#these actually are ordered but less in priority order and more in similar books together
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benkyoutobentou · 1 year ago
12 Books for 2024 (Japanese Edition)
You may have seen my post about the twelve books I read in 2023 (here), and I thought it would be fun to follow it up with a little tbr for 2024! Ideally, I'd like to read more than twelve books in 2024, but twelve is enough for now since I've got some series on this list that I'd like to either make some serious progress in or finish up completely. This list is in no particular order!
地球星人 - 村田沙耶香: I read コンビニ人間 by Murata a few years back and loved it, and this one has been high up on my tbr for a long time now. With how many people say they're completely traumatized by it, it sounds like the perfect book for me. The only reason I haven't read this yet is because I've hyped it up so much for myself.
生命式 - 村田沙耶香: A short story collection by Murata? Sign me up ten times over. This one sounds weird and gruesome and right up my alley.
本を守ろうとする猫の話 - 夏川草介: Another cat book, who can blame me? This was also touted as being perfect for book lovers, and I haven't heard a bad review yet.
吾輩は猫である - 夏目漱石: Keeping with the cat theme, this one I actually have planned in tandem with a challenge I have to read twelve big ass classics throughout the year. Between the sheer size of this and the fact that the text is so densely packed in, this book kinda scares me. I'm planning to read it in December of next year so that I have as much time as possible to prepare haha.
世界から猫が消えたなら - 川村元気: Last cat book, I promise, but I had to keep them all together (it's actually not about cats, though). I've had this one for a long time and just picked it up on a whim. I've heard a bit of mixed reviews, but the premise sounds interesting enough, and it seems to be pretty popular.
博士の愛した数式 - 小川洋子: This was one of the first books I bought in Japanese, so it's high time that I get it off my tbr. I've seen so many people love this, in and out of the language learning community. This author also has a bunch of other popular works, so I'd really like to jump into her books and experience the hype for myself.
告白 ‐ 湊かなえ: I've seen a bit of buzz about this book in the language learning community, but what really convinced me on it was seeing people outside of language learners also enjoying it. It sounds dark and mildly depressing, and I'm hoping that it'll have some interesting commentary as well.
独り舞 - 李琴峰: Somehow, I haven't read any queer literary fiction in Japanese yet, despite it being my favorite genre, so I'm so excited to jump into this one. For the life of me I can't remember where I heard about this, but I think it'll be one of my first reads in 2024.
デゥラララ!!- 成田良悟: I used to be obsessed with the anime adaptation in middle school but never revisited the series out of fear that it wouldn't stand the test of time. After seeing a fellow language learner gush about the series, I decided to give it a shot, managed to find it at a local used bookstore, and snatched up the first volume. Don't let me down, nostalgia!
憎らしい彼 - 凪良ゆう: This is the second book in the 美しい彼 series, and even though I'd like to read the third one next year as well, I'm just combining them. Seeing this series next to series like No. 6 and キノの旅 I'm really grateful to have a trilogy on my tbr haha.
No. 6 - あさのあつこ: Saying that I would like to finish this series next year is a bit of a stretch, seeing as I have eight of ten volumes left, but I'd like to put a serious dent in it to be sure.
キノの旅 - 時雨沢恵一: This series is more of a read as I please type series for me, since there's not really any overarching plot. I'm also not racing to make progress, since there are over twenty volumes (and still going). I'm savoring this series and I'm okay with that.
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sepublic · 4 years ago
Amelia’s Alzheimer’s?
           From what Owen Dennis told us, Book 5 of Infinity Train would’ve been a movie, covering Amelia’s takeover of the train… Which, I don’t know if Book 5 would’ve gone over her takeover, AND her eventual arc post-Book 3, but; I believe the implication is that like Book 4, this movie would’ve been a pure prequel, set in the past. A good look and further contextualization of Amelia’s past sins and how she got into the headspace she now has, in order to set up for a future Book where she finally gets her proper arc.
           That leaves just three other books… One about Guilt, the next about Revenge, and the last of Acceptance. Book 5 is about Grief fittingly enough, and we know that Book 8 (Acceptance) would’ve delved into a passenger with alzheimer’s, whose condition would’ve kept them from engaging with the Infinity Train’s intended function properly. Owen Dennis mentioned how this final season would’ve been based on his own experiences with his grandfather, who had a similar issue in the past.
           It’s easy to assume that Book 8 would’ve been about a whole new character, which leaves either Books 6 or 7 for the resolution to Amelia’s arc- But what if that’s not the case? The Book 8 protagonist would be pretty old, presumably, so…
           …What if Amelia was the Book 8 protagonist? What if, by the end of the series, Amelia’s age would’ve caught up to her, and she’d start developing alzheimer’s- Further complicating her attempts to get her number down, especially when she can no longer remember Alrick like she used to!
           Think about it- Amelia as the final protagonist would be a neat book-end to the series, given how we began with her as the final antagonist of Book 1. The show starts and ends with Amelia, who alongside One-One and Samantha the Cat (and arguably Randall) are basically the core, central tenet characters of the entire show. The resolution of Infinity Train is the resolution of Amelia, who serves as the passenger most entwined with the train, having once been its conductor even!
           Not only that, but with how Amelia’s character serves as a means of criticizing and showing the fallibility of the Infinity Train, how she’s able to game the system, how she works in a place to criticize One-One’s direction with it… And her having to deal with alzheimer’s could continue that theme of Amelia’s character being a commentary on the flaws of the Infinity Train, if it can’t account for her memory loss!
           Amelia’s memory loss would be difficult to work with, if we’d only gotten to know her in just Book 8; But now we have Books 1, 3, 4, and 5 (at the very least!) to bring background and context to her life-story, and it’s a LONG one too! Setting up Amelia’s past in great detail, going into the intricacies across the entire show… It could be setting up the audience to remember all of this, when Amelia herself can’t- So we can get a better idea of her frustration, of how she ended up here when Amelia herself is confused, etc.! We gain a deep and intimate understanding of Amelia’s past for her, in preparation for the memory loss of Book 8.
           Owen talking about how Book 8 would’ve been based on his own experiences, watching his grandfather deal with amnesia- From a meta sense, the audience could serve Owen’s role! We’re the younger people, watching Amelia, our favorite old lady, grow across the series… We get attached to her, she’s basically like family, so naturally it hits harder to see her lose her memory. It’d be a meta way for Owen to really capture what he experienced in real life, by having the audience take his position when observing the character of Amelia.
           From an in-universe standpoint, perhaps Hazel could serve as the proxy for Owen! She’s more or less Amelia’s daughter in the technical and arguably figurative sense- We don’t know exactly how their relationship would progress, and the last time we had hopes of Found Family for Hazel, it didn’t quite work out… But regardless. Perhaps Hazel, as a kid with relation to the older Amelia, would’ve gotten to grow up with her surrogate caretaker, learn to value and appreciate her and vice-versa; And then we see from Hazel’s pained perspective, the loss of Amelia’s memories. Perhaps Amelia losing her memories of her times with Hazel, even!
           This could tie Amelia and Hazel’s stories together, especially with how linked the two are, with Hazel resulting from Amelia’s failed attempts to bring back Alrick! And Hazel has a few of Amelia’s memories- She remembers taking ballroom dance lessons, because Amelia was drawing upon those memories when trying to recreate Alrick. Hazel could serve as a young guide to comfort Amelia, a genuinely emotional connection, someone who remembers what Amelia can’t, in the absence of Alrick.
           Book 8 would’ve been about Acceptance- AKA the final part of the 5 stages of Grief, when dealing with the death of a loved one… And Grief is the theme of Book 5, Amelia’s origin story! Amelia would accept the death of Alrick at the end of Book 8, and perhaps Hazel could learn to accept the death of Tuba and another family member in Amelia… In the sense that yes, Amelia is leaving her too- But Hazel will learn to move past Tuba’s death, and perhaps her own experience can help Amelia as well. They can grieve for Amelia’s memories, for Alrick, etc.
           It’d also be an interesting and frustrating challenge for Amelia- As someone who no doubt has at least some pride in her intellect and mind, having her own mind start to degrade… It’d really put her into an interesting headspace, and force Amelia into that acceptance of what is inevitable, that some things she really can’t change. And of course, this could deal with theme of acceptance, of how Amelia clings to her past with Alrick; Having her memories of him start to fade could really shake this up, and force her to re-evaluate her life and values, her priorities… Perhaps decide to instead focus on the Now and Future, accepting that her past with Alrick is not only long-gone, but possibly due to be forgotten. That she can love and appreciate what it did for her, but Amelia has no choice but to move on- Even without those memories, without that past, she still has a future with Hazel and everyone else to keep living for.
           For all we know, Samantha the Cat could even come into play here! She’s someone with access to people’s tapes, among them none other than Amelia’s- And before she gave it to Simon, Samantha also had the ability to create new tapes from passengers on the go. Samantha is a long-lived denizen, at least about 150+ years old, she’s lived and seen the entirety of Amelia’s reign, and was likely there since the very beginning; Owen Dennis did allude to Samantha being present in Book 5… Specifically, he suggested that us seeing Samantha kill someone was a possibility, amidst One-One or Amelia committing murder instead; And that of course suggests that, regardless of whether or not the Cat kills someone in Book 5, she’d still be a prevalent character.
           Samantha having that past with Amelia, and her own conniving nature, could possibly lead to her conflicting with Hazel, perhaps recounting memories differently, or trying to tell them in a way that’d sway Amelia to her side, who knows? It’s also worth noting that she’s someone who has regret and loss in Simon… So perhaps if she served as a central cast member for Book 8 (befitting my point about Amelia being a book-ends kind of character), Samantha would’ve learned to accept the death of Simon, and/or help Hazel and Amelia move on as well. It’d be a fitting and appropriate farewell, I believe, to have Amelia and Samantha, two main-stays since the beginning, have their arc at the very end of the series.
           And Hazel? Hazel could be representative of a new generation, to step up and take the mantle passed down. One-One’s own input would be fascinating, because like Samantha and Hazel, he has quite the past with Amelia, and a lot of significance and understanding of her sins. And with his control of the Infinity Train, I can see him attempt to recreate Amelia’s destroyed tape, or even try to create a new tape for her, to try and get around Amelia’s memory loss. The Infinity Train selectively deciding which memories it only thinks are important could lead to disagreement with One-One and conflict, exposing the flaws of the system- And/or, the Infinity Train might come across a roadblock because it can’taccess Amelia’s memories anymore!
           This could be a culmination for One-One’s arc as well, as seeing his failure to account and accommodate Amelia’s alzheimer’s, leads him to decide to make MAJOR reforms to the Infinity Train as a result! Maybe he’ll even stop the whole process of kidnapping passengers (while still letting the denizens function and roam freely). Him and Amelia have an unusual, kind of at-odds but not really, sort of frenemy relationship; They’re working together, they’ve been enemies, they’ve collaborated, each was the reigning conductor at one point. We could have Samantha as someone with negative recollections of her time with Amelia, One-One with overall netural ones, and Hazel with positive associations! Three different people with different pasts and interactions with Amelia, to provide their own input on their time with her, and thus help her rediscover her past…
           …Or, at the very least- Come to terms and accept who she is, and finally move on. And, it goes without saying that Amelia’s dilemma with her huge number could be complicated by her Alzheimer’s, if she can’t remember things- And it’d be interesting to see how it might fluctuate, if at all. Perhaps Amelia’s progress actually gets pretty good, but THEN the memory loss begins to kick in, and that frustrates her. It’d teach the lesson that progress is not linear, that sometimes you might backtrack, you might think you’re so close, only to have retread the same path… And sometimes you’re tired of the journey and just want to get to the destination, to the final stop at the end of the railroad. We could have Amelia learn to accept help from others, to not try and seize control for herself as all-powerful Conductor, to gain some humility amidst her pride in her own ability and intellect…
           We could have Amelia awkwardly navigate the train without her memories, stumbling across and slowly figuring out what needs to be done in order to lower her number, with just the number’s movement as an indicator, and no memories to work off of! Her only hints are whenever her number moves to a certain situation, so Amelia really has to work backwards… Through trial and error, figure out what needs to be done; Perhaps a callback to Grace and Simon, who had no guidance and struggled with figuring out what their numbers expected of them.
          It’d be an interesting book-end to THAT point, especially since it was Amelia who unknowingly contributed to Grace misinterpreting the function of her number, so then having Amelia rectify this with herself, learning to properly figure out what her number means, and then accepting that without going into denial like Simon did… It’d really show the growth of her, but also the series, and of course the fact that Grace and Simon were literal kids, and Amelia is a seasoned adult. And of course, there’s the existential questions, if Amelia is a different person without her memories, if those sins still apply if she can’t remember them anymore, if she’s essentially disconnected and detached, etc.
          We might see Amelia operate without any memories of her grief with Alrick, see how she is without that- And it might concern and frustrate Amelia, because she could conflate moving past Alrick, as being the same as getting rid of him truly… And the memory loss certainly doesn’t help. Who is she without her memories? It could lead to an identity crisis that echoes back to Book 2’s themes. Amelia without memories might learn to rediscover herself by looking into her past, perhaps existing without recollection, just this number she slowly figures out how to lower. Perhaps having a new, more detached/objective look at her own past, from a perspective as someone who doesn’t remember them, so it feels like the recollections of a stranger- It might contribute to Amelia really coming to terms with happened, with herself, and finally Acceptance.
           It really could be the culmination of the series; With how the age of protagonists for each Book gets progressively older, Amelia’s elderly age and Alzheimer’s would’ve been the end of the line, the final stop/destination for the train. It’d make Amelia the central Passenger of the show, who we’ve been following since Book 1, watching her progress, in a sense seeing her grow up- And then finally seeing her grow old and suffer from Alzheimer’s. The journey of the Infinity Train could be the journey of Amelia, from her boarding the train, to the final destination, literally and figuratively. It could tie into the arcs of Hazel, Samantha, and One-One, and finally deconstruct the Infinity Train with an outsider who did exactly like that!
           What do you guys think? I think it’d be quite the experience to watch Amelia grow and struggle as a person, so it really does feel personal and intimate to us, when we know her memories, only for Amelia herself to lose them... A fascinating, bittersweet study and journey of Amelia, but one we accept, because the journey made the destination worthwhile.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 5 years ago
Random Characters with Creative/ Designer S/O HC:
Characters: Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Bart Allen, Conner Kent (RSS), Jamie Reyes
Damian Wayne (Fashion Design):
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·      You’d started off your career when you were young
·      Your father wasn’t super supportive of everything and said that you were too young to start a business or what have you
·      So, with approval from your mother, you started one behind his back
·      He didn’t know until one day you ended up treading and going viral with a dress you made for a very famous celebrity
·      At that point he couldn’t stop you and was just impressed that you made it for months without him knowing
·      As long as you were keeping up schooling, it would fly
·      You ended up getting to travel the world and go to fashion week
·      More specifically NYFW
·      New York was the big one
·      That’s where you and Damian met
·      He was there for a business trip with Bruce and saw you at one of the shows the girls dragged him to
·      He was immediately infatuated with you and wanted to meet you
·      Thank the heavens he has sisters who wear your clothes to almost every gala
·      They got to go back stage and talk to you which led to you two exchanging numbers and the rest is history
·      When you started dating it was really hectic
·      You had a few kidnapping scares which made him want to break it off especially after you found out about the entire Robin thing
·      Heeeellllllllll no
·      You didn’t let that happen at all
·      Bruce actually commented and said that if you were that stubborn, Damian should probably keep you
·      Fashion week becomes more tiring and you also hate not being able to see Damian as much
·      He comes and visits though to make sure you don’t throw yourself out a window or something lol
·      When it’s over, you guys always take a long vacation to Lake Tahoe in a house Bruce owns on the Nevada side
·      He loves seeing your studio since it’s so organized and colorful
·      You’ve got walls of mood boards and mannequins with unfinished garments everywhere along with a massive soft couch that one of you is always sprawled out on
·      Sometimes he’ll send you pictures of pretty things he thinks you’d might like which ends up being incorporated into something
·      You taught him how to drape and make his own suit so that Alfred can have a day off
·      If anyone has a wardrobe malfunction and you’re around, you’ve got the needle and thread kit on hand at any given moment
·      Some things in the kit come in handy for picking locks too
·      He thinks it’s hilarious if you ever critique something or just call it straight ugly
·      If you’re at a gala and do it it’s even funnier
·      “Omg...”
·      “What is it beloved?”
·      “The drape and hem of that dress is the most preposterous thing I think I have ever seen. The fabric isn’t even the right material or fit for their shape. How rich are these people? And they can’t afford clothes that look decent on them?” You said giving them the famous inspecting side eye, “Also, who wears pearls with double sided sequins and fur?” “They can’t fix everything sweetie.”
·      *intense snickering from Damian*
Tim Drake (Software/ Web Designer):
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·      It’s a match made in heaven
·      The two of you meet at a tech conference
·      He thought that you were such an interesting person to talk to and you had offers from places like MIT
·      You got along so well and then he found that you liked coffee like he did
·      Omg
·      He asked you out in the nerdiest way by making you decipher code on your own computer
·      You were kind of mad since you had been doing some other things for some major companies but after reading the message you determined you were fine with it
·      I mean how could you say no
·      Anyways the date when off great and eventually the media caught heavy wind of what was happening
·      You already knew about the Red Robin thing pretty quickly into the relationship though
·      Tim was a genius and you weren’t far behind
·      It was scary how similar you two were
·      From expressions and shared humor and meme taste, it was everything
·      Staying up together was another thing you did
·      Although, after some time one of you would pass out and the other would go to bed too
·      It was like a competition in sorts of who could stay up the longest but at the same time you needed him to sleep
·      The time he felt most betrayed by you was when you replaced his coffee with decaf
·      You guys just sometimes hang out in his bed tangled up in the weirdest way watching vines or weird movies
·      Totally the couple that would watch the worst rated movies just to laugh at them
·      Damian commented on it once and got a tired middle finger from you once
·      It wasn’t the classiest move however you couldn’t care less and Tim laughed his ass off
·      After that Damian seemed to respect you more
·      You guys probably have matching hoodies or something with really funny or obscure culture references
·      Clingy couple but nothing too over dramatic
Bart Allen:
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·      Your designs in architecture went down in text books
·      You were famous for some really amazing builds and constructions
·      You started off by building these really insane LEGO sets or doll houses based off of designs in your notebook
·      Your mother still has the models in the attic which is kind of embarrassing when he sees it but he thinks it’s really cool
·      When he came to your time line he knew immediately who you were
·      He also totally came to you and complimented your work plus some additional hinting at what was going to happen pretty soon
·      Bart was there at the rise of your success
·      He basically was your number one fan the entire time
·      He’ll stay up with you as long as he can when you’re working
·      It’s kind of funny seeing that when you’re designing the things you went down in history for you’ll be stuck on something and he’ll just tiredly recommend what he remembers learning
·      You let him look through the designs sometimes but he understands if you don’t really feel comfortable with it
·      He also knows that in order to do all of this, you’re wicked smart
·      When the cave needed remodeling, you were the first person that they called in
·      The League was very glad that you were there and they didn’t have to pull any strings to get anyone different in
·      Plus, you knew what was needed since you were there all of the time
Kon Kent:
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·      You got your start writing
·      It was the best thing that you did to relive stress
·      Once your parents saw that you were such an imaginative child, they got you in a ton of art related classes but you liked writing the most
·      Your writings had won awards before but then you wrote a book and it did amazing
·      So now, that’s what you do
·      Kon secretly actually really likes your books and met you at a book signing
·      Nerd
·      He got your number there and then you realized who he was
·      It was kind of funny cause you were both in that moment of realization like
·      Ohhhhh I know who you are.... kinda thing
·      He finds it hilarious that sometimes you’re just all over the place
·      When doing research your room isn’t terrible messy, it’s just piles and piles of notes and articles
·      You also probably have an expansive collection of literature yourself ranging from all genres
·      You don’t really like him to proof the book, however if you have an idea for something he’s all ears
·      Coffee dates to strange hole in the wall joints
·      Clark really likes you and finds your humor funny in the sense that it’s close to Bruce’s
·      Both very sarcastic and dry
·      Lex is just glad that his son found someone with an intellect
·      You don’t really like Lex though
·      That’s because you hear everything that Kon has to say about him
·      Although, without giving the man too much credit, the charade that he plays on the daily in quite impressive
·      You will never admit it however
·      Ma and Pa love you
·      So does Lois
·      You get along because of the writing
·      Sometimes Kon will just take you to some random part of the world if you need inspiration
·      “Hey wanna fly to Morocco?”
·      “Why not?”
·      You make a day trip out of it but if it’s a long one you’ll stay longer
·      Short distance he’ll fly you himself but overseas or something, he takes one of Lex’s jets
·      He likes to tease you sometimes but will take it easy during the editing phase
·      Those aren’t fun at alllll
·      You get cranky sometimes during that and he just backs off lol
·      He will make you sleep though
·      He doesn’t want you turning into Tim or anything for an extended amount of time
·      Nope
·      Not doing it
Jamie Reyes:
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·      The team didn’t know anything about your job as an artist
·      You were internationally revered
·      No one knew of your job but for the boy wonder who saw the paint in your hair
·      Once the team did know however, everyone was amazed
·      You and Jamie were already dating by then though
·      He was always impressed with what you did
·      Laughed when you were covered in paint
·      He lets you paint or draw on his hand
·      You both have matching hoodies or jackets from your clothing line or merch that you painted
·      If you have a YouTube channel, he’s in some of the videos
·      Scarab notes that you have a more creative personality which Jamie responds to with a sarcastic remark
·      Your clothes are partly covered in paint
·      He’ll go to every show
·      During the Reach thing you still stayed with him
I have more parts of the Damian Wayne x reader story coming and also requests but I’m just getting into school which is my priority so that’s why I’ve been a bit more inactive. Anyways I hope you liked this one and I can’t wait to put out more 
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wallwriterstuff · 4 years ago
is it okay if you do one about the reader who is 13-14 going with Bella to save Edward and when Alec see's her, he realizes that she's his mate and tries talking to her and her being scared but after sometime they have a sweet bf/gf relationship? Thank you, and your writing is awesome, sorry if I bothered you
Hey hi hello, you most certainly have not bothered me at all 😊 You’re very sweet and I’m glad you enjoy my writing, I hope you like this piece just as much as the others!
