#there was absolutely a method to which ones i was allowed to read first
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w1ngedv01d · 10 months ago
These have been some of my favorite Discworld quotes since I was a child
They... might have affected my worldview, a little bit
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"People as things, that's where it starts."
Carpe Jugulum (Discworld #23) - Terry Pratchett
Going Postal (Discworld #32) - Terry Pratchett
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originalwinnerfanfish · 6 months ago
Well, I did it
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Megatron - I love his tfp design. Probably one of the best iteration of Megs. He is huge, heavy armoured, his face covered with scars… He doesn’t looks like an ordinary military leader who is only capable of giving orders, but like real warrior who can destroy any enemy with his bare hands.
So, in the WOF version, he definitely shares some features with Princess Burn, not only because of his might, but also because of his horns shape and dirty-dark scales (that absorbed blood of his enemies)
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Starscream - Boy, I hate him so much 🤣… but in the good way, trust me! In my opinion, when the show's creators make you feel such strong negative emotions towards a villain, it means they've done a great job. Also, I think that his animation in the show was absolutely incredible, because even though he's a 3D model, he still manages to move like a 2D character, which is amazing!
I feel that in my design he still looks more like a skywing, than an icewing (which is kinda logical)
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Soundwave - This one was tricky. I couldn't figure out what his mask would look like, so I just made his face a really dark color. I think Soundwave has both gifts of the nightwings, and he’s equally great at telepathy and a future vision. So he doesn't really need equipment to predict enemy movements, which makes him an ideal communicator in the WOF setting. His Laserbeak is part of the armor enchanted by Shockwave, and it might also allow him to open portals (but I'm not sure with this one)
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Shockwave - My favourite evil genius. He would definitely have animus magic and mind reading. I think Shockwave is the only one who has advanced the study of magic so far, precisely because he combined it with scientific knowledge and created safer methods of using it, that don't damage the mind. It's like if a Mastermind got animus magic in books.
I also like to think that he didn't heal the damaged part of his face just so that his enemies would fear him more)
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Dreadwing - This man deserved better! It's really a shame that he was removed from the show so quickly due to financial problems. It would be great if his arc got a proper conclusion in season 3.
Considering that I didn't want to make him a hybrid, it was difficult to choose a suitable color palette. So let’s just say, that I tried my best😅
I don’t think that he would have any nightwing powers, but honestly it doesn’t even matter - this guy can make a bombs, what else does he need to be cool
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Arachnid - Did anyone even doubt that she would be a hivewing? Damn, she even got her own “Othermind” virus. Her design was the easiest to work with - just a little poisonous ass (suspiciously similar to Maleficent).
Just like Starscream, I hate her, but in a good way. She's one of the creepiest characters in the entire series, who’s acting like a fucking heartless monster, especially with Arcee, but even so, there's always was something mesmerizing about her. I just really like strong female villains
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Knockout - Wery bright and charismatic guy, definitely one of my fav cons!
I tried to draw him as handsome as possible. Worked a lot on the face shape and coloring, and as for me it turned out pretty nice (finally).
Most decepticons think Knockout is as stupid and lazy as all the other rainwings. And it's not like he completely disagrees with that. Of course he’s not stupid and lazy, but if it’s means less dirty work on the battlefield, well, he’ll continue act like a tipical rainwing
(I also believe that Megatron keeps him as an “art”)
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Breakdown - Fun fact: "Operation Breakdown" was the very first thing I saw in this series. And it was an interesting experience for 8 year old me. Maybe that's why I'm so scared of eye gouging scenes in movies now…
I think that he didn't have any siblings initially due to his parents nature, and even after meeting Bulkhead, he felt uncomfortable among the other mudwings. And this is why he later chose the side of the decepticons. And maaaaybe because of one cute rainwing influence)
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I think that, being mostly nightwings and icewings, the decepticons are much more concerned about purity of their blood and rarely accept half-breeds into their ranks.
During the war, there were many animus dragons among decepticons, which is why they have so many artifacts that allowed teleportation and communication at a distance. But, honestly, I still can't imagine what Nemesis would look like in this AU
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nightisawkward · 4 months ago
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"Another challenger… it has been ages. Perhaps you have forgotten how this game is played. Allow me to remind you."
Happy halloween fellas!!! Hermitcraft/Life SMP inscryption AU ft. Boatem gang I cooked up awhile ago but never got around to posting B-) Wild life smp has reminded me how mentally ill I am about putting these Guys in Situations so here I am
Mild to major inscryption spoilers under the cut!
For those familiar with the game, the general roles are:
Luke Carter - "Challenger"/Grian
In this AU Grian is still a trading card-based youtuber who's recording all this nonsense going down real time as in canon, but has closer ties to the GameFuna company equivalent, named "WatcherCorp". His old college roommate/best mate Jimmy went to work for them, but mysteriously passed away in a fire at their headquarters. He found the Inscryption cards in Jimmy's leftover personal belongings a few years after his death, and decided that the best way to honor him would be to make a video featuring the project he put his heart and soul into... in more ways than one.
Key difference from canon Inscryption: Grian's mind is sucked into the game of Inscryption whenever he is playing. He is able to enter and leave the game at will, but he doesn't realize this until he first dies to Leshy/Pearl and ejects himself unconsciously out of fear of dying. The only reason he realizes he isn't hallucinating is because his camcorder footage proves he actually enters the game. He obtains the "Watcher's Eye" during Act 1, which he keeps for all future acts and allows him to see things he shouldn't see as a Challenger.
P03 - "Scarred Stoat"/Scar
Despite being the one who convinces Grian and the other Scrybes to stand up against Pearl, no one seems eager to spend any more time with the conniving conman than absolutely necessary. This may have something to do with Scar's history of backstabbing and cheating both Scybes and Challengers whenever it benefits him most. Which makes it rather unfortunate that Grian is must spend time with Scar in order to gather as much information as possible.
In the beginning, Scar and Grian do not get along in the slightest. Grian finds Scar's attitude too "fake", while Scar finds Grian's "cowardice" to be irritating. At some point, the two go from passive-aggressive fighting, to a grudging truce, to more friendly, lighthearted banter. Neither person seems to trust the other, but it doesn't seem to stop the two from being ✨saddled with unnecessary feelings✨. Scar's Act 3 world is much like Leshy's Act 1 world, with much more emphasis put on environmental storytelling and general Vibes than actual gameplay. Even if his game is a smokescreen for his true goal of Ascension, he feels strangely obligated to give Grian his best shot.
Scar in his proper Scrybe form appears more steampunk than canon P03. Think of a Grumbot with Scar's boatem base aesthetic and tons of missing nuts and bolts. P03's bastardous tendencies+ Scar's steampunk base made this role perfect for him.
Magnificus - "Horned Wolf"/Impulse
Impulse is a talented artist and an even more talented programmer. His future sight stems from his literal sight: His eyes are able to see read the code veil behind Inscryption, allowing him to predict likely futures based on what code is running. He often laments his status as an NPC, claiming that if he were given administrative privileges and the actual ability to modify source code he would have been able to escape Inscryption long ago.
He is rather absent in Act 2, focusing on finishing his "artwork" as soon as possible. He uses his brush to create a menagerie magical creatures with strange abilities in hopes that using one in battle might trigger a unfixable bug, allowing him to rip a hole through the source code. It is unclear whether he was able to accomplish his goal before Act 3 roles around, but it seems like Scar's method of Ascension seems awfully similar to Impulse's... perhaps a sneaky spy was able to steal Impulse's information?
As a proper Scrybe, he resembles a walking mop or a yak with overgrown fur. Most of his features are indistinguishable, save for his small horns and his glowing goat eyes.
