#they always want to meet the grandbabies
goodbye432 · 2 months
ok but you know that one post abt adult children threatening their parents with the ‘guess you don’t get to see/meet your grandkids’ and it being d e v a s t a t i n g?? I want that energy between the batkids and Bruce
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pretty-sparkle-bomb · 4 months
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Butterflies tap-danced in your stomach as you stood outside the humongous traditional-styled mansion that Bakugo called his house.
Today was the day you'd finally meet Katsuki Bakugo's mom, Mitsuki. You'd been dating Bakugo for a few months now, and while things were undeniable between you, there were a few slip-ups here and there.
He hadn't exactly gushed about his family life, so you weren't sure what to expect.
Taking a deep breath, you smoothed down your skirt and rang the doorbell. The wait felt like an eternity before the door swung open, revealing a woman with spiky blonde hair that mirrored Bakugo's. Her bromine eyes were tired, a different shade from Katsuki's carmine ones.
You couldn't help but wonder if that was where his own eyes would end up after years of wear and tear – perhaps after you'd settled down and raised little explosions together.
"You must be Y/n! Katsuki told me you'd be coming," she laughed, her voice surprisingly gentle. "Come in, come in! Don't just stand there like a shy little flower."
You smiled, relieved by the lack of hostility. Stepping inside, you were greeted by an unsurprisingly tidy living room. Photos of a younger Bakugo, with a much wider smile than he ever showed you, adorned the walls.
"Would you like some tea, dear?" Mitsuki asked, bustling around the kitchen. "Bakugo always preferred coffee, that stubborn boy."
You chuckled, "Tea sounds lovely, thank you, Mrs. Bakugo."
"Please, call me Mitsuki," she said, handing you a steaming cup. "So, when are yall thinking of giving me grandbabies?"
Y/n almost choked on the liquid she was sipping. "I-I'm sorry?"
"Don't be so formal, haha!" Mitsuki held the h/c-ette's hand before patting it lightly. "I was joking, dear."
You took a hesitant sip of tea before smiling. "He's...definitely a challenge," you admitted. "But I see a promising future with him. He's incredibly loyal and brutally honest."
Mitsuki's face softened. "I'm glad. He hides it well, but he cares deeply. Just like his father."
You raised an eyebrow, surprised. Bakugo rarely spoke of his father, and you knew their relationship was strained. "He does?"
Mitsuki giggled. "Masaru's a quiet man, but he instilled a strong sense of justice in Katsuki. He wants to be a hero who makes a difference, just like All Might. But sometimes, that fire burns a little too bright."
The door slammed open with a bang, startling you both. Bakugo stormed in, a scowl etched on his face. "Oi, woman, I-" He stopped short, his crimson eyes widening at the sight of you. "Y/n? Didn't expect ya t'be here. 'S early."
Before he could say anything else, Mitsuki walked over and playfully headlocked him, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Y/n is here for dinner. Isn't that right, dear?"
Bakugo sputtered, his cheeks flushing a faint pink, the scowl fading instantly. You couldn't help but grin, the awkwardness dissolving into amusement. "Oi, get off of me, hag!" he grumbled, though there was no heat behind the words.
You gasped, feigning offense. "Katsuki Bakugo! Don't speak to your mother like that!"
Mitsuki, still holding him in a headlock, was about to make a snarky retort when Bakugo simply muttered, "Tch, whatever," and escaped his mother's grasp.
As the family settled down for dinner, Mitsuki smiled and extended her hands out to say grace. Masaru, a quiet man with a warm presence, held his wife's hand lovingly. To your surprise, Bakugo, with a barely perceptible blush, reached out and held yours too. The gesture sent a jolt of warmth through you, a silent promise amidst the family ritual.
After dinner, you offered to help with the dishes, a subtle way to spend more time with Mitsuki. You found yourself enjoying her company, gossiping about everything from hero gossip to the latest fashion trends. With a twinkle in her eye, Mitsuki seemed to approve of your company.
When it was finally time to leave, Katsuki walked you to his door, his face unusually flushed. He fumbled in his pocket for a moment before pulling out a crumpled envelope.
"Want ya to read this," he mumbled, shoving it in your hand with a scowl that didn't quite reach his crimson eyes. "The old hag slapped me upside the head before stuffing this in my pocket."
You knew from his tone there was more to the story than he was letting on. Carefully, you tore open the envelope, bracing yourself for who knows what.
Inside, nestled amongst a few tissues, were not one, not two, but three bright pink condoms. A handwritten note on a scrap of paper accompanied them. It read in bold, loopy handwriting:
"A little heads up because 1+1=3 if you don't use protection. We don't want that now, do we? Love, Mom. P.S. Don't forget to thank Y/n for helping with the dishes!"
You couldn't help but burst out laughing, the absurdity of the situation hitting you all at once. Katsuki, on the other hand, seemed to be on the verge of exploding. His face and neck were now a vibrant shade of crimson, rivalling the colour of his eyes.
"See," he hissed, his voice barely above a whisper, "I told you she's a hag!"
You couldn't help but tease him a little. "Well, 'Suki," you said, a playful smile on your face, "looks like your mom's a bigger shipper than you are."
Katsuki grumbled something incoherent, but a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
He wouldn't mind having a baby with you.
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meet the in-laws | s.r. x liaison!fem reader
“would-would you like to meet my mom?” spencer stopped in the middle of your hotel room, he shoved his hands nervously into his khaki’s pockets.
you slowly set a pair of folded clothes into your duffle bag, a slightly surprised expression on your face. “i- i’d love to. would she be comfortable with an unfamiliar face?” your fingers twisted around each other, “i don’t want you to force this since we’re dating. only if you’re okay with this.”
spencer took four long strides closer, his fingers delicate near your wrist. “she already knows about you. i’ve- i’ve been mentioning you to her after our first encounter, she’s the one insisting to meet you on her good days.” he seemed embarrassed, shy at the slipped information.
you felt yourself brighten, “really? i’m already in her good graces!” joking just a bit, but relieved to know that spencer hasn’t kept you hidden from her.
spencer rolled his lips, “so would you like to join me for a visit?” perking up at the prospect. you nodded, “absolutely.”
luckily since your finished case was in las vegas and the team was given an extra layover day, it was the perfect opportunity to finally meet your boyfriend’s mom. you texted hotch that you and spencer were going out together in case he needed either of you to contact, everyone else seemed to head for the slot machines or tables.
the drive was about thirty minutes. it felt weird to see spencer behind the wheel, but it was a refreshing sight to behold. he kept his hands safely at ten and two, always used his blinkers, and he only went about five miles over the speed limit. but many cars sped past him, so he was still probably driving at the speed of an elder.
“she’ll probably be in the community room at this time. she enjoys doing sudoku and crosswords.” he linked a hand with yours and walked through the building with ease. many of the nurses and doctors waving, saying a quick hello as you both passed.
standing at the threshold you took notice of the scattered people filling the brightened space. “there she is,” spencer tugged you along as he walked more to the back were a couch sat. a women with short blonde hair had her head bent as her lips moved while looking at her book.
spencer pulled up a chair and let you sit first then dragged another beside you. “hey mom. it’s me, it’s spencer.” his mom looked up, “oh crash, hi honey.” then her eyes moved to you, “and who’s this lovely lady?”
“mom this is y/n. the girl i always mention, she’s my girlfriend.” you stretched a hand out, “it’s a pleasure to meet you, ms. reid.”
she took your hand gently, “call me diana, hon. is my boy treating you well?” raising a brow spencer’s way.
you couldn’t help the slight laugh, you looked over to him with a delicate smile, “raising the bar everyday. and i’m glad he chooses to put up with me.” giving his knee a loving squeeze.
diana hummed, “so when do i plan to hear about some grandbabies?” you heard spencer give a choking noise and your neck instantly warmed. “we’ve only been dating a month, mom.”
she shrugged, “oh, i can tell this will last. she’s all you can talk about in your letters.” and threw a wink at you. you had a feeling she’ll be right in the end.
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russo-woso · 19 days
We’ll always be there for you || Lionesses/Arsenal/Alessia Russo
Request | Masterlist | Prompt list
Warning pregnancy, morning sickness, horrible cravings, labour and delivery
Summary Pregnancy is hard for anyone, but it’s even harder when you’re young and it’s unexpected. Luckily, you have some of the best teammates who’s always there to help you.
“Fuck.” You whispered, your eyes glossy with tears as you looked down at the stick in your hands.
Pregnant 2-3 weeks
You didn’t know what to do. You didn’t know whether to scream, or to cry.
Your emotions were already high, having broke up with your ex boyfriend two weeks ago, but having his baby? That was whole other type of emotion.
You’d always known you wanted children, you wanted to be a mother, but later in life, once you’d retired from football.
Currently, you were playing for Arsenal and England, frequently having a spot in the starting line up or if not, definitely coming on later in the game.
Barely just turning twenty, that was an amazing achievement and were expected to be one of the best by the time you were 25.
That’s gone out the window now.
Thoughts flowed through your mind as you continued to stare at the stick.
You were supposed to be playing France on Friday, you couldn’t play whilst you were pregnant.
“Y/N, is that you? Are you okay?” You heard Alessia ask, gently knocking on the door.
You were so wrapped up in your own bubble that you hadn’t realised you’d been crying and sniffling, Alessia clearly hearing your muffled cries and sniffs.
Not coming up with an excuse as to why you were crying, you thought you’d just tell her the truth.
You trusted Alessia like a big sister so you knew she would never judge.
You leaned forward to open the door, Alessia slowly coming in.
You watched as her eyes travelled down to your vulnerable body curled up on the floor of a cubicle in St George’s park.
Her eyes widening as they landed on the stick in your hand.
“Are you…?” Alessia questioned softly, crouching down to sit on the floor next to you.
You nodded, before breaking down.
Alessia held your shaking body as you sobbed.
“I’m here. I’m going to be here with you whatever you decide to do.” Alessia whispered, rubbing your back. “No matter what.”
You spoke to your ex over the phone and had told him about the pregnancy, but there was no surprise when he put the phone down as soon as the words left your mouth.
There was a sense of happiness when he did it because quite frankly, he was a dick and you didn’t want a kind of man like him in your babies life.
You’d also told your parents. That conversation went okay.
Your mum and dad lived over in America, moving there when your older brother decided to. After all, he was their favourite child, it was obvious he was, so they were always going to follow him.
They said they would help no matter what and that they were excited to meet their grandbaby.
As for the England and Arsenal team, that went better than you expected.
You were scared some of your teammates would judge you.
Judge you for being careless. Judge you for being a young mum. Judge you for your decisions.
You stood in the Arsenal changing rooms after a training session, you having to go off and have a separate session.
You’d already told the Arsenal staff, obviously having to notify them of why you causing participate in normal training and games.
“Why didn’t you join us today, kid?” Katie asked, ruffling your hair as she walked past to get to her cubby.
You didn’t know whether to say the truth or not.
Alessia was the only one out of all of them who knew.
You’d spoken to less just a few days prior about telling the team and it had been decided you’d do it soon since you were approaching 12 weeks.
“Umm, tweak in my knee. Just precautionary.” You replied, quickly, truing to make it believable.
“Oh, kiddo, how long did they say you’d be out for?” Steph questioned
“A few weeks.” You said, casually, trying to take the attention off of you.
You looked at Alessia who sent you a saddened look.
The room went silent for a few minutes as you slowly built up the courage to announce it to them.
“Actually…” you began, looking around the room as all your teammates looked at you. Locking eyes with Alessia, she nodded encouragingly. With one final breath, the words fell out your mouth. “I’m pregnant.”
The room fell deathly silent again, to the point where you’d hear a pin drop.
You wanted the world to swallow you up.
You looked at your teammates blank faces, no expressions on them at all.
But then they all turned to smiles.
“Congratulations, kiddo.” Beth exclaimed, tackling you into a hug.
“Thanks, beffy.” You smiled softly as you hugged her back, a sigh of gratefulness leaving your mouth at your teammates reactions.
“My turn for a hug now.” Leah said, pushing Beth out the way. “Congratulations, star. You’re going to be an amazing mama.” Leah told you, using your nickname she’d given you from when you first joined arsenal. “I’m gonna have to come up with a nickname for your baby now.”
“Pain in the ass, that would be a good one. Waking me up every morning to be sick.” You explained, resting a hand on your slightly curved stomach.
“We have another partner in crime!” Kyra cheered, nearly jumping into your side.
“Careful of the baby! She’s carrying arsenals next best player.” Leah scolded Kyra
“I’m fine, le.” You said before turning to Kyra. “Think of all the pranks we can pull with the baby.”
“It’s going to be so fun.”
Everyone came and hugged you, congratulating you on the news.
The England girls reacted all the same.
You’d messaged the group chat with all the lionesses in and explained that you’d be out for a year because you were pregnant.
That afternoon, your phone was blowing up with messages from your teammates congratulating you.
You cried at their reactions, really happy that you could welcome your baby into a world where they’d be loved so dearly.
The next few weeks went by quickly.
You were ten weeks pregnant when Alessia suggested you moved in with her.
If you were to describe Alessia, you’d describe her as an overprotective older sister.
So when you let it slip that you had been sick all night and morning, she insisted that you moved in with her.
She couldn’t stand the thought of you being that vulnerable on your own.
You told her that it wouldn’t just be you moving in, it would also be the baby, but she didn’t care.
She wanted what was best for you and the baby and that meant not being on your own when you’re that vulnerable.
You were grateful that she had offered to move in with her because the day after moving in, you had the worst wave of morning sickness.
Alessia was up immediately, rubbing your back and holding your hair up.
“This is fucking ridiculous. I thought morning sickness was supposed to last a few weeks.” You mumbled, leaning against the wall as you finished the first round of throwing up.
“I know, hon, but you’ll have your baby at the end of it.” Alessia pointed out and you nodded, going to respond but instead having to throw your head in the toilet. “It’s okay, I’m here.”
“And if you look just over here, there’s your baby.” The nurse said, pointing to the screen.
“That’s your baby, Y/N.” Alessia whispered, her eyes stuck on the screen.
Since your parents were in America and you had no other family living in England, you’d asked Alessia to go with.
She said yes immediately, pulling you in for a hug at how honoured she was.
“And if you listen, that’s your babies heartbeat.”
A soft rhythm of a heart beating filled the room as stared in awe at the screen.
Alessia squeezed your hand, and you looked up at her with a smile on your face.
You watched as she blinked back tears.
“Why you crying, lessi?”
“I’m just proud of you, kiddo.”
“Your baby looks perfectly healthy. They’re the perfect size for 12 weeks.” The nurse said, as you nodded along, but you couldn’t really hear anything else because you were so focused on the heartbeat. “As you can see here, there’s their arms and their legs. Their head is resting just on the left side of your womb there. And their nose is just there.” The nurse pointed to them all on the screen.
You watched the screen closely as you watched your baby move.
“They’re saying hello.” The nurse joked as you let out a small laugh.
The nurse continued to go through things with you, before printing off some pictures and booking in your next scan.
“You best send a picture to everyone, they’ve all been messaging me asking if everything okay.” Less said as you got in the car.
You took a picture of the scan pictures, sending it to the Arsenal and England group chats.
You sent them a follow up message explaining how everything’s perfect.
Everyone messaged back saying how happy and proud they were.
You’d finally reached 20 weeks, the half way mark.
Your bump had grown a lot and so had your need for sleep.
Your baby has started kicking a lot.
Two weeks ago, you felt the first kick, and then they never stopped.
All day, every day. But it was even worse at night time.
Barely getting three hours sleep at night, you struggled to keep your eyes open.
You were exhausted and you were only half way through the pregnancy.
Today though, you were pushing your exhaustion to the side because today was your gender reveal party.
You weren’t having anything big. Just a few teammates and a cake with either pink or blue in it.
Unbeknownst to you, it had been arranged that loads of your international teammates were travelling from all over the county to come.
Tooney was obviously coming, in fact she’d spent the night as well.
Viv had organised everything for the party, including the cake, because she was one of the only ones you trusted not to tell anyone.
She’d dropped the cake round earlier and had helped Ella and less decorate the house before everyone came.
You’d been stuck inside your room all morning, Alessia and Tooney wanting the decorations to be a surprise for you.
So when you were finally allowed to leave, it felt like you were leaving jail.
You were all ready, your hair and makeup done.
You wore a white dress that showed off your baby bump.
Walking into the living room, you were met with a room full of your teammates.
“Surprise!” They exclaimed, your eyes widening in shock.
“Y/N, you’re glowing.” Chloe said, getting up to hug you.
“Thanks, Chlo.” You replied, shrugging it off, not believing her.
“She’s not kidding, kiddo. You look great.” Mary told you
“It’s all makeup, I look exhausted without it.” You sighed, plonking yourself down next to Leah on the sofa.
“How’s bubba doing?” Leah asked, rubbing her hand over your bump.
“Kicking a lot. Feel.” You moved her hand to the right side of your bump, exactly where the baby was kicking.
“They’re kicking hard. Gonna be a defender just like their auntie le.” Leah told you and you scoffed in response.
“No, they’re going to be a midfielder like their mama.” You said, rubbing your bump.
The room fell into a light chatter, everyone talking to one another.
Eventually, it was time to cut the cake.
Everyone crowded round the table where you stood waiting.
“Before I cut the cake, I just want to say thank you to all of you who have turned up today. It means a lot to me, knowing how much you love the baby. So thank you.” Everyone cheered before encouraging you to cut the cake.
They counted down from three and on zero, you cut the cake.
Slowly, you pulled out the slice, revealing a baby pink colour inside.
A girl
Everyone cheered at the sight, the England girls happy that another lioness was joining the squad.
You cut the rest of the cake, sharing it round to everyone.
Everyone sat in the living room, full from their cake, as they spoke some more.
They all stopped their conversations one by one when they heard small snored filling the room.
They turned to you, delicately holding your bump as you sat leaned up against Alessia, fast asleep.
Everyone got their phones out, taking a picture, awing at the sight in front of them.
“Bless here. She needed this sleep, didn’t she?” Millie questioned as Alessia nodded.
When you awoke, everyone had gone and it was back to being just you and Alessia.
“Did I fall asleep?” You mumbled into Alessia side, rubbing your eyes.
“You did, hon, but it’s okay everyone knew you were tired.”
“Did I at least get round to cutting the cake? God, don’t tell me I fell asleep before cutting the cake.” You panicked as Alessia laughed slightly.
“You cut the cake.” Alessia confirmed. “A baby girl. You’re a having a little girl, Y/N.”
“Good, I don’t think I could’ve coped with a boy.” You joked, your eyes still full with exhaustion.
“Go back to sleep if you want to, hon. We don’t need to go anywhere.”
“How you feeling?” Alessia asked, rubbing your shoulders as you sat bouncing up and down on a yoga ball.
“They’re getting worse.” You respond, holding your now nine month bump.
You’d started getting contraction yesterday afternoon and they’d continued all throughout the night.
“Fuck.” You mumbled, grabbing your bump as a contraction hit.
Alessia rubbed your back comfortingly, helping you get through your contraction.
“Missy needs to come out soon, auntie lessi wants to meet her.” Alessia said, using the nickname you’d created for your baby girl.
“I know, I can’t wait to meet her either. It also means I don’t have to be pregnant anymore.” You said, sighing.
“I know, hon.”
“Less go get ready, you’ve got training in an hour.” You pointed out to her
“Y/N, you really think I’m leaving you whilst you’re in labour? There’s no way I’m leaving your side.” Alessia told you
“Less, you’re going to training. My contractions aren’t that bad for you not to go to training. You’ve got a match Saturday that you have to train for. Please go.” You begged, feeling guilty for being the reason why she wasn’t going to training.
“Fine, but if anything happens, you ring me straight away.” Alessia said and you nodded.
