#these are all hanging together on my wall
totalswag · 1 day
baby girls first birthday — RAFE CAMERON
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authors note since my last dad!rafe fic did so well i thought why not make another one. you can find it fourth of july
join my taglist if you would like to be notified every time i post you will type in your username then be all set.
summary celebrating layla's first birthday surrounded with friends and family.
warning(s) none just a whole lotta cuteness.
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Today, one year ago, you brought your first daughter Layla into the world. Amazing how quickly a year can pass. It seems like you just gave birth and cradling her in your arms.
Can't count on your fingers how many times you cried the past two days over Layla turning one. No one can blame you for feeling these emotions. She's your first born.
“Can you believe she’s one?” Rafe says while setting up the last string of balloons over the arch wall that leads into the kitchen.
You shake your head, “no I don’t” feeling your words crack with emotion as you prepare breakfast— this was gonna be a special morning breakfast.
As the scent of freshly cooked pancakes permeated the air, you gently plated them, adding a sprinkle of syrup and a small dollop of whipped cream—just enough to taste. You cut the pancakes into tiny, baby-sized pieces, just right for Layla's delicate hands. A few blueberries on the side rounded out the meal, and you couldn't help but feel a rush of joy as you placed the plate in her high chair.
Rafe and you walked upstairs together to see if Layla was up. The sounds of her little gibberish could be heard down the hall. Layla was looking around her room sitting up— insane smile forms on her when she sees you two get closer. She lifts her arms up to get out.
"Happy first birthday, baby girl," you both exclaim.
She giggles with glee as Rafe scoops her up and places her on his hip before giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead. She stares at him in complete aww for a moment.
Layla turns to face you, her smile widening, her body slanting in your direction as if she wanted you to give her a quick hug. "My precious girl is one?" You hold her close to you for a couple seconds.
When you walk at the end of the stairs, Layla's eyes gleam with curiosity seeing the lavender colors. She saw the decorations of butterflies hanging from the ceiling, all different colors. She squealed with excitement and opened her eyes wide, grabbing for the closest one.
Rafe set her in her highchair while you went around the kitchen counter with your phone for pictures. Layla exclaimed when she saw her breakfast waiting to be devoured. You snap a few photos while she eats breakfast, then Rafe and you get your plates.
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The house is ready for friends and family to arrive. The party doesn't start until twelve thirty, giving everyone plenty of time to prepare.
In case guests wanted to take pictures, there was a picture curtain with the words "Happy Birthday Layla" above.
Friends and family began to arrive, each one bringing gifts for Layla. You greeted them at the door, hugging each person as they stepped inside. Their faces lighting up seeing Layla in her birthday outfit.
"Oh Layla you look so cute in your dress!" Your mom gasped in excitement seeing Layla in Rafe's arms waving at those who came in.
"Can you say thank you grandma?' You grin up at Layla who babbles.
Layla responds by babbling and hiding her face in Rafe's chest.
Layla wore a soft lavender tulle skirt with a bodice decorated with tiny pink butterflies. Her golden curls were gathered into two small pigtails, secured with matching butterfly clips. She looked like the cutest princess.
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Half an hour into the party, pictures were taken, conversations, kids running around, etc. The Cameron household was busy to say the least.
You showed everyone where the food and beverages would be once they were ready to eat— fruits, desserts, sandwiches, barbecue, cupcakes, drinks, and more. 
Sarah was leaning against the counter with a plate in her hand, nodding her head to the song playing from the tv. You grab a cupcake before joining her.
"This party is so cute, it screams Layla" Sarah states, regarding the decorations in the house. "The flowers are my favorite,"
"Aw, thank you, Sarah, and initially, when I was looking for decorations and saw the flowers, I knew I needed to get them!"
"On a real note and I'm sure you'll agree but Layla already being one is insane because it feels like she was just born" Sarah frowns, facial expression showing she's feeling a lot of emotions.
"I couldn't agree more— I cried last night before bed, and Rafe comforted me the whole night," you respond quietly.
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It was time to start singing happy birthday as time went on. You sat Layla down in front of everyone in her high chair. She looked around waving with both hands with a smile. Rafe came around the corner with a small cake in his hand— Layla's eyes went wide.
"On three, we sing Miss Layla, happy birthday," you say enthusiastically, raising your right palm in the air.
As you both bent in to help Layla in blowing out the flame, Rafe stood next to you, his arm around your waist. Layla clapped her hands with joy as friends and family erupted in cheers and her face broke into the largest smile you've ever seen.
Opening presents was last to go. Layla's tiny hands grasp on each gift she received— curious whatever was in the bag or wrapped in paper. She got toys, clothes, and a few small things.
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As the day drew to a close, friends and family began to leave with their children. Layla fell asleep in Rafe's arms in the backyard, sitting around the bonfire with your father, Ward, and friends.
Your mom, Rose, and you were sitting on the front porch swing having a simple conversation about motherhood. They each told you what motherhood taught them and the emotions you feel when it's your first borns birthday.
The smell of the fresh planted flowers, summer breeze hitting your skin, and the sun getting ready to set beautifully.
"I've been thinking a lot about what it means to be a mother," you admitted after a time, your voice subdued. "There is so much joy, but also an overwhelming sense of responsibility. I just want to do the right thing for her, you know?
"You're doing an amazing job," Rose encouraged you, placing her hand lightly on your arm. "Motherhood has many obstacles, yet it is apparent how much you adore her. That's what counts the most."
Your mom nodded in agreement. "There isn't a perfect way to accomplish it, no manual or roadmap. You just have to believe in yourself and know that you are enough. "Layla is fortunate to have you."
You felt tears form at the corners of your eyes, but they were happy tears. This conversation, on this particular day, exceeded your expectations. As you sat there, surrounded by women who had helped you through life and into motherhood, you felt overwhelmed with gratitude.
"Thank you for those kind words. I definitely needed to hear that, literally. Time just went by so fast in a blink of an eye" you sniffle while your mom and Rose rub your back.
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It was officially the end of the night. The three of you were in your pajamas, ready for bed. The house had decorations up that will be up for another day or two. You held Layla in your arms—her head on your shoulder falling asleep.
You brought Layla upstairs, placing her in her crib and bringing the cover up to her chin. For a time, you simply stood there, watching her sleep, overcome with love for this tiny human who had altered your life in the most beautiful way.
Rafe threw his arm around you as you both stood there, and you knew that no matter how quickly time passed or how many birthdays came and went, the love you felt tonight would see you through it all. And when you turned off the light and closed the door, you couldn't help but grin, knowing that this was only the start of many more wonderful memories.
"Happy birthday, Layla."
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@drewstarkeys-world @chenslucy @rosezza @rafeyslamb @starkeyvhs @diqldrunks @runningfrom2am
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teddymoon06 · 2 days
Through the Storm
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"Are You Sure?" (Y/N x Jungkook)
Are You Sure?
Y/N could feel the tension in the air the moment she stepped into the room. Her eyes darted around, taking in the sight of Jimin, leaning casually against the wall, his expression amused as he watched Jungkook pace back and forth in front of him.
She knew what this was about—how could she not? Jungkook had been a bundle of nerves the past week, constantly second-guessing himself, and now, with Jimin pushing him, it was all coming to a head.
"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Jimin’s voice was calm but teasing, his words hanging in the air like a challenge.
Jungkook stopped pacing and glared at his friend. "I told you, hyung, I know what I’m doing."
Y/N, who had stayed silent until now, crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Do you?"
Both Jungkook and Jimin turned to look at her. Jimin's smile widened, clearly enjoying the tension, while Jungkook’s eyes softened the moment they landed on her. He looked nervous, which was unlike him. Usually, he was the confident, carefree type, but around her, there was a vulnerability that Y/N both cherished and worried about.
"Of course, I do," Jungkook replied, his voice quieter now. He walked over to her, hesitating for a moment before taking her hand in his. His thumb brushed over her knuckles, a nervous habit she had come to recognize. "I just… I don’t want to mess things up."
Y/N sighed softly, squeezing his hand. "Kook, you're not going to mess things up. But if you're not ready, that's okay too."
Jimin, still lounging against the wall, raised his hands in mock surrender. "Hey, don’t look at me. I’m just the innocent bystander here."
Jungkook shot him a look. "Innocent, my ass."
Y/N let out a laugh despite herself. Jungkook’s tension seemed to ease at the sound of her laughter, his lips twitching into a small smile. He loved making her laugh, even when he was anxious.
Jimin, sensing the moment had passed, straightened up and pushed off the wall. "Alright, I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone. But Kook," he paused at the door, glancing back at his younger friend, "just don’t overthink it. You already have her. That’s all that matters."
As Jimin left the room, the silence settled between them. Jungkook turned back to Y/N, his dark eyes searching her face for reassurance. Y/N smiled softly and reached up to brush a strand of hair away from his face.
"Why are you so nervous?" she asked gently.
Jungkook let out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through his hair. "It’s just… everything with you is so important to me. I don’t want to make a mistake. I don’t want you to regret being with me."
Y/N’s heart ached at his words. She had never doubted her feelings for him, not once. From the moment they had gotten closer, there had been an undeniable connection between them. Sure, there were challenges—there always were when feelings were involved—but she knew Jungkook was worth every second.
"Jungkook," she said softly, stepping closer to him, "I don’t regret anything. Being with you is the best decision I’ve ever made."
He looked down at her, his expression conflicted. "But what if—"
Y/N cut him off by placing her hand gently on his chest, feeling the steady thrum of his heartbeat beneath her palm. "No 'what ifs.' Just us. Right here, right now."
For a moment, neither of them spoke. Jungkook’s hand came up to cover hers, holding it against his chest as if anchoring himself to her. His eyes softened, the vulnerability still there but tempered by the trust they had built together.
"Are you sure?" he asked quietly, his voice barely above a whisper, echoing Jimin’s earlier teasing question but with a seriousness that tugged at Y/N’s heart.
Y/N smiled up at him, her eyes filled with affection. "I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life."
The tension in Jungkook’s shoulders finally eased, and he pulled her into his arms, holding her close. Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. In that moment, everything else faded away. It was just the two of them, wrapped up in each other.
"I love you," he whispered into her hair, the words so soft she almost missed them.
But she heard, and her heart swelled in response. She tilted her head up to look at him, meeting his gaze with all the love she felt for him. "I love you too."
Jungkook leaned down, his lips brushing hers in a gentle kiss that quickly deepened, filled with all the emotions they couldn’t put into words. It was tender, yet passionate, a promise of everything they had yet to experience together.
When they finally pulled apart, Jungkook rested his forehead against hers, his breath coming out in soft puffs. "I’m sorry for overthinking everything."
Y/N laughed softly, her fingers tracing patterns on his chest. "You don’t have to apologize for that. We’re both figuring this out together."
He smiled, that familiar bunny grin that melted her heart every time. "Together."
Y/N nodded, leaning up to press another kiss to his lips. "Always."
And in that moment, with her arms around Jungkook and his soft smile still lingering, Y/N knew they were going to be okay. Whatever challenges came their way, they would face them together, hand in hand, just as they always had.
Jungkook wasn’t perfect, but neither was she. And that was okay. Because, as Jimin had said, they already had each other—and that was all that mattered.
The next few days felt like a whirlwind, with Jungkook and Y/N caught between the excitement of being together and the uncertainty that came with it. Despite their intimate conversation, Y/N could tell something was still bothering him.
She found herself sitting at the dorm one evening, flipping through the latest webtoon on her phone, while Jungkook was in the studio, working on some new tracks. The quiet was comfortable but heavy, as if both of them were trying to avoid something unsaid.
The door creaked open, and Jimin peeked in, his mischievous smile immediately catching Y/N’s attention.
“Hey,” he said, stepping into the room like he owned the place. “You alone?”
“Jungkook’s working,” Y/N replied, setting her phone down.
Jimin nodded as if he expected that answer. “Busy as always, huh?”
Y/N smiled slightly. “Yeah. You know how he is. He won’t stop until it’s perfect.”
Jimin plopped down beside her, stretching his arms out across the back of the couch. “And how’s he been? Still overthinking?”
Y/N sighed. “A little. He’s been trying not to show it, but I can tell. I just don’t know how to make him see that there’s nothing to worry about.”
Jimin regarded her with a thoughtful expression, the playfulness fading slightly. “Kook’s been like that since forever. He overanalyzes everything, especially when it comes to people he cares about. He just doesn’t want to let you down.”
“I know,” Y/N murmured. “But he’s not letting me down. I wish he’d believe that.”
Jimin tilted his head, looking like he was weighing his words. “You know,” he said slowly, “sometimes it’s not about convincing him with words. You’ve got to show him that you’re in this for the long haul. Actions speak louder, right?”
Y/N narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “What are you suggesting, Jimin?”
His mischievous grin returned. “Maybe you need to challenge him. Push him out of his head a little. Make him realize that you’re here for all of it—the good and the bad.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “And how do I do that?”
Jimin shrugged casually, but there was a glint in his eyes. “I don’t know… maybe something bold. Like, I don’t know, a dare.”
“A dare?” she repeated, not sure where this was going.
Jimin nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah! Jungkook thrives on competition, right? Daring him to do something he wouldn’t normally do might break that wall he’s been building in his head.”
Y/N considered it. “What kind of dare?”
Jimin leaned in conspiratorially. “Something that will make him stop overthinking and just act. You know, get him to be in the moment.”
Y/N bit her lip, feeling a surge of excitement at the thought of pushing Jungkook out of his comfort zone. She knew Jimin was right—sometimes, the best way to get through to Jungkook was by shaking things up. A playful challenge might be exactly what they needed.
“All right,” she said, standing up with new determination. “Let’s do this.”
Later that night, Y/N found Jungkook still hunched over his desk in the studio, the soft glow of the monitor illuminating his focused expression. His headphones covered his ears, and he was bobbing his head slightly to the beat, completely engrossed in his work.
