#Damina did tell Jason
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anyknotrants · 3 months ago
-after Damian turned 16, at the family dinner-
Bruce: so... Damian, do you remember the Oreov girl you met at the gala last week?
Damian: *looks up* yes
Bruce: what do you think of her...?
Dick: *tries not to laugh*
Tim: *fails not to laugh*
Steph: *doesn't even try not to laugh*
Damian: she was... acceptable, if a bit annoying, why do you ask?
Tim: He's trying to set you up!
Batkids -Damian: *laughs*
Damian: *stares blankly*
Bruce: of course, you don't hav-
Damian: father, are you unaware that I'm in a committed relationship?
Duke, Tim and Dick: *choke on their food*
Steph: *chokes on her drink*
Cass: *smiles*
Batkids: WHAT?!
Bruce: ... I-....
Jason: *laughs so hard he almost falls from his chair* oh Jesus Christ! The world's best detectives at their finest!
Dick: you knew? And you didn't tell me?!
Jason: where the fuck do you think he went almost every fucking friday?
Bruce: *turns to Damian* I- I though you were having sleepover with Jon
Damian: I was.
Dick: but you just-
Batfam: *stops all their movememnt as they realize*
Jason: *actually falls from his chair laughing*
-over at the Kent farm, also having family dinner-
Jon, who heard Bruce shout his name: I feel like I'm going to get murdered by a bat in my sleep
Clark, who was also listening in: right after you explain why I had to find out you're dating Damian throught their family dinner
Jon: hehe... fuck
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ghostofthephantomzone · 15 days ago
Scenario / Au based on ‘Robin’s Egg’ on ao3
Link to fic (not mine): https://archiveofourown.org/works/40364214/chapters/101109468
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Imagine a scenario like robins Egg but if the bat family were in the know.
For those who don't know, Robins Egg is a fanfic where Damian finds Danny bleeding out in an Ally and tells Damian to hide him as he turns into his Core, only Robin instead looks after him like an egg.
I know, very cute.
Anyway, the point is, in the fic Damina is the only one who knows that danny’s Core isn't just a shiny rock.
But imagine if they did, and they knew Phantom beforehand. Like, your Vigilante Best friend just had to retreat Into his Core (basically his soul!) and is at his most vulnerable.
There would be doting and embarrassing moments, Jason would probably make a few death jokes with it, acting like Danny was talking back and only he could hear it just to fuck with the others.
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daddysfangirls-dc · 1 year ago
UnTamed Ch.12
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Damian Wayne x OC!Female
The Kids were up to something. Bruce was sure of it. It wasn't unusual for the family to be together during holidays. The amount of time they were spending together as a group was suspicious, and to top it off, they appeared to be excluding Damian. All very suspicious. He was doing his best to keep an eye on everything, but he had a lot of kids. Plus, Alfred wasn't helpful. 
"Is it anything had?" Bruce asked as Alfred set a cup of tea down. He moved his papers to the side. " You'd tell me, wouldn't you?"
"Of course, Master Wayne." Alfred gives a small smirk and leaves the office. While he was relieved to know it wasn't anything harmful and that Alfred was obviously aware, he was also tense and nervous because his kids were up to something, and Alfred knew and wasn't telling him. He was definitely in for it. 
There was a soft knock on his door, and Asta quickly shifted to a cat Damian had called to enter. It was Alfred who came baring cookies and milk. " The others have already raided the kitchen," he said as he placed a plate of cookies and two cups of milk on the bedside table. " I'd thought you'd want some."
Damina hid his shock at the cups. "...thank you".
Alfred gave a small smile and nodded before departing, closing the door and locking the door behind him. 
"He knows," They both said once he's gone.
"He... he feels good. Proud?" Asta wasn't entirely sure what he felt, but it wasn't bad. His feelings weren't entirely legible, but they weren't bad. He felt good. 
"I trust Alfred; he won't tell anyone." Damian immediately goes to reassure her.
"I know" she doesn't need it. Asta smiles as she takes the cup of milk and a cookie. " He's a good person." 
Alferd knows everything or just about. Alfred was aware of Damian's female companion even before he became romantic with her. As sneaky as the two had been, they had slipped up a few times over the years. Take extra food and blankets, constantly closing his door. At first, Alfred assumed it was a hidden pet, then Damian started to ask for romantic advice, which confirmed it to be a person, and then the purchasing of clothing confirmed them to be female. 
Followed by a few slipped giggles and unlocked doors, it was easy to find out and put the pieces together. He did what he could to help hide the couple, but there was only so much he could do. Especially with Tim on the case, the poor lad was obsessive.
Right now, he was simply doing his best to keep them distant from his siblings. He, of all people, was well aware of how overwhelming his family could be. They had very few boundaries and little respect for others. Privacy did not exist. Still, Alfred managed to work through it. The love he had for his child and grandchild.
He sighed as he heard the children fighting in the kitchen. They were down to the last cookie.
"Gentlemen and ladies," he said as he stepped into the kitchen to find the kids over the last cookie, as usual. A  simple clearing of his throat and all fighting ceased. Walking up to the counter, he takes the last cookie. 
"Where's Damian?" Dick asked
"He preferred to stay in his room. He'll be down for dinner, which I must start. Everyone out."
There was a chorus of awws and a crowd of pouts as Alfred shuffled them out. Jason was the last "Can I help?"
"Potatoes need peeling." Jason nodded and went to work.
