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lostbookmark ¡ 2 days ago
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Summary: After the death of your brother and his wife. You find yourself adjusting to a new role in your life. A single parent to your teenage nephew. How do you help him heal? How do you help yourself heal? You're not sure. You don't think you can, until an annoying basketball coach enters your life and turns everything around.
Pairing: Basketball Coach Yoongi x Single Aunt F. Reader
Genre: Romance, Angst, Smut, Strangers to Lovers, Hurt-Comfort
Warnings: Death Of Parents / Brother/ Family, Car Accident (Cause), Swearing, Explicit Sex, Arguments, Physical Fighting, Past Abusive Relationship, Talks Of Domestic Violence (Past)
Ten minutes late. A client had you on the phone forever, and now you're ten minutes late to Nicky's practice. Your heels click and clack down the hallway of the middle school as you hurry to the gym doors in your pencil skirt, swearing to yourself under your breath. You were more annoyed that you didn't have enough time to run home and change your clothes more than anything. Now, you'll get to sit through this practice with a sore ass and tight skirt that cuts slightly into your stomach. As you open the gymnasium door and step through the threshold, you can see all eyes turn to look at you.
“Sorry,” you say quickly with a tight, guilty smile and make your way to the bleachers.
The first thing you notice when you climb a couple of stairs is the horrid group of moms shaking their heads at you. You roll your eyes directly at them as you sit down, trying to focus your attention on the court. That is when you notice blondie… Coach Min, who also gave you a look that you can't quite interpret, but you think he is annoyed. You swallow hard and sit up a bit straighter. He turns to watch the boys, and you slump back down some. This is stupid. You feel like you're in trouble with your parents and waiting for them to scold you because they had caught you sneaking back into the house when you were supposed to be grounded.
You pass your time ignoring everyone around you playing on your phone while occasionally looking up to check on Nicky like you did the past three days that you were here. You need to try and remember to bring something for you to do as you sit waiting. It would be easy to bring a book or maybe you could learn how to knit. Okay, that wasn't a good idea. You shouldn't have a pointy object around these moms. You don't know if you could trust yourself with sharp objects. You sigh with relief as both coaches finally blow their whistles, signaling the end of practice. Standing up, you stretch your back and make your way down to the floor to wait for Nicky to finish his team huddle. The other parents make their way down as well, all gathering further down than you in a group talking amongst themselves.The boys finish their huddle after another minute and disperse, finding their adult to finally leave. You smile at your nephew when he makes his way over to you.
“You ready?” You ask as he walks over to the bleachers and grabs his duffle.
‘Let's go,” he said, wiping the sweat from his face on a towel.
“Hold it,” Coach Min's deep voice said. You turn to look at him and watch as he approaches you. “Good job today, Nicky. Could you give your mom and I a minute alone?” You and Nicky look at each other. Neither one of you jumps to correct Coach Min. Nicky nods his head before running out the door to stand out in the hallway to wait for you. You give a loud sigh and look at the handsome man in front of you. He has a clipboard in his hand, which he flips a couple of pages before looking back at you.“Y/N, is it? You were late.”
“Yup,” you say, giving him a blank stare.
“All players need a guardian here,” he informs you.
“And….here I am,” you say.
“You were late,” he says again.
“Again….yup,” you say, shrugging your shoulders.
“You're going to be my problem parent, aren't you, Y/N? I always have at least one every year. Did you at least read our handbook?” He asks, and you look away guiltily, giving you away easily. “Of course not. You weren't even paying attention that first day of practice.”
“Listen, I'll read your little handbook and be on time from now on. Am I free to go, coach?” You ask sarcastically.
You watch as he presses his tongue to the side of his cheek, nodding to his head, agreeing that you can go. Without another word, you turn and leave, meeting Nicky in the hallway. When the young boy sees you, he starts to laugh at you, and you send a mock glare his way.
“Your coach is a dick,” you tell him as the two of you make your way out of the building.
“Awww, you said a bad word. You said dick,” Nicky says laughing even more.
Yup, laugh it up little boy. Laugh it up.
Your mom always said that if you weren't at least ten minutes early, then you were late. Well, that was good for her because you would be happy if you showed up to places right on time. It always felt like a big accomplishment. You run in your heels once more to the gym doors, bursting through them right at four o’clock on the dot.
Straightening your skirt, you tuck some stray hairs behind your ear as you walk over to the bleachers with some of the previously picked up paperwork in your hands, feeling triumphant.
“Cutting it close, aren't you?” Coach Min asked you with sharp eyes and crossed arms.
“Are you fucking kidding me? I made it, didn't I?” You ask back as you push Nicky's paperwork against his chest. His hand shot up to grab them and in turn brushed up against your own hand. You quickly remove your hand from the paper, bringing it back down to rest at your side.
“This is your only warning,” he said, moving his face closer to you.
“Warning for what?” You ask, incredulously .
“You clearly still haven't read our handbook. We don't swear here. Keep it clean around the kids.” He informs you. You purse your lips in an attempt to stop yourself from lashing out and saying every swear word you know out of spite. “Have a seat,” he said, walking away and putting your paperwork away.
You roll your eyes, biting your tongue as you take your normal seat just off to the side of the normal group. Another thing your mom always said was that you were mouthy. You never learned to keep your mouth shut. She wasn't wrong. It always killed you when you couldn't get the last word in during an argument. Did it get you in trouble? Yes, all the time, and you think you learned it from your mother. Maybe you inherited the trait from her. After all, she was the one you argued with the most, and just like you, she needed the last word as well.
“You better show the coaches some respect,” Ara, the main bitchy mom says from behind you. “I don't know what gutter you crawled out of, but we don't act like that here.”
You bite your tongue even harder, curling your hands into tight fists. Your patience with her is starting to run very thin, but you know that is exactly what she wants. Taking a deep breath through your nose as you look for Nicky on the court. He was laughing with another boy on the other side of the gym. Slowly, you exhale out your mouth, You know the deal with these types of things. Team things. You mess up and make the wrong person mad. Nicky will be the one to suffer.
Unfortunately, you were still you.
“It's probably the same gutter by the trashcan you crawled out of,” you say with a smirk, looking at her over your shoulder. “That would explain the smell.”
She, along with the other moms in her little entourage, all gasped. You can also hear deep chuckles from the few dads scattered about. You look to the front just in time to catch Coach Min looking back to see what was going on. His eyes flint between you and the rest of the moms, scrutinizing all of you. You give nothing away as you go about your own business. There was no way that you could do this for months. You wonder if maybe you could talk him into joining the school band or something less…competitive. You doubt it. You don't think you have ever seen him play an instrument, but how hard could learning the flute be? Internally, you sigh to yourself, knowing damn well you couldn't do that to him. Not when he was fitting in and finding his place on this team. All this bullshit was going to be worth it in the end. At least, that's what you will keep telling yourself.
You grimace as Nicky throws his sweat towel at you with a laugh. You remove it from its landing spot on your face and stick your tongue out at him. Looking at your watch, you swear under your breath. You had to get to your parents for your weekly dinner. You think you would rather deal with Ara and the other moms than deal with your own mother for a couple of hours. You'll get to hear about what a horrible job you were doing with Nicky. How she would be better for him and more attentive to his needs. How your house isn't clean enough. How you should cook more nutritionally balanced meals. You were already tired, and you weren't even there yet.
“You haven't signed up for the team app yet,” Coach Min says from behind you, making you turn around to look at him. His gravelly voice that you would normally find sexy is starting to sound like the most annoying voice you ever heard.
“I don't have a phone,” you lie.
His eyes drift down to your hand where you are obviously holding said black device. He raises an eyebrow as he looks back up to you.
“Schedules change all the time. That's where we keep you updated,” he continues like you just didn't straight up lie to his face.
“Let me guess,” you say quietly. “It's in the handbook.”
“You have an answer for everything, don't you?” He says, crossing his arms again. You wonder if he thinks it makes him look tough. You find it amusing.
“Sunshine, we're going to be late,” Nicky says, coming up to the two of you.
“Have a goodnight….coach,” you say sharply as you throw your arm around Nicky's shoulder before leading him out of the gymnasium. You don't have time for him. You have bigger fish to fry.
“Sunshine hates Coach Min,” Nicky says while eating his dinner. “She called him a dick.”
“Language,” your mother says, snapping her head to the side to look at him before turning her glare to you. Her eyes were wide, astounded by what came out of her grandson's mouth. “You can't disrespect your superiors like that.”
“He's not my superior, and I didn't say it to his face,” you say, defending yourself. “I'm not that stupid.”
“You can't teach Nicky that it's okay to say those things,” your mother stresses to you.
“He's fine,” your dad says, cutting into the conversation from where he sat at the table. “He's a respectful kid.”
“Yes, he is respectful, but she has issues with her mouth,” she bites back at him. “Kids are impressionable. They like to repeat things that they hear in their household.”
“Oh, I know not to call Coach Min a dick to his face,” Nicky says, and it makes you want to laugh.
“I think maybe that he should stay here for a while if you can't handle his extracurriculars,” she tells you while ignoring what her grandson just said. You notice Nicky suddenly freezes and stops eating as he takes in her words. “We are paying for everything, so it just makes sense.”
“You're not paying for everything,” you correct her, placing your own silverware down on your plate.
“Do you want me to make a list? Pictures, school clothes, your house…” your mother starts.
“STOP!” Your dad shouts, making everyone at the table jump. No one says a word as you all look at him. You don't even dare to breathe loudly. “Nicks, are you happy with sunshine?”
“Yes,” he says quietly, looking down at his plate. “I like living with her.”
“You can like living here too,” your mother says softly, leaning over to him across the table to grab his hand. “It's okay if you want to be here with us.”
“This conversation is over,” your dad says, turning back to his own plate to resume eating. “I don't want to hear it anymore.”
You're embarrassed as you pick up your fork and move the food around your plate. Your mom wasn’t wrong. They did pay for almost everything. Your brother's assets were sold and went to paying off debt that they had. You didn’t have much of a savings and were pretty much working paycheck to paycheck before they stepped in to help you. The house you were living in was actually one of your moms rental properties that happened to be empty. You didn't pay anything to them. Your dad wouldn't let you. He didn't even want to discuss taking money from you when you asked about rent. Luckily, due to this, you have been able to start to grow your savings once again. You weren't stupid. You knew your parents paid a lot to help you live a little more comfortably now that you have Nicky in your care. You just hated that she threw it in your face in front of him. That's not what family is supposed to do, but you have to deal with it. You couldn't do this alone, and everyone knew this. Staring blankly down at your plate, you take a bite of your food, letting her win.
She always wins.
“Is grandma going to make me live with her?” Nicky asks as you walk past his bedroom later that night.
“No,” you say, walking in, and sitting on his bed.
“Then why does she say things like that?” He asks while sitting down next to you. He drags his sock covered toes into the cream colored carpet, creating lines in the fibers. “Mom and dad wanted me to live with you. Why can't she just leave us alone?”
“I don't know,” you admit softly. “I just think that you look and act so much like your dad that by having you close…..it's like he's still here. I think you probably make her pain just a little more bearable.”
Nicky grows quiet as he looks down at the carpeted floor and the maze of lines he created in the textile. You think that you can hear him sniffle, and it breaks your heart. Tentatively, you place your hand on his back and rub gentle circles, trying to comfort him. Your eyes scan his bedroom and notice that he hasn't decorated it all. A bunch of his boxes were still taped up, hiding away in his closet. It doesn't even look like a teenager lives there, but more of a guest that's afraid to make a mess. You want him to feel like this is his home.
“We should get you some posters,” you comment very casually, still looking around his space. “Maybe some of your favorite basketball players. Tom Brady is popular, right?”
“That's football, sunshine,” he says while laughing a little.
“Oh,” you say with a shrug of your shoulders. “We can put up some shelves for your trophies. Maybe mount a tv and move your gaming system in here. If grandma lets us, we can even paint. How does that sound?”
“Yeah, I'd like that,” he says, giving you a watery smile.
Wrapping your arms around him, he gives into your hug as he collapses against your body. You can feel his body shudder as he silently cries in your arms. You wish you could take away the hurt and the pain for him, but you know that's not possible. You will have to have a serious talk with your mother. You will not let her make him feel about wanting to live with you. You will not let her make him feel for her own selfish reasons. Absolutely not. Everyone was hurting. Not just her.
“I'm okay,” he says, pulling away from you and wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. “I'm sorry. I'm okay.”
“You don't have to be sorry,” you say softly, as you wipe some stray tears that continue to run down his young face. “Come get me anytime. If you need me, I'll always be here, and I'll never judge you for crying. You can snot all over me anytime you need to.”
Nodding his head, you get from his bed and walk out of his room, giving him some time alone to gather himself. Closing the door, you lean against the wall, taking a deep breath, holding it for as long as you can before you have to exhale. You're still not ready to cry. You can't do it. Not tonight, and probably not tomorrow. In fact, you don't ever want it to happen. You're stronger than that. You have no choice. You have to be.
Running down the hall of middle school has now become a normal routine for you. Today, however, you dared to change out of your skirt and into black leggings that you brought into work. You can run a bit faster today in the tennis shoes compared to the heels that you normally wear. You giggle as you make it to the door. Pulling out your phone, you check the time as you walk into the gymnasium.
You made it.
“3:56. You can't say anything,” you say as you walk by Coach Min who was turned in your direction probably to say something smart to you.
You mentally smirk to yourself as you keep on walking and head up the few steps before sitting on the bleachers in victory. You were early, you stopped an annoying coach from talking to you, you had better clothes on. As long as those women don't push your buttons, this is going to be a good practice.
Unfortunately, good things always come to an end.
“What's this?” You ask Coach Dick…errr Min, as he shoves a piece of paper in your face after practice.
“Safety practices and health codes for running the concession stand,” he says simply, waving the paper for you to take. Spoiler…you do not take it. “You should learn before our first home game.”
“The handbook says it's voluntary,” you say.
“Usually, but I think you can do it,” he smirks, waving the paper once more.
“I don't know how to read,” you tell him, making him roll his eyes.
“Someone can read it to you,” he responds.
“I can't work with money. I don’t know how to make change,” you try again.
“You can have a calculator,” he retorts.
“I have rabies,” you say as seriously as you could.
You watch his lips twitch in what you think is going to be a smile before he bites his bottom lip and looks away. It takes him a good minute and a neck crack to get himself back together. He tries to hand you the paper once more, and you shake your head at him.
“You are a part of this team,” he says. “Everyone…”
“I am not a part of this team,” you say seriously, dropping your act. “These parents have made daaa…darn sure to let me know I'm not part of this team. Don't give me the whole "we are a team” bullshhhh ….. crap speech.”
He drops his arm and stares at you for a moment. You can't tell what he is thinking, and it unnerves you. His eyes are dark, and his gaze is piercing, penetrating deep into your soul. You want to squirm under their scrutiny. Maybe you shouldn't have said that. If he is petty, he probably won't let Nicky play, benching him for the season.
“I know they are a lot to handle,” he admits. “Don't let them push you out.”
With that, he turns and walks away from you. He didn't try to make you take paper again. You sighed with relief, but there was something else, too. You think a part of you feels bad, or you ate something rotten as you feel your stomach flip. He can't control how the mothers treat you, and he definitely can't control how you react to them. Maybe you should try a little harder. You wouldn't try harder for him or the bitchy mothers, but you'll try harder for Nicky. You want him to feel like he's completely part of the team and if that means you have to sling some hot dogs then so be it.
“Give it to me,” you say, walking up to Coach Min, who was packing away a bag.
“Excuse me,” he said, blinking rapidly at you before licking his lips and clearing his throat.
“The concession paper,” you tell him as you try not to stare at his mouth and the wetness that his tongue created. The blank look on his face morphed to one of understanding. He reaches for a folder and hands you the safety protocol paper once more. This time, you did take it. You bite your lip in concentration as your eyes fly over the words quickly. “I don't have to do this every home game…right?” You ask, looking up at him through your lashes.
“No,” he answered, clearing his throat again while shifting a little nervously. “No, just the first game. I have volunteers for the others.” You nod without a word. Turning, you make your way to the double doors of freedom. Opening one side, his voice makes you stop and turn to look at him. “Thank you. Have a good night, Y/N.”
Lazily, you raise your hand in goodbye. In your car, Nicky was typing away on his phone. He didn't even spare you a glance as you got in, starting your vehicle. With a defeated sigh, you turn your head to look at him.
“I have to do concessions at the first home game,” you announce without much emotion in your voice.
“What did you do to make him mad this time?” He asks with a laugh.
“Very funny,” you say, buckling yourself in.
Who knows. Maybe working the concession stand will be better than sitting with a bunch of people who don't want you there. Maybe you'll like it and demand to do it every home game. You doubt it, but crazier things have happened. Crazier things have happened.
Tagged Readers:
@busanbby-jjk , @meelismee @jajabro , @wicked-game-black-butler @wobblewobble822 , @damn-u-min-yoongi @mintedagustd , @Granataepfelchen
@yoongiiuu93, @jimeg629 @jincapableoflove @redragdoll @seoullove96 @kam9404 @amarawayne @haileyborig @mar-lo-pap
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magic-shop-stories ¡ 2 days ago
Hi! I really love your writing. I wanted to see if it was possible to request something along the lines of a friends to lovers fic with Yoongi. Maybe some angst like he starts to get kind of distant so the reader thinks she’s being too annoying or clingy and thinks he wants to spend less time together so she starts to back off thinking it’ll make him happy. But it’s the opposite. He actually really really likes (loves) her and is scared and doesn’t know how to handle it or doesn’t want to mess up so he gets hurt that she starts distancing herself from him. Maybe an argument ensues ( it gets worse before it gets better). Have it end fluffy and happy. I’d really appreciate it! It’s okay if this isn’t your style. I’ll understand.
💌 Reply:
Hi love! 💜 Thank you so much for trusting me with this request. I loved your idea and it had me emotional from the start! I absolutely adore friends-to-lovers angst with Yoongi, especially when it’s layered with all that delicious tension and vulnerability. I tried to weave in plenty of hurt, misunderstandings, and emotional confrontations (plus a rooftop kiss in the rain), but don’t worry... it ends with all the softness and hope these two deserve. The members also meddle (because of course they do), and there’s a lot of quiet healing woven into the chaos, at least I think so. I hope this story feels as comfortin to read as it did to write! Let me know if you’d tweak anything... your feedback means the world. Thank you again!
PS.: I'm definitely NOT procrastinating and wrote this to avoid my uni assigments I have to hand in in a week - RIP
↳ Yoongi x F!Reader | Hurt/Comfort | Angst, Drama, (Slow Burn/ Romance) | BTS AU | Slice of Life
Rating: G (13)
Word Count: ~4.7k
Genre: Drama, BTS AU, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Slow-Burn Romance, Slice of Life
Warnings: themes of parental neglect, emotional abandonment, references to, self-harm, emotional distress (panic attacks, anxiety), strong language (occasional profanity), depictions of unresolved trauma and emotional repression, intense arguments, emotional confrontations, mild alcohol use
Pairing: Min Yoongi x F!Reader (Friends to Lovers)
Featuring: Yoongi as a guarded, introverted musician grappling with fear of vulnerability and abandonment, Reader as a resilient but scarred creative, haunted by childhood neglect and rejection, BTS Members as supportive yet meddling found family (Jin, Jungkook, Jimin, Namjoon, Taehyung, Hobi), Themes of healing through connection, the weight of silence, and learning to trust.
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The bell above the door of Hwanhee Music jingles like a half-hearted apology as you duck inside, your older brother’s laughter still ringing in your ears. â€œYou hum like a dying refrigerator,” he’d sneered, shoving you out of the car. The shop smells of rosin and dust, violins hanging like forgotten ghosts on the walls. You trail your fingers over a cracked cello case, its velvet lining frayed, when a voice slices through the quiet.
“You gonna stare all day,” he snaps, “or hand me the Phillips head?”
The boy under the desk is all sharp angles, elbows like knife-edges, ink-stained fingers, hair dyed a rebellious copper that clashes with his scowl. A gutted keyboard spills wires at his feet, and grease smears his cheekbone like war paint. You freeze, but his glare doesn’t waver.
“Screwdriver,” he barks, nodding to the toolbox.
You fumble for the tool, knees cracking against the linoleum as you kneel beside him. He snatches it without thanks, cursing under his breath as he jabs at the keyboard’s innards. Up close, he smells like solder and spearmint gum.
“You work here?” you venture.
“No. I break things for fun.” He doesn’t look up. “Why’re you here?”
“My brother’s a jerk.”
That earns a snort. “Join the club.”
You watch him work, the rhythm of his hands hypnotic, twisting screws, testing circuits. When the keyboard finally sputters to life, playing a distorted C-major scale, he leans back with a smirk. “Fixed it.”
“Sounds worse,” you say.
He barks a laugh, sharp and surprised. “Yeah. Perfect, isn’t it?”
He shoves a mixtape into your hand as you leave. GLOSS scrawled in red ink. That night, you press play in your closet, headphones swallowing the sound of your parents’ fight downstairs. The beats are raw, angry, alive. You fall asleep to the track on loop, your cheek against the cold floor.
You don’t know it yet, but this boy, Min Yoongi, 16, allergic to small talk and full of broken things, will become your anchor.
The hum of the air conditioner is the only sound in Yoongi’s studio, a sterile chill biting through the warmth of late summer. You hover in the doorway, balancing two paper cups of coffee, one black, decaf, with a sugar cube hidden beneath the saucer, the other a caramel macchiato you’d grabbed on impulse, though you know he’ll tease you for it.
He’s hunched over his desk, hoodie sleeves pushed up to his elbows, fingers flying across his laptop keyboard. The blue light of the screen casts shadows under his eyes, deeper than they were last week. A half-empty pack of menthol cigarettes sits beside a stack of lyric sheets, the top one scribbled with angry black strokes: â€œI built a fortress, but the walls keep crumbling.”
“Hey,” you say softly, setting his coffee down. “Track seven’s bridge… the metaphor about ‘winter bones.’ It’s brutal.”
He doesn’t look up. “It’s supposed to be.”
“But ‘embers’ could work better. Something that still burns, even in the cold.”
His jaw tenses. “Leave it.”
“I said leave it.” The words crack like a whip.
You freeze. He’s snapped before, sleep-deprived, caffeine-jittery, lost in the labyrinth of his own mind, but never at you. Never with that edge of venom.
His fingers pause mid-keystroke. For a heartbeat, the room feels suspended, the air thick with unsaid things. Then he yanks his hoodie over his head, the fabric swallowing him whole, like a turtle retreating in its shell. “Go home. I’m busy.”
You go.
Seoul’s streets blur as you walk, the weight of his dismissal sharp in your ribs. You pass the convenience store where he once bought you banana milk after a panic attack, the alley where he taught you to ride his motorcycle, gripping his waist too tight as he laughed. â€œRelax, I won’t let you die.”
Your phone buzzes. A text from Jimin: 'Movie night? Bring Yoongi hyung’s grumpy ass.' You type 'Maybe next time' and pocket the phone.
The rain starts as you reach your apartment, a slow drizzle that soaks through your sweater. You’re fumbling with your keys when your brother’s name flashes on your screen.
“Dad’s in the hospital,” he says. â€œMinor heart attack. He’s fine, but… thought you should know.”
You stare at the puddle forming at your feet. â€œDid he ask for me?”
A pause. â€œYou know how he is.”
“Right.” You hang up.
Inside, you curl on the couch, the Agust D mixtape he gave you a few years ago, one of the first, spinning quietly. The track skips where it’s been played too many times.
Friday’s samgyeopsal tradition dies with a text: Yoongi: 'Busy. Next week.'
No emojis. No apology. Just three words that carve a hollow in your chest.
You stare at the restaurant reservation on your phone, 'Table for 2, 7:30 PM' and delete it.
Jin texts an hour later: 'Yah, why’s Yoongi sulking in the studio? Did you two fight?'
You lie: 'Comeback stress.'
But you know better.
The next day, HYBE’s greenroom buzzes with laughter. Jungkook’s attempting handstands against the wall, Jimin filming while Taehyung heckles. You’re halfway through a story about Hobi’s failed attempt at baking bungeoppang when Yoongi walks in.
His eyes dart to you, then away.
“Hyung!” Jungkook grins, upside-down. “Bet you can’t do ten push-ups with Y/N on your back!”
“Pass,” Yoongi mutters, beelining for the coffee machine.
You force a laugh. “He’d collapse. Too many sleepless nights.”
It’s an old joke, one that usually earns an eye roll or a sarcastic â€œYah, respect your elders.” Today, he stiffens, coffee sloshing over the rim of his mug.
“I’m fine,” he snaps.