Y/N stood in the doorway for a moment, watching him with a fond smile. As much as she loved seeing him so passionate about his music, she knew he was using it as a way to avoid his feelings—his fears.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N walked up behind him and gently tapped his shoulder. Jungkook flinched slightly, pulling off his headphones and turning to face her.
“Oh, hey,” he said, his voice surprised but warm. “I didn’t hear you come in.”
Y/N smiled. “You’re pretty focused, huh?”
He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Yeah, sorry. I was just trying to get this right.”
“I know,” she said softly, sitting down beside him. “But I think you need a break.”
Jungkook raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by her tone. “A break? What did you have in mind?”
Y/N grinned mischievously, her heart pounding a little at what she was about to suggest. “How about… a dare?”
Jungkook blinked in surprise. “A dare?”
“Yeah,” she said, leaning in slightly. “You, me, a dare. Let’s make a bet.”
His eyes sparkled with interest, though a hint of hesitation remained. “What kind of bet?”
Y/N smirked. “You always beat me at everything—video games, sports, even karaoke. So this time, let’s see if you can beat me at something new.”
Jungkook’s competitive side kicked in immediately, the tension in his body easing as he leaned back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest. “What’s the dare?”
Y/N’s heart raced. She hadn’t fully thought this through, but Jimin’s words echoed in her mind. She had to make him feel confident, make him act on his instincts rather than overthinking. Something bold.
“I dare you…” she began, looking him straight in the eye, “…to kiss me.”
Jungkook’s eyes widened slightly, caught off guard by the sudden challenge. He swallowed hard, his gaze flicking to her lips before quickly looking away.
“Are you sure?” he asked quietly, echoing the same question from before, his vulnerability showing again.
Y/N nodded, her voice steady even though her heart was racing. “I’m sure.”
For a moment, he didn’t move, clearly fighting with himself. But then, something shifted in his expression. The hesitation faded, replaced by the familiar fire of determination Y/N loved so much. Without another word, Jungkook leaned forward, cupping her face gently with one hand as his lips found hers.
The kiss was soft at first, hesitant, like he was still making sure this was real. But as Y/N responded, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer, the kiss deepened, and all the doubts seemed to melt away.
When they finally pulled apart, both of them breathless, Jungkook rested his forehead against hers, his eyes still closed. He didn’t say anything, but the relief and emotion on his face spoke volumes.
“You’re not going to lose me, Kook,” Y/N whispered softly. “You never were.”
Jungkook opened his eyes, meeting hers with a new sense of confidence. He smiled, a genuine smile that made her heart skip a beat.
“Okay,” he said, his voice low and full of warmth. “I believe you.”
And in that moment, Y/N knew they had crossed a line. It wasn’t just a kiss or a dare. It was a promise—one that neither of them would ever break.
The days following their kiss felt different. It wasn’t the usual shift that came after a relationship milestone; it was something deeper, something that grounded both Y/N and Jungkook in a way neither of them had expected.
Jungkook had always been intense—whether it was about his music, his workouts, or even the smallest things, like deciding what to eat. He poured himself into everything. But when it came to their relationship, that intensity had a new layer. After their kiss, it was as if a weight had lifted off him, and now he wore his love for her as openly as he did his passion for music.
One night, a few days later, Y/N found herself in Jungkook’s room at the dorms. The others were out, leaving them in the rare quiet that the dorm never usually had. Jungkook sat on the edge of his bed, his guitar in his hands, absently strumming a few soft chords while Y/N lay sprawled on the bed, her head resting on one of the pillows as she watched him with a soft smile.
The way he focused when he played, his brow furrowing in concentration, was one of her favorite things about him. Music was his safe place. It always had been. But what she loved even more was how much he’d started to share it with her. Little things, like humming a melody he was working on or asking her what she thought of a lyric idea. It made her feel closer to him, more woven into the fabric of his life.
"How’s the song coming along?" she asked, breaking the comfortable silence.
Jungkook paused, looking up at her with a small smile. "It’s getting there. I was thinking of making the bridge a bit more stripped back, maybe just the guitar."
Y/N propped herself up on her elbows, curious. "Can I hear it?"
Jungkook’s eyes flicked to her, a hint of nervousness crossing his face, but then he relaxed. He trusted her. He knew she wasn’t here to judge, only to listen. Without saying anything, he began to play.
The melody was gentle, almost intimate, and Y/N closed her eyes as the notes filled the room. His voice, when he started singing, was low and soft, like he was sharing a secret only meant for her. The lyrics were simple but filled with emotion—about holding on, about being afraid but finding strength in love.
As he reached the bridge, the one he’d mentioned, the music faded into just the soft strum of the guitar, his voice almost a whisper now. And as the last chord rang out, there was a moment of stillness. Y/N opened her eyes to find Jungkook watching her closely, like he was waiting for her reaction.
“That was beautiful,” she said, her voice filled with awe.
Jungkook blushed, a soft chuckle escaping him as he set the guitar down beside him. “Thanks. I wasn’t sure if it was too… soft.”
Y/N shook her head, sitting up fully now. “No, not at all. It’s perfect. It feels… real.”
Jungkook’s gaze softened, and for a moment, they just looked at each other. There was no need for words. It was that same quiet understanding they’d shared since the beginning—the kind that didn’t need explanations.
“You inspire me, you know,” Jungkook said after a moment, his voice soft. “A lot of the time when I write, I’m thinking about us.”
Y/N’s heart fluttered at his confession. She smiled, her fingers playing with the edge of the blanket. “I’m happy I can be a part of it.”
Jungkook shifted closer to her on the bed, his hand reaching out to take hers. His fingers traced small circles on the back of her hand, a habit he’d developed whenever they were close. It was a simple gesture, but one that always made Y/N feel warm.
“I’ve been thinking,” Jungkook started, his voice quieter now, like he was unsure how to say what was on his mind.
“About what?” Y/N prompted, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.
He hesitated for a moment, his eyes flicking down to their joined hands before looking back up at her. “About the future. Us. I know I’ve been in my head a lot recently, and I don’t want you to think I’m doubting us, but… I just want to be sure that I’m doing right by you.”
Y/N’s heart squeezed at his words. She knew Jungkook’s biggest fear was not being enough, not living up to the expectations he set for himself. But she also knew that those fears were unfounded. He was everything she could ever want—kind, passionate, fiercely loyal. She didn’t need him to be perfect. She just needed him to be him.
“Kook,” she said softly, reaching up to cup his cheek. “You don’t have to worry about that. I don’t expect you to have all the answers, and I don’t need you to be perfect. I just want you to be yourself. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
Jungkook closed his eyes, leaning into her touch, his breath steadying. When he opened his eyes again, there was a determination there—a quiet but strong resolve that made Y/N’s heart skip a beat.
“I know,” he said quietly. “But I want to make a promise to you, Y/N.”
Y/N’s brows furrowed slightly in confusion. “A promise?”
Jungkook nodded, sitting up straighter now, his gaze never leaving hers. “I promise that I’ll always try. No matter what happens, no matter how hard things get, I’m going to keep trying. For us. For you.”
His words hung in the air, filled with sincerity and emotion. Y/N could feel the weight of them, the way they settled into her heart like an anchor. It wasn’t a grand declaration or a sweeping gesture, but it was real. And that meant more to her than anything.
She smiled, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears as she leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. When she pulled back, she whispered, “I promise the same.”
Jungkook smiled, a soft, genuine smile that made her heart flutter all over again. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his chest as they sat there, holding each other in the quiet of the room.
For a long time, neither of them spoke. They didn’t need to. The promises they had made were enough. And as they sat there, wrapped up in each other, Y/N realized that she didn’t need anything more than this—this quiet, this connection, this love that they had built together.
Jungkook wasn’t perfect, but neither was she. And in the end, that was what made them perfect for each other.
The night after their quiet promises, everything between Y/N and Jungkook felt deeper, more solid, as if the quiet moments they shared had built an unbreakable foundation. They weren’t the type to rush things—they let their relationship evolve naturally, both of them learning to embrace the little things.
But despite the warmth of those moments, Y/N noticed something lingering in Jungkook’s eyes. There was a flicker of uncertainty, a shadow of fear that she knew all too well. It wasn’t loud, and he wasn’t vocal about it, but it was there, beneath the surface. And she couldn’t ignore it anymore.
One evening, as they were curled up on the couch watching a movie, Y/N’s attention was far from the screen. Her head rested on Jungkook’s shoulder, but her thoughts were on him—on the walls he was still holding up, even after their promises. He was trying, she knew that. But there was something he wasn’t saying.
She tilted her head to look up at him. His face was illuminated by the dim light of the TV, eyes focused but distant, his fingers gently tracing patterns on her arm as they sat together. He looked peaceful, but there was a tension in his posture that she couldn’t ignore.
“Hey,” she said softly, her voice barely louder than a whisper.
Jungkook turned his head slightly, glancing down at her with a small smile. “Yeah?”
Y/N hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to bring it up. But she couldn’t keep pretending everything was fine when she knew he was still carrying something heavy. “You’ve been… quiet lately. Not just tonight, but in general. Is everything okay?”
Jungkook blinked, caught off guard by the question. He shifted a little, as if trying to brush off the concern, but Y/N wasn’t going to let him retreat into himself this time.
“I’m fine,” he said softly, though his tone lacked conviction. “Just been busy with work, you know?”
Y/N gave him a look, one that told him she wasn’t buying it. “Kook… you don’t have to pretend with me. I know when something’s bothering you.”
He looked away, his jaw clenching slightly. The silence stretched between them, and Y/N could feel him pulling back—not physically, but emotionally. It was a familiar dance, one that had happened before when he felt overwhelmed. But this time, she wasn’t going to let it slide.
“Talk to me,” she whispered, reaching for his hand and intertwining their fingers. “Please.”
Jungkook’s grip on her hand tightened, and for a moment, he didn’t say anything. His eyes stayed fixed on the TV screen, but she knew he wasn’t really watching it. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he spoke, his voice so quiet she almost didn’t hear it.
“I’m scared,” he admitted, his voice barely audible.
Y/N’s heart clenched at the raw honesty in his words. She sat up a little, turning her body to face him fully. “Scared of what?”
Jungkook let out a long breath, his eyes still avoiding hers. “Of not being enough for you. Of screwing this up somehow. I know we’ve talked about it before, but… it’s still there. That fear. You mean so much to me, Y/N, and I don’t want to lose you.”
Y/N felt her throat tighten as she listened to him. She had known he was struggling, but hearing the vulnerability in his voice—hearing how deeply his fears ran—hit her harder than she expected. She squeezed his hand, leaning in closer.
“You’re not going to lose me,” she said softly, her voice filled with as much conviction as she could muster. “You won’t.”
Jungkook finally turned to look at her, his eyes dark and filled with a depth of emotion that made her heart ache. “I just… I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. And it scares me how much I care. I keep thinking… what if I mess up? What if I hurt you?”
“You won’t,” Y/N replied firmly, her gaze never wavering. “I know you, Jungkook. You’d never hurt me. And even if we have challenges, we’ll face them together. That’s what being in a relationship is about. We’ll have ups and downs, but I’m not going anywhere.”
Jungkook looked at her, his expression softening, but the doubt was still there, lingering in the back of his mind. “What if one day you wake up and realize I’m not enough for you? What if… what if you get tired of me?”
Y/N’s heart ached at his words. She reached up, cupping his face in her hands, her thumbs gently brushing against his skin. “That’s never going to happen. Jungkook, I love you. All of you. The way you care so deeply, the way you always put your whole heart into everything you do. I love you for who you are—not for some idea of perfection.”
Tears shimmered in Jungkook’s eyes, and he blinked rapidly, trying to hold them back. He had always been so strong, so determined, but in moments like this, Y/N saw the vulnerability he tried to hide from the world.
“I’m not perfect,” he whispered, his voice breaking slightly.
Y/N smiled softly, pressing her forehead against his. “You don’t have to be. I don’t want perfect. I just want you.”
For a long moment, they stayed like that, their foreheads touching, their breaths mingling as they held onto each other. Jungkook’s hand tightened around hers, his thumb brushing over her knuckles in that familiar, comforting way.
“I’m trying,” he whispered, his voice filled with raw emotion. “I’m really trying.”
“I know,” Y/N whispered back, her voice soft but steady. “And that’s enough for me.”
Jungkook’s eyes met hers again, and this time, there was something different in them—something stronger. The vulnerability was still there, but so was a quiet determination, a resolve to keep fighting for what they had.
He leaned in, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to her lips, and when he pulled back, he rested his forehead against hers once more. “I love you,” he whispered, his voice filled with a tenderness that made Y/N’s heart swell.
“I love you too,” she whispered back, her fingers tracing gentle patterns on his cheek. “And we’re going to be okay. No matter what.”
As they sat there in the quiet, the only sound the soft hum of the TV in the background, Y/N felt a sense of peace settle over them. It wasn’t the kind of peace that came from having all the answers, but the kind that came from knowing they didn’t need to have them all right now.
They had each other. And for now, that was more than enough.
A few weeks passed, and while things between Y/N and Jungkook had become more open, more emotionally honest, there were still moments when Jungkook seemed distant. He was trying—Y/N could see it in the way he always made time for her, in the way his hands lingered on hers when they sat together, in the soft kisses he’d place on her forehead when he thought she wasn’t paying attention. But there was still a tension between them, a space that neither of them had quite figured out how to close.
One evening, after a particularly long day at the studio, Jungkook came home exhausted. Y/N was waiting for him in the kitchen, having made dinner for them both. She had hoped a quiet evening together would help them reconnect, but as soon as he walked in, she could tell something was off. His usual bright energy was dim, his shoulders tense, and the light that normally filled his eyes was clouded over with frustration.
“You okay?” Y/N asked, her voice soft as she approached him. She reached out, gently touching his arm.
Jungkook nodded, though the gesture was half-hearted. “Yeah… just tired,” he mumbled, running a hand through his hair. “The song’s not coming together the way I want it to. Feels like I’m hitting a wall.”
Y/N frowned, sensing his frustration. “Do you want to talk about it? Maybe I can help.”
