zeroseuniverse · 19 days
Safety First
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Seok Matthew X Fem Reader Word Count: 1K Warnings: None really aside from Reader being Ji-Woong's Sister
If there was one thing in the world that she knew for certain it was that her brother adored her, Jiwoong was undeniably her number one person in this world and if someone so much as breathed in her direction, they would be interrogated like they just committed 3 counts of murder. Even so, he did love the fact that most of his friends took to her like a brother when he wasn’t around, so it wasn’t a surprise when he invited her to go camping with them. She mostly stuck to her brother's side, but Gyuvin, Taerae, and Yujin would occasionally kidnap her to cause some sort of chaos, which is actually what led her to this moment, funnily enough.
The four stood in front of their 6 friends, all four deciding to look at their surrounding areas as if they didn’t see the 6 sets of shocked and amused eyes directed in their direction. “How in the world did you guys end up soaked, there’s no water near here?” Hanbin wondered, causing Taerae to look more sheepish than the others.
“So, remember how you told me to dump the cooler earlier?” He smiled sweetly trying to butter up his hyung, only earning quirked eyebrows in response, which caused him to huff and cross his arms.
“Taerae packed water guns so we used the water to fill up water guns, we had a war, which Yujin and I won by the way!” Gyuvin snitched, earning glares from his accomplices.
“Well, you four will be sitting in Jiwoong’s car since it has seat covers, we already packed your bags into the truck so no change of clothes,” Hao explained earning pitiful nods in return.
“I call shotgun since I won!” Gyuvin hollered trying to run to the front seat only to get pushed back by Jiwoong.
“I don’t sit next to wet rats, You four wet rats can sit in the back, Matthew is riding up front since the truck has minimal space,” Jiwoong stated, earning a glare from his sister.
“Um I’m the only girl, why am I being put in the back with these three giants and how do you expect us to fit?” 
“You will start to smell in about 20 minutes, and I don’t want to be smelling it so closely, You guys can figure it out.”He smiled falsely at her before he and Matthew went ahead getting into the car.
“Sometimes I think he likes Matt more than me,” She grumbled watching as her accomplices tried to gauge the size of the back seat, “At least it wasn’t Gunwook…He’d take up the whole damn seat with his shoulders.” She joked, earning a giggle from Taerae and Gyuvin and a smile from Yujin. 
“How about you lay across our laps?” Yujin offered, which earned three shrugs in agreement, and so the three giants got into the back seat lifting their arms slightly so it would be easier for her to climb over, however, they didn’t anticipate just how painful it would be with her moving across them, her knees and elbows pressing on their muscles in all of the wrong ways. 
“Ow!”The various yelps echoed through the car earning laughs from Matthew and Jiwoong and sputtered apologies from the girl. The girl quickly got off of the boys instead taking position curled up in a ball in front of Yujin leaving all of the boys with a free lap. 
“You guys are seriously going to have her sit on the floor?” Matthew asked incredulously, he looked at the girl in concern.
“She’s the smallest, it’s a tight fit man.” Gyuvin defended looking down at her a little shamefully. Matthew assessed the situation quickly, if he gave up his seat to her there was no way the four males could sit comfortably in the back, if he moved Taerae to his seat, since he was broader, and instead moved to the back he could move her onto his lap so that everyone could sit comfortably, that seemed to be the easiest route. 
“Taerae, switch with me,” Matthew suggested with zero hesitation earning confused looks from the four in the back, he didn’t stop to look at Jiwoong, who had a small smirk on his face hoping this would have happened. 
“No, it's fine! I’m okay right here.” She reassured, Matthew ignored the girl simply giving Taerae a stern look, the switch didn’t take long, Matthew was then sitting in the seat behind Taerae, swiftly hoisting the girl up into his lap and placing her sideways. After a started yelp, she looked at Matthew with wide eyes, but the man was simply reaching for the seatbelt, securing it around both of them, his hands then moving to place themselves securely on her hips. “Matt, I can sit on the ground. I don’t mind, I don’t want to get you all wet.” She stammered only to be met with the sweetest smile directed up at her from below, the man moved some of the wet hair out of her face and as the red crept up her neck and to her ears, he could simply only look at her like she had a face full of makeup and was dressed in a ball gown, it was odd how she had never noticed the look the boy had given but seeing it up close she recognized it.
“Just stay here, it’s safer.” He spoke so softly she barely heard him, and as the road trip began, their position slowly moved to a more comfortable one, her arms now wrapped around his neck, allowing him to rest his head on her shoulder as they both watched TikTok on his phone, giggling quietly to each other about each one, she moved her eyes from the screen for a moment, catching her brothers eye in the mirror, he had a larger smirk on his face and approval glittering in his eyes. She was almost shocked at how okay he was with her sitting on his best friend's lap, but maybe she could understand, he had always expressed how good he thought Matthew would be with a girl, always trying to talk him up to her. She trusted his approval so with that thought she slouched back into Matthews's arms leaning her head on top of his just embracing the moment. 
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zeroseuniverse · 22 days
sm moving at light speed with a statement and swift contract split means there really ain’t no other way to spin this. incredibly shocking and disappointing news. wishing love, healing, and justice to all victims wrapped up in this situation - and former fans, be gentle with yourself. you couldn’t have known and it always hurts to have hard truths revealed like this but on the other side of the coin, let’s see this for what it is and let go. the only defending he needs is from an actual lawyer.
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zeroseuniverse · 22 days
Not A Monster
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Jungkook X Reader Word Count: 1.6K Warnings: Segregation (Mutants), Nurse Jungkook X Doctor Reader, Cursing, Injuries.
The most common way people give up their power is by assuming they have none. That is the mindset, the ideals, the lifestyle that is needed to survive this world. The world is encouraging segregation and oppression of those who are different. Nobody knows where exactly the mutant gene came from, but what they did know? It was spreading like wildfire, new inventions coming out to suppress the new abilities presenting themselves left and right.  