The room falls silent. Jimin’s camera lowers.
“Hyung,...” Jungkook starts, but Yoongi’s already out the door.
Ten Years Earlier
You find him on the rooftop of his high school, knuckles split and bleeding.
“Fight?” you ask, sitting beside him.
“None of your business.”
“Your mom called me. Said you missed dinner.”
He scoffs. “She’s used to it.”
You pull a bandage from your bag, always carrying extras since the day he sliced his thumb fixing your bike. He lets you wrap his hand, hissing when the alcohol pad stings.
“Why do you do this?” you whisper.
He looks at you then, really looks, his eyes black and bottomless. “Why do you care?”
You don’t have an answer.
The distance becomes a chasm. He “forgets” your birthday, though you’ve spent every one together since you were 17.
You leave tteokbokki at his studio door. It sits untouched until the security guard throws it out.
At 3 a.m., you hear his motorcycle idle outside your apartment. The engine cuts, then roars away.
One night, drunk on soju and self-pity, you open the demo track he left on your laptop, Eclipse. The lyrics gut you:
“I’m a shadow chasing your light / Scared to touch, scared to fight / What if I’m just another ghost in your night?”
You play it on loop until dawn.
The final straw is a Thursday.
You’re in the HYBE archives, digging through old recordings for Namjoon’s documentary, when Yoongi walks in. He freezes at the sight of you, a file slipping from his hands.
“Need help?” you offer, kneeling to gather the papers.
“Don’t.” His voice is strained.
Your fingers brush his. He jerks back like burned.
“Yoongi, talk to me.”
He stares at the floor, jaw clenched. “There’s nothing to say.”
“Bullshit.” Your voice cracks. “You’ve been avoiding me for weeks. Did I do something? Say something?”
He turns to leave.
“Coward,” you spit.
He stops, shoulders rigid.
“You’re scared,” you press. “Of what? Me?”
For a heartbeat, he hesitates. Then the door slams shut.
That night, you dig out the box under your bed, the one labeled Do Not Open in your mother’s handwriting. Inside: divorce papers, a dried corsage from your forgotten recital, and a note in her looping script: 'Sometimes love isn’t enough.'
You text Yoongi: 'I’ll stop bothering you.'
He doesn’t reply.
The silence between you and Yoongi hardens into something tangible, a wall built brick by brick with every unanswered text and averted glance. And you stop waiting.
No more coffee runs to his studio, no more scribbling notes in the margins of his lyrics. You delete his contact from your speed dial and mute the group chat buzzing with tour preparations. At Jimin’s birthday party, you lean into the chaos, laughing too loudly at Taehyung’s absurd jokes, letting Jungkook spin you in a drunken waltz until your heels skid on the polished floor.
“Careful,” Jungkook grins, steadying you as the room tilts. “Hyung’ll kill me if I break his favorite editor.”
You force a smile. “He won’t notice.”
But Yoongi does.
He watches from the balcony, cigarette cherry glowing like a warning light in the dark. The party’s golden haze doesn’t touch him here; he’s a shadow in a leather jacket, sleeves pushed up to reveal the faint scar on his forearm, the one he got teaching you to ride his motorbike years ago. His gaze lingers as Jungkook’s hand slides to your waist, his jaw tightening before he crushes the cigarette under his boot.
“He’s being weird,” Jimin murmurs, appearing at your side with a champagne flute. He nods toward the balcony, where Yoongi’s silhouette melts into the night. “Did you fight?”
“He’s just tired,” you lie, the words ash on your tongue.
Flashback — Age 19
The studio bathroom reeks of bleach and regret. You slump against the sink, your father’s latest text glaring from your cracked screen: 'Next time, kiddo. Promise.' The lie is a familiar ache, a bruise pressed too many times.
The door creaks open. Yoongi leans against the frame, arms crossed, hair mussed from hours of producing. “You look like shit.”
“Thanks,” you mutter, wiping mascara streaks with a scratchy paper towel.
He tosses a crowbar onto the counter. “C’mon.”
You follow him to the storage closet, where an old keyboard gathers dust. “Break it,” he says, voice flat.
The first strike is hesitant. The second cracks the plastic. By the third, you’re screaming, tears mixing with sweat as shrapnel flies. Yoongi watches, arms crossed, until you collapse against the wall, breath ragged.
“Feel better?” he asks.
He hands you a Coke, condensation slick on your palms. “Me neither. But it’s fun, right?”
You hiccup a laugh. “You’re weird.”
“Takes one to know one.”
He doesn’t ask why you were crying. Doesn’t have to. You both know the shape of absence too well.
Yoongi’s Studio, 3:14 AM
The cursor blinks mockingly on his screen, the lyrics to Eclipse taunting him.
“I’m a shadow afraid of my own light / You’re the sun I can’t let myself bite.”
Yoongi slams his laptop shut. The studio walls press in, cluttered with half-empty coffee cups and crumpled lyric sheets. His fingers drift to the light scar on his forearm, tracing it like a prayer. Coward, it snarls back.
He pulls out his phone, thumb hovering over your name. The last text you sent 'I’ll stop bothering you' still burns. He types 'Don’t', deletes it. Types 'I’m sorry', then deletes that too.
The door creaks open.
“Hyung?” Jungkook pokes his head in, hair mussed from sleep. “You’ve been here for 18 hours. Eat something.”
“Not hungry.”
“You’re always hungry.” Jungkook tosses a convenience store kimbap onto the desk. “Y/N texted me. Said you’re being… you again.”
Yoongi’s jaw tightens. “She’s not my babysitter.”
“No,” Jungkook says quietly. “But she’s your friend. Or was.”
The door clicks shut. Yoongi stares at the uneaten kimbap, guilt curdling in his gut.
He notices everything.
The way you no longer linger in his doorway after dropping off coffee. How you laugh at Jungkook’s jokes but freeze when he enters the room. The hollow space where your notes used to clutter his desk.
It’s for the best, he tells himself.
One night, he drives to your apartment, engine idling as he watches your shadow move behind the curtains. You’re humming, his melody, the one he wrote after your car crash. His hands shake on the steering wheel.
Go inside. Tell her.
But he’s sixteen again, staring at a closed door after you left Hwanhee Music for the first time after appearing out of nowhere.
He revs the engine and leaves.
The second intervention comes on a Tuesday.
Jin corners him in the practice room, arms crossed. “Fix this.”
“Fix what?” Yoongi dodges, pounding the punching bag.
“You know what. She’s miserable. You’re miserable. Even the staff’s placing bets on how long you’ll last.”
“Not your business.”
“It is when you’re both too stubborn to...”
The bag swings violently as Yoongi lands a final blow. “Back. Off.”
Jin doesn’t flinch. “You’re scared. That’s fine. But don’t take her down with you.”
That night he plays Eclipse on loop, the bass vibrating in his teeth.
“What if I’m just another ghost in your night?”
His fingers slip, hitting a dissonant chord. He slams the piano lid, breath ragged. The room spins, sleep deprivation, regret, the phantom weight of your absence.
On the floor, his sketchbook lies open to a page he’d tried to tear out: your face, half-scribbled, half-erased. He traces the lines, charcoal smudging under his thumb.
You’re home. And I don’t know how to keep things that matter.
His phone buzzes. A notification from your shared cloud album, a photo of you both at last year’s Christmas party, his arm slung over your shoulders, caught mid-laugh.
He doesn’t realize he’s crying until the tear hits the sketchbook, blurring your smile.
He’s at your door at 5:03 AM, fist raised to knock.
The night air bites, but his palms sweat. Through the peephole, he sees the faint glow of your TV, Howl’s Moving Castle paused, your favorite. He knows you’re curled on the couch in that ridiculous Totoro onesie, popcorn abandoned, asleep by now.
Tell her. Tell her.
His phone lights up with a text from his manager: 'Flight to L.A. in 3 hours. Pack.'
He steps back.
The elevator dings.
He’s gone.
And you?
You stop answering calls.
Your apartment becomes a museum of half-lived moments, takeout containers stacked like monuments, lyric sheets buried under unopened bills, the Agust D mixtape spinning endlessly on your turntable. The world narrows to the glow of your laptop screen, where you edit track after track for other artists, burying yourself in their stories to avoid your own.
One night, you find an old voicemail from your mother. â€œSweetheart, call me when you can. Your father wants to...” You delete it.
The past claws back anyway.
Flashback — Age 9
The school auditorium is cold, your ballet shoes pinching as you wait in the wings. â€œParents only,” the teacher had said. â€œNo siblings.”
Your brother sits in the front row anyway, smirking as your parents’ seats stay empty. You pirouette, stumble, and the snickers cut deeper than the splinter in your toe. Afterward, your brother tosses you a candy bar. â€œDon’t cry. They’re not worth it.”
You eat it in the bathroom, chocolate mixing with salt.
On day three after Yoongi flew off, Jimin corners you in HYBE’s dressing room, his reflection sharp in the vanity lights.
“When’s the last time you slept?” he asks, softer than he needs to.
You smudge concealer under your eyes. “I’m fine.”
“You’re not.” He spins your chair to face him. “Yoongi hyung’s a mess. You’re a mess. Talk to each other.”
Your laugh is brittle. “There’s nothing to say.”
He grips your shoulders, voice pleading. “You’re family. Let us help.”
You slip away, his touch burning like a brand.
Your old habits return like old lovers; familiar and destructive.
You skip meals, survive on iced coffee and nicotine gum. At 2 a.m., you scrub your kitchen floor until your knees bleed, just to feel something else. One night, you dig out the pocketknife from your brother’s old jacket, the blade dull from years of disuse.
Just once, you tell yourself. Just to remember.
The sting is a relief.
However they still notice, of course they do.
Namjoon finds you in the archives, buried under decade-old concert tapes.
“Jimin’s worried,” he says, leaning against a shelf. “I’m worried.”
You don’t look up. “I’m working.”
“You’re hiding.”
The tape in your hand trembles, 2015: Boy in Luv. Yoongi’s voice crackles through the speakers, raw and young. â€œWhy’s love gotta hurt so much?”
Namjoon crouches beside you. “You know what he told me once? That loving someone feels like standing in a thunderstorm with a metal rod. You want to drop it, but you’re scared to let go.”
You press stop. The silence is suffocating.
“He’s scared,” Namjoon says. “But so are you.”
What you didnt know was that Yoongi didn't fly to LA.
He watches you from afar, sees you slip into the studio at dawn, hoodie swallowing your frame. Sees you flinch when Jungkook offers you his jacket. Sees the bandage on your wrist when you reach for a coffee cup.
One night, he follows you to the rooftop, your silhouette haloed by city lights. You don’t turn around.
“Go away,” you say, deep down you had felt his presence, but couldn't trust yourself anymore.
He doesn’t, but when both of you stay silent, you leave.
The panic attack hits you during a staff meeting, it had only been a matter of time.
Someone mentions Eclipse. Your chest tightens, air thinning to razorblades. You stumble into the hallway, clawing at your collar, and collapse against the wall.
Memories flood, your mother’s locked door, Yoongi’s studio light flicking off, your father’s empty seat in the auditorium. Not enough. Never enough.
“Breathe,” a voice rasps.
Yoongi kneels beside you, hands hovering like he’s afraid to touch. You slap him away.
“Don’t,” you choke. “You don’t get to care now.”
He recoils. And you run.
That night, you blast Eclipse until your neighbors pound on the wall. The lyrics twist into a taunt:
“I’m a shadow afraid of my own light / You’re the sun I can’t let myself bite.”
You smash the mixtape against the wall. The plastic cracks, but the music keeps playing.
You ran off, couldn't hear it anymore...
The rain fell in sheets, drowning the city in a haze of silver and shadow. You stood on the rooftop’s edge, fingers numb where they gripped the guardrail, the storm swallowing the sound of your tears. The cold bit through your clothes, but you welcomed it, a distraction from the ache in your chest, the raw sting beneath your bandages. You didn’t hear the door slam open behind you, didn’t register the footsteps until his voice cut through the downpour.
“Get down,” Yoongi demanded, breathless, rain plastering his hair to his forehead. His eyes flickered to your trembling hands, the soaked sleeves clinging to your arms.
You laughed, hollow and cracked. “Why? You’ve made it clear you don’t want me here.”
He stepped closer, boots splashing through puddles. “You’re going to freeze.”
“And you’ll what? Care?” You whirled on him, voice rising above the storm. “You ignored me for weeks! You let me think...”
“I know!” The words ripped from him, raw and ragged. “I know what I did. And I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.”
“Sorry doesn’t fix this!” You gestured to your wrist, the bandage peeking beneath your sleeve. “You don’t get to disappear and then show up acting like you care!”
His face crumpled. “I was trying to protect you.”
“From what?”
“From me!” He shouted it, fists clenched at his sides, rain streaking down his face like tears. “From this...this curse of ruining everything I touch! My dad thought I wasn’t enough. My mom cried herself to sleep for years. And you...you...” His voice broke. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I couldn’t watch you realize I’m not worth it.”
The confession hung between you, fragile as the silence after a thunderclap. You stared at him, chest heaving, the truth of his words slicing through the anger.
“You don’t get to decide what I’m worth,” you whispered.
He closed the distance in two strides, hands cupping your face, thumbs brushing away rain and tears. “I’m selfish,” he said, voice trembling. “I’m scared. But I can’t lose you. Not like this.”
His lips found yours, a collision of desperation and regret, salt and rain and years of unspoken words. You clung to him, fists tangled in his soaked hoodie, as the storm raged around you. When he pulled back, forehead pressed to yours, his breath shuddered. “Let me fix this. Please.”
He carried you to his apartment, your face buried in the curve of his neck, his grip unyielding. The elevator ride was silent, his heartbeat a frantic drum against your ear. Inside, he peeled off your drenched clothes with clinical care, hands lingering over fresh scars before bundling you into the shower. You stood under the scalding water, trembling as he washed your hair, his touch achingly gentle.
“This one’s infected,” he muttered later, kneeling on the bathroom floor, antiseptic and gauze scattered around him. His lips brushed the bandage on your wrist after he secured it, a silent vow. He tugged his old Agust D hoodie over your head, the fabric swallowing you whole, and microwaved a sad packet of instant jjajangmyeon, the only edible thing in his barren fridge.
You ate in silence at his kitchen table, legs pressed together beneath it, his gaze never leaving you.
When he finally spoke, it was to the darkness of his bedroom, your bodies inches apart on the mattress. “I wrote Eclipse about you,” he admitted, voice rough. “About how you’re… light. And I’m just the shadow chasing it.”
You turned toward him, tracing the scar on his forearm. “You’re not a shadow.”
He shifted, eyes glinting in the dim light. “Then what am I?”
He kissed you again, slower this time, hands framing your face like you were something fragile, something sacred. You finally fell asleep tangled in his sheets, his arm a steady weight across your waist, nose buried in your hair.
Morning came soft and golden, the storm replaced by a quiet drizzle. You woke to his fingers tracing the curve of your shoulder, his voice sleep-roughened. “Stay,” he murmured into your skin. “Please.”
You turned, meeting his gaze; wide, vulnerable, stripped of armor. “What if we mess up again?”
He kissed the corner of your mouth, then the scar on your wrist. “We will. But I’ll fix it. Every time.”
EPILOGUE: Two Years Later
The soft hum of the studio’s air conditioner blended with the faint click of Yoongi’s mouse as he adjusted the final levels on his latest track. You sat cross-legged on the leather couch behind him, a stack of lyric sheets in your lap, red pen circling a line that felt too sharp, too raw. Outside, Seoul glittered under a midsummer moon, the city alive in a way that once felt suffocating but now pulsed with a rhythm you’d learned to dance to.
“You’re overthinking it,” you said, tossing a crumpled page at his head.
He caught it without turning, smirk audible in his voice. “Says the woman who rewrote the bridge six times.”
“It needed to breathe.”
“It needed to stop being micromanaged.” He spun his chair around, eyes crinkling as he took in your mock glare. The studio lights caught the silver hoop in his ear, the one you’d bought him last Christmas after he’d drunkenly admitted he’d always wanted to try piercings but was “too old for rebellion.”
You stood, padding over to his desk in socked feet, his socks, stolen from his drawer that morning, and leaned against the edge. “Play it again.”
He groaned but obeyed, fingers flying across the keyboard. The track bloomed through the speakers, a haunting blend of piano and synth that made your chest ache. It was different from his older work, softer at the edges, less like a scream and more like a confession.
“See?” you murmured, nodding to the screen. “The second verse. You softened the bass. It’s better.”
He tugged you onto his lap, chin resting on your shoulder. “Only because you bullied me into it.”
You elbowed him lightly, but his arms tightened around your waist, lips brushing the scar on your wrist, the one he still kissed every morning as if it were a promise.
The door creaked open. “Am I interrupting?”
You glanced up to find Jin leaning against the frame, eyebrow arched, a paper bag of mandu steaming in his hand.
“Yes,” Yoongi deadpanned, but he released you anyway, swiping a dumpling from the bag.
“You’re welcome,” Jin said, flopping onto the couch. “By the way, Jungkook’s betting you two will adopt a dog by Christmas. I’ve got 500,000 won riding on this, so hurry up.”
You snorted. “Tell him to mind his own business.”
“Impossible. You’re his favorite drama.”
Later, back at your shared apartment, a sunlit loft cluttered with vinyl records, half-finished paintings, and the Agust D mixtape framed above the turntable, you sprawled on the rug while Yoongi cooked. Or, more accurately, burned.
“You’re supposed to stir it,” you called from the floor, flipping through a photo album Jimin had made for your last anniversary.
“I am stirring it,” he grumbled, smoke curling from the pan.
You glanced up. “That’s a fire, Yoongi.”
“It’s caramelized.”
You abandoned the album, sidling up behind him to wrap your arms around his waist. “Let me.”
He huffed but handed over the spatula, pressing a kiss to your temple. “Show-off.”
The kitchen filled with the scent of garlic and soy sauce, the sizzle of the pan harmonizing with the jazz record spinning in the background. You hummed along, hips swaying, until his hands settled on your waist, his chin hooking over your shoulder.
“Remember the first time you tried to teach me to dance?” he murmured.
“You stepped on my toes.”
“You cursed in three languages.”
You laughed, flipping the kimchi pancake with a flourish. “And now look at you. Practically a pro.”
He spun you around, fingers lacing with yours, and guided you into a slow sway. “Only because you’re stubborn.”
You rested your head against his chest, his heartbeat steady under your ear. “And you’re a slow learner.”
He kissed your hair. “Worth it.”
The nightmares still came, sometimes.
You’d wake gasping, sheets tangled, the ghost of your father’s empty seat in the auditorium clawing at your throat. But now, Yoongi was there, warm and sleep-rumpled, voice gravelly as he pulled you into his arms.
“Tell me,” he’d say, fingers tracing circles on your back.
So you did. About the recital, the locked door, the way silence felt like rejection. He’d listen, lips pressed to your hair, until your breathing slowed.
And when his demons surfaced, nights he’d pace the balcony, cigarette unlit between his fingers, staring at the city like it might swallow him whole, you’d join him, your hand finding his.
“Talk,” you’d say.
And he would. About his father, the mixtapes he made to drown out his mother’s tears, the fear that love was a currency he’d never earned.
You’d kiss his knuckles, the light scar, the pulse at his wrist. “You’re stuck with me,” you’d whisper. “Better get used to it.”
On your anniversary, he took you back to Daegu.
The music shop was gone, replaced by a sleek café, but the rooftop where you’d first kissed still overlooked the tangled streets. He handed you a new mixtape, Eclipse (Final Version), and pressed play on a beat-up portable speaker.
The track was familiar yet transformed, the old anger tempered by strings, your laughter sampled into the bridge.
“You kept it,” you said, voice thick.
He shrugged, but his ears burned pink. “Had to finish what we started.”
You kissed him there, under the same stormy sky that had once felt like an ending, now a beginning.
That night, curled in the loft’s window seat with his hoodie swallowing your frame, you watched the city lights flicker like distant stars. Yoongi’s head rested in your lap, his breathing even, fingers absently strumming the guitar across his knees.
“You’re humming again,” he said, eyes closed.
“Don’t be.” He smiled, soft and rare. “I like it.”
You carded your fingers through his hair, the melody spilling into the quiet. Outside, the rain began to fall, gentle, this time, a rhythm you no longer feared.
45 notes ¡ View notes
minsyoongi ¡ 1 month ago
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Yoongi on Suchwita ep 11 ♡
1K notes ¡ View notes
ktownshizzle ¡ 1 month ago
Honey & Citrus | an myg drabble
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✎ ˎˊ˗ Pairing: Min Yoongi x female reader ✎ ˎˊ˗ Genre: Fluff, Meet-cute coffee shop!au, to be confirmed if Yoongi is an idol or not
✎ ˎˊ˗  Summary: You haaate your job, but at least there’s this sexy eye-candy at your favorite cafe to distract you from your miserable 9 to forever grind. Your simple, casual nods with him turn into a silent caffeine war when, after his small act of kindness, you buy him his coffee—and he refuses to let the favor go unanswered. Suddenly, you’re locked in a daily battle of who pays first, and just when you think you’ve reached a stalemate, fate (and a very nosy barista) throws in a twist you never saw coming.
✎ ˎˊ˗ Warnings: None ✎ ˎˊ˗ Word count: 1.6k ✎ ˎˊ˗ Posting date: February 13, 2025
✎ ˎˊ˗ Notes: Welcome to another unplanned story. Just a little something I whipped up for the boss babes and corporate girlies working in their city's business districts, desperate to find a semblance of happiness in their robotic working days–did I mention this was really self-indulgent? I am not sure if this stays as a one-shot or a series of drabbles? Idk. Anyways, enjoy!~
Series Masterlist | More Yoongi stories this way > Masterlist
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There’s a rhythm to your mornings. The kind that makes life feel like a well-oiled machine—predictable, efficient, sharp. That’s what you tell yourself, anyway, as you sidestep a finance bro barking into his phone to push open the door to Honey & Citrus cafe.
Not Coffee Bean. Never Starbucks. Not even Compose—even though Kim Taehyung’s face could certainly make you wanna come (in).
But you don’t need the soulless corporate grind in your caffeine routine when you already live it from 9 to god-knows-when. Honey & Citrus has the good beans, the real baristas who actually know your order and don’t try to be fake-friendly with you, and the quiet that lets you inhale a moment of peace before stepping into the battlefield of bullshit board meetings.
And then there’s him.
“Iced Americano for Yoongi…” 
He’s always there at the same time as you. Every. Single. Day.
A handsome stranger with sharp, feline eyes and an ever-present air of quiet confidence. The very first time you see him, he was wearing a suit. A medium gray set with an interesting burgundy tie. He held a small suitcase, fit for a macbook air, maybe a thin stack of paperwork. Definitely some VC vulture or hedge fund guy, gifted with the face of a luxury brand model.
But then one day he was wearing… a hoodie and black slacks with headphones slung around his neck, the expensive kind audiophiles swear by. 
Hmm. With this look, your previous assumptions did not add up. Now, you couldn’t quite place his profession. 
Since then, it becomes some sort of game you play in your mind. To discover what this dude’s job is.
One day, he holds a notebook filled with messy, poetic scrawls—you catch a glimpse as he flips the pages, and your mind spins wild theories. Another morning, he reads a printout of a Shareholder Meeting report as he awaits his coffee. Then the next day, you spot a vinyl tucked under his arm, and something about that sends your curiosity spiraling further.
Music Executive? Writer? Producer? Who is this mysterious artsy type in a sea of wolves? But maybe is a wolf. Lawyer, City Prosecutor, some Start-Up Founder… who likes to dabble in poetry?
You’re fascinated. Man has aura. And on top of that, he sure looks like he can fuck.
Unlucky for you, your interactions so far are limited to polite nods, the occasional small smile exchanged as you both wait for your respective coffees. Maybe the universe has a sense of humor, slotting you into the same ten-minute window every day with a stranger who intrigues you far more than your own coworkers do. But of course, he is not interested in you.
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You wake up with a migraine, and instantly, you know—it’s a morning from hell.
Your alarm didn’t go off. Your inbox is already on fire. Your boss sends a cryptic “let’s talk” email before you’ve even left your apartment, which is never a good sign. You forgot about the afternoon presentation you’re supposed to give, and your deck isn’t even half-finished.
The thought of quitting—of walking into that glass tower and tossing your resignation onto your boss’s desk like a dramatic K-drama lead—has never been more tempting.
This morning has no rhythm. More out of tune than drunk-you in a Coin Karaoke.
By the time you drag yourself into Honey & Citrus, it’s already a god-forsaken Friday. You’re barely holding it together, probably leaving a trail of smoke in your wake. Your hair is frizzy, your face frazzled—it’s just a fucked-up day all around. And it’s barely 8 a.m.
