#there was a mistake in my first post so I immediately killed it. just as jack would want
porkcutletbowl44 · 1 day
Pls post deleted scenes 🙇🏽‍♀️
Hi anon! I'm sorry this took so long, but I wanted to accumulate as much deleted scenes as I could until I started running out of the intrusive ideas for now 🤣
A lot of these won't make sense, hence why they are deleted because I have deleted a lot of scenes because I change my mind a lot, most are just funny replies, my notes to read for later, and just... Feral in general lmao.
So, yes, deleted for a reason! (I will be adding to it if I come across more out of pocket shit)
(probably riddled with spelling and Grammar mistakes)
Far From Perfect Deleted Scenes
(Spoiler free! at least one of these scenes is NSFW)
That comment strikes a nerve, and for a fraction of a second, Keegan's composure falters.
But he quickly regains his composure, and a flicker of irritation shows in his eyes. "Twat?" he repeats, his voice just as cool as before. "That's a new one. I prefer handsome devil, personally."
"More like arrogant prick." Simon replied with distain.
He knew that Simon was a strong guy, and he had no doubt that he could hold his own in a fight. But he also knew that strength wasn't everything.
He glanced at Simon struggling with the barbell, silently amused. He chuckled to himself and leaned over to Hesh, who was watching the scene unfold with a smirk on his face.
"Y'know, for a big tough guy, he's got some pretty small dick vibes," Keegan quipped, taking a drag from his cigarette.
Hesh snickered, trying to muffle his laughs.
"Yeah, he's overcompensating for something," he said, his eyes fixed on Simon.
"Probably said micro penis."
Soap only shook his head with a scoff, muttering out, "Bloody hell..." under his breath, before leaning over and smacking Simon upside the back of the head.
He grumbled out in irritation, "Get yerself together, ya prick."
Fawn looks up from her coloring book, looking over at her cow.
"Dad...you're a heifer. Just like my cow."
Simon huffs in annoyance, you swear you saw his eye twitch to hold back his anger.
"You think you can just excuse your actions? Moving on like nothing mattered between us?"
"I swear to GOD I'm gonna invest in a meat hook next to make the other side of your ribs to match."
[this shit is ass delete immediately, uncontinue, swap for 3rd]
"Do you remember when we first met?"
It was a dumb question, he knows you do. You’ve told him countless times that you’ll never forget.
You shake your head, confused, "Simon, what is this about?-"
His large hands moved from your arms to your thighs, pushing them apart so he could step even closer to you.
His warm hands gently grip your soft flesh, his fingers squeezing your thighs gently.
"Just answer me," he pleaded.
He wanted to get closer, but he’ll hold himself back.
"Do you remember when we first met?" He repeated.
"Yes," you whisper.
A small, halfhearted laugh escaped from him, but it lacked any humor.
"What was your first thought o' me?"
He knew the answer to this, again, it’s a dumb question, but he wanted to hear it from you. He needed to.
"It was dark, all I saw was your mask and I thought you were gonna kill me..." You nervously smiled, trying to suppress it.
He almost smiled— but he didn’t, not just yet.
Not when he was standing between your legs, his fingers digging into your thighs.
"An' when you saw m'face?"
His head tilted down towards yours, making sure you had no choice but to look up at him with those pleading eyes of yours.
"I...." You trailed off, taking in a breath. "I don't know how to answer that."
His hands on your thighs squeezed gently, as if trying to keep you there. He was losing his patience, fast. He had to keep it together. He can’t get angry, it would wreck everything.
"Say it," He urges. "What did y'think when you saw m'face for the first time?"
"I thought... Maybe you weren't such a asshole after all. You trusted me,"
His thumb moves to start rubbing small circles on your inner thigh, his mind remembering how it’d move between your legs.
"Y'were the only one I trusted with a lot o' things," he said hoarsely, his eyes scanning your face.
His touch was making you shiver, he knew. But he wasn’t going to do anything irrational, especially when he knows you're still hurt, mad at him.
"The only one I trusted with m'heart," he continued. "The only one that I trusted with my life... Y'know that."
"You just said y'would. You'd consider it."
He steps closer to you again, the distance between your bodies almost nonexistent thanks to his fat chest. "You'd consider going out with another guy, just like that?"
"Well, it's a good thing I'm free to do that if I want to, huh? Considering YOURE THE ONE WHO LEFT ME FOR A FUCKING BIMBO!"
"I’ll go pack up her stuff if y'wanna go pump."
"Im gonna use the electric one finally, see how it works." You brush off
He didn’t respond to your statement, simply nodding his head in acknowledgement.
Though, he made a mental note to buy you a better electric breast pump. He’d been meaning to, for sometime, but just didn’t get around to it.
He gave you a light pat on the hip, signaling that he would head over to the nursery to start packing Fawn’s overnight stuff.
You sat Fawn on her play blanket, and fished around for the pump.
You opened the box and read the instructions.
In the other room, Simon headed into the nursery and began to gather up the items he’d need to pack into a small overnight bag: a couple of onesies, a change of clothes, nappies, powder, wipes. The usual supplies for a baby.
It didn’t take him long to get everything together. He sat down on the bed near the nursery and began pulling things out of the bag, double checking he had everything. Simon checked his watch and glanced towards the door, curious how long it was taking you to set up the breast pump.
Normally, it didn’t take long, just a few minutes of getting everything ready. It should’ve been done by now. But you were taking a long time, a noticeably longer time. His curiosity was starting to get the better of him.
He quietly walked to the door, silently slipping into the hallway and going to the living room.
Simon continued to slowly walk down the hallway, looking down when he heard you mumbling to yourself. He saw you sat on the couch, holding the breast pump in one hand and the instructions in the other.
He stopped in front of the couch, crossing his arms over his chest, an amused look on his face.
"Everything alright, love?"
You huff silently, "It says to be placed with the opening at the top, but there's two openings..."
Simon stepped up to the couch, sitting down on the cushion next to you. He looked at the breast pump with you, seeing exactly what you were talking about.
"Y'don't say." He responded, unable to keep the smirk from playing at the corners of his lips.
"Maybe..." You capped the top one, and stuffed it down your shirt and held it in place.
You pressed the on button, and it started to work
He raised an eyebrow, looking at the sight of the pump resting against your chest. The way it sat, pushed against your chest, looked uncomfortable. He reached over to adjust it for you.
"It’s not uncomfortable?" Simon questioned, hand hovering in the air.
"No, it's just...cold." you shrug, letting him hold it in place.
His eyebrows furrowed in thought as you informed him that the pump was cold. Which made sense, considering it was sitting against your bare skin. He adjusted it slightly, trying to ensure it was secure.
"Right, right…" he responded, his voice a tad lower than usual.
Simon found his eyes drawn back to the sight of the breast pump, sitting against your chest.
"At least it's the right titty size."
You huff, deadpanning at him. By the time you were done, you were filling up the biggest mason jar you had with milk. Simon sat there, watching the jar you had the pump connected to fill up with an impressive amount of milk. He was… in awe, mildly shocked at the amount.
"Jesus… that’s a lot o' milk." He mumbled.
"Liquid gold," you smirk, circling the milk around the jar.
"Guess so," he hummed as he watched you circle the milk around the jar. His eyes were still fixated on your tits, particularly the area where the pump was sitting against.
He could feel his jeans growing tighter by the second, and quickly tried to find a distraction. He cleared his throat, trying to think of something to say. He knew that if he just sat there and stared at your breasts, he’d get distracted and things would escalate quickly.
"Y'know, this new pump works… efficiently." he commented, watching as you held the jar.
You nod along, holding up a finger for him to listen to the whirrr of the machine
He went quiet, listening intently to the sound the breast pump was making. He had to admit, the new one was faster, and much quieter than the one you were previously using.
Simon hummed in thought.
"Y'were right 'bout the new pump bein' better. Quiet too,"
"No?" Simon repeated, his eyebrows raising in surprise at her reaction. "You don’t think they are nice?"
"No, because momma always says 'romance is dead', and 'men ain't shit', whatever that means..." She explained casually.
Simon sputters in shock and laughter, "Don't say bad words,"
[black jack or crazy eights]
Hesh looks up from his cards with a pout.
"I'm not a sore loser, I just don't like cheaters," he retorts, his words laced with teasing humor.
"You're just a filthy cheater."
"Womp womp, L, ratio, get absolutely shit on—"
[trashed for the better note]
Simon is home from his long day at HQ, locking the deadbolt behind him with a call of your name.
"In here, Si! I can't really walk fast..." you called out.
"'M comin'!" Simon shouted back, his voice a bit rougher than usual.
Simon eyes the kettle already cooling down from its boil, smiling appreciatively.
"Damn, look at ya... lil rascal getting ready to pop, huh?"
You smiled softly, leaning on the counter.
"Yeah, ready to pop my bladder. Been laying on it all day," you rubbed the back of your neck.
"I swear, you didn't have to piss so much before getting pregnant." Simon replied, turning the kettle off the eye.
"Then again, y'know how it is..." He shrugged. "Nothin' but a big ol' baby to the back of your bladder." he said, taking a couple of steps towards you, his hand reaching out to support your back.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his masked cheek.
"I'm ready for this thing to get outta me... I miss having sushi." You whined pitifully.
"Jus' a couple more weeks." he replied, resting his hand on your swollen stomach.
Simon looked down at you, his fingers tracing a small circle.
"Sushi an' wine. Thas what ya missin' the most, eh?" he asked.
"I can deal without wine, but I'd kill for a snow crab roll." You replied with a playful seriousness.
Simon scoffed, though it held no genuine disdain as he laughed. "Yeah, thas you just 'bout. Kill for food, sleep, an' me. What else?" he teased.
He drums his fingers on your belly, "Jus' hold on, yeah? 'M sure we can get you some sushi after things settle down."
"yeah." You smiled up at him, moving out of the way for him.
Simon chuckled, starting to go about the task of making tea.
"Not to mention the little one will be out n' 'bout before we know it." he said, looking down at you.
"An' then we'll have to deal with that. We're gonna have t'get used to bein' tired all the damn time... or just ya, really."
You glared at him slightly, dipping your pretzels in peanut butter.
"'M just sayin', 'm already used to bein' tired." Simon said with a small, smug smile, leaning against the counter.
"An' you'll be the one that's gonna have t'get up in the middle o' the night... feed him an' all that. So 'm gonna have me a lil sleepin' buddy." Simon joked, chuckling again... before realizing what he was saying.
"That uh, that sounded better in my head."
"'him'?" You looked at him confused.
"He... He... It... It's..." Simon replied, his voice growing frustrated as he tried to explain himself. "Whatever it is."
Simon paused for a few seconds, taking a deep breath to try to gather his thoughts
"I mean... I'd be fine no matter what it is." he offered, "I just.. just want it t'be healthy, Y'know?"
"yeah, I know. You think it's a boy?" You asked curiously, munching away.
"I mean..." Simon muttered, his tone growing serious, "I hope it's a boy... I, just,"
Simon sighed, "Just wanna be able to do the things with 'em. Take him out an' about. Teach 'im the things that I think a Dad should teach 'is son."
Simon paused again, letting out a small sigh.
"Sorry... I-I," Simon's voice had gone quiet.
what are you complaining about? It should be enough to have a healthy and happy child... right?
Your eyes softened.
"I get it...you wanna be the dad you didn't have."
"Exactly." Simon muttered, "I don't wanna be... well, I don't wanna be him."
"God, this kid is gonna be glued to your side." You giggle.
"I hope he is." Simon muttered, chuckling softly as he realized how he sounded.
"But... I want 'em to not be afraid to speak up and tell me 'bout stuff. I want 'em to not be afraid to let me know how they're feeling. I want 'em to come to me when they're sad or excited or hurt. I never *got* all that.. and.. well.. I want to give him the childhood I never had, you know?"
"you're already a great dad." You murmured affectionately.
Simon scoffed, though it held no genuine malice as he let out a small, soft chuckle. "Nah... haven't been a Dad yet. Just a... an expectin' father who's gonna soon be a Dad."
He paused a moment, looking down at your stomach, his hand shifting to rub it.
"The baby's still cookin' in there... we still got a ways to go before we start doin' the Dad stuff."
"well...you practically raised your brother. I think you have most of the skills already," you murmured carefully.
Simon stiffened slightly, his fingers tightening a little on your stomach for a moment, before settling once again.
"Right... well... he wasn't my son. He was my brother."
Simon sighed as he continued to massage your stomach.
"It's different." he said shortly, the topic of his brother something that Simon had always been sensitive about, even if he rarely spoke of it.
"it is different, but its still the same necessities, y'know? Feeding, bathing, bedtime..." You trailed off.
"I suppose..." Simon grumbled, his tone quiet, and his grip on your stomach now loosened, his hand now resting gently.
"I just want to be a better father than mine was... better than his. I wanna make sure this kid gets raised proper, y'know?"
"Just wanna be the father that a kid deserves. Not the alcoholic, narcissistic prick that I got." Simon grumbled softly, his words holding no malice, just the facts of his own miserable childhood.
"you're gonna be such a a good father..." You sighed out tenderly, cupping his cheek.
"I sure as hell 'ope so." Simon muttered, nodding as he looked at your hands on his cheek.
"I couldn't bare for our kid to experience even half the trauma that I did. Can't let 'em go through that, y'know?"
"you will." You assured. "You're not your father's son anymore." You shook your head. "You are your own person, top of the Riley family tree."
"Hmm.." Simon muttered softly, nodding as he took a deep breath.
"I know, but I can't help but... I just get scared." he admitted, looking up at you and meeting your eyes.
"Just the idea of havin' to take care 'o somethin'... someone other'n myself... it's a big responsibility." he breathed in again and let out a shuddering sigh, looking back to your swollen stomach.
"we are in this together, okay?" You murmured, trying to wash away his worries.
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kitkat578 · 8 months
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Jack is back!
flats under cut
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221 notes · View notes
kaciebello · 7 months
Dangerous mail
Masterlist Badger express ★ Mattheo Riddle x Hufflepuff!reader (fem) Summary: Mattheo needs to use the Badger post to send threats. There is only one person who can help him.  Warnings: no use of y/n Authors note: Haiya! This is a sequel series to the whole delivery one. This one is gonna focus on the boys separately! hope you enjoy it! English is not my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes beforehand. Proofread by me and me only (T▽T) word count: 1.2k Song: Babydoll - Dominic Fike
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 Mattheo vowed to himself never to use the delivery service. That's why his steps were fast and his looks were sharp. When the vow is only in his mind, it is as easy to break as a twig. Trying to find the Hufflepuff Girl turns out to be a rather difficult task. The note was bent, almost burning a hole in his back pocket.