Alfred smiled and watched as Jason pulled out the potatoes and got to work. He was tall now and bulkier even though he still wore the same face he did when he was 11, and he first taught him how to peel and chop potatoes. He had been a child at some point. Alfred still thought of them as children, but they all had been smaller at the same point. Some were years ago, and others were yesterday. They had grown and would continue to do so, and he hoped to see it all.  
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jinx-jade · 4 years ago
Broken promises Part 3
“Why the fuck is Demon spawn at the League’s old base!” Jason growled.
The Wayne’s had all made their way down to the bat-cave. They were currently looking at the computer screen where Damian’s tracker was sitting in the league’s destroyed base.
As far as they were aware, the League had switched locations two years ago after the attack. It was strange for Damian to go back to a place that was nothing but crumbled buildings, let alone go back to the league when he made his stand very clear that he would never return.
“Shall I prepare a form of transportation to Nada Par?” Alfred asked, already heading to do so.
“Yes please Alfred,” Bruce said with a sight. “Jon, why don’t you head back home and see if you and Clark could patrol Gotham tonight.”
“Oh, uh, ok. Let me know when Dames is back?” Jon asked.
“Of course, but he might be grounded for a bit,” Bruce answered.
Jon nodded his head in understanding before leaving for home.
The bat kids made bets as to why Damian would seemingly willingly go back to Nada Par. The speculation continued the whole trip until they landed at their destination.
They searched the whole base with no luck. It wasn’t until they specifically followed Damian’s tracker that they found him.
Damian appeared to be sleeping under a large tree in some kind of garden with plants and animals that they have never seen before.
Next to Damian was an old sword that had been stuck in the ground for at the very least a year. There were vines and flowers wrapped around it, the sword itself was on the smaller side and definitely not one of Damian’s swords.
The bats moved closer to the large tree only for Damian to startle awake. He blinked at them a few times.
“Tch. What are you doing here?” Damian asked. His voice was a bit raspy as if he had been crying. Based on the redness and puffiness of his eyes, he might have been.
“What are you doing at the league’s old base?” Jason asked, not very happy to be back in Nada Par despite it being nothing but rubble.
Damian didn’t answer, instead, he leaned his head back against the tree, appearing to be ignoring them and the question.
“What kind of sword is that?” Dick asked about the blade in hope that changing the topic would get a response from him.
“... It’s a Kodachi…” Damian answered after a few moments of silence, keeping his head leaned back against the tree, his eyes closed.
“Ok, and what is it doing in this garden?” Dick questioned softly, being the best one out of the bats that know how to word things and work around Damian’s walls.
“...” Damian didn’t answer, instead, a single tear rolled down his cheek, shocking the bats. It was the first time they had seen the youngest bat cry. It became clear that Damian must have tilted his head back in an attempt to not cry in front of them.
The area was quiet, unsure of what to do.
“Swords placed in the ground are often used as grave markers of a fallen warrior that died in battle.” Tim reads, having looked it up as an excuse not to look at the crying former assassin.
The group went quiet with the realization that Damian must have been visiting someone’s grave, and that today some time ago, must have been the day of their death.
Damian eventually got up from his spot under the tree, he wiped his tear trails before walking past his family towards the exit.
“... Let’s…  just go,” Damian states, only for Cass to grab the sleeve of his shirt as he passed her.
Cass then proceeds to drag Damina back to his previous spot under the tree having them sit down, she hugged him close, and to their surprise, Damian started sobbing. Cass just rubbed a soothing circle into Damian’s back while combing through his hair and shushing him.
At this moment in time, Damian seemed like a heartbroken little kid, not some cold vigilante, ex-assassin.
The other bats were still frozen in place till Dick moved towards Damian and Cass, wrapping them in a hug. Slowly all the bats joined them under the tree.
They stayed there for a few hours in silence, the only noise being the small almost magic-like creatures, and Damian’s broken sobs.
Once Damian seemed to be done crying and out of tears, Cass asked the question they were all wondering.
“Who’s here?” She asked, placing a hand on the ground next to the blade.
“... You know, the League of Assassins was originally the League of Shadow because it was their job to hide in the shadows to protect our ally the Order of Miracles,” Damian said, tears still stuck in his throat.
“They disappeared for about two hundred years so the League became independent as the League of Assassins. When the Order returned, Ra’s and the Grand Guardian wanted to bind the two organizations together, so they betrothed the heirs of their organization to each other.”
Damian went quiet for a bit, but the bats weren’t known as the world’s greatest detectives for nothing. They could all guess whose grave this was now that Damian had explained that much.
“... we were twelve when she died…” Damian said with a shaky breath.
“Hey, breath, you’re safe, we got you,” Dick said soothingly combing his hands through Damian’s hair.
After a few minutes, Damian seemed to have calmed a bit from his previous worked-up state.
“....She died before we could keep our promise to each other,” Damian said, pulling up his sleeve to reveal a mark that could have been mistaken as a tattoo bracelet with how decorative the mark looked.
“What was her name?” Bruce eventually asks, his voice soft as to not disturb his morning child.
“...Marinette, Marinette Lenoir Wang” Damian said as a stray tear rolled down his cheeks.
About two hours after Damian had finally stopped crying and finished telling them about his betrothed did they start heading back to the jet. On the walk back Damian collapsed, most likely from emotional exhaustion, so Jason ended up carrying him on his back.
It was so strange to see the youngest bat so emotional and tired.
Each of the Waynes promised to help him heal, no matter how long it took.
Each of the Waynes received a mark on their left wrist, similar to Damian’s.
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goldandbluesmiles · 4 years ago
In Shades
Summary: Damian paints his family.
Part of batfam flufftober2020
Damian had an art assignment. Paint a portrait of one person in your life and use only one colour and explain why you chose that one colour.
