#there's such a drought of information in this fandom
boinin · 7 months
Found out this week that there's two character albums for the Blue Lock boys?? Courtesy of carbunnyra on Twitter.
The first one's got a couple bops! On the track I've shared, you get Isagi and Bachira, then Chigiri and Kunigami's seiyuus dueting. 🎵 Not just them—all the Team Z boys get a chance to shine on the album. Gagamaru and Raichi's seiyuus are easiest to clock, haha.
There's a second album too, which I'm just about to check out 🎶
twt with yt links | spotify album 1 (Team Z arc) | spotify album 2 (second selection arc)
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elbiotipo · 7 months
The problem with Wikipedia is that it has rendered all other encyclopedias extinct or out of view (the exception are fandom encyclopedias, I guess, but those have their own problems). And people need in-depth information which also isn't highly specific academic papers that only tackle one specific thing in depth without wider context (my main problem when researching, for example, pre-columbian cultures.)
And competitors to Wikipedia like, you know, Encyclopedia Brittanica (I actually read it sometimes, and it's good until it hits you with straight up XIX imperialist apologia) aren't really good either. There is also a drought of encyclopedias in Spanish as all search results are absorbed by Wikipedia, this is why I hoard all sorts of PDFs and books, because the results in Spanish are just Spanish Wikipedia (probably the WORST of all major Wikipedias) and random SEO blogs.
There should be lots of online encyclopedias on different topics written by experts, ideally with some oversight because Wikipedia can be very, very biased when it wants (you can tell some people are really masturbating to Byzantine emperors), but I think this is a lost cause too since Google search, which let's face it, it's 99% of all internet searches, is declining into mush fast. And with AI generated content, things are going to get worse. I think we're honestly reaching a tipping point in the internet regarding access to reliable information.
At the end, my suggestion is that you go and download books, actual published books, and keep your sources broad. Because I think we're reaching a point where information on the internet is going to decline. It won't be lost, it will just be impossible to find unless you do a deep dive, or worse, mumbled into SEO/AI garbage misinformation.
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snakes-and-fluff · 2 months
Milgram drought be hitting hard... Anyway I was thinking what an anime of each prisoner's personal story might look like (assuming all isolated from each other and Milgram as a facility does not exist) ((also assume each 12 episodes long)) also assuming they're psychological dramas because. Milgram
Haruka: The main appeal is the artstyle, drawn like animated child's drawings for most of the time but a few scenes an episode is instead depicted in starkly realistic illustrations (not animated). It's told from the perspective of Haruka who keeps insisting he has a good life even as all the facts point otherwise, finally culminating in the murder late in the show, at which point the artstyle changes to be a strange mix of the previous two
Yuno: What first presents itself as a peppy slice-of-slice soon devolves into a painfully raw story of a teen girl. The winner of many awards but not that popular with most people who claim to find it too dry and boring
Fuuta: The murder happens towards the end of episode two but it isn't revealed to the audience exactly what happens until much later. Fuuta's behaviour clearly changes after that point and he keeps getting harassed by people who were previously friendly with him, but the actual flashback reveal is only in ep 8. The show leans very heavily into the "is he a bad person?" question and the fandom is known for starting debates about it in the comments of completely unrelated posts
Muu: It was a dark setup from the start but not many people expected a murder in episode 7. The anime switches POV between Muu and Rei until Rei dies, then it switches between Muu and a student counsellor (who doesn't know about the murder and is just trying to solve the bullying but the tension comes from the fact that the audience and Muu keep being worried about her potentially learning about the murder)
Shidou: The most niche of the bunch, some people weren't a fan of how medically accurate it was while others rejoiced in that fact. The whole thing is a flashback as it's established that Shidou has left the medical industry in the first episode but it is slowly revealed why and the circumstances behind his family's deaths as it goes on
Mahiru: Yuno's might have been a bit misleading at first but everyone who saw the promo material knew what was going down. Mahiru's managed to keep the dark twists under wraps, genuinely being sold as a cute love story though there were hints from the start. It's unclear when exactly the death happened because as it goes on it starts timeskipping and flashbacking without warning and it's clear that Mahiru isn't quite sure herself of what is actually happening
Kazui: Hinako is dead before the series even starts and it is actually told from the perspective of someone who works with Kazui slowly uncovering what happened out of morbid curiousity. Kazui is the very definition of unreliable narrator and nobody knows what to make of whatever information comes directly from him. Some fans don't like the way the show never seemed to decide on a single answer as to what happened while others praise it for it
Amane: The fandom is small but loud (though it is always recommended as "this one will tear your heart out"); the tale of a child embroiled in an awful home life, using a unique visual style of poppy colours and thick outlines to sharply contrast the horrible things being portrayed. The murder happens at the end of the last episode, giving the closest thing to a "happy ending" they could achieve for Amane, though it is left ambiguous what would happen to her next
Mikoto: Told in a non-chronological style, the reveal of the murder is towards the end (around episode 10) leaving the rest of the time as wrapup as Mikoto finally comes to accept the truth of the situation. There are still arguments in the fandom years after it ended if the murder was metaphorical or not
Kotoko: She's presented as a really cool vigilante at first but then it slowly unravels as she reveals more of her violent side and that her kill count is a LOT higher than previously thought. Her personality is divisive among fans but everyone can agree that the opening is a banger
DISCLAIMER: I just realised that some of these can be read as me throwing shade on the fans of a particular character; I promise 100% that isn't the case this was just a fun thought experiment!
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scruncheduppaper · 2 months
not to fandom meta tweet twice in one night but i hope hakita releases treachery soon because SOME of you guys have lost sight on gabriel’s character almost completely like this is unreal. like i think you guys just completely forgot what made him appealing in the first place and just started making shit up on your own
i guess this is more of a symptom of fandom drought more than anything LMFAO… technically we havent gotten any new information or lore about gabriel since act 2 was released and that was years ago so i guess i shouldnt be surprised
anyways dont forget that gabriel killed the entire council with his own bare hands and cut the head off one of them as proof for the Entire Angel Population to see. and conversely the fact that he was regarded as one of the most popular and well beloved angels due to his radiant personality beforehand, his kindness towards the ferrymen, his genuine blind belief in justice and devotion to god
gabriel is the story protagonist of ultrakill
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copperbadge · 2 months
Radio Free Monday
Good morning everyone, and welcome to Radio Free Monday!
Ways to Give:
bread-tab linked to a fundraiser for boyfriend Tobin, who is raising funds to replace his wheelchair; they are a low-income disabled queer couple, and his insurance is refusing to cover mobility aids. You can read more and reblog here or support the fundraiser here.
Anon linked to a fundraiser for creations-by-chaosfay, who has been dealing with chronic hand pain and has recently identified equipment that would make it possible for her to quilt on a regular machine as if it were a special quilting machine; she received the equipment but it doesn't fit her particular machine, so she needs to purchase a new one as she can't do any hand quilting. You can read more, reblog, and find information on the machine and other support purchases here.
merpancake is raising funds to cover bills after missing work around the anniversary of his father's death, including covering extra costs for his mother; he's taking commissions via DMs/asks at artcake or Merpancake on discord, and also taking donations via paypal here.
