#there he finally is
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simpingwriter · 2 years ago
Cal Kestis x Kyra Yarmot
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'Revenge and Redemption
In the Name of Love'
Ayo, we are BACK! Also...it was probably obvious by how I painted everything, but yeah...Kyra isn't dead. Yet. ��
Thanks to everyone who voted for the second book in the last week, I will try my best to not disappoint.
But, to balance out my other hobbies and the few hours of freetime I have, I probably won't post new chapters as quick as for the first book, depending on how easy the chapters write themselves. After all there is a new Star Wars game to play- (and I finally need to finish Fallen Order...)
Enough talk, here is the as always boring introduction chapter featuring a new side character!
Enjoy! :)
Word Count: approx. 3.650 Words
(Also, in case you haven't read the first book yet, here you can read from the beginning of it.)
You still felt the cracking and twisting of your neck, your spine being bent in ways that shouldn't be possible, even for you…and you remember the last words you heard before…before…
You died.
Or…at least you were pretty sure you were dead, as you slowly felt some light fall into the void you had been stuck motionless in for almost an eternity now, only your vast amounts of past mistakes and the same memories as always left for you to ponder over and over again as you were sure this was the end. The light had to be the afterlife, right?
You didn't want to leave Cal and BD like this…no, not yet…
This is too early…
But the light grew stronger, despite your protests and groveling.
Ever stronger. 
And now you were able to blink- wait, pause. You weren't able to blink in the void before, neither had you been able to move-
"Kyra?! She...she moved her hands! Quick!"
That voice…that's…that's-
"C-cal…" you groan, the name rolling from your tongue instinctively, the bright lights continuing to blind you as you regain full control over your eyelids – feeling the sleep crust stuck at your eyelashes – trying to adjust to the light…of this room. This wasn't death.
This is an infirmary.
"I'm here, Kyra, i'm here... I won't leave your side, never again!" Cal sat at your bed side, visibly exhausted with dark, sunked rings under his eyes and his hair not having seen a comb or brush for a good while now, holding onto your free right hand as his golden eyes filled with more than just worry, relief and joy. You never expected to see such emotions in these types of eyes…
These weren't just anyone's eyes though, those are Cal's eyes, no matter if they were still green or now golden and the slightest bit of red, they had never lost the warmth familiar to them. Of anything, they looked more emotional than before. He no longer had to hide his feelings from himself...
And the connection you two had…had it been tethered the whole time, had he been able to see and hear what you did? If yes, why couldn't you see his thoughts while…in a coma, you guessed?
Cal had just opened his mouth to respond when a woman dressed like a doctor nearly ran into the room, partially sliding to an abrupt stop as she looked into your eyes. Dressed like a doctor, probably is a doctor. Instead of continuing his own explanation, he can't help but chuckle lightly at your unfiltered thoughts about the woman that just came in, shaking his head in disbelief, "You don't know how glad I am that the fall didn't change you…"
Change you? Because you struck your head? Well, it's probably a very viable risk you had, you had read about amnesia and whole personalities changing after heavy head trauma-
"I came as soon as I heard your shout from the hall down, Eleventh Brother!" The older, quite energetic doctor rambled, staring at you in awe and odd wonder. Like a child seeing a Wookie for the first time.
Never seen a drago-…no…no, probably not.
"You can't believe how long I have waited for such a moment, ever after I read the old research pa-" "Dr. Puloria…" Cal, unfamiliarly cold, snaps her back to reality as her eyes widen from…fear? Or just Respect?
And did she just call him Eleventh Brother?
So, it's official…he really became an Inquisitor. But you knew that for longer now, finding out about his new "nickname" clearly just caught you off guard. You came with him knowing what would happen…and after all these things you saw on the Mantis, some too gruesome that even BD begged you to not watch any further? 
You're ready to join his side, fully and determined.