Just as a wee reminder to yourself and others who wish to request anything Alec related from me, when I write for Alec, I do tend to write him as the 13-14 year old book version. The only time I age up Alec and Jane to the 16+ year old movie version is if I receive an NSFW request for them. I am still figuring out what I’m comfortable writing in terms of the level of explicitness, so while I figure out what sort of NSFW requests I will and won’t take please be patient and don’t be rude about it if you send me something I don’t think I can deliver, there’s plenty of other really incredibly writers out there I’ll happily link you to if I don’t think I can provide what you want. 
For now, have this fluffy little piece. 
Forever Yours:
Words: 5416 (oopsie)  Warnings: There is some description of injuries later on and a lot of descriptions of fear and distress in the first half of this fic. 
Alec was not one to dwell on things he didn’t find interesting. In his human life he had been pigeon-holed into farming, the manual labour something that would support his family and one of the few occupations he could actually get training for, since it meant sending him into a field and leaving him there to work alone most of the time. His village was not a welcoming place to people like him and Jane, and despite his vocation to be a blacksmith his dreams were shelved in order to provide for his mother and sister. The end result was an insatiably curious young teen desperate to break free of the tedious field work and explore what else the world had to offer him, a trait that had only been solidified by his transformation.
Currently he found himself fascinated by the readings surrounding physical Geography, the formation of the world brought to the forefront of his mind after passing through a village that had suffered an Earthquake on a mission not a month earlier, and studying such things was how he spent the majority of his evenings now. Then in the Cullen boy came, bedraggled and smelling like three week old garbage he was pleading for the end of an existence far greater than his human one could have ever been, and Alec’s mind was set whirring into motion once more.
He couldn’t begin to fathom the mind-readers motives for wanting to end his immortal life, not when it had offered Alec so much. Over the course of centuries, he had accrued wealth and knowledge, prestige, and authority that the boys in his village could only ever dream of given the circumstances they were born into. Immortality offered an eternity to pursue what interested you without the disruption of sickness, or fear of being left out of doing what you love due to injury; Alec never have to worry about being unable to train because he’d sprained his ankle after all.
No, no it was simply incomprehensible as to why the Cullen boy would throw away his immortal existence so readily, and when the reason why was finally revealed to them it only left Alec all the more baffled. A human? He wished to end his life because a human had done the same? Humans died everyday in droves, most of them tripping over their own feet and into their graves. They were weak, fragile, dim-witted enough that most actually deserved the cattle-like status his predatory nature accredited them. For Edward to willingly choose one as his mate had been foolish from the start and Alec had to wonder if this wasn’t some sort of cosmic ‘I told you so’. Surely a human couldn’t be the true mate of a vampire? Alec had never pondered over the mating bond before but as Demetri and Felix silently followed after the boy to see to it he did nothing foolish, he began to wonder about the nature of such bonds.
Aro and Caius had both turned their mates, as had Chelsea. They had all felt some form of affection for their mates as humans but had the bond solidified before or after their transformation? Were the red strings of fate he’d read about in varying fantasy novels real to some extent? Venom hardening them to form the strong bonds that allowed vampires to mate for life? He couldn’t imagine ever loving anyone to the point that Marcus had, where they became the only thing his world revolved around and left it collapsing once they were gone. Humans surely weren’t capable of loving anyone with that kind of depth, were they? Not with their flawed design.
“Dear Jane, please go and see what’s taking them so long?” Aro requested. Jane gave him a sugar sweet smile in response, kissed Alec’s cheek and floated gracefully down the steps and towards the door. Alec watched her go before returning to his thoughts, the conundrum still fresh in his mind, but Aro did not let him remain there, a drawn out sigh escaping him as he steepled his fingers to rest his chin on his hands.
“Something bothers you, Master?” he asked, tilting his head. Maybe he was having similar thoughts and they could brainstorm together. Aro stared at the doors ahead of them, his expression completely impassive. Alec was treated with the deference his gift and status demanded but out of them two of them, he knew Jane would always be the favourite, and he was okay with that. He would serve loyally as long as he lived, grateful for all the Masters’ had given him, but he did not need to be valued in the way Jane did.
“I hope Edward does nothing foolish. He would be a great asset to our little household.” Aro responded. Alec kept his face impassive, mind immediately turning now to the tactical advantage telepathy could offer. Edward’s gift was indeed powerful in its own way, to hear over great distances would compliment Demetri’s tracking ability well and override Felix’s tendency to impulsively use his brute strength without identifying priority targets first…
“Undoubtedly.” Alec agreed. Aro chuckled slightly.
“Your mind is preoccupied Alec, perhaps you ought focus it?” he suggested lightly. Alec forced back an eye roll, inclining his head to indicate he had heard him before stepping down from his place beside his throne. He retraced his sister’s footsteps, following the main hall along until he reached the secretary’s desk. Gianna glanced up, standing to greet him with the professionally polite smile she was obliged to give him, even though her heart was thundering in her chest.
“Have the others returned yet?” he questioned. Gianna shook her head.
“No Alec, they have yet to come back this way.” She answered. Alec hummed thoughtfully, engaging his senses and straining his ears to listen to the stumbling footsteps approaching. There were the usual graceful taps of his sister’s dainty steps, the tell-tale smoothness of vampires moving along stone, but the clumsy thudding that followed was definitely human in origin. What cause did they have to bring humans back into their home? That was Heidi’s job after all, and she would be returning home soon enough to slake their thirst.
“But Bella I don’t-“
“Just…not now.”
Bella? Isabella? The human mate? Now that perked his interest. Alec watched with keen eyes as the doors slid open to reveal his siter first, and a brigade of people behind her. Felix and Demetri brought up the rear as Gianna greeted Jane with the same professional courtesy she had him, the golden-eyed Cullen’s following along behind her. The two humans they had brought with them were corralled between them. One clung to Edward like a barnacle to the underside of a ship, spindly arms thrown around him despite her chattering teeth and goosebump riddled flesh. She was quite ordinary in appearance, plain even, yet the way Edward stood made it abundantly clear that this human was something extraordinary to him, something he would protect. The other was...oh how to describe her?
She captivated him almost immediately, Alec unable to take his eyes off of her approach. Was she always that pale or had the situation leeched the colour from her face? Was she always so wide-eyed or was it fear that had blown those (Y/E/C) irises wide open? She was smaller in stature than the other, yet similar enough looks wise it was clear they were siblings, one older one younger. She was perhaps his physical age with all the wide-eyed innocence that entailed, gangly limbs she hadn’t really grown into yet carrying her along with a bit of encouragement from Felix’s proximity, and the Cullen woman’s guiding hand.
“Sister, they send you out for one and you bring back three, such a clever girl.” He teased, Jane’s scent invading his nose and helping refocus his mind. Her eyes rolled, but she still embraced him as she always did with a trill of laughter to boot.
“They made it all to easy.” She responded. Alec could see the malice in his sister’s eyes and guessed that she was not appreciative of having to wait for the humans. It irked him more than it should, that the young girl had potentially unintentionally incurred his sister’s wrath, the mere notion that perhaps Jane’s thoughts of her were less than savoury something that made every protective instinct he had ever had for his sister flare and extend to this stranger.
“Edward, you seem in a markedly better mood.” He said, hoping to distract himself from the sudden, unnerving discovery.
“Marginally.” the mind-reader agreed, though his voice was blunt and cutting. Clearly Edward was not in the mood to talk.
“But Alice I still don’t know-“
“Shhh Y/N, not now.” Alice Cullen, the seer that Aro had raved about from the moment he had learned of her existence. Alec should have been interested in her, should have been evaluating her as a threat and a potential ally, but his mind had been thoroughly distracted by the small human once more. Y/N…it was a good name, a name that felt pleasant in his ears and rolled easily off of the tongue.
“But Alice-“ the urgency in her voice tore at his heart and Alec had the strange urge to comfort her. Did she truly know nothing? If she knew nothing of their kind she had broken no law and there was no reason to put her through any of this, it was unnecessary suffering.
“Is this the cause of all the trouble?” he asked, unable to keep the scepticism from his voice as he took in her unremarkable sibling. Isabella seemed to shiver under his stare (much to his amusement) though it was the younger girl whose reaction he was more interested in. Her head turned his way, (Y/C/H) hair swishing with the movement as wide (Y/C/E) eyes latched onto his own and refused to let go. The scent that was wafted up his nose was almost unbearably tantalising, the controlled burn in his throat flaring to a raging inferno that he almost choked on for a moment before he caught himself. Edward’s stare was penetrating, Alice Cullen tightening her grip on the young girl in her care in case he made a move. He swallowed back the fire but there was no hiding the way his eyes had melted to black, and the sweet tinge of fear in her already too appealing smell only made him want to give into his urges all the more.
He hadn’t realised he’d taken a step towards her until she flinched back from him, and for the first time in a long time Alec felt genuine pain. The fear on her face was obvious, the rampant thudding in her chest tangible proof that she was terrified, and he didn’t like it. He didn’t like it and he didn’t like that he didn’t like it because she was just human, flawed and breakable and pathetic so why oh why did it pain him so to see the tears gathering in the corners of her eyes?
“Y-your eyes…they just – your eyes just…Bella what did you get me into?” her voice wavered and something inside him just snapped. For once, Alec didn’t feel the apathy that came with taking a life seen as less valuable than his own, he didn’t take any sort of joy in watching her be afraid of his advance. He couldn’t deny it, not when the feeling was so deeply rooted and burned so fiercely, like a flower that been laid dormant beneath the Earth suddenly bursting from the soil to bloom brightly. He was protective of this human he barely knew, and it was terrifying to feel so connected to someone he had never met before.
“I mean you no harm, I give you my word.” The promise had escaped him before he had really thought it through and he was well aware he could not keep such a promise, but she didn’t care to hear it anyway, cringing even more into Alice since Bella seemed to refuse her in that moment. It only made him angrier. He was angry with himself for suddenly losing the emotional control he had gained over a long millennium of living, angry that he was making promises he couldn’t keep, and he was angry at the stares he was receiving from those he would call friend. Jane looked the most outwardly shocked before she quickly covered, but the one person he would have hoped would react positively just didn’t. Y/N was too afraid to see sense, and he supposed given the pie-crust promise he’d just made that might be a good thing, even if it hurt. He was angry to that her sister ignored her obvious need for comfort.
He let his sister take the lead as they headed back to the throne room, trying to fight through the sudden swell of confusing emotion and sensory information. His nose seemed attuned to her scent, suspiciously close to his favourite smells of lemongrass and gooseberry, his eyes magnetised to her form to the point he turned his head to glance back at her so frequently that Demetri felt the need to motion for him to keep his head turned forward. Humans radiated heat anyway but she felt scorching, a mini-sun whose tendrils reached out and left warmth lashing down his spine. His ears were full of her heartbeat. She was so thoroughly distracting he could barely take his eyes off of her after he had taken his place by Caius, the blonde man staring with such distaste at the both of them that Alec felt a strong urge to step between them and absorb the glare himself.
He could only half pay attention as the conversation unfolded around him, because Y/N wouldn’t stop looking at him like he was the devil incarnate and it bothered him immensely. He had dealt with it his whole life, a social pariah for his links to witchcraft and someone whose gift left him with few friends since they feared the authority it gave him. He had handled it then, and he handled it now, he could deal with other people looking at him like that but not her, anyone but her.
“Alec!” Jane hissed his name and Alec snapped to attention, mist unfolding from his palms so he was ready to take down any threat that came at him. Demetri snickered loudly enough it reached his ears and Alec’s glare was so deadly it drew a soft whimper from her. He almost groaned. Could he do no right by her? Y/N had started trembling a while ago but now there were full body shakes wracking her from head to foot, her teeth grinding together so loudly he worried the teeth might snap under the strain she was putting on them. Aro’s laughter clattered through his head and he turned to face him, at a loss as to what to do for once. He didn’t honestly think that he could hurt the girl if asked.
“My dear boy it would seem you are quite distracted by young Miss Swan. Oh to be young and in love once more!” he tittered. Alec froze, every muscle locking in place as the distinct feeling of distress rose through the confusion and anger and pain he’d been desperately trying to wade through. Love? He definitely did not love the girl, it was mere curiosity and nothing else, the same curiosity he applied to his studies.
“Love?” Jane’s voice was equally as harsh and Aro seemed surprised by her reaction. Alec was not. For centuries they had had only each other, the centre of a small world where they seldomly let others join them. The very notion another might be welcomed into his heart would be not just repulsive, but very troubling for her.
“Why, don’t tell me you cannot see it? Already the bond between them has set, the thread connecting them tied at both ends. Are you not happy for your twin to have found such a rare and beautiful thing?” Aro wondered. As if Aro had perhaps waved a magic wand his mind settled. His brain had tried to fight what his body already knew, his subconcious screaming the word while his rational mind raced a million miles ahead to try and outrun the answer until it could run no more, and the two collided. The aftermath of the explosion was calm, almost wonderous, for he would finally get the chance to study something he had never studied before.
“You’re my mate.” He breathed. Even he could hear the awe in his voice, though nobody but him seemed to find it wonderful. Jane hissed, both Cullen’s tensing up while Bella recoiled from her sister like she was diseased, and Y/N…Y/N just cried. Alec’s world ground to a halt, the pain his mate spilling out and into him. He descended the stairs with every intention of stopping her tears, hoping to calm her perhaps and explain exactly what it meant to be mates, but Y/N didn’t let Bella refuse her this time and sought refuge in her sister, sobbing all the while.
“Wh-what did you do! Why d-did you bring me h-here? I d-don’t want to st-stay with him!”
The words were a hard blow, they struck him in the gut and it was the closest he’d felt to nauseous in centuries.
“I have no desire to keep you here, but if you would please-“
“Leave me alone! I w-want to go home!” she cried, not so much as turning to look at him. If he hadn’t been a vampire he would probably have missed all of the muffled words she heaved into her sisters shoulder.
“You can still go home yet-“ he had paid enough attention to know Bella was not being executed at least and as his mate Y/N was exempt of that fate to, “-all I would like is a chance to talk.” Alec’s plea fell on deaf ears, his hand shrugged off of her shoulder.
Alec straightened, wiping his face of any and all expression, he didn’t so much as give any of them a farewell before he left the room. The sudden rejection stung worse than the fire that had once burned his flesh from his bones, and the hollow that opened in his gut grew wider and wider with every moment that passed since the second he’d left her. He put down his books, spending his nights envisioning her tear-stained face and wondering what would have made her smile instead. He craved to know every like and dislike, to hear her voice when she wasn’t consumed with horror and fear, to learn more about her life and contrast it with his own. They had all tried to talk him round in the intervening months, but Alec couldn’t find the strength to drag himself out of the numbness that had enveloped him. Not until Marcus came by to see him anyway.
“What do you require of me, Master?” he asked, staring aimlessly out of the window at the Garden’s below. Marcus seated himself at the desk across the room, the one littered with books Alec hadn’t had the heart to open since the fateful day his mate had left him.
“Didyme was not immediately drawn to me either.” He rasped. Alec’s head whipped around at that, the shock on his face obvious. Marcus had been nothing but a shell in all the time he had known him, grieving a lost love so profound Alec was sure that their story must have been the greatest romance ever known. To hear Didyme had not readily accepted him was both astounding and…it gave him hope.
“She didn’t?” he hedged. Marcus glanced to him, a wisp of smile floating from his lips before his expression fell flat again.
“She was a headstrong woman, and for a while she resented Aro for what he did to her, to me. She could not revel in her new state as we did, this world was so different from the one she had known…it took time for her to adjust before she truly opened her heart to me.” His words were like a soothing balm on the raw wound her rejection had left behind.
“I might find it more encouraging if I was sure I might yet see her again.” Alec frowned slightly as Marcus pushed to his feet.
“There will be opportunity enough to visit her yet, you might yet be surprised.” He answered, floating from the room like dust on the wind. Alec stared at the door, his mind mulling over the cryptic message before the briefest hint of a smile twitched his lips upward. Hope was a beautiful thing, and it only grew in his chest as Aro deployed them to Seattle not a day later to deal with a mess created by a gaggle of newborns. When stressed, vampires did not fidget but rather became motionless and immobile, but while he sat rigid as stone in his seat for the flight over his mind became restless. Where would he find her in this city? If Marcus’s cryptic message had been for him then surely he knew he would find Y/N here? Demetri’s hand on his arm made him pause before he stepped off of the jet.
“She’s in the city Alec, if you need a guide.” His voice was low enough nobody but him would hear him. Alec fully planned to take him up on the offer once their work for the night was done, it wasn’t often the tracker was rendered unnecessary, but Alec didn’t need Demetri’s gift to know when he had found her.
Her sobbing was ingrained in his memory after all.
The rage that built in him was blinding, his body unable to move fast enough to put himself between Y/N and the newborns dragging her mangled body from the wreckage of a car they had flipped. All around him was the screaming and snarling of newborns, the metallic screech of hardened skin coming apart as they put an end to the atrocity. His mist had exploded outward, rippling in every direction and he had only just enough sense of mind to ensure it didn’t harm his coven mates as he tore apart the newborns who had dared lay a hand on his mate. Chest heaving and throat blazing, Alec felt the blood on the ground soak his trousers as he collapsed beside her. She was screaming, body contorting in awful ways as her face turned red, veins popping in her neck as it strained. Alec placed a cool hand shakily on her forehead, beyond furious with the grotesque bitemark marring her shoulder.
“What were you thinking brother! Now that we have destroyed this group we – we…oh…oh Alec…” the rage that simmered in Jane’s voice very quickly dissipated when she saw the state he was in. His head was swimming, the appealing scent of blood hanging heavy in the air while his gut twisted and fury and terror raged war in his heart. She was turning, there was no doubt about it, the venom was leaking out of the wound with her blood. She was turning and it wasn’t his venom.
“I – I can take away the pain.” He stammered. He had wanted someone to do that for him when he burned. It was the greatest act of mercy he could think of, perhaps the greatest way for him to show his love for a girl he barely knew but wanted to oh so badly.
“You will starve yourself before she completes the transformation. There is hardly enough venom in that bite Alec.” Felix pointed out. Y/N let out another tortured shriek, body twisting. He heard the broken bones in her legs crunching at the movement and said a silent prayer to thank whatever deity was watching over her that the venom was excruciating enough she wouldn’t have to feel broken bones on top of it.
“So what do I do? Leave her like this? She’s in agony!” he snapped, “She’s in agony and I can end it!”
“It is a natural thing brother.” Jane said quietly.
“But it does not have to be endured forever.” Demetri weighed in finally, “Give her some more Alec, shorten the process and if you find yourself unable to stop…well, we will stop you.” Alec could only give her an anguished stare, loathe to cause her anymore pain but knowing Demetri was right. The longer the change dragged on for the less likely it was she would survive, but if he bit her again, gave her more of his venom to override what little was already diffusing through her blood, it would shorten the process considerably. He could already feel the acidic liquid pooling in his mouth and he hoped she could see just how apologetic he was, though he didn’t think it likely given how her eyes had rolled back into her head as she convulsed with a shout.
“Stop me Jane, forget our oath this one time and do whatever it takes to stop me.” He demanded. Jane looked horrified by the very thought but Alec didn’t wait for her to consent to his plea, cradling Y/N close and closing his eyes as he bared his teeth, ready to bite into the buttersoft sinews of her throat…
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“What are you thinking about so hard?” her voice was melodic in his ears, a symphony he never grew tired of. Startled from his reverie, Alec had to pause a moment to gather his thoughts and remind himself where he was. Volterra was bathed in sunshine once more and his skin refracted it beautifully against the walls of the garden, the book in his lap long since discarded as his mind began to wonder. It had been a while, since he’d recalled that fateful night.
“You’re back,” he noted with a small smile, “I was thinking about you of course, as I always do when you’re not around.” Her smile could have lit up New York city, and Alec adored it. Y/N hadn’t been happy upon waking up in Volterra, Alec by her side as he quietly explained she had been made immortal in desperate circumstances. It had taken her many months to get over the traumatic incident but since she had started to bounce back to her old self, Alec had discovered a rather beautiful, happy person he really rather liked. Since she had been forced to spend so much time with him, letting him coach her in the new way of life she had to adopt, she had taken quite a liking to him to it seemed.
“You should be proud of me, I got to the nomad before Demetri so we all got to come home sooner. You should have seen his face!” She giggled. Alec couldn’t help but smirk, smug and proud as he pulled her down to rest between his legs, back pressed flush to his chest. Her scent dragged him under, a tranquil wave settling those restless parts of him that recognised how incomplete he felt without her around. He buried his nose in her hair to take a deep lungful of the addictive smell.
“I’m always proud of you.” He promised softly.
“Have you just been reading all the time we’ve been gone?” she wondered. Alec hummed, picking up the book he had discarded and reopening to the page he was on.
“It was the one you recommended to me. I’ve just gotten to the chapter where Sephy realises Callum is one of her kidnappers.” He revealed, and without hesitation he dropped his cheek atop her hair and began to read aloud. She melted into him, her hands mindlessly reaching for the ground every now and then while Alec focused his energy on his book, the peaceful atmosphere remaining unbroken for a chapter more before she shifted. He relinquished her immediately, knowing his mate was never one to stay still for too long, only to be surprised when she turned on her knees with a ring of daisies in her hand. Alec raised an eyebrow and she grinned.
“I hereby declare you King Alec of Castle Volterra!” she announced. The daisy crown was placed daintly atop his head, only to fall and get stuck on the bridge of his nose. Too big to be a crown but too small to be a necklace. Her face fell into a pout as Alec began to laugh, very gently rearranging the daisies so they rested at an angle and were slightly weighted down by some of his brunette hair.
“I, King Alec, declare I cannot rule without you, Queen Y/N,” he proclaimed, offering her his hand. She giggled as he pushed to his feet, pulling her with him. She was forever going to be shorter than him, just a little, and he loved that. “Now, as our first royal duty, that dye you ordered came. I decree it’s time to give our guard matching uniforms!” He was bolstered by her obvious enthusiasm, crimson eyes sparkling.