It was an interesting assignment and Damian could not choose just one person to paint. So, he painted everyone in his immediate family. He figured he could hand in the best one.
He asked Alfred to sit down first.
For Alfred, he chose the colour grey. Dull and able to blend in, a symbol of dignity and sophistication as much as it was a symbol of loss.
Alfred had taken care of them through their losses and their fears, through their triumphs and their victories. He had stood by them as they had fought each other and had stood by them as they had held each other. Always there always reliable.
Yes, grey it was for Alfred.
"I am honoured, Master Damian," said Alfred once he showed it to him. It was the only thing he said but it still made Damian feel warm.
The second person he sat down with was his father.
For his father, he chose the colour black. It seemed a bit cliche but it fit the man. Black stood for strength and mystery, for formality and elegance, but at the same time stood for aggression and authority, for death and darkness.
This one might not end up with the rest of his assignment for it would be hard to explain to a civilian how all these characteristics could fit the airhead billionaire Brucie Wayne. But Damian could not bring himself to draw his father in false colours. He would just have to hide this one away.
Once he was done with the portrait, he looked at the harsh lines and smiled. Yes, black definitely worked.
His father must have agreed with his observations because one look at the piece and he had laughed.
"Well, you certainly got me, Kiddo. But maybe not take this to school. Though, I would like to hang it in my study instead. Would that be alright with you?"
"Yes, Father," Damian had agreed.
Father had them given him a long and tight hug, softly whispering how proud he was.
It almost made Damian cry. Almost.
Dick sat down for next, a wide smile on his face.
Damian chose to paint his brother in bright greens. Green was the colour of growth, harmony and renewal. His brother had moved non from tragedy after tragedy and always found a way to make his world right again, not only for himself but for others too. The freshness of the colour captured the man's smile in full and made him seem wiser than his years, which in Damian's opinion was exactly what his brother was.
Damian knew this one would be his favourite.
When he showed Dick, he was gushed at his talent but had been confused about the colour choice. Unlike most of their other family, Dick had never had an interest in the visual arts, opting to express himself physically as Cassandra did.
Once he explained, Dick had gotten tears in his eyes. Damian had almost become alarmed but his brother had swooped him up in a hug and held him close, much as his father had.
"Thank you, Damian,"
"You're welcome, Richard," said Damian, though he did not know what the thank you was for.
Cassandra did not sit but chose to stand instead. Damian was quite alright with that.
He painted his sister in shades of purple. Purple was the colour of royals, elegance of a certain kind, and ambition. Violet was the colour of magic and dreams.
Cassandra smiled all the way through painting, holding her pose together. This painting took the longest as Damian knew that it would e important to paint her whole body instead of just painting her face.
Once he was done, Cassandra hugged him before she even saw the painting and then hugged him again after she was it.
"Good," she whispered, "You got me,"
"I'm glad you think so," he whispered back
After Cassandra came Jason. And the only reason he had agreed was that he was stuck on bed rest.
Damian drew him in shades of red, head bent over a book. Red was the colour of anger, danger and sacrifice. It was also the colour of love and passion, the colour of a fire that burned bright and a heart that beat for others. Jason was all that and more. He rose from the ashes like a phoenix and had devoted his life to his family and city. Sacrifice after sacrifice, all in the name of love for people he thought didn't even love him. He was wrong about that of course.
"The angry brother in red, huh?" said Jason once he saw it, voice showing just a fraction of the bitterness he was feeling.
Damina instantly refuted, "No, the passionate brother, and the loving one,"
Jason looked at him in surprise.
Damian continued, "You are too sacrificing for your own good, you are passionate about what you do and you love so much that overflows out in bursts,"
For a few moments, Jason watched him with his mouth open, and then ever so slowly, a smile spread across his face.
"You know," he murmured, "I think red could be your colour too,"
Tim was surprised at being asked, and really that made Damian feel just a little guilty. He was almost an adult now and quite ashamed about how he had acted all those years ago.
For Timothy, Damian chose blues. Blue represented the open sky and ocean, depth and stability. It stood for loyalty, faith, truth and confidence.
Over the years, Damian had watched his brother grow into his abilities and become sure of himself. He was a leader, a detective and a man loyal to his cause and family. Damian was proud to have him in his life, to call him family. Even if he never admitted it out loud.
He explained the meaning of the picture in a few words, the whole interaction being awkward in a nice way, both of them feeling a bit shy about it.
"Thanks, Dames," said Tim
Damian just shrugged in response.
It was enough.
Duke was the last sibling he asked to sit down.
He chose to present Duke in pink. Pink was intuitive, pink was tender, pink was kind. It was a positive colour that inspired warmth and appreciation. All of the things he felt for the second oldest in the family. Duke had a soft way about him that drew people out of their shell. He was a leader but not an authoritative one like Father or even Timothy. Instead, his leadership consisted of inspiring and lifting others.
"Pink? Isn't that a girl's colour,"
"While you are right that pink represents feminity in today's society, it is a more recent development, I chose to focus on other meanings of the colour,"
"Yeah? And those are?" Duke asked disbelievingly, but not unkindly
Once Damian was done explaining, Duke grinned and held out a fist for him to bump. Damian complied.
"Thanks, man," said Duke, bounding out of the room as if someone had filled him with unlimited energy.
Damian watched him go with a shake of his head.
Damian contemplated whether or not he should do anyone else, and in the end, asked Stephanie to sit for him too.
He painted Stephanie orange. The colour represented friendliness and enthusiasm, competitiveness and risk. It stood for raw instinct and free spirit, lead to the person feeling warm and at home. The colour of the autumn.