You’re so deep in your own misery that you don’t even clock the fact that your favorite stranger has been looking at you since you walked in.
Not until—
You blink.
He’s looking right at you, his dark eyes warm with quiet amusement as he mouths the word again, this time with double closed fists, like a cartoon character summoning energy. And then, just for good measure, he smiles.
A real one.
The disbelief must be all over your face because suddenly, you’re giggling—actually giggling, something you didn’t think you were capable of before noon.
Yoongi—the mysterious, unreadable stranger you’ve been quietly fascinated with for weeks—just gave you the world’s softest pep talk.
And then, as if realizing what he’s done, he quickly looks away, pulling a face mask over his mouth, his pink-tinged cheeks disappearing behind black fabric.
A second later, he’s heading for the door, stepping out into the cold like he didn’t just single-handedly save your morning.
Your eyes follow him until he disappears around the corner, but the warmth he left behind lingers in your chest.
Maybe because you needed to hear it. Maybe because no one’s said it to you in a long time. Maybe because he said it.
You take a deep breath, square your shoulders. And somehow—somehow—you make it through the day.
You survive. Without handing over your resignation letter.
Small wins.
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The next Monday, you get to Honey & Citrus first. You don’t even think about it—you just do it. You buy his coffee.
And then you sprint out before he can react, because suddenly, the idea of watching his expression feels too embarrassing to bear. You tell yourself it’s just a small gesture. A thank-you for a kindness he probably doesn’t even think much of.
The next day, though, he beats you to it.
You walk in, and the barista just hands you your usual order with a knowing smile. “It’s covered.”
You blink, turn, and find him already at his usual spot, sipping his drink like he didn’t just declare war.
Because it is so obvious he did this just to one-up you.
You narrow your eyes. He lifts his cup in a silent toast, eyes glinting with something dangerously close to amusement.
And so it begins.
For a week, you play the game.
One morning, you bribe the barista to let you pay first. The next, he somehow convinces them to refuse your card. 
You show up earlier to get ahead, but the next day he shows up even earlier.
Your schedule is screwed. You’re suddenly up way earlier than you like, but you like it.
It’s ridiculous. It’s fun. It’s completely unlike anything else in your day.
Until, finally, one morning, you both arrive at the exact same time.
You grab the door handle—he does, too. His palm brushes against your knuckles. Both of you freeze, eyes locking, realizing at the same time:
Shit. No winner today.
You swear you see his lips twitch, like he’s holding back a real smile. And then—before you can overthink it—you finally, actually, talk to him.
“You know,” you say, tilting your head, “we could just both buy our own coffee like normal people.”
“But where’s the fun in that?” His voice is deep, lazy, laced with amusement.
“Are you always this competitive?”
“Are you?”
You huff, trying to suppress the warmth creeping up your neck. He leans in slightly, and it’s the first time you’ve really, truly studied him up close—the sharp cut of his jaw, the quiet intensity behind his eyes, the scent of something subtly musky clinging to his coat.
“Since we’re doing introductions before the next round,” he says, “I’m Yoongi.”
Of course, you already know it. You give yours in return, and he nods like it makes sense. Like he already knew it as well. Which makes sense.
As you walk in, the barista snickers, clearly entertained by whatever weird silent war you and Yoongi have been waging for the past week. You’re about to step back, let him go first when the barista clears her throat.
“Actually,” she says, way too pleased with herself. “It’s on the house today.”
Both you and Yoongi blink in unison.
“What?” you ask.
“Why?” Yoongi adds, looking just as skeptical.
The barista leans on the counter, grinning like she’s been waiting for this exact moment. “Valentine’s Day promo.”
Your stomach drops. Your brain stalls. You look around and Honey & Citrus has little cherubs hanging from the ceiling.
“First couple to walk in together gets free drinks,” she further explains.
You feel the heat crawl up your neck, your face burning so hot it could brew the damn espresso yourself. Beside you, Yoongi makes a tiny sound—like an exhale caught in his throat—and when you turn your head ever so slightly, you see it.
His ears are bright red.
The barista just smirks. You are going to die here.
You should correct her, actually. You should explain. But words? Language? Coherent thought? We don’t know her.
But that’s when Yoongi does something absolutely insane.
He clears his throat, thanks the barista, and then—looking at one of the booths of the cafe, still not looking at you—he says, casually, like this isn’t the most absurd moment of your life,
“How about we have that first date right now?”
Your head snaps toward him, and he finally meets your gaze, and oh, he’s serious. 
Your heart stumbles over itself, but you manage a tiny, shy smile, and a quip, “…you mean this coffee? Here?” Because that’s all your pea brain can compute.
His lips twitch. “Mm. Unless you wanna go somewhere else?”
You hate that he’s smooth about this. You hate that you kind of really, really like it. 
You swallow hard, shifting on your feet. “This place is fine.”
His smile curves, small but victorious. “Good.”
The barista practically vibrates behind the counter as she hands over your drinks, joyful even though two drinks are getting docked from her pay that week. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day!”
With Yoongi, it feels like it's definitely going to be...
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A/N: To you, my dearest reader. I hope your heart is filled with joy today and forever. You deserve it!
Want more for our coffee shop couple? Let me know if you’re interested in me turning this into series of drabbles?? Look at me adding more stuff into my WIP list.  Caved! Here's the H&C masterlist
Thank you for reading this you lovely, beautiful human! xo
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541 notes ¡ View notes
haihoneys ¡ 2 months ago
Good Vibes Only
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Summary: The one where Yoongi finds his girlfriend’s stash of special toys and wants to play. 
Word Count: 6,917
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Fem!Reader
Warnings: smut - absolute filth. y’all this is raunchy hahaha::: FaceTime sex/masturbation, overstim, cum play, a lot bit of pleasure-dom!Yoongi, degradation, oral (fem receiving), penetrative sex, unprotected sex, mentions of a sub drop
Most people’s nightmares are filled with monsters or tragic events; ghosts and goblins or getting abducted by aliens or being trapped in horrible storms. But not for Y/N. No, her nightmares were filled with gawking crowds and hecklers as she stood on a stage in only her underwear. Sometimes it even involved her puking her guts up as the crowd roared with laughter. The horrid dream had plagued her since high school and no matter what she tried, she couldn’t shake it. Even now, years later, the mere thought of giving a presentation at work had nerves bubbling in her belly. 
Giving actual presentations had her a nervous wreck for weeks in advance. The pure dread she felt as she stood in front of her colleagues, people who were technically her friends (except Bethany from accounting - Bethany could choke on a dick as far as Y/N was concerned), was insurmountable. Her hands would get clammy and her knees would be knocking against each other, a steady mantra of ‘I love my job’ looping through her head as everyone patiently sat and waited for her to begin. 
Anxiety was gnawing at Y/N’s stomach as she sat at the desk in the corner of her living room, pouring over the notes for the presentation she had at work the following morning. It was a big one and if she nailed this pitch it meant she landed the new account. And that, in turn, could mean big things for her career-wise. Really big things. Like that corner office and pay raise she’d had her eye on for the past year. Honestly, those stakes made it all the more nerve-wracking. 
With a frustrated groan she leaned back in her chair and scrubbed her hands over her face. She needed to talk to Yoongi. He always knew exactly what to say to get her out of her own head.
Unfortunately, he was in the middle of promotions in Japan. In the ten days he’d been gone, they had barely gotten a chance to speak to one another. Either she had a meeting or he was at an interview. Or she had an important business lunch or he was about to walk on stage. Their precious few spare moments just weren’t lining up in their favor. 
It seemed that even their texting had been slow all day seeing as though she’d been pouring over her notes and he in a fanmeet with the other members.
When everyone finally called it a day and headed back to the hotel, Yoongi decided to take the opportunity to call Y/N. As disgustingly sappy as it was, he really missed the sound of her voice. Her smile. Her laugh. Just…her. She just had this way of soothing his nerves. Putting him completely at ease. 
Being gone this long without having a chance to talk to her always caused his anxiety to ratchet up a couple of notches. It was starting to cause an actual physical tightness in his chest and he knew his friends were getting tired of his snappiness. He even swore he heard Jin grumble something about ‘a dose of bitch-be-gone’ under his breath the day before. Whatever that was. 
Several hundred miles away, Y/N was pulled from her studying when her phone vibrated on the desk beside her. She snatched up the buzzing device, grateful for any excuse to take a break, and smiled at her boyfriend’s contact that appeared on the screen.
Are you free to FaceTime? We just got back to the hotel and I want to see you xx
Yes! Give me just a sec get my laptop ready!
Absolute glee radiated through her at the thought of not only getting to speak to him but to be able to see his face. In her excitement, she swung around in her chair so quickly she nearly toppled out of it as she reached for the laptop tucked away in her work tote. Quickly regaining her balance, Y/N opened up her computer and just as it connected to the wifi, Yoongi’s FaceTime request came through. She couldn’t help the cheerful giggle that bubbled up in her throat at the sight of him.
“Hey, angel,” he greeted her. It was more of a yawn really, and she frowned at the deep purple smudges beneath his eyes. Before she could even open her mouth, he was laughing. “I know, I know. ‘I’ve got to get some rest.’ You don’t have to tell me.”
“Well, you look like you haven’t slept in a week.” She was pouting as she said it, concern dripping from her words. 
Yoongi snorted. He hadn’t been sleeping. He felt like he was running off cigarettes and anxiety at this point. Even when he was able to catch even a few minutes of sleep here or there, they were fitful and often left him feeling more exhausted than before. “I sleep better when I’m with you.” He gave her a sleepy smile, his whole face going soft and warm as he looked her over. “How’s the presentation prep going?”
She groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose before launching into all her worries of how it could go wrong. His intention was to make her feel better, even offer to listen to her rehearse if she wanted. But as she continued to talk, his eyes started to lazily wander over her. She was wearing a t-shirt and one of his baggier cardigans. And the with way she had her leg propped up in the desk chair allowed for her skimpy choice of panties to be on full display. 
It was wrong, not to mention rude, to be getting so turned on while his girlfriend was clearly upset but damn she just looked so pretty and he hadn’t seen her in so long.He knew he’d never hear the end of it but he just couldn’t help himself as his hand drifted down out of view of the camera. And as discretely as he could, he began to slowly palm himself over his sweats, his teeth biting down hard on the inside of his cheek to keep from moaning out at the friction. 
But then she had to go and lean back to stretch over the back of her chair. Pebbled nipples pressed against the thin fabric of her shirt and Yoongi didn’t even realize he had moaned out a soft ‘fuck’ until she abruptly stopped talking. A hot blush crept up Yoongi’s neck and onto his cheeks once he saw that he’d been caught. 
Her eyebrows shot up damn near to her hairline, eyes wide as she realized what exactly her boyfriend was doing on the other end of the call. “Min Yoongi, are you jerking off while I’m talking to you about work?” she laughed as she questioned him, not daring to admit that just maybe the thought had turned her on a little bit. 
‘Well, we might as well fully commit now’ he thought to himself as he sat up a little straighter against the headboard and smirked. “Not yet. Maybe you could help me out, hm?”
Always so straightforward, her boyfriend.
Blinking at his bluntness, she pulled her lower lip between her teeth as his hand slipped out of view again. It always surprised her just how quickly his temperament could change when it came to bedroom matters. 
To the outside world he was quiet and reserved, even somewhat standoffish. But behind closed doors, Min Yoongi was as freaky as they came. A little FaceTime sex was mild in comparison to some of their other escapades. 
“Take your shirt off for me?” Yoongi asked her, the flush on his cheeks darkening and his voice growing even huskier than usual. “But leave my cardigan on.”
Always one to please, a sly grin pulled at the corner of her lips as she sat up straighter and did as she was asked. She leaned back in the chair and ran a hand through her hair. Yoongi’s breath hitched in his throat at the sight of her bare chest, her nipples taunt from the air conditioning he knew she had blasting in her apartment. Goddamn he loved her tits. 
He told her as much and she offered only a small smirk in reply as she slowly brought her hands up to cup her breasts, squeezing and pushing them together to emphasize her cleavage for his viewing pleasure. With her left hand she slowly began to pinch her nipple between her thumb and forefinger as her right slid down her stomach towards the waistband of her panties.
“You gonna touch yourself for me baby?” Yoongi said, an arrogant smirk plastered onto his flushed face. Cocky bastard.
The filthy words spurring her on, Y/N let her fingers drift over the silk crotch of her underwear, pausing to press against her clit. Her head lolled to the side as she dipped her hand into her panties, a breathy moan of Yoongi’s name spilling past her lips. A dark, damp spot was forming against the pink fabric, turning it almost translucent as her fingers worked slow circles against her clit. Yoongi’s pupils blew wide as he watched her, fumbling to shove his sweats down just enough. Once his cock was free he wrapped his hand around himself, his hips jerking upward into his fist.
“T-Take your panties off and show me that pretty pussy, baby,” he grunted as he tightened the grip he had on his cock.
Just as she stood from the chair to wiggle out of her underwear, there was a series of short, sharp knocks at Yoongi’s hotel room door. Eyes wide at the sudden disturbance, he cursed and fumbled with his phone as he tried to get his pants pulled back up. “Be right back,” he huffed as he hopped off the bed and went to answer the door. 
All hope of continuing with their sexcapades vanished as Hobi’s muffled voice floated through the room.
Something about how they were about to have an impromptu team meeting about tomorrow’s schedules. Seconds later, Yoongi’s flushed face popped back up on screen.
“I have to go but I’ll call you back as soon as I get a chance.” 
Annoyance was pulling his features tight, even as his bottom lip jutted out in a petulant pout. Even though the mood had effectively been ruined, she smiled and blew him a kiss. Cheesy as ever, Yoongi reached up to catch it and smacked his palm to his cheek.
She laughed again, the sound warm and breathy and sounding like home. “I love you! Talk to you later.”
A goofy grin broke out across his face as she said it. The words filling him with a soothing warmth from his toes all the way to the tips of his ears. “I love you too. And good luck with your pitch in the morning. You’re going to kill it, baby.”
Before she could reply there was more knocking at Yoongi’s door, his head snapping up towards it as it creaked open. She was quick to wrap the cardigan around herself as Jungkook stepped into view over Yoongi’s shoulder, telling him that he was going to be waiting for him in one of the manager’s rooms down the fall. “Shit, I have to go. Love you.”
The call disconnected and Y/N was left alone again. Her mind was too far away from her notes now to even consider going back to studying. She huffed out a breath, blowing the hair out of her face as she pushed back from her desk, the chair swiveling around in a lazy circle. Still in just her boyfriend’s cardigan and her underwear, she kept spinning around in the chair until a rather brilliant idea popped into her head. 
She hopped up from her seat and made a mad dash for her bedroom, dropping to her knees on her preferred side of the bed to flip up the bed skirt. Hunched down on the ground, she blindly started patting around for the black photo box she kept tucked just past the edge of the bed frame. 
Oh my god I NAILED my presentation!! 
My manager even said the raise looked really promising!
I knew you could do it, baby. I’m so, so proud of you. We’re going out to celebrate as soon as I get home  xx
Two torturously long weeks later, Yoongi was finally on his way home to her. Exhaustion weighed heavily on him as he boarded the private jet with the rest of his members and staff. He was used to being gone for long stretches of time but there was something about this particular trip that was making him extra antsy.
Yoongi just wanted to be home. In his own bed. With his girl in his arms. And maybe his cock buried in her warm, wet, goddamn perfect cunt - 
Jungkook plopping down in the seat next to him startled Yoongi out of his thoughts, the former sighing loudly as he settled into the plush seat. He lulled his head to the side, throwing Yoongi a bright grin. “You and Y/N got plans when we get home? I know you’ve been dying to get back to her.”
Yoongi couldn’t help the snort that escaped him. “I can survive a couple weeks without seeing my girlfriend.”
There was a bright peel of laughter from the seat behind them, Hoseok’s voice
causing them to turn back to look at him. “Yeah, keep telling yourself that. You’ve been extra mopey ever since we left Seoul.”
He let out a little hmph and reached for his headphones. “You guys are just jealous you aren’t getting laid regularly.”
When they touched down on the tarmac later that day, the first thing he did was call her. Hearing her delighted squeal had him practically sprinting through the airport to the waiting SUV that would take him to Y/N’s apartment, completely ignoring the waiting fans and paparazzi that crowded the space. 
The drive to her place was relatively short but Yoongi felt like he was about to come out of his skin. Every nerve felt like a fucking live wire. When the car finally pulled up to her building, his door was open, and he was stepping out before the vehicle had even come to a full stop. 
Yoongi jogged up to the front door of her building and threw it open, beelining towards the bank of elevators at the rear of the lobby. He jabbed at the buttons, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he waited for the lift to take him up to her floor. It was so fucking slow. The damn thing always was but he swore today it was taking even longer just to piss him off.
The stainless steel doors finally slid open and he felt like he could breathe easier now. He was so close to her. He was almost - 
Just as he reached her door, it flung open revealing her beaming face. “Yoongi!!”
Y/n threw her arms around his neck, crushing him to her so tight he thought she might strangle him. But honestly… what a way to go.
She pulled back just enough to start smothering his face in kisses, not stopping until he was giggling and swatting her away.
“Cmon,” he took her hands and drug her back inside her apartment, “let’s get inside before that mean old lady down the hall calls the front desk on us again.”
They spent the next several hours wrapped up in each other. Arms and legs tangled together as they sprawled across her sofa, as they poured over every detail the other had missed in the weeks he’d been gone.
Eventually, they found their way to her bedroom, moving through their nighttime routines with effortless ease as he told her about the sights they were able to visit on the last couple of days in Japan. 
“We had a few extra minutes the other day so we decided to walk through this park next to the venue, right? And I saw the cutest dog, Y/N; seriously, I was trying to think of a way to bring him home. Hold on, I made Hoseok take a picture of me petting it so I could show you.” In his excitement to show her the photo, he fumbled his phone, and the device was suddenly flying through the air.
She couldn’t even begin to describe how it happened. One second his phone was firmly in his hand and the next it was being tossed around like a damn hacky sack, bouncing between his hands before finally clattering to the floor. The distinct ‘swoosh’ of it sliding under the bed and ‘thunk’ as it hit the wall had Y/N snorting out a bellyaching laugh. 
Yoongi looked nothing short of flustered, his cheeks and ears going bright red, as he mumbled a soft ‘fuck’ and crouched down to look for his phone. The slippery little fucker had made its way all the way to Y/N’s side of the bed. She was still giggling as he came around the bed and he shot her a playful sneer as he bent down again.
Flipping up the white cotton bed skirt, Yoongi started aimlessly patting around for his phone. But instead of the small metal and glass device, he found what felt like… a box, perhaps? Brows crinkled, he reached for it and sat back on his heels with his new discovery tucked in his grasp. 
He looked up at her to find her nose stuck back in the book she had been reading earlier, a grin still on her face from all that laughter minutes before. “What’s this?”
Not looking up from her book, she waited on him to elaborate, “What’s what?”
Yoongi held the box up for her to see, eyes widening when its contents started to rattle around with the slight movement. He had an inkling what it was but he wanted to hear what she had to say about it. The look of pure horror she was wearing when she looked up was met with Yoongi’s shit-eating grin. Well that told him exactly what he wanted to know. With a swift, graceful movement, he jumped up and took a big step backward as she shot out of bed, making grabby hands in his direction. 
“Min Yoongi, give that back. Now,” she said, her eyes wide and hands shaking as she reached out for it again, fully expecting him to be his gentlemanly self and just hand it over.
But she was wrong. Very wrong. 
Absolutely delighted by his little game, Yoongi smirked down at her as he pulled the box to his chest and wrapped his arms around it, effectively locking it in place. “What’s in the box, Y/N?”
“Nothinggg.” The word was a drawn-out whine as she tried to lunge for it, only for him to dance away from her hands just as they brushed the sleeve of his t-shirt.
Yoongi was giggling at her like a little boy and held the box above his head as she pathetically attempted to get it back. “Oh, judging by this reaction, I think it is most definitely something.”
A wave of absolute mortification washed over her as she accepted her defeat. Groaning, she turned back toward the bed and flopped down face first to bury her head in the pillows. This must be how she died, she decided. From complete and total embarrassment. 
Though she expected his pity, all she got was a sinful smirk as he dropped his arm back down to open the mystery box. 
He riffled through the various toys and lubes, his smirk widening to a full-on grin as he pulled out a purple rabbit vibrator. He turned it on, testing out the different speeds and pulsing patterns. 
The familiar buzzing sound had Y/N groaning again. In a desperate attempt to disappear completely, she pulled a pillow over her head praying the mattress would suddenly open up and swallow her whole. “Dear god, Yoongi, please put it back in the box. I’m literally begging you.”
A sardonic chuckle replaced the humming of the vibrator as he switched it off. The torturous embarrassment was finally coming to an end. Or so she thought. 
“When was the last time you used that one, baby?”
She peeked out from under the pillow, biting down hard on her bottom lip as heat rushed up her neck and cheeks. There was no way in hell she was playing into this. 
At her silence, he looked up at her and gave her little smirk.  “Awe, sweet girl,” he cooed, his voice dripping with condescending mirth, “no need to be shy.” 
“A few days ago. When you had to get off the FaceTime,” her admission was muffled by the pillow she had returned to her face to. But Yoongi heard it clear as day. 
He was quiet long enough that she started to wonder if he was angry. Jealous even of the rather impressive collection she had amassed over her adult years. She knew from first-hand experience that most men would be.
But then she felt the bed dip and she shyly peeked over her shoulder to find Yoongi sitting at the foot of the bed. That damned vibrator back in his hands. 
He was cooking something up in that beautiful head of his. And Y/N didn’t know if she should be excited or scared. 
Rolling onto her back, she leaned forward on her elbows and watched with wide eyes as he turned the vibrator on its lowest setting. The look on his face was positively feral as he inched up the bed a bit, pushing her legs further apart to accommodate him. He put a hand on her chest and pushed her back down before he took the very tip of the vibrator and ran it up over the crotch of her panties, pressing it lightly right above her clit. She gasped, her hand shooting down to wrap around his wrist.
“What were you thinking about when you were fucking yourself?” The gravely tone of his voice had her moaning out and canting her hips upward, desperate for him to move the vibrator downward just a little.
“Your hands. And mouth. And cock.” Her admission was nothing more than breathless pants he rewarded her honesty by rotating his wrist, pressing the buzzing tip of the toy directly against her clit. 
“Did you cum, baby?” The only response she could manage was a mumbled “mhm” as a delicious pressure started to build low in her belly. “How many times?” 
Yoongi turned the speed of the vibrator up to the next setting, earning him a mewling moan but not an answer to his question. Well, that just wouldn’t do.
He pulled the vibrator away and before she could register the loss of stimulation, he brought his opposite hand down hard against her still clothed pussy. A shocked yelp tore from her throat as he growled, “I asked you a question, Y/N.”
“O-Once! I could only do it once,” her voice was shaky, practically a sob as he brought the vibrator back to the swollen bundle of nerves.
“Oh,” his deep chuckle had a shiver running down her spine. It carried a dark promise that the night was going to be filled with absolute torment at his hands. But it was a torment that she would gladly accept. “We can do better than that. Don’t you think?” 
Applying just the slightest bit more pressure to her clit had Y/N writhing on the bed. Head tossed back into the pillows as her vision started to go fuzzy at the edges, the building pressure in her belly finally bubbled over into her release. A wanton moan ripped from her as she came, her back arching and eyes screwing shut as the pleasure washed over her. 
He removed the vibrator from her just long enough to maneuver her panties down her legs. He tossed them over his shoulder and reached for the still buzzing toy beside him. Turning the speed up a few more notches, fully planning on using it for its intended purpose this time. He ran the toy up her slit, tapping it on her clit and grinning as she whined and tried to move away from his touch.
A firm grip on her hip forced her to still again, the warm weight of his hand pressing her harshly down into the mattress. Positioning the larger head at her entrance and the smaller coming to rest directly on her clit, Y/N forgot how to breathe as he slowly pushed it into her. Her hips bucking upward when he angled it just right to press against that perfect spot that instantly had her seeing stars. 
He gave her no time to adjust to the new intrusion and started fucking the toy in and out of her in quick, shallow movements, always careful to make sure the bulbous tip brushed against her front wall. 
Her eyes rolled back in her head as he fucked her stupid, her chest heaving with ragged, shallow breaths. It took hardly any time at all for that warmth to come back to her, pooling in her lower belly again like it had never even left in the first place. 
This climax took her by surprise. It snuck up on her and ripped through her body in wave after wave of toe-curling euphoria. Her entire body was trembling with the force of it. And Yoongi only kept fucking her through it all. 