“I will, I promise. Can you help me up? little miss is kicking me right in the bladder.”
Alessia helped you up before you waddled to the bathroom.
Just as you were reaching for the door handle, you heard a pop before a gush of water.
“Less? Forget about you going to training. My waters just broke.” You told her, looking down at the puddle by your feet.
“Your waters broke? Fuck, what do we do? You go wait in the car, or go change it’s up to you. I’ll grab the—” Less rambled, clearly panicking.
“Woah, lessi, calm down. You go take a seat. I’ll go upstairs and change and then we’ll head to the hospital. Oh and also, take a chill pill, yeah?”
“So close, hon. She’s nearly here.” Alessia encouraged you, wiping your sweat drench hair out your face.
After nine hours of gruelling active labour, the time had come to finally push.
Alessia had stayed by your side the entire time and most of your teammates were already waiting in the waiting room.
“I can’t do it, less.” You said, breathlessly, throwing your head back after pushing for ten seconds.
“You can, Y/N. Your baby girls gonna be here soon. I know you can do it.” Less told you
“She better be worth it after this.” You remarked, squeezing Alessia’s hand as you felt another contraction come which meant one thing, it was time to push again.
“She will, hon, I promise.”
“Her heads out now, one more big push and she’ll be here.” The midwife announced after another torturous push.
“Never have children, less.”
“Okay, hon.” Alessia said, letting out a laugh. “One more push. That’s it.”
The next moments went by in a flash.
All the pain disappeared as you pushed for the final time.
A cry filled the room as your daughter was passed onto your chest.
“Hi, baby.” You smiled, tears and sweat rolling down your face, as you looked at your baby.
Alessia watched, tears flowing from her eyes.
“Who’s cutting the cord?” The midwife asked, holding up a pair of scissors.
“You cut it, lessi. You’ve been with me the whole pregnancy.” You told her, taking your eyes off your baby girl to look at her.
More tears welled in her eyes as she cut the cord.
The nurses took your daughter away to be cleaned and checked over.
She was perfect, ten toes and ten fingers, and weighed in at just under seven pounds.
When she was handed back to you, she was wrapped in a blanket with a small hat upon her head, covering her small tuffs of brown hair.
“She beautiful, hon.” Less whispered, looking at the baby on your chest.
“She is.” You agreed, stroking your finger up and down her cheek. “I have a baby, less.”
“You do indeed, hon.” Less laughed before a small silence filled the room.
“You want to know her name?” You questioned, Alessia nodding straight away, desperate to know.
“Her name is Missy Alessia Y/L/N.” You revealed, looking up to see Alessia’s reaction.
Alessia just burst out crying, leaning down to hug you.
“Thank you so much.” Alessia said in between sobs.
“Thank you, lessi. You know, when I first saw that I was pregnant, my first thought was to put the baby up for adoption. It wasn’t that I didn’t want a baby or I wasn’t ready for one, it was that I didn’t have anyone to help me. But then you saw me, and in that moment, When you said you’d be with me the whole way, I knew that I wanted to keep the baby. We have you to thank.” I explain to her, getting emotional. “Here, hold her.”
“Hi, missy.” Alessia cooed, staring in awe at the baby in her arms.
The rest of the girls came in shortly after, looking in awe at Missy snuggled up in Alessia’s arms.
“Hey, kiddo. How you feeling?” Leah asked, gently hugging you.
“Exhausted, but it’s so worth it.”
“I bet.” Leah kissed the top of your head before walking round to see missy.
“She looks just like you, kid.” Beth said, sitting on the edge of your bed.
“Lessi said that too.”
“Are we late? Has she been born yet? Oh my god, them hallways are long. I feel I’ve just ran ten miles.” Tooney shouts, bathing into the room.
Cries fill the room, everyone turning to see missy.
“Tooney!” Less lectured her, passing the crying baby to you.
“It’s okay, mamas got you.” You whispered, missy immediately calming down from your voice and touch.
The girls watched, most of them getting emotional at you and missy.
“Tooney, you can’t just—” Mary started shouting but everyone shut her up by shushing her.
“We’ve just got missy to sleep.” Leah told her. “What is her name? We can’t just keep calling her missy forever.”
“Of course you can. Her name is missy after all. Missy Alessia Y/L/N.”
“See, I’m the favourite auntie. She’s named after me.” Alessia told Ella, a playful smirk on Alessia’s face.
“Welcome to your crazy family, missy. Where all your aunties are all weirdos, except for me.” Millie whispered, stroking her cheeks.
“Welcome to your family, kid.” You repeated to Missy, pressing your lips delicately to her head.
• Y/N_Y/L/N04 posted •
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Liked by alessia, leahwilliamsonn, and 72,753 others
My little love 🤍
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spellboundstarlet · 1 month
KATE MARTIN X WIFE READER - pt one is here.
authors note; comments + reblogs are always better than likes!! i loveeeee feedback!
request; “i loved your pregnancy hcs with kate, could you do some of after the baby is born? like taking turns with the baby, meeting the team etc? love your writing!” — first off, thank you so much angel 💕 i hope this was good!!
word count; 640 words
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— kate sat next to you with fear in her eyes as she watched your body be taken over by tremors. the poor girl hadn’t even heard of “the shakes” until the nurse explained how, and why this was happening to your body during labor and that it might possibly happen after birth aswell. for you, it was also quite frightening, the feeling drowning out all other senses besides the pain of your contractions. despite trying her best to stay strong for you, the sight of you lying there, broke her heart. there was nothing she could do besides hold your hand.
— as soon as the two of you find a quiet moment together with your baby resting peacefully in his bassinet, kate lovingly positions herself next to you, gently pressing her lips against your knuckles. her voice when she spoke was all that could be heard in the room, besides the baby’s unlabeled breathing, “you did so good, baby.”
— your wife and you had both had agreed that there were to be no visitors allowed until after the three of you had safely returned home. every family member who asked, was told the same. after the two days you spent in the hospital, then you’d open your home for only close family on both sides. under the condition that nobody was ill at the time of their visit. the two of you stayed focused on your little family and creating a sense of privacy during your time together, making sure that your experience remained undisturbed and cherished.
— during your entire time postpartum, she was your rock. physically, mentally, and emotionally. from the minute you brought the baby into the world, she is there to provide nothing but her love and support. whether that be feeding the baby in the middle of the night while you slept, or listening to you as you ranted. no matter what, kate was there.
— most nights, you’d open your eyes, the sound of the baby's cries gently nudging you awake, making you to rise sleepily and shift your weight to the edge of the bed. you’d yawned and drag your feet over to the bassinet, barely a couple of steps away, kate would get up aswell. the blonde’s hair was tousled from sleep, but she still remained gorgeous. your wife was a bit groggy, but determined to tend to the baby. 
"hey, baby, you should rest. i’ll handle him for now," kate whispered to you softly, before kissing your forehead and sending you back into bed.
— on the phone with your overly persistent mother, she begged and pleaded to come see her grandbaby. but, with her living out of state, you didn’t want to risk the baby getting something she caught on the plane over. so you told her “no”, over and over.
“i don’t want to sound mean, mom —“ but you were cut off by kate, who was usually the sweet one in the relationship, “i don’t mind being mean. you can wait. he’s not going anywhere.”
— around a month and a half later, you’d decided the baby was in a place where he could meet extended family or friends. kate’s teammates began coming over. first it was kelsey and a’ja, then the others followed suit. eventually, caitlin and her girlfriend flew down aswell. the amount of flower bouquets you had by now was insane, and you finally had to ask people to stop bringing them, just in fear that they’d take over your whole home. 
— you and kate often took turns. whenever something needed done, you’d just hand the baby off to the other one. your favorite moments were when all three of you cuddled together or when you’d wake up to kate and the baby sitting in the rocking chair in his nursery.
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taglist; @bveckers @kmoneymartini @cosmopretty @charlottehughess @aubreygriffin @favreader23 , divs by @/anitalenia
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
Where's Wukong in LSO? Is he like retired and far away? Just doesn't want to butt into how MK is mentoring his student? Sorry if I'm being too noisy. Just curious about the au ^^'
(No worries, dear! I love answering questions about the things I write anyhow! 💕 I’ll go into a few characters here!)
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Let’s Start Over
Friends and Family
After many, many long years… Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equal to Heaven… has retired, actually!
Our lovable Sage is kicking around wherever he pleases (with a strange shadow following him about), leisurely traveling the world and enjoying everything that it has to offer. He stops for fans and scholars alike, signing autographs and answering questions.
The ginger-furred simian especially enjoys visiting different zoos and aquariums to admire the animals- and they seem to like him, too. Old Sun also stops by local pastry shops pretty often, looking for something sweet and made of peaches. He’s got his photo hung on at least two dozen walls by now.
He’s got a pretty good thing going now. Wukong is more than content- he’s happy.
Of course, our powerful King’s not just going to leave an entire life behind.
He’s got a new kiddo to dote on, after all!
Yeah, this man adores you. Every other week or so he’ll come zooming in on his mystic cloud, blazing into view with a shower of vaporous mist trailing behind him.
‘Sun Yeye’, as he’ll frequently call himself, comes bearing gifts and stories. He’s in a better place both mentally and socially, and he’s grown more comfortable with physical contact- somewhat. He’ll ruffle your hair and ply you with something expensive or unhealthy, then bound off to chat with his loyal monkey subjects.
And… there’s someone with him?
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As ever, this little rat is mostly unrepentant and prone to lurking about in the shadows. Still training and eavesdropping and scheming, just a little less cruel about it.
He’s slowly becoming a better person, off journeying with Wukong and learning about everything he’d missed while stuck in the underworld.
But Macaque doesn’t get to have ‘cool uncle/granddad’ title that the Monkey King has been bestowed, I’m afraid. After all, where Wukong was willing to accept his wrongs and shortcomings and actively work on them, Mac just kinda… gets away with his bullshit without ever trying to making amends.
MK keeps him at a full arm’s length from you, considering the sable simian to be not only a bad influence, but a dangerous one.
But, theoretically, if Macaque were to:
1. Apologize to every person he’s hurt
2. Make reparations for all the destruction that he’s caused
3. Acknowledge his own shortcomings and mistakes and try to become better
Then he might consider allowing you and ‘Uncle Macaque’ to meet up. Just for an hour.
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As always, Pigsy maintains his grumpy fervor for cooking and serving, but in a far more lowkey fashion than before. Mei helped to hook him up with topnotch streaming equipment, allowing the chef to start a personal channel where he teaches beginner’s to prep basic meals and take care of their equipment.
He’s found some degree of fame with it, spreading his culinary skills across the internet, which quickly comes to love him.
And speaking of love- Y/N. Oh, how this man cherishes you.
MK gave him a grandbaby.
Ok, so he was a little worried at first. Pigsy thought that his son had gotten someone pregnant (irrational, but he was still worried!) and now was raising the kiddo as a single father.
Once all that has been cleared up, our favorite chef settles into the “granddad” role admirably, tending to you as he did to little MK.
He comes over every Friday to make a family meal for the three of you, and Tang always tags along- usually with a book that he thought you might like.
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Although MK’s relationship with Mei has grown notably… strained, the two still keep in touch. She’s grown to be a massive streamer, and frequently competes in city-wide races as something of a celebrity. A decent chunk of her hard-earned cash goes to local charities or is spent sponsoring young racers that she sees worth in.
Mei is super dedicated to seeing the city grow healthier and happier, opting to visit and buy from only local stores and restaurants. She gives very fair reviews and often causes surges of growth for whatever business she stops in to check out.
She still finds time to game with MK on occasion, trying to bridge the gap that’s grown between the two in recent times. It’s not a phenomenal success, but they have fun and part on decent terms.
For what it’s worth, they’d both still go crazy if the other was injured.
Also, Auntie Mei??? Bringing you fun games and snacks and getting you a custom motorcycle helmet for the rides she takes you on (away from the crowded city streets, of course) and telling you embarrassing stories about MK.
(Also also, Goldendragon?? Moving apart from being friends and then reconciling into being lovers? Or even Chimera? In that final case Y/N is absolutely screwed.)
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Mr. Tang, as always, remains a dedicated scholar and mooch. He’s still spending every day by Pigsy’s side and sampling his food, but now he’s got an audience eagerly watching his every bite. The internet loves this man, both for his honest enthusiasm for food and for his interesting historical lectures.
Tang switching from calmly explaining the history of jajangmyeon to outright squealing about how damn good the dish is the moment he takes the first bite.
Him and Pigsy have moved in together at this point, sharing the streaming equipment for both cooking videos and history lessons. They absolutely share the same channel.
(I cannot think of a name for what that channel would be called. Delicious History? Culinary Chronicles? Past and Produce? Freenoodles?)
I think that Tang would read to you as he did MK, sharing stories both old and new to keep you updated on the dangers you might face.
So much bonding over food. With MK’s permission, he takes you out to different stalls and shops to broaden your horizons. It also helps to build your social skills and the sense of community you feel with the locals.
Also, those Golden Cicada powers? He busts them out whenever you’re in danger, wrapping you in a sphere of glittering light. Actually pretty good at keeping you safe, all things considered.
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The pacifistic view that Sandy has inherited is explored a bit more in this AU, with MK coming to view it as selfish, if not outright stupid.
If an enemy needs to be fought, pacifism is pointless. It’ll only get you and your friends hurt, refusing to fight when your assistance is needed the most.
If an enemy doesn’t need to be fought, every sane person becomes a pacifist temporarily to solve the issue in a non-violent way.
And in a world like Lego Monkie Kid? When fighting is frequent and necessary?
People are absolutely going to look at explicit non-combatants in a certain way.
The real value that Sandy finds in pacifism isn’t strictly for himself- he also doesn’t want to hurt anyone else or go too far in a fight, which are both reasonable. There’s nothing inherently wrong with his refraining from violence.
The main problem is that MK just doesn’t believe that Sandy would be able to protect you if you were in actual danger. Would he run away with you in his arms? Yes. Would he stuff you somewhere safe and force you to hide? Also yes. Would he take someone on, hand-to-hand for your safety?
It’s way harder to be sure. All visits are supervised just in case of a surprise attack
You, on the other hand? You adore this man. Sandy is great for the soul, giving you a chance to drop the training drills and stretches and pick up a paintbrush and put on some music. Also, kitties? Falling asleep on his couch and waking up covered in therapy cats with a cup of tea left within reach.
He’s just so good to you, and a perfect display of what healthy familial behavior actually is.
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Here’s another person MK has soured his view of- Red Son. Given that he falls square into the “instead of actually becoming a better person, I gave up on being evil” category, our hero doesn’t have much fondness for the fiery demon.
Red has settled into life on the outskirts of Megapolis, working as an engineer/mechanic. If you’ve something strange/dangerous to build or fix, he’s your man. A fair price, and he doesn’t even ask questions.
His parents, who often visit, absolutely will. DBK leering down at you as you try to explain that an enemy threw a brick through the window of your tuk-tuk and if your mentor finds out he’s going to go full demon-hunter. PIF raising one eyebrow slowly as you trudge in covered in bruises, a new set of blueprints tucked under your arm.
The evil->helpful but menacing pipeline is real.
If you doesn’t know how to drive, Red’s a good bet for a teacher… if you can handle the yelling. Hit him with an ‘Uncle Red’ and he’ll loosen up a bit.
Also, taking into account his little insulting nicknames he has, like Noodle Boy?
Give that MK treats you like his own child, and may well even outright adopt you under certain circumstances-
You are absolutely getting called ‘Noodle Baby’.
(I’m admittedly not a fan of Spicynoodles, but that dynamic would be somewhat interesting to explore here. MK giving this one villain the ‘redemption’ card, not because Red Son has earned it, but simply because… MK likes him. It would be one hell of an angle for Y/N to attack him with.)
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its-in-the-woods · 4 months
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Coyote Head - Part 1 - Sharp pain of greif
master list
Pairing: Cooper Howard x Lucy Maclean 
Alternative Universe where I make things up cause I ca
Synopsis: An old farm set on a couple hundred acres of land, surrounded by forest and wildlands. Lucy Maclean is now the new owner of her childhood home, much to her family’s dismay and anger. The land doesn’t feel the same without her Granddaddy around, the woods seem darker and much more vast. Maybe it’s the fact that she’s alone in the middle of nowhere for the first time in her life. Her great uncle Harris has stepped up to help her learn the ropes of the business, which is bigger than Lucy ever imagined. 
Her neighbor Cooper Howard, is happy to meet a new face in the area. Bonding over their shared grief and strife to make ends meet as the world is changing. Their worlds are shaken when Lucy’s home is vandalized, and secrets that were supposed to be buried forever begin to emerge from the woods.  Horror, mystery, and drama all rolled into one. There is something in the woods.
MINOR GET OUT. Rating/Warning:  Alternative Universe, Slow Burn, Death, Aging, Family Feuding, Eventually: Older Man/Younger Woman, Horror themes, long form fic,
Note: that I will not be spoiling any of the reading. So you have been warned. I will keep my tags relevant without spoiling what is happening in the story.
Grandpa Tim passed yesterday, as much as Lucy wanted to say it was peaceful, it wasn’t. The man had always been tough as nails, but cancer was tougher. Though Lucy had fought hard to keep him comfortable, there was only so much the Doctors could do. His hand gripping hers as he gasped for breath, feeling his heart rate speed up as his body tried to fight it. But he had signed a DNR, there was no going back. So Lucy sat there with tears in her eyes as she watched the man who had raised her slip away. One of the nurses hugged her and told her she was brave. Brave for letting him go, for letting him finally be at peace. Lucy stayed as they loaded him up onto a stretcher to be taken to the funeral home. Remembering the disappointment on his face when they told him he wouldn’t be a viable organ donor. The cancer had spread too fast and too far for anything to be usedable. It was a final sting, knowing that his body wouldn’t even be able to help others. 
The funeral was big, with everyone within ten counties coming over to say farewell to their favorite farmer. Tim had lived here his whole life and was born on the property where he raised his kids and grandbabies. His wife, Lucy’s Grandma, Shirley was buried in the same plot he would be now. Shirley had died six years ago after undergoing a complicated heart surgery. Now they could be back together again. It was one thing Tim had talked about the most as he neared his final days, how excited he was to see Shirley again. He often pondered if he would wake up in heaven and if she would look as pretty as the day she met him. Or maybe she looked as beautiful as the day she passed. 
Tears flowed all around, Tim was as big as life. He was always the first to help. Wildfire? He'd be there with his tanker trailer, pump, and hoses. Cow with a calf stuck?  He knew how to move the calf just right to get them out. Farmer got hurt? He was there with his tractor to make sure the work still got done. The school needs sponsorship? He'd be the first to give his dollar. He was a salt of the earth man. Tim was from this earth. As he was raised down into his grave, Lucy pulled out a mason jar of dark black earth. He had told her exactly where to go to get it. A little bit from the garden that Shirley had loved, a little bit from around where his favorite animals were buried, and a little from the first piece of land he had ever worked into a field. He wanted to make sure that a piece of the land he loved would be buried with him. 
Lucy could barely hold back the sob as she opened the jar and carefully sprinkled it on top of his grave. Others joined in, some had flowers, and others had their own dirt. A bundle of dried wheat, some oats, canola oil, and a pair of cow ear tags. As the items dropped the feeling of finality swept over Lucy. He was really gone. The man who had supported her through everything over the last twenty-five years was now in a box. Surrounded by the things and people he loved. On his right the love of his life Shirley, and on the left the two sons he had to bury before him. One was Lucy’s Dad, his headstone is where she went, placing another small jar of dirt beside it. Tears ran down her cheeks as she said how much she missed him, and that he needed to give Grandpa a big hug for her. 