"Right, right, I am so sorry. We can continue about this when you're well rested and on the next routine check-up …okay. How do you feel, darling?" The doctor calmed herself down significantly after Cal called out her behavior, evidently needing to take a deep breath twice before she could return to a normal tone with you. What made you that interesting to her? In the end, you're just another girl in this wide-spread Galaxy. She did almost mention research papers when Cal…the Eleventh Brother…stopped her from rambling on any further. To be honest, it grabbed your attention more than it probably should right after waking up from a coma of unknown lenght.
You next realized how dried out your throat was at that moment, watching 'Dr. Puloria' look for a folder on the messy desk at the wall. Well, as good as you could look in your apparent condition, every rash and quick movement with your neck stung like a thousand microscopic vibro-blades and soon you just gave up trying to force the pain away, sticking to turning your head as slow as possible, but even that ended up being too exhausting.
Slumping back against the pillow, you feel Cal caress your unusually pale hand gently, like he could accidentally hurt you even more with the wrong touch. "Your neck took quite a hit…the Doctor said you're lucky to be naturally armored at so many parts of your body, as it saved you from getting paralyzed neck down." He laments, bringing attention to the offending and immensely obstructing object around your neck. You remember one of your assigned Clones once had to wear one of these, it stabilizes the wearer's neck until it can carry its own weight again without causing more damage or pain and the injury has healed.
Accepting your current fate, for now, you ask Cal if he could please find a glass of water for you, that your throat felt like you had swallowed a bucket of burning, coarse sand. Something he didn't even have to answer with a nod or words as he jumped to his feet and began looking for a glass and leaving the room, returning in under a minute.
"Here. Drink as many as you think you'll need, the Doctor prepared me for the moment you would hopefully wake up, so I know by now where most necessities should be..." 
So caring…and loving. You missed your Cal, missed his kind and understanding nature. Your perfect mate.
You were so…afraid, of losing this light forever. Your light, that became everything you needed and wanted in such a short and unexpected time. All because you met in the right circumstances and you were both in desperate for affection, something nobody cared for in either of you for way too long at that point. And now, for you, it's eternal. You just hoped you would never end up boring him…because you aren't his mate. Humans don't have just one mate by nature, they didn't get bound to one another like you did...
"You're overthinking again…you would never bore me, dragonfly…" And you missed your nickname, only ever used by him, rolling off his tongue.
From the corner of your vision, you saw Dr. Puloria listening along very clearly, at some points even forgetting to look more for the folder instead, which in turn called her out to you. She really was interested in…you, or it seemed like that to you at least.
"Cal, can I get another one, pretty please?" You ask sweetly, holding out your glass, the puppy eyes very much unnecessary as he had already gone to fetch you a fresh glass of water. He would do anything just to know you're not in any more unneeded pain.
This was the fourth now. But you were sure that one would then be enough for now, feeling your throat being hydrated once more, not the grizzly dryness from before. Now you were just extremely thirsty.
Just as quickly as the other three times, the completely dressed in black – and some red accents – Boy returned, his eyes kept trained on you the whole time, afraid you could fall back out of consciousness if he didn't for some reason. But you wouldn't go anywhere, you're staying right here with him, at his side and his warmth.
"I was so scared…I never felt so out of control in the air..." you didn't even plan to say that, it just…slipped out, Cal grimacing at your wounded words, "Me too, I thought- I mean…there, there was so much blood, Trilla said that you were a lost cause, but I just couldn't leave you to die…all, all alone, nobody at your side…not after the things you told me, about the things you witnessed yourself."
The image he had to have seen flooded your thoughts, something you weren't sure if he even knew he let you see through your connection. He was right, there was a lot of blood. So much purple on the sharp rocks that stopped your fall…and…oh- oh no…
Your seemingly lifeless body was forgotten by you as you saw something else lie close to you, broken limps scattered and sparks coming from the ripped cables and broken optics, was BD. He…he didn't make the fall. And you began to remember that he slipped from your weakened grasp at that moment. 
He trusted you, to keep him safe. He jumped for you…
And you couldn't keep even BD safe…
"BD…" you mumble, a stray tear on your scales wiped away by Cal as he realized with panic what you saw, first apologizing for forgetting how open the thoughts of yours were to each other if you didn't restrict them or similar. "He…I took him with me. I couldn't leave him either way, he had been my companion for this whole journey, he risked his memories for my stupid waste of a journey …"
You know exactly how it feels, to lose even the smallest size of a friend…it hurts no less than the other full sized ones. Maybe even more since they clearly were depending on you keeping them safe. It was your own failure that took your own former companion from you…just like with BD.