He has already scared a bunch of first-years trying to find the girl, he has searched from the dungeons to the towers and she was nowhere to be found. If he was to guess, the girl was just a few steps faster than him. So when he arrived at the greenhouse where herbology classes are held, he swore angles were upon him when a beam of light shined at the girl.
She was, for some reason, sitting on the top of the highest cabinet. The one where you need to climb to get on top. Now, Matteo has learned not to question the Hufflepuff way of sitting in the most uncomfortable places in the most uncomfortable positions. He once saw her hang upside down from the broom, intentionally. 
He made his way to her, the girl seemed to be dozed and sunbathing in the beam. Her hair was let down but he could still make out the yellow bow in it. He knocked on the cabinets to get the girl's attention. She looked down at him with no other reaction.
“Oi,” He said looking up. She didn't answer him, just waved at him as she swayed her legs back and forth. Mattheo had to step aside otherwise he would have been kicked straight in the face.
“Can you come down?” He asks grabbing her leg, effectively stopping it from swinging. She tried to move it, but his grip was strong.
“And why would I do that?” She argued back, looking down at him she made sure to shield her eyes from the sun.
“Because I wanna talk to you.” He hissed back in truth slytherin fashion. She just looked at him and signaled for him to talk. He just sighed and accepted his fate and the fact that she was not gonna come down from her throne. He assumed that the minute she would have got down, another wild Hufflepuff would have taken her place in seconds.
“I need to use the Badger post.”He says avoiding her eyes. Looking around, making sure nobody hears them.  She raised her eyebrows at him. Not once has one of the boys asked to use her services. Yes, they have received notes and love letters, but not once have they sent something back. Truly playing to the heartbreaker personas. She had a shocked expression on her face for a second before it turned into a wild smile.
“Oh? And who owns the honors to receive a love note from you?”
“It's a treat.”
“Oh,” she pauses. “That makes sense.” She extended her arms to him. For a moment he thought she was asking him to help her down, but he quickly realized that she wanted the note. He reached into his back pocket, pulled it out, and handed it to the girl. She took it from him and immediately opened it.
“Hey!” He yelped and tried to take it away from her, however, she moved it out of his reach.  He murmured something about privacy, she just waved at him again.
“Please, that applies to love notes, not this. I wanna know who you want to kill. Again.” She said and finished reading. Impressed she gave Mattheo a thumbs up. He rolled his eyes at her.
“Well. will you deliver it?” He asks her with urgency. Some people walking by give him weird glances, so he gives them the death glare. She just lifted the note against the sun.
“Ya know I was talking to my friend the other day.” She says now looking at him. He gave her a weird look, not understanding where she was going with this.
“And one of them said my dad is hot. Is your dad hot Mattheo?”
“He's the dark lord.”
“Ahh, is that a no then?”He just shook his head, choosing not to answer the girl. For both of their sakes. 
“Will you please deliver it?” He asks her again. She extended her hand to him and made a motion that could only mean one thing. Mattheo reaches again into his back pocket. Pulling out 5 galleons and dropping them in her palm. The girl thum glazes over them and then places them in her skirt pocket. The note soon followed.
“Please doing business with you.” She says pulling her legs up and starting to sunbathe again. Mattheo huffed in disbelief. 
“I kinda need you to do it now.” He says, nervously stepping from side to side. She signed and looked at him again. She let her feet down and scooched to the edge of the cabinet. Mattheo was watching her. It took him a few seconds to understand she was training to get down.  Looking around trying to calculate how and where to jump. Her eyes landed on him.
“Catch me.” She says. He just signed and extended his hands to catch her. He placed his hands around her waist before she jumped. He helped her down slowly, setting her gently on the floor. She was a little bit too close. He could feel her breath on his face. He was so close he could count the eyelashes on her eyes. Her eyes were sparkling in a way he had never seen before. His eyes shift to her lips for a second before going back to her eyes. One of his arms left her waist, moving to her face and pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. He leaned in a bit.
“It's extra.” He stopped in his tracks. Pulling away to look at her straight in the face.
“Express delivery, it's 2 galleons extra.” She says looking at him with a very serious face. He chuckles and takes a few stapes away from her. Nodding his head he, he reaches for his back poked and pulls out the 2 galleons.  Placing them in her hand. She doesn't move a muscle, looking at him wide-eyed. 
“You are impossible, you know that sunshine?” He asked her. Her nose scrunched before she shrugged her shoulders at him.
“I will get this delivered by tonight.” She says, now back to her happy persona. She waved at him and left. He watched her as she skipped down the hall. Her robe followed her every movement. He was so close and yet so far. Maybe next time she won't slip away from him. And maybe he won't be so against using the delivery service.
Tag list: @daisiesformylove , @klimovatereza-blog , @lafrone ,@enfppuff , @rafegfs , @frogtape , @lovelyygirl8 , @catiwinky, @anyam444 , @leeleecats , @ghostgardn , @reverse-soe , @ultramarinetovelvet , @iwishigotswallowed , @jazz-berry , @justatadbonkers , @partnerincrime0 , @schaebickel , @bunnyhopsstuff
753 notes · View notes
javispunk · 1 year
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Summary: After spending the last 8 months with Joel and Ellie trying to survive every single day out in this post out-break chaotic world, you find yourself seeing Joel in a much different light.
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
Content/Warnings: Joel being a HUNK, 18+ smut (minors don’t interact!), masturbation (female and male), fingering, unprotected sex (p in v).
Notes: Please excuse any mistakes, as english is not my first language! If you have any requests you’d like me to write please let me know! Comments and reblogs are always appreciated! Thank you!
After arriving at Bill and Frank’s, as Joel had intended a few weeks ago, you all noticed the house was quiet, still. Joel called out both their names, but got no answer. Quickly he looked at the dining table, plates filled with rotting food still on top of it. He reached for a piece of paper left behind. A note. His eyes analysed it with care, hoping this wasn’t what he thought it to be. Both you and Ellie read the expression on his face, rapidly imagining that the worse had happened.
“So, what does it say?” Ellie pushed. She knew, but wanted confirmation.
Joel folded the piece of paper on his hand, and you could notice the defeat in his expression. “Girls, stay right here please.”
You nodded immediately. Ellie did the same. Of course he would go in first, that’s what he always did. Always looking out for Ellie’s protection. It was sweet. You watched him do this for the course of 8 months, without ever getting frustrated. You could tell he just wanted her to be safe.
With Joel already at the end of the main hall, you looked over at Ellie. “Let’s get on the front yard for a second, I need to get some fresh air.”
“We’ve been getting fresh air for the last few weeks, what do you mea-“ you cut her off.
“Please. Just keep me company.” You put your arm around her shoulder, half hugging her and guiding her outside.
“You two are the same, you know?” You heard her start. “You don’t always have to protect me that way. I can handle a lot.”
“Oh I know you can.” You paused. “Shit, you’re better than me at that. That’s why I’m asking you for company. I’m the one that needs it.”
She looked up at you with a small smile, realising your request. You both sat on the still neatly cut green grass, as you looked over the other side of the road. You noticed Ellie slightly plucking at the pieces of grass that had outgrown the care they’d receive in the past.
“This doesn’t bother you in the slightest?” You asked her.
“Well, it does. But I didn’t know them. I guess that helps.” You nodded back. “But I just wish Joe would let me explore more.”
You sighed. “He just doesn’t want you to find something you don’t have to see.”
“Then why are we both here?”
“Well, probably because he thinks we can’t handle something like that. I know I couldn’t.” You replied. Death was a hard topic for you, how ironic that sounded in the world you were in right now.
“I think he has you on a bigger clutch than me.”
“What? No he doesn’t. He just probably got the idea that I have a light stomach or something. You’re like his kid.” You insisted.
Ellie looked at you from the side with a slight smile. “And you’re like his girlfriend.”
You looked at her with raised highbrows, pure confusion on your expression. “Ellie, that’s not true.”
“Oh please, have you not noticed the way he looks at you sometimes?” She continued. Your face still equal to a question mark. “A few months back, at the museum, when you got stuck on the other side of the wrecked wall, out of his sight, he killed 7 clickers in less than a minute just to get over to you.”
“Ellie, I’m sure he just wanted to protect you the best he could.”
She interrupted you, just to continue proving her point. “Just the other day, at the bay, when you fell over in the water.”
“That was a huge fall, anyone would be concerned, Ellie.”
“No. You didn’t see the way he plunged himself into the water, the fear in his eyes. And you know how to swim!” She laughed.
Her laugh was contagious, so you ended up doing the same. “C’mon Ellie, quit that. It’s not true.”
“Honestly, a blind person could see it. The way he talks to you. He like-” the voice behind you both made her stop abruptly.
“Girls, there’s hot water upstairs.” You saw his figure at the door frame.
“What?” Ellie shouted excitedly. She got up from your side and ran upstairs quickly.
“Second door to your right at the top of the stairs! In and out, Ellie!” Joel made sure she got in the right room. You both heard her reply with a “alright” from the top of the stairs. You also noticed how Joel smiled when she ran past him. She was like his kid, truly. Joel didn’t do that to you, so you pushed Ellie’s words to the back of your mind. Just to prove that, you watched Joel’s expression change from a smile to a slightly more serious face when he noticed your eyes were on him. Your gaze connected for a couple seconds before you broke it.
“There’s another bathroom, you can go now. Second door to your left. I’ll try to look for the car’s battery so we can be on our way.” He offered.
You nodded after smiling his way. “You go. I’ll explore the village a bit, I just feel like walking for a bit. I’ll go after you.”
“You sure?” He insisted.
“I’m sure. I’ll meet you both at the garage.”
You haven’t felt hot water washing down your body in months. This shower felt like a miracle to you. You looked down as the water covered your face, seeing the water turn slightly brown at your feet. You tried to hurry, but you also tried to indulge in some time for yourself. When was the last time in 8 months where you could actually spend time completely alone. When was the last time you pleasured yourself? You couldn’t waste this opportunity. They’d both be down at the garage, and you’d have time.
You ran your hand down between your closed legs, still unsure if you should do it. But you thought the release would be good for you. When would be the next time an opportunity like this one would come? You finally indulged, passing your fingers through your slick folds, already wet from the arousal suddenly awoken in you. Your mind wandered off to Joel and the fact that he’d been in the same tub as you were now rubbing yourself. You imagined his naked figure, skin hot from the warm water falling off his body, washing the dirt from weeks before.
In an instant, as you kept your hand between your legs, rubbing soft circles on your bundle of nerves, your mind visualised him standing there, tall and naked, head pulled back as he took advantage of the shower head over him. Would he have also taken advantage of his alone time and pleasured himself? You weren’t made of steel, and you were sure Joel wasn’t as well. You indulged in the thought of him reaching for his hard cock with his hand, pumping it slightly at first. You tried to stop your thoughts, you didn’t want to objectify Joel like this, but you didn’t touch yourself in months, your core aching for some release. And Joel was all that popped up on your mind. You could almost hear his soft whimpers, his needy grunts as he would pump his length faster.
You didn’t even notice, but your fingers were now inside your pussy, eyes still shut, as the sounds of your wetness were muffled by the water running on the shower.
A moan escaped your mouth, as you imagined Joel looking at you, lying there, legs open for him to take you. Would he even like that? What would he even think about to get him off? Some porn magazine he’d find laying around somewhere? Could he get off thinking about you? Was that so strange? Would what Ellie said be true, that he actually might like you or crave you in some way? Your mind was out of sense, as you imagined him close to his edge, as your own also started to form in your stomach.
His breath hissing, his chest moving up and down. Your name slipping from his mouth. Even your head could trick you, but you were so close to your orgasm that you indulged. You curled your fingers inside your core rhythmically, and the knot in your stomach starting to tighten. As a wave of heat crept on you, so did your orgasm and Joel’s name sounded out of your lips, as you rode your high for a few seconds.
You ran down the stairs, still adjusting the jacket on your body. As soon as you got into the garage you saw Ellie inside the car, mesmerised by the mechanics of it. Joel out of sight, behind the lifted hood of the vehicle.
“What did I miss?” You questioned.
You heard Joel close the hood. “I don’t think we’ll have the battery ready today.” He rubbed his forehead lightly. “But let’s get in the car, let’s try it.”
Ellie already in the front seat, moved to the passenger’s side, as Joel asked her to. You opened the back door and got in, behind Ellie.
You observed Joel enter the driver’s seat. His hair was clean, still slightly damp from the shower, neatly combed to the back. His silver strands were somewhat less prominent now in some areas, in others more. His skin now clean from any dirt collected in the last few days, his scar on the high of his right cheekbone now more prominent. He was tan, his eyebrows still furrowed in worry. Your view of his profile was perfectly placed, his angular nose seeming more beautiful than it ever did.
He looked over at Ellie beside him. “Put your seatbelt on.” She looked at him confused. “Here.” He gestured to her right, grabbing it and buckling it for her.
“But we’re not even moving!” She protested.
“Just do it.” His worried gaze still plastered on his face. He quickly put on his too. You saw his gaze wonder from Ellie to the steering wheel, where he rested his hands, before finally looking at you through the rearview mirror. You saw his eyes soften, his eyebrows relax. “Are you okay back there?” He asked you.
You took a second to answer him, still caught up in him. You shook your head, humming a timid ‘yes’. God, you could only think about how handsome he was.
He nodded your way, before turning the key on the ignition. The car sounded in a roar, getting started.
“That’s good news.” You said from the back seat.
“It’s not fully charged.” Joel spoke. “Do you girls mind if we stay here tonight? We’ll leave first thing in the morning.”
Ellie nodded her head, just happy to be inside a car. You didn’t say a word, but Joel seemed to read your expression without you even noticing, as he spoke next.
“You guys can get going, eat something or rest. I just need to do something first.” He looked you in the eye as he said his last sentence. You quickly understood.
You looked back at him. The air was still inside the car, until Ellie opened the door and got out.
“I’ll go and try to make something to eat.” She said.
You watched her close the door. You opened yours and yelled. “Wait Ellie, I’ll help you.” After that your gaze flew on Joel, who was still clutching the steering wheel. “You don’t need help?”
He turned to you fully. “No, of course not.” His eyebrows closed in worry. “You don’t have to see any of that. But they deserve a proper burial.”
“Of course.”
“Just keep Ellie busy, please. I’ll be in and out through the back door. Please don’t let her see anything.”
You nodded rapidly. “Of course not!” You assured him.
