#impulse x reader
dickmedowndc · 8 months
Heart Stops - Bart Allen x Meta!Reader
Word Count: 1,731
Summary: The last anyone sees of you, it isn’t good. The fight goes south and any communication with you goes dark the moment the ceiling caves in on top of you. Bart is fast, faster than anyone on his team, but with a bum leg he feels like he won’t be fast enough as he searches for you among the aftermath.
Notes: The request from an anonymous user was for a Spiderwoman like character, but I do not do crossovers or gender specific (if I can help it). So, I gave the reader Spiderverse like powers and made them a meta. There was no prompt after that, so I used another “100 kisses” prompt: #86; “reunion kisses, “I thought you were dead.’”
It was supposed to be an easy mission. That was what had been murmured between the two of you as you had loaded up alongside your teammates and taken off for your mission. A soft squeeze of your hand in his was the last bit of physical contact that you had with him. 
It was supposed to be easy. 
It never was. 
Granted, you thought as you saw the ceiling give way and come rushing towards you, things never seemed this bad. You tried to move, weaving through jagged stone that cut at your suit and skin where it came in contact with you, but you just weren’t fast enough. The injury to your knee and upper leg significantly slowing you down. As if your entire body wasn’t screaming at you from how you had been tossed around like a rag doll by the enemy between leaping from one wall to another – using an excess of webs and movement. 
Everything was autopilot by this point. The aim of your arm and wrist, the twist of your hips. The world was hazy behind your mask, eyes bleary and unfocused. It was all you could do to just keep chanting to yourself, a repeat reminder that you just had to make it to the entrance of the collapsing building where you could already see the rest of your team. You focused on Bart the best you could, your heart twisting at the state he was in. One of his arms was slung over Wondergirl’s shoulders, supporting his entire weight as his head hung and he limped beside her, glancing around. You weren’t sure what he was searching for until a moment later when he looked in your direction and stopped, leaning forward like he was going to take off running and come get you. 
There was a voice, rasped and worn, yelling out for him to stay put. A moment later you realized it was your own. A desperate plea to try and keep your partner safe. He was in no shape to run, and if you were going to get caught under the rubble, you were going to make sure that he was a safe distance away. He wouldn’t be fast enough like this, you knew it, especially not if he was dragging you out with him. 
All you could think of was the one last swing you needed to throw yourself out. Just before your wrist was yanked back violently and your whole body lurched backwards, right towards the center of the chaos. One of the men you had been fighting earlier hadn’t escaped, too focused on taking one of you down with him – and since you were the only one left, his sights were set on making sure you would never walk back out alive. 
It was terrifying, you thought, mind spinning too fast to really comprehend that you needed to move from the building raining down upon you as your body hit the stone floor and metal scraps. 
It was terrifying to watch, and Bart had ripped himself away from Wondergirl before the stone had even encased you. But with his leg busted all the way up to his hip he collapsed almost immediately, grabbed by Beast Boy just in time. He wanted to scream your name, but his voice was caught in his throat, and nothing more than a garbled cry came out. 
Everyone stood still for a moment, but that was all the time to pass before everyone who could move was lunging forward and heading for the rubble. Nobody said a word. Nobody needed to. They had all seen roughly the last spot you had landed, and really it was all the information that they needed. 
Someone, Terra, Bart realized absently, was putting in a call for backup. “One down” was all he heard before he limped forward, determined to find you, even if it meant he would have to dig all night. 
He would. Without a second thought, Bart would. Just like he knew that you would do the same. 
It quickly became frustrating, however. His arms and hands could move just as fast as before, but he couldn’t get his feet to work alongside him. Barry was off world, so that wasn’t an option at the moment, and Jay likely wouldn’t be told. But this was time sensitive. You could take a beating, Bart knew that, but you were already so tired. 
He had kept an eye on you through the fight, moving you himself when he could. But it was clear just how quickly you had been injured and worn down. 
And Bart feared that if they couldn’t move the stone fast enough, that super strength wouldn’t matter. If it even mattered now. 
It was a thought he wanted to tear apart immediately. It sat like bile in his throat. That devastating little whisper of “it’s too late.” 
But he wasn’t going to accept that. You had a family to go home to. The two of you had a date that weekend – watching bad retro movies and eating junk food until the morning light streamed in. You had things that you wanted to do. And Bart wanted to see them happen. So that voice in his head was just going to need to be wrong. He was going to be fast enough. And you were going to be okay. 
You had to be. 
Bart didn’t even register the arrival of Superman. Not until the first boulder went crashing down behind them; it startled him as he looked up, bewildered just like the rest of his team. It seemed to be the call just before the rest of the League arrived. But as much of a blessing as it seems to be, Bart finds himself being pulled away by Black Canary a short few moments later to tend to his leg before it has time to heal back fully, before they can set it right. 
So, Bart can’t see you, can’t see anything outside, when he hears over the commlink that they found you. That you’re unresponsive. And after that everything seems to go by in a blur as they rush you back to the medical wing through boom tube, because your chances are slim without immediate intervention. 
That is how the next three days go. Bart barred from the room while you recover, still in critical condition. It doesn’t stop him from camping out in front of the door, however, his own leg long since healed and nothing to keep him on bed rest. 
Unable to convince him otherwise, and your status slowly ticking upwards, the Leaguers charged with your recovery finally relent, allowing Bart at your bedside where he promptly refuses to move, keeping a hawk's eye on your vitals. This at least placates the speedster, for the time being, but everyone knows it won't be better until you finally wake up. 
You’re still a long way off from being better, so when Bart feels you squeeze his hand, waking him from his half-asleep state, he thinks little of it. Until you do so again, this time refusing to let go as you let out a pitiful groan. 
He’s sat up straight in an instant. “Take it easy, hot shot.” 
His voice is enough to stir you, but you still look comical squinting at him in the dim lights. In your defense, you felt like you had just been hit by a truck. Or had a ceiling collapse on top of you. “I feel terrible,” you groan, your one free hand barely working enough for you to cover your eyes. 
“You’ve had better days.” 
You can hear the way Bart’s voice cracks, that little sniffle – and light be damned – you pull your arm away to take a good long look at him. He has dark bags under his eyes, and you can see old tear tracks on his cheek. More importantly, you can see the fresh ones threatening to fall. It has you breathless for a moment, your heart tight as you take in the way your partner looks so small in front of you. A rarity. One you’re happy to not subject him to on a regular basis. “That bad?” 
Bart sniffles once more, looking down at where your hand lays in his before he covers your own completely with his other. “You gave us plenty of scares these last few days. I couldn’t even come in here.” 
It breaks your heart to see him like this, and you do your best to add a bit more pressure where your hands are linked. “I’m awake now though. I’m gonna be okay.” Your words don’t seem to get through to him for the moment, so you tug at his hand, trying to get him to look you in the eye. “Bart, baby, what’s wrong?” 
The breath he lets out is choked, and it takes another minute before he can get his words out, practically spilling onto the bed next to you as the relief finally takes hold. “I thought you were dead.” 
It catches you off guard, but despite the pain you never even consider shoving him away when he drapes himself on top of you. It feels right. Feels safe. Even if you can feel the way he tenses, trying not to shake. “Bart?” 
“I really thought you were dead. When nobody could get to you.” His voice raises for a millisecond, but when you flinch from the way it makes your head throb, he manages to get it back under control. “When I couldn’t get to you.” 
All you can do is hold him for a moment and let him get himself under control – he hates crying in front of others and you know it, so you pretend that you don’t see it. But when the shaking has subsided, at least for that second, you manage to catch his eye. “I’m not going anywhere now.” 
Bart stalls for a moment before flashing that loving little grin that he gives you when he’s trying to make you both feel better, before nodding his head in agreement and leaning forward. 
You might be sore, but you waste no time in closing the distance to kiss your speedster. After all, you have a few days' worth of kisses to plant on him, until you really see that sunshine smile you love so much.
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a1307s · 10 months
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Companion #3
(Bart Allen)
[Art is not mine! Credit to onipilot]
Requested by: Feketealkony16
Y/N: Your Name
Word Count: 4,041
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
     It's been about a month since Bart and I started dating. It's been really nice. I like him a lot. I like waking up next to him, I like playing with his hair, and I really like our kisses. We have also been talking to Canary together which makes it easier to tell him things and has helped me not be so scared of him touching me.
     Another new thing has been us going on runs. My companion has a lot of energy and a lot of stamina which means he can be a handful when he isn't active enough. We talked it over with Canary last week and she recommended to find something we could do together. Something that could be altered so Bart could burn through his energy before bed. We ended up settling on nightly runs. I can work on my cardio and stamina and Bart can run circles to use up his energy.
     Like every night recently, we're on our nightly run. Bart is zooming around town, stopping for a beat when he passes to check up on me. He paces next to me, throwing up two thumbs up. I nod and he zooms away again. I'm not okay, my lungs are screaming, and I want to stop, but there were no missions today, so my companion has extra energy, which means this needs to be an extra-long run or else I won't get any sleep.
     It's hard to keep up with my breathing so I stop for a moment. I hunch over, hands on my knees, as I heave for air. The chilled oxygen burns my lungs, but it's nice to not have such labored breaths. I go to stand up straight again, but before I can there's a sharp pain in my side.
     "What the-" I turn to my right, where the pain is, and I'm meet with Luther's face. No... no, no, no, no, no.
     "Experiment 203," he says, tugging the knife from my side. The blade of the knife is green, the same shining green as the rock that haunts my nightmares. I stay frozen, unable to run or fight or scream. Within seconds the world goes black, the only thing I can feel is my body making contact with the pavement.
     A light shines behind my closed eyes, slowly pulling me out of my sleep. I flutter my eyes, giving them a chance to adjust to the light. Where am I? Where's Bart? Why is it so cold? Luther! I snap my eyes open, my most recent memories flooding my mind. Luther, the knife, the concert. 
     I scan my surroundings. Glass separates me from the room. It's the dark, cold, red room. The room of my nightmares. The room I spent most of my life in. I slam my fists against the glass, my voice tearing from my throat as I yell. "Let me out! Let me out right now! I know you can hear me, Luther! Let me go!" Unsurprisingly, the glass doesn't break despite my strength. It never did before, it's not going to now. Despite that, I continue banging on the glass, trying to make it crack.
     "Experiment 203," Luther's voice comes through the speakers in the room. This isn't real. It can't be real. I'm just having a nightmare. Any minute now I'll wake up with Bart wrapped around me in bed. "Welcome back to Cadmus. You've been missed."
     Lair. Dumb, mean, abusive, lair. "Let me out!" I scream again, the feeling of blood trickling down my hands from the continued contact with the pod.
     "No can do, 203. We have more tests I need to run. Plus, now I have to restart everything. I can't have you acting like Project Kr." 
     "My name is Y/N! And my brother's name is Conner! Y/N and Conner! Conner and Y/N! We are people; We have names!" The glass in front of me is stained with my blood, the stain only getting worse as it rolls down the front of my - the pod.
     The speakers stay silent, the voice being replaced with the sounds of fans turning. The pod is filled with gas, making it hard to stay awake, to stay fighting. My fists get slow, and my eyes get heavy as I breathe in the air. I can't pass out again. I can't be vulnerable. I can't let Luther get the upper hand. Even with my best efforts, the world starts going dark again. No, I can't live like this again. I can't go through all this again.
     The end of Luther's knife dugs into my bone again, the tip of it sliding against the hard material. "What's your name?"
     The knife is pulled out before quickly being plunged back into me. This time, the tip of it digs between two bones. Luther tips the knife, forcing the bones apart slightly, causing new waves of pain to ripple through the numbing pain. Tears trickle from my eyes as I tug against my restraints, the rough edges of the kryptonite digging into my wrists and ankles again. Blood trickles from the new wound. I've grown used to this, grown used to the only warmth coming from my blood escaping from my injuries.
     I don't know how long I've been here. How long I've been running tests so long that I can't even stand by the end of it. How long Luther has been tearing my flesh apart piece by piece.
     "What... is... your... name?" He asks again, removing the pain for a second before plunging the knife back into the same place, over and over again.
     I need it to stop. I need him to let me go back to my pod. I need to sleep. I need a break from the pain. "Experiment 203."
     "Good Job!" Luther cheers, removing the knife from me and letting it clutter onto the medical table I've been tied to for hours. Or maybe days. Maybe even months. I can't tell anymore. 
     It's been terrible, it's been tiring, it's been the same it was before Project K- Conner saved me. The same exhaustion I can't wash away from the overuse of my abilities and the under-given chance to sleep. The same exhaustion from lack of food, lack of light, lack of anything except pod, tests, and pain.
     Occasionally anger bubbles in me. At first anger at Luther, and now anger at the league. Where are they? Why haven't they saved me? Do they not care? Does Bart not care? Has he already moved on? Cut his losses? Has he found a new companion? A new relationship? Is he someone else's boyfriend? Does he miss me? Does he think of me?
     "Are you thinking of your little speedster again?" Luther asks, his eyes as dark as ever as he pats at my wounds with a cloth. He says he doesn't like blood in my pod because it could ruin the wiring and 'we can't have a dysfunctional cage for you, can we?'.
     I stay silent, focusing on the lights above my head. They're bright and burn my eyes when I look into them, but I don't care. At least this is pain I can control. The only thing I can control.
     "He's not coming for you, and neither is Project Kr. Do you really think they'd risk getting captured to save you again? You're worthless to everyone but me. I'm the only one that sees any worth in you, the only one that cares. The league couldn't care less about-"
     "I know," I whisper, cutting Luther off as I blink my eyes, giving them a little rest from the light above. He's wrong... maybe. Probably... probably not. If he was wrong, why would I still be here? If he was wrong, why would I still be hurting? Bleeding? At least he cares, right? If he didn't care he wouldn't put so much effort, some much time into me. "Thank you," I murmur, pushing down a whimper as he dips the cloth into one of the newer wounds.
     "What a good pet," Luther says, moving closer so I can see his face. His eyes aren't dark anymore, they're almost sparking as he smiles at me. "Good, good pet," he adds, running his hands through my blood-soaked hair. At least I know Luther still cares.