Jungkook shook his head, giving her a small, forced smile. “Nah, it’s fine. I just need to clear my head.”
Y/N bit her lip, watching him as he walked past her, heading for the bathroom to wash up. She knew he wasn’t just tired from work. It was something deeper, something that had been building for a while. The more they opened up to each other, the more it seemed like Jungkook was struggling with something inside himself—something he couldn’t quite name.
Later that night, they sat down for dinner, but the usual light banter between them was absent. The conversation was stilted, filled with small talk about work and schedules. Y/N could feel the growing distance, like an invisible wall had sprung up between them, and it was starting to weigh heavily on her heart.
After dinner, they sat on the couch, but instead of pulling her close like he usually did, Jungkook sat with a bit of space between them, his eyes glued to his phone as he scrolled through emails. Y/N tried to focus on the movie playing, but her attention kept drifting to him—to the way his jaw was clenched, the way his fingers drummed against his thigh in a nervous rhythm.
Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore.
“Kook,” she said softly, breaking the silence. “Can we talk?”
Jungkook looked up, his eyes widening slightly in surprise. He set his phone down, his expression guarded. “Talk about what?”
Y/N sighed, her heart heavy. “About us. About… whatever’s going on.”
Jungkook frowned, confusion flickering in his eyes. “What do you mean? I thought things were good between us.”
“They are,” Y/N said quickly, not wanting to give him the wrong impression. “But lately, it feels like you’ve been… pulling away. Like there’s something on your mind that you’re not telling me.”
Jungkook’s gaze dropped to the floor, and for a moment, he didn’t respond. Y/N’s heart sank at the sight of him retreating into himself again.
“I just don’t want to put my stress on you,” Jungkook finally said, his voice low. “You already have enough to deal with, and I don’t want to burden you with my problems.”
Y/N shook her head, reaching for his hand. “Kook, we’re in this together. You’re not burdening me. I want to help you, but I can’t if you won’t let me in.”
Jungkook sighed, his thumb gently brushing against her hand. “I know. I’m just… I don’t know how to explain it. I feel like I’m stuck between wanting to be the best version of myself for you and constantly feeling like I’m not enough. Every time I try to shake it off, it just comes back. It’s like… no matter how hard I try, I keep doubting myself.”
Y/N’s heart ached at his words. She had known he was struggling, but hearing the depth of his insecurities made her realize just how hard he’d been trying to keep it all together for her. She squeezed his hand, pulling him closer to her.
“You don’t have to be perfect for me,” she said softly. “I’ve never asked you to be.”
“I know,” Jungkook whispered, his eyes filled with a mixture of frustration and vulnerability. “But it’s hard not to want to be. I see you and how patient you’ve been with me, how much you care… and I feel like I’m failing at giving you what you deserve.”
Y/N leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “You’re not failing. You’re doing more than enough, Kook. I love you for who you are, not for who you think you should be.”
Jungkook closed his eyes, his shoulders slumping as if the weight he had been carrying finally became too heavy. “I’m just scared, Y/N. Scared that one day you’ll wake up and realize I’m not worth it.”
Y/N’s chest tightened at his words. She could hear the pain in his voice, the fear that had been plaguing him for so long. But more than that, she could hear how much he loved her—how deeply he cared.
She reached out, cupping his face in her hands, forcing him to meet her gaze. “I’m never going to wake up and feel that way. Do you hear me? You’re more than worth it, Jungkook. You’ve always been.”
Jungkook looked at her, his eyes searching hers for any sign of doubt. When he found none, his expression softened, and he leaned into her touch. “I don’t deserve you.”
Y/N shook her head, her fingers gently brushing against his skin. “That’s not true. You deserve to be loved, Kook. And I’m going to keep reminding you of that until you believe it.”
For a moment, neither of them spoke. Jungkook’s hand reached up to cover hers, holding it against his cheek as he closed his eyes, the tension in his body slowly melting away. Y/N could feel the shift in him, the way he was finally letting himself be vulnerable with her.
“Thank you,” he whispered, his voice barely audible. “For loving me.”
Y/N smiled softly, her heart swelling with emotion. “Always.”
They sat there for a while longer, their hands intertwined, the weight of their conversation hanging in the air like a quiet promise. The space between them that had felt so large just moments ago was gone, replaced by a newfound understanding, a deeper connection.
Jungkook still had his insecurities, and Y/N knew it would take time for him to fully believe in himself the way she did. But she was patient, and she was willing to fight for him—for them. Because no matter how hard things got, she knew one thing for sure: they were worth it.
And as Jungkook pulled her closer, resting his head against hers, Y/N felt a sense of peace wash over her. They had a long way to go, but for now, they had each other. And that was more than enough.
As the weeks passed, Y/N and Jungkook’s relationship settled into a more comfortable rhythm. They’d navigated the hardest parts, or so it seemed, and there was a new closeness between them. Jungkook’s insecurities hadn’t disappeared overnight, but he was trying. He was more open with Y/N, letting her in on his doubts when they arose instead of shutting her out.
But life wasn’t always as smooth as they wanted it to be. Between his schedule with BTS and her own busy life, they rarely had time to themselves. Jungkook’s stress, though manageable now, ebbed and flowed with the demands of their world.
One evening, after a long day of rehearsals, Jungkook was unusually quiet again. Y/N had gotten used to recognizing the signs—his hands fidgeting more than usual, his lips pressed together in a tight line, and his gaze distant, even when they were in the same room. He’d come home later than expected, exhaustion written across his face as he dropped his bag by the door and muttered a quick “hey.”
Y/N stood up from the couch, concern lacing her features. “Kook? You okay?”
Jungkook nodded, but it was the same kind of half-hearted response he gave when something was bothering him. “Yeah, just tired.”
She walked over to him, brushing her hand against his arm. “You sure? You seem a little off.”
He sighed, his shoulders slumping as he leaned against the kitchen counter. “It’s just a lot, Y/N. I’ve got this comeback, we’re filming stuff for the tour… I feel like I’m drowning sometimes.”
Y/N nodded, understanding the weight he carried. Being in one of the world’s biggest groups came with intense pressure, and while he loved it, she knew it wasn’t easy. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Jungkook shook his head. “I don’t know if talking will help. I just—” He broke off, his frustration evident. “I just feel like I’m not doing enough. Like no matter how hard I try, I’m always falling short.”
Y/N felt a familiar pang in her chest. They’d been here before—this cycle of self-doubt, of Jungkook feeling like he wasn’t living up to some impossible standard he’d set for himself. She stepped closer, gently placing her hands on his chest. “Kook, you’re doing everything you can. You’ve been working so hard.”
His jaw tightened, and for a moment, he looked away, as if he didn’t quite believe her. “I know you say that, but… what if it’s not enough? What if I’m not enough?”
Y/N’s heart ached at his words. She knew how deeply he felt things, how much he put on his own shoulders, but it hurt to see him like this—to see the person she loved so fiercely doubting himself over and over again.
“You are enough,” she said firmly, her voice filled with conviction. “More than enough, Jungkook. You don’t have to be perfect all the time. You’re allowed to be tired, to feel overwhelmed. But please don’t think for a second that you’re not enough.”
Jungkook’s eyes softened as he looked at her, but she could still see the turmoil swirling behind them. He leaned forward, resting his forehead against hers, his breath warm against her skin. “I’m trying,” he whispered, his voice heavy with emotion. “I’m trying so hard.”
Y/N’s hand slid up to the back of his neck, her fingers gently threading through his hair. “I know you are. And I’m so proud of you for that. But you don’t have to carry all of this on your own. You have me. Let me help you.”
For a moment, Jungkook didn’t respond. His eyes closed, and she could feel the tension in his body slowly start to ease. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close, and for a while, they just stood there, holding each other in the quiet of the kitchen.
But the calm didn’t last long.
Later that night, after they’d settled into bed, Jungkook’s phone buzzed with a notification. It was from one of the producers he’d been working with, asking for a revision on a track they’d been finalizing. Y/N watched as his expression darkened, his earlier exhaustion settling back into his features.
“I thought we were done with this song,” Jungkook muttered under his breath as he typed a reply, his frustration building. “Why can’t they just let it be?”
Y/N sat up, her heart sinking. She hated seeing him like this, so on edge, so consumed by the pressure to be perfect. “Maybe you should take a break from it tonight,” she suggested gently. “You’ve been working on it non-stop.”
“I can’t,” Jungkook snapped, more harshly than he intended. He immediately regretted it, his eyes flickering to hers with an apologetic look. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”
“It’s okay,” Y/N interrupted, her voice soft. “I get it. You’re stressed.”
Jungkook sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. “I just… it’s never enough. No matter what I do, there’s always something else. And I’m scared, Y/N. Scared that I’m going to let everyone down—you, the members, ARMY—everyone.”
Y/N’s chest tightened at the raw vulnerability in his voice. She reached for his hand, squeezing it tightly. “You’re not letting anyone down, Kook. You’re doing everything you can, and everyone knows that. But you can’t keep running yourself into the ground like this. It’s okay to take a step back.”
Jungkook looked at her, his eyes filled with a mixture of frustration and desperation. “I don’t know how,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t know how to stop.”
Y/N’s heart broke at his words. She could see how much he was struggling, how hard he was fighting to keep everything together, but she knew he couldn’t keep going like this. He needed to rest, to breathe, to let himself be human.
“You don’t have to do this alone,” she said softly, her thumb brushing over his knuckles. “I’m here for you. Always.”
For a long moment, Jungkook didn’t say anything. He just stared at her, his eyes filled with emotion, before finally pulling her into his arms. He buried his face in her hair, his breath shaky as he held her tightly.
“I’m scared of disappointing you,” he whispered, his voice so quiet it was barely audible. “I’m scared of losing you.”
Y/N’s heart clenched at his confession, tears welling up in her eyes. She pulled back slightly, cupping his face in her hands. “You’re never going to lose me, Jungkook. I’m not going anywhere.”
Jungkook’s gaze softened, his hands gently gripping her waist as he rested his forehead against hers. “Promise?”
“I promise,” Y/N whispered, her voice filled with unwavering certainty.
They stayed like that for a while, the weight of their conversation hanging in the air like a storm that had finally passed. The tension between them had eased, and though there were still challenges ahead, Y/N knew they would face them together.
As they lay back down, wrapped in each other’s arms, Jungkook’s breathing eventually evened out, the exhaustion of the day finally taking its toll. Y/N stayed awake for a little while longer, her fingers gently running through his hair as she watched him sleep.
She knew there were still struggles ahead, that Jungkook’s fears wouldn’t disappear overnight. But she also knew one thing for certain: she wasn’t going to let him face them alone.
And that thought, more than anything, gave her peace.
The following days felt like a delicate balance—like walking on a tightrope between Jungkook’s intense schedule and the fragile emotional state he’d been carrying for weeks. Y/N did everything she could to be his support, but it wasn’t always easy. Every day was a new challenge for him, and even with their quiet moments of connection, Y/N could feel the pressure building inside him again.
One evening, after a particularly draining day at the studio, Jungkook came home looking worse than ever. His usual spark was completely gone, replaced by an exhaustion that weighed heavily in his eyes and posture. He threw his jacket on the couch and immediately headed for the bedroom without saying a word.
Y/N frowned, watching him go. She knew he was trying, but lately, it felt like every step forward came with two steps back. The fear that had been creeping into her heart was now an undeniable presence—what if this was too much for them to handle?
Taking a deep breath, she followed him into the bedroom. Jungkook was sitting on the edge of the bed, his elbows resting on his knees, his hands tangled in his hair. The silence between them felt suffocating, and for a moment, Y/N wasn’t sure what to say.
“Jungkook?” she called out softly, stepping closer.
He didn’t look up, his voice tired and strained. “I can’t do this anymore, Y/N.”
Her heart skipped a beat. “What do you mean?”
Jungkook let out a long breath, his shoulders slumping further. “This… all of it. The pressure, the constant feeling of not being enough, the expectations. I feel like I’m losing myself. And I’m scared that… I’m dragging you down with me.”
Y/N’s chest tightened, her pulse quickening. She could see the weight of his words—this wasn’t just about his career or the stress of being an idol. It was about them. The relationship they had fought so hard to build. And in that moment, Y/N realized just how deep his fear of failing had grown.
“Kook,” she said, sitting down beside him and placing a gentle hand on his back. “You’re not dragging me down. I’m here because I want to be with you, no matter how hard things get.”
Jungkook shook his head, his voice breaking slightly. “But I feel like I’m breaking, Y/N. And I don’t know how to fix it. I don’t know if I can.”
Y/N’s heart ached as she watched him unravel before her. She had seen him struggle before, but this was different. This was deeper—like all the cracks he had been trying to hide were finally showing, and he didn’t know how to hold them together anymore.
“Then let me help you,” she whispered, her hand gently running up and down his back in a soothing motion. “You don’t have to do this alone.”
Jungkook turned his head slightly, finally looking at her with eyes that were filled with so much pain, it made Y/N’s chest tighten. “What if I can’t? What if… I’m too far gone?”
Y/N swallowed hard, her mind racing. She didn’t want to believe that. She couldn’t believe that. Jungkook wasn’t too far gone—he was just lost in the chaos of everything he had been carrying for so long. But she could see how much it was hurting him, how much it was hurting them.
“You’re not too far gone,” she said firmly, taking his face in her hands. “You’re just… tired. You’re overwhelmed. And that’s okay. But you don’t have to keep punishing yourself for feeling that way.”
Jungkook’s lips parted slightly, his eyes flickering with uncertainty. He looked like he wanted to believe her, but something held him back, something that ran deeper than just the stress of his job. It was the same fear he’d been carrying all along—the fear that no matter how hard he tried, it would never be enough. Not for his career, not for his fans, and not for Y/N.
“I just don’t want to hurt you,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “I love you too much to drag you through this.”
Y/N shook her head, her fingers gently brushing against his cheek. “You’re not hurting me, Kook. I’m here because I love you. I choose to be here, through all of this. But I need you to trust me. Trust that we can get through this together.”