Buy Stuff, Help Out:
sailorsol linked to beloved-monarch, who is taking commissions to raise emergency funds for unexpected vet and mechanic bills; they make crochet plushies for various fandoms including Star Wars, TMNT, MCU, and Transformers, and also have some ready-made stock. They've managed to raise enough to cover rent but a cushion is always helpful; you can read more, reblog, and find commission information here.
News to Know:
rionsanura, who is the cover artist on the Meg Boudoun cover of Star Spangled Man from an old fanfic of mine, is working on an album and hopes to have information up about it soon; Sanura's a longtime fandom friend and makes great music, so I can heartily recommend; if you want more news you can follow the Instagram for the band here.
Recurring Needs:
chingaderita is still facing multiple expenses including for water during a drought, medical equipment and medication for family, and food for a family of nine. You can read more, reblog, and support the fundraiser here.
rilee16 is raising funds to get out of an abusive home situation, where their roommate has been harassing them and vandalizing their belongings; they are trying to move out but need funds to do so. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
And this has been Radio Free Monday! Thank you for your time. You can post items for my attention at the Radio Free Monday submissions form. If you're new to fundraising, you may want to check out my guide to fundraising here.
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antea21 · 8 months
Hey, hsr fandom and Aventurine enjoyers, why aren’t we talking about the scene between 0:47-0:48 in „white night” trailer more??????
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Is this Aventurine’s sigonian form? Masked fool form?? Will he become boss and this is one of his phases??? Is this his corrupted dream form????
I need more info asap, guys I’m dying of information drought about him.
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adancerdiestwice · 3 months
Thoughts on ARMY and Consumerism
*Disclaimer: ARMY is used to describe all fans of BTS, despite contention about who should be allowed to use the term. This is critical of ARMY and HYBE. If you are sensitive to that criticism, you are forewarned.*
K-pop itself perpetuates a high level of consumerism with non-stop releases, numerous merch drops, multiple album copies, brand deals, and ambassadorships. Where BTS has been able to break many boundaries traditional K-pop sets, ARMY’s levels of consumerism has gotten unbelievably outrageous.
Just today, Jin was named ambassador of a jewelry company, with photos debuting him wearing the jewelry. One bracelet he wore in one photo got the attention of ARMY and within a few hours it sold out. But, that bracelet was $27,000 USD. This month, teasers of Despicable ME x BTS hinted that there may possibly be a collaboration or maybe a song on the soundtrack – only for it to be a merch popup?? And two mentions of BTS in the whole movie? Yet ARMYs are selling out BTSxMinions collab merch, for what? It was all ugly anyway and the minionifed members looked ridiculous, bordering disrespectful.
There are countless other examples: meaningless FESTA and RPWP merch, fundraising money to buy more albums to boost numbers, changing Twitter layouts for the merch releases.
Like any celebrity, BTS (the logo, the slogans, the BT21, the TinyTan) has turned into a brand, and have been for many years. But, inherently, as fans, we are not a fan of a brand. There may be ideological differences here in the way people are fans, but personally, I am here because I absolutely adore BTS’ music. I find them to be compelling, talented, unique artists creating and conveying beautiful, thoughtful messages through their music.
Of course, how is a group supposed to make money? They sell merchandise, albums, tickets to events and concerts. At some point though, enough is enough. Their messaging, artistry and dedication to their craft gets so muddled when all anyone ever wants to talk about is the new shiny thing HYBE has plastered their logo and faces onto. And more than half of ARMY buys into it.
It has a unique overlap with the spread of unofficial information and photos of the members. Since HYBE has primed ARMY to always be looking forward to the next thing they can get their hands on, especially in a “drought” of a hiatus (its not at this point), ARMY turns to member’s family accounts, Dispatch, media, and military websites just to get their fix of BTS. Their marketable attachments to their brand have turned inward to the members themselves, to the highest degree it has ever been.
If you speak out against the spread of unofficial content, some ARMY will scream at you to say “You don’t know how things work here, educate yourself, grow up, go back to Twitter.” To that I say, maybe the fandom should be reevaluating itself, like many ARMY already have. If we claim to love and support the members, why are we engaging with posts that are an invasion of privacy? Why are we allowing this level of normalization? Why should we be talking about family members that in ARMY’s relationship with BTS, have absolutely no involvement? Seeing the treatment of military pictures, press releases from unofficial sources, and updates is so disheartening, knowing that multiple members wished to go quietly and return to us as soon as possible (which is showing in their actions post-enlistment). Again, whether or not this is normalized does not matter, this is their time to be civilians. They can’t even have their privacy when they are legally out of their jobs as idols.
The manifestation of a perceived love and commitment to BTS as a member of ARMY has lead fans to be disillusioned with the people behind the brand. This is amplified tenfold in solo and (some) shipper spaces. BTS have built a relationship with their fans under the pretense of trust and respect for ten years. Every fan will hold a different ‘relationship’ to BTS, but tying their success to merch sales, streaming numbers, and album sales only pushes ARMY further into the cogs of consumerism. Focusing on every little update you can scour the internet to find, which turns out to be unethically sourced, pushes a fanbase without the moral structures ARMY have prided themselves on for years.
All of this piles on top of each other to reveal a fandom willing to silence ARMY who are using their fan platforms built on the radicalization that BTS has provoked in people to speak up for justice and humanity. When this issue of monetary focus in ARMY is discussed in the name of boycotting HYBE, people cannot even fathom the idea of pausing their spending on their favorite group, possibly for fear of missing out, sacrificing their fan involvement, or simply refusing to see the mission behind a boycott.
This leaves a fandom divided, hurt, and devastated in the wake of destruction from those who cannot see the value in BTS as humans and individuals first and foremost. I hope individuals reconsider what brought them to the fandom, what makes them stay in the fandom, and why they love the members. ARMY is not and should not be characterized by aesthetics and money, despite the current state of this fandom telling us otherwise.
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laylawatermelon · 6 months
My Offering To You The 911 fandom to tide us over the break and beyond
My proposal: Two hastags for fan engagement
And the most important one
I noticed we tend to dominate the trending sections every Thursday across social platforms (as we should) but it's usually after the episode comes out.
Which understandable.
I've had this idea rattling around since I started watching live on Twitter and have seen that we're taking over the trending tags🤣.
I want to start a fan hashtag/space.
So here's my proposal.
#911 ThrowbackTuesday (and what it entails.
I thought it'd be fun to have the og/older fans telling stories about the fandom, information we won't know, the best personal episode and other info for the influx of new fans. (And who doesn't love to reminisce about the good old days?)
For rewatches and comments
The popular theories of the past (and how wrong or right they were and how funny it was when it was our wasn't proven)
Older blog posts that relates to older episodes
Older Twitter accounts that were popular/were can see what it was like when it started airing.
Old cast photos (please we need them for pfps and other reasons...)
Legendary fan photos (aka tweets etc)
During rewatches acting like it's new info can be really funny too
Interacting with new fans about stuff that happened during the original airing.
I find it fun personally to hear stuff from the older fans and they get to share their excitement and new fans can get it because most of us didn't get the fun of the past seasons.
It's a way to bridge the gap (not that there's one really) and have all fans come together and be unhinged together.
It's a yap fest. 🤗 And what a beautiful one it will be...