“An inhibitor? What type?” she questioned as she moved through the mutant hospital, her feet keeping a fast pace to keep up with Jungkook, the nurse who was leading her to the latest critical case.
“It’s a muzzle of some kind, he was caught hiding in an abandoned warehouse, he’s undocumented, when officers found him, he tried to use what they believe was a supersonic scream to incapacitate them. They were bleeding from the ears,  so I checked with the normies wing, they’re all fine and expected to make a full recovery.” The tattooed man explained lifting his arm to push aside the curtain for the woman, her hands staying nestled in her pockets like they usually were. 
“No offense Jeon, but I don’t give a shit about the officers, they’re not any more important than my patient.” She said plainly, leaving the nurse slightly pouting from the dry response, he wished the doctor would praise his efforts every once in a while. The man huffed before spinning on his heel and heading back to the nurse's station to meet Jimin and Taehyung, the other nurses who seemed to be goofing off rather than working at the moment both men immediately sensed the added presence, the two looked up at the doe-eyed man with teasing grins.
“Did you strike out again, Jeon?” Taehyung teased, promptly throwing his hands up to cover his face as Jungkook threw a pen at him. 
“Watch the face!!!” Jimin yelped, also throwing his hands up to protect Tae, “It’s the only thing he’s got going for him.” 
“Yah!” Taehyung yelled in offense, smacking his hands on both of the giggling offenders.
“Don’t you three have anything better to do than goof around?” Jin wondered as he walked up to the nurse's station, passing a file over to Jimin to put away.
“Yes,” The three let out shamefully, sticking their tongue out at the man's back as soon as he turned around. 
“I saw that!” Y/N called as she strode past the nurses, not even looking up from her case file. Jungkook’s eyes honed onto her gloved hands, pouting when he realized they were still covered, he often wondered if that was the only reason he was so dead set on getting her to warm up to him, he was unbelievably curious about her quirk. 
He saw her lip lift just slightly into a smirk. He had never seen that much emotion on her face in a long time. He excitedly turned to his friends hoping that they both caught the motion too, the two were giggling at his excitement, both shooting him a thumbs up.  His day was made.
She wasn’t always that way, she used to be the sweetest person in school, and that’s what drew him in. When she was pulled out of school for a month, he was so worried, until she reappeared a completely different person; However, Jungkook wasn’t going to move on.  If she said jump, he’d ask how high, if she called, he’d come running. Maybe she knew that, maybe she was so aware that he could be the best person to help her in her time of need, maybe he was the only one she felt so strongly about that she stayed as far away as possible to keep him safe. She had watched him from afar for years, having shared so many classes in school, of course, she’d fall for him. The sweet boy who always considers everyone else, a silent protector, that’s what she knew him as. Especially when snacks began to appear in her locker, she caught him in the act a few times, giggling as he struggled with her lock while holding the snacks, his tongue rolling out and resting on his lips as he focused on the task.
Maybe it was these memories that led her to his apartment that night, the faith that he could help her and not repeat a word of it to anyone if she asked. She weakly pounded on the door, suddenly not feeling too confident as she stood vulnerable in front of his door, the creeping feeling of doubt climbed up her being, sending her to spin on her heel the longer she was left to wait. The door swung open, revealing the man pulling a grey shirt down his torso, he looked at her bewildered. He ran his doe eyes down her body, to confirm she was there. “Help,” She muttered in pain.
When his eyes caught on to the wounds and torn clothing that littered her body he gasped, a hand reaching out to pull her into his home, “What happened to you?” He asked, hands and feet immediately moving to grab his first aid kit to help tend to her wounds. 
“Sentinels. The bastards caught me going home from work and scanned me, they started beating me, I had to.” She explained, the last statement coming out so much quieter, almost unsure of it, “I had to.” She repeated, like a mantra hoping that she could begin believing it herself.
“Okay, Okay, you had to do what?” Jungkook questioned again, getting on his knees after sitting her on the couch and beginning to tend to her leg wounds. His hands were moving swiftly but with the gentle touch, you’d see someone use when caring for a porcelain doll.
“I had to, Jeon, I had to, I promise I’m not a monster, I never met to hurt anyone.” She sputtered, her eyes watering, a few tears falling as she began to panic thinking of her actions.
“Hey, I don’t think you’re a monster I could never. But can you give me a rundown? Or do you want to wait until I’m done fixing you up and we get you some food and water.” He offered, coming level with her face, searching her eyes trying to show her that he did in fact care. After she agreed to wait, he continued his work, moving up her body til he tended to the very last wound on her head, he nurtured every wound with the tenderest touch before leveling his eyes with her own once again. 
“You will never be a monster. You’re just trying to survive. We all are, this world isn’t safe for any of us, mutants or humans. Whatever you did, I’m sure you did it to survive.”
“They just kept going, I tried to hold off, but then they brought out the batons and… I was so scared, Jungkook, I thought I was going to die.” She explained, choking some words out here and there as tears once again welled up. “My ability…I’m not proud of it, I hid it as long as I could.”
“You’re undocumented?” Jungkook wondered, his hand moving to cup her cheek, thumb wiping away her tears as they rolled down. She sniffled as she nodded her head almost a small bit. “What’s your….” He trailed awkwardly not knowing if it was an appropriate question, or maybe for better terms a comfortable question.
“I…I absorb energy when I touch people, skin-to-skin contact, it’s why I wear gloves.” She explained, fidgeting slightly with her torn gloves.
“I’ve been touching your skin this whole time…” Jungkook stated, not doubting her but noting that maybe there was something more that she wasn’t seeing. Her brows came together in confusion before drifting her eyes to focus on his hand that was still resting on her cheek, zoning into her senses she did indeed feel energy sinking into her skin but he looked just as healthy, with no sign of discomfort that usually follows skin to skin contact. She was confused.
Jungkook brought his hand down grabbing her hand instead of touching where the exposed skin was, he didn’t feel anything but euphoric by being able to be this close to her, it was odd. 
