#there is so much more where that can from but I'm curious to see how people will react
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wuntrum · 13 hours ago
can you speak on your severance s2 opinions? i promise this isnt in bad faith or anything, im just anon bc im shy lol, im genuinely curious
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i'm gonna put this under a read more because it's gonna be long but...yeah [scratches head] if YOU the person reading this looooved this season and see nothing you didn't like about it, thats awesome and i'm happy for you. i also liked things in this season, and also its normal to be able to critique things you like, love and light <3 its literally just television
generally, yeah, i found myself disappointed with it. i think the writing this season, both the dialogue and then the actual character/world writing, fell flat and/or seemed like it was completely incongruous with the characters and world that we had seen in season 1. i think something i really appreciated about season 1 is that yes, mark was our main character and the lens we got introduced to both the inside and outside world, but both felt so much BIGGER than just him.
season 2, the entire plot and world and characters bend and contort to make mark like, the center of the universe lol. it's kind of ridiculous, the extent to which the world revolves around him now. it makes the world feel SOOO small. parts of my favorite worldbuilding aspects are seeing how the outside world feels about severance--i think the part where we see how working as a severed employee makes it almost impossible to work anywhere else is great! and in concept i like seeing other towns that have been devastated by lumon's industrialization, though i don't love the execution that we got. so like...everything lumon does is about mark? ALL of it? i know we don't know exactly how long lumon has been operating but like...they've been working on this stuff for longer than two years, lol. like, how many files have dylan completed? irving? petey? that girlie who wrote the lexington letter? is all of their work literally meaningless? like i get that there were people before gemma who failed the tests and they died, sure, but what about when mark started working there? what about the files that irving started and didn't finish, why don't they care about those? ohhhh right, because that's not the one that mark's working on. i get that it'd be a big deal if they got it to work fully once, but surely they'd want to make it work AGAIN, right??? like a science experiment?? i just wish we got like, A nod to other people on the testing floor, because i think the implication is that all of them are working on files connected to…different people, but maybe they're all just different versions of gemma?
honestly all of the innie stuff this season just felt so…idk, aimless? it feels like parts of the building only exist when the writers want them to, and just generally are not interested in exploring anything outside of the romantic aspects for all of these characters. like sure, after the season 1 finale, their asses are not gonna wanna work (EXCEPT FOR WHEN THEY DO? TO MOVE THE PLOT ALONG?), but where's the camaraderie? what about all those other people in O&D, they literally export things to the testing floor, maybe they know about gemma? fundamentally i think the thing that's the most frustrating about innie mark is that they keep telling us that he doesn't care about gemma. which, sure, outie gemma, he doesn't have that same connection with as helly, whatever. but also, he DOES care about her, he literally knows that that's ms casey and that lumon was just going to do what they always do when they fire people????? like s1 mark cared soooo much about his coworkers, ALL OF THEM, even the ones that weren't there anymore—seeing petey and then ms casey get removed was like, a HUGE deal and vital to his growth as a character!!!! and the way that they constructed this whole season basically to remove everyone that isn't mark and helly by the end. lol. i'm honestly shocked that they didn't make a new version of the desk that was just two chairs, like dylan was just excluded from the finale except for when they needed him to come in and hold the door against mr. milchick. again. lol
i don't inherently have a problem with exploring the romantic stuff, i think that could have been done well, but i just don't think it was. and that's primarily because, i think the writing this season for helly was ass! they took away her agency and subjugated her to be just the love interest for mark! especially with the finale, i just feel like the helly i know would've been like mark, what are you doing??? go?!? like she wants to take down lumon, THAT's what will take down lumon! like whatever, mark made the choice that he did, but helly playing along with it makes no fucking senseee. like they want us to think that it's the same ol helly we know and love, they give us crumbs of her anger, like when she's rallying the marching band people or whatever, but again, only when it's plot convenient. WHY WOULD SHE NOT ATTACK JAME? he's like 90???? and helly doesn't like this man???? she has nothing to lose???? fucking THROW something at him helly!!!! the helly that tried to chop her fingers off and hang herself and gave that speech in the s1 finale is not in the room with us. and i don't mean this in a way where i think it's helena again, it's not. they've just completely fumbled her character because they want mark and helly to be together at all costs. and honestly, i think it's so reductive to make this show just about ships, but textually it feels like that's what they want us to do, and i think that's sad. again, it makes the show feel so SMALL, when the world within it used to feel so BIG and like we would want to learn more about it. i care about mark and helly--before they kissed!! i think it was rewarding to see the ways they challenged each other and grew as people!! them as a romantic thing could work but they haven't put in the work to MAKE it work. and, it feels like of redundant even to say, but i do think it's fucking ridiculous to write a story where we get kissing and fucking for allllll the straight characters and then the one gay couple doesn't even get a kiss before separating them completely and writing irving out of the show, basically. like what are we in, hayes code era television?
but yeah, the information they chose to reveal vs what they didn't was also frustrating. i honestly wish they revealed less! there's so much TELLING this season. it feels like they think we're stupid (which, i can't speak for the entire population watching the show, maybe some people literally do need mark to look at the camera and explain everything, idk). like there's sooo much clever storytelling in the first season that just, completely gets snuffed out from overexplaining. i understand in the finale that oMark needs to tell iMark about why he did all of this but like, WE as the audience already know??? we don't need to see this?? and cobel confirming stuff i feel like we already knew about how the numbers work and like, i just don't knowwww. like you can just show me it, i was picking up on it. like we know about the four tempers, you show it to us all the time, cobel having to look dead in the camera and explain it just made me feel like there was a better way we could've done this. i do think some stuff benefits from a "hard" confirmation. like i'm glad they confirmed the helena thing, BECAUSE it backs up and supports all of the lovely and subtle things they had already shown to prove that it WAS helena! like i've known since the first episode LOL, so they do KNOW how to do subtle storytelling. and i think the gemma episode was great, i loved seeing her as a character and thought it gave her so much depth. but again, i think allll of the explaining they do this season not only snuffs out the fun of speculating on the viewing end, but from a writing perspective it just kind of writes them into a corner. i think they're focused too much on making these elaborate set pieces and events take place without thinking of how they fit together, not only on like a writing/episodic level but just the world of lumon at large.
i think a great way they showed story in the first season is through the paintings, and through irving and burt bonding over the paintings! like it not only establishes the lore of kier and then we get to learn more about them as characters through their reactions to the paintings. the paintings this season, honestly, were weak, they were so heavy handed. love and light to whoever painted them, but they were nottt doing the job for me.
(this is a small thing, but like…the intake questionnaire asks them to "name a US state or territory," so they KNOW that delaware is a state. so why would they think the equator is a building? again its just like. a cutesy moment for mark and helly to banter but they could've done it in a way that isn't contradictory to like, our understanding of what information crosses over the sever and what does not).
i keep thinking about the ORTBO, and it just seems fucking CRAZY to me that they aren't freaking out about SEEING THE SKY? BREATHING FRESH AIR? FEELING FIRE? SLEEPING?? WASN'T THE WHOLE THING THAT THEY COULDN'T FALL ASLEEP???? i guess my impression of how the chip works is that the technology doesn't know how to handle when they enter a subconscious/asleeep state, so the innie and outie memories begin to bleed together, hence why dozing would be a bad thing on the job. but again, they clearly had this idea of how they wanted irving to reveal that it's helena in the waterfall, and yes, i did enjoy the spectacle of the episode, but its another example of how they'll build these moments and only focus on what they want to see. like there's so much interesting stuff that they could explore and just choose not to, because (usually) it doesn't involve mark, or mark and helly.
also, i'm just gonna say it, i feel like the writing for the women this season all was kinda bad! it's, again, a byproduct of the world revolving around mark now. reghabi is brought into the story when mark needs her, and cast aside when he doesn't want her anymore. devon has been completely reduced to mark's lackey, like i guess ricken and the baby are fucking fine or whatever??? because she only exists when mark is around, and her only job is caring about mark (which obviously yes, they're siblings, of course they care—but s1 devon had a life outside of mark as well). cobel is only brought back into the story to explain to mark how cold harbor works. i said this before but honestly i like the concept of her little solo episode, though the execution wasn't great, because at least she was doing something on her own (except for when she needs that guy to help her. heaven forbid a woman does something of her own accord without a man to help). and again, helly is completely flanderized to be mark's love interest. i think there's a way to have mark and helly be together and them be their own people, but for the length of the season they did not have the proper time to unpack all the shit from the ORTBO episode so everyone just…conveniently gets over it very quickly, like in the span of a day. like i do think it's a jump to go from "i don't trust you, are you even you?" to missionary under plastic tarps that quickly, i'm sorry. and i think even gemma suffers from this fate as well. i think with hers it makes more sense, like she fucking loves her husband, but i wish she was given opportunities to like…want things for herself, too. like she hasn't been outside in two years! i bet she misses her job, her students, her family, devon, ricken, like anyone outside of mark? but she has to be the tragic love interest that can't be with mark but can't run away from mark, either. she's reduced to set dressing for mark and helly by the end.
they constructed this season i think, with the hopes and knowledge that they'll likely get a season 3. which yes, we know now that it's been confirmed and approved or whatever, but they didn't know that when making season 2, and it feels like no one got a full character arc. it's all start and no follow through. we've had the same "mr. milchick experiences racism in the workplace" moment like what, five, six times, and yet we haven't even started to see him DO something about it yet? like sure he told mr. drummond to eat shit, but then to play along with the minstrel show cold harbor shit, they just didn't care about giving that plot line any action so it'll just get brushed along to season 3. (and while there's intentional commentary about race in the show, it also feels like there's unintentional consequences to their writing choices that upholds the whiteness. like, natalie is just forgotten about, reghabi is dropped as soon as mark doesn't want to play with her anymore, ms. huang barely gets to do anything before being written off and sent away, and yes, i do think having gemma suffer as mark and helly skip away is part of it. it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, sorry!). i think dylan is maybe the closest we get to an interesting arc, and i enjoy the inclusion of his wife, but even he's reduced to JUST this story, only getting to talk to mark or helly when the writers need him to, i guess. and the stuff with burt and fields is so nothing, like it feels like it should be going somewhere but they're just leaving it open for season 3 (i guess??? even though it seems like irving isn't going to be in it at all, so why would we be following burt and fields??? and also don't even get me started on how the outie irving stuff is just NOT EXPLORED AT ALL. like whatever sure who the hell cares, sorry for wanting to see that go somewhere or whatever).
it's too early for full reintegration to happen so, we'll just finish that in season 3. (then why introduce it so early in season 2? ohhh right, we need cliffhangers to end every episode on). it almost feels like they don't have faith that people will keep watching without introducing these dramatic moments, but it's all just gasps of breath, there's no actual momentum. like, i've already watched the first season, you don't need to bait me with the prospect of seeing meaningful progression and then take it away from me when the next episode starts. the structure of how episodes speak to each other is that they…don't? like obviously i don't need every episode to pick up on the exact moment the last left off, but the timeline of this season is just soooo strange. the first two episodes are in the same span of time, and then there's gemma and cobel's episodes back to back…it genuinely just feels like they didn't consider the season as a whole which, considering how much money and time it took to make it happen, makes no sense.
and to continue on the timeline aspect, it feels so confusing as to how much time has really passed. it feels like the wanted the structure of the first season, but the pacing mechanic of the first season (working up to the end of the quarter to get to the waffle party) makes the pacing of the second feel even worse. like a.) mark's completed like 3 files a quarter (if we assume he's worked there for 8 quarters, i.e. two years), so making THIS file the super special final one truncates the possible time by at least a third.but then also, b.) he's been at like 95% complete since like, episode 5..? again, i just think it should've been considered more during the planning stages. and it kind of boggles my mind that the creative team views the marching band in this finale to be analogous to the waffle party in s1 when, it's way closer to the music dance experience? (they said this in the like behind the scenes for the finale ep). and in that regard, it really does kind of feel like a retread that doesn't work as well because, again, it's all about mark! especially after the shit with the kier statue, why would mr. milchick play along with the song and dance, like it just feels like they wanted to use tramell tillman's dance experience again, and they wanted to use the colored lights again. he could've just stood by the door to make sure mark and helly stayed there, which was obviously the goal of having all those people there. and yeah, i get the work is mysterious and important or whatever, but the implication that they have ALL OF THESE PEOPLE whos sole job is to be a marching band makes no fucking sense, i'm sorry. i find it hard to play along with the worldbuilding, again it makes lumon seem like its run by like dr. doofenshmirtz or something, it's so cartoony. like are they a global and successful company, or are they incompetent and leave gaping holes for their employees to undo everything? this is THE MOST IMPORTANT DAY IN LUMON HISTORY and they couldn't…shut the door to MDR like they had before? the goat sacrifice room is directly outside the exports hall door? the music dance experience works so well as a catharsis moment because everyone has their own shit going on, and we get to see the guy who hasn't really disobeyed yet (dylan) finally snap, and we see the others come and support him as a TEAM. it's just spectacle for us, the viewer. and especially the thing where they make the panels with mark's face on it—HE CAN'T SEE IT???? i don't need fan service winking moments like that, i dunno, that just annoyed me lol.
anyway, i feel like i have more to say probably but i gotta go do things so, i'm gonna leave it here. in conclusion, i'm missing my friends from s1 MDR sooo so bad, i feel like i haven't seen them this season at all. i did like parts of this season, but overall it was not what i was hoping it would be. (i don't even really KNOW what i wanted it to be, and of course it doesn't matter what i "want," but i feel like what i "want" lined up with what they wanted to do explore with season 1 so…maybe that's where the dissonance is coming from). and whereas at the end of s1, where i left it being like "where are they going to go from here?? (as in, theres so many possibilities", this season finale has left me asking "…where are we gonna go from here?" because i'm left like, inherently incurious about the people we have left and the choices they've made. and, i feel like THEY (as in the executive team making it) must feel this way too, because apparently they've completely scrapped the writers room from this season and added on two new showrunners. good luck to whoever that executive story editor is LOL
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revelboo · 1 day ago
Hey I hope you are doing well and just wanted to say you are one of the reasons that I'm still madly obsessed with Transformers and to be honest I don't read much of they comics but I do love watching their shows, ( it's more merciful to my wallet because most of their show are free to watch then buying every comic and it is hard to find a comic shop where I'm from) but can I ask for an intimate Megatronus of Transformers One story, I'm curious how he would handle the reader, and his reaction be of their face and body, because it's the first time in his life he ever sees something like the reader.