Her knuckles were turning white as she fisted the sheets so tightly in her hands she had a vague thought that she might rip them. She couldn’t bring herself to care in the slightest though. Not when she felt like her world was rocking underneath her. Not when she felt like she was being devoured whole by the pure, undiluted ecstasy coursing through her veins. 
Y/N crashed back down to earth just as quickly as she ascended to the heavens, her very soul seeming to slam back down into her body with enough force that she couldn’t tell up from down anymore. She was nothing more than mewling whimpers and twitching limbs as the pleasure quickly started becoming too much. And at the same time, not enough. 
Yoongi was quick to lie down on his belly between her thighs, throwing an arm across her middle in an effort to keep her still. All the thoughts drained from her head as he pressed the button on the vibrator one more time, taking it to the highest possible speed, and tilting it upwards to rest right against her sweet spot. 
A scream of his name tore from her throat, the shrill sound echoing off the walls as she arched so far off the mattress she might as well have been sitting up. With the intense vibrations sending her body into overdrive, it felt like it took mere seconds to have her cumming for the third time. 
She started to cry as he finally withdrew the vibrator from her aching core, tears streaking down her cheeks as she babbled incoherent nonsense. The tears and slurred words only served to amuse him though. He sneered at her as he crawled up her body. He loved it when she cried. 
“Awe my poor little crybaby,” he cooed as he brought a hand up to squeeze her cheeks together, fingers settling on her cheeks between her teeth and smirking down at the forced pout she now wore. He could tell she was having a hard time focusing on his face, her eyes were glassy and fat tears still rolling from the corners. “Your little pussy can’t handle it? I thought you were a big girl, hm?”
Grip tightening on her face, he snapped her head to the side so he could lick up the column of her neck before whispering in her ear. “If you can’t handle a little toy, how the fuck do you expect to take my cock?”
She could only whimper in reply as he angled his head to lick her tears away. Just as her labored breaths started to even out again, Yoongi reached for the box on her nightstand and pulled out a pair of fluffy pink handcuffs. 
Y/N was still dazed, her body still felt like it was floating. So she took no notice of what he was doing until the soft click of one of the cuffs around her wrist rang throughout the room. She could only blink up at him as he hauled her hand up to the headboard and looped the handcuffs around a piece of framework before reaching for her other hand.
A broken sob of his name only brought another sadistic smile to his face as he reached for the box again and pulled out a small bullet vibrator. Yoongi twisted the base of the toy, turning it on to one of the higher settings it offered. Her legs snapped shut at the sound and he glared down at her, his eyes hard and sinfully dark. Strong hands were on her thighs instantly, squeezing so tight she knew there would be finger-shaped bruises left in their wake, prying them apart before he settled on his belly between them again.  
She trembled as he brought the bullet to her clit and pressed down lightly. Fresh tears started to pool at the corners of her eyes as her hips jerked away from the overwhelming sensation. “I can’t. I can’t!”
Eye level with her weeping cunt, Yoongi only ‘tutted’ at her cries and slowly started to swirl the small toy on her clit, her highs tensing on either side of his head as she barreled towards another orgasm. 
“C’mon, pretty girl. You know what I want.” His words fell on deaf ears, though, her blood pounded so fiercely in her ears that she couldn’t hear anything else. Hungry eyes stayed glued to her pussy as her hole continued to clench around nothing.
Yoongi couldn’t help but groan at the sight. She was leaking all over the bed, her slick puddling right under her ass as he continued his assault.
“Yoo-yoongi,” she moaned, voice broken and stuttering. “G-onna… gonna make a m-mess.”
Fuck yes.
He lowered his mouth to her entrance, tongue licking into her. He wanted to drink her down, swallow every drop she could give him. 
And make a mess she did. Her orgasm washed over her in a tidal wave, crashing into her with enough force to have her vision whiting out completely. 
Everything was soft and fuzzy around the edges when she came back to herself. Yoongi was mumbling soft praises and words of affirmation to her as he went about unlocking the handcuffs. He brought her wrists up to his mouth and pressed soft, open-mouthed kisses to the skin where the cuffs had started to dig in despite their padding.
“You did so good, baby. I’m so proud of you. You took it all so well.” His words were soft and gentle; his demeanor completely changed now as he doted on her. 
He settled down next to her, one hand rubbing slow circles on her belly and the other sliding under her shoulders as she worked to catch her breath. With a groan she rolled over to face him and started pressing lazy kisses to his jaw, her hands sliding up his arms to wrap around his neck. 
Yoongi turned his head and caught her bottom lip between his teeth, biting down just hard enough to earn a small whimper from her. “What do you want, baby? Use your words for me.”
He threaded his hand in her hair and gripped it tightly at the roots, pulling her back so she could look him in the eye as she whined, “I want you to fuck me. I want to feel you inside me. Please. Need it so bad.”
“Yeah? Need my cock, angel? Want me to fill you up?” He was already sliding out of her arms, not waiting for her to reply before he stripped off his sweats and t-shirt. He had been ready to just hold her for the rest of the night, satisfied enough knowing that he had taken such good care of her. He could have found his own release in his hand after Y/N had fallen asleep.
But if she wanted his cock he’d fucking give it to her. 
Yoongi settled into the cradle of her thighs, rutting against her and hissing as his aching cock slid through the slickness there. All of his toughness dissipated as he finally sunk into her, biting down on his tongue to hold back the whimper at the feeling of her clamping down on him. 
“Fuckkk.” One hand had a white knuckle grip on the headboard, the cool metal biting into his palm helping to somewhat ground him to reality. Yoongi was panting, eyes squeezed tightly shut. If he opened his eyes and looked down at her like this, he knew he’d blow his load. 
Y/N was mewling under him, whining his name in the sweetest song he’d ever heard, begging him to move. It took every shred of willpower he possessed to open his eyes, looking down and burning the image of her fucked out face into the backs of his eyelids. “Yeah. Yeah, gonna give you what you need, baby. You’ve been so good for me.”
The slow, heavy drag of his cock as he pulled out of her just to slam right back in had her head spinning, breath hitching in her throat with every brutal thrust of his hips into hers. Yoongi leaned back, releasing his death grip on the headboard to grab her thighs instead, calloused fingers pressing bruises into the plush flesh.
He positioned her the way he wanted her, wrapping her legs tightly around his hips and damn near combusting when he was able to push just a little deeper, the tip of his cock nudging against her cervix. “Goddamn, this pussy. So fucking perfect. It was made for me, huh?”
“Y-yes! God, yes, Yoongi, please.” Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes as she started blubbering and begging, her words starting to run together in a mess of incoherence. Nails clawed at his biceps and shoulders, leaving angry red welts in their wake. 
A particularly deep thrust had her screaming for him, arching into him and clamping down on his cock in a vice grip. His eyes screwed shut, jaw straining under the force of his grinding teeth. “Get your toy. The little one.”
She flailed and fumbled for it, blindly swatting around the mattress until her hand found the small toy and clicked it on. Her opposite hand slid between them, mimicking his earlier movements and letting her fingers slide on either side of her clit as she brought the buzzing toy down to it.
It sent shock waves through her, and Yoongi pushed in so deep she swore she could taste him.
The moan that clawed its way from his chest was deep and primal, the vibrations against the base of his cock nearly doing him in.
Her mouth dropped open in a silent scream and she arched up against him as she came, the vibrator falling from her slack hand. The fluttering of her wet heat around him sent him tumbling after her. He pulled out of her, hand flying to his cock to give himself a few furious tugs before spilling all over her pussy and lower belly in thick white ropes.  
Watery eyes fluttered open to look at him, his flushed face cast up to the ceiling, jaw slack and chest heaving. He was always beautiful but like this… god he was a work of art.
Slowly, he eased himself down on top of her, resting his weight on his forearms so as not to crush her. Yoongi peppered kisses along her face, both cheeks and forehead and chin, not stopping until he was rewarded with a weak little giggle. 
He hummed and moved to nuzzle his face into her neck, mumbling sweet praises into her skin. They’re still for a heartbeat, two, three, until their breathing has started to even out. Y/N vaguely registered him untangling himself from her and slip from the bed entirely.
Sleep claimed her quickly, and by the time Yoongi came back into the room with a warm washcloth, Y/N was softly snoring. Starting with the mess on her stomach, he gently set to work cleaning her up and made sure to save her surely sensitive core for last. 
She whined when he tried to part her legs, and he decided that letting her soak in a warm bath might ease some of her soreness. He padded back into the bathroom and set the tap running, the steam billowing off the water and filling the small space.
While the tub slowly filled, Yoongi rummaged around under the sink for the homemade milk bath mix he knew she kept on hand. He pulled out the container and poured a hearty scoop into the tub, using his hand to gently mix it all together.
When the water had taken on a milky white hue, he rose to his feet and went to rouse Y/N. 
She had curled onto her side, clutching the pillow he had lain on to her chest. Yoongi leaned down and brushed his lips over her cheek in a soft kiss.
“C’mon baby. I ran you a bath and you need to go pee.”
Y/N groaned and tried to roll away from him, but he slipped an arm under her and hoisted her up into a sitting position. “‘M fine, Yooyoo,” she mumbled, her head lolling onto his shoulder as he scooped her up and set her on her feet.
“I know you don’t want to get up but we both know that a UTI isn’t worth it,” he murmured into her ear as he helped her walk on unsteady legs to the bathroom. “I’ll step out and give you a little privacy, okay?.”
She didn’t reply as she practically collapsed on the toilet. The door clicked shut behind him, and she absently wondered why he was suddenly concerned with her privacy. He had just fucked her five ways from Sunday, but he thought she cared if he saw her pee. He was too sweet sometimes. 
It took her longer than she cared to admit to get off the toilet and ease herself down into the warm, cloudy water. She moaned as the warmth seeped through her skin and into her bones.
“Yoongi,” she called out softly. He poked his head back in almost instantly, prepared to get her whatever she asked for.
“You can go to bed. I’m just going to soak for a while.”
He came fully into the room then and perched on the lip of the tub. She leaned her head against his hip and he turned just enough to be able to gently comb his fingers through her hair, scratching lightly at her scalp. “You did so good for me tonight, sweet girl.”
She hummed at his praise, her eyes slipping shut as she brought her knees to her chest and rested her head against them. Yoongi stood and pushed his sweats down his hips before stepping in behind her. It only took them a moment to get settled, her back to his chest as he rested against the back of the tub. 
They were quiet for several minutes and he thought she might have dozed off against him as he started to bathe her. With her favorite soap lathered on her loofa, he ran it up and down her arms, over her chest and neck, between her breasts. He set it on the edge of the tub before cupping some water in his hands to pour over her shoulders and neck to rinse away the suds. He took the clean washcloth on the corner of the tub next. She flinched when he brought it up between her legs, running it gently up her slit.
Soft words of praise were mumbled into her hair as he continued to bathe her. “I know you’re sore baby. But you did wonderfully. I’m so proud of you.”
It was so intimate, so tender, that it made her heart ache in her chest, and she teared up as he started to wash her hair, gently massaging the shampoo into her scalp. 
“Thank you for taking care of me,” she choked on her words as the tears started to freely fall down her cheeks.
He stilled instantly and reached out to cup her face in his palm, turning her face towards his in fear she might be mid sub-drop.
“I’m not dropping,” she assured him, a soft smile pulling at her mouth as she choked on a weak laugh. “I’m alright, I promise. I just love you, s’all.”
He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her tighter into his chest. She nuzzled her head into his neck as he dropped scattered kisses to the crown of her head. “I will always take care of you, Y/N.”
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7brownsuga7 ¡ 1 month ago
Crybaby | Yoongi
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MDNI! Inspo: 1
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Yoongi hated seeing you cry. He hated to see the wetness of your cheeks and the slight puffiness of your eyes, given any situation he’d make it his right to avoid it - like when he accidentally spoke to you in a different tone, or when he was being short with you one time. But he couldn’t help the feeling he got when he heard you cry out for him as you became eager and eager for more of his touch.
Especially when he had a full view of you lose it as you grind on top of him. Rubbing your clothed throbbing pussy against his cock. You were desperate for more, the wet patch on the fabric of your panties full proof. He could tell you were on the verge of tears as you eagerly rocked against him, trying to ease the tension between your legs. Eyes shut tightly as your pussy ached for something more.
You were so needy - so good for him.
It made him go feral every-time he noticed the first tear escape your eye, and then when the rest followed along with your whiny whimpers and soft cries did he tell himself this was probably one of his favourite sights.
His hands would run up your stomach, caressing your breasts - thumb circling over your hardened nipples as you trembled with pleasure. His cock was a twitching - leaky mess too - seeing you in that state was just enough to get his cock rock hard and ready to fuck you, and when he feels your clothed pussy against him does he go even more insane.
He’d give in to your plees, fucking you just the way you like. Eyes lighting up in awe as he watches you in all your glory as he pounds you from below, your hands caressing the bare skin of his torso, working up towards his neck, playing with the silver chain hanging loosely around it.
His lips would kiss your tear stained cheeks whispering praises in your ear, a small smirk hidden on his face. He hated it but he truly couldn’t resist it.
His fingers—ones he knew were your weakness— would trail feather-light across your skin, sending chills up your spine. He’d caress your neck, tilting your head just enough so he could see your pretty face better, admiring you as you took him so well. Because he wanted to see it all, every whimper, every cry, every tear that escaped your eyes.
The way he made you act. Like a baby.
His crybaby.
The nickname he never let you forget.
He’d coo some meaningless sentence like, “hey hey, shh… I got you” caressing your wet cheek knowing damn well he thrives off of seeing you in such a state like this. His cock hits every spot inside you, making you cry out more as overstimulation consumes you with each movement against your skin.
“Yoongi… i-i”, you stutter unable to form a proper sentence. And who can blame you when his cock is pounding deep inside your wet cunt, your body collapsed on top of him as you’re unable to support yourself due to his harsh movements. He supports you by wrapping his arm around your waist, holding you close to him as he takes control.
His eyes never stray away from your face - mesmerised.
“Don’t cry, baby” he bites his lip as his thrusts continue, knocking you forward with each movement. If your eyes weren’t so blurred by your tears and the grip he has around your neck, you would be able to see the mischievous glint in his eye.
He catches your cries with a sloppy kiss. Giving you a sympathetic look as he says, “ah you’re close aren’t you baby?” As he can feel your pussy clench repeatedly. Your eyes shut tightly as you try your best to keep your composure. Even though you’re a mess already.
“Look at me”
He brings his hands towards yours, holding them as he eases you through your orgasm. He kisses your knuckles, eyes never leaving yours as he looks up at you.
When he feels you come undone around him, wetness coating his thighs - he caresses your body, shushing you as you shake and cry. His lips kissing your shoulder as you slowly unwind.
And when he’s finished with you - you near enough falling asleep, he will kiss along your skin. Praising you every way he can with words like, “You took me so well” and “I’m proud of you”. Words he knows has you weak. Running his slender fingers along your back caressing your skin, soothing you to sleep. Slowly working along towards your shoulders as he massages them until he hears the soft sound of your snores.
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back2bluesidex ¡ 2 months ago
Misconception - MYG ft. KSJ
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Pairing: Yoongi X Fem!reader X Seokjin
Theme: Angst, friends to ? au, cheating
Wordcount: 1.2k+
Summary: You and Yoongi have been friends for nine years, you have loved him for five of those. But reciveing nothing but pain from his end you decide to move on only for Yoongi to come breaking down your resolve.
Warnings: Jealous Yoongi, bad decisions, kissing without permission, cheating
Minors are not allowed in this blog!!
A/N: Just a little piece from Six Degrees of Separation.
Read the full Series here
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Yoongi knows it’s unfair and childish but he doesn’t like this Kim Seokjin at all. 
For one, he is unbelievably handsome. 
For two, he seems to really like you. 
And Yoongi never liked the guys who liked you too much. While back then, he never acted upon his disapproval because he was sure of his irreplaceable position in your life, now he is not sure anymore. 
His eyes land on you with every little chance he gets tonight. He is aware that he is staring at you much more than it’s socially acceptable but honestly, he doesn’t give a damn. 
While staring at you, he had made a couple of eye contacts with Seokjin, which really pissed him off. 
He doesn’t like being caught red-handed. 
“Can you show me the way to the restroom?” Seokjin’s voice is as sweet as his face. Yoongi absolutely hates it. 
“Sure. That door.” he vaguely points towards the washroom. Seokjin leaves but not before giving him a cryptic glance. 
As soon as the man is inside the restroom, he finds his feet working on autopilot and in moments he is standing before you. 
“You look good.” he says shamelessly as if he didn’t burn you with his cigarette just a year back. Your face morphs into hurt, then sarcasm all within a second. 
“Thanks.” avoiding looking at him, you take a large sip from your glass. Your ignorance stings him like a freshly injected needle. 
“Have you eaten anything? Or are you drinking again on an empty stomach? You know you don’t do good-” it’s his habit to babysit you and old habits die hard.
“The Yoongi that pushed me that night at Jimin’s place and the Yoongi before me are completely different. Why are you pretending so hard, Yoongi? Are you afraid I might step in between you two? If you are then don’t worry. I am not as bad as you think of me. Chill.” you cut him off, try to leave him behind but he stops you. His hand holds you in place and his heart thumps from the skin-to-skin connection. 
“I am not pretending. I am repenting. I- I am extremely ashamed for the way I behaved with you that night. I regret everything. Every single thing, Y/N.” so many unsaid words threaten to spill out of his throat. He is not sure about anything anymore. 
Not about himself, not about Hyeri, not about you. 
“I don’t know how that matters anymore. You can’t take back what you said and did and I.. I can’t go back being your friend. So, let’s just stop here. Congratulations on taking your relationship with my cousin a step ahead. My good wishes will always be with you two.” you smile but it falters. 
“Y/N, please-” he tries to say something, anything that will make you listen to him. But fate has different plans. 
“Yoongi, what are you doing here?” Hyeri butts in and the only chance Yoongi could get with you, slips away right through the gaps between his fingers. 
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“Attention everyone.” Hyeri claps her hands, “thanks for joining us this evening. As you know me and my boyfriend finally decided to move in together after dating for five years. But there is more to it. Not only did we decide to move on but also to finally put a ring on each other as the first thing in the new year. So, today also serves as the official invitation for you all to our engagement ceremony which will be held sometime next month. Please bless us with your well wishes. Even though we have fifteen minutes left, a very happy new year to you all!” 
Yoongi’s blood boils. He sees red. Hyeri has truly crossed the line now. They have no fucking plan of exchanging any kind of rings for at least six more months. She is all over the place with her lies, competition to walk over you - It was the last nail in his coffin. 
He will have to take a step now. 
“What do you think you are doing?” he seethes, anger pours through his eyes. 
Hyeri acts all innocent again, “what?” 
“You know what I am talking about.” 
“Oh that? I just said it on a whim. Chill, it’s just rings. Let’s get it in installments. We can invite only a few people and get done with the engagement ceremony-” “You know what? Fuck you.” Yoongi cuts her off and leaves for the balcony. 
It’s already past midnight, a new year, a completely new day. And he will make sure to make it a new beginning for him. 
His heart drops to his stomach when an unexpected sight unfolds before him. 
Your lips are lost in Seokjin’s mouth. He is holding you by your waist, while you wrap him by his neck. He has draped his blazer on you to keep you warm. 
You two kiss and kiss and kiss not giving a damn about being caught by anyone in the action. Unbeknownst to Yoongi, his teeth girt with each other.  
This. this could have been him and you only had he not have Hyeri - wait. What is he even thinking? 
He clears his throat to break through the troubled thoughts that have clouded his mind and reduced visibility to zero. 
You two part your mouths being alert of the presence of a third person. 
You look at him, he looks at you. So many things remain unsaid, unchanged but at the same time blooming into existence. 
“I think it’s time we leave. I will get the car ready.” Seokjin announces, sounding breathless due to the kiss. 
“I will quickly see Hyeri.” You nod. 
“I will walk you out.” Yoongi joins even when he absolutely didn’t have to. 
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You two get into the elevator after you exchange a quick bye and a hug with Hyeri. She had pinned him down with a glare but he didn’t care. He needs to talk to you, even when he doesn’t know what he should say. 
“Thanks for coming.” he starts. 
You scoff, “Are you mocking me?” 
He turns his head to look at you. Your lipstick is a little smeared around the small of your mouth - it’s Seokjin’s doing, he wants to rub it off, preferably with his tongue. 
Fuck! No! He scolds himself before opening his mouth to offer an explanation, “No. You joining us tonight have been fruitful to me. I got answers to so many of my questions.” 
“What?” you chuckle humorlessly, “what question? That you are finally ready to tie the knot? That you-” 
Yoongi grabs you by the lapels of your winter coat and crashes his lips on you. Later, he will blame it on his intrusive thoughts. Now, he will let himself enjoy it. 
He kisses you with intent, sucks your lower lip as if it’s his first meal after days. You stay unmoving, not kissing him but not pushing him away either. 
He bites on your lower lip, asking for entrance. You put your hands on his chest and push him away lightly. 
Your pupils are blown out. There are so many questions dancing around your eyes. Yoongi is sure he has answers to none of it. 
Your face remains blank. 
“I won’t ask you what the fuck was that. Guess we are even now.” you say. The elevator dings as if to rescue you from him. You walk out without glancing at him again. 
He remains in the elevator, watches as the door shuts, cutting you off of his line of sight. 
Yoongi really fucked up a big time.  
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Read the full Series here
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zeroseuniverse ¡ 1 month ago
No Idea What I'm Doing
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Word Count: 241 Summary:But there was something about you—something that made him want to try, even if he had no idea what he was doing. Pairing: Yoongi X GN reader
Yoongi had never been one for grand romantic gestures. He wasn’t the type to shower someone with cheesy pick-up lines or dramatic confessions. But there was something about you—something that made him want to try, even if he had no idea what he was doing.
So here he was, sitting across from you at a cozy café, fingers drumming against his cup as he tried to think of something—anything—that would pass as flirting.
You raised an eyebrow at him. “Yoongi… are you flirting with me?”
He blinked. His ears turned pink. His lips parted slightly before he finally muttered, “I’m trying.”
A grin stretched across your face as you leaned in, resting your chin on your hand. “Oh? And how’s that going for you?”
He exhaled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Not great. I have no idea what I’m doing.”
A soft laugh escaped your lips, and Yoongi felt his heart stutter at the sound. He might be terrible at flirting, but somehow, you still looked at him like he was doing just fine.
“Good thing I like you anyway,” you teased, taking a sip of your drink.
Yoongi groaned, dropping his head into his hands. “I should’ve just written you a song instead.”
Maybe he wasn’t the smoothest at flirting, but when he looked up and saw the way your eyes sparkled at him, he figured he didn’t need to be.
Because you already knew.
And that was enough.
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ourcean ¡ 2 months ago
ᜊ yoongi ꒰ bangtan ꒱ lockscreens
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like or reblog if u save and use please / curta ou reblogue se você salvar ou usar, por favor 𖹭
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yearofinstitutionalization ¡ 7 months ago
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342/638 One Suga a day while he is away
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yoonmetogether ¡ 4 months ago
Hook, Line & Stinker
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A Min Yoongi one-shot pairing: workaholic!dom!yoongi x needy!brat!fem reader feat. hoseok genre: est. relationship, pwp rating: M for mature and explicit content. No one under 18 should interact summary: you love your boyfriend, but it really sucks when he holes himself up in his studio for days at a time, leaving you at home alone. when you visit him to make sure he's still alive and well, you have no intention of dragging him away from his work. but is there anything wrong with a little distraction in the form of lingerie? warnings: jealousy, angst, (blonde snapback) yoongi is moody, reader feels neglected and pushes his buttons, arguments, there's no infidelity but reader pretends she takes an offer on a date w/ hobi and yoongi worries bc of insecurities and then brings up his ex, under the desk bj, exhibitionism kink, unprotected sex (if he doesn't wrap it, don't let him tap it!), rough make-up sex, oral (m. and f. receiving), spanking, spitting, light choking, multiple orgasms, i think this is pretty filthy, reader gets upset but yoongi takes care of her, they kiss & make-up & talk about boundaries, they love each other, fluff ending, this is my first time posting something like this so please let me know if i missed any tags!!! wc: 10.8k 🤪 also shoutout to my beta reader @yoonglesyeobo who gave me feedback in bullet-points for this, honestly the best!!!
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You punch in the code to Yoongi’s studio (which just so happens to be your birthday), slightly irked that you have to come all this way because your boyfriend wants to continue to be a workaholic after you’ve lectured him countless times about the importance of taking a break. So you arrive with food and a cute lil outfit you think will help distract him.
