#these are so disorganized I’m so sorry
soullessjack · 4 months
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waiter waiter more snake motif jack web weaves!!
(pt 1/?)
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peachdues · 5 days
forcing myself to take a break from writing compass for a couple of days because I’ve found myself writing the same general concept in four different fucking ways but I stupidly kept all of it in the main draft so now that entire draft is fucked
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r-aindr0p · 8 months
You're doing amazing and wonderfully
Hope things are going alright for ya
Also this happened yesterday apparently
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Drew a dragon for ya (they don't have any braincells but that's okay cause they're nice and they're trying lol) I tried to emulate the iconic eyes you draw cause i love that but i am not very good (didn't capture the same adorable essence but that's okay)
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Aahghdhfb I’m a bit late but
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Loving the creechur very much ✨
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pixlokita · 1 year
I get the feeling that if "into the ballpit" Mike ever catches Gregory or Evan with matches, the disappointed lecture about why playing with matches is bad isn't going to be because "fire is dangerous" so much as it will be because "the fire produced by mere matches isn't hot enough to destroy all the evidence and/or tethers that may or may not be tying a lingering soul to a hypothetical, animatronic prison."
He teaches them how to be arsonists but safely because they’re children after all ฅ(≚ᄌ≚)
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peaches2217 · 1 year
More assorted Mario Bros headcanons, this time focusing on their upbringing!
✨ Their parents were first-generation immigrants from different parts of Italy. They met in Brooklyn as teenagers and the rest, as they say, is history.
✨ Their father passed away when they were two or three years old, so they don’t have many memories of him. Most of what they know about him comes from the stories their mother told them. She never had a bad word to say about even his worst qualities. Those stories and the way she told them are a big part of the reason Mario grew up to be a hopeless romantic.
✨ Being the elder brother by a whole three minutes, Mario took it upon himself growing up to fill the shoes his father left behind so he could take care of his mother and Luigi. He aspired to become that perfect man Mama Mario spoke of with bright and misty eyes: kind, gracious, full of humor, strong, soft-hearted, steadfast in his values and beliefs, slow to anger, quick to forgive.
✨ Finding a workable balance between all of those values took a while. Mario’s a deeply emotional guy, always has been, and while he has a fairly easy time forgiving transgressions against himself, transgressions against his loved ones are another story entirely. He was the sort of kid who’d take Yo Mama jokes personally (“Our mom is a wonderful woman!” he would snarl while Luigi did his best to physically drag Mario away from the altercation). To say nothing of how he’d react to someone slighting Luigi…
✨ Luigi is autistic and Mario has ADHD. Their neurodivergences are part of the reason they’ve always been so deeply on the same wavelength, that combined with classic twin tropes.
✨ Luigi was outed as bisexual in the seventh grade, when the little journal he kept at the time fell out of his bag and into the wrong hands. His biggest fear was, of all things, how Mario would react — he already felt like a freak to the rest of the world, becoming a freak to his brother and closest friend would have been unbearable. He was both horrified and relieved to find Mario in the courtyard after school, amassing a crowd as he beat the living shit out of the guy who outed Luigi in the first place, because he knew then that nothing had changed between them (and that Mario would be grounded for the next month. “Beyond worth it,” Mario assured him).
✨ Luigi also developed an affinity for wearing feminine clothes around that time; he’d always been curious but finally got the nerve to try it with his brother’s encouragement. Mario would bring him to boutiques and the mall and suchlike and then buy anything Luigi bought in his own size, that way if anyone had the audacity to stare, he could make a spectacle of himself so those eyes stared at HIM instead of Luigi.
✨ Their mother fell ill their senior year of high school and passed when they were in trade school. Neither remembers much from the year she died. They both threw themselves into their training and didn’t look back.
✨ Both bros started drinking coffee as young teenagers, Mario to emulate his father and Luigi to emulate Mario. They enjoy it as adults, though Mario far more than Luigi; Luigi prefers tea. Mario hated tea until he learned it was Peach’s drink of choice, at which point he sought Luigi’s help in developing a taste (or at least tolerance) for it. That help mostly consisted of Luigi making like five different types of tea each night and cheering Mario on as he downed them like vodka shots.
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radmystique · 8 months
Twitter “activists” are something else, man.