Sure! 18+ Mass displaced mech 🌶️
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Scenario-First Time
Megatronus Prime x Reader
• Servos brushing your collarbone when he touches the edge of your loose covering, there’s not much to it. Just this thin bit of cloth and a sash around your middle keeping it closed. Wishes you’d look up at him as the tip of a servo slides along skin brushing cloth, but your head is down, face flushed. Shy now? Servos skimming down your body, he plays with the end of the sash. One little tug and it will come loose and he’ll see what you keep hidden from him. Wants to do bad his aching with it. His sweet little, shy mate. “I won’t take anything you’re unwilling to offer,” he says and your lips part. Needs you to look at him, to meet his optics. To know you still want this. Want him. Doesn’t want you to feel obligated, that you have to do this, to give yourself to him.
• Heart racing, you laying your hand on his. Even mass displaced, he’s so big. Intimidating, but you’re not scared of him. Know him after being trapped here with him so long, he’s your protector, your friend. And you want him, want to have this moment. Blowing out a breath, your fingers brush his servos, picking apart the loose knot on your sash. “It’s not that,” you reassure him, self conscious and trying to understand why he wants you. You’ve come to love him, but compared to them, you must be unsettling, right? Soft and alien instead of what he’s used to and maybe you’re just a curiosity to him. Maybe he’s only interested because you’re a new experience not because he actually wants you. You’re just scratching an itch to explore a new kink. And it’s okay if that’s all this is, if he can’t love you. Keep repeating the lie to yourself.
• Loose robe gaping open to reveal a tantalizing stretch of skin, he reaches to tip your chin up with a servo. “Then what is it?” Those eyes finally lift to his optics, uncertain and so achingly vulnerable. Do you have any idea how precious you are to him? How much he loves you? Venting with a smile behind his mask, he eases down to kneel at your feet, putting himself closer to your level. Reaching to cup your face in his hands and you offer him a hesitant smile. “Talk to me, little one.” Going still when you reach to touch his mask, fingers brushing the edges, but not trying to remove it. And no one unmasks him, not even the other Primes. But as your eyes dip, unable to meet his optics, he reaches up to lay his hands on the back of your much smaller ones, removing his mask for you.
• He’s handsome under the mask, his face scarred from an old injury that twists his features into a harshness that doesn’t reach those kind optics and you’re reaching before you can stop yourself. Fingers stopping just shy of touching him. And he closes the distance, laying his cheek against your palm and his big hand covering yours to keep it there. Watching you touch him and your thumb slides against his bottom lip, flirting with the edge of that scarring. “What happened?”
• Even before the injury, he never was lovely, not like Prima, he’d done his duty but wasn’t adored the way Prima was. Wasn’t loved. “Another time.” Shielded his siblings and taken the brunt of an attack to spare them, but he doesn’t want to share war stories with you, doesn’t want you to worry over him and he knows you will. Turning his head to brush his mouth against your palm to distract you, he lays his other hand on you, servos brushing your collar bone and warm skin. And he feels your breathing hitch. Eyes shying away again as you shift slightly and that soft cloth slides off your shoulders to fall to the floor. No more secrets. Takes it as permission, servos brushing over you, tracing curves and hollows. Lingering when you make soft noises. Spreading his thighs wider apart, he tugs you against his frame, lips brushing your throat, sliding to your shoulder, as every intake fills him with the scent of you. The taste of your skin on his glossa when his mouth opens against you.
• Big hands stroking over you, touching so gently like you’re made of glass. But then he could break you so easily without meaning to, something you’re painfully aware of. Hands gripping his helm when his mouth slides over you and his own hands find your hips. Lifting you into his arms and you realize he’s freed his spike at some point, feel the length of him sliding against you. Feet unable to touch the ground, your toes curl as he keeps rocking the length of his spike between your thighs, teasing you both. “Megatronus,” you whimper and he growls at the sound of his name. Mouth back on your throat, kissing and sucking the skin there, denta grazing you. And your body is heating, coiling at just the feel of him sliding against your slick core again and again, at those big hands on you, aware that you’re going to come apart before he’s even inside you. Begging for him, clinging to him as he rumbles softly against you and whispers that you’re his.
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chickensoup1025 · 2 days ago
ddvauau - letter in the mail (mild nsfw mentions)
(with @bluebblurry)
Grian was texting Scar good morning while he walked down their driveway to check on the mail.
Scar was visiting his family for a week but they still texted back and forth like crazy.
He hit send on the message after adding an embarrassing amount of "<3"s when he saw there was a letter written to him. Not spam or coupons or taxes for once.
To Grian Solidarity at their shared address from Scar Goodtimes at his old family house.
Grian raised an eyebrow and quickly retreated inside to open it. He found a piece of paper along with a folded picture that he held off opening.
My Dearest Grian,
Off to a good start, he supposed, settling comfortably on the couch.
I am writing this letter to you because I miss you so so much! I know that's silly to say as we've been texting all this time and I literally just got off the phone with you (you know the call),
Grian felt his face heat up at the memory. It was only three days ago he had called Scar and they ended up having sex over FaceTime. Grian fell asleep on the call but it seems Scar instead wrote a letter.
I guess to say I "got off the call" is incorrect though as I can still see your absolutely adorable sleeping face as I write this. I love you and I miss you and I can't wait to see you next and be able to hold you while you sleep instead of just watch. Hm, normally in a letter I guess I'd have to start talking about what's happening in my life but you already know everything! I'll just have to tell you about my super handsome roommate then!
Grian rolled his eyes fondly and flipped the paper over to continue reading on the back.
He's the best person I know. We moved in together just two months ago now but I'm so happy we got a place together that we can call a home. He's my best friend and to tell you the truth: I'm in love with him!
Grian didn't know why he was blushing. His boyfriend was just way too cute.
I think he likes me, too, Grian. Isn't that exciting?! He's brilliant and beautiful and super sexy and very kind! I think you'd get on well. Anyway that's enough of that! I'm rambling in letter form which is pretty annoying to do cause my hand is starting to hurt.
Grian chuckled.
I'll wrap it up. I love you and I can't wait for the next time I come home for you to be by my side. I hope you like this letter! <33333 PS: I left you a picture too! xox
Grian's heart felt so full as he finished reading the love(?) letter. It was oddly thoughtful and absolutely adorable.
He carefully put it to the side and unfolded the picture, half expecting a dick pic as he knew Scar's humor.
Not that he would mind-
Instead, it was a photo of Scar (fully dressed) surrounded by his family. Grandparents, his mom, uncles, aunts, cousins. They all looked so happy. On the back of the picture in the corner Grian found the words, "I had them all say Hi Grian! instead of cheese".
It was silly, it was simple, it was cute, and Grian wished desperately to one day stand next to Scar in a photo like that with both their families together.
One day.
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xzinbdg · 5 hours ago
seven. moonstruck (written)
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۶ৎ synopsis: sim y/n, sim jake's sister, has known lee heeseung, her older brother's best friend, for ages. In her mind, he sees her like a little sister, but in reality, he has lost all his girlfriends because of his feelings for her, too bad he's afraid of her brother's reaction.
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To be honest, you were very excited for today. Yesterday, Heeseung told you to be ready for a date, and it’s not like it’s your first one with him, but something in you feels different about this one. You got the dress code, which is a dress, but since today is supposed to be kind of cold, you also decided to get some pants just in case it’s really cold; you could just change. Heeseung is picking you up in three hours, so you slowly started getting ready. You were kind of happy that Jake is at some sports camp, and you can just be with Heeseung as much as you want, but the fact that he doesn’t know about all of this is kind of eating at you. He is your older brother, and you always told him everything, but now you have this huge secret. “Ah, whatever, Heeseung will tell him soon,” you think to yourself as you finish your makeup. You kept it classic with some soft makeup and a long black dress. You were finishing getting ready when you heard a knock on the door.
“Coming!” you shouted, and went to open the door.
“Hi,” there he was, looking so handsome with pretty flowers just for you.
“Hi, handsome,” you smiled at him, and he smiled back. “Shall we, beautiful?”
The two of you headed to his car and began heading to your destination.
“So where are we going?” you asked, curious.
“You’ll see when we get there,” he smirked at you. “What’s this, though?” he asked, pointing at the bigger bag that you brought.
“Oh, this? It said that it’s going to be kind of cold later, so I brought some pants just in case I’m cold.” He nodded, “Good job, smart girl.” You felt kind of dizzy after his words.
After about thirty minutes, you arrived at a pretty building. It’s a fancy restaurant; you can’t say you’ve been to one before, but there’s a first for everything.
“Hello! Did you book a table?” the receptionist asked.
“Yes, it’s under the name ‘Lee Heeseung.’” Why is he so charming just talking? you thought to yourself.
“Ah, I see it. Please follow me to your table.”
The vibe inside the restaurant was much more comfortable than you would have imagined. It does look fancy, though, and almost everyone is dressed well. You and Heeseung sat down and looked through the menu, ordering something after some time. "So, how do you like it here?" he asked. "It's very nice; I like it!" you said happily.
"I'm glad," he smiled. And right at that moment, your food arrived.
You enjoyed a nice dinner, just chatting away, reminiscing about some things from the past and getting to know new things about each other. After the meal, Heeseung insisted on paying the bill since he was the one who took you out on this date, and after some initial resistance, you eventually agreed.
"Where to now?" you asked. "Hmm, how about we go stargazing?" He asked "I love that idea." You replied.
And so the two of you made your way to the nearest hill. You were actually glad that you brought those pants with you because it started to get very cold, and Heeseung also gave you his jacket. The view was amazing—pretty stars and the city in the distance. Heeseung lay down, and so did you, putting your head on his chest.
"You know," he started, "I think I’m moonstruck by you." You laughed a bit. "Isn't it starstruck?" He smirked. "Well, the moon is bigger and shines brighter than the stars." You felt your cheeks heating up at his words.
After some time in silence, you sat up, and he did too after noticing you. You could feel the tension between you two and felt like you had to do something about it.
"Can you kiss me?" you asked, surprising him and even yourself by doing so.
Heeseung didn’t say anything; instead, he slowly came closer to you. He cupped your face gently and leaned in for a kiss. The moment your lips touched, you felt electricity course through your body. The kiss was soft yet sensual, revealing exactly how he felt. After a while, you let go, both of you as red as tomatoes and just staring at each other. You burst into giggles, and he did too, both feeling happy.
"So, can I finally be your boyfriend?" Heeseung asked nervously. "I thought you’d never ask." You captured him in another kiss, confirming your relationship with him.
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previous ★ masterlist ★ next
written part: 750 words
۶ৎ pairing: brother's best friend!heeseung x reader
۶ৎ genre: smau, brother's bestfriend, forbidden love, angst, fluff, crack
۶ৎ emi's note: AHHH they are official!! but jake still doesnt know... on a side note I’ve been having so many problems with this chapter and taglist so if anything is wrong pls let me know and I will try to fix it 😞
۶ৎ taglist: @callikari @imanalien143 @kekaekeke @4lndr17 @ijustwannareadstuff20 @bejewelledgirl @jokkomizz @octoberoflove @swanwonyoung @mheretoreadff @s1rawb3rry @heeheelee @m1kkso @ayyonoona @augustloaf @lovenha7 @kukkurookkoo @honestlyatomicpanda @httpenhoon @noiiny @i03jae @celli-ohs @lilliansreality @jvngw0nlvr @starbyeol1512 @enhaz1 @lhseungg @sillyyuz @jiaant11 @wintereals @taehyuniesworld @fancypeacepersona @eyesonlybutterflies @yuyita-rosier @right-person-wrong-time @norihoyeon @simjaeyunies @rairaiblog @orimuraa @daniellesyellowhands @n-i4 @w2hoonki @ilovhoonie @jae-n0 @doveblackboat @ningningiloveumarryme @hyunjinslonglegs @jyikeu @reikaxslvr @teddywonss
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albondiguilla007 · 2 days ago
Pregnant Draco Fics
My guilty pleasure, ngl. Tell me what other ships/tropes you’d like to see.
✨ The Guest / 59k / In consequence of an accidental spell, Harry and Draco's five-year-old daughter is sent ten years into the past, where she meets her teenaged parents. Awkwardness ensues.