Jungkook closed his eyes, his forehead resting against hers. His breath was shaky, and Y/N could feel the tension in his body as he tried to hold it together.
“I don’t want to lose you,” he whispered, his voice barely audible. “But I feel like I’m slipping away from myself.”
Y/N’s heart shattered at his words, and she pulled him into her arms, holding him tightly. “You’re not losing me,” she murmured against his shoulder. “We’ll figure this out. We’ll find a way to get through it.”
For a long moment, they stayed like that, wrapped in each other’s arms, the silence between them heavy but comforting. Y/N could feel Jungkook’s body relax slightly in her embrace, but she knew the battle he was fighting inside wasn’t over. He was still struggling, still carrying the weight of his own expectations and the fear of not being enough.
But Y/N wasn’t going to let him face it alone.
“I’m scared too, you know,” she admitted softly, her voice trembling slightly. “I’m scared of losing you, scared of not being enough for you. But I’m not giving up on us. No matter how hard it gets.”
Jungkook pulled back slightly, his eyes searching hers. “You shouldn’t have to carry my problems, Y/N. You deserve better than this.”
“I don’t want better,” Y/N replied, her voice filled with conviction. “I want you.”
Jungkook’s eyes softened, and for the first time in what felt like forever, Y/N saw a flicker of hope in them. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for her to hold onto.
He leaned in, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to her lips. When he pulled back, he rested his forehead against hers once more, his hands gently cradling her face.
“I don’t know how to thank you for everything you’ve done for me,” he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. “I don’t deserve you.”
Y/N shook her head, her heart swelling with love for him. “You don’t have to thank me, Kook. Just let me love you. That’s all I want.”
Jungkook’s grip on her tightened, and for a moment, the world around them seemed to fade away. It was just them, holding onto each other in the quiet of their room, their hearts beating in sync despite the chaos that surrounded them.
And in that moment, Y/N knew that no matter how hard things got, they were going to make it. Because they had each other.
And that was all they needed.
In the days that followed, a subtle shift began to take place in their relationship. Jungkook, while still struggling with the pressure of his career, started to lean on Y/N more. He let her in—bit by bit—and it was a relief for both of them. But it didn’t mean that the weight he carried lessened. It only meant that now, they were carrying it together.
It was another late night when Y/N found herself sitting on the couch, absentmindedly scrolling through her phone while waiting for Jungkook to return from the studio. They had been having more of these quiet evenings lately, with him working late and her trying to keep herself busy in his absence.
When the front door finally clicked open, Y/N glanced up to see him step inside, looking every bit as drained as he had the night before. His hair was damp from the rain outside, droplets trickling down his neck, but what worried her more was the distant look in his eyes. It was the same haunted expression he’d had before, the one that told her he was spiraling inward again.
“Kook?” she asked softly, standing up and walking toward him.
He didn’t respond immediately, instead kicking off his shoes and running a hand through his wet hair. He dropped his bag by the door and stared at the floor, the silence between them heavy and suffocating.
“Jungkook, talk to me,” Y/N urged, her voice gentle but firm as she placed a hand on his arm.
Finally, he looked up at her, and the sadness in his eyes made her heart ache. “I’m trying, Y/N,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “But it feels like no matter what I do, it’s never enough.”
Y/N took a deep breath, her hands instinctively reaching out to take his. “It’s enough, Kook. You’re enough.”
Jungkook shook his head, his jaw tightening. “How can you say that when I feel like I’m falling apart? When every day I’m pushing myself to the edge just to keep up? I can’t even remember the last time I felt… happy.”
Y/N’s chest tightened. Hearing him admit that hurt more than she’d anticipated. She had known he was struggling, but to hear that he couldn’t remember feeling truly happy? It was like a punch to the gut.
“I hate seeing you like this,” she whispered, her voice breaking slightly. “I hate that you’re carrying all of this alone.”
“I’m not alone,” Jungkook said, his gaze softening as he squeezed her hands. “I have you. And I’m so grateful for that. But it’s not fair to you. I feel like I’m dragging you down with me.”
Y/N shook her head, stepping closer to him. “You’re not dragging me down, Kook. I choose to be here, remember? I’m not going anywhere, no matter how hard it gets. We’re in this together.”
Jungkook let out a shaky breath, his eyes closing as if he was trying to hold himself together. Y/N could see the exhaustion etched into every part of him—the physical and emotional toll it was taking. She gently cupped his face in her hands, her thumbs brushing over his damp cheeks.
“You’re not alone,” she repeated softly, her voice filled with conviction. “And you don’t have to do this alone. We’ll figure it out, one day at a time.”
Jungkook opened his eyes, and for a moment, the vulnerability in his gaze nearly broke her. He looked like he was holding on by a thread, like he wanted so desperately to believe her but didn’t know how.
“I don’t know how to fix this,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
“You don’t have to fix it all at once,” Y/N replied, her heart aching for him. “You just need to take a breath, step back, and let yourself feel everything. You don’t always have to be the strongest person in the room, Kook.”
Jungkook let out a bitter laugh, though there was no humor in it. “I’m not strong, Y/N. Not like people think I am.”
Y/N frowned, her hands tightening around his. “You are strong. Stronger than you give yourself credit for. But strength doesn’t mean you have to carry everything alone. It’s okay to lean on the people who care about you.”
Jungkook stared at her for a long moment, his expression torn between wanting to believe her and the weight of everything he had been carrying for so long. His shoulders slumped, and he pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly as if she was the only thing keeping him grounded.
“I’m so tired,” he whispered against her hair, his voice trembling. “I don’t know how to stop feeling like this.”
Y/N’s arms wrapped around him, her hand gently rubbing his back in soothing circles. “You don’t have to have all the answers right now,” she murmured. “But we’ll get through this. One step at a time.”
Jungkook buried his face in her shoulder, and for a long moment, they stood there, holding onto each other as if the world outside didn’t exist. Y/N could feel the tension slowly leaving his body, and though she knew the road ahead wasn’t going to be easy, she also knew that they were stronger together.
Eventually, Jungkook pulled back slightly, his eyes meeting hers with a mixture of gratitude and exhaustion. “Thank you,” he said softly. “For everything.”
Y/N smiled, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “You don’t have to thank me, Kook. I’m here because I love you. And that’s never going to change.”
Jungkook’s gaze softened, and he leaned down to press a gentle kiss to her forehead. “I don’t know what I’d do without you,” he whispered.
“You’ll never have to find out,” Y/N replied, her voice steady and full of love. “We’re in this together. Always.”
Jungkook nodded, his arms tightening around her once more as he pulled her into his chest. They stayed like that for what felt like hours, wrapped in each other’s warmth as the storm inside Jungkook’s heart slowly began to calm.
And for the first time in a long time, Y/N felt like they were going to be okay. They didn’t have all the answers, and the road ahead was still uncertain, but they had each other. And that, she realized, was all they needed.
In the days that followed, there was a noticeable shift between Y/N and Jungkook. It wasn’t as if all of their problems had disappeared, but there was a newfound understanding in the air, a quiet agreement to face things together, even if the way forward remained unclear. Jungkook wasn’t suddenly free of the burden he’d been carrying for so long, but the weight of it seemed just a bit lighter now.
Jungkook had started opening up more. He talked about his fears and doubts, his worries about the future, and the constant feeling that no matter what he did, it wouldn’t be enough. And Y/N listened—really listened—without judgment, offering comfort and reassurance whenever he needed it.
It was a fragile peace, but it was peace nonetheless.
One evening, Jungkook and Y/N were sitting together on the couch, a blanket draped over their laps as they watched the rain gently patter against the window. The TV was on, but neither of them was really paying attention. It was one of those quiet nights where the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them in the cozy warmth of their apartment.
Jungkook was resting his head against Y/N’s shoulder, his hand absentmindedly playing with the hem of her sweater. His eyes were half-closed, and Y/N could feel the rise and fall of his chest, steady and calm. He looked peaceful, and for once, Y/N wasn’t worried about what thoughts were running through his mind.
“Do you ever wonder what life would be like if things were different?” Jungkook asked suddenly, his voice low and thoughtful.
Y/N glanced down at him, surprised by the question. “Different how?”
Jungkook shrugged, his fingers still lightly tracing patterns on her sleeve. “I don’t know. Like, if I wasn’t… me. If I wasn’t Jungkook from BTS. Just… a normal guy.”
Y/N tilted her head slightly, considering his words. She had never really thought about it, but she knew that the weight of his fame was something he struggled with more than he let on. Being Jungkook of BTS was all he had known for so long, and sometimes, she wondered if he even remembered who he was outside of that.
“Do you wish things were different?” she asked quietly.
Jungkook was silent for a moment, his eyes distant as he stared out at the rain. “Sometimes,” he admitted. “Sometimes I think about what it would be like to just… live a quiet life. No cameras, no expectations. Just… us.”
Y/N’s heart softened at his words. She could see the appeal of it—the idea of a simpler life, away from the constant scrutiny and pressure that came with being in the spotlight. But at the same time, she knew how much Jungkook loved what he did, how much he cared about his music and his fans.
“I think… no matter what life you lived, you’d still be amazing,” Y/N said softly. “Because it’s not the fame that makes you special, Kook. It’s you.”
Jungkook looked up at her, his eyes searching hers for a long moment before a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “You always know what to say,” he murmured.
Y/N smiled back, brushing a strand of hair away from his face. “I just know you.”
Jungkook’s hand found hers under the blanket, his fingers intertwining with hers as he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you,” he whispered, his voice full of emotion.
Y/N leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to his temple. “You don’t have to do anything to deserve love, Jungkook. You just have to let yourself be loved.”
Jungkook closed his eyes, leaning into her touch as if her presence alone could chase away the darkness that still lingered in the corners of his mind. He didn’t say anything for a while, and Y/N didn’t push him. She knew how difficult it was for him to open up about his fears, how deeply rooted his insecurities were. But little by little, he was letting her in, and that was enough for now.
After a while, Jungkook shifted slightly, sitting up straighter as he looked at her with a more serious expression. “I’ve been thinking,” he began, his tone cautious. “About… taking a break.”
Y/N blinked in surprise, her heart skipping a beat. “A break?”
Jungkook nodded, his gaze flickering to the floor. “From everything. Work, music, the schedule… I don’t know how long, but I think I need to step away for a while. Just to breathe. To figure things out.”
Y/N could hear the hesitation in his voice, the uncertainty that came with the idea of stepping back from something he had dedicated his entire life to. But at the same time, she could see how much he needed it—how desperately he was craving a moment of stillness in a world that never seemed to slow down.
“I think that’s a good idea,” Y/N said gently, reaching out to take his hand. “If that’s what you need, then you should do it.”
Jungkook looked up at her, his eyes filled with a mixture of relief and fear. “What if… what if I lose everything? What if I take this break, and when I come back, it’s all gone?”
Y/N squeezed his hand, her heart aching at the vulnerability in his voice. “You won’t lose everything,” she assured him. “Your fans love you, Kook. They’ll wait for you. And the people who care about you—your friends, your family, me—we’ll always be here. You’re not going to lose us.”
Jungkook’s shoulders relaxed slightly, though the worry didn’t completely leave his eyes. “I just don’t want to let anyone down.”
“You won’t,” Y/N said firmly. “Taking care of yourself doesn’t mean you’re letting anyone down. It just means you’re putting yourself first for once. And you deserve that.”
Jungkook nodded slowly, as if he was trying to let her words sink in. He leaned back against the couch, his head resting against the cushions as he let out a long breath.
“I think I’m going to talk to the company about it,” he said after a moment. “I don’t know if they’ll go for it, but… I have to try.”
Y/N smiled softly, feeling a sense of pride swell in her chest. It wasn’t easy for Jungkook to admit when he needed help, let alone ask for a break from something as monumental as his career. But the fact that he was willing to take that step—to prioritize his mental health—meant more than anything.
“I’m proud of you,” she whispered, leaning over to kiss his cheek.
Jungkook turned his head slightly, his eyes meeting hers with a soft, grateful smile. “I couldn’t do any of this without you.”
“You don’t have to,” Y/N replied, her voice filled with love. “I’m with you, every step of the way.”
As the rain continued to fall outside, Y/N and Jungkook sat together in the warmth of their home, the weight of the world feeling just a little bit lighter in that moment. They didn’t know what the future held, but for now, they had each other. And that was enough.
Part 1
Part 2
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its-avalon-08 · 13 hours
Hi. Could you do a Fernando Alonso one where reader are Carmen's sister and sometimes accompany her to races to spend time together due to reader's busy schedule with her modeling career and to the point where Fernando becomes interested in knowing more about her while George and Carmen try to set them up, since they realize how well the two get along and the tension that is in the air
meddling and podiums (fa14)
✦ pairing - fernando alonso x female!reader
✦ genre - friends to lovers, meddling george and carmen, cute, fluff,
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The paddock was buzzing with the usual energy of race day. The sun beat down on the vibrant F1 scene, with fans filling the grandstands, drivers making last-minute preparations, and teams moving swiftly to ensure everything was ready for lights out. Amidst all this, Carmen and her sister, Y/N, walked through the paddock, turning a few heads.
Y/N hadn’t been to a race in a while. Her modeling career kept her moving from city to city, but today, she managed to carve out time to support her sister and spend some quality time together.
“I'm so glad you could make it,” Carmen smiled, looping her arm through Y/N's as they navigated through the McLaren garage. “Feels like I never see you anymore."
Y/N laughed, adjusting her sunglasses as she glanced around. "Tell me about it. I've missed this vibe. You know how crazy my schedule’s been. But I needed this. A break, some racing… and, of course, hanging out with my favorite sister."
“Your only sister,” Carmen teased.
As they walked past the garages, Y/N caught sight of the familiar green of the Aston Martin team and its star driver, Fernando Alonso. His presence was impossible to ignore—tall, rugged, and oozing confidence as he discussed strategy with his engineers. She had seen him on TV countless times but seeing him up close was something else entirely. Y/N couldn’t help but notice how effortlessly commanding he was.