Upon entering, you see he is deeply entranced by his screen and you can hear the echoes of music blasting through his headphones. You quietly maneuver inside and set the bag of takeout on the coffee table before tiptoeing up behind his chair and slowly reaching up to his shoulders. You roughly grab them and laugh at the way he jumps and tears off his headphones.
“Jesus Christ!” he exclaims as he turns to see who just scared the shit out of him. 
“Deng! Guess again,” you say with a grin, leaning down to kiss him on the head. When you go to poke his nose, he bats your hand away and mumbles.
“You could’ve given me a heart attack.”
“Well, that’s one way to get you out of the studio. Give you a ride home in an ambulance. I never thought of that,” you sneer playfully, giggling when he glares at you. You slide back to the food on the table. 
“Come eat, Min PD.” 
“I’m almost done,” he grumbles and turns to face his desk. You roll your eyes. 
“No, sir. You need to eat or you’re gonna make yourself sick, and guess who has to take care of you,” you scold as you tug on the back of his chair to twist him around and he looks up at you with a whine. You would never want him to get sick, but if he does, you'd love to baby him, and not just because you'd find it amusing how he'd act like he didn't like it as he has many times before. You've learned over the course of your relationship that he can take care of himself when he's sick, but now that you live together, he's been known to ham up his symptoms so you'll dote on him hand and foot. And he does just the same for you, even goes out of his way sometimes. One time he called off work for an entire week when you got the flu and wouldn't hear any of your arguments that you were fine alone.
“I will! I just need a couple minutes.” 
You click your tongue. “A couple minutes to you is like eight hours. I swear, you go through a time warp every time you come in here. You know it's been three days since I last saw you? Let’s go.”
You grab onto his arm and tug him, but he goes slack in his chair and makes protesting noises as you drag him towards the coffee table, laughing when he stretches his other arm at his desk like he’s being pulled away from a long-lost friend. 
“You are such a drama queen,” you sigh as you let go of his arm.
“I was almost done,” he pouts, crossing his arms. You roll your eyes as you take out the food you brought.
“Sure, sure. Just eat real quick and you can finish in 'a couple minutes,’” you say sarcastically with air quotes, and he scowls, nonetheless leans forward to reluctantly grab the box of food you hand him. 
You walk around the edge of the table and stop in front of him. You smile as he begins to eat his noodles, so you grab his chin.
“Good boy,” you quip, and lean down to press a kiss to the corner of his lips, catching him off guard. 
He coughs a bit as he processes what you said and watches you with wide eyes as you sit down in his lap. You laugh at his expression as you open your container of food and grab a pair of chopsticks. You both sit in silence and eat, glancing at him every now and as he chews with his head down, a line drawn between his brows that looks like he’s trying to figure out something. 
“How’s your food?” you ask before taking a sip from your bottle of water.
“Good,” he grumbles without looking at you. “Thanks.” 
You shift to get more comfortable in his lap and he starts to chew faster.
After he nudges you off his lap and helps you clean up, he turns around to scoot his chair back to his desk.
“Thanks for coming by and all, but I think you should leave."
You scoff, mildly hurt. “Why?”
“Because I know what you’re trying to do.”
You realize what he means and the brat in you makes an appearance, so you throw your hair haughtily over your shoulder and slyly walk up to his chair, sliding a hand down his arm.
“And what is that exactly?”
“You’re trying to distract me, but it’s not working,” he says through curled lips, staring at his screen.
“No?” you smirk. You squat and fold your elbows on the arms of his chair, propping your chin up on your wrist. “How am I being distracting? All I did was bring you food.” 
He turns his head to glare at you, but his Adam's apple bobs when he looks down at your position, how your legs are spread to reveal the meat of your thighs, then at how you smile at him in a pseudo-innocent way. 
“Exhibit A, B and C,” he says, gesturing to your legs, tits, and face.
You grin. “What? I’m just looking at you.” Your voice however drips in seduction. 
He shakes his head and looks back at his screen, trying to stay strong. 
Your tongue pokes into your cheek in amusement and a devilish lightbulb flashes in your mind. 
“How is me looking at you so distracting?” you ask, settling on your knees before gliding a hand over his leg. “Wouldn’t it be something more like this?” 
His mouth pulls into a thin line as he struggles to keep his eyes focused up. You slowly push at his leg to move him towards you so you can rise in between his knees, smiling at the way he refuses to look at you. You begin to slide your hands up his thigh, licking your lips as you head for his crotch, but he catches your wrist.
“Don’t,” he commands, now looking down at you with a serious expression.
Undeterred, you push your bottom lip out in the brattiest pout, and the severe clench in his jaw shows how hard he's fighting to keep his guard up. 
“You’re just so stressed, and I want to help you… relax.” 
He closes his eyes and swallows, and you just know he's trying to keep his imagination away from thoughts not suited for work.
“I appreciate that, baby, but I’m almost done here and when I am, I’m all yours, okay?” He lets go of your wrist to smooth out your pout with his thumb. 
You believe him, but still, you want to bother him after he hasn't paid attention to you in a few days.
“Fine,” you sigh and start to stand up. “Well, I guess I can’t ask you for your advice on what I bought. If I want to return it, today is my last day, so it’s now or never.” 
You only take one step away when his hand grabs your wrist. You smile. Hook, line, and stinker. 
You look back in faux confusion. He licks his lips and swallows, hesitant yet desperate to find out what you’re talking about.
“What do you need my advice on?”
Without hesitation, your hands fly to the hem of your shirt. “Oh, just this.” 
He sucks in a sharp breath as you tear off your shirt to reveal a lavender corset bra. The lace is embroidered with delicate floral designs to reveal the lower half of your breast, just barely covering your nipples, and parts of your ribcage below. His throat goes dry. 
“It has a matching thong too. Wanna see?” Your question is rhetorical because you give him no time to breathe as you unbutton your shorts. You bend over to shimmy them down your legs, making a show of wiggling so your breasts move side to side. 
You kick your shorts to the side and stand straight, carding your hair out of your face before placing your hands on your hips and standing confidently in front of him. 
“So, what do you think?” you ask, cocking your head to the side as his wide eyes go up and down your form. 
“It’s pretty,” he swallows, biting his lip to ignore the twitch in his boxers. 
“Oh, see how it looks from behind.” You twirl around and adjust the clips of the corset then the hem of your thong, sticking your ass out in the process. “Isn’t it cute?” Yoongi is screwed. 
You look at him from over your shoulder. “Do you like it?” 
He nods, barely hearing you as his eyes train on the way the string of the thong disappears between your cheeks. You smirk when his tongue pokes out just over his teeth.
“The lace is really soft too. Here, feel,” you say, spinning back around and walking up to him, rubbing your fingers over the lace below your breast. 
He swallows, wanting so bad to reach out and touch, but knowing if he does, it’s over for him, he’ll lose. But shit, you look good as fuck, and he can’t help but give in. 
You grin as he reaches his hand out to feel the lace and he hums in approval.
“It’s nice,” he says, voice deep and starting to give away his desire.
“It’s even better here,” you say, gripping his wrist to plant his hand on your breast and he purrs as he lets his fingers squeeze your flesh. 
You let him massage for a second or two and judging by his face he looks closer to giving into your distraction, but you'll wait.
“Okay, since you like it, I won’t return it,” you say, dropping his hand and turning to grab your shorts off the ground. “Thanks! I’ll let you get back to work.” 
You bend over again to pick up your shirt, your ass right in his line of sight and he can’t deny the rock-hard bulge in his jeans. 
“I’ll see you when you get home,” you say as you walk over to the table but his low voice rumbles through the sound-proof studio.
“Get your ass back here,” his words shoot straight to your core, the string of your thong growing wet. 
“I thought you said you have to work,” you say innocently. 
“Right now,” he growls, and you move towards him like a magnet. 
Once again next to his chair, he slides his fingers underneath the lavender straps stretching over your hips to cup your exposed ass. Your skin flares hot when he squeezes.
“I don’t want to distract you.”
His dark eyes filled with lust shoot up to you and flicker with anger.
“It’s a little fuckin’ late for that, doll,” he grits. “You made a problem and now you’re going to fix it.” He moves his other hand to palm his bulge. Your eyes widen at the motion, and you cross your legs because, shit, you want to sit on that so bad.
“And then you’re going to leave and let me finish what you interrupted and wait for me to come home.” 
“Yeah? Then what?”
His lips curl in what could be a growl, and he smacks your ass, pushing you to stand between his legs. 
“Then I’m going to punish you for getting me hard at work.”
You moan as his hand moves to your front and feels over the lace material that covers your pussy. You shudder when his fingers slip between your thighs, battling with the string of your thong to rake over your clit and slit, groaning at how wet you already are. 
“Fuck, you really get this turned on just from teasing me?”
You whimper in response as he drags his finger over your bud before removing his hand. 
“We need to do something about that,” he says, sticking his fingers in his mouth to suck your arousal from them. Your legs shake involuntarily. “You can’t keep pissing me off so you can get your way.”
You breathe out a moan as he pops his wet fingers into view and licks over them slowly with his tongue flicking in the v-shape while looking right at you before dropping them to his lap. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you imagine him doing that right on your clit.
“I keep saying, you make it too easy.” 
He bares his teeth before gripping your sides and pulling you down to his lap, pushing your hips to roll on his groin.
“Or maybe you just need to have the brat fucked out of you,” he growls into your ear before biting the skin below it. Before you can do anything, he pushes at your waist and tells you to get on your knees on the ground, raking his hair back in frustration. 
You hesitate as you stare at his crotch, wanting to reach for it but remembering all the times he's tied you up for touching him without permission.
“Get to work,” he says, letting his wrists dangle casually from the arms of the chair, bracelets clacking.
You greedily sit up on your knees as your fingers dig around under his sweater for his belt. You quiver at the sound of his buckle coming loose and bite your lip when you see the bulge straining in his underwear after you undo his jeans. Just as you begin to reach into his boxers, someone knocks at his door.
You both react in panic.
“Hyung, can I come in? I need to show you something,” the sound of Hoseok’s voice echoes from the other side of the door.
“Shit!” he breathes, pushing your hands away from his belt and rolling in his chair over to where you left your clothes on the floor. However, you have no intention of moving.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” He asks exasperatedly in a hushed tone when he finds you sliding back under his desk on your hands and knees.
“Yah, Yoongi hyung!”
Yoongi’s head whips between you and the door, blood pressure spiking. You put your hand out for the clothes he’s holding.
“It’s too late, I’ll just hide under here. He won’t see me.”
Yoongi’s jaw moves in annoyance, but he has no time to argue with you. So, he scoots his chair all the way under his desk to shield you with his widespread legs, throwing your clothes in your face. It works because you can barely see out beyond his lap, thanks to his wide and thick thighs, but this is no good news for Yoongi because another evil and salacious idea forms in your mind.
“It’s unlocked!” Yoongi calls and braces himself, praying that Hoseok cannot see under his desk.
As the door opens, Yoongi quickly busies himself at his computer, pretending that he doesn’t have his half-naked girlfriend underneath his desk and face level with his crotch. 
“Sorry to bother you, I just wanted to ask your advice on something.”
Yoongi’s brow ticks. Why is everyone asking for his advice today? 
“It’s fine, Hob-a, what’s up?” He asks, trying to play it cool. 
But as Hoseok stands next to him at his desk, he feels hands slide onto his lap and he grips the edge of the table, hoping that you're only just teasing him. But that hope doesn’t last very long.
Hoseok wants to know what he thinks about one of his tracks, that there’s something off about it but he can’t figure out what. Hoseok hands Yoongi his flash drive and he plugs it into his PC, and as he clicks around for the file your fingers inch towards his unopened jeans.
As Hoseok points at the screen about different parts of the track he’s concerned about, Yoongi grinds his teeth, urging himself to stay focused even when you begin to palm at his clothed dick. He thinks about kicking you, but all thoughts get cut off when you reach in through the hole in his boxers and pull his cock out. Fuck, he's needy for you, even in the most unorthodox way. He jerks when your hand wraps around his length, the other diving back in to squeeze his balls but he plays it off like he’s adjusting in his seat, masking his moan with a cough. He slides forward in the chair so you can have easier access.
Shit. How can something so wrong feel so motherfucking good?
“You okay?” Hoseok asks, giving him a wary side glance as Yoongi clicks around the screen.
The older, sweating man nods stiffly and clears his throat. 
“Yeah. It’s just been a long day. Do you wanna run it through?”
Hoseok leans over for the mouse and Yoongi takes the chance to let his expression crack while you run your tongue up the thick, pulsing vein on the underside of his dick, hand circling around his base.
Yoongi’s eyebrows pinch in fierce concentration on Hoseok’s track once he hits play but all of a sudden, your lips wrap around his tip, and you suck him into hollowed cheeks, devastatingly slow so as to not make noise even though the music would surely cover it. Stifling a groan, he straightens his back and presses his ribcage against his desk when you swirl your tongue around him. He’s going to fucking get you later. 
Hoseok hits the spacebar and pauses the music. As it stops, you halt your movements. “See, there. Something doesn’t sound right.” 
Yoongi’s brows furrow as he tries to center his attention even though your hand is massaging his balls.
“I think I missed it, sorry.” 
Hoseok sighs but moves the mouse to rewind back a few beats. He points at the tracker on the screen to tell Yoongi which part to pay most attention to and he nods.
As the music resumes your mouth returns to his length, and you slowly move down until his tip hits the back of your throat and he holds his breath at the pleasure, moan catching in his chest. He's so goddamn pissed that you’re doing this to him, but it feels so good at the same time. He tries his best to resist the urge to let the pleasure consume him, so he knocks off his snapback to pull his fingers through his hair and begs his brain to focus on the music. 
“Right here, hyung,” Hoseok murmurs next to him and Yoongi nods, listening closely even though your hot tongue licks from his base to the tip. 
Then he hears it, some strange offbeat in the background and he taps the spacebar, sighing through his nose when the silence makes you retreat.
They go over it for a while until Yoongi finally figures out what’s going on since the blood returns to his brain once you stopped touching him (although that doesn’t mean he isn’t still hard, and his dick isn’t twitching in your face and making you salivate and want to touch yourself). 
“Ah, okay, I see what you mean,” Hoseok says when Yoongi explains that there’s an extra beat embedded that’s easy to miss. “Thanks.” He claps him on the shoulder.
“Is that all you need?” Yoongi asks just to be polite but prays Hobi makes a quick exit. 
He nods as he saves the file before ejecting it and Yoongi pulls out the flash drive and hands it to him. 
“How long have you been here?” 
“Uh, a while, but I’m almost done.” Yoongi hopes Hoseok doesn’t see the way his eyes squeeze shut when you begin to move your thumb over his leaking tip.
“Good. You deserve a break! You’ve been working so hard.”
“Thanks, Hob-a. You too.” 
“How’s your girlfriend?”
Yoongi internally groans, now of all times Hoseok wants to make small talk. 
“She’s fine,” he says in a tight voice, only because you have lightly dragged your fingers up his length.
“Uh-oh. Troubles in paradise?” 
Yoongi’s eyes widen in confusion and your hand stills. “No? What makes you say that?”
“Oh, just saying, because usually when anyone asks you about her, you gush for like twenty minutes.”
Yoongi’s face and neck flushes a dark red and you have to press a hand over your mouth to keep yourself quiet. 
“Do not,” he grumbles, although in denial. 
Hoseok snorts. “Fat lie, hyung. You always jump at the chance to talk about her, you don’t realize that? It’s cute! Well, in a sickening kind of way, but still.” 
Yoongi glares at him as he feels your head fall onto his knee, trying to keep yourself from laughing.
“Shut up,” he grumbles.
“Why? Are you embarrassed?” Hoseok teases in a baby voice, bending down to pinch at Yoongi’s cheeks. “Cute Yoonie loves his girlfriend so much that he wants to talk about her all the time.”
“Fuck off, Hoseok,” Yoongi mumbles, swatting at Hoseok’s fingers and pushing him away as he turns back to his computer, and thankfully you’ve cut him a fucking break under his desk.
Hoseok snickers and grabs his laptop. “You better go home and see her, go on a date. But if you’re too busy, I’d be more than happy to take her out for you!”
“Yah, Jung Hoseok!” Yoongi bubbles with fury and Hoseok just cackles and scurries to the exit. 
“Bye!” Hoseok grins mischievously, wiggling his fingers in the air before closing the door behind him. 
A few seconds after the lock clicks shut, you burst out into laughter, and Yoongi flushes a hot, steaming red all the way up to his ears. 
Yoongi pushes away from the desk and ducks his head down to look at you as you begin to crawl out on all fours. He scowls when you giggle once you make eye contact with him.
“I don’t see what’s funny. You’re in big trouble, you know,” he says, stuffing himself back in his underwear.
You stifle a laugh as you stand up. “You mad?”
You cock your eyebrow when he darts a hand out in frustration. “At what, the fact that I sucked your dick under your desk or that I found out how much you love to talk about me?”
Yoongi narrows his eyes and crosses his arms. “Both.” 
You smirk. “Aww, come on, Yoonie~” you tease, mimicking Hoseok as you go to sit on your boyfriend’s lap. 
“Go away,” He tries to fight you off but you trap him by grinding down on his hips and shoving your tits in his face. 
You hum as you press an open-mouth kiss to the corner of his mouth. “You sure?” 
Your hand slides down to his clothed dick, still solid under your palm. “Don't you want me to take care of your ‘problem’?” 
He swallows moan as you grope him. But he feels embarrassed and upset that you went down on him when Hoseok was there. Deep down he thinks it was hot, but he knows Hoseok has always had a crush on you and he doesn’t like the idea of him seeing you like that, especially with the kinds of comments he sometimes makes implying that he can treat you better.
“Yeah, when I get home,” he sighs and you deflate. “I’m almost done.”
“Seriously, are you mad?” 
“No, babe. I just want to finish up now so that I can be done for the weekend. That’s what you want, right?”
You grimace, wondering what he means by that. “Fine,” you acquiesce, hopping off of his lap so he can roll back up to his desk. 
You slide on your clothes and gather your things, biting your tongue to keep from saying anything smart, but you can’t help feeling that his words don't sit right in your chest. As you walk to the door and slip on your shoes, you glance over to see him hunched over his desk, not even bothering to look back as you leave.
“You know, maybe I’ll go find Hoseok and take him up on his offer. Since it seems he has the time for me,” you sneer after you open the door, stepping out and slamming it shut behind you. 
Yoongi jerks his head and swivels around but you've already disappeared. Oooh, that pisses him off. He knows you only said it to do just that but that sits right along his insecurities and he wants to lose it. But he really is almost done with work so if he hunkers down now, he can finish and go home and tell you off.
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90 minutes later he receives a notification, a text from you with an attached image. You’re lying in bed on your stomach in your corset bra, holding up your head as you pout into the camera with your cleavage on full display. 
my brat: Hoseok was busy :/
Yoongi drops his phone on the table, and it clatters, free hands rubbing frustration down his face. He knows what you’re doing, and he should have the willpower to ignore it but- FUCK are you good at getting what you want. You like pissing him off so that he'll be rough with you. And although he enjoys the dynamic, finds it fun, this is just one of those times that he really doesn’t like how you piss him off. He hates the idea of you alluding to the fact that you asked another man to fuck you. He knows you indeed haven’t, that you’re just messing with him, but he’s getting in his head with his self-doubt. He angrily decides that the track is good enough for now, that he can meet with Namjoon tomorrow or something to tweak it. He has to get home to make sure no one else has touched you but him.
You are in Big. Fucking. Trouble.
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When Yoongi walks through the door, you’re in the kitchen getting something to drink, wearing one of his flannel shirts over your lingerie. When he appears you smile and greet him, but falter when he ignores you and quickly shuffles by to the bedroom. You watch him pass you and your smile slips at the stone look on his face. You know you pissed him off but did you make him upset? You never want to hurt his feelings, you just want to get his attention. You set your drink on the counter and pad after him. 
When you walk into the room and lean against the door frame, his back is to you as he strips off his sweater to reveal his dark gray t-shirt and silver chain.
“Did you finish?” you ask, twiddling your fingers over one of the buttons of his flannel. 
“No,” he says, keeping his back to you. You frown.
“Oh. How come?” 
“Because my bratty girlfriend can’t be fucking patient," he grits, swiping off his snapback.
You cross your arms, not appreciating his tone. “I left, didn't I?”
His shoulders shake in a sardonic laugh, fingers combing through his hat-hair. “Yeah, only after telling me you were going to look for Hoseok.”
“Yeah well, maybe if you paid more attention to me, I wouldn’t feel the need to do that,” you sneer before pushing off of the door frame to speed-walk into the living room. 
You only make it halfway down the hall before a hand grabs your wrist. You’re met with Yoongi’s looming figure exuding anger as he glares down at you and you match his energy immediately.
“And you think the way to get my attention is by making me jealous?”
“Well, it seems to be the only thing that’s working! Isn’t that why you came home before you got done with work? Because you think I asked Hoseok to fuck me? Not because you-“ 
“Did you?” he interrupts and your jaw moves in irritation.
“What do you think?” you bark. He blinks down at the floor. There it is again- that insecurity. He backs you into the wall as he tries to control his anxiety.
“I don’t know,” he mumbles honestly and that pisses you off. He really thinks you would stoop that low?
“Really? What, you think I wanted to suck you off while he was there hoping he’d catch us? Ask to join? Have me suck his dick too?” 
Rage floods through him at the thought and his hold around your wrist tightens. 
“Would you?” 
Your mouth drops open. “Wow. Screw you." You pry his hand off and angrily walk back into the bedroom, wanting to put on more clothes now that you’re upset. As he follows, you make a petty point by taking off his flannel and exchanging it for your own clothes, pulling on your own t-shirt and sweats. 
“I didn’t mean it like that,” he says when he stands in the doorway.
"No? You don’t think that I’d jump at the chance to suck another man’s dick if the opportunity presented itself?” 
“No, of course not,” he shakes his head, feeling guilty when you say nothing else so he continues, wanting you to understand where he's coming from.
“I just… You know he likes you.” 
You spin around, flabbergasted. “Fucking so?”
He closes his eyes, feeling embarrassed that he’s about to bring this up. He has no reason to be worried that you like Hoseok but… he still struggles deep down that he doesn’t deserve you and that you’d be better off with someone else. Maybe someone like Hoseok. 
“Why don’t you go ask him whether or not I took him up on his offer?” you snap. Then you stride across the floor and stand toe to toe with him. 
“Or how bout you find out for yourself,” you provoke. 
He looks down at you with your chin tilted up at his and a heartbeat passes before his hands fly to your face and he presses his lips to yours. You respond immediately by scraping your fingers over his ribs, hooking over his spine as he licks into your mouth, teeth clashing together desperately. 
He begins to walk you backward towards the bed and when you hit the edge of the mattress, he tears your shirt off and lifts you by the waist to settle you down and kiss you hungrily as he climbs on top of you, chain laying on your throat. His hands move down to your sweats and he stands straight to rip them down your legs and onto the floor, looking down at your body decorated with pretty lingerie and he intrusively thinks about Hoseok seeing you like this and jealousy fires through him again. 
He falls to his knees and loops his fingers under the straps of your thong to roughly pull them off, licking his lips at the sight of your bare pussy, glistening with the return of your arousal. He adds to it with his spit and promptly attaches his lips to your clit, growling when you cry out and arch your back in response. He wraps his arms underneath your thighs to hold you in place as he slathers your pussy with his spit and teeth and tongue. 
His eyes close as you let out whimpers and whines of his name while your hands grip his hair, every sound making his dick twitch in his jeans. He sucks and slurps all over your cunt, making it messy between your thighs and on his chin, anything to make you keep wailing his name. He flicks his tongue over your clit and between your folds just like he demonstrated on his fingers back in the studio, and he has to flex his biceps around your thighs when you thrash. He can tell you’re close by the way your legs quiver beside his head and he slides your clit between his teeth before pressing his lips around it and sucking in a fast, relentless rhythm. 
“Yoongi, gonna come!” you cry and a dark chuckle rumbles through his chest at the thought that no one else can get you to your peak as quickly as he can. He mercilessly continues sucking your clit until your legs violently shake and press against his head and you come with shrieks of his name. His tongue dives to your hole as it pulses and he licks your essence into his mouth and groans while he swallows, grinning victoriously as you continue to shake through throes of pleasure. 
He slows his movements as you spiral down, loving the way you twitch at every touch of his mouth. He presses a final kiss to your clit before he moves his arms from under your thighs so he can hover over you while you catch your breath. He places his knee between your legs and leans down to kiss you so you can taste yourself, chain swinging over your heaving breasts. You moan as you dart your tongue against his and loop your arms around his neck to pull him down. Then he slides his lips down your jaw into the crook of your shoulder and speaks gruffly into your ear.