     The metal infused with kryptonite wrapped around my neck and wrists clink around as I fall to my knees. In the past while Luther has been testing my jumps, he wants me to jump higher, he wants me to fall harder, make the Earth shake more. He thinks if I work on it enough my genes will unlock flight so I'm better than Project Kr - Conner. My brother's name is Conner.
     I stay curled up on the floor, my breathing sounding louder than it is as it echoes off the walls. "Luther?" I call after a pause of silence. Usually, he calls in, and tells me to do it again or that I failed or that I did good. Maybe I did really bad and that's why he's not talking. I probably did badly, I'm exhausted, all my limbs shaking from the constant use of my abilities. I did bad.
     The button for the speakers is pressed in the control unit, sending the familiar clicking sound throughout the room. "Y/N?" A voice calls, but it's not Luther's.
     This is a test, a new test. Luther has run this test a few times to 'see if I'm really fixed or if we need another lesson'. I passed it last time - it only took six tries - so I thought it would be done with. Hope used to flow through me when I would hear someone call it out, but that's been beaten out of me, beaten out of my head, my soul, my heart. I'm not being saved, Luther just pulled a doctor and had them call for me to see if I've learned my lesson. 
     "I'm Experiment 203," I answer, turning my head towards the control unit. It's a blackout screen, so Luther can see me, but I can't see him. I did good, I passed the test, and I will get chocolate before going back to my pod today. Maybe I'll get lucky and there will be almonds in it like last time. I hope so.
     Another click, but silence passes over the speakers. "Oh, Y/N," the voice finally says, it cracking as the person speaks.
     "I am Experiment 203. I am Luther's, I belong to him." Why are they still going? I passed the test; I said the right thing. I want my chocolate, my pod, my sleep. I am being good, so why won't Luther give me my reward? 
     I stay still, waiting for Luther's voice. The heavy door behind me opens, filling the room with screeching as it moves on its hinges. "Luther!" I call, trying to be cheery and smile despite my pain. He likes it when I'm cheery, he says it makes me look like a cute puppy dog. It takes a second for my eyes to adjust to the new, brighter light filling the room from the open doorway. When they do focus, it's very much not Luther standing in it. 
     Standing in front of me is someone short, someone skinner than Luther. Where is Luther? Who is this? Is Luther, okay? Why is this person here? Why isn't Luther here? Did I fail? Is this my punishment?
     "Y/N?" They call taking a step into the room.
     "I am Experiment 203!" I try to yell, but it doesn't work out that way. I struggle to my feet, moving as far back as my restraints will let me. Kryptonite digs into my skin as I pull against my restraints, the edges reopening old wounds and causing fresh blood to start coating my skin. My trembling now is a mix of exhaustion and fear.
     The person takes another step forward, the ends of their hair almost glowing from the light behind them. "Y/N?" They repeat, my vision is filled with the green eyes from my dreams. "Are... you're... oh my god," Bart mutters, quickly walking up to me. His hands hover over me as he moves them around, his mouth falling open and shut as he panics.
     "I am Experiment 203," I repeat, trying - but failing - to pull back more.
     "No, your... your name is Y/N," he says, his hands settling on the restraints around my wrists. His own hands vibrate for a while before my shocks drop off my wrists and land at my feet.
     Once again, I try to tug against my collar to get further away from him. This isn't real, this is a test, and I'm failing. I don't want to fail, I don't want to hurt, I want my chocolate. Bart steps closer, his hands moving up to my last restraint.
     "No! Go away!" I yell, shoving him away from me. From my overuse today, my strength isn't super good, and he only ends up on the other side of the room instead of through the wall like I meant. That's not good. I definitely failed this test. I'm not getting my chocolate.
     "Bart!" Someone yells, quickly joining us in the test room. Just like last time, it's Birdman, in the same repulsive blue spandex suit. This dumb bird. He needs to go away. They all need to go away. I'm too tired to pass this test. It's not fair. "Y/N!" Birdman yells, standing up after checking on the speedster. 
     "Go! Away!" I yell again, trying to put more strength behind each word. 
     Birdman's face falls as he snaps open one of his pockets. "I'm so sorry," he says, pulling out a green shiny rock. I am so sick of kryptonite, I'm so sick of people, of men, of heroes, of life. "It'll get better," he says, pushing the rock against my head. The darkness I've grown used to envelopes my mind, making me grateful for the rest even though I'm furious with the world.
     Light peeks through my eyelids, pulling me from sleep like usual. Unlike usual, this light is a lot brighter than the small bulb in my pod. I take my time opening my eyes, eating up the last few seconds of sleep. Who knows the next time I get to sleep? The next time I get to rest. What do I have to do today? Where I'm even at. It's important to enjoy the peace when I have it, especially since I don't get a lot of it anymore. Plus, who knows where Luther has transported me to or what this new place has in store for me?
     When I finally open my eyes, I'm met with a pale yellow wall. It takes a second, but I realize I'm not in my pod. I'm in a bed, with blankets on top of me and pillows behind my head and back. What kind of test is this? What does Luther want me to do in this situation?
     I glance around the room, being met with different furniture. Luther must have really gotten into my head because this room is an exact couple of my old bedroom, from my old life, from when I was a hero and not Luther's pet, his weapon. Fear and anger start stirring in my chest as I take in the space. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, I don't know why Luther is using this room, I don't know why I'm here.
     "Are you okay? Do you want me to go get Conner?" A voice says from next to me, causing my fear to overthrow my anger. I snap my head to the right, being met with an exhausted-looking Bart who's sprawled out in a lounge chair. Out of instinct, I try to tug myself away from him, but I get stopped by restraints around my wrist. "Oh shit, ya, sorry. You kept trying to fight us as we were giving you medical care, so Nightwing put restraints on," Bart says, leaning forward and snapping the restraints off my wrists before placing them on the nightstand. "Nightwing doesn't want them off until you get a psychological scan, but he can fuck off for all that I care."
     I stay silent, frozen in my spot. I am really confused. What is this test supposed to be about? Am I supposed to fight Bart? Is that what Luther wants?
     Bart settles back into his chair, his posture forgotten as he slumps, and his head propped up so he can look at me. His eyes are red and puffy, his cheeks still wet and his breath still hiccupping as he breathes. 
     "Why are you crying?" I ask, turning my attention away from him. My chest is tight, like it used to be when I would look at him; when he was real, when he wasn't just a dream or an illusion for Luther to use against me. This isn't real, Bart isn't real, this is a test. I need to figure out the answer.
     "A lot of reasons," he says, his eyes still burning into the side of my face. He isn't real, this is a test. Luther wants an answer, the correct answer. Focus. "For starters, you're finally safe. I can see you, hear your voice, finally touch you again," he says, leaning forward so most of him is propped up on the bed, next to my legs. I turn my attention back towards him, watching as his hands hover by my face. Is he going to hit me? Scratch me? Break my nose? "Can I touch you?" he asks, his eyes jumping around my face.
     "What?" I ask before I can stop myself. Of course, he can touch me, I don't get a say in it. I don't get a say in anything. People - especially Luther - get to do as they please. I either let them and get it over with, or I get a bigger punishment for trying to stop it.
     "Can I touch you?" He repeats, his hands still and his eyes blinking rapidly in an attempt to push back the growing tears. "I don't... know if you remember, but I promised I would ask before I touched you."
     I do remember that, somewhat. "Oh," I whisper, looking away from him. I do not like this test. It's worse than any of the other ones I've done. I glance at him before focusing on the wall in front of me again. "I don't want to be touched."
     "Okay," he murmurs, dropping his hands to the bed, making sure not to come in contact with me. 
     I snap my head towards him, looking him over, waiting for the punishment for saying no, but nothing comes. Bart just sits there, looking at me, repeatedly blinking even though it doesn't stop the water from dripping down his face. "You're not going to punish me?" I ask slowly, confusion fogging my head. Why isn't he hitting me? Punishing me? Hurting me? I purposely failed the test and yet nothing is happening. How am I supposed to focus on my test if I'm not hurt? I need the pain to remind me this is fake.
     "Of course not. It's your body, if you don't want me touching it, I won't," he answers, leaning back in his chair with his face buried in his hands.
     I watch carefully as he rubs his face and pushes out a big sigh, a quiet scream squeezing out with it. "It's Luther's body," I mumble, scrunching up the bedding in my hands. Luther's body, Luther's pet, Experiment 203, that is who I am, what I am. I am a weapon, not a human.
     "It's your body, Y/N. It belongs to you, it is yours," Bart answers, his tone exhausted but firm. "You are a person, with basic human rights." I look back at the boy next to me, his arm resting across his face as he looks at the ceiling. Tears roll off his jaw, colliding with the chair under him. Why does he keep crying? He gets to see me, big deal, it's not like he cares... right? Maybe this isn't a test, maybe this is real.
     "Bart?" His name feels weird in my mouth after all this time. It feels bittersweet. It almost hurts saying it. 
     "Y/N?" He calls back, his arm dropping from his face and his head lifting to look at me.
     "Is this real or is it another test?" It's dumb to ask that. If it's a test I instantly fail and I'm going to have a long, painful night on that stupid table.
     "This is real," he answers softly, shifting in his chair. "Move over, please - if you want to! You don't have to."
     I look at him for a while, watching him watching me, before scooting over in the bed. Once I'm moved, Bart climbs into the bed next to me, making sure not to touch any part of my body as he settles in beside me. I settle on focusing on the wall again, letting my ears bounce around this place. There's a lot of talking, a lot of crying, throughout this place. Conner and Birdman are yelling at each other, about me, about my restraints. This is real. Bart is real. Everything is real. I settle on focusing on Bart's heart.
     "I don't remember your heart being so fast," I say, turning my attention to him for a second.
     "I'm just nervous," Bart murmurs, his gaze rolling over the room.
     "Why are you nervous?"
     He stays quiet for a while, gaze still running around before settling on me. "I'm nervous about what happened to... you... I'm nervous about how it's going to affect you now that you're back home, back safe, with me... I'm really nervous you don't love me anymore."
     "Do you not love me anymore?" I ask, blinking like Bart was earlier as I feel the tears forming in my eyes. Luther was right, my thoughts were right. Bart doesn't want me anymore. He did move on; he did forget about me. This is just him enforcing that. I was stupid to think for even a second that things were going to be okay, that someone other than Luther was going to care about me again.
     "Of course, I still love you!" Bart yells, causing me to jerk away in response. My eyes snap to him, making it more difficult to not cry. "You have been the only thing I could think of for the past two months. The only thing keeping me going. All my decisions, my actions, have been what I think would be best for you, what would be best to get you back. If I wasn't looking for you, I was curled up in your bed, thinking of you, clinging to your scent, your space, the only part of you I still had."
     Bart's face is scrunched up, eyebrows forward in anger, and hot tears rolling down his face again. He opens his mouth to say something else but ends up turning his head away from me. I sit still, waiting for him to turn back, as my own tears spill over. When he does, his face is relaxed, and his breathing is deep. "I'm... I am sorry for yelling. I am not mad at you, I am mad at the situation, which isn't your fault." Once again, he opens his mouth to say something but ends up closing it again. His jaw rolls for a while the almost silent clicking sound filling my ears. "I really love you and... I am mad that Luther hurt you, and I'm mad I lost you, and I'm mad I couldn't save you sooner. None of which is your fault."
     I let out a hum, turning my head forward, filling my vision with the pale yellow of my bedroom wall again. "I love you too," I whisper, sliding my hand on top of his. Instantly, Bart laces our fingers together. I am safe, I am loved, and this is real. Bart is real. I will be okay.
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nouearth · 1 year
a soulmate AU where you can write on your skin and have it appear on the body of your soulmate. with bart allen x dark angsty reader
i just combined your two asks together since they're pretty similar. hope you like it!
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it's okay to not be okay.
pairing ; bart allen x m!reader. fandom: ; dc, the flash, young justice. word count ; 896. genre; angst & comfort. rating ; pg-13. warnings ; comfort!fic, soulmate!au, topic of depression notes ; i've been kinda on a creative block, so i'm so sorry if this sucks, lol. bart is aged up by the way!
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“you up?” the sound of rain accompanies you as you’re sat at your desk, waiting for a response beneath your written question. it’s one of those nights again. another night of endless tossing and turning because of thoughts—stupid thoughts. naturally, parts of your body find a rhythm as a way to shake out those bad thoughts, an impromptu exorcism you liked to joke. 
your fingers nervously drum against cherry wood, your leg bouncing in pursuit, and your heart races all at the same time, as you wait for a response. it’s four am, you weren’t exactly hopeful for one, but somehow, bart has yet to fail you.
“brley.” you’re calmed by the appearance of the black ink on your skin, smiling now. barely. he’s missing an ‘a’ but you figured you’d give him a pass considering how late it is.
“sorry. just wanted to see if you were still awake.” you write smaller than usual on your skin, accommodating for the longer sentence. 
“drinking a coke now! you ok?” his handwriting is sloppy as usual, but you find it endearing. it’s almost like he’s rushing to talk to you and you couldn’t complain about that—you do the same.
“4 am thoughts again?”  bart continues on before you could write a response. he’s always been a quick replier, impossibly fast at times.
it hasn’t been long since… all of this started happening. you never believed in having a soulmate, even attempted to refute the idea. but the existence of bart allen has convinced you into believing, maybe… just maybe, that he’s the one. bart always knew what was on your mind simply by how long it would take you to respond at times. that’s how impressive he is. he always knew what to say. not because he’s wise or smart (though, he is), but because he knew how to make you laugh. and you can feel yourself healing, though baby-steps, the more you spent time with him.
“you know me.”
“and i always want to know more! favorite cheesecake flavor? mine’s a basque.” you chuckle as more words appear on your skin, quickly extending over the length of your forearm as bart never cared to write small. “i know, it’s a little too fancy for me, but that caramelization is YUM!”
“and i thought you knew me, bart…” you write just as the previous responses vanish into your skin. “you know i don’t like sweets.”