“It came? The neon green one?” she asked eagerly. Alec nodded, unable to keep his laughter at bay as she bounced up and kissed him so quickly she almost broke his teeth with the speed she moved at. He didn’t get to voice his protest because she was already dragging him by the hand back towards the castle. Before he had met her, schemes like this would have made his nose turn up in distaste. How childish these endeavours were, how wasteful of their time. Y/N had changed his perspective on a great many things, and it was rather nice now and then to give into the childish ways his physical age demanded he give in to every now and then, he had gotten so good at repressing those throughout the centuries but she seemed to bring out the playful side of him. If anything had managed to convince Jane she was a good addition to their family, it was tallying how much more Alec had smiled since she came into his life to stay.
“I can pilfer the shirts, they’re far less likely to suspect I am up to any wrong doing than if they smell you in their rooms.” Alec pointed out in hushed tones. She nodded, her head tilted up as they walked close together, co-conspirators to anyone looking in.
“Okay, you steal the shirts while I mix the-“
“Mix the what, exactly?” Demetri’s voice came from behind them and with wide eyes Y/N yelled ‘Scatter!’ before the tracker had the chance to grab either of them by the collar. Alec bolted after her down the corridor, just ever so slightly lagging behind her since she still had her newborn strength and speed. She grabbed his wrist without warning and Alec felt Demetri’s hand swipe right through his head before she tugged him straight through a wall and they began to freefall into the courtyard below. Demetri was cursing up a storm inside, her gift having turned them both immaterial long enough to allow them to pass through the walls in a way he couldn’t. Collapsing in a fit of boisterous laughter the pair lingered in the sunlight, eyes bright and smiles wide. For a moment, anyone passing them by might have forgotten their glittering skin and vibrant red eyes, mistaking them for two normal teens experiencing the euphoria of puppy love.
“Did you see his face!” she gasped. Alec could only smile at her, hand reaching to tuck a lock of stray hair behind her ear so he could have an unobstructed view of her face. Her smile faded slightly, expression growing more sheepish instead.
“I was too busy looking at yours. I think I would like to spend every day I have looking at your face over his. I love you Y/N, at least, I think this is what love feels like.” His brows furrowed, the confession falling from his tongue without his permission. He wondered if perhaps it was too soon, too big a word to label the affection they held for one another, but seeing the way her face lit up told him otherwise.
“Pinky swear it, Alec. If you don’t pinky swear it’s not real.” She said, holding out her hand. Alec rolled his eyes but looped his pinky through hers, cementing his promise with all the binding legality the pinky swear had to offer.
“I swear it Y/N. I’m forever yours.”  
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five-rivers · 4 years ago
Long Night in the Valley chapter 8
A young man walked in.  His hair was dark, the style conservative.  The only thing that stood out about him was his high-collared jacket.
Aizawa knows who this man is, for much the same reasons that Uraraka knew Skyrunner.  
Fidelity had literally written the book on underground heroism. It hadn’t been published until his death.  
The lights flickered.  The murmuring of the shadows rose, then cut off abruptly, the shadows disappearing along with Nana.  The projector screen changed.  It now read:
Greetings 9’s Friends!  (And teacher.)
“This was my last mission briefing before I died,” said the young man.  “At least, that’s what I’d say if I was really Fidelity.”
“You’re saying you aren’t,” said Aizawa, keeping his voice level.  
The screen behind him changed to read Vestiges: what you need to know.
“I am based on Fidelity.  I’m also based on Railgun.”
“The hero who took down Destro?” asked Uraraka, clenching her fists and briefly floating in excitement.  
Why was she not getting a better grade in history?  
“Not exactly.  He wasn’t actually captured until years later.”
“But you broke his charge, his army!  And all by yourself!”
“Railgun did, yes.  I’ve put together a little presentation for you guys.  Hope you don’t mind.  We all figured you wouldn’t want to go any further without an explanation of sorts.”  He said this all with an enviably flat voice, despite his friendly words.  His body language was controlled and to the point.
Darn Midoriya for managing to build a fantasy that was so close to what Aizawa had always imagined the man to be like.  
(He was not a fan of Fidelity.  Underground heroes did not have fans.  It defeated the point.)
(He pointedly ignored his memories of the bootleg Eraserhead merchandise Midoriya and Yamada had snuck to Eri.)
“You’d be right,” said Aizawa.
“Cool,” said Six.  “Before we begin, I want you to understand that much of what I’m going to tell you will be a lie.”
“What?” said Iida, confused.  “Then what’s the point?”
“The point is, there will be enough truth in it to get you through this safely, and enough falsehood to prevent the commission from taking advantage of Nine later, should they be watching what’s happening here with a quirk we can’t detect.”
“Izuku,” clarified Six.  
“Who you called Nine because…?”
“If we count in order of when we were supposedly born, he’s the ninth.  Although, really, he’s the first.  I’ll explain in a moment.”  He pointed to the screen.  “We call ourselves vestiges, and, like I said, we are all based on real people.  We’re part of Nine’s quirk.”  The screen switched to show Midoriya with eight shadowy figures behind him.  “I want to stress that Nine wasn’t aware of us until the sports festival. Specifically…”
The screen now showed Midoriya’s fight with Hitoshi, right before he broke his fingers.  Aizawa recognized the image as a still from one of the cameras.  Except those eight shadows were there as well, right in front of Midoriya.  
“You had something to do with him breaking his fingers and getting out of Shinsou’s quirk.”
“We don’t mix well with mental quirks, apparently. Nine minds all together at once are too many, even if eight of them are fictional.  It’s an interesting side effect.  Speaking of which.”
The new slide was a picture.  An edited picture.  Of a person giving a presentation.  
“Is that a meme?” asked Todoroki.
“Yes,” said Six.  
The slide read, You were never in All Might’s mind.  Nine was just confused.
That meme was so old Aizawa could feel himself taking psychic damage just by looking at it.  
“You’ve been passing through our, the vestiges’, mindscapes. Eight is simply based on All Might.”
That would be a relief, if not for the fact that that Six had admitted he was going to lie.  Also, there was something off about the whole explanation.  
Iida raised his hand.  “Excuse me!  You claim that you are part of Midoriya’s quirk, but you haven’t explained how!”
“I’m getting to that,” said Six.  “Todoroki-san, you’re the one who is always saying how similar Nine and All Might’s quirks are.  Do you have any theories?”
Todoroki’s eyes lit up, even though he kept his habitual deadpan expression.  “Midoriya is All Might’s secret—”
“We wish, but sadly no.  Pick a different one.”
Todoroki looked devastated.  He collected himself quickly, however.  “Midoriya’s strength,” he said, “he got it from All Might, didn’t he?”
“Yes.  Eight is a bit of a complicated case, since he’s based on someone who is alive and Nine knows personally, but in the end, he’s the same as the rest of us.”
“He said something about receiving Skyrunner’s quirk, earlier,” said Uraraka.  
“And Blackwhip…” said Iida.  
“You’re getting it,” said Six.  “Blackwhip originally belonged to Five, incidentally.”
“He has a copy quirk,” concluded Aizawa.  
Six nodded.  The screen changed.  “Right now, Nine has four quirks, three of which he can use freely.  Superpower, Blackwhip, and Float,” he read the quirk names off the screen.  
“And he’s going to get more?” asked Aizawa.
“Eventually,” said Six.  “We don’t want to overload his body—This whole process only kicked off when he met All Might.”
“And why you?” asked Aizawa.  “Why All Might, Skyrunner and these… Five others?”
“I would like to tell you,” said Six.  He raised a finger and waved it in a circle to indicate outside listeners.  
“What are the drawbacks?” asked Aizawa.  
“The drawbacks.  I get dry eyes when I use my quirk.  Present Mic is deaf.  Vlad is anemic.  A quirk like this one has to have a drawback.”
“What, the broken bones aren’t enough for you?  Or the fact he didn’t hit on the activation conditions until he was fourteen?”
Aizawa stared, unimpressed.  
A tiny corner of Six’s mouth made itself visible over the collar of his coat.  “Well. I think you can make some conclusions but, again…”  He trailed off.  “There are a few more things you should be aware of.  First, Nine had no choice in who we are, although we all fulfil certain criteria.”
“Are you all relatives?” asked Todoroki.  
“Man, you never do give up, do you?” said Six.  “That’s a great quality in a hero.”
“Are you all heroes, then?” continued Todoroki.  
The slide on the screen changed again.  
Vestiges According to History:
8. Yagi Toshinori aka All Might – Hero
7. Shimura Nana aka Skyrunner – Hero
6. Tenma Rokuya aka Fidelity/Railgun – Hero
5. Banjo Daigoro aka Lariat – Hero
4. Vigilante
3. Terrorist
2. Terrorist
1. Unknown
 “Unfortunately,” said Six, “no.”
Toshinori caught sight of the feathers first.  He had more experience as a hero, and, as he was no longer the primary user of One for All, the mental strain he was experiencing was much lower, comparatively.  His awareness of his surroundings was better.
Stay calm.  Don’t speak. Don’t run.  
Hawks could receive sensory input from his feathers, though neither Toshinori nor Izuku knew how much.  Better to be safe than sorry.  
We need to get out of the city.
Out of the country, too, for that matter, as much as it would hurt Izuku—
They couldn’t leave all their friends behind to face Shigaraki.  
A compromise could be reached.   They knew a few places—An island, near—
But first, the city.  The first priority was to evade pursuit.  
A bus pulled into the stop ahead of them, and they got on. If they could get outside city limits, where there were fewer people, fewer witnesses, Izuku could float them away. Also, Hawks was less likely to trap his feathers on a bus.  
We might be dealing with the Hawks problem earlier than thought.  
Izuku slouched back on the bus seat, covering his eyes. Toshinori looked up at the ceiling. The Hawks problem.  AKA, the others’ theory that Hawks had been raised as a child soldier, and Toshinori had missed the signs.  
Izuku put his hand on Toshinori’s knee.  
“I can’t believe it,” said one of the other passengers, a few rows ahead of them.  “I really just can’t believe it.  It’s like something from a horror story.”
“What?” asked someone else.  
“Someone kidnapped All Might?”
The bus filled with chatter.  
Toshinori still couldn’t believe people thought Izuku kidnapped him.  The reality was closer to the opposite, honestly.  He’d have to apologize to Izuku’s mother…
There was a tiny incensed gasp from Izuku, and Toshinori saw Izuku glaring up at him.  Izuku made a series of gestures that could probably have been interpreted as ‘You can’t kidnap anyone, you’re All Might!’ even without the psychic link they were currently enjoying, then went into an enthusiastic tangent about how the commission was probably playing up the ‘crazy stalker fan’ angle.
Toshinori sighed, ruffled Izuku’s hair, and studiously avoided any and all thoughts about what he’d done to Aldera Middle School after Izuku had shown up to training with a black eye and bloody nose that one time.
“What?” squeaked Izuku, his eyes gone very wide.  
Out of the corner of his eye, Toshinori saw three passengers near the front of the bus stand up and felt his heart drop.  One of them had an obvious eagle mutation, the second had a bulging, almost spherical, neck, and the third had broad, flat-ended fingers.
Decades of hero experience told Toshinori exactly what was going to happen next.  Even before the guns came out.  
“Well,” said the eagle-headed man, “with all the heroes looking for the ‘Symbol of Peace,’ I guess this is our lucky day!”
“Nobody move!” demanded the man with the round neck. “This is a hijacking!”
Izuku let out an incredulous grunt next to him, but Toshinori could literally feel his mind whirring at a thousand miles a minute, analyzing the quirks of the hijackers and possible motives.  
Really.  There was no way they weren’t going to help.  
“By the way, not all of Nine is awake, so, out in the real world his body is operating according to consensus.”
“Consensus of…” said Aizawa, not wanting to finish the thought as he stared at the two entries labeled ‘terrorist.’
“All nine of us together, yes.”
“That’s a pretty big drawback,” said Aizawa, his voice rasping against his throat.
“Eh.  It has its benefits.  Besides, Three and Two lived over a hundred years ago.  We didn’t even have the hero system back then.  Things change.”
“Excuse me!” said Iida, raising his hand.  “Why don’t the last four—the first four? —have names?”
“They asked me not to share them with you quite yet,” said Six.  “Don’t call Three a terrorist though.  That’s a bit of a sore spot with her.”  He looked off to the side.  
“And the quirks?” said Aizawa, hanging on to the very last bit of his will to live by the tips of his fingers.  “The ones I’m presumably going to have to teach Midoriya how to use?”
 Our Splendiferous Quirks
 8. Yagi Toshinori aka All Might – Hero.  Quirk: Superpower.
7. Shimura Nana aka Skyrunner – Hero.  Quirk: Float.
6. Tenma Rokuya aka Fidelity/Railgun – Hero. Quirk: Internet Perception.
5. Banjo Daigoro aka Lariat – Hero.  Quirk: Blackwhip.
4. Vigilante.  Quirk: Danger Sense.
3. Terrorist
2. Terrorist
1. Unknown
 Aizawa was not surprised to see the last four entries, once again, had little information attached.  
“You know,” said Uraraka, “if you ignore the terrorists, this actually makes sense.”
“If you ignore the terrorists?” asked Iida, incredulous.
“I mean, think about who we’ve seen so far.”
“It is like Midoriya to have a split personality based on All Might,” agreed Todoroki.  Because split personalities were going to be his go-to theory, now that figments of Midoriya’s quirk’s imagination had shot down his ‘Dadmight’ conspiracy.  
“If you want to think of us as split personalities, sure,” said Six.  “We really don’t interact that much with the outside, though.”
“And Skyrunner is basically supermom,” said Uraraka. “Like, if she was All Might’s mentor, it makes sense that that’s what he’d envision her as.”
“Ah,” said Iida, “so she reminds you of Midoriya-san as well?”
Aizawa noticed Six shift uncomfortably and look away but decided he honestly did not want to know.  
“Oh, and you,” said Uraraka, spreading her hands to indicate Six, “are kind of like Aizawa-sensei!
“Except with more memes,” said Todoroki.  
“Yeah, except with more memes,” agreed Uraraka.  
Six faked a cough into his fist.  “Anyway, I think that’s everything…  No, wait.  Hawks.”
“Hawks,” repeated Aizawa.  
“Yeah.  We’re pretty sure he was raised and conditioned to be a slave for the commission from a very young age.”  Another pause.  Six turned to face Todoroki.  “Also, Dabi is probably your dead older brother, Todoroki Touya.”
“Oh,” said Todoroki.  
“What,” said Aizawa.  
“We’d just like someone in a position to do things with this information to have it.  Even if we were sure Nine would retain all this, he, ah.  The commission is doing a very good job of trashing his reputation.”
“Is this revenge?” whispered Todoroki.  “Did I push Midoriya too far?”
“Kid, you could beat Nine up on a weekly basis for ten years, and he’d still barely think of revenge.  Come on, I need to take you guys to Five.”
Barely, he said.  Meaning, he did think about revenge.  They had to get out of here fast; Bakugo’s life was in danger.  
There were lives in danger.  A simple robbery wouldn’t require this kind of setup.  These three needed hostages for some reason.  
Or…  Izuku traced the direction the three villains kept looking to the college student in the corner.  The young woman’s clothing was high quality, and she looked vaguely familiar.  
He couldn’t help but be exasperated.  Shigaraki Tomura was running around out there somewhere, and these guys were doing… whatever this was.  Causing problems.  He and Toshinori would have to try and evade Hawks after this.  
But exasperation wasn’t going to keep these people safe.  
Eagle-head looked like the leader at first glance, but on closer inspection, he was taking cues from the man with the squared-off fingers. The man with the round neck seemed to have a body expansion quirk of some type, possibly similar to Kendo’s, considering how his joints pulsed and how his clothing was designed with extra folds.
… He’d shown Toshinori a catalogue with similar clothing, once. But Toshinori had said that the ill-fitting look added to his disguise.  
In the tight confines of the bus, that would be dangerous. The best thing to do to him would be to throw him out when the bus came to a stop.
The quirk of the man with the square finger was a problem. It was probably an emitter type, rather than a transformation type.  Something to do with his hands, perhaps?
Honestly, the best thing to do for all of them, at least with regards to the people on the bus, would be to toss them off and then get the driver to gun it.  But then, what about people on the street?  These guys didn’t have any scruple against taking hostages, obviously.
“Hey, you, hand over the briefcase,” said the man with the round neck.  
Izuku glanced at Toshinori, who nodded.  Coils of Blackwhip ran up and down his arms under the sleeves of his suit, much more controlled and complex than Izuku had managed to date.  
Thanks for the help, Five.  
He slammed the briefcase into the eagle-headed man’s beak. Toshinori hadn’t skimped on anything when stocking the hideout, and the metal made immensely satisfying contact with bone.  Blackwhip shot out from near his elbow—like Sero—and wrapped around the hands of the gunmen, forcing their aim down.
The man with square fingers reacted first, raising his hand. Each fingertip emitted a flat, square pane that traveled in a straight line and got progressive larger.  Izuku pulled, slamming the man into the back of his own shield, because really, that was too slow, and how similar was this quirk to Crust’s?  Could the villain change the trajectory of his panels, or no?
Not the time.
The shield cracked as Izuku hit it from the other side, and Toshinori was throwing open the back door.  The man with the expanding quirk—and it was an expanding quirk—seemed to finally realize what was happening, and lashed out, but Izuku was faster than he was.  The spherical throat was evidently a weak point.  
“Can you stop?” Izuku asked the bus driver, who, tense as he was, slammed down on the brakes, making Izuku stumble.  He hauled the villains off the bus, Toshinori hopping off the back with the eagle-headed man a moment later.  
Well, that had happened.  
Izuku caught a flash of very distinctive red out of the corner of his eye.  
Six stopped.  “That isn’t good,” he said, looking slightly up.  There was nothing there that Aizawa could see, except for a collection of pipes.  They were travelling through a series of underground concrete passages in an effort to find ‘Five.’
“What is it?” asked Uraraka.  
Six’s form abruptly flickered and vanished.  Oh, that couldn’t be good.  
Aizawa turned to see Midoriya standing behind them, wearing a truly godawful pinstriped suit.  He held his right wrist in his left hand, an odd bracer wrapped around it.
“Is that the Full Gauntlet?” asked Uraraka.  “Why-?”
Midoriya flashed a quick smile in her direction.  “I’m sorry, sensei, this is really last minute, but I need you to tell me how to use your quirk.”
We absolutely can’t strike first.
They wanted to.  They knew this would turn into a battle.  The first strike was an advantage they couldn’t discount.  
Win the battle and lose the war.  
He could see the cell phones already out, held bystanders not quite broken from the habits gained in All Might’s era.  Even with the Hero Commission already slandering him, this would affect the narrative.  If he ever hoped to be welcomed back to hero society, or even the public’s good graces, in any way shape or form, he could not be seen starting a fight with a hero.  Much less the current number two hero.  
“I don’t suppose you’ll make my job easier and release All Might from your mind-control quirk,” said Hawks, tone conversational despite the fact he was standing at least two stories above them in the air.  
“I don’t have a mind-control quirk,” said Izuku, reaching up to the knot of his tie.  
“And I’m not being mind-controlled,” said Toshinori, loosening his mask.  
Hawks actually paused.  “Oh my gosh,” he said, raising one hand to his mouth like a scandalized housewife, “I didn’t realize that was you!  What happened to your hair?”
“I… cut it off.”
“That’s, uh.”  Hawks quickly regained control of his expression.  “Terrible that this villain made you do that.”
Hawks’ heart wasn’t entirely in this apparently.  
Just as apparently, that had no bearing on what Hawks was actually going to do.  
“You’ve seen me use my quirk,” said Aizawa.  
“I know, and that’ll be helpful, too, but how do you use it?  What’s the feeling you get when you use it?  How do you activate it?  What’s the internal mechanism?  This is important.”
“Why?” asked Iida.  “What’s going on Midoriya?”
“It’s—” Midoriya’s form flickered.  He took a deep breath.  He was now wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants.  “I’m in a fight right now, and it would be useful,” he reported, calmly.
“Please tell me it isn’t with my mind-controlled unconscious body,” begged Aizawa, “or the League of Villains.”  
“It isn’t.”
Thank goodness.
“I’m fighting Hawks.”
No, ask questions later.  The Problem Child needed help now.  To fight the number two hero.
He didn’t know how knowledge about his quirk could be useful in a fight against Hawks, but the claim was far, far too stupid to be a lie.  
“When I turn on my quirk, I—”
Blackwhip unfurled from his arms like a dark version of Shouji’s quirk, tearing his sleeves to shreds and dislodging the feathers that had been imbedded there.  The ends wrapped around feather after feather, splitting into dozens and dozens of pseudo-arms.  Izuku was amazed.  
Someday, he would be able to do this on his own.  
For now—
For now, he was fighting Hawks, who had trained since childhood to fight on behalf of the commission.  
For now, he was a hero student, with only a few months of practical experience.  
For now, he was a fugitive, on the run and desperate.  
For now, he was host and member of One for All, and collectively they had been heroes for over a hundred years.  
And Toshinori had his back.  
They wrapped the silk tie around his knuckles.  Any protection for the bones in his hands was valuable.  In the other, they adjusted the briefcase.  They had only rarely used weapons in the last hundred or so years. Usually, their quirks made weapons overkill.  
But before that—Before that, things were different.  For a while, One and Two had used swords, of all things.  
This battle was much more even than it looked.  
Their victory condition: Escape with Toshinori.  
Their failure conditions: Civilian injury, serious injury to Izuku or Toshinori, or capture of either Izuku or Toshinori.  
To avoid the first point of failure, it was best for them to get away from the vulnerable civilians.  They didn’t want to give away float so soon in the game, so…  
They grabbed the edge of a building with Blackwhip and launched Izuku upwards, flinging feathers away from him.  Toshinori would follow and provide the group with a second perspective.  
Hawks did not expect to be joined in the air.  An incredulous smile graced his lips.  Izuku smiled back and catapulted himself directly into Hawks.
“You know,” he said, “I think that’s the first time I’ve seen you smile for real!”
“What?” asked Hawks, startled.  He wasn’t one to have meaningful conversations with people he was supposed to bring in, but a statement like that had to be responded to.  
Even if most of his attention was on the quirk that Midoriya controlled with much more proficiency than indicated by his school records.  The kid was good, had good instincts when it came to battle, but he wasn’t quite fast enough to get past Hawks’s guard, or to really close the distance between them.
“Your smile!” said Midoriya.  “When I was younger, I didn’t realize it, but once I knew the truth behind All Might’s smile, I understood!”  
“Did you, now?” asked Hawks.  