Lemora - "Distinguished Stinkbug"/Mumbo
Mumbo is by far the most easygoing Scrybe in the cast. While he would greatly prefer an eternal slumber over yet another temporary ceasefire amongst the Scrybes, he is willing to work with the others in Act 1 simply because he finds his stinkbug form too uncomfortable to sleep in. Mumbo's goal is simple: to delete the game of Inscryption, and therefore himself, and finally rest. However, finds the constant power struggles in the world of Inscryption rather tiring and simply can't be bothered to make a grab for power himself to achieve this goal. This hasn't stopped him from asking Grian to destroy floppy disk of Inscryption. Unfortunately for him, the temptation of the o̷l̵d̷ ̶d̸a̶t̷ [REDACTED] mysteries within Inscryption are simply too powerful for Grian to resist.
As a proper Scrybe, he looks almost exactly like Mumbo's minecraft skin: A pale, mustached man with blood red eyes who resembles a vampire. Mumbo denies all vampire allegations. While he is the most "normal" looking Scrybe, Grian would still hesitate to call him "human" ...there's just something slightly off about his appearance that sets him on edge.
Leshy - "Game Master"/Pearl
Pearl is an unforgiving gamemaster that puts more emphasis on providing the player a challenge than her canon counterpart. After her self-proclaimed "tutorial", there is no more handholding and she gives Grian an absolute hellish time. Grian is only able to get a slight edge when he discovers all of the Scrybes, who provide him with stategy help to even the playing field. It is unclear whether Pearl actually enjoys running her Act 1 game or not: she seems to derive an animalistic pleasure from defeating Grian, but there are times where she seems tired and fed up with the endless gameplay loop and intentionally throws during key fights. She switches between manic and depressed at the drop of a hat.
During Act 2, she barely even tries to give Grian a challenge, allowing him to progress straight to her boss fight without any side quests to "get it over with quicker". She seems to hold a deep grudge against Scar for some reason, which is the only thing that motivates her to take action to stop him during Act 3.
Mysteriously, Grian finds a burned and unusable Unicorn card within her Act 1 cabin. Upon discovery, Scar immediately suggests that Grian leave it where he found it. Some things are best left forgotten, after all...
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moirindeclermont · 6 months ago
This is a new episode of "all Polin first times we didn't see" and these is a mix of stuff, including at least one request.
It's after Pen has giving birth, some months have already passes but Colin feels inspired that afternoon. He can't read, can't write, all he can think about is how much his gorgeous wife is looking absolutely ethereal in the new dressing gown - blue Bridgerton of course.
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But he knows that Pen would look even better naked. So with that goal in mind, he closes the door of the studio in which both him and Pen are working at the moment. No distractions allowed. The baby is in safe hands at the moment and they have a couple of hours before dinner. He'd love to have more time for what he has in mind but it will do.
Pen now follows his eyes with interest, and when Colin is now in her space, she gets up. Colin very carefully proceed to put everything in order until the desk is empty. Then, he methodically removes her dress, stay and camisole until she is naked. He kisses her deeply before lifting her up (Pen does squee in surprise at this) and puts her on the desk.
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He remains dressed, because he is not important right now. It's all about her. His Goddess. He kisses her again, and then he explores every inch of her body with his fingers. The lips, the curve of her neck, her back, her gorgeous thighs, her absolutely breathtaking breast - even more now that she is feeding their son - where her nipples are already leaking. He has plan for those buds, but before he needs to go down on her stomach.
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When he is there, he kisses her womb. He murmurs a prayer in thanks because she is safe and healthy as well as their son, before going back up with his lips, catching her nipples along the way. The looks at her, a question in his eyes but Pen knows already and trust him with her life so she nods, and Colin start to suck. He is surprised that her milk is warm - but more than anything, he marvels at women and particularly Pen, because what she did with their son is nothing short of a miracle.
These couple of hours are just about her. After she is wriggling for the emotion and the arousal his actions are causing her, he goes on his knees to taste his absolution. He opens her legs to make space for him and firstly he kisses her all around, before truly eating her with lips and tongue until she cries out loud and make him feel like a giant for making her feel so much pleasure.
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When he knows she is close, he aids her with his fingers, like he did in the carriage and during their first time, until she is coming loudly. But he is now done. Nit even close. He wait for her to calm down, before starting repeating the same cycle. All over again. A second time. A third time. By the fourth she is collapsed on the desk, can't move, can't think, she can only feel. And when she comes that time, he gets flooded by her sacred juices, re-baptized in her name.
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It's sinful to think as much but he can't help himself. He comes untouched in that moment, in his breeches, and he cleans her up wit his tie, before redressing her.
"What about you?" She asks and those are the first words beside moans she has spoken since they have started. Colin looks at her "it was not about me" but he agrees that she can do it to him too one day. In the end, every Goddess needs her own God.
What is a first you want me to write about them? (And if you want to play a game, how many first did I include?)
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nocturniashifter · 6 months ago
𝓐dvice for your Shifting Journey | Pick a Pile
Hello, my angels! After a long time without posting any PAP, here I am. This time it will be advice for your shifting journey and I will be using Lenormand for the first time on a pap as I am new to it, so I really hope you like it! ♡
┈─★ Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only and shouldn't be taken seriously or used as a substitute for legitimate advice. It's also a general reading, so it may or may not resonate with you. ┈─★ How to choose: Close your eyes, take a deep breath and choose the image that catches your attention the most, trust your intuition.
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── .✦ PILE 1
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Cards: Moon, Mountain, Sun, Crossroad & Man ꤮ ࣪ ⏜ ꤮ 𝅄 ꤮ ࣪ ⏜ ꤮
Hello, pile one! You have already gone through several ups and downs along your journey and due to having faced difficult moments such as “failed” attempts or due to the fact that you have been trying for years, you ended up getting discouraged and some of you may have even stopped trying or felt like giving up halfway through. But, if you want to finally shift, you need to get your head up and do something about it because you will achieve it if you don't keep standing still and doing nothing.
Things may be difficult for you on your journey right now, but know that you will be able to get through this difficult period if you take the first step. The cards ask you to maintain a positive mindset because you will be successful on your journey – and when I talk about maintaining a positive mindset, it doesn't mean that you should get carried away by toxic positivity. On the contrary, throughout your journey you will encounter obstacles that may end up affecting you emotionally and the last thing you should do is repress your feelings and pretend that everything is fine as if negative emotions and feelings are going to stop you from shifting. Spoiler: that doesn't happen. So, when you come across a rock in your path that lets you down, don't repress your feelings but rather allow yourself to feel and express what you are feeling, take the time you need to process them and then let them go & continue your journey with your head held high.
At this moment, you need to decide which path you will take on your journey and you must leave behind the baggage of the past with all those things that no longer serve you, such as the limiting beliefs that you have cultivated in yourself. Stop for a moment and reflect on all the beliefs, good or bad, that you believe to be true about yourself or about shifting. Do you believe that you are capable of shifting and that you are already a master shifter: yes or no? Depending on your answer, you will already know where to start changing your mindset to one that will favor you and bear good fruit.
When you're working on your mindset/self-concept change, don't backtrack because it will only slow you down. It's like Neville Goddard said, you can't serve two masters at the same time – that is, you can't be in two states of being at the same time. Either you are or you are not. Either you are a master shifter who has shifted millions of times effortlessly or you are the person who regrets that they never managed to shift. In fact, there is absolutely nothing stopping you from shifting other than yourself and you may already be tired of hearing this, but it is the purest truth. You are your only limit.
── .✦ PILE 2
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Cards: Lily, Scythe, Rider, Stork & Mice ꤮ ࣪ ⏜ ꤮ 𝅄 ꤮ ࣪ ⏜ ꤮
Hello, pile two! You are a person who has been in the shifting community for a long time (some have been there for months and others for years) and who over time has tried many different ways of shifting such as methods, meditations, subliminals and many others. And because you've been on this journey for a long time, you've become comfortable with the way things were or are at the moment. Too comfortable. There are two cases here: the first is that you ended up having many “failed attempts” that demotivated you and you ended up conforming to the false idea that you can't shift and the second case is that you ended up falling into your comfort zone and decided not to have new experiences on your journey – that is, you just do the same thing over and over again even if they aren’t working like they used to and don’t try new things.