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localobsta · 1 year
Meet Nathaniel the Gardevoir! An honorary toymaker if you will, and he will make sure to work his dang hardest to keep his dream job afloat! Needless to say, he tends to be a bit of a procrastinator and also has this tendency to be a bit arrogant to say the least. ^^’
Fhfjffjfjfjcjdmddmcm there is just something about drawing coats that really is relaxing to me I don’t know why 😭
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jackinalex · 1 year
Why do you think Alex has been the only one doing the small radio acoustic shows in the last year? (unless Jack inserts himself 😂) It feels so weird to watch him there alone and not having anyone to interact with. I miss the small acoustic shows with just the 4 or 3 of them they always used to do. I miss Zack’s harmonies and Jack’s silliness in them. There’s a new video from 101x on yt btw.
I truly do not know. I wasn’t even aware he was still doing those very often. It made sense during the pandemic, but not really now. Then again, I’m very often out of the loop and I’ve been so busy the last couple weeks. I love Zack’s harmonies and Jack’s silliness, too, though. Those things are part of what makes the band the band, you know?
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4e7her · 2 years
[grabs you by the throat]
I have travelled across platforms and websites to reach this page, and all I must say is...
hi :]
OAHSKAHAJHAJA HI <):-) (wizard)
my content is very all over the place… tumblr has mostly twst, quotev has fics for. twst, obey me, mystic messenger, and stardew. and then ao3 has twst, stardew, and fnaf.
everything his everywhere. and that’s not even mentioning the like seven fics i have in the drafts with only a chapter or a half done
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buysomecheese · 1 year
The ship dynamic where like ugh ok so A and B were either childhood friends or young lovers and it’s Always Them even if there are other people for them it ends up being ‘A-and-B’ (i.e. Cory-and-Topanga, Wolf-and-Snake, The Bishop (Sarah Black and John Hart), Wendy-and-Tolkien) and they’ve been through their Shit and they’re established and they work so well together but then C comes along
And sometimes C has always been there, loving both of them but not being able to do anything about it because it’s ‘A-and-B and C’ and will never be ‘A-and-B-and-C’. Hell, sometimes A or B even had a thing with C in the past that didn’t work out for whatever reason so it’s over and done and C is just watching wistful from afar (Shawn, Stan)
Other times C is someone entirely new, who shakes up A-and-B’s whole world so much that they have no chance but to notice. They’re really good at the same job, or the banter is just such a new pace but one part of A-and-B just.. really appreciates it. C, however much they like both A-and-B, knows it’s never gonna include them so is very cautious about Everything relating to them (Diane, Nolan Booth)
But either way, A-and-B have a conversation- it’s more difficult for one of them than it is the other (Cory (because it’s always been there but he hasn’t been able to identify so it’s like difficult all around for him y’know he goes through the 5 stages of grief simultaneously), Snake, John Hart (similar to Cory except he’s upset about it), Tolkien) and they approach C and they are Beyond confused. They don’t believe it, this has got to be a prank or something. A-and-B are making fun of them- except C knows they would never do that, not like this. C will just have to leave, as to not disturb the peace A-and-B have created…
But A-and-B want it to be A-and-B-and-C
Of course, one part of A-and-B has more difficulty adjusting than the other (Topanga, Snake, John Hart, Tolkien)- they and C fight, they’re petty, it takes a lot of reassurance but they want this to work for their hinge (idk what else to call them I’m talking about like the Cory and Wolf characters) so them and C get to know each other one-on-one, they figure their shit out. It’s still more turbulent than just A-and-B was, but with time it becomes easier etc. etc.
AUGH it’s just so much I could talk about each individual ship So Much (especially Shawn-and-Cory-and-Topanga I’m currently watching BMW and they mean SO MUCH to me) so I think I will because this is my blog y’all get to see my opinions!!! This is just like my main/favorite hc of how it happens I Loveee playing around with timelines for angst or smut hehe
So ok I’ve like Not watched past s2 yet but idc I love them. I think that Topanga figured it out- watched Cory’s reactions to Shawn’s “babe” one too many times, noticed Shawn finding Cory in a room first every single time, woke up more often then she thought was normal with the taste of Shawn’s lips on hers (referencing that one ep where they kissed for some reason? Idk haven’t watched it yet but ik it happens I’ve read fanfic), felt Shawn’s hand brush against her free hand all the time in the halls. She decides enough is enough, sits Cory down- she’s smart, she’s not mad, is he in love with Shawn? Yes Topanga, of course he’s in love with Shawn, you can’t be friends with someone for this long without being in love with them. No Cory, not like that- does he love Shawn the way he loves Topanga.