Draco’s inner monologue is hilarious, I had so much fun reading his pov. Plus, Molly is adorable.
✨ Essence / 87k / In his sixth year, Draco reaches for the only shard of sanity he can find, and puts his desperate faith into magic, the thing that has always set him apart as a pureblood wizard. The magic he unleashes though, is old, powerful, and maybe even more desperate than Draco himself, to leave an essence of life behind.
The little bump isn't what he needs to carry out his mission, but it might be the thing that saves him.
The pregnancy part is a bit confusing ngl, but later it really pays off. I enjoyed the domesticity of this fic immensely, even if Harry is a bit of an asshole at times. (He gets over it.)
✨ Can’t Fight the Moonlight / 16k / "How is it possible that neither of you thought to pay attention to the moon cycle?"
"It was cloudy," Harry said. "And we were drunk. We were very, very drunk."
"This just gets better," Hermione said.
"How could you have been so stupid?"
"In my defence," Harry said, "I had no idea that I should have been paying attention to the moon cycle. I'm not going to lie, I didn't even know men could get pregnant. It's been like, one long life lesson all round."
Or: the one where Harry accidentally gets Draco pregnant, both of them fail to talk about their feelings, and in the end, there's a baby.
✨ Expectant / 62k / After he accidentally gets Malfoy pregnant on a drunken fuck at a club, Harry doesn't anticipate that it'd be just as easy to fall in love with him.
✨ In Our Blood / 37k / Draco is an accomplished pure-blood curse breaker, and Harry is tasked with accompanying him on his latest job-cleaning up the Van Boer mansion, which has been under a devastating fertility curse for seven generations.
✨ What If When He Sees Me (I Like Him And He Knows It?) / 23k / In the post-war haze, Draco and Harry spent a drunken night together. Two months later, Draco learned that he was pregnant. Harry, though, doesn't remember their night together. And so, Draco decided to keep quiet.
He didn't expect to room with Harry at Hogwarts or to grow close to him, but fate had always had a cruel sense of humour when it came to them, hadn't it?
✨ The Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune / 19k / If Astoria refuses to carry their child, Draco will-which is how he finds himself alone, pregnant, and a patient of Healer Potter's.
✨ The Man Who Forgot / 250k / After ten years of marriage, Harry forgets. The more things change, the more Draco Malfoy is still up to something.
You’re gonna SOB with this fic, but it will be worth it, I promise.
✨ A Star Danced / 65k / Draco Malfoy has the world as his feet.
He's twenty-three, first pick Seeker for Puddlemere United, has brilliant friends and a life he adores.
The very last thing Draco wants is an unplanned pregnancy, especially one where the other father just so happens to be Harry Potter.
Life, however, has other plans for him.
✨ If Wishes Were Children / 14k / Harry Potter has tried to move on with his life after Draco Malfoy walked away from him months before with little or no explanation, but it's been hard. Then, on a joyous day at the Burrow, Narcissa
Malfoy makes an unexpected appearance...
✨ Remember When I Loved You / 112k / When Draco Malfoy returns to Hogwarts for eighth year pregnant, vile rumours start spreading like wildfire. The Daily Prophet is full of wild speculations and outrageous assertions. Professor McGonagall seems to know something, and Malfoy's firm refusal to reveal the other father simply adds more fuel to the flames.
Harry Potter is desperately curious about the identity of the father of Malfoy's child. He feels utterly dumbfounded when an ancient paternal bond activates in the Great Hall, proclaiming him as the father. And what's worse, Draco Malfoy looks just as shocked as he feels.
✨ No One Ever Told Me / 25k / Harry marries Draco to get him out of Azkaban.
Things get weird. And confusing. And then weird some more.
✨ Learn to Fly / 25k / January 2004: Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter are two of the finest Seekers in England, deadly rivals and secret lovers.
As far as Draco is concerned, that's how it'll stay forever. He is betrothed to beautiful heiress Astoria Greengrass, and they are due to have a big summer wedding.
Everything changes during a hotly fought Arrows versus Wimbourne game when Draco falls from his broom. To his huge shock, when Draco awakes in St Mungo's, he discovers he is pregnant.
What will Draco do, now everything in his tidily compartmentalised life has to change?
✨ Hexed! / 34k / Harry uses the wrong hex, and Draco suffers the consequences.
✨ Luckiest Baby In The World / / "You're staring," Malfoy says.
"I'm not." Harry is. He just - he can't see it.
"You can't see it yet, Potter." Malfoy sounds miffed.
"I'm not trying to," Harry lies, finally tearing his eyes away; he looks out the window in a desperate attempt to get a single thought into his head that isn't what the fuck.
"Look," Malfoy says. "It's not like I'm telling you that you have to be a part of its life. I only-"
"How do you know it's mine?" The question is out of his mouth before
Harry can think better of it, and he immediately regrets it because of the way Malfoy's face shutters, turns cold.
✨ Once and Never Again / 40k / One morning after with his sworn enemy should be enough to warn Draco that he's going down a dangerous path.
But does he learn? Of course not. Month after month, he finds himself returning to Potter's embrace. What is wrong with him?
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noxiatoxia · 13 hours ago
okay, i’ve been obsessing over your komaeda translations and i must know… given the unsure way he talks in the japanese (lots of filler words), does his dialogue change much after he learns the truth? late ch4, i mean. when he starts being condescending to everyone. i’m also very curious about his big speech about wanting to be called the ultimate hope
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Hello, anon! Thank you for the message and interesting question! And thank you for the patience!
So, there's three questions here if I'm understanding:
Does Komaeda's speech pattern (sounding softer and using filler words, or generally downplaying his words) change later into ch.4?
When Komaeda starts rambling about hope, does he speak more clearly and more confidently?
What is the nuance in Komaeda's "hope" speech on the laptop?
I will answer all 3 in this order.
(Also, for anybody confused.... here's my post talking about how Komaeda uses filler words, and here's my post talking about how Komaeda's speech was deliberately changed during the earlier beta to make him sound less confident in himself.)
So, question number one:
1. Does Komaeda talk more rudely, use less filler words, or talk more assuredly in ch.4?
Hmm...I don't think so. He still uses honorifics for everyone (-san for girls and -kun for boys), he still uses sa and ne to the same amount, and he does not seem to devote any sort of rude speech for the most part. It is only his words that change, and not the way he speaks them.
My memory is horrifically bad, so please keep that in mind...I asked my friend @kaiokentimesten for help, and was provided with a good number of lines he remembered from ch.4/5 of Komaeda saying rude things, and I looked them up in the Japanese version. All lines were said in his usual speech formations, so there was no change. Again, the words he spoke just happened to be ruder, but they were said in the same tone.
I will show an example.
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KOMAEDA: おっと、安易にハムスターを例に出すと、 脱落した彼に怒られちゃうかな? KOMAEDA: Oops. How clumsy of me to use hamsters as an example. Do you think that loser* would've gotten mad at me if he were still here?
*Komaeda does say "dropout" and it's used for people who have been eliminated in a game, or failed a test/exam/otherwise didn't "make the cut". I just think "loser" works better as a translation.
Nothing changes about Komaeda's speech here, he talks the same as he always does. He's just saying meaner words.
(I don't know where the translators got "weakling" from...that's nowhere in the text.)
The only exception I can think of is the beginning of Trial 4. Souda remarks they talk about the murder weapon, and Komaeda three times goes, "Ha?"
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It's a funny scene, but significant because, as far as I know, this is the only time Komaeda uses this word.
(I could be wrong, but I'm totally coming up empty right now...please correct me if I am!)
は ha, is very rude. It means "What?" or "Huh?" but is a very rude way to say it. People like Kuzuryuu and Oowada love using it, and Hinata uses it a fair amount, although even Hinata - who's whole design philosophy, as pointed out by the SDR2 artbook, is to be more masculine and ruder than Naegi was - uses え e more often.
え e, うん un, ん nn, あれ are, are more casual but non-rude ways to say "What?"
Komaeda always used one of those first four from what I can remember, or simply 何 nani, which is probably the most neutral way to say "What?"
So to see Komaeda use this is surprising.
This is different than ははは, はっ, or あはは which are normal laughing sounds.
Oh, before we move out of Chapter 4, here's a mistranslation I want to point out (or, less mistranslation, more very direct translation where the joke is lost in English).
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KOMAEDA: じゃあ、始めようか。シンキングターイム...ってヤツだね。
Komaeda isn't a stranger to randomly injecting English words into his speech - a quirk that I feel is used to show he's a bookworm/otherwise intelligent (that's just my thought) - and in those instances, instead of translating directly (because using English in English loses the nuance that using English in Japanese does) I would replace it with bigger, more obscure English words.
But this is actually not one of those times.
Another thing Komaeda is no stranger to is making random pop culture references. He does it more than you would think for a character like him.
While "Thinking Time" isn't a reference to any specific Japanese media per se, it's Japanese game show lingo.
For example, a tough question is given to the contestants, and they have 30 seconds to think of the answer before being forced to give one. These 30 seconds are called "Thinking Time".
I don't know the English equivalent. I know there's a countdown timer in stuff like Jeopardy and Minute to Win It, but I don't think they say anything. Sometimes it's "You have [x] seconds, good luck!" Or "and...start!" or suchlike.
I guess in that case, this line is better localized as:
KOMAEDA: Let's start! You have 30 seconds on the clock...good luck!
(I chose 30 seconds because that's how long the "Make your Selection" part lasts maximum).
2. When ranting about hope, does Komaeda speak more clearly, more confidently?
In scenes like post- Chapter 1 trial, where Komaeda monologues to the audience for a few minutes before being knocked out - where he is rambling on and on - his speech is noticeably smoother with less pauses or filler injections. I would also venture to say the way he speaks makes it sound like he is stating facts, that he is very confident in his assertions.
3. Komaeda's Hope Speech on the laptop
Firstly, I want to point somethings out...unrelated to the hope speech itself, but just fun to note.
The garbled, loud noise you hear sometimes where Komaeda is speaking is not gibberish (listen here, volume warning). For whatever reason, the English version did not have Bryce Papenbrook record lines for this, and still uses the Japanese version.
It doesn't reveal any new information, sadly. And I can't make out the second one...but it's highly likely in that line I linked that Komaeda is saying 希望は絶望なんかに負けないんだ or "Hope will never lose to despair."
When it comes to the scrambled text...I've never been much of a decoder, but I can point some stuff out.
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For one, I'm 99% sure the Japanese team probably provided the translators with the full, unscrambled text so they could better translate it.
That said, it's not impossible to figure this out.
まじむかつく is a term that means "extremely irritated" hence "seriously pissing me off".
The + is the same in both version, I assume it means "and".
The next part needs a little explaining. In Japanese, all consonants (for the most part) are followed by a vowel. on a Japanese keyboard, if you do not finish typing the character, only the consonant shows up.
for example, な is "na". but if you only type the n and don't follow with the a, you get n.
There's a lot of Japanese slang based off this. To type ん you have to type "n" twice. so, a slang form of konnichiwa (こんにちは) is shortened to こん, konn. But it got shortened even further to こn.
so, 超Yさしい requires a bit of guesswork, as there are several sounds that start with "y", like ゆ yu, よ yo, や ya. the さしい at the end tells us it's an adjective.
超 in this case means "very", like "very expensive" or "very awesome".
Likely, Yさしい is やさしい, which is either "kind" or "easy".
This makes 超Yさしい either "extremely kind/nice" or "extremely simply/easy".
Official translators wrote it as "hella nice", aka "very kind".
Beyond that I start to get bad at this xD I don't know where they get "I can't believe something odd like this is only $102".
The 2 may be に, as 2 in Japanese is pronounced に(ni), and に is a particle.
I think the EE Is to be read like いい (ii) in Japanese. And the g might be が (ga)?
こんなにいいもの would be "Such nice stuff" or "Really good stuff".
が at the end could be "But..." or "However..." but if the 102$ is connected somehow, then it may be an object particle.
Maybe it's "Really good stuff gotten easy for $102"
But that isn't fully true to the official English version, so maybe they were provided with more clear words to translate from. Like I said, I'm no good at codes.
The last part is easy though. うRし follows the same rule as before. うれし Ur(e)shi(i), which means "happy". I don't know what the "s" is, since it seems the sentence picks back up at いdsね, as うれしい is the full word. "d s" is probably d(e)s(u) with the ne particle at the end. うれしいですね, which means "I'm happy!"
And I'm guessing Orz is the emoticon.
Okay, sorry for rambling. When it comes to the actual speech, there is something interesting to note, albiet small.
The English version is correct in its translation, and the only thing I have to offer is the nuance behind how Komaeda makes his requests.
He says stuff like, "Respect me" "Praise me" "Build a bronze statue of me" and such. And he requests all of these by saying ~てくれ ~tekure.
I don't think Komaeda ever uses this outside of this speech. てくれ can be seen as rather rude. Though the formation looks like an imperative (very rude), it is not, since at it's core, てくれ means you are asking someone to do something for you, not ordering them. It is still the rudest way you can "request" something though.
It's not as severe as Komaeda yelling 黙れよ (damare yo) in 2.5, but it's close behind.
It does show he is being very callous and assertive in this scene, truly a 180 from him being casual but still respectful. This sort of demanding request tone coming from Komaeda is surprising, I feel.