“i know and it’s why i’ve docked you down to being 95% compatiable with me.” a smug smiley face with its tongue sticking out ends his sentence and you draw whatever you can imagine at the moment over it like you often do, both to your amusement.
for a moment, you forgot why you even woke him in the first place. bart makes time pass by, the problem and care of the world—of life—fleet away when you’re with him. but when you’re not, everything is numb. white noise follows you everywhere. the only reason why you come out of bed is to go to work, but you work idly, breathing as best as you can. living as best as you can.
you didn’t realize you’ve been staring off into space until you felt soft pressure applied to your forearm again, breaking your focus. “you never answered if you were okay or not.” 
it takes a moment, a long moment until you gather the courage to respond.
“honestly? no…” you sigh to yourself, admitting defeat. 
sometimes, there were days where you felt okay. but they were rare. you hated feeling like this. merely stating how you felt made you uncomfortable, but you’ve been lying to him, to yourself for so long. you aren’t okay. because the longer you lied to yourself, the more you hurt everybody, what’s left of everybody, around you.
you’ve stopped doing your favorite things again, opting to sleep the entire day away if you could. but you knew it was unhealthy. so you try. you try to make yourself okay, whatever that meant. going to the beach, taking a walk in the park, it was something. but you always found yourself wanting, dreaming to be one of those attributes that had people returning to those locations. the gentle sunset that warmed cold shores, the breeze that kept park benches cool, you wished you had that effect on someone—to have them return.
but to have them return is to get better, work towards being better. you’ve hurt a lot of people. those that have tried to help you, stood by you, but you’ve pushed them all away by now, and you’re alone. painfully alone.
“you remember what i told you from before, right?”
you think to yourself, will bart return if something happened? if you were an ass to him? said or acted hurtful towards him? you knew you would never intentionally, but it’s a thought—a scary one. 
“it’s okay to not be okay.” you both write simultaneously, your print in small and bart’s in large.
you’re not doing well. you admit to yourself again, and that’s okay. you remind yourself, alongside with bart’s writing. it’s a part of life and most of all, a step in the right direction. to healing, to being better, to being okay.
“i’m always be here for you.”  “you always know what’s on my mind, bart.”
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© nouearth. please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works. and if you like this story, please reblog and leave a like!
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Alright, alright. Hear me out. There is not enough boatem x reader on tumblr, so can we get a fic set in the SoB universe, like, a cute date night with all the babys? Or even like, a moment during season nine where boatem has to reassure the reader that they'll still love them even if they don't live in a big group anymore?
To make a wrong right
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Pairing: Boatem X Reader
Summary: In which your preparation for a date is misinterpreted. 
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Extra notes: ooooooo- MY BABIES!!!! I so missed writing for them!!! Enjoy!
Content warnings (If any): None 
WC: 1.6k
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Season Nine was exhilarating for you.
Starting off the season with Your partners (That felt wonderful to say, even after three months in the void) and making a few small bases around Spawn that held you five together, often coming together in your home since Grian was already almost always there and so were you.
But soon, the blissfulness of spawn faded, and soon blueprints began to form. 
This season? You were a God
Your wings grew large, even without the elytra, and your eyes burned so white you had to wear a white wrap around them to prevent you from hurting your lovers. 
Even so, they loved you more and more, and you loved all the more.
This season you chose snowy mountains to build on. High in the clouds to create a Greek city with pantheons for each of the twelve main gods and goddesses, with the biggest one in the middle for you. 
It was a project of size you had never done before, but nonetheless, you were excited. Not everyone could say they built a city in the clouds. 
unfortunately, with huge projects comes huge consequences. 
Like not being able to spend time with your lovers. 
They and you still visited each other, but now the task was tedious. You lived far from your partners, and it hurt your heart not to see them as much as you used to, but you knew that once you finished the inside of this build, you would bring them up as soon as possible and make sure they had their fill of time together. 
However...That would be a long time from now... 
The Boatem crew met without their angel in Grian's base. It had been a few months since they'd seen you and Mumbo had just got back from his hibernation. 
"They aren't here..." Mumbo said and slumped down 
"Yeah..." Pearl hummed and looked out, worried. "Do you think they are okay?" 
"I'm sure they're fine," Impulse spoke up and pulled Pearl into his lap before pressing small kisses to her face "They've been really absorbed into that base of theirs. Barely listened to me when I invited them."
There was a moment of silence before Scar spoke up and asked, "Do you think... Do you think they may not love us anymore?" 
The silence thickened so much that they couldn't breathe. 
"Don't say that-" Grian said, voice hoarse and thick with tears "No- Y/n is just busy. We all know how she gets when it comes to their builds and we know why." 
"Agreed..." Mumbo trailed off 
Still, Scar's question echoed through their heads even as they cheered up and continued with Mumbo's welcome home party. 
So that night, as they were all curled into each other, attempting to sleep, Grian asked "Do... Do you really think that would be the case?"
"Could it possibly have happened because we're so far from them?" Pearl whispered 
"No, It couldn't be..." Impulse trailed off. "Could it?"
The group felt the doubt sink in, and it was suffocating. 
Meanwhile, You were curled up in your own bed outside, shivering underneath the thin blanket and beautiful start that seemed to be taunting you. 
You were cold and alone and missing your partners so deeply. 
It killed you to be so far away from them, and today Mumbo had come home, and you weren't there. 
You had realized it far too late to show up for the party the boatem crew had organized, and you felt horrible for leaving your partners high and dry...
Just like you have for the last past few months...
Your heart ached at the thought of them without you, but it's not like you could complain... you did this to yourself. 
Still, it broke your heart to be away from the people you love oh so much. 
The reason you were rushing this build as fast as possible. 
And next week, it will be worth it. 
All you had to finish was the roof and the interiors, and you would be done. 
And with those final touches, you could finally prepare for something you wanted to do all season. 
And you needed it to be perfect. The Pantheon needed to be finished and the rooms decorated, but soon you would marry the people who made you feel whole again. 
A week later, Grian walked out of his base to find a chest filled with flowers and a letter. 
Dear Grian, 
Come to my Megabase at 8 pm
I have something I would love to talk to you and the rest of Boatem about. 
Y/n's Harmony 
He re-read the thing multiple times before he looked up at Mumbo, who had just come out of his own base a few minutes ago in horror
It seemed as if they were thinking the same thing
"ARE YOU BREAKING UP WITH US?" Pearl cried as you stepped out of their base to see the woman looking up at you 
"What-?" You asked softly before the four men asked and looked desperately for Pearl until they saw her crying and froze 
"Oh, my love," You cooed, kneeling down to her level and wrapping an arm around her waist to hold her close, "Whatever made you think that?" 
But despite Pearl's sniffling, the silence was deafening, and You felt guilt absolutely crush your heart. 
"Did-" You looked up with horror in your eyes. "Did all of you think that?" 
There were hesitant nods, and tears filled your eyes
"We thought," Scar started softly, "We thought you didn't love us anymore, and we figured it was because we didn't live as close as we used to." 
"Oh, My sweet Vex," You whispered to Scar before looking at her lovers and softly saying, "My sweet Symphony, There will never be any reason for me to stop loving you. Not even death will allow me to stop loving you, for you are engraved in my soul, embedded into my heart and you are my sole reason for living." 
You open your free arm, and the other members come rushing in
You basked in their warmth, in their love. You smother them in small kisses and whisper apologies. You begged for their forgiveness for ever making them feel that way. For daring even to make them think you didn't love them.
Once they calmed down and moved into the living room of your home, they noticed it was fully finished. 
"When did you-" Impulse asked 
"Just before you all got here." You answered, "I was supposed to be more dressed up and clean, but you all came early." 
"Dressed up?" Mumbo asked, "For what?" 
Thats when you got embarrassed. 
"Well, first off, I was supposed to serenade you as you all came in," You admitted. "Then I was going to show you the awesome dinner I made, and then I had a surprise for you all." 
"A surprise?" Grian asked, and you flushed 
the rings you had planned to propose with are in your room, you had planned to stuff them in the kitchen after you cleaned up but you didn't have time to... 
there was no time like the present. 
"Give me a second." You said and squirmed out of the cuddle pile before heading to your room and grabbing the five boxes with each of their respective boxes
Taking a deep breath, you walked out of your room and called to your lovers 
"Close your eyes for me?" 
There was a confused flurry of agreements, and you peeked out t see all f them had closed their eyes. You walked out with light steps and grabbed their hand as you gently placed each of their velvet boxes in them. 
Red for Grian
Yellow for Impulse
Dark Blue for Pearl
Black for Mumbo
and A light copper green for Scar.
Each colored box had a ring that matched them. Their signature color and personality in a ring you had made for them. 
So now, on one knee you cleared their throat and said "Open your eyes and the box." 
There were soft gasps, and you gave a soft smile. "My plan fell through quite a bit, but Overall, I'm glad I still had a chance to do this. So I ask the question, Will you marry me?" 
There was deafening silence before you were suddenly tackled by Impulse, who pressed kisses all over your face, beard scratching your skin as he nuzzled into you and whispered a million yeses 
"I, personally, would love to marry you, Y/n." Impulse said and pressed a long slow kiss to your lips that took your breath away 
With those words, it seems that it snapped whatever spell was on the rest of Boatem, and they all attacked you with hugs, Tears, and kisses with various versions of the same word
Your heart swelled as tears welled in your eyes as you kissed them back. Making sure they felt the love in your touch, you wanted to worship them like they had worshipped you early on in their relationship. 
The laughs and smiles of your partners were a beautiful symphony to your ears.
You loved your partners, and you were now able to spend the rest of your days with them. How wonderful. 
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Not how it was supposed to happen | Bart Allen x reader
When Inertia notices Impulse hanging out with a certain hero, he decides to ruin Barts day.
a/n: this isn’t requested, but I will take requests for any of the young justice and dc sidekicks. This is my first work so be patient cause I’m bad at spelling lol.
warnings: angst, cursing. I low key really hate this tbh
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You couldn’t believe yourself, you let deathstroke get away. You had him right there, but than you let down your guard and he overpowered you.
You tired typing up the report but you were hitting the keys so hard and you were getting frustrated with having to write out your failure.
“Hey Bart!” You called across the cave. He quickly sped over to you, standing by your side.
“Yes!” He said louder than he meant to. “Mhm- I mean yes?”
“I was wondering if you could write the report to Red Tornado tonight? I’m so tired I could faint.
A smile spread across his face “absolutely! Go rest, you did great today.”
“Thanks, but I really didn’t. I let him get away.” You sigh defeatedly.
“It’s not your fault, You were the only one to catch up to him and almost got him, he just slipped away. We’ll get him next time.” He smiled but as he saw your frown not going away he stopped. His words clearly weren’t working.
“yeah sure. See you later.” You said as you walked to the Zeta tube. Bart watched with a sad expression as you disappeared back to your city. He sighed and started on the report.
Thaddeus was so jealous of Bart.
How dare he get praise from the city of Central city. How dare he get to be the hero. How dare he get the girl.
Inertia decided enough was enough. No more happiness for Impulse.
Inertia had a simple plan. Follow you home, break through the window and knock you out, take you back to the lair. And Inertia succeeded with flying colors.
You were asleep, or knocked out really. Thaddeus stared at your face, as he remembered the first time he had saw you.
He was watching the young justice team, as he his mentor usually sent him to do, when he caught sight of you. He thought you were pretty of course and your ability to hold your own in a fight made you even more attractive. But when He caught sight of Barts blush as you spoke to him, as he basically vibrated with excitement as he talked to you, Inertia know he had to have you.
You stirred in your sleep and opened your eyes. You were strapped by your wrists to a bed, surrounded by overkill high tech equipment. You glanced to your right to see Inertia standing over you with a shit eating grin.
“Well good morning gorgeous.” He said as he leaned down to plant a kiss to your forehead, you tried to lean away but was trapped by the ropes around your wrists and ankles. You felt so exposed, tied up with no weapon and your middle completely exposed, you had your suit on of course but nothing to protect yourself with. You felt useless. You tried to move your leg but was met with excruciating pain. You looked down to see your leg swollen and purple.
Way past broken.
“What do you want with me?” You bite back. Inertia lets out a laugh.
“Nothing with you, just with Impulse. To keep him away from you, it will drive him mad. He’d do anything to keep you safe.” He said as he sped over to a computer.
“ I mean anyone on the team would probably do the same thing. I would do that for them too.” You replied, really confused.
“Yes of course.” Inertia replied sarcastically. “You guys have that power of friendship shit.”
You rolled your eyes. You weren’t intimidated by Inertia, but you were worried for what he had in store for Bart. Inertia went out of his way to make Barts world a living hell. All of the reverse flashes did, but Inertia seemed extra spiteful to the young speedster.
“No, Impulse has a certain fondness for you, why? I can’t even imagine, but he cares for you. He couldn’t have made it more obvious. He follows you around on the field like a lost puppy.” Inertia spits, as if Barts crush on you made him sick.
You can’t say that you didn’t notice Barts clear interest in you. He practically vibrates through the floor when he speaks to you. He blushes when ever you hug or pat him on the back after a mission. Cassie had even pointed it out a few times. Anita and Cissie have a bet going about when he’ll have the courage to confess his feelings.
You wouldn’t say you didn’t harbor a crush towards the future boy as well. You were just much better at hiding it. You found his goofiness endearing and his jokes never failed to make you laugh.
but the line of work you two choose makes dating complicated. When feelings are involved it can mess up the whole team on the field. This is a prime example.
“What are you going to do with him?” You asked as you struggle against your restraints. You click you wrists together three times, sending out a distress signal to the cave.
“I’m going to stop Impulse once and for all. Nothing is going to get I’m my way now.” He loaded up a weird looking gun with a large bullet. Tranquilizer gun.
You knew the whole team would be on their way soon. You had faith in them. But the doubt in your mind clouded your thoughts. You must have looked scared because inertia turned and smiled wickedly at your struggling body.
“Oh you know this gun? Hmm well then you won’t mind me testing it out on you.” He smiled before shooting it right into your leg.
You yelped as it hit your thigh and and struggled as the effects kicked in. You wrestled with the restraints until you couldn’t any longer. You laid there, still. Useless.
“Oh and about that little distress signal you just sent out. You’re not slick, and we wanted you to do that. How else would we lower him here?” He smiled sadistically.
you watched him walk away not able to move to go after him. Not able to fight to help save your friends.
Tears filled your eyes as you slowly passed out.