And oh, the look of slow realization on Cory’s face says so many things.
He’s relaxed (this is just a fact of life for him), he’s confused (what does she mean ‘the same way’, of course he loves them the same), he’s upset (she’s not mad but he is- how could he not have realized for so long? If she doesn’t mind now then how long could he have had his wildest dreams? How long with them did he miss out on?), he’s scared (what could this mean for all of them?), he’s anxious (this is weird, what could his Shawn possible think about this?).
Topanga holds his face, calms her Cory down a bit- me too, she says, for much less time I’m sure, but me too. We can work this out, she insists, we’ll talk to him and explore our options.
And of course, when they finally sit Shawn down with them, he doesn’t- can’t- believe it. This is some sick joke, why would they want him of all people? They could literally have anyone they wanted at any time, why him and why now? But no, they just keep saying it. I love you. We love you. It’s always been you, Shawn, I just couldn’t see it- be glad Topanga only waited this long to tell me and not longer. If you don’t believe my words, Shawn, believe my dreams- do you want me to recount them right now? They’re a bit explicit for a first conversation, but I could start with- and on and on and on.
Now both of them calming him down, they come to a consensus: Shawn can think it over for as long as he needs, Cory-and-Topanga will act with him exactly as they always have until he says otherwise. Topanga is already guessing at his answer, but Cory has barely ever been more nervous in his life.
Of course, it works out for the better- Shawn comes back, he needs them in his life as much as they need him. That’s all they know and they’ll work out the intricacies later. Topanga and Shawn, who already have a sort of ‘war’ over Cory, find themselves falling into that back-and-forth sometimes still, but then one of the three starts looking sad and apprehensive and they Converse instead and make it nice (of a tad tense) for the rest of the evening, allowing them to bounce back right in the morning. Shawn has some old habits he really needs to work to kick (isolation mainly), but every time he’s feeling that way the other two know when to hold on with their whole strength and when to welcome him back with open arms.
Ok so fully I think Snake (hc: Niraj) is a gay man but like he loves Wolf (canon: Moe) so much and they both fuck around outside of each other so it’s chill that Moe hangs out with Diane now, so often. Until Snake does find himself getting jealous, feeling pushed aside; he’s planning his escape, how he’s gonna deal with not only leaving Wolf without a word, but also the only family he’s had in years. And what really sucks is that Diane is wonderful, she’s so great for Wolf- she’s not some old jaded person, she’s Wolf’s age, full of life and love, Snake’s exact opposite. So he assumes that it’s time for him to leave, again.
He packs his bag, gets halfway to the next town before the whole gang is blowing up his phone. He can’t drive so they (Moe-and-Diane; Niraj has already accepted that his place has been taken) catch up with him fast enough. Diane’s driving; Moe is shaking so much he can barely hold his Niraj, tears streaming down his face.
“You can’t do that to us, Snake! I- we thought you were dead!”
“… just though I should get out of the way before you have to tell me to go, is all.”
It’s a whole thing, they’re both yelling at each other. Diane doesn’t know where she fits into this, so she just drives them home when they’re done yelling. She’s a bit scared, but she does love them both and she knows how much Moe needs Snake.
A lot of talking, a lot of compromise, a lot of reassurance from Moe. Diane offers to step out multiple times but they keep her there, because as much as it’s about Niraj-and-Moe it’s also about Diane. Etc. etc. this ship especially is a slow go, takes a long time to become functional again, but it is so worth it once they get there. (Snake is a big believer of ‘a hole’s a hole’ and also Diane is big on pegging so it does work out sexually even if outside of that they’re just really good friends who share a boyfriend but tbh it just like clockwork with how good everything is ugh I love this movie tremendously. Also Diana and Webs definitely flirt more than ‘friends joking’ and the whole lot of them are a bit polyamorous/anarchist in their relationships)
John Hart-and-Sarah Black-and-Nolan Booth
They like Have a canon ‘hey let’s try this throuple thing out’ scene it’s where Nolan is on their boat and is like ‘you guys fuck so loud you weren’t the only ones crying’ and Sarah is like ‘you’re eating raw pork rn’ and they’re all so silly and then John and Sarah have their ‘do you trust me?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Do you love me?’ ‘Always.’ ‘Then that’s all we need’ scene and that’s literally Sarah going ‘her babe you literally want to have sex with him so bad just give the romance part a try. I think you guys would be so cute together and also I think he’s really sweet and cute and I kinda want to kiss him as well let’s try this out please.’ And John begrudgingly agrees and the procession of events is so funny after that (to viewers)
John doesn’t think he’s attracted to men so he’s Incredibly confused about all of this. Nolan is confused as to why he feels like this couple- the hottest couple to exist, by the way, his words and you can quote him on it- seems to be.. coming onto him? Sarah is having so much fun scheming about this she is loving this.
