the dead, but very few ever violate them. This is because these spells never end well. You can land in an eternal time loop or accidentally create a soulless, man-eating zombie. And then you die.  While spells that save someone on the brink of death in exchange for one’s own life force do exist, you cannot bring back the dead. 
There is only one exception to this, and even that singular instance required hundreds of years of research and preparation, not to mention the cost.
Finally, certain noble clans specialize in different magics, often attaining mastery of multiple disciplines. I’ll save that for a different post, but for now, just know that the Cheng Lis are primarily fire, alchemy, and space/time mages. Eizan is good with earth or plant-based spells (aka he has a great green thumb!)
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commissioned art by Ling
Plot (???)
The plot of Houseki is still a work in progress. I have a general outline that I keep adding to as more ideas come. I’m writing out the fine details/arcs, which will include the dark underbelly of the royal world, black magic, a threat to the nation, the secret to life (?), and the truth behind the throne. Love me my cliches hehe~
Here are some character facts you might find interesting! ...okay, yes, my cast is like 90% one royal family and I have terrible naming sense (I legit named Taizi after my fave badminton player) but here ya go!
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Eizan Shen: A half-elf druid created for my first ever D&D campaign hosted by a friend! He’s a huge family man and an avid tea enthusiast. Very calm, levelheaded, and specializes in handling a knife...or many knives. (I don’t know where he keeps them...😨) Eizan gives off ultimate dad vibes and his most treasured thing in the world is his family.
Saya Shen: Eizan’s wife, a full elf born to one of the most powerful royal clans. She was supposed to be the first princess of Liang, but was disowned by her family when she rebelled from their ideals and married a commoner (and a half-blood, to boot). She’s an incredibly strong woman both mentally and physically, but also one of the warmest, most loving characters in the series. Oh, also her biceps are made of steel.
Chai Cheng Li: Saya’s little brother, a young mage prodigy who specializes in fire magic. He’s a tad snooty and arrogant, but at heart just a nerdy bookworm who loves magic. He grows up admiring his sister, feeling heartbroken when she “abandons” him and leaves the family, but later rediscovers himself and in his journey to become king. 
Taizi Ying: Eizan’s childhood friend. He and his family were immigrant beggars shunned by the locals until Eizan’s parents offered them a place to stay. After his parents died of illness, Taizi made it his life goal to repay the kindness that Eizan’s family showed him years ago. He becomes the greatest swordsman in the nation and earns great respect despite the human blood in his veins. 
Dae Ongaku: She is spunk in the form of a small elf girl, the one and only Dae. Head apprentice of the Shen Woodworking Company, her skills are nearly unrivaled. She’s known for her contagious smile, eccentric love of cheese, and her liveliness. It really isn’t a day without Dae Ongaku. (Character inspired and written by @ukitakejuushiro)
Sky Silvers: A cool and aloof elven ranger who befriends Eizan during our D&D campaign, later residing in the Shen household temporarily before he becomes a disciple of the greatest archer in Liangese history, Hanzhen Cheng Li. In the future timeline, Sky also ends up falling in love with Han’s daughter and marrying her. (Sky belongs to @ukitakejuushiro, and is her player in the campaign.)
Hanzhen Cheng Li: Youngest brother of the king and Saya’s uncle. Known far and wide as the One-Eyed Archer, Han is the strongest archer in all of Liangese history. He lost function of his left eye in the 100 Year War, hence his nickname. His wife passed away due to cancer, but thanks to my incredible plot armor (backed up by a decent magic theory), she will come back to life. They’re the cutest shit you’ll ever see, so I have absolutely no regrets. Best decision ever.
Yumiko Cheng Li: Han’s beloved wife, a cute little lady with a head of fluffy chestnut hair. She died approximately 75-85 years ago due to an incurable cancer, but I brought her back to life because Han was too lonely and I love her to bits. She is pure sunshine, the actual greatest good in this world.
Just look at this...how can you say no....