“Thank you.” He spoke softly, before you left to enter the house.
It was surprising how Bill and Frank had a fully stoked kitchen, from the essentials, to meat, vegetables, fruits, everything. The air in the kitchen smelled wonderful, eventually spreading out to the next rooms. It was surprisingly easy to keep Ellie in the kitchen, she was probably just hungry, or maybe she understood everything and didn’t tell you.
After a few hours, dinner was ready and while Ellie checked on the oven, you made sure to set the table for three. She started serving her plate, running to the table on the dinning room you had cleaned before. You followed her action, still in the kitchen. Joel appeared on the door frame, you with a still empty plate in your hand.
“Hi.” You said softly. “Dinner’s ready.”
He replied to your greeting before continuing. “It smells great but I’m not very hungry.” He said while holding on to a cloth where he kept cleaning his hand slightly. “I’ll just have a shower. Again. And I’ll probably get to bed. Is that alright?”
“Of course.” You paused. “There’s clean clothes on the bathroom if you want them. I’m sure they fit you.”
“Thank you, for everything.” He looked at the floor for a second, before gesturing to the plate you had in your hand. “There’s three spare bedrooms, upstairs. You know, besides theirs down here. They’re all pretty much the same but I’ll take the smallest one.”
“Okay.” Your voice came out as a whisper.
“Goodnight.” You repeated, as you watched him turn his back afterwards, and head upstairs.
You filled your plate and joined Ellie in the dining room. You sighed as you sat down next to her.
“Is he okay?” She asked you.
You looked over at her. “I don’t think so. He will be tomorrow though. Just needs a good night rest.”
She understood everything. She was one of the smartest girls you’ve ever encountered. I don’t know why Joel tried to hide anything from her.
“He does that a lot, you know?” She spoke, her fork now down, resting on the plate, now almost empty.
“Close himself off when something’s wrong.” She continued to play with her food. “He won’t talk to me about it. But he would with you. He probably thinks you’d handle it better.”
“I’ll stop by later. Make sure he’s okay.” You looked down at her freshly washed hair, running a hand over it. “Now eat and then choose a room upstairs. We have to gather energy for tomorrow.”
You tossed and turned on your bed, hoping the sleep would come creeping on you. It never did. You stared at the ceiling for a few minutes, deciding wether you’d let the sheets stay over your body, or check up on Joel. He was a grown man, but still grieving some old friends, you reminded yourself.
You knew he was on the room at the far end of the corridor, the smallest as he’d said. You carried yourself to the door, before knocking lightly on the dark wood material. The sound echoed slightly through the corridor. Joel took only a few seconds to open the door, emerging with only a t-shirt and some pyjama pants that hang slightly loose on his waist.
“Hey.” You said as you saw him. Hair dishevelled from probably lack of rest.
“Hey, you okay?” His voice low.
“Am I okay? Joel, are you okay?” You insisted.
He shrugged his shoulders slowly. “I’m okay.”
“Can I come in?”
He didn’t say anything, just looked at you and opened the door wider for you.
“How’s Ellie?”
“She’s well. Asleep I presume.”
“Some of us have to.” He slightly laughed at his comment.
He smelled good. The effect of two showers in the same day. You decided to tease him.
“So, taking advantage of that shower today, right?” You spoke.
His eyes shot at you, somewhat scared. “What do you mean?”
You looked at him confused. “Oh nothing, just because you used it two times today. For how long haven’t you had a double shower in the same day?” As you spoke the last words, you understood how insensible that came out. He took a second shower because he had to bury two of his friends, stupid. “Fuck, I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s oka-”
“No it’s not. Shit, I’m so fucking stupid sometimes.” You insisted.
“Don’t say that.” He spoke softly, but his eyes were worried. His voice showed a sign of hurt somehow.
“But I am. I can’t even help you and now I say this.”
“I didn’t want your help. I know you don’t take death very well.” You paused your worried thinking, looking at him properly. “Just didn’t want you to go through that unnecessarily.”
You looked at him, giving him a slight smile. “How do you know that?”
He shook his head. “I hear you. Your conversations with Ellie as well.” He paused. “I also know you.”
Your heart began beating faster.
“I’m glad someone does.” You admitted, scoffing at the floor.
The two of you on your feet on opposite sides of the room, the distance between the both of you killing you, no matter how small the actual room was. The silence was not uncomfortable, but you decided to break it abruptly.
“You know, Ellie told me something today. I don’t think it’s true but I might as well ask you now.” You paused and his eyes looked at you intently. “She told me you liked me.” You kind of rushed your words. “I don’t know, she spoke about the incident at the bay and how you jumped right in the water. Or that day at the museum- I don’t know.” You sighed, closing your eyes and looking at him after. “Is it true?”
Your heart was pounding on your chest.
“I care about you. A lot.”
“But that’s it, right?” You asked. “You also care about Ellie, very much.”
He looked at you, one hand roaming free, scratching at his lower belly underneath his tshirt, just above the waistband of his pants. You could tell it was a gesture of frustration. You were ready for a rejection. “Not in the same way, no.”
You were not ready for the response he gave you. Your heart almost breaking your ribcage to get itself free from your body.
“In what way, then?” Your body language couldn’t fool anybody. You naturally, without even realising it, gravitated towards him, ever so slightly.
He did the same. “In the way that I would rather die, than to lose you for that goddamn decease.” His eyes stayed on your expression. He was getting closer to you. “But also in the way of making your safety a priority to me. Your happiness.”
“My happiness?” You mumbled under your breath, as he reached a hand to your waist, pulling you closer to him.
“Happiness, amusement, pleasure. Whatever you want me to. I’ll do it for you.”
Your bodies were glued to each other, Joel was just waiting for your approval.
“Good.” You said before jumping onto him, mouths connected, his arms rapidly catching the behind of your thighs, holding you in place. Your legs wrapped around his center. His hands felt huge on your legs, securing you. You had zero fear of falling, you knew he got you. His tongue asking permission to enter your mouth, which you gladly accepted. The sounds you both made were almost animalistic. 8 months of no physical contact whatsoever, left you hungry for each other.
He sat on the edge of the bed, letting you straddle his lap. You felt your core pulsing when you felt the bulge in his thin pyjama pants. They might as well not even be there. You looked down and could see the entire outline of his length.
Still supported by his hands, you reached over to the hem of your t-shirt and lifted it up, discarding it over your head, throwing it on the bedroom floor. Your breasts hung perfectly a little lower than his eye level. His mouth immediately attacking your right nipple, like he was hungry for you. You moaned, your head thrown back in pleasure.
“Fuck.” He looked up at you with awe in his eyes. “The woman you are.”
“Shit, Joel.” Your mouth hungry for his, hovering his lips. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“I’ll make up for it, sweetheart.” He started kissing your neck. “Is that okay?”
“For fuck’s sake, just fuck me Joel.” You didn’t have sex in over 8 months. You couldn’t even be ashamed of asking for it like this.
“Is that what you want, sweet girl?” He grabbed your hair that hang low your back, caressing it from top to bottom.
“You don’t have to beg. You don’t ever have to beg with me.” His hand separated your legs further apart and travelled to your core, pulling your panties to the side, rubbing soft circles on your clit.
You moaned at his touch. “This feels so much better.”
“Much better than what?” He continued his efforts.
“Than me touching myself over the thought of you under that shower.”
“Oh, is that right?” His cocky smile under you, alternating his look between your face and your core, scared he might miss any of them. He slid two fingers inside you slowly but deeply. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Profanities rolling off your tongue like warm honey to his ears. “Do you like that, gorgeous?”
“Shit Joel, yes, yes.”
His fingers picked up their pace, shocks of heat from the top of your head to your feet. He lifted you up a bit so he could have a better angle to curl his fingers inside you.
“You’re so wet, baby.” His voice was low, dragging itself word after word. He took his fingers out of your cunt, only to suck on them as he looked up at you.
You looked down at him, immediately kissing him passionately. Applying pressure on his bulge with your core, you heard him moan underneath you.
You pushed him into the bed, him hitting his back on the centre of it. You got up, taking your panties off with urgency. You moved on to take his pants off, as he took his t-shirt at the same time. His boxers were restraining his length, it seemed almost painful. He noticed you looking over at it, removing them himself, as he sat up, his back on the headboard of the bed.
“How do you want me?” You asked him.
“Any way. I just wanna see your pretty face when you cum. C’m here” his voice sounded deliciously inviting. His cock painfully hard and propped in the air. He was huge, and you were not sure if he would even fit. But you wanted to try to so badly. You quickly straddled him hoping he would take it easy on you. And that’s exactly what he did. He wanted to please you so bad for the longest time possible, but just as you, he hadn’t shared physical touch with anyone in months. You were both famished for it.
You propped yourself on his entrance as he looked at you in awe. You were dripping on top of his head, as if his pre cum wasn’t enough to lube your insides already. You sat down on his cock, the girth like something you’ve never experienced before. The sounds your two sexes made in contact with each other were pornographic. Your moans also didn’t help your case. Joel put a hand over your mouth as you pushed yourself down his cock, all the way down.
“I wanna hear your moans so badly, sweet girl. But we shouldn’t make much noise.”
“Fuck, I know.” Your voice muffed by his hand, covering half of your face.
He removed it, just to help you get your rhythm up and down his cock. After a few seconds of him stretching you out, your walls became accustomed to him. Your fluids making it easy for him to glide in and out of you.
With a faster pace you began to grab at the back of his neck, as he kissed your breasts once again. “Fuck Joel, you feel so fucking good.”
He couldn’t even get the words out of his mouth for the first few seconds of thrusting. “You’re so fucking tight around me, baby.”
And in fact, you could feel every single pulsing vein inside you, with every thrust he gave you. You began to bounce on top of him, applying strength on your feet so you wouldn’t grow so tired as fast. You wanted this to last. It felt like you were made for each other, the way his cock fit inside you so right, the way his hands grabbed each of your hips with just the right amount of strength. The rhythm never slowed down, Joel made sure of it.
You began to feel the knot in your stomach tighten. “Joel…” you moaned.
“I know, sweet girl. You’re so close.” He paused to kiss you. “Use me to ride your high, c’mon.”
“Fuck, I’m so fucking close.” You continued.
“Let me hear my name out of that pretty fucking mouth.” He kept you bouncing on his length.
“Hum…” you paused as you closed your eyes. “Joel, shit. Joel, Joel…”
“Cum for me, gorgeous. Let me see your pretty face.”
Your mouth opened to an O, as the knot in your stomach released in an explosion. You let out a cry, but you rapidly muffled it with your own hand. He removed it immediately, just to kiss you while still riding your high. As you began to pant, trying to regain your strength, Joel grabbed your torso on his arm, in an embrace, and quickly but surprisingly softly, put you under him. Now on top, with his cock still inside you, he continued to thrust into you. You were so sensitive and he knew, but you wanted to let him have his orgasm. His breath became quicker with the urgency of his release.
“Fuck…” his thrusts became more sloppy as he reached his climax.
“Cum, Joel.” Your voice like music to his hears.
He kissed your mouth one last time before pulling out and cum on your belly. His warm release all over you, spilling onto the bed sheets.
“Fuck.” His voice lower than usual. His mouth travelled to your forehead, leaving a kiss there.
Both of you panting, Joel on top of you, pressure that would always be seeked from you. Once you caught your breath, you pulled the covers on top of you both, as Joel pushed you into his chest, your face nuzzled on his neck.
A few minutes of silence were much needed.
“Do you mind if I stay here tonight?” You asked him, hope in your voice.
“Oh, I wouldn’t have let you out anyway.”
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mikodrawnnarratives · 2 months
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Have some art + fic rn cuz i had this idea plaguing me for a whlie in my first playthrough of the game and i needed to have it realized.
I don't want to edit my writing just yet so i'll do that later, but for now have some mentally unstable Siffrin 👍
I'll come up with a title ltr, prob when i edit this and post to ao3 (so if this gets reblogs just check out the og post for latest ver.)
For now the warnings you should know of are just character death, lots of Siff hating himself, and i think suicide ideation? I wrote this a few hours ago n still don't want to go back just yet but basically its nothing that doesn't already exist in the game
Fic starts under the cut! Roughly 2000 words
(edit: i forgor some colors don't exist/can't be seen 🤡, fixed now!)
Siffrin can’t seem to fall asleep at all anymore. The night right before the loops he can only pretend to get some rest before facing the king. He isn’t quite sure what the reason is. Being stuck in one place for too long? Useless? His urges to reach out for Isa’s touch that keep him awake at night, yearning for connection that is immediately are followed by disgust in himself?  The pure exhaustion at the thought of repeating the next day again? None seem to be the answer. Maybe its a combination.
He only knows that he’s exhausted. Exhausted, yet unable to rest. Even if he were able, would he want to risk what ever dream or nightmare his head might concoct? A blend of memories and deaths to remind him that he can’t escape?
Not being able to sleep makes them worse at the loops too unfortunately. They got along fine for the first few loops after his first sleepless night, though the mistakes ramped up. They cursed their body, cursed themself for being so weak. Simple and stupid mistakes getting them killed via boulder when they forgot and slip of the hand resulting in the weakest of Sadnesses offing him.
Loop of course taunted about his failures, like they always do. He couldn’t fully blame them, knowing deep down he deserved it. There was a pull he sometimes had though, to rest with them, even for just a little bit. He’s hung out with them before, when it gets overwhelming, never for very long. Despite that, to actually sleep with them is a different story. Different vulnerability that, he wasn’t comfortable with. Too weak, he didn’t need another thing for Loop to tease him about. No matter how tempting it would be to sit in the tree and doze off. He wouldn’t doubt that, if he could rest at this point, he would doze off until the next loop.
He can’t have that. He can’t let his family die again.
The next loop began, the stage set, and Siff opened his eye, despite every ache in their body telling them not too. They can’t listen to their body right now though. They need to travel the entire house in the next few loops for anything he might have missed before. One more sweep. 
He carries out his lines, plays the role he’s meant, rehearsing the other actor’s lines in his head before they speak up. Familiar steps, expressions, directions. When they get to Isabeau, they slip up again, Isa’s concern blooms. But they’ve seen this before. It’ll be fine. Their gut twists at forcing Isa to be concerned, but theres a warmth in it too. That Isa cares. Cares about them. It’s strange, when Odile gets close to the truth, stars when she FINDS OUT the truth, there isn’t any warmth. Just, fear. But knowing Isa won’t find out, just cares and makes them promise to talk about it at a time they know won’t come, it’s a guilty pleasure. At least, for now. Before it becomes meshed with all the other lines Siffrin has come to expect from The Fighter.