“Underneath,” said Midoriya, “your face is a lot like Todoroki’s!  It’s—”
Conversation during a battle was usually a distraction, to the person employing it as a tactic as well as the target.  Somehow, though, Midoriya was subverting that rule.
“It’s actually really sad!” exclaimed Midoriya, breathless, but apparently genuine, not mocking.  “Who hurt you?”
“Heh,” said Hawks.  This kid knew.  How? “Shouldn’t I be the one asking questions here?”
“Gotta hand it to the commission, they really did a number on you,” said Midoriya, briefly touching down on a rooftop.  “Why do you keep doing their dirty work for them?”
He was using that second quirk, but not his strength.  Was it a matter of ‘won’t’ or ‘can’t?’  Either way, it was something to keep an eye on.  
“Why don’t you—” Hawks briefly managed to pin Midoriya by the edge of his jacket, but the boy tore free easily.  “—fly free?”
“You’re one to talk,” said Hawks.  “What did you trade to All for One for those quirks?”  He didn’t actually believe Midoriya was in league with All for One.  Even tangentially, through proxies, they’d been at odds too many times, not to mention the videos he’d been shown by the commission of Midoriya and All Might interacting.  The connection there couldn’t be faked.
He’d know.  He’d tried so many times.
(Was trying now, with the League of Villains.)
(Midoriya wasn’t one of them.)
But he had a job to do.  
Besides.  Even he had to admit the commission had a point.  The quirks had to come from somewhere.  
(Just because Midoriya didn’t willingly associate with All for One didn’t mean he hadn’t been forced.  Didn’t mean he hadn’t gotten out.)
(All Might was protecting him.  How did they know each other?)
“Wouldn’t you take any hand offered to you if the person behind it offered to make you what you always wanted to be?”
Midoriya tilted his head to one side.  “Nope!” he responded, cheerfully.
On the street below, Toshinori coughed, blood splattering his sleeve.  What had Izuku been doing when he was younger, to get involved with so many dangerous and disturbing people?
It wasn’t my fault!
Kid really is a trouble magnet.  
Oh, heck, I think I recognized that one—
Really, with that sharp mind, and Izuku’s propensity for both curiosity, helpfulness, and, well, finding trouble, it was a miracle he’d stayed alive for so long.  
Wouldn’t call it a miracle, sonny—
HAHA I can’t believe he thought that was a dream.  
In his defense, a dream makes more sense than—
Guys.  Focus, please?
Yes.  This was not the time to discuss… that.  Now… Well.  Toshinori had a role he could play in this battle, even as he was, and—
Hawks and Izuku’s path over the rooftops mapped itself out in his mind.  
Oh, no.  
Izuku wasn’t evading Hawks.  
He was being herded by him.  
They tucked and rolled across the pavement, Blackwhip cocooning them and breaking their fall.   This was significantly more than what Five, what Daigoro, could use back when he was alive.  It took everyone’s efforts to keep everything going.  
Wait for it, they reminded themselves, bouncing back to Izuku’s feet.  
Izuku looked up.  This… was not a good position.  Hawks had forced them into the entertainment district.  They couldn’t trust that the fancy facades and art instalations of the buildings would hold up to Blackwhip.  Not to mention, in places like this…  He glanced around.  
Fourth Kind.  
Death Arms.  
There would be more, soon.  This was… less than good.  Maybe they should just grab Toshinori’s body and launch themselves with Blackwhip and Float, as far as they could.  They’d lose a lot of their advantage on Hawks, but at least then they wouldn’t be fighting five different heroes.  
Izuku gritted his teeth in something like a smile.  Five different heroes.  Well.  Nine on five wasn’t bad odds.  
Suzuku pulled himself along the ground, trembling.  He had been falling for—for ages by the time that witch woman had disappeared.  Why she had disappeared, he couldn’t guess, but…
So much falling.  
And hitting the ground again, and again, and again.  
You invaded our minds, said the woman, don’t complain when we counter with something psychological as well.  
Something like a laugh bubbled up from his throat.  
You can leave whenever you want, can’t you?
He’d show her.  He’d show her and find all her secrets.  Just see if he didn’t.  
Fourth Kind, Kesagiriman, Slugger, and Death Arms all had very physical, straightforward quirks.  Out of all of them, though, Death Arms was probably the most problematic, followed by Slugger and his long-range attacks.  
None of them held a candle to Hawks, of course.  Which was the reason why Death Arms in particular was so problematic.  
In order to deal with Hawks’s feathers, they needed Blackwhip. But using Blackwhip and One for All’s signature superstrength at the same time wasn’t something Izuku’s body was used to.  They were limiting it to small bursts.  Death Arms’ own physical enhancement quirk, while miniscule compared to One for All’s current stature, was nothing to sneer at.  
If Death Arms—or any of the other heroes—landed a solid blow, that could be it for Izuku.  
They refused to be locked away again.  
That’s when it happened.  
A scene played across Izuku’s inner eye:
A frosty morning.  A little boy with dark hair.  A farewell. Tears.  
He flubbed the landing and a sharp pain lanced through his ankle. Blackwhip wrapped it, giving it much needed support.  
He started to rise, only to drop to avoid one of Slugger’s patented Home Run Pitches (tm).  
The ball spun, ricocheting off the stainless steel of an art installation before drilling right through a wooden beam on a bit of scaffolding holding up part of a building that was being refurbished.  Izuku let out a breath of relief (there were still people around who hadn’t learned how to run away from a dangerous fight) before they returned to the dance with Hawks’s impressively huge number of feathers.  
Blackwhip could keep up with them, barely, but Izuku was tiring. He couldn’t take much more of this.
He needed an opening to get to Toshi—
Another scene:
She couldn’t be pregnant.  Not now. Not right after giving away another. The next time Sorahiko suggested drowning her troubles in sake, she was going to shove it straight up his blowholes, no matter that he was probably just as drunk as she was.  
This slip almost resulted in Izuku getting his face punched in by Death Arms.  Considering what he’d just learned, he’d almost welcome that fate, if it made him forget.  Plus, it might have been funny for the ultimate battle of ultimate destiny, the show down between One for All and All for One, to take place between not one, but two potato-headed individuals—
There was a sharp crack from above as the damage Death Arms had done to the scaffolding made itself known.  
Izuku didn’t have to think before moving.  
“Alright,” said Midoriya.  “I think I’ve got it.  Thank you, sensei.”  He looked young, now.  Barely primary school age.  
“I’d feel a lot better,” said Aizawa, “if I knew what you needed this information for.”
“Oh!  That’s simple.  You see, it’s my theory that the overlap in mechanisms between my quirk and Saito-san’s might allow for interesting emergent behaviors.  Specifically, her quirk bridges a gap I’d normally have no way of crossing, although there’s certainly drawbacks.  It’s like what we tried earlier, when I asked you to use your quirk.  Although, I am hoping for different results than what I was looking for back then.  I think, with what you’ve given me, and this processing time…  Yes, this should work.”  He clenched a fist.  “These remnants—I can use them!”
Remnants.  Vestiges.
Aizawa frowned.  Something… something wasn’t right, here.  The explanation Six had given them…
“Just keep going this way, for now.  Six will try to get back to you as soon as possible.  I have to go now!  I love you guys!”
He then faded out.  While waving.  
“Wow,” said Uraraka.  “Izuku-kun sure was a cute kid.”
Aizawa couldn’t argue with that.  
“Aizawa-sensei,” said Todoroki.  “You’re blushing.”
He wouldn’t lower himself to argue with that.  “This conversation is illogical.  Let’s go.”
“Sensei is weak to little kids,” observed Todoroki.  
And if they ever discovered they could remove the ‘little’ in that sentence and have it still be accurate, he’d never live it down.  
Hawks saw the eyes first, shining through the dust like two perfect green coins.  Then every one of his feathers went dead, and he started to fall.  
Sensation returned just in time for him to avoid hitting the ground at speed and, just as quickly, vanished again.  
A breeze blew cleared the dust away.  
Midoriya Izuku stood under the collapsed scaffolding, holding it up with black tendrils and sparking green arms.  If this scene had been all that there was, an observer might be forgiven for wondering why he was holding up the scaffolding like that.
But Hawks knew.  If Midoriya hadn’t caught the scaffolding, even he wouldn’t have been able to get those civilians out from underneath it in time.  He glanced to the side, where the almost victims were standing up. Normally, he’d just trust his feathers, but…
“Is that Eraserhead’s quirk?”
“Don’t worry, I asked Eraserhead-sensei for permission, first.”
“What kind of monster—” started Death Arms.  
“Don’t you dare, Mister ‘my quirk isn’t suitable.’” Midoriya shifted the scaffolding to one side and shrugged himself out from underneath it.  “As heroes, aren’t you supposed to consider the civilians around you?”  He laughed. “I guess we’re still a little bitter about that.”
Izuku was putting on a good show, but he was reaching the end of his endurance.  Plus, he could already hear the sirens of police cars and the exclamations that followed large groups of heroes on the move.  
Good thing, then, that Toshinori was about to round the corner in three… two… one… There!
To an outsider, Blackwhip wrapping around Toshinori probably looked violent.  In reality, everyone operating the quirk was intimately aware of everything wrong with Toshinori’s body and did not want to add to his problems.  They could have probably grabbed an egg like this.  
Grabbing the newly-exposed concrete and rebar of the building behind Izuku, they launched themselves up.  At the top of their arc, they activated Float.  Blackwhip reeled Toshinori in, and they held onto each other as Izuku prepared to use air pressure to launch themselves forward.  
He hadn’t blinked yet.  
His eyes really hurt.  
(And so did everything else.)
He aimed and kicked against the air, sending them soaring away.
They had escaped.  
Tomura ducked behind the wall at the top of the building, glad that his party had put so many points into stealth, because he was not touching what had just happened with a ten-foot pole.  He’d rather be shot again.  He’d rather fight Machia for a week straight with no rest breaks.  He’d rather listen to Sensei try to give him the birds and the bees talk.  
What was that?  Huh? What kind of a broken character build allowed for that kind of combat ability?  The mods had to be asleep.  If he were in charge, he’d nerf it, pronto.  
That was a lie.  He’d take it for himself.  
“Uh, Shigaraki?  Boss man?  You okay there?” asked Spinner.  
“No,” decided Shigaraki.  
Suddenly, making all of them jump, Toga squealed.  “Did you see him?  Did you see Izuku-kun?  He was so cute with his nose bleeding like that!”
“Hey,” said Dabi, “are we going after the green kid or what?”
“No,” decided Shigaraki, for the second time in as many minutes.  And then, “Gimme the phone.  We need to call the doctor to get us out of here.”
They did, but that was pretty much secondary to his primary objective, which was to cuss out the doctor concerning the cursed knowledge that was currently trying to escape his skull with a pickaxe.  
“Um,” said Inko.  “Aren’t you going to get that?”  She pointed at the phone that had been buzzing on the table for the past several minutes.
“No,” said Garaki, pretending to sip at his tea.  “You were saying?”
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unforth · 5 years ago
Rules of the Gusu Lan Clan
Since I wrote my fic about junior Wei Wuxian trying to follow every rule, I’ve been wanting to compile a list of all known rules across multiple sources, and apparently today is the day for that.
General notes:
According to the MDZS novel, there are 3,000 rules at the time of the lectures, and 4,000 rules 13 years later after Wei Wuxian is resurrected. According to CQL, there are 3,500 rules at the time of the lectures.
These rules are presumably numbered, as when Lan Wangji is being beaten, Lan Qiren asks him “what is the 52nd doctrine of the Lan clan?” However, they are given in a different order in different sources so establishing how they are numbered is impossible. Since we can’t know the order they “belong” in, I’ve organized them by grouping them thematically. For the few I know numbers for, those numbers are included in parenthesis.
I don’t know how these rules are referred to in Chinese; in English they are translated as rules, principals, doctrines, or laws. Based on contextual clues, it’s possible that the rules are sorted into different categories (ie, principals vs. doctrines vs. rules)
I did my best to consolidate the rules listed duplicatively over multiple sources, but as I don’t speak Chinese and therefore cannot say which are identical in the original, there is likely some redundancy. This is exacerbated by a lot of rules apparently being given in both “do not” and “be” forms - ie, “do not disrespect elders” and “be filial” and “be respectful to teachers” are all rules. The reason I opted to leave these areas of redundancy is that this compiled list is around 175 rules. There are 3,000 plus of these things. If just ~175 have this much duplication the amount of redundancy in the actual list must be insane, so I think these overlapping rules are intentional and consolidating them would be inappropriate.
Crossposted to AO3
Sources I used to compile this list:
The “Book of Righteousness” notebook, as translated by BigBadRedPanda. They did two translations, posted on Tumblr and on Twitter, which don’t always match on translation choices.
The inscribed wall is shown in the donghua, as translated by my-otp-list, based on a list transcribed by an unknown Weibo user.
The MDZS wiki, which draws on multiple sources.
The Netflix translation of CQL: I watched through the episodes of the lecture and transcribed these myself. I do not have time to rewatch the whole series for those that might have been listed elsewhere. I specifically rewatched: the fight between WWX and LWJ and WWX arrives at Cloud Recesses in episode 3; the “NHS has a bird” scene in episode 3; the “putting a turtle on LQR’s back” scene in episode 4; and the scene where LWJ is punished in episode 43.
For anyone with a lot of patience and a working knowledge of Chinese and English, in CQL episode 3, timestamp 23 minutes on Netflix, there’s a carved stone with the rules on it. Also, in episode 4, timestamp 2 minutes on Netflix, Wei Wuxian is shown sleeping amidst the copies he’s made, there are more rules visible then. Same episode, timestamp 3:30 or so, a disciple opens a pamphlet of the rules and some are shown. (I expect there’s much overlap between these three sources). Information there might be able to expand this list? Or it might be entirely redundant. I don’t know. I’m sorry.
Interpreting the list:
“Source” indicates which source(s) include this rule. (this isn’t exhaustive and there is a fair amount of overlap between CQL and MDZS)
notebook - “The Book of Righteousness” translation by BigBadRedPanda
donghua - the translation of the list in the second episode done by my-otp-list
CQL - the Netflix translation of CQL
MDZS - the Exiled Rebels translations of the novel.
“Also translated as” is a different translation from the same source (ie, two different translations of the Book of Righteousness)
“Alternate” is a similar rule from an alternate source that overlapped so closely that I lumped them together (ie, overlap between Book of Righteousness and donghua)
Rules pertaining to appropriate behavior and comportment:
Lan clan disciples must follow the principles of the Lan (source: CQL)
Do not work after 9 pm (source: notebook)
Do not rise after 5 am (alternate: wake up at 8 am (??)) (source: notebook, donghua)
Do not go out at night (also translated as: venturing out at night is prohibited) (source: donghua)
Those who come at night should not be allowed in until 7 AM (source: CQL)
Do not be late (source: CQL)
Do not enter Cloud Recesses without permission (source: CQL)
No one is permitted to attend the lectures without an invitation (source: CQL)
Do not enter the back hills without permission (source: CQL)
Do not fight without permission (alternate: fighting without permission is prohibited) (source: notebook, donghua)
Do not create damages (source: donghua)
Do not take life within Cloud Recesses (alternate: do not kill within the premises)�� (source: notebook, donghua)
Do not stand incorrectly (also translated as: do not stoop while standing) (alternate: have a proper posture) (source: notebook, donghua)
Do not sit improperly (also translated as: do not slouch while sitting) (alternate: do not sit with a disgraceful pose, sitting improperly is prohibited) (source: notebook, donghua, CQL)
Do not make noise (alternate: do not make an uproar, causing noise is prohibited) (source: notebook, donghua, CQL)
Do not hurry rashly (also translated as: do not rush while walking, do not walk too fast) (alternate: do not act impulsively; running is prohibited) (source: notebook, donghua, CQL)
Do not move arbitrarily (source: CQL)
Do not smile for no reason (also translated as: do not smile foolishly, do not laugh for no reason) (source: notebook, donghua)
Sneering for no reason is prohibited (source: donghua)
Do not drink alcohol (alternate: alcohol is prohibited) (source: notebook, donghua, MDZS, CQL)
Do not consume meat (source: MDZS)
Killing livestock within the area is prohibited (source: MDZS)
Do not be difficult with food (alternate: do not be picky about food) (source: notebook, donghua)
Do not eat more than three bowls (alternate: eating more than three bowls is prohibited) (source: notebook, donghua)
Do not talk during meal times (source: MDZS)
Pets are not permitted (source: MDZS)
Change clothes after a shower (source: CQL)
Wear a headband to discipline yourself (source: CQL)
Do not touch others’ headbands without permission (source: CQL)
A headband is not to be used for any other purpose (source: CQL)
Only a spouse or child may touch the headband (source: MDZS)
Do not bribe a law enforcer (source: CQL)
Do not use a concealed weapon (source: CQL)
Do not hide an edged tool (source: CQL)
Do not wear any jangling objects like beads (source: CQL)
Do not wear more than three accessories around your waist (source: CQL)
Do not alter clothes secretly (source: CQL)
Never hurt insects or plants (source: CQL)
Do not borrow money (source: CQL)
Rules related to personal virtues (virtues in the English sense, not the classical Chinese sense):
Love and respect yourself (source: donghua)
Behave yourself (source: CQL)
Be respectful (alternate: be courteous) (source: donghua, CQL)
Be modest  (source: CQL)
Arrogance is prohibited (source: donghua)
Hide your wisdom (source: CQL)
Do not show off your skills (source: CQL)
Be humble (source: donghua, CQL)
Do not be supercilious (source: CQL)
Be amicable and united (alternate: be cordial) (source: donghua, CQL)
Be strict with yourself (source: donghua)
Have a strong will and anything can be achieved (source: donghua)
Diligence is the root (source: donghua)
Morality is the priority (source: donghua)
Harmony is the value (source: donghua)
Be ethical (source: donghua)
Uphold the value of justice (source: donghua)
Be just (source: donghua)
Shoulder the weight of morality (source: donghua)
Perform acts of chivalry (source: donghua)
Have courage and knowledge (source: donghua)
Have courtesy and integrity (source: donghua)
Do not be ill-mannered (source: CQL)
Have affection and gratefulness (source: donghua)
Be compassionate (source: CQL)
Be generous (source: donghua)
Frugality is a moral (source: CQL)
Give more, take less (source: CQL)
Do not expect rewards after giving (source: CQL)
Do not be miserly (source: notebook)
Do not regret after offering (source: CQL)
Accumulate virtue and merits (6th rule) (source: CQL)
Make sure to act virtuously (source: donghua)
Be grateful (source: donghua)
Be grateful when praised (source: CQL)
Stop bad habits (source: donghua)
Destroy the five poisons (the five poisons are desire, anger, ignorance, pride, and jealousy; references: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Poisons; http://www.chinabuddhismencyclopedia.com/en/index.php/Five_poisons) 
Do not indulge in pleasure (source: CQL)
Do not be promiscuous (alternate: do not commit acts of promiscuity; promiscuity is prohibited) (source: notebook, donghua)
Do not indulge in debauchery (source: notebook)
Do not wallow in luxury and pleasure (alternate: do not live extravagantly, do not be luxurious) (source: notebook, donghua, CQL)
Be peaceful when insulted (source: CQL)
Do not succumb to rage (also translated as: do not get angry) (alternate: do not be over-the-top; do not be aggressive) (source: notebook, donghua, CQL)
Speak meagerly, for too many words only bring harm (source: donghua)
Do not be haughty and complacent (source: notebook)
Do not be of two minds (alternate: be of one mind) (source: notebook, donghua)
Do not exult in excess (also translated as: do not be overly happy) (source: notebook, donghua)
Do not grieve in excess (also translated as: do not be overly sad) (source: notebook, donghua)
Do not covet the property of others (source: CQL)
Do not steal (source: notebook)
Do not be greedy (source: notebook)
Be careful with your words (source: donghua)
Do not use coarse language (source: CQL)
Do not tell lies (source: notebook)
Do not take your own words lightly (source: donghua)
Do not sow discord (source: CQL)
Do not use flowery writing (also translated as: do not write about love and sex; do not use frivolous language) (alternate: do not spread empty line (sic) ) (source: notebook, donghua)
Do not say one thing and mean another (alternate: do not break promises; do not go back on your word) (source: notebook, donghua, CQL)
Do not boast about your own strengths (source: CQL)
Believe sincerely (source: donghua)
Do not be suspicious (source: CQL)
Do not be wasteful (source: donghua)
Do not break faith and abandon right (source: notebook, donghua)
Do not be unreasonable (source: CQL)
Rules for training, studying and learning:
Learning comes first (source: donghua)
Train your body and your mind (source: donghua)
Maintain your own discipline (source: donghua)
Organize work properly (source: donghua)
Do not neglect your studies (source: CQL)
Do not give up on learning (source: donghua)
Do not lose your life goal (source: CQL)
Nurture aspirations (source: donghua)
Rules for interacting with others:
Love all beings (source: donghua)
Embrace the entirety of the world (source: donghua)
Honor good people (source: donghua)
Appreciate the good people (source: donghua)
Good people will be esteemed, blessed by natured, and accompanied by good fortune (source: CQL)
Respect the filial ones (source: donghua)
Be fair, and they will follow you (source: donghua)
Be trustworthy, and they will believe you (source: donghua)
Be mighty, and they will die for you (source: donghua)
Be loyal (source: donghua)
Earn trust (source: donghua)
Win friendships with kindness (source: donghua)
See friends as neighbors (source: donghua)
Steer away from bad men (source: donghua)
Correct others by correcting yourself (source: CQL)
Do not fear the strong (source: notebook)
Do not ignore others and be undisciplined  (source: CQL)
Help the lonely (source: CQL)
Take pity on the desolate (source: CQL)
Do not despise poverty (source: CQL)
Do not bully the weak (alternate: do not bully others; bullying is prohibited) (source: notebook, CQL)
Do not mix public and private interests (source: notebook)
Help the underprivileged (source: donghua)
Care for the weak (source: CQL)
Lend a hand to those in need (source: CQL)
Rescue those in danger (source: CQL)
Do not take advantage of your position or connections to oppress others (source: notebook)
Do not build wealth by using others, for this wealth won’t last (source: donghua)
Do not curry favour (also translated as: do not flatter) (source: notebook)
Do not go tuft-hunting (source: CQL)
Do not be a social climber (source: CQL)
Do not form a clique and exclude others (alternate: do not form cliques) (source: notebook, donghua)
Do not insult people (alternate: do not slander others) (source: notebook, CQL)
Do not use bad words to hurt others (source: donghua)
Do not tease others (source: CQL)
Do not praise yourself and slander others (source: notebook)
Do not jump to an unfounded conclusion (also translated as: do not make assumptions about others) (alternate: do not judge others quickly) (source: notebook, CQL)
Do not judge people behind their back (alternate: do not speak ill of others; talking behind other people’s back is prohibited) (source: notebook, donghua)
Speak not about other people’s weaknesses (source: CQL)
Be easy on others (source: donghua)
Be sad for other people’s sufferings (source: CQL)
Rejoice in other people’s blessings (source: CQL)
Regard other people’s gains and losses as your own (source: CQL)
Do not hold grudges (source: donghua)
Have wins and losses (source: donghua)
If others win over you, do not envy (source: donghua)
If others lose to you, do not look down (source: donghua)
Do not take apprentices excessively, nor pass ordinary people (source: CQL)
Interacting with Wei Wuxian is forbidden. (added by Lan Qiren at some point post lectures...yes, really...heck of a lot of good it did anyone...)