And then there's,
ThursdayTakeover is the biggest one.
I have ideas for the drought we're having and we can keep it on trending at least, as it brings good attention and new fans (and subsequently more seasons yes it's all coming together).
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There's two protocols I've cooked up.
The drought version (aka now)
This version is dedicated to the present and future of 911. The hastag can be used to post on any day but it's like a little notebook for all things unhinged before new episodes come out.
For when the shows not airing it'll be this:
Theories about future episodes
Meta (all the juicy meta your heart desires)
Current fan works based in the present or future episodes (this includes fanfics, fan art etc)
Spec fics/sneak peek of current work
Regular media sharing
I think this would be easy as I noticed it's a bit hard to navigate specific fan works and information during airing/older posts when using Tumblr due to it not having a specific date system.
This way it kind of lets you put it all in one beautiful hastag that you can scroll for hours and know what exactly is going to be going on.
I'd just like an archive or sorts as it is a bit hard to put together information as a new fan.
(is my audhd showing yet?)
For when it's airing it's a bit different.
It'll be from before the show starts business as at usual there's no need to really worry about trending as it'll do it regardless, but I'm the case is the hashtag if it's a takeover then we have to really takeover. Like all day.
This applies to the hours before we watch on airing days:
Theories/discussions about airing episodes (then after discussing whether or was right or wrong and clowning your theories/the unhingedness of it all)
Sneak peeks /media
Using the hastag to let everyone know what's up and the timeline WILL be flooded with our fruity family that we love and adore🥰
Then as it airs I suggest (it already happens but still)
Live blogging
Live Tweeting
Photos/reactions as it's airing so we can share it collective mind melting
Then afterwards it's business as usual.
Unhinged posts
Recollection of what just happened?!
I only thought of this idea because I'm interested in promoting/helping out with the visibility and stuff (free marketing am i right?)
I haven't been able to fan girl about stuff in a while and feel really welcome and happy because of this show.
It really gives me something to look forward every week to see what the show creates and after the joy the fans share with each other.
You guys are the best! 🤗
Still this is my offering back because this show really changed my life as it gives me something to look forward to every week like an anchor.
So now that the gooey stuff is all done I'll ask once more...
Who's with me?!
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darcytaylor · 1 month
There's an additional element to this where these supposed fans (they're moreso trolls) are monetizing this "content". Or even if they aren't rn, it's easy to build up a following on a platform on a certain topic and then sell the account and nuke all the previous content. They're taking advantage of the drought of official info, but they're also harming the people they're claiming to be fans of, so... There are literally no winners here, the fandom has been cannibalizing itself for a while now. I don't know where any of us go from here tbh.
Navigating the world of a fandom can be complicated, especially with the rise of monetized content and speculation. Personally, I will avoid paywalls because I prefer to access information and engage with content that is free, and I want the same for people who follow me. However, I do recognize that there are some benefits to monetizing content.
Creating and sharing content (news, speculation, or fan related material) can be time-consuming and demanding. (I post things when I have free time, I don't make this my life and I don't want it to be my life).
For some creators, putting up a paywall or finding other ways to monetize their work can provide extra income for their efforts. It can also incentivize them to produce more content and invest in better tools or research. So hopefully you can see creators putting in the work for the added monetization and not just doing it because they can. For me (I want to state this again), I view this as a hobby and prefer to keep content accessible and I can't see that changing anytime soon.
That said, the rise of monetized content can lead to a lot of misinformation and speculation, which doesn’t always serve the best interests of the fandom or the individuals involved.
Finding a balance between supporting creators and keeping information accurate is really important. By promoting transparency and building a positive community, hopefully that can hinder some negative aspects while still appreciating the value of the work creators do. And hopefully that's what the creators are aiming for too.
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love-bokumono-fics · 2 months
Fresh Crops! August 1 - August 4, 2024
This week's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
A Normal Everyday Closing Time - by SummerMermaid; Complete, 1/1, 1.8k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/F Fandom: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Muffy/Pony | Aya | Jill; Characters: Muffy | Molly, Pony | Aya | Jill, Griffin | Gavin Summary: Muffy doesn't get it.
Sleepyhead Ranch: A Simple Life - by SleepyGirlWorks; WIP, 1/5, 1.3k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandom: A Wonderful Life Relationships: Gustafa/Reader, Marlin/Celia; Characters: Gustafa, Reader, Celia | Seperia, Marlin | Matthew, Flora, Muffy | Molly, Nami, Van the Merchant, Takakura, Murrey, Harvest Goddess, Harvest Sprites, Minor Characters Additional Tags: Slice of Life, Domestic Fluff, Domestic Bliss, Alternate Universe - Farm/Ranch, Hippies, Idiots in Love, Falling In Love, Friendship/Love, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluff, fluff with plot, Hijinks & Shenanigans Summary: Burnt out from the taxing obligations that come from life in the bustling city, you can’t help mulling over the letter that came in just a few days prior. Someone had extended a courtesy to you, informing you of your (estranged) father’s passing with his farm, along with any possessions, had been entrusted to you. Life was so hectic lately.. the country and some fresh air sounded wonderful!
Amor Estacional- Invierno - by Memento15; Complete, 1/1, 6.0k; Language: Español
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationships: Doctor | Trent/Female Farmer, Elli/Doctor Trent | Torre, The Farmer/Gray; Characters: Female Farmer | Naomi, Doctor | Trent, Elli | Elly, Gray, Carter, Stu | Yu Additional Tags: First Love, Friendship/Love, Friendship, Fluff, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Lies, Love Triangles Summary: Naomi se da cuenta que su mejor amiga, y la persona quien más quiere, Elli, esta enamorada de Trent, el doctor del pueblo. Este descubrimiento no sería un problema si ella no sintiera lo mismo por él. Nunca se había sentido así antes, no tenía razones para deprimirse…o sí. Estaba confundida, sabia que no debía dejarse llevar así por sus emociones, debía pensar con la cabeza fría, pero mientras se calmaba pensó que seria mejor evitarla. Como si no supiera que en verdad esta posponiendo algo que no planea solucionar. El periodo invernal del amor trae consigo retos personales para quienes lo atraviesan, es deber de Naomi pasar del frío amor invernal: pasajero, apasionado, intenso, prometedor, pero al final, efímero y doloroso. A algo más.
A Story of Seasons: The Story of Jill | Volume II: Summer - by Celeste_Adia; WIP, 11/21, 67k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Major Character Death; Categories: F/M, Gen Fandoms: DS Cute, Friends of Mineral Town, A Wonderful Life Characters: Pony | Aya | Jill, Takakura, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Kai, Witch Princess, Harvest Sprites, Cliff, Gray, Popuri, Pete | Jack, Lumina Summary: Months have passed since Jill began her new life in Forget-Me-Not Valley. Summer is here, and residents are preparing for festivals and the return of familiar faces from Mineral Town, including the arrival of Kai, an easygoing traveler who plans to stay for the season. Caught up in the festivities, Jill entangles herself with him and other Mineral Town folk, which can be quite a distraction from farm work. Meanwhile, the third anniversary of Jack's passing looms near, forcing his loved ones, especially his widowed wife Juliet, to reminisce on their past with him and continue to find reasons to move forward. Drought plagues the valley, causing farming to become more strenuous… And dangerous. Despite the hauntings of the past and the increasing intensity of the summer heat, Jill is determined to keep her head up and endure through her least favorite time of the year, no matter what it takes.