While navigation the House like normal, they slip up occasionally, interacting with objects that spark Odile’s concern. They don’t bother reversing the mistakes, he hasn’t slipped up that much. There’s no way she could know. Siff crumbled on the first floor at the counter they jabbed themself into again. Unable to see it and always stupidly forgetting to be cautious there. Stupid. 
And they kept making mistakes. Their exhaustion pulling at their body, their nerves eating them alive. There’s no warmth with new lines of concern from their actors. Just spikes of panic followed by their attempts to reassure them. To continue on.
By the final snack stop before the King, their actor’s change the script again. Siffrin tensed, their hand tracing the handle of their dagger in case of emergency. Odile… odile doesn’t call out suspicious connections to time craft this time. Everyone just.. Just asks him to nap.
The third floor they had fumbled the most, their quick grabs at the keys became more clumsy against his will. His hands can’t stop shaking. The aches won’t cease their whining in his body. Change, of course they noticed, they aren’t blind. The script is similar, repeating the words that simultaneously warm his body and send nausea through it. They’re a family. They care.
Absently, Siffrin notes Mira’s asking him if he’ll accept a comb, again. At least that’s familiar. At least one of them new the script to stick to. And, he really wouldn’t mind it again. The loops reset his hair back to the tangled and knotted mess it was when he startled back to awareness in Dormont. Everytime. Sometimes they briefly wondered if Mirabelle would comb their hair out back in town too. They would never ask though.
Their family quietly chated as Mirabelle combed through his hair. Gently, dare they think lovingly. Careful not to hurt him. Like he’s fragile and weak. Pathetic. They are pathetic aren’t they. For wanting this. Selfish for forcing them. Their hands continued to tremble, as much as Siff tried to suppress it.
The Fighter changes the script first. First to notice. Notice a slip up. They tense, not for any particular reason just, they don’t know this script. The Fighter’s face is concerned but softens. Isa. Isa asked hesitantly it he could see their hands. Siff let him, letting their pathetic shaking hands be engulfed in Isa’s large ones. He hesitantly rubs their knuckles, Mira continues to brush the tangles out of their hair. Siff’s eyelid got heavier, their body screaming to just let go, just relax. They haven’t reached the king yet, the head housemaid, they can’t yet. 
When they heard Odile close her book, another off script action, they jolted up and looked her way. Odile was about to speak up, but hesitated at their startled form. Her concerned and piercing expression remained.
“Siffrin, did you get any rest at all last night?”
They stop and meekly speak up, “I slept..”
“That’s not what I asked.”
Siffrin grimaced, tensing up. “I got.. Some rest. Why do you ask?”
“The fumbling around and absent performance don’t suggest you did.”
She had them there. Their fingers twitch as they internally remind themselves their dagger is still on their person. Even if their hands are occupied with being held by Isa’s. They take a breath.
The other actors contribute, sharing their nerves about facing the King. Needing to be ready before confronting the Threat, that could be their final standing place. No. No they won’t fail. They won’t die here. He might, but he won’t let his family.
Odile is actually the first to suggest Siffrin rest before they face the King. They can’t have any weak links before such a moment. Weak members. Weak. They were clumsy this loop. Their other family members share in the sentiment. They probably think he’s weak too. Their concerned smiles are hard to say no to though. The aches and exhaustion overwhelming his body probably wouldn’t let him refuse such an opportunity either. Surely. Surely they went through the first couple floors quick enough that another fifteen minutes before the king wouldn’t be too long. Right?
It’s a thought that didn’t seem to cross his family member’s faces when he gave into their requests and laid down. Mira scooted over, getting started on the next clump of tangled hair. Isa offered his lap as a pillow, and Siffrin’s slow mind just. Accepts the request. Not noting the dark shade flooding The Fighter’s face as they dragged their body to his lap, their head and partial upper body relaxing immediately. They rest their head on their blind side, one hand interlaced with The Fighter’s, behind them Mira finishing off the last of their tangles. The concern from their family’s faces hasn’t completely disappeared, but it’s eased. And that is enough to release the remaining tension in his body. It’s enough. 
Their family makes a few jokes that their brain muffles. Some laughing. Bonnie’s working on their snacks in the corner, still. They’ll be ready when they wake up. Their legs adjusted and placed in someone else’s lap, they think. Whoever it was, rubs circles into their calf. His eyelid grows heavier, their breathes come easy. Deep breaths. Someone rubs their back. 
It’s nice. Really.. really nice. One could easily forget they were even about to face the King at all. Face the end. They close their eyelid. It’s warm. One breath in. And out. Just.. just a quick nap. Where they are loved. They.. they are loved right? This is what this means… at least right now…
Yeah. They hope this is right.
Sleep engulfs them for the first time in several loops and their breaths slow.
The chatting continues around him, not lacking some glances exchanged between the adults in the room. But mostly, just relief fills the air. Mira stayed by Siffrin’s side, threading her fingers through his now completely combed out hair. The flush in Isabeau’s cheeks still hadn’t fully left, every movement reminding him of his crush resting so peacefully in his lap. Like a sleeping cat that once it has claimed you as it’s cushion, you are bound by the universe to not move for any reason. Odile didn’t pass up the opportunity to tease him, met with Isa’s shushing and hushed whisper “what if he wakes up and hears you!!”
Siff had done a lot today, and everyone would have assumed he was completely calm about fighting the king if not for his uncharacteristic clumsiness. Mirabelle supposed it made sense though. A night of rough sleep right before facing the most dangerous threat facing the country? That would make anyone mess up.
After another twenty minutes, Bonnie comes over with the freshly prepared snacks. Made extra special since they were more ahead of schedule than expected. Last hurrah before the king, everyone needed to be at their best.
Mirabelle smiles, heading over to were Bonnie had announced the snacks. Isa attempts to move but flounders at the idea of moving Siff. Mirabelle giggles at his flushing face as Odile moves their legs out of their lap. Well, time to end their nap she supposes. Their sleepy family member probably won’t be too thrilled about waking up but it is snack time.
Mirabelle collects her choice of snack and crouches over to Siff, moving their hat from where it had obscured their resting expression. Isa looked both upset to have the time his crush sleeps on their lap come to an end, and relieved. He lets out a chuckle as Mira gently shakes their shoulder.
“Time to wake up, Siffrin! Bonnie has snacks for everyone.” Mira moves a few hairs out of their face. “Siffrin?”
Isabeau adjusts, and joins in. “Siff? Sorry to wake you bud but..” He pauses, seeing Mirabelle’s face shift. Odile’s gaze sharpens as Mirabelle’s leans over them, placing her ear to their chest.
“They- th-they aren’t” Mira cries out. “They aren’t breathing! No no no-” 
Isabeau moves Siffrin off his lap with shaking hands. Odile rushes over to their side, checking their wrist and neck for a pulse. Bonnie’s face crumbles in the corner, alarm replacing the happy air.
Isabeau shakes Siffrin’s still body, Mirabelle readies a heal craft as Odile begins to try resuscitating them.
Siffrin first feels the gentle breeze around them. The grass moving in tune, sometimes brushing up against the small areas their clothes don’t cover. They hear Mirabelle in the distance and when they open their eyes, she’s right above them, apologetic for waking them. Siffrin blinks. It’s been a while since Mira’s been the one to wake them up. 
“Good morning! Well, more like good afternoon, I gue- wow. Are you okay?”
That’s new. Why would her lines-
“You’re crying.. Is something wrong, Siffrin?”
He blinks and brings a hand to his face. Sure enough, his cheek is stained with tears. He doesn’t remember crying, he just woke up too. From..
“Must’ve happened in my sleep” He says absently.
Mira frowns, “Oh no! What did you dream about…?”
Siffrin shrugs and repeats lines he remembers that will reassure her the quickest. She sighs and returns back to town. They’ll be waiting for him.
He takes a moment to think about what happened in the last loop. He.. doesn’t remember dying. Must have been when he went to sleep. That. That probably should worry him, that falling asleep could end a loop, but he doesn’t feel any regret about it. Actually, it’d be nice if all his loops ended like that. Just, dying with his loved ones around. It would take too long though, even if it could happen again. This loop needs to be faster. Last loop they didn’t even reach the king, and they have questions. 
He grumbles as he sits up, a part of him yearning to go back to that warmth. Oh if only the universe could have let it be permanent. A permanent death that didn’t even hurt. That’s wishful thinking though, the universe isn’t so kind. And they have work to do, his family- actors. They need what he knows. He can’t rest forever yet.
The show must go on.
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charlotteking23 · 9 months
Hi! I really enjoy your stories! I was wondering if you could write a batfam x batmom reader story about the boys (not including bruce) getting magically age reversed (i.e. dick becomes damian's age, damian becomes Dick's age, and Jason and Tim swap ages) and the 4 of them getting into shenanigans and chaos. And Batmom teasing and coddling them.
This sounds amazing, and sorry it took so long to post but I was writing it and my computer started resetting and it did not save this draft so I had to start over.
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Bruce decided to take his kids to the Justice League hall, where he was showing them the Machine Hall which was VERY DANGEROUS. During the middle of the tour, there was an emergency alert, deciding to leave his kids in said dangerous room but why not.
"Jason, don't touch that Dad said it's dangerous", said Dick was already tired of Jason's shenanigans, and playing pranks on everyone. "Quit being such a buzzkill, and have fun no adults are around", Jason said in a playful tone. Jason was very unserious sometimes but when he's mad he will kill you. "You know Jason, you don't act very mature for an Adult and BTW there are adults around you and Dick", Tim was the smart one always pointing out his brother's mistakes in a not-so-kind way. Damian just stood there glaring at his brother fighting like little children.
"Oh what, touching a machine is going to get us killed", said Jason. "I hope it kills you first", Damian said. But It was too late for Jason had touched the machine despite Dick's warning.
Suddenly a bright light blinded the boys. "AHHHHHH", screamed the boys, The bright light dimmed down and the boys saw each other but of different ages. Dick and Damian's ages were switched so Dick was 12 and Damian was 25. So were Jason and Tim, Jason was 17 and Tim was 23.
The boys were freaking out, trying hard to comprehend the situation. Damian started to immediately blame Jason for this while Dick was trying to calm himself down from having a panic attack. Lastly, Tim wasn't that affected and went looking at the machine Jason touched. "Hey guys look at this" Stated Tim when the boys looked at where Tim was pointing They realized... "Jason you Idiot you touch an age switch Machine", said Dick. "Aww shit, I didn't think this would happen," said Jason. "No fucking duh Jason, if you knew this would not have happened," Damian said while hitting Jason on the back of his head.
Bruce later found out with a panic attack and was scared of how he would tell his wife this happened under his care. But he also grounded Jason for 1 month again.
Timeskip to the manor
"Hey, kids"..... was the first thing Batmom had said before seeing her kids not looking like her kids. "WHAT HAPPENED?" Her Dick looks so young and cute and her Dami looks so tall and mature, Jason looks like a teenager and Tim seemed well older.
"Mom we can explain", Dick said and explained the whole situation of what happened because of Jason's stupidity. "Well, where was your father when this happened?" What Tim had told her was not the answer she wanted. "You left the kids alone in a dangerous machine room", Batmom continued scolding Bruce and her kids for this misfortune but internally screaming about how cute her kids looked.
No matter how hard she tried, she absolutely adored Dick and Jason, for it reminded her when they were young. And then she started crying with Tim and Damian feeling sad they had grown up so tall and handsome even though they were still the same by heart externally they looked different.
Being a 12-year-old was not as bad as he thought or so he thought. His mother became even more protective watching his every move and she refused to let him go whenever they hugged each other. "Mom, you have to let me go", "NO!," his mother shouted. "But...Mom, I can't breathe". "Then breathe later."
During this chaos, he found out he had to go to school, don't ask why. The whole day was torture I mean who wants to go to school after already graduating not Dick, to make matters worse he had to hang out with Jon. He was the only kid he knew and he didn't want to socialize with kids younger than him.
Curfew for patroling was a lot different since he was 12, he had to be home at 10:00 and he couldn't go anywhere without an escort because he was too "young" to drive.
And even the Titans made fun of his appearance, I mean their brave and powerful leader was a 12-year-old and a short one. "Can you guys just help me!" Dick shouted in anger. "No, can do, not until we finished laughing at how short you are", kon said laughing at Dick who couldn't even reach the high cabinets.
"Jason, honey what are you doing? you need to get up", his mother said in her usual calm voice. here he was lying in his bed with nothing to do, it was only 7:30 am. "Why, I have nothing going on. Didn't I tell you, you're going to school to collect Tim's work so he can complete it at home", Batmom said while opening his blinds. "But Mama"..."No buts get up and get ready for school". Jason was not happy and grumbled the whole time getting ready for school.
Jason was getting ready for patrol putting on his suit and wishing his Mama goodbye. Before she told him the horrible news, He had a curfew. His mother used the excuse that growing boys needed energy and he had school in the morning. "Mom, please I don't need a curfew I am fine". "No, and that's final Jason", his mother said in a stern voice.
good news He could drive and hang out unlike Dick who needed to be escorted when driving, Man did Jason crack up and tease Dick. HA, you can't drive what a loser, Dick was not happy and vowed he would get Jason back.
With Jason's curfews, he had to sneak out but lucky for him, he had done it so many times. The only problem is his mama was watching him like a hawk, but when everyone was asleep he decided to climb out of his window. Only to be stopped by the infamous Batmom and her sidekick Batman, grounding him for another month. "Hey Mom, how did you know I was sneaking out and where I would be?", "hmm, Dick told me". "Damn it," Jason said cursing under his breath passing by a laughing Dick when coming upstairs towards his room.
was Tim happy? Yes, yes he was. Switching ages with Jason seemed bad but it turned out good when he found out he didn't have to go to school, he had the whole day to himself. While Jason had to go to his school and get all his assessments, It was good because it only took him an hour to complete the work Jason gave him.
First thing first, He explained to Stephanie what happened after she accidentally came to the manor expecting to see her boyfriend but instead saw a tall, handsome adult like Tim. It took some time for her to cope with what happened but after she was furious with Jason. After he came back from school she hit him with her slipper right in the face. "OWWWW what Hell Stephanie! why did you hurt me", Jason said in shock. "You turned my boyfriend into well this," Stephanie said with her hands still griping the slipper. "MOM, why are you standing there, do something!" but to Jason's surprise, his mother did nothing and instead told him, he deserved it.