Bart was running as fast as he could through the hallways, Cassie and Kon on his tail. He needed to save you. He should have known that Inertia would have caught on to his crush eventually. This was all his fault, If he had just kept the flirting on the field to a minimum you wouldn’t be here right now. Cassie was about ready to kill inertia, how dare he kidnap her best friend.
Bart ran through the last hallway beefier turning left. He ran up to inertia and grabbed his collar. “Where is she!” He yelled in the blondes face.
Inertia giggled a sinister little giggle before the sound of a gun clicking startled Bart. He looked down to see a tranquilizer bullet sticking out of his stomach. With all his strength he punch Inertia in the face as hard as he could and continue to scream in his face as he hit him, demanding him to give up your location.
Wonder girl found Impulse struggling to crawl towards a metal door, weakly pointing to it with and mumbling. He was drooling on the floor before he collapsed. She looked next to him to see Inertia unconscious, with a bloody swollen face.
With Impulses heightened metabolism, he should snap out of it any moment now. Jon took care of Inertia, sending him on his way to bele reve, while Cassie took the liberty of busting down the metal door and grabbing you.
Back at the cave, Bart was up running around while Red Tornado addressed the damage cause to you.
Bart couldn’t take the thought of you being alone with Thaddeus Thawne and what he could have done to you.
Res Tornado returned from out of your room, the whole team waiting outside.
“Is she ok?” Bart asks worried.
“Her leg is in critical condition, she will live.” His said in his monotone voice. “She needs rest but she wants to speak to everyone. I suggest only one person before she goes to sleep, the rest of you can catch up in the morning.”
red tornado walked away and back to his room. Bart looked around at the group. “Could I speak to her first? I just want to make sure she’s ok.” The group agreed even when Cassie was a little hesitant.
Bart walked into the room seeing you lying on the bed with your led wrapped up and elevated. You poke your head up at the noise and smiled at Bart.
“Thank God you’re ok!” Bart said as he sped to the side of your bed.
“I could say the same thing.” You said as he returns your smile.
“Look Y/N, I’m so sorry about Inertia. He’s cruel and mean and was trying to use you to get to me, I’msosorrythatilutyouinthatpostionsifanythinghadhappenedtoyouidontknowwhatiwoulddowithmyself.”
“Bart! Slow down I can’t understand you when you talk like that.” You laughed lightly.
“what I’m trying to say is I’m sorry.” He sighed.
“Bart you didn’t do this to me. Inertia did, you’re not responsible for him.” You said as you looked him in his golden eyes.
“but if I had just not made my crush so obvious he wouldn’t have-“ Bart stopped realizing what he had just said.
“Your crush on me?” You asked with a playful smirk, as Barts cheeks colored.
“well umm..yes I have a crush on you.” Bart said as he hid his face in his hands.
you laughed and pulled his hands away from his face, holding them in your own.
“I like you too Bart. And it’s not your fault.” You said looking him deep in the eyes.
“you do?” He asked hopeful.
“yes.” You replied. He leaned forward and kissed your hand.
“well than, I guess it’s time I ask you on an official date. Is Tacos ok?” He asked
“absolutely.” You giggled as your eyes grew heavy from the sheer weight of today.
“I’ll see you later then, good night Y/N.” He said as he kissed your forehead
“good night, my hero.” You said as he’s cheeks turned and even darker shade of red.
He rushed out of your room once he was sure you were asleep. He ran through the cave to the living room and tackled kon into a hug.
“I take it she said yes then?” Kim asks having heard the whole thing with his super hearing. Bart ran around the room vibrating through the walls as Anita handed a crisp $20 bill to a laughing Cissie.
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nix-writes-mcyt · 11 months
Autumn with Impulse Headcanons
Contains: Fluff
I hope everyone is enjoying this series, I'm thinking maybe a spooky oneshot for Halloween? I don't celebrate Halloween but I can still post a spooky oneshot if people are interested, let me know :)
Impulse always gets excited when Autumn rolls around Longer nights means more time with you by the fire Crisp winds means warmer clothing
Most importantly the overall colder weather means more cuddles Cuddles on a morning when you wake up Cuddles throughout the day wherever either of you can squeeze them in Cuddles on a night without the summer heat to make things too warm to bear
Of course there are other things that you both enjoy
One of those being spooky late night walks
They're only spooky because you'll both tell ghost stories, it just seems fitting to do that in the woods Until a twig snaps, That's when the walk is over
You and Impulse spend a lot of time by the fire when Autumn rolls around
It's not uncommon for you both to push back the furniture, put on some music and dance together while the sun sets either It's easy to forget the time when the seasons change Especially when you're enjoying time with friends
The board game collection you and Impulse have is impressive, so you often host friends for game nights
There is always plenty of hot chocolate to go around Plenty of salt at times too
Regardless of who wins or loses the games everyone always goes home happy, or at least you'd presume so given that they come back each week
Game nights aren't the only thing the two of you have been known to host, The occasion bonfire has been held at yours as well
The wood is gathered by all the hermits, yourself and Impulse included And then you'll all gather round for a night of laughter and fun
One year Impulse had attempted to DIY some silent fireworks
They were silent for sure, mainly because they flew off into the sky and fizzled into nothingness
Never again were fireworks attempted at any bonfire held at your residence
Impulse would probably like to forget fireworks were attempted at all, but he'll happily laugh about it when it gets brought up
If nothing else there is never a lack of high spirits at yours in Autumn, no matter the failure or success of a bonfire or game of cards
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dvskf4llz · 7 months
Hello! Could I request a fluffy ImpulseSV x gender neutral reader where Impulse is trying to take reader on a romantic date but everything keeps going wrong (if you have different ideas then it's ok!) :]
Also Could I be 🍄 anon?
I love this idea anon!! Ofc you can be 🍄 anon :]
'Sup guys I'm back 👍
Alone time
ImpulseSV x GN!Reader fluff
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This oneshot will contain the following: Pure fluffiness, a tad bit of stuff that you may not like such as cheesy couple stuff and kind of getting dragged away from dates
Nothing too extreme so dw! Now, on with the oneshot!
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(Here's a backstory between you and impulse first :D)
Back when you first joined Hermitcraft, you had instantly became interested in Impulse once you met him.
You guys had nice and interesting conversations, you both shared a lot of interests. You guys had a really good bond with each other, of course the other hermits noticed that and began planning immediately.
A few months after you first met Impulse, a few of the fellow hermits had encouraged Impulse to confess to you since he did actually like you. The hermits did end up convincing him, so he did.
He set up a whole 'friendly meetup' for both of you, saying that he just wanted to hangout for a while. You felt a bit suspicious by it but went with it anyways
You'd arrive at the coordinates that Impulse had given you to go to; As you looked up, you were greeted with a beautiful scenery. Impulse would be standing in front of you with flowers in his hands, a slightly nervous smile on his face. He'd then bashfully confess his feelings to you, his face being all red as he waited for your reaction. After Impulse was done, you would then finally admit it as well that you had feelings for him and well everything else went well. You both continued the date, and soon enough officially a couple! Some of the Hermits would be surprised and would be happy for both of you, acting as if they didn't expect this at all when really they did.
Now recently, you and Impulse had been busy with different things. Building things, doing favors for the Hermits, having different projects that required a lot of time and etc. You and Impulse barely got time to spend time with each other alone and in peace, and that lead to both of you missing each other.
Soon enough, Impulse would then think of clearing all his plans for one day of the week to bring you on a romantic date. He decided Saturday could be idea, he also made sure to check that you didn't have any plans on that day. Thankfully, you didn't. And so, you both waited patiently and excitedly for the day to come because you both really needed a break for once.
And so as the day came, you both were even more excited to just spend time with each other on a cute little picnic date that Impulse had set up just before the time that both of you would leave. When the time finally came for when you and Impulse were going to leave for the date, as soon as Impulse saw you he was absolutely mesmerized by your beauty.
"Well, you are looking mighty fine! Care to join me, m'lady?" Impulse would say in a jokingly posh tone, holding his hand out to you whilst you let out a small chuckle
"Why aren't you just a gentleman? Of course I shall join you." You'd reply back aswell with a fancy tone, wanting to play along with the whole posh/fancy tone thing. And so, you took Impulse's hand and you both went off hand in hand. Both of you thought it would just be a normal and wholesome little date that you would have, but oh boy did you both get proven wrong.
As soon as you guys would start with the date, Impulse would get asked to do something that was really urgent. He had to excuse himself for a while, hoping it wouldn't take long. You were a bit hesitant and felt a bit sad, but understood and let Impulse do what he needed to do first. So, you waited for him for about twenty minutes before you started to get a bit worried. But thankfully, Impulse would arrive back just a minute after you began worrying. You then both continues on with the date, doing the usual cheesy stuff couples would do on dates until you got asked to do something that was important by one of the Hermits. Same thing happened again, again and again.. When you both finally were able to continue, lots of things went wrong. Both of you would still get dragged into doing stuff the Hermits would ask for you guys to do, food getting stolen by critters and just many more things that had kind of ruined the date. You both even had to do something seperate that would take a while to do, by the time you were both done it was already late evening.
With both of you extremely tired, you guys just decided to just have a cuddle date in bed. The first bit of the cuddling session was mostly filled with both you and Impulse apologizing to each other for constantly getting pulled away from the date, Impulse was definitely the one who apologized the most since he was the one who set up the whole date. Soon enough, you both would end up playfully arguing about who said sorry the most
"No, I said sorry more than you did!"
"Nuh uh."
"The heck you mean 'Nuh uh'?"
"I apologized the most and I know I'm right soo!"
"No, I did!"
The playful arguing went on for a while before you both decided that you were both equally very apologetic about what happened, though atleast one of you would still be murmuring about how you/he were/was right. After that, you both just started giving each other little kisses and maybe soft nuzzles against each other aswell. Soon enough, the both of you would fall asleep peacefully in each other's arms; holding each other close with soft smiles on your faces..
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And yeah! That's it for this oneshot! This is not fully proof read as I'm writing this at almost 12 am and I am tired- but of course I didn't go to sleep yet just so that I could finish this for you guys :D
Hope you enjoyed! Always remember to take care of yourself and don't feel forced to do anything! Do things at your own pace <3
Much love as always, goodbye dear reader! See you on the next oneshot ;D
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candy-applers · 11 months
Official Master list!
Please be sure to read the rules before requesting!
Important note keys:
Angst: *
Platonic: %
Incorrect quotes w/ grian!
A bloody surprise (Poly w/Scar)*
Incorrect quotes w/ Scar!
A bloody Surprise (Poly w/Grian)*
/Noting yet/...
Clean up on main street (WIP)
/Nothing yet/...
Dating Ren hcs (Hybrid!Ren)
Prank war
Home at last (Hybrid!Ren)
All too cute
Life series:
/Nothing yet/...
/Nothing yet/...
/more to come/...
Feel free to request someone you don't see yet! I am open to possibly writing for more fandoms, just depends on how good I now the character!
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prianya · 2 years
Hey not sure if your requests are open and feel free to skip but...
Impulse or Tango whichever you prefer and you may pick both of you’d like but now the actual request
So the reader had trouble sleeping and when the do sleep they have nightmares and (Impy or Tango) finds them and they tell them why their up and then they just cuddle..
Idk if that makes sense to you but to me it does. Remember you can skip if you don’t want to!
Sincerely (is 🧪anon taken?)
La Lune
Impulse x Reader; Tango x Reader ▪︎ Platonic
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Word Count ▪︎ 548 words
Summary ▪︎ Nightmares can be daunting, and make it hard for you to rest again. Luckily, your friends are there to comfort you.
Note ▪︎ Welcome to you, 🧪anon! I'm sorry for my leave of absence, especially for so long, I just haven't been doing the best. Hopefully this will make up for that, just a bit. Enjoy!
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Your night had started pleasantly, a movie playing as you lounged with two of your closest friends. Your eyes drooped heavily, drowsiness settling deep in your bones. The movie fades in and out as you slowly drift off, soon becoming background noise. Your eyes finally fall closed, and you sink into a comfortable darkness.
You raise your head and look around, the light of the TV absent as you survey the room. A groan escapes you, and you turn over and snag a blanket off of the back of the couch. In the back of your head, you knew that you had woken for a reason, but you pushed the thought away in favour of going back to sleep.
Your eyes peel open again, burning slightly as you peer into the darkness beyond your covers. Your head throbs, distress lingering at the edges of your mind as faint remnants of a dream escaped you. A thick silence fills the living room, only broken by the ticking of a clock in the background. Deciding that getting up wasn't worth the trouble, you pull the velvety blanket back around your shoulders and burrow into the couch cushions. Sleep finds you quickly, the world fading away with a pleasant warmth.
The third time you wake up is with a scream. Gasping for breath, you shoot up and claw at the blanket wrapped around you. It's too much, too close to you and felt suffocating after your dream. Impulse and Tango are quick to find you, the two stumbling out of their rooms to check on you. You throw your hands out before either of them can touch you, and Impulse's hands hover over your shoulders as he stops short.
"What's going on? Are you okay?" Tango asks gently, sitting on the couch to your right as he looked at you. Your answer comes in the form of short breaths; a clear no to his question. It takes a while for the tremors to stop, the panic slow to leave your body. Suddenly you realize that whatever dream that had caused such intense distress was just a hazy memory at that point, the fog of the dream having faded. The two sit with you, ever patient as you slump into Tango's side, stress leaking from your body as you go limp from exaustion.
Tango wraps an arm around you, and Impulse lays his head on your lap as they comfort you. Impulse launches into a dazed monologue, voice slurring as he talks through his fatigue.
"And then I fell off a cliff, which hurt pretty bad because my elytra didn't open in time. It was fine, though, the cliff wasn't very tall," He whispers, eyelids fluttering as he tries to stay awake.
"That sounds like it sucked," you comment offhandedly, your own eyes falling closed as your friends crowd in close and console you.
"Reminds me of the time I tripped and fell off of your mega build," Tango says, running a hand over your back, and letting you sink into him more.
Silence falls again, and Tango realizes that both you and Impulse had fallen asleep. He smiles gently, closing his own eyes and finally resting. You didn't wake up until the next morning, refreshed and recovered from your fitful sleep.