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Yuri Cheng Li: Daughter of Han and Yumiko. Like her parents before her, she is a skilled archer, and her personality is a perfect mix of the two. She has a passion for fashion, art, and teaching, but her emotionally tragic past hinders her confidence and her relationships. Fortunately, she meet someone who helps her becomes brave again, and fate aligns just right :’)
Hokuzhen Cheng Li: We should finally introduce the King of Liang himself, shouldn’t we? Cheerful and easygoing, Hoku is a kind and intelligent king. He’s very perceptive of the state of the nation, while also keeping up with “hip and cool” trends much to his daughter’s dismay. He can be somewhat clumsy, often tripping over his massive robes. A good man with one too many dad jokes...
Alishan Cheng Li: The Crown Princess of Liang, named after the literal Alishan mountain range of Taiwan. She’s Hoku’s daughter and Saya’s cousin. Ali is polite and well-mannered but not particularly adventurous or motivated. She knows for sure that she doesn’t want to inherit the throne. Oh, and she loves food (especially mantou) ♫
Wakamori Yakaze: A spirit mage from the western island country of Kouhaku. Yakaze is Sky’s first teacher and Han’s best friend. Though he doesn’t appear in Houseki’s main plot, he’s a main character in Han’s spinoff story, which will rejoin the final timeline of the main series. Yakaze’s tale is one of angst and hopelessness and his journey to someday becoming whole again. Personally, I believe his friendship with Han is unrivaled, far surpassing both love and life. Keep an eye out for him in YUMI TO YA —弓と矢  (Yakaze belongs to @ukitakejuushiro)
Yan Wu Seigi: A cunning mage who runs an underworld spy network. He is the head of the Seigi clan (and political faction), but his heinous actions in the 100 Year War dishonored his clan, and they were stripped of their status. His sly methods and ulterior motives drive the underlying plot behind Houseki.
Akagi Kanshikan: Yan Wu’s adopted son. Akagi lost his family to a house fire when he was young. He grows up a wild, obsessive, and unstable youth who craves social intimacy but doesn’t know how to achieve it. His love for violence and lifelong training as an assassin don’t help much either. He meets Eizan during their school years and plays a large role in one of the more devastating arcs. 
Jimo Kanshikan: Akagi’s younger sister, a small, emotionless, and cold assassin. Trained to be a killer since her formative years, she is fast and deadly...but somewhere deep inside, she wishes Yan Wu would show her fatherly approval and she seeks warmth from her sibling(s). 
Shanmu Seigi: Yan Wu’s only biological daughter, a wicked poison enchantress who adores mind games. She supports her father’s regime but also has an evil plan of her own. The shame of their clan drove her to mother to madness, and Shanmu’s hand in her mother’s demise explains why she has become so twisted. Shanmu is a recurring antagonist who cleverly slips beyond reach of the law.
Hayazhen Cheng Li: The eldest Cheng Li brother, Saya’s father, and formerly the Crown Prince of Liang. He was once a benevolent man to his loved ones, but after an unfortunate plot twist, he begins seeking vengeance in the form of cruelly grooming his heir. Hayazhen is a key national figure and maintains strong influence behind political tides. 
Asuka Cheng Li: Hayazhen’s wife, mother of Saya and Chai. She supports her husband’s endeavors regrets her inability to help Hayazhen make wiser choices. Instead, she blindly takes his side, thinking it was the only way to support him. 
Junzhen Cheng Li: A stingy, arrogant second Cheng Li brother. He’s just straight up mean and rude, no holds barred. But no one gives a damn about him either lol.
Setsuna Reifan: A renowned healer who spearheads the movement for workers’ rights and class equality. She becomes an important ally to the main cast. 
Ichirou Reifan: Setsuna’s son, a member of Eizan’s team. A really average joe. Pleasant to be around, but not very interesting.
Hyouka Tsaomei: A quiet, sweet girl who specializes in illusionary magic. She loves strawberries. Her name means strawberry. Will kill for strawberry shortcake. 
Qiuzhen Rin Koori: Magic forensic specialist who only likes three things in this world — coffee, candy, and sleep. It pains him to get out of his chair, and it’s near impossible to extract him from his magic lab. 
Old Nao: Headmaster of one of the military academies in the capital. A kind man, but also incredibly ancient.