“So you can’t touch anyone at all?” He wondered as he moved around the kitchen to cook up some food, he had been asking questions for about 20 minutes now, and this was about the 3rd time he’d asked this one.
“Well, I don’t know anymore considering you’re still standing.” She answered, “Why are you so focused on this specific question?”
“Because it means a lot of things.” He shrugged, moving the pan off of the burner before turning to face her, leaning forward to rest his elbow on the counter, a position that was all too enticing for her mental state.
“Have you ever held hands with someone? No gloves?” when he saw her shake her head, he maneuvered slightly closer,” Have you ever .... hugged someone?” she shook her head yet again, and he stood to his full height, walking around the counter to stand in front of him. Her heart was beating faster and faster every time he moved closer, his eyes were still locked on her own, never breaking contact. “Have you ever kissed someone.” it wasn’t a question, it was a challenge and as she shook her head, his eyes dropped looking at her lips he leaned in just a little further, his lips nearly brushing her own. “Can I try something?” He wondered, and for the first time in what felt like forever she nodded, and he wasted no time. Both of the two hungry after years of starvation, both feeling overpowered with the energy surging, she was almost high off of the energy he was radiating and he was feeling calm, like he was finally able to relax and rest his demons were at rest, and as her arms looped around his neck, he knew he was home.  For now. 
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zeroseuniverse · 3 months
Haha don't do that you're so sexy 😁😅
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Pairing [Soul X Fem Reader]
Word Count [480]
Summary [Just soul being a loveable little weirdo]
Keeho stared at her with the blankest look to ever grace his face, he couldn’t believe the audacity she had to just lie to his face, and not even just that, the worst lie ever, and she expected him to believe it?
“Oh come on, surely you can come up with a better lie than that.” He said in disbelief, hands flying up beside his head to express it even more. She huffed at the sassy man lips almost forming into a pout as the gears in her brain turned to try and figure out a way without outing her crush even more than she already had. The elder man had caught her reading a cookbook, knowing she can’t cook to save her life he snuck up behind her and spotted the page open to a japanese recipe, specifically Soul’s favorite meal, his giggle had startled her so bad she slammed the book down on her thumb by accident to try and hide the evidence spewing out some lie about seeing it on a show and being interested.
“You even burn water.” Keeho retaliated, watching as defeat sank into her features.
“She’s been rereading the first step for like ten minutes to  make sure she does it perfectly, let her cook man.” Soul’s voice sounded, making both Keeho and herself jump at the sudden presence but as they looked around they didn’t spot the strange boy anywhere. 
“Soul?” She gasped, panicked as she wondered just how much of her time in the kitchen he had seen.
“Hiiii.” The japanese native giggled, his head popping out of the cabinet with snacks in his hands. 
“You…have been just sitting in a cabinet?” Keeho wondered confused, watching the younger male nod happily, contect with his own abnormal behavior, not noticing the girl nearly swooning at his adorable quirkiness.
“How long have you been in there?” 
The question was valid, though Soul wondered why it mattered, tilting his head in confusion. “I’ve been in there for a few hours, why?”
“So you’ve heard everything? Even my phone call?” She wondered, she had called her mom, who happened to be staying with Soul’s family for a trip for insight, only to get teased ruthlessly by the women.
“Yea.” He casually answered, shrugging his shoulders as he popped another bit of his snack into his mouth.
“And you have nothing to say at all?”
“Was I not supposed to know something?” He wondered, eyes glancing to his hyung who stifled a giggle at the disbelief now coating her face.
“Why did you never say anything?”
“I thought it was common sense that we both liked each other? Why change anything? I like how we are.” He innocently responded, before holding you the package to her to offer her a bite, “Do you want some? Then I can help you cook!” 
Soul is definitely a strange kid.
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zeroseuniverse · 4 months
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Pairing [Soul X Fem Reader]
Word Count [480]
Summary [Just soul being a loveable little weirdo]
Keeho stared at her with the blankest look to ever grace his face, he couldn’t believe the audacity she had to just lie to his face, and not even just that, the worst lie ever, and she expected him to believe it?
“Oh come on, surely you can come up with a better lie than that.” He said in disbelief, hands flying up beside his head to express it even more. She huffed at the sassy man lips almost forming into a pout as the gears in her brain turned to try and figure out a way without outing her crush even more than she already had. The elder man had caught her reading a cookbook, knowing she can’t cook to save her life he snuck up behind her and spotted the page open to a japanese recipe, specifically Soul’s favorite meal, his giggle had startled her so bad she slammed the book down on her thumb by accident to try and hide the evidence spewing out some lie about seeing it on a show and being interested.
“You even burn water.” Keeho retaliated, watching as defeat sank into her features.
“She’s been rereading the first step for like ten minutes to  make sure she does it perfectly, let her cook man.” Soul’s voice sounded, making both Keeho and herself jump at the sudden presence but as they looked around they didn’t spot the strange boy anywhere. 
“Soul?” She gasped, panicked as she wondered just how much of her time in the kitchen he had seen.
“Hiiii.” The japanese native giggled, his head popping out of the cabinet with snacks in his hands. 
“You…have been just sitting in a cabinet?” Keeho wondered confused, watching the younger male nod happily, contect with his own abnormal behavior, not noticing the girl nearly swooning at his adorable quirkiness.
“How long have you been in there?” 
The question was valid, though Soul wondered why it mattered, tilting his head in confusion. “I’ve been in there for a few hours, why?”
“So you’ve heard everything? Even my phone call?” She wondered, she had called her mom, who happened to be staying with Soul’s family for a trip for insight, only to get teased ruthlessly by the women.
“Yea.” He casually answered, shrugging his shoulders as he popped another bit of his snack into his mouth.
“And you have nothing to say at all?”
“Was I not supposed to know something?” He wondered, eyes glancing to his hyung who stifled a giggle at the disbelief now coating her face.
“Why did you never say anything?”
“I thought it was common sense that we both liked each other? Why change anything? I like how we are.” He innocently responded, before holding you the package to her to offer her a bite, “Do you want some? Then I can help you cook!” 