Stephanie was a friendly spirit and was somehow always present. She pushed forward when knocked down and fought to make her home. Her success came from her enthusiasm and competitiveness and her willingness to risk it all.
Stephanie gave him a grin and a big kiss on the cheek when he explained the colour.
"Ew, Brown! Stop!"
"Uhuh," she cried, "Yuu love meee! Now I knooow!"
"Oh god, you are such a child,"
The last person that sat for him was Barbara Gordon.
Damian chose to paint her in browns. Brown was the colour of reliability and support, of protection and security. It stood for everything genuine, honest and sincere. It was what came to mind when he thought of Barbara. The way she was always there, a voice in everyone's ear. The way she always spoke the truth, light and clear. She was a friend, she was dependable, someone that could be trusted and relied on unconditionally.
Oddly enough, like Alfred and Father, Barbara did not need an explanation for the colour. She merely smiled and nodded.
"You have a great eye," she told him, "I really love this. Thank you, Damian,"
"No, thank you, Barbara,"
After a long night of patrol, Damian was ready to fall into bed. However, before he could do that, he realized there was an envelope sitting on his pillow. He took it out and smiled.
There was a picture of him petting his animals, most likely taken by Timothy, and it was tinted yellow. Beneath it, were words written out in yellow glitter pen.
Sunshine. Happiness. Fun. Hope. Mind. Perception. Optimism. Creativity. Freshness. positivity.
Underneath was a paragraph written in his father's neat cursive writing, though he could tell the input had probably come from a few different sources.
'Yellow represents the heat of the sun and the loveliness of a smile, it evoked hope for the future and is linked with the optimistic. Yellow showed creativity, freshness and positivity. Damian, you are almost an adult now and have grown into someone who had learned to channel your creative side, look towards the future and smile, even if it is internally. You have a beautiful mind and your artistic perception of the world takes our breath away. Always stay you, Damian,. You are bright and wonderful,'
Wiping the happy tears that were making their way down his cheeks, Damian quickly took out his phone. He pulled up the group chat and wrote a short message, knowing it would get the sentiment across.
'Thank you. I will do my best,'
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justcourttee · 5 years ago
And They Were Roommates- Pt 21
A/N so so so sorry for how late this was posting. promise the next chapter will be up super soon
Marinette took a deep breath before the elevator doors slid open to the workshop. Before she could even step out, a round of applause erupted from the room, causing a blush to rise up the girl’s cheeks.
“And there she is! The woman of the hour! Everyone, give a big congratulations to Marinette for signing her first sponsorship over winter break!”
The applause slowly died out as Marinette dished out small thank you’s to everyone. She took her seat in the meeting hall, pulling out her sketchpad in case anything important was said.
“As you all know, this week was your first week of classes for the spring semester and over half of you will be graduating soon!”
Another round of applause sounded through the room as a few seniors cheered.
“Unfortunately that does mean that many of you will be leaving my workshop and entering the workforce hopefully with your head level after spending much of your college years here.” Several scattered laughter could be heard, but there was a light sadness to them. “With that being said, on all of your workstations, I have placed several application folders that I have deemed worthy of your spots. It is up to you to finalize the decision though.”
Marinette felt her heart stop. She knew that this time would come, but she didn’t want to be the one to turn somebody down for this opportunity. She knew what it meant to get into this workshop and to be the one to turn down somebody for it-
“That will be all for this week’s meeting. Please get to work on your various projects and as always, this workshop is a priority, but don’t let me find out that some of your grades are slipping due to it!”
She clapped her hands twice and everyone scattered. Sure enough, there were three applications sitting at Marinette’s workstation, all vying for her attention. Carefully, she slid them to the side to make room for her sketchbook. Tim already had gotten her two commissions from small businessmen looking for new suits and a reasonable price.
Two hours in and she was finally satisfied with the outcome of her sketch. Her eyes kept flickering to the folders sitting on the edge of her station, begging her to open them. She bit her lip hard as her hand hovered over the closest one.
“Having trouble deciding?”
A girl leaned against her workstation wall, snapping her attention from the folders.
“I know what this internship did for me and the thought of denying someone this opportunity, well-” Marinette trailed off, her eyes falling back to the applications.
“I know what you mean. This internship practically has a job set up for me the minute I finish crossing that stage, how do you decide who’s worthy for that?”
Marinette nodded as the girl shook her head before stepping away, leaving Marinette with a renewed pain. In a quick motion, she snatched up the first folder, laying it across her desk.
Jayden Robinson. Aspiring designer. Business major. Commissioned by most people from her hometown for everything from prom dresses to wedding dresses.
A small smile crept on Marinette’s face. It was so similar to Marinette that it almost felt nostalgic looking through her application. For sure she would be a front runner. At least that’s what she thought.
Opening the second folder, Marinette felt her smile drop.
Julia Hester. Aspiring Journalist. Journalism major. Made her way to chief editor of University Newspaper by the end of her freshman year.
Marinette knew how much this internship would mean to Julia. It’s all she had talked about ever since Marinette told her she worked here. Hell, it would probably guarantee her a spot at the Daily Planet upon her graduation.
After this, Marinette didn’t even want to look at the third application, but her curiosity was eating her up.
Ashmad Batish. Aspiring counselor. Psychology Major. Managed to correctly diagnose 170/170 on a Doctoral entrance exam his Sophomore year.
Slamming all three folders shut, Marinette buried her head in her hands. The only thing she was sure of was that she was not getting any work done today. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
“Hey Marinette! Tell Chloe to give me back my hoodie! I don’t care about her aesthetics, I’m just cold and it’s my favorite one!”