Nolan and Sarah bond over Taylor Swift music. John slowly gains respect for Nolan during different heists they pull, and Nolan becomes less scared of John with every small compliment (or rather, lack of a critique). It actually does cause some rifts between John and Sarah but they’ve overcome everything before, them liking some guy isn’t gonna stop them now. So when Sarah finally kisses John and then kisses Nolan, followed immediately by John kissing Nolan, poor Booth feels just a bit lost. John passed him his glass of wine and they talk it out. Takes a while, and it doesn’t definitely get physical for them on the first night, but hey! That’s that and that works for them
And then they commit heists and Sarah has hate sex with Inspector Daz at least once and they live forever after this movie is so. I’m so excited for the sequels you actually have no idea
So obviously Wendy and Stan had been Wendy-and-Stan- forever ago. Back in elementary school. It’s been Tolkien-and-Wendy since like 8th grade, going strong to senior year. Stan wouldn’t lie and say he’s not jealous, but he would also never admit that he was- Tolkien was his neighbor and actually they do get along really well, and he knows that Kyle and Wendy and Tolkien are close friends individually and he’s been able to be at the very least acquaintances with Wendy recently so he really does not want to ruin that. So he’s just chilling, pining a bit, even if he’s not exactly sure as to who for.
Wendy-and-Tolkien do have a very healthy sex life for two high schoolers, and are very comfortable with one another- when Wendy asks Tolkien (really casually, over lunch) “if you were to sleep with a guy, who would it be?” and he answers “Stan” almost on instinct, Wendy knows exactly how she can work with this. Purely planning for just a sort of sexual arrangement, she gets a bit closer to Stan to assess his mental health and availability and then the three of them have a Long conversation. Tolkien ends up driving them all into Denver to get tested for STDs and they’re all clean (surprisingly on Stan’s part, until they realize just how much he’s actually just been wanting the two of them), they have the sex, and then Stan.. stays the night.
On accident, of course, but he wakes up earlier and better rested than he has since maybe early elementary school, so he makes them all breakfast. He knows how Wendy used to eat and he knows what Tolkien does like so he makes a little spread in the Testaburger kitchen and when the other two wake up they are beyond surprised- not unpleasantly so.
This becomes somewhat of a regular thing- every few weeks, they’ll invite Stan over, and he’ll just end up staying over. He sort of fits into them perfectly, and ends up not just staying over night but in their minds as well. Clearly he’s a lot more grown-up than he was in 4th grade, and they all get along as friends, and Tolkien-and-Wendy decide it’s time for another Long conversation, inviting Stan in as an always fixture to their relationship. Immediately he jumps on board with that idea, and Tolkien-and-Wendy become Tolkien-and-Wendy-and-Stan
The conflict comes mainly from Wendy’s side here- she’s not embarrassed of Stan, she swears, she’s just embarrassed to tell her friends that she’s seeing him again. Tolkien’s a bit worried about telling people the polyamorous part, and Stan is overall a bit offended because he told Kenny and Kyle and Eric the first time Tolkien and Wendy invited him over. This issue mainly resolves itself with time and comfort and then they’re chilling and it’s good. Until Wendy asks Stan the same question she had asked Tolkien…
I had a lot more feelings about this one but uh I cared about South Park for like a month or so and then my brain decided we were tired of it so I have nothing else to offer I just think they’re all a lot more chill and communicative in high school idk
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grapesodatozier · 2 years
the essays I could write about how frustrated I am that taylor swift fans have not taken on the responsibility of holding her accountable for her co2 emissions… like. I like her music. but I like public health and having a habitable planet way more!!!! that’s not difficult math folks!!!!! just hate this cultural idea that in order to be a fan of someone you need to defend them? or like there are so many people and taylor fan blogs I see just ignoring it?? and it’s like… you don’t owe her that? you already give her money and fame and praise and you can and should take that away from her if she’s doing something as morally objectionable as catapulting climate change forward this drastically. and it is that serious. it’s so frustrating to see her new album still breaking records, it’s frustrating to follow so many blogs whose posts get so many notes and who clearly could have so much influence over taylor’s fan base completely ignoring this when there could’ve been a whole boycott of this new album. even not listening to it for just the first day it was out would’ve sent a very clear message, right? maybe someone did try to start something and it just didn’t take off or I just didn’t see it but I didn’t see anything (and I looked!) idk I guess now I’m just rambling about missed opportunities and things I could’ve put out there earlier but it’s just really frustrating to see so much celebration of her when the people who give her money and fame should be the loudest voices telling her to find alternatives that don’t kill the planet yknow? I mean like she’s gonna keep putting stuff out so hey not too late to rally people to not listen to the next one ig? but this is super rambling now so I’ll leave it here and open ended/ongoing etc
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t-tomuras · 1 year
Also if you asked for two in your matchups I’m posting them separately!!