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Can I request a Yandere!Impulse x Reader fic? preferably male reader but idm if not. In terms of plot, can you write something where he stalks the reader + takes pictures of them, and the reader ends up finding his 'collection' of photos. If not then just general yan hcs or smth is fine! Ty - 🌠 (Stargazer Anon)
First of all, thank you for being my first request, stargaze anon :]
Notes: I'm gonna pretend I'm confident in writing this. It's probably gonna be ooc and for that I am very sorry 😭
Already letting you guys know I am new to Tumblr and also sorry if there are any errors.
Yes, "chat" are viewers, this is C! and not CC! I don't do yandere content creators. Minecraft is real in this, please understand my logic here.
I meant for it to be male reader, I swear, but since I was sleepy at the time I wrote, it ended up being in a headcannon type of way, which means almost no dialogue so the gender is not mentioned. I also write in second person a lot so there's also that.
TWs: Yandere, probably ooc Impulse, stalking, kidnapping and someone taking pics of you.
C! Yandere ImpulseSV x Reader
What fear of rejection can cause
The first time Impulse caught a glimpse of you was during 3rd life.
His first feeling towards you was confusion. You were collecting wood at a random forest just by the time he was passing by it, some people would call it fate.
You were talking to your chat, small creatures that resembled allays, each of them with different personalities and distinguishing features. It took him a few seconds to remember who you were, he had never seen you before, having found out about you through Grian when he told everyone he had invited an old friend of his to the 3rd life server. Looking briefly over your features which matched with the ones his avian friend mentioned was all it took for him to shrug it off, not yet deeming you an enemy.
As expected from him, he went to chat with you, introduce himself and link a face to a name. Your chat seemed pleasantly surprised with his sudden appearance, excitedly chirping while spinning around your head and his, their little sounds unintelligible to his ears even though you could hear them yell his name very clearly. Impulse caught on to what they were doing quickly, having already gone through the same situation many times with other people. He smiled at the small beings and waved.
The first conversation of you guys was okay, awkward, if you were to describe it as anything else. After that the both of you just decided to keep to yourselves, having mutual allies and friends who kept you two together, sometimes saying "hi" when you crossed paths. Nothing else was going on between you other than that.
Impulse was curious, something about you just wouldn't let him be in peace.
Sure, you guys didn't quite click when you first met, but there had to be something about you, right? Grian was friends with you for years, the others, your newfound friends, seemed to nearly mirror Grian's bond with you despite having just met you, despite not knowing you as long as he did.
Impulse should have been guilty, it couldn't have been right to follow you around like that, in secret even. But to be fair, he was guilty at the start. He even gave up following you the first time he decided to do so, but the second time… The second time he figured he had a reasonable excuse. He wanted to know more about you so that the awkwardness wouldn't happen the next time he tried to befriend you! So that you guys would click like you did with the others, you eventually would.
Hesitation kept him from even approaching you, he got used to just seeing you interact with the world and the others around you from an outsider's point of view and imagining himself going through such situations with you according to that. He didn't want to ruin the fantasy or his chance at befriending you, he knew you were a kind person, but one could only ruin so many chances, so for now, he would stick to learning more about you.
At first, this was all there was to it, curiosity, then, you started seeming like such a good friend! Perhaps your kindness was what charmed him even more, treating his friends kindly brought you some extra points in his book, the one you knew nothing about.
Kindness could only get you so far, you had come across Etho as he was messing with redstone, the redstone Impulse recognized as the bunch he had brought to him. You seemed very interested in the ore, asking a lot of questions, questions Impulse himself could have answered to you had you just directed them to him, him and not Etho. Still, a victory was a victory. The still hidden man quietly cheered behind some random bush as you two spoke, too engrossed in the matter to notice a grown man almost jumping around in giddiness as he found out a new thing you two had in common. Something that could possibly bring you two together!
All good things must come to an end. It was hard seeing you reach your red life and die before him and not even be able to help you, the only thing he was able to do was avenging you, bringing your killers down. Still, it was all fun and games between friends, that was, before he noticed that was it. You weren't a hermit, you were on this series because of Grian but Xisuma was the admin of the Hermitcraft server, the things there were different and Grian could only do so much considering Xisuma didn't have the least of clues about who you were.
When that dawned on him, all hell broke loose, you guys weren't close enough to keep contact and neither was it normal for him to just ask his friends what server you were at currently or for your communicator ID. As much as he could do so, he also just couldn't, or at least that's what his brain told him. Was this what fear of rejection felt like?
He brainstormed a plan right off the bat. He had to convince Xisuma to white list you. And the most natural way for doing so was to bring your mutual friends to convince him. All members from 3rd life, that was enough to bring you back to his reach, where he could learn about you, much to his delight. Keeping you at arm's length was just way safer than letting you wander around servers he didn't trust or know.
At this point, he couldn't quite deny anymore that something was wrong. Despite trying over and over to think about it from all perspectives, the way things were going was alarming, at this point even you could feel something was wrong. Feeling eyes on you even while you were inside your base, in a peaceful server like Hermitcraft, it couldn't have been normal.
The pile of excuses became bigger as Impulse's pupils dilated in pure affection, snapping the picture of a perfect moment, the very first one of many to come, a soft smile blossomed at his face along with redness following from his cheeks to the tip of his ears as you brought your first pet home, smiling from ear to your beloved animal's form despite whatever it was. He wished he could have had that memory with you, that was the excuse, not only was it a one time thing but it was also important to him, the photo would work as a memory of you together. Despite him not actually being there, he decided to delude himself to believe it was like he was there anyway, taking a selfie with you as if you were aware of his presence.
Only, it wasn't a one time thing.
He had a whole collection.
It was only right, right? It's not like you can only have one single memory and call it done. Memories are supposed to be kept in group, it's a prettier word when said in plural! That's actually something you said once, he wrote it down in his little notebook of you.
That's what he would have told you to defend himself when you first saw his special 'collection of memories'.
You stared at the many pictures of you in the chest. It was a double chest full. of. pictures. of. you.
You rested your face against the palm of your hands, releasing the wooden lid which closed with a soft thud. You didn't mean to find this chest, you didn't even remember what you had come here for in the first place. The first question that went through your mind was how on earth did he have the time to take all of those pictures, like, what. Then, the other questions flooded in, your mind felt like it was imploding, how were you even supposed to approach this matter with him? You weren't even close, acquaintances at best!
You looked up again for a moment, the lid of the chest had a faint engraving, one you didn't even notice when you came looking around for- Whatever you came here looking for, was it redstone? You were partially sure Mumbo had told you earlier Impulse would have loads of it and not have any problem with trading it with you for something else. That's what you wandered here for, you just wanted to grab the redstone and leave a note and some diamonds, this turned dark pretty quick.
"My favorites <3" Read the engraving, a little heart crudely drawn at the end of the sentence. That explained why every single one of the photos seemed to have little hearts drawn all over them. You confirmed your theories as you opened the lid again with shaking hands, hearts of varying shapes, sizes and colors on each picture. With a scowl, you scrunched up your nose as you noticed something.
"Bro didn't even get my best angle"
The sound of a wooden door opening made you panic, silently but quickly closing the chest you were looking at and opening the one right by the side of it, almost sighing in relief as you saw it was full of ores and redstone, exactly what you had come here looking for.
The person seemed to pause at the door for a solid second before speaking. "[Name]? Hey- What are you doing here?" Hearing the familiar voice and looking behind you confirmed your suspicions of the person in question being Impulse himself, you catched him glancing at the chest right by your side as you turned around, his nervous smile dropping as he frowned, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before speaking slowly. "How much did you see?"
You ran your hand through your hair, messing it up. "This chest," You pointed to the one you had just pretended you never opened while confessing you did. You didn't even know why you were the one confessing when you were supposed the one to be asking the questions here, then again this was the type of situation you never expected to be a part of, imagine being the victim! "Why- When did this even start?-" You barked questions at him as you moved to stand up. "This is creppy man! This is not okay."
"I'll explain everything, it's not like there's a lot to explain anyway… Just sit there, somewhere, make yourself comfortable."
With a bad feeling in your gut you moved to look for a place to sit, just now noticing how big of a place this was. It's impossible for Impulse to be able to function and have the time to not only stalk you but also build such things, this base seemed like one of his biggest he had ever done, even if more hidden than normally.
You turned around for a moment, the shock distracting you mind for just enough time to feel a sudden pain at the back of your head and black out, almost hitting the floor before Impulse caught you and sat you down at a couch, the softest one in there and his personal favorite.
He sighed in relief, calmly walking a few steps back and dropping his axe back in his inventory, as if he had not just hit you with it's handle. He stoped close to the door, pressing a button that made his redstone circuit work, successfully locking the only entrance to his house, and the only exit, too.
Good thing he thought ahead and hid his actual favorite photos well, well enough so you didn't see them yet, he would show them to you later, sure, but right now it wouldn't be a good start to your new relationship. He hoped you would be quick to accept this new "arrangement". It's not like he's letting you go soon, anyway.
No, no. Not really. Now he has all the time in the world to get closer to you, he made sure to fill this new house of the both of you with all sort of things he knew you liked. Now he has all the chances in the world to befriend you without awkwardness, eventually it's gonna be impossible to feel awkward with him when he's the only one you have to talk to, right?
Maybe meeting him at the forest really was fate, probably a warning, one you disregarded.
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dickmedowndc · 10 months
Kiss Tax - Bart Allen x Reader
Word Count: 1,856
Summary: Bart had always been affectionate in your relationship. Quick to give or ask for anything from a hug to a kiss – the latter of which he had made a habit of giving before each mission he went on. At least when it wasn’t something last minute or it was manageable. But you had finally decided to return the affections more yourself, beginning to ask for a “kiss tax” on small things such as passing through the door or handing over a drink. A practice that Bart seemed more than happy to adopt and turn around on you just as quickly. 
Notes: Partially inspired by something from Feels Like Fighting Gravity, one of my upcoming OC/Canon fics, where Wisteria tends to demand a “kiss tax” for things – I thought it was cute. Also, inspired by a relationship headcanon that Bart tries to kiss his partner before each mission, just in case.
It was quiet. 
Far too quiet. 
You had been reading in absolute silence by the window for some time now, a storm pounding on the windowpane in a consistent lull, only interrupted by the bright white flash of lightning and the cracks of ground shaking thunder that sent a vibration through your home and body. 
The quietness that had you narrowing your eyes and sliding a bookmark between pages was not the silence of nature – not with its ongoing war cry – but rather the silence of your home. It was unnerving, unnatural, after becoming so used to the sounds of a speedster making himself comfortable within the walls. Setting the book aside you reached over, grabbing your phone and flicking the screen on to see the time: 4:57 PM. Bart had been due back from his 3-day mission more than 3 hours ago. Granted, it wasn’t uncommon for a speedster to be late back from anything, but for such a stretch of time with no word from him, it was becoming concerning. 
But you had faith in your partner and knew when he was free from his duties or the debriefing – or wherever he was – that he would be back. That was not to say, however, that it would stop you from curling up on your bed and waiting a bit longer. At least you told yourself that had been the plan, but the moment that your head hit the pillows you found your eyes were growing heavy without your consent and you fell asleep. 
When you woke later it was with a start and a pressure pressed against your entire body, one that was vibrating as it laughed. Just as quickly your eyes flew open and landed on your boyfriend, all too amused with himself and face shoved into the crook of your neck as he continued to shake in his absolute mirth. 
Finally, he stopped, just long enough so he could peak up at you and the faint mumbling against your skin could be deciphered. “Did you miss me?” 
“I always miss you,” you assure, bringing a hand up to run it through his fluffy hair. “But I’m also starting to miss sleep.” 
He said nothing, only pressing a series of too-quick kisses against whatever exposed skin he could reach. The actions leaving you a squirming mess under him as you tried desperately to avoid his attacks, finding yourself short of breath soon enough. 
“Bart please, please stop,” you gasped out, one hand trying to pull his head back by his hair, knowing you weren’t hurting him too much, and the other trying to shove him back by one of his shoulders. It did little to dissuade him, his onslaught continued until there were tears in the corners of your eyes and you could no longer beg for him to show mercy. It shouldn’t have tickled you too much, and perhaps you should have seen it coming, but it was the very speed that he left those feather light touches, and the hands on your side keeping you from hiding, that made it all the harder to calm down. 
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Bart stilled. His hands were still planted firmly on your sides, but he allowed his body to collapse onto yours. He seemed as content as could be to just rest his head on your chest, looking up at you with faux innocence as though he had not been lovingly tormenting you only moments ago. He was good at that, and he knew it. “Too cute to be mad at” you had said one time, and he had run with it for situations such as this. 
Finally free to take in as much air as our lungs burned for you could finally calm down. With one hand limp at your side, the other that remained webbed through strands of his hair had just enough feeling for you to pull him forward. “Come here,” you murmured, pressing a quick kiss to his lips when he finally complied. When you opened your eyes and pulled away, the only thing that you could see was the elated grin of your partner. 
“What was that for?” 
“A kiss tax, you have to pay a kiss tax now.” 
Bart cocked his brow at you. “What am I paying for?” 
“For tickling me, you menace. And maybe I’ll make you pay another one for being cute.” 
“What if I don’t want to pay the tax?” 
“Sorry,” you huffed, a gentle hand to his cheek, “no tax fraud allowed.” 
Bart only laughed, following your gentle pull before kissing you once again. “For being attractive?” 
You rolled your eyes at his words, moving to correct him swiftly. “For being criminally cute.” 
“I think I can live with the kiss tax, even if it’s just to get you to start kisses more.” 
You waved him aside, knowing it wasn’t a rude jab. Bart had known about your shy nature and your hesitance at giving physical affection on that level. It was well discussed. But it did not stop him from poking fun at it on the rare occasion. 
But what you had not known that day, after fully deciding to lean into the kiss tax idea - because your boyfriend deserved it, and always made time to give you what physical affection he could, including a goodbye kiss before every mission – was just how happy it would make Bart. And just how eager he would be to pay said tax for each little thing. 
But three weeks later it was resoundingly clear to you. 