Carmen noticed her sister’s gaze lingering. "Interesting view?" she asked playfully, raising an eyebrow.
Y/N shrugged nonchalantly, though a smirk played on her lips. "Just… observing. No harm in looking, right?"
"Right…" Carmen said, clearly noting the spark of interest. "Come on, George is waiting for us at Mercedes. But, I wouldn't mind taking a detour near the Aston Martin garage later."
Y/N chuckled. "You're not that subtle, you know."
As they made their way towards George, Y/N felt someone’s eyes on her. Glancing up, she met Fernando Alonso’s gaze for the briefest of moments. He looked curious, like he was trying to place her face. She wasn’t just another person in the paddock to him. And then, just as quickly, the moment passed, and he turned back to his conversation.
They reached Mercedes, where George Russell was leaning casually against a wall, spotting them from a distance with a wide grin on his face. "Well, look who finally decided to show up—Miss World herself," he teased, pushing off and walking over with a playful bounce in his step.
Y/N smirked, rolling her eyes as she hugged him. "Oh please, as if you don’t love having me around to boost your popularity. Admit it, you’ve missed me."
"Missed? Try celebrating the peace and quiet since you've been jet-setting across the world," George shot back, ruffling her hair in a brotherly gesture. "Now you're back to ruin it all."
"Ruin it? I make everything better, Russ. Without me, you'd be bored out of your mind."
Carmen laughed as she watched them banter, but George wasn’t done. “Honestly, I think the paddock’s been too calm. Carmen’s always talking about you, and I’m like—great, now I have to deal with two of them. Double trouble."
Y/N punched him lightly on the arm. “Admit it, you love having me around to keep you on your toes."
George laughed, holding up his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright! You win. It’s nice to see you here, Y/N. It’s not the same without you stirring things up."
Y/N smirked. "That’s what I thought."
As they exchanged more playful jabs, George's expression turned more mischievous. "Oh, by the way, Alonso's been… asking about you."
Carmen and George shared a knowing look. "Well, you did just catch his eye. Plus, he's been asking questions like… ‘Who’s the girl that sometimes comes with Carmen?’ And ‘What does she do?’ You know, the usual."
Y/N rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the small smile tugging at her lips. "He could just ask me directly, you know."
“Oh, I’m sure he’s thinking about it,” Carmen said, nudging her.
As they chatted, George’s phone buzzed. He glanced down and grinned. “Speak of the devil. Fernando’s just invited us to the Aston Martin hospitality. Care to join?”
Y/N hesitated for a moment, pretending to think. "Isn't this a bit of an obvious setup?"
Carmen laughed. "It's not a setup if there's already chemistry."
George nodded, backing her up. "Exactly. Come on, Y/N. Just join us. I bet it’ll be fun."
Y/N sighed, though a flicker of curiosity burned in her eyes. "Alright, alright. But if this gets awkward, I’m blaming both of you."
"Deal," George smirked, already texting Fernando back.
As they made their way toward Aston Martin, Y/N felt the flutter of anticipation rise in her chest. She hadn’t expected to feel like this, but there was something intriguing about Fernando. The way he carried himself, the quiet confidence… it piqued her interest.
And if the way George and Carmen were looking at her was any indication, they were already rooting for something to happen.
The Aston Martin hospitality suite was buzzing with activity when Y/N, Carmen, and George arrived. The gleaming green branding and calm atmosphere contrasted sharply with the chaotic energy outside. Fernando was standing near a table, engrossed in conversation with one of the team members, but as soon as they entered, his eyes flicked toward them.
George waved, leading the way. “Fernando! Hope we’re not interrupting anything important.”
Fernando glanced up, a subtle smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Not at all,” he said smoothly, nodding at George before his gaze shifted to Y/N. “I see you’ve brought company.”
Y/N felt a slight flutter in her stomach as his dark eyes locked on hers. His presence was even more intense up close, and though he kept his tone casual, there was something in the way he looked at her that made her feel like they were the only two in the room.
“This is Y/N,” George said, clearly enjoying the moment. “You know, Carmen’s sister. We thought we’d drag her to more races since she’s been so busy.”
“Nice to finally meet you in person,” Fernando said, extending his hand toward Y/N. His voice was deep and calm, carrying a sense of quiet authority.
Y/N smiled, taking his hand in a firm handshake. “Likewise. I’ve heard a lot about you,” she replied, her voice steady despite the unexpected jolt that came from the contact.
“Only good things, I hope,” Fernando said, his tone light but his eyes lingering on hers.
Y/N tilted her head slightly, a playful glint in her eyes. “Mostly.”
Carmen shot George a look, clearly noticing the subtle tension between them. “So, Fernando, you’re ready for today’s race?”
“Always,” he responded, but his attention was still on Y/N. “And what about you, Y/N? How does this compare to the excitement of your world?”
Y/N laughed softly, breaking eye contact for a moment. “A little different from the fashion shows, but I think I prefer the noise and chaos here. Plus, watching these races is a nice break from my schedule.”
Fernando’s eyes gleamed with curiosity. “I imagine modeling takes you all over the world.”
“It does,” she replied. “But I try to make time for things that really matter. Family, friends… experiences.” Her eyes flicked up to meet his again, and there was no mistaking the subtle undercurrent in her words.
George, sensing the building tension, decided to jump in before things got too intense. “You two are making me feel like a third wheel,” he said, laughing awkwardly. Carmen elbowed him, but George just grinned. “Maybe we should give you a little more space.”
Carmen chimed in, smiling innocently. “That’s not a bad idea. George and I were going to grab some food, actually. You know, let you two get to know each other without us butting in.”
Y/N shot her sister a look, knowing exactly what she was trying to do. “Carmen…”
But George was already pulling Carmen along, leaving Fernando and Y/N standing there alone. "We'll be right back!" he called out, far too chipper as they disappeared into the crowd.
Y/N turned back to Fernando, trying not to laugh at her sister and George’s obvious meddling. “They’re not exactly subtle, are they?”
Fernando chuckled, his gaze softening. “Not at all.”
There was a moment of silence, but it wasn’t awkward. The air between them felt charged, like there was something simmering beneath the surface. Y/N could feel his eyes on her, the weight of his attention making her heart race.
“You’re close with George and Carmen?” Fernando asked, his tone casual, but his interest was clear.
“Yeah,” she replied, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “Carmen and I are really close. It’s hard with my schedule, so I try to come to races whenever I can to see her. George is like an annoying older brother, but… we all get along.”
Fernando nodded, his eyes following her movements. “I can see that. They seem like good people.”
“They are,” Y/N said. “George is always looking out for Carmen, and by extension, me. Which is probably why they’re trying so hard to—” she paused, catching herself before finishing the sentence, but Fernando raised an eyebrow, clearly amused.
“To…?” he prompted.
Y/N smirked, shaking her head. “To do exactly what they’re doing right now—setting us up.”
Fernando’s lips curved into a small smile. “Ah, so you noticed.”
“Hard not to,” she replied with a light laugh. “They’ve been dropping hints for weeks now.”
Fernando’s expression grew more serious, though the smile never left his face. “And what do you think about that? Being set up?”
Y/N paused, meeting his gaze again. There was something about him—he was confident, sure, but not in an arrogant way. His interest in her felt genuine, and she couldn’t deny the chemistry that was already building between them.
“I don’t usually like being set up,” she admitted, her voice softening. “But… I guess it depends on the person.”
Fernando’s smile widened slightly, and he took a step closer. “And what do you think of me so far?”
Y/N felt her breath catch in her throat, the intensity of his gaze pulling her in. She smiled, tilting her head slightly as she held his gaze. “I think you might surprise me.”
Fernando’s eyes darkened with interest, the corner of his mouth twitching into a smirk. “I hope that’s a good thing.”
Before Y/N could respond, Carmen and George reappeared with mischievous grins on their faces, carrying trays of food.
“Did we miss anything?” George asked, far too casually.
Y/N glanced at Fernando, her lips curving into a knowing smile. “Nothing you two don’t already know.”
time skip
As the race weekend unfolded, it became clear to everyone in the paddock—especially to George and Carmen—that Fernando and Y/N were inseparable. Every free second, whether it was between practice sessions, during lunch breaks, or even casual moments walking through the paddock, they were side by side. Their conversations seemed endless, filled with easy laughter and stolen glances.
George and Carmen watched from the sidelines, their plotting almost becoming a sport of its own.
Friday afternoon
“Look at them,” Carmen whispered to George, nudging him as they stood by the Mercedes garage. Fernando and Y/N were sitting on a bench a few meters away, deep in conversation. Y/N was laughing at something Fernando had said, her face lighting up in a way that was hard to miss.
George smirked, crossing his arms. “I think we’ve done quite a job here.”
Carmen giggled, leaning into him. “You think they even notice how much time they’re spending together?”
“No way. They’re too busy making heart eyes at each other.”
Saturday, after qualifying
As the sun began to dip, the paddock was alive with chatter. Drivers were heading off for briefings, and team members bustled about. But Y/N and Fernando stood off to the side, leaning casually against a wall, completely in their own world.
“So,” Y/N said, leaning closer to him with a teasing smile, “you and George seem to get along surprisingly well. He’s not too annoying for you?”
Fernando chuckled, crossing his arms and shaking his head. “I think I’ve learned to tune him out when he starts talking too much.”
Y/N laughed, rolling her eyes. “That’s the secret to dealing with George. He loves the sound of his own voice.”
Fernando raised an eyebrow, his voice dropping just slightly. “And what about you? Are you as good at tuning him out?”
“Sometimes,” Y/N said, biting her lip, her tone playful. “But mostly, I just out-talk him.”
Fernando’s smirk grew, the tension between them unmistakable. “I can’t say I mind that.”
The air between them grew heavier, but before the moment could deepen, George’s voice cut through the tension.
“Hey, lovebirds!” he called out, grinning widely as he approached with Carmen. “Need any more help getting through this weekend together?”
Y/N groaned, laughing despite herself. “You really don’t know when to stop, do you?”
Carmen elbowed George, shooting Y/N and Fernando a playful wink. “Ignore him. He’s just jealous he’s not the center of attention.”
Fernando chuckled, his gaze lingering on Y/N. “I don’t think anyone could take attention away from Y/N.”
Sunday afternoon, post-race
The crowd was roaring as the podium ceremony wrapped up, and Fernando had just claimed an impressive P2. Y/N stood at the edge of the celebration, smiling as she watched him pop the champagne and soak in the cheers from the fans. There was something exhilarating about being part of this world, but today it felt even more electric. Fernando’s win wasn’t the only thing sparking the excitement in the air.
As the drivers made their way off the podium, Fernando spotted Y/N standing by, clapping and grinning at him. His eyes lit up as he made a beeline toward her, weaving through the crowd. Still in his race suit, champagne dripping from his hair, he looked like a man on top of the world.
As the podium celebrations wound down, Fernando made his way through the crowd, eyes scanning for Y/N. He spotted her standing just off to the side, her smile wide as she clapped along with the cheering fans. Despite the chaos surrounding them, she was a steady presence, and he couldn't help but feel drawn to her.
Still in his race suit, with champagne glistening on his hair and skin, he approached her, wiping a hand across his face as he grinned. “Not bad, huh?”
Y/N beamed up at him, her eyes bright. “Not bad at all. You looked like you were in your element out there.”
Fernando chuckled, slightly breathless but clearly energized. “I had some extra motivation.”
“Oh yeah?” Y/N raised an eyebrow, her voice teasing. “And what might that be?”
He took a step closer, the noise of the paddock dimming in his mind. “You.”
Her smile faltered for just a second, surprise flashing in her eyes before she tilted her head, amused. “Me?”
Fernando nodded, his voice lowering as his gaze softened. “Yeah. Being around you this weekend… I haven’t felt like this in a while.”
There was a moment of silence between them, the air heavy with unsaid words. Y/N’s heart was racing, the playful teasing that usually colored their conversations giving way to something deeper.
“Listen,” Fernando said, his voice gentle but sure, “I know this weekend’s been crazy, but if you’re not flying out tomorrow… I’d like to take you out. Just us, somewhere quiet. No paddock noise, no distractions.”
Y/N’s breath hitched slightly, her gaze locking with his. There was something sincere and almost vulnerable in his eyes, and for a moment, she forgot about the crowd, the race, and everything else.
“So,” she began, a small, teasing smile playing on her lips, “you’re asking me out, Alonso?”
Fernando smirked, his usual confidence creeping back as he held her gaze. “I am.”
Y/N bit her lip, her smile widening. “I think I’d like that.”
His eyes brightened with a mix of relief and excitement, the tension between them palpable. “Good. I'll make sure it’s worth your while.”
Y/N stepped a little closer, her voice dropping to match the quiet intimacy of the moment. “I’m counting on it.”
For a brief second, the world around them seemed to fall away, leaving only the two of them standing there, caught in the electricity of something new.
As George and Carmen celebrated their success from the sidelines, Fernando and Y/N exchanged a look filled with the kind of tension that only comes when two people know they’re on the edge of something more.
And for once, the noise of the race weekend faded into the background, leaving just the two of them in the moment.
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Put to use
Written for @steddiesmuttyseptember, week 3
Prompts: Rough & Aftercare
Words: 1,404
Rated: E
Tags: Roleplay; Consensual non-con; Mean dom!Steve; Sub!Eddie; Face fucking; Hair pulling; Slapping; Degradation; Humiliation; Coming in pants; Aftercare
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“You know why I called you here?” Steve asks. 
Eddie hums. The sound comes out shaky and too high, distorted by the bundle of nerves lodged in his throat. 
“Not to ask my opinion on your interior design choices, I hope,” he says, gesturing at the checkered atrocity lining the walls. “I mean, I dunno what's considered chique in your circles, but this-” 
“Don’t play smart with me, Munson.” 
Steve whirls on him, and Eddie's feet stumble a step back without his conscious permission. The backs of his knees bump against something soft and then, before he knows it, he's sitting on the bed with Steve looming above him. That pretty mouth twists into a haughty smile. 