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st4rrth0ughts · 2 months
‼️‼️‼️IMPORTANT ‼️‼️‼️
There is an account called ohmyjung on Wattpad that has been taking fanfictions of many tumblr writers and posting it onto their so called ‘books’.
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This entire page is bullshit. 1. It doesn’t matter if your tumblr likes are disorganized, hell, mine are too, but hey, ever heard of fucking reblogs?? With fucking tags?? That way you can read your smut and emotional fics separately???
Also, it doesn’t matter whether you credit the original poster. It doesn’t matter if you have the og post linked, the creator linked, because you DIDNT FUCKING ASK FOR PERMISSION‼️‼️
Take @sh1-n0bu ‘s multiples works you have stolen and placed onto Wattpad.
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In addition, just because you say that you’ll take the post down if the creator asks you to, it’s not like they are even able to find it?? This only came to light not too long ago, and it was only because @dvlboy found out and told @sh1-n0bu .
This takes away people who like the posts you have stolen because they are now able to find a conventional source to read their fav works. Without supporting the original poster. This is literally stealing.
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Also, 10 books? 10 full ‘books’ full of stolen pieces you have never, EVER asked for permission for? If you didn’t ask my moot’s permission to cross post her work, you sure as fucking hell didn’t ask the rest.
You have no excuse. Reblogs exist, tags exist. SIDEBLOGS EXIST.
This person has not received ANY form of backlash. Not a single bit. I have already called them out in one of their chapters under the account FandomWorld2, but that is not enough.
They must be called out on this. They have been posting MULTIPLE fics in a single day for over a year.
Here is the list of creators they have stolen from. And keep in mind this is only the sub! Genshin book. And most is not all of these creators (even if they don’t exist anymore, tagged wrongly, have moved, if so, please let me know) have had at least more than one of their works stolen. In addition, it does not matter if some of these people have deleted or already deactivated their accounts. You still stole many writers’ works for nearly a year and you deserve to be called out on it.
@secretivemessenger @dvlboy @saelipse @uplatterme @sugarcause @piphours @qaevze @sh1-n0bu (I’m so sorry for tagging you three times 😭) @topheecoffe @smashsubs @woncherie @dilucsrevenge @devilris @rene-darling @dains1ief @dottcre @winterjoy500 @nxiispire @fatui-gf @noomiisz @latimeria-fell-from-heaven @mackjlee9 @cyberbark @fanfic-gallery @thedevilsdom @t4rt4gl14 @xkseii @iansrambles @grincubus @cybersp4c3 @sour-chaii @bunny-eats-fox @sinfulcries @akkkkollle @acid-ixx @genacity @1-800-clawro @chifuyusangel @fairydollsteps @lovingelegance @etsuven @k0rek1yos @euph0ric-bliss @seaoflostdreams @darlingpwease @oceisastar @jhuzen @hhonghu @mothmanperson @latimeria-fell-from-heaven @simeralli @yaekiss @yanyanfeii @limitedtempo @nickae
Again, ONE BOOK! Only one book, and this how many creators you have stolen from. I’m going to bet all my life savings, none of these creators have ever received a dm from you asking if it was okay to use their fics.
Once again, thank you @dvlboy for bringing this entire matter to light. The fact that some people have the fucking audacity to do this is beyond appalling, considering a lot of writers put their passion into this.
Also I don’t care if I clog up the tags. This deserves all the recognition, both good and bad.
Personally, I’m grateful I don’t have to see my works get stolen or crossposted. But if I do, I’ll be sure to tell you to your fucking face because I don’t like my works being posted anywhere or by anyone other than me.
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emmyrosee · 10 months
Every morning was a pleasant routine.