Regardless of your case, at this moment you are stagnant and it is time to put an end to it if you want to move forward once and for all and free yourself from this period of stagnation because it is only holding you back. You need to stop for a moment and reflect on everything you've experienced on your journey so far, so you'll be able to identify the limiting beliefs you've placed on yourself that give you the false idea that there's something stopping you from shifting. Furthermore, you will be able to identify what worked for you and what is no longer working so that you can make space for this new phase in your journey. And by doing this, you will be able to change the direction things are going and you will be able to start over towards success.
I also see that you feel envious of other shifters who have already managed to shift, whether before you who have been in the community for a long time or even those who shifted more easily than you – and I don't blame you for that, but you must understand that if they can do it, YOU CAN FUCKING DO IT TOO! What makes you different from them? What makes you so special that you are the only person in the multiverse who is incapable of shifting to the reality you want when you have always done this your entire life without even realizing it?!
You need to be kinder to yourself, take care of yourself and stop comparing your journey to other people's journeys because we are all different and what works for one person won't necessarily work for you and that's okay, you just need to do what works best for you because it's your journey so you have every right to navigate it however you want. It is necessary that you cut once and for all everything that is no longer serving you on your journey and as soon as you do, a new chapter in your journey will begin.
── .✦ PILE 3
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Cards: Bear, Stork, Tower, Mountain & Rider ꤮ ࣪ ⏜ ꤮ 𝅄 ꤮ ࣪ ⏜ ꤮
Hello, pile three! You have great power – especially because, at the end of the day, we are all the gods of our reality – and you may be tired of hearing that. But although you are aware of this, you do not actually recognize your own power. You don't really believe that you are really powerful, that you can shift realities whenever you want without anything stopping you and you don't trust your own potential, much less your abilities to change. Many of you even put your desired realities on a pedestal as if it were something unattainable or very difficult to achieve and that requires a lot of effort - but if you stop to think about it, it doesn't make any sense because there is nothing to try to achieve when you were always in your DR even before you discovered shifting.
Because of this, it is past time for you to start seeing yourselves as the powerful people you are and finally recognize your own power so that things can finally change once and for all. If you want things to change on your journey, YOU need to change first because you are in complete control of your journey and if you don't change, nothing will change. You need to go through a period of self-reflection, that is, set aside a moment in your day to reflect on your journey – on everything that has worked for you and what hasn't.
But most importantly, you need to change your self-concept about being a master shifter. If you assume you can't shift, you're right and the same goes if you assume you've already shifted and are a master shifter. Many shifters and manifesting people believe that when they assume a new state of being, they shift to a reality where this assumption is true. So if you assume you are a master shifter, you have just shifted into a reality where you are one and vice versa. That's how the law works, so do yourself a favor and use it for your own benefit and not to make things harder for yourself.
At this moment, things may be challenging on your journey or it will be challenging for you to change your self-concept - mainly because you will feel stuck in the old version of yourself (i.e. when you were the person who couldn't shift and are becoming one who has already shifted) while working to change your mindset but just keep persisting, that is, being the person who is already a master shifter without seeking validation in 3D because it's the 3D that needs your validation. But, regardless of what your case is, you will be able to overcome this and all your effort will be worth it in the end because you will have finally managed to achieve your goal!
© nocturniashifter – don't copy, redistribute or edit my content | dividers
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thrashkink-coven · 5 days ago
A Blood Offering to Lord Lucifer and Lord Astaroth
In this post I’m going to go through the way that I typically go about offering blood to these two deities. This operation isn’t always the same for every deity but the general idea is consistent. The way that you give blood will probably be personal to your craft, this isn’t a manual, this is just an example how I do it.
Before I begin here’s a couple things to keep in mind:
Offering blood is in no way mandatory. Blood is an extremely powerful source of energy and it is also inherently binding. If you are experiencing any fear or discomfort with the idea of offering blood, you are under absolutely no obligation to do so for any reason.
You should have eaten some kind of meal before offering blood. Not only for your own well-being but also because your blood will be more nutrient rich after consuming food.
You don’t need that much blood (more on this later)
I can’t emphasize this enough: Devotional acts and spells do not have to be completed in one sitting. You can over blood over a number of days, you’re allowed to step away from a spell and come back to it. Technically this ritual took me 2 days to complete. I like to let my magic simmer.
The deities that I have felt comfortable offering blood to are those whom I am already long time devoted to. Depending on your beliefs or the type of paganism you practice, blood may (or may not) be offered for a variety of symbolic or practical reasons. In this ritual I was offering blood to Lucifer and Astaroth in gratitude for their help recently and also partially in exchange for a tarot reading (which was amazing, they did a fantastic job). So in this case the blood was a gift. This operation would look different if I was using the blood as the source of power for a spell.
I decently routinely offer blood to Lord Lucifer whenever I feel compelled to, which is usually every Venus day after I do my T shot.
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As stated, I did this ritual over a couple of days, first starting with Lucifer. First I prepared a short prayer to him on a black piece of paper, and on the other side I drew his sigil which felt most appropriate to me at the time. After meditating and saying his enn, all that jazz, I added a drop of blood to the sigil using a lancet.
⚠️ When offering blood, you should never be using your athame or ritual blade, regardless of how aesthetically pleasing it seems. For one, I use my athames to cut up herbs, twine, to scrape out wax and ash, etc, and I could clean them every time but that’s annoying. We are not trying to create scars, and we should be seeking the least painful and destructive method possible. The act should be discreet.
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I bought a pack of lancets and alcohol pads on amazon for a couple bucks. The great thing about lancets is that they don’t create scars, the hole they create bleeds for about 2 minutes at most, and the pain of pricking a finger is minimal. While pricking my finger, usually my thumb because it can produce the most blood, I say Lucifer’s enn and allow him to help me through the quick moment of pain. I give him that pain and use it as a sacrifice. When it’s through, I remove the lancet and give my thumb a little squeeze. A healthy amount of blood should surface from your finger.
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this is plenty. If more is needed I can squeeze my thumb again and a couple more drops might come out. I can prick myself again, but I usually do so no more than 3 times in a single session. Lord Lucifer in particular is very anti- overdoing it when it comes to blood offerings.
I then placed the black paper down on the chalice and placed the candle I prepared for Lucifer on top of it. Blood was also added to the wick of the candle.
The second part of this offering with Astaroth which included the tarot reading took place the next day since I was tired! after working with Lucifer. Using the same methods I created a sigil for Astaroth and consecrated it with blood.
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For Astaroth I also created a herb sachet using rose tea and incense. The sigil is placed within the herb sachet with the incense and the offering is burned on the altar before her. There is also sandalwood inside the bottom of the cauldron.
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ok this post is too long 👇 part 2
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riddlers-left-buttcheek · 1 month ago
Commission Advice? (pls help)
Hey heyy
I wanna start doing commissions, but I've never done it before, and have no idea where to start. So I thought I'd make this post and ask any artist, that would like to share how they go about commissions, for advice.
I've summed up some of the questions that came to mind below the cut. I would want to take requests outside of Tumblr as well, just fyi. I'm well aware that most of what I ask depends on the individual artist and their works, and that there won't be a single formula to follow - I'd just like to gain a bit of perspective and see how different people go about these things, so that I can get an idea for myself.
Any helpful links to other posts or websites on this topic are much appreciated 💚
Replies to this in DMs are fine too ☺️
Questions below ⬇️
Do you text with the client entirely through Tumblr (etc.) DMs, or do you use a different platform (like Discord, WhatsApp)?
My biggest issue is how much to charge for an art piece. I know it depends on multiple factors, like what type of drawing it is, is it lineart only, is it in colour, etc. Then there's also taxes. I've looked at a couple artists, but the prices vary so widely, and I have no idea where to put myself on that spectrum. I also have a huge problem knowing my worth, which definitely doesn't help.
Which payment method do you use? My first thought was PayPal, I also read that many people use Stripe (that I never heard of before my research). And when do you ask for the transaction to be made? I've seen 50% upfront, the other 50% once it's done a lot. Some say to not give the customer the finished piece until you've received 100% of the money.