“Selling drugs to my team on the night before the big game?” Steve asks, voice gravelly and low. His varsity jacket rustles as he brackets his hands on either side of Eddie’s legs. “Are you fucking serious?” 
Eddie rolls his eyes, hoping that the hammering of his heart won't betray him. “What are you, their mom? Gimme a-” 
Steve puts one large hand on his thigh and squeezes, and the words give way to a pained hiss.
“I am their captain,” Steve says. He smells faintly of chlorine and shampoo. “And I wonder what the coach would say about this. Or the principal for that matter.” 
Eddie can practically feel himself go pale. 
“No,” he breathes. “Nonono, c’mon, dude! You know Higgins has it out for me, I can't afford another fucking suspension. Can't we just forget about it? Please, I'll do-” 
“Oh,” Steve says. “Now you can say please? I like that.” 
The fingers digging into Eddie’s thigh shift inwards, and Eddie’s heart kicks against his ribcage. 
“Hey, stop it,” he blurts. “What are you-” 
Steve slaps him. Not very hard - just enough to leave Eddie’s face stinging with pain and humiliation. The feeling pools at the base of his spine, hot and tight, and his cock throbs against Steve’s hand. 
“Now,” Steve says. “What were you about to say? You'd do what, exactly?” 
Eddie blinks at him. 
The second slap is harder than the first. It sends his head flying to the side, hair whipping with the movement. Steve takes a fistful of curls and pulls, forcing him to meet his eye again. 
“You'd do anything? Is that what you were going to say?” 
Eddie tries to speak, but all that leaves his lips is a pathetic whimper. His ears are ringing and his scalp is burning where Steve is yanking on his hair. He's embarrassingly, painfully hard. 
“You look so dumb with your mouth hanging open like that,” Steve scoffs. “Might as well put it to some use.” 
“Wha-?” Eddie stammers, but it turns into a yelp when Steve gives his head a hard shove. 
“On your knees. You want me to forget about this, make me.” 
The impact of his knees hitting the carpet makes his teeth clack together and sends the room spinning. Above him, Steve laughs, holding his head in place with one hand and undoing his pants with the other. The thick, heady smell of arousal hits Eddie before Steve even pulls himself out, punching another breathy whine from his throat. 
“God, look at you,” Steve murmurs, and there's something swimming in his voice that's dangerously close to awe. “You're actually getting off on this, aren't you?” 
“Please,” Eddie says again. He isn't even sure what he's asking for. Please stop? Please keep going? He doesn't know, and Steve doesn’t leave him any time to find out. Instead, he wraps one thick strand of hair around his fist, so tight that Eddie can feel his scalp give under the pull, and uses the ensuing gasp of pain to shove his cock into Eddie’s mouth. 
The first thrust hits the back of his throat, making him gag and turning his moan into a wet gurgle. He instinctively tries to pull off, but Steve makes a harsh “tsk” sound, holding him in place with the hand fisted in his hair. 
He keeps him there until Eddie’s eyes water and drool begins to gather around the warm, heavy weight on his tongue. Just as Eddie thinks he’s about to run out of air, he starts to move. 
Tangling his other hand in Eddie’s hair as well, he pulls him back, allowing him just enough time to draw a choking breath before he slams him back down on his cock again, and again, and again. Eddie struggles, briefly, but then he goes limp in Steve’s hold, forcing himself to relax his throat, to settle into the relentless rhythm, to let his mind go blank and just let Steve take what he wants. When he braces his hands on Steve’s hips for support, Steve chuckles and wedges of foot between his thighs, hissing in pleasure when Eddie moans around his cock. 
“Fuck, yeah, baby, taking it so well. Gonna come now, yeah? You gonna swallow for me? Wanna see you swallow.” 
Eddie moans again, tapping Steve’s thigh twice, and Steve shudders apart above him with a hoarse scream, the bitter, salty taste of his relief exploding all over Eddie’s tongue. Eddie swallows it in long, greedy gulps, throat bobbing with the motion. When Steve releases his hold, allowing him to pull back, he licks up the drops that have escaped with his tongue, one long, thorough drag at a time. Steve sighs in bliss and tips his head back, fingers running through Eddie’s hair, massaging soothing circles into his stinging scalp. 
“You good, baby?” 
Eddie, currently busy with sucking the last traces of come off Steve's tip, hums vaguely, head too fuzzy for words. When Steve huffs and drops to his knees, he whines in protest. 
“Hey,” Steve says, cradling his head in both hands, fingers ghosting over the spots that are still raw and tingly where he hit him. His brow is furrowed in concern, his touch as gentle as his voice. It makes Eddie’s eyes sting again, but for entirely different reasons. “Hey, talk to me. I wasn't too- Fuck, Eddie, I didn't hurt you, did I?” 
His eyes are large and round and worried like those of a confused puppy dog, and Eddie’s head is so ridiculously tingly, he can't stop the laugh that bubbles out of him. 
“Only in the best ways, big boy,” he slurs, breaking into a fresh fit of giggles at the way his voice comes out, all hoarse and wrecked from Steve's cock. 
Steve's face is full of fond exasperation as he leans closer, brushing his lips over Eddie’s burning cheeks.
“You're impossible, y’know that?” he mutters, pressing a long, lingering kiss to Eddie’s lips, making a face when he tastes himself there. 
“I know,” Eddie winks. “Luckily, you know how to put me in my place, huh?” 
“Yeah, right,” Steve snorts, pulling them both to their feet. Eddie’s legs feel like jelly, and so he ends up cradled against Steve’s chest, cheek squished into the soft fabric of the varsity jacket. “Right now, the only place I wanna put you is the shower.” 
He sends a pointed look at the dark, wet spot staining the crotch of Eddie’s jeans.
“Yes, captain,” Eddie quips, attempting a mock salute that almost makes him topple. Steve rolls his eyes, ignoring Eddie’s surprised yelp as he scoops him up bridal style to carry him towards the bathroom. 
“You enjoyed it then?” 
Eddie looks up to find Steve’s eyes trained ahead, the faintest pink blush coloring his cheeks. 
“Well, duh,” he says. “Why you askin’? You aren't still worried-” 
“No,” Steve blurts. He pauses to set Eddie down and flick on the bathroom lights, licking his lips before he continues. “Yes. I always worry about you, you know that. It's just, I…” 
He trails off, blush darkening as he chews on his bottom lip. Then, so quietly Eddie needs to strain his ears to catch it, he mutters, “Maybe I'd like to … y’know … try it the other way round, some time.” 
Eddie feels his face split into a grin, so wide his cheeks start hurting all over again. 
“You know what?” he says, reaching out to undo Steve’s pants again. “I love that. Next time, I’m gonna be the big, bad drug dealer and you won’t have any money to pay for your fix.” 
If the way Steve’s cock twitches in his hand is any indication, this is an excellent idea.
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More smutty September
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marionluth · 2 days
[...] The room was just as he remembered it. Heavy velvet curtains, crimson Persian rugs, large carved wooden furniture. The marble fireplace in the center of the room looked like it hadn’t been lit in a long time. Alfred had placed a floral arrangement on it, and next to the large framed picture of Martha and Thomas Wayne was now a portrait of Bruce. Jason wondered if a framed picture of his own had ever stood on that mantle, then been taken down—maybe even smashed against the wall.
Several smaller framed photographs hung on the wall next to the fireplace—of Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian. In some, they posed together; in others, alone. A single centrally placed photo was of Jason, sitting in an armchair in this very room. He must have been fourteen at the time, engrossed in a book, his profile softly lit by the floor lamp next to him. Jason stared at it, and bile rose in his throat. He drew his fist back and slammed it against the frame. The glass shattered, shards raining down on the floor along with drops of blood. The frame and photograph remained on the wall, still hanging, his young self’s face now smeared with blood. He raised his fist again and slammed it down forcefully, time after time, targeting different photographs. He snarled and panted, breaking them one by one, tears carving trails down his cheeks without him realizing.
He stilled at the sound of the voice echoing in the room, his fist hanging mid-air and his breath labored. It couldn’t be. It sounded like Bruce, but Bruce was dead. He’d seen the grave; he’d stood hidden in the shadows, watching the memorial from a distance. He’d broken every finger in his left hand that same night from repeatedly punching a wall. The shiny mahogany coffin flashed before his eyes, but it wasn’t Bruce’s—it was his own, and he was trying to smash it to get out. Panic rose inside him, and he slammed his hand on the frame, letting the pain pull him back to the here and now. No, no, he wasn’t buried, he wasn’t in the coffin; he just felt like he was because he was in the manor, and the manor was a grave of its own kind anyway.
He turned around slowly, searching for the source of the voice. His disoriented gaze landed on Dick. A flicker of movement somewhere on his right caught his eye, and Jason turned sharply, barely glimpsing a black shadow vanish as quickly as it had appeared. Or was it never there? Or was it still there, always had been? The room spun lightly, and his head hurt. Why did his head hurt so damn much?
“What are you doing here?” Dick asked. Jason winced at the sound of his voice, at how oddly familiar it was, even though he hadn’t spoken to him in three months, since the funeral. He stared at Dick, wondering if his brain was playing tricks on him or if Dick really looked that different, all hollow cheeks and tired eyes. [...]
From my new Whumptober story Broken frames on the wall (maybe we never really existed)
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lizzy019 · 4 hours
𝒲𝑒'𝓇𝑒 𝒰𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒮𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓈.
Sub!Johnny Cade x Soft Dom!Fem!Reader
cw -> best friends to lovers trope lol, masturbation, underweight mentioning (Johnny), panty smelling :((, voice kink?, dub-con, cunnilingus, THIS GIRL STROKES HIS COCK! (yes pls on my knees)
Word Count -> 3.9K
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Consider your friendship to be a little too closely knit together. 
Johnny spent long, consecutive hours at your place, often being the reason why your food and snacks were gone. You couldn’t blame the poor teenager, his family wasn’t ideal, but at least yours could afford food.
By the time you two were done hanging out in your living room, watching some random show that you two eventually got bored of, you found yourself serving him whatever leftovers you had in the fridge. It wasn’t much, but you knew damn well that Johnny was the most un-picky dude ever to exist. He’d eat rat poisoning if he didn’t know it was rat poisoning. 
But you couldn’t help but feed him whatever he wanted because you knew he’d like himself with more meat on his bones and less bruises on his back. You couldn’t control what his parents did, but you sure could offer him the pleasure of eating a proper, healthier meal than takeout.
So now it was just you and Johnny sitting at your dining room table under the dim but soft light from over your head with two ceramic dishes filled with warm food in front of your torsos. It had a slightly concerned but slightly adorning expression as you watched Johnny eat with such vigour. You were concerned because it seemed like he hadn't eaten since the dawn of time, but it warmed your heart knowing you were giving him something he couldn’t access often.
“Slow down, you’ll choke yourself and I don’t have room to finish your meal.” You chided softly, smiling when you saw the tiniest pink flush engender onto his cheeks. 
Those shy brown eyes that could make anyone like him, he just seemed so sweet on the outside. “Hey, I’m hungry and I’m gonna eat! Plus, it’s not like I haven’t been to the hospital before, they’ll know me for sure.” Johnny muttered, slowing his eating pace to a reasonable speed. 
Ah right, the church incident.
Johnny probably hated how his back and shoulders looked now too, and with all that physio? You felt a little sympathy for him.
Your plates were soon empty after a decent chunk of time, and you pushed him a napkin to clean the mess from around his mouth with a kind smile. It wasn’t to be rude, as you’ve learned that being rude towards Johnny chips away at your friendship.
He takes it graciously while you scoop the dirtied dishes into your hands for cleaning. But after a second or two, you left the dishes in the sink. They could be cleaned later, and it was already somewhat late. So the ceramic plates coated in a sheen of leftover food residue were left in the sink while you tidied up the kitchen to appease your parents’ expectations. 
Johnny just watched you, eyes soft and the lovely brown irises being held by the sockets trailing your movements to exact perfection. Why did you have to be so elegant with how you moved, so effortless and perfectly postured? Poor boy was swooning.
“Alright, do you wanna go get ready for bed? We don’t really have a guest room or anywhere for you to rest, but you can take my bed while I take my parents’ bed?” You offered politely, that sweet benevolence lingering in your tone while you led him down the corridors of your home.
Pictures and paintings littering the walls of the hall, the occasional piece of work that caught Johnny’s attention until you opened a door leading to your bedroom. It reeked of your scent, something that had his insides tingling out of joy. He got to sleep in your room? Fuck yeah!
“Y-yeah, I can stay here for the night. Sorry for.. bargin’ into your home so quick, I just needed somewhere to stay and Dal was drunk outta his mind.” Johnny muttered softly, walking into your room with caution while he looked around.
Clothes scattered all over the floor, the countertops somewhat messy except for the desk you seem to barely use. Your bed, unkempt but oh so cozy looking, even the curtains which were halfway closed from rushing. Shoes just chucked about anywhere there was room, a bra littered near your hamper which he could only assume was you trying to take it off late at night before heading to bed.
But he could smell you everywhere in this room, and it sent his senses ablaze.
“That’s alright, Dally does tend to have some poor habits. Anyway, I’ll be in the shower tidying myself up, you holler if you need anythin’, y’hear?” You smiled wide, toothy grin making him smile too.
Johnny nodded, watching you leave and close the door behind you. Your soft pitter-pattering footsteps that trailed down the halls until you closed another door which he presumed was the bathroom door.
The hardening sensation being squeezed within the confines of his denim pants was getting hard to ignore, but he felt so wrong for it. But good lord, he could smell it. Smell you. The redolent, fragrant smell of you that seemed to linger no matter where he stuck his nose just drove him up the wall to pure heaven.
Meanwhile, you were just having yourself a warm shower, washing off the grime from today as well as the bit of grease you used to slick your hair out. That took the most time, you had to scrub with such authority that you were sure you had lost enough hair to re-fur a hairless cat.
The soft soap you used was being lathered onto your skin, cleansing it and replenishing what it had lost during the day. You couldn’t lie, night showers were some of the best showers after a long day.