Torisu Bia: One of the Ongaku Daily Sun’s best political journalists. Doesn’t sleep much, loves to write, and gets her nose into sticky situations every now and then. Uncovers a great conspiracy.
Osamu Raisan: A bard of the royal court who plays the shamisen. Something about him is particularly ethereal and all-knowing...
Maikku Shantian: Another bard of the royal court. He sings. Loudly. A very popular bard amongst the populace. 
Layla Zanabaq: A local florist in the capital’s most immigrant-populated town, where Eizan and Saya live. Has a huge crush on Maikku. (Inspired and created by @harunnn)
Shu’un & Ranshao: Two of Chai’s university friends. The first is a salty little mage who uses familiars, and the second is the token idiot who only knows how to use explosion magic.
Paiya Yoon: Dae’s childhood friend and rival. She moves into the capital when she finds a new job there, rekindling their competitive friendship. She’s named after a papaya. Yes, you heard me, a papaya. (Inspired by @kyahgamis​)
Rem: Sky’s eternally sleepy childhood friend. Even while holding a conversation, there is a 99% chance he is asleep. May or may not be a ninja, but you didn’t hear that from m—
Collie: An archery kouhai from Sky’s youth. She looks up to him a lot and she flaps her ears when she’s excited, as if she might try and fly away. Collie is often mistaken for a boy.
Ra: A very Extra™ healer who has 100% faith in his skills (as should you). He calls people by their full name all the time (a power move), doesn’t skimp on eyeliner, and has known Sky since his village days as well. (Rem, Collie, Ra by @ukitakejuushiro)
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Ezi Shen: The plucky, curious daughter of Eizan and Saya! She adores the color pink and loves bows of all kinds: bow ties, ribbon bows, bow tie pasta, you name it! Ezi is quite the fearless little adventurer and one should consider it an honor to be invited to her weekly tea parties.
Daizan Shen: Eizan’s father, a master woodworker who owns the shop where Dae works. He’s a strict but fair man who earned great respect amongst fellow craftsmen with his hard work and skills. He and his wife serve as the liaisons between local mixed-race business and the corporate elf society. 
Meihua Shen: Eizan’s mother and Daizan’s wife. Though she was born to elite elven family, Meihua pursued her dream of being a seamstress. She now owns a beautiful dress and tailor shop. Despite being a pacifist, Meihua’s incredible intelligence was needed at the end of the 100 Year War, and she temporarily served as the head military strategist.
Tian Cheng Li: The only daughter of the previous king and sister to all of the Cheng Li brothers. Tian is an absolute riot who turns proper princess stereotypes on their heads. She is the root source of Saya’s spunky nature, the rebellious and boisterous Cheng Li aunt. 
Hayano and Irino Cheng Li: The notorious family twins, Tian’s youngest sons. They are the most chaotic duo of memes elves you’ll ever meet. They always have their hair dyed one wacky color or another. Lately it’s been orange (Hayano) and lavender (Irino). 
Hokkaia Hibari: Saya’s maternal grandmother, a very loving and tender woman who taught her grandchildren how to read and write. When the family dynamic turned sour, the children sought comfort in Hokkaia. She taught them to hope and dream :’) 
The Ongaku Family: Dae’s family of two fishermen, a navy boy, and the editor-in-chief of the Ongaku Daily Sun. They’re frequently so busy with work (coastal fishing, deployment, running the newspaper, etc) that they’re often absent from the household. As a result, Dae practically lives with the Shens nowadays.
Rei, Jun, & Maeno Cheng Li: The rest of Saya’s cousins. Rei is the oldest, an elegant but stiff woman. Underneath her guise of propriety, she seems lonely, like she just wants to have fun and be friends. Meanwhile, Jin is her stuck-up asshole of a little brother, a true snob. Don’t give Jin time of day, ever — it’ll get to his head. Finally, Maeno is the benevelent older bro of Tian’s twins. He has a soft, round stature and a warm smile.
Sei Ling Zhou: The former queen, mother of all the Cheng Li siblings, and the most renowned healer in history. She’s known for her quirky attitude and snarky clapbacks, having once turned down the proposal of the last king himself. Sei Ling will discover a never-before-seen spell that could very well be considered the “secret” of life...