“I am not sure why there is even a discussion happening.” Shrilled Henry, the last-born son of Tim MacLean. He was a fidgety bird-like man who had been all too happy to get off the shit-hole farm. His words. 
“I am the only son, so clearly it should go to me,” Henry pipped, examining his perfect nail beds.
“Why would you think Dad would want you to have the farm? You haven't been here since Mom died.” Katie scolded. A favorite daughter, but still a middle child. She was a petite woman who had married a chicken farmer down south, she wasn't frequent to the farm but she always had made sure to phone once a week.
“Katie, you don't got much to say,” Theresa quipped, she was the eldest of six kids. She was three times divorced and spent most of her time in Europe. “You got your own farm and your own land.”
“Never said I wanted the land, Theresa,” Katie bit back at her older sister. “Just figured it should go to someone who could use it.”
“Who says I wouldn't use it?” Henry joined in, “I know plenty of people who would be happy to help.”
“Oh yeah, I am sure your closet of boy toys could be persuaded to help.” Theresa sneered, making Martha, Henry's wife, gasp.
“How dare you!” Martha gasps clutching at her purse.
“Don't you start, Theresa!” Henry added, grabbing his wife's hands and glaring at Theresa.
A roar began in the small waiting room. People arguing and yelling, and a magazine went flying. Lucy tried to tuck herself away from the madness. She was the only Grandkid there and the ‘adults’ were losing it.
“Alright.” A big man in overalls and a brown shirt stood up. Great uncle Harris MacLean, Tim's second youngest brother. The man was imposing and loud, and easily commanded the room. Making sure everyone settled back in their chairs without more damage. 
“What would your father think of all of you? Damn shame. Fighting over what isn't even yours.”  Harris came over and put a comforting hand on Lucy’s shoulder. 
“None of you were here when your Dad got sick. Didn’t hold his hand when he passed. When he asked for your Mama. But y'all sure show up looking for another handout.” Harris sat down beside Lucy. “Pretty sure the will has all the answers.”
The couples and their lawyers murmured between themselves.  Eyes glaring at each other from across the room, the coffee table scatters different papers.
“You doing alright Lucy?” Harris asked, glaring at his relatives, his voice low enough that only she could hear him. 
Lucy shrugged, “Was hoping it would be smoother.” Hoping was one thing, it was another to have this many MacLean's in one room.
“Thought your Mom would have come down.” Harris let out a huff, watching all his shifty relatives closely. 
“She's busy in Mexico with her latest fling.” Lucy sighs shifting uncomfortably in her seat, why were waiting room chairs always so uncomfortable? 
“Of course she is. Oh, Rosealy, you were never much for settling down.” Harris sighed, big hands rubbing against his dirty jeans. Margie would be pissed to know he showed up at the lawyers in stained clothes.
A striking man walked into the room, he was wearing a pinstripe grey suit that matched his silver hair. He was all long legs and a lean figure, the suit made him look imposing. Looking at the room taking in the rag-tag bunch and disheveled coffee table.  
“I am guessing you all are the Maclean family?” He says, a faint hint of British accent tinging his voice. 
“Yes that would be us,” Henry chirped, his eyes wandering over the man. 
The man let out a sigh, “Well I suppose if you are all here, we will read the will. I'm positive we do not have any other space-” He glanced around, “For everyone.” 
Lucy stood up and handed the man a folded envelope. The man opened it and read it through before reading it out loud. 
“Here is the Last Will and Testament of Tim Louise MacLean, of Rosewood, I make this will being in sound mind and body.” The man continued, going through the document quickly. “I leave an account to each of my five grandchildren held in trust till they turn eighteen. To my last daughter Lucy Rose MacLean, I leave all my property, and worldly possessions, as well as give her exclusive access to my accounts. To the rest of my children, I ask that you remember that you never had a want in this world. From schooling to houses, and though I love you into entirety. Lucy was my first grandchild, and my last child to raise, the one who loved the farm more than me or Shirley ever could. She will be the one to make any decision regarding the property and finances. “ 
Lucy’s mouth had fallen open as the room had erupted in an outcry. Her heart pounded in her chest at the realization that Grandpa had left everything to her. She watched as Tim’s kids stood and demanded that the will be read again. That their lawyers would have to read it, Henry going so far as to say he would contest it in court. 
“If everyone would please be quiet,” The man in the suit hollered, loud enough to be heard over the commotion. The room fell silent as they all turned to look at him. “I understand this can be hard news for everyone. But this will was originally formed a decade ago, it has been updated yearly. Including 6 months before Mr. MacLean’s diagnosis. I can assure you that he was of sound mind, it was notarized and signed by three separate witnesses.” 
Henry was sitting with his arms crossed, Theresa looked close to tears, Katie was bright red, and Great Uncle Harris just looked amused. 
“You are all within your legal rights to try and take this to court. But, I can assure you no judge in the area would not dismiss this case outright.” He made sure to look at each of them in the eye.
“As for Ms. Lucy MacLean. I have a large amount of paperwork to go over with you. As well as an appointment with the bank.” His green eyes locked on to Lucy’s.
“May I bring my Uncle Harris with me?” Lucy asked, her hands tight fists in her lap.
“Yes, of course, love.” The lawyer said, before turning on his heel and walking down a hallway.
It took three weeks to finalize everything, Henry had gone to the court, and he had tried several times, unsuccessfully to get the will reexamined. At the same time, Lucy was engulfed by phone calls, emails, and more. Most of these were tenants of Tim wanting to sort leasing arrangements, others were about moving cattle to new grazing homes. Lucy was never more grateful for her Uncle Harris, he had known most of these men and women. Was able to handle the negotiations and fill Lucy in on what she needed to do regarding cattle, seeding, planting, and more. There was also opening up the house again. When Tim had gone into hospice,  Lucy, Margie, and Harris had taken time to go through things. Tim had not had many worldly possessions, a fire had taken most of that less than five years before. But things like a new mattress, power hooked up, gas running, and the wood stove inspected all needed to be done. 
Lucy sat in the middle of a mostly empty house. She had decided at the last minute to leave her job as an x-ray tech and move to the farm. It wasn’t ideal, but she also had come into a fair sum of money. Her Grandpa had been a smart man and a frugal one too. He had kept most of his and Shirley’s money tucked away in investment accounts that had built a neat little sum of cash. Shirley had always wanted to travel once they had retired, so she had also stashed money away as well. It hurt Lucy’s heart knowing that they had never gotten to do that. 
But now it was in her hands, sort of kinda, she had leaned heavily on her Uncle Harris. He was so incredibly kind and made sure she never felt stupid about the millions of questions she asked. The first year they were leasing almost everything, the hundred head of cows Grandpa still had would be taken care of by Cooper, a neighbor down the way. Lucy had given herself two years to get herself sorted and get more acquainted with the workings of the farm. 
It wasn’t that she hadn’t known how to do things, she could run a tractor, cut down trees, med fences; she knew how to preg check cows and what to look for when tilling a lot. But the business end of things was a whole different ball game and she was diving headlong into it.
The trailer was doublewide, the living room had a couch and lazy boy, and the kitchen had a table with 4 chairs. The walls were mostly bare except where Lucy had put her artwork. She had also moved a handful of bookshelves in and her desk. It was surprisingly roomy and beat her eighties-era apartment she had lived in for the last five years. She had slid the desk and table together spreading out all the different pieces of paperwork, along with a large map of where all Grandpa’s property was. Her property, she corrected herself. It was hers now, somehow. Where she lived she was surrounded by almost 200 acres of forested land backed onto parkland. Besides the garden beds, barn, and shop it was wild land. It was one thing that Grandpa had asked to stay the same. That the land around the property be left untouched by man or machine, she planned to keep it that way. Even when several large logging companies had called knocking, for Lucy her grandfather's words meant everything.
A knock on the front door woke her from her musing. She also needed to go get a couple of dogs, not just for company; but also so she knew if someone was coming down the long drive. She walked over to the front door, steeling herself to be met with another person wanting to buy or hunt on the land. Opening it she was surprised to see a man standing there in a cowboy hat, fitted jeans, and button-up shirt. Scruffy face with a day’s worth of stubble, bright hazel eyes, and a blinding smile.
“Good afternoon,” The man said with a nod, “I’ve come over to introduce myself -’
“If you’re looking for hunting, logging, buying, grazing, or leasing, I am not interested,” Lucy said curtly, she really didn’t have a lot of time to dally. 
“Oh no,” The man said, holding up a large hand, “I am the neighbor down the road with your Granddad’s cows. And a friend of your Uncle Harris’. He said that you’d moved in just down from me, so figured it was only neighborly to come say hello.”
Lucy’s shoulders sagged a bit, she had gotten so used to people wanting something from her she had forgotten that most folks out here were friendly.
“I am so sorry,” Lucy sighed, “It’s been a tough month. Been a lot of folks wanting a piece of what’s not theirs.”
The man nodded, “I can only imagine. Not many people have morals these days. If there is a buck to be made they’ll take it. My name’s Cooper.” 
He extended a hand, and Lucy took it and gave him a firm handshake. “Lucy, I am Tim’s Granddaughter.”
“Pleasure to meet yah,” Cooper said with the same grin. “Tim was a good man and talked very highly of his last daughter. You meant the world to him.”
Lucy gave a half-hearted smile, it still felt so wrong that her Grandpa was gone. “Do you want to come in? I can make some coffee?”
“Oh, I will take a raincheck on that. Gotta go check on our newest heifers, see who all needs taggin’ and whatnot.” He said a small grin tugging at his mouth. “Want to come?”
Lucy looked back at the table full of papers, “I am gonna have to pass today,” She could see some disappointment flicker across his features. “But let me give you my number,”
A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he dug into his jeans for his phone, the two of you exchanging numbers. 
“Just in case, umm, you need help with the cows” Lucy felt a bit flustered, “Never know.”
The man smiled and tipped his hat to her, “I will see you around Lucy.”
part 2
** If you enjoyed the fic let me know!
** Want to be on the tag list let me know
** Yes this is fic number 3 please don't yell at me. I've had this one sitting for a while. Will mostly likely be updating this one once/twice a week along with all the others.. I DON'T NEED SLEEP. Sleep is for the dead.
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amethystfairy1 · 3 months
In TTSBC, where are Martyn's parents? I know it was mentioned briefly in Railcart Roses that they worked a lot. Are they still in his life, dead, absent, distant, or something else?
p.s. I re-read Railcart Roses too often. I just love it so much <3
Martyn's parents are absolutely still in his life, and I actually wrote a worldbuildy tumblr post about it months ago. But just to save you the digging, here's the same text! I had it typed up in my TTSBC notes file for myself for reference 😆
On Martyn's parents:
His parents are pretty standard (I know, shocking) both his parents are middle school teachers, and they also run a tutoring/summer school center in his hometown, so they're happy that he went into a career in education too! They're actually thrilled that he's working at a university now, they're secretly hoping he might take some classes on the discounted rate and get his Masters but he doesn't want too, they both keep pestering him about it, though. 😆
Martyn kept the vast majority of his relationships a secret from them, and since they worked a crazy amount both being teachers and running the tutoring center, they never really caught on about just how wild their sons love life was. Martyn also wasn't nearly as extra as Scott was about his relationships, typically he went for more physical flings, and he'd cut and run before things got too emotional for his liking. They do know about a couple of his exes, though, mostly the ones from college, and of course they know about what happened with Scott!
Martyn's Mom knew it would never end well when they started dating, his Dad was cautiously optimistic. When it crashed and burned Martyn's Mom held it over his Dad's head for years, lovingly of course.
They've both been trying to get Martyn to start dating again (THEY WANT GRANDBABIES) but Martyn hasn't told them about Ren yet considering how slow their relationship is going...plus he knows his parents well enough to know they'd want to meet Ren ASAP...Martyn denounced ever wanting to date again to both of his parents multiple times, and yet here he is with Ren, so until he's sure Ren would be able to survive the encounter, he doesn't want to put him in that sort of situation. (let's ignore Martyn figuratively and literally falling ass backward into multiple meet-the-family scenarios 😆)
Martyn is also an only child! He doesn't have a close relationship with any extended relatives either, not even grandparents, they all passed away before he was born. It's always just been him and his parents, so the collision with Ren's comically huge family is culture shock for him.
As a fun little side-fact, Martyn is actually really close with Scott's Grandma, and calls her 'Grandma' as well, considering he and Scott were best friends basically their entire lives and Martyn's parents worked so much, he spent a lot of time over at Grandma Major's place and she also treats him like a grandson.
So y'know, when they snuck off to get ear piercings sophomore year without permission Martyn got raked over the coals by Grandma Major while his own parents were basically just like 'Maybe ask for permission next time you decide to poke holes in yourself, ok? Make sure you use the disinfectant they gave you, do you want us to get you a set of hypoallergenic studs in case you have a reaction?'
TL:DR: Scott never knew his parents and so neither do we, Martyn's parents are teachers who work a lot but they are very loving and very chill and very much want their son to get hitched at some point.
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002yb · 11 months
My heart???? I pove the amnesiac Jason being in love AGAIN with Dick. Please give us all your thoughts and Bruce and Tim and Damian and Alfred aaaaa
The trope of Jason having an undying crush on Dick Grayson is one that I'll shoehorn into every bit of anything I ever write, hahaha. I love it so much; it's so sweet. Thank you for following along with the secretary AU though. //u/// Here's some general thoughts for them:
There are times Bruce has to do his job. Unfortunately, part of that job includes playing nice with his employees. A lot of people want to get in good with the CEO so that they'll be better favored for promotions. Rubbing elbows is part of corporate culture.
Only Jason doesn't give a fuck. Do you have an appointment? Of course they don't; Jason sure as hell didn't make one for them. Get outta here.
Just Jason being the most ornery secretary/assistant, an actual guard dog outside of Bruce's office.
Meanwhile Bruce just looking on from the glass panes separating them and being so smitten because look at his boy - small as he ever was and just as fierce as before. Viciousness being innately Jason and Bruce appreciating it in a way he hadn't before.
And when Jason finally shoos whatever bootlicker comes along, he sits back in his chair with a huff, before glancing at Bruce and smiling that ornery little smirk and Bruce loves him so damn much.
Unrelated: when Bruce can't stay on task, Jason moves himself to temporarily sit in Bruce's office with him. Just sitting across from Bruce at his desk and supervising because they've got deadlines, boss.
The above is a strategy Bruce employs to get Jason closer to him. It works up until Jason realizes what Bruce is doing, after which Jason withholds himself until Bruce does his job and Bruce is despondent over it, of course, but also a little humored and fond and affectionate because that's his boy.
The way this man fishes for information on his grandbaby (Damian) being so next level. He laments to Jason about how he always wanted grandchildren, but... *sidelong glance to Bruce who straightens up in his office*
The joke being that Damian is actually Bruce's kid, only Jason still hasn't brought Damian around so they can't confirm anything.
Anyway, Jason shares pictures and Alfred adores them. Especially the ones that have both Jason and Damian in them.
And Alfred is a gentleman, a professional. He doesn't get cranky, only he does hahaha. Because he wants Jason home and he wants to meet his (great) grandbaby, Master Bruce. l<
Until they can sort that though, Alfred is very doting to Jason and Damian. He can't overstep, but when opportunity presents itself, Alfred offers up recipes that he knows Jason will like and that would be appropriate for a fussy child. He offers up little caretaking tips and tricks and bites back chortles when Jason jokes about trying them on Bruce.
Alfred startling when he gets a text from Jason one day asking for help with a sick child
And Alfred is halfway to the garage before he realizes how inappropriate that would be so he parks himself right beside the door just in case Jason requests him
Which he doesn't, which breaks Alfred's heart. But Jason does call and Alfred is able to talk Jason down and help him through whatever crisis Damian has brought on.
And later, Jason passing along a thank you card that Damian also contributed some baby scribbles to. Along with a little gift, a tea cup, that Damian helped pick out. Because they're really grateful and Alfred is composed about it until he gets back to the car and then he just holds this sweet note and gift and mourns how he wants his family back ahhhhhhhhhh
But Alfred is a strong person and bears the strain of it all and carries on.
It's his new favorite cup though ;U;
Dick uses the excuse of meeting Bruce and Tim for lunch all of once before he boldly asks Jason out
Bruce's jaw drops so fast. He's damn near tripping over every bit of furniture in his office and his own two feet, scrambling to the door where he falls dramatically against the frame with a lie that he needs Jason to fetch xyz thing from xyz area of WE
Once Jason is out of earshot, Bruce glowering so hard at Dick because don't lead their boy on; get those foul thoughts out of his head
And Dick just here without one impure thought in his head (yet) and being very l: because really, Bruce? Dick would never (only he will).
Anyway, Bruce cockblocking even the most innocent of interactions and Jason being a bit ._. about it because he's never so busy as when Dick turns up to say hi.
Just Dick surprising Jason at the office with drinks and food, little pick-me-ups. And here's the thing - Dick doesn't know Jason like Alfred does. He doesn't know Jason's favorites or things he doesn't. He's figuring it all out in the moment and he keeps making efforts and there's a level of guilt there for not doing this before, sure, but there's also enjoyment because it's Jason and ahhhhhh
When Dick brings by the pick-me-ups and leans against Jason's desk or pulls up a chair to sit across from him and loaf around for a few minutes, Bruce and Tim are just l: because really? Nothing for them?
And Dick laughs because, 'no, Jason's special.'
Which just slays Jason where he stands as he misinterprets Dick's (current) interests and intentions
Something something Dick picking Jason up after work on his bike. And both Bruce and Alfred send death glares Dick's way, but Dick just smiles that cheeky Robin smile at them before helping Jason up behind him and telling him to hold tight
Alfred relents with his petulance immediately if only because his boys look so happy; this is how it should have always been
Bruce, on the other hand, is getting into the car and telling Alfred to follow them immediately, don't lose sight of them! D<
Copy room meet-cute scenario. Where Tim is about to commit property damage because all the copiers keep jamming on him and he doesn't have the fucking time; he's got a meeting in x number of hours and he needs to prep all the materials and the interns aren't there to help because Tim didn't finish the reports until x o'clock and he's stressed and just got off of patrol he doesn't have time to fight and be bested by a fucking copier and-- 'here, let me help.'
It's Robin. Jason. It's Jason. And Tim feels Jason looks as heroic as he ever did back when the mantle was his to wear.
Jason doing the copying for Tim and brushing off the gratitude. 'I'd rather not explain to the boss that all our copiers were thrashed in the midst of someone's corporate rage ¬‿¬' before it settles on a shrugged, self-aware, 'you take over a lot of boss's work, so it makes sense that I help you, no?'
The stress leaving Tim slowly but surely as Jason and he work side by side to put together Tim's meeting presentation materials for all of the board members/xxxxxx department heads/etc.
Not much chatter, but at the end after Bruce turns up and causes a scene (because Jason is missing from his desk and 'where is he!?') Jason turns to Tim with a crooked smile and insists that if Tim needs help with anything, Jason's there.
And Tim is left there being all awestruck and a little flushed
Plenty of casual interactions after that. Just casual greetings in the morning. Teasing from Jason that disguises blatant check-ins to make sure Tim is good. Which he is. Tim's embarrassed about it, but he notices Bruce taking back some of the work he pushed off onto Tim and...it's better.
So much banter though as they get comfortable. And Tim still sees Robin, but he starts to see Jason more and he likes him a lot.
Tim going to see Bruce and Jason knowing Tim is cool, but tormenting him anyway with the whole 'you got an appt, sir?' shtick
Jason sneakily switching out coffee with water and snickering when he catches Tim grimacing, head snapping to look Jason's direction while Jason gives a cheeky wave
Tim being teased as the next Brucie because of the supposed 'flirtiness' of their interactions; it's a scandal waiting to happen, he's following in Bruce's footsteps, etc. etc.