“You think he could make you come like that?”
You immediately shake your head, heat filling your gut at his dark tone. He bites your neck then rolls his tongue over the spot to soothe the sting. 
“You need to say that out loud.”
You draw in a sharp breath. “No! No he couldn’t.”
“Couldn’t what?” he snaps.
“He couldn’t make me come. Not like you do.” 
Pride shoots down his spine and he sits up to straddle your hips, turning you over onto your stomach so he can grab handfuls of your ass. 
“You think he could fuck you like I do? Huh?” he experimentally rolls his clothed bulge over the swell of your ass.
“No,” you whimper with a desperate shake of your head.
“No?” he challenges. “You don’t think so?” He drags his hips against you slowly, hissing at the friction. 
You continue to agree and he hums, still taking his time to drag this out. He just wants to hear it as much as possible but your smart mouth fucks you over.
“If you’re not convinced then we can go find out,” you say, voice muffled by the sheets but he hears you and snarls. 
He leans down to grip a handful of your hair to turn your ear to his mouth.
“Why don’t you do that and I’ll go re-acquaint myself with Mina.”
A vicious green monster tears through your chest and you turn over to face him as your head fills with intrusive thoughts of the hands and body of his ex you once envied all over him while he enjoys it. 
He chuckles mockingly at your expression. “Don’t like that, huh?” 
You say nothing but look at him angrily as you picture him with her, hating it with a passion. 
“Do you, baby?” he coos sarcastically, trailing the backs of his fingers down your cheek. “Don’t like the idea of my hands and my mouth being on someone else?” 
He leans down to emphasize his point by kneading and kissing at your skin that he can reach and your chest heaves in response. 
He rolls his hips. “Or my dick fucking someone else’s pussy?”
You see red and your hands fly up to grab his chain and tug his face parallel with yours so he grunts, a dark grin spreading on his face. 
“No, I don’t fucking like it,” you seethe.
“Now you know how I feel,” he says mockingly. You scowl, fucking annoyed, and let go of his jewelry.
“You brought this on yourself. I never talked to Hoseok. He was the one who said he would take me out if you didn’t.” 
“Yeah, you wouldn’t have heard that if you hadn't been hiding under my desk sucking me off.” 
“Oh, right and you were trying real hard to get me to stop,” you snap, pushing at his chest.
His jaw ticks, realizing you have a point. He leans up and sits back on his heels.
“Or just admit that you didn’t want me to,” you say, propping yourself up on your elbows. His eyes flicker to you darkly.
“That you liked it,” you taunt, moving to sit up on your knees so that you're level with him.
“That maybe if he did catch us he’d be jealous of your long, fat dick.” He shivers as your words send shocks to his core and his ego.
“And how good my throat is for fucking.” 
His gulps at the imagery as your fingers trace under his shirt.
“And how he’d never get to find out for himself,” you say earnestly, looking directly into his eyes. 
Then your hand slowly travels down to his groin.
“But if you want to go find Mina and see if she makes you feel as good as I do,” you mock as you grab his bulge and squeeze under his balls, making him hiss and involuntarily buck against you.
“Then be my fucking guest.” Your teeth grind as you let go of him to move off of the bed but you’re quickly stopped with a hand squeezing your elbow.
“Lay down,” he demands, warm breath fanning over your cheek. 
“Make me." He huffs before moving his hand to your throat and pressing lightly on either side, making your resolve slip. 
“Keep it up, brat.” The very brat in you comes back for an encore as you grab his wrist. 
“Or what? Gonna go call up Mina? You think she’d even want you anymore?” 
His eyes flash menacingly at the venom in your voice and you squeak when he bends down to pick you up, arms supporting your back and under your ass to carry you over to your shared desk.
“It doesn’t matter whether she would or not. Because I don’t want her,” he says simply as he sets you down, knocking the notebooks and tchotchkes out of the way, paying no mind as they clatter onto the floor.
“No? Then who do you want?” You know it’s a stupid question but you’re fucking triggered and you want to hear him say it. He tilts his head as he undoes the buckle on his belt.
“I’m looking right at her, sweetheart.” You falter, but you’re not about to let up that easy.
"Just - Fuck you for bringing her up." Gently pushing your legs apart, he gives you a remorseful smile.
“I’m sorry. I only wanted to get back at you but I took it too far.”
“Get back at me for what?” you ask, glossing over his apology and you’re almost able to ignore his fingers massaging the inside of your thighs. 
He cocks his brow. “For that selfie you sent and your text implying that you asked Hoseok to fuck you but he was too busy?” 
“You started it,” you scoff and cross your arms, chest heaving as his hands move slowly to the part of you that’s aching for him.
“Did I? You were the one who came into my studio and shoved your tits and ass in my face wearing this pretty lingerie all because I haven’t been paying you enough attention.” 
“Try ‘any’ attention.” He hums and looks down to watch his thumb brush over your clit, smirking when you gasp and grab his forearm.
“Baby, it’s only been a few days. Are you that needy for me?” 
You huff but don't try to deny it, eyes rolling to the ceiling when he slides two fingers between your wet folds, lifting up your knee to hold it on his hips so he has a better view and access.
“Thought so.” You shut your eyes so his smug face won’t piss you off.
“Well, remember I tried to leave but you told me to ‘get my ass back here right now,’” you recount, leaning back with a hand on the desk.
You bite your tongue when his fingers sink inside to slowly work you open.
“Yeah, well you’re sexy as hell in this lingerie and I’m a weak bastard for you, so sue me,” he grumbles, staring at your pussy as his hand picks up the pace.
“I’m only sexy in lingerie?” 
He sighs. “Sweetheart, did you miss the part where I said I’m a weak fucking man for you?”
You hum nonchalantly, his words filling your heart up with butterflies but the brat in you is refusing to leave the stage so you ignore him.
He shakes his head and grips your thigh to get you to look at him, making sure you’re paying attention.
“Just shut that smart mouth of yours, baby girl. And let me show you I mean what I say.” 
He lifts one of your arms to hook around his shoulder and you reluctantly acquiesce, letting him situate you in a way that’s comfortable before he pushes down his jeans to free his dick from its confines. Jerking his shaft, he tilts down in concentration to inspect your puffy cunt.
When he thinks it could use more lube, he holds his hand next to your mouth. 
“Spit.” Letting go of your stubbornness, you obey, only because you enjoy the way he doesn’t mind your saliva dropping in his palm.
“Good girl,” he mumbles. You watch impatiently as he tilts his head back while spreading your spit over his tip, making you clench around nothing when his knuckles brush your folds. You whine his name again when you feel his head rub up and down your wet slit before he taps it a few times.
Your hand slaps his back, matching your huff in frustration and his lip curls. 
“Minus the fucking attitude.”
“It’s been three days.”
“What?” he snaps.
You lift your head with a glare. “I said it’s been three fucking days, why should I beg?” 
He slides his hard, lubed up length in between your folds to show you what you’re stalling. 
“Shouldn’t that be all the more reason to?” he growls as he smacks the side of your ass. 
“I'm not the one who didn't come home. So shouldn’t it be you doing the begging?” 
He stills.
“Maybe,” he says softly, massaging your skin that he knows is stinging from his hand. Your chest squeezes at the sad tone in his voice even though you’re pissed off.
“But you remember what I said about punishing you for getting me hard at work?” 
Your eyes squeeze shut, lips pursing as you nod.
“This is part of it. You’d better fucking beg.” 
He sighs and shakes his head, digging his fingers into your waist when you take a second too long to respond.
“I’m not going to tell you again.” He steps back, threatening to walk away. In a panic, you hook your heels behind him to keep him from going any further.
“Fuck, fine! Yoongi, please. Please fuck me!”
With a dark chuckle, he closes the distance between you again, arm circling around your waist, licking and marking under your jaw. Wrapping your arms around his neck as he holds up your thigh, you moan when he teases your entrance with his throbbing tip.
“I’ll always give you what you want when you’re a good girl for me.”
And just like that, the brat in you is gone. At least for now. He groans when you kiss him with ferocity and allows you to take the reins a bit. You moan and fist his hair in both hands, whining when his hand trails to your core to make sure you’re still ready, and he’s confirmed when he easily slips in three of his fingers, making you gasp into his mouth.
“You want it?” he growls against your swollen lips as he removes his hand covered with your essence to use it as lube on his dick. You nod frantically. 
“Yes!” you wheeze.
“You gonna be a good girl for me?”
“Yes!” You exclaim louder.
“Then turn around.”
He helps you settle on your feet and twirls you around with both hands on your hips, biting behind your ear while he lines himself up behind you.
“You know I love you, right?” You nod, leaning into his teeth and wiggling your hips to entice him but his firm hand on your ass keeps you in place. “But right now I’m about to fuck you like I don’t.” 
A spark floods through you at the way he curls a hand around your throat and simultaneously rubs his head up to your aching clit. You’re screwed, but you are so, so ready. 
Without giving you a second to breathe, he spears into you, forcing you forward with your hands flattened on the desk. You yelp out when he begins ramming into you at an angle so deep your eyes roll to the back of your head.
He slaps your ass, harshly enough to sting, and grunts when you clench around him, continuing to make the room swell with lewd sounds of your wet pussy squelching with every smack of his hips. It feels feral, the force of his thrusts causing the desk to thump against the wall, but the rhythmic sound is drowned out by your mindless moans.
He fucks you like he hates you, like he doesn’t care how the wooden edge is digging into your waist, or the way he’s slapping your ass until your skin is raw, slamming his hips against yours so it’s certain you’re going to have trouble walking. If you didn’t like it so much, you’d be telling yourself not to piss him off ever again.
A hand on your spine pushes you down onto the desk, breasts and face squishing on the lacquered wood, and you moan when he pulls your cheeks a part and you can just picture the way he’s watching himself pound you, tongue poked out in fascination, head moving from side to side to see all the different angles.
“Nah.” He mutters to himself and you glance over your shoulder to see him shaking his head as your body moves up and down. “No one else can fuck you like this. Right?” He grits, fingers digging into your ass as he takes a long stroke of emphasis.
He hums to himself in satisfaction, letting out an amused chuckle before he starts fucking you so hard and so fast and so goddamn good that you don’t realize you’re coming until it hits you, and your finger nails dig into the desk for dear life, leaving scratch marks. As you clench around him he lets out a string of curses that would make even a sailor blush, rubbing his hands up and down your back, fingertips kneading your ass as you shake and come apart.
You’re still trembling when he finally slows his thrusts to a moderate pace and his hands on your skin are moving more gently now that you’re coming down.
“Baby, talk to me. You good?” It takes you a second to register that he’s been talking to you for a few seconds. He just fucked you into euphoria, you’re drooling on the desk because of it, so you need a goddamn minute.
You whine in dissatisfaction when he pulls out of you, only for him to reach over to brush sweaty hair out of your face, and you blink open tear-filled eyes to him peering down at you with concern knitted into his brows.
“You good?” he repeats, continuing to brush your hair back and smoothe his hand down your spine.
You nod. “Mhmm. ‘M a good girl.” His eyebrows lift in relief when you say something that’s somewhat coherent.
“That you are.” You swoon. That’s all you ever want to hear him say, even though more often than not your behavior speaks otherwise. At least he’s shown you that he loves to deal with it.
“I’m gonna bring you over to the bed. Can you make it?” Pushing your hands against the desk, you try to put some weight on your feet and know without even trying that you won’t. It feels like he was on the brink of splitting you in half.
“Only if you carry me.” You can feel his smile on the side of your face as he rubs your shoulders before gently pulling back on them, holding you against his chest once you straighten. He presses light but necessary kisses to your neck and cheek before turning you to the side so he can swoop you up in his arms like you’re his bride. You hope one day you will be.
You could almost cry at the tender way he puts you down on the mattress, his face dewy and red from exertion, and adjusts the pillows beneath you, fluffing them how you like it. How he can so easily slip from being your insane freak in the sheets who hates you to your sweet, doting boyfriend is beyond you but it’s one of the many things you love so much about him. “Too much?” Your heart swells again at his loving tone as he coasts his hand down your torso, inspecting the indentations left on your waist from the desk to make sure they’re ones that won’t bruise.
You shake your head. “I can still remember my own name.”
“Dang, so I could do better,” he smirks.
Blowing a raspberry, you playfully smack the side of his head and he only chuckles and leans down to kiss you. Just as he brushes your lips, you push at his clothed shoulder, suddenly very much bothered by the fact that he is not completely naked yet.
“Shirt,” you mumble, tugging at his collar. “What about it?” “Off.”
He cocks a brow, mouth pulling up into a smirk. “Are you telling me what to do?”
“Yes. Problem?”
He hisses an amused sound, sits up on his knees and blinks down at you, lightly batting your hands away when you reach for the hem of his now unapproved fabric.
“We just went through all that, but you still want to have a fucking attitude?”
You withdraw your hands, rest them on your tummy as you look up at him sheepishly. He looks at you patiently, waiting for a response, but you don’t have one, so you instead raise your hands to the side in a shrug because what can you say? The smirk on his face grows until it turns into a laugh, and he kicks his head back. Fuck, you love his laugh. His shoulders start to shake, gummy grin on full display as he looks down at you through his stringy bangs, and you fall just that much more in love.
“It’s like that, huh?” He muses, coasting his hands up and down your thighs.
“It’s fun to piss you off,” you justify, holding your arms up in invitation and he pauses for a split second before lowering into your embrace.
“Yeah, and I know you have a blast doing it, much to my expense,” he mutters, letting you pepper his jaw with kisses. You giggle as you get over to his mouth and he opens up to swallow down your sounds.
As you makeout, his hips start to rock over yours under the covers, heavy cock desperate to fill you again so you trail your hands down to his ass, digging your go ahead into his skin. Keeping a hand next to your head and his tongue over yours, he reaches down to guide himself back in, humming when you moan in satisfaction. He lifts his head with a curse when you suck him in with ease, baring your neck to him that he nips before straightening his arm to plank above you. He stares down at you with lust-blown eyes as he takes your leg from under the sheets to rest on his shoulder. You bite your lip and grapple for his neck as he fucks into you slowly, hips rolling with deft, meaningful strokes. For a few moments he fucks you like that, reveling in your moans and whimpers, especially when he ducks his head to suck your tits into his mouth.
“Missed you, Yoon,” you whisper suddenly, blissed out and slack-jawed. He pauses his thrusts to put your leg back in place before dropping down to grab your hands and curl them under his, tongue licking roughly over the top of your mouth. Your chest heaves, breathing him in while he sucks on your lips and tongue. 
“Missed you too, doll." His hips resume to a slow rhythm, and you let out a soft cry at the sensation of him filling you up to the brim despite never leaving.
You struggle to kiss him back as you get lost in the clouds again now that he’s rocking into you at a slower pace, pressing deeply into you so you can feel every inch of each other with every stroke.
“So fucking good for me,” he grumbles into your mouth, building rhythm as he brings himself to peak.
“Wanna be,” you slur. 
“Hm?” His tongue pokes out as he focuses on rolling his hips against a tight, cushioned spot that kisses his tip and draws his orgasm closer.
“Wanna be so good for you. Always.” He grins, pride swelling his chest at your promise.
“Not for Hoseok?” Because he has to make sure.
“No,” you whimper, yanking at his chain to bring him down in a messy kiss. “Just you.”
He kisses you with a relieved smile, bites at your neck a few times, and slaps your hip.
“Then get up and ride me. I shouldn’t be doing all this fucking work,” he commands and slips out before pulling you up by the elbows. He crawls around you to sit against the headboard while you turn to face him and prop yourself up on shaking knees.
Noticing this, he pauses and holds you still. “Can you?”
“Mhmm,” you nod, confirming it with a sloppy kiss.
Grinning, he pulls you forward until you hover over his lap and fists his dick to hold himself in place while his other hand pushes you down by your hip. You grip his shoulders and whine as you sink onto him, waiting until you’re fully breached to start circling your hips. As you lean in to lick between his teeth, you rake your fingers down his chest, lightly scratching over his nipples and smiling when he moans. 
“Shit,” he curses against you as you press your thumbs against his buds and he gets you back by attacking your neck with bites and bruises that you’ll have for days. You begin rolling in his lap and hold onto his shoulders for leverage, gasping when he wraps his arm across your waist to pull you closer so your breasts are right in his face and he attaches his mouth to one, leaning back on his hand to hold himself up.
He releases your tit with a pop and tilts his head to watch in content as your knees move to prop yourself up so you can bounce on his dick, appreciating his hand on your ass supporting and guiding you.
“Fuck, doll. Yeah, just like that,” He moans and breaks from your lips to throw his head back as his balls tighten, and you take your turn to make marks on his neck.
“Nngh, gonna come,” he groans deep in his gut, Adam’s apple bobbing and eyes squeezing shut as you continue to rock against him and it throws him over the edge. He pushes at your hips to force you off of him until you fall back once more on the mattress as he pulls out with a gasp. He growls and grunts as thick ropes of hot cum shoot out over your stomach and tits and you moan at the feeling and the sounds he makes. 
“Goddamn,” he wheezes, jerking his dick through the final pulses of his orgasm and he grips your thigh to keep himself grounded. When his dick stops twitching, he falls back over to kiss you roughly.
“Close,” you tell him against his lips and he curses.
“Fuck, okay.” Anticipating being overstimulated but wanting nothing more than to satisfy you, he sits on his heels, pulls your hips onto his thighs and waits for your nod for him to plunge back in.
He wastes no time rutting into the very spot that he knows will guarantee you to come fast and hard. He has to bite his bottom lip to keep from whining at the overstimulation. But it proves fruitless when you pulse your orgasm around his dick, squeezing him so tight, that he starts to come again, encouraged by your endless moans of his name. He manages to keep his release at bay until he feels your wave wash back and yanks himself out at the last second so that he doesn’t give into temptation and come inside you. That level is on the horizon, but neither of you are quite ready for that. He knows just how addictive that will be and it’s too much of a risk.
So he opts to come on your stomach and chest for a second time, not bothering to jerk himself through it and just lets his cock bob on your center as he returns to his place above you. You open your mouth to welcome him before he even lands his fists beside your head.
“Fuck, I love you so much,” he breathes over you, ducking his head into your neck so he can hear you whisper the same.
Dick softening on your lower stomach, he kisses you until his biceps strain under his weight.
“You feeling okay?” He asks, sitting back on his heels and smiling warmly (proudly) at your fucked out expression.
He presses his hands on your hips, heart racing when you won’t stop staring at him and he has to look away to prevent a rise in blood pressure, instead staring at all of his cum spread over you.
He looks back up when he catches your hand reaching for him and he grabs it, wrapping his fingers around your knuckles and bringing it to his lips to kiss your palm, eyes never leaving yours.
“What?” He asks as you pout. He kisses the inside of your wrist and you sigh, let his lips linger there and your heart stops for a moment at his tenderness.
With a smile and one more kiss on the back of your hand, he gets up and grabs a pair of sweatpants on the way to the bathroom, running a washcloth under warm water and wringing it out lightly before bringing it back to you to clean up his mess.
A moment later, he watches you with wide eyes as you slide out of bed and head to the bathroom without a word, albeit with a noticeable wobble. He sighs when the door shuts, getting the feeling that fucking the shit out of each other just now did nothing to solve your problems. While he waits for you to come back out, he strips the bed of soiled sheets to take out to the washer in the hallway closet. Just as he starts the cycle, you emerge from the bathroom, arms crossed over your breasts as you scurry into the bedroom to dress into his hoodie and a pair of his hoochie daddy shorts. You keep your head down while you walk past him for the kitchen, but he catches you with an arm pressed into your abdomen.
“Hey,” he murmurs above your head. “Whatever you’re thinking, you can tell me.”
You nod against his bicep, slipping your hand down to his fingers and tangling them together to lead him into the kitchen. He doesn’t take his hands off of you while you maneuver around to retrieve glasses of water for you both, but you end up just sharing yours. Neither of you say anything for a moment after you refresh yourselves. Then, his knuckles under your chin bring your face level with his, away from staring into the void behind his shoulder.
“The sex was good in there, but it didn’t resolve anything,” he reminds you softly. “We should talk it out before you get too far into your head.”
Fuck. He knows you so well. With a sigh and a blurry waterline, you lean against him, head resting on his shoulder so he doesn’t see.
“I just really missed you,” you start in a small voice. On your temple, he frowns. “And I know it’s kind of pathetic because we live together and you were only gone for three days but I just wish you would make up your mind about coming home or not. It’s just frustrating when you say you’ll be done in a couple hours but it turns out to be five. Or I wait up for you just for you to tell me you’re staying overnight. I know how important your work is, especially when you have a deadline, and I never want to take you away from it, but sometimes it feels like when I tell you to take a break, you act as if I’m asking you to stop altogether. I’m just trying to make sure you eat and rest properly so you don’t burn yourself out and get sick.” Your voice chokes the more you admit, and he lets your words hang in the air before rubbing his hand across the back of your shoulders. Resting his head on yours, he takes a deep breath.
“I love how supportive you are of my job and how much you worry about me, but I’m sorry I make you feel neglected. That’s never my intention.” You hum in acknowledgement and he squeezes the back of your neck.
“I mean, I’m not trying to dig myself out of the hole here, but a lot of the time when I come to a dead end with a project and feel like giving up, I think about you and how the faster I get done, the faster I can come home and devote all of my time to you.” You can’t hold back a sniffle. He frowns and gently pulls you by your shoulder and waist to press your fronts together. You wrap your arms around him and bury your face in his chest, along with your tears.
“I’m so sorry I made you upset, baby,” he whispers, his own voice choked up. “I just get stuck sometimes and it’s hard for me to give it a rest. Thank you for loving me so well that you knew when I needed you to come drag me out. And three days is way too long to not he home. I’m sorry I made you feel like it wasn’t.” You swallow a sob and hold him tighter.
“Well, I’m sorry I made you think I wanted Hoseok to fuck me.”
His nostrils flare with a small laugh. “I know you were just trying to piss me off. But I don’t know if I want us to make each other jealous by doing that anymore, y’know?”
You nod in quick understanding and he purrs gratefully, lifts a hand to gently tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear.
“Because I guess sometimes I just worry that you could do better.”
Your limbs freeze as his words sink in and spreads your blood thin. Placing your hands on his hips, you lean away to look right at him, eyebrows furrowing at his pained smile.
“That has to be the stupidest fucking thing you’ve ever said.” Chewing the inside of his cheek, he suppresses a laugh.
“I’m serious.” You reach up to cup his jaw. “Don’t tell yourself that. I love you. You’re it for me, Yoongi.”
Starlight fills his eyes as he gazes down into your soul. He hugs you tightly, and whispers those same three words back, all of the weight he’s ever carried lifting off of his shoulders now that you’ve solidified that you’re his forever.
“I’m gonna do better to not spend so much time at the studio,” he promises, fingertips massaging the back of your head.
“Maybe just limit your overnighters to once a week.” He smiles, leans in to kiss you, hearts feeling warm and full. “I can work with that. And next time you want to blow me at work, try not to do it when one of my colleagues is in there.”
“Fine,” you sigh in exaggeration. “But at least admit that you liked it.”
“I plead the fifth.”
You roll your eyes. “It was a one time thing, so the least you can do is-”
He cuts you off with a kiss that wipes your brain clear of any thoughts.
“You were saying?” he mumbles against your lips with a knowing smirk.
“Fuck if I know,” you breathe and he chuckles.
Leaning back in, he kisses you slowly, thoughtfully for a few moments, then breaks away with eyes hazed with love and boops your nose.
“Why don’t we go shower and get dressed so I can take you out on a date, hm? We’ll go wherever you’d like.”
A bright and wide smile on your face, you tangle both of your hands together and lean up to kiss him. He melts into you and your heart glows as radiant as the rising sun. You break, and your cheeks burn when you notice how his have turned a noticeable shade of pink.
“Let’s both decide on a place. But maybe tomorrow or the day after when I can walk a little better.” He grins and kisses your forehead, softly pats your ass.
“Sounds good to me.”
Thanks for reading! i've had this sitting in my drafts for a while and finally got the courage to post it so I hope you enjoyed! lmk what you think if you want! Also im the queen of run-on sentences so i apologize for that! And some of it might seem kind of rushed, but i was really trying to keep it under 10k.
xxx - claret
p.s. check out my yoongi mafia series not in the cards if you haven't already! thanks again!!
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lostbookmark ¡ 10 days ago
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Summary: After the death of your brother and his wife. You find yourself adjusting to a new role in your life. A single parent to your teenage nephew. How do you help him heal? How do you help yourself heal? You're not sure. You don't think you can, until an annoying basketball coach enters your life and turns everything around.