Soul is definitely a strange kid.
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zeroseuniverse · 7 months
wc: 386
warnings: none
pairing: sunoo x fem reader
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“How come you won’t go get ice cream with me anymore but you’ll go with her?” Sunoo asked, pouting after finding out that his bandmate went out for ice cream with his best friend. 
Ni-ki looked up from his ice cream with a questioning brow, swallowing his bite before answering, “She doesn’t eat mint chocolate ice cream, she’s normal.” 
“What’re you talking about? She loves mint chocolate?” Sunoo asked confusedly, he knows this fact. She would have ice cream with him all of the time, he was there the first time she tried it. He remembered smiling so brightly after she agreed that it was amazing.
“Hmm she eats strawberry ice cream everytime we go together.” Jungwon said confused, tilting his head at Sunoo.
“Wait this is a thing you all go get ice cream with her?” Sunoo gasped exasperated, taking in the sight of his six bandmates sharing a look, “You do!”
“To be fair that’s like the only thing she eats.” Jay defended, earning nods of agreement from the others. 
“I can’t believe this.” Sunoo huffed sitting down on the couch dramatically. 
“Traitor!” Sunoo yelled as he stormed into her apartment, a pout already set on his lips. Startled, she jolted from her lounging position in a panic. 
“Sunoo?” she asked worriedly, approaching the dramatic man cautiously.
“You don’t like mint choco? And you go out for ice cream with my friends?” He was not happy, he thought it was their thing to do together and came to find out she had been doing it with others behind his back.
“Sunoo.” She giggled, relieved that it wasn’t actually serious and he was just being silly, still she tried to keep a straight face as he went about his theatrics. 
“Why did you pretend to like mint choco?” Sunoo asked, looking like a wounded puppy. She cooed, grabbing his face in her hands with a grin.
“You just looked so cute when I tried it, I couldn’t deny you anything. Even if it means eating mint choco ice cream.” She explained, pinching his now blushing cheeks. 
“We’re finding something else for just us, no more doing what we do with the rest of the members.” He huffed, rolling his eyes as he batted away her hands from his face.
“That’s fine by me little fox.” 
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zeroseuniverse · 7 months
Works In Progress
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Group: XDH
Love interest : ????
Word Count: TBA
Number of Parts: TBA
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Her feet planted on the grass as she read the sign ‘Mad World’ that was plastered largely over the entrance arch. With one last deep breath she made her way through the entrance, approaching the gleaming set up.
Many tents set up along with multiple vendors scattered about, stands with fresh food and deserts along with childish games such as ring toss lined the walkway as she went past. Each vendor sent her a wide grin and a wave, each of their eyes turning darker behind her back.
She approached the main tent apprehensively, her hands wringing together nervously, before walking in with a bated breath before she could turn around and flee once again. 
Everyone is seen to be practicing around the tent under Gaon’s watchful eye. That is until he spins to face her with a wide grin, dark shadows casting under his eyes almost making him appear sinister. But, it’s quickly shifted as the light switches to face her momentarily blinding her. When her eyes readjust Gaon is gone, appearing next to the reader with a wide grin, resembling the Cheshire cat.
He makes a grand gesture of bringing his arms above his head and twirling a booming laugh as he utters “Welcome to the mad, mad world, where we’re all a little mad.” 
Everything seemingly froze as he appeared next to her, eyes all around the tent landing on her with almost identical maniacal grins. But as the light shifts once more they are no longer looking at her, and continue practicing. 
Feeling a thrumming of fingers along her shoulder, her head snaps in the direction only to be met with two gleaming eyes. The owner seemingly upside down as she noted the blush pink hair and the fangs peeking from his bright grin.
She just blinked at him as he tilted his head, “Wanna see something?” the smile turned into a smirk as he let go of the silks and stood on his two feet.
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Group: ATZ
Love Interest: ???
Word Count: TBA
Number Of Parts: ???
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── ·
“Jeong Yunho, died at 24 years old, previously a resident in Heaven. You’ve been dead since the 1800’s, ooh previously a prince, that explains the outfit." He heard a woman explaining, causing him to jolt, he scanned the room once more but still didn’t see the culprit. “Yoo-hoo!” he heard behind him, he spun on his heel to face the perpetrator only to see yet another demon standing before him holding a book with his name on it and a grin on her face.
“Who are you?” He asked, yelping when she disappeared, and the room changed, it was now a sleek black themed room, and the demon that was once clad in some casual clothes was now dressed in black slacks and a black blazer left mostly unbuttoned revealing the pale skin below littered with scars. Her black hair that was once in an  unruly bun was now slicked back into a sleek ponytail that cascaded down to her lower back.
She was now seated in an office chair with her heeled feet propped up on the desk as she continued reading the story of his life that was told throughout the book. “Welcome to hell Yunho, as I’m sure you’ve been told, hell isn’t what it used to be,” She began, getting straight into business
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Love Interests: All idols have a separate part in this seires
Word Count: TBA
Number Of Parts: 48
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The world changes, every second, every minute, every hour something new happens. Anything can happen in the blink of an eye, and quite honestly everyone could wholeheartedly agree they wish that this came in the blink of an eye, instead everyone watched as day by day the world fell even further into darkness. The once bright city brimming with life and love was now a hollow shell, all colors have seemingly greyed, the life was now replaced with debris and blood splatters. People fell into a panic after a malfunction in one of the world's largest radiation devices, it was catastrophic people all over the world were experiencing symptoms sending others into a panic, people resorted to looting and even killing. Nothing was normal anymore, super powered humans began to emerge from the depths, some to create even further despair and many to try and save the day. 
Even from ashes people will rise, and burn the brightest flame. Some made to burn the world and some made to shed some light in the darkness.
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zeroseuniverse · 7 months
wc: 304
warnings: mentions of blood and death
pairing: hoshi x fem reader
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"I'm tired of adventures. How about we just get married and stay home?" She wondered aloud thoughtlessly as yet another man charged at her, only to get swiped by Hoshi’s dagger.