Tim had no curfew which meant rubbing it in his brother's face. HAHA, Damian and Tim both laughed at Dick and Jason going home from patrols while they get to stay. Shut up, both of them grumbled not liking the feeling of being teased. Since Tim was legally an adult, why not have alcohol, after one glass of wine he got drunk. "HEy GUyS, LoOK at ME I aM a BAnANa", Then proceeded to start crying when Titanic came on, "NOOOOO, HOw COuLd JAcK DIe!!!" while the whole Bat-family saw this, well now we know he has no alcohol tolerance said Dick, with Jason and his mother laughing their asses off. Damian looked at his father to say something only for him to be astonished, trying to find the proper words only for nothing to come out. And Alfred gets Tim some tissues and water.
Damian hated everything and everyone except for his mother of course. He Knew from the beginning this was bad and turns out he was right it was chaos.
Damian didn't do anything different except now he can drive legally, he could drive before but wasn't allowed for you know only being 12. He used this opportunity to get away from his crazy family.
Damian still hang out with Jon when he was out of school and gossiped about Dick and how he was at school, it was hilarious. Though Dick was not happy about it.
Unlike Tim, Damian had a high alcohol tolerance. "Dami, you are surprisingly good at drinking and not getting drunk easily, have you drunk before?". "No, Ummi"..... but could not continue, how could he lie to his Ummi so he told the truth. "Yes, Ummi I already had my first drink". "WAIT, WITH WHO?" said Batmom in a shout, ready to throw someone out the window. "With Dad", and that was not the answer she was looking for. "BRUCEEEEE!!!!," screamed Batmom. "Yes honey", Bruce said panting. "Did you take Damian to have his first drink?". "Umm oh no is that the Joker breaking into the bank again, Oh No better stop him bye", and with that, he left like he was Flash already out the door. And to say the least, Batmom was not happy.
Time skip after 3 days
Some random mad scientist Bruce found on the black market reversed the kid's ages. Dick was 25, Jason was 23, Tim was 17 and Damian was 12.
Everything was back to normal, SIKE. Batmom punished everyone in the manor except for Alfred of course for all the things they did when reversed. Bruce was grounded and sleeping on the couch leaving the kids alone in a Dangerous machine room and keeping the fact that Damian had his first drink.
Batmom was so happy but still sad. Of course, she's happy her kids are back to normal but her two eldest had to leave to go back to their house, it was heartbreaking. So to make their mom feel better they did Family Game Night 😉.
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allur1ngs · 9 months
Lusher and tatter being little shits and teasing Bada whenever they happen to hear her and reader fooling around like “man I REALLY had trouble sleeping last night…” bada being like 🤨 at first but when she does get what they’re referring to it she’s blushing while threatening to kill them 💀 and it’s not just bada- them teasing hyo too for having to stand outside wherever reader is and lusher being all like “doesn’t that bother you??” Tatter making it worse by saying “she’s probably into that kinda thing” and now hyo is all flustered too trying to defend herself 😭 (I’m sorry hyo I promise I want justice for you)
Ever since I made that meme of hyo from succumb to me this thought has been in my mind 😭
this would SO happen knowing lusher and tatter...
tw: very suggestive also please ignore any mistakes it's 2 am for me rn🤍 (this'll make sense after the drabble...🤭)
like for the first time in forever you, the bebe girls, and bada are all eating together like the little family you are. you'd somehow managed (it was so easy, all you had to do was ask) to persuade bada into eating breakfast with you and the girls and not in her office.
the second lusher and tatter realize bada's going to eat with them, they start glancing at each other, mischievous smiles growing on their lips. and almost as if they have telepathy, they both know what the other is thinking--
a plan starts to form.
...but really, it had all started last night.
lusher was laying in bed, cozied up under a heavy and warm blanket, scrolling on her phone before she went to bed. she was on instagram, going on her daily round of account check ups--making sure she hadn't missed any new posts from you or the other girls. she noticed you and minah uploaded new stories, and clicked on minah's first.
it was a picture of the delicious dinner you'd cooked for them. minah tagged you below the picture of the food, writing, "unnie is the best chef to exist, i'm grateful to have her in our home" with a heart-eye emoji. lusher smiles at the caption, about to press a heart on the story when a small sound grabs her attention.
a few giggles ring from the wall behind her bed, making her turn to look at it with a confused look.
she hears the sound again, though this time the noise is a bit clearer, and she's able to realize it's your voice. you're giggling from bada's bedroom, and saying something that lusher's not quite able to make out.
lusher stares at her wall for a second before shrugging, assuming you and bada must just be cuddling or doing something sweet together. she focuses back on her phone, realizing minah's story had timed out so she taps on it again--this time clicking the heart in the bottom right-hand corner.
she then gets distracted seeing some photos of socialites filling her feed. she scrolls through them, liking some posts--rolling her eyes at others before another sound startles her.
this time, a loud banging has lusher jumping out of bed, making her reach for her gun out of instinct. but then, she hears it.
a semi-clear moan makes it's way through the walls separating your and bada's room from lusher--your moan.
lusher's mouth drops out of instinct, her hand coming to slap over it.
again, your moan rings through her bedroom, and the sound of headboard slamming accompanies it. but this time, it doesn't stop.
the sound keeps coming from your bedroom, now only seconds of intervals between each slam, but they're so minuscule that lusher has no time to breathe a sigh of relief.
"jesus unnie." lusher closes her eyes, trying to bite back a laugh at how incredibly loud the headboard slamming is. "i hope you can walk tomorrow."
after a few minutes she decides to ignore all the noise--despite how...passionate and blissful you sound. lusher opens her phone again, instagram popping up immediately. her eyes go to the top left corner instantly, and she catches your profile announcing that you had an unviewed story.
she clicks it out of curiosity, and what she sees makes everything click into place.
it's a picture of you and bada, although your wife isn't fully in frame. all lusher is able to see is her arm wrapped around you and under your breasts in a back hug type of position. but what grabs her attention most of all is you.
you're wearing the most flattering dress lusher has ever seen. white straps and silky fabric barely hold onto your breasts, the sides of them popping due to bada's arm under you. although the picture is scandalous in nature, you're smiling widely, your eyes closed as you lean into bada's chest, looking like a sweet angel in white.
the small caption you'd added to the bottom of the photo reads, "date night" with a white heart emoji.
lusher chuckles, nodding. "yeah, makes sense."
she hearts the story, then swipes up to message you. she writes, "i can tell bada loves the dress. or more like she loves taking it off of you."
right when she sends the cheeky dm, a notification ding grabs her attention. effectively blocking out the sounds of your moans, lusher clicks on the notification.
she's transported into her messaging app, tatter's contact photo in the middle of the chat. she reads her text and quickly responds back.
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lusher smirks at her text, seeing tatter's grey bubble pop up, indicating she's typing.
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lusher hears another of your moans before she quickly types back.
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lusher smirks at her friend's message. they continue texting back and forth, each of them giggling inside their respective rooms.
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one of your particularly loud moans penetrates through lusher's wall, making her release a long breath.
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...and a chance did they get.
lusher starts out simple, dropping slight hints.
"tatter, you look a little tired, are you alright?" she says, her voice dripping with fake sincerity.
you look up from your plate, eyebrows furrowed in slight worry as you cast your gaze onto tatter.
"i'm fine. i just didn't get much sleep last night." tatter says wistfully, biting back a smile.
"oh i totally understand, neither did i with all the noise coming from next door." lusher nods, eyeing you and bada not-so subtly.
you give lusher a look of confusion before it clicks in your mind and you instantly look away from her and tatter, your entire body burning with embarrassment.
bada seems to have finally tuned into the conversation because shifts her focus away from her breakfast to speak up. "what are you talking about? we don't have neighbors."
"we mean there was a lot of noise coming from the bedroom next to ours." tatter clarifies, finding it even more amusing that bada isn't picking up on their joke.
the other bebe girls however, although they were not clued into the plan nor did they hear the noise last night, all seem to understand what lusher and tatter are talking about. they all start to whisper to each other and snicker.
...all expect two girls. soweon and hyo.
"i didn't hear anything." soweon speaks up in between bites of her breakfast. "maybe it was a dream?"
"oh definitely not. the sounds were very realistic, there's no way we could have both dreamed them up." lusher shakes her head, a full-blown grin overtaking her lips.
you shift uncomfortably in your seat before grabbing your phone and unlocking it, hoping to distract yourself from the embarrassing conversation.
expect, it's then you realize lusher had dm'd you late last night. you click her chat and instantly shrink in your seat, hiding your face behind your hands.
bada, always attentive of you and your mood notices, and turns to look at you. "honey? are you okay--"
before your wife can say anything else, you shove your phone in her face, showing her lusher's dm.
as her eyes scan the message, the image, and the timestamp, her cheeks slowly but surely turns bright red--whether it's out of embarrassment or anger, you're not sure.
"you perverts." bada sends lusher and tatter disgusted looks while she she pats your back in comfort and brings you into her chest to shield you from the girls' view.
"you're the pervert!" lusher argues back playfully. "again and again all we heard was--" she bangs her fist against the dining room table, imitating the headboard slamming from last night.
"enough, seoyoung." bada scolds her subordinate, giving her a disapproving look. "you're making my wife uncomfortable."
"actually," tatter cuts in, her smile so wide that even lusher is anxious to hear what she says next. "the biggest pervert here is hyo." she points her finger at your bodyguard, who had become uncharacteristically quiet, and was keeping her head down the entire conversation.
"tatter..." hyo finally mumbles, a red tint staining her cheeks. "i'm serious--"
"she was standing outside the entire time, listening!" lusher exclaims, giggling.
hyo flounders, feeling all pairs of eyes on her. bada's in particular is the most heated, making her sweat in fear. "it's my job!"
"your job is to hear your boss fucking your other boss?"
"be honest, you're into that type of stuff--"
"oh my god." you squeak into bada's chest, wanting to crawl into a hole and die.
chaos finally erupts at the table, hyo trying to defend herself against both lusher and tatter's accusations while also trying to ignore the fact that bada has yet to move her eyes off of her--death is most likely imminent and will be swift, yet painful--while cheche and kyma laugh their asses off, minah focusing on plugging soweon's ears to keep her from hearing the genuinely unhinged things lusher and tatter are saying.
but sometime through the bickering, lusher breaks off and sneaks over to you and bada, grinning like an idiot.
"so tell me unnie, can you still walk after last night?"
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carlyraejepsans · 3 months
UTY!Flowey, "lore" and how to criticize a fan prequel without being an insufferable pedantic, a guide by Biscia.
(for my muskless fellows, here's a transcript of my thread on Undertale Yellow that I posted on Twitter. enjoy!)
There's this really frustrating attitude in fan spaces i like to call "lorepilling" where people are substantially more concerned with encyclopedic knowledge of details & minutiae (so called "lore") in place of full-text thematic/narrative analysis as if the two are mutually interchangeable.
It's especially common in large franchises and story heavy videogames, and it's like... Are You Treating This Piece Of Art Like A Trivia Battle Or Are You Treating It Like A Story
This is coming from a person who is also deeply autistic about UTDR trivia btw, I'm just saying that when it comes to transformative *stories*, depending on the impact it has on character, themes, and narrative structure... lore is expendable.
Ultimately this is why most of the UTY criticism i see (on twitter specifically) falls flat. What does it matter if "lore" means Flowey couldn't chronologically be there when the justice human fell, as long as the game narratively justified his presence in the story in a compelling way?
The real criticism, in the end, is that it didn't.
He's a plot central, main cast character from the canon returning in a cast of mostly OCs and what does he have to show for it? An admittedly sick boss battle in 1/3 endings, sure but... not much else. He has no significant "presence" in the story, no tie, interaction, or even just... an opinion on the rest of the cast. Which is a huge miss when Flowey's meta role is to be Thee completionist player mirror. He's the OG lorepilled UT fan! He's an opinionated little shit!
This isn't to say that UTY *didn't* engage w/ his metanarrative. When me and @a-town-called-hometown first started playing the game (we were both skeptical of Flowey's inclusion), he immediately said "It would be really cool if they made it so this has been going on for a while and Clover has no idea". Which is precisely what the game did in the neutral ending, and what I will openly say was the most well written & well executed part of this game's story...
...a part we almost didn't see, because the pacifist ending disappointed us so much we lost all will to replay.
To put it in the words of my friend Mel @clowwwnbytes, there's a deafening hollowness to UTY Flowey's motivations & core principles where his guilt towards Chara—and resulting black and white thinking—should be. You're telling me Mr Kill-or-be-killed, "sacrificing yourself to do the right thing is stupid", would stand there after 1000s of failed attempts to make Clover survive, look on as they make the same mistake Asriel he did, and fondly call them friend? Cue the guitar, roll the credits?
He would lose it. Oh my god he would lose his goddamn mind, he would throw the nastiest temper tantrum in the world. Are you serious? How dare you. How DARE you. All this effort, all my patience, and you just let yourself DIE for a few worthless idiots? I should've let you ROT!
*clears throat* sorry got a bit too into character. as i was saying.
I can understand a UT prequel wanting to distance itself from the canon Chara storyline in order to form its own identity, but then turning around and choosing Insane About Chara The Character™ for a sidekick is... far from optimal. In the end, Flowey comes across as underutilized and inconsistent, with a whole lot of wasted potential.
This is an issue I have with UTY's character writing (original AND returning) and story structure as a whole. Lots of inconsistent character arcs, tonal dissonance, overuse of situational sadness... it's an amateurish work, after all, and you can feel it. There's no shame in that.
(Though, there ARE some issues that i take more seriously with its writing, especially when it comes to its two main female characters—Ceroba's lack of narrative agency and depth borders on misogynistic writing imo. But that's a topic for another day)
Over all, UTY was an incredible piece of collaborative transformative work, with gorgeous art and a genuinely incredible OST, which... would have benefited from more experienced writers. But hey, you can only ever learn by trying!
For all it could've been a better story, it certainly did not fail to entertain: both when my friend was playing it, and after in our many discussions of its writing, its faults and how it could've been improved (royal scientist!ceroba character fix you will always be famous. to ME!)
I'm sure this project served as an incredible source of experience for the developers: as individual creators AND as a team. I look forward to their future projects!
but also if i have to see another person say UTY is better than Undertale i might turn into The Jonker.
end of the essay! really couldn't stand any of the pedantic ""criticism"" I'd seen of this fangame so far, so i had to say my piece as someone more versed in analysis. happy to elaborate on anything in the replies or in my inbox!
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I have a request... though you don't have to write it or anything... just since I saw a new post, I just decided to write this thought in my head. Again, you don't have to write it if you don't want to.