But BD…you saw a sliver of hope for him. Unlike with the little green blob you were grateful to have called your friend once upon a time, BD is fixable. His bones aren't unfixable, there was no blood to lose and no skin to tear.
Would you ever be able to scrub that image from your mind, or at least...learn to deal with the fact that it happened?
Just as Cal is about to ask you about the friend you meant, he is once again interrupted by the Doctor, a bitter pout wandering onto his expression as he sighs. 
Later, Cal, later…
"So, well, first of all, I should inform you of your current whereabouts. You're on Nur, the Moon of Mustafar. I hope to the dear makers you're not claustrophobic, because we are 90% underwater in this base." Nur…you remember the name, you once passed through the Mustafar System with a different Jedi Master you found trying to "hide" out. Quite insulting to your actual attempt trying to hide from the Empire when he was just two planets off of Coruscant, trying to drink himself into his own Coma.
You knew that man well from your former time at the Temple, sometimes having been the substitute for when your actual Master was needed by the Council for a meeting. You also knew he once had a Padawan of his own, one you never had the pleasure to meet…but to hear the various stories and adventures of the two. The good and the bad, all while his said former Master got wasted beyond the stars...
Master Tegra never let you meet the other Padawan as he was afraid of you getting rejected once more, like usual. He never told you out right, but it was so obvious it sometimes hurt more than the possible rejections from your peers. He didn't want you to get rejected left and right because it would lead to frustration. And frustration was an entrance path to getting on the wrong side of the force.
Worked out very well for you, old man…
You were long gone…how long? Maybe already before Cal lost his way, maybe on that or that planet a few years ago…but you never fully realized when you began to lose the balance Master Tegra taught you feverishly. Your course changed so subtly, not even you noticed until it was too late to really ever return...
The doctor continued reading the folder for you, pointing out some of the minor injuries that healed while you had been bound to the bed…for how long were you even unconscious? Days? Weeks?...Months?
"Okay, that list being done, let's continue to the two that still have to take their time to heal, the ones you have to be careful with to not worsen them once I release you from the Infirmary tomorrow." You would be getting released already tomorrow? That sounds too good to be true, you absolutely hated Doctors. Well, not the people. But having to go to their office…back in the Temple you remember clinging to door frames with all your four claws, sometimes even utilizing your fangs, your Clones trying in groups of five to tear you off the said frames because you were up for the monthly blood tests.
You were nearly fearless, but needles…oh nononono. Not needles. You didn't even know why you had that particular fear in the first place, as the needles they used didn't even hurt on your skin. Some weren't even strong enough to penetrate deep enough at your normal skin, it also being tougher than your average human's skin.
"First off, your neck injury. It was heavy blunt trauma, it shook your spine up a bit, to say it in layman's terms. But nothing some position correction couldn't fix. You're getting the neck brace taken off in two days by the way, as you're healing very well. I account that to your heightened immune system of your species." Right, a neck brace, that's what they were called…you already felt bad for the Clone back then, but wearing one yourself felt like a tiny prison, even drinking your karking water just now had been a struggle. 
"And secondly, the only thing you will need to be careful of for a while…your wing. I bonded the torn membrane with advanced bacta patches, to draw them together and let them heal and scar naturally."
She cut your wing…she took what made you who you are. She is the reason you're here today, stuck in an infirmary bed.
The reason you woul-
"Relax, Kyra, you'll be having all the time in the Galaxy to think about your revenge…but you need to get better first." You hated it when Cal was your only voice of reason – now not even BD was here anymore to encourage your chaotic thoughts, just for fun and to see what would happen – of all possibilities, it had to be the boy that chose the Empire of all places as your safest choice. 
"I heard that." "Good." You already back in the next breath, giving him the first snarky smile since a while now again before your attention went to the odd feeling behind you, something you noticed just now only.