Tim is embarrassed about the rumors that start to circulate. He doesn't even flinch when Bruce looms over him with a rough demand of, 'what are your intentions with Jason?' like Tim is doing anything uncouth, come on man
Whether because Tim is genuinely interested or he wants to mess with Bruce (in retaliation for the copious amount of work Bruce has passed on to him), Tim pointedly asking Jason out. Right outside of Bruce's office.
Weeks later, Bruce still creeps outside of Jason's apartment. He hates the neighborhood. Crime rates are too high and the apartment isn't up to code, but he hasn't figured how to tell Jason to move yet. Telling his boy to come home would be inappropriate, as would buying the property beside the manor for Jason to have. He'll figure something out, but before that--
A flutter of sheer curtains and movement in Jason's apartment.
Bruce being persistently curious about the child, Damian, but not having much information outside of passing commentary from Jason (but mostly shared stories from Alfred).
The child is always well-guarded. Regardless of how Tim has tried to get close, the tutors that are with Damian are always very alert. Which is...good. But not conducive to the answers Bruce wants.
Anyway, Bruce being a creep outside of Jason's apartment. Listening in on recently placed bugs and startling because Damian talks.
Apparently Damian has aspirations to be Batman. And Jason humors him even as he laughs under his breath because why.
And to sucker-punch Bruce in the throat, Damian makes a proclamation that wounds Bruce deeply: 'To protect you.'
Jason being all endeared and sweeping Damian up off the ground to hold on his hip and smacking his head with a kiss
'Why not Robin?'
There's a pause, but Damian is quick even at such a young age and proclaims, 'Because you will be my Robin.'
And Bruce just cries on the inside a bit because ouch.
What started as a Damian section became a Dickjay with a Damian cameo section. Truth be told, idk how hold Damian should be.
Where the first member of the batfam Damian meets is actually Dick
Jason invites Dick up after Dick brings him home one evening
And Dick is so happy to be welcomed into this private part of Jason's life - smug because Dick is the first of them to be welcomed and this is an enormous step up from always being the last to know anything
Jason switching off with the tutor (LoA assassin lol) and the assassin and Dick eyeing each other up as they pass one another by because they both sense something's off about one another, just not what
Anyway, Jason locks up (extensive; perfect for the neighborhood, but also hopeful of all that Robin training having lingered in the back of Jason's head) then excuses himself to check that Damian was put to bed properly
Dick taking the opportunity to look around and being so enamored with every detail. There aren't many personal belongings, but there's enough. Used books and well-loved art supplies; second-hand furniture and a half-knitted blanket. There are drawings posted up on the fridge that Dick looks over fondly: depictions of Damian and Jason and few others that make up his family (which spoilers is gonna include Dick once Damian and Dick come to an understanding about Jason)
Anyway, Jason is so proud of Damian's artistic endeavors - a new hobby that Jason encouraged because Damian is otherwise so serious and morose for such a little guy. And Jason's smile when he talks about it, fuck. It's devastating. Dick could listen to Jason talk about this forever - he would love that.
Instead they talk about other things while they have a nightcap. They keep their voices low. Hushed so they don't disturb Damian in the next room.
By this point Dick would be well aware that Jason is still a sassy, ornery little menace firecracker, but it's still a joy to experience it. To trade quips, to banter. Keeping up with Jason's wit and playing a playful game of who has the sharper tongue.
It's them curled on either end of a stubby, narrow couch. Where Jason reaches out his sock-clad foot to shove at Dick's leg and Dick catches him and squeezes and holds on, a mindfully mindless point of contact - tentatively intimate.
And Dick isn't aware of how intimate the moment is - how captivated he is by Jason until suddenly a kid comes between them, face pinched as they click their tongue (and oh, that's a habit of Jason's, isn't it? Cute), taking Dick's hand in the tiniest of grips and forcibly removing Dick from Jason
Then Damian buries himself in Jason's chest before peeking back to glare at Dick. The declaration is clear as anything: he's mine
Jason introduces him, but Damian having none of it because Jason's attention being on another man? In their home? Unforgivable.
Jason being flummoxed because what? He's allowed to have friends, Damian.
Dick smiles at that. He might understand that desire to be possessive.
Introductions made, but Damian being very grumpy
Child rearing difficulties for Jason with setting boundaries and getting Damian to bed because he wants to spend time with Dick, but Damian doesn't want to share
And Dick wants more of Jason. Of course he does, but he's not going to put Jason in a position to pick. Never. So he calls it a night so that Jason can take care of Damian. That besides, it's late. They should both turn in.
Jason grumbling and being a little petulant about it as he sees Dick out at the door, Damian nestled in his arms and resting on his hip, arms wrapped tight around Jason's neck. But really? He'd stay up all night. It's been nice.
Their parting being all sorts of electric although there's nothing more than lingering gazes and slow pull aways and second looks over shoulders only to catch one another still there and sheepish, giddy titters ahhhhhh
Jason resting his back against the closed door while Dick sort of bounces down the hall, invigorated and happy and excited for next time
Next time being: just an hour later when Jason texts to see if Dick made it home safely
They proceed to text through the night and come the following day when Jason looks exhausted? Bruce is concerned. When Dick comes in later with Jason's choice caffeine, looking just as tired? Bruce quickly switches to paranoid because what's happening and why and how does he stop it? l:
Still waffling with how Damian should be, hence his section being a little scarce/vague. It'll get there!
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mossyivy · 5 months
(If u already mentioned something about this then pls ignore this)
But the dynamic between Leon, his wife, and the kids it’s giving me — his wife’s mom loves him soo much/smothers him and same with the grandkids. While the wife’s dad…whenever they’re alone there’s that tension. That “oh, so you’re the one dating —err my daughter’s husband despite Leon and his wife being married for ever how long 😂 there’s always that dynamic lol.
Imagine they’re visiting the grandparents house. Kids excited. Violet acting like she’s not (she is), Cecilia happy and kicking her feet because she knows granny makes the best cakes/pastries, and Scotty..well whatever babies do. Babble.
While Leon is out here sweating and his wife all happy seeing her parents again.
Timeline establishing moment: they met in late '07- early '08. Got married in late '10 and conceived Violet on their honeymoon (they weren't fucking around with having babies). So if we're going by current times of '24 they've been married 14ish years...
Readers parents I'd imagine we're an old fashioned couple. Her father probably an Ex military general. Like, Leon even in the Army heard stories of this guy but never got to meet him until you brought him home to your folks. Your mother was just a homemaker raising her daughter on the words of Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem. Raising a strong woman with the love/compassion of her mother and the strong will/ambition of her father.
But yes! His wife's mother absolutely ADORES Leon. Every time they visit she immediately starts fussing at him about taking care of himself too along with the family. Probably shoves food on him like a dealer trying to sell drugs. Literally will not stop giving him kisses on his head and calling him "the perfect son she always wanted". Insists on him calling her Mom which he happily obliged. She's so happy you married a good man like Leon and gave her 3 beautiful grandbabies.
Her father... Oh God... The moment Leon hears his father-in-law mutter "Hello Leon." He's immediately like misses puff...
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Leon is PETRIFIED of this man. Always calls him Sir. Even when her father calls him Leonard (literally not even his name...) The only bonuses Leon has going for him is working for the government (good pay and job security), can protect his family/army training and giving them grandkids.
But grandpa with their grandbabies... COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MAN. Super gentle and sweet, especially towards his granddaughters. Constantly slips them money. Grandma is doting over Scottie, she loves babies, and taking him off their hands.
Violet is constantly acting like she doesn't want to be there, but the second grandpa shows up it's like she's 5 again she's so excited. Cecilia too, running at top speed to throw herself at him. He slips them both $20, Cecilia excited that she got money runs back to her parents... So grandpa slips Violet another $20 cause he knows she's older. Knows the worth of money and before they leave they always get a fat check for each kids college funds their grandparents opened for them as soon as they found out they existed. (Ofc grandparents spend their retirement on their grandbabies)
Cecilia gets to go home with half a cake from grandma and frozen cookie dough because as good as a baker daddy is grandma's still the best (🙄)
Violet gets her money and a new crochet hat every visit. She has a collection of them that she keeps her pin collection stuck to.
Scott gets toys, a trunk load of toys and clothes that he can grow into. Plus a lot of advice on raising a baby... Like you two hadn't already been raising 2 girls but okay.
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boldlyvoid · 1 year
Bigger than the whole sky | Part Three: Electric Hearts
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Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Summary: As it turns out, getting pregnant was the easiest part... The hard part is making sure Jack is okay with it and the team understands what it's going to look like when Hotch goes on paternity leave... and Peter's moms reaction to a grandbaby that isn't hers.
Warnings: pregnancy, canon rewrite season 10/11 - no scratch plotline, spencers mom's dementia mentioned, JJ's pregnant too, lots of Jack content, doctors appointments and ultrasounds, nondescript case in LA -- hotel quickies, showering together, lots of fluff over all
Word Count: 13.5k
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Derek is so used to being called into Hotch’s office now that he’s the second in command, that he no longer feels anxious when Aaron asks him to close the door behind himself. He always knows that Aaron just wants to talk about a new case or some bullshit higher up… today he comes right in, closes the door and sits down like he owns the place.
“What’s up?” 
“That place you’re letting Y/N stay in, how much were you going to sell it for?” Aaron asks.
“Why?” Derek smiles, sitting up straighter. 
“It’s the perfect size for us and the kids,” Aaron answers, smiling right back, letting Derek in on their little secret. 
“No way?” Derek can’t believe it, he’s so proud, he’s practically oozing happiness. “You didn’t even skip a beat, she said she wanted kids and you just went and did it?” 
“We did it…”
Derek gets up from his seat and meets Aaron halfway for a hug, he pats him on the back and just laughs, “Wow… you’re going to be a dad again.” 
“And that’s another thing I need to talk to you about,” Aaron says, making him sit back down. “Not only do I want to buy that house from you, I would like you to step up and take over when I go on paternity leave.” 
“Obviously,” Derek shrugs like it’s nothing to take over as Unit Chief. “I don’t mind, I’m just starting to get used to the paperwork again.” 
“I’m going to ask JJ to step up into your spot during that time and we’re working on 2 new hires so you’ll have almost a full team in our absence,” Aaron explains further. “And I’ll be 1 call away at all times.” 
“And I’ll know where you live,” Derek teases. “Speaking of the house, it was foreclosed when I got it so it was only 153k and I put about 100k into it, so I can settle on 255, even though I know the market value now is close to 800.”
“I don’t mind paying the full—
“No, no. Put the rest of the money into the kids' college funds, please? You know I don’t need it.” Derek stares at him with his immaculate brows arched. 
“I can do that,” he agrees easily. “Can you just keep it a secret for me? I want the house to be a present for her and she doesn’t want anyone but you to know about the baby yet… she really wants to make it to 12 weeks before she starts to tell anyone in case it doesn’t work out.” 
“Of course, man… but I’m sure the others will figure it out, I mean, she’s not really going after unsubs as hard as before and she’s sticking to your side at the precincts instead of going out to interview suspects, she’s been having a snack at 3-hour intervals… she ever stayed back with penny cause she wasn’t feeling good. I had a feeling this was coming. ” 
“She doesn’t want to transfer, she’s going to switch on desk duty around 20 weeks… she’s actually been doing the interviews for me so we can fill up the team again,” Aaron explains. “Have you heard anything about a Luke Alvez?” 
He nods, “Yeah, he’s on the fugitive task force, right? He’s gone after some of the unsubs we’ve profiled but couldn’t capture, right?” 
“Yeah, he did.” Aaron nods, “he and Dr. Tara Lewis, a forensic psychologist from San Fransisco, are our top two. She’s been interviewing convicted serial killers for the last 4 years, she has the most updated insight into why they do what they do.” 
“Our team would be absolutely stacked with them,” Derek all but cheers, he’s so excited.
“So, should I make some calls?” Aaron asks with a smile. 
“You better, or I will.” 
At the same time Derek disappears into Aaron's office, JJ pulls Y/N aside. “Hey, can we talk?” She asks, tugging her all the way down to Derek's old office for some privacy. 
Y/n has a feeling she knows what’s coming, either JJ is pregnant or she’d figured out that she is. No matter what, it’s going to be interesting if she’s pulling her this far out of ear range from the team. “What’s going on?” 
“You’re doing the rehiring with Hotch, right?” 
She nods, “Yeah, why?” 
“You might want to consider a second person…”
“Third,” Y/N can’t help but correct her with a smirk. 
“No way?” JJ’s eyes light right up. “You too?” 
“Yeah, I’m 7 weeks tomorrow.” 
“I just hit 10 weeks,” she says and then her jaw drops, she can’t believe it. “Holy shit?” 
“Oh man… this is going to ruin Aaron’s plan…”
“What is?” 
“He was going to ask Derek to step up as chief and have you move into Derek's spot,” Y/N shares. “I guess we have to ask Spencer now.” 
“He’ll do it,” JJ all but answers for him. “Him and Derek running shit will be interesting but… I think they can do it.” 
“And Penelope will be there to keep them in check,” Y/N teases. “But anyway, how are you feeling? Are you okay?” 
JJ nods, “I’m good, it’s surprisingly a lot similar to Henry’s pregnancy so I’m just nauseous all day and sore when I come home and I could honestly fall asleep anywhere… but I’m good.” 
“I haven’t been sick yet,” Y/N shares with her fingers crossed. “I really don’t want to throw up but I know it’ll hit me out of nowhere soon. I remember when Peter's cousin had their first she was only sick in the second trimester and I have a feeling I might get that too.” 
“Spencer would say that’s because in the first semester, your body sometimes heals everything in you in order to make the most habitable home for the baby and then you’re so worn down in the second trimester that you get sick easily,” she explains, having heard it all before. “He said the same thing to Callahan last year when she had her baby.” 
“What’s in the water here getting us all knocked up?” Y/N teases. “I mean, who’s next?” 
“Derek,” JJ jokes. “With the rate he and Savannah are having weekends alone… it’ll happen.” 
“I just hope he waits until Aaron is done with his paternity leave.” 
Finding a doctor that could do appointments on weekends was hard. They couldn’t find a way to sneak out of the office during the week to go to an appointment without the team figuring out what was going on and most of their cases took them out of D.C. for 2-4 days so they’d have to reschedule anyway. 
It’s actually Derek who’s able to hook that up for them. He simply asks his Doctor girlfriend and she asks one of her OBGYN friends at the hospital — who are more than willing to help out a couple of FBI agents on a weekend. 
Y/N and Aaron come in that next Saturday at 10am and finally get to see their tiny little baby in her ever-growing stomach… she was already having a hard time fitting into her work pants and she was only 2 months along. Aaron loved it, which she knew he would, she just didn’t expect him to have his hands on her all the time. At work, he’d rest his hand on her side with his fingers slowly inching towards her tummy and at home, he was all over her. The doctor's office was no different. 
He helps her out of her pants and into a gown for the ultrasound and then onto the exam table. He takes a seat beside her and quickly his hand comes up to rest on her stomach. She covers his hand with her own and caresses him with her thumb, “you’re so cute,” she compliments. 
“Why?” He laughs, “cause I can’t keep my hands off you?” 
“I don’t know if it’s your fatherly instincts or what, but you basically guard my belly now,” she teases. “It’s cute.” 
“I love you two, sue me,” he teases right back. 
The two of them laugh together more than anything else. He makes her so happy that her cheeks always end up hurting from smiling too much. They’re so in love it makes her feel a little crazy because there’s no way this is how love is always supposed to be. She can’t believe she missed out on these feelings for so long and she also can’t believe she gets to be this happy with him for the rest of her life. 
“Knock knock,” their doctor says as she opens up the door just a few inches. “Are you ready to start the appointment?” 
“Absolutely!” Y/N cheers, she sits up ever so slightly and squeezes Aaron's hand. “Thank you so much for taking us on a Saturday.” 
“Oh, no problem, Dr. Hayes told me all about what you guys do for our country, I wouldn’t dare turn you away,” she raves as she approaches them. She takes a seat on the little rolling stool and moves in closer to them. “Thanks for catching bad guys, you guys are like heroes.” 
“He’s the hero, he’s been doing it for 13 years,” Y/N pushes the compliment onto Aaron cause she doesn’t take them well. 
“It’s nothing,” Aaron waves it off. 
“Not nothing, it’s amazing… I’m Dr. Samantha Connors, by the way,” she says as she reaches out to shake Aaron's hand. “Is this your first baby?” 
“Mine, yeah,” Y/N smiles. “Aaron has a 10-year-old son named Jack, he’s the sweetest.”
“Okay good, so you’re familiar with these appointments, aren’t you Dad?” 
Aaron nods, “I wasn’t at all of them with my ex-wife, but from what I remember this appointment is just for the heartbeat and making sure the baby is growing properly, right?” 
Dr. Connors smiles, “Yeah, that’s exactly right. So, if you don’t mind, I’m going to get started with your ultrasound, okay?”
“Okay,” Y/N agrees, she gets comfortable in her seat, her feet in the stirrups, and she takes a deep breath knowing what was about to happen wasn’t comfortable. 
Aaron holds her hand the whole time that the doctor looks around without showing them the screen. They share little smiles and stare down the doctor together, both of them being experts at studying body language… they know everything is fine even before she turns the screen to them and says, “Are you ready to meet your baby?” 
They both beam, nodding as words escape them… their baby is so tiny and real and right there on the screen. “She looks like a cashew,” Y/N can’t help but say as her eyes well with tears. “Oh my gosh.” 
“I always forget how small they start out,” Aaron swoons just the same. 
“they’re measuring perfectly for 8 weeks and on my monitor here I see the heart beating but let’s hear it,” Doctor Connors says as she turns on the Doppler effect and the woosh of her heartbeat comes through. 
Y/N starts crying almost immediately, she tries so hard to hold it in but the tears run down her face, anyway.  Aaron is quick to cup her face in his hands and wipe her tears away, he presses a kiss to her cheek, “you’re okay,” he reminds her. “You’re doing so good, she’s so healthy.” 
“Very healthy,” Doctor Connors affirms. “We’re just waiting on the blood work you did in the other room to confirm, but just from the looks of things I think this is going to be a very successful pregnancy.”
“It’s my first time ever being pregnant,” Y/N shares. “I was trying for years with my ex-husband but he had a vasectomy and never told me so I always thought I couldn’t but it was him that was the issue. I’ve always wanted to see this, that’s why I’m crying.” 
“I’m so sorry,” she places her free hand on her chest. “That’s awful, I can’t believe that happened to you.” 
“It was awful… but I’m much happier on every front now,” She says as she smiles at Aaron. 
“You and me both, honey.” 
Aaron keeps looking in the rear-view mirror, he’s staring at Jack in the back seat. He still hasn’t told him where they’re going… Jack spent the night with Jess last night, he’s expecting to go right home but Aaron’s taking him to Y/N’s house for the first time. Y/N still doesn’t know that Aaron is working on buying the house, Jack has no idea either, so really it’s just Aaron trying to get them both used to being in that house together before he announces or proposes anything. 
At the end of the day, Jack's happiness and comfort are very important and if he isn't happy with this, Aaron will just have to find a way to make living in 2 places work for them. 
“Dad?” Jack asks from the back seat. 
“You missed the road we take to go home…” 
“Oh… uh, I thought we could go see Y/N for dinner tonight? Is that okay?” Aaron asks, “She’s making pasta, you like pasta, right?” 
“Yeah, that’s cool,” Jack says with a smile. “I like her, she’s a good cook.” 
“She is,” Aaron smiles back. “You’re going to like her house, too, she has a big yard and a nice new couch for movies and she has Netflix, too.” 
“Oh! Yes, can we watch a movie before we leave tonight?” 