How do you decide on how many you have available? Do have a fixed number or just take requests until you think you can't take any more?
How long does it take you to finish a request? Again, I know it depends on many many things. A couple examples would already help a lot.
Updates? Previews?
Do you give the client in-between updates on your progress? Do you send a preview before sending the finished piece? I've read that, before sending the final file, you should always have the images in low quality and with a watermark over it.
If the client is dissatisfied with the final piece, do you allow changes? If yes, how many, where do you draw the line? Do you charge extra? Also, what do you do if the client doesn't like the entire thing?
I absolutely suck at this, my brain just doesn't want to comprehend legal language. So most I've read on this, I still don't fully understand, but probably because I've never put it to practice. Is there a specific type of licensing you use? What do you tell your client on what they can do, but more importantly, can't do, with the art you create for them?
Final files?
In which file format do you send the finished art piece to the client? I was thinking pdf, maybe jpg and png? Also, how do you send it? In DMs? Per email?
Also one of the more important questions for me, since I get paranoid about these things easily (and turn out to be right most of the time). Any advice on scams? I've read Instagram is filled with them, and to best avoid requests over Insta alltogether. Any experiences you've had, anything I should definitely look out for?
Any other advice?
Anything at all. I'm probably definitely overthinking this and it's most likely really not that complicated, but I'm a very anxious, insecure and paranoid person. 🙈 So I'll take any and all advice I can get.
Thank you 🤗💚
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on-wine-dark-seas · 3 months ago
2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 32, 35, 37, 40, 41, 42, 45, 54, 55, 59, 61, 63, 66, 75 and 77 for the Fanfic Writer Asks. I know there are too many, sorry! 🥺🙏🏻
Oh wow! These are a lot but I will take great pride and joy in answering them. Thanks for giving me something to think about!
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
It's a little bit of both, honestly. Lately I have been practicing being more deliberate and planning my stories more thoroughly as oppose to just writing and posting without thinking. Apparently this has had a positive effect. I get more comprehensive feedback on my writing than I ever have.
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic.
Generally I do what I call the "bookend method." That is, I usually have the first and last chapter planned out. I know how I wanna start, and I know how I wanna end. And I recently started imposing chapter limits on myself so each chapter is basically like a scene from a play in how I plan it. That is, I know who I want to include in each chapter, the general subject being covered in the chapter, etc.
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
Music. I am a maladaptive daydreamer since I was 6 years old. Scenes have been turning in my head since I was cognizant enough to remember. Eventually the scenes spin into full stories. Of course, I read widely and often as well and get inspired to cook up my own ideas.
5. Do you like constructive criticism?
When I ask for it, yeah. I don't like when people just assume I want it because the comments tended to get a lil' disrespectful back in the day when I allowed that. Everyone's version of constructive criticism is different. To that end, if we have established a rapport, I welcome it. Everybody else: talk to me nice or not at all!
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
It depends on how deep inside of a character [heh] I want or need to get. I used to be a die-hard first-person POV writer. But lately it's third-person limited.
9. Do you comment on stories you read?
I try to. I usually want to make my comments more than the usual flailing and emojis and memes. I want to leave substantial evidence as to why I enjoyed the fic, how it made me feel, etc. And I'm very good about it these days.
11. Link your three favorite fics right now.
I'll do my faves:
Beneath the Silk by @phyx-m - Sukuna x f!Reader; I describe it as a dark and bloody Beauty & the Beast, only you're not really sure who the beast is in this situation. It's so good and Sukuna is so darkly seductive and menacing all throughout.
Academic Affairs by ChocolateGranola - Sukuna x Gojo AU where they are academic rivals-to-lovers. I'm riveted.
Kindred Spirits by SkipGabe - A Sukuna x OC fic with super cool lore, great worldbuilding, and a very cool take on Sukuna's origins.
Monster Hospital by mushmoon12 - A Gojo x Reader-ish fic that is most assuredly enemies-to-lovers-to-enemies-to-??? and it's an emotional rollercoaster.
Like Silk by satans_onlyfans - A Sukuna x Reader-ish fic that...well. Let's just say there's more than one Vessel.
Cor Unum by @vampyrsm - Sukuna x Reader-ish fic that can only be described as a fucking masterpiece from start to finish. I would say this fic and Beneath the Silk are in conversation with one another thematically, and the exploration of Sukuna is so well-done. It does have dead dove elements so be forewarned.
The Tragedy of a Duality by @katerina-marie - a Gojo x Reader x Sukuna fic that...well it's in the title. I recommend all this author's JJK stuff but this one was an absolute standout for me.
Infidelity by @tawus - A Gojo x Reader fic where Gojo proceeds to cause the most emotional distress I have ever seen just because Reader wanted to go out to the club. I don't wanna spoil too much but oh my god. Seriously, a masterpiece.
Sweet Little Lies by mooglepaws - A Toji x Reader and Reader x adult!Megumi non-curse!AU where Reader makes the best most horrible decision. The smut in this fic is astoundingly hot. Like maybe don't read this one in public.
12. How does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you?
I used to let it get to me when I didn't get feedback on my fics, but I really do mean what I say when I say I write for myself. The stories I create for free are first and foremost for my enjoyment. That other people connect with and enjoy them too is now a bonus. I appreciate the feedback and support, but I will continue to write irrespective of receiving either. That being said, I won't lie and say getting feedback and support definitely helps motivate me to continue as much as my usual methods. :D
14. How do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
I draw from personal experience. When I want to evoke a certain emotion, I visit a memory of my own that evokes the exact shade of that emotion I want to paint on the page. I have...a lot of experience with some of the emotions that make more appearances in my fic than others.
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
I've got quite a few. Let's crack open the Scrivener document.
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This is currently every single fanfic project I currently have in rotation. This is levels of brainrot I haven't had since Dragon Age, and I have 60 published fics for that fandom. I have a lot of thoughts about this fucking manga/anime.
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
When I want to be inspired, I read. When I want to create, I write. Sometimes it's necessary to read and let my brain process and enjoy being a reader for a while rather than constantly thinking about writing [which my brain perceives as a problem that needs solving].
19. What is the most-used tag on your AO3?
Original Female Character, probably.
21. Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story?
I have! While it was me commissioning the author for a story I created, we consider it a collaborative effort as we worked together every step of the way getting the story just right, and it featured my character in my continuity. I had hoped to be able to do this with more artists and writers in the future but the JJK fandom is...insular. I had plans for a little project featuring stories and art in my 'verse. There's writers whose writing styles I really enjoy and I would love to collab with them. :D
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
And this isn't to exclude other authors I read [I have a very exhaustive list, actually], but these are my three faves for their portrayal of my favorite canon characters, their premises, and their prose.
35. What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain?
They don't always have to have redeeming qualities for you to relate to them. It's okay to like that piece of shit for being a piece of shit.
37. How do you choose where to end a chapter?
Usually I treat it like a thesis paper. The chapter covers a specific subject and has a specific goal. I end the chapter when those objectives are met.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
There's a scene in Daughter of Disgrace where Yuji and Sundari get caught in Sukuna's domain. Sundari covers Yuji with her body and hugs him close while she casts her version of Hollow Wicker Basket, called Lakshmi's Lotus. It functions the same way as Falling Blossom Emotion in that it reduces the lethality of the domain. The Lotus technique layers this barrier and requires a lot of cursed energy. She was able to keep Yuji and herself safe for the duration of the domain [99 seconds].
The other scene is from the same fic, when Nadja...does what she does and shocks Sukuna.
41. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
I honestly used to be one and done, but lately there's been some writers who have been knocking it out of the park with crafting stories that I love coming back to again and again. It might be the prose, the premise, the smut, whatever it is...I keep it in my bookmarks for a reason.
42. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
The last fic I read was the Daddy Duty series by @sandwitchstories.
I highly recommend it if you like Dad!Kuna headcanons and fics. I have been craving some soft and wholesome Sukuna lately [and been too lazy to write it], so I was delighted when this popped up in my personal Sukuna feed on BlueSky. :D
45. Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
My hope as a writer is to be able to do both, sometimes back to back.
54. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
When I get to write That One Scene™️ that's been rattling around in my brain for what feels like forever.
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
Nadja is my all-time favorite OC I've ever created. As I've said before, I don't get a lot of feedback on my work outside of my Dragon Age fics. Nadja is my favorite OC because she's complex. She's not very likeable [she's a terrible parent and literally kills for money], she is hedonistic, and she tends to be very self-serving. Something kind of fun writing a character like that. Honorable mention to Sundari because I love writing a tough, strong girl who kicks ass and has a bad attitude.
59. Does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? if not, would you tell anyone?
Literally everyone in my life knows I write fic. Whether I allow them access to those fics is another matter. My parents used to catch me reading/writing smutty fanfic when I was in high school so...yeah. Imagine how they feel now that I'm a published writer with a proper degree and everything. Let the kids read/write their fic!
61. Why do you continue writing fics?
It's so fun! I love making my favorite characters smooch my OCs.
63. Something you hate to see in smut.
Cervix abuse. Y'all. Please. That shit is not fun in real life, I promise. A few little taps, yeah, but constant bruising? NO PLEASE NO.
That being said, I know how to hunt for the good smut.
66. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie. pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc.)?
I don't feel any pressure because I get no traction on my fics like that to feel like I need to update on any kind of schedule. So I write and publish whenever I feel like it.
75. What scene in [Fanfic Name] took the longest to write? What was difficult about it?
Since you didn't specify a fic name, I will pick one! Daughter of Disgrace, you're up!
The scene that took the longest for me to write was in chapter 11. Saddest thing I have ever written in years, I literally cried several times writing it, editing it, rereading it, posting it, etc. Sukuna and Sundari and Nadja deserved better than the hand fate dealt them.
77. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from [Fanfic Name] story/chapter?
Favorite scene I've written from Daughter of Disgrace? There are so many! I really put my heart into that fic and I have so many favorite moments I revisit. There's the scene where Sundari and Gojo kill the higher ups together. Then there's the whole birthday party. The Shinjuku Showdown with Plot Twist was also fun as hell.
Honestly that whole fic was a good time start to finish.
𑁍 Fanfic Asks 𑁍
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paceywittters · 10 months ago
What do you make of Tim's behavior in the last few episodes? I feel like he's a totally different person and it's making me sad to see him disrespecting Lucy so much.
just up front: it feels v clear to me that we do not share an opinion on this storyline from the tone of this ask, and so i am going to discuss this but would just like to preface that this is only my opinion and i respect that you/anyone else engaging with this post may have a different one. i am allowed to feel the way i feel, as are you. i am not trying to change or discredit anyone's opinions just because they're different than mine.
that being said - i will be honest with you, i don't really see where he's disrespected lucy. before you (and whoever else is reading this) jump me, let me explain myself.
tim went through something very difficult and traumatic with the resurgence of his wartime trauma and he made the decision not to involve lucy as he navigated said trauma. while it may not have been the best choice for their relationship, tim made the choice he felt was right in the moment. though we may not agree with it as viewers and lucy may not agree with it as tim's partner, he had the right to do that, and he explained to the best of his ability in the moment that he was keeping her out of the situation to ensure she didn't get hurt/her career wasn't impacted.
to me, that didn't feel disrespectful - it felt like tim relying on his tried and true methods of keeping the people he loves safe from him/the potential danger surrounding him. he was working with the tools he had available, even if they may not be the "right" tools for the job.
like, was it fucked that he ignored her for 36 hours? absolutely! that was disrespectful in some ways - but i think if you zoom out a little, it's not right, but it's understandable.
in the end of 5x07, lucy stops tim in the hallway at the station and asks him to talk to her - and i have seen a bunch of people who are really angry about the way tim handled that convo, so i wonder if that's what you mean by disrespect. generally, a few thoughts about that scene:
lucy approached tim hot - which, let me be clear: she had every right to. she was in her feels all day, she had something she wanted to say to him, and she was already a bit revved up coming to him. but she came into that conversation already looking for something specific, where tim was just...guard down, a little goofily happy to see her, probably a little nervous to talk to her at all.
tim wasn't given the opportunity to say much of anything. lucy asked if they could have "an adult conversation" (patronizing, but i don't blame her for it - he deserved that) and when tim explained he "couldn't give her what she wanted", lucy snapped. i understand the snap - i would've done the same - but tim had no space to continue talking there. that wasn't a conversation. lucy got her opportunity to unload on him a bit, which i think she needed. think about the breakup - lucy didn't get the chance to argue a side there, and tim didn't get the chance to argue a side here. they're equal on that kind of convo now, which i find fascinating.
so, is tim being honest with her and saying he can't give her what she needs right now disrespectful? i don't really think so. i think lucy is looking for something that tim can't give her right now - himself. tim has to sort through all his shit before he can be the best version of himself for lucy - in his tim brain, he doesn't think he can support her fully without working on himself first...and honestly? i think that's noble. lucy is far too close to the picture to see that tim has some really big issues he needs to work on outside of the scope of their relationship. i don't blame her for that, but it's just...true.
she can't be the person to help tim find himself at this point in his life. that's not fair to her or their relationship - so i think he's made the right choice here, as much as it hurts both of them.
i would also be remiss if i didn't mention that i think there's a huge part of this situation that lucy still needs to realize is on her. she has problems of her own, too! girl knows she's not perfect - but she has yet to address her own problems, and i think that's such an issue. tim is taking initiative to resolve his problems, even if it's not in a way that she agrees with. lucy isn't. just like their relationship already had issues, lucy has her own set. this wasn't the defining problem - this was just the straw that broke the camel's back in a lot of ways.
i hope this answers your question tbh bc i feel like i just rambled a bunch - but i'm always up to chat about this kind of stuff, so feel free to come back to me with more if i haven't annoyed you too much 😂
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esther-dot · 1 year ago
i'm a sansa stan first and foremost, and i tried to ship s@nsan so hard lmaooo but when they start saying shit like "sansa has wet dreams about the hound" and "sansa actually likes older men", argh, i just can't. do. that. i know george said something about playing with it in the books, but i also think that he wanted to raise a few questions with the relationship, one of them being "who protects sansa from her protector?". like, there's TRAUMA in there. it's funny that they accuse jonsas of using sansa as a self-insert bc i don't know if you ever read a s@nsan fic or saw the fanarts, but they REALLY wanna bang that man 😭
(about this ask)
Nothing in the fandom horrifies me as much as Sansan. I’ve had nice Sansans come into my inbox, so I do distinguish between my feelings about the ship and the shippers, but I hate the reinterpretation of the Hound because it minimizes what he did/tried to do to Sansa. Instead of the later scenes where Sansa thinks of him being about her processing the trauma of his assault, suddenly, they become a gross villain whitewashing, victim-blamey, “actually, she wanted it.”
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I once even highlighted that whole "who will protect us from the guards" idea you mention because I think it was meant to emphasize what a travesty the Hound’s assault was:
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This isn’t a romance, this is a pattern. The Hound saves her than tries to rape her, Tyrion is kind to her then agrees to marry her, a child, a prisoner of his family, and LF rescues her but then starts to sexually molest her. All the same, in each of these instances, Sansa is grateful, she thinks kindly of them, and I think that says a lot about Sansa that you completely miss if you romanticize it and pretend that the Hound is someone, something to her, that he isn’t. I also talk about the whole cloak thing in that post too because I think the more contextualized reading is the one we’re meant to adopt.