Rintaro would get up, press a sweet, light kiss to your head before heading out for a run- then, he’d come back just in time for you and Kaiya to be up and making breakfast for him while he showers.
Then, he’d change, have a small bite for breakfast, watch one episode of whatever show was on with his baby while he brushed her hair, then kiss her goodbye and allow you to drown him in your own share of goodbye kisses before he heads off to work.
But today, he just. Skipped it. Instead of getting up for a run, he whines and buries himself in the pillows for a bit more sleep. Instead of showering, he throws on clean enough clothes and deodorant while you’re struggling to prepare a semi-sufficient breakfast for your husband as he scrambles to get all his practice gear ready. He packs Akito's lunch and sends him off to school with a ruffle of his hair, while a toothbrush is jammed down his throat.
Kaiya watches, confused, as you smear apple jam over a piece of toast and pour him a cup of coffee, knowing he’d have to take it in the car in any chance to make it in on time. The child merely makes her way into the living room to wait for her father to come watch Bluey as he did every morning.
“Got your phone? Water? Protein bar? Lunch- Rin do not forget your lunch again- change of socks?” All of your asking gets a hurried, quickly glanced “yes” or “got it” from Rin. He stuffs the toast into his mouth and plants a half-successful kiss to your cheek in order to head out. “Love you girls!”
“Love you too!” You call back, watching him make his way out of the house, struggling slightly with the disorganized bag.
“Mommy?” Kaiya whimpers, her cheeks stained with strawberry juice. “Where daddy going?”
You crouch down to your little girls height, wondering if she just forgot that he left everyday, or whatever the case may be, “well… he’s going to work, baby, he’ll be back soon!”
“Daddy’s gone?”
“Yeah baby… we can get lunch with him later if you would like to-“
“No!” She cries, her wide, green eyes filling with tears. Your heart sinks, you really don’t know what the problem is, and that sadness only grows when Kaiya, in all her four year old energy can muster, runs to the large living room window that looks out to the driveway, her tiny fists banging on the glass. “Daddyyyyy!” She wails, her cries becoming more frantic.
“Kaiya, it’s okay! Daddy will be home later-“
Instinctively, you bring your hands up to try and cover up your ears from the scream of your baby, shocked at the volume and distress of her shrieks.
Suddenly, she runs from the window to the front door, and your heart absolutely jumps in your throat, fearing she’s going to try and book it about the front door to follow her dad.
When you make a move to chase her, you let out a relieved breath to see her clutched in the arms of her Rintaro, her tiny face buried in his neck and his, in her hair. Little sniffles and whimpers slip from her tiny face, interwoven with small little “I’m sorry, princess,” falling from Rin’s lips.
“She had a meltdown when you left, Rin,” you explain, leaning against the wall in exhaustion from the already hectic morning. Your hands scrub your face to relieve the fatigue, but you freeze and almost smack yourself when Kaiya finally peeps up.
“I-it’s ‘cause you didn’t say goodbye t'me,” she whimpers, and Rintaro squeezes her impossibly closer, his eyes screwing shut to fight his own shame. Neither of you even processed that, it was so crazy that a simple ‘love you!’ was sufficient enough to quell your need for his affection, but both of you clearly forgot about your daughter’s needs.
“I know, Angel, I’m so sorry,” he says softly, placing a sweet kiss on her temple. “Daddy was too busy this morning huh? Needs to make sure he takes care of his favorite girls?” His eyes flick to you before he opens one of his arms for you to come into for a hug.
His embrace is tempting, but you sigh softly, “Rin, you’ll be late-“
“‘M already late,” he chuckles, shaking his head. “But I’m almost halfway tempted to call in sick and spend the day here, so I’d get in this hug if I were you.”
In truth, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t about to take him up on that offer, spend the day with the two loves of your life with a nice hot breakfast, maybe a couple of Disney movies and a walk in the park, but it wouldn’t be right; not when Rin already works so hard to be able to provide you with that life while he’s busy playing or even out of the country.
Regardless, you slip to your knees and crawl into Rin’s other side, your hand wrapping around his broad shoulders so your fingers can tangle in his soft hair, which he happily leans into.
He plants a kiss to your head before nuzzling his nose against Kaiya’s own dark hair, “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, baby. I’ll be better next time."
“You better,” she whimpers. You and Rin look at each other and chuckle, none of you daring to leave the hug.