“I think that could be possible,” Aaron agrees. “But you’ll have to ask her, she worked all day and we didn’t sleep on the plane and now she’s making dinner, she’s probably going to be tired.” 
“I’ll be extra nice when I ask, I promise,” Jack says with a giddy look on his face. His shoulders rise as he clenches his fist and shimmies in his seat, overjoyed to get to spend more time with her. 
It’s everything Aaron could ever hope for and more, his two (almost 3) favourite people love to hang out together. That’s all he wanted. 
Y/N meets them outside on the front step when they arrive, she’s changed into her comfy clothes and she opens her arms wide when Jack runs towards her for a hug. “Hi buddy,” she coos, she pets his hair and gives his head a gentle kiss. “How are you?” 
“I’m good, Dad said you might be tired tonight but if you’re not can we watch another movie together?” He asks right away. 
“Oh, yeah, yeah we totally can, buddy. I’m a little tired but staying up with you is worth it,” she gives him a smile as she leads him inside. “What movie were you thinking?” 
Aaron just lets them go. He watches them talk to each other and share little smiles and laughs and he can’t believe this is his life.
When Haley died, the last thing he could imagine was feeling this in love again and the second last thing he could imagine was Jack having a motherly figure as he grew up. He was so scared to do it alone and fuck him up and then he blinked and his life fell into place once again. His son is happy, his girlfriend is happy, and their baby is healthy. There’s nothing more he could wish for. 
“You know, I actually have a surprise for both of you,” Y/N announces midway through dinner.” 
“Really?” Jack perks up. 
“Really?” Aaron is surprised, she hasn’t told him anything and normally they’re like open books with each other. 
“I saw that one of the neighbours was moving a bunk bed into the bed of her husband's truck and she said they were just going to take it to the dump because no one would answer their Craigslist add for a free bunk bed… so I took a look at it and it was in great condition and I gave her husband 50 bucks to help me put it together in one of the spare bedrooms,” she explains, smiling with all her teeth the whole time. “And then I messaged Derek and he had 2 single mattresses in the storage unit and he dropped them off for me so now Jack, you have a place to sleep here if you want to stay.” 
“I’ve never had a bunk bed before!” Jack says as he gets up from his seat at the table to run over and give her another hug. “Thank you, Y/N.” 
“You’re welcome,” she says just loud enough for him to hear. Her shoulders drop and she holds him close, resting her cheek on top of his head. “Next time we have a day off we can go pick out some stuff to decorate your room, okay?” 
She peers over to Aaron, he’s smiling at her with his heart in his eyes, “I love you,” he mouths, not yet ready for Jack to hear that but it’s true. He sometimes can’t believe the amount of love he feels for her, it’s overwhelming in the best way possible. 
After dinner, Aaron sends them both out to the living room to pick a movie and start watching it while he cleans up the kitchen for Y/N. He doesn’t know what they’re watching, but hearing them laugh together makes him smile as he fills the dishwasher and hand-washes the pots and pans she used to make the pasta. When he comes out of the kitchen, Jack is snuggled back into Y/N’s side with his hand on her belly, watching the movie without a clue that she’s carrying his little sibling in there. Aaron takes a sneaky picture of them on his cellphone, he wants to remember this moment forever. The moment both his families became one unit.
He takes a seat on her other side and she’s quick to take his hand in hers. She gives his hand a squeeze and he caresses her with his thumb, she leans over and rests her head on his shoulder, giving him the chance to press a kiss to her temple.
When it's time for Jack to go to bed, he sits in the bottom bunk of his new bed and he looks around the room like something is missing. “What’s wrong?” Y/N asks.
He shrugs, “Nothing.” 
Aaron isn’t in the room, he’s stepped out to the car to get Jack's overnight bag with his pjs and toothbrush, so he can’t read Jack and tell her what’s going on. She has to pry. So she takes a seat beside him, making sure she doesn’t hit her head on the top bunk and she smiles softly, “You know you can tell me anything, right?” 
He nods and bites his lip, avoiding eye contact with her. “I need a night light.” 
“Oh,” she should’ve known. “Um… I don’t have a normal night light but I have some string lights for Christmas I could put up, would that work?” 
“Yeah, I don’t like the dark,” he shares. 
“I don’t either,” she shares right back. “I think the lights are in a box under the stairs, do you want to come look with me? You can hold the flashlight?” 
“Okay!” Jack agrees pretty easily, they run down the stairs together and to the kitchen where her flashlight sits in a drawer and she gives it to him. He flicks it on and off a few times with a smile, “thank you, Y/N.” 
“You’re welcome, buddy,” she waves it off as no big deal and leads him to the cubby under the stairs. 
He stands to the side, behind her, with the light on for her so she can see into all the boxes of things she hasn’t unpacked yet. She digs for a while, both of them don’t notice that Aaron has come back in or that he’s standing in the doorway, once again listening to them. “Here they are,” she announces as she pulls out the bundle of lights. 
She holds them up to show Jack and he smiles, big and wide, “You’re the best… I really liked Beth and I was scared my dad wouldn’t find another nice lady to love like he did before with my mom but you’re even nicer. I’m really happy he loves you and you love him. He’s a lot happier now that you love him.” 
“Jack,” she swoons and wraps her arms around him, trying not to cry. “That’s the sweetest thing you could’ve ever said to me!”
“It’s just the truth,” he laughs awkwardly while hugging her back. 
When they come out of the little cubby under the stairs, they’re both shocked to see Aaron there, smiling. “Oh, hi,” Y/N smiles at him, still all teary-eyed. 
“Dad, we’re going to hang these in my room!” Jack cheers, he’s so excited. 
“Alright… with what?” Aaron asks, ready to help. 
“I have some push pins in the kitchen we can just put them in the wall and drape the lights over it,” Y/N suggests. “And then when we go out to the store for decorations we’ll get you a real night light, okay?” 
“Okay!” Jack shouts, overexcited, “You get the pins and I’ll put these upstairs!” And then he runs up the stairs to his new room. 
“You’re so good with him,” Aaron coos, wrapping his arm around her and bringing her in for a hug. He kisses the top of her head and then she looks up at him with tears in her eyes. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing. Nothing is wrong. I’m just so happy,” she admits. She leans in for a quick kiss, pressing her lips to his, they breathe each other in for a quick moment before pulling apart. “Are we going to tell him tomorrow?” She whispers. 
He nods, “I was thinking we could take him to the restaurant where I introduced you to him, for breakfast tomorrow, and we could tell him there?” 
“That sounds perfect,” she agrees, “you can go help him get dressed and I’ll be up in a minute, okay?” 
“Sounds good,” Aaron gives her a smile, his hand grazes her tummy as he pulls away fully and heads towards the stairs. 
She watches him go with a soft smile on her face, she just shakes her head… she can’t believe this is her life now. She has a wonderful husband, the sweetest stepson and she’s pregnant with another perfect Hotchner. What more could she ever wish for?
When she gets upstairs, Jack is in his pjs, his teeth are brushed and he’s sitting happily in his bed, waiting for Y/N to return with the lights already plugged into the wall and turned on, ready to be hung up. She hands Aaron a few pins and they each stick them in the walls, an equal distance from each other so they hang nicely. “I really hope Derek won’t mind…” 
“He won’t, it’s not going to be his house for long,” Aaron says with a sneaky smile on his face like he’s been planning something. 
She doesn’t say anything, it’s not something they need to discuss in front of Jack but if he was going to buy this house to make it their shared home, she would not be mad about that. In fact, she’d be overjoyed to have her whole family under 1 roof. 
Once the lights are up, Jack lies down in his bed against the pillows and smiles. “This is perfect.” 
“You really like it?” Y/N asks, seeking his approval. 
Jack just nods with a hum. “I’m really tired now.” 
“okay buddy, we’ll get out of your hair,” Aaron announces, moving towards the door. “Sweet dreams.” 
Y/N brushes her hand over Jack's hair and makes sure it’s out of his face and she leans down to kiss his forehead. “Thank you for a wonderful night, buddy. We’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“Is Dad going to be in your room?” 
“No, why?” Y/N shakes her head, wondering why he’d ask that. 
“If I have a bad dream, I need to know where he is… don’t most grown-ups in love sleep in the same bed?” 
“Yeah, but we didn’t think you were ready to see us sleeping together in the mornings,” Aaron answers. “Would you be okay with it?” 
Jack nods, eyelids getting heavier. “Yeah, it’s okay.” 
“Okay then, that’s where you’ll find me if you need me. I love you, buddy,” Aaron says as he flicks out the light. 
“Love you. Dad Love you, Y/N.” 
She tries so hard not to cry again, “I love you too, Jack,” she whispers and heads out with Aaron. 
They shut the door to his room once they’re out and she places her hand over his heart, “You have the sweetest son in the world.” She whispers. 
“He was never this cute with Beth, I mean, he was nice to her and he invited her to have sleepovers in the tent we made in the living room but he never told her he loved her…” 
“He’s the son of a profiler, I think he’s just good at reading people because I do love you, Aaron Hotchner, I love you so much,” she drapes her arms over his shoulders and smiles up at him. 
He wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her in close so their tummies touch, “I love you, too… Y/N Hotchner.” 
Her brows raise at that, surprised, “really? I didn’t think you wanted to get married again?” 
“I didn’t either,” he admits. “Come on, let’s go hang out before bed.” 
“Once I go down the stairs I don’t know if I’ll have the energy to come back up,” she admits. “Can we hang out in my room?” 
“Yeah, of course,” Aaron doesn’t mind as she pulls away, he simply runs his hands over her upper arms and smiles. “Anything you want from downstairs? I’m going to go lock up and make sure everything’s secure, maybe grab a water for myself.” 
“Um, maybe a water and a ginger ale for if I get nauseous in the night and some crackers?” 
“You got it, go get in bed and I’ll be right back up.” 
She goes right to her room after that, she changes for bed and does her night routine in the bathroom. She’s midway through putting lotion on her belly and hips when she hears the alarm system turn on with its signature charm and then the sound of feet on the staircase. He puts everything on her night table and then peeks into the bathroom, standing in the doorway with a smile when he sees her shirt up, exposing her belly, as she rubs lotion over it. 
“What?” She asks, “Never seen a pregnant lady try to avoid stretch marks before?” 
“You’re just so beautiful,” he muses. 
“Well, then, look all you want,” she teases. 
He steps into the bathroom and makes his way to her, he places both his hands on her belly and he shakes his head in disbelief. He knees to the ground and places a kiss on her belly, “You know they can hear around 18 weeks? So I’ll get to talk to them in a few weeks.” 
“I did know that,” she smiles down at him. “I’ve read all the books, you know? I had 8 years to prepare for this.” 
He kisses her belly again and again, his hands wrap around to her lower back and one drops down to cup her ass, bringing her in closer to him. He hugs her that way, resting his cheek against her belly. “I can’t wait to talk to you, sweetheart.” 
“You really think it’s a girl?” 
He nods, “Yeah, I do. But even if I’m wrong, I’m just so excited to get to bond with them. When Haley was pregnant, I wasn’t home very often, I felt like I missed almost everything and then when Jack was born I did miss all the big moments. I wasn’t a good dad until she died and I had to be. I don’t want to do that this time.” 
“I don’t think you were a bad dad, there are mothers who work and don’t see their kids often, too, you know? Do you consider JJ a bad mom because she missed Henry's first word and she wasn’t there when he walked for the first time? No. You don’t,” she points out. “You were working, and so was she. Working didn’t stop you from loving him with your whole heart, that right there, loving him, all of him, is the most important part of being a good parent.” 
“God, I love you,” Aaron sighs, his shoulders drop and he looks up at her with the softest expression. “Thank you.” 
“Come here,” she says, placing her hands under his armpits she helps pull him back up to his feet and then she wraps her arms around his middle and leans in for a kiss. She whispers against his lips, “Come to bed with me?”
When Jack wakes up in the morning he unplugs the Christmas lights and carefully opens his door so he doesn’t wake anyone up. He knows he has a tendency to wake up extra early, and he doesn’t have a clock in his new room so he has no way of knowing if it’s a good time to wake up or not. He simply goes to the bathroom, brushes his teeth and heads downstairs to look at the time. 
It’s almost 7, his normal wake-up time for school, and his Dads normal wake-up time for work, so he doesn’t feel bad going back up the stairs and knocking on Y/N’s door. 
“Come in,” Y/N answers from inside, so Jack opens it slowly. 
“Hi,” he smiles once he’s inside.
“Good morning, buddy,” she smiles back, blinking into the morning light, slowly waking up. She’s on her side, cuddled into a pillow with Aaron cuddled up behind her, his arm slung around her and cupping her stomach. “Did you sleep okay?” 
He nods as he makes his way over to the bed. “Yeah, did you?” 
She nods and Aaron groans behind her, “What time is it?” 
“Seven,” Jack answers. “I can go back to my room if—
“No, no, it’s fine,” Y/N stops him. “Do you want to climb in with us for a bit? We’re going to go out for breakfast later.” 
She moves the pillow she was cuddling to the floor and lets Jack take its place. He snuggles right in and sighs as he relaxes. “Where?”
“At McGillicuddy’s,” Aaron answers. “You like the pancakes there, right?” 
“Yeah, but it’s not a special day? We only go on special days?” 
“Every day with you is special,” Y/N teases, she snuggles him in closer and kisses his cheek.
“Okay,” Jack laughs, a sweet pink blush on his cheeks. 
Y/N lays on her side still, cuddled into Jack, as Hotch sits up and rests his hand on Y/Ns shoulder and then rests his chin on his hand. He tilts his head to the side and smiles, he hasn’t had a morning lay-in with his family in a long time. Jack hasn’t either. He smiles back at his dad, “Did you sleep okay?”
“We did,” Aaron answers for them both. “How were the lights?” 
“Good, I didn’t get scared when I woke up to roll over,” Jack shares. “I really liked my new bed, too.” 
“I’m glad,” Aaron says with a sigh, he’s still tired and Jack can tell. “Do you want to go get ready? There are some extra clothes in your overnight bag.” 
“Not yet,” Jack snuggles in even closer to Y/N and holds onto the arm she has slung over his chest. “I want a few more minutes before everything changes.” 
“What do you mean?” Y/N doesn’t understand. “Nothing's changing? We’re just going to get breakfast.” 
“Okay,” Jack whispers. “It’s just… Dad took me to Disney World when him and Beth broke up, I know he takes me places when he has big news.” 
“You took him to Disney world for that?” Y/N turns to him, she can’t believe she didn’t know that. 
“Yeah, I thought he’d take the news better if he was having fun,” Aaron explains, he rubs his hand over his eyes and shakes his head, “I’m sorry, Jack, I don’t want you to equate bad news with your favourite places, I didn’t mean to do that.” 
“So it really is just a trip to get pancakes?” Jack sits up and looks at them both. “You’re not breaking up?” 
“No, we’re not, sweetheart, I promise,” Y/N assures him as she takes his hands in her own. “I love your dad, I’m never leaving him… we did want to tell you something though.” 
“Y/N,” Aaron warns, he didn’t want to do it this way. 
“Aaron, he’s scared, we have o tell him the truth,” she says as she sits up as well. She rests against the headboard and lets the blankets pool around her waist. She runs her hands over her shirt-covered tummy, “I’m pregnant, Jack.” 
His eyes light right up, “really?” He goes to touch her belly but he doesn’t, he holds himself back. He doesn’t know if it would be weird or not. 
She nods, “Yeah, I’m far enough along now that I know the baby is safe and healthy and hopefully, nothing bad can happen to it now, which is why I wanted to tell you. I didn’t want to get your hopes up if I lost it, but you’re going to have a sibling.” 
“Are you okay with this, buddy?” Aaron asks, overanalyzing his facial expressions. 
Jack starts to cry a bit as he nods, “I’m going to be a brother?” 
“Yeah…” Y/N wants to cry too, so she rubs his arm. “It’s okay, Jack, you can be emotional.” 
He covers his face as he cries, “I’m so happy, I promise!” 
Y/N pulls him into a hug, crying now as well, “I’m so happy you’re happy, Jack, I’ve wanted to tell you for so long now. It was so hard keeping it a secret.” 
He hugs her so tight, he rests his cheek on her shoulder and reaches out for his dad to pull him into the hug as well. So Aaron wraps his arm around them and presses his cheek to Jack's head. When he pulls back, so does Jack, he wipes his tears and smiles with all his teeth, “Do you know what it is?” 
Y/N shakes her head, “Not yet, we find out next weekend. You can come with us if you want?” 
“I want to,” he agrees. “Are we still going to get pancakes?”
Y/N and Aaron laugh, “Yeah buddy, we can,” Aaron agrees. “Do you want to go get ready now?” 
He nods and bounces on the bed a bit before moving to hop off. As soon as his feet hit the floor he runs out the door and down the hall to his own room. He’s quick to change and then he has to wait. Y/N takes a bit longer than he and his dad to get ready, she wants to look pretty and he understands that, but he already thinks she’s the prettiest girl in the world. 
He even tells his dad that. 
“I know, I tell her all the time,” Aaron says with a blushy smile.  “I’m really proud of you, you know that, right? You’ve been so kind and accepting of our relationship and Y/N’s always wanted a baby, so you being happy with her dream coming true means a lot to her.” 
“Really? I didn’t know that.” 
Aaron just nods, “she was married before too, but her ex-husband wasn’t a nice guy and made her feel bad for wanting a baby so bad—
“Did he not want kids?” 
“No, and he lied to her. You know how babies are made, you said so yourself… well, he had a surgery done to stop him from being able to get anyone pregnant and never told her so she thought she didn’t have any good eggs, he made her feel really sad all the time. All I want is to make her happy, and that means making sure you have a good relationship with her too because we’re going to be one big family in 6 months,” Aaron explains it all to the best of his ability. 
“Oh,” Jack sits back, sad for her. “That was mean of him.” 
“He was really mean.” 
“That makes me sad… Y/N is so nice, she didn’t deserve that,” Jack says. It’s really mature of him, he feels really bad for her. 
“I know, but she’s really happy now with us,” Aaron assures. He places his hand on Jacks shoulder and smiles. “I promised to always make her happy, I’m glad you want to, too.” 
And he does. He wants to make her the happiest and he thinks he knows how. 
At the restaurant, they all order pancakes and a few sides, and as soon as the waitress walks away, Jack stands up. “I have to pee.” 
“you know where the bathroom is?” Aaron asks, making sure he’s okay to go alone.
He nods, “I’ll be back.” 
He walks towards the bathroom, which is right beside the kitchen, and out of view from their table. He stands in the doorway and waves his waitress over. “Excuse me?” 
“Did you forget to order something?” 
He shakes his head, “My stepmom is having a baby, can you write ‘congratulations mom’ on her pancakes with chocolate syrup like they wrote happy birthday for my birthday last year?” 
She swoons, “of course, we can! That’s so sweet of you to ask, she’s going to love it.” 
Jack thanks her and does head to the bathroom after, just to make sure they believed where he went. When he comes back, they carry on a conversation like normal, they ask Jack about school and he asks about work and when he’ll get to see Derek and Spencer again, he loves his uncles a lot. He has a playdate with Henry this week, so they’ll get to bond over being big brothers together and Jacks is so overjoyed with the news. He thought he’d have to just watch Henry get a brother and not get to know what it’s like, but now he will. Secretly, he hopes it's a boy, but if he got a sister he’d be okay with that too. He’d love her just as much. 
“Okay, I have pancakes and bacon for Dad,” the waitress says as she places a plate in front of Aaron. “Pancakes with extra syrup on the side for the little guy… and I’ll be back with yours.” 
“Okay,” Y/N smiles at her, she doesn’t mind waiting. 
It takes all of 2 minutes for her to return, the waitress smiles so big the whole room shines. “Here you go, Mom,” she says as she places the plate in front of her.