She had barely made it one foot in the door and she was already debating if the folders inside her bag would be less trouble than her roommates.
“Noo, Dupen-Chang, tell adrien to stop being a whiny little kid and wear another sweatshirt. This one flows with my outfit!”
They continued bickering as she slipped past them and into the hallway. Turning the knob as softly as she could, she slipped into Damian’s room where the bickering finally ceased.
“They are as insufferable as Timothy and Jason, I do not see how you have lived with them for nearly four years.”
Marinette smiled softly as she plopped on Damian’s bed, dropping her bag to the floor.
“They’re like part time siblings, I don’t have to deal with it 24/7.”
Damina hummed thoughtfully as he sat down his book, pulling her into his side.
“How was your first day back to the workshop, Drake mentioned you already had two commissions from business partners.”
She let out a groan as she buried her face into his side.
“I barely got anything done besides the base sketch. Apparently as a graduating senior, Professor Brookes narrows down the choices for our replacements, but we have final say in who gets our spot. I spent all day looking over my choices and I’ve only narrowed it down to two.”
Wordlessly, Damian reached over, his hand searching for her bag. Pulling up the bag in a swift motion, he grabbed the three folders that sat inside. He took a moment to scan the options before handing her one folder in particular.
“It seems pretty obvious, Julia Hester should be your choice. Not only is she an adequate journalist, but she is in a way your friend, correct?”
“She is, but i want my decision to be fair! Not based on friendship. How do I know that subconsciously I’m only choosing her because I know her?”
Damian sat up a little further, causing her to look up at him.
“Why not both? This internship would not benefit the psychology major, nor the business major. If the girl is entering this internship to go straight to work under somebody, she will never be able to stand on her own away from the brand she goes under. That is something you explained to me. Even if you were not making the decision based off of friendship, all signs still point to Julia.”
Marinette paused, her finger half risen as if she was ready to refute his statement-except, she couldn’t find a flaw in his logic. She let out a defeated sigh as she buried her head into his sigh.
“I really hate it when you use logic on me.”
She felt his laughter rumble through his chest as he pressed a light kiss to her forehead.
“How dare I?”
It wasn’t much longer until he heard her snoring, slightly muffled by his shirt. Re-opening his book, Damian began again, relishing in the warmth of his soulmate snuggled into his side.  
Tag List:
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hateswifi · 5 years ago
Rising from the Ashes: Of the Past and Nightmares
So this is Part Eleven here is to my Master List and Part Ten.
"So how'd you get to Gotham from Paris?" Jason asks, plopping down on the couch in the living room.
"Oh easy the glasses, it's called a miraculous, this one is the horse miraculous that grants the power of teleportation," Marinette said, tapping her glasses. "I have a kwami named, Kaalki. The kwami that transforms me into Ladybug is Tikki the goddess of creation. My partner, Chat Noir, has the god of destruction, Plagg. We are balanced."
"Your partner, Chat Noir, is Adrien. Kagami is Ryuko. Luka is Viperon. Chloe is Queen Bee. I'm assuming at least, you don't seem like the type to pick people you don't trust," Damian asked. "But if Chat Noir is your balance does that not make you soulmates?"
"Yes and no. We're not the soulmates you might be thinking of. We are best friends platonic soulmates if you will. We are meant to be in each other's lives and we can’t live without each other," Marinette explained. 
"That makes sense, but who is Tikki and Kaalki?" Jason asks. 
Marinette lifts her hair and they fly out. "Meet Tikki and Kaalki. I have other kwamis as the guardian, but they are in the miracle box at the moment," Marinette explains, holding out their favorite food.
"Hi, guys!" Tikki chirps, landing on her head.
"Oh my gosh! They're adorable! They're so small and precious!" Dick cooed, standing up to move closer to them. 
"I can bring other ones out at different times. Kaalki is just the one I had out due to her transportation powers. I would show you Plagg, but they don't show up on camera," She explains, petting Kaalki's head.
"Miss Marinette, do you have the miraculous of the peacock? I wish to catch up with Duusuu," Alfred asks.
"You had Duusuu before she was taken?" Marinette asks, shocked.
"Ahh yes, is she alright?" Alfred asks.
"She was in the hands of an evil miraculous holder recently, Hawkmoth's partner Mayura, but I think seeing a previous holder would help. Tikki, is that true?" Marinette asks.
"That is correct Mari, it would help wit the cleansing," Tikki said. "Could you also take out Wayzz?"
"Of course I would be able to," Marinette said, standing up leaving Damian's embrace. She opens her bag and takes out the miracle box she takes out the turtle and peacock miraculous after she put the horse miraculous away. "Alfred, would you be able to wear the brooch? I wore all of them once and passed out afterward. Master Fu advised against wearing more than three. I'll need it back after."
"Of course, Miss Marinette," Alfred said, taking the brooch and pinned it to her jacket. Marinette puts on the turtle miraculous. 
"Hello Master Marinette, it's good to see you again," Wayzz greets, bowing.
"Wayzz, please call me Marinette," she answers.
"Wayzz I must speak with you," Tikki says, flying off. Alfred had already walked off to catch up with Duusuu.
"So those are some of the kwamis," Marinette said, snuggling into Damian's embrace.
"What do you mean you passed out after wearing all the miraculi?" Damian asks, kissing her head.
"During the akuma called Kwamibuster, every time Chat or I got hit we would lose our transformation. I went to Master Fu and asked to take all the miraculous so I wouldn't have to reveal my identity. I came up with this brilliantly over the top plan that worked. I'll show you the video Alya took some time. The miraculi are only supposed to be worn one at a time because of the power it holds," Marinette said.