Rules for respecting those in authority:
Respect the elderly (source: CQL)
Do not disrespect the elder (source: notebook)
Do not disregard the younger (source: notebook)
Do not forget the grace of the forefathers (source: donghua)
Be loyal, filial, friendly and dutiful (source: donghua, CQL; donghua only lists the first two)
Be a filial child (source: donghua)
Do not argue with your family, for it doesn’t matter who wins (source: donghua)
Honor the teachers and respect the elders (source: CQL)
If your senior is standing, you may not sit until they have done so (source: CQL)
Teachers have extensive knowledge and are examples of moral integrity (source: CQL)
Disturbing female cultivators is prohibited (7th rule) (source: MDZS)
Rules on cultivation, good and evil:
Concentrate on cultivating (source: CQL)
To suppress and eliminate ghosts and monsters, liberate them (source: CQL)
Stay on the righteous path (source: CQL)
Take the straight path (alternate: follow the righteous way) (source: donghua, CQL)
Reject the crooked road (alternate: do not take the crooked ways) (source: donghua, CQL)
Eliminate evil and establish a just law (source: CQL)
Do not associate with evil (source: CQL)
Do not befriend the evil (52nd doctrine) (source: CQL)
Do not fall to evil (source: CQL)
Resist evil (source: CQL)
Promote good (source: CQL)
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studiorat · 4 years ago
Can I ask how your writing process is like? What inspires you? And is there any writers or books you like? I absolutely love your writing so much (❁´◡`❁)
I’m so glad you’re enjoying my odd little stories! Though perhaps little is not the right word, as they always end up longer than I planned… 😅
My writing process is essentially:
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When a story gets it’s claws in my brain, I can barely function with anything else until I can pin down a rough idea of it. Sometimes, the concept doesn’t retain the fire of excitement much longer than that, which is fine - those fragments go into one of several fragment recycling files for a rainy day.
When the story keeps whispering more fragments after pinning down the sketch, I noodle those in text messages to myself or my long-suffering friends, and if I get actual fragments of dialogue? I use the roughest of abbreviated script formats to catch as much as I can, and when the storm of fragments subsides enough to string coherent sentences together, I outline.
These outlines are not formal in any respect, and rarely contain complete sentences, unless Fuck. is a sentence. My entire goal with an outline is to string fragments and impressions into a more or less plausible order and see if there is a beginning, middle, and end in there somewhere, or if assembling the heap tells me what an ending might look like. If I can’t find a moment that feels like a resolution point, the outline goes to the fragment bin.
If I do, however, see a way to get the characters out of the tree after having chased them into it and thrown rocks at them for however many Plot Events, my friends proceed to roll newspapers and fetch water bottles I add it to the WIP list with a working title, and attempt to get back to whatever project is supposed to have priority work on it when I can.
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Inspiration for the beginnings of things, as you might guess, is pretty much never a problem for me, in art or writing or craft. There are always more interesting battles to pick than there are hours in the day. The trouble for me is finding inspiration to fill in the [get there] and [says something clever] placeholders. My best tools for filling the well of possibility are usually manual tasks with low analytical brain requirements: driving and showering are classics, but for me a lot of fiber arts also fit this bill. When I’m able to go walking, that’s also good for me. If I turn to other media for ideas, it’s about 50/50 seeking something that’s a comforting, Familiar narrative and world to trick my brain into resting, or whether I seek something with a mood/setting that’s similar to my current writing problems.
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Favorite authors and books is a wonderful question, and also very hard to answer.
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A short list of favorite authors would have to include several common classics (Edgar Allen Poe, Jane Austen, Shakespeare, Marcus Aurelius, Dostoevsky, Emily Dickinson, Oscar Wilde…) and some modern Greats (Sir Terry Pratchett, Andre Norton, Guy Gavriel Kay, Marguerite Henry, Robert E. Howard, Seanan McGuire, Patrick Rothfuss, N.K. Jemisin, Cherie Priest, Ursula Vernon…) and likewise too many outstanding fic writers to list them all (but if you read on Ao3 and haven’t read Nebulyx, DrSteggy, Unpretty, Westmoor, Ruffboi, Appleheart, BetterBeMeta, Cyada, Khiroptera, Xxenjoy, Inber, ShanaStoryteller, Imaginary_Golux, or Tirsynni, you’re in for a treat.)
Thank you again for dropping by, and for tolerating my very long rambling post! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the stories, and I look forward to finishing more of them for you! 💖
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fortitudinem · 5 years ago
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This post is about the social structure of The Isle of the Lost, especially in relation to Maleficent and focusing mainly on the villains instead of the VKs. 
 Maleficent rules the Isle. This was accepted by everyone and came into being at roughly the time of her rebellion. Maleficent was the one responsible for rallying the villains together to try and fight back against Auradon and even when they lost the rebellion, she kept her spark. She is seen as the most powerful being on the Isle who wants control and even without magic, she commands legions of goblins and other minions. Very little happens on the Isle that she doesn't know about. It is considered that her word on a matter is law and her judgement is final, as in the case of Queen Grimhilde and Evie being banished. Maleficent gets final say in whether someone deserves respect. Respect is generally offered on the basis of crimes and magic. The worse your crime, or the more magical you are (usually both) determined the level of respect you can expect to receive.
 Under Maleficent there is, Mal, first and foremost. Not exactly considered her right hand, but as her daughter Mal is offered protections that other Isle residents are not. She gets away with a lot more and it is generally considered that she 'rules' the Isle from the ground, where Maleficent is hardly ever seen. Mal's presence is a very clear threat of Maleficent hearing about something and it is treated as such.
Maleficent also has goblin minions and some troll-like henchmen that accompany her everywhere, as a show of power. no-one has been stupid enough to try and pickpocket her, or worse, but it wouldn't look good if she did get harmed or stolen from and it might show a weakness that she can't afford, so Maleficent surrounds herself with these henchmen and they are also a more visible presence in the streets. People know to steer clear of them.
Maleficent's close company is considered to be Jafar, Cruella and the Evil Queen (now all the birthday party business is dealt with). These villains are considered to be some of the worst, and therefore the best by Isle standards. The actual level of respect they get from the younger generation, however, is limited only by their own physical abilities. Jafar's store is stolen from, and unless he catches the thieves this crime usually goes unpunished and uninvestigated by anyone but him. Cruella is openly mocked by most, kids will dare each other to play pranks on her. Cruella gains respect by being afraid of no-one, though, she shows no mercy for anyone, regardless of their own status or parentage. She's known for doling out harsh punishments. To some, that just makes it more of a challenge. The Evil Queen was a social pariah for many years and most people have long forgotten any status she might once have held. Their affiliation with Maleficent is tangental, they are closer to allies than friends.
Outside of Maleficent's close personal friends there are also other villains who are deemed worthy of respect. The list contains; Maleficent, Mother Gothel, The Evil Queen, Shan-Yu, Claude Frollo, Lady Tremaine, Jarfar, Chernabog, Governor Ratcliffe, Madame Medusa,  Ursula, Gaston, Scar, Stromboli, the Big Bad Wolf, Prince John, Hades, Cruella De Vil, Captain Hook, Aunt Sarah, Amos Slade, Kaa and Shere Khan (mal's spell book). These are people who have allied themselves with Maleficent, most are business owners, or are powerful in some other way, like commanding a large group (the huns, the pirates). Some have simply chosen to bend the knee in exchange for respect.
Outside of this list, there are a number of villains who have deemed themselves worthy of respect and strongly enforce it, but who do not come up on Maleficent's list. A lot of these villains are ones who believe that they should have a larger share of the pie, so to speak. The Queen of Hearts, Bill Sykes, Madam Mim, The Horned King, Prince Hans of the Southern Isles, Rattigan, Yzma and Doctor Facilier are all excluded from Maleficent's list but all command a certain amount of respect regardless. 
Facilier is the headmaster of Dragon Hall and also owns the arcade, which is the only business of its kind on the Isle as fun is not often considered a priority. This encouragement for people to take time off and even feel happy for short periods of time is something considered strange on the Isle, as such he is placed on the outskirts of society, despite being a powerful magic user and an influential figure in the lives of the Isle children. 
Madam Mim is in charge of the 'witch faction', which isn't looking to take over the Isle, but is instead committed to teaching the would-be magic users how their powers will eventually work when the barrier is gone. They mostly keep to themselves and are deemed worthy of respect mostly due to their volatility. They have sectioned off their own area of the Isle, Maleficent pretends like it was her idea all along. Most people who aren't magic users don't enter the witches' quarter. 
The Queen of Hearts, The Horned King, Bill Sykes, Prince Hans and Yzma all consider themselves to be in charge of their own section of the Isle, under their terms. Hans and Yzma do not have gangs, but have merely claimed their own buildings and operate out of them without much desire to intermingle with the rest of the Isle. The others, however, have loftier expectations. 
The Horned King has a handful of Cauldron Born at his beck and call, he owns a shop at the furthest end of the market, as far from Maleficent's tower as he can get. The Cauldron Born are unliving, they patrol around the Isle, especially at night, and are some of the scariest things to meet in a dark alley. They are hard foes to fight. Luckily, they mostly stay inside the cauldron repair shop. Being on the Isle, the magic that holds them won't sustain, so if they are smashed to pieces, they will perish, this has stopped the Horned King from taking over completely. 
Bill Sykes has made a name for himself as something of a businessman on the Isle. He has built a small empire, though he has little desire to control the Isle as a whole, he prefers to manipulate from behind the scenes. His chop shop is the only place on the Isle to go for scrapped metal goods. He melts down scrap. It can be turned into wiring, metalware and most importantly, coins. (currency post here). Sykes is responsible for all metal coins created on the Isle and as such he is in a perfect position to also operate what is essentially a bank of sorts. He has influence all over the Isle and everyone trades with him, but he has not sworn loyalty to Maleficent and therefore is under his own protection. But that protection is usually very good, so he doesn't have much to worry about. His reputation as ruthless and violent precedes him in most instances. He has close ties with the Hearts. 
The Hearts are exiled from Wonderland and the Queen still thinks of herself as such. She strives for the day she can be returned to her seat of power. But while on the Isle she refuses to accept Maleficent's rule and lives in her own corner of the Isle, the only place where plants really grow. The family have set up a lot of different trades, a hair salon, a tea shop and they sell tonics and tinctures. But on top of that, they also have a close deal with Sykes where they create playing card money, which act like bank notes, backed by his currency. (see currency post above). Respect for the Hearts is demanded and taken by force if necessary. (Edgar Balthazar serves as runner between Sykes and The Hearts and also has been taken on as a butler in the Heart Household.) 
Rattigan has a gang that runs the transportation links for the Isle, they're known as the daredevil crew. the transport on the isle is most goblin rickshaws, but there are also humans who attack similar rickshaws to rebuilt and repurposed bicycles as a faster way to get around. They are considered an essential service, but are loyal to no-one in particular. 
These are, of course, just the villains. Amongst the villains, each has their own sidekick, who is afforded only as much protection as they themselves are able to generate, with the added benefit of having the name of a major villain added to their list. A well liked sidekick is more likely to be well taken care of, but one who shuns their villain or distances themselves without joining up with a new or secondary villain is likely to struggle on the Isle unless they can prove themselves. It for this reason people like Horace and Jasper are still following Cruella’s orders, even though they have publicly denounced her previously.  
Below even the sidekicks are the minor criminals, people who have no magical powers, who are attribute to no meaningful story. Murderers, thieves and ruffians of all varieties who were indiscriminately thrown onto the Isle who have little protection but what they can give themselves. These make up the majority of prisoners on the Isle.
As times move on and the children of the major villains (and minor criminals) begin to grow into their own, this creates a new power dynamic. Some of these children want to grab territory and power for themselves, like Uma. After twenty years a lot of the villains have become jaded and a lot of them are using their children as extensions of themselves, those who fall out of favour with or choose to denounce their parents (Uma, Harry etc) are forced to make their own way, but the new blood and a renewed sense of spirit can lend themselves to becoming a force to be reckoned with. Especially when the older generation are old, unhealthy and slowing down (for those who are human).
The gangs of the villain’s children are more likely to clash with each other, creating in-fighting and turf wars that the parents simply aren’t involved with and don’t care about. Ruling over an island of garbage is looking less and less enticing by the day and if the kids want to argue over trash heaps, the consensus is to simply let them. Ultimately, no-one is besting Maleficent or kicking her off her throne. Until, of course, Mal does.
Following the defeat of Maleficent and the disappearance of her cronies, the potential factions quickly fall to fighting, each trying to grab up as much territory as they can. The six months following Maleficent’s defeat is full of battles for land and resources, by the time Mal returns to the Isle, most people have succumbed to one leader or another.
After Uma leaves there is a grab for her territory that is swiftly beaten back by her crew, lead by Harry Hook. The next year is spent fighting small battles for the edges of constantly shifting territory, until the removal of the barrier, whereupon everyone who was fighting for territory leaves the Isle in order to try and return themselves to their former glory. The Isle is left for the taking. ( i subscribe to the uma as queen of the isle after d3, but that’s entirely up to personal preference. )
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raygoodwinmajournal · 4 years ago
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Epochal Territories Shoot (B-Roll) - 19/12/2020
During the main shooting for Epochal Territories, I shot some what I would call B-Roll photographs along side the main work. Mainly, this was because I found myself with a Hasselblad XPan II which was kindly given to me by one of the kind Tech Dems in the ERC, on one condition: It was broken. The XPan is a unique 35mm rangefinder because it doesn’t just shoot the normal 3:2, 36x24mm sized photograph we’re used to, but it can also shoot a 2:1, 65x24mm panoramic frame. This is great, when the way to access that works. The XPan is paired with the 45mm F4 and in this shoot, I used Ilford HP5+ which I developed in stock ID-11 for 7.5 minutes and scanned with my Canoscan 9000F MKii at 2400DPi. The film was metered and developed at 400 asa, with the lens stopped down to F8-F11 and kept in aperture priority for convenience whilst I made sure the format dial didn’t move... 
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Above is the dial to switch it from normal to panoramic. I knew about this, as the Tech Dem told me that it either didn’t work or was extremely fickle. As you can see, it is missing a great deal of it’s casing and only worked if it was in a specific position, and if not, a flashing P would appear on the frame display instead of a solid P. But, despite it being broken, I managed to get it to work for the most part by turning it whilst wearing gloves...because it was cold. The XPan was with me for a couple of laps around Colerne on a bitterly cold December afternoon.
*The above contact sheet is in reverse order because how the XPan is loaded, as it winds out the entire roll first before shooting, just so when the roll is finished, it is already in the canister.*
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The letterbox style of the XPan’s panoramic mode is incredibly cinematic, and works rather well with - obviously - straight horizontal lines. What I wanted from this ‘shoot’ was something different from the normal photographs taken on the Mamiya 7ii. During the time, I wasn’t really sure why I was shooting Ilford HP5+ through an XPan when all of this project was shot with the aforementioned. But, now I realise it can be used as B-Roll for the up-and-coming book for Epochal Territories, which is in the very early stages of development. I envisage these or similar images being used as background for text or other artworks. I am thinking in terms of using these images with similar text to what I have been writing on my shoots, but a longer and potentially less coherent sporadic amount of words and thoughts, almost capturing the catatonic nature of the zeitgeist. 
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The amount of space you can fill in the frame is amazing. What you are getting - technically - is a medium format 35mm camera, as it is larger than full frame. With this, you get the benefit of the 135 format’s portability but the photograph real estate of 120, all packaged in a lovely metallic camera manufactured by Fujifilm, made under license by Hasselblad.
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I feel that these images would suit being used as ephemera within the book, mixed together with text or altered themselves just like my previous work for PHOT103 (above). I would like to return to this work, with the possibility that it could make an appearance within this body of work. I found the way of erasing the clutter instead of deleting creates panic and a sense of unease, which is what my work is about. There could be a way where I utilised these photographs (or take others) and combine that style as well as text. Perhaps the text doesn’t need to be discernible?
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Even the standard 3:2 photographs from the XPan are great. This was actually an accident as the P wasn’t working so I had to take it normally, but I think I prefer it that was due to the mass of vertical lines.
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I mostly enjoyed this part of Colerne by The Rec because of these barricades, closing off parts of the pavement and houses. It felt odd walking around and having to conform to these barricades because work was happening despite nobody actually being there. 
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Despite these coming from a different camera setup, I still get the same feelings of unease and malaise that I get with the images from the M7ii. Perhaps it is the desolate nature of the village or the depersonalised landscapes. I also feel that the panoramic nature of the photographs lends itself to this feeling because it is not a natural way for us to ingest an image. We are used to having a certain set of aspect ratios, with this one relating more to cinema than anything. They could be stills from foley video recordings, with just the ambient noise of wind, distant cars or conversations coming from behind hedgerows. 
A coda. I plan on working with the images and incorporating them into the book in one way or another. I shall try to create various artworks with them and see if they work together, whilst keeping to the monochromatic theme of the project. I plan on the book having no colour either, with monochromatic covers and text, furthering the feeling of bleakness and seeing the world in a different light. This will need to be worked upon in the coming weeks as well as planning the pace and style of the book. I still have a lot of locations I would like to visit, which certainly depends on how the lockdown works out in time. 
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annacwrites · 5 years ago
the wip list
Alright, gang. Buckle up. This is going to be a long one, and at this point I can’t even bring myself to be sorry about it. I meant to put this off but then I started thinking about it, so here we are (at 1:05 in the morning when I have to work at 8:30, what am I doing?). 
I’m going to break this down in a couple of ways—fanfiction vs. original fiction, fandom (if it’s a fanfic), series/universe (if it’s in one), and then the individual books themselves (if I have the ability to do that, because quite frankly, for some of these I don’t because I have no idea what the titles are or where I’m splitting the story yet).
Also, “WIP” is an incredibly broad term here. In some cases it means I’ve already written the whole thing but I plan to 100% rewrite it (and haven’t started yet). In some cases it means I’ve written half of the thing but haven’t finished yet. In some cases it means I have it all outlined but haven’t started writing yet. In some cases it means I haven’t really touched an outline on paper yet but I have it all worked out in my head. Take the “in progress” part of WIP with a grain of salt.
(Putting this whole thing under the cut because it is so freaking long. I apologize if the read-more doesn’t work on your dash. Idk what tumblr is doing.)  
Starting off easy—the fics:
Harry Potter: (JKR can fuck off with her transphobia and cultural appropriation and all the other stupid and fucked-up shit that she’s done/promoted but, as I said to my friends, she can pry my next-gen fanfics from my cold dead hands. Cursed Child is not canon in my life because I’ve never read it and I don’t care what nonsense she came up with.)
The “In Your Arms I’ll Stay” universe (Tedtoire/Scorose): 
The first fic in this universe is the first fic I ever finished. 110k words followed up by a ~137k word sequel. It is a disaster and a half but it’s also my baby and I fully intend to rewrite it one of these days. It is full of standard Tedtoire trope-y nonsense—best friends since childhood! two-year age gap! jealousy about other relationships! obliviousness!—and at 15 I thought it was a really good idea to try to turn it into a mystery too, which is a mistake that I have every intention of rectifying because it was unnecessary and I just didn’t know how to do drama and tension back then. 
Anyway. It will probably be two parts again when I rewrite it because one part per school year just works, yeah? We’re covering Vic’s fifth/Teddy’s seventh year and Vic’s sixth year/Teddy’s first year out of school over the course of these parts.
Within this universe we also have Heartbeat and Bone, which is a Scorose fic that I’ve written probably 75% of already but have no intention of actually finishing before I rewrite it. I want to get the stories in the right order so that I can get details straightened out, so Teddy and Victoire get the rewrites first and then I’ll be revisiting this fic. Also full of trope-y nonsense (and my continued acceptance of the headcanon that the Heads have their own dormitory at Hogwarts, because it’s just too much fun that way).  
some things were meant to be (Tedtoire):
Oh god, another fic with a cliché title taken from Can’t Help Falling In Love. I have zero regrets because it fits them perfectly.
This one is... half-done? I fully intend to finish it but I need to finish the outline first. It was my 2019 NaNoWriMo project and I am 100% just writing it for the lols (and because Teddy and Vic are like... my comfort ship where writing is concerned). I wanted to play with a different universe and change up their relationship and roles at school a bit, but once again... trope-y nonsense. It’s unavoidable with them. There is obliviousness everywhere. 
Star Wars: (it’s Reylo, okay? It’s Reylo. I don’t want to hear it about how the ship is ~so terrible.~ That is literally the furthest thing in the world from a hot take, you can’t say a single thing that I haven’t heard before, and I’m a grown adult and can do what I want. Bite me.)
looking for the map that leads me home (Reylo): 
Stole the title on this one from We Take Care of Our Own by Bruce Springsteen, because why the fuck not, right? 
To put it simply: musician AU. To put it a little less simply: he’s got a dead career, she wants to have even the slightest shot at one, Rose is the best, Poe’s a singing heartthrob, Finn is a love-struck goofball. You know, all that fun stuff. The entire thing is based on a playlist that I made and every chapter has a song that acts as its theme. I haven’t touched it since January 2018. I want to finish it eventually but it’s not really at the top of the priority list. 