It didn’t take long for you to finish washing your body before you hopped out of the shower to dry off. The towel now warm from the steamy, hot shower was practically a cherry on top when you patted yourself dry with it. All the little uneven droplets being soaked up by the towel’s fabric to leave you dry and soft afterward.
Johnny was hiding away in your room, stripped down only with his boxers while his hand greedily pumped at his cock, a hand grasping at the pair of panties he managed to snag from your room and stuffing them at his face to get a whiff of what your pretty cunny smelled like. He felt so wrong for doing this, he was your best friend!
Johnny instantly stopped when he heard the soft tip-taps of your feet trudging towards your room, and he used the blankets to half cover himself so his boner wouldn’t be too prominent or easy to see. He also stuffed the underwear beside his thigh away from view before muttering a medium decibel, “Come in.”
You did just that, scurrying yourself into your room you found Johnny relaxing in while you scavenged your closet for proper night clothes such as a pyjama or even an oversized shirt with some shorts. Poor Johnny was just about to go insane when he saw you bend over, the sweet sight of your ass peeking through to his line of sight.
You had to have been tempting him, right? Right?
Once you had selected what you planned on wearing for the night, you looked back over in his direction to properly wish him a good night and good dreams until you paused to look at him further.
His ribcage was in full view, the bones prominent but you couldn’t find it in you to be disgusted or revolted by the sight. The soft brown skin of his, perfect in its glory asides the bruising and scarring which you’d come to understand was his insecurity. But he seemed tense, almost fearful and you couldn’t quite pinpoint why.
“Johnnycakes? Are you okay? You look stiff, is something wrong?” You asked sweetly, innocently.
How was he not supposed to nut to just that benevolent tone you held?
Johnny gave a hesitant nod, shooting one of his sweet grins that displayed his teeth to you. You could only smile back, finding his little radiant expression to mirror onto yourself and make you do the same. But it was late, you shouldn’t stay up for chit-chatting.
“Alright, you know where I am if you need me, right? Down the hall, last room. Knock if something’s wrong.” You hummed, scampering off with your clothes in hand.
The soft click of the door when it closed rang through the silence, emitting a pitch that resonated and lingered far longer than it had to, followed by the tippy-taps of your feet against the floorboards as you rushed to your parents’ room. 
He dug his hand back under the blanket, finding his hardened cock growing a bit flaccid, and he frowned. Poor Johnny had a good rhythm going too! He fisted his cock once again, pumping mercilessly as the echoes of your voice from that simple moment when you waltzed your way in.
It wasn’t long until he was fighting himself to not make any sounds, but he began to lose his control as soon as he gained it when the muscles surrounding the base of his cock began to twitch and tighten to signal his release was upcoming. 
The dim lights from the midnight blue sky shone through your half open bedroom curtains, pushing past the glass to shine into the room Johnny sat in. This was all the light he needed to see the pair of panties in his hand, and that dirty, filthy mind of his began to simply picture you in them and nothing more.
The lovely shape of your body, its colour and form, the little markings that made you so individual and unique. Perfect set of tits, nicest ass that looked just about sculpted by angels. You were just so perfect, how could he not want you? How could he not want to have you?
Meanwhile, you were sitting with a disgusted look on your face as you heard the soft but audible noises Johnny was making from down the hall, but once you heard your name tumble from his lips, everything seemed to fade into a realization which led to hope. Did he like you like that too?
Soon enough, your own hand drifted to the soft pair of lips being freed from the confines of your panties, rubbing your unhardened clit with vigour. The tingling sensation burned in between your thighs, and you too found it hard to remain silent, but you managed. Johnny’s sounds from your room simply added fire to the ever growing flame building within your lower stomach.
Poor Johnny was clawing at the fabrics of your bed’s sheets, gasping and heaving while soft whimpers and groans seemed to slip his closed, pursed lips. It aggravated him, but he still thought you were asleep and he didn’t wish to wake you.
Boy, was he wrong.
By the time Johnny had set off his load onto whatever fabric you had around —which you couldn’t bear to think was now stained by his cum—, you hobbled your uneasy legs out of bed and down the long corridors of your home. Your steps were as silent as you could make them, but the skin on the soles of your feet now warm from staying under the blanket made the softest sticky sound that alerted Johnny.
He sat upright in a flurry of panic, inevitably settling on stuffing himself under your blankets when he heard the door slowly creak open. Maybe you’d leave?
“Johnny?” Your whispery tone got his focus, even though he tried hard not to shuffle or move around to alert you. “Johnny, are you awake?” You tried again.
When you finally thought that he was asleep and wouldn’t be waking up any time soon, you hobbled yourself beside him under the blankets and tenderly rubbed at his back. Your nimble fingers grazed the skin of the burn scars and bruises oh so gently, his heart filling with warmth that made blood pump down in between his thighs.
You were oblivious to it, moving yourself to use his thigh as something to grind against for purchase and friction. It was selfish, it was improper, but you needed it. Lord, you could feel yourself soaking his boxers from some simple grinding against him.
Poor Johnny didn’t know how to tell you he was awake, and in all honesty, maybe he shouldn’t. If he told you, or moved even a bit, you’d become startled and embarrassed to the point where you couldn’t speak and you both knew of this well. You weren’t great at handling your embarrassment.
Those soft moans tumbling freely from your lips were like a tease, something to tempt him to see if he would break. His cock was chubbing up at your dulcet noises, and he didn’t know whether they were somewhat soothing or a bit too erotic for his liking. Regardless, he tried to subtly move his hand to that aching spot between his legs for release.
You assumed his movement was involuntary like any person would do in their sleep. Adjustments to get comfortable weren’t uncommon, so you paid no mind to it and just kept at it. Surely you had stained the hem of his boxers with your arousal juices. But you weren’t focused on that!
But it wasn’t until the movements became consistent and they weren’t your own that you began to grow nervous. Had you made him uncomfortable? Was something hurting him? Maybe he had woken up? Oh, that thought sent a sharp shiver down your spine. You were scared that he had woken up and had gotten all flustered, maybe even trying to move away with the inability to wriggle you off.
So tentatively, you moved your weight off of his body, using what little arm strength you had in you at the moment to see what was happening below you. Johnny stopped almost instantly, trying to play it off like he wasn’t just jacking off to the way you were using his body. Would this be considered non-consensual? No, he liked it very much, so why were you hesitating on continuing?
“Johnny, I know you’re awake. Did I bother you? ‘M sorry, Johnnycakes, jus’ needed you..” You hummed, nuzzling your cheek to his boney shoulder to feel the little bit of warmth radiating off of his tanned skin. “Oh, but what’ll the others think?”
When you jostled him to show you knew he wasn’t asleep, Johnny allowed himself to turn over to face you and sighed happily. There you were, all pretty with your embarrassed pink cheeks and your pouty expression. Did you even understand how gorgeous you were to him? Even when he first met you, he swore you were sent from the heavens.
“Sugar, don’t worry ‘bout the others. Dal’s secretly been tellin’ Two that we were a thing anyway. I don’t mind it, would your family be okay with it?” His serene voice that wafted tobacco to your nose had confirmed just about everything you were thinking. So he liked you back, and the glances at your breasts during visits wasn’t just because he couldn’t make eye contact with you.
“I don’t care what my parents say, but your parents.. what’ll they do to you if they find out? You know that keepin’ it a secret won’t do us any good.” You murmured, a hand of yours gently holding his hip and caressing the skin while tracing the outline of protruding bone.
That had Johnny’s eyes forming hearts. Did you really think ahead of everything just to make sure he was gonna be alright? Good lord, he knew he was making the right choice.
“Ah, what’s a couple more bruises? I’ll be able to ditch them eventually, maybe move somewhere with you. How ‘bout that? We’d move far away from Tulsa, maybe somewhere warmer. No more Socs, no more fights, hell, I’d love to get rid of my cigs. I hate my teeth all yellow.” Johnny hummed at the thought of doing everything he listed off before pressing his lips to yours in a soft kiss.
It started intimately, just two idiots mindlessly kissing with smiles mashed together while fingers entangled into each other’s hair. Soft and meaningful, purposeful movements that were well thought out and calculated until Johnny moved his hips to show you what you had started. That hardening length slick with some pre-cum, and you moved your hand down to grip it and stroke it while adjusting.
Your body was now hovering over his, lips still intertwined while you wriggled off whatever clothes acted as a burden to what you were seeking. The hindrances you considered fabric to sheath your body were off of you in mere seconds, your body pulling away from his to throw your shirt off. Soon, your mouth found purchase against the soft muscle of his neck, desperately suckling some little hickeys into his flesh.
Painless bruises that expressed your affection. What was more beautiful than that? 
The soft little squeaks of moans that tumbled freely from Johnny’s pretty mouth just egged you on. Your hand fisting his cock mercilessly, milking him for all he’s got while showering him in soft praises. He deserved this kind of love, soft and sweet with just enough roughness to have you craving more.
“Yeah, baby? Feels good? You can take it, you got it.” You lulled him, pressing innocent kisses to wherever you could reach your lips, listening to the sheets rustle beneath you as Johnny wiggled around.
Sprawled out while desperately grasping the blankets and sheets below him, he found himself teetering off of that perfect ledge of ecstasy that was exposed to him. He was so close to that pleasurable place of heaven on Earth, and he was worried you wouldn’t let him cum. He hated edging.
But you didn’t. Your expression seemed to anticipate his climax, and that further had the coil connecting his lower stomach and the base of his cock to tighten and tighten until he simply couldn’t take it.
A cry that was so obviously forced to be squeezed quiet had alerted you just a few seconds before his climax that he was cumming. Sure enough, his pretty, pearly cum trickled down from his urethra and onto your soft skin, the liquid creating a thin sheen over your flesh.
The aftershocks of his body instantly made you become more sweet, hands resting on either side of his waist while gently caressing the warmed brown skin of his. Poor Johnny was rattling more than a damn Mexican maraca. Shudders made him all electric, but he soon found your hands gently holding his hips, and that grounded him.
“W-wait, I don’t think I can go again, sugar. Maybe.. get on toppa me?” He asked so sweetly, so pleasantly as if you’d say no.
You were practically stunned speechless at his words, pondering for a moment before inevitably answering his plea. Johnny adjusted instantly when he saw the soft nod of your head, and you could only giggle at his ecstatic expression. Happy, just like how he deserved to feel.
Your legs were quickly situated over his head, and with nervous hands, you combed through the soft locks on his scalp. Ungreased and silky, it soothed you enough.
“What if I’m heavy? I don’t wanna crush you.” You smiled shyly, and Johnny simply shrugged while caressing your hamstrings with tender fingers. For a greaser, you still questioned how his fingers were delicate and smooth. 
“Then I’d die happy. C’mon, it’ll be okay. How ‘bout this? If you hurt me at all, I’ll swat your legs lightly.” He offered, charming you with that devilishly sweet glint in his doe brown eyes.
You could only nod after he spoke, and you hesitantly lowered yourself onto his awaiting mouth. Nervousness caused your fingers to jitter sporadically, but you pushed through before sitting yourself onto his face. The warmth of his tongue caused a rattle to zoom up your spine like a racecar on a speedway, electrifying you.
The moans that were pulled from you just made Johnny all the more eager to please you, and he began to greedily feed off of your sweet nectar. The tangy taste of your juices were simply too addictive, could you even blame him? He didn’t know which he preferred, nicotine or your delicious wetness.
You were beginning to grind on his face, his nose nudging your clit every time you missed or got too careless. The mess of your arousal was smudging onto his chin and upper lip, but you were too dazed out to really notice anyway. Poor Johnny was about to bust again from your desperation to get a climax, but he knew cumming twice was enough for him.
His tongue slurped up any drops your cunny managed to spurt out for him, the overstimulation of your labia and clit being teased had your toes curling. You were becoming sheen with sweat, but you didn’t cease being quiet. Johnny was simply slurping you up like a snack, and you took it.
The coil within your lower abdomen threatened to snap, but you couldn’t sum up the strength to get off of his mouth to save him from mess. His hands groping your ass or caressing your hammies didn’t seem to let up either, in fact encouraging you to continue.
Johnny’s tongue kept hitting all the ooey gooey spots inside of you that set all the nerves in your body ablaze, and it wasn’t long until you were teetering over the thin line of release.
“Johnny! Johnny- I’m gonna cum..! Baby, I-” Your orgasm had cut you off, your legs seizing and stopping all their movements while you thrashed about from the sheer intensity of whatever pleasure Johnny gave you.
Poor boy’s face was squished to mush, but he was so happy.
Soon, you found yourself coming back to reality, your control over your legs and you used this newfound control to get off of his face. The last thing you wanted was to crush him or suffocate him!
When you got yourself seated beside him, legs still a bit shaky, Johnny licked off whatever fluid you managed to spunk onto his face with a gleeful smile. How gross! But.. somewhat hot too. Johnny grinned at you, his teeth all crooked but so sweet on his face.
“Feel good, sugar?” He asked you, smiling all happy and pridefully. Making you cum was a big deal for him!
You chuckled softly to yourself at his words, they were suave in how he spoke. You couldn’t admit to him that it was probably the best head you’ve ever received, his ego would get too overinflated and the gang already had an overconfident Dally.
“Yes, it felt good. Thank you.” You smiled, tucking yourself under the warm blankets of your own mattress. The duvet covers felt nice on your burning skin, even if it was a bit too hot for them.
Johnny beamed, getting under the blankets with you as well before throwing his lanky arms around you. It scared you for a second as it was unexpected, but you laughed and wholeheartedly accepted his hug. Warm arms encased you, and yours wrapped around him in return.
Giggles were shared and kisses were peppered all around, even some tickles to make everything seem more lively. Johnny also wanted you to feel like you weren’t just there for some sex and nothing more.
God, you were so fucking in love.