Anyway, hualian with m-reader, right BUT the m reader that they are with is a clone.
If you have read dear door then you know the doctor, he has the ability to make clones NOW give that to m-reader and send hualian and a manhunt to find the real m-reader.
They find him chained under a mountain, serving punishment for whatever reason you can think of, and the only person the real m-reader trusts is his clone. Slowly warming up to hualian through constant company and assurances from his clone...
Smut scene is asked but not required...
HuaLian x M!reader
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Wanted to write headcanons for the first half and write an actual story for the smut part. Also read some of dear door and now you've got me hooked 🖐️😔. I got as far as knowing he has clones but not how they work 😭 since the doctor was a demon though we makin reader a ghost. This was actually hard, sorry if this sucks y'all 😭
Ignore grammar mistakes
!!! Blowjobs, gagging, sex, foursome, clonecest, orgasms galore, covered in cum, practically a gang bang if I say so myself.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng have a third lover, he's a little strange but they love him dearly.
They love your clone that is, not that they would know
Your clone says strange things sometimes.
"Oh, I would've loved this", "I wonder what I'm doing right now?"
You're right here what do you mean?
They've decided, maybe it's a weird quirk of yours.
So without your knowledge, your clone has gained the affections of two very strong and important men.
Hua Cheng has been gazing at 'you' lately. Recently he's been suspicious of something.
He caught you crying.
While usually he would've immediately comforted you, he had noticed you were calling your own name while sobbing into the pillows.
Xie Lian has also been studying 'you' lately.
You've never been a fan of the public and usually hide your face behind a different form. The day they took 'you' out on a date and you forgot to hide your face, the ghosts seemed very confused.
They kept their space that day.
It was unusual so Xie Lian went looking around trying to see what was going on.
"I could've sworn he had been killed...", "Haven't seen that face in years..."
But you had been here the whole time?
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng eventually talk to each other about it and find out they have similar suspicions.
They confront 'you' about it and you bust into tears in their arms immediately.
Through muffled sobs, your clone admits what he is. Just that, a clone .
He tells Xie Lian and Hua Cheng everything, and tells them that his real name is just ' Kèlóng' which means clone.
So if this is Kèlóng, and just a clone... Where are you?
It doesn't take long at all to find the real you, Xie Lian knew where you were most likely being kept.
The real you however isn't as, trusting, as Kèlóng is.
You also look different. Older, scarred, and irritated.
Kèlóng, looks younger and bubblier.
They do get you out of under that mountain though, and let you stay at Paradise Manor.
You only really agreed because Kèlóng said it was safe.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng know you don't know them, and you technically aren't their lover but they can't help but love you anyways.
They're careful with you, and let Kèlóng do a lot of things since you only seem to trust him.
It takes a while for you to be comfortable in the presence, especially Xie Lian's since he's a god.
You don't hate them, you guess. They aren't mean and even though at first you had been scared like a feral cat who hisses and scratches they seemed to keep caring and loving you anyways.
So after some time you let them in.
Kèlóng is happy, his creator and lovers are getting along well. And maybe you'll become their lover too!
He predicts correctly.
Kèlóng made it a game to roam around in your form instead of his usual young looking self, so Xie Lian and Hua Cheng can't tell who's, who.
Eventually kisses, and affections start getting muddled between both of you.
And you? You didn't say anything because you enjoyed it.
Hua Cheng is the one who finds this out. He kissed you thinking it might be Kèlóng. When Kèlóng, in his normal look, and Xie Lian walk in though, Hua Cheng and Xie Lian figure it out.
Especially with the way you don't pause to stop. When Hua Cheng pulls back in embarrassment, and tries to apologize, you pull him back closer and continue making out with him.
That's when they decide to ask you to be their lover as well.
Of course you agreed.
You are not a clone fucker, you never looked at your clone and thought, 'Yeah, I would fuck myself'. But this situation makes you think, you might be on the border edge of being considered clonecest?
The situation being, you gagging on your own clones cock that is. How did you get in this situation you ask? Hua Cheng and Xie Lian were curious. They wanted to see you, intimate with your clone and well... You looked at their stupid, handsome faces and said yes.
You weren't expecting to be gang banged! What the fuck?! You're brought back to be present when Hua Cheng's hips smack against your ass, forcing you to take Kèlóng's cock deeper down your throat.
You gargle, and Kèlóng is generous enough to pull out of your mouth. Since when was your dick this good? Since when was Hua Cheng's so big? This is ridiculous.
"How... How much longer are we going to do this?" Your voice is raspy now when you talk now. Hua Cheng has been arranging your guts for hours now and you swear the stupid ghost hasn't cum once.
Hua Cheng's chuckle vertebrates in his chest. "Gege hasn't even had a turn yet, why are you so impatient?" He runs his hand down your spine and then pulls your arms behind your back, forcing you to take him deeper. You whine loudly and huff through your nose.
You glance over to where Xie Lian sits. He's just watching, he always watches. It's embarrassing, his pretty eyes gazing at your face, soaking up everything they can. Kèlóng moves away from you and briefly you can hear your clone urge Xie Lian to take your mouth.
Xie Lian complies, you can tell when the bed dips in front of you and you're suddenly met with Xie Lian's cock. It's not like you hate this. They know you don't hate it. If you did, you wouldn't have lurched forward to deepthroat Xie Lian.
Xie Lian runs his fingers gently through your hair and slowly rolls his hips. Unlike your clone who so excitedly fucked your throat. It feels like you're floating right now, not having to think about anything. Your cloud palace is interrupted when Kèlóng fists your hair and pushes your head down on Xie Lian's dick.
Hua Cheng takes his chance to fuck you deeper, harder. He must be close. Xie Lian has also started rocking his hips faster. They fuck you in a way that keeps you full. Not one second do you not have a cock in you. Fuck it turns you on.
You feel someone grab your hand and put it in an 'o' position. Distantly you hear Kèlóng, "Let me use your hand Y/n, please please please" it's not like he wait for you approval. He's already got his, yours?, his dick thrusting into your hand as if you chose to jerk him off.
You're surrounded. By your lovers, by men, by cocks. You love it and soon your body racks with another orgasm. It's not long until the men around you cum either.
They choose to make it messy. Xie Lian pulls out and cums on your face, though it's obvious he was sheepish about it. Hua Cheng doesn't, he pulls out and shoots an abnormal amount of cum across your ass and lower back. Kèlóng, your own clone, cums into your hand and manages to get it in your hair.
You fall limo into the bed and pant softly. All of them are looking at you. To them you look good like this, covered in all their cum. This is where you were meant to be not under that mountain.
"why are you guys looking at me like that..?" You tilt your head.
They're definitely going to fuck you again. What God should you pray to?
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
I know you probably JUST posted the FNAF Movie request where the reader possesses Sparky, but after reading it this idea popped into my head and I need to get it out there.
Could we have a sort of continuation of the 'Sparky reader' fic that takes place towards the finale of the movie? The idea I had is that after Abby helps the animatronics remember that it was William Afton who killed them, the reader actually joins up with the others in confronting him. Additionally, William is shocked because he wasn't expecting the reader to have also possessed an animatronic, let alone that they would have command over the others (he probably thought he was the only one with that kind of power).
The first Sparky!Reader part
"Look at you...look at the nasty things that you have become! Look at how small you are! How worthless you are!! You are wretched, rotten little beasts! I MADE YOU!!!"
Even as William shouted angrily at the animatronics, pounding a gloved fist against his chest, he realized how quickly he was losing his ability to keep them in line.
Thanks to that brat showing them the truth in a stupid drawing--which proved that he, the yellow bunny they once trusted, was the cause of all their pain--they didn't obey him anymore.
Now he couldn't control them like he used to.
No longer were they blindly singing and dancing to his tune.
Because they finally remembered what really happened that day.
He then heard another pair of heavy footsteps, and from the darkness emerged a character he had almost entirely forgotten about:
But how was he moving? And why?
William swore that mutt was sitting in the backstage area, deactivated and unable to walk freely.
It was impossible.
"Of course..I figured you would have woken up eventually, too." He chuckled weakly, taunting you all. "So what's your plan now? To kill me? Shove me into a suit like you did to those poor people?! Well you can't...because I know how you all think!! I'm smarter than you!!"
"No. You are a fool, Afton. It isn't us who will kill you."
His laughter ceased upon hearing your disembodied voice speaking to him, and he froze for a moment, bewildered by what you had said.
It was extremely unnerving to learn that your ghost could even talk to him at all, considering the other children have been silent.
What made you so special?
Unfortunately for him, he realized far too late what you meant by those words...as he noticed you gesturing to Chica, who sent her Cupcake after him.
It lunged with a growl, biting into the torso of his suit and not letting go.
He grabbed onto it, struggling to tear the feral little bastard off of him, not knowing that would be the last mistake he ever made.
When he finally managed to toss the Cupcake away from him, it took a chunk of the suit's fabric with it, exposing part of the springlock endoskeleton underneath.
And without any material for the mechanisms to stay compressed against...
They snapped, one bar stabbing into his side and sinking deep into his flesh, blood leaking through his shirt almost immediately.
With a gasp of pain, William collapsed to his knees as the springlocks continued to puncture him one by one--with you and the other animatronics simply staring him down, watching him endure the same torment he brought upon each of you.
None of your suits were made from springlocks, of course...but now he, too, will know what it's like to be encased inside a tomb of fabric and metal forever.
He scrambled for the Springbonnie head that laid beside him, only to see your brown paws snatch it off the ground.
You kept his above his head, just barely within his reach.
All he did was stare into your glowing red eyes, shocked at the commanding presence you held over his creations. He had no idea how you got them to follow your lead so easily.
Yet despite knowing that he lost, he refused to lie down and show any sort of fear.
Instead a grin appeared on his sweaty face, each exhaled breath growing more strained than the last.
And before you shoved the Springbonnie head onto him, forever sealing him inside his tomb, he made one final haunting declaration:
"I always come back."
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edgeray · 6 months
One Hell of a Butler Pt.1
Encounter (Arlecchino x Fem! Reader Blurb)
A/N: Guys. I am so sorry. I don't think that Arlecchino oneshot is being posted tomorrow. 😿Trust that it will be posted this weekend. Take this as an apology (I am fr spoiling y'all Arle fans) for the pushback. This is a repost to something I submitted as an anon to @/megistusdiary so there's a chance you've already seen this. It was written a while ago so quality is not up to par. This is the Black Butler inspired demon au! that I talked about in my poll, check it out if you want a little bit more on this concept. (Thank you guys for voting in it! :33 I'm looking forward to writing the oneshots). Series Masterlist Content Warning: Semi-graphic descriptions of violence
Everything hurts. It burns, burns, burns, and you can't feel your limbs and your vision fades in and out. Your broken form twitches on the ground, and as your assailants approach you, ready to wrench the remaining life out of you slowly and painfully, with your final burst of energy and concentration, you let out a guttural screech, a summoning spell spewing from your raspy throat and bloodied teeth. 
At first, you think nothing happens. They stalk you, unfaltering despite what you have just called for. Wearing teeth-baring grins and depraved intentions, they near your crumpled body, with their dirty, despicable hands reaching out towards you. Your half-lidded eyes shut fully, and you heave out a sigh of resignation, giving up the futile struggle of staying alive. 
You hear it first before you actually see it. A sound distinct only to stilettos clicking against the ground. It jerks your attention immediately, and you twist your head slowly to face the oncoming figure. Black heels with gold adornment catch your eye, and then--
"Well, well, looks like I found the doll that called me," you hear a deep, feminine voice sibilates, voice reverberating throughout the chamber. Your gaze slowly trails up the newcomer's figure, and the white clothing, snow-white hair, and feminine features cause you to mistake her as an angel. Red-crossed pupils meet with yours. A shiver works its way up your spine but you stare in awe regardless. What kind of human was this?
One of your tormenters inquires rather rudely about the woman and storms towards her haughtily, ignorant of the fact he has just sealed his fate. There's an audible, irate click of her tongue, then a snap echoes the room. For a brief moment, your sight is filled with just red, and then your eyes widen as the aggressor bursts into a beautiful explosion of blood and guts. She walks past where once the man stood without pause, now just a puddle of blood, tutting at the blatant disrespect of the formerly alive human. Her feet stop just before you and her shadow looms over.
"A-arle...cchino?" You croak weakly as your hazy gaze sets on her. She looks so handsome, beautiful like a guardian angel, even when she's covered in red. Her lips curl up slightly and she crouches down to hook an arm behind your back and knees, lifting you bridal-style. Heat radiates from her cold-blooded being and it is so much more comforting than the icy hardness of the floor. You immediately bury your face into her shoulder while your needy hands grip onto her coat out of desperation and fear. Beneath the intense iron smell of blood, she smells of something floral, you noted with dulled surprise. 
"That is me, the Knave. And what have you called me for?" She purrs from above, repositioning you in her arms so she could support you with one arm instead of both. 
You give one single glance behind your shoulder towards the now cowering group of people, their behavior reminding you of feeble sheep rather than the bloodthirsty pack of wolves. You think that you'd like lamb chops after all of this. 
Turning your head back, you suck in a steady breath, your voice unwavering and clear despite being muffled into her clothes. "Kill them." 
"As you wish." 
Even as she draws out the sweetest, most revolting of screams from the remaining alive people, you find peace in your arms. You don't watch, instead, opting to rest your head against her and try to fall asleep to your former captors' begs of mercy. A hand combing through your hair wakes you up. You admire her sharpened red nails and her black hands, so contrasting against her unblemished and perfect skin but pretty all the same. It looks nice, sifting through your hair, it feels right, it feels perfect, even if they're dipped in blood.
"Well, I suppose we can work out the contract at a later time. For now, rest, my dear," her voice is soft and it lulls you to sleep in her arms. She tucks your head underneath her chin and walks away from the bloodbath, her darling wrapped tightly close to her.
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syrena-del-mar · 8 months
Dead Friend Forever Is More Than Just A 90s Slasher Film Imitation
Oh man, I went in thinking I would just get a whole lot of gore and murder, and instead I'm getting a buttload of social class distinction, parental issues, mental health crises, organized crime, and a highly-likely revenge plot line.
The thing about Dead Friend Forever is that it starts unassuming, almost like an copy of all other teen slashers from the 90s. A group of friends, up in a cabin and suspects to a potential murder, become hunted one-by-one. A cliche slasher plot if I ever heard one. Until it’s not. This show is taking up a very big corner of my brain, so I’m going to delve deeper into it.
If you haven't watched episode 6 yet, spoilers up ahead.