When I did take a look at the meta, I was so creeped out by the nature of it and the art. Although, I want to give credit where it’s due. Apparently they were some of the first people to start taking Sansa seriously and created the reading of Sansa becoming a political factor, so they did change the fandom’s perception of Sansa in a good way. But imo their love of the Hound causes an imbalance in how they read their scenes. The point isn't that the Hound wouldn't have hurt Sansa, the point was that he very well might have but Sansa's actions stopped him which ties into a much bigger idea and important aspect of Sansa's story:
Even after the Hound assaults Sansa, later, she thinks of how terrifying the fire was, as in, even then, she is able to empathize with him, the man who held a knife to her throat and threatened to kill her. It’s laughable to suggest a man who mocked her relentlessly for who she was is capable of the same consideration. In fact, it is in a state of terror that the Hound attempts to rape Sansa and his fans use that to excuse his actions, and yet, while he is assaulting her, Sansa sings of mercy, gently touches his cheek. It’s almost like the very obvious interpretation, that the way to create a better world is Sansa’s method— not his— is what Martin expected people to understand, and his surprise people have turned it into something else altogether is genuine. (link)
As for Martin admitting he "played" with it, here's a clip. It's very short, and he's expressing surprise that his female readers like villains of which the Hound is one, and I think you can tell by his facial expression that the idea of the Hound and Sansa as a couple, is absolutely not where he ever intended to take things, not what he meant when he said he played with it. There are countless old monster movies with the monster being fascinated with a young girl or beautiful woman which humanizes him/shows a soft side. That's similar to Beauty and the Beast, the girl is what allows the monster to become human again, but in these variations, it isn't a romance. You can play with/reference tropes and ideas without it actually being a direct reiteration of the original story.
Anyway, filter and block and curate your fandom experience! 😅
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notsocheezy · 7 months ago
V-Day - The First Twenty-Four Hours
Guess who's got two thumbs and no penis? That's right, this girlish-shaped thing!
My "the surgery" went off without a hitch! And it couldn't have happened at a weirder time. The news has been absolutely wild this week, hasn't it? Mass Windows system outages, Biden dropping out of the presidential race... probably some other stuff... I'll be honest, I'm a little woozy from the Oxycodone, so a lot of the past week escapes me at the moment. But let me tell you all about the first day. I still remember most of that.
I arrived at the hospital at about 5AM yesterday, and they had me wipe down with CHG wipes even though I'd just taken a CHG shower. I guess they like to be safe. But it leaves a residue that isn't the most pleasant thing in the world. It's kind of like when you step out of the ocean and the salt dries onto your skin in a fine, well-seasoned flaky layer.
After that, they gave me a morphine injection into my spinal fluid, which according to the pain management guy, reduces the overall necessary intake of opiates/opioids (what is the difference between those anyway?). So far that seems to be very true. My new bits don't hurt in the slightest even now, after the injection has worn off.
On the other hand, though, there has been excruciating pain in my chest and shoulders. You see, this was a laparoscopic surgery performed with a fancy robot - the DaVinci XI - and they had to pump me full of CO2 so they'd have room to work. That's right folks - I'm carbonated. And they didn't just give me one new hole, but an additional five incisions on my abdomen, which also don't really hurt but damn are they itchy. It turns out though, being a human balloon is a really bad experience. If I'd had an inflation kink before, this would probably have killed it in its tracks.
When I woke up in Recovery, I was at 10/10 on the pain scale. It was truly miserable. They had to inject me with Fentanyl (Ooooooh, scary!) just so I could breathe. Once they did, though, I was fine. That is, until they moved me onto the bed in my room several hours later. Now the pain comes and goes, but I'm on pills for that.
Other than the chest pain, the most uncomfortable thing is the catheter. It constantly feels like I've just gotten back from a long road trip without pit stops, or the credits just rolled on an IMAX screening of Oppenheimer (I saw that twice, by the way). I have to pee so damn bad, but I'm just kinda... always peeing. Very weird. Nice not to have to get up, but I'm not even really allowed to get up. Which is a shame, because I'm told moving around will help the CO2, ahem, escape. Via the most obvious channel, of course.
On that note, I was on a liquid diet until about an hour ago, and now I've got an omelet and some oatmeal that they forgot to put sugar or salt in. They really want to get my guts up and running again - they gave me a laxative and a stool softener. But I'm nervous about getting up from the bed. I've got more wires attached to me than my PC at home, so I'll need to unhook everything to get to the bathroom.
Anyway, other than being misgendered a concerning amount of times by people who should be able to read the word "vaginoplasty" on my chart, everyone has been very kind. I thought I'd be more scared and depressed being left in the hospital by myself, with all my loved ones hours away, but I've been able to make friends with the nurses.
If you're on the fence about getting this done because you're scared of the recovery process, don't worry. I'm only a day in and I'm doing just fine. Electrolysis was significantly more painful down there than this is. Can't speak for more traditional methods, but the robot is damn good. I, for one, welcome our new robotic sex-change overlords.
Anyway, stay tuned for more. I'm here all week.
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sparklepocalypse · 9 months ago
Director's Cut: you must know I'm gonna ask about Octo!Henry. I am who I am.
MY BELOVED OCTOHENRY -- rambling about him is a fucking gift, @kiwiana-writes, and I thank you for this.
So, two decisions happened in pretty rapid succession at the end of last September -- first, I decided that I was going to participate in Kinktober, and second, that I was absolutely not going to waste the opportunity to use the "tentacles, consentacles" tag double-whammy on Ao3. From there, I very quickly connected with a friend on Discord who, as it turns out, knows a fuckton about octopi. With their assistance, I went down my first research rabbit hole about things like:
How octopi reproduce
Which species of octopi do not yeet their octopeens (hectocotyli) at their mates and flee the scene so they don't get eaten
Of these very few species that aren't prone to flinging their dicks like wiggly, suckered javelins, which were the prettiest/flashiest
And then a deep dive into the prettiest species of non-tentacock-lobbing octopi to narrow it down to one: the blue-ringed octopus (AKA the spiciest boi).
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I had a couple assumptions right out of the gate: Alex would be just as clueless in this fic as he is in canon, for one. This allowed me to have Henry drop some really obvious hints that he's Not From Around Here while Alex is still just so awestruck by how pretty his new friend is that he completely sails past the hints. For two, once he figured it out, Alex was going to have his crisis about attraction to men and men with tentacles (or at least Hentacles?) faster than Usain Bolt can run the 100m dash. This second piece was a bit of a necessity since I was cranking out a new smut fic every day during that month, so there was no time for additional world building or angsting about Alex's new partner not having legs at the time.
While writing the smut, I read a lot of Actual Scientific Research on octopi in general and specifically on blue-ringed octopi to make sure I wasn't totally making shit up. In the process, I learned so many fun facts about the blue-ringed octopus, including:
Male/male mating is not uncommon -- several sources suggest that male blue-ringed octopi have no preference for the sex of their mating partners.
Their skin is soft and very slick; it's coated in a slippery substance that protects them from bacteria and also allows them to slip into narrow spaces easily. 😏
The blue rings only really show up boldly when they're aroused (horny, excited, or scared). Otherwise, depending on the subspecies of blue-ringed octopus, the rings are either faintly visible or look sort of brownish.
You really don't want to touch blue-ringed octopi IRL unless you're super into being poisoned to death. (This translated into Henry being really into spicy human foods. 🤣)
Sperm packets (spermatophores) are an Actual Thing that's common across a lot of invertebrates, including octopi and squids -- Alex saying “You didn’t mention that your cum had texture,” is because he wasn't expecting there to be any sort of structure to Henry's octojizz.
I also flagrantly ignored the thing where once a male blue-ringed octopus has successfully mated, he dies, because again -- octoHenry is my beloved.
I'll stop here, but I could literally talk about octoHenry for hours! I'm so excited to start working on the sequel this fall. 🥰🐙
Want to learn more about my methods for one of my fics? Ask me stuff in the fic director's cut meme!
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icelynia · 11 months ago
Some tips to actually read the Bible!
If you’re like me and struggle with reading your Bible, here are some tips! Hopefully ADHD/Neurodivergent friendly ones.
Get a journal/study Bible- I cannot say how much this has helped me! Instead of having a separate notebook I need to take with me/open on my phone, I can just write right in it! Highly recommend.