Wayzz flew into the room saying. "But Marinette is the best guardian and holder of Tikki's miraculous that we've had and she somehow was able to pull it off."
"Diana's mother was a Ladybug," Alfred informed them, reentering the parlor.
"That's why she feels familiar," Tikki realizes, landing on Marinette's head. They all chat together, taking turns to ask questions to the kwamis. At the end of the night, Damian decides it's too late for her to go home. Damian leads Marinette to a guest room beside his room. They're standing by the door when he decides to give her the present he bought her.
"Angel, can you face the door for a moment," Damian asks. She turns away from him. He opens a small bow and takes out a necklace, a white gold infinity heart. "Can you look at me now?" She turns back around. "Beautiful," he breathed.
"The necklace?" Marinette asks her bluebell eyes sparkling.
"No, you," he leans down and kisses her softly.
"Prince, you're too nice," she said, breathlessly breaking the kiss. "Goodnight," She says, standing on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. She then entered the room and closed the door quietly behind her. She falls onto the bed lovestruck. Damina places his head on the door and happily sighs before walking to his room. She changed into her pajamas which is a Jagged Stone hoodie and leggings.
Not long after she fell asleep she woke up screaming from a nightmare. Damian rushes into the room as she is sitting up out of breath. "Angel are you ok?" he asks, sitting beside her rubbing her back.
"Ya it was just a nightmare," she whispers, into his shoulder.
"How often do you wake up to nightmares?" he asks, kissing her head.
"More often than I would like to admit," she whispers. "It has been worse since the fire."
"Want me to stay with you?" he asks.
"Please?" she asks looking up at him and blushes. "Umm... Damian, why are you shirtless?'
His face goes completely red looking down at himself. "I... I heard you scream, Ummm... kinda just ran into here, and normally I sleep shirtless," he explains. "Do you want me to grab a shirt?"
"No, please don't leave me," she says, yawning. He lays down and wraps an arm around her. She looks at his arm.
"What happened there?" she asks, tracing a scar.
"When I first moved in with my father, my mother got captured by my grandfather's successor. While father put mother into the Lazarus pool I chased after him, we got into a fight. At one point he put swords into both my arms to stop me from fighting," Damian explains, holding her closer. "Now go to sleep."
They fall asleep with her partly on top of him one hand in his hair the other over his heart. He has one arm around her, and the other hand was on top of hers. Damian didn't normally like touching but sleeping like this with Marinette. 
 "Oh my gosh!" Dick whispered to Jason, peeking in the room. 
"Come on leave them alone, remember privacy?" Tim whispered, pulling both of them away from the door by their collars. "If you wake Damian wake up, he will murder you. He won't care about Father's rule." 
Damian woke up to them talking, but couldn't move to murder them due to his Angel still peacefully sleeping on him. He fell back asleep waiting for her to wake up. After an hour or two, he's woken up by Marinette moving on top of him, she was trying to get out of bed without waking him up.
"No, Angel, please don't leave," he groaned, pulling her back into his embrace.
"Dami-- Damian," she stutters, trying to wiggle out of his strong embrace. "Alfred just called us for breakfast." She finishes trying to sit up again.
"Fine, but next time we're going to stay a bit longer," he says, into her ear, his chin on her shoulder. "I... I mean if there is a next time."
She kisses his cheek. "I would love that. Maybe watching a movie of your choice next time," she smiles, getting out of bed. He quickly follows. They take a seat on stools at the island where plates of waffles sat on the counter. 
"So you wanna tell me what woke you up last night?" Damian said, pouring him and her a glass of orange juice. 
"Well I have constant nightmares over the last standoff against Hawkmoth," she explains, taking a sip of OJ.
"What about the last battle?" he asks, sitting down beside her after he put the OJ back in the fridge.
"You know how Jon saw a healing stab wound?" Marinette asks he nodded in response. "Well, I took that stab wound trying to save Adrien from falling off the Eiffel Tower, he was grabbing Kagami. While I was trying to pull them up I got stabbed, Luka then knocked into Hakwmoth knocking him off the Tower. When he was falling he somehow made it on to a lower platform and ran back to his liar near the end of his transformation," Marinette sighed, taking another bite. "My nightmare was me trying to catch you, but I couldn't catch you, then everything she had said about me was becoming true." she hisses at the mention of 
"Who is she? What could she say to make you react like this?" Damian asks, taking her hand.
"Oh... Ummm... her name is Lila Rossi but it... it.. it isn't important," she stammered, wiping a quick tear that was threatening to fall.
"Marinette, Angel, she must have hurt you in some way if you're reacting this way to here," Damian said, wiping the stray tears.
"She turned all my friends against me with her lying ways. Adrien knew the truth but couldn't truly help me in any way due to his father's overbearing nature. After he found me crying on a roof during one of our patrols, he drew the line there and helped me with Lila's antics," Marinette explained.
"What did she lie about?" Damian asks, pulling her into a hug.
"What didn't she lie about is the real question," Marinette snickers into his still shirtless chest. "She always lying about connections, she is still currently ruining my ex-classmates' lives. She fell down the stairs and said I pushed her, I got suspended. She faked a couple of different disabilities to gain the sympathy of others. She stuck the answer key to a test in my bag and framed me for cheating. Gabriel the retired Hawkmoth, has admitted to Lila willingly let herself be akumatized multiple times. She threatened me and told me she would separate me from my friends until I was all alone." He is silent, but she can feel his heart rate speed up. She looks up at him, fury was spread across his face. "Prince, please say something," she whispered, placing a hand on his cheek.