Bought on Stolen Wine. - by serenibee; WIP, 1/?, <1k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Rape/Non-Con; Category: F/F Fandom: Harvest Moon Relationship: Eve/OC; Characters: Eve, Nina, Ann the Inventor, Ellen, Maria the Mayor's Daughter, Bartender Additional Tags: Female Pete/Jack, Female Farmer, AU, Mentions of Other Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons Games, Song: I Don’t Owe You Anything (The Smiths), Lesbian Character, Eventual Romance, Trauma, Abusive Relationships, How Do I Tag, Alternate Universe Summary: “Eve Pruitt…” “What? Is it an ugly name?” “No..it’s beautiful.” “B-beautiful?” A.K.A: A farmer moves into town and Eve, the local bartender struggles with her feelings towards the new farmer and her boyfriend.
Story of Seasons | One-Shots - by Dreams_of_You; WIP, 1/?, 3.2k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Fandoms: Magical Melody, Friends of Mineral Town, Island of Happiness, A Wonderful Life Relationships: Dia/Kurt | Hayato, Alex/Gina, Louis the Inventor | Rune/Lyla the Florist, Gray/Ellen, Maria/Ray | Lief, Katie/Joe | Shin; Characters: Dia, Kurt, Joe, Amanda, Gina, Alex, Nina, Eve, Dan, Louis the Inventor, Ann the Inventor, Maria the Mayor's Daughter, Ray, Young Ellen, Blue, Gray, Claire, Popuri, Kai, Mary the Librarian | Marie, Gwen, Lyla the Florist, Katie, Carl, Nami, Jamie, Harvest Goddess, Witch Princess, Shea | Shiba, Chelsea, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran Additional Tags: Fanfiction, Canon - Video Game, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Fantasy, Slice of Life, Cute, Friendship, Developing Friendships, One Shot, Short One Shot, One Shot Collection, Multiple Pairings, Multiple Relationships, Marriage, Dating, Drama Summary: Each chapter is it's own one-shot, with different pairings, and plots.
The Village’s Flower - by WonderBun; WIP, 2/10, 2.2k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandom: Magical Melody Relationships: Amanda/All the bachelors, Amanda/Alex, Amanda/Basil, Amanda/Blue, Amanda/Bob, Amanda/Carl, Amanda/Dan, Amanda/Jamie, Amanda/Joe, Amanda/Kurt, Amanda/Louis, Amanda/Ray; Characters: Amanda, Alex, Basil, Blue, Bob, Carl, Dan, Jamie, Joe, Kurt, Louis, Ray Summary: Amanda sees Flower Bud Village’s Exciting New Ranch Plan as a chance at a new life. But the village has some strange customs, and all the men are so dashing…..
Un an dans la vallée - by CamaradeHarmonia; WIP, 4/?, 4.1k; Language: Français
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms: One Piece, Harvest Moon DS, DS Cute Characters: Gin, Original Characters, Griffin | Garfan, Ruby | Lou, Takakura Summary: Gyn a reprit la ferme de son grand père, comment sa première année va se passer dans cette ferme ?
Remedy - by copernicusjones; Complete, 1/1, 6.0k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/F Fandoms: Hero of Leaf Valley Relationship: Dia/Gina; Characters: Gina, Dia Additional Tags: Established Relationship, First Time, Porn with Feelings, Lesbian Sex, Making Out, thigh riding, Masturbation, discussion of menstruation, Tenderness Summary: Lately, Dia's had trouble sleeping, which Gina's sure can be attributed to her anxieties regarding her parents. One evening, when bringing Dia her nightly cup of tea one, Gina decides to inquire if that's all it is, and receives a somewhat unsurprising answer. What is surprising is what Dia requests for her to do about it—and Gina has never been able to refuse Dia when she needs her the most.
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bewareofthenewphannie · 9 months
Hello misty! Here I am in your inbox again.
So how do you feel about gamingmas ending? And entering the worst content drought since you became a phannie?
How is your phannie journey going? Have you somehow grown even more fond of them recently? Did you find any new favorite videos/moments recently? Or did you get too distracted by gamingmas and not have that much time to watch anything else?
Hopefully our dads will come back to us soon so we don’t go too crazy. Happy holidays and I hope you have a happy dnp filled 2024
Heyy Sandra, always so happy to see you in my inbox! I extend your wishes right back to you, I hope you are having a nice break right now :)
Again, long answer under the cut!
So how do you feel about gamingmas ending? And entering the worst content drought since you became a phannie?
I honestly don't think I've processed it ending yet. I have gotten so used to them just always being here and us constantly having new things to talk about that it will take a moment to sink in that it's over now. Like what do you meannn we've had a new video every day for 24 days? How is it possible that I can actually scroll through the videos I was here for when they got released?
I'm back home right now, so I have other things to keep me occupied and I don't think I'll notice gamingmas ending as much as I would if I was alone. (Being able to drown unsuspecting victims (my siblings) in information about them has been really fun. I think they have quietly accepted that there is something wrong with me.)
The teeny tiny rational part that's left in me is almost relieved that gamingmas is over now because the daily uploads did take up a lot of mental space, so I think a calmer pace will actually be good for me.
But gods, it was fun and I am so glad I stuck around. Purely content wise it was soso good, I know I will rewatch most of these videos. But what truly made this experience for me was being on tumblr and seeing all the reactions and art and gifs. (If you're reading this gif makers, artists and editors I love you I love you I love you.) Man, it was so exciting, the energy was so cool and I loved how we were all just waiting for it together every evening. I think that's the thing I'll probably miss most about gamingmas, the certainty about new videos dropping and the event-like feeling it had.
Also, I usually really notice my mood dropping in winter but I have been doing really well this december, and while I did lose sleep over them occasionally I think overall gamingmas genuinely contributed to that.
So yes, I will be missing it but honestly, I'm mostly excited to see what the future brings because I think they really found a really great new (?) dynamic (between themselves obv but also with us) and some good new concepts. And I think bored phannie tumblr with withdrawal symptoms will be fun in the next few days.
How is your phannie journey going? Have you somehow grown even more fond of them recently?
I guess you could say I have grown more fond of them but in a different way. I was going to write that that first giddy excitement for them has worn off, but honestly, it truly hasn't. What has changed is that I have gotten...used to them being part of my life now? Like before gamingmas there was still a chance of me getting out of this unscathed but now it is too late. Okay, I know I like being dramatic, but what I mean by this is that now I know they'll stick around. Even if I started feeling more normal about them at some point, I would still keep up with them, I wouldn't stop...caring I guess.
Fandom wise, I keep settling more and more into this tumblr space and have gotten used to and very comfortable with the way things work around here. I really enjoy understanding the references (well, most of them anyways, and if I don't, I know who to ask). I like that by now I can guess which moments will be gifed and talked about. And that apparently the random things I say resonate with other people (I'm very used to just screaming into the void on the internet). Side note, wedding hill has been very entertaining to watch, even though I don't know enough nor truly feel like contributing to it.
