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throughpatchesofviolet · 10 days ago
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Here's my lovely commission from @jils-things!! I asked her to draw a specific scene from my Pequod AU fic, and it turned out beautifully!!
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throughpatchesofviolet · 13 days ago
It would be SO expensive, but I really want to take a trip to the mall for clothes ... I don't normally enjoy clothes shopping, but I want to get things I think Sherry would wear ... I like dressing up like my inserts, or wearing outfits I think would fit them.
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throughpatchesofviolet · 13 days ago
I want to rub my nose against Heathcliff's ... I think about Sherry doing that all the time, and I think it's one of her ways of showing physical affection.
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throughpatchesofviolet · 2 months ago
what does a usual day for sherry look like ? like her morning routines, if she has anything in specific she likes to do or eat everyday, or how she usually winds down in the evenings? :o
This varies pretty significantly depending on the Mirror World, but for the sake of brevity I'll just focus on LCB Sherry's routine after she joins Limbus Company--it changes a bit as time goes on, but that just means I can talk about her a bit more!
Every Sinner aboard Mephistopheles is assigned their own room (usually, one door is shared between three Sinners, with each opening said door to a different space that makes up their personal lodgings--it's different for each person, and is based upon their mental state), and Sherry is no exception! The only difference is that she doesn't share her door with anyone else--the only room you'll find behind it is Sherry's, and while this seems odd, nobody raises any objections.
In the first few Cantos, Sherry keeps her distance from most of the Sinners, so her usual routine is to wake up, get herself ready for the day, eat breakfast (while perusing the morning paper), and then taking her seat before roll call. She's usually one of the first people to arrive, alongside Meursault and Outis. Her evening routine is fairly similar--following Dante's dismissal, Sherry will retire to her room, engage in one or two of her preferred leisure activities (reading encyclopedias or the paper, fiddling with her chemistry set, playing the violin, or simply smoking while deep in thought) before getting read to sleep--she very rarely deviates from this pattern.
But, as time passes and the Sinners spend more time getting to know each other, Sherry's routine changes--she'll still rise on her own, but she'll dress and then join Meursault so they can read the paper together while having their breakfast. Then she'll join roll call and the Sinners will begin their work for the day. Her evening routine doesn't change that much until around Canto IV-V, though--at that point, she's grown fond of most of the Sinners, and will join them in their evening activities should they invite her. Most of the time, though, she'll retire to her room and engage in her usual hobbies, with the change of allowing others to visit her, if they wish--they simply have to knock on her door and announce themselves to her.
And, of course, post Canto VI she finds herself having Heathcliff as an overnight guest fairly often--he does sometimes stay before Canto VI, but it becomes much more frequent after, and she adjusts her routine to accommodate him. She always gets up before he does, but she'll wait for him to wake before leaving to have breakfast with Meursault, since sometimes Heathcliff likes to join them (mostly to be close to Sherry, but he's pretty fond of Meursault, too). Her evening routine doesn't change too much, even with Heathcliff present ... he usually sleeps on the couch (by his own choice), and he doesn't mind her engaging in her hobbies so long as she doesn't ignore him. Heathcliff usually falls asleep first, and Sherry will ensure he has a blanket before retiring, herself.
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throughpatchesofviolet · 23 days ago
I was out, all day, but now that I'm home, I offer you the cozy thought of Heathcliff and Sherry cuddling after a long day out in the wind and rain ... maybe drinking some hot chocolate Mrs. Hudson made as they snuggle up in front of a roaring fire.
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throughpatchesofviolet · 25 days ago
I’m actually very curious on what ur favorite Heathcliff ID’s are actually (and, god forbid, least favorite?) (also yippee! Kurokumo soon)
I’m also curious about ur Self Insert and your ship and stuff if i can ask questions about that! i like to ask questions and learn stuff but am unfortunately pretty shy.
if I am allowed to ask, how does Sherry feel about the different ids of Heathcliff? :0 i’m curious - 🕯️
Oooh my goodness. Okay, 🕯️, I'm going to have to ask you to strap in, because I have so much to say about all these topics. /lh
(Under a cut, because guess who has too much to say? Me. /lh)
I'll start with Heathcliff's IDs!! Decided to make a tier list for them (excluding Kurokumo, for now--we'll talk about him after he comes out and I can test out his skills asdfhjkl).
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Okay, so--if we exclude LCB, my favorite IDs are Pequod, Sunshower, and Seven. This doesn't mean I dislike any of the others, though!! Oftentimes, IDs cycle through my mind, and I tend to favor the ones I have more fleshed out AUs for. I have an Alternate Universe with my self insert for almost every ID and E.G.O, excluding N. Corp, Ya Śūnyatā Tad Rūpam, Binds, and Holiday--I do still like these four an awful lot, but I just don't think about them as often as I do the others!
I have all my Heathcliff cards at the maximum Uptie and Level, so I can use any of them whenever I want, and I often cycle between them! There isn't a single one I hate--but Full-Stop did take some time to warm up to, since he got spoiled for me ... I also have a few gripes about his kit, but I promise you I still love him.
And I am ALWAYS okay with ship questions!! It's not often I reblog ask games, anymore, so questions are always welcome. /gen
My self insert (or s/i for short) is Sherlock Holmes, or Sherry, as you already know (/lh). She is pretty directly inspired by her source (the Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle), but she also has a bit of myself thrown into her! There is often some overlap, though, because I relate to Sherlock a lot ... but specifically the version from the books--I haven't watched any of the shows or anything!