He takes her hand and  kisses her palm and says, "Angel, no one plans homicide out loud."
"You can't kill her, sadly," she said whispering the last part. "Also one more thing you should know about, apparently you adore her and you guys have had an on and off relationship from childhood," she smirks, her bluebell eyes sparkling with mischief as he gags. They finish eating breakfast together and after cleaning up Damian escorts her home. 
When she arrives home she unpacks and washes her clothes, then starts Scarlette's bridal shower outfit. She makes a cornflower blue button-up blouse and a white high skirt with white sheer fabric on the top of the solid underskirt. She sent a picture to Scarlette and let her know she could pick it up on Sunday. She also recommended pairing it with a pair of pastel pink high heels and clutch. 
Life went on, she started building a name for herself with the help of Diana under the name of Nette. She told Diana that Marinette knows that she is Wonder Woman and that she is Ladybug. Diana laughed it off saying that she knew Marinette had Tikki from the moment she entered the store, part of the reason Diana hired her so quickly. She was intrigued by the holder of creation. Damian and Marinette continued to go on dates. Damian came home with Marinette for Chinese New Year, he also wore a disguised just in case. In March, Damian asked Marinette if she would move into the manor with him, she declined because she has a year contract on her apartment and she doesn't want to mooch off of him.
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jinx-jade · 4 years ago
Broken promises Part 1
Marks are a common thing in the human race. No one knows when it became normal for random markings to appear and disappear, but it did.
It was easy to get one, all you have to do is make a promise. Any kind of promise you make will leave a mark. If you fulfilled your end of whatever promise was made then your marks will disappear. If you break your promise then the mark becomes permanent.
Having a permanent mark had become something to be ashamed of throughout human evolution and thousands of years.
Most people would go out of their way just to fulfill a promise so they wouldn’t be stuck with such a shameful thing as a permanent mark.
Damian Al-Ghul Wayne, however, was not most people.
Instead of going out of his way to fulfill promises, he would go out of his way to not make them.
When the Bat-family first realized that Damian avoided the words ‘I promise’ like it was the black death, they tried to trick him into saying the words. It became a game in Wayne manor, not that Damian knew, to try and get Damian to make a promise. It was usually an easy promise that could be fulfilled relatively fast, but every time, Damian would avoid the mark triggering words, ‘I promise’.
Damian has now been living in Gotham, New Jersey for the past two years, yet no one has ever seen or heard him make a promise. At this point, it seemed as if all of Gotham was playing the game of the ‘Ice prince’s first promise’. Both children and adults seemed to try their best to trick him into making a promise to no avail.
The strange thing is that Damian seemed to be unaware of the peoples’, both known people and random peoples’, constant attempts of promises.
“Father, I’ll be going out to meet with Kent,” Damian informs Bruce during breakfast, seeming to be in a worse mood than usual.
“Did you complete your school assignments?” Bruce questioned with a raised brow, knowing that Damian found Homework to be pointless and usually put it off till the day it was due.
“Tch. Of course, I did.” Damian answers, a bit irritated.
“Then you can hang out with Jon as long as you promise to be back in time for patrol.” Bruce decides.
“When have I ever missed patrol?” Damian questioned sarcastically.
“Damian. Promise to be back for patrol.” Bruce said with a flat look.
“Tch. I’ll be back for patrol,” Damian claims, rolling his eyes before he got up to leave.
Bruce didn’t push his luck with the subject of promises as his youngest child left the dining hall. His other children seemed to find it amusing that not even Bruce could get Damian to make a promise.
“Ya know, there’s no way he’s never made a promise before. There has to have been something Ra’s or Talia made him say the words, I promise, for,” Tim muses.
“Nah, the league was pretty cautious about saying that. Probably just a habit demon spawn’s never gonna break.” Jason guesses.
The Bat-family didn’t talk about the topic of promises or Damian for the rest of the morning.
It was about 5:37 in the evening when the doorbell rang. They hadn’t been expecting any visitors, so of course, the Waynes made their way to the foyer area to see who it is as Alfred opened the door.
“Master Jon? Might I inquire as to why you’re visiting?” Alfred asked, there was clearly no Damian anywhere next to the young super.
“Oh, I was just wondering if Damina was here, he hasn’t answered any of my texts. Not sure if he’s ignoring me, annoyed at me, or just hasn’t seen them.” Jon informs them.
“Didn’t Damian go out this morning to hang out with you?” Dick questioned a little worriedly.
“No? We didn’t have any plans to hang out. That’s actually what I was texting him, to see if he wanted to hang out today.” Jon said, a bit confused.
“And this is why Demon Spawn doesn’t make promises,” Jason claims. “Dibs on not telling B.”
“Texting him now,” Tim said walking towards the bat cave, the rest of the bats plus Jon followed him.
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goldandbluesmiles · 4 years ago
Calls to Beyond
Summary: Bruce Wayne's kids, biological, legal and emotional make a call to beyond the veil on Halloween night.
Note: Inspired by the seance scene from Addams Family.
Part of my batfam flufftober2020
It was the evening of Halloween, the candy had been distributed, the festivities were done and the rest of the late Bruce Wayne's coven was either gone or sleeping.
Jason brewed the tea, Duke grabbed the cedar, Dick took the crystal globe and the porcelain dish while Cassandra led the way through the tunnels under the house.
Once they got to Bruce's favourite spot, Stephanie laid down the blanket and they all made a circle around the crystal globe. First to last, clockwise. Space was left between Dick and Damian, enough for a fully grown man to sit comfortably.