Did you find any new favorite videos/moments recently? Or did you get too distracted by gamingmas and not have that much time to watch anything else?
I haven't had too much time (partially because of gamingmas, partially because of irl things) but I did dive into the radio shows a little bit and there are so many great moments in there. When I have some more time I will need to fully get into that. And the old liveshows!
I think the thing that shook me the most though was stumbling across "forever home" while listening to the stereo shows. It hit me completely unexpected (see my initial reaction). Something something happily phorever after, am I right?
(btw, I finally got through all of the stereo shows now and. I. need. more. Live shows, a podcast, something, pleaseee.)
I already have a mental list of things I really want to watch though and my "watch later" on youtube is overflowing, so I am definitely not running out of content any time soon.
So, in conclusion...
I am still very happy to be and stay here, but don't really mind things getting a bit calmer and I am genuinely very excited to see what the new normal they'll settle into next year will be like. And I am so here for the big things that will inevitably come (because something is coming, isn't it?).
Thank you for sticking around with me :)
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tequiilasunriise · 2 years
Alright, so I just made a Wenclair post but imma make another one right now because oh my LORD I just saw the fandom breaking reviews, so sit down and grab a snack because it’s rambling time.
I see that many of you are discouraged from the prospect of Wenclair not being canon, this is understandable as I myself am really invested in these two. Hopefully this goes without saying, but NO ONE should hate on the show, the actors, etc etc. I refuse to let such toxicity run through this fandom. Like, this is just reviews for the first season. Please, I really, really don’t want a repeat of the Voltron fandom and cries of queerbaiting (and I wasn’t even remotely near being part of the Voltron fandom! It just got THAT bad that even I knew of its notorious reputation). Again, the show isn’t even out yet. Who’s to say Hunter going ‘fighting for Wenclair’ didn’t mean the course of their relationship in future seasons? We only have information on a first season that isn’t even out yet, so please, calm down on any hate and queerbaiting accusations.
That being said- y’all telling me you’re not buckled down for a slow burn? Wednesday is a character who needs a LOT of time and effort to build trust with on a romantic relationship level, so getting Wenclair all in one season would have been cool or whatever, but it also would’ve been pretty OOC since season one has confirmed only 8 episodes. On the flipside, the payoff of Wenclair’s growing friendship, that blooming trust, the eventual deep bond between them that not even Wednesday herself can deny? Is that not peak sapphic experience? Frenemies to begrudging allies to ‘I find your existence… not the worst’ ‘ppfft, thanks, Addams’ to friends to friends who would murder fer each other to ‘you are the sun that burns and enchants me, I hope this drought lasts a lifetime’. LIKE C’MON??? THE FLAVOR?? Don’t give up on Wenclair just yet y’all. (That being said, the line about droughts should be in a fanfic so imma mark that down fer later.)
And like, I think this next point is the most important thing to note. We all acknowledged our love for Wenclair as a delusion, ever since the beginning we knew we were pulling crumbs and making silly little headcanons. Yes, I would love if Wenclair became canon. Would I stop shipping it if it never does, though? Let’s see, I am a veteran Whiterose shipper of several years. Those two barely had a conversation in the entirety of Volume 8 and I am STILL willing to die on this hill fer them. I am a Lightcannon enjoyer despite the next to NOTHING crumbs in the entirety of their respective existences. Oh, you would not believe how many rarepairs I hold dear in the Pokémon world. The list goes on and on and on. Canon is cool and all but I hoard my random ships like a dragon of ye olde. Just look at what we, the OG Wenclair Warriors, made with just a few trailers and interviews and random instagram comments. The lovely art, the heart wrenching fanfics, the god tier headcanons. I dunno bout yall, but I’m not ready to give that all up just because canon said ‘mmmm no’. If no one got me, ao3 got me.
Trust me, I am well-aware the importance of good representation and I’m not saying you can’t be disappointed over this. What I am saying, however, is that you shouldn’t always let canon 100% dictate how you’re going to consume and enjoy a piece of media. So what if Wenclair isn’t canon? Their dynamic is AMAZING and nothing can take that away from me. There’s still potential and writing room for future seasons, and to that I say buckle down homies, we in it fer a long time and a good time.
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not-too-many-eyes · 2 months
People complaning about how Reverse doesn’t have enough men is still a top tier fandom misogony moment for me.
Like- I’ve seen it before for other shows and games that center around women but this is The yuri gacha game where most of the prediomently-female cast are fantastically written characters with compelling and interesting arcs and characterization.
And then people only talk about them for shipping and then when the new Hot Man gets announced and people are fuckin head over heels about him and cheering about how the testotorone drought has ended minutes after he was announced with no information about him at all outside of a few voicelines and his apperance. Like- come on!
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fiercynn · 1 year
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okay a few nights ago i got to SEE VIENNA TENG LIVE IN CONCERT, and i've finally emotionally recovered enough to write about it, because it was honestly my favorite live show i've ever been to in my life!!!
so if you don’t know vienna teng, she’s a chinese-american singer-songwriter, and caveat that i'm not good with music genres, but i'd say that her style is kind of indie pop with some folksy elements and amazing lyricism. i discovered her music around 2004, when i was in high school, and she’s been one of my favorite musicians ever since. if you want to try out some of her music, here is my favorite song from each of her studio albums: “drought” (waking hour), “harbor” (warm strangers), “city hall” (dreaming through the noise), “augustine" (inland territory), and “never look away” (aims). her songs have such a wide range of associations for me – to friendships, to past romantic relationships, to fandoms, to particular moments in my life – so she obviously means a lot to me.
vienna teng’s career is also important to me because of the way it has progressed: her last album was released ten years ago, and some time later she stopped being a full-time musician to work in climate change advocacy, which is also what i work in. she’s done some one-off shows occasionally since then, i think, but this is her first full tour in many years. she also decided to combine that tour with giving workshops on climate change in many of the cities where she’s been informing, though unfortunately not my city!
her music is also widely beloved in fandom, and is so famously used for fanvids that at cons you’ll sometimes have vid shows made up of vids entirely of her music, or have fans do projects like the aims vid album. a wonderful person (and vidder) named purplefringe who passed away two and a half years ago used to keep a massive spreadsheet of vids made to vienna teng songs, but i don’t know if anyone has recreated that since purplefringe died.
i'll reblog this later this week with recs for my favorite fanvids set to vienna teng songs, but for now i wanted to tell you all about the concert!
despite having been a fan of hers for eighteen years at this point (eep!), it was my first time seeing her in concert, and it was honestly incredible. she's got an amazing stage presence, both musically and otherwise, and is so talented – her set included her playing classical piano, live-arranging songs digitally in ways that i am too musically-ignorant to properly describe to you (but that you'll see evidence of in my last link), and playing guitar which she’s apparently only picked up recently. some of the highlights for me:
her opening number was “augustine" and i immediately started crying, despite not thinking of that song as being one that hits me that hard emotionally
her husband jacob corvidae and her three-and-a-half year old daughter arcadia were watching the show in a booth upstairs
she did not have a set list and instead did songs as she felt like them and/or by eliciting requests to be shouted out to her at various points
when she played "landsailor”, her husband came down to do the duet part with her, and she only gave him about a minute’s notice to hand off childcare lol. they sounded amazing together!
i had heard this before, but it felt very meaningful to hear in person: before playing “city hall”, she described how jeanette winterson’s written on the body partially inspired it because it made her think about gender and queerness in such different ways
she played some new songs! including two that she’s working on recording in studio right now: they are both called “we’ve got you” and she wrote them with the intention of mashing them up, which i think is super cool
and then she announced that she was working on a new album that could be out within a year!!!!
i cried intermittently throughout, but in the last twenty minutes, she talked about what climate work means to her immediately before doing “level up”, and from that point on i was just weeping for the rest of the show
she ended with a request, which was for her mashup of “ain’t no sunshine/lose yourself” which i had never heard and was INCREDIBLE to see performed live
anyway her 2023 tour is not yet over so if you live in any of the cities where she's not yet sold out i would HIGHLY recommend going! but even if not, the fact that she's releasing another album makes me think more tour are in the (relatively) near future for her!