Bart had always been the more affectionate of the two of you – not that it wasn’t mutual. But he had never shied away from asking or surprising you with hugs or a quick kiss, he gave compliments like he needed to do so to breathe. It was a pre-fight good luck charm for him to find you wherever you were and kiss you before he had to go unless he did not have the time. Hand holding, domestic mornings just cuddling in bed, hyping you up to those around you. It was just the way he was. 
And in private you returned his affections. Your own flustered nature leaving you stuttered over it in the company of others. You enjoyed it nonetheless. 
But now Bart had gotten a taste of you regularly starting these moments, and he was enjoying it. 
“Can you hand me that water?” he called, puppy dog eyes on full display as he stared longingly at the bottle from over the bed of the couch. 
You could only shake your head at his antics before bringing it to him, still partially distracted by something you had been reading on your phone; Anita had been recorded during one of her saves recently and you were checking the highlights, mentally reminding yourself to congratulate her later. Your train of thought was interrupted when Bart cleared his throat. Puzzled, you stopped, looking at him in a silent question of what was wrong. 
“I have to pay the tax, don’t I?” 
You could feel the way your lips twitched up at the corner. You couldn’t miss the chance to mess with him. “I don’t know if I'll be collecting any tax on water.” 
He looked like a kicked puppy almost immediately. He would put Dox to shame with the sad eyes he was pulling. 
“But you took tax the other day.” 
You could only roll your eyes before motioning him forward, the air knocked from your lungs when he practically threw himself over your lap. So much for reading the rest of the article, you mused, tossing your phone aside. You took a moment and just squished his face between your hands, earning a grumble as he turned away to break your hold. “Alright,” you said, relenting at last, “come here you big baby.” 
Bart was more than happy to oblige, stealing a kiss faster than you could even register the act. 
But when he pulled back, he had that look on his face you sometimes found you would regret later, like he knew something, or was planning something. You ignored it, knowing full and well that if he wanted to keep his secrets for the time he would, especially if he thought it would make the payout all the better. 
The best you could do was enjoy the tranquility of the moment and resign yourself to whatever fate awaited you. 
That fate, as you found out only hours later, was Bart now flipping the script on you. 
Where it had previously been you requesting a kiss tax before letting him into your bedroom, Bart now stood in front of it, puffed out and taking up as much space as he could. “You need to pay the tax, sorry babe.” 
You snorted and crossed your arms. “I need to pay the tax in my own place?” 
“Don’t you do that already?” 
Your arms drop to your sides as you sigh. “Alright, come here, you.” You pull him forward and give him a kiss, before ducking under him and making for the kitchen before he can change just how much tax you owe. Not that trying to outrun him has ever worked in your favor before anyways, but it always seems to make the both of you laugh, and that’s enough. 
But his demands for kisses don’t stop there, and you find that Bart seems to have found a new past time – finding what things he can still do for you and still be able to collect tax. It isn’t every time, thankfully, so it keeps you on your toes enough. Nor does it seem to diminish just how excited that he gets each time you still make him pay with a quick kiss as well. 
That’s good, because the way he lights up is something that you’re hoping you get to see for a long time to come still. 
An admission you let slip after stealing another kiss when he tries to pull you in to cuddle. 
Bart seems to go completely soft at that, eyes half lidded, and arms thrown around your waist so he can pull away long enough to just watch you for the moment. “Anybody saying you can’t?” 
“No, but I wanted you to know. I don’t always tell you as much as I maybe should.” 
Bart breaks out in a smile there – he could put the sun to shame – but it’s just as soft as it is bright. “You show me all the time.” 
You can only raise a brow at that. “Really?” 
“You do,” he insists, pulling you closer. “It didn’t take me that long to figure out how you show it.” 
It's like a weight you didn’t know had been there is lifted when he says that. The kiss tax had been in part to show him that you cared just as much, and knowing that he already knew? It put you at ease. Enough so that you quickly found yourself curling into his chest to be lulled asleep by his heartbeat, aware he wasn’t far behind you. 
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a1307s · 10 months
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Companion #2
(Bart Allen)
[Art is not mine! Credit to battysketches]
Requested by: Feketealkony16
Y/N: Your Name
Word Count: 5,760
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
My companion and I have been spending a lot of time together over the past couple of weeks. We have a nice routine that makes me calm. I like knowing what is going to happen, and with Bart, I always know when stuff is going to happen and how it's going to happen.
However, recently Bart has insisted on sleeping in my bed with me at night. I'm not sure why but he keeps asking me, so I finally said yes last night. It's weird waking up with him in my bed. I'm not sure what to do. Usually, I get up and shower before breakfast, and then Bart makes us pancakes. Am I supposed to do that today too?
I shift in bed so I'm sitting against the board in the front. Bart stirs a bit, rolling over so his head is buried between my thigh and the bedding. He stays still for a second before shifting again, his head staying in place but his arm resting against my hips. For whatever reason, Bart has started touching me a lot. He seems to like touching my hips, but again, I'm not sure why.
Usually, I don't like people other than Conner touching me. I do like Bart touching me too though. I like the little sparks that bounce off of him when he's excited. I did end up asking Artemis about the electric sparks and she said Wally does it too when he gets really happy. She also said that Wally doesn't know it's happening because he's used to electricity running threw him so it's hard for him to tell when it's being transferred to something or someone else. I'm pretty sure it's the same for my companion.
Once again, Bart shifts, this time he props himself up so I can see his face, but his arm stays put. When his eyes blink open, sparks start bouncing off of him and colliding against my hips. He is happy, good. "G'morning," He mumbles, a sleepy smile on his face as he looks up at me.
"Good morning," I say back, turning my head away from him. My chest always feels tight when Bart smiles at me. I asked Batgirl about it, and she said it sounds like I have a crush on Bart. I don't know what a crush is, but she explained it as me liking him. Of course, I like him, he's my companion. If I didn't like him, he wouldn't be my companion. Duh.
"Y/N," Bart whines, tightening his hold on me as he buries his head between my hip and his arm. "Look at me!" I obey, turning back to him. His head pokes out as he keeps it rested on us. His smile widens, the sleepiness draining from his face. "Good morning, Mamas."
That is new. I don't know if it's good new. It makes me tingle, but not the tingling I get from the electricity leaving Bart, it's a different tingle. "Good morning," I repeat, once again turning away from him. I think it's a good tingle. It makes me feel like I want my companion to touch me more.
As if he can read my mind, Bart wraps his other arm behind my back, tugging me some so more of himself is on top of my lap. His head is shifted to my other leg, his heart being pressed into my thigh as he lays across me. Recently, when I get overwhelmed - that's the new word Black Canary taught me last week; she says it explains me getting upset about the lights and my emotions - I've been listening to Bart's heartbeat instead of Conner's.
"Why won't you look at me?" He asks, his hands rubbing my hips as he cuddles himself up on my legs. He reminds me of a cat doing this. Sometimes Garfield will transfer into a cat and lay on me, so I'll pet him.
"You make my chest hurt when I look at you too long," I mumble, glancing down at him.
"Oh," He murmurs, his face scrunched up in confusion. "What do you mean it hurts?"
I scan around my room, trying to find anything other than him to look at. "I don't know... it just... feels tight sometimes."
"Oh," Bart repeats, his tone a lot happier this time. "My chest does that too. Usually when you laugh." Maybe Bart likes me too. I hope so or else I'd be a bad companion. Am I a bad companion to Bart? I hope not. I want to make him happy.
"What are you thinking about?" He asks, his hands no longer rubbing my bones and instead gently pushing the hem of my pajama shirt up. A small sliver of my skin shows, which seems to be holding Bart's attention as he pushes his fingertips into it. I don't think I like that, but I do like the feeling of the sparks against a new part of my skin.
"I don't know what to do," I murmur, watching Bart as he watches his fingers roll over my skin. Maybe I do like it, and it's just making me nervous because it's new.
I don't like new things and there's a lot of them happening right now. Bart sleeping in my bed all night, Bart waking up in my bed this morning, and now Bart touching my bare stomach. He's slept in my bed before because we've taken naps together, but he usually spends the night in his bed. Since we've taken naps before, we've woken up in each other's beds, but our naps are usually only an hour or so and never after eight at night. He's also touched me in a lot of places: my arms, my thighs, my back, and even my stomach. The only bare skin he's ever touched is my hands, arms, and face though.
"What do you mean you don't know what to do?" He asks, pushing my shirt up a little more as his fingers slide over my sides, right above my hips. His eyes stay attached to his fingers as if it takes a lot of focusing to touch my skin. Maybe it does. I've only touched the same skin he's touched on me; well before today anyway. I don't see why it would take so much focus though.
"Well, usually I'm in the shower by now, but I'm not. I'm still in bed, with you touching me."
Bart's fingers stop moving, staying put on my side as he looks up at me. I make myself look down, focusing on his eyes as I try to breathe the tightness out of my chest. It's not the tightness I'm used to having around Bart. It's the tightness I would get after I knew I failed a test. "Do you not like me touching you?"
I think about it for a minute, like Canary has told me to do. She's told me just because I feel uneasy about something doesn't mean I don't enjoy it. It just means I'm worried about what is going to happen. "It makes me worry," I finally answer, looking away from Bart again. My breathing hasn't helped with my lungs.
"About what?" He asks, sliding soft circles into me. I can still feel his eyes on the side of my face, which doesn't help my thinking.
"Why you're touching me. If you want me to touch you. If you expect anything from me because you're touching me."
Bart stays silent, the only sounds filling my ears being his heart and lungs, along with the soft sound of our skin running against each other. "Well, I'm touching you because I like how you feel... That sounds creepy," he falls quiet again, spacing out a bit. "I'm touching you because it's how I show and how I feel that someone cares. I would like you to touch me back, but you never have to do anything you don't want to when I'm around. If you don't want to touch me, then don't, I won't be mad."
I roll his words over for a bit before looking down at him. "Where would you like me to touch you?" Hopefully, it's somewhere okay, like his hair. I really want to touch his hair.
"A few places. You can touch me wherever you're comfortable touching. I won't be mad no matter what you decide." Once again, I roll the words over in my head. Does he think that I think he's mad? I slowly move my hands to his head, letting them rest for a beat before I slide my hands through his locks. They're soft against my fingers, causing waves of calmness to start to sprout.
We sit like this for a while, Bart rolling circles into different parts of my stomach, and me playing with his hair. I start trying to braid it, like I've seen M'gann do to Cassie's hair, but Bart's hair isn't long enough to make a good braid.
After a bit, Bart shifts, sitting up in bed across from me. "I'm going to take a shower," he starts, tilting his head some as he looks over my face. "Do you want to take a shower with me?"
"No," I yap out, panic quickly eating away at the calmness that was previously present.
"Okay, you don't have to," he says softly as he slowly reaches his hand towards me. I stay still, petrified with fear despite his present smile that usually makes my chest tight, not fearful. His hand is gentle as he places it against my cheek, his thumb gently sliding against my skin. For whatever reason, this is another thing Bart likes to do.
"Please go away," the fear pushes out of me before I can stop it. I don't like this, I don't like him touching me, and I don't like Bart anymore. He's a scary companion. He's going to hurt me.
     Bart's smile drops a bit, but is still present, and still scary. "Okay," he says softly, dropping his touch from me before sliding off my bed. I stay put as I watch him walk into the bathroom.
Once the door is shut behind him, I shoot up from bed and make my way out of my room. I do not feel happy, I do not feel nice, I do not feel good. All of can think about is my pod and Luther and pain.
I need to find Birdman so he can call Canary. I need to talk to her. I do not like feeling scared, and I really don't like feeling scared of Bart. He's my companion, he's supposed to make me feel good, feel loved, feel safe, someone I'm supposed to trust. I do not feel any of that. I feel scared of him, scared of him seeing me. Why would he want to see me like that? Why would he want to take a shower with me? Does he want to hurt me? What test did I fail?
My mind is a fog, my breathing feeling labored, and my nervous shaking as I race into the living room. I can hear Conner trying to get my attention, but I ignore him. "Nightwing?" I call, walking up to the team leader who's tucked into a corner of the kitchen. I tug on the arm of his shirt, pulling his attention down to me with a soft hum. "We need to go on a walk."
Canary is sitting across from me, her body language open and her pen and pad ready to write down what I say. I open my mouth again to try and explain this morning but once again, nothing comes out. "Take your time, Y/N, the league knows I'm not on call, so we have all day to figure this out," her words are soft, like always.
I like Canary, she is nice, and patient, and helps me with all my thoughts and feelings. When I first started talking with her, she told me she used to and still does help Conner - and other heroes - with the same thing so it's okay that I ask for her help.
"Bart keeps asking to sleep in my bed at night," I finally push out, shifting my gaze around the room. Even though it feels nice to talk to her and I feel safe with Canary, it still feels overwhelming to talk about stuff sometimes.
"Yes, we talked about it at our last session, do you remember what you said about it?"
     I think about it for a moment, trying to remember. "I said that I don't know how I feel about it." Canary stays quiet, her eyes soft as she looks at me. "He asked again last night, and I said yes."
"Why did you say yes? Did you want to say yes, or did you say yes so he'd stop asking?"
I think about it for a moment, trying to relive the moment and the emotions I had during the discussion with Bart. "I felt... happy when he asked. I thought it would be nice. I like our naps so I figured it would just be a really long nap. That's why I said yes. I like it when I go to sleep next to Bart, it makes me feel... like I'm important to him. Does that make sense?"
"Yes, it makes sense," Canary says, bringing some relief to me as she scribbles in her notes. "How was it? Before bed? When you were getting ready to sleep and when you laid down for the night?"
Once again, I think about it, trying to relive the memory. "I was already ready for bed when Bart showed up. We watched a movie - it was about some talking cars - and we sat next to each other, with Bart's arm around my hips. He keeps touching my hips. Why is he doing that?"
"I'm not hundred percent sure because I'm not Bart. Why do you think he does it?" I hate when she does this. When she makes it obvious she knows the answer but won't tell me what the answer is. It's supposed to 'encourage my thoughts and feelings to get to find the answer' which is stupid. If I knew the answer I wouldn't have asked the question.
"I don't know."
"I think you do, you're just scared of the answer." Maybe Canary isn't as nice as I thought.