Otherwise...there isn't really any nuance to add, I'm afraid. The speech is rather straight forward and the English version translates it well.
I hope this answers your questions!
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anselbun · 2 days ago
Hi there! I saw you made a post where you mentioned Dick's "very canon though not explicitly stated BPD"! I'm a very very big fan of characters with bpd and fictional diagnosing but I haven't read enough Dick runs and I don't have the bandwidth to diagnose several characters as one so could please elaborate on that pretty pretty please? I'm so curious 😭🙇🙇🙇🙇
oh yes of course!!! i love talking about comics and about dick especially!
first i have to say that im newer to reading comics as of the last few months, and have been working through things in a very strange order, so i am lacking a lot in terms of direct examples i can provide for my seeing him this way. overall, its simply something ive picked up about him through reading hundreds of comics from the 60's up to now.
one of the biggest, most clear examples of dicks emotional struggles would probably be some of the older teen titans stuff, specifically i think the "new teen titans" issues that took place around 1988, in the years after jasons death. of course, he was having a hard time at that point, but most of the comics feature him acting completely erratically, and struggling to understand why people are concerned about his actions and wellbeing.
for example- after struggles in dicks relationship with kory, he stalks her at one of her dates with another guy to try to apologize to her, and then appears at her apartment to beg her to come back to him and to marry him. when she says yes, he jumps to planning this wedding within only a few days, and when there's certain family members (such as bruce) he cannot reach to have attend the wedding, he cannot see this as anything other than them refusing to support him and his marriage. multiple people including kory herself worry that dick is making rash decisions because hes not doing well emotionally, but nobody knows how to help him. any sign of something not going "perfect" in his eyes becomes people not being supportive, to the point where he's even a little rude to lian when shes just being a kid, which ive never seen him do when hes in the right mental state.
another two examples that come soon after this are really similar, and are with donna and roy- both of them are concerned about him at separate points, and have noticed him making extremely rash choices and pushing himself much further than he usually does, in ways that arent like him. when donna tries to express her worry, he takes it as an insult, and turns it into a huge argument, because he feels that anybody being concerned about him means hes simply not good enough. when roy has to take over the titans due to dicks rash actions and disappearances, dick again takes this as a major insult, and believes this is roys way of saying the titans dont love him, never loved him, and that they dont want him there. he simply doesnt understand that they are concerned about him, and that his actions are having a negative affect on himself and the team, and that they arent rejecting him- they were simply trying to ask him to take a break.
theres other examples like this over the years- though most are a lot more "lowkey" as things get closer to present day. dick is still the kind of person to be smart and caring towards others, but time and time again we see him make rash decisions based on his feelings and worries without considering the consequences of those feelings. i think over time its either been an aspect of the writers not wanting to go too far, or not quite seeing this aspect of dick in the same way i do, but its clear to me in every comic i read that dick is in this constant state of flux with his feelings and worries, and that the slightest word of concern from those he cares about scares him. because them being worried for him means hes not doing enough to STOP them from worrying about them, which must mean he's not good enough. which must mean they dont care about him anymore if they'd even say that. his mind consistently goes down these spirals about him not being good enough, even if he doesnt outwardly say them as much anymore.
i still have to go through the batman 2016 run, but i know dick was considering adopting damian while batman was gone, and decided not to because he saw himself as "too untethered" at the time, which is a really specific way for him to refer to things. its a direct acknowledgement of his own emotional state and that he would not be in the right space to be a dad to damian.
sorry for the rant i love answering asks about my pookies
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blueishspace · 6 hours ago
Hero, Villain God 66
(Prev) (Next) (First)
*Grian's pov*
Pearl is frantically pacing in your hospital room, tensions are high.
"I don't know what to say anymore Grian. Mate. Mate. I'm just at a loss for words at this point. What were you thinking?"
Despite being apparently at a loss for words Pearl ended up taking almost an hour to tell you how much of an idiot you had been.
You do not appreciate the hypocrisy that much, she might me the goddess of wisdom but you know she is just as chaotic as you underneath it...
...thinking about it, the whole thing might have been much shorter had you not run away from her last time. She seems to have taken you breaking your deal pretty personally. In your defense, you really didn't want to talk to her back then.
The sky grumbles once she finally leaves, which means that of course Joel was listening in, you don't know what you expected. He's not even making an attempt to pretend that he's not laughing at you.
Well then, if he's going to be laughing at you like this he better prepare for your revenge, really did he not learn *anything* from Quackity? That or he thinks there is nothing you can do about it and, well, that is even more stupid. You are chaos, discord, entropy itse-
You don't get time to continue plotting because soon after Pearl's exit Scar enters the hospital room followed closely behind by a very tired looking Cub.
"Scar! I was starting to get worried"
"Oh yeah, Cub had a... well, it doesn't matter!"
You and him soon get into your regular banter, it ends up being a bit onesided thought... you are exhausted.
Every once in a while you glance to see what Cub is doing, he seems to be looking over the notes the nurses must have left from their tests you totally did not manipulate with Grumbot's help.
"Grian? Grian? Are you listening?"
"Oh? ... Oh yeah, sorry Scar... just distracted. Were you saying something?"
That's where the universe itself gifts you with a chance to get your revenge.
"So uh ... I'm afraid to ask but... Did you already know about Altostratus' secret identity?... Like, I know you said you already met Altostratus but... you also seemed to recognize Joel? And pretending to be surprised when he revealed it? And when you asked him it looked like you already know the answer"
Yes, that was a mistake you have made, you are a bit surprised he noticed your acting was off.
Still, it has come around to benefit you in the end so it doesn't matter...this is true chaos...and luck, definitely luck too, mostly luck even BUT you are the god of chaos and not luck and you are trying to make a point- You are getting distracted now.
"I... I did yes."
"How? I mean, only if you want to tell me of course...last time you weren't excited."
"I wasn't, I was dreading it you see."
Might have gone a bit too strong on the dramatic there.
"Really... but I have decided that as my fellow hero and as my friend you deserve to know."
"I'm- I'm glad!"
You have an idea, a very bad one, It's going to effect not only Joel but also you... And It's going to be embarassing for both of you. BUT it would be funny.
"I...you see, I lied about how we came to know eachother... I'm sorry"
Wow, you could be an actor...hmmm you wonder if you could use your Ariana Griande identity to go in that direction- wait, that's not a tought for now, you are getting distracted agajn.
Scar shakes his hands to try to dissuade your 'fears'.
"No no It's ok! You were taken by surprise it happens"
"The truth is..."
You make your best impression of an heartbroken man.
"The truth..."
Scar is vibrating in anticipation, Cub is trying his best not to appear curious and the now cloudy sky tells you Joel is worried. He should be.
"Joel is my ex...you can understand the akwardness now".
Scar's mouth widens slightly and Cub subtly goes back to his job like he wasn't just listening in a moment ago... and above your heads the sky thunders. Someone is mad tehehe.
Why would you say that? Why did you say that. Ew ew ew.
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snazzydwarf · 3 days ago
More Then Love, Less Then Romance
For as long as everyone has known him, Cale wasn't someone who thought about romance. Sure he may indulge in a book or two pertaining the subject, but other then that? Nothing. Nobel women may bat their lashes or men could puff out their chest, but all they got in return was an annoyed glance before he would turn back to the children. It was something they had come to accept about him, but they also couldn't help but grow curious and wonder about their own relationships with the man.
I'm so tired but I hope y'all like it! and yes the first chapter is a feels fest with the Soo's. Love them <3
You can read it there on Ao3 or bellow the cut! Hope you like it anyways! (it's short for now-)
Kim Rook Soo knew he was Aromantic.
Experiencing no romantic attraction was something he felt… not ashamed of, but it wasn't something he liked to talk about while he was in Korea.
He already knew what others thought of him, how he was someone with no emotions, someone that was cold and borderline cruel and loath he would admit it, he didn't want to prove them right, after all isn't love something that all people experience?
He remembers seeing it everywhere growing up. Movies, books and even holidays where focused on the love between two people. Being surrounded by stories of "love at first sight" and "waiting for the right one" always made a little Kim Rok Soo feel even less human as he did before.
The first time he ever got a phone — once he left the orphanage and saved up enough money — Kim Rook Soo couldn't help but search for answers.
"how to love people?"
"can someone learn love?"
"what does love feel like?"
"can you create love?"
Kim Rok Soo couldn't recall how long he was staring at the screen that night reading articles, blogs and even scientific journals, all in a attempt to find an answer to the question he always asked but received no answer too.
Until one day he stumbled upon a blog post.
"Aromanticism is real, and what it's about."
It was recently made, only a few days old and had very little attention, but to Kim Rook Soo it was a lighthouse in the stormy sea he was born in.
Aromantic…. yes that's what he was.
It felt right, if not a little daunting.
Like a ill gotten suit that was much too big for his body, Kim Rok Soo knew that with time he would grow into this new label for himself. For now he wrapped that coat around his bony shoulders and felt the rocking waves ease a little.
For awhile it was a comfort, even when he lost everything and his own mind to his memories, he never lost that part of himself.
Getting close to Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo wasn't apart of the plan; but like all misfortunes in his life they never left him alone.
Of course after knowing each other for so long and spending almost every waking moment being together after becoming Team 1, the questions started.
"Do you ever want to settle down Rook Soo?"
Of course he did, the farm and his slacker life remember?
"Hey, hey Rok Soo! That rookie from the other team was looking at you~"
Probably just staring at his scars Jung Soo, or maybe they where staring at your dumb expression.
"Is there any girl you like dongsaeng?"
Grandma Kim was always nice.
"That's not- okay what about guys? Any interest there Rok Soo-ya?"
Of course not. Only you two like me
After awhile the subject dropped.
He never figured out weather they thought he was that oblivious or they came to understand he simply never felt that way like others do. He hopes they did, they knew him better then anyone else did, maybe even better then he knew himself.
When he- when everyone lost them the grief was insurmountable.
The label he surrounded himself in comfort became a collar that tightened at every word that spilled from their lips.
He cried no tears, so therefore he didn't care.
His face was stone and so was his heart.
He was already a freak in their eyes, what would happen if they ever found out he couldn't feel something as human as love, the love they knew at least.
He knew love, they wouldn't believe him.
Love, was late nights in a broken building squashed between two bodies as they whispered to each other thinking he was asleep.
Love, was giving up the last piece of food because you knew that Choi Jung Soo had a rough day.
Love, was combing through Lee Soo Hyuk's long strip of hair he refused to cut for what ever reason.
Love, was feeling your world crumble around you but choosing to keep putting one foot in front of the other, all because you made a promise.
Love, was waking up in new world and all you can wonder was who would replace the flowers by two graves.
As Kim Rok Soo, no, as Cale lazied in his bed surrounded by pillows and three warm bodies pressed up against him, he couldn't help the feeling of contentment welling up inside him.
Bassen is the heir, so the pressure for him to marry and have kids was off his shoulders and he was confident enough in his family to not pressure him into choosing a wife anyways.
Cale strokes down Hong's back in thought, lips quirked up a in soft smile as two tiny paws begin to make biscuits on his tummy.
'I already have kids anyways' he thought while darkness envelopes him once more.
Two faces meet his in the darkness, but this time his heart was already full and the warmth didn't fade as they called out his name.
'Kim Rok Soo!'
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celtrist · 4 months ago
Why does Vassago already have merch, we haven't even met him yet
#Celtrist#cel rambles#I don't particularly care how abundant the merch is on shark robot#It literally feels like they'll take a scrap of anything and make it a pin#Like the Moxie Antartica pin Really sir and a bunch others where they're just a random frame from the show#I mean they're FUN frames at least but I swear I've seen some real random ones that don't even make sense to be a pin#AND I'M SORRY WHY DO THEY HAVE SO MUCH MERCH OF CHARACTERS THAT I CAN'T IMAGINE BEING THOUGHT TWICE ABOUT#Sallie Mae fine I can see why people like her and want merch#Chaz is pushing it especially seeing as he's pretty dead but fine I suppose he has his fans#Glitz and Glam? Okay you already fucked up not going with their beta designs but who really was looking at them and thinking “I want merch”#But fine. I'm sure they have their fans#BUT FREAKING MUFFY?? THE VET RECEPTIONIST? WHO TF WAS ASKING FOR A PIN OF HER? DID YOU EVEN KNOW HER NAME?#They do that shit all the time and it aggravates me. They seem to go by a “quantity over quality” thing.#Which their quality is great btw but the quantity of things they have for characters that don't even matter and are seen once is rediculous#Also when I was gonna look up when we were gonna meet Vassago I saw he was an overlord in the pilot#Curious if that's gonna stay. What's to say overlords can't be hellborns or goetia#Is he a goetia? Not sure.#P-point is I like their merch and the new batch seems to mostly be uniquely made to be merch and I like that#But the amount of “garbage” (that's mean but best way I can put it) merch that has a character little to no one would care about#Or is essentially JUST a screen grab from the show is annoying and just pointlessly fills the shop pages#And while I see from a business perspective why they'd put Vassago out especially since some already like him#I also just think it's silly for him to already have merch when we haven't seen his character other than in the trailer#Surprised they don't have merch of satan out yet lol#Okay but I would've approved only so they could make a krampus joke with him#Granted I don't care about Helluva as much as Hazbin#But can't help to be more critical of it when it has a lot of problems Hazbin has aside from pacing#But absolutely NO excuse or leeway for the reason of the sloppy writing that's present#Lemme reiterate my good ol' phrase here:#You're not in the Sonic fandom for like 22 yrs and don't learn to be critical of the media you enjoy lol#rant
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Me, when Sebastian joins my party for the first time: Okay, this time I'm not going to forget about you, Sebastian. I'm going to make an effort to use you a lot this playthrough so I can better understand you.