There’s a few other fics from other fandoms that I’ve started and never finished but the odds of me touching them again are like... nonexistent, so I’m not including them here. I’ll update this post if anything changes on that front (but it probably won’t).
Now for the complicated part—the original fiction:
Maker’s Magic 
This is a trilogy (or at least, it’s supposed to be). This is also a rewrite of the first story I ever finished—the fantasy novel that I wrote for my first-ever Camp NaNoWriMo back in August of 2011, when I had literally no clue what I was doing at all and essentially stole the plot structure from The Obsidian Trilogy by Mercedes Lackey and built my own story around it. This is not a good way to write a piece of fiction that you want to publish, kids, but it is a damn good way to get your feet wet when you’ve never really written before.
I am reworking this story entirely from scratch. The characters are... kind of the same as the original story. Kind of. Maybe. I’ve changed a few names and merged a few people together and scrapped some others and entirely shifted the backstory of pretty much everyone, but... they’re definitely still the same, right? 
Basically, at this point the plot is really only similar to The Obsidian Trilogy in that we’ve got a trilogy, we’ve got some elves, and it’s your standard good vs. evil fantasy story (in its own unique fashion, of course). I’m still working out the details of this rewrite, but this is kind of the Holy Grail of all of my writing projects and the one that I’m most concerned about getting right, so I’m anticipating that I’ll be in it for the long haul on this one. I’m hoping I might be able to get a draft of the first book done this year, but... we’ll see.
(I also don’t want to give too many details about this project, ‘cause it’s the one that I’d really like to maybe publish one day, so...)
The Willow Hill universe
This started as a single story plus a standalone sequel set in the same universe, conceptualized when I was fourteen and missing horseback riding terribly (so yes, it is a story for all those Weird Horse Girls™ out there). I wrote a good portion of it, then deleted it, then rewrote the entire thing, then deleted it again a few years ago because I was no longer satisfied with the writing quality (after hitting top 100 on the Teen Fiction list on Wattpad way back when, so... I didn’t do too badly as a 16-year-old, but the writing still sucked). I’ve been promising a rewrite to my Wattpad followers since 2016 or something like that (2014? Whenever the hell it was that I deleted it the second time) but haven’t delivered at all.
I now envision this universe as a duology plus the aforementioned standalone sequel, except it’s not entirely fair to call it a YA duology in that the first book is definitely YA, but the second is more romance-y?
I originally just revealed the main character’s endgame relationship in the epilogue of the story, but I love both her and her boyfriend and their relationship so much that I decided that I’m going to be self-indulgent and write the story of them actually falling in love with each other, so that’s book two (so really, you don’t actually have to read book two to understand anything, I’m just writing it because I want to and it’s also kind of a present to anyone who read the original story when they were also a teenager and is now an adult who wants to read other stuff). 
Book one is now about the teenage struggle of crushes and trying to figure out what it is that you actually want out of your life and what you value (I say “now” because it was definitely way more self-insert-y the first time I wrote it and it is decidedly not at this point). It’s also sort of a love letter to trainers who are amazing and the kind of person we should all be so lucky as to be coached by.
These characters are my comfort characters where original fiction is concerned since they’ve been bouncing around in my head for the last ten years or so, and I’m hoping I can get at least the first book rewritten in the next year-ish, partly because I’ve been promising it for so long, and partly because I just really enjoy this world and I want to get back to it again.
The Coffee Shop Chronicles
AKA, I lived in one coffee shop on my university campus for pretty much the entirety of my college experience and it was a very inspiring place to be, so this has less to do with coffee shop AUs and more to do with the fact that I met several of my favorite human beings on this earth over a vanilla chai latte and mutual sass with the baristas.
(One of said baristas is very near and dear to me and introduced me to another regular who is now a very good friend with the statement “You’re both sarcastic assholes. You’ll love each other.”) 
None of the characters in this universe are based on actual human beings whom I know, but I liked the idea of the campus coffee shop serving as this thing that tangentially connected all of these people to one another, much in the way that I am tangentially connected to god knows how many people via my barista friend. Essentially, the idea is that the stories in this universe are all standalone, but the characters sometimes cross paths with one another at Caffeinated, so it’s sort of... Easter-egg-y in terms of who pops up where in which story. 
Currently I only have two stories in this universe that are legitimately plotted out, but there is room for any number of spin-offs based on whichever characters show up in those stories (or don’t—that’s the fun of it being a coffee shop. The barista is the only reliable character). Those two stories are as follows:
Chance Encounters (title so totally subject to change, also stealing the terribly summary from the Wattpad draft that never saw the light of day):
For Bennett McGuire, things with guys just didn't seem to want to go her way. From the disasters that were her attempts at dating in high school to the problem that had been Elijah Becker, she hadn't exactly had the best luck. With all that in mind, it made perfect sense to swear off dating until she finished college—that is, it made sense until one frozen day in February when Gordon Evans walked into her life. After that, who was to say what would happen?
What’s Your Metaphor? (once again, enjoy the terrible summary from the Wattpad draft that never was. I am cringing reading it but also too tired to come up with anything better):
"What's the point?" 
It's a question asked widely, for all sorts of reasons, and it's one that April Hayes didn't know the answer to any better than anyone else. All she knew was that she had her plan, and she was going to stick to it, because it was the only thing that seemed to have any sort of logic to it in her life. The things she thought, the things she believed—well, they all fell before the plan, because she didn't have time to ask herself "What's the point?"
That is, she didn't have the time to know the answer—her answer—until one guy by the name of Drew Collier showed up and made her consider things that she had never even thought of before.
High Blood
Yinz can go read my WIP introduction post for this one. It’s a fantasy story. Just for the hell of it, here’s the summary from said WIP introduction post: 
At the age of seventeen, Thessaly of Averak had a choice—take the crown of her people and her place as her father’s heir, or set it aside to become one of the High Warriors, dedicated to protecting their people and the country that her long-dead ancestor Enred built after leading its citizens out of a long and bloody war. Amidst raids and famine at the borders, she gave up her crown to better serve the people that her family rules.
Ten years later, all is quiet. At least, all is quiet until Beca’s pendant is stolen by a thief who disappears into the night on the journey back from the summer palace, Tess gets herself stabbed, and the discovery is made that the rock-solid foundations of their family’s claim to the throne—and the peace that depends upon them—are laced with hairline fractures.
(I didn’t write anything to speak of for Camp NaNo July 2020 and actually wound up deleting my project for this on the NaNo site because my dad was hit by a car while cycling the Friday before the weekend when I was planning to write like... 30k words to catch up, so obviously I gave up on that plan (he is doing well now, thank you for asking). I’m hoping I’ll get around to this one eventually because this particular universe arguably has the most potential for having multiple stories set in it, fantasy-wise.)
Emerson’s Lights
Natalie Flynn has been best friends with Evan Acheson practically since birth. They've stuck together through thick and thin, from her braces in seventh grade to his jump to stardom as a singer-songwriter their freshman year of college. 
She’d do anything for him, but spending a week with him on tour involves a lot more than she bargained for, culminating in the turn of events that is Caleb Blake, lead singer and primary songwriter of opening act Emerson’s Lights, moving into her house for the better part of a month.
She always knew there would be complications being the best friend of a rock star, but this? This was one that she didn’t bet on.
(Aka, girl meets boy in a band trope. Yay.)
(NaNoWriMo 2020 project)
The famous musician story (this thing doesn’t have a title right now and I’m not even going to try)
Stupid, trope-y nonsense idea that I came up with for my own personal amusement and nothing else. I’ve written a few chapters of it but genuinely have no idea where this falls in the hierarchy of things that I want to get done. Long story short, she’s in grad school for history, he’s a famous musician in town recording for a new album, they meet in the library, she pretends she has no idea who he is, and shenanigans ensue.
And that is where I think I’m going to leave it. There’s four other stories that I can think of off the top of my head that I could theoretically add to this list, but they are legitimately just ideas right now so they can be added at a later date when they’ve manifested themselves a little more strongly. There’s also another quartet in the Willow Hill universe that I came up with in high school that could theoretically be added but I think I might just steal those character names and give them their own little world instead. We’ll see.
Basically, if you didn’t get the point from this list: I am working on a lot of things, and when I say I’m writing, it could mean literally anything on this list (or any of the other ideas that I have floating around). The stories/universe here are the most likely candidates for my time, depending on whether I’m doing a deep dive into my writing or just playing around with something fun, and hopefully (god, hopefully) I’ll be able to move one or two of these to a “completed works” list in the next year(ish). 
(Or at least, as complete as a draft ever gets before you start going in on it again.)
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dragons-bones · 5 years ago
FFXIV Write Entry #19: Carteneau
Prompt: radiant | Master Post | On AO3
Dalamud hung low and huge in the skies over Carteneau, pulsing with malevolent crimson light among the dark clouds that had shadowed Eorzea for moons. Synnove nearly couldn’t hear the din of battle over the dirge of aether throbbing in her mind, the same dirge that had haunted her every waking moment since the Mad Raven had drawn the second moon from the firmament. She still didn’t know if that damnable dirge was Dalamud’s aether, or the result of the moon poisoning the land’s own. Perhaps it was both.
The battle had finally turned in their favor, with the arrival of the adventurers who had been initially deployed to combat the Castrum Centri diversionary force. Synnove and her fellow arcanists had done their best trying to coordinate the Maelstrom and pirate forces as the signal corp, carbuncles running from unit to unit and arcanists handling multiple linkpearl connections. But pirates were still pirates, wont to do things on their own, and asking the Kraken’s Arms and the Sanguine Sirens in particular to work together had been, perhaps, too fucking optimistic, never mind the disconnect of different tactics used by the Flames and the Serpents. That they hadn’t been wiped out when the VIIth’s magitek reapers had taken the field was a damned miracle.
Somewhere in the distant heart of the Plains, Synnove could feel an enormous amount of aether slowly beginning to coalesce—Archon Louisoix, channeling the prayers of Eorzea to beseech the Twelve for aid. As she relayed the commands of the Maelstrom captain with whom she was working to the units under his command, she felt hope finally starting to spark in her breast.
Then a roar of sound—a deep, resonant thunder of triumphant, all-consuming rage—engulfed Carteneau, drawing every eye skyward, to see Dalamud’s outer shell crack open.
And Dalamud exploded.
The shockwave hit her first, throwing her and every other living being on the Plains to the ground with a force that punched the air from her lungs. Then the sound, shaking her bones and cracking the stone around her in an awful crescendo of combusting, howling aether. Her ears rang—or maybe it was just the screams of terror from every damned soul on the Carteneau killing fields all blending together.
The sky was aflame, and then the first of the pieces of Dalamud impacted the ground. Molten earth flew into the air, and then again from another impact, and another, and another, until the heavens and the earth were indistinguishable from how they burned. Synnove desperately tried to sit up, feet scrambling to find purchase, as Galette and Tyr converged on her, eyes wide with fear as they tugged and pushed on her to get her upright.
When she gained her feet, the sky had cleared, and Synnove looked up—and dearly wished she hadn’t.
A dragon loomed in the sky, bigger than anything she had ever seen, bigger even the corpse of Midgardsormr wrapped around the Agrius in the middle of Silvertear Lake. Strange golden objects were clamped on its body—its head, its chest, shoulders, arms, legs, all of a design that looked vaguely Allagan to her horrified eyes. Its wings were spread wide and it threw back its head to roar once more, all of Carteneau—all of Eorzea—shaking as it declared its exultation, its fury, its vengeance.
There was a book Synnove through which she had once carefully paged, deep in the stacks of the Mealvaan’s Gate library, an ancient tome that had been a copy of some even more ancient original. The script had been illegible, the illustrations faded. But there had been one, of a shape and color similar to the creature hanging above Carteneau, that had still been visible, its accompanying caption write large and bold, a single word:
Then it dove forward, turning the inferno into hell.
Synnove gathered Galette into her arms, looking around frantically, still disorientated. In the distance, she could see her unit had reengaged with a group of fanatic VIIth legionnaires; she couldn’t tell if the Garleans were attempting to flee through Alliance lines or actually continuing the fight. She reached up to activate one of her linkpearls, but each line was static, dead. Aetheric interference. She threw down the cuff in disgust.
Another arcanist—Mhaslona, thank whichever god was actually listening—burst through a wall of fire and skidded to a halt next to her. The Sea Wolf shouted into her ear over the deafening roar of fire and splitting earth and draconic rage, “Admiral’s command: Belay all previous orders! All Maelstrom units to fall back, effective immediately! Priority to the Foreign Levy! Main host to cover the retreat and bring up the rear!”
“Understood!” Synnove shouted back. Her mentor clapped her on the shoulder and turned to race to the next unit.
Swallowing down her own pure terror, Synnove darted forward, jumping over broken ground to reach Captain Yarborough. The big hyur had to have a Highlander or roegadyn somewhere in his family tree, he was built like a buffalo and loomed nearly as tall as the Admiral, but he moved lightly on his feet as he turned to meet her.
“Full retreat!” she roared over the din. “Priority to the Foreign Levy, main host to cover the retreat!”
“Aye!” the captain replied. “Get to the ‘venturers, keep spreading the word, they didn’t have many of the arcanists with them!”
She nodded, and the captain roared an order to his soldiers, who moved far enough out of the way for her to plunge through their line, Tyr following.
“Galette, I need your nose!”
The carbuncle warbled, but she dutifully jumped from her arms, racing among the wreckage of broken earth and magitek and bodies. Synnove followed as Galette’s nose led the trio to the first group of shaken adventurers wearing the armbands denoting them as Foreign Levy members, two of them carrying one of their friends between them. She slapped her hands on the elezen’s chest, pumping a Physick spell into him as she yelled to his compatriots, “Full retreat, main host to cover the Levy! Get out of here!”
She repeated it again, and again, and again, until she stopped bothered keeping count, even as the Dreadwyrm suddenly returned to the skies of Carteneau to strafe the field with his magic. Tyr helped her catch her balance when her footing gave way, tackled stray VIIth legionnaires who emerged from the smoke and fire swinging a sword or gunblade to tear out their throats as she and Galette raced to the next group. She didn’t stop until she ran smack into Commander Rhiki and her unit.
“We know, Mhaslona found us earlier!” the miqo’te yelled to her. “We’re the last ones out, come on!”
Synnove didn’t bother to hide her relief as she joined the Commander’s soldiers, grabbing the arm of one of the limping adventurers to toss around her neck and help her move faster; Tyr grabbed one of the lalafell adventurers by the back of his shirt, and the exhausted woman didn’t bother to fight it, just sagged in relief. They raced back through the carnage, and through the smoke she saw they’d met with the line again at Captain Yarborough’s position. As they passed through the line, Commander Rhiki signaled to Yarborough.
“All right lads, that’s it!” the captain shouted, cupping his hands over his mouth to try and get his voice to carry as far as possible. “Levy’s out! Maelstrom: FALL BACK!”
The order was sent down the line, far beyond where Synnove could see anymore, and as smoothly as they could manage, staggering over uneven ground and bodies alike, the soldiers of the Maelstrom pulled back, covering the adventurers of Eorzea as they made to escape the field.
The skies suddenly cleared, the clouds swept away with a beat of the Dreadwyrm’s wings. And then the heavens lit up, pillars of light surrounding the huge beast, before plunging into it. Synnove turned to look over her shoulder, desperate hope filling her again as, far, far in the distance, a smaller but no less brilliant light shone over an outcropping of stone where stood Archon Louisoix as arcane sigils lit the night.
And then—then the aether shattered.
There was no other word for it, the spell broke, the aether losing cohesion even as Synnove could still feel it swirling and twisting. The Dreadwyrm’s rage knew no bounds as the white light of the Twelve was replaced by the red and orange and yellow of the Dreadwyrm’s own, a huge spell of its own taking shape above it, until it filled the whole sky.
“RUN!” someone shouted. Synnove had no idea if it had been herself or one of the adventurers or Commander Rhiki or someone else entirely. “FOR GODS’ SAKE, RUN!”
The orderly retreat turned chaotic as adventurers and soldiers alike lengthened their strides and ran for their lives. One of the adventurers swept up their injured friend, the one Synnove had been helping, into their arms, with another grabbing Tyr’s lalafell cargo, leaving Synnove free to grab Galette as Tyr galloped next to her. Her carbuncle stuck her face in Synnove’s neck, crying with terror, as Synnove herself was propelled forward by an animalistic instinct of pure fear to get the hells out of here.
She felt the aether used to summon the Twelve change behind her, but she couldn’t turn to look, too focused on moving forward, on placing her feet in spots where she wouldn’t turn an ankle or break her leg. The aether was being shaped, coalesced into something different, more potent, more purposeful. And then it slammed into the Dreadwyrm’s.
Synnove had one brief moment, and she yelled, “EVERYONE, DOWN!” Soldiers and adventurers hit the ground, covering their heads, and Synnove herself jumped on Tyr, pushing him down and covering both his head and Galette’s with her body as she frantically got her arms up over her own head.
The shockwave hit them. And then the soundwave, covering her screams and the screams of everyone around her.
And the world went white.
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thewakingcloak · 6 years ago
On Creative Burnout and How to Get Stuff Done Without It
Over the past week or two I’ve had a bunch of conversations with people who were burned out and having a hard time. And this is a bit lengthy, but it goes out to you guys.
I hit some pretty nasty burnout in early 2018. I couldn't create anything for months. Even just *thinking* about making something made me mentally cringe away. I'd not only used up all my fuel, but I was also up against some tough tasks that I didn't know how to tackle. AND I was stressed and frustrated because I didn't think anyone was noticing The Waking Cloak. I felt like I wouldn't be able to make it "good enough" even for what I wanted it to be. I felt guilty because I thought I was letting people down who were following along with the project... and I wasn't delivering.
Sound familiar? Let's talk.
I got past the burnout and am working in a much healthier way now, a year later. But this took a shift in how I thought about working on creative projects. I used to be constantly working on The Waking Cloak because I thought that’s what it was going to take to finish it. I couldn’t afford to stop, because what if I never picked it back up again? Now I see things differently.
Part of this came from the general internet, part of it came from years of experience writing and critiquing (and now, y’know, actually applying it to game development), and part of it came from learning project management at work.
0. Before we start...
You can do this.
You’re not alone.
If you’re burned out, it gets better.
I’m around to talk if you need it.
This is a principle I learned from @emcheeseman on Twitter with this diagram:
To quote her: “Creators feel pressure to spend every second creating, but CREATIVITY IS A CYCLE between active productivity and dormant recovery.”
So the two sides of creativity: Action and Recovery. Too much Action, you get burnout. Too much Recovery and... you’re not doing anything. These two absolutely have to be kept in balance. If you're burned out, you need to spend more time recovering. If you're procrastinating, you need to spend time building up the momentum and taking action.
(Note: it’s important also learn to recognize the difference between the two versions of procrastination: some can come from burnout, in which case you need to recover, not work more.)
This is a cycle that should take place every day. When you're in balance, you'll be working on something creatively every day, but you'll also be resting. If you neglect either, you'll be thrown off balance and have to take remedial action--especially in the case of burnout.
This is because the creative mind is like a muscle. Muscles gain strength essentially by being torn and reknit together stronger. If you continuously work out the same muscles without giving them a chance to knit back together, you won't get stronger. This is why strength workouts have alternating days between muscle groups.
You know all those articles and studies coming out about how crunch is bad? All those big name game studios that required crunch and burned out all their developers? Guess what, the same principle applies to your personal creative work too. Crunch is bad. Somewhat counter-intuitively, just doing "more work" will actually make you less productive, while taking time to recover every day makes you significantly more productive. So don’t make yourself crunch. Not even if you’re enjoying what you’re working on.
I'll talk about Action later, but how about Recovery? Well, congratulations, I have good news! Having fun is now part of your creative process. Do something passive you enjoy. Play video games. Read a book, watch a TV show or movie. Go outside for a walk. Take things in. Don't feel guilty: this is vital for your creativity. What if you always exhaled without inhaling? Would you feel guilty for breathing in oxygen?
If you are currently burned out, you need to spend a lot of extra time recovering. The more you’re burned out, the more time it’ll take. That’s the part that sucks, but trust me on this. It will get better. You'll be able to tell after time. This can be days or weeks or longer, but you need to take it until both of these conditions are satisfied:
You no longer feel yourself mentally cringing away from creating something.
The idea of not creating something is unbearable
2. Motivation: creating for yourself, not to satisfy others' expectations
It's super important to come at creative projects with the right motivation. Even if you have a pretty decent Action/Recovery balance, if you're trying to please others, if you're often jealous of others, if you're comparing your work often, you will still get burned out. Creating with these as your motivation is a bit like trying to drive on fumes. It’s not sustainable, and you will run out of gas.
This is incredibly important but difficult to put into practice. How do you shift your motivations?
Some principles:
Creating for its own sake is valuable.
Other people are not competition. They are friends.
Other creative projects are not competition either--similar projects can, and should, and do exist in harmony. You can learn from one another.
If you work primarily from a standpoint of pleasing others, you are going to be very easy to disappoint.
Make what you want to make, for yourself, for your tastes particularly if this is your hobby.
The “validation machine” is tricky. At first, you’d be over the moon to have a hundred followers and maybe ten likes. Then a thousand followers and fifty likes. And on and on, all the way up--your expectations of validation will scale up. Don’t expect to keep getting high off those likes and retweets/reblogs. Make an effort to value every one of the people who follows you, even if it’s only five people.
All games are held together by duct tape and prayers. You're not alone!
Some of these are easier said than done. Just keep an eye out for these thoughts/emotions in yourself. If you notice them, take a moment, take a few deep breaths, and remind yourself what it's all about. Do you feel yourself getting jealous? Don't take it out on yourself (or anyone else). Try encouraging that person you're jealous of instead. Tell them what they're doing well, and not in the mopey "I wish I could do this as well as you" way. Instead, the "This [specific thing] is so good! Keep it up!" way. It's hard for jealousy to exist in the same place as encouragement, even if it takes a little bit to ebb.
Another suggestion is to write down the things that excite you about creating, about the specific project you’re working on, etc. This can be broad (“I like bringing my ideas to life”) or specific (“I always love exploring caves in video games and seeing what secrets they hold”). Keep this around and remind yourself of it. For The Waking Cloak, I love working on exploration, lore, and maps!