Y/N’s jaw drops, “how did— Jack?” She knew it was him by the way he giggles and rubs his hands together. “Did you ask them to do this?”
He nods, “it’s a special breakfast, you said so yourself.” 
Aaron looks over at her plate and reads the “congrats mom” written on the top pancake. Even he swoons. 
“Jack, thank you,” Y/N says, she gets up and hugs him in the middle of the restaurant. 
“You’re welcome,” he says with his face pressed to her tummy from their height difference. “I’m really happy for you and my dad, I always wanted a brother or sister… and secretly,” he whispers to her and she moves down so he can speak just to her. He cups his hand over her ear, “I wanted a step mom after my mom died.” 
She hugs him again, even tighter. “I love you, Jack, I really mean it.” 
“I love you, too.” 
 She brings a box of donuts into the office on Monday morning, the team watches with wide eyes as she sets the pink box down on the conference table, ready to attack like Vultures. “I know you guys already guessed and probably have a bet going, but, I wanted to tell you all… I’m pregnant too!” 
“Ah!” They all shout as they stand up to congratulate her, they surround her with hugs and questions and happiness. 
“Two BAU babies in one year, what am I going to do?” Penelope teases. “Should we do a combined shower?” 
“Y/N gets the shower,” JJ insists. “This is my second baby, I already have everything I need from the last time, we should celebrate her.” 
“Okay, so a shower and a sprinkle,” Penelope compromises. 
“I’d love that, thank you, Penny,” Y/N smiles at her and then turns to look out the window to see her boyfriend talking to Anderson in the bullpen. “I’m not sure what’s going on, but Aaron will be up in a minute, he’s got some news for you too.” 
“Here,” Spencer rushes over to help Y/N get into a seat. “You don’t need to be standing anymore.” 
“Thanks,” she loves being pampered like this. “I’m still going to come out with you guys for a few more weeks, I’ll be moving to official desk duty at 20, maybe 25 weeks.” 
“I’m not sitting out till my water breaks,” JJ teases. “And if this is anything like the first time, it’ll probably happen around 37 weeks.” 
“He’s your second boy though, he might be a bit lazier,” Y/N says, she’s read all the books, and she’s talked to all the moms. Second boys typically stay in longer than usual.
“Do you know what you’re having yet?” Derek asks, he’s known the longest so this isn’t really a shock to him. 
She shakes her head. “We find out on Saturday, but we think she’s a girl,” she runs her hand over her belly with a smile. “Jack wants a brother to be like Henry but he said he’ll still be happy with a sister, too.” 
“How's that going to work? You and Aaron making a family while he has Jack and their own apartment?” Spencer asks, always wondering about the logistics. 
She shrugs, “I think he’s planning to move Jack and himself in with me but we haven’t talked about it… I’d be fine with it, I’m just worried we’re moving too fast and Jack's going to have a hard time with it all. I mean, I’m not his mom, I can’t replace her and I don’t want to, but the kid is so darn cute and I love him to bits. Playing happy family with him would be easy.”
“Have you talked to him?” Derek asks. 
She nods, “We wanted to take him out for pancakes yesterday and he thought because Aaron only takes him there for big news, that we were breaking up. So we had to tell him before we left and he’s happy, so, so happy he cried… and then he got the waitress to put ‘congrats mom’ on my pancakes. He has a room at my place now, too, and we’re going to go shopping after the ultrasound this weekend. He’s really happy with all this, I’m just scared it won’t last.” 
“He is a sweet kid,” JJ agrees. “I can have Will talk to him when he comes over this week? See how he really feels about all this?” 
“Yeah, that would be good,” Y/N nods. 
“Can I say something?” Spencer interjects. He waits for a nod and then continues. “If someone loved my mom the way you love Aaron and they entered my life when I was 10, right after my dad left, and loved me and cared for me and made a conscious effort to make sure I felt safe and included… it would’ve made a world of difference for me. Having just 1 parent who isn’t around very much is difficult, but you’re making that hurt a bit less for him. When he says he loves you, he means it. Believe me.” 
“Oh spence,” her heart breaks for him. “I had no idea?” 
He shrugs, “newer members wouldn’t… but it’s okay, I have my family here, my childhood just pushed me to get here.” 
Derek reaches over and rubs Spencer's arm, “and we love ya, kid.” 
Spencer just nods, he bites his lip as if there’s more and he doesn’t know what to do and then it all pours out of him. “I uh… I don’t want to make this about me, please don’t—
“It’s okay, Spence,” Y/N sits up a bit straighter and stares at him with a comforting look, “We’re here for you, whatever it is.” 
“My mom's doctor called me and he thinks she might be exhibiting signs of Alzheimer's and they don’t know what to do for her because they’re not a nursing home, they’re a sanatarium,” he explains with teary eyes. “I really don’t know what to do, either.” 
“Bring her out here, we can get her into a facility closer to you and Will and I can help out,” JJ offers. “The boys can call her grandma, we can visit when I’m on maternity leave and you’re on a case, we can take care of her.” 
“And we’ll bring Jack and the baby around too,” Y/N adds. “I’ll be off for the whole year after, maybe longer. I would love to go check on her for you.” 
“We could even reach out to Dave and see if we can borrow his plane cause she doesn’t like to fly,” Penelope is already in planning mode. “We can make it as easy as possible for her.” 
“You guys would really do that for her?” Spencer asks, so close to really crying. 
“Of course, we would,” Derek says, still rubbing his arm to comfort him.
Aaron walks into the room then, “What’s happening?” 
Spencer panics, suddenly feeling bad for sharing his personal life on company time like this is a bad thing. Y/N can see it on her face so she jumps in, “We’re just sharing some personal stuff… I can catch you up later, honey.”
“Okay…” Aaron takes a seat at the table, hesitantly. “But everything’s fine?” 
They all nod, “congrats by the way,” Derek throws in. 
“Oh, thanks,” Aaron starts to smile, overjoyed that everyone knew now. “As you all know, I didn’t really take time off with Jack, so I will be taking 6 months of paternity leave starting mid-September, and my replacement will be Derek. We still need to figure out who will bump up into Derek's space for the time I’m away, but we have lots of time for that.” 
“I would do it, but,” JJ points down at her bump and shrugs. 
“I have reached out to Emily,” Aaron adds. “She’s thinking about it, but if she says no, Spencer I would love—
“I can’t,” Spencer immediately cuts him off. “I have too much on my plate right now, I wouldn’t be the best choice.” 
“Okay, well, maybe one of our new members would be willing to step up,” Hotch slides that in. The rest of them don’t even know who’s joining the team yet.
“Do we know them?” JJ asks. 
He nods, “Dr. Tara Lewis is going to start next month. She’s a forensic psychologist who’s spent the last 4 years interviewing psychopathic criminals to ensure they’re fit for trial, she has a lot of insight on the criminals we’ve caught and she’ll be very handy going forward. However, the reason I’m so late is because I was telling the new guy where to put his things.”
“He’s starting today?” Y/N lights up. “Oh, you guys are going to love him. His name is Luke Alvez, he’s from the fugitive task force and he has a cute German Shepard he got when he came home from Iraq and he’s just amazing.” 
“Wow, that’s high praise coming for you,” Derek teases. 
“Oh hush,” she pushes back. “Aarons the first real man I’ve ever been into, I’m not normally one for the manly, in charge, leader types—
“Okay,” Aaron reaches over to hold her hand and make her stop, he’s getting a bit blushy. “Before we all get written up, the new guy is coming up in a second and we do have a case to get to.”
“That we do,” Penelope stands up with the remote in her hands. “The wheel has been spun and your destination is sunny southern California.”
This case is a slow one. 3 bodies over 6 months caused the case to pass by his desk and be on his radar, however, the 4th body was found only 2 weeks after the 3rd and now they’re officially on the case… but they still don’t have enough information. Knowing the timeline, a 5th body should drop within the week with a slue of new evidence for them to look over live and in person. Until then, they all head back to their hotel rooms for some much-needed rest and alone time. 
Aaron leads her from the elevator to their room, he’s carrying both bags while she opens the door and lets them inside. He places the bags on the floor by the dresser with a sigh. “I am exhausted.” 
“Me too,” she agrees with a matching sigh. She places her hands on her hips and sticks her belly out, trying to stretch her back which hurts more and more as their baby grows. 
“Do you want to hop in the shower with me and then we can go to bed?” Aaron asks. 
She nods and makes her way to the bathroom, she turns on the shower and immediately starts to undress. Aaron watches her with a delicate yes, unbuttoning each button on his dress shirt as slowly as possible so he can appreciate her as she gets naked. 
“You coming?” She asks as she steps into the shower, wondering why he’s taking so long to strip.
“Mhm,” he nods, “am I not allowed to admire you?” 
She gives him a knowing look, dipping her head and looking at him through her lashes, “I thought you were tired?” 
“Last time I was tired after a shower, I got you pregnant,” he reminds her. 
She just laughs, “We haven’t had much time to fuck since I got pregnant, have we?” 
He strips out of his shirt and pushes his pants to the ground, “not really, but I don’t mind.”
“I do,” she whines. “There’s nothing I want more than to spend all my time with you in our bed, making up for lost time and appreciating what little we have left before we have a baby… but I feel weird doing it with Jack in the house.” 
“He’s a heavy sleeper and he knocks before entering,” Aaron assures her. 
“Still feels weird.”
Aaron doesn’t fight her, he just gets into the shower with her and watches her relax under the water. They wash off the day with complimentary body wash and share little conversations about their co-workers and even the case. They share sweet glances and soft touches and they don’t want to get out even though they know they should. She just wraps her arms around him and rests her cheek on his chest as the water cascades down her body and his strong hands hold her close. 
Out of the shower, Aaron brings her all of her lotions and creams and he sets her pjs down on the bed to wait for her. He changes into fresh boxers, he checks his phone and hops into their single queen size bed all alone and awaiting her return to his side. When she does return, she smells good and she’s soft and she doesn’t change into her pjs… she stands at the foot of the bed and drops her towel, naked and on show just for him. 
“I think that shower just woke me up, if anything.” 
He smirks, throwing the blankets back, he beckons her closer. “Come on then,” he says, sitting up a bit so he can push his boxers off his hips and slip them down his legs. 
She climbs onto the bed, crawling on her knees towards him, she helps him remove his boxers and toss them to the floor before she takes a seat in his lap. His hands soothe over her thighs, up to her hips and then her pretty little bump. He smirks, keeping his dirty comments to himself. 
The head of his cock brushed her clit as she ground down on him, his hands found her hips once more as he instinctively helped her find a rhythm. He could feel how wet she was, helping her glide over him so easily, her breath hitched every time her hips bucked, she was enjoying herself just like this. It made him even more excited. She leaned in then, kissing his neck as she continued to grind down on him.
“I need you,” he gasped.
She smiled against his skin, lifting her hips enough for him to line up with her before she started to sink down on him. “Fuck,” she gasped as she sat down fully, her hands resting on Aaron's shoulders as she tried to get used to it all. Lifting herself up and grinding down little by little to get the rhythm going again.
Aaron held close as he scoots down the bed a bit, he lays back against the pillows while she stays sitting up. She rests her hands on his chest now, using him for leverage to ride him. He grips her ass, helping her rut against him but it’s hard. She really is tired and riding him takes a lot of effort with a basketball-sized bump between them. She leans in to kiss him on the lips, holding his face with one of her hands. Aaron's hands encapsulate her back, his big strong hands hold her closer
“Fuck,” he groaned, bending his knees, he pile drives up into her over and over. 
She’s been a lot more sensitive since getting pregnant, the simplest, lightest touch to her clit could get her off. Each and every time their bodies connect, his groin slams against her swollen clit, exciting her more and more. 
“I’m so close,” she whispered in his ear, kissing his cheek and resting her open mouth against his. They weren’t kissing, they were panting over each other with their foreheads resting together. “Aaron,” she whines, a bit louder than she expected to be. 
Euphoria fills the empty spaces between them as she came, gasping and shaking over him. He’s right there behind her, sucked in deeper than before, she tightens around him and his hips sputter as he finishes deep inside her. She collapses against him only moments before she lifts her hips and rolls off of him and onto her side of the bed. Still breathing heavily, she covers her face with her arm and melts into the bed. “Holy fuck…” 
Aaron laughs as he turns to his side and cuddles into her, his head on her shoulder and hand on her stomach. “Feel better?” He teases. 
She nods, breathing steadying out. “Too tired to change now.” 
“You gotta pee, too,” he reminds her and sits up. “Come on, the quicker we do this, the quicker we can go to bed.” 
She sighs as she sits up, but she knows he’s right. He helps her back to her feet and he changes while she goes to the bathroom. When she comes back, he hands her her underwear to put on and helps her into a shirt, they fluff their pillows and get under the covers together and go right back to cuddling. 
Aaron has an alarm set for tomorrow morning and the lights turn off. It’s quiet as they lay there, holding one another. “I love you,” Aaron reminds her.
“I love you, too,” she replies, smiling to herself. 
He can sense she wants to keep talking until they fall asleep, she usually does. It’s something he loves about falling asleep beside her, she tells him anything and everything on her mind and it’s always sweet. 
“What are you thinking about?” He asks. 
“Baby names… after Saturday we’ll know who they are and we’ll have to start to really think about a name that suits them,” she explains. “You remember back when the divorce went through and we were talking about names you liked when you thought Jack was going to be a girl?” 
He hums, “like it was yesterday.” 
“I keep thinking about Juliet and how you said you like it… but I like it with e-t-t-e on the end, Juliette Hotchner.” 
“Oh,” Aaron's heart flutters. It sounds perfect for his little girl… if he ever gets his dream of having one. A tear bubbles in his eyes, “yeah. Yeah, it sounds perfect.” 
She places his hand over his, cupping her belly, and she grips it tight. He snuggles in even closer, he kisses her shoulder and lets the tears fall down. “I love you and our family.” 
“We love you even more.” 
The case ends mid-day on Friday, but by the time the plane is ready and they’re taking off, Jack is already going to bed back in D.C. with Haley’s sister, Jessica, watching over him. They land around 9pm EST and go right to Y/N’s house to sleep. Aaron texted Jess around 10, telling her that he’d be over in the morning. 
When they show up Saturday morning, Jess is standing in the doorway of Aaron's apartment with a smile. “I have a proposition for you…” 
“Okay?” Aaron is a bit hesitant. 
“My girlfriend is getting into photography again and she’s trying to set up her portfolio, would you guys like some free maternity photos?” 
Y/N's eyes light up, she doesn’t know if Jess means girlfriend like a Girlfriend or like how some women call all their friends girl-friends… either way, she’s excited. “I’d love that!” 
“She’s really nice, you’ll like her,” Jack adds, apparently he’s already met her. 
“Oh,” Aarons just as shocked about it. “When did you meet her?”
“On Tuesday,” Jess admits. “We already had dinner plans so she brought some takeout over and we all ate here, I hope that’s okay?” 
“Oh, yeah, that’s fine. I’m happy you have someone, Jess,” Aaron admits, he’d never say it but he had his suspicions the longer she went without ever having a boyfriend. 
She smiles even more, “Thanks, Aaron… uh, her name is Mel, by the way, she heard Jack talking about you being pregnant and she really wanted to do a shoot for you whenever you’re free.”
“I mean if tomorrow is too soon—
“Tomorrow could work, I can ask her?” Jess jumps in before Y/N even finishes her suggestion. 
Y/N reaches out for Jess’ hand and pulls her close, she hugs her, “I’m so glad you’re okay with all of this.” 
Jess holds her close, resting her chin on her shoulder. “Haley would’ve liked you, you know,” she whispers. 
“Don’t make me cry,” Y/N tries to laugh it off, it’s weird to think how much different all this would be if she was still alive. “I’m going to do enough crying this afternoon.” 
“You find out the gender today, right?” Jess asks as she pulls back. 
Y/N nods, “I’m so excited to know, then we can move on to naming them.” 
“Oh, no, it’s just one, I just find calling them ‘it’ is weird and calling them she when we don’t even know is making me feel bad cause what if I get attached to them being a girl and then they’re not? You know?” 
“Oh, okay I thought you were having twins I was like… how are you going to do that with Aaron being gone all the time?” 
“I’m taking 6 months paternity leave,” Aaron says and he doesn’t look too happy about the way Jess said that. “I’m still sorry I wasn’t always there for Jack, but they don’t need me as much as they did back then. I had 4 new members, and we were getting the team off the ground again. I can leave easier this time.” 
“What do you mean, Dad?” Jack asks, not ever thinking anything was wrong about his childhood. 
“I’m sorry,” Jess slips in first. “I didn’t mean it like that.” 
Aaron sighs and he ruffles Jack's hair, “I worked a lot when you were a baby.” 
“But you saved people, that’s worth it,” Jack understands.
“He did,” Jess agrees too, even though he couldn’t save the one person that meant the most to all of them. 
“Okay,” Y/N cuts into the tension with a knife. “Jack, are you ready to go? I was thinking we could go shopping before the appointment instead, okay?” 
He nods, “I have to grab my backpack.” 
“Where are you guys going to go?” Jess asks as she grabs her purse, she’s going to leave now too. 
“Ikea,” Y/N enthuses. “We’re going to get a lot of stuff, so hopefully it all fits in the SUV.”
“If not, their delivery options aren’t too bad,” Jess eases her mind. “And I’m free most of the time so if it delivers while you’re gone I can be there for you.” 
“Thank you,” Y/N really appreciates it. 
“Okay, I’m ready!” Jack cheers as he comes running back.
They all take the elevator down to the parking lot, they say goodbye to Jess and Aaron helps Jack into the back of the SUV. “Have you been thinking about your new room, bud?” Aaron asks. 
He nods, “Can we do a superhero theme?” 
“Absolutely,” Y/N’s actually excited about that. “Are we thinking Batman and Superman or Iron Man and Captain America?”
“The X-men…” 
“Oh,” she’s surprised by that. “That sounds cool, we can get some Wolverine sheets and some artwork of the beast and Professor X? Maybe even something for Mystique, she’s my favourite.” 
Jack’s smile lights up his whole face, he can’t believe she knows this much about the X-Men, it’s impressive. So much so, that he feels comfortable completely geeking out with her on the drive to Ikea. He talks nonstop about his favourite comics, the characters and their plots, explaining to her just how cool he thinks Jean Grey is and how he can’t wait to see them make a movie about her one day. What Jack doesn’t know is that while they’re talking, Y/N is searching the internet on her phone for some cool posters about the characters he says he loves so his room can be fully decorated to reflect his passions. 
When they arrive, Jack is so full of energy he takes Y/N’s hand and he drags her into the store, raving on about what colours he wants his sheets to be and how happy he is to have a room he can decorate again. 
“I even asked Derek if we can paint the walls and do wallpaper and he said we can do what ever we want in there,” Y/N explains, “we can fully redecorate it together.”
“That’s because it’s not Dereks house anymore,” Aaron throws in, making them both turn to him with shocked expressions. 
“What?” Y/N asks, not knowing anything about this. 
“I bought it… I wanted our family to have a place to grow and be happy altogether and it’s perfect for us, there’s room for Jack to have his own room, the baby has a room and there’s a 4th room for if we ever have more, it’s perfect for us so now it’s ours. The papers are all ready, we just have to sign them on Monday.”
“Oh my god!” Y/N cheers a bit too loudly for being in the store. “Aaron?” 
“When do we move in?” Jack asks, getting right to the important stuff. 
Aaron laughs as he wraps his arm around Y/N and pulls them both into a hug. “You two get along so famously I couldn’t keep us separate anymore.” 
“I love you,” she rushes out. She can’t find any other words that fit the situation, she just loves him and how much he thinks about their family. 