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aghostwrites · 1 year
Hogwarts secrets chapter 1
For our first Debut we have a classic fandom, Harry Potter. Emera Gingerroot has to face the students and teachers of Hogwarts. She and the notorious Bat of The Dungeon, Severus Snape, have to hide a relationship that is taboo.
*WARNINGS- age gap, NSFW, angst, male teacher with underage student, mentions of abuse, rough sex, degradation, underage sex, female orgasm, oral sex, unprotected sex, various kinks, body image issues, depression, mentions of self-harm.
Paring: Severus Snape x female student
*Minors do not engage*
Word count: 4K
“Miss Gingerroot, Where would I find a Bezoar?” Professor Snape asks, looking at me from across the room. I started working on my ingredients while the Professor lectured the other students on the proper technique for the potion they were working on today. I look up from the Unicorn horn I have been pulverizing into a fine powder. His words don’t register for a few seconds so I stand silent until I can focus on his words again. Professor Snape seems to be getting impatient and goes to ask the question again.
“Miss Gingerroot-”
“In the stomach of a goat, preferably a Longline or Haul goat from China,” I said, interrupting him. He looks at me with a mix of irritation and surprise. “It’s a question any second-year student should know, Sir,” I add before going back to grind my Unicorn horn. Professor Snape does not give or take points from my house, instead, he continues where he left off in his lecture. By the time he is finished and the other students begin to prepare their ingredients I am ready to start making a Draught of Peace. 
I fill my cauldron but before I can begin Professor Snape walks up to my table in the back of the room. I am not a good potions partner, so no one ever wants to sit next to me other than Cedric, my best friend but we normally work solo. Snape stands over me watching my hands move around the bench arranging my ingredients into the proper portions and the proper inclusion order without looking at the board where he has written all this information out. He picks up the dried lavender flower petals I have set out and placed as the last ingredient to be added, he smiles as if he has finally won against me.
“My, my; Miss Gingerroot, don't you know that adding anything extra to a fragile potion such as a Draught of Peace can cause the ingester to develop ulcers in the stomach? Adding lavender flowers during the brewing process is even more imbecilic, the toxicity in the pedals will cause the brew to explode endangering everyone in the class.” He has a malicious grin plastered upon his face. Potions happens to be my favorite subject, as is Herbology. Knowing the various ways an ingredient can be prepared has helped me a lot in understanding potions to a deeper extent than Hogwarts teaches. 
I am not naturally gifted in potions as some may believe, I work hard for the knowledge I have. I study and practice the potions all summer and even more during the school year during my breaks. The Drought of Peace has been a potion I have been making since my third year, however, so I know what I am doing when I come to this particular brew. I explained my reason for adding lavender flowers to the professor. He spoke loud enough for the whole class to hear so I do the same.
“They are dried petals, Sir, the toxins have evaporated. What is left behind is just enough for the petals to add a pleasant aroma to the potion and counteract the taste of the syrup of hellebore. The result is that the potion has a greater calming effect and a flavorless taste.” I stare up at him waiting for him to insult me or give me detention, he stares back at me before swiftly turning around, his robes billowing out behind him.
“I shall be the judge of that,” he says, returning to the front of the class to start pestering the other students in the class.
“Nice one,” Cedric whispers so he doesn't pull the attention of Professor Snape again. I sigh and go back to my potion, Things used to be so different between Professor Snape and me. One might have called us friends, I thought of him as my friend for a long time even if he only saw me as a student. That all changed during the summer, and it was all my aunt's fault.
I hear a faint cracking noise and realize I am holding my vial of hellebore too tight—stupid thin fragile glass bottles. I wish more than anything that I was back in my lab at home, with the ingredients arranged to make sense for me and my sturdy cups and bottles made from hard plastic or thick glass. Even though I miss my lab, my garden, and my kitchen, I am glad to be back at Hogwarts. At least here my aunt can’t harass me like she does at home.
The first hour of class passes without incident, some of the students have finished preparing their ingredients and have begun to add ingredients to the cauldrons. My potion is almost finished, I have to wait for the contents to boil for several minutes without touching it then add the Unicorn horn. Once the unicorn horn has been thoroughly mixed into the cauldron I can add the lavender flowers and turn off the heat. Going by the smell, the potion is almost ready for the unicorn horn, another minute or two and it will be done boiling. As I do with every ingredient I triple-check my measurement before adding it into the cauldron. I have exactly a quarter of a unicorn horn. 
The advanced potions book and Professor Snape's measurements are both different from what I have measured out. Professor Snape calls for 3⁄8 of a unicorn horn, and the advanced potions book calls for half of a unicorn horn. Unicorn horn is expensive however, it is one of the most expensive ingredients on the legal market. We won't talk about the illegal market, or how I know the price of a unicorn horn. Through experimentation I have found that a quarter of the Unicorn horn is the bare minimum for the potion to keep its full effects, I also learned that any more and the lavender petals will cause an explosive reaction like Snape mentioned at the beginning of class. Since I have time to check my lavender petals, I make sure I have three perfectly preserved and dried petals. If there are any chips or cracks in the pedals they will not dissolve properly altering the final state of the potion. 
Using the levitation charm I examine my pedals, and I can see a line of light through one peddle meaning there is a faint crack. I will have to switch it out for a different pedal for the potion to turn out. I take out of my box of flowers and search for the drawer with lavender labeled in my shaky handwriting. I pull out the drawer and unshrink it, my pedals are in pristine condition as always. I search the drawer for a pedal the same size as the other two I have ready for my potion, one without chips or cracks. It takes a while but I can find a pedal that will work just before I have to add the unicorn horn. I put the unusable pedals back in the drawer and added the unicorn horn. 
Someone knocks on the door to the potions class, Professor Snape looks extremely annoyed but goes to answer the door. I watch him glide by my desk to the door, on the other side is my head of house, Professor Sprout. I raise an eyebrow confused as to why she is here. There are only four Hufflepuffs in the advanced potions class, none of us are troublemakers nor have any meeting scheduled with her, at least we shouldn’t. Our career Advice meetings are not scheduled until close to the end of the term. I am lost in thought trying to figure out why Professor Sprout is here when  I faintly hear my name. 