It's gauze wrapped around your entire wing…how did they manage that and just how much gauze did they waste on that?
Did they really think some weirdly advanced bacta patch of all things the medical field had to karking offer, could fix your wing? Such injuries have crippled your ancestors for life, why would you be any different! 
You…you would never fly again, you would never be able to feel the breeze on your face and scales once more…
No more were you a proud drago-
"The gauze I will take off tomorrow morning, don't worry about that restricting feeling as of now, it is only there in case you thrash in your sleep or subconsciously tried stretching your wing in your unconscious state." That- That wasn't the problem…the problem was that something so important couldn't be just fixed by slapping a karking bacta patch on it, hoping it would magically heal like they did with every other wound…
Never could you take Cal…or BD, for flights again, all your worth your body had, cut apart like cheap paper, by your own Lightsaber…insult to injury.
"We can do nothing else but try, Kyra. And I trust Dr. Puloria. She is maybe a bit too energetic and a bit hectic sometimes, but she does great work!" At the 'energetic and hectic' part, the white haired woman pulls her eyebrows up in question before chuckling, "Yeah, I might need to drink a bit less Caf before my shifts. But you need to understand, it's really hard to stay awake without it in a job like mine. Doctors and Nurses need to be up almost 24/7, especially when your understaffed." That had also been a common problem at the Temple, but they let their patients feel their exhaustion…they were rude and rough with you, hoping to be done with you as soon as possible. 
And then people really had the audacity to wonder why you tried avoiding their offices as much as possible. Not only to not be forced to get treated like that as well, but also with a small thought in the back of your head: If they had at least one less patient…would it lift some of their work off their shoulders?
Your stomach suddenly intervened your thoughts, gurgling loudly in protest. It had to have been empty all this time, the…ugh…needle in the back of your hand – however they managed to penetrate through the scales of all possible places – probably part of some bag with a mineral and vitamin liquid to keep you from becoming too malnourished while you couldn't eat. Cal reacted the quickest at the foreign, strange noise, his unoccupied hand going to look and search through the pockets at the back of his uniform's pants. It proudly returned with a bar somewhat the length of his palm, wrapped in matt black plastic, which he immediately went to unwrap for you.
'Energy Bar - Imperial Ration #28907ENB' it simply read…minimal design, you liked that. 
At the sight of the small Energy Bar, the Doctor sighs in some distinct type of disappointment, "Eleventh Brother, an Energy Bar like that, basically nothing but sugar for said Energy, is not going to make her any less hungry…this is for training, so keep it for that. Eat that yourself, I will get her something different, more nutritious in the meantime…"
Makers, you hated Doctors and their sense of needing to be correct all the time sometimes.
Pouting, both of you, you wait for her to leave the darkly colored yet incredibly bright room. Then, Cal went to break the bar in half anyways. "Here, at least take a bit of it while she's out…" For an Energy Bar made for and probably by the Empire, it did look karking delicious. But that could also be just your stomach thinking and making decisions for you.
"Then you'll also get a culinary taste of what awaits you, I guess?" What awaits you in the first place? You didn't care in the end, you would be ready for anything if it is at his side again…you would've even continued suffering on the Mantis, if he had decided to stay.
"You know I eat absolutely everything." You return with the same tired and a bit loopy smile as before. The needle was feeding you more than just vitamins and minerals, definitely.
"Which speaks even more against Greez's cooking, not even you brought every meal down…"
While Greez wasn't exactly bad at cooking…he was definitely a niche chef, as you would call it. He had certain ingredients he was able to cook well with and others, oh well, they were a lost cause in his four hands…
Fortunately you no longer had to witness that daily disaster. "You want to eat your half yourself or can I…" "Yes, you can…you forgot that I can hear your thoughts too?"
He looked just a bit stunned before he shook his head sheepishly, coming closer to your already slightly open mouth with the Energy Bar. "Please don't bite my finger, I know you're hungry- Ow." 
Now you just had to do it, for the simple fact that he really thought you would eat his hand. But you bit him only very gently, his 'ow.' ending up to be more playful than anything else as he pulls the baked and glazed bar away again, "What did I just say? You're a bad girl."