Also me, immediately forgetting about Sebastian while finishing Act 2 and making it halfway through Act 3 before I finally notice his Faith quest: ......................Oh. Right. My bad.
#da2#dragon age 2#sebastian vael#listen in my defense..........i don't like bringing sebastian anywhere sksksks#okay look i seriously tried but every time i bring him somewhere i always think man i wish i had brought someone else#and also i do just forget about him! i finally added him to my party at one point and he had 24 points to spend...#that's how long i neglected him after i promised myself i was gonna use him more and then i didn't#it's not that i don't like sebastian as a character though i do tend to side eye him A LOT... it's just that i like everyone else more#even aveline like i'd take aveline over sebastian any day and that's saying something... or is it? i have a lot of feelings about aveline#whereas my feelings about sebastian could maybe fill a thimble...it doesn't help that in my canon run as a mage hawke#i romance anders and well... sebastian wants me to kill anders and my hawke is like 'do i approve of blowing up the chantry? complicated.'#'am i breaking up with anders for this? absolutely. do i still love him? mmhmmm. am i going to kill him sebby? i'd sooner set varric aflame#then sebastian threatens to bring an army to kirkwall and leaves so i can't say i have the greatest opinion on him#even the time where i did kill anders and he stayed in my party he was just... there#and then he glitched out and started t posing while asking if ed ever found out what anders wanted to do in the chantry so..... yeah#but even this playthrough where i'm playing as a lady warrior with a different personality and everything... i'd just rather use anyone els#also keep him away from bethany i do not approve sksksks she's too good for him#i want to understand and see the different angles of him like with the other companions but i've yet to convince myself to do it#also sebastian romancers out there can you like... explain? genuinely can you explain the appeal? i'm curious#because of all the love interests in da2 i look at sebastian and you'd think i'd maybe be more interested? but it's like...#i know about the chaste marriage and everything like that's fine i don't need sex to be a thing in the relationship but it feels less like#an asexual romance and more like... y'know... being with a priest and i guess that's just not one of my kinks? sksksks#i guess there's also the prince angle but i romanced alistair in dao and kept him a grey warden i don't really care about royalty power#and i don't have issues with him being a part of the chantry [well i do but yknow what i mean] since i romanced cullen in dai#and his whole deal with the chantry and magic and shit makes his romance interesting to me but sebastian is just.... a bit too much i think#i don't know i'd like to understand because i really don't but i also keep forgetting about him
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iam-anordinary-human-orami · 3 months ago
I really want a scene like this in tsc2 where Neil seems to call Jean more often to check up on him and the floozies are perplexed "Why is Josten calling you?" "You guys close or sth?" "You still haven't told us what happened when he whisked you away" "we are worried sick Jean, how can you keep us in the dark?" And then Cat will say sth like "are you not sharing what you're talking to Josten about cause you're embarrassed?" Jeremy being a worried mother hen "is he bothering you?" And Jean keeps shutting everything down telling them not to worry, and then Laila as a joke says "is he flirting with you?"
And Jean responds with "I hope not. I don't think his boyfriend would take it well"
Everyone immediately stops what they are doing. "Im sorry, his WHAT?"
All hell breaks lose. Cat is shaking Laila "Josten is FRUITY?!", Jeremy is like "He has a boyfriend?" Laila being like "in the year that he joined the foxes and almost died in the hands of his serial killer dad, he got a boyfriend??? How???" And then Cat and Laila start asking questions, Jeremy trying to calm them down but also being curious, Jean is like "Well he's not told me explicitly, but it's obvious."
Jeremy having an epiphany "oh my god. Is it Kevin?" Cat in the background "oh please let it be Kevin" Jean says no, "Kevin is too much of a coward", the floozies are looking at each other like "oh we are definitely unpacking THAT at some point". And then they're like okay, well maybe the boyfriend is not on the team. But Jean confirms, it's a fox, i can tell u who it is-' "NO! We need to figure this one out!" "Let our gaydar do the work Jean we got things to prove!" Jean tiredly: "to who?"
So they start guessing, oh Hemmick is undeniably fruity, Jean is like "I don't even know who that is. Oh, backliner? No, not him". "Maybe it's Boyd?!" Cat being like "Escandalo! Cause he's with the captain right? Wilds?" Laila commenting "He'd be out of his mind to pass on that, and this is the educated opinion of a lesbian", Jean is like "how come u guys know all their names?" Jeremy says "they are a small team and it's hard not to keep tabs on them when they are in the news cycle every week or so"
"Guys we're losing track, keep your heads locked in! Who could be Josten's boyfriend, that tonight's pressing question!" "But there's no one else... wait, is he with the other backliner? Short blonde?" "I'm gonna be honest, I don't get queer vibes from him" "Lol can u imagine it's actually the goalkeeper twin" "what the one that went to juvie and looks like hes one step away from biting our heads off on the court? Nahh". Jean looks at an invisible camera like he's in the office.
And then something happens and they forget about it, until like the winter banquet or some shit and Cat is intently looking at Neil trying to decipher who his boyfriend could be, maybe he is in a throuple with Wilds and Boyd? Jean is like "Why are you looking at the foxes' table so intently?" "It's investigative work, don't worry about it" and then Neil comes over and takes Jean away at the open bar to talk about sth, the floozies are pretending to not be looking at them. Neil notices and he's like "I see they taken claim already." Jean responds with "It's not what u think" and they talk, Andrew probably gets bored at some point and goes to Neil, puts a single hand on his lower back and Jean being able to hear commotion in the Trojans table turns to see them acting like "normal", except their poses look rehearsed, there's drinks that have been spilled on the table and Cat is drinking from an empty glass looking at the sky.
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harrysfolklore · 3 months ago
christ-max -mv1
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summary: you invite your boyfriend max to spend christmas with you for the first time, however, your family doesn't quite believe you're dating a formula 1 world champion. wc: 5.8k
folkie radio: HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOUUUU! i hope you're having the best day ever with your loves ones. this fic ended up being longer than i intended but i hope you like it!
You're nestled into Max's side on his couch, wrapped in the soft throw blanket he keeps specifically for these quiet moments together. The afternoon light filters through the floor-to-ceiling windows of his Monaco apartment, casting a glow across the room. Your feet are tucked under you, and you can smell the lingering scent of the coffee you both made earlier.
The Netflix show you'd put on - some random documentary about deep-sea creatures - has become mere background noise. Max's fingers are threading through your hair in that gentle way that always makes you melt, occasionally stopping to massage your scalp. .
"I can't believe the season's actually over," you murmur, tracing lazy patterns on his arm. "Feels weird not having to plan around race weekends anymore."
Max chuckles, the sound rumbling through his chest where your head rests. "Yeah, but now we have to plan around all the end-of-year events instead. Did you see how many galas and ceremonies are coming up?"
"At least those don't involve you flying halfway across the world," you tease, tilting your head to look up at him. His hair is slightly messy, free from its usual styling, and you resist the urge to reach up and run your fingers through it.
"True," he agrees, then glances at his phone on the coffee table. "Speaking of events, I can't believe it's already December. Christmas is going to be here before we know it. Guess time flies when you're busy winning championships."
Your heart skips a beat. This is the opening you've been waiting for. You've been thinking about this for weeks, planning how to bring it up. "Actually… I wanted to ask you something about Christmas," you start, sitting up slightly to face him better.
Max's blue eyes meet yours, curious. "What's on your mind?"
"Well…" you bite your lip, suddenly feeling nervous despite knowing there's no reason to be. "I was wondering if you'd want to spend Christmas with me and my family this year? I know we've kept things private, but I really want them to meet you, and-"
"Wait, really?" Max interrupts, his whole face lighting up with that boyish excitement that made you fall for him in the first place. "You want me to meet your family?"
You can't help but smile at his enthusiasm. "Of course I do. We've been together almost a year now, and they keep asking why I'm always smiling at my phone." You playfully poke his side. "Which is your fault, by the way."
He catches your hand, intertwining your fingers. "My fault? I'm just being my naturally charming self," he grins, then his expression turns slightly more serious. "But are you sure? I mean, won't they be surprised when you show up with, well…"
"With a four-time World Champion?" you finish for him, laughing. "Actually, my dad might pass out. He's been watching F1 since before I was born. He has no idea I've been dating his favorite driver."
Max's eyebrows shoot up. "I'm his favorite driver?"
"Don't let it go to your head," you warn playfully. "But yeah, he's got your merchandise and everything. It's actually kind of embarrassing how much he talks about you during race weekends."
Max throws his head back laughing, and you can't help but join in. "Oh God, this is going to be interesting," he says, wiping at his eyes. "What about the rest of your family?"
"Well, Mom will probably try to feed you until you burst - she's like that with everyone. And my little sister Ruby, she's seven and she's going to have so many questions. She's in that phase where she wants to know everything about everything."
"I can handle questions," Max says confidently, then hesitates. "What kind of questions are we talking about?"
You pretend to think about it. "Oh, you know, probably things like 'How fast have you ever driven?' 'Have you ever crashed?' 'Do you want to marry my sister?'"
Max nearly chokes on air at the last one, his cheeks turning slightly pink. "You're joking, right?"
"About Ruby? Nope, she has absolutely no filter," you laugh, then soften your voice. "But seriously, they're going to love you. Just be yourself - the you I know, not the racing driver everyone else sees."
He pulls you closer, pressing a kiss to your temple. "I'd love to spend Christmas with your family. I can't wait to meet them." He pauses, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Should I wear my race suit when I meet your dad?"
You swat his arm, laughing. "Don't you dare! He'll actually faint." You settle back against his chest, feeling warm and content. "Thank you for saying yes. It means a lot to me."
"Thank you for asking me," he murmurs into your hair. "I love you."
"I love you too," you respond, smiling as his arms tighten around you. The documentary continues playing, forgotten again as you both start planning for Christmas, trading ideas and jokes about how to break the news to your family.
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You're sitting cross-legged on Max's bed while he's in the shower, your phone propped up against a pillow as you FaceTime your family. Your mom's face fills most of the screen, with your dad peering over her shoulder and little Ruby bouncing around trying to get a better view.
"Honey, we can barely see you. The lighting is terrible," your mom critiques, and you adjust your position slightly.
"Much better! Now, what's this important thing you wanted to tell us about Christmas?" Your mom asks, while Ruby shouts "Is it presents?" in the background.
You take a deep breath, trying to contain your smile. "Well, I wanted to let you know that I'm bringing someone with me this year… my boyfriend."
There's an immediate explosion of excitement. Ruby starts jumping up and down, your mom gasps dramatically, and your dad's eyebrows shoot up with interest.
"Finally!" your mom exclaims. "We've been wondering when you'd introduce him. You've been so secretive about this boyfriend of yours."
"What's his name?" Ruby pipes up, her face suddenly taking up half the screen as she pushes closer to the camera. "Is he nice? Does he like Disney movies?"
You laugh, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "Yes, Rubes, he's very nice. And his name is…" you pause, knowing what's coming. "Max. Max Verstappen."
There's a moment of silence before your dad bursts out laughing. "Good one, sweetheart. Now, what's his real name?"
"I'm serious, Dad. I'm dating Max Verstappen."
Your mom is trying to hold back her laughter now too. "Honey, isn't that the racing driver you and your father are always watching? The one your dad has all those caps and shirts of?"
"Yes, and I'm actually dating him," you insist, feeling your cheeks heat up.
Ruby's face scrunches up in confusion. "The fast car man? From TV?"
"The very same one, Rubes."
Your dad wipes tears from his eyes. "Come on now, what's next? Are you going to tell us you're best friends with Lewis Hamilton too?"
"Dad!" you groan, running a hand over your face. "I'm being serious! We've been dating for almost a year. I'm literally at his place right now!"
"In Monaco?" your dad asks skeptically. "Prove it."
You swing your phone around to show the familiar view of Monaco through the windows, but your dad just shakes his head. "Could be any apartment in Monaco."
"You're impossible!" you huff. "Fine, don't believe me. You'll see at Christmas."
Ruby presses her face closer to the screen again. "Will he bring his race car?"
"No, Rubes, he can't bring the race car," you say, softening your tone for your little sister. "But I promise you'll love him."
After a few more minutes of your family teasing you about your "imaginary Formula 1 driver boyfriend," you end the call with a mix of frustration and amusement. Just as you flop back onto the bed, you hear the bathroom door open and Max walks out, his hair still damp from the shower.
"How'd it go?" he asks, noticing your expression.
You let out a laugh. "They think I'm making you up. They literally don't believe I'm dating you."
Max raises his eyebrows, looking amused as he sits next to you on the bed. "Really?"
"Really. Dad laughed so hard he nearly cried. And Ruby, my little sister, just wants to know if you're bringing your race car for Christmas."
"Sorry to disappoint Ruby," he grins, then looks thoughtful. "You know, maybe we should've waited to tell them in person. The looks on their faces would've been priceless."