Akira and Kawano Cheng Li: Akira is Junzhen’s wife and mother to Rei and Jin. She married into the family forcefully, desiring access to their magic libraries. Akira is not a stranger to getting what she wants. Kawano is Tian’s husband, a calm and steady man to balance out her spontaneity. He comes from a family that owns a fruit import company.
Jade: As mentioned before, the jade stone is the most precious and worshiped gem. Recklessly gifting jade would tarnish one’s reputation and belittle Liangese culture. Of course, they are understanding of mistakes, especially when foreigners are just learning about their customs.
Festivals: Liang has four big seasonal festivals — the Lantern Festival on the summer solstice, the Lunar Dance Festival in mid-autumn, the White Tiger Festival on the week of the new year, and the Jade Horse Festival on the spring equinox. People gather to pray to shrines, dance and sing, eat good food, and visit their families. 
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Tournaments: Similarly, Liang also has four seasonal tournaments called “Medals.” Winners of the Medals, appropriately called Medalists, are recognized as the greatest master in their respective fields. (Minor competitions also occur, but these are the big ones):
There is the Swordsmanship Medal, which lasts five days and ends on the summer equinox (the day the Lantern Festival begins).
The Ceremonial Dance Medal in mid-autumn, which perfectly coincides with the Lunar Dance Festival. 
The Archery Medal on the winter solstice.
And finally the Horsemanship Medal during the spring equinox.
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(all statistics are approximate and not quite final yet!)
Mastery of Arts: In Liang, mastery in any field (magic, arts, athletics, medicine, etc) is a very respected achievement. Oftentimes, masters are the older folks, hence why elders are held in high regard. An important plot point involves Taizi achieving mastery of the sword and winning the Swordsmanship Medal, defying classism and racism, and becoming one of the youngest and most respected masters of his generation. 
Market Day: A day-long event akin to an Asian night market or western farmers’ market. Shop owners, farmers, and restaurateurs gather in the central marketplaces of large and small cities alike to sell their specialty items. It’s a day to celebrate food and advertise your best goods! 
Hisui: The capital. It has a circular layout and lies in the western central region of Liang. The Royal Palace sits at its center, hugged by a river that comes from the north. The Inner and Outer Capital are areas separated by the imaginary circle drawn by the river. This line divides the government and business sectors from the smaller residential districts.
Hayashi: Saya’s main hometown growing up. An industrial city slightly northeast of the capital.
Bing Harbor: Han’s city of residence in the northwestern province. It is Liang’s biggest port town, and thus the “gate” to the western world. Bing Harbor is known for its beautiful winter landscapes and seamless escape into vast forests.
Huamao: Eizan’s hometown, where he met Taizi. Known for its peaceful gorges, clear pools, and beautiful small cascades. 
Mountains: The mountain ranges surrounding Liang are classified into three different regions, each with their own specialty resources (i.e. mountain ore, lumber, etc). They are home to a few aboriginal clans. 
Huen: The southernmost Hisui district. It has the highest immigrant and non-elf population in the capital. This where Eizan currently lives. 
Haretsuki Lake: A large lake shaped like a crescent moon crashed into the sun. It lies in a valley to the southeast and has much historical relevance.
Here is a vague, incomplete map of Liang (still a really rough draft so far, and not quite the shape I want it to be...):
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As you can see, I have great naming sense (´∀`;) I either name on a whim or I throw in references to my family in some way or another... Anyway, I plan to change the shape and layout a bit. I’m not quite satisfied yet...
In conclusion... 
That...was a lot. If you made it this far, holy shit? Thank you?? Feel free to check out my Houseki tag and ask questions and just...please talk to me about my OCs omg I’m so excited ( ๑>ᴗ<๑ )
This is kinda my first big original “project.” I’ve always wanted to do something like this and I’m super excited to share it. Most of it’s on my personal docs or in chats with Danie, but I will share it all eventually! And I’ll update the (very unfinished) Houseki blog with all the formatting and plot, so stay tuned!
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