A- a w-what...
The second attempt, you kept your sharp fangs to yourself and finally also ended up getting the food he promised you, chewing satisfied on the still slightly crunchy cereals and fruits it contained. It really tasted as good as it looked, maybe favorite snack worthy…
No, that was Cal-
"I heard that one too." "Ah good, I was worried for a moment it didn't reach you-" another snarky moment of yours was cut short when you felt his soft and as always needy lips on yours, a low moan growing in his throat as you melted back together. As surprising as this came right now, you waited for him to finally claim you once more.
You remember the final, burning feelings of regret as you fell back down to the planet, how you regretted not kissing Cal when you had found him again in the mountains after all these months, that you wished you had just gone with your guts and kissed him then and there.
That you would've just believed him and Trilla instead of having to investigate yourself, but anyone would've done the same thing after having been fed these lies by the Republic all their life…
Just as he deepened the kiss, becoming rougher with his lips, feeling his tongue ask for entrance and his hands starting to carefully as possible cradle your injured head, you both heard someone clear their throat. Dr. Puloria…
"She is supposed to eat food, not your face, Eleventh Brother. Same accounts for you." 
He jumps off of you instantly, face burning as bright red as your fire as his hands had been quite obviously been caught in the cookie jar. Was…was it still forbidden for you two? Did you still have to hide your relationships and feelings for each other?
Cal heard your thoughts perfectly, you knew that and still he kept his mouth shut this time as the Doctor placed a tablet with two plates onto a bed-table for you. "Usually I would have a Droid helping me with these tablets, but that stupid thing broke down two days a-" she stops rambling to mostly herself at this point when she realizes that neither of you two had really listened to her, eyes going from you to him and back to you.
"Right…The Eleventh Brother has been "vaguely" hinting at you two being…more than friends. And apparently no one has bothered to tell him in his three, nearly four, months here that relationships aren't forbidden. But it is kind of awkward running into two people just kissing…"
That does explain her odd reaction...
That also means though you're wrong with your earlier fearful assumption, you no longer have to hide your relationship…you can finally live your life, even if it meant being on the apparently bad side of this intergalactic war…
This was the moment Cal always talked about, wasn't it? About having to be selfish at some point for one's own happiness instead of constantly watching out for others. A teaching only oneself can learn, as no Jedi was taught that piece of advice. If anything, showing selfishness was also forbidden, like many other freedoms that made up living life as a whole.
Did the Jedi ever truly live life to their fullest?
Surprisingly, it had been a dark question plaguing your mind even as a youngling and Padawan already – just that it was more innocent in nature back then – watching the idle lives of the other Jedi Knights, Master and fellow Padawans pass by without any memorable moments seemingly sticking to them. At least, they never openly showed them to their kin. Everyone would think they're getting attached…and then…well, you didn't know what they did to punish them. Even though your own Master was part of that same Council, he was very tight lipped about what happened beyond these ominous, big doors.
While they followed their boring daily routines, you had a huge amount of natural curiosity that often led to you ending up in trouble, usually saved by your Clone Troops. They had covered for you so many times…if you had been just a bit better behaved- No…it's in the past now, there…there was nothing that could bring Zeta and the rest back to you…nothing.
The scars of that day at last began their healing when Cal abruptly fell into your life, something you still like to describe as a punch to the face from just how sudden it was, the frequent small little conversation you shared ever since the night on that Bardottan Market and at that small lake helping not just with your emotional healing.
"But that's part of a matter that isn't my expertise. I just make sure none of you bleeds out, dies of poisoning or gets an infection…well, and annual check ups."
Kark no, not check ups.
"Here, you should eat now. Afterwards, you should rest up – and no more funny business – you're supposed to speak to the Grand Inquisitor tomorrow noon after I officially released you and we just can't have you looking even more mentally out of it than you're already." She hands you a pair of metal cutlery before turning around to leave, "And Eleventh Brother, you should be rested for tomorrow's hearing as well. Do both of you a favor and sleep at your room tonight."