I think over the question for a while, nothing but space in between Canary and me. "Well, today Bart said he likes how I feel, and then said he sounded creepy so he changed his answer to something about showing care and being shown it, I don't know."
Once again, the older hero stays silent, scribbling away at her notes. "Repeat that." This is really stupid.
"Bart said he likes how-"
"Not that part, the last part." Why did I ask to talk to Canary? This is a waste of time.
"His answer was something about showing care and feeling cared for," I repeat, my anger bubbling with my words.
"Again," she orders, not helping the growing frustration.
"Bart said he likes touching me because it's how he shows he cares and how he feels that he is cared about - oh..." Maybe Canary isn't stupid, and maybe I don't like the answer. Why would Bart care about me? I know he's supposed to since he's my companion and all, but other than supposedly having to, why does he?
There's a soft smile on her face as she looks at me. "See? You did know the answer, you just needed help putting the pieces together. What was the rest of the night like?"
"I don't know. We laid down after the movie and went to sleep."
"Was Bart touching you when you went to sleep?"
Why does that matter? "Yes, he had his arms around my hips and back like he did this morning."
"Why do you think he did that?"
I think about it for a moment. "Because... he was showing he cares...?"
Canary hums a yes as she nods in agreement. "People feel cared for in different ways. Some people - like Robin - feel cared for when people get them stuff like coffee, love letters, or even something as simple as a rock. Other people - like Bart - feel cared for when they're touched like hugs, kisses, and holding hands. Most of the time people show they care in the same way they feel cared for."
"Are those the only ways to feel cared for? I don't like any of those things."
Canary smiles softly again, before speaking. "There are five love languages. The two we already talked about are called receiving gifts and physical touch. There are acts of service like Batgirl helping Nightwing with paperwork. Words of affirmation is another one, stuff like being told you're doing good-"
"Ew," I say before I can stop myself. "I hate when Nightwing and Conner do that."
Canary nods, propping her head up with her arm. "Your love language is quality time. Stuff like napping with Bart or sitting with him when he plays his video games." I nod, the same way Canary does, as I roll her words around my head. I feel bad for thinking she was stupid, she's smart. "So, the time before sleeping was good, how was the actual sleeping?"
"What do you mean?" I ask, my confusion washing away all the understanding I had a second ago. I think this is why I don't like talking to Canary sometimes. She's good at making stuff make sense, and then ruining it the next time she asks a question.
"Did you sleep through the night?"
"Oh, I woke up a few times. I'd panic for a while before I realized it was Bart."
Back to silence, sounds of breathing and Canary's pen filling the space between us once again. "How'd this morning go?" She finally asks, being the one to break the silence again.
"I woke up confused."
"Because Bart was there?"
"Yes and no," I answer, getting a head tilt from the lady across from me. That usually means I answered in a way she wasn't prepared for. "I was happy to see Bart when I woke up and I did finally remember he was supposed to be there but I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if I should stick to my routine or not because waking up with him in my bed isn't part of my normal schedule."
"You don't do very well with change," She says softly like she does every time we discuss a change in my life.
"I know," I answer shortly, like always. "He ended up waking up shortly after and kept touching me again."
"Did you not like him touching you?"
"I didn't mind him touching me for most of it."
"And for the rest of it?"
I go silent again, replaying this morning in my head, trying to remember my thoughts and feelings in the moment. "Bart just... touched me differently I guess."
"Try rewording that." Occasionally Canary will say this, usually when she needs more context or doesn't understand what I'm saying.
"Bart... lifted my shirt. Not like a lot! Just a little bit, and kept touching my skin on my stomach and sides and I don't know," I rush out with a heavy tone, using my hands to model how much skin was showing. "It wasn't a lot," I repeat, a lot softer this time.
"Does it matter whether it was a little or a lot?"
Yes, it does. Why wouldn't it? "Different things happen depending on how much clothing is off. If it's a little bit it's just a check up and if it's a lot I get hurt."
Canary falls silent, pen still and her heart beats a bit faster. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. "Is that what happened when you were with Luther?" Her voice is a little uneven, but I'm surprised. Anytime we talk about how Luther used to hurt me her heartbeat picks up.
"Ya, it did. Do you think Bart would hurt me?"
Again, silence from the lady across from me, but her pen is at work this time and her heart is back to normal. "No one can be hundred percent sure someone else won't hurt anyone, but I do believe Bart wouldn't ever hurt you."
Silence. More silence, and then... some more silence. I hate how long Canary takes to answer my questions. "Has Conner talked to you about having a boyfriend or girlfriend?"
That's not an answer, that's another question. I think Canary just likes to make me angry. "He said I can love whoever I want to love, girlfriend or boyfriend."
She hums, no pen marks this time. "Do you know what a boyfriend or girlfriend is?" I shake my head no. I don't know what one is or the use of one. "A boyfriend or girlfriend is a lot like a friend. Do you know what a friend is?"
"A friend is someone you care about and trust and spend time with."
Another hum and another nod. "A boyfriend or girlfriend is kind of like that. A lot of the time, they start as friends or companions in your case, before a deeper relationship develops."
"I still don't see a difference."
"Well with a boyfriend or girlfriend, you tend to be more... physical. You do things like kiss among other things that you wouldn't do with a friend. Unlike a friend, you only have one and there's stuff you only do with them. Oh, and a boyfriend is a test run for a husband."
"What's a husband?"
"Let's save that discussion for after we get the boyfriend-girlfriend thing down."
"What's a girlfriend?" I ask finally, it's been three months since the first time I heard of it. The question has sat in my head ever since.
"Same as a boyfriend but it's a girl instead of a boy." Oh, that's simple. It makes me feel dumb for not figuring that out on my own. "Nightwing tells me you were having a panic attack when you came to find him."
"Panic attack?" I echo, confused about this and still confused about the whole boyfriend thing. I don't like feeling confused, it makes me angry and reminds me how little I know about the world because of Luther.
"Yes, it's when it's hard to breathe and you feel very scared, and it's hard to think straight because of your emotions. All you think about is your fear and what's causing it." Ya, I definitely had a panic attack earlier. "What happened right before you felt like that?"
I stay quiet, mentally going over the event. I know what happened. I remember all of this morning. I don't know why it makes me so scared. It shouldn't be scary for Bart to want my clothes off, right? Maybe it should be.
"Bart... he asked me to... he wanted to take a shower together," I stumble out, struggling on how to form my sentence.
"And that made you feel scared?"
I nod, propping my arms on my knees before burying my face into my hands. "Why would that make me feel scared? Why would it cause a panic attack?"
Like always, I have to wait for Canary to finish her writing and thoughts before she answers. From between my fingers, I watch as she leans forward, sitting in a similar pose to me. "I think that the idea of being without clothes around someone scares you because it reminds you of the things Luther has done to you. I also think that Bart believes he's your boyfriend. Have you two talked about that? Or kissed? Or anything else that you haven't done with another member of the team?"
The first half of Canary's speech makes sense. I understand that, I remember the fear I felt, the fear that before today, Luther was the only one to make me feel. The second half... not so much. Why would Bart think he's my boyfriend? We haven't kissed or anything else. We do things together, we spend time together, and we take naps.
"We haven't kissed and we haven't talked about him being my boyfriend. We hold hands but I do that with Conner as well. We take naps together too but again I do that with Conner."
"It's different with Conner. There's stuff you do and say with family that you wouldn't do with a friend." That doesn't make any sense either. My head hurts from all this thinking and I'm getting angry. I have more questions than answers. This isn't helping.
"People are confusing," I mumble, rubbing my face before sitting up straight.
Canary stays put, giving me another soft smile. I'm really starting to not like it when she smiles at me. "How about we stop for the day, ya? I'll come back and we can talk again tomorrow."
"What do I do about Bart?" I ask as she stands up and starts collecting her things.
It takes a second - like usual - for Canary to answer. "I think you should have a serious talk with him. See if he thinks he's your boyfriend. See if you want him to be your boyfriend. If you're happy with the talk, have another sleepover. If you're not, stay away from him today and we'll look into and talk about finding you another friend."
I don't want another friend. I want Bart. I want to keep him all to myself. For a long time, if not forever. Maybe I shouldn't want to keep him. Maybe that's me being possessive like Wolf gets about Conner and me. Conner always yells at Wolf about it so it has to be a bad thing, right? I need to find Bart and talk to him. Maybe he'll help my thoughts. Hopefully, he'll help my thoughts. As long as he doesn't make them worse.
My head is scattered when I walk back into my room. After my session with Canary, I went on a walk and then continued to walk, for two hours. Instead of helping, it just messed up my thoughts more. Canary didn't help, she just made me more confused.
Like earlier today, Conner calls for me as I walk through the living room. Once again, I ignore him. Conner tries to help with my thoughts but usually, he just confuses me or gets angry because he doesn't understand either.
A bit of relief runs through my veins when I swing my bedroom door open, but it's soon washed away. Laid out on my bed is my red-tinted companion, who instantly sits up when he hears the door open. "Y/N," he calls, jumping to his feet. "Are you okay? Nightwing said you had a panic attack. Did I cause it? What happened? Where have you been? Did I upset you? Did-"
"Please be quiet," I murmur, looking at my shoes as I try to push down my feelings. I'm upset that I made Bart worry, I'm upset that I can't control my fear, and I'm upset that Bart won't be quiet so I can answer his questions.
Surprisingly, Bart does silence. I can feel his eyes digging into me as I focus on my shoelaces. One... two... three... four... five... six... seven... eight... nine... ten... Maybe taking deep breaths and counting does help. "I am fine. I did have a panic attack, but it's fine. You did but didn't cause it. A lot has happened today. I was with Nightwing and then Canary and then I went on a walk. You did but didn't, once again."
"How did I both cause and not cause your panic attack? How did I cause and not cause you to be upset?" I glance at Bart, his face scrunched up and his eyes are pink. I decide to focus on the wall behind him instead. I don't like knowing I caused him to cry.
"You... I didn't... I don't like new and there was a lot of new this morning." My words stick in my throat a few times before I manage to get them out.
"I don't understand."
I sigh, glancing at his face again. His eyes are teary, making my heart feel like it's being squeezed. I don't want him upset, I want him happy, I'm supposed to make him happy. "I... liked you waking up in my bed. It feels... it makes me feel important."
"You are important. Very important to me, actually." Maybe my thoughts aren't always wrong. Why am I so important though? I don't do anything to be important. I definitely don't do anything to be important to Bart.
"The..." I stop for a second, running my fingers under my shirt. "That was fine. It was okay, but it made me a bit scared. Then you... kept touching me and... it makes me scared. Really, really scared." Bart steps forward a bit before stopping, causing himself to stand in an awkward half-leaning forward, half-staying put pose. "And... and then you asked to take a shower together and... all I could think about was you wanting to hurt me, about Luther hurting me."
Bart knows a lot about my time with Luther. He doesn't know the details like Canary and Conner do, but he knows about the tests, about the chocolate, about the hurting. He doesn't know about the on and off clothes, so I don't think it's fair that I'm upset with him. It's not fair for me to have a panic attack because of it. It's not fair that I make it seem like his fault.
"I didn't... I'm sorry," he mumbles, fixing himself so he finishes his step forward.
"It's not your fault. Luther hurt me, not you. It's not your fault. I just... I can't say no."
Bart takes slow steps forward, stopping right in front of me. His cheeks are wet. I made him cry. I don't want to make him cry. "I am sorry I kept touching you. I should have stopped when you told me you were worried. I know you... struggle with new things so I shouldn't have pushed anything new onto you this morning. I'm sorry."
His words feel nice. They make me feel calm. Silence envelopes us, it's not the usual gentle silence though, it's a heavy silence. "Do you think you're my boyfriend?"
Bart tilts his head some, his eyebrows pressing together in confusion. "Yes? Why are you asking? Do you not think I'm your boyfriend?"
Why would I think he's my boyfriend? I don't even know what a boyfriend is. Even with Canary's explanation, I'm still confused. "Canary told me that she thinks that you think you're my boyfriend. At the end of our session, she said to talk to you and see what you think and see if I want you to be my boyfriend. She also said if I'm happy with our talk to have another sleepover and if I'm unhappy to stop talking to you, which made me angry."
"I... have a lot of questions," Bart mumbles, confusion deeper on his face. "First, do you not know what a boyfriend is?"
"Not really. Canary said it was someone you are more physical with, and you kiss them, and you only have one, and something about a husband."
"Okay," he says, blinking his eyes a few times. "Um... a boyfriend is someone you love a lot. You do kiss them too and you do... other things that aren't important right now. It's someone you want to spend the rest of your life loving." Oh, that makes a lot more sense than what Canary said. "Why were you upset when Canary said to stop talking to me?"
Bart is dumb, and unlike Canary, he is actually dumb. "Because you're important. You're my companion. I want to keep you forever and I don't want anyone else to have you." Bart smiles at this but I'm not sure why. "But Conner yells at Wolf for being possessive so I don't think I'm supposed to feel like that."
Bart's smile gets bigger as he lets out an airy laugh. "Conner yells at Wolf because he growls when people get too close to you and when Conner spars. That's completely different from what you're feeling. You don't growl at people or threaten to hurt them if they talk or come near me." Oh... that makes a lot of sense.
"So, you're my boyfriend?"
"Do you want me to be your boyfriend?"
"Yes," I say, nodding in agreement to my statement.
"Do you actually want to spend the rest of your life with me or are you scared to say no?"
"I actually want to spend my life with you." It makes me sad even thinking about someone else getting to have Bart. He's supposed to be my companion.
Once again, Bart's smile grows as he looks at me. "Good, because I want to be your boyfriend."
"So, you're my boyfriend."
"So, I'm your boyfriend." The word sounds weird but nice.
"I still don't know what the difference between a boyfriend and a friend is though."
"We'll figure it out together, okay?" He says, slowly moving closer. "And we'll move slowly so you don't get scared again, and I'll start asking before I touch you, okay? Does that sound good?"
"Yes, it sounds very good. I'm sorry for upsetting you."
Bart goes to put his hands on my hips but freezes with them hovering over me. "Can I touch you?" I nod yes. "Do you actually want me to touch you or are you scared to tell me no right now?"