"I'm sorry...did you just fucking propose?" He grunted, flinching back as her blade slashed in front of his face taking out an incoming attack.
“Did I?” She questioned, moving her back to face his as they both fought the enemies coming their way. The mission was going smoothly, as it typically did with the duo, until Hoshi tripped an alert and suddenly they were being bombarded with guards. 
“Ya kind of did.” He huffed as he swiftly swung his dagger down in favor of pulling out his gun to speed up the process. He needed to have this conversation and he’d be damned if he let these bastards get in the way of it.
Shots rang out and as quickly as they started they stopped, all attackers laying bloodied on the ground as the duo huffed and puffed. With adrenaline buzzing through his body, shimmering just below his skin he spun on his heel to face his lover with a goofy grin, grabbing her into a tight hug ignoring the blood meshing on their clothes and skin. 
“Woah!” She yelped as she was grabbed into the tight embrace of her lover.
“Let’s go celebrate, we’re getting married!” Hoshi exclaimed loudly, he practically carried her away from the mission to go and celebrate.
“My love, let’s go wash up. Then we can go for ice cream or something.”
“No, we need to celebrate right now, who cares about a little blood.”
Everyone. Everyone cared about the “little” blood the duo was covered in, however the duo were seemingly lost in their bliss or still high off of adrenaline and happy to be together. 
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zeroseuniverse · 7 months
wc: 917
definition: one who finds it difficult to take a hint
warnings: none
pairing: Yeosang x fem reader
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It was killing him, it was like a weight settling over his chest and shoulders. Yeosang constantly felt the crushing feeling of his love choking him up, not allowing him to relax. He’d tried so hard to get her to understand he had feelings for her. He didn’t let people touch him often but he’d let her cuddle up to him anytime she pleased, he didn’t like sharing his food but he didn’t bat an eye as she nabbed whatever she wanted off of his plate. He didn’t know how to make it more obvious, it was almost as if she didn’t want his love. It was probably the most frustrated he had ever felt. He couldn’t keep the love to himself, it wasn’t his anymore. He couldn’t give it to anyone else, it wasn’t theirs. It's hers. And he was going to give it to her. Even if she was oblivious, she’d feel his love somewhere inside of her, because it was there.
Team dinners dragged on for so long, she was so close, yet he couldn’t reach out and touch her like he wished because she didn’t accept his love, she had no clue about it. And Wooyoung’s eyes on the two across the table didn’t help whatsoever. His friend of a decade was baffled at how the woman couldn’t see the love Yeosang held for her, every interaction left him more in shock. Wooyoung believed that even if Yeosang confessed outright the woman would still be clueless. Wooyoung would do anything for his friend, he really would, which is how he ended up following Yeosang’s crush towards the bathroom with an evil grin.
“Oh, Noona!!!” Wooyoung sung with his fox-like eyes narrowed in on her, full of mischief. 
“Oh, Woo! What’s up?” She wondered, her voice was very different from most females, while theirs were high pitched, hers was raspier and alluring. Wooyoung often found himself lost in the beauty of her voice, platonically of course. 
“When are you and our Yeosangie going to finally get together?” He asked blatantly, making the woman blink in shock at the man, who just raised his brow expectantly.
“Oh don’t be ridiculous Woo, that won’t happen.” She waved off making the man huff before tilting his head as if he was a confused puppy.
“But why? You both like each other.” He grinned as he watched her freeze in her steps, turning to look at him with bewilderment.
“He does not like me.” She fronted, adamant with her belief.
“But you like him?”
“Yah, Woo, I really don’t have time for this, we should get back to the table before they think something’s wrong.” She huffed forgetting about her quest to the bathroom and instead rushing past him and back to the table 
“No, you don’t get to run away from this, it’s obvious you both like each other so act on it!” He tried to stay a little quiet but he was growing frustrated and didn’t check his volume, which resonated throughout the restaurant way louder than he intended. He almost grimaced as she looked close to tears from embarrassment as most of the occupants turned to look at them, including Yeosang.
Yeosang’s head snapped up after hearing the sentence, taking in the duo before him, his crush was obviously running away from his best friend, he jumped from his seat and rushed to her aid, knowing how much Wooyoung could be. He grabbed her purse and jacket from the chair next to him before rushing towards her and practically dragging her out of the restaurant so she wouldn’t have to endure the stares any longer. He wrapped her up in her coat as the air chilled her skin.
“Let’s get you home.”
“Yeo…” She started, her eyes wide with confusion as she looked up at her best friend, who looked back at her worriedly, patting down the fly aways of her hair, “Was Wooyoung right?”
“Right about what?” To be fair he wasn’t stupid, he kind of just focused on her distress and forgot about the bigger picture, like his best friend confessing for him.
“That we have feelings for each other?” 
“It took Wooyoung cornering you to figure that out? That’s what it took?” He huffed out with a chuckle, moving his hand from her hair to her cheek, rubbing his gloved hand over her red cheeks. 
“You like me?”
“No.” He answered softly, tilting his head as he took in the beauty that is her, her face deflating at his revelation, though he wasn’t finished with his confession yet, “I love you. So much. The love I feel for you is like a weighted blanket I never want to leave, it keeps me grounded. You keep me grounded. You’re my home, and I hope I can become your home as well.” He declared, his eyes flickering between her own to see her reaction, not that he needed to look hard, the awe on her face had him feeling warmer than any blanket ever could. He could read her feelings so easily and he was so content in the moment that he barely noticed her leaning up to bring their noses together, not touching just yet. She allowed him to create the physical contact on his terms, yet another thing he adored about her, he thought as he instead brought his lips to hers in a gentle kiss that portrayed his love for her, a gentle caress to promise their future. Their future together. 
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zeroseuniverse · 7 months
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zeroseuniverse · 7 months
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group: Xrdinary Heroes
wc: 330
pairing: ?? X fem reader
warnings: mentions of death, magic, judgment, insecurities, rejection, crazy ot6.