If anything, you squeeze tighter, not ready to let the world interrupt yet.
tagging u 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 @reverie-starlight @tsukiran @wolffmaiden @thoreeo @aliensknowmyillusions @tutuwusworld @lavishcherie @sassycheesecake @cheolattes @rrairey 🩷
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julssreidd · 13 days
Healing Broken Pieces ; Spencer Reid.
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pairing; spencer reid x fem!reader
summary; While redecorating your apartment, you accidentally hurt yourself, and your ex-boyfriend is your emergency contact.
warnings; mentions of broken arm and hospitals (hate them) reader and spencer still have feelings for each other
word count: 833 words
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The apartment was a whirlwind of half-finished projects and scattered paint supplies. You had started redecorating as a distraction, but now, amidst the chaos, the process had become overwhelming. The old chair you were moving had seen better days, and as you shifted it, its leg gave way beneath you. You tumbled to the floor, the sharp jolt sending a wave of pain through your arm.
Wincing and struggling to assess the damage, you fumbled for your phone. Spencer Reid was still listed as your emergency contact. You hadn’t spoken in months, not since the breakup, when life had simply become too messy and your relationship too strained. It was mutual, a decision made out of necessity rather than a lack of affection. Still, the thought of calling him now, after all this time, filled you with a mix of relief and embarrassment.
You hesitated before dialing his number, the pain making it hard to focus.
When he answered, his voice was a mix of groggy confusion and concern. “Hello?”
“Spencer… I’m hurt,” you managed, your voice trembling. “I need you.”
“Where are you? What happened?” His concern was immediate, sharp and clear.
“I’m at home… I… I broke a chair and… my arm… I don’t know what to do,” you said, tears escaping as you tried to stifle your sobs.
“Hold on. I’m coming over,” he said, his tone shifting to urgent.
You put down the phone, feeling a wave of embarrassment. You were almost thirty years old, sitting on the floor of your disorganized apartment, crying over a broken chair. It felt so trivial, and you were mortified at the thought of Spencer seeing you like this. It only added to your distress.
When the knock finally came, you almost wished it wouldn’t. Spencer’s familiar voice, laced with concern, called out from the other side of the door. “It’s me. I’m coming in.”
You struggled to your feet, but the pain was too intense. You managed to open the door, and Spencer stepped inside, his gaze sweeping over the mess and landing on you. His eyes softened with worry as he took in your tear-streaked face and the broken chair lying beside you.
“Oh my God,” he breathed, rushing to your side. He knelt down, his hands gently touching your arm. “What happened?”
You could barely meet his eyes, feeling a flush of embarrassment rise to your cheeks. “I… I fell off the chair and broke my arm. I’m sorry for calling you. It’s just… I didn’t know who else to turn to.”
Spencer’s face was a mask of concern, not judgment. “It’s okay. We need to get you to the hospital.”
“No, please,” you pleaded, “I’m really scared of hospitals.”
He took a deep breath, his eyes softening with empathy. “I know you are. But we need to make sure you’re okay. I’ll be with you the whole time. You don’t have to be afraid.”
With gentle hands, Spencer helped you up, guiding you to his car. His presence was a soothing balm to your frayed nerves, a comforting reminder of the connection you still felt despite the distance and the reasons for your breakup. The drive to the hospital was quiet, but his hand was warm and steady over yours, and he spoke in a soft, reassuring tone to keep you calm.
In the hospital, he stayed by your side through the check-in process, talking to you gently to distract you from the clinical coldness of the environment. When the doctors came in, examining and setting your arm, Spencer was your anchor, his voice a constant comfort as you navigated the frightening experience.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, feeling tears well up as the pain intensified.
Spencer shook his head, his gaze steady and kind. “There’s nothing to be sorry for. I’m just glad I could be here for you. We might have ended things, but that doesn’t mean I stopped caring.”
You looked at him, seeing the depth of his feelings in his eyes. Despite everything, it was clear that there was still a strong bond between you. As you both left the hospital and drove back, Spencer’s presence made you feel better about the whole situation.
“You can stay the night at my place if you want,” Spencer offered, his tone gentle and sincere.
You nodded, a mix of gratitude and emotion welling up inside you.
As you two entered his apartment, he helped you settle on the couch, ensuring you were comfortable and had everything you needed. His care and kindness were a balm to your wounded spirit.
“Thank you, Spencer, for everything.”
He gave you a reassuring smile, settling beside you. “Anytime. I’m just glad you called.”