“-Gingerroot, apparently it is urgent.” Professor Sprout says handing an envelope to Professor Snape. Both Professors look at me. I can't hide the shudder that runs down my spine. What could it be that they both are looking at me like that? As if they pity me for being sentenced to the gallows. Snape slowly walks to my desk, a few steps away from the door, and hands me a letter ignoring Cedric completely. I take the letter but he does not step away from me. I turn back to my potion and read who sent the letter; all the blood runs out of my cheeks and my body starts shaking as I see my aunt's name in the corner of the envelope. 
I have half a thought about stuffing the envelope into my bag and forgetting I ever received something from her, but the envelope starts to vibrate and grow warm. She sent a howler. I crumple the letter trying to hold off the explosive voice while I rush for the door, I don't succeed and the letter explodes in my hands. I kept running out of the room and down the hall so all my Professors and my classmates could hear my aunt shouting my full name. 
“Emera Juniper Gingerroot! How dare you! How dare you refuse a wizard with such status as Alfred Crouch!” I find an unlocked unused room and bolt myself inside hoping the thick wooden door and stone walls will muffle my aunt's voice, “His uncle is an influential Ministry of Magic official, You will accept his courting or so help me I will disown you faster than your father. The Avery Family needs the Crouchs to rise back into the high society of the magical world. I have fought to have Alfred even consider you for two years. You will not reject him.” The letter goes on to call me all the insults my aunt can think of and some more I didn't believe she had the brain power to come up with. At the end of the letter comes the ultimatum. “Alfred Crouch will be there at your next Hogsmeade visit, you will accompany him. If you do not I will turn you over to your filthy mud-blood father. Do you understand me!”
The letter hovers close to my face as if it were my aunt getting in my face as she always does when scolding me. “You will answer with a letter by the end of the day or I will be there myself to deliver your punishment!” The letter then burst into flames still close to my face. The flames touch my nose and cheek making the skin tight and hot from the burn, they also catch a few flyaway strands of my hair. I pat the fire out then rush from the room to avoid the smell of burnt hair. I still have half an hour left of potions class, and I am running low on the Drought of Peace I made before the start of the year. I am going to need what is left after I turn in my assignment to get me through the week. 
I walk back to class running my hand down the cold stones of the hall then place them on my nose and cheek, the cold only helps for a few seconds before the skin is too sensitive to touch. I am not looking forward to entering class, but I manage to rush back to my desk without looking up at my classmates. I can feel their eyes on me but as long as I don't see them I can get through the rest of class. By ‘the rest of class’ I mean me adding the lavender petals to my cauldron and bottling the final result. Cedric tries to get me to talk to him but I ignore him, I feel guilty but I don’t trust my state of mind at the moment. I add the lavender petals and stir, but instead of the potion turning a pretty purple with light blue smoke rising from the cauldron, the potion instantly turns gray and starts to bubble.
“Everyone down,” I shout, and push Cedric far away from me, grabbing the lid of my cauldron to weaken the blast even just a fraction. It works too well. The explosion does not reach the bench across from me, instead, the cauldron blasts me backward into the wall. I instantly feel like my head is about to crack open as my head hits the stone wall and my entire upper body is covered in the sludge that was supposed to be my Draught of Peace. I can smell the burning hair scent again and I know exactly what happened. 
“Emma, Emma are you alright?” Cedric asks, rushing close to me. He tries to touch me but before anyone can react I am stripping off my robes and shirt. “Emma what?” He tries to get me to stop taking my clothes off but I shove him away with the parts of my hands that are least covered in potion.
The sludge will turn acidic in a few seconds causing anything that it touches to burn. What is left in my hair is quickly dealt with as Professor Snape is next to me, he pushes Cedric even further back, uses his wand to cut my hair, and hands me a rag dampened in neutralizing ointment to wipe my face. While both of us acted fast it was not fast enough to save me completely, as the acid started to eat at my clothing on the ground, I could feel my face and skin burning as well. Not as if they were melting, which is what would have happened if we hadn't acted fast enough, but as if I had gotten a very bad sunburn. 
There could still be residue on me so Professor Snape and I start rubbing down my arms and torso with the rag of neutralizing ointment. I work to clean my arms and face while he wipes down my chest and torso, both of us too concerned with neutralizing the acid to realize the compromising position we are in until much later. The students have gathered around to watch, some faces are terrified, and others are fighting back laughter. Professor Snape steps away from me and cleans up my mess of clothes and the acidic sludge that is sprayed across my desk and the wall with a short wave of his wand. When everything is cleaned up and it is safe to touch me without the risk of burning Snape rounds on me, his hands grabbing my arms in a firm grip.
“What happened?” he snarls at me. His face is inches away from mine and he looks pissed.
“I didn’t do anything wrong!” I snap back. I didn’t, I know exactly what caused this reaction and it is nothing I did.
“Do you realize you could have killed yourself or another student?” I go to open my mouth to respond but he shakes me. "Do you? You are lucky no one got seriously hurt. You should be expelled! If you can't give me a good reason I will go straight to the headmaster." He doesn't let me go, his hands grip me harder, I might have bruises in the shape of his hands tomorrow. 
“Professor stop,” Cedric and a few other students try to convince him to let me go but he sends them a fierce glare that has them all shrinking back away from us. I take the opportunity of silence to voice my part.
"Beetle eye," I say confidentiality. Professor Snape looks confused for a second then realization dawns on him. Porcupine quills and Beetle eyes are a heavily explosive combination. Even if I hadn't altered the potion it would still have caused a toxic explosion when I stirred the brew and mixed the ingredients. He saw my ingredients lineup, he knew I didn't have Beetle eyes anywhere on my desk. My potion was sabotaged.
One of the female students clears her throat. "Professor, she doesn't have a shirt." Professor Snape and I both look down at my top. Why did I have to wear the new bra today? It is black with silver and gold embroidery around the edges that are enchanted to swirl around the material drawing the eye to the frankly large size of my breasts, it is one size too small to 'accentuate the cleavage' or so my aunt said when she made me buy it. It was the only clean bra I had this morning, I knew I should have kept my plain white sports bra on. 
I look to the floor covering my chest to see if I can find any scrap of my robes but there is nothing on the floor since Professor Snape cleaned it up. I then look around the room for any form of drapery I can use to cover myself, I lock eyes with Cedric and he goes to remove his cloak. I don't have to reach for Cedric because Professor Snape removes his robe and drapes it around me before I realize what he did. My face is beat red and not because of the burns, although they don’t help my situation. The whole class saw me have a verbal argument with my Professor that had an uncomfortable amount of silence while I was half naked, and immediately after he practically launched himself on me to clean my skin of the acid. I can only imagine what that whole interaction looked like, probably not as bad as mine and Professor Snape's history makes it. The whole school is going to know by the next period. What am I going to do?
"Miss Gingerroot go to the hospital wing and have those burns checked out," Snape says not looking at me anymore. "I will clean up your mess and have your bag brought up to you." I don't look at him as I wrap his robe around me and run from the room. I made it to the hospital wing in record time. 
Madame Pomfrey is confused to see me in a teacher's robe but when I tell her there was an acid explosion in potions she rushes me to a curtained bed. She had me remove all my clothes so she could make sure there were no other injuries to my person. I get to keep my underwear on, which makes me feel more clothed than I did at that moment when Professor Snape was looking at me. It had nothing to do with him being a decent man or not, it was all about what happened over the summer. The thought alone makes my cheeks red with embarrassment and anger. 