Written with: @explorewithd
Her feet planted on the grass as she read the sign ‘Mad World’ that was plastered largely over the entrance arch. With one last deep breath she made her way through the entrance, approaching the gleaming set up.
Many tents set up along with multiple vendors scattered about, stands with fresh food and deserts along with childish games such as ring toss lined the walkway as she went past. Each vendor sent her a wide grin and a wave, each of their eyes turning darker behind her back.
She approached the main tent apprehensively, her hands wringing together nervously, before walking in with a bated breath before she could turn around and flee once again. 
Everyone is seen to be practicing around the tent under Gaon’s watchful eye. That is until he spins to face her with a wide grin, dark shadows casting under his eyes almost making him appear sinister. But, it’s quickly shifted as the light switches to face her momentarily blinding her. When her eyes readjust Gaon is gone, appearing next to the reader with a wide grin, resembling the cheshire cat.
He makes a grand gesture of bringing his arms above his head and twirling a booming laugh as he utters “Welcome to the mad, mad world, where we’re all a little mad.” 
Everything seemingly froze as he appeared next to her, eyes all around the tent landing on her with almost identical maniacal grins. But as the light shifts once more they are no longer looking at her, and continue practicing. 
Feeling a thrumming of fingers along her shoulder, her head snaps in the direction only to be met with two gleaming eyes. The owner seemingly upside down as she noted the blush pink hair and the fangs peeking from his bright grin.
She just blinked at him as he tilted his head, “Wanna see something?” the smile turned into a smirk as he let go of the silks and stood on his two feet.
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zeroseuniverse · 7 months
wc: 336
definition: to dance artlessly, without particular grace or skill but usually with enjoyment
warnings: none
pairing: felix x fem reader
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Felix was beautiful, a skillful dancer, really. But when he had no plan in mind and just dances to dance? That’s when he’s the most beautiful to her. His blonde hair waving as he wildly dances around the kitchen as he baked brownies skillfully had her stifling giggles. She was utterly endeared with the child-like joy her boyfriend carried in everything he did, but how he was happy and thoughtless when dancing was her favorite look. He is so carefree and joyful, his eyes wide and shimmering with the happiness he held within him, always ready to overflow into the person closest to him. His beaming smile could cause anyone to fall in love so easily. 
He hummed and danced along to Queencard with a fit of giggles breaking through every once in a while when he slipped. When he spun around to grab an extra spoon he caught sight of his lover and she didn’t know how, but his smile widened and his eyes gleamed, he rushed over, grabbing her hand and pulling her to dance with him. Despite not having the same dancing capabilities as her boyfriend, there was beauty in the thoughtless movements, in the happiness that radiated throughout the kitchen. Their giggles echoing through the dorm as his dormmates came home tired from their schedules, they peeked into the kitchen, smiles lit up on their sleepy faces, everyone happy that their local sunshine had found his person. The three watched for a moment as she slipped slightly, but Felix quickly caught her, The notion wasn’t all so innocent as he began to tickle her waist causing her to squirm, one of his hands sneakily moving to the brownie batter before quickly wiping itself on her face earning a loud gasp. Before an all out battle began, the three onlookers sneakily moved past the scene and to their respective rooms with a shake of the head and fond grins. The contagious happiness in the dorm made everyone’s moods rise despite the exhausting day.
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zeroseuniverse · 8 months
Oh What A Story
wc: 542
warnings: none
pairing: wonwoo x fem reader
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Wonwoo loved a good story. You could always find him curled up with a good story right by his side. His favorite story was her. He could read every aspect of her like a book with the most intricate cover. If he had to imagine it, the book would be dark green, shimmering as beautifully as the green dress she wore the first time he saw her. The title would be intricately woven so gently like the gentle caress she places upon his cheek every night as he goes to sleep. He’d read the long story every night before bed, over and over, cherishing the book with everything in him.
There would be knicks and rips every so often showing that she wasn’t handled properly throughout her life. And he’d kiss the pages with every mark. He often wondered what he’d title the story, and what a story it would be. The adventures through her childhood as she learned and curiously moved throughout her early years, it would tell the story of her first boyfriend and her first kiss in which he’d scoff at how she wasn’t put first in every aspect of her past relationships. It would follow her as she chose her career and decided to better herself rather than date and entertain men like most women her age. 
Wonwoo would read as he came into the story, he’d read himself as she portrayed him as the charming prince she’d often depict him as, he’d read how every night he’d place kisses on every scar and listen to her babble out a story about each, never tiring of hearing the same stories over and over. 
The story would retell their relationship like her perfect recollection would, he’d coo as he read their soft moments recounted in a new light and he’d cry as their tempers would get the best of them, and he’d read of how she felt so guilty that she was crying alone until he’d swoop in and they’d work it out so sweetly with soft smiles and tears streaming. And if it would continue into a sequel, the story would have no tears, no knicks, it would be in perfect condition, dusted every day and placed in a glass case. The sequel would be filled with their adventures as they moved on to husband and wife, only to be followed by their beautiful children that they would have. Oh, how he’d reread those chapters to his children when they would have them. And the spin-off to follow? Retelling the growing of his children from their curious eyes to their angsty teen fights even reaching their beautiful wedding ceremonies that he would fund to give them their dreams, he’d be so fond as he’d read their accomplishments and their failures where they’d be encouraged to get up again and try again until they’d succeed.
Oh how he loved a good story, but she might be his favorite series ever. He’d close the story every night and place it sweetly to the side, and cuddle up to his lover with a dreamy sigh as he placed fluttering kisses over her face before they’d delve into soft giggles and slowly drift away, dreaming of each other and what's to come.
credits to @adorawritesalot @mini-mews and @silverstarburst for editing and beta reading
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zeroseuniverse · 8 months
Definition: Lover Of Beauty
WC: 212
warnings: None
Pairing: Hyunjin X Reader
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He didn't love her more than his bestfriend. He didn’t. However she was by far the most beautiful person he had ever seen. And he’s seen a lot of beauty in his career, but the authentically blissful beauty she holds was something so otherworldly and ethereal that he was addicted to it. He watches for hours as her eyelashes would flutter as she batted away her sleepiness or as her eyes literally shimmered under the beams of the sun.