Pairing: Basketball Coach Yoongi x F. Single Aunt Reader
Genre: Romance, Angst, Smut, Strangers to Lovers, Hurt-Comfort
Warnings: Death Of Parents / Brother/ Family, Car Accident (Cause), Swearing, Explicit Sex, Arguments, Physical Fighting, Past Abusive Relationship, Domestic Violence(past)
A/N: Nephew calls MC Sunshine as a nickname.
Also, this story will have some heavy themes so please take heed of the warnings.
“Let's go!” You call out to your nephew as you grab your keys and your purse. “You are going to be late on your first day.”
“Why do I even need to go?” Your nephew Nicholas, aka Nicky, asks you. “Why couldn't I stay at my old school?”
“Because, we don't live in that school district,” you answer, waving him to the door hurrying him along.
“Why couldn't we stay in my old house? There is way more room there compared to here,” he asks, finally walking to the door and opening it. He steps outside and waits for you to shut and lock the door.
“Because, I can't afford the house payments,” you say, jogging to your car sitting in the driveway. The both of you get in and buckle up before you take off to his brand new school. “Look, I am trying here. I know things are hard right now, and being the new kid sucks, but I need you to work with me. I don't know what I’m doing here, but I'm trying my best.”
He doesn't say anything in the seven minute drive to his school, but he shifts nervously, looking out the windows while playing with the zipper on his backpack. You didn't think that you would ever find yourself in this predicament. Caring for your thirteen year old nephew. You had been at work the night it happened. You had been working the closing shift at a rundown seedy bar outside of your hometown when you got the call. Your younger brothers voice was distraught and hurried. You had a hard time disyphehering what he was saying except the words accident, terrible and dead. You must have passed out because the next thing you know, you were in the back office with your coworkers fanning you with a newspaper. You remember having been scared and confused when you came to.
It took a minute for everything to come back to you. Your older brother and his wife were dead. They had been on the way back from a late dinner. A car swerved into their lane, trying to avoid a deer that ran out in the middle of the road, hitting them head on. Nicky, who was thankfully at your parents for the night, was not with them.
They were amazing parents. Your brother coached every sports team that your nephew was on and worked his ass off to support his family. Your sister-in-law ran the pta. They were loving, caring, patient, and everything you wished you could be.
You didn't cry when you found out. You didn't cry at the funeral. You still haven't cried. You couldn't bring yourself to do it. You had no choice but to be strong. You had to be strong for your nephew who had everything ripped from him and had to adjust to a whole new reality. You had to be strong for your mother, who had been hysterical and inconsolable after losing her oldest child. For your younger brother and dad who have been quiet and secluding themselves from the world, throwing themselves into their work. Instead of grieving, you took it upon yourself to do everything in order to keep busy. Planning the funeral, all you. The wake, all you. Appointments with their lawyer, all you. You had to carry the weight of your family and their grief. It was fucking heavy.
“What if I don't make friends?” He asks quietly as you pull up to the school via the drop-off lane. “What if no one likes me?”
“You will,” you assure him, as you lay your hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. “You're smart and funny. Everyone will want to be your friend.”
“Thanks, sunshine,” he said, giving you a small smile before jumping out the car and heading into the building with his backpack slung around his shoulders.
You sit there for a minute watching the door that he just walked through just in case he decides to come back out. You were worried for him. You were scared that he was going to be scared. The car behind you honks their horn, and you do everything in your power not to flip them off. As you drive away from the school, you look in the rearview mirror one last time at the school building that was fading away in the distance. You sigh audibly. You don't know how parents do this every day, but you will figure it out. Eventually.
Transferring your hundredth call of the day, you sit at your desk and stare blankly at your computer screen. You had to quit working at the seedy motorcycle bar where most of the patrons were probably criminals, but that was none of your business. Working nights were out of the question now that you had a young teen at home, and the day shift didn't make a lot of money. Your mother called you out of the blue one day and told you that you were now working for your father at the family construction company. She didn't ask, she told you, leaving no room for you to argue against the decision. It was probably your dads idea, but he wouldn't ever admit to it. Your younger brother helped run the projects at the construction sites while his fiancee was the office manager. You were hired as her assistant. A position that you were sure was never there before, and the pay was way more than what it probably should have been. You think it was his way of taking care of you without being obvious about it, but you knew better.
You tug at the waist of your dark grey pencil skirt as you shift around in your seat. You hate wearing these things. When your mother showed up at your apartment, you felt like a disgruntled teenager being forced into school clothes shopping and buying outfits that you didn't want. She picked out every outfit for you and made you do a little fashion show for her while she did all the critiquing and checking the tightness around your waistline. Flowy blouses, turtlenecks, pencil skirts, and cardigans. You get it. You didn't own any ‘office appropriate’ clothes. Your bar attire had consisted of short and tight or shorter and tighter. This was a major adjustment. A major uncomfortable, almost stifling adjustment. Sighing, your eyes go to the clock on your computer. Standing up from your desk, you gather your bag.
“Getting Nicky?” Elly, your brother Chris's fiancée asks, as she peeks her head out of her office.
“Yeah, got to get there early. I was warned that finding a spot was like the Hunger Games,” you say with an eye roll. “I'll see you tomorrow.”
“That sounds fun. Have a goodnight,” she said with a smile.
She was nice. Your late sister-in-law in law was nice. Both your brothers lucked out and found amazing women early in their lives. You, however, only found loser after loser that left you heartbroken every time. You can't even entertain the idea of dating now. Is that even allowed now that you are taking care of a child? Doesn't matter. Nicky was your number one priority now, and you would not let him down. You wouldn't let him down by bringing some man around him that would potentially hurt him. He needed stability, not your revolving door of men that jump in and out of your bed. Those days are now in the past, and you think it's probably for the best.
You had left thirty minutes early to find a place in the pick-up line along the sidewalk of the school, and you were lucky to snag the last spot. You shake your head and wonder how long some of these parents sit up here for reading their books or maybe taking naps. There is no way you can sit up here for an hour waiting for Nicky to get out of school every day. You might just have to make him wait and pick him up ten minutes after school gets out. He was lucky that you were even picking him up. You remember having to walk to the elementary school to pick up Chris and then walk home. Rain or shine, you did it every day. Luckily enough, the wait wasn't terrible. You were able to distract yourself, and the thirty minutes went by quickly. Distracted by your phone, you startled when your car door opened suddenly.
“Hey, how was your…” you started to ask as Nicky jumped into your car, but he immediately cut you off.
“I made a friend in gym class, and he told me about after-school basketball. It's not through the school, but through some different program. Can I try out? Please? Please? Sunshine, please?” He asks in one breath.
“Do you have any information?” You ask as you drive away.
“He sent me the link,” he answers, pulling his phone out. Soon, you hear your own phone chime. “There now you have it. The first practice is tomorrow. He says it's not really tryouts because everyone gets on the team.”
“Can we talk after dinner? Let me read everything and see what this is all about?” You ask while concentrating on the road.
“I'm going to need new basketball shoes. The one's dad…..” he said that shut his mouth quickly, and you could feel a stab to your heart. He doesn't like to mention them, and you don't want to force him.
“They are falling apart,” you finish for him, and he nods his head. “If you can get grandma to buy you a new pair, I'll sign you up. Deal?”
“Deal?” He says, immediately putting his phone to his ear. “Grandma….”
You chuckle to yourself. You know that he will get exactly what he wants. Being the only grandchild in the family, he was spoiled rotten from the first day he came home. Admittingly, you were guilty of spoiling him, too. You were twelve when your brother and sister-in- law brought Nicky home. You had fallen in love with him instantly. They had lived with your family during this time. Both were only nineteen years old and broke college students who needed the support of family. Her parents forced them to get married within months of finding out about the pregnancy. Your family gave them a home with all of you. They gave them support to finish college and help raise the young baby. It was a team effort, and you took it seriously.
You had been adamant from the very beginning that you had to get up when he cried in the middle of the night. You didn't care if he was up and feeding or just needed a quick diaper change. You had to be there. You had made it your routine to sing to him as he was cradled in his mothers arms to get him to go back to sleep. “You Are My Sunshine” was the only thing that got him to sleep. You don't even know how many times you sang that song to him as he grew up. It was probably hundreds. The nickname sunshine just stuck after that. You don't think that he has ever called you anything else in his thirteen years of life.
As you grew older and more ‘responsible’, you took him everywhere with you. He was always your little buddy attached to your hip. Even after they moved out and into their own home. You were always there looking after him. Taking him to get ice cream, taking him to the park, babysitting so his parents could go out and enjoy themselves. You never minded and always watched him for free. You were always happy to help take care of him because you loved him and he loved you.
It was obvious to you…and your dad why you got custody after their passing. Your mother, however, was furious that he wasn't placed with her and your dad after the will was read. She didn't think you could raise a child. She held any and all past mistakes you have made against you. Sure, you may have partied some in your late teens and early twenties, but you never hurt anyone. Sure, your taste in men was questionable at the time and found yourself in a bad situation once where you still have nightmares every now and then, but you have learned. You grew up. She didn't trust you and was waiting for you to fail. That absolutely hurt, but you were going to prove her wrong. With or without her help.
You were going to prove her wrong.
Sneakers squeaked against the shiny polished gym floor as you watched Nicky run around the school's gymnasium with his new friends. He looked happy as he passed the ball back and forth with two others. You might not like basketball, and the bleachers might hurt your ass as you sit there, but he was happy. You take a minute to look around discreetly as possible and see that it was painfully obvious that all the other parents knew each other. They all sat huddled together in the middle of the wooden bleachers talking as you sat on the outskirts by yourself. You felt awkward like an outsider who wasn't invited to join the party. You felt like you were too old to feel like this.
It was embarrassing.
The gym door opening loudly caught your attention, making you turn your head at the sound. Two men…strike that. Two very good-looking men came walking in carrying bags and a white plastic table between them. You figure they must be the coaches as you watch them set up the table before placing several stacks of paper out all lined up in a perfectly neat row. You think you hear some giggling behind you from some of the mothers. It makes you want to roll your eyes. You watch as the taller, tattooed man goes out on the court to round up the boys. The handsome blonde one with the serious eyes comes to stand in front of the bleachers.
Okay, you can see why they were giggling.
“Okay, I see we have some new faces here this year. Please make sure you read our handbook thoroughly with your child. We have rules here for a reason, and I expect them to be followed. Teamwork and above all else safety is our number one priority,” he says, addressing all the adults in a very unenthusiastic voice. He seems bored, like he has given this same spiel many, many times before. “Every weekday, we have practice after school from 4 to 6:30, and we expect each player to have a guardian here….”
You really didn’t care to listen to the rest of his speech. If their handbook was so important, then everything would be in there. You let your mind drift and eyes wander back to your nephew. He was in a big circle on the opposite side of the gymnasium. He was paying attention and nodding along to whatever the other man was saying. You were never one for team sports. You definitely didn't play them, and the only time you went to watch something was in high school, and you spent the whole time under the bleachers with your friends doing things you shouldn't have been doing.
Both your brothers had played basketball, ran track and anything else they had time for. Your brother had a basketball in Nicky's hand as soon as he could. They truly bonded over it. That's why it kind of surprised you when he told you about playing. He's been pushing everything away that reminded him of his parents. He even asked you not to have any pictures of them out. You don't blame him and you know it's not healthy, but you wanted him to heal in his own time. If he wants to embrace playing again then you will damn sure make sure he plays.
“Is that clear?” Blondie asks, knocking you back into reality as you see his eyes settle on you for a brief moment.
“Yes, Coach Min,” everyone says at the same time. Oh shit! Maybe you should have paid attention.
Blondie, aka coach Min, turns back to the court as observes the boys who have started to stretch with his arms crossed. Suddenly, a woman dressed way too fancy with a little too much makeup on her face, takes a seat next to you. The amount of perfume that emitted off her body made you want to recoil away from her. You wonder if she is here to support her son or to try and catch the attention of one of the coaches. She gives you an obvious fake smile and looks around quickly before opening her mouth to speak.
“Hi, I'm Ara. My son Jisung is the shooting guard on the team. I just wanted to let you know that our children have been on this team for years now. They have been playing together since they were 8. They're champions. Don't expect your boy to start and take a position away from one of us. We don't need anyone new,” she informs you with the same sugary sweet smile. “I just don't want you to waste your time by being here. I'm sure you have more important things to do.”
“Well, Ara, it's a good thing I don't give a shit about you or your positions,” you say back just as sweetly.
You watch her smile drop and huff her way back to her seat, sitting with her minions once again. The man seated a little ways away from you starts chuckling. You ignore him and try to focus on Nicky and how he is doing, but the man slides over next to you.
“No one ever tells her off,” he informs you. “Thank you for that. I'm Mark.”
“Y/N,” you say, introducing yourself, but don't actually look at him. You weren't looking to make friends. Especially with parents who think they are better than everyone else.
“They are just jealous,” the man, Mark, proceeds to tell you. “They try to run off anyone new that comes on to the team. Especially if the mom comes with their child. Unfortunately, their tactics usually work.”
“So, this is like high school drama bullshit?” You ask, still not looking at him.
“Pretty much,” he confirms, nodding his head.
“That's just great,” you say sarcastically.
You go back to watching the boys on the court. The squeaking shoes were annoying, and your ass was definitely going to be asleep by the end. You can feel the heated glares that were focused on your back from the mothers sitting behind you. Their whispers were loud enough to know that they were talking about you, but quiet enough that you couldn't make out any details. Four months. Four long months. That was how long this damn thing was going to last, and he better freaking enjoy it.
As both whistles blow, you follow along with the parents as they stand up and depart the uncomfortable bleachers. You line up right with them as they all take a piece of paper from each stack on that white plastic table. You thumb through what you just picked up as the boys do some team huddle. Medical clearance, league rules, team handbook, a team / player picture form, uniform payment, travel schedule.
“Damn,” you say softly to yourself as you take it all in.
Your eyes widen slightly as you see the prices on the pictures and the cost of the uniforms. Not to mention the gas your car will burn through traveling. Some of these places were an hour and a half away. Unfortunately, you may have to ask your parents for help. Sure, your dad pays you too much for your little job, but kids are expensive. Most of your paycheck goes toward food. You didn't realize boys never stopped eating.
“Hello, I'm Coach Jeon,” the tall tattooed man says, introducing himself. “Nicky is our only new player this year, and it's nice seeing fresh faces. I just wanted to say that he did an awesome job today, and I’m looking forward to working with him more.”
“That's great,” you say, looking for your nephew who is getting his bag around.
“He's going to fit in perfectly,” he says, smiling brightly at you, easing your worries. “Have a good evening.”
You give him an awkward smile and wave as he walks away. That made you feel good about your decision. He was going to fit in perfectly. He wasn’t going to be the new weird kid with no parents. He was making friends. He was making a new life. You were making a new life, and for once, you weren't going to mess up. Despite the odds being against you. Despite your mother not believing in you. You were going to be the best damn pseudo parent ever.
《Chapter Two》
A/N 2 : As of right now, I don't know how many chapters this will be. I will update the story masterlist as I go.
Tagged Readers:
@busanbby-jjk , @ jajabro, @wobblewobble822 , @mintedagustd , @yoongiiuu93, @jincapableoflove , @redragdoll, @seoullove96
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magic-shop-stories ¡ 13 days ago
Hiiii I love your work, specially when you write about Yoongi! I loved the dating headcannons you did for him and was wondering what you picture aftercare with him to be like, in more details? Thank you so much and amazing work as always ❤️
💌 Reply:
Hi lovely! 💜 Your messages always make my day, thank you SO much for your kind words and for trusting me with Yoongi. I adore writing him, and your support and comments always give me a reason to smile. I’ve poured extra care into this answer, so I really hope it’s everything you wanted and more. Sending you a virtual hug and endless love 💜 -c-
Also I'm back from my little break, still have one more uni assignment to finish (RIP)... but I'm trying my best to keep up with all your requests
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helps you sit up slowly
arm braced around your waist
“Easy. I’ve got you.”
hands you a pre-warmed towel to drape over yourself
cleans your thighs and stomach with another damp cloth
preheated on a radiator
his touch is clinical but tender
his hands are methodical
avoiding any sensitive areas unless you nod permission
lingering on pressure points (shoulders, lower back)
easing tension
guides you to the bed or couch (if not already there)
never leaves you alone
adjusts the thermostat first
layers blankets over you
gathers used towels and sheets without comment
balling them into a laundry hamper
spritzes the room with your favourite scent to freshen the air
adjusts the sheets around you both
tucking the edge under your chin
his lips brush your forehead, lingering
“Perfect. You’re perfect.”
brings you water in his favorite mug 
holds it to your lips if you’re shaky 
“Slow sips. I’ve got you.”
brings spiced hot chocolate (his secret recipe)
sips from the same mug first
“Not too sweet. Like you.”
peels a tangerine slowly
each segment on your lips
his eyes never leave your mouth
“Open. Slow.”
dresses you in his oversized hoodie and fleece socks
smelling like his cologne
“Warmer now?”
syncs his breathing to yours
nose buried in your hair
when your breath hitches, he hums low to steady you (snippet of Seesaw)
sits behind you
legs bracketing yours
massages your scalp
“You’re safe. Always.”
traces idle patterns on your arm to keep you present
pulls you against his chest
his heartbeat steady under your ear
his palm rests between your shoulder blades
fingers splayed possessively
“Stay here. Just… stay.”
interlaces his fingers with yours
thumb stroking your knuckles
other hand traces idle shapes on your hip (a heart, his initials, a music note)
claiming without urgency
presses your palm flat over his heart.
“Feel that? Yours. Always yours.”
scoops you up bridal-style
one arm under your knees
the other cradling your back
his biceps flex, steady
“Hold on. Don’t let go.”
carries you to the bathroom
he’s already laid out fresh towels and your go-to skincare on the counter
“Prepped earlier. Knew you’d need it.”
murmurs â€œGood job” or â€œYou did so well” 
voice gravelly but tender
“Need anything? Name it.”
if you’re quiet, he fills the silence:
“Tell me what you need. Anything.”
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kneads arnica gel into your bruises
fingers firm but careful
“I’m sorry. Too much?”
draws a warm bath with epsom salts
carries you in if needed
lines the tub edge with a folded towel (probably prepared it before)
“For your head. Lean back.”
tests the water temperature
adjusts it until steam rises just enough
“Not too hot. Perfect.”
kneels beside the tub
sleeves rolled up
uses a silky washcloth and unscented soap to clean you
starting at your shoulders
avoids lingering, but his fingers brush your collarbone once
= apology and reverence
“Just float. I’m here.”
washes your hair meticulously
massaging your scalp
“Close your eyes.”
rinses with a cup to keep suds from your face
while you rest in his robe, he strips the bed swiftly
layers fresh sheets (100% cotton, ivory)
arranges pillows in a nest
adds a heated blanket pre-warmed in the dryer
“In case you get cold.”
lifts you back into bed
adjusting the pillows behind your head
tucks the comforter up to your chin
“Rest. I’ll handle the rest.”
kneels at the foot of the bed
massaging your calves with vanilla-scented oil
thumbs dig into knots
voice a rumble:
“Tell me where. I’ll fix it.”
cradles your face
forehead pressed to yours
“Look at me. You’re real. This is real.”
whispers â€œMianhae” (I’m sorry) against your temple
even tho you consented
guilt flickers in his eyes until you reassure him
sleeps on his side
arm slung over your waist
pulling you into his chest
if you stir, he murmurs: “Shh” and tightens his grip
texts you the next day: 
“How’s your body? Honestly.” 
if you’re sore, he delivers home-cooked soup to your door
Internal Monologue
replays every moment
critiquing himself
“Did I push too hard? Fuck. Should’ve checked in more.” 
“They’re so… trusting. I can’t fail that.”
watches your lashes flutter
memorizing the way moonlight paints your skin
“Do they know? How much they undo me.”
“Should’ve used more lube. Idiot.”
mentally adds it to his shopping list
“Their smile… worth every second.”
smiles faintly when he sees his hoodie on you
“Mine. But theirs too.”
files away your aftercare preferences in his Notes app: 
“Y/N - lavender oil, 72°F, no citrus.”
153 notes ¡ View notes
minsyoongi ¡ 1 month ago
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Yoongi backstage at Summer Swag ʚїɞ
616 notes ¡ View notes
ktownshizzle ¡ 2 months ago
Love & Lullabies | Part 5
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✎ ˎˊ˗ Pairing: Min Yoongi x female Reader
✎ ˎˊ˗ Summary: What begins as a simple favor for your best friend Namjoon soon pulls you into the rhythms of Yoongi’s life—afternoons spent caring for his son, late nights filled with candid conversations, and a connection neither of you thought you needed. You’re just fresh out of a long-term relationship with an ex who didn’t want a family with you, so did you really just stumble into a life you’ve always dreamed of? (Thank god Namjoon isn’t the only one who’s clumsy.)
✎ ˎˊ˗ Alternatively: It’s 2025 and BTS is prepping for their comeback. All members seem to have gained muscle weight from their time at camp. But Min Yoongi has gained a different kind of weight—an 8-pound baby and a fuck-load of responsibility. (Thank god you’re there to help him.)
✎ ˎˊ˗ Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut, idol!au, Acquaintances to Lovers, Reader is Namjoon’s bestie
✎ ˎˊ˗ Warnings: Yoongi is a DILF (!!!) That’s it.
✎ ˎˊ˗ Chapter warnings: Sex. Minors DNI. Also, barely proofread, sorry for any mistakes!
✎ ˎˊ˗ Word count: 3.8k
✎ ˎˊ˗ Posting date: February 1, 2025
✎ ˎˊ˗ Notes: Sorry it has taken me a while to get this part out. But I think you’ll like it. *fingers crossed* FULL TAGLIST TO FOLLOW. Sorry, I'm in a rush today. This is inspired by an ask/prompt sent by @yoongznme. 
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part 4.5 | Part Five | Masterlist
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A fancy hotel takeout sits untouched on your kitchen counter, the smell of roasted garlic filling the small space. You glance at the clock—6:47 PM.
Yoongi promised to take you to dinner, but given the circumstances, a quiet night in felt more appropriate. Safer for him. After all, the media has been relentless since the Dispatch scandal dropped close to midnight like Cinderella’s kitten heel at the ball.
You’re kind of pissed, actually. Scratch that—you’re furious. Just when it felt like you finally had Yoongi—finally had the chance to explore whatever this was between you—this bullshit had to rear its ugly head. A photo of his kind of ex leaving his building was enough to set the internet on fire, and now it felt like the flames were creeping dangerously close to your life.
You’ve talked to him once today, and even that conversation was clipped. A text from him at 5 let you know he was about to leave HYBE and swing by his place first. “Be there by 7,” he’d said.
You stare at the pristine takeout containers, willing yourself not to spiral. You’re not that person anymore. You’re not the insecure girl who lets her emotions run wild over things she can’t control. You’ve done too much good work to let this unravel you.
“You’re fine. You’re fucking fine,” you mutter under your breath, pacing the kitchen.
Your phone vibrates on the counter. Namjoon. Always coming to your rescue at the right time.
“You doin’ okay?” Namjoon asks, his voice calm but laced with concern.
“Define okay,” you quip, though your voice wavers slightly. “It’s been a lot.”
“I figured,” Namjoon says gently. “That’s why I’m calling. Just wanted to check in. Yoongi’s been swamped today, and I know how this stuff can mess with your head.”
You exhale slowly, grateful for the concern but also acutely aware of the simmering emotions just beneath the surface. “I’m trying, Joon. Really, I am. It’s just… exhausting. The waiting, the overthinking, the noise. I just want to know where I stand with him, you know?”
“He’ll tell you,” Namjoon assures you, his voice steady. “Just… don’t let the noise get to you.”
You swallow hard, his words striking a chord. “Thanks, Joon. Really.”
“Anytime,” he says warmly. “And hey, take it easy on him tonight, okay? He’s under a lot of pressure, but trust me, you’re his priority.”
“Will do, dad,” you tease, and for the first time all day, you feel a flicker of lightness.
You set the phone down, Namjoon’s words lingering in your mind as you glance at the clock again. 
You think about Yoongi and the kind of pressure he must be feeling now. You can take care of him tonight. He deserves it.
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You’re rearranging the pillows on the couch, trying not to glance at the clock again for the hundredth time. It’s not even about tidying the place anymore. It’s about occupying your hands, distracting yourself from the swirling mix of emotions in your chest.
Then, the doorbell rings.
You take a breath, smoothing your sweater. Calm. Casual. You’re fine.
You open the door.