When everyone was seated, Tim snapped his fingers and the candles already present lit up around the small alcove.
"So?" said Jason, "Are we ready?"
There were murmurs of assent from everyone and Dick picked up the cedar. After lighting the smudges stick he put it at the center of their circle. After, he directed everyone to hold hands.
Once everyone was connected, eyes closed with Damian and Dick having one hand free each, Dick started to say their prayers, calling out to their ancestors for guidance and protection. Once that part was one, he called to one specific person, calling them to join their circle.
The candles in the room flickered for a moment and by the time they all opened their eyes, there was a figure holding Dick and Damina's hands. He was a little faded, almost transparent but his blue eyes were clear and the smile just as they remembered it though he looked a little younger than he had been when he had taken his last breath.
The man smiled and he took his hands away, taking a look around.
"Tea and Seance on Halloween," he said, "How is it that I always end up with the most cliché moments with you guys?"
Jason snorted "Hey, Old man,"
"Hiya Bruce
"Hello, Baba,"
"Nice seeing you B-man,"
"Hey, B,"
"Good to see you, Bruce,"
"Hi, Bruce,"
The apparition of Bruce smiled and gestures to the teapot and cups, "Don't wait on my account,"
Jason smiled and passed around eight cups of tea.
"So," said Bruce, "What's been going on with all of you? Barbara? You had your birthday last month right, how was it? Sixty-five is a big number,"
Slowly, his children started to tell him of their life's greatest moments since the last time they had talked, the good and the important. Barbara's birthday bash, Duke's first grandchild, Damian's first grey hair, Jason's reform school's second branch and of course, Stephanie's new free clinic. They also talked about Cassandra's accomplishments as Head Witch of the Wayne Coven and Dick's school for magical performing. Tim talked about the advancement and integration of magic and technology Wayne Enterprises and how he and Damian had been working on it diligently.
"That's great, guys," said Bruce, "Sounds like you guys have been having a great time, but tell me the rest of it,"
"What are you talking about, B?" asked Dick, like they didn't have this conversation every time they called Bruce to them.
"Come on now," said Bruce, "I didn't come heat to just listen to the pretty, tell me the ugly,"
Ever so slowly, Damian discussed the numerous deaths an attack on League of Assassins had led to, Barbara talked about her chronic pain with Jason chiming in too, Cassandra talked of the burden of the cowl and Stephanie spoke about crumbling under the responsibility. Dick told them about worrying for his kids and Duke agreed, citing how scared he was since his daughter hadn't really bounced back after her difficult pregnancy.
By the time they were done, most of his kids had tears in their eyes and were quietly hugging each other.
"Thanks for that," said Bruce softly, "But I've been watching you, you know. The nightmares come and go, the hardships might seem like they'll crush you but I know you guys can get through them. I saw how you guys supported each other after I was gone. I know that Dick still calls movie night and Jason still cooks dinner for everyone at least twice a month. Stephanie and Jay, you guys have helped so many people doing what you do,"
"Cassandra, baby girl, I am so proud of what you've done with my former mantel. The League of Assassins has always been wild but Damian, you ave come so far with it, changed the world in ways your mother and grandfather only ever dreamed of and you did it because you are dedicated, you care for those who work for you and while I can't say anything for the grief, you are strong. You guys are all so strong. Tim and Barbara, you guys have made advancements we only dremed of years ago, you guys are going os far and pushing through whatever life throws at you. Even from beyond, I will always admire you guys' strength, all of yours,"
"You really do watch over us all the time, don't you?" said Tim, voice as soft as the slow smile that spread across his face.
"Always," murmured Bruce, "Always,"
His kids smiled, gratitude shining in their eyes
"Thank you, Bruce," said Dick
"You're Welcome, Chum," said Bruce, "Though I think it's time for me to go,"
"Bye, Bruce,"
"See ya, B,"
"Thanks for coming,"
"Thank you, Baba,"
"Happy travels, Pops,"
"Bye, B,"
"Until next time, Bruce,"
The candles flickered again and when they steadied, their father was once again gone.
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catmaraudersfan · 3 months ago
......... K, I NEED this.
-after Damian turned 16, at the family dinner-
Bruce: so... Damian, do you remember the Oreov girl you met at the gala last week?
Damian: *looks up* yes
Bruce: what do you think of her...?
Dick: *tries not to laugh*
Tim: *fails not to laugh*
Steph: *doesn't even try not to laugh*
Damian: she was... acceptable, if a bit annoying, why do you ask?
Tim: He's trying to set you up!
Batkids -Damian: *laughs*
Damian: *stares blankly*
Bruce: of course, you don't hav-
Damian: father, are you unaware that I'm in a committed relationship?
Duke, Tim and Dick: *choke on their food*
Steph: *chokes on her drink*
Cass: *smiles*
Batkids: WHAT?!
Bruce: ... I-....
Jason: *laughs so hard he almost falls from his chair* oh Jesus Christ! The world's best detectives at their finest!
Dick: you knew? And you didn't tell me?!
Jason: where the fuck do you think he went almost every fucking friday?
Bruce: *turns to Damian* I- I though you were having sleepover with Jon
Damian: I was.
Dick: but you just-
Batfam: *stops all their movememnt as they realize*
Jason: *actually falls from his chair laughing*
-over at the Kent farm, also having family dinner-
Jon, who heard Bruce shout his name: I feel like I'm going to get murdered by a bat in my sleep
Clark, who was also listening in: right after you explain why I had to find out you're dating Damian throught their family dinner
Jon: hehe... fuck
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