She was beautiful. And he loved it. He loved watching everyone fawn over her looks and how shy she’d get at the attention not knowing why she received it in the first place. He loved watching the red spread across her neck and cheeks showing her fluster. He loved it.
Spending hours painting her body and sketching her face seemed like an addiction, the amount of cramps he’d have to rub out of both him and his goddess of a bestfriend after the hours spent modeling and painting was tiring but oh so worth it when he took in how his pieces made her face light up in a smile and they’d coo how talented he is as she wrapped him up in a tight hug. He loved the beauty of it all.
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zeroseuniverse · 8 months
Definition: Half-dead of exhaustion
WC: 588
Warnings: mentions of overworking
Pairing: Hongjoong X reader
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The man overworked himself, that was a no brainer. After spending hours in the studio, Hongjoong would spend hours in the practice room. Then, come home for maybe a few hours before repeating the same thing the next day. It had become such a common practice, even as the exhaustion steeped itself deeply into his bones.
It just so happened that Ateez had a break from comebacks and promotions to go back home. After years together, they expected Hongjoong to treat it the exact same way he’s spent his breaks in the past; in the studio. So, as they cleaned the apartment while humming to themselves, they were startled by the sudden sound of the door opening.
“Joong?” They called, hoping it was just their partner, and when no response was given except the shuffling of footsteps they grabbed a pan and held it up as a weapon. Keeping their position, not willing to chase the noise and get killed. They watched with a bated breath as the shadow around the corner grew raising the pan up a little higher andtightening their hands around the handle, ready to attack if need be. 
When the figure emerged and theysaw theirboyfriend theylet out the loudest sigh of relief, “God Joong! I thought you were some intruder.”
They let their shoulders drop and placed thepan on the counter as Hongjoong gave a weak chuckle. “Sorry love, didn’t mean to scare ya.” 
It didn’t take long to see how badly work had been affecting him. Dark eye bags that framed his slightly bloodshot eyes, shoulders slumped and a weak smile shot their way. “Joong? Baby, are you okay?” They spoke quietly, worry lacing their tone. 
“Yeah, I'm okay, just a rough day in the studio is all.” His eyes are downcast, refusing to look at them. He knows the second he does, it’ll break him.
As the captain of Ateez, he holds the brunt of the responsibilities, he wants to be seen as a pillar for his members, and for his partner. Hongjoong refuses to let himself crack, to break down so easily. It's nothing he can’t handle. It's nothing he hasn’t gotten through himself before. Maybe if he tells himself that enough, it’ll be true? 
“Joong?” It’s only when he hears their voice does he finally look up. Their eyebrows scrunched up worry sets in, almost being able to see his exhaustion weighing on him. 
It seems a blur to him, as they step forward pulling him into their embrace. His head drops down onto their shoulder, as his arms loosely wrap around their waist. A comforting hand running across his back as their other hand brushes through his hair. 
For the first time in a while, he feels warm. Safe. 
Their presence wrapped around him like a warm blanket, his senses being filled with them, as if the world around them bothis at a stand still. The weight of the world being swept away, pushed off his shoulders, and with that, he crumbles. 
Hongjoong doesn’t realize that he’s crying till tears roll down his cheeks and soak into their shirt. His hands grip onto them more tightly, scared that if he isn’t careful you’ll slip through his grasp. “Hey, it's okay, you’re okay I promise. I’m here Joong.” Soft whispers of comfort as they hold him up in theirarms. 
“You’ve done so well, we’re all so proud of everything you’ve accomplished, not just Atiny, but me, your members, and all of the staff. Please remember to lean on me in your time of need, it’s what I’m here for.” Hongjoong can’t help the smile that breaks out as he presses a kiss to their shoulder in reply.
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zeroseuniverse · 8 months
Definition: not forgiving a third time
WC: 428
Warnings: tears
Pairing: Lee Know X reader
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It was a simple mistake honestly, the cats stayed with his parents most days so how could she not make a mistake here and there, his members did it all of the time. The first time it happened, Minho was looking for litter boxes, when he picked up the third she looked at him quizzically wondering if he was planning on getting a new cat or something,
“Why the third?” she had asked, not expecting the blank stare she received from her partner, that night she received the silent treatment until she could recite all of the three cats names 100 times each. The second time it had happened, she had accidentally mixed Soonie and Doongi up, thankfully the punishment was lesser this time because at least she remembered the names in general, she had to do the dishes for a week. 
And finally the last time it happened, she had been so careful but still accidentally made one mistake….She bought matching sweaters for all of them and her and minho, however she got all of the sizes wrong, and when she received the blank look from Minho again she dropped to her knees with a frustrated sigh, tears welling up taking in that all of her effort to memorize everything about these cats were in vain and she’d just keep messing up, normally this wouldn’t be a huge deal but this is Lee Minho, Soonie, Doongi, and Dori are his life, he’d sooner leave stray kids than leave them. 
“Honey…” She heard his voice coo taking in the toll that was placed on her as she tried her best to remember something so important to him.
“I’m sorry Lino, I’m so sorry, I know how important they are to you and I just keep messing it all up.”
“You’re not messing anything up.”He stated, Lino wasn’t very good at consoling so he awkwardly kneeled next to her and started patting her head in reassurance. “I forgive you. And I never forgive a third time.”
“Because you’re trying.” He assured, placing a kiss at her hairline getting ready to ruin the moment, “However just because I forgive you doesn’t mean they do, you should apologize.”
“I’m sorry guys.” She said petting the three cats to get in their good graces.
“Not like that, you have to show all of them you love them.”
And with that the two spent the whole night coddling the three cats, Lino making sure to be extra sweet to his lover knowing how hard they’re trying to make him happy.