3. How to actually work and get stuff done
This is going to be the biggest point, but it revolves around a few foundational principles:
Work INCLUDES rest. It's part of the deal. You're not allowed to skip it. (see #1)
Short term goals are more important than long term deadlines (aka Agile "sprints")
Task-tracking and manageable, bite-sized chunks
One Thing a Day/Momentum
Do it fast, THEN do it right
Most of this is stuff I learned from my day job when we got our new head-of-department and jumping onto what's broadly known as DevOps principles. DevOps involves a lot more than I'm going to talk about here, but I bring it up because these aren't things I'm just making up because they sound nice. They're tried and tested, and they work.
So first, let's talk about short term goals.
Years ago (and sadly still too often today), common practice in software development was to plan big projects spanning months at a time, build the entire thing, and then deliver it. Major problems occur with this: requirements change, the world changes, technology changes, the users wanted/needed something different and you didn't know until they got it in their hands, etc.
The core problem is that nobody knows what's going to happen in the future, not with absolute certainty. I'm not joking when I say this: it's best to focus on short term goals and skip out on long term deadlines altogether. This is commonly in the form of two-week "sprints" which are geared towards delivering some complete functionality, not the entire project/software/game/etc. Here's why these work:
You have something achievable now. Two weeks of work is so much nicer than... months? years?
You get quicker feedback and can quickly adapt to these in the next sprint
Sometimes project/features of higher priority get discovered that you couldn’t have planned for
You're consistently finishing some chunk of functionality every two week sprint or every milestone. Progress feels nice!
Two week sprints don't necessarily work for all game projects, but the principle is the same: plan short-term, time-based goals, NOT functionality-based goals. If you're getting close to the deadline, move that functionality to the next "sprint", don't crunch any more than a day.
If you don't have a long-term deadline for your game set by external factors (publisher, need food to eat, etc.), and especially if you're doing this as a hobby, my advice is to not set a final deadline until you're more or less done with the game. Know what your major functionality is and a general order that you’ll work on this functionality in, but long-term deadlines are almost always unsustainable. You don't know what's going to pop up, you don't know how long certain features will take, etc. You can't predict the future. But you can create milestones.
In normal game development, this generally includes pre-alpha, alpha, beta, and so on. But for our purposes, we’ll want to redefine this and break it down even further. An alpha could take many months. I’m more interested in defining sets of features that can conceivably take a few weeks to two months, closer to a sprint.
In The Waking Cloak, these milestones are the ProtoDungeons. Each has a set of functionality (I only know the broad strokes, not the specific functionality each will contain--that only gets planned at the beginning of the specific ProtoDungeon). There will be eight of these, one for each of the player’s items, and they will be a self-contained dungeon. This is to:
Get quick feedback on how the items feel
Get practice building dungeon maps
Build a lot of the “unknown pieces” that you don’t generally think about--doors, triggers, camera transitions, pits, z-coordinate levels, and so forth.
I’ve only completely planned out one ProtoDungeon. It included the item mechanic and all the functionality mentioned in the last bullet point, but it also included more, like enemies and a boss. But then I cut everything that's unnecessary for getting these into the hands of some testers--so that meant a lot of this extraneous stuff got bumped to ProtoDungeon 2. That way, the quicker I get this demo out, the quicker I can improve for the next ProtoDungeon. The result is that working on the game feels very light and extremely productive.
Now that we have milestones and short-term goals, that brings us to tracking tasks.
I don't really care how you do this so much as I care that you do it in the first place! Tracking tasks is extremely important. Without, it can be easy to get lost in where you’re at in development. You have to hold everything in your brain, which is extra wear and tear.
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I use Trello, which is free! At work we use Microsoft's Azure DevOps/VSTS and Kanban boards. You can even just use a notepad if that's what you like (though I suggest something where it’s easier to move stuff around, even if that’s Notepad on your computer). Once you have a place to keep track of stuff, I recommend creating some sections (I use Trello columns):
Backlog - tasks you're doing this milestone
Bugs/issues - you'll find these all the time :)
Doing - this is the bug or task you're working on. Only work on 1-2 things at a time. If you're not working on it, it goes back in the backlog
Complete - just a pile of your accomplishments! :D
And then here’s how you create your tasks for your “milestone”:
List out your major functionality
Break those functionalities into chunks
Break them into smaller chunks
Still smaller
Are they now tiny? Can you do these tasks in a day or two maximum? No? Still smaller!
Stop when you're basically at the "atomic level" of tasks. They need to be bite-sized (if they’re ridiculously small, you can include them as part of a checklist on a single task)
Take all these tasks and dump them into your backlog!
As I mentioned, plan for the current milestone only. You can have a bucket of general tasks for future milestones and even a general idea of the order you want to accomplish these tasks in, but you're only planning for the current milestone and a bit into the next one.
Prioritize your tasks. You can put a number next to each task (1 being highest, 4 being lowest is what we do at work). Or if you're using Trello like me, you can drag the highest priority tasks up to the tops of the columns to work on next. I occasionally switch these around depending on what I feel like working on next, so don't feel like you have to strictly adhere to a specific set of priorities.
If you're feeling really snazzy, "weigh" your tasks. How long is this going to take? You can do this by hours, days, a generic numbering system, etc. Enough to let you know what's going to fit into a milestone and what needs to be moved to the next one. I don't think this is strictly necessary for a hobbyist project, but it's pretty vital for our day-to-day at work.
Also, you will discover more tasks as you work. "Oops, to do this, I need to add that." That's fine. Add it as a task, prioritize/organize it, and keep going.
Like rest, planning all this stuff out is hugely important but often missed because it doesn't feel like you're getting stuff done. It's deceptive. Taking time to plan and maintain your tasks will actually make you more focused and productive.
If something isn’t necessary for the deliverable, move it to the next milestone and forget about it for now. This doesn’t mean you’re procrastinating or that you’ll never get to it. Your job is to keep things light and manageable for now.
Okay, so now you have a list of tiny, bite-sized tasks, and they're all organized. Time for the next principle: “One Thing a Day.”
I mean, with everything we’ve discussed, this is pretty easy now, right? You have a bunch of bite-sized tasks. Work on at least one thing a day! You don’t have to finish it, though the fact that you’ve got these small tasks means you’re more likely to get tasks done quickly.
Let's say you're me and you have a lunch break. Well, now I can try a task or two, or check off a few of my checkboxes on one of my tasks,  or at the very least get started on something I know I can finish in a few days. Or we just got the baby down to nap and she'll be asleep for an hour and a half (probably)--I can pick up another task and work on it there.
By having small tasks, you have a constant sense of progression, which is important for your morale. And by doing at least one thing a day, you develop momentum, which is extremely pivotal in countering procrastination.
For a while I logged these on the devblog, largely for accountability, but over time I haven’t needed to do that as much.
Also, keeping the creative cycle in balance is still important. Some days I absolutely did not have time, or just felt like it would be “too much.” So I didn’t do one thing that day. Instead I’d take that time to recover.
Finally, the principle of "Do it, THEN do it right."
This has helped me on so many occasions. My procrastination often stems from a feeling of being overwhelmed. I sit there thinking about a task and how long it's going to take, and all the different things I have to make in order for it to work well.
Beat the system. Hack that sucker in there in the cheapest way you can. Hardcode values. Tack code on to an existing object instead of creating a new one. All you have to do is add notes. //TODO is helpful--it doesn’t do anything automatic in GameMaker, but you can still do a project search for it to come back to it later. Then see if it works. See how it feels to play. Only after you've got it working and feeling nice, come back and polish it up a bit. Make it less hard-coded. Put it in a script so it's easier to call from multiple places. Create those objects.
For example, I just added some "Game Over" functionality. First I just whipped up the screen (draw black rectangle, draw text) and then made it show up at the press of a button. Looking good? Nope, the text is off. Let's fix that. Okay, now let's take it off this key binding and add it to the transition manager to trigger when the player dies. Shortcut: add a key that kills the player. Still triggers? Good? Okay, now make it reset the game (well, in my case, reset the room), and test with that kill key. Does that work? Remove the kill key (that would be a nasty surprise for a player if they hit the wrong key), polish (I’m summarizing, there was a lot more of this), and voilà! The important part was taking those shortcuts to blaze the trail before I paved it over (I know that makes no sense, just go with it).
This is the same idea as the rough draft of a story. No (good) book was written the way you pull it off the shelf at your bookstore. It was much rougher when it started and only got good by drafting over and over again. The point is to get your raw materials out there, like a big ol' block of stone if you were building a statue, create the vague shape (chisel off big chunks), then work on finer and finer details.
You cannot judge your work by its first draft. You'll absolutely be disappointed. Instead, come into it with the INTENTION of doing it fast and sloppy so that you have those raw materials to work with as quickly as possible.
4. In summary
It’s going to be okay.
Burnout can be avoided by taking time to rest.
If you’re burned out, it gets better by taking time to rest.
Good motivation helps avoid burnout and procrastination.
Plan generic long-term, specific in short term chunks, and work in bite-sized tasks.
Working in bite-sized tasks helps keep up momentum and morale.
Keep action and recovery balanced every day.
It’s going to be okay. :)
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shinneth · 5 years ago
Well in that case, let’s have 10-15 as well! It’s hard picking stuff that’s not already been revealed, you’ve done a hell of a job building the GA universe.
Hahaha, very good point! I have exploited the hell out of them. And I anticipate future exploitation will follow! And thankfully, these questions are much, much trickier to answer. So between this and the wrestling-watching commitments, this took me more than a day to compile~! But that’s a good thing since it was ultimately thought-provoking and I may or may not have stumbled upon a concept or two to utilize somewhere down the line.
10. What two songs, two books, and two luxury items do they take to a desert island?
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(my literal-minded self is assuming this is one item each; it’s also the crueler of the two interpretations, which is fitting)
At first I thought I’d have to force my mindset away from GAverse since this kind of set-up wouldn’t naturally happen unless Steven and Peridot really wanted to challenge themselves... then the movie happened and now there’s actually a very convenient way this could happen without GA Peridot trivializing this!
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(of course, I’m uncultured trash, so the music and books make this the most challenging bit...) 
Peridot is bringing her goddamn tablet, of course. Even without wifi, she can at least continue logging events the old-fashioned way... and this is one damn scenario where a daily log would be useful. At least until the battery runs out on that. Though I wouldn’t put it past Peridot to find a way to create a stable power source for that sucker. Making a lifeline for her tech would be Peridot’s #1 priority that isn’t related to keeping Steven safe and sound. :P She could also manipulate the metal in it to access hard-to-reach resources, if at a limited capacity. 
I see Steven bringing an instrument, namely that damned ukulele. Simple mind, simple needs, and of course he’ll just see this scenario as an opportunity to actually teach Peridot some proper music lessons.
Music and books are where it really gets tricky. For books, Peridot’s getting something practical. So of course she’ll bring Lord of the Flies and claim that’s her guidebook to survival on a desert island. Steven is more for sentiment and bring that Sailor Moon manga we’ve seen him keep around in his room. Sailor Moon (the manga especially) is full of romance, so that suits his priorities perfectly, lol. 
Similar case can be said for music: Steven will opt for a nice, mood-setting romantic song while Peridot brings the most loudest and obnoxious music known to her. Because logically, music like that stands the greatest chance in drawing outside attention so they’ll be rescued! 
Peridot might be more lax about the ordeal if there’s steady food and water for Steven to survive off of; otherwise I see her largely panicking about being stranded in an environment where resources Steven needs to live on are finite.
(I’ll admit, I got the idea of Peridot and Steven doing a duet of this song (which I bet would sound way better with their VAs) while in this situation...)
11. What do they hide from one another?
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Now it’s GA Steven’s turn to trivialize the scenario! It’s officially nigh-on impossible for Peridot to hide one goddamned thing from Steven from GA3 onward... not that Peridot was ever that good at hiding shit from Steven to begin with.
In fact, a certain Post-GA story proved the only things Peridot truly can hide from Steven are secrets even she isn’t aware of, such as how exactly she first met Jasper and Lapis. The only reason Peridot was good at keeping that hidden from Steven was due to it being so traumatic that she made herself forget it in order to live with herself and move forward. So really, memories like that are the only things GA Peridot can hide from Steven at this point. There might still be a repressed memory or two, but overall she’s nearly out of stuff she could realistically withhold. 
Outside GA, I feel like Homeworld has always been far more awful than it’s been made out to be, and Peridot would be the one who best knows just how awful life there can be. So if she’s hiding anything from Steven and has any prayer of keeping it that way long-term, it’s going to be the hell she used to have in her former life, or possibly the things she had to do to survive in said life. Of course she’ll still go out of her way to hide her insecurities and inferiority complex from Steven, but it’s practically a guarantee she won’t be able to keep that hidden for long. 
Steven... is only slightly better about this. The fact that both suck at lying and maintaining a poker face, as brought up last time, really shoots him in the foot here. So I think I can answer for GA and regular headcanon in one go with him: anything related to Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz that Peridot hasn’t already learned about is probably gonna be stuff Steven keeps to himself about. He values Peridot so much as one of the only gems that has virtually no bias one way or the other about his mom, so the last thing Steven wants to do is fill Peridot’s head with the same “propaganda”, so to speak, that he and the rest of his friends have had drilled in their own heads for most of their lives.
Additionally more for GA, I think Steven possibly has more commentary about Peridot’s past life that he hasn’t already shared with her... but he’s going out of his way not to dredge up those old times. Especially when the Homeworld refugees will already be doing that for him on a daily basis (which logically would be why Steven would still be thinking about those times at all). After all the dirty laundry Steven has aired out in Peridot’s presence, I think he’d be keen on keeping anything still unsaid about their pasts/origins/heritage to himself solely for his girlfriend’s benefit. After all, Peridot being a uniquely fucked-up gem is still a pretty new concept that she’s still trying to adjust to. So Spinel’s gonna be a fun little addition to their lives in more ways than one!
12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?
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Hm, tricky to answer for GA, since it feels like they’re already at the “serious” phase of the relationship in these Post-GA stories. Realistically, though, Steven and Peridot are gonna have their hands full being the Era 3 centerpieces and have very limited time for dating or other romantic shenanigans. 
Plus, the workload stressed these two out to the point that within 3 or 4 months in, they already tried going all the way despite both of them knowing they were being morons for resorting to that this soon. And consequently, as my most recent story confirms, they fucked up not only their first time, but also their reputation among their circle of friends... which consequently gave the two even less time to be together. 
Taking that into consideration, it’s probably safe to say Steven and Peridot won’t even have the time to officially keep their relationship a steady one until Era 3 stabilizes. That said, by the following year when Steven turns 17, they should officially be in the “serious” phase considering they’ll be ready to really go all the way. And the first change made when it gets serious is either going to be a demand to the Crystal Gems to give them daily private time - or even better - Steven and Peridot get their own shared bedroom. I actually like that one more.
Otherwise, GAverse aside, I think the change that signifies Steven and Peridot getting serious... hmm. I kinda like the concept that they independently get the idea to propose taking their relationship to the next level and surprise each other when they unknowingly spring that announcement at the same time, having made each other a trinket of some kind for each other to mark the occasion. Then like dorks, they’ll announce this to the rest of the Crystal Gems and they’ll be like “uh yeah we saw this coming a mile away, dumbasses, congrats”. 
I also like the idea of Peridot being more self-conscious of her appearance when the relationship becomes more serious, which makes her a little obsessive and experimental with things like outfits, accessories... and god forbid, make-up. Of course, Steven won’t care about any of that... but that won’t make Peridot any less determined to look the part of a serious girlfriend!
13. When do they realize they should get together?
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Definitely already a done deal in the GAverse as of Act III, Chapter 5. Had events played out differently, they would’ve officially been an item since the end of Act I. However, Steven coming back for Peridot even after she had given up hope of ever being rescued and being the one to fix her mind after White Diamond fucked it up royally - not to mention accepting her identity as Chartreuse, not giving a damn that she’s an abomination of scientific fuckery, or even that Peridot betrayed her friends (largely against her will, granted) - that makes for a more poignant moment when Steven tells Peridot that even after all the fuck-ups she’s made in Act III, that he still considers them boyfriend-girlfriend, and so should she.
So, thinking out of the box is trickier since we still have only a bare-bones grasp of what all’s happened in the time gap between seasons. Honestly, the most logical time for them to realize they should hook up should’ve been when Connie shunned Steven while Lapis abandoned Peridot. At the very least, any episode post-Raising the Barn should’ve been a golden opportunity for Steven and Peridot to realize how much they really love each other. 
And since the movie was annoyingly heavy-handed with the Connvese teases with virtually no Stevidot interaction while season 6 as a whole is a still giant ? ... then it’s a matter of blindly grasping at straws to think when else they should hook up. We know they’re due for a bonding moment at some point in season 6, though. Hopefully it’s not about Lapis, but if it isn’t, I suspect it might have involve fusion... and I still like the headcanon of Peridot only being able to fuse with Steven due to being an Era 2. Not just an Era 2, but a type of gem that logically should never have a reason to fuse since peridots are not meant to fight. Their limb enhancers give them a means for self-defense, but that’s it. But some exclusivity with the fusion - plus Steven being the one to reassure Peridot that she’s not inadequate as a teammate (I imagine even in 2 years, she’s likely to be the weakest Crystal Gem). 
14. When one has a cold, what does the other do?
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Welp! I guess for gems I’ll have to think of some kind of equivalent (I guess chipped/cracked/destabilized/corrupted... ooooor what’s expected of Peridot to deal with once she’s got buns in her oven?), but for Steven having the cold...
Well, whether it’s GA Peridot or Not-GA Peridot, they’ll behave similarly but one will have a much wider range of capabilities than the other. Not that this really means much for GA Peri in this field, since she has no real comprehension of what a human illness is like and therefore can’t just will Steven’s illness away. In both cases, Peridot would first seek help from the likes of Pearl, Greg, or Connie. If Peridot’s left to deal with this solely on her own, however, she’ll probably give Steven a thorough interview of every single little symptom he has, then use Google-Fu to get instructions that she’ll follow to the goddamn letter.
Hopefully she doesn’t come across an instruction worded in a way that she’ll interpret it in some other way entirely because she doesn’t understand the phrasing, because that could lead to chaos easily. 
In the meantime, she’d ask Steven like every other minute if he needs something unless he’s asleep. And since Peridot has no innate understanding of this phenomenon, she’ll relentlessly study Steven’s mannerisms, symptoms, and actions until she feels she’s achieved enlightenment. That, or Steven gets annoyed and tells her to cut it out... though she may argue she’s constantly staring at Steven like a creeper for educational purposes. 
She won’t leave his side regardless, though, and since she’s not at risk of catching his cold, Peridot’s of course going to snuggle with him all the same and volunteer to be his supplementary cushioning. 
If Peridot is ailing... depending on what it is, Steven will similarly ask Pearl and probably Garnet before doing anything on his own if they’re available to him. Google’s not gonna give him the info he needs, of course, so Steven’s got a bit of a tougher job in keeping Peri healthy. Then again, Steven’s a motherfucking healing saint, so whether he’s GAverse or not, Steven could easily trivialize this since he’s basically the show’s white mage. GA Steven will have the advantage of being able to read exactly how Peridot is feeling, so he won’t need to interrogate her to figure out the source of her pain/discomfort/illness. 
Of course, neither Steven would just observe her like a weirdo (like his girlfriend would, basically); he’d be right there for hugs and cuddles and wouldn’t dare leave Peridot’s side unless he really needs to use the bathroom. But even then he’d feel so guilty leaving her alone for even a second, so he’d rush it. 
Steven might even be corny enough to try chicken soup on Peridot. And of course if there’s buns in the oven, Steven will treat Preggerdot like absolute fucking royalty.
Bonus: Accurate video representation of how Steven and Peridot will interact when she’s in labor
15. When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote?
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Something with good physical comedy; that way Peridot is more likely to get some entertainment out of it on a first viewing without having to ask Steven what the joke is while he explains it. 
For some reason, I was thinking Liar Liar.
Since Peridot and Steven are so painfully transparent when they try to lie, they’ll feel much better about themselves watching something like this! 
As for final vote, I think Steven would be the gentleman and let Peridot have the final vote. Peridot would likely think at least on some occasions that the final vote should go to Steven since he knows movies in general way better than she does (and therefore would have better overall judgment in what to pick), but Steven would just insist that he’s letting Peridot choose because since he trusts her instincts, she should, too. 
There’s always a coin toss if they end up in a stalemate. :P And this would apply both for regular canon and GAverse.
Much more challenging round this time! Love it! I’ll always invite more questions, though at this point I may need to find some more memes to reblog, fff... here’s the meme if anyone still wants to snag questions from it and ask me from here!
Feel free to pass this headcanon BS to your fellow Stevidot peoples! There’s no such thing as too much content for this blessed ship.
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writing-da · 6 years ago
Birds of a Feather (Carver Hawke x Reader) Part 1
A/n: Hey guys! This is the first time I’m posting a fic for Dragon Age. I have a huge soft spot for Carver Hawke, and since incest is a no-no, I decided to start a Reader-insert series. I’ve been writing reader-inserts for five years, so here’s a way for me to stay in my comfort zone and to be in my element! - Mod Ren
Word Count: 1,932
Summary: For your whole life, weapons and combat were all you knew. Crafting weapons became the family business, and it was quite a successful one. You and your older brother, Edyn, took the mantle and got to the top of the weapons trade in Kirkwall. You were taught that business and family were your priorities, and that was all you needed to worry about. Then came along Carver Hawke. He was brash, rude, and seemed to get on every last nerve you didn’t even know you had. But maybe the two of you had more in common than you realized.
You careened around the corner, trying to lose the small group of unhappy men behind you. They recognized you from the various weapons deals you organized specifically theirs. From the looks of it, they weren’t satisfied, and they were not going let it settle it verbally. Starting a fight in broad daylight was comical; you decided to run instead.
So, like you almost never did, you went into the Hanged Man to hide.
You burst through the doors, capturing the attention of most of the patrons, and you went straight to Varric’s room, or whatever he liked to call it. You knew him quite well; you met him after royally pissing Batrand off. Since then, a solid friendship formed.
You were moving so fast, your shoulder clipped the door frame and you tripped over one of Varric’s many books. A loud THUD resonated around the room, and you wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of the tavern heard it.