"Oh, don't worry," you sit up, wrapping your arms around his neck. "They'll still be priceless. Dad's going to lose it when he realizes all those times he was rambling about you during races, he was actually talking about his daughter's boyfriend."
Max laughs, pulling you closer. "What else should I know before meeting them?"
"Well, Ruby's seven and obsessed with Frozen. She'll definitely make you watch it and probably sing along too."
"I can handle that," he says confidently.
"And recite all the lines?"
"…Maybe not that."
"And act out the scenes with her?"
Max's eyes widen slightly. "What have I gotten myself into?"
You kiss his cheek. "Too late to back out now, Verstappen. You're stuck with us."
"Wouldn't have it any other way," he murmurs, pulling you in for a proper kiss. "Even if it means playing Olaf the snowman."
"Oh no, you'll definitely be playing Elsa. Ruby's very particular about casting."
The look of horror on his face makes you burst out laughing, and soon he's joining in too. As your laughter dies down, you can't help but think about how perfect this feels - being here with him, planning to spend Christmas with your family, even if they don't believe you yet. You can't wait to see their faces when you show up at their door with Max Verstappen himself.
"Hey," Max says softly, breaking into your thoughts. "What are you smiling about?"
"Just thinking about how Christmas is going to be interesting this year."
"Interesting is one way to put it," he grins. "Should I wear my race suit when we arrive?"
"Don't you dare! Dad will actually faint."
"That's kind of the point," he winks, and you grab a pillow to hit him with, both of you dissolving into laughter again.
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"Let me guess, another text from 'Max Verstappen'?" your dad teases from his spot at the kitchen counter, making air quotes with his fingers. He's wearing one of his many Red Bull Racing shirts, completely oblivious to the irony.
"Actually, yes," you reply, rolling your eyes. "He'll be here soon."
Your mom chuckles while peeling potatoes. "Honey, you can just tell us who your boyfriend really is. We won't judge, even if he's not a Formula 1 champion."
"Mom, I've told you a million times-"
"LOOK!" Ruby crashes into the kitchen, pointing at the TV in the living room where they're showing highlights from the last race. "It's YN's boyfriend!" She dissolves into giggles, clearly in on what she thinks is a funny joke.
"Very funny, Rubes," you mutter, but check your phone again when it buzzes.
Max: "Just turned onto your street. Nice neighborhood 😉"
Your heart starts beating faster. "He's here," you announce, heading toward the front door.
"Oh, we're still doing this?" your dad calls after you, amused. "Should I get my Max Verstappen cap for him to sign?"
"Actually, Dad, yes, you should," you shout back, slipping on your boots.
"Sweetie," your mom starts in that gentle voice she uses when she thinks you're being ridiculous, "you don't have to-"
The sound of a car pulling up interrupts her. You open the front door and step out onto the porch, watching as Max's car comes to a stop in your driveway. Your family has crowded behind you in the doorway, probably expecting to catch you in your "lie."
Max steps out of the car, looking unfairly handsome in his dark winter coat and scarf. His face lights up when he sees you, and you don't hesitate to run down the steps toward him.
"Hi," he grins, catching you in a tight hug and lifting you slightly off your feet. "Missed you."
You hear a loud gasp behind you, followed by what sounds like your dad choking on air.
"Missed you too," you murmur against his chest before turning to face your family, keeping one arm wrapped around his waist.
The scene on your front porch is priceless. Your dad's mouth is hanging open, his face pale except for two bright red spots on his cheeks. Your mom has both hands pressed to her face in shock. Ruby is the only one moving, bouncing up and down with excitement.
"IT REALLY IS THE FAST CAR MAN!" she shrieks, breaking the silence as she barrels down the steps toward you both.
Max laughs, crouching down to her level. "Hi Ruby. Nice to finally meet you. Your sister has told me a lot about you."
"You're real!" she exclaims, poking his arm as if to make sure.
"Very real," he confirms, looking thoroughly amused.
"I… you… but…" your dad stammers, still frozen in the doorway.
"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. LN," Max says, standing back up and guiding you and Ruby toward the porch. "Thank you for having me for Christmas."
Your mom seems to snap out of her shock first. "Oh my goodness, please come in! It's freezing out here. I… oh dear… the potatoes… I should… more food… I need to…"
"Mom, breathe," you laugh, as Max follows you inside.
Your dad hasn't moved an inch, still staring at Max like he's seeing a ghost. "You're… you're actually… the Brazil overtake…"
"Dad, no F1 talk yet!" you warn. "Let him at least get his coat off first."
"Right! Yes! Coat!" your dad says frantically. "I'll take your coat! And then maybe… could you… would you mind signing my…"
"Collection?" you finish for him, smirking. "The one you thought I was making up?"
Max raises his eyebrows at you, remembering your conversation about your dad's merchandise collection.
Ruby tugs on Max's hand. "Do you want to see my Frozen dolls? And can we watch the movie? Sissy said you've never seen it!"
"Ruby, let him settle in first," your mom calls from the kitchen, where she appears to be panic-cooking. "Oh God, is the food good enough? Do Formula 1 drivers have special diets? Should I-"
"Mom, the food will be perfect," you assure her, then turn to Max. "See? I told you they'd be cool about it."
Max tries to suppress his laugh as your dad continues to stare at him in awe, your mom stress-cooks enough food to feed an army, and Ruby continues pulling on his hand.
"Very cool," he agrees, pressing a kiss to your temple. "Though I think your dad might need to sit down."
"I'm fine!" your dad squeaks, then immediately sits down heavily on the nearest chair. "Just… just give me a minute to process that my daughter is actually dating Max Verstappen and I've been accidentally talking about my future son-in-law during every race and-"
"DAD!" you exclaim, feeling your face heat up while Max chuckles beside you.
"What? I'm just saying… all those times I said 'that Verstappen boy would make someone a good husband someday' and it turns out-"
"Okay!" you interrupt loudly. "Who wants coffee? Max, come help me with coffee!"
As you drag a laughing Max toward the kitchen, you hear Ruby start explaining the entire plot of Frozen to him, your mom muttering about needing to buy more food, and your dad still talking to himself about racing statistics.
"Still think this was a good idea?" you whisper to Max.
He pulls you closer, grinning. "The best. Though you might want to tell your dad to breathe before he passes out."
"Can we build a snowman after coffee?" Ruby calls out.
"Only if Max gets to be Elsa!" you shout back, earning you a playful glare from your boyfriend.
Looking around at your slightly chaotic but loving family, and seeing how naturally Max fits into it all, you can't help but smile. This is definitely going to be a Christmas to remember.
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The initial chaos has settled into a cozy scene in your living room. You're curled up on the couch next to Max, who has Ruby practically attached to his side. She hasn't stopped talking since everyone sat down, and Max, to his credit, is giving her his complete attention.
"And then Elsa makes this huge ice castle," Ruby explains, using elaborate hand gestures. "Can you drive as fast as Elsa runs up the mountain?"
"Probably faster," Max answers with a grin, making Ruby's eyes widen.
"Even in the snow?"
"Even in the snow."
Your dad, who's finally regained his ability to form complete sentences, sits in his armchair trying very hard not to bombard Max with racing questions. He keeps opening his mouth, then closing it again when you give him a warning look.
"It's okay, Dad," you laugh. "You can ask him one race question. Just one."
Your dad looks like he might cry from happiness. "The overtake in Brazil-"
"Which one?" Max asks with a playful smirk, and your dad launches into an enthusiastic discussion about racing lines and grip levels.
Your mom returns from the kitchen with a tray of hot chocolate and cookies, having finally accepted that she doesn't need to cook enough food for an entire F1 paddock. "Here we go. I hope it's okay, Max. YN mentioned you like hot chocolate."
"It's perfect, thank you," Max says warmly, accepting a mug.
Ruby immediately reaches for a cookie, then pauses. "Do race car drivers eat cookies?"
"Only the fast ones," Max whispers conspiratorially, making her giggle.
"Ruby, give Max some space to breathe," your mom says gently, noticing how your sister is practically in his lap.
"It's fine," Max assures her. "I have nephews. I'm used to it."
Ruby beams at this information. "Really? Do they like Frozen too?"
"I don't know, but I'm sure they'd love to hear your explanation of it," he says, and Ruby launches into another detailed plot summary.
You catch your mom watching the interaction with soft eyes, all her earlier panic forgotten. She meets your gaze and mouths 'He's wonderful' when Ruby isn't looking.
Your dad has moved on from Brazil to discussing tire strategies, but stops himself mid-sentence. "Sorry, I'm probably boring you. You live this stuff."
"Not at all," Max says sincerely. "It's nice talking about it with someone who understands racing. YN usually just tells me to stop being a nerd when I talk about tire compounds."
"Because you spent two hours explaining the difference between C3 and C4 compounds!" you defend yourself.
"It's fascinating stuff," your dad says eagerly, and Max nods in agreement.
"Oh no, there's two of them now," you mutter to your mom, who laughs.
Ruby tugs on Max's sleeve. "Can we watch Frozen now? Please? You promised!"
"Ruby, let Max rest a bit," your mom starts, but Max shakes his head.
"A promise is a promise," he says solemnly to Ruby. "Should we watch it now?"
Ruby squeals with delight, jumping up to get the remote. Your dad looks slightly disappointed that his racing talk is being cut short, but you can see him hiding a smile at Ruby's excitement.
"Fair warning," you whisper to Max as Ruby sets up the movie, "she knows every word. And she will sing along."
"As long as she doesn't expect me to sing," he whispers back.
"MAX!" Ruby calls, patting the spot next to her on the floor where she's arranged pillows. "You have to sit here! It's the best spot!"
Max obliges, settling down next to her while you stay on the couch, exchanging amused looks with your parents as Ruby starts the movie, already mouthing along to the opening music.
Your mom leans over to you. "I'm sorry we didn't believe you," she whispers. "He's lovely. And so good with Ruby."
"I told you," you whisper back, watching as Ruby explains to Max why Elsa has ice powers.
Your dad joins in the whispered conversation. "Think he'd sign my mug collection later?"
"What? I'm just saying, Christmas cards would be sorted for the next few years…"
You're about to respond when Ruby shushes you all loudly. "This is the best part!"
Max catches your eye and winks, clearly enjoying himself despite being roped into a Disney movie viewing with a very enthusiastic seven-year-old commentator. Your heart swells watching him with your family, how naturally he fits in, how gentle he is with Ruby.
"Do you want to build a snowman?" Ruby starts singing along with the movie.
"Later, Rubes," you promise. "Let's watch the movie first."
She nods seriously, then turns to Max. "Pay attention to this part. It's very important."
"I won't miss a second," he promises, and Ruby beams at him before turning back to the screen.
Your mom reaches over and squeezes your hand, giving you a knowing look. Even your dad has stopped thinking about racing long enough to appreciate the moment – his youngest daughter sharing her favorite movie with your boyfriend, who happens to be the F1 driver he's been fan-boying over for years.
It's perfect, you think, watching your family and Max together. Different from how you imagined telling them, but perfect nonetheless.
"Shh!" Ruby whispers loudly. "Elsa is about to sing Let It Go!"
Max shoots you a slightly panicked look as Ruby starts to stand up, clearly ready to perform the whole number. You just grin and shrug. After all, you did warn him about the singing.
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Later that evening, you finally manage to steal a moment alone with Max. Ruby had fallen asleep during the third replay of Frozen, and your parents took her up to bed before retreating to the kitchen to finish some Christmas preparations.
You find Max on the back porch, leaning against the railing and looking up at the stars. The winter air is crisp, and you can see his breath forming little clouds in the darkness. Quietly, you step out and wrap your arms around him from behind, pressing your cheek against his back.
"Hey," he says softly, turning in your arms to face you. His hands find their way to your waist, pulling you closer. "Needed a little break from being Elsa?"
You laugh quietly, reaching up to brush a strand of hair from his forehead. "You were amazing with Ruby today. I think you're officially her new favorite person."
"She's a sweet kid," he smiles, then adds with a playful glint in his eyes, "Though I didn't expect to watch Frozen two times in one day."
"Just wait until tomorrow. She'll probably want to act it out."
He groans dramatically, but you can see the fondness in his expression. "The things I do for you."
"Mmm, and I appreciate every one of them," you murmur, standing on your tiptoes to kiss him softly.
Max responds immediately, one hand moving to cup your face while the other pulls you even closer. The kiss is gentle and unhurried, full of unspoken emotions. When you finally pull back, he rests his forehead against yours.
"Thank you," you whisper.
"For what?"
"For being so perfect with my family. For watching Frozen multiple times. For not running away when my dad started his racing commentary."
He chuckles, the sound rumbling in his chest. "I like your family. Your dad's racing knowledge is impressive, your mom's trying very hard not to mother me to death, and Ruby…" he pauses, smiling. "Ruby reminds me of Victoria at that age."
You snuggle closer, seeking his warmth in the cold air. "I was so nervous about telling them, and then even more nervous when they didn't believe me. But this… this is better than I imagined."
"Even with your dad asking me to sign his entire Red Bull merchandise collection?"
"Hey, at least he waited until after dinner," you laugh. "Though I'm pretty sure he's in there right now planning which items to bring out first."
Max wraps his arms more securely around you, pressing a kiss to your temple. "I love you," he says quietly, and your heart skips a beat like it does every time he says those words.
"I love you too," you reply, tilting your face up for another kiss.