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zeroseuniverse · 8 months
Every Slytherin
wc: 1.2K
warnings: none
pairing: jungwon x reader
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The room was frozen, everyone watching with a bated breath as they took in the scene before them. Tonight was supposed to be the most memorable night of the year, everybody was dressed in their finest gowns and suits, looking their best. Well, except for her… She was clad in the prettiest dress in the whole ball, only it was now covered in butter beer, courtesy of Ni-ki who was now cowering behind Jungwon. It was almost comedic seeing the young giant trying to hide behind the shortest member of his group. Jungwon stood with a grimace as he watched his chances with the girl disappear into thin air, he was hoping to confess his feelings towards her. As she opened her mouth Jungwon was expecting the worst, after all, her dress was ruined and all the witches and wizards had their attention on them. 
This had all started because of Ni-ki, no not the spilling of the drink but the ball. He had spent too long inside the archives one day and sprung the idea of reigniting the balls that Hogwarts used to throw so often. Coming to the group one day at lunch excitedly boasting about his idea and all of the ideas he could throw together. He was convinced that this would be the best night of the year. 
“Guys! Guys!” The 6 seated heard their youngest shouting across the cafeteria, since the war the school had been trying to integrate bonds between all the houses rather than building the school based off of rivalry. 
“Oh Please, Riki, I cannot handle another detention in your place.” Jake said exasperated, looking up at their maknae with tired eyes.
“What no, I didn't do anything this time, do you really think so low of me?’
“Yes.” The 6 answered in unison, before a couple moved to high five each other. 
“Whatever, I found an old yearbook in the library and back then they had these huge balls thrown in the great hall” he exclaimed excitedly, however the others were dumbfounded. 
“So what about it?” Jay didn’t understand why this was of importance right now, all he cared about was his meal that waited to be eaten. 
“We should throw a ball!”
The group of 6 seated froze for a moment,they shared a quick look before bursting out into laughter. “No offense Riki but that has to be the stupidest idea you’ve had in a long time, how could we possibly manage that?” Sunoo cackled, he wasn’t wrong the 7 were in short losers. It wasn’t like they wanted to be popular though, they could’ve easily become the most popular group if they chose to open up to the school but they kept to themselves happily not trusting many. Except one…in Riki’s case at least.
The sound of laughter broke Jungwon from his thoughts, such a beautiful laugh that he couldn’t have been more happy to hear after the tension had appeared. His head snapped to his right, turning to face the ice princess of the school with wide eyes wondering if she had lost her mind all of a sudden, why was she laughing after just being drenched in butter beer publicly? 
“Oh I am so getting you in trouble for ruining the dress mom made me Riki!” She giggled, moving to grab a napkin Sunoo had rushed to grab for her and began patting down the wet patches.
“Wait no please don’t tell mom I’ll do anything!” Niki screeched, jumping from around Jungwon in a panic rushing to grab more napkins and begin trying to fix his mess. 
“Mom?” Sunghoon, Jake, and Jay asked together tilting their heads in confusion at the same time. 
“You never told your friends that we were siblings?” She wondered looking up at her little brother in amusement.
“And have them all try to date you? No thanks.” 
“I will help under the condition that Jungwon is my date.”
“What?!? Jungwon?!?!? Why not Sunghoon or even Heeseung?” Riki asked knowing of both her crush on the boy and his crush on his sister, more like obsession with his fellow prefect. Jungwon, despite being a Hufflepuff, was beyond obsessed with the prefect of Slytherin, reciprocated of course but he didn’t need to know that.
It took a few more negotiations to get Riki to agree to talk to Jungwon for her but finally it was done, and here they were the duo had gotten unbelievably closer throughout the planning process of the ball, having used any chance to partner up and get to know each other better, despite Riki’s protests. Sunoo has been a big help in making sure the two had time alone together by dragging her brother to do other tasks even as he kicked and screeched. 
“So… How’d you manage to make all of this happen so seamlessly?” Jungwon wondered, kicking his shoe tip at a rock as he walked her back to the Slytherin Dungeon.
“Hmm, with your help of course.” She answered coyly, running a hand through her hair to begin pulling out all of the pins that were beginning to cause a headache. 
Noticing the reluctance to answer he instead switched to a different route, “Why me? You could have any guy or girl in the school?” He wondered, twiddling his thumbs to relinquish some of his nerves. He wasn’t wrong, she was top of her class, most beautiful in the school and excelled in a lot of extracurriculars so why did she choose one of the biggest losers in the school to be her date to the biggest night of the year. 
“I like you, is that so hard to believe?”
“Well believe it. I’ve noticed you many times throughout the years, the first year you pranked the professor because he made Sunoo upset in front of the whole class. Second year you cast a spell on Riki to turn him into a mouse because he was too hyper that day, very thankful for that by the way, quietest day ever. Third Year you tripped Yunho after he made me uncomfortable. Yes I knew it was on purpose I saw your cute little smirk. And Fourth year is when I really fell for you, you fiercely protected Riki from his bullies despite them bullying you too. You have heart Jugwon, and I happen to have really liked you for a really long time.” She rambled, not noticing the boy frozen behind her as she continued to walk ahead. When she shivered from the lack of body heat she snapped her head to the side trying to find the boy, and when she turned around she spotted the boy 5 feet away, almost trembling with emotion. He had been seen. He’d been noticed for years and he never knew.
“Won?” She questioned, looking at him worriedly almost flinching when  his head snapped up at the sound of her voice and he made quick pace to meet her, gently grabbing her wrist and bringing it up to his jaw, turning his head to press a kiss at her pulse point before looking up at her with pleading eyes since she is currently wearing heels. 
“If you mean that, Prove it.” He begged, lips pursing into a slight pout as he tried not to let the overwhelming emotions drive him insane.
And as her lips collided with his, he felt like it was his first breath of fresh air after years in a dusty room. 
“Be my Hufflepuff,” She asked after pulling away despite his chasing lips.
“Who am I to deny a Slytherin the perfect Hufflepuff for her.”
beta read by: @adorawritesalot and also written with @explorewithd's help
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