Pulling inspiration from 90s slasher re-inventor, Scream
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The first four episodes really set up the expectation that DFF was going to be another slasher, seemingly particularly influenced by Scream (1996). Scream was a turning point for slasher movies, signaling a shift in from the movies of the 80s to that of the 90s. It was the first of many movies to allow for the characters to be self-aware of what genre they're working in, where the characters knew of the slasher-movie tropes and attempted to do everything right to survive. Scream is also the first slasher to truly humanize the killers, and I don't mean by making them empathetic, but rather the killers were human, so they made human mistakes. Prior to Scream, the antagonists in slasher films were usually this supernatural villain that was just murder-hungry. But in Scream, the killers are all just regular people and would often make mistakes on their way to kill the protagonists, like a normal human would. It's why Scream was scary, the killer could be anyone, it wasn't this supernatural being. And even when you're making the right choices to escape, you still end up dead.
In Dead Friend Forever, we're getting so many of the same tropes that Scream had subverted. The group is working understanding exactly what they're facing; Fluke warning to not pull out the stake inside Por, Top wanting to split up in the temple while Phee, Jin and Tan veto against it expressly stating it would be like the horror movies, White not wanting to be left behind in the cabin. They all know what they shouldn't be doing while there is a killer on the loose. Also, it's why there's these funny little moments of the killer in DFF (i.e. having to steal the motorcycle to get back to the cabin). I'm not completely convinced that there isn't any paranormal activity or at least some type hallucinogen-component at play, but the way the killer acts is very human-like. Not to mention the parallel of Barcode (arguably the most popular actor in the show) getting slashed in the first minute of the show, eerily similar to how in the opening scene of Scream, Drew Barrymore (the most well-known of the cast) gets killed immediately.
The Benefits of Series Format versus Movie Format
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The series format is where I think Dead Friend Forever is really shining the most. @wen-kexing-apologist made an awesome post on the directorial direction this show is taking, particularly in how since the first four episodes we have very little context as to why the killings are occurring or even the state of everyone's relationship, we're freely able to form opinions on each character. Similarly, prior to getting to know what happened to Non, I also thought Tee was the better one of the group. But here we are, two episodes later and I find him to be the most detestable of the bunch (which says something, when Por and Top are competing in this category).
We're seeing and experiencing the absolute hell that this friend group had actively made (sans Jin and Fluke that suffer from the bystander effect) Non's life out to be. In a regular slasher movie, especially ones that model themselves after Scream, we find out why the Killer is doing what he's doing to the victims in the last quarter of the movie, but the emotional value is a little skewed. The little amount of time we spend learning about what the victims did to the Killer usually still leaves you feeling at least a smidge of pity for the victims and some joy that the Final Girl made it. Here, the mass consensus is that each and every one of them should die.
And it comes back to the luxury of spending several episodes in a flashback to what lead up to the killings after the game of cat-and-mouse has begun. We're introduced to Non as an outsider, where everyone, but Jin, has already formed a bad opinion of Non. They already have a brutal nickname for him (read @forkaround's awesome analysis on the term 'Greasy'). They already established that he's an outsider in the classroom, but they make an active point of only referring to him as 'Greasy' and Non just accepts it. We see the friend group frame him, causing him to spiral twice to point of suicide, proceed to prey on him into a money laundering scheme, get him caught in a criminal investigation, all while already undergoing mental health treatment. We're given that time to know and see the pain that Non is caused, the manipulation that he is put under, and ultimately the devastation that they've caused.
Dead Friends Forever is more than just another teen slasher, because it has time. And it's using its time wisely, giving us bits and pieces of information in the beginning before delving into something more sinister than the killer on the loose, the original five. Run-of-the-mill bullying has turned into framing, assault and other criminal activity, even murder. And yet, while Non is the one that has disappeared (or died), the other five have been able to make a life for themselves without suffering any of the consequences. It's showing exactly what they have done to deserve everything that is coming to them.
Final Thoughts
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Man, Be on Cloud is truly blowing it out of the water with this show. I'm actually a bit sad that it's only barely starting to get the recognition that it deserves, because in my opinion, it's just that good, BUT I also understand why it's had a sleepy start. It's in an place, a BL in one sense, but not exactly a BL in any other. I've said it before, but no matter what you think of BOC as a management company, the stories that they tell are unique and they have the artists that are competent enough to deliver. Be on Cloud has, allegedly, allowed the writers take the reign on the show, even if this means messing with the couples, so even more chaos is going to occur. This is, frankly, exciting to see and experience the story as they want it to be told.
I said this when I first saw Barcode in KinnPorsche deliver that heartbreaking cry, that boy knows how to cry. He was a newbie and his stole that scene. Now this is his third show under his belt and his acting chops only continue to improve, I truly can't wait to see what more he is able to do here in Dead Friend Forever. I love that Sammon is also enjoying what Barcode has able to bring forth in Non and that all her worries have been eased. I truly think that Barcode is going to have an incredible career ahead of him, whether in music or in acting.
Ta, on the other hand, also deserves his share of accolades. I wasn't sure of how to read to Phee in the first four episodes, but with the information that episode 6 has given us? The picture has cleared significantly and now, having rewatched his scenes, everything makes sense on why he seemed to be conniving. Episode 6 had some of the strongest performances and yet the biggest gasp I made was in the last minute. The singular tear rolling down Phee's cheek after having to perform the two-finger method, to have Non throw up the pills, and holding him in his arms? Quite literally jaw-dropping.
Sammon has a strong repertoire of shows, so I have complete faith that she knows what she's doing for Dead Friend Forever. I hope this becomes as much of a cult favorite, much like Manner of Death and Triage.
Anyways if you need me, I'll probably be stuck thinking about PheeNon for the next week until episode 7 airs.
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bookshelfdreams · 6 months
There were two great posts about Izzy yesterday, and I would like to expand on and add my 2 ct to the things said in them a little. One, by @celluloidbroomcloset (with additions by several others), about how Izzy immediately falls back into old patterns of manipulative behaviour after his supposed redemption in 02x07, only this time with Stede as the focus of said behaviours instead of Ed. The other, by @batsarebetterthanpeople, about how Izzy's behaviour in 02x06 and onward is more akin to the development a homophobe coming around to a queer loved one, than an arc of queer self-discovery.
Izzy's story isn't about himself. I think this is the first, fundamental mistake people make when engaging with it. He's not a protagonist; he doesn't exist in the story for his own sake. So when ofmd asks "How to reform a toxic person? What does it look like and is it even possible?", the starting point isn't one of empathy with Izzy.
It's one of empathy with Ed. ofmd is asking these questions not because it wants to understand Izzy better. What it wants to explore is the possibility of Ed having the relationship with Izzy Ed wants. Whether Izzy can be brought around to understanding Ed's wants and needs, whether he can understand the hurt he caused him.
This is a fundamentally different approach to how these stories are usually told. Usually, we start out with the unspoken assumption that the toxic person is well-intentioned, good at heart, and whatever pain they caused our protagonist is more akin to a misunderstanding than deliberate harm. Yes, they may have have caused hurt, but if you just see things from their perspective, you'll understand that they only had your best interest in mind, and that will enable you to forgive them.
Obviously this can't not veer off into victim blaming. "The abuser had a good reason for what they did, and therefore, it's your own fault. Or at the very least not theirs."
ofmd fundamentally rejects this. It is very careful to never let the bullies and abusers have a valid point. Abusers are abusive because they get something out of it. To truly reform an abuser, they would have to be willing to build a life for themselves that is a lot less comfortable. Where they have to consider other's feelings, communicate and compromise, meet other people on equal footing, instead of putting themselves in a position of authority. It means letting go of patterns of behaviour that they have so far been quite successful with*.
And Izzy - tries. He is interesting because part of him clearly wants to leave the toxicity behind. He gets to see what positive relationships, human connection, being part of a community look like; he's offered an outstretched hand, and, after biting it a few times, tentatively starts to take it.
But he can't quite get there. The temptation to fall back into what he knows is too strong. celluloidbroomcloset's post linked above talks mainly about 02x07, so I'm not gonna repeat all that, but I'm going to add two little scenes from 02x06 that further cement this. In the beginning of the episode, Izzy finds Ed as he's standing on deck, watching the sea, and the conversation that plays out is a clear mirror to, almost repeat of the Frankfurter clouds scene from 01x04. Ed tries to share an observation with Izzy in an attempt to reach out to him ("Something's wrong. Feels like a storm's coming but I can't see it."), which Izzy, of course, immediately dismisses ("Or maybe you're just a mopey twat and there is no fucking storm").
The second scene is, when Izzy is the only one discouraging Ed from following Stede to his cabin after he kills Ned Lowe. Discouraging support, discouraging connection and emotional honesty; Izzy will continue to try to isolate Stede.
Now, I do not think this, or the things happening in 02x07, are put in there deliberately to show that Izzy has ulterior motives. Rather, they are an illustration of how deep these maladaptive patterns of behaviour go. Izzy isn't able to fully admit to himself the extend of the harm he caused and this is what prevents him from truly changing his behaviour - even when he has just experienced the benefits of a loving, supportive community!
All of this is the explanation to the answer the show gives to our starting question: Is it possible for Ed to have the relationship with Izzy that Ed wants? And the answer is: No. Just because growth is possible, doesn't mean it is enough. Doesn't mean anyone's entitled to forgiveness. Sometimes, the only compassionate thing to do, is to take yourself permanently out of the other person's life.
But Izzy did learn, and he did grow. It's just that the purpose of said growth wasn't to heal him; it was to enable him to understand the hurt he caused to Ed. That doesn't have to mean people like Izzy can never be reformed, it just means that this isn't a story about the reformation of a toxic person. It's the story of leaving this toxicity behind.
And this is why Izzy's heartfelt apology followed by his immediate death is a positive ending. It represents the conviction that no relationship is so broken it can't be mended, but also the assurance that no relationship is so important it can't be ended.
Ed gets to hear the things he needs to hear most - I am sorry, I was wrong, you didn't deserve this - and then Izzy disappears from his life, and with him, all the toxicity he represents.
They can part on good terms, but part they must. So Ed can go into the rest of his life, unburdened.
*read Lundy Bancroft's "Why does he do that", seriously. The whole thing is on archive.org.
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dorayakichan · 1 year
Scenarios: Fem!reader, flirting with Windbreaker characters and their reactions
a/n: Hi! This is my first Winbreaker x reader post on here, I hope you like it and I'm sorry in advance for any grammatical mistakes I may have made while writing this.
You had always had a thing for Noah since becoming part of the ‘Light Cavalry’. In the beginning, you thought it was just admiration for how good she was but over time, you had found your heart growing fonder of her everyday more and more.
As you started realizing that those feelings were not just admiration, you decided to try your chances. You knew she liked Owen, but maybe? Why not? What was there to lose? 
She was sitting down on the couch of your shared apartment, scrolling through different channels while you had just come out of your room to get a glass of water. 
As you had finally come to terms with your feelings you decided to use this moment as a chance. After getting the glass of water, you sat next to her on the couch extremely close, making the woman turn her attention from what she was doing to you.
“What?” she asked, eyes looking extremely bored at yours. 
Deciding against giving her an answer, you moved your hand to tuck the hair behind her ear. Glancing at her lips and then her eyes, face inching closer and closer, one of your arms moved behind her holding your body against the couch as you got even closer.
“You know Noah….” you whispered eyes never leaving hers. As hers started growing bigger, she tried to move away from the close proximity. “I’ve always wanted to tell you this….” Your body followed hers trapping Noah between the couch and you.
“You’re so so damn hot, I'd kill to have you be mine!” you finished whispering those words to her slowly, before getting up and walking away. Going inside your room and closing the door.
Leaving Noah, wide-eyed staring at your back as you closed the door. Were you joking? Was what you said true? Why did you leave like that? There were many questions, on her mind, as she stared into space trying to recollect every moment she had spent with you and every word said. Searching for signs…and that’s all you needed, her to start thinking about you.
“Guess this is going to be much more fun than I expected!” You said smirking as you were lying down on your bed.
During his stay in Korea, Harry had become obsessed with korean fried chicken. He would order it all the time and not eat anything else. Yes chicken is good and meat is healthy but too much of anything is still not good. 
So you decided to interfere, and although you knew how demanding and hot-headed he was, you couldn’t just let it be. But how were you going to do that? That's what you were not sure about. All you knew was that you had to do it one way or the other. As you heard the doorbell ring you knew what was coming so you ran to get the food before he could even get up.
After getting the chicken you saw Harry sitting on the dinner table ready. “What are you doing?” you ask him, acting as if you didn’t know. “Bring the food!” Harry, who wasn’t having it ordered impatiently. “Which food?” you asked, taking the plastic bag and sitting on the couch.
“I’m not in the mood for games, just bring the food already.” Harry got up striding with clear footsteps towards you. You opened the packaging and took one of the chicken legs. Immediately taking a bite. Harry was standing in front of your sitting figure with both arms crossed. “Ok I’ll give it to you.” you agreed standing up on the sofa. Although there was still some height difference between you and Harry even if the sofa was added you could reach him slightly at least. 
You took another bite, opened your mouth, and approached his face. “What do you think you’re doing now?”. You closed your mouth chewing and ingesting it. Harry's annoyed expression hadn’t changed from before as he looked at you. You smiled deviously: “If you want to eat it come and take it from my mouth.” You knew playing this way with Harry was going to end up annoying him more and he would leave but what you didn’t expect was that when you took the other bite Harry forcefully wrapped his arm around your waist yanking you closer and actually kissing you. 
His tongue entered inside your mouth as he steadily worked on taking the chicken bite from you when he finally pulled away your shocked expression made him smirk. “Don’t play like that with my food.” He warned you, taking the plastic bag full of chicken and leaving you replaying what had just happened again and again, unsure how to feel.
It had all started when everybody suggested staying at Vinny’s house with Shelly running to take a shower inside and meeting his mom. Now you were all eating sitting around the small table in Vinny's home. As you all talked and laughed the time went by and it was time to sleep.
When dividing the rooms Vinny’s mom gave you and Shelly hers as she claimed that she was going to work a night shift so she would not return home until the next morning. You and Shelly were lying down when you heard the door close shut and as if you had touched the on button Shelly immediately rose up from where she was lying. “What do you think the guys are doing?” 
“They might be getting ready to sleep,” you answered nonchalantly scrolling on your phone. “C’mon let’s go and see, It’s a sleepover, it will be boring if we don’t do something fun.” Shelly started begging you, nearly dislocating your shoulder from your arm as she pulled at it.