With 40 minutes to get to their appointment, they finally check out with more things than they expected to buy. They got night lights, bed sheets, burp cloths, swaddle blankets, stuffed toys, a crib and baby mattress, mattress protectors, room decor and trinkets, shelves, a changing table and even ordered a rocking chair to be delivered sometime next week… they not only found everything for Jack but the baby’s room as well. 
The baby they’re about to know a little bit more about in a few minutes. 
They say hi to Savannah in the ER and then make their way up to the Obstetrics floor. They have a short sit in the waiting room and then they’re ushered into a little room with ultrasound equipment. Jack and Aaron sit side by side in two chairs while Y/N’s on the exam table, her shirt up over her belly and pants unbuckled with a piece of absorbent towel tucked into them to catch the excess jelly. And they wait. 
“Have you ever seen an ultrasound before, Jack?” Y/N asks. 
He shakes his head, “No… does it hurt?” 
She laughs lightly, “No, buddy, it doesn’t hurt. They use sound waves to see through skin and tissue and observe the baby inside the amniotic fluid.”
“Cool!” Jack nods, sitting up in his seat and wiggling excitedly. 
“Knock knock,” Dr. Connors says as she opens the door. “Oh my, we have a full house today.” 
“Jack, this is our doctor, Sam Connors,” Aaron introduces her. “Sam, this is my son, Jack.” 
“Hi,” he waves to her.
“Welcome, welcome,” she smiles at him. “Are you guys ready to know the gender or are we keeping it a secret?” 
“We’re ready,” Y/N’s quick to answer. She’s giddy with excitement. “You can tell us when you know, we’re not doing a party or anything so you don’t have to write it down like some couples ask you to.” 
“Oh, good that makes this easier for me,” Dr. Conners lets out a sigh of relief. “Its so hard not to slip up and say the right pronoun after I see what’s goin’ on.” 
“We’re ready,” Y/N says with an unbreakable smile. “So, so ready.” 
“And I have to remind you that because this is the 12 weeks can the gender can be hard to tell, we can do blood testing to double check but if they’re in the right position I can probably tell,” she adds. 
“That’s okay, I know sometimes people wait 'till 20 weeks but if you can tell now, I want to know now,” Y/N adds. 
Dr. Connors is quick to squeeze some warmed jelly onto her belly, she grabs the wand and starts to search for their ever-growing little one. She mumbles to herself, “There you are,” as the baby pops up on the screen. “I’m just going to go through and take some measurements and mark the important things and then I’ll turn to you, okay?” 
“Yeah, that’s fine,” Y/N nods. 
Holding Aaron's hand as he sits beside her, she squeezes him for reassurance. And he squeezes back 3 times. A silent “I love you” just for them to know about. 
Time tends to stand still in moments like these. The week of waiting blew by, she can’t believe that this time last week she was putting a bunk bed in jacks room, nervous as hell to tell him about the baby and now they’re all in a room waiting to see said baby. Jack's giddy, she’s overjoyed and Aaron… Aaron glows. His eyes gleam, and his smile is small but it packs a punch with all the emotions he’s trying so hard to conceal. he’s the strong stoic type on the outside, but inside he is a proud father, a loving life partner and the most gentle, beautiful, wonderful man she’s ever known in her whole life. 
There was a time when she only looked at him like her boss. Her hot boss, but her superior nonetheless. Somewhere between realizing the team was her new family and getting to know him as a lifeline and not a leader, she fell in love with him. It was seamless, too. The way she fell out of love with Peter and into love with Aaron, her heart ebbed and flowed with the emotions and the hurt wasn’t too bad because she had him… she doesn’t know pain because Aaron hasn’t left her, and my god, she hopes he never does. 
“Okay,” Sam announces, ripping Y/N from her thoughts. She turns the screen to them and flicks through the screenshots she has taken with labels on everything. “Everything looks good, we’re measuring at 3.6 millimetres, which is just point 1 more than the average ‘normal’ length. Their heart and brain are looking good. On your last blood test, all the screenings came back negative and I’m not seeing any abnormalities or defects, either.” 
Jack's now standing beside her on the table, he wants to be as close as possible to see the baby. “It doesn’t look like a baby,” he exclaims. 
“It’s hard to see but here,” Sam flicks back to the live screen and moves the wand so the baby is in a better position. “This is the head, this is their spine, you can see their little arms and legs here… it’s super tiny, about the size of a plum, or a crab apple. You could hold it in just one hand, that’s how tiny a baby is at 12 weeks.” 
“Oh,” Jacks a bit taken aback by that. “how many more weeks are left?” 
“28,” Y/N is quick to reply, she’s been counting down since week 1. 
“Wow,” he breathes out, his shoulders dropping and all the tension leaves his body. “Do you know if it's a girl or a boy yet?” 
Sam nods, “I do… do you want to come over and read the screen for me?” 
He nods and walks over to her on the other side of the table, Sam turns the screen to him and flicks back to one of the screenshots with the gender labelled. “You see right there, what does it say?” 
Jack gasps and tears bubble in his eyes, and for a split second, Y/N’s heart drops. She’s sure he’s about to read that it’s a boy. He wanted a brother. She had it wrong in her mind this whole time… and then he says it. 
“Female… I’m having a sister.” 
Y/N cries out a happy sob, she clutches her eyes shut and covers her face with her free hand. She can’t believe it. She’s going to have a little girl, a tiny mini-me… or maybe a headstrong, confident little girl who mirrors her dad. Either way, she’s beyond happy. 
Aaron rubs her arm, also crying, “Happy tears?” 
At first, all she can do is nod as she calms down. “I can’t believe we were right,” she says through the tears. “Oh my god!” 
“Congrats, guys,” Sam swoons. She’s overjoyed by this reaction, “I’m going to print out a bunch of pictures for you—
“Can I have one?” Jack asks, cutting her off. 
“Of course,” Sam doesn’t mind. She prints out a long strand of photos from every angle, some with descriptions and some without. And she prints out another single sheet of the best photo just for Jack. 
Dr. Connors cleans up her belly, goes over a few more things and they schedule another appointment for 20 weeks. She has Sam’s number if they need to contact her before then, but after that, they’re good to go home. 
Aaron texts Jess the good news while Y/N is readjusting her pants and giving her belly an extra wipe down before she lowers her shirt, the jelly is so sticky after it dries she still doesn’t feel totally clean but it’s the best she can do right now. 
Jess has talked to Mel and she is free tomorrow so they’re going to be able to take lots of early maternity photos and they have enough ultrasound pics to include in the shoot. Y/N's mind is racing the whole way back to the car about what she wants to do, what she’ll wear, where they’ll take them… she’s never gotten this far before. She never thought she would. 
“Hey, Aaron,” she asks quietly in the car. 
“Hm?” He hums, keeping his eyes on the road but one hand comes off the steering wheel to hold hers over the centre console. 
“Would you be okay with me posting some of the photos on my Facebook? I haven’t even told my parents yet and I kinda want to just announce to everyone at the same time…” 
“Yeah, that would be okay with me,” He doesn’t mind at all. 
“Okay good, I know you don’t have an account and Jess and JJ aren’t allowed to post Jack but, I just want to post something about this,” she explains. 
It's actually something she admires about him, the way he keeps Jack safe from the creeps of the world. It's so easy for people to see his name on the news when he does press conferences and google him that he worries someone could find out about Jack and snatch him up as revenge or just because they could… they’ve seen way too much at work to not be helicopter parents. 
“I won’t post her face or anything when she’s born and Penelope helped me with my safety features when I first joined the team, so we’ll be safe… I just always dreamed about posting a bump photo and telling everyone about my baby one day.”
“I trust your judgement, sweetheart,” he says, caressing her hand with his thumb. “She’s not just my baby, you can set boundaries for her too.” 
“I know… sometimes I forget you’re not like him,” she whispers. 
“Like who?” Jack asks, cause of course he was listening in.
“Uh…” she looks to Aaron for some support, she has no idea what’s appropriate to tell him and what isn’t. 
“Remember I told you she had a mean ex-husband?” Aaron asks, looking at Jack through the rearview. 
He nods. “Yeah…”
“His name was Peter and he was a bit of a control freak, he’s like one of those mean kids at school who make you follow all the rules to a game and will stop the game to tell you where you went wrong or kick you out of the group,” she simplifies it for him. 
“The worst,” Jack says and rolls his eyes. “I’m happy you picked my dad instead.” 
“I didn’t really pick him,” she admits, turning back to look at him with a smile. “Falling in love isn’t that simple, it kinda just happens.” 
Jack smiles back. “like fate?” 
She nods, trying not to cry because that’s the most sweetest and perfect way to put it. “Exactly.” 
This is where she was always meant to be. 
One thing she forgot to do in the midst of the divorce and moving on, was delete Peter's family from her Facebook friends. She barely uses the site, so of course it slipped her mind until it was too late. 
She posts 1 picture from their maternity shoot, her belly under lace with the sun setting in the background. It’s beautiful. She adores the photo so it’s the one she picked to share, alongside some ultrasound photos, a single pink rose and the caption “baby girl Hotchner coming this September” 
She couldn’t believe she got to this point, sharing that she’s pregnant with her family and friends, having a big belly or this tremendous burst of love that courses through her veins as she reads all the comments of congratulations.  
And then she see’s it. 
Peter's mother commented. 
“I always knew you’d be beautiful pregnant. So happy to hear your dreams are coming true, dear. Congratulations to you and your new family.” 
It’s nicer than she expected. She knew that Peter’s mom was a sweetheart, but she also knew that he was her only baby and she sometimes took that a little too far… she was the type of boy mom that Y/N never wanted to become.
She simply replies, “Thank you so much, Jane<;3”
She doesn’t get a comment back, instead she gets a private message. “I was sad to know you broke up but after hearing why, I’m so, so sorry for what Peter did to you. He never even told me he had the vasectomy. 
I would love to send you some things I made during the first few years of your marriage to my son, I always wanted a grandchild, but now that I know I’ll never have one I’d still love for your baby to have a homemade blanket from me. You’re going to be a wonderful mom.” 
Her heart breaks for Jane. She would’ve been a good grandma, Mimi is actually what she wanted to be called. There were so many conversations they had about names and birth plans and nurseries… and Peter kept his mouth shut during all of them. He broke both of their hearts. 
So she types back, “My friends at work are throwing me a baby shower in August, you’re more than welcome to come.” 
It takes a few hours but Jane finally responds a little after 11. Y/N and Aaron are just about to go to sleep. He’s in the bathroom, she’s in bed on her phone about to set an alarm and turn it off. But she opens the message anyway. 
“You know where to send the invitation. I’ll see what I can do. And don’t worry, I won’t bring Pete. We’re not really speaking at the moment. I’ll always love you as a daughter, Y/N. I’m so glad we’re still able to talk.” 
She never would’ve thought an olive branch would grow out of the hostile ground of her divorce, yet here she is. Reaching out to a woman she was once related to, with things they can now relate to. 
Horrible ex-husbands.
“What are you smiling at over there?” Aaron asks as he comes back into the room, in nothing but his boxers. 
She looks up from her phone and sighs, smile only widening. “Life is so weird sometimes.” 
Aaron makes his way to the bed, he kneels on the end and crawls up to her only to lay on his stomach between her legs and rest his head lightly on her belly. “Weird but beautiful.” 
“Peter’s mom has been messaging me… she’s really happy for us and not talking to her son,” she shares. 
He perks back up, “Really?” 
She nods, “I’m not sure if she knows about the abuse but she knows about the vasectomy and she’s furious. She wants to send me all the blankets and things that she made when we started trying… so I invited her to the baby shower.” 
“Luckily we’ll have a bunch of agents there to escort her if things get dicey…” 
“I don’t think they will,” she says, locking her phone, she places it on her night table and runs her fingers through Aaron's hair. “But if it gives our baby 1 more grandma, I’m willing to hear her out.” 
“You’re a good person,” Aaron compliments. 
“You’re just rubbing off on me.” 
His brows arch. “I mean, I’m not currently.” 
She lightly swats his cheek, “you pig!” 
He just laughs and snuggles back into her belly. “You love it.” 
She just sighs and lays back, still running her fingers through his hair. “I love you.” 
“I love you too… and you three, Jules,” he whispers to her belly and then kisses her bump gently. 
“So we’re set on Juliette, like firmly? It’s happening?” 
He just nods. “Yep, my baby Juliette. Jules, Julie, juju… I will be calling her all of those nicknames.”
She lets out a little giggle. Smiling to herself, he mind wanders to middle names. “I want to ask Jack for help with her middle name, do you think he’d like that?” 
“He’d love to,” Aaron knows that. “Just look at all his other reactions, the boy is obsessed with getting to have a sister.” 
“He’s going to be the best big brother.” 
“You’re going to love him, Julie,” Aaron whispers to her bump. “You’re going to love everyone we know, you’re going to be so loved baby girl. So, so loved.” 
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@mrs-ssa-hotch @14buddy22 @spottedzebrasinpartyhats  
General Taglist 
@ncsls0515 @stevesmunsons @reidsbookclub @sweetyyhippyy @manuosorioh @mrs-dr-reid @k-k0129 @squishyturtle @katsukis1wife @babybisexual @marsmunson86 @ssamorganhotchner
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bwoahtastic · 4 months
Charles imprinted on Seb, Val with Lewis, Lando and Logan with Jenson, little Oscar and Kev with Kimi but Max? Oh sweet Max he loves his momma and papas so much but when Grandpa Toto comes to visit, Max is right there with Toto 24/7 sometimes it's a fight of tears and meltdowns that ends with Toto staying the night but for a while they don't know Max is acting like this but figure it out and giggle because Max whines and wants to be held and who is Toto to say no to his grandbaby
Plss! Max loves all his papas and momma lots and lots but he is just so in awe of his grandpapa! Toto is such a big Alpha like the Alphas in max's birth family, like his sire, but Toto is so sweet and nice and loves maxy! Maxy is so happy when grandpapa is there, always the first in line at the door when Toto's car pulls up.
At first he is a little shy and brings toto a plushy or pillow as a little welcome gift but doesn't dare initiate cuddles, but it doesn't take long before he is clinging to toto's leg or zooming outside to meet Toto at the car!
Max hates it when Toto leaves tho! Poor kitten crying and it takes a while before everyone realises it's cos Toto is leaving! Poor Maxy sobbing his little heart, ue never likes it when anyone leaves but especially grandpapa needs to stay!! Maybe Max even hisses at momma once when Seb tells him Toto really has to go now, momma is mean!
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 10 months
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fter getting back together, Janelle finds out thats she’s pregnant. Follow along with Josh and Janelle as they deal with the highs and lows of her pregnancy.
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
Janelle is played by Justine Skye
Sequel to All I Need Is You: Read Here
Catch up on all other parts here
TAGLIST: @christinabae@southerngirl41@reci24@jeyusos-girl@jeyusosgirl@melaninsugababy@baconeggndcheez@bemybabiibish@jstarr86@nbanenefrmdao@purplehairgawdess@arination99@alyyaanna@m3llowww@gomussy@jeysbae@hennyyybarb@babysyhsy @bebesobrielo @theninthwonder @romansnumberonegirl
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Janelle woke up with a groan as she felt her baby pressing directly on her bladder. Sitting up in the bed she let out a shocked gasp when Josh let out a snore from his spot on the bed. She hadn’t even heard him come in. Groaning again, she waddled into the bathroom, letting out a sigh of relief as she relieved herself.  After washing her hands, she checked her phone for the time. 6:30 am. Sighing, she made her way to the kitchen to make Xavi’s lunch for school. 
“You wake up way too early” She said in greeting to her dad, who was sitting at the island with a cup of coffee, reading the news from his IPAD. 
“I already packed Xavi’s lunch.” He said when she went to open the fridge. When she turned to him and arched her eyebrow he added. “He said he likes my sandwiches better.” She laughed and grabbed something to drink instead.  “My grandbaby got you up?” She nodded as she finished off her juice. 
“Yes,” She groaned as the baby moved again and was now pressing even harder on her bladder. “He loves to kick my bladder.”
“Did y’all come up with a name yet? Got less than a week til he gets here.” 
“I know.” She said grunting as the baby landed another hard kick. “I’m having a hard time choosing and Josh.” She stopped and shook her head with a chuckle. “He wants to name the baby Jeyson.” Her dad arched an eyebrow. 
“What's wrong with that?” 
“J-E-Y-S-O-N, Like Jey’s son. His wrestling name.” Her dad threw his head back and laughed. 
“I like Jason though, the normal spelling.” She nodded her head in agreement. 
“Yeah, but I don’t want Xavi to feel left out, you know? With me, Josh and the baby all having J names.” 
“Ask Xavi for a name suggestion then.” 
“Already did, and I'm not naming my son Bluey.” Her dad laughed again. 
“Yeah, if those the only options, I'm leaning more towards Jeyson.” Her dad said and she rolled her eyes with a smile. 
“Me too.” She laughed before standing up and stretching. “I gotta go wake Xavi up for school.” Before she could leave the kitchen, she felt a warm sensation down her legs. She turned to look at her dad, embarrassed because she thought she had peed on herself. 
“Did your water just break?” He asked, staring at her wide-eyed. She gasped and stared back at him. 
“Oh shit.” Her dad jumped up immediately and started yelling for Josh. Her dad helped her to the car before running as fast as he could up the steps to wake Josh up. 
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Everything happened so fast, one minute she was standing in her kitchen then the next she was laying in a hospital holding her newly born son. 
“He looks just like you.” Josh whispered as watched in awe as his son gripped his fingers. 
“What should we name him?” Janelle asked, wiping the tears from her eyes. She couldn’t take her eyes off of her baby. He was literally a perfect mixture of both her and Joshua. 
“I’m still rockin’ with Jeyson.” He said, laughing softly when she gave him a side eye.  “Or we could name him Bluey. Those are the only choices we have.”  Janelle laughed softly, so she wouldn’t wake the baby up. 
“I never knew naming a child would be this hard.” 
“Knock-knock” They both looked towards the door when it opened and Josh’s mom poked her head through. “I got someone who’s very excited to meet his baby brother.” She said and laughed when Xavier squeezed through the spaced between her and the door to get into the room. 
“Is that him?” He asked. “He’s so tiny.” Xavier frowned his face up, making everyone laugh. 
“Yeah, he’s just a baby bud.” Janelle told him. “You wanna hold him?”  When Xavier nodded, Josh took him over to the sink to wash his hands before helping him sit next to Janelle on the hospital bed. “Ok, just make sure you hold his head ok?” She asked and placed the baby in Xavier’s arms. 
“Hi baby.  I’m your big brother.” Janelle ‘awed’ as she watched Xavier place a kiss on his little brother's head. 
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“Jeyson Edward Fatu.”
 Janelle shook her head and Josh sighed.  “Nope, I don't like it. It flows but no.”  Xavier and his mom had just left and she and Josh were still trying to find a name that fit their baby boy. “I’ve always liked the name Malachi.” 
“Malachi.” Josh said the name to see how it sounded and he liked it. “Ok I like Malachi. What about a middle name?” When she shrugged he added. “What about your dad’s name?” 
“Malachi Nathaniel?” Josh nodded
“Yeah I like it. Xavi has my name as a middle and Malachi can have your dad’s.” 
“Okay.” Janelle said, looking down at her baby boy who was bundled up in her arms.   “Hello Mr. Malachi Nathaniel Fatu.” 
“He’s gonna cry. You know that right?” 
Janelle nodded. “Yeah, male sure you have your camera ready.” 
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About 2 hours later, Janelle’s dad walked into the room carrying a balloon that said ‘it’s a boy.’ a stuffed elephant and a bouquet of sunflowers. 
“Look its grandpa’” Nathaniel immediately set the stuff in his hands down and went to wash his hand. 