This one is deeper, more passionate, until you hear the back door creak and quickly step apart.
"Oh!" your mom exclaims, looking flustered. "Sorry, I just… wanted to ask about breakfast preferences… but it can wait… carry on!"
She disappears back inside, and you both burst into quiet laughter.
"We should probably go back in," you sigh, though you make no move to leave his embrace.
"Probably," he agrees, but instead of letting go, he pulls you back for one more kiss. "Five more minutes?"
You smile against his lips. "Five more minutes."
In the quiet of Christmas eve, wrapped in each other's arms, you can't help but think how perfectly he fits into your life, into your family, into your heart. Tomorrow there'll be more Frozen, more racing talk, more of Ruby's endless questions, but right now, it's just the two of you, and it's everything.
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The winter sun is just beginning to peek through the curtains of your childhood bedroom, casting a soft golden glow across the room. You're wrapped in warmth, nestled against Max's chest with his arm draped around your waist. His steady breathing tells you he's awake before he even moves.
"Good morning," he murmurs against your neck, his voice still rough with sleep. His lips brush against your skin, sending shivers down your spine.
"Morning," you whisper back, feeling his hand slowly slide beneath your sleep shirt, his fingers tracing patterns on your skin.
"Sleep well?" he asks innocently, but his actions are anything but innocent as he presses closer, leaving a trail of kisses from your shoulder to your ear.
"Max," you breathe, caught between wanting to lean into his touch and knowing you should stop. "We can't… my parents…"
"Then we'll have to be very, very quiet," he whispers, nipping at your earlobe. His hand travels higher under your shirt, making your breath hitch.
You turn in his arms, ready to either give in or properly protest - though the way he's looking at you, eyes dark with desire and that signature smirk playing on his lips, makes you lean heavily toward the former.
"You're trouble," you murmur, reaching up to run your fingers through his disheveled hair.
He leans down to capture your lips in a heated kiss. "You love it."
Just as his hand starts to wander again, a voice pierces through the quiet morning:
"IT'S CHRISTMAAAAS!" Ruby's excited scream echoes through the entire house, followed by the thundering of small feet running down the hallway. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! SANTA CAME!"
Max drops his forehead to your shoulder with a frustrated groan. "Your sister has impeccable timing."
"Welcome to Christmas with Ruby," you laugh, pressing a consoling kiss to his cheek. "I tried to warn you."
"YN! MAX!" Ruby's fists pound on your door. "GET UP! There are presents EVERYWHERE! And it SNOWED!"
"Five more minutes, Rubes!" you call back.
"NO MINUTES! NOW!" she insists, continuing to knock. "Mom said breakfast is ready and Dad made hot chocolate and I SAW A HUGE PRESENT WITH MY NAME ON IT!"
Max chuckles against your shoulder. "I suppose we should…"
"PLEASE!" Ruby calls again. "I promise I'll let you drink your coffee first!"
"That's quite the offer from her," you tell Max. "She usually doesn't allow any delays on Christmas morning."
"We're coming, Ruby!" Max calls out, sitting up and running a hand through his hair. "Give us two minutes to get dressed."
"TWO MINUTES! I'm counting!"
You can hear her dramatically counting down in the hallway, making Max laugh. "She's serious about this, isn't she?"
"Oh, you have no idea."
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The living room is a festival of color and chaos when you finally make it downstairs. Ruby's bouncing by the tree in her Christmas pajamas, while your parents are settled on the couch with steaming mugs of coffee.
"Finally!" Ruby exclaims. "I counted way past two minutes!"
"Sorry, princess," Max says, accepting a coffee mug from your mom. "But I'm here now."
"Max, sweetheart, you really didn't have to get us anything," your mom says, noticing the pile of presents he'd arranged under the tree last night.
"Of course I did," he replies warmly. "It's Christmas."
Ruby's practically vibrating with excitement as your dad starts distributing gifts. "Can I open mine from Max first? Please?"
At your nod, she tears into the elaborate wrapping paper, gasping when she reveals a beautiful wooden chest with golden details. "It's like a treasure chest!"
"Open it," Max encourages, smiling.
Ruby lifts the lid carefully, her eyes widening. Inside is a complete collection of princess dresses, each one a perfect replica from different Disney movies, along with matching accessories and a tiara for each one.
"The chest is magical," Max explains, kneeling beside her. "Every time you open it, there might be a new surprise inside. And look at this…" He reaches in and pulls out a small envelope.
Ruby opens it to find a letter with the Disney castle letterhead. "Dear Princess Ruby," she reads aloud, her voice getting more excited with each word. "You are cordially invited to spend a royal weekend at Disney World, where you will have a private breakfast with all the Disney princesses…"
She doesn't even finish reading before launching herself at Max, nearly knocking him over. "Thank you thank you thank you! Can I try on the Elsa dress right now?"
"After presents," your mom laughs. "Let's see what else Santa brought."
Your dad opens his gift next, finding an envelope that makes him pause. "Son," he says, voice thick with emotion as he reads the contents. "This is…"
"VIP passes to the British Grand Prix," Max confirms. "Including garage access, grid walk, everything."
Your dad has to sit down, clutching the passes like they might disappear. "This is… I can't…"
"And this," Max hands him another package, "is just a little something extra."
Inside is a vintage racing jacket from your dad's favorite driver from the 80s, signed and authenticated. Your dad actually tears up.
Your mom opens her gift next, despite protesting again that Max shouldn't have gotten them anything. She unwraps a beautiful pair of earrings.
"Oh, Max," she whispers, "This is beautiful."
Ruby, who has been surprisingly patient, tugs at Max's sleeve. "Can we do my princess breakfast now?"
"After we finish presents," you laugh. "And maybe we should have real breakfast first?"
"But I'm a princess now," she declares. "Princesses have special breakfast times."
Your mom shakes her head fondly. "How about pancakes fit for a princess?"
"With chocolate chips?" Ruby negotiates.
"With chocolate chips," your mom confirms. "Max, honey, how do you like your pancakes?"
"However they're made is perfect," he assures her, but your mom is already heading to the kitchen, muttering about making sure she has enough chocolate chips.
Your dad finally finds his voice again. "Max, this is too much…"
"It's not," Max says firmly. "You're… you're family now. Or at least, I hope…"
He glances at you meaningfully, making your heart skip a beat.
Later, after pancakes and multiple princess dress changes from Ruby, you manage to steal some time alone with Max in your favorite spot on the back porch. The morning sun has warmed the air slightly, but there's still a crisp winter chill that gives you an excuse to stay close to him.
"Your turn," Max says softly, pulling out a small wrapped box from his pocket.
Your hands tremble slightly as you unwrap it, revealing a velvet jewelry box. Inside is a delicate silver necklace with two intertwined pendants - a heart and a tiny racing helmet.
"Max," you breathe, touching the pendants gently. "It's beautiful."
"Look at the back," he says quietly, his voice carrying a note of nervousness you rarely hear.
You turn the heart over to find an engraving: "You're my biggest victory. -MV"
"I love you," you whisper, pulling him down for a kiss. His arms wrap around you, holding you close as if you're the most precious thing in his world.
When you finally part, you hand him your gift - a wrapped box that makes him raise his eyebrows at the weight.
Inside, he finds a handmade scrapbook filled with your personal moments - sneaky paddock kisses, quiet mornings at home, victory celebrations, and candid moments no one else has seen. The final page holds a photo from yesterday - Max on the floor with Ruby, both laughing during their third viewing of Frozen.
"This is…" he starts, voice thick with emotion.
"Wait," you say softly, reaching into your pocket. You pull out a key on a simple keychain. "I thought… maybe… if you wanted…"
"Move in with you?" he finishes, breaking into that brilliant smile that never fails to make your heart race. "Yes. Absolutely yes."
He pulls you into another kiss, deeper this time, one hand cradling the back of your head while the other holds the key carefully.
"MAX!" Ruby's voice carries from inside. "I need help with my Cinderella shoes! And then we have to build a snowman! A FROZEN snowman!"
You both laugh against each other's lips.
"Duty calls, Elsa," you tease.
"Only if you'll be my Olaf," he grins, pressing one more quick kiss to your lips.
"Always," you promise, letting him lead you back inside where Ruby waits, already changed into her third princess dress of the morning.
Your dad catches your eye as you pass, "If you don't marry this boy," he whispers, "I will."
"I'm just saying," he shrugs, then heads outside to join the snowman-building committee.
Your mom appears at your other side, wrapping an arm around you. "He's right, you know. He's perfect for you."
You lean your head on her shoulder, watching Max let Ruby direct him on where to place the snowman's arms. "I know," you smile. "I know."
"Best Christmas ever?" she asks softly.
Looking at your family, and Max in the middle of it all, belonging there like he's always been part of it - you smile.
"Best Christmas ever," you agree.
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ktempestbradford · 1 year ago
I have been on a Willy Wonkified journey today and I need y'all to come with me
It started so innocently. Scrolling Google News I come across this article on Ars Technica:
At first glance I thought what happened was parents saw AI-generated images of an event their kids were at and became concerned, then realized it was fake. The reality? Oh so much better.
On Saturday, event organizers shut down a Glasgow-based "Willy's Chocolate Experience" after customers complained that the unofficial Wonka-inspired event, which took place in a sparsely decorated venue, did not match the lush AI-generated images listed on its official website.... According to Sky News, police were called to the event, and "advice was given."
Thing is, the people who paid to go were obviously not expecting exactly this:
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But I can see how they'd be a bit pissed upon arriving to this:
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It gets worse.
"Tempest, how could it possibly--"
source of this video that also includes this charming description:
Made up a villain called The Unknown — 'an evil chocolate maker who lives in the walls'
There is already a meme.
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Oh yes, the Wish.com Oompa Loompa:
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Who has already done an interview!
As bad (and hilarious) as this all is, I got curious about the company that put on this event. Did they somehow overreach? Did the actors they hired back out at the last minute? (Or after they saw the script...) Oddly enough, it doesn't seem so!
Given what I found when poking around I'm legit surprised there was an event at all. Cuz this outfit seems to be 100% a scam.
The website for this specific event is here and it has many AI generated images on it, as stated. I don't think anyone who bought tickets looked very closely at these images, otherwise they might have been concerned about how much Catgacating their children would be exposed to.
Yes, Catgacating. You know, CATgacating!
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I personally don't think anyone should serve exarserdray flavored lollipops in public spaces given how many people are allergic to it. And the sweet teats might not have been age appropriate.
Though the Twilight Tunnel looks pretty cool:
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I'm not sure that Dim Tight Twdrding is safe. I've also been warned that Vivue Sounds are in that weird frequency range that makes you poop your pants upon hearing them.
Yes, Virginia, these folks used an AI image generator for everything on the website and used Chat GPT for some of the text! From the FAQ:
Q: I cannot go on the available days. Will you have more dates in the future? A: Should there be capacity when you arrive, then you will be able to enter without any problems. In the event that this is not the case, we may ask you to wait a bit.
Fear not, for this question is asked again a few lines down and the answer makes more sense.
Curious about the events company behind this disaster, I took myself over to the homepage of House of Illuminati and I was not disappointed.
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I would 100% trust these people to plan my wedding.
This abomination of a website is a badly edited WordPress blog filled with AI art and just enough blog posts to make the casual viewer think that it's a legit business for about 0.0004 seconds.
Their attention to detail is stunning, from how they left up the default first post every WP blog gets to how they didn't bother changing the name on several images, thus revealing where they came from. Like this one:
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With the lovely and compact filename "DALL·E-2024-01-30-09.50.54-Imagine-a-scene-where-fantasy-and-reality-merge-seamlessly.-In-the-foreground-a-grand-interactive-gala-is-taking-place-filled-with-elegant-guests-i.png"
"Concept.png" came from the same AI generator that gets text almost, but not quiiiiiite right:
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There are a suspicious number of .webp images in the uploads, which makes me think they either stole them from other sites where AI "art" was uploaded or they didn't want to pay for the hi-res versions of some and just grabbed the preview image.
The real fun came when I noticed this filename: Before-and-After-Eventologists-Transformation-Edgbaston-Cricket-Ground-1024x1024-1.jpg and decided to do a Google image search. Friends, you will be shocked to hear that the image in question, found on this post touting how they can transform a boring warehouse into a fun event space, was stolen from this actual event planner.
Even better, this weirdly grainy image?
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From a post that claims to be about the preparations for a "Willy Wonka" experience (we'll get to this in a minute), is not only NOT an actual image of anyone preparing anything for Illuminati's event, it is stolen from a YouTube thumbnail that's been chopped to remove the name of the company that actually made this. Here's the video.
If you actually read the blog posts they're all copypasta or some AI generated crap. To the point where this seems like not a real business at all. There's very specific business information at the bottom, but nothing else seems real.
As I said, I'm kinda surprised they put on an event at all. This has, "And then they ran off with all our money!" written all over it. I'm perplexed.
And also wondering when the copyright lawyers are gonna start calling, because...
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This post explicitly says they're putting together a "Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory Experience" complete with golden tickets.
Somewhere along the line someone must have wised up, because the actual event was called "Willys Chocolate Experience" (note the lack of apostrophe) and the script they handed to the actors about 10 minutes before they were supposed to "perform" was about a "Willy McDuff" and his chocolate factory.