With that, she left the room once again, which – taken from her overall tone – probably the last time you saw her for today as Cal silently agreed with a nod. But you could hear the growing wish to protest against her, that he wanted to stay at your side even now that you're awake. Especially now…he had waited so long for you to wake up again.
Actually, thinking about that, you hadn't even had the thought to ask about how long you had been unconscious for-
"Four weeks…you were in a coma for four whole weeks, that's why most of your wounds have healed by now." 
Four weeks…of wasted time.
Time you could've used to plan your revenge.
Meaning you had to push even harder than probably expected of you, you needed to get back on your feet as soon as possible.
They would all regret treating you in such ways…they would get to see what happens if you keep pushing...and pushing a person, until they had to figuratively and literally jump over the edge...
Today, we write about the day the Galaxy gained another Sith...
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swan2swan · 9 months ago
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Whoever conceived and animated this moment, I hope they're doing well and thriving. This is S-rank romance stuff here.
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chloesimaginationthings · 1 month ago
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Poppy playtime got a guy worse than William Afton
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anyknotrants · 3 months ago
-after Damian turned 16, at the family dinner-
Bruce: so... Damian, do you remember the Oreov girl you met at the gala last week?
Damian: *looks up* yes
Bruce: what do you think of her...?
Dick: *tries not to laugh*
Tim: *fails not to laugh*
Steph: *doesn't even try not to laugh*
Damian: she was... acceptable, if a bit annoying, why do you ask?
Tim: He's trying to set you up!
Batkids -Damian: *laughs*
Damian: *stares blankly*
Bruce: of course, you don't hav-
Damian: father, are you unaware that I'm in a committed relationship?
Duke, Tim and Dick: *choke on their food*
Steph: *chokes on her drink*
Cass: *smiles*
Batkids: WHAT?!
Bruce: ... I-....
Jason: *laughs so hard he almost falls from his chair* oh Jesus Christ! The world's best detectives at their finest!
Dick: you knew? And you didn't tell me?!
Jason: where the fuck do you think he went almost every fucking friday?
Bruce: *turns to Damian* I- I though you were having sleepover with Jon
Damian: I was.
Dick: but you just-
Batfam: *stops all their movememnt as they realize*
Jason: *actually falls from his chair laughing*
-over at the Kent farm, also having family dinner-
Jon, who heard Bruce shout his name: I feel like I'm going to get murdered by a bat in my sleep
Clark, who was also listening in: right after you explain why I had to find out you're dating Damian throught their family dinner
Jon: hehe... fuck
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blaithnne · 4 months ago
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Live Mel reaction
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biggest-gaudiest-patronuses · 10 months ago
historical drama/sitcom where two gay best friends (woman and man) get lavender married--and proceed to spend the Fancy European Honeymoon their parents paid for acting as each other's wingman
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jeannes-world · 11 months ago
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to be treasured
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ruegarding · 1 year ago
that scene in tlo where thalia tells percy he can't start feeling sorry for luke bc luke made his choices. and thalia reveals that the reason they couldn't make it to camp in time for all of them to make it to camp was bc luke kept picking fights. and annabeth never saw this as wrong bc luke was her hero. so thalia had to pick up the pieces. and percy thinking both that luke was put in a cruel position and that luke was putting others in a cruel position. and percy is the only character who understood both sides of luke bc annabeth sees only the best of him and thalia sees only the worst. and that's why percy is the prophecy kid and the one who gives luke the knife. bc annabeth had spent the entire series essentially giving luke the knife when he didn't deserve it. and thalia was never going to give luke the knife. but percy is the only one who can see exactly when luke deserves the knife.
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cryptocism · 8 months ago
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"just as I did, in 1983."
you'd never know my favourite parts of the show are the fucked up insane bits when my first instinct is to draw the cheesiest thing imaginable
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miwkchii · 1 month ago
I will fall in love with you over and over again!!!