Don’t judge versions- Now some versions are more accurate and overall better, that’s just the truth, but that doesn’t mean that the rest don’t have their places. The Message might absolutely suck for any hardcore Bible study, but it’s great for casual reading and beginners. If a version is boring you, difficult to understand, or just too familiar, don’t be afraid to switch it up! You can easily try out new versions digitally before committing to buying a physical copy of it!
Don’t be afraid to markup your Bible- I know that some feel like it is sacrilegious to write and highlight in a Bible, but it isn’t. Don’t go burning and defacing Bibles of course, but writing notes and highlighting to help further your Bible study are fine! Get different colored writing utensils, put tabs for each book, even doodle in the margins!
Studying the Bible should be fun, not stressful- If you need to put on music, sit in the bathtub, or put a sticker on the first page of every book you’ve finished, go ahead! This kind of goes along with the last point, but even if it’s not a conventional way to read the Bible, go wild (within reason)! If you need an audiobook version go ahead! If you voice act everyone, that’s great. What’s important is that you are consuming God’s word and grasping the message inside of it. Don’t go too overboard and let your method become a distraction though!
Get a children’s Bible- I was recently going through some bookshelves at home and found my old Veggietales Children’s Bible. I flipped through it and it grabbed my attention right away! Children’s Bibles usually have inserted points that are on a more basic level than “adult Bibles”. That’s fine! Some of us need that simplicity, especially if we are neurodivergent. The Veggietales Bible I have also has comics based on the movies which while sometimes weird, were a nice brain break from the sometimes overwhelming and long passages of scripture. It might seem silly/awkward at first, but finding a good children’s Bible can open up a whole new world in your Bible Study!
You don’t need a plan- It can be overwhelming to try those “Read the whole Bible in a year!” plans, so try something different. Maybe read through the minor prophets, read just Ester, or 5 Proverbs! Any amount is good, since it means you got into the Word! Maybe one day you’ll just open to a random passage and read that! You never know where you’ll end up and I’ve had some great moments just with doing that.
Join a Bible Study-Going through Scripture with someone else can be a game changer! From sharing different opinions on passages, holding each other accountable, to sharing prayer requests, there is nothing better than having at least one buddy to fellowship in the Lord with!
Play Bible Games-This can go along with the last one, but play Bible games! Here are a few of my favorites:
1. Sword Drills- This is a competition based on finding passages fast. It starts with someone (usually a leader, but can be anyone within the group) yelling, “Swords Up!” and then everyone lifts their Bibles in the air. If it is feasible, make sure everyone has the same copy of the Bible. If not, only rules are that the Bible has to be physical and no bookmarking sections to help you get to a passage faster. The same person that yelled “Swords Up!” will now say a passage (Eg: John 3:15) and the participants will say it back. They will all start looking for it when the person says “Go!” . The first person to get to the passage and read it allowed wins! This game helps with memorizing the books of the Bible, their order, and helps expose people to passages they might not read otherwise.
2. Bible Quizzing- This one is all about memorizing facts, passages, and trivia about the Bible. Now there are actual tournaments and Bible Quizzing championships, but you don’t need to do anything like that. Just get a few friends, task one with coming up with questions, and then compete to see who gets the most right! This could involve Jeopardy, multiple choice, and even a written portion. I’ve done both casual and actual tournaments and I’d recommend both! Both are fun and get people to learn the Bible, though the actual competitions can be an idol to some people.
Find Christian Online Influencers- Now, this one could lead you astray, but hear me out. Finding entertainment from Christian sources is leagues better than from some random person who is probably an atheist, woke, and believes in evolution. Now, I’m not saying “Don’t engage with and watch content from non Christian people!” what I am saying is to try and get some more Christians in there. My favorite Christian YouTube Channels are Red Pen Logic, Dude Perfect, JStu, Matthias, and Sean McDowell. Not all of these are content about Christianity, but they are all Christian YouTubers. The ones about Christianity are RPL and Sean McDowell. JStu member Justin does have a podcast called the Soul Mine Podcast that he runs with his father all about being a Christian boy/man in our modern society. Everyone (even girls) are allowed and encouraged to listen to it. The point with this one is that surrounding yourself with entertainment that won’t lead you astray is important and that these YouTubers are a great place to start.
Also if you are a Christian theatre nerd, check out Sight and Sound Theatres! I cannot recommend them enough. They do original musicals based on people from the Bible and I’d say are even better quality than Broadway. They are currently doing Daniel (1st run!) in Lancaster, PA and Queen Esther in Branson, MO. Enough people don’t know about them for how good their shows are! They have a 180° stage, live animal actors, and very impressive both practical and digital effects! Their sets also move and are very intricate and impressive.
This was all I could think of at the moment! Feel free to reblog/comment some more tips that have worked for you.
God bless!❤️✝️
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rnakamura22 · 2 years ago
Yandere Azul x Reader
Prefect is Female! Her name is Yu! I read about possessive Azul and I did the best I could...
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Ah, the one and only Azul Ashengrotto...We all know how much of a stoic person he is and how he works hard everyday(some shady methods...Don't tell him I said that).
He never wants to go back to his former self when he was bullied, and he sets high demands for... almost every aspect including, Mostro Lounge, Academics, and being in great shape controlling his daily calories. (Not much for Flying on Brooms, but let's get that out of the way)
Ever since the incident with Ramshackle Dorm, Yu has definitely left QUITE an impression on Azul, no doubt. Whoever thought a tiny shrimp like you could go out of his tentacles and act up?
And even though you are from another world, you work hard to survive every day in NRC, which is something Azul can relate and admire you for that. Looking at you everyday in school, Azul MAY have looked at you for a minute too long, which is teased by Jade and Floyd like forever.
Azul is DEFINITELY the first to found out your little secret of being the only girl in an all boys school. WELL, WELL!! And the  two first years who always hung by you didn't have a clue!! Azul may have gotten the most valuable information for him.
He politely negotiates with you (AKA THREATENS you ). If you don't want to let the whole school know that you're a girl, go out with him.
Yu is baffled at first. But Azul promises that if you go out with him, (He stated "A chance to experience how dating is in the upper world, you can never miss a chance to learn something new right?") he will provide you with all needs such as fixing up the ramshackle dorm, puberty related merchandise, and so on. You reluctantly agreed.
Azul is not a bad boyfriend. Yes, he can be timid at times, he's shy! But he escorts you like a gentleman, give study advice for FREE!, and takes you out eating on Mostro Lounge, and so much more.
But you've come to realize that he is VERY possessive. I mean, from his schedule, you should've realized that sooner. He has the same demands for you, to be perfect in every way, and yet has the original YU. He is very good at giving punishment, and treating you so SICKENGLY sweet.
Take food for example. You are allowed to eat what Azul himself cooks or the menu he suggests. Eating other things?
Expect a good grip of his tentacles around you to choke out the BAD substance that might contaminate you.
Oh, not telling where you will be because you were too busy partying with the first years? Prepare yourself for a two day (or more) locking up of the hotel rooms in Mostro Lounge where absolute Hell begins.
Falling behind on your curriculums? Better prepare your ears because Azul can be HARSH when it comes to insulting you and making you feel like less than garbage. But these insults always come with a warm hug and patting on your head, and the final magic word.
"I'm doing this for you."
It's true that Azul doesn't have a good knowledge about dating in the upper world. But he truly believes he's doing this for you. By controlling every part of your life, in his mind, he is slowly becoming the only content that creates your life. Who needs others when you got only him? He can teach you everything, treat you like a princess, and punish you when you got out of line. He truly loves you. You were the light of his life.
Azul also HATES other people talking to you. Who gave them permission to talk to HIS little mermaid? When even one person talks to you, the person will see your neck covered in octopus tentacle marks. And let's just say that person will get a good payback from Azul.
He is already planning for the future by thinking about which building to buy for him and Yu. I mean, you've got nowhere to go, so might as well marry him! It's the one and only option right? He also daydreams about you becoming a mermaid, so both of you can live in his home under the sea. Just how dreamy your color of fin will be? Oh, how his fantasies just continue to grow. Oh, did I mention it's already been decided by Azul that you're ditching your legs for fins? Azul, a man full of surprises.