Varric stared at you as you pulled yourself back to your feet with a grunt. “Nice of you to drop in, (L/n),” he chuckled. “It’s been a while. What brings you to my humble abode?”
“Oh, you know,” you promptly noticed a woman and a man standing next to him; you assumed the two of them were related, but otherwise, you didn’t recognize them at all. “the usual.” You grabbed the edge of the table and pulled yourself up from the grungy floor.
“You never come here, so there isn’t a usual that I know of.”
You paused, and then nodded. “Ah, right. There were some people who aren’t very happy about their order they made a while back. I reckon they want a refund, be it by getting their money back or by causing physical harm in my direction.”
“I don’t know why I expected it be a normal friendly visit...” Varric sighed dramatically.
You just rolled your eyes and sat in a chair next to him. Might as well stay and chat for a while.
He re-situated himself and gestured to the two strangers. “This is Hawke and her brother, Carver. I’m sure you’ve heard of them.” Varric was eager to introduce them to you, or was it the other way around?
You frowned, trying to recall the names, but nothing came to mind. “Can’t say I have,” By all three of their expressions, they must’ve found it surprising. “am I supposed to know?”
“At least one person doesn’t know who you are.” Carver grumbled to Hawke.
“I don’t really make it a point to know everyone Kirkwall. There are only so many things worth putting my time into.”
“Like doing back-alley deals?” Carver snapped again.
He was already getting your nerves. “Like working for a seedy man who runs a mercenary gang?” You narrowed your eyes. How dare he call your job “back-alley deals.”
“So you do know who we are?” Hawke added; she wasn’t nearly as hostile as her brother.
You shook your head. “I recognize the armor; it’s weak. He doesn’t know what decent and nice-looking armor is. I bet your blades are shit, too.”
Tension was slowly rising, but Varric was adjusted with your behavior and personality, and knew just how to deal with it. “Her brother is the best weapons dealer and rogue Kirkwall has ever seen. Does his business selectively; if you piss him off, and you won’t be a customer.”
You gave the dwarf a death glare. “And I work with him! Don’t give Edyn all the credit; most of the time, I’m the one doing the real work!” You had a sibling rivalry issue yourself. Edyn was the oldest, strongest, and a man. Of course, he was more noticeable than you. However, you were the one who made the connections, got information, and secured the deals. Edyn always ended up stealing your thunder.
Varric held his hands up in surrender. “My bad, (L/n), didn’t know I would hurt your feelings.” He teased, but you just grumbled.
Hawke glanced at Carver, and you wondered if their relationship held any similarities to yours. Maybe you and Carver had more in common than you realized?
You threw your legs up on the table and got comfortable. “Since we’re on the subject, you’re our favorite customer Varric. Just finished some new arrows, and I did some work on them to fit Bianca. Sharpest arrows I’ve ever made.”
You and Varric launched into a deal as if Hawke and Carver weren’t even there. And you liked it that way; you didn’t know them, they didn’t know you. While you wanted to be acknowledged for you exceptional work, the less people who knew your name, the better.
Hawke and Carver had long since sat down, and eventually joined the conversation. You and Carver occasionally snapped at each other, but that irritation was quickly ushered away each time.
You heard heavy footsteps coming down the hall and you muttered, “Lovely...” Immediately after, Edyn appeared in the doorway with a scowl on his face. He looked very angry.
“Edyn! Come on in; stay a while!” Varric said with a hint of sarcasm. Edyn wasn’t exactly his favorite person.
“Varric,” Edyn’s voice was cold and deep. He looked down at you and his tone became sharper, “(Y/n).”
“Brother,” You said in a sickeningly sweet voice, with a smile to match. “nice of you to join me! Meet my new friends!”
“I’m not your friend.” Carver sneered.
“Shut it, Carter!”
“It’s Carver!”
Hawke pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. This was either going to end decently, or it was going to end in disaster. The latter seemed more likely.
Edyn introduced himself in a few syllables, but he took more time with Hawke. Smooth, and confident.
He told her, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Hawke.” He grabbed her hand and gently kissed the back of it, and she promptly pulled her hand away as politely as she could.
You scoffed openly. “You sure your wife is going to like knowing you greet other women that way?” You looked at Hawke. “You’re lucky; I can’t remember the last time he showed manners like those.”
“I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen any man with manners like those.” Hawke replied, and you grinned a little. You liked her more than you thought you would.
Edyn was not amused, “She wouldn’t believe you even if you told her,” his wife didn’t like you in the slightest.
“Of course she wouldn’t. I don’t know why you married her; the bitch that hates your sister and tried to kick her out of the house.” It was true; she did everything in her power to throw you out, but Edyn at least cared enough to keep you.
Edyn didn’t even try to deal with you as you insulted his wife. “Let’s get going; we have a buy in Hightown at midnight and we still have to get everything together.”
Like always, the only days he could spend time with you, were wasted with deals and purchases and trade-offs and what not. You missed the days when you actually had a brother, not a business partner. That was one of the few things that could make you shed a tear.
Growing up, you were taught that crying was a weakness. You weren’t supposed to get attached to anyone but family. Edyn didn’t seem to care about your well-being anymore, and it left you bitter and cold towards him. What’s the use in trying if he didn’t love his sister, his only living family, anymore?
“What a shocker. You’re never here to simply see me, your sister, only to get me because there’s a job.” You sighed. Edyn opened his mouth to say something, but you didn’t want to hear it. “Oh no, no need to apologize. Not that you would. Anyway, let’s get going to do the job you always take the credit for! What fun!”
Varric didn’t know if he should laugh at your thick sarcasm or stay silent as you walked out the door. Edyn had a death grip on the back of your chair and a scary expression on his face; he didn’t want to deal with any of your shit.
Upon seeing Edyn’s reaction, Varric courageously came to your defense. “She’s right, you know,” his input earned him a threatening look from the man two times his size. “(Y/n) does just as much work as you do in your family business, if not more. And Maker forbid you actually act like her brother.” It seemed like your friendship with Varric was stronger than either of you thought.
“I didn’t come her for a lecture, dwarf. Keep to yourself, will you?” Edyn snarled and he went after you.
Hawke stood there awkwardly after Edyn left. She didn’t know what to say. You seemed nice enough, Varric trusted you. And you clearly knew what you were doing, instead of being an immature rookie who bragged and over exaggerated.
She’d be a good ally; She’s sure of it.
“Quite the pair, those two,” Carver said. “they’re-”
Varric stopped him in his tracks, “I can tell that you and (Y/n) aren’t going to get along, but you really do need to be careful with your words. If we can get her and Edyn to supply us for the Deep Roads, we’d almost be untouchable,” He was completely serious. “I’m already getting the high-quality stuff. For me, at least. No doubt about it. Get on her bad side entirely, or both of them, you’ll be left with a dull sword and armor weak enough to be every-day clothes.”
“Isn’t he already on her bad side?” Hawke asked. She was amused by it. “Looks like you’ll be Darkspawn bait, Carver.”
“She’s very tolerant, believe it or not. You’ll definitely be able tell if she outright hates you.” Varric informed them.
Not only were you a close friend, but a very valuable person to have on his side. You were close enough for him to know your backstory, how you got to Kirkwall, where you lived, what makes you happy/angry/upset, things like that.
Varric himself had yet to make you angry. He once saw you get angry at a dishonest customer, but he had no idea how truly angry you could get. No one did.
“Two questions,” Hawke inquired, “first one, how do we stay in her good graces?”
“Simple. Don’t lie to her face and try not to be an asshole,” Varric yawned. “not hard at all. Next question.”
Carver knew the next one. “Where do we find her?” He assumed that you were going to be a hard person to find.
Varric grinned. “You don’t find her, she finds you. Usually. I know where she stays, but I found that out by accident and I’m not telling a soul.”
“Can I get a hint?” Hawke joked, “Just give me a general area. I won’t send a search party, I promise!”
“The only hint I’ll give, is that she’s in Kirkwall.”
Hawke rolled her eyes. “Thank you, Varric, that really narrows it down... Do you know if she and her brother sell staves?”
The dwarf shook his head. “No, I believe they only have staff blades. They’re not big fans of mages, so keep that in mind.”
“I don’t think she would care if I said anything, but I’m going to play it safe and keep my mouth shut. Sorry, Hawke.”
Hawke nodded, accepting the answer she was given. Granted, she wanted to know, but respecting your privacy was something she was willing to do.
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hauntedfalcon · 3 years ago
[video transcript] So as you might expect from someone who made herself a career as a minor internet celebrity off the back of jokes about fandom and fanfiction, I happen to think fanfiction is generally pretty good and can produce a lot of really amazing work. BUT.
I think if your media diet consists of a very small number of source works, and a very very large number of fanfictions for those select few source works, your media diet needs some restructuring.
Because for all of the good that fanfiction can produce, it's also a medium with some very clear limitations, and I think when you expose yourself to these limitations too often, to the exclusion of anything else, they begin to warp your brain in ways that are not necessarily great.
I refer to these brain-warping effects as Fandom Brain Syndrome, or FBS. Let's go through some of the most common symptoms.
Symptom number one: categorizing all fiction by tropes instead of genres. Have you ever had someone recommend a book to you, and when you asked them what it's about, they described it as an "enemies-to-lovers" or a "found family" or, if you're feeling really spicy, an "age gap"? Or some other such thing like that, that isn't a description of the plot or even the genre?
Yeah, that person has FBS because they're used to reading fanfiction where everything is categorized exclusively by tags, which are basically just either genre tropes or porn categories. Works fine for fanfiction, because you're already invested in the characters, and therefore only care about what kind of situations the author is placing them in, but for original fiction, you just need to know a bit more in order to get an understanding of what you're getting into.
Number two: analyzing all media through the lens of "representation". Similar to the first one, except rather than giving recommendations on the basis of tropes, they give recommendations on the basis of if the characters are gay, or minorities.
In fanfiction, a huge premium is placed on the ability to self-insert or project onto one of the main characters, and therefore what a story is about matters less than whether you the audience will be able to relate to them. People who do this also tend to care a lot about social justice issues, but that is not the reason why they are doing this specific thing.
Number three: ignoring the core themes and ideas of a story to focus on shipping. Because the vast majority of popular fanfic focuses specifically on a relationship between two characters, finding a relationship that can be mined for fanfiction becomes priority A-1 for people with FBS when looking at a new piece of original content. If you've ever met someone who doesn't even seem to care about the show they're watching, they just care about these two specific characters because they ship them together, that person has FBS.
Four: They have a version of the source material that exists only in their mind that they like better than the original. If you read enough fanfiction, you start to create headcanons for all of the characters that veer dramatically from how they're characterized in the source material. Just 'cause every author writes every character a little bit different, and they all put their own personal spin on them. After a while, those new fanon versions of the character start to take up more real estate in your brain than the actual character, and suddenly the version of the show that exists in your mind is not the show you watch.
Finally, number five: Abysmal reading comprehension. I should not have to explain this one. I think it's obvious. [end]
Fandom Brain Syndrome (FBS)
#long post#fandom#writing#many thoughts re: point two and how I think the two paragraphs (as I split them) are two different issues that deserve detailed discussion#different but tightly interconnected#'it has representation' is a very surface-level attempt to get buy-in#there are two important questions that are ignored by saying 'you should watch this property/engage with its fandom because representation'#1. how does the narrative treat those characters?#(the Star Wars sequels had representation!! and then proceeded to shaft all characters of color)#and 2. how does the fandom treat those characters#(Nile Freeman is the main character of The Old Guard but she's in less than half the works on AO3)#analyzing media through a lens of representation is great when you like. actually do it thoroughly#and don't just stop at 'it has representation!'#as for the premium placed on being to self-insert... well. yeah reader-insert fic is out there#(and has been the subject of much discussion in this regard because somehow#those reader inserts always end up being thin and pale when description does happen)#but also the many queer women of fandom have made it quite clear that they have not only the capability but also the god-given right#to invest in any white male character boning any other white male character#while making sure any women of color in their media of choice get ignored at best#so while analyzing media through a lens of representation remains a valid thing to do#there is a certain disingenuous aspect to it in fandom circles which to me is a trademark of FBS for sure
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scoobydoominuscoobydoo · 6 years ago
It’ll Be A Sensation
I think I’ve officially run out of pansies to count outside our apartment window, Mrs. Dabney can only plant so many flowers across the street.
Of course, it wouldn’t have killed her to use a variety of colors – red had become rather dull.
Yawning, I stretch out on our window seat and rest my head down.
I send a glance back in the direction of my pet, who was occupying himself with click clacking until the wee hours of the morning on the typewriter. Deadlines or not, it had been over a fortnight since my pet had gotten some proper sun outside of our afternoon walk.
Turning my attention back to the “riveting” pansies, I hear him yawn.
He rubs his hands over his face and through his hair, exhausted from the time he’s spent checking his own notes.
Ever since he had been asked to write this cookbook, he’d hardly have time to focus on his personal life.
I was mostly concerned with his social life.
No matter how many hard whacks to the back he’d get, I knew that Shaggy wasn’t exactly in love with the bachelor lifestyle. And I definitely agreed with that – even more so, I’d say it was completely uneventful and boring. Our small home only ever filled with sighs, yawns, and that infinite click clacking – nothing there to be proud of.
Sure, we had friends that we could go and have the occasional well-to-do with.
But… that was hardly the type of “companion” I figured Shaggy needed.
I imagine that if there was anything to free him from his workaholic ways - it’d be a healthy female.
Now I was a total novice when it came to the standards of human beauty – what smelled bad to me smelled amazing to other men evidently.
But after living in the big city for a few years, I think I have a fairly broad idea of what to look for.
Unfortunately, the closest I’ve ever gotten to finding my pet a decent mate was through window shopping. Which hardly counted for anything because plenty of ideal specimen had passed by our building multiple times.
And I had no way of stopping them.
I’m sure any of them would be very eager to make my pet happy.
I heard the chime of the clock – twelve p.m. had arrived – the best time of day for window shopping.
The click clacks counted out the seconds until the first woman passed by, she didn’t look old or sickly. Things were looking up already!
And then I saw her yelling out something incoherent at her supposed companion, who she was also dragging by the neck on one of those horrid leads. I furrowed my brow and shook my head, ‘Definite no.’ I thought.
That woman was just the first of a long line of near misses.
Too rich looking.
Too old.
Not old enough.
Too busy being chased by the police.
It was like this every day, my life, just trying to find a woman that wasn’t clearly full of herself, old enough to be Shaggy’s grandmother, or daughter, or a menace of the law.
Frustrated, I drag one of our unread magazines in front of me.
A blonde woman with bright red lips and long legs posed on the cover page – her close-mouthed smile planting a lot of questions in my mind, ‘What on earth is she smiling about?’ Being at the top. The woman that was being dragged away in handcuffs looked a little like her – but Shaggy deserved more than just a beautiful mate. He deserved a smart and kind one, somebody who would understand and help him adapt to a life with less click clacking and more plates of his food being left on the floor.
Somebody kind and sporting a beautiful smile, who wasn’t afraid to rub my belly.
And that was when it clicked in my mind, a flash of red and purple before my mind turned those colors into shapes. And then those shapes became a woman.
My eyes could have followed any other woman walking along, but they stayed glued to her.
Something about this creature made me sit up and lean against the window.
She was grinning brightly down at the book she was holding in her hands, sending glances down at the small dog walking alongside her.
With no clear leash, I noted.
Now I was already given a special feeling about this one, the smile on her face and the bounce in her step telling me so much about her.
But as soon as I saw her partner walking next to her, my mind had been totally made up.
Somehow, someway, I was gonna stop the two of them – and Shaggy was gonna be with me.
After a chorus of barks and scratches at our front door, insisting I take Shaggy out for a walk, he let out an annoyed groan, “Scoob you’re just trying to get our neighbors mad at me, aren’t you?”
He dodged piles of clothes and his (now broken) umbrella, yanking his keys from the paper-covered table.
I saw him wince as the midday sunlight hit his eyes and he recoiled back into the shade for a moment before seeing that I wasn’t stopping for him.
“Scooby! Like if you don’t slow down the neighborhood watch lady is gonna make me put the leash on you.” I huffed, Shaggy wasn’t in any hurry to make it to the park – which is where the mystery dog and her pet most likely went – at this rate his leisurely pace was gonna result in him losing the love of his life.
That was when an idea popped into my head, and few minutes later I was dragging Shaggy by his arm, ‘Thank goodness these nightmarish things work both ways.’
I ignored the many complaints and orders to slow down, and the sound of him almost tripping over a tree root. There would be time to be punished during the wedding reception, if he had gotten Shaggy out here in time.
There was no way that angel and Shaggy’s perfect match could have sped through the park on a day like this.
That’d be criminal.
Unless you were doing it for the sake of love.
Like he was.
Right now.
Damn it, where was she?!
There was no way he was gonna let that one and a million chance at Shaggy finding love just disappear without him ever even getting at least a glance at her. That would be my ultimate crime against humanity.
Dreary, gray, early spring sunlight shone through the newly revived treetops – acting as no help to my search.
I swerved my way through the endless lines of pathways and even dragging Shaggy through unkempt bushes. Ready to deal with his wrath later, or as angry as Shaggy was capable of being. That wasn’t the priority right now.
My heartbeat began to pick up the pace as dread set in and I realized that I had taken too long.
Part of me had already given up – prepared to be trapped in that room with a never ceasing click clack and growing dark lines under Shaggy’s eyes.
And then that flash of red blurred across my vision, clear and distinct as ever.
She’s here, thank God she’s still here.
I make a sharp turn towards the bench she’s sitting at, nearly sending Shaggy careening into a tree, and I see that same bright smile tugging at her lips. Occasionally interrupted by the shaking of her shoulders as she’d chuckle softly at the story’s antics.
I had been so excited to see her and the charming companion resting next to her, that it hadn’t occurred to me that I didn’t have a plan.
When I finally dragged my pet’s sorry butt to the bench, where were they gonna go from there?
Knowing Shaggy, he’d avoid eye contact and say nothing before dragging me away from her and the lovely, cocker.
Poor man was never gifted with talking to the ladies.
I turned and sent a glance up at him, he was sending me a very similar, confused look.
“What are you doing bud?” Is what he was communicating to me.
Which was a good question, exactly what was I doing?
Huffing, I agreed to make sure they actually saw each other before I made any further movements. But as soon as I turned my attention back to the bench, both the perfect mate and the lovely dog had left. Fate was just not gonna be on my side today was it?
Immediately I set off, there was no way I was gonna get that lucky a second time – I absolutely needed to catch up with her otherwise I’ll lose both of them forever.
I sped down the pathway, my vison centering on what was in front of me, staying attentive with the hopes of see that bright red hair. How I wish Shaggy could detect the gravity of the situation so he’d bother to let me run without fear of sending him face-first into the pavement. And that was when I saw her, with the small, fluffy companion alongside.
The end of our bachelor lives was just within my grasp and growing closer.
And then, it was growing farther away.
“Alright Scoob, this has been a fun workout and I’ll be sure to remember it fondly when I see all the bruises on my shins. But I can’t keep letting you drag me through the park, it’s making me hungry.”
No Shaggy!
Please don’t give up on my cause!
Not when she’s right there!
The tugging at my neck didn’t relent and now I was regretting letting him put the leash on in the first place.
As that flash of red began to shrink from my sight I growled – I wasn’t going to return to a life of yawning without giving this a real shot. There was only so much I could do for my pet, not enough to prevent loneliness.
Using all the strength I had, I began to pull.
‘I just need to get to her and then it’ll go on from there.’
Never had something relatively close felt so far.
One step after the other, I made sure to anchor myself each time, this was gonna need to be quick otherwise Shaggy would become exasperated and just pick me up.
In a few short moves, I reached the red and made a quick loop around her legs – she let out a surprised cry but I didn’t give her or Shaggy anytime to process.
All at once, I had tied their legs together and forced them to see each other.
I grinned proudly, now I was just going to let nature take over.
The little cocker spaniel stood across from me, her face contorted in worry, it’d only take her a moment to understand.
The two pets struggled to get balance as they wriggled around, “Ma’am I’m so sorry I – I don’t know what’s gotten into him.” Shaggy said this as he attempted to bend down and free them of their fabric shackles.
The grey light and the soft babbling of the brook next to them added quite a lovely soundtrack to their meeting.
The sound of them both splashing into said brook was less lovely.
On the bright side the leash had unraveled.
The small spaniel sent him a glare and leapt into action, jumping into the brook to chase after Red’s runaway book.
Speaking of Red, I have to say she is quite the complainer when it comes to being drenched.
“This was my newest blazer, oh dear the cold water’s gonna ruin it! A-And my skirt, th-the colors are gonna bleed everywhere!” She sniffled as Shaggy offered both of his hands down to her, she stared at them blankly for a moment before grabbing onto them and letting him pull her up.
She then returned to complaining, “I-If you can’t even control your dog on a leash then maybe you shouldn’t take him out at all!”
“Yes ma’am I really am so sorry… I’ll pay to get everything dry cleaned for you.”
The woman stared at him blankly as she sniffled again.
Then she looked away, marching out of the brook with a puddle of freezing water following after her, “I think you’ve done enough already sir…” Her companion returned with the book clenched in her jaw, stopping right next to me and giving her whole body a good shake.
I closed my eyes as the barrage of droplets attacked me.
“Come along Nova, I need to get out of this outfit quickly.” As she turned away and began to leave a thought crossed my mind, ‘Had I messed up?’
And then the woman let out a loud sneeze, pulling me from my thoughts and dragging Shaggy’s attention away from glaring at me.
“Oh fantastic.” The lady said bitterly as she turned back toward the brook to squeeze out her soaked handkerchief.
Amazingly, Shaggy moved into action on his own, going toward her while searching his own jacket pocket.
“Here – um – have mine….” He said as he found what he was looking for and presented it. The two of them stared at the completely soaked article of fabric, and there was dead silence between them.
And then, that smile returned to her face.
A soft chuckling filled all the empty space, and it quickly evolved into hysterical laughter as she leaned forward to brace her weight against him, resting her hand on his shoulder. Soon both of them were in an uncontrollable fit as they continued to lean against each other.
Somehow, the little dog had found her way next to me without my knowing, as I looked down at her I saw that glimmer of recognition in her eyes.
Now she realized what I had done and she smiled up at me.
I returned that smile and brought my attention back to the two laughing idiots before me.
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