"I actually want you to touch me."
Once the words are out, Bart's hands are present on my hips, once again rubbing soft circles into me, over my clothes this time. "You don't need to be sorry. I scared you. I pushed too hard this morning. I should have talked to you instead of assuming you were okay with me touching you. I shouldn't have assumed I was your boyfriend. From now on we will talk about stuff more, okay? Maybe we can talk to Canary about doing couples therapy so we can work on making this work, ya?"
"Ya, I like that idea."
"I like that idea too." I have a boyfriend. Bart is my boyfriend. I get to keep Bart forever.
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forlix · 1 year
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𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀・572 / 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴・felix x gn!reader / 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲(𝘀)・fluff, established relationship, lots of kisses hehe, slightly suggestive
“See you tonight, angel,” Felix says, leaning in to press a kiss to your lips. It’s chaste, short, familiar; your favorite form of farewell, exchanged inevitably before you part ways, even for only a few hours.
But this time, Felix doesn’t pull away afterwards, instead remaining so close to you that the tip of his nose is almost brushing yours, and there’s an ineffable glint in his eyes when he speaks again. (You should’ve known you were in danger.)
“Hang on,” he murmurs, his voice low and sweet, and then he leans in again.
When he presses his lips to yours the second time, he moves with an intensity that you aren’t prepared for. You feel his fingers slide over the nape of your neck and tangle gently in your hair; your head tilts backwards from the weight of his kiss, his tongue feather-light against the seam of your lips, his mouth laving over yours as tenderly as if he’s trying to drink you, savor you. Dimly, you feel your waist bump against the kitchen counter, and Felix doesn’t even think when he moves a hand protectively to the small of your back, returning you to your rightful place against his chest.
You are breathless and lightheaded when your boyfriend breaks the kiss, his lips flushed and hair messy, looking like a walking dream.
“S'that a new lip balm flavor?” He asks.
You collect yourself just enough to give him an answer, but it sounds more like a blissful sigh than a spoken response: “Strawberry.”
The smile that crosses Felix’s face is mostly bashful, but you don’t miss the self-satisfied huff of laughter that comes with it.
“I like it,” he hums. “A lot.”
And he kisses you one more time, and then another.
He ends up being late to practice that day, his rushed apologies to Minho falling out of strawberry-tinted lips.
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© 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐱 (est. 090323) · all works are pieces of original writing and all characters and relationships are purely fictional. please do not repost or reuse for any reason.
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lunar-writes-things · 2 years
18) Don't You Dare (Make Me Fall in Love With You)
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"Has anyone noticed-" Grian was cut off
"That the moon is getting bigger?" Mumbo asked 
"Uh yes- but that's not what I was going to talk about," Grian said before turning t the rest of boatem again "Has anyone noticed that Y/n is acting a bit... odd?" 
"Yeah," Impulse spoke up "It's almost... Almost like they're avoiding us." 
"I noticed that too," Scar muttered and fidgeted with his hands "They haven't even been coming out of their starter base, except to move things to their megabase."
"Should we check on them?" Grian asked 
"NO!" Pearl and Mumbo exclaim
The group looks at them curiously and Pearl continues quietly "I think they need some time alone, I mean they're hiding for a reason, right? When I returned, Mumbo greeted me and we went to see Y/n. When We got into their home, they were asleep and we almost left until we began to hear trashing and a loud sob. They were having a nightmare. So we woke them up. I could never forget the terrified look on their face." 
"They kept apologizing and held us both close and asking us not to hate them," Mumbo whispered 
"We stayed with them for a bit until they fell back to sleep," Pearl said "But that was the last time we saw them."
"Admittedly, I am worried about them," Mumbo said "I've never seen them like that. It's... terrifying not knowing what going on in their head and not being able to help." 
"Should we do something for them?" Impulse asked 
"We should!" Scar said, "Maybe something small, like making them dinner or helping them move their chests to their mega build." 
"Yeah!" Grian smiled and his wings fluttered in excitement "I bet they would absolutely love that!" 
"No thanks," Y/n forced a smile on their face before running away with their arms full of shulkers 
The group had just offered their services to Y/n only to be rejected and ran away from 
"That was... odd," Pearl said and wrung her hands out "Let's try something else?" 
Time after time and attempt after attempt, Y/n either shot them down or avoided them completely 
it wasn't like them.
And it made The rest of the Boatem crew concerned for their angel
So, they devised a plan
"This isn't our greatest idea," Mumbo said attempting to talk the rest out of this "They have a reason for avoiding us? Do we really have to do this?"
"Y/n has a track record of avoiding things for long, long, LONG times," Xisuma says "I think this is the best way to get her t tell you what you guys wanna know... Albeit a bit forced." 
"Thanks, X," Impulse smiled and fiddled with his fingers 
Everyone was nervous about this approach, they knew Y/n would eventually open up to them, it was just no telling how long. 
"Let's go," Grian said "And let's hope this doesn't hurt Y/n." 
Y/n paced their cathedral halls, checking the deals on the villagers hidden underneath iron trapdoors and their lecterns or smithing tables hiding the blazing magma block underneath as they made sure everything was in order.
Once they were done, the only thing out of order was the twisting feeling in their gut... like something bad will happen 
oh boy
did something bad happen
Y/n had to face the people they were avoiding, their crushes
Being tied to a chair wasn't that bad usually. After everything, they've been through they probably had a higher pain tolerance than anyone on the hermitcraft dimensions 
What made it worse is the stares that demanded answers from them 
"Are You okay Y/n?" Pearl asked softly and caressed their cheek, Y/n melting into the touch they longed for "Why are you avoiding us?" 
Y/n snapped back to their reality and with sad eyes, gently pulled back from Pearl's touch before shaking their head 
"Do you need us to help you?" Scar asked and his voice made Y/n want to curl into his side 
Y/n didn't realize how much they missed the rest of the Boatem crew and tears welled up in their eyes as they realized they might have to do this forever to get over them
"Talk to us Angel," Impulse kneeled in front of them "We're here to listen to everything you have to say." 
"Don't you dare make me fall in love with you," Y/n croaked, throat constricted and eyes watery "Don't you dare enchant me with those eyes. If I fell through your skies, there's no way you would catch me. There's a tear in my heart, but your patch wouldn't match me. Being near you still adds to the size of my sighs. There's still seismic events at hellos and goodbyes, and I still need reminders of why it's unwise to stare.  So don't you dare..." 
"Y/n?" Grian asked, his familiar hand made Y/n melt to his touch and sigh in relief before continuing with their eyes forced closed 
"Don't you dare make me fall in love with you... Don't you dare do something so cliché. Just get out of my daydreams, you're an unwelcome guest and stop making me miss you 'cause you leaving's for the best. 'Cause I just couldn't stand having you as my crutch
"You're a simmering stovetop I was tempted to touch. If you ever return, it'll burn me too much to bear... So don't you dare..." Wet droplets sparkled as they fell from Y/n's eyes and the group watched as the love of their life cried softly while attempting to reject them 
"And I know it's all so shallow, but a shallow cut still stings! And before my heart becomes Amelia's heir, I need to clip its wings!" Grian winced at the metaphor and Y/n's chest heaved as they continued "So don't you dare keep mocking me with those thousand little things that I adore! Let me ignore you, don't let me care!
"And don't you dare leave me still in love with you! Nothing's fair when love is war!" Y/n sobbed as they shouted their words to the group who stood speechless at them, wanting nothing more than to comfort them, to hug them, to remind them that they are safe and they will still love Y/n... even if they didn't want it "And I just can't endure any more of the fight! When the casualties rise with my heart rate each night! Though I know I'm to blame for the glances I'd steal, for the time I kept spending pretending it's real... And now that it's ending, I still have more feelings to spare!
"But don't you dare... Don't you dare..." Y/n slumped in their chair, head ducked in attempts to hide their red blotchy face, to hide the tears of knowing Y/n wanted them but knowing they can't dare to even think about having them, to hide the tears that just can't seem to stop at the thought of losing Boatem
of losing their symphony 
It was just... too much to even imagine 
At least, it was until a hand brought Y/n's face up to look at the group 
"Oh Angel," He sighed "Is that why you were avoiding us? Because You were scared of falling in love?" 
Y/n nodded softly and Grian moved behind them to untie the bounds "I don't want you guys to find the imperfections in me after we start dating and then... leave... I never want that again. I never want to be used for your greedy purpose only to be discarded when you guys find someone else." More tears welled up in their eyes "I don't want to be the imperfect stain on your life."
"Oh my angel, to me, You're perfect." Mumbo sighed and pressed his lips to their forehead. When he pulled away Y/n grabbed his face and pulled him down to press a kiss to his lips, gritty with redstone dust but lighting up with the electricity between them. Mumbo gently wiped Y/n's tears off with his thumb as he mumbled sweet nothings against their lips 
Once they pulled apart and caught their breath, Mumbo pulled them into his arms and held them tightly as they calmed down in his arms. The others joined in to either sit next to Y/n or place a hand on Y/n
just to remind them that they were there and would never leave
Y/n had never felt so... adored
Is this what it felt like to be truly loved by people? 
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irishmammonagenda · 7 months
"Mams, I have some news for you." You say, hands behind your back at a weird angle, clearly hiding something.
"Not now, MC, the Great Mammon's busy." The Avatar of Greed dismisses you in an attempt to take his focus away from the way he perked up like a lovesick puppy when he heard your voice.
"But Mams, it's super important."
Mammon looks up from his DDD and stares at you expectantly, when he once more realises he's behaving like a lovesick puppy, he stares at his nails instead, scoffing. "This better be good, human. Do ya think I have all day?! Cus I don't!"
"But Mams! You're a dad now! You have to make time for your family!"
Mammon splutters, dropping his phone and falling off of his bed. "I'm a WHAT??!!! MC who's lyin' to ye! I'm not a dad!!!"
"Yes you are!" You bring your arms out from behind your back to reveal a small little black blob with small little golden horns, wearing an equally small black top hat with yellow accents.
"Papa!" Little D No.2 exclaims from your arms.
"ARRRGH!! The Great Mammon is not yer papa Little D!!!" Mammon shouts, attempting to cover the blush on his face.
You pout, Little D No.2 mirrors your expression. "But Mams! He's the spitting image of you! He's even got your horns! Are you abandoning our child?!"
"Yeah, Papa are you abandoning our chil-...wait hold on I am the child-....Yeah! Papa are you abandoning yer child?!"
"See! He even talks like you! He said yer!"
"T-t-that proves nothin'!! I-I'm not a dad!" Mammon splutters.
You look at him sulkily. "D-do you not wanna have a family with us...I mean how could you say no to this face?" You pinch Little D No.2's cheek and push him out towards the Second Born. "He's adorable! He gets it from you!"
"Fine! I'm a dad! Now please....stop poutin'?" Mammon almost pouts himself before his learned bravado makes another show. "Ahem...! What I was tryna say was....I, the Great Mammon don't care if you pout or not!"
Little D No.2 stage whispers to you. "Psst, what Mammon means to say is that he's so deeply unequivocally in love with you he hardly knows what to do with himself!"
Mammon sputters and shouts something in protest, but you just grin. "Awww! I love you too Mams!"
Mammon subconsciously preens at the praise before staring daggers at a sniggering Little D No.2 as you cradle it in your arms like a baby and coo to it things like 'You look so much like your papa! Yes you do!' and tap its little top hat before booping the small creature's nose, or where a nose should be on a Little D.
Mammon cracks a soft smile watching the scene; not that he'd ever admit it. Even though Little D No.2 was a little shit, he wouldn't mind someday having little shits of his own with you and starting an actual family, except he hoped they'd look like you.
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nix-writes-mcyt · 2 years
Hermitcraft Masterlist (Part 2)
Masterlist Part 1 There you can find - Grian, Mumbo, Iskall, Doc, Ren, Cub, Cleo and xB
If you want to request please go here Other SMP Masterlist
Here is a key to the different symbols used. * Romance (sometimes fluff sometimes not) ^ Yandere, ! Angst, & Hybrid, + AU, × Platonic, // Traffic SMP's, each post will have individual warnings as well.
Lazy Day - Drabble * Going On A Date - Headcanons * Late - Drabble * Pranking Partner - Oneshot * Being With Yan!Bdubs - Headcanons * ^ Sleepy Bdubs - Headcanons * For His Viewing Pleasure - Drabble ^ ! & Autumn With - Headcanons *
Going On A Date - Drabble * Under The Mistletoe - Drabble * Going On A Date - Headcanons * In Love With The Enemy - Oneshot ! // A Sacrifice Worth Making - Drabble * // An Offer You Can't Refuse - Oneshot & Pay For Help - Oneshot * ! Being With Yan!Scar - Headcanons * ^ Being Comforted - Headcanons * Corrupt - Oneshot * ^ Little Things - Drabble * Dating - Headcanons * Sales Tactic - Oneshot * Autumn With - Headcanons *
Dating - Headcanons * Fairytale Evening - Oneshot * Comfortable Silence - Drabble * Being With Mooner!Impulse - Headcanons * Surprise! - Drabble * At Long Last - Oneshot * Forever - Oneshot * & Falling - Oneshot * (Fic 100!) Autumn With - Headcanons *
I Never Thought Of That - Drabble * Dating - Headcanons * Someone To Celebrate With - Drabble * No Other Way - Drabble * ! Surprise Date - Oneshot * Reunited - Oneshot *
The Wrong Button - Drabble It'll Be Okay - Drabble * Spending Time With - Headcanons * Dating - Headcanons * Love Potion - Drabble * Being Married To - Headcanons * Trophies - Oneshot * Elytra Racing Finals - Oneshot *
Being Comforted - Headcanons * Finish It Together - Drabble *
A Different Perspective - Drabble Autumn With - Headcanons *
Dating - Headcanons * ! Being Comforted - Headcanons * A Bit Of Fun - Drabble ! Oblivious - Drabble * ! Stressed Out - Drabble * Sneaking And Spooking - Drabble * Troublesome Visitor - Oneshot * ! Being With Yan!Xisuma - Headcanons ^ ! + Pet Names - Drabble * "I'm Here For You" - Drabble * Flight Mishap - Oneshot *
Working Late - Drabble *
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