“Ughh, okay.” You followed her as you both went in front of their door. “Maybe we should knock fi….” But why even bother saying it in the first place Shelly didn’t let you finish, as she flew the door open revealing some of the guys half shirtless, staring wide eyes at you two. “Let’s play!” She went and sat right next to Jay not even glancing at anyone else. 
You all sat down to play truth or dare. As you sat next between Vinny and Dom the game started. Some rounds of truth and funny dares passed until your turn came. “Hmm, so what dare shall I give you?” Shelly pondered not even giving you the chance to decide, yet you didn’t mind you could also notice that the game was getting boring because most were avoiding the dares. “....” your eyes meeting hers waiting. 
“Make one of the guys next to you blush.” “What?” your unfazed expression changed into one of disbelief “Make one of these two blush?” you pointed at Dom and Vinny. Shelly nodded. “I wouldn’t….” Dom was about to say but was quickly cut off by you. “You better not finish that sentence or I'll tell Yuna what you just said.” You gave him a stern look. You were very supportive of them both being in a relationship and Yuna was your friend so no way in hell you were doing things like that to Dom. 
On the other hand, Vinny who was sitting on the other side was single so you didn’t mind. “Now Vinny come closer.” You ordered the boy an ounce of emotion in your tone of voice. He raised an eyebrow. As no one else talked. “Ughh..fine I’ll do it properly but don’t blame me if you fall for me after this,” you told him getting closer, your eyes changing as they stared at him seductively. As you got slightly closer one of your hands touched his which was on the floor. You lowered your eyes signaling for him to look as your fingers slowly started sliding up his arm reaching his shoulders, they didn’t stop there as they moved on his collarbone and then neck. 
Your eyes moved up meeting his gaze. The room was silent as you seductively smiled, grabbing his shoulder while pulling him closer. Your faces were inches apart and Vinny already seemed like he was caving in, but your goal was to make him blush. You moved your head, lips reaching his ear, you stopped, lips barely reaching his ear as your warm breath caressed his skin. “You’re very cute, do you know that?” you told him your voice barely above a whisper.
As you pulled away you saw as his ears had become red together with his face. He was not blushing; he had turned into a whole tomato. 
“This is annoying.” He got up leaving the room as fast as he could, making everybody in the room burst out laughing at his expression.
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Clashing Angelic’s
Summary: How would Lute react to crushing/falling in love with someone in Hell?
Bingo: @eclipsingbingo Square: First Meeting
A/N: It’s been so long since I posted something properly and I know I said it would be Alastor but don’t worry I have two Alastor fic/headcannon stories in the works so I’ll hopefully be able to post those soon. I also have a longer overlord Huskerdust au fic in the works so a lot of my writing attention is going to that. I wrote this in the middle of class so if there are any mistakes I'll be able to fix them later.
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The way the two of you meet would be during an Extermination.
Lute would be searching for any Sinners that hadn’t taken the opportunity to hide while they still could or were new to Hell and hadn’t been informed what an Extermination was.
Then her eyes would land on you.
At first, she would think you were one of her own Angels who for some reason wasn’t in uniform before coming to her senses as she took in the telltale signs of a Sinner.
For a few seconds, she would hesitate, spotting you throwing her off kilter. In those few seconds, you would become aware of her presence, stopping whatever you were doing to stare her down for a few seconds.
What caught Lute’s attention the most and what hooked her in was how not a spec of fear could be seen on your face; your eyes instead blazing as you waited, almost daring her to try and kill you.
Of course Lute immediately took you up on that challenge.
Her wings spread out as far as they could reach, showing off their span before launching forward, her spear aimed and pointed at you as she got impossibly closer.
Though her Angelic blade never met your skin—much to Lute’s surprise—as you threw up what seemed to be an Angelic weapon of your own.
Lute couldn’t recognise it for the life of her. Looking back on it, she would blame it on the heat of the moment, never being met with a Sinner who had somehow gotten their hands on an Angelic weapon or who was that pretty. It didn’t help though that when buying it off an Overlord they had done their own tinkering to it.
The shock didn’t last long though. As soon as you started pushing on your weapon, trying to dig it closer to Lute, her senses came back to her and the current situation the two of you were in caught up to her.
No matter how pretty you were, she pushed all thoughts aside and focused on trying to dig her spear as far into your chest as she could, hoping to rid of you as quickly as possible so she could move on to the next sinner that needed retribution.
You didn’t make it that easy though.
With every thrust of Lute’s Angelic spear, you would block it with the blade of your own, never allowing her more than a few small cuts, deep red blood trickling out of them. But for every cut that littered your body, you made sure to return the favour with a sharper, more drawn-out one, golden blood making an appearance and beginning to stain the uniform she was made to wear.
The dance of Angelic weapons that the two of you seemed to walk was never-ending, a continuous walts of red slashes and gilded strikes. 
Neither of you would back down; Lute because she was an Angel and it was her duty to slay the Sinners that crossed her path on Extermination Day; You because it was your life she was after and to turn away could lead to a fate out of your control. Also, your street cred would be reduced to nothing if you ran away from an Angel, the lieutenant at that.
By the end of it, you were both covered in a mix of your own and each other’s blood. Red staining clothes while gold brightened the dim night as the day came to an end. 
It was only when a loud, almost roar-like screech filled the air, alerting everyone of what had just happened.
Extermination Day had come to an end, and you had survived even while fighting an Angel. 
No matter that the countdown had finished and a full year awaited until the Angel in front of you was technically allowed to kill you, you still kept your guard up. After spending years in Hell, nothing surprised you anymore, so if the Angel was to breach the agreement made by Heaven, you wouldn’t be surprised.
Lute only spared you with a look however, her spear still held up as she too knew not to turn her back on a Sinner, not when it was on their turf. 
Spreading her wings wide once again, with a powerful flutter she took off from the ground, racing up to the sky where hoards of other Angels were gathering. Lute made sure not to look back, not wanting to waste another second on you when you had effectively wasted a few hours of her Extermination, bringing her number of killed Sinners down. 
You didn’t bother to hide your staring, keeping your eyes glued to her until she grew too far away that she was nothing but a spec in the sky. 
Like any other Extermination, after all the Angels had vanished, you carried on with your day, having things to do and places to be.
Lute however couldn’t get you out of her head for many days–months–to come. Like a plague, you consumed her entire being, never leaving her alone for more than a few seconds. 
Not once did she bring you up to anyone, not wanting anyone to try and piece together the information that was keeping her so distracted. Only once was it almost weaselled out of her, Adam being too nosy as to why she wasn’t able to beat her prior year's record of Sinners killed. She was able to get herself out of that pickle. So to make sure it didn’t happen again, she kept her lips sealed as to anything including fighting a Sinner on Extermination Day.
She couldn’t help but look forward to the next one though, training just as hard to make sure she was up to par when the time came. Lute kept telling herself that if she reached a certain amount of kills in the first few hours of it, she would be able to create a small pocket of time saved just for you. 
Maybe this time Lute would even learn your name.
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fae-morrigan · 4 days
Someone put a post (where they admit they straight up dont know these characters lol, and also spell damian as 'damien' so like. yknow.) in the tags saying that if you're a fan of Jon & Jay, you shouldn't buy super son. Well, as the crowned CEO of Jay & Jon, I'm here to tell you guys that you absolutely should.
Super Son did the amazing thing of hitting several marks that I predicted while still managing to surprise me in how they hit them. Which is high praise for any story: A great narrative should be able to both meet reasonable audience expectations (i.e, staying in character, setup payoff) WHILE STILL throwing in curveballs that tell you something new.
There's a lot I want to analyze and get into, namely how I think the rooftop conversation between Jon & Nia is really brilliantly done in what it says about both characters, but mainly I've been thinking a lot about how great those last few pages were and how I think Sina absolutely nails how Jon & Jay's specific issues interact with each other.
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Jay's always been a blunt person. From their first meeting back in SOKE 2, hes said what he thinks, and rarely does he try and soften himself. More than that, his bluntness is often a shield from vulnerability, which Jay struggles with the whole scene. It makes total sense, after what hes experienced (re-traumatization at the hands of a friend) that he's displaying that trait again.
Jon, however, is immediately vulnerable. This is the most poignant confession of the issue: Not even in the amazing sequence of Nia helping him make a place in the darkness (look, its back, thanks isabel!) do we get this admission of fear.
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And Jay, like always, embraces him. Sidenote, LOVE how they got in the thing Jon does where he's constantly tucking his face in people's shoulders during hugs.
But the moment ends, and we get here. First of all, cold af. I could feel the aura before I turned the page.
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Second of all: Jay is totally valid in feeling this way. And it makes perfect sense that he would.
Sara was his everything. Getting her back was one of his main motivations in SOKE. Because of Nia's actions, she died horribly (do you know what happens to a person when they fall from that sort of height? I do. Its AWFUL.) for an unjust cause. Of course he's glad she can't hurt anyone else!
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And that's when we get to my FAVORITE PART! Oh how I love this bit. Because like. You understand why Jon's angry- Its a harsh thing for Jay to say! Nia was the one who kept him sane while he was trapped in his own mind! But Jay, like always, is RIGHT: Jon DOESN'T get it. How could he?
Jon Kent will NEVER, ever, be put in this position. Out of universe, his parents are Clark Kent and Lois Lane. They'll ALWAYS come back. Hell, the fact they'll always come back is something Ma LITERALLY says to Jon in SOKE. He will never, ever have to know this pain.
In universe, Jon's a white american. Despite being queer, despite being an alien, he'll never know what its like to be this kind of collateral, delegated as pawns in a greater war for 'freedom'. That is what killed Sara at the end of the day: imperialism.
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This next bit hurts my heart. Great job, guys!
For one: Jon claims he's not excusing the mistakes Nia made, but by downplaying it like this... yes he is. But did you catch that part? Right at the start of that bubble?
"I'm going to fight every day to make up for my own part in this."
That's where it clicked for me. Something I had been hoping for since Nicole first called them twin flames.
He's projecting.
Of COURSE he's defending Nia. Of COURSE he wants Jay to forgive her. It isn't just about the fact that she gave him support, it isn't just the dreams, its the fact that... well. If Jay can't forgive her... how could he EVER forgive HIM?
THIS is where the fact that Jon and Nia are so similar as character SINGS. They become mirrors to each other, evaluating their own self worth through the other, at the unintentional expense of the people they've hurt.
Jay's right, though. Again. Its almost like he's the embodiment of the truth or something. He doesn't HAVE to do anything.
When he starts crying though, I immediately was RUINED. This is the first time we have EVER seen him cry before during his entire existence of a character. And its not really even because his mom is dead (though yes, that) and its not even because of the argument. Its because Jay fundamentally wants to be understood, and he's not getting that.
Which is important for the next bit:
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I want to first backtrack a bit to Son of Kal El again, specifically, issue fourteen, right here.
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Hello, two-panel sequence that succinctly describes these two as characters. How convenient you are for me, a guy analyzing a work that isn't written prose.
Jon isn't good at letting go, for better or for worse. The things he cares about stay with him, and when something or someone tries to exit his life, he clings to them with all his might.
Jay however, both selflessly and selfishly, is willing to let go first if he thinks its better for the other person. To me this line so effortlessly summarizes who Jay is- he's a person who's accustomed to not having things, and will leave before it hurts and he gets too attached.
And that thought is ALL over this scene. Jay, who begins to let go, Jon, who both literally and physically CLINGS to jay, practically begging him to stay.
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(Sidenote. This is like, the third time Jay mentions breaking up when Jon starts acting up. Good for you king, keep that white boy on his toes, let him know he ain't all that.)
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Every little detail of this four panel sequence is killing me. "My worst nightmare is not having a home with you in it." His greatest desire. The thing that kept tipping him off in every fake reality Nia constructed for him- Jay's absence. Him wiping the tear of Jay's cheek. Jay walking away from him.
But what really gets me is how on this page, Jon talks about them as 'we', while Jay is firmly stuck in 'I.'
This is what made me LOSE MY MARBLES at three in the morning. Just utterly fucking off my rocker in a straightjacket talking to myself.
Because this is what JON wants. But is it what JAY wants?
Jon never asks.
What about what Jay fears? What about the life that HE wants? What if he doesn't want San Francisco? What if the life he wants is the life he HAD before everything went wrong? Jon outright says he wants a fresh start. But Jay, Jay's someone with such deep connections to what he just lost, what he likely WANTS to get back. His country. His mother. His sense of self. But. He says yes.
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(Sidenote. FIRST I LOVE YOU WOOOOOOOOOO) To quote my buddy Dami: Oh, the drama of needing a future with someone who can't get over the past.
It is left unclear, by the end, whether or not Jay is saying yes to this because he genuinely wants to, or if he's only saying yes because he doesn't want to lose Jon, too. Jon doesn't stop to question whether or not Jay's only reaching after him because Jon's walking away. We, the audience, are left to ponder that for ourselves.
How much of Jay saying yes is him just accepting that this is the best he's going to get? That he's never going to be understood because nobody wants to understand?
He's an afterthought to Nia, an obstacle at best, and to Jon he's a particularly handsome prop in this little fantasy he has of running away and starting new. He's either not thought of at all, or when he is thought about, it's in the context of how he can emotionally fulfill the other person And you get why Jon did this. He's desperate, he's hurting, he just got tangible evidence that the time he has with the people he loves isn't ever guaranteed. He's been needing space from Clark and Lois for MONTHS because god knows they haven't been fulfilling his emotional needs. In a very real sense, Jay is who he has.
But wanting someone to stay with you so much that you'll... Not even ignore, but just not ever consider what they may want. The intentional isolation, moving halfway across the country away from all support systems. The need to cling to someone.
It reminds me of... something. Someone.
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Don't tell Jon I made this comparison. He'll kill himself. Jon and Ultraman ARE similar. They're both such deeply lonely people who cling very tightly and even though it manifests in different ways and even though they have different core thoughts about it. The effect at the end of the day is the same, isn't it?
Is loving Jay not a brutal act of destruction?
There's so many more details about this story I love. Jon & Nia's conversation being vague enough that you have no idea how Jon meant what he told her but you KNOW how NIA took it (girl you can do better hes literally ugly!). Jon breaking a pillar by bonking his head against it (LMFAO). The pretty lies vs ugly truth dichotomy of Jay vs Nia here.
But this one scene, man. This one fucking scene takes the cake. STELLAR work all around. Every panel counts.
This better lead into a full Superman & Gossamer run or SOMETHING or I'm going to have WORDS with DC's editorial staff.
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