As I was going through this madness with friends in a chat, one pointed out that it took very little prompting to get the free Chat GPT to spit out an event description and such very similar to all this while avoiding copyrighted phrases. But he couldn't figure out where the McDuff came from since it wasn't the type of thing GPT would usually spit out...
Until he altered the prompt to include it would be happening in Glasgow, Scotland.
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You cannot make this stuff up.
But truly, honestly, I do not even understand why they didn't take the money and run. Clearly this was all set up to be a scam. A lazy, AI generated scam.
Everything from the website to the event images to the copy to the "script" to the names of things was either stolen or AI generated (aka stolen). Hell, I'd be looking for some poor Japanese visitor wandering the streets of Glasgow, confused, after being jacked for his mascot costume.
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deepspacedandelion · 5 days ago
How They Would Talk To You In Bed: Love and Deepspace LI’s
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   .
Warnings: Smut, little cursing, dirty talk, mentions of cum/slightly hinted creampie’s (wrap it ‘fo you tap it yall.”)
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   .
Caleb is a freak, low(high)key, so he’d be very vocal. He likes a little teasing (both giving and receiving) that is mixed with praise. Caleb loves to question you (in an EXTREMELY lewd way) and he wants you, not only to ACTUALLY answer but to question him as-well, not in a doubtful way, but in a reassuring (-ly lewd) way. He just wants to hear a self proclamation of your love and pleasure like he self-proclaims his. Nearing his climax, he’d absolutely LOVE reassurance from you that HE is YOURS—compared to the more commonly used (by male LI's) “you are mine”—, It’d make him cum so hard. HE knows you’re his, YOU know you’re his, and even though HE knows he’s yours, he wants to be told by you over and over again. He wants you to willingly claim him out of your own desire, not just because he claims you. Another thing I think he (his freaky ass) would LOVE is talking to your pussy. He relishes in the way the blush creeps up your cheeks and you get so shy, trying to hide your face from him (which he definitely wouldn't allow). He knows it drives you and her (your pussy) crazy, he can tell by how wet you're getting, how your legs shake subtly. Afterall, he knows his girls so well.
• "Hear that, baby? She's talking to me. She's begging me to fuck her so good, remind her who she belongs to."
• "Look at it, baby. Look how she's taking me so well. Look at how pretty she looks suckin' in my cock? All for you, right? No one else. They can't take it from you, I won't let them."
• "No, no. Don't hide. I want to see your pretty face when I make you cum all over my cock, yeah?"
• "I'm yours, baby, only yours. Let me show you, hm? Let me fuck my cum so deep in you and show you. You'd like that wouldn't you?"
• "So quiet now, are you, Pipsqeak? You were so mouthy earlier, now all I can hear is your pussy swallowing my fingers. How 'bout a few pretty moans for me? Let me know how good I'm making you feel."
Contrary to his seemingly less talkative nature, Zayne is actually quite vocal in bed (in terms of using actual words to express himself). Don’t get me wrong, he LOVES to moan and groan in your ear, your pussy always clenches so tight around him when he does, but he would LOVE to praise you (and receive a little for himself). His reputation as a medical professional requires him to be VERY specific which definitely translates well in the bedroom. His comments are always so specific, making you feel so seen. He tells you EXACTLY what he likes and EXACTLY how and why you’re doing so good. He'll throw in a few questions here and there, genuinely curious on how to make every time even better for you both. One last thing he'd include (mainly in foreplay) is some sexual observations he'd researched (he just wants to make you feel the best he can)
• “You’re taking me so well, My Love, always making me feel so good. Do you like to see me like this? Falling apart right above you?”
• "I love when you clench around me. Do it again and again. Yes~ Like that. You’re always such a good girl for me.”
• "Do you like kissing my neck that much? I like it too.”
• "Is it alright if I kiss you here? I think it could be another erogenous zone for you. Oh~ you must like it. Don’t worry, My Love, I won’t stop.”
• "Deep breaths, My Love, it could make your orgasm more powerful. Would you like to try that? I want you to enjoy yourself.”
Firstly, let me just start off by saying Sylus is EXTREMLY sensitive and reactive to your touch (*cough* Innocent Birdcage *cough*). I just know this man is a TRUE SWITCH but, anyway, anyway, He talks a little here and there, mostly about how good it feels, how close he is, where he wants you to touch him, how he wants you to touch him, and a little praise sprinkled in between, but, overall it’s mostly moans, groans, mewls, whimpers, and pants as he loses himself in the pleasure given to him by you. He can’t help how his head throws back or hangs low and his face scrunches up in ecstasy, eyes closed as he loses himself. He craves your touch all over his body, any and everywhere you can. Truthfully, he cums multiple times (atleast 2-3) every time you two make love. Majority of the time, he's a mewling, moaning mess, but he'll throw in a couple words every now and again. On the rare occasion though, he'd throw in a snide question (which he is genuinely asking, it's not rhetorical lol, so, definitely answer that, *cough* Nightly Rendezvous *cough*).
• "Are you teasing me? That's not very nice of you, Sweetie."
• “Have you forgotten how good I made you feel last time? It’s okay, Kitten. I don’t mind reminding you.”
• “I love being inside you this way. The two of us, becoming one, it’s my favorite thing. After all, we are true kindred spirits.”
• “What a pretty kitten you are. Does it feel good? Is that why you’re purring? My, my, kitten, you look ravishing.”
• “I want to look into your darling eyes when I cum inside you. Do you want that, sweetheart? Tell me you want that. Tell me you want me. Tell me who’s making you feel this good.”
Xavier is quite different from the rest of the bunch; not that he doesn’t talk or moan, but he does prefer to listen to you mostly. You just sound so pretty pinned beneath him. He absolutely LOVES to kiss, (*cough* Nightly Rendezvous *cough*), so his mouth is pretty occupied most of the time. But on occasion, he does enjoy dropping ‘comments’ (for lack of better terms), a little bit of praise, a few questions to reassure him, and lastly, the cherry on top, a few soft commands. Majority of his “bedroom sounds” is just the wet sounds of kissing, and a few pants/deep breaths to keep him grounded in the pleasure. But he is a sucker for eye contact, especially when he’s commenting on how good you feel.
• “Put your legs around my waist. I can get deeper that way.”
• “Oh! Right there~ It feels so good. I don’t think I can hold it much longer.”
• “Don’t stop, I’m almost there. I want to fill you up. I want to fuck it deeper into you. No! Don’t turn away. If you turn away, I’ll stop.”
• “Do you like when I touch you here? Or maybe you prefer… here. Is that why you bite your lip?”
• “You’re doing good, yes, please, more. Just like that and I’ll cum.”
Oh boy. Rafayel is a bit of a wild card in my opinion, depending on his mood. He’s definitely a switch (from being a bratty sub ( *cough* Gem Affection *cough*) to a crybaby top (*cough* Tailwag Moment *cough*) to a soft dom, (*cough* Tipsy Evasion and Intertidal Zone *cough*), so his sounds do fluctuate, but when he’s a soft dom, they mostly range between: subtle praise, teasing, taunting questions, and snide comments. When he’s a crybaby top, he loves to moan and mewl but he also can’t help apologizing, he doesn’t mean to cum so fast, or grip you too hard, or to be too rough and incontrollable when he loses himself in how good you feel. As for being a bratty sub, oh boy, does he live to tease you. He pokes fun at your methods; how lightly you’re touching him, how you could tie him down tighter, how you could fuck him harder. He comments on your wavering confidence with a cocky smirk, but it’s all in good fun. He’d never actually say anything demeaning or something that would hurt your feelings (he’d cry if he ever did, oh no🥺, poor baby would be in shambles), but he’d poke just enough to see how much rougher you can get. He just wants to build your confidence in yourself, he knows you’re capable of putting him in his place (just the way he likes), and he wants you to know it too.
• (Bratty Sub): “C’mon, Princess, You can fuck me harder than that. I know you can.”
• (Bratty Sub): “Growing bolder, I see. I didn’t expect that from you. Oh? A punishment? Maybe that’s what I wanted in the first place.”
• (Crybaby Top): “I’m sorry, Princess. I didn’t mean to cum so soon. I can’t help it, you just make me feel too good.”
• (Crybaby Top): “I’ve been good, I’ve been so good for you I swear. Please… please let me cum inside you again. Just one more time.”
• (Soft Dom): “You’re getting wetter and wetter, like ocean waves. I like that.”
• (Soft Dom) “Yes, touch me, just like that. Gently, up and down. Ah yes~ So obedient for me. Maybe I should give you a reward. Would you like that? I knew you would, Princess.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   .
Kinda debating how much I like this, but yeah, they all freaks lowkey. Next up is probably more ships, but I definitely have some more (smut) ideas brewing😏 as always, feel free to send in any requests!~😌🫶🏽💙
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bi-writes · 1 month ago
I’m sooo curious, how did John and his young wife meet if you have an idea?
I read a young price fic where she was his son’s nanny and now I’m curious if you have lore for them too!!!
they are the most obnoxious group of oxygen-stealers you've ever seen, and they're in fucking uniform.
taking up all the bar counter space. hogging the pool tables. throwing the darts so hard, they nearly took out some poor man's eyes. if they laugh and holler and spill one more fucking speck of beer on your leather purse, you're going to wind it up and smack them up the throats with it.
you approach the bar for a refill. you crane your neck as you look for a spot to grab the bartender's attention, but they're all shoving each other and slamming their hands on the wood and getting in the way. you huff, stepping up to a couple of them.
"hey, you need to move. no one can order if you're just gonna take up the whole counter."
the biggest one turns to look at you head-on. you glare a little, motioning with your hand for them to move, but he just leans back against his elbows. he's got the ugliest army haircut, and he wears his dog tags out in front like it's some kind of medal. you doubt he's ever seen anything outside of whatever stupid base he came off of.
"sure, we'll move. but it'll cost ya."
he looks you up and down, and you purse your lips when you meet his eyes.
"no. move over. i'm asking nicely right now."
"oooo," he laughs a little, nudging his friends with his elbows. they laugh, too. "i'm terrified, love."
you decide to just move them yourself. you shove your way between them, but when someone grabs your arm and tugs you backwards, you don't think. you just swing.
your knuckles connect with that asshole's face, and he cries out as he steps backward into his friends.
"don't fucking touch me!"
"you cunt--"
"oh, you did not just fucking call me that, you stupid, brainless piece of shit--!"
"easy," a low voice says behind you. you're almost glad for the interruption. your fist would falter with another punch you think, already bruising around the knuckles.
he's weathered, this new man. you would smell the military on him from a mile away, but he's older in a way that speaks volumes to you. he has the hands of someone that only knows hard labor, and the lines in his face have been warped not by time, but by decisions. he wears a beanie and a scruffy beard, and by the way the other men shuffle in his presence, he must be someone important.
when he steps in front of you, he blocks the view of wandering eyes. you peek around his arm, and every single one of those idiots has their gaze on the floor, and they stand at attention.
"you're an embarrassment to the crown, you lot," he mutters. "supposed to be examples. supposed to enact...some sense of duty in others, and yet all i see are a line of fucking boys that never learned their manners in primary." he laughs, "i mean...to call a lady a cunt?"
you rub your knuckles gently, looking down.
"i expect all of you to report to lieutenant riley at 0600 tomorrow. and your weekend passes are hereby revoked."
the whole pub is a little more relaxed once they're gone. you take a seat at the bar, and the bartender gives you a solemn smile before going to make you another drink.
"i uh..." you stiffen when you hear him behind you. "i want to apologize on behalf of them. tha's no way to treat someone, especially a woman."
"especially a woman," you laugh a little, shaking your head as you pick up the drink set down in front of you. you take a long sip of it, turning to face him. "i can handle myself, thank you very much."
"i can see tha'." he nods to your hand, which looks a little raw. you hide it under the counter, taking another sip of your drink.
"you know, i think you have a lot of other things to worry about," you snap. "like the band of assholes you apparently are in charge of."
"i'm sorry about them," he says again. "you won't see them here or anywhere close to you ever again. tha' i can promise you."
"you listen here--" you turn in your seat to face him, poking his chest with your finger. you try not to think about how your finger doesn't even budge, hitting a thick, pelted chest that has no give. you glare up into those baby blues. they're so bright--gorgeous. your breaths shake, but you steel yourself. he looks anything but afraid of you, no, he looks amused. "you all bring nothing but shit tracking in those boots of yours."
he sniffs, tilting his head to the side. "not a fan of servicemen, are you?"
you laugh, shaking your head.
"i'd spit on you, but even that's too good for you."
he grins. a full-blown smile, and when he leans into your space, you don't move. your finger on his chest flattens, your entire hand pressing there in the middle of his chest.
"i'm john."
you look him up and down. his pretty eyes, the dated but kept beard, the smile lines, the warm and solidness that sits under your hand. he's a teddy bear under that, but you're not fooled. this man isn't like the others--he's wise. experienced. it means he's trigger-happy, and it means he has blood on his hands.
you give him your name anyway, and he repeats it, low enough and close enough that you feel his breath on your face.
"i need another drink," you say, putting a finger on his lips and pushing him backwards. "and you're gonna buy it for me. buy me a few, actually."
john chuckles, taking his jacket off. he drapes it over the back of your chair, and you try to avert your gaze when you see big, burly biceps and coarse hair. his arm stays there, behind you.
"you understand me, john?" you coo, and he smiles big. he nods.
"yes, ma'am."
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