As you sat there, surrounded by his books, you felt a profound sense of comfort. Despite the pain and embarrassment, there was solace in knowing that some bonds could still be mended, even when life had taken you in different directions.
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perfectlyoongi · 29 days
ROOMMATE!JUNGKOOK who bakes cakes with you in the early hours of the morning when the whole city is still asleep. three or four in the morning were sacred hours in your house as autumn approached. with matching aprons and wine glasses in hand, you and Jungkook followed instructions as disorganized as possible, hoping to find some cake batter or cookies in the midst of your laughter. the music played low, remaining completely silent when you and Jungkook exchanged jokes and visions, but always lulling you into a little dance that lasted the entire morning. at six in the morning you sat at the table tasting your creation before saying goodbye and falling asleep in your rooms. “today i want an orange cake. i know it’s late, but do you want to do one with me? i found two recipes that might be good. i’ll even let you have the first slice.”
ROOMMATE!JUNGKOOK who has a collection of photos and videos of you that you might consider embarrassing. Jungkook seemed to have a certain gift when it came to humiliating you: whenever you were distracted, or too involved in something, Jungkook made a point of saving everything on his phone, creating a folder in his gallery with just your photos. you could say it was a hobby of Jungkook’s that always made him happy, as it was in these more personal moments that your soul truly shined and oh, how he was in love with that light. “you are so done on your birthday. you’ll see, i’ll post the photos i took of you in the car yesterday. you were beautiful. the world needs to see your natural beauty.”
ROOMMATE!JUNGKOOK who always orders your favorite pizza when he doesn’t feel like cooking. you shared the household chores, it was an agreement that was quickly made by you as soon as you became housemates; but there were days when Jungkook came home more tired, or even after dinner, and there was no desire or patience to cook. as such, Jungkook would order your favorite pizza from your favorite pizzeria and, after paying for it, he would call you over for dinner while he went to bed. in a way, you were always Jungkook’s priority. “hi, the work ran a little late today, sorry. i already called for your favorite pizza and you have the money here. i hope you eat well. i’m really tired. good night, angel. good night.”
ROOMMATE!JUNGKOOK who buys letter magnets to communicate with you on the fridge when your are mismatched. there were times when you would get home when Jungkook had just left. there were times when Jungkook would go to sleep when you were preparing lunch. there were days when you didn’t even see each other. but as you shared a house, communication was essential to make that experience comforting. so Jungkook bought a large number of colorful magnets in the shapes of letters for you to use as a means of communication. they were only used for basic things, of course, but it was still a very tender gesture on Jungkook’s part. “buy bread. dinner 8pm. seal.”
ROOMMATE!JUNGKOOK who always gives you a ride in winter, even if it’s just to get bread. Jungkook was so warm and helpful. if you needed something he was there to make sure you didn’t miss anything. and, when the weather was more brutal, with snow and rain decorating the streets, Jungkook always made a point of taking you wherever you needed to go, secretly keeping in his heart all the streets shared with you, shouting the most popular songs in the radio. it could be mere minutes, but it was enough to leave Jungkook completely surrendered to you. “don’t be stupid. with this cold? you may get sick and then what? i don’t know how to take care of myself, let alone you! I’m looking out for your well-being, that’s all.”
ROOMMATE!JUNGKOOK who plays drunk uno with you on long summer nights. when the boredom was a lot and the nights were too hot, you and Jungkook decided to distract yourself with a simple game of cards. changing some of the rules, you and Jungkook agreed to play several games of uno until one of you was too happy to continue. there were screams and laughter, a lot of cheating and distortions, long nights enveloped in pure happiness and complicity. without there ever being a loser, but also without any winner, you and Jungkook repeated the game on the hottest and most boring nights, each of you needing the other’s presence to make that summer something unforgettable. “no, no! you can’t put a +4 after i told you to take 2! stop being a cheater and accept your defeat. no. put the card back into your deck!”
ROOMMATE!JUNGKOOK who declares himself to you when the storm stole all the light in your house. several candles were scattered around your living room in an attempt to bring some comfort in that darkness. sitting on the couch without having much to do, you and Jungkook watched time pass slowly. a long period of silence danced around the various flames, stealing all your comfort and offering Jungkook a small door for him to finally open up to you. and it was when you went to get water that Jungkook followed you to the kitchen and, very confused and nervous, finally confessed to you. “i don’t know if it’s the candles that are making me nostalgic or if it’s really your company, but i want to tell you something. i like you. a lot. i don’t think i should like you this much but i have no control over my feelings for you.”
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