I hear the bell toll signaling the end of class. Madam Pomfrey gave me some ointment for the burns and told me it would be best if they healed on their own. The ointment will prevent any potential scarring, but it will take time to disappear. I slump my head into my hands as I sit on my hospital bed, the gossip mill is about to go fucking wild. I have to wait for one of my classmates to drop off my bag, probably Cedric, he will be worried since we didn't talk at all in class and he will want to know what happened with my potion to land me in the hospital wing the way it did. I honestly hope someone else comes though, I just want to get my bag and run down to my dorm to hide away for the rest of the day. Madame Pomfrey gave me a pass excusing me from my classes, so I will only have to face the school when I head to dinner if I even go to dinner. 
“Pomfrey?” I hear the voice of Professor Snape. The blood drains from my face. Why is he here? He said he would send a student to drop off my bag. I force myself to relax, even if he is here I won't have to see him. He will probably give my bag to Madame Pomfrey and leave. 
“Severus, good.” Madame Pomfrey says I hear her walk past the bed I am sitting at as she walks towards Professor Snape.
“I have Miss Gingerroots bag. She will need it for her next class.” I can’t help but start to chew on my nails.
“Miss Gingerroot has the rest of the day off to recover from the burns. It is wonderful you are here. May I ask what happened?”
“No.” Snape retorts firmly. Madame Pomfrey sighs.
“She is in the bed behind the curtain, the poor dear was in quite a state when she came to the infirmary. Why don’t you talk to her.” My head shoots up out of my hands, I don't have my clothes back on, I frantically search around to find my skirt, it’s at the foot of the bed. I lunge for it causing my hip to hit the side of the bed, I let out a quiet yelp but don't stop to examine my injury.
“I don’t believe that will be a good idea.” Snape begins but Madame Pomfrey has already left, I hear her shut the door to her office. I pull my skirt back up to my hip wishing it was so, so much longer. Yet that still leaves me without a shirt. Panicking, I grab Snape's robe and put it on again since it is better than ripping the sheets of the hospital bed and wrapping them around me like a toga.
Once I am covered I stand there close to the curtain not sure what to do, I want to run away, I want to hide under the bed, But a part of me also wants to see him. There is a silent moment where I imagine all the scenarios that can play out and finding them all ending is a disaster. “Miss Gingerroot?” His voice is right outside my curtain. I want to shout, scream, run or hit something.
I take a deep breath calming my nerves and racing mind and open the curtain, he is standing a few feet away from me with my bag gripped in one hand. “Yes, Professor Snape?” I say, somehow my voice is steady and not like I was just panicking and running around this small space. He doesn’t look at me.
“You will be pleased to know I discovered the culprit and have given them two months of detention. They believed it would have been a funny prank.” He says, I just nod. “How are you feeling?”
“Madame Pomfrey gave me some ointment for the burns, they aren’t that severe so they should be healed in a few days,” I say quietly. My eyes have not left my bag that he still holds in his hand. 
“That’s good.” There is a long silence. I can tell he wants to say more but all I want to do is grab my bag and run far away from here, wanting to see him was a mistake. Professor Snape takes a deep breath before continuing. “While what you did today was very brave, it was also very stupid. I hope you realize that.” I whip my head up to gawk at him.
“You should have hidden from the blast just like everyone else. But you wanted to be a hero, which is why you are now in the Hospital wing,” he says, meeting my gaze with his stern expression.
“I stopped an even worse catastrophe by covering my potion and helping another student, Cedric who happens to be my best friend. I did what I could to prevent what happened. It's not my fault the potion exploded.” I say straightening.
“Yet you still got hurt.” Snape growls.
“I was the only one, if I hadn't done what I did a lot more people would have been injured. The burns aren't even that bad, they will heal. Who cares if I was the only one burned? ” I say.
“I care,” Professor Snape says immediately, I am startled into silence. “You are one of my students, I have to care. After what happened,” I cut him off.
“What happened has nothing to do with this,” I shout and point between us. “It should have never happened, and you promised you would forget it ever did.”
“How can I forget?” He shouts back.
“Obliviate yourself for all I care. Believe me, I would if I could.” I end the conversation by grabbing my bag from his hand and walking away. He reaches to grab my shoulder, I wrench out of his grasp and run for the door. “Leave me alone.”
“Emma,” Snape shouts. I don’t turn around, I don't stop running. I don't even let the tears fall down my cheeks until I am safe in my dorm room hidden under the covers.
“Why?” I sob into my pillow. “Why me?”
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like i want to draw them SO BAD but i made the mistake of not writing down their appearances so i really only know kihrin is just a white dude but make it ethereal, teraeth has black skin and green eyes (but is it actually like fantasy race black skin and what are his facial features like and does dude have hair an-), and janel has??? dark skin?? and is so buff. or at least if she isn't i'm making it so. i do not know what her hair looks like although i could sess out a face but i DO know the joratese in general are dark-skinned and have facial markings that are similar to horse patterns (which reminds me of vitiligo) and she does have those even if she isn't ethnically? she was raised joratese she is joratese. etc etc. too scared to venture into the tags to see if there is any fanart for fear of spoilers. don't even know where to BEGIN for pulling culture to figure out a general direction of things. deepest pain
A classic a chorus of dragons experience. Don't worry, no one's who read the books knows what anyone looks like really. Except for Skye I think. But I swear most people are fumbling through their imaginings of everyone.
Some books in-depth and repeatedly describe character appearances (like kotlc, where we basically get a new description multiple times a book) and others they will mention the details Once and never again. So you never know if you should've been taking notes until you're in it. A Chorus of Dragons has some good detail when it's there, but it's not there frequently.
I was trying to mentally keep track for art purposes myself, and fun fact! We don't learn Teraeths hair is "sleek" until about 320 pages into book 4! And it is only mentioned that one time!
I do have a better grasp on the main four now thanks to crowdsourcing the information and going back for reference. So to answer just a few of your questions: Teraeth has long, sleek black hair (though several people like to imagine him with locs) and is describes as having angular, handsome features. I'm like 80% certain he has a long straight nose, but I couldn't tell you what page or book that's from. Janel has smooth chestnut skin like a horse, but without markings. She just has the black hands and feet. hair is like a mohawk but long and braided back, sides of her head naturally bald. She also wears a lot of jewelry as a display of masculinity.
Also, not much to worry about with the tags. There isn't an active fandom on tumblr; there's a few people who've read the series who might post about it or interact with a post once in a blue moon, but there is a severe drought of fic and art and all that. You can find a few people with some searching, but most active place is the discord. There's no art posted on tumblr right now, but you can find about 2 pieces if you google it, neither of which are spoilers. There's been a few art pieces in the discord recently though! And once you finish memory of souls you can read the one (1) fic on ao3, as that's set about right after it! Right now the tag is like 99% these asks.
So I think you can see why I'm so thrilled to have a mutual reading it. I swear once a week at least the discord is talking about how badly we want to get others to read the series and how underappreciated it is
but! back to your point! deepest pain </3
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