Oh, you insist on breaking up with him because he will graduate a year faster than you? No biggie! He already set up his supplies for you so you won't have to worry about after his graduation from NRC. And have you forgotten the contract between you and him? It may have been a marriage contract that have been written in the language you never learned... and Azul may have done a few stunts that builds your own certificate for family records but only active because you married with Azul. If you divorce him, you were left with no place to go.
Overall, Azul is a possessive yandere. If he falls in love, he will make sure you never go away from him. After all, like the Sea Witch he admires, he is very merciful. And if he can't rescue and protect one little mermaid, it would rub dirt on his name right? You are safe and sound as long as you're with him! As safe as being trapped in a cave by the name of love forever ...
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Documenting your practice (a step-by-step guide)
When I started doing spells and rituals regularly, I saw a post where someone said you should write everything down in a designated notebook. It's been the absolutely best advice I've gotten on how to evolve my practice, so I wanted to share what I write down and how I do it in case anyone else wants to try it.
1. Pick out a notebook only for this purpose
Do not use your book of shadows or grimore for this, as it will get too full too fast. This is not the same as your book of shadows. That's only where information and spells go. In this notebook, you will document your actual workings. It will have it's own categories.
2. Personalize the notebook
This is optional, obviously, but it really adds a layer of connection to personalize it. I like to paint it and put stickers on it and I also add some sigils of deities who help me on my spiritual journey and whom I want to watch over this book. I also add my own sigil to it, so if you have one, feel free.
3. Index
Make a little content index in the beginning where you list the different kinds of entries you will be making. You can color code them or use other methods to identify them. Here are mine:
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I used to have a category for dreams, too, but I didn't use it frequently enough so I'd put that under new information/insights or notes. You can add any category you like, though, it's completely up to you.
4. Making layouts
Each of these entries will have it's own layout. While ideas, notes, new information and prayer may just be a single text that you write down and that's it, a formal ritual, book notes, meditations/invocations or readings will be a bit more elaborate.
For your ritual layout, find out how much guidance you need. Are you very familiar with rituals? Then you might do with a simple
Ritual purpose
Ritual body
If you are farely new to rituals or just someone who likes or needs some more elaborate guidelines, I recommend something like this:
Ritual purpose
Deities invoked
Objects/herbs needed
Ritual space
Ritual body
Thoughts/feelings before
Thoughts/feelings after
Write down for every of these topics what applies to your ritual. Especially the reflection in the end can be really helpful. Write down any and every thought you have about the ritual you held and what you'd do again or do differently next time. This is a huge resource for building your own practice over time. It allows you to look back and see how far you've come, which can be really helpful for growing in your craft.
For book or video notes, you can use a simple layout. It's important that you know where you got your information from. My layout looks like this:
[Name of the book] [date]
by: [name of Author]
P.xy [chapter title]
Then you take your notes. This way you'll find exactly where you read something. Apply the same to videos if you watch any documentaries or video essays etc. on a topic.
Something I also did when I began taking book notes was to write down my intention when first starting to read the book. Why are you reading this book? What are you hoping to learn or find out? What perspective are you reading this book from? Is there a bias that you have that influences how you interpret the information in this book? You can add this too.
For meditation and invocation, I have a quite flexible layout. I usually write down what deity I am contacting at the top. Then, if accessible, the deity's sigil and enn. If I don't know the deity yet or have never contacted them before, I also gather some information about them. You can write down anything you find, these are just some examples:
History of the deity
Offerings they might like
Then, you make your invocation. If you already know this deity, you probably have a reason for why you want to invoke them. Write that down. Write down what they're telling you. What you feel, what all your senses are picking up on.
Sometimes, this quality time between you and your deity can turn into a divination session. So let's talk about that layout next.
When doing a reading with your deity, or any kind of divination, really, you can be pretty free with how to start. Maybe you had a thought that you wanted to talk about with your deity, then you write that thought down. Or maybe you came with a specific question.
Personally, I write down my readings like a Q&A. I write down Q: [my question] and then A: [all the cards I pulled]. Then, I interpret the cards and write down my interpretation.
I know that sounds like a lot of work and writing to do. If that doesn't sound like you, you can find a different way to document your readings. Maybe only note your questions and the cards and the interpretation stays only in your head.
I just found that this helps me think more organized during readings and remember them better. I tend to forget things that my deities told me easily, so it's helpful to me, but it might not be for everyone.
These are some examples on how to document your practice. I started mine in the beginning of the year (literally 01.01.2024) and have already filled about 1½ notebooks by now. I love writing, so that might be a lot for some people, but even if you only take a few notes every time you make a reading, a meditation, or a ritual, you will soon be able to look back at your process.
You'll probably learn a lot over the course of time and look back at your first entries in awe one day. At least that's what I tell myself. So I hope this is useful for some of you.
Remember that everyone's craft looks different, there's no "right" or "wrong" way to practice magic, and it's for you to enjoy and explore on your own accord. That being said, happy witching!
Ave Lucifer <3
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lee-apolla · 2 months ago
Okay, I'm back with the OC questions. I wanna ask about Heinz (I think that's how his name is spelled). What's the deal with him? When did he get into science? What branch of science? Why does he have trouble expressing his emotions? How'd he meet Jester? Is his hair soft?
WHOA that's a lot of questions! Now-now, I'll answer in order!
TW for blood
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What's the deal with him? This handsome blond guy's name is Heinz, he's a kind of doctor, scientist, and a pretty murky type. He is very secretive and even after a long partnership with Jester, he is not very open in communication and doesn't share info just like that. In any case, Jester learned more about Heinz by spying on him than from him directly.
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When did he get into science? What branch of science? Heinz has been curious in studying and experimenting with living organisms since he remembers himself. He is a biologist and puts curiosity above morality. Despite working at his own clinic for some time, (which was in a deprived area, so they turned a blind eye to some of his dirty deeds). He also has a laboratory in his basement, and part of his income is from selling organs on the black market.
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Why does he have trouble expressing his emotions?
Jester, before meeting Heinz face to face, it spied on him and studied his habits and attitude towards people. At first glance, he could be labeled as a psychopath. But outside of work, he behaved normally, humanely. Jester found out that Heinz is a big smoker. His lifestyle is not very healthy, due to fast food and unhealthy food, and he has terrible sleep patterns. But at the same time, Heinz is still in good shape and is quite strong. Except for an absolute lack of interest in close interaction with people, his hobbies were typical, such as hentai old manga and cheap horror movies. He felt too normal.
Beside that, Jester discovered on its own is that Heinz has no complete past, no information about his family or childhood in general. He has some connection to the death of a one prisoner who had mysteriously disappeared after his execution. And Heinz has a special check mark about religion and God himself. 
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How'd he meet Jester?
Speaking of which, Jester was, roughly speaking, stalking Heinz, disguising itself often as someone else to get to know him better. Therefore, Jester took extreme measures and sneaked into Heinz's basement through the ventilation system, falling out to him right from there and presenting itself in its buffoonish manner. And Heinz responded calmly even when Jester tried unsuccessfully to frighten him with the most terrifying images. This caught Jester's attention too much, and it clung to Heinz, starting to haunt him here and there and studying him without stealth. Heinz couldn't even resist the fact that this creature started to live with him now.
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However, Jester's methods of studying someone's nature is psychological provocation. Jester tease Heinz, hurts him, provokes him, and led him to release his accumulated anger at itself. But that was what Jester needs, its masochistic tendencies allow it to enjoy seeing Heinz gut the creature in order to explore its inner workings thoroughly. Seems like a win-win situation.
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Is his hair soft?
His hair is a little burnt with hair dye, so it's not particularly soft, but rather brittle.
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That's it, folks! I tried to tell you the details without spilling out all the shocking information about these two, but I hope you found it interesting to read! I'm ready to tell you more about them in the future, as long as you're interested!
also note: Heinz is not completely my OC, it's my friend's OC with whom we roleplayed together for these characters and came up with their story. These are collaborative OCs!
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