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This is a very old (and now outdated) ref of hers--I've been meaning to redraw her for months, but things have been so hectic, I haven't had time nor energy (... or I get distracted playing video games).
I do also have some really lovely comms of her and Heathcliff, though!! All drawn by my friends:
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(From top to bottom, the artists are @artistlara, @jils-things, and @laughinhope --they're all very talented!!)
Sherry's a Sinner, so she has a few Identities of her own! I ... just haven't gotten around to drawing them. That said, she's stubborn, and refuses to participate in combat, so she serves more as a strategist for the team, helping Dante with tougher fights. I do think she eventually becomes available as a deploy-able Sinner, but that's only after her Canto is wrapped up ... and she has a secret Passive that is linked to Heathcliff regardless of his ID, so I'd say she loves all of his Identities equally. Usually, she has an ID (or a cameo) in the Mirror World of each Heathcliff, so I think he recognizes and listens to her, no matter what, which helps a lot with her strategizing (since if Sherry's around, then Heathcliff is going to be a part of the strategy in some way--she likes making sure he gets opportunities to shine).
Oh! The two main things to know about Sherry is that she's from T. Corp, and thus has access to extra time through them, and her weapon of choice is a cane, with her "word"--Elementary--engraved on it. Her cane functions as a blunt weapon, but she has a sword inside that serves as a slash weapon, and the handle of the cane/sword can detach to serve as a gun for pierce damage! Her unnamed (... another thing I need to get to ...) E.G.O changes damage type based on what her target is weak to, so if she's targeting someone weak to blunt, it'll deal blunt damage, and if they're weak to pierce, it'd do pierce damage, so on and so forth. Ah ... and she's a former Color Fixer, as well. Should probably mention that, since it explains her relationships with some of the other characters in Limbus.
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throughpatchesofviolet · 2 months ago
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Starting off my gift/commission reposts with the beautiful art drawn by @seraphlin! Every single one of these is absolutely stunning, and I'm forever grateful to them for taking the time to draw my lovelies.
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throughpatchesofviolet · 2 months ago
I won't lie, part of why I'm growing fond of the new Heathcliff ID is because I'm imagining how he and Sherry would get along ... she doesn't have an ID, for this Mirror World, because I have a lot of fun just imagining she's there as a cameo, now and again.
Currently, I think she's the one who helped train the Full-Stop Office when it comes to handling firearms. And Heathcliff catches feelings while she's instructing him ... she ties her hair up when shooting, and that's where he picks up the habit of putting his hair in a ponytail. Sherry isn't oblivious to this, either--she scoffs and tries to brush it off, at first, but she does find it cute that he started putting his hair up because of her ... it shows he was paying attention.
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throughpatchesofviolet · 2 months ago
Every time I make dinner, there's always a moment where I imagine Heathcliff eating what I make, and him liking it ... also, a few weeks ago, I was left to cook independently, and I managed to make everything myself. The whole thing made me really happy, and it made me think about how Sherry would feel if she successfully cooked a meal all by herself ... and also Heathcliff feeding into her pride by complimenting her and ruffling her hair.
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throughpatchesofviolet · 2 months ago
What if I told you there's a single AU where Heathcliff and Sherry refer to one another as husband and wife?
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throughpatchesofviolet · 2 months ago
I feel like I've talked about cuddling with Heathcliff many times, but please humor me ... I think he likes to hold Sherry close to him when they sleep together. He nuzzles his face into her back, and just holds her until he drifts off ...
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throughpatchesofviolet · 2 months ago
One little known fact about Sherry is that she has a ridiculously high spice tolerance. The Sinners find this out on accident when dining out at a restaurant of Hong Lu's choice, where he tells them about a certain spicy mustard served there that they can dip their food in.
Most of the Sinners are incapable of handling the sting but Sherry just keeps eating the mustard. She's in tears and has to keep scrunching up her face, but she absolutely loves the burning sensation whenever she takes a bite. Hong Lu, of course, is very happy she likes it, and Ryōshū is mildly impressed she can handle it, but the other Sinners are a bit terrified of just how much spice Sherry can handle.
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throughpatchesofviolet · 26 days ago
I took some melatonin, last night, and it worked so well for me, I'm a bit surprised. The last time I took melatonin, I almost missed school ...
But now I'm imagining Heathcliff notices Sherry's abysmal sleeping habits, so he gets her some melatonin gummies to help her sleep on time. And, the first night after she (reluctantly) takes them, she wakes up feeling very refreshed, which surprises her so much that she grumbles about it being "sorcery."
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throughpatchesofviolet · 2 months ago
Hm ... revisiting The Final Problem--in my brain, that is--and thinking about how Watson gets called back to an inn as a ploy to get Sherlock alone ... perhaps I can use that for Sherry's lore.
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throughpatchesofviolet · 12 days ago
Went to the store to finally get myself a planner, but in the process I thought about Heathcliff and Sherry going clothes shopping together ...
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throughpatchesofviolet · 14 days ago
Have I ever mentioned that one of the prime Heathlock scenarios is Sherry being presented with a food she doesn't like, and Heathcliff volunteering to eat it for her?
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