And there he is. Yoongi stands in the dim light of the hallway, a dark jacket zipped up to his collarbone, a black mask shading his face, somehow directing the focus on the exhaustion in his eyes. But what caught your attention is his hair—slicked back with a little sprout of inky locks on top.
He scratches the back of his neck, suddenly looking bashful at the heat in your gaze.
Christ. He looks good. Criminally.
He steps in. “Hi,” he says softly, his voice carrying that calm rasp you’ve missed.
Your heart clenches. “Hi,” you reply, your tone quieter than intended. You clear your throat, stepping back to let him in. “Come in.”
He steps inside, pausing in the entryway as he glances around. 
You then notice the bouquet in his hand—gorgeous white roses and baby’s breath wrapped in brown paper. 
He hesitates, scratching the back of his neck as his eyes flick over your face. Something in your expression must’ve softened, because he quickly averts his gaze.
“I brought these,” he says, holding them out a little awkwardly.
Your chest tightens, a strange warmth spreading through you. “You didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to.”
When you reach out to take the bouquet, your fingers graze his, and the contact lingers for just a second too long. Impulsively, your free hand rises to cup his cheek. Maybe it’s too much for whatever the hell this is between you, but the moment feels too honest to stop yourself.
“Are you okay?” you ask softly.
Yoongi freezes under your touch, his dark eyes widening ever so slightly. Then, as if the tension in his shoulders breaks all at once, he leans into your palm, just a fraction, and the smallest, most heartbreaking smile tugs at his lips as his eyes flutter close.
“I am now.”
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You head to the kitchen, busying yourself with a vase to give the flowers the best chance to survive. You do not have a green thumb, so you pray to the gods the beautiful arrangement does not wither overnight.
“Hungry?” you ask, not turning around. “I bought chicken, shrimp fried rice, and some random banchan.”
“Yeah. Thanks,” Yoongi replies, his voice closer than you expect. You glance back to find him leaning against the counter, watching you with an unreadable expression.
You place the vase on the counter and fold your arms. “So,” you start, forcing lightness into your tone. “Survived the day?”
“Barely,” he admits, a tired smirk tugging at his lips. “Had to dodge more cameras than usual. Sat in meetings for a couple of hours. Si-hyuk personally called Sung Kyung’s agency. They assured me that they will investigate thoroughly. I couldn’t eat. I get home and there’s still press camping out. So yeah, shit day and I almost didn’t make it out alive.”
“That’s the longest response I’ve ever gotten from you.” You tease. “You really must be stressed out.”
Yoongi chuckles and for a moment, it feels like the tension that’s been hanging over you both all day melts away. 
You go around the counter and stand facing him where he’s sitting on your bar stool. He parts his legs and you immediately take that space, crowding him a bit more by placing your hands tentatively on his shoulder.
His eyes, warm like molten chocolate, meet yours. “How about you?”
You hesitate, suddenly feeling a little exposed. “I’m fine,” you say, though the tightness in your chest betrays you. “I mean, it’s not like this is new territory for you, right?”
“Doesn’t mean it’s easy,” Yoongi says quietly. “And I don’t like that you’re sort of affected by it.”
“I can handle it,” you reply, trying to sound more confident than you feel, projecting strength since he looks a little broken right now.
Yoongi’s lips press into a thin line, like he’s not entirely convinced. 
“I kinda knew what I was getting into when I knocked in your studio yesterday,” you say softly. “And I’d do it again. For you.”
His eyes widen slightly, surprise flickering across his face at your admission before it softens into something else. Something deeper. “For me?”
You nod, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks. “Yeah. For you.”
For a moment, he just looks at you, like he’s trying to figure out what to say. Then he straightens up from his slouch, taking one of your hands from his shoulder, pressing his lips softly against your pulse point.
“Dinner first,” he says. 
“Then what?” you challenge.
Yoongi just grins, eyes crinkling at the corners. 
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As you sip the last of your drink, you steel yourself to ask the question that’s been bugging you all day. “So,” you say finally, broaching the topic. “Sung Kyung.”
Yoongi pauses mid-bite, his eyes flicking to yours. He sets his chopsticks down carefully, leaning back in his chair. “What about her?”
You take a steadying breath, forcing yourself to look him in the eyes. “Namjoon told me you’re co-parenting. But I need to hear where you two… stand?”
Yoongi exhales slowly. “Yeah, we’re co-parenting. That’s it. I don’t have any intention of getting back together with her. At all.” His voice is calm but firm, leaving no room for doubt. “I want Haneul to know his biological mom, but she and I—we’re done. That’s been over.”
Relief washes over you, but before you can fully settle into it, you notice the shift in his expression. His jaw tightens, and his eyes dart briefly to the table before returning to yours.
“There’s something else,” he says quietly, the words heavy with hesitation.
Fuck. You don’t like the sound of it, but you ask anyway. “What is it?”
Yoongi sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. “A few weeks ago… she kissed me.”
Your stomach twists, and the room feels suddenly colder. “What?”
“I put a stop to it immediately,” he says quickly, his tone insistent. “I told her it couldn’t happen again, that if she wanted to keep seeing Han, she had to respect that boundary. And she has. She knows where we stand.”
You don’t respond right away, staring down at your plate as you try to process his words. 
Oh my god. This is so fucked up. You knew Sung Kyung’s reappearance wasn’t as harmless as it seemed, but hearing it confirmed still stings.
“I just thought…” you start, but the words trail off.
Yoongi’s voice is soft but steady. “You have every right to be upset.”
“Do I?” You think out loud. “We’re not…” You nod slowly, pushing your chair back. “I… need a minute.”
When you get to your bathroom, you release a long steadying breath. You stare at your reflection in the mirror, hands gripping the counter tightly. Fuck. You’re okay. This is–
A knock sounds at the door, startling you.
Yoongi’s voice is muffled as he says your name, but it’s gentle as can be. “Can I come in?”
You glance at the lock and realize, too late, that you forgot to turn it. The door creaks open, and there he is, standing in the doorway, his expression a mix of concern and something softer.
He steps inside, closing the door behind him and his arms immediately slide around your waist. The warmth of his touch seeps into you, and you meet his gaze through the mirror.
“Hey,” he murmurs against your hair. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
You lean back against him, the tension in your shoulders easing but just slightly. “I just… I don’t know how to feel about it.”
“That’s fair,” he presses his lips to your temple. 
“But I need you to know–” presses another on your cheek.
“That I don’t want anyone else–” presses the last where your neck and shoulders meet. 
“Just you.”
Your heart clenches at the sincerity in his voice, and when your eyes meet again in the mirror, the tenderness there leaves you so breathless.
Before you can second-guess yourself, you turn in his arms, your hands sliding up to his face as you pull him down for a kiss. His fingers tighten on your waist as he deepens the kiss, pulling you flush against him.
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You walk back to your bed, lips fused with his, your fingers tangled in the soft strands of his hair. The urgency between you grows as you push him down onto the mattress, his back hitting the sheets with a quiet thud. You follow immediately, straddling him, your body molding against his as you capture his lips again. The kiss is deep, consuming, his hands gripping your waist like he’s anchoring himself to you.
You stay like that for a while, tongues teasing, breaths mingling, drunk in the taste of each other. Then, a sharp pull of his lower lip between your teeth has him groaning into your mouth.
You’re driven by lust, and something else. A possessive demon seems to be overriding your better judgment, thinking you’ve been timid with your feelings for long enough. No woman, not Sung Kyung, even if he is Han’s mom, can take what you and Yoongi have been building up to for so damn long.
“You’re in your head,” Yoongi says, nudging his nose against yours.
“Did she kiss you like this, huh?” The words leave you before you can stop them. Your lips return to his, sucking greedily, staking your claim.
Yoongi’s breath shudders as you pull back just enough to meet his eyes. “No, baby.” His voice is rough, lips pink and swollen.
Your fingers slide under his shirt, pushing the fabric up and over his head, tossing it aside before your hands explore the newly exposed skin. He’s warm, toned beneath your touch, and the way his muscles tense under your fingertips only spurs you further. You lean down, lips dragging along his jawline, open-mouthed kisses trailing down his throat. He tastes sweet, salty, and entirely intoxicating.
“Did you fuck anyone else when I left?” you mumble against his skin, your teeth grazing the sensitive spot beneath his ear.
His breath hitches, “No, shit. No.”
“Good boy.” You hum in satisfaction, your lips venturing lower, your tongue flicking against the hollow of his throat. He groans, head pressing back into the pillow.
“Baby, you’re making me lose my shit right now,” he grits out, his voice strained, desperate. His hands now get braver, sliding underneath your top to fondle your tits. 
Maybe you’re delirious. Maybe you’re too turned on to think straight. Or maybe—maybe this is exactly what you’ve wanted since the moment you saw him again.
Your hand drifts down, fingers tracing the outline of his hard length through his trousers, feeling the way he twitches under your palm. 
“You’re mine, okay?” you whisper, nipping at his bottom plush as your fingers give his dick a squeeze.
He exhales a shaky laugh, his lips curving under yours. “Yours.”
He lets you revel in your greed for a few moments, allowing you to do whatever you pleased as you lose yourself in the heat building between you.
He ruts up towards your hand, grunting slightly. Honestly, he’s so hard, it’d be a mercy to release him from the confines of his jeans. So you do, helping him unbutton, unzip, and undress, until his cock springs free and flops on his stomach.
What a pretty dick. Literally lickable—solid, girthy, veiny, a bead of white pooling at the slit. You take him in your mouth, tracing the tip with your tongue, the taste of pre-cum coating your throat. You let drool cascade down his length, slick fingers pumping his shaft while your mouth suctions his mushroom head.
His hand goes to the back of your neck, guiding you in a bit more. “Mmm… that’s it, baby.” 
Yoongi moans your name as you go faster. You feel him twitching inside your mouth. He’s so hard but you don’t want him to cum yet. You pop him off to lap at the base, before your tongue travels upward to trace the thick veins on the underside of his cock. 
Jaw slack, his eyes are dark, dark as he observes you while propped up on his elbows. “Come up,” he says when you reluctantly pull away. “Wanna eat you out.”
Your clothes are yanked off your body as you take his place on the cushions, not a single piece of fabric now separating your skin. He takes you by the hip and adjusts your position so he can get his face close to your mound. Before you can mentally prepare yourself, he shoves his hot tongue against your folds, locating your clit in 0.001 seconds and you know you’ll be careening off a cliff in no time.
“I—Yoongi, that’s… shit that’s nice.” You can’t help it. It does feel nice.
You reach for the little ponytail on his head, gripping it for dear life. He hums against your bud when you pull, the vibrations only driving you more insane.
“You taste so good baby,” he mumbles.
“I can eat you out for days, make you cum,” he vows, delirious just like you are. “Over and over… my favorite fuckin’ snack.” 
“Oh my god, Yoongi…”
He feasts, and feasts, and soon enough, you’re shuddering in ecstasy, hips bucking in the process, as he slurps all you give him. He wears your cum like a gloss as he comes up for air, a lazy but proud smile on his face.
You reach for the drawer on your nightstand and pull out a new, sealed, and unopened box of condoms shoving it on his chest. He holds it in one hand, nose scrunching as he suppresses a laugh.
“Someone prepared…”
You shrug as he plucks one and unwraps it quickly, “What?”
“Nothing. You’re too cute for me.”
“Shut uppp.”
He rolls the condom on his dick, propping one hand by the side of your face as he uses the other to rub his blunt tip against your entrance. Your pussy is drenched and he slips right in and bottoms out with a grunt against your ear. He’s thick and big against your walls.
A smack against your ass cheeks makes you clench. “Ah, shit.” And another one lands before he soothes it with a gentle massage. 
You’re going crazy but you need him deeper. Sensing your needs, Yoongi pushes the back of your knees higher and snaps his hips with more force, pounding your pussy as your bed creaks against the wall. Your lids are heavy but you keep your eyes open long enough to see how fucked out he looks, cheeks flushed pink with a coat of sheen on his forehead, teeth caging his lower lip.
“You’re so hot. I wanna ride you,” you declare, stuttering a bit from his thrusts.
“Yeah?” He pants, slows the roll of his hips, waiting for your confirmation. 
When you nod, he slips off with a wince and you feel your juices trickle down your skin. You reverse positions, mattress dipping as you shift your knees on each side of his hips. 
“Do your thing, baby,” he urges, lacing his fingers behind his head, elbows bent outward in a relaxed pose.
Your smile is watery as you use his tip to prod against your clit one or twice before you sink him inside your wet heat. You moan in unison when you're fully seated, the feeling of him snug and warm and so full inside you driving you mad.
You tip your head back, palms planted against his chest as you swivel your hips in a slow dance. 
You look down on him, hair cascading over your shoulder, and you think how much you like this view. And how you won't mind this view everyday, actually. Seems the possessive streak from earlier still has not satiated. 
“Shit—you’re so hot like this.” 
You rock against him, clit stimulated deliciously as you ride his cock. He’s got a cocky little grin as you use him. You throw your ass back, and he has a front row seat and VIP access to your bouncing tits, his tongue slack on the side of his lips. He cups your tits with both hands, the wet pads of his thumbs rubbing against your nipples.
“My turn,” he grabs hold of your waist and thrusts upward so roughly your eyes roll back in pleasure.
He pistons into you, finger digging on your skin to keep you in place and a long moan rips from your throat when he jerks up particularly hard.
Your hands slip to his shoulder as your body bounces by the force of his movements, tits sliding against his chest. His thighs must be burning and when he slightly lets up, you dip your head, shamelessly to lick the side of his face, moaning his name against his ear. 
“Baby—” you beg, not really saying what you need, but he knows.
He uses a sweaty hand to guide a tit in his mouth, suckling at it with a bit of teeth. 
Not a moment later, he’s fucking you again from below, deeper, faster, and when rapidly presses into your sweet spot, you’re a goner.
“I’m close, Yoongi. So close…”
“Me too, baby,” his voice is rough as he lets go of your bruised nipple, brows furrowed in concentration like he is fully intent to give you the orgasm of your life. He pushes into your depth relentlessly, 
White hot heat is blooming inside you, and you feel his cock throb, abs tightening, before he spills his seed in the condom, groaning with his eyes shut to savor the intensity of his release. It’s the pure unadulterated pleasure painted on his face and his deep delicious moan that tips you over the edge, too, clenching against his solidness as you slip into the sinful pleasure of your orgasm.
Chest to chest, you rest your full weight against him, softening dick still nestled inside you. You press your lips against his neck, feeling the vibrations of his throaty chuckle. Then he asks, “Was it good?”
“So good.”
“Mm.” He hums, nosing the side of your face so you’d look at him. “Did you really mean what you said earlier?”
“Which one?”
“That you, uh, despite everything, you’d do it again, for me.”
You start to feel a bit shy, but then you remember you’re literally naked. On top of him. And he is still inside you. The point of bashfulness is long past. It’s time for the truth. “Yeah.”
“Bold of you, no?”
“Dumb, too.”
He pushes an errant hair behind your ear, eyes still glazed from the sex, but fond. “You know I really like you, right? If it isn’t painfully obvious.”
“Me too, Yoongi. Since Stan. Maybe even earlier.”
“Will you be my girl, then?”
Yoongi watches you carefully, waiting for your response. The earnest curve of his lips, the slight scrunch of his nose, the way his fingers still rest on your waist like he’s afraid you’ll slip away—it’s all so achingly real.
You study him for a moment, letting yourself take it in. Everything about him—his caring nature, his tenderness, his immense love for Han, his ability to drive you absolutely insane and still make you feel like you’re the only person in the world who matters.
The outside world is still in chaos. The scandal, the noise, the questions that neither of you have all the answers to yet. But here, in your little apartment, wrapped in the warmth of him, none of that feels as important as this.
“I will,” you finally say, voice steady.
His breath catches, just for a second. Then, his lips spread into the softest, gummiest smile you’ve ever seen.
“Yeah?” he murmurs, almost like he’s making sure he heard you right.
You nod, “Yeah.”
Your lips meet for a gentle kiss that feels like a promise and the rest of the world falls away. For now, no matter what comes next, it’s the two of you—finally honest, finally sure, and finally together.
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A/N: YASSSS. Our babies have finally figured it out. How do you feel right now? Would love to hear your comments! 
Thank you for reading, you lovely, beautiful human! Xo
P.S. Am gunning for 1,000 followers before Yoongi’s birthday. :) I think I’ll get there with your help. Feel free to reblog the story if you like, and that can help more people find our lovely L&L couple.
Love you!~
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Permanent Taglist (Part 1)
@wonh0oe @hyukaluve @glossdebut @kiki-zb @kookiewithluv
@agustblog @maryhopemei @perfectiondazesworld @kimsaerom @kam9404
@00-sleepdontweep-00 @tea4sykes @mggv97 @marnz1990
@whydoeyecare @pastelmin @tarahardcore @minjenna @chimmchimmm
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@yoongicatagenda @codeinebelle @parapiop7 @diame93 @janeelizabeth1216
@withmuchluv-tannie @abadiimm @angellekookie
The rest to follow in a reblog.
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atinystraynstay ¡ 1 year ago
Soft Spot - Min Yoongi
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Synopsis: Yoongi closed himself to most of the world. He didn't want to risk anyone hurting him or the people that mean the most to him. That was until you came along, somehow having the golden key to his heart.
Pairing: Min Yoongi x reader
Genre: Fluff, mutual pining, strangers to friends to lovers
Word Count: 1.7k
Yoongi had spent over 30 minutes at the florist. His eyes bounced between all the different flowers, unsure what would be the best one to present to you. You would think that since Yoongi produces music, he felt a constant pressure for the next song to do better than the last.
However, his biggest worry was trying to impress you.
To him, not enough words could describe you. He has attempted to write at least one song to showcase his adoration for you. Yet, nothing seemed to fit. He could easily describe you as perfection. You were the one person who balanced him out amongst the chaos. The songs he produced with you in mind just didn't do you justice.
"Hyung, you ever going to make a selection?" Taehyung teased for him.
A sharp puff of air left Yoongi. He thought asking Taehyung to help him was the best idea, but he was starting to regret it.
"Would you shut up?" Yoongi murmured.
Taehyung went into a fit of chuckles before putting his hands up in defense. Seriously, he was here to provide insight?
Of course, Yoongi had an idea of the right ways to treat someone. He has experienced short flames of love in the past. But nothing like what you two had. It admittedly scared Yoongi at the intensity of emotions he felt within himself. He didn't mean to push people away, but he just often put all those emotions toward his career before another person. BTS counted on him to produce songs, to be a strong older brother. He didn't put another put through the wringer just because of his intense career.
But then he met you.
It started off innocent at first. You two just happened to bump into each other at the convenience store. He had been locked up at the studio, trying to lay tracks down for a new song when he needed a break. He figured going for a walk and grabbing an energy drink would help relax him.
Similarly, you had been crammed in your university's library working on a research paper. You were in the last semester of your graduate program, a step closer to becoming a Social Worker. Your fingers were starting to ache and you felt a bit restless after sitting at a work table. You decided you needed fresh air and an iced coffee before going to attempt to edit the paper.
You two had bumped into each other. Fatigue was written all over your faces that you hadn't noticed each other. That was until you bumped in as you tried to go to the register.
Seeing how tired you were, but also how beautiful you looked, Yoongi offered to pay for your beverage. When you tried to politely decline, he insisted after being in your way. Even though you were the one not watching where you were going.
As a way to show appreciation, you offered to give him your number. That way, you could repay him with a drink of his choosing whenever he wanted.
Since then, you two have been attached. Text messages were exchanged which then became FaceTime calls, particularly late at night due to both of your schedules. FaceTime calls quickly grew tiresome because all Yoongi wanted was to be in the same room as you, so you two began to hang out.
While Yoongi has not officially asked you to be his exclusively, he knew he wanted to be with you. You two practically saw each other twice a week. In his mind, you two were together.
That was until Taehyung pointed out that he hasn't actually asked you to be his, that you could be under the impression you two were just friends. Yoongi was doubtful, but his younger brother had a point. What if you saw him as only a friend? What if you were actually seeing someone else?
The thoughts made Yoongi both anxious but motivated to do something about it. Cue Taehyung coming in to help. Taehyung knew how to be romantic. He offered insight without Yoongi overthinking it.
"I'm telling you. She won't really care about the exact flowers. Just that you got them for her." "But they have to be perfect for her."
It brought Taehyung amusement to see how smitten his hyung was. Actually, all the boys were invested in Yoongi's love life. For the 10 years that they've known him, this was the first time that he was choosing something for himself rather than for other people. They all adored how dedicated Yoongi was to them and the group, but they always wanted Yoongi to be happy in all aspects of life. Including romantic.
They ever knew someone could be so happy over receiving a text message. At least, that was the case until they saw him grinning in his studio as he spun gently back and forth. He would re-read your texts to him, his smile getting wider and wider.
Or the way he thinks of you had random points. Having ramen for dinner? You like ramen. He would wonder if you had eaten, if you were happy, if you had a good day. See a squirrel while on a stroll? You were so energetic, so busy. What were you up to? Should he call you?
You were always on his mind. You meant everything to him and so much more.
It was why when he stood in front of your apartment door, his heart was racing. Yoongi was convinced that his heart was going to leap right out of his chest at this rate. He was practically shaking.
He sucked in a deep breath, looking down at the bouquet of flowers. Roses felt too intense for the occasion. He had selected an arrangement of blue hydrangea, blue delphinium, and white button poms. They reminded Yoongi of a clear, warm day and you were the sun. They were tied together by a pink bow, subtle but perfect.
Here goes nothing.
With his left hand firmly holding onto the stems of the bouquet, his right hand reached forward to ring the doorbell of your unit. It was a late Sunday morning. Sundays were your day to relax, to do self-care. He hoped he wasn't introducing, but he knew you'd be home.
From the other side of the black-painted door, he could hear shuffling. His heart fluttered knowing you were indeed inside. And about to open the door.
Did he get the right bouquet? Did you even like flowers? Should have have gotten a bigger bouquet for you?
He didn't have enough time to go through every scenario as soon the door opened. There you were. His angel.
Your hair was pulled back in a high ponytail with little strands framing your face. You wore a pair of black shorts but a large, oversized sweatshirt. All he wanted to do then was wrap you up in his arms and cuddle you. God, he was down bad.
You had a warm on your face, but quickly your eyes widened to see the flowers in his hand. You couldn't but hope they were for you, but you were convinced you and Yoongi were just friends. He was too kind to you to be anything more than that.
"Hi y/n," he said softly.
His voice sent your heart into palpitations. Nobody else sent you into such a spiral unlike he did so easily. It was just him greeting you but your knees were like jelly.
"Hi Yoongs," you spoke just as softly.
Yoongs. You were the only person who called him that. And he prayed you would be the only.
"What's going on? I figured you might be asleep still since you were at the studio until late." "Nothing can stop me from seeing you. I had a very important erran to run."
He was trying his best not to become a stuttering mess. But the way you were looking at him? The way you had a soft gaze yet lured him in, he was bound to crumble.
"These are for you, beautiful. Saw them and I thought of you."
Your cheeks turned bright pink. You were at a loss for words, and Yoongi noticed. He couldn't help but feel his ego rise. Maybe all the guys were right after all? Maybe you did like him?
He only got this confidence when he had a little bit of whiskey in his system. This was different, though. He didn't have liquid courage to fuel his delusions. He was stone-cold sober to see how you reacted to him. While non-verbal, your body language says everything.
"Oh Yoongi, they are so beautiful. You didn't have to do this." You took the flowers into your own hands to admire them up close. It warmed Yoongi's heart to see the way you took in their beauty, even though they weren't as beautiful as you are. He hoped you were seeing yourself just as positively, but he was ready to remind you constantly if need be.
"And I know what you're about to say." He began. "If you feel guilty for me spoiling you, why don't you accompany me for brunch? Going on an official date would make me happier than you buying me something."
Your head had never snapped up as quickly. Did you hear him correctly? Was he asking you out on a date? There was no room for interpretation when he said the words himself, but you weren't sure if you heard him correctly.
"Wait, you are actually asking me out?" "Well yeah, y/n. Isn't it obvious I like you?"
You opened your mouth to counter his statement, still in disbelief. However, you quickly closed it. Come on, y/n. Don't hesitate. You're so close to getting what you've always wanted.
"Can you give me 20 minutes to get ready and place these in water?" You asked. "Take all the time you need, angel. I'll be downstairs in my car, making sure it's all warm for you."
Feeling bold, Yoongi leaned into to press a lingering kiss to your cheek. "I've got nowhere else I'd want to be than spending time with you." Shivers ran down your spine from his tone and the way his words practically vibrated throughout your body.
He pulled back and winked before going towards the elevator. You gently closed the door before rushing to get ready.
Dreams can come true.
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