“Oh!” He cooed as he picked Malachi up from the bassinet.  “He looks just like you Nelly.
Did y’all pick a name yet?” He asked, then frowned when Josh started recording him. 
“Yeah, we did.” Janelle said, bringing his attention back over to her. “Meet Malachi Nathaniel Fatu.”  
“Shut the fuck up.” He said, his eyes already welling up with tears.  Janelle laughed. “You gave him my name.” He set Malachi back down before giving Janelle a tight hug, his body shaking as he cried into her shoulder. “Thank you.” 
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Janelle Porter
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liked by trinity_fatu, uceyjucey and 3,000 other
JanellePorter: Malachi N. Fatu
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2 more chapters left ❤️. Thank you to everyone who still reads and enjoys this story ❤️❤️
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
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violetswritingg · 1 month
Tyler Owens x OFC!
Description: When cowgirl meets cowboy after a year of no-contact and chaos ensues during storm season!
Rating: M (Mentions of blood and death in Tornadoes and storms alike, angst and loss of loved ones, car accidents, Tornado aftermath, and injury to characters, slight age gap (5 years))
Hey! I don't normally post my writing on here, I'm normally only on Wattpad but I decided to cross post and so here is the first of many fics to be moved over here and enjoyed as well! I hope you guys enjoy the story, I honestly have no idea who many chapters this is going to be lol.
Want to read the other chapters?
Click here
April, 2005
The sound of silverware on plates was all that could be heard, but that was normal for a Thornton-Harding-St. James family dinner. Nathan and Juliette had been tense all dinner barely saying a word to each other. All since Jo and Bill had arrived all smiles. The women's mother Michelle, and both Jo and Bill watching the parents as if they were an active bomb ready to go off at any moment. Nathan was at least trying. Smiling, as best he could, and making polite conversation when prompted, the father mainly focused on Riley who sat on his other side. Making sure she wasn't playing with her food.
At six she should know better, and he needed to teach her it was rude to waste the food someone had worked really hard to make for them. But now that the food had been eaten, there wasn't much distraction left to hide behind.
"Uh, so, Julie, how's Riley been doing in school?" Jo tried; she really did. But Juliette was mean on a good day and that day was not today. The empty wine glass next to her being her fourth, and once she got to drinking her temper just got worse.
"She's doing fine." Juliette sniffed as she sat up straighter, a forced smile on her face. Eyes narrowed as she settled into a defensive position. "Why?"
"No reason, just making conversation." Jo sighed, looking at Bill for a second before meeting Nathan's grimaced grin. Trying not to cause a scene in front of everybody was taking all his will power, wanting nothing more than to snap at Juliette and shake her. Hoping that would maybe change her entire personality, the one he hadn't seen until she was telling him she was pregnant and that it was his all those years ago.
"Right." Juliette scoffed, "You have no right to judge me, you don't even have a kid!" her jaw snapped shut, eyes blistering as she spat her words at her older sister. Jo tensed up and Riley had started to pay attention to the adults at the table instead of finishing her little slice of pie. Nathan wanted to crawl into a hole and die, take Riley with him far far away from Juliette. Riley loved Jo and Bill though and he couldn't just do that. Michelle was over the moon when she found out she was going to have a grandbaby, she's 75 now and doesn't have a lot of time left to spend with anyone, much less Riley, not with how her health had been declining recently. The stress of living in Tornado alley having taken its toll after her husband was taken in that fateful storm.
Riley was her whole world. Michelle watched her when Nathan, Bill, and Jo were out storm chasing. Juliette, even though she lived in the same house, the Harding family farm. Being rebuilt on the same land, Michelle couldn't bare to leave it behind after the original house was destroyed. Riley didn't mind it, even though she missed her dad, she loved getting to hang out with Grandma. They were like best friends. But Nathan had needed to start taking Riley with him and his team because of her health issues, and because he knew that Juliette would leave Riley to her own devices for however long he was gone, the almost 6 year old hanging out in the tech van usually a couple miles behind him and always a safe distance from the storm in pursuit.
"I am very much aware of that Juliette." Jo grit out, Bill reaching out an arm around her shoulders, the couple had hit their early 40's, still childless, still chasing. But had been entertaining the idea of settling down after one too many close calls. The topic of having kids was a sensitive one, they had been trying quietly for about a year now and no luck. Something Jo had shared with her sister and Nathan in confidence.
"The food was great Michelle-" Bill tried to move onto another topic, but got blocked.
"I'm not surprised though, I'm sure there's cobwebs up there at this point." Juliette cruelly laughed. "I'm sure Bill will move on to a younger model when he finally realizes you'll never be able to produce."
"Juliette May Thornton! You watch your-"
"What mom?" Juliette turned on Michelle next, the elderly woman sitting taller in her chair, white hair pulled back in a simple style, warm eyes worn and normally full of life. Now though, they only held disappointment in her youngest daughter. "There it is. There's the look. I'm not going to take this; I am not going to be attacked in my own goddamn house." Julliette huffed and pushed out her chair with a sharp scrape against the wood flooring and stomped upstairs.
Nathan let out a deep sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose, as Riley's little voice called out for her mom. Only to be ignored.
"Why don't you go turn on some cartoons okay baby? You got 30 minutes until bedtime, you get one show and then in the bath for you okay?" Nathan picked up his daughter and hauled her into his lap, booping her nose, causing light giggles to erupt.
Riley's dark blonde curls bouncing as she nodded quickly, Nathan setting her on her feet and the adults chuckled as she all but ran. Already hearing the Scooby-doo theme song playing over the air. The tension leaving his shoulders now that the cause of all his stress was no longer in the room.
"I'm sorry." He breathed, "She's been in a bad mood all day, picking fights just because."
"Hey, I grew up with her. If I'm not used to it at this point, then I need a thicker skin." Jo chuckled, despite the hurt still lingering in her eyes.
"Still, what crawled up her ass and died?" Bill scoffed, pulling Jo to his side and pressing a kiss to the side of her head. Nathan watching, his sight going green for a second. That's what he wanted, it's what he didn't know he wanted until he saw it with them, until he had to spend his days attached to Juliette. Riley was the bright spot, the good thing to come out of a shitty situation. Nathan would deal with Juliette every day for the rest of his life as long as he got to see Riley.
"I have been asking myself that question for years Billy." Nathan sighed out, laughing to himself, resigned to dealing with it later.
"What you said at dinner was uncalled for." Nathan puffed out, pulling off pillows from their shared bed. He may as well be sleeping alone though.
"Are you gonna attack me now too Nathanial?" Juliette scoffed, rolling her eyes at him from the bathroom vanity mirror as she got ready for bed. The slight slur to her voice telling him the wine was starting to hit her full force now.
"I'm not attacking you, simply stating you went too far. And that maybe you owe Jo an apology?" He tried, but got nothing but a single, indignant laugh in response.
"You think she's better than me huh? Is that it?!" Nathan hung his head, abandoning the task of making up the bed. He pushed back the tears of frustration and looked back at the woman he was sure he had been in love with, or at the very least liked at one point.
"When have I ever said that?" He started, voice heavy with exhaustion.
"You don't have to say it, you've always liked her better than me. Just like everyone else! I thought you were different!"
"You are 36 years old Juliette! When are you going to let this go?" He never raised his voice when they argued, never wanting Riley to hear, but Juliette seemed to want to wake the whole house which included Jo and Bill who were spending the night before heading out in the morning. Thunder rolled in the distance.
"You aren't denying it! God! I am so stupid! I never should have stayed. Never should have-" She kept muttering under her breath every seeming regret she had as she stormed into the room, yanked open the closet, grabbing a duffle bag from inside and throwing her clothes in it haphazardly. "This place is suffocating! You are suffocating with your judgy eyes and every comment about how I raise Riley-"
"You don't! That's the issue! What are you doing?" Nathan sighed as she plopped the duffle bag on the still made up side of the bed, her side.
"What does it look like. I can't stay here. Not with you or them. All of you just hate on me all the time, look at me like I'm nothing but a disappointment. I'm sorry I'm not perfect! I'm sorry I'm not golden girl Jo!" Juliette finished, throwing an arm towards the door, chest heaving as she zipped up her duffle bag and yanked open the bedroom door. Slamming it shut behind her.
Nathan listened to her as she went down the stairs, taking a breath before he was going after her, repeating over and over she is the mother of your child in his head. When they first met, it was in the middle of storm season and Jo's kid sister decided she wanted to come with her chasing that year, she was just as wild back then. Less mean, less insecure. She was all bright eyes and wide smiles, soft skin and warm affection. Until she got pregnant. That's when everything changed.
"Jules! Jules!" Nathan whisper-shouted, as he tripped down the stairs.
"What's happening?" Bill questioned, opening the door to the guest room on the first floor, in a white t-shirt and his boxers, yawning and scratching his face. Jo's voice behind him asking the same thing, sleep slurring her words though.
"I don't know William, ask your wife." Juliette spit as she past him and Nathan was still trying to get to her.
"Just go back to bed, sorry for waking you-"
"Oh shut up Nathan!"
"Was I talking to you?!" He finally snapped and Bill's mouth dropped, Juliette looked like she had been slapped.
"Well, I never..." Juliette huffed, holding a hand to her chest. Crocodile tears in her eyes, Nathan had seen them enough to know she was just trying to make him feel guilty. It was at that moment that Jo decided to get out of bed and come to the door to see what was going on.
"Bill, Jo, please, go back to bed. We're fine-"
"No! We're not fine. You know this is all your fault? Right?! If I had never gotten pregnant, my life wouldn't be like it is now. Miserable. If I had never met you or had Riley I would be happy. I wish I had never met you! I wish I had gotten rid of the baby, keeping her was a mistake-"
"Hey!-" Nathan could only see red.
Everything stopped and it felt like a lead weight had been dropped into Nathan's stomach. He turned around and looked up at the bottom of the stairs, the dirty-blonde head of his daughter, her big blue eyes, his eyes, staring up at her mother with confusion.
It was clear Juliette didn't know what to say, and Nathan was ready to swing if she said anything negative to his kid. There was a tense silence, Riley pulled her blanket and stuffed rabbit closer to her, looking unsure.
"Do you want a hug? You look sad." Riley pattered slowly up to the woman, stopping at her feet and looking up at the much taller adult who had given birth to her. Tugging on her sweatpants gently, looking for a connection. It broke Nathan's heart, knowing Riley would never get that. At least not with Juliette.
"I'm not your mommy anymore." With that Juliette turned on her heel and left. Slamming the front door behind her.
"Daddy?" Riley, with tears in her eyes looked to the man who was instantly there. Picking her up and holding her to him, her tears dampening the shoulder of his t-shirt. "Where did mommy go?"
"I don't know baby. I don't know." With one last look over his shoulder to Bill and Jo, the couple grinning sadly at the father-daughter pair. Nathan doing his best to not shake in anger. Juliette was gone for now, he had to focus on Riley. Make sure she was okay. And so, he took his daughter back up to her room and three bedtime stories, a lullaby, and a forehead kiss later she was back down and snoring softly. Hair sprawled crazily behind her, her favorite dino pj's on, blanket and rabbit next to her.
Nathan's love-filled gaze was like honey, his fingers petting her hair back from her face. When Juliette told him she was pregnant he had been terrified, convinced she was lying. He didn't take it well. He was still in his PhD program, had just been offered a huge grant to keep working on his already existing research, he couldn't see himself able to have a kid without throwing everything he had been working towards his whole life away.
Which wasn't true, he had to defer the grant for a year, finished out that year at school and then dropped out of the PhD program, it killed him, but he couldn't go to school back home in Arkansas if Juliette refused to leave Oklahoma. He may not have wanted the kid in the first place but he was raised right and was going to step up however he had to.
He wanted to be there for Juliette as she carried the baby, support her. She was miserable, she lost close to twenty pounds due to morning sickness and had to be on bed rest for months. It wasn't fun and she was horrible every minute of it. Michelle and him had to walk on eggshells every second of every day, and even then they still would set her off someway somehow. They let it slide during the pregnancy because it was understandable, she was constantly uncomfortable, couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't walk. But after Riley was born the behavior stayed, and only got worse as Riley struggled to breast feed and Juliette struggled to bond with her baby.
The connection with Nathan and Riley had been immediate though and that pissed Juliette off, it was just one more person who hadn't chosen her first. That, in her mind, didn't want her. Nathan suggested therapy but was met with a scoff and another argument about her being scared he was trying to take Riley away from her by claiming she was crazy, which was so not the case.
He could still remember when he first held Riley in the hospital, how perfect she was in every way, and still is. He hadn't ever felt the kind of love he did when he first laid eyes on his daughter, her little fingers wrapped around his pointer finger and his entire heart. She was an easy kid, at least with him. Juliette never seemed to figure out how to calm Riley down when she was fussy or upset, and would get frustrated with her quickly, yelling, berating. Nathan had walked in one time when Riley had gotten a fever and needed one of them up with her at all times, he could have sworn Juliette was about to shake the, then months old Riley, who had been wailing for what felt like hours that night.
He stopped trusting her to be alone with Riley at that moment in time. In the back of his mind he always knew Juliette wasn't going to stick around, she never did when things got hard. Fact of the matter was this had happened before, multiple times, Nathan just hoped that one day Riley wouldn't remember any of this. Or the hurtful words her mom said to her that night.
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captainpikeswoman · 21 days
Being Deanna’s sister and in love with Picard would include:
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•you just can’t help it, you’ve never met a human with a more disciplined mind- his emotions wash over you soothingly most of the time, you’re always aware of him empathically but he’s a source of comfort from the first moment.
•you meet him for the first time when you’re moving to live with Deanna on the Enterprise, you want to see the universe. And your mother is driving you absolutely crazy trying to set you up with Betazoid’s so she can dote on some grandbabies.
•speaking of your mother, she moves you on board to the Enterprise, and you wince painfully as she flirts with the Captain.
•you’re immediately smitten with the man, he’s very handsome to look at! Your mother is blissfully unaware of that though, she just continues to flirt with him and it means you can observe the man in peace.
•you fall into a happy routine with Deanna, and even start to help out on the Enterprise in 10 Forward and in the Arboretum, you even end up bringing refreshments to people on the bridge every now and again, which leads you to interactions with the Captain.
•he’s such a polite man, he always says hello and asks after your day, always says you should join Starfleet, that they’d be grateful to have you serving; but you don’t want to join up, you’re happy just exploring the universe. But you cling to those interactions with Picard.
•Deanna clocks on quickly, being sisters you’re fully telepathic and it doesn’t take long for your thoughts about Captain Picard to turn…smutty! It’s a shock, but she’s entertained, and when she sense Picard’s comfort and confidence around you, she decides that she’s going to play Cupid.
•at the next evening of live music (featuring none other than Commander Riker on the trombone- you’re so sure he’s your future brother in law!) Deanna sneakily switches seats with you, so that’s you’re now snugly sat next to the handsome Captain, who is unaware of the way you blush and give him heart-eyes, but Deanna and Will both notice!
•the next time you bump into the Captain it’s while you’re strolling through the Arboretum one evening, the flowers are so fragrant and beautiful, you can’t help but stop to admire some. Captain Picard doesn’t spot you crouched down in the flowerbed, and he trips! But then, his nose is buried in his ancient book, as he’s trying to find a nice quiet spot to read. He’s an apologetic mess as he pulls you to your feet and apologies over and over, you just laugh and reassure him you’re fine. You can’t help but peek at his book as you crouch to retrieve it. You recommend another book that you’ve read before, and he eagerly discusses it with you! When you pass the book back to the Captain, your hands brush and you have to fight hard to repress the blush that wants to break out over your face. However, even 10 decks away, Deanna feels the force of your flush of feelings or desire, joy and arousal.
•you’re so loved up, and so miserable because there’s never enough opportunities for you to spend time with the man you’ve fallen deeply in love with. It doesn’t take long for Deanna to get fed up of your long face and mournful sighs and thoughts.
•she sets up a dinner date with you and supposedly her; but it turns out she has no intention of turning up. Deanna arranges a library dinner date on the Holodeck for you and Captain Picard and sets it all up with no problems.
•and when it comes time for the dinner? You’ve dressed up nicely, as Deanna had suggested to make you feel better, you’re gazing at the shelves of beautiful books when the door opens again. So you don’t notice that it’s Captain Picard who comes in; in a billowing shirt that will absolutely make your knees feel weak when you see him. But he notices you, and he smiles to himself, and makes a mental note to thank Deanna later, this was just the step he needed to pursue a relationship with you.
•once you’re over the initial shock, you have a lovey date with Captain Picard. You laugh and share soft smiles, he even holds your hands over the table. It’s the start of a beautiful relationship.
•it soon becomes commonplace to see you and the Captain holding hands through the corridors. Or for you to be curled up in his Ready Room reading while he works. Or going on beach strolls on the Holodeck.
•Deanna is so full of love and warmth watching you and Jean-Luc fall in love.
•and your mother? Well, the first she knew of it was when she turned up unexpectedly on the Enterprise, only to walk into your quarters to find you and Captain Picard locked in a very amorous embrace. Well, she fell silent…for a moment only though, and then she loudly started making wedding plans for you and the Captain.
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amethystfairy1 · 6 months
*Looks at you with big eyes*
May we know some things about Scott's parents before they bye bye-ed and possibly martyns?
Only if you wanna
Scott never knew his parents, and his Grandmother was extremely tight-lipped about them, so therefore I will be as well! 😆
As for Martyn, I can tell you a bunch about his parents!
His parents are pretty standard (I know, shocking) both his parents are middle school teachers, and they also run a tutoring/summer school center in his hometown, so they're happy that he went into a career in education too! They're actually thrilled that he's working at a university now, they're secretly hoping he might take some classes on the discounted rate and get his Masters but he doesn't want too, they both keep pestering him about it, though. 😆
Martyn kept the vast majority of his relationships a secret from them, and since they worked a crazy amount both being teachers and running the tutoring center, they never really caught on about just how wild their sons love life was. Martyn also wasn't nearly as extra as Scott was about his relationships, typically he went for flings, and he'd cut and run before things got too emotional for his liking. They do know about a couple of his exes, though, mostly the ones from college, and of course they know about what happened with Scott!
Martyn's Mom knew it would never end well when they started dating, his Dad was cautiously optimistic. When it crashed and burned Martyn's Mom held it over his Dad's head for years, lovingly of course.
They've both been trying to get Martyn to start dating again (THEY WANT GRANDBABIES) but Martyn hasn't told them about Ren yet considering how slow their relationship is going...plus he knows his parents well enough to know they'd want to meet Ren ASAP...Martyn denounced ever wanting to date again to both of his parents multiple times, and yet here he is with Ren, so until he's sure Ren would be able to survive the encounter, he doesn't want to put him in that sort of situation. (let's ignore Martyn figuratively and literally falling ass backward into multiple meet-the-family scenarios 😆)
Martyn is also an only child! He doesn't have a close relationship with any extended relatives either, not even grandparents. It's always just been him and his parents, so the collision with Ren's comically huge family is culture shock for him.
As a fun little side-fact, Martyn is actually really close with Scott's Grandma, and calls her 'Grandma' as well, considering he and Scott were best friends basically their entire lives and Martyn's parents worked so much, he spent a lot of time over at Grandma Major's place and she also treats him like a grandson.
So y'know, when they snuck off to get ear piercings sophomore year without permission Martyn got raked over the coals by Grandma Major while his own parents were basically just like 'Maybe ask for permission next time you decide to poke holes in yourself, ok? Make sure you use the disinfectant they gave you, do you want us to get you a set of hypoallergenic studs in case you have a reaction?'
TL:DR: Scott never knew his parents and so neither do we, Martyn's parents are teachers who work a lot but they are very loving and very chill and very much want their son to get hitched at some point.
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