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Shoutouts to:
@outsidersstuff16 @raycravens116 @johnnycadesslut @johnnycadesmuse @johnnycakesswitch
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shirefantasies · 8 hours
hello! I have a request for a fanfic (not sure if this would fit into a reaction/imagine category but still going for it) with a fellowship member x reader! (character could be up to you) scenario: reader is part of the fellowship and while climbing Caradhras, reader falls behind and gets lost in the snow. they become buried, and the fellowship member becomes frantic and tries to search for them, digging around in the snow. if this seems to complicated, that's okay, but it's an idea that's been floating in my head ^^
Hope you like the character I chose 😄 someone who hasn't gotten a one shot now and whom I thought was perfect for this prompt! Warnings: brief fear/peril, minor injury
Hold Fast to Me- Legolas x Reader (Drabble)
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Buffeting, whipping sound filled your ears, a cacophony of nature's own making that nothing of your ability could silence. Every step grew more and more difficult, your feet catching and dragging through the chill of piling snow. The rest of the Fellowship grew further and further away as you struggled to combat the gale of wind blowing against you.
You could not have even stated what caused it, what moment you fell, but suddenly the ground was before you, your horizon turned white as you tripped and tumbled headfirst into air and snow. Falling frost quickly plummeted and pelted your back as you slid fecklessly, breaths speeding but providing little warmth amidst the drift you had tumbled down into. Scrabbling hands pulled you slightly upward and it was then that you realized two things: one, your ankle lit aflame with pain the moment you put weight upon it, and two, the fact that your tumble had been down into a natural pit of sorts. A snowed-in ditch, probably one of the last before the path up the mountain narrowed.
Tears of frustration pricked at the corners of your eyes as you fought, trying your best to ignore the burning of your ankle and just fling yourself up out of the frosty predicament. The more you tried, though, the greater the shreds of snow that rained down with your aching body.
Should you cry out? Would the others even hear? Had they noticed you were lost? Your mind rattled with questions, only ceasing as further cold seeped into your clothing, moistening your outer layers. Ragged breaths emerged from you like puffs of smoke as you stood, a fist resting against the pack of snow. Deep within your mind, you were aware your emotions were overtaking you, but the rapid fall of snow upon your already frost-kissed body was as overwhelming as any frustration, any worry that you had failed your Ring-Bearer, failed the fellowship...
The sound of your name was what restrained you from your next attempted leap, pulling your gaze from the wall of snow and your thoughts from that twisting haze.
"I am here!" You called back. "I... I fell!"
"Are you hurt?"
Voice much closer and gentler this time, Legolas leaned over the ledge of the ditch, locks of golden hair dangling in the air between you, almost close enough to tickle your nose.
“Yes,” you admitted, gaze falling from his and head hanging, “I think I landed wrongly on my ankle. It’s not broken, but-”
“Come here,” he beckoned, tone gentle enough to coax your gaze back into his soothing brown eyes.
Legolas extended a hand to you. Shifting as close as you could, entire body pressed against the wall once more, you reached up. Tangling your fingers together, the elven prince tightened his grip and tugged. Responding to the pressure, you summoned all your strength and heaved up toward Legolas, throwing your good leg onto the snow and this time supporting a clumsy grip on the ditch's edge. Wobbling up over the snowy lip, your palms numb from cold's bite, you tumbled onto the ground, icy water soaking once again into your back. Shuddering against a new wave of cold, you remained hunched on the ground for the passing of several moments before kneeling. On your good leg, of course.
"No need for that," Legolas told you with a shake of his head.
Before you could protest, a response admittedly weakened by your snowy ordeal, you were lifted once more, this time upon the elf's shoulders.
"Hold fast to me," he urged again, still no command in his words.
All you could do was nod despite Legolas not being able to see you, feeling warmth pooling beneath your cheeks when the prince's hands hooked under your thighs. Wandering not, they steadily supported your spread legs, keeping your wounded ankle dangling out, not a hint of pressure upon it.
"Will you bear this burden until we reach the others? Until we camp?"
"Worry not. The snow is nothing to me." You could hear the smile in Legolas's voice, let alone what quirking of his lips you caught from his visible profile. "Even if it was not, I would endure it for you. Not long after you must have fallen, I ran."
"You noticed?"
"Absolutely. And what better way to get in an extra trek through the snow?” He teased, fully turning to face you best he could with that glowing, cheeky smile you couldn’t help giving right back.
“Well then, I’m glad my twisted ankle and I could be of service.”
“Keep it still. I’ll see to it once we return to the others.”
Straightening your leg as best you could, your face was cut across with another wince as its muscles drew tight. Legolas's hand slid down a bit further to grant you further support as he effortlessly crossed the snow, bounding over the heavily iced ground easily as if it was a spring field.
Legolas quietly acknowledged greetings and questions by Boromir as he carried you further through the fellowship's huddle beneath an overhang of rock. In Elvish he made a request to Aragorn; the ranger seemingly acquiesced, stepping behind his friend to loosen his cape and lower it upon the ground, at which point you were lowered. Kneeling, the prince who had carried you laid you gently upon the thick fabric.
"Worry not," Legolas comforted you as he gathered supplies, voice low and soothing, "Your ankle will at least be stabilized soon."
"So I can expect no further rides, then?"
“Perhaps not,” Legolas teased back, “Although I do suspect you'll still need some help taking those first steps. Hold fast to me once more, then."
"To you?"
"Only to me, I hope," he all but whispered to you, looking up from binding your ankle with a soft smile.
"Who else?" You asked with a smile of your own.
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @filiswingman @ibabblealot @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @letmelickyoureyeballs @mossyskinn @wordbunch @tiny-and-witchy @th3-st4r-gur1 @fleurdemiel-145 @mistresskayla-blog1 @misabelle717 @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @evattude @kpopgirlbtssvt | Reply/Message/Ask to join 🖤
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autoneurotic · 1 year
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небо в последнее время
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s1x-foot-deep · 6 months
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kinda sorta screenshot redraw. idk where my big pack of skintone markers are rn</3
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im about to unpack my candles and yall Know im rubbing my lil fly hands together in delight
#ohohoho it is candle time its Candle Time#all of my sniffs! freed from their cardboard prison!#i just keep tapping my fingertips together while muttering 'candle time' and chuckling like some villain's deranged minion#MY THINGS MY STUFF THEY ARE ALL EMERGING#my closet has so much in it! and still there is Space! huzzah!#fuck i love this closet. already it has my clothes my hats my bags my shoes AND THERE IS STILL SO MUCH MORE SPACE#what can i store! blankets! towels! miscellaneous Things!#absolutely unprompted#this weekend we will be bolting my shelves to the wall so i can place my Books and Trinkets#ohhh my trinkets... too long have they been in the dark... unadmired and shunned....#and i'll be getting stuff to put up my whiteboard and my blackboards and my posters and my pictures and and and#THERE WILL BE NAUGHT A SPARE INCH OF SPACE UPON MY WALLS!!!#and when my new bed arrives i can put my glow stars on the ceiling!#*kronk voice* oh yeah. its all comin together#also i was putting my shoes on the fancy built-in closet shoe rack#and it entertained me Greatly to put my saddle shoes next to my little block heeled shoes#as i was putting them next to each other i felt very gender...#got my boots got my saddle shoes got my fancy heel shoes hell yeah hell yeah#anyway i cant wait to have things hanging Everywhere!#i havent lived in an Owned House since i was like. 5 so this is fun!#I CAN PAINT MY ROOM IF I SO DESIRE!!!#what color! blue! pink! green! black! a color per wall perhaps! i can get new curtains!#this fool is jingling less miserably than normal!#this progression will backtrack once i start job hunting here! its going to suck so fucking much! i do not want to be employed!#but perhaps it will score me friends... or at least workplace acquaintances...#it will also backtrack once my stepdad gets a dog! he wants a golden retriever! i Do Not Want That Ever!#why a golden retriever... theyre so slobbery and they shed and they feel weird and theyre Loud....#eugh. im not going to enjoy that. at all. why not a german shepherd? or a doberman? something with short fur at least?#sigh...
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eternal-learner · 1 month
might have screwed something up at work that resulted in costly damage and could cause very worrisome issues in the future but there's also a chance that it's not my fault and i won't know until i talk to my journeyman about it on monday so yay it's gonna bother me all weekend
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I was thinking about Dilton’s insane garage laboratory again, and I got an idea for a comic. I would draw it, but I draw so slowly that it would take forever to finish a 6+ page comic, and I have too many other ideas to work on. So all you get is a written summary:
— Dilton’s dad hears from the other parents (or the newspaper) that multiple cars have been broken into or stolen in the past few weeks, and he decides the family needs to keep their car safely in the garage instead of the driveway, at least until the perpetrator is caught.
— He informs Dilton that this means Dilt needs to clear all his science stuff out of the garage to make room for the car.
— “You want me to dismantle my lab? Dad, please, don’t do this to me! Anything else!”
— “This isn’t a punishment, it’s just how things have to be for the foreseeable future. Your lab was our garage first, and we need a garage more than we need a lab right now.”
— “But how can you expect me to transport all of my equipment within the day? Where can I possibly store it all? How can I continue my experiments under these conditions?”
— “Why don’t you ask those friends of yours for help? I’m sure they’d be more than happy to lend a hand. That boy Moose, especially, should be useful in carrying your computers around.”
— So Dilton asks the gang for help, and they agree to help him clear out his lab, as well as each taking a portion of his science stuff to look after (there wasn’t enough space in Dilton’s room for all of it). They also agree to keep Dilton’s experiments going themselves, in small ways like taking notes on observations, or adding three drops of such and such to this concoction each day… etc. They’re all excited, thinking it’s going to be fun to try their hand at mad science for a while.
— Next comes a series of little Disasters caused by Dilton’s science in the hands of his inexperienced friends over the next few days.
— One of his friends ends up drinking some sort of potion (or multiple), either on accident or on purpose, and there’s some kind of weird effect—I’m not sure what yet, but almost definitely a minor transformation of some sort, on the same level as turning green or growing a tail or only talking in parrot squawks. This causes humorous problems in their life. (Jug wouldn’t drink unknown potions on purpose, because he has common sense, but Archie has none, so it would make more sense for him to do it intentionally.)
— One of his friends has to look after some animal test subjects, like mice in cages or something, but it turns out the animals have been made superintelligent, and they break out and start sabotaging the character with clever plots. The character fights back, mostly unsuccessfully, and things descend into Tom & Jerry territory. (I think this would be funny with Jug, especially since Hot Dog could be there too, animal vs animals.)
— One of his friends (maybe Betty?) has to look after a robot, and all seems cool and fine until it malfunctions (not her fault) and turns evil or chaotic and starts destroying things. (Its glowing eyes turn from green to red, so it’s clear that it’s evil now. This was an intentional design choice on Dilton’s part, as a warning sign in case of malfunction, and because it looks cool.)
— Veronica is given something she doesn’t need to observe or use, just store somewhere and not mess with. But at a fancy party, she tries to show off to her rich friends that she’s smart as well as beautiful and wealthy by showing off ”””her””” cool new invention, and she turns it on. She immediately loses control of it, whatever it does, and it causes a Disaster. This one’s working correctly, but Veronica doesn’t understand how it works or how it turns off, so it’s still causing a problem. (Hmm… maybe a weather-creating machine? Imagine a blizzard packed into a ballroom.)
— (Midge and Moose also helped Dilton, so I need to think of two more disasters. Or maybe, since they’re closer friends to Dilton, they know a thing or two about science and following instructions, so they don’t do anything they’re not supposed to, and they happen not to meet with any malfunction-type accidents. Everything goes fine with them.)
— The comic ends with Dilton’s dad reading in the newspaper that the crook who was breaking into and stealing all these cars has been caught and put in jail. He says to Dilton that this means their car is safe (because problems are very simple in this world), and so Dilton can have the garage back for his lab. (Let’s say it’s been like a week since the start of the comic.) Dilton is excited, and says he’ll go find his friends right away and tell them, and get his science stuff back. He rushes out the front door, only to find all his friends running up his sidewalk together, all carrying the science stuff he gave them and begging him to please take it all back! (Dilton is surprised, because he had no clue about all their problems, but everybody else looks like a wreck from their individual ordeals. This is all in stark contrast to how excited they seemed in the beginning to take on the science.)
— The end! That last scene was the punchline and final panel.
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moonsidesong · 9 months
my friend's game crashed suddenly in the middle of the investigation during dangan time today ........ he hadn't saved the whole chapter.......... ah...
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thank you to everyone who gave me advice on preparing for my first ever Tisha b’av service last night! I was surprisingly well prepared and it was a beautiful service
#kazoo noises#Conversion tag#Jumblr#i did spend a lot of it worried about the fringe on my Stevie nicks poncho not catching fire on the candle and realizing I have no#way to cope with older transliterations of Hebrew (whoops) but it was a very beautiful service and my friend#Henry who got me the scroll for my mezuzah gave me a lift home and we spent the entire time talking about my journey to conversion#As well as my family and the people we were remembering#My inter generational friends are so important to me man#Something about hanging out with Jewish people who got scads of grandkids already. Just makes ya feel complete and at peace with#Stuff ya know. Like man. We’ve been here for so long. We’ve been through so much and regrettably we will be through more. But we’re here#We’re together. We’re joking about like the only person under the age of 25 at service and his stumbling through blessings#(Also bc despite only saying them for a year the instinctual call and response is already set in)#I was thankfully not the only person saying the entire Kaddish at service. A lady from the other congregation also did it and Henry AND#The rabbi caught me#Anyway. If you interacted with my post last night: thank you. Your community has been so wonderful and it’s such a privilege that I’m#Allowed to work towards joining you all#Sorry for being mad sappy on main but like. I’ve had an incredibly crazy two years and conversion has probably been the only thing keeping#Me fully tethered onto the earth and not climbing the walls
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omegapheromone · 4 months
I am so sleepy. I am building my nest on your dashboard. Right here. Inviting my mutuals in to be eepy together and cuddle if comfortable. It's soft and comfy here AND I got a fan on so it shouldn't get too stuffy
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staying at my new place for the first night. wack.
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