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Tele and penelope listening to his tales ☆
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egophiliac · 4 days ago
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sorry guys, this is just my brain now. this is going to be the only thing I think about for the next week at least.
oh and also this
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 part 13 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 part 13 spoilers#oh my god it had everything i wanted AND MORE#...except the hook for 8 which ironically was the only one i was 100% sure was guaranteed to happen#well whatever i am too busy floating in this pool of delicious diasomnia tears#SO MANY TEARS#malleus' voice acting was absolutely 🤌 delectable 🤌#him and silver both are usually so reserved you don't even notice until suddenly FULL-ON UGLY SOBBING#IKANAI DE KURE LILIAAAAAAAAAAA#god. i have so much i need to draw. malleus in his little royal outfit...#ENDLESS MELEANOR F O R E V E R#(ah...meleanor and the knight of dawn are holding hands... :) you've reconciled... :) how lovely...)#(oh...and bauru is here too...)#can't believe poor sebek got 'and also you're here'-ed even at a time like this#that rhythmic was SO cute i'm gonna die. he's your son so it should be ✨PINK✨#ugh this update has spoiled me absolutely rotten. i'm so happy#though i kept waiting for that silver vanrouge and finally decided it wasn't going to happen#then got the 'there is one thing...but it's not a gift that malleus-sama can give...'#and THAT'S WHEN THEY DID THE HOTFIX UPDATE AND I GOT BOOTED#and then i KEPT GETTING ACCESS ERRORS DUE TO HIGH VOLUME 😭#twst NO i didn't need that tension to be heightened thank you#on the other hand when malleus started his proclamation with 'in the name of the draconias...' i did have a second#where i was briefly convinced they were going to do the funniest possible thing and make silver draconia canon after all#anyway i'm out of tags so we'll have to discuss malleus' absolutely bonkers-cuckoo choice of party venue later#now i gotta get back to constantly rewatching the moment he realizes he's accidentally killed lilia. his weeping is my sustenance.
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chloesimaginationthings · 5 months ago
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Everyone loves FNAF music man.. even Michael
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hunnam · 5 months ago
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prlssprfctn · 8 days ago
Somewhere in the year after Jason becomes a part of Bruce's family, a strange book appears on the desk of Bruce's personal study room. A book about parenting traumatised kids. He opens it, leafs though a little, noticing certain phrases underlined, and closes it back. Alfred probably left it. Just a few days ago, they had a short argument regarding his parenting methods, and he seemingly tried to prove his point by additional literature. Bruce is going to read it later.
...He doesn't have time, actually, and eventually, the book stays forgotten, tucked between many others.
Years pass. Jason dies. And then comes back, complicated and different, frustrating and hard to crack. Thinking about Jason — a habit, always a habit — becomes some kind of roulette: he either remembers something nice, comes up with some courage to talk with his son, at least through comms, at least not directly, or the exact opposite thing happens, sending them both out of balance.
It is the middle of cleaning day, when Alfred suddenly picks up the exact same book about children victims and how to take care of them, and to Bruce's surprise asks where does this book come from.
'What do you mean?' Bruce frowns. 'You gave it to me when I just adopted Jason. Well, not gave, I would say tactically sneaked in, but...'
'I would remember that,' Alfred frowns. He goes through a few pages, and his face softens. 'It wasn't me, master Bruce.'
And suddenly, it clicks.
*Jason* left it. He underlined lines that probably felt relatable to him, that maybe could help them both in their new, hard journey. A shy kid he was, though, very smart, he would never actually speak with Bruce directly — he would try to leave him hints. To open up more in a subtle way.
Bruce suddenly can imagine his little son overhearing his late argument with Alfred that day, all these years ago. Mulling over, "this kid is deeply traumatised, master Bruce" and "well, I can't get inside his head, Al" lines. Figuring out how to easen his burden. How to be understood and yet accepted.
And Bruce... unknowingly discarded that.
As usual.
Unknowingly, cluelessly, and yet so simply — he discarded everything that was dear to Jason, everything that meant something for him.
As he grips the book in his hands, caressing the soft cover, he can't help but wonder if any of the information inside, little highlights Jason did, are still working for him. If he still can fix it.
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blahlahblash · 2 months ago
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they're a litol shy..........
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