#then animal jam lore before that
to the person who just sent the ask calling me a strange esoteric god of knowledge (i am keeping the ask as a pet): thanks its my uber autism powers
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sillysealfan · 6 months
so dash tag came back this month
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micha-lapin · 1 year
the new animal jam pw opossums <33
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(thank you to @toneinaflat for finding the first two videos!)
0. Beta Testing
i don't know what introduction (if any) was used during beta testing! (beta testing happened from ~march 2010 (closed beta) to september 8, 2010). i think it's probably the introduction shown in #1, but if you have any more info, please let me know!
1. Liza in Jamaa Township (original)
video posted october 1, 2011
started: either beta testing (march 2010-early september 2010) or the official release of the game on september 9, 2010
ended: some time between october 18, 2012 and december 14, 2012 (likely closer to december 14)
this is the original intro to animal jam! it shows liza around the mira statue in jamaa township, where she explains some background lore of jamaa (about mira especially), and some in game functions: moving, changing animal colors, getting achievements, and checking your gems. it's the earliest version of the lore, where "alphas" are called "shamans".
2. 3d Liza in Jamaa Township (update)
video posted december 14, 2012
started: some time between october 18, 2012 and december 14, 2012 (likely closer to december 14)
ended: february 6, 2014
this is an edited version of the original intro. it uses a new, jarringly 3d looking, model for liza, and has an updated introduction to the lore. liza's beginning explanation of mira is replaced with the "return of the alphas" cutscene also shown in the blue heron intro, and the "shamans" were renamed to "alphas". otherwise, this intro is identical to the previous
3. The Blue Heron
video posted february 6, 2014
started: february 6, 2014 (jamaa journal announcing it released on this date)
ended: january 23, 2015
this is the first major change in introduction! the player spawns in on a ship named the blue heron, that is modeled after mira. liza is piloting the ship, and gives you an introduction to jamaa. she introduces you to some in game functions: moving, changing color, checking your gems, and buying from shops. she also gives the option to "Learn about Jamaa's history", via watching the "return of the alphas" cutscene. at the end, the boat pulls in front of jamaa township.
fun fact: this was the only introduction that you could access without making a new account! when this introduction was released, they added an option in the settings to do this tutorial! (shown in the video, i actually couldn't find a video of this tutorial that started from the create an account screen). this option was removed an unknown amount of time later
4. Peck Intro
video posted january 23, 2015
started: january 23, 2015
ended: never 👍 (this is the current intro)
this intro changes the alpha greeting you from liza to peck. the player spawns into a long, forest-y room, and is greeted by peck. she takes you over a bridge to see a bunch of randomly generated animals that are spamming emotes and bubble chat phrases. she introduces you to some in game features: moving, changing color, using emotes, and checking your gems.
fun fact: from november 2016 to march 30, 2017, completing this tutorial would send you to the welcome party, an edited version of the jam session party that has other new jammers whose accounts were just created (if there were any online then....). this party had a singular clothing shop, the same "Clothing Shop" (literally its name) as the one on the blue heron. the end of peck's dialog in the main room is slightly changed to reference this party
after almost all of these intros, you spawn in jamaa township.
at first, completing the original intro would just spawn you in the middle of jamaa township and open up the jamaa journal and daily spin
but then, sometime before october 18, 2012*, the ending was somewhat changed. now it showed the avatar walking from the mira statue area to the middle of the town, and then the player was given this screen:
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* why this date specifically? because this video of someone being mean to liza during the intro shows this new ending, and was posted on that date
however, i am almost certain that this was actually implemented on march 1, 2012; because that was the date that the loading screens were changed to their new (and current) format (date gotten from the animal jam wiki)
this end screen stayed for a while, but was minorly changed for the blue heron intro, and stayed that way for the first few years of the peck intro— "explore jamaa" was changed to "go on an adventure":
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also, in the blue heron intro you're seen running up from the bottom of jamaa township (from the body of water where the boat dropped you off!). this is kept for the peck intro, although that direction doesn't make as much sense from that one.
when the welcome party existed from november 2016 to march 2017, the peck intro would lead to that party, but then the party had a path leading to jamaa township, in this same fashion. (video of this)
however, once the welcome party left on march 30, 2017, it seems this screen did too. because now, after the tutorial, the player automatically spawns in their den, where peck's den tutorial starts... guess our choice is made for us! (video of this). this date also marked the change in the items that a new jammer has from the get-go: originally new jammers got a sturdy table and a blue rug, but past 3/30/2017, new jammers get a rug, table, small window, chair, couch, lamp, and houseplant
speaking of den tutorials, a brief note:
ever since the peck intro, peck has always done the den tutorial. but i did read somewhere in my research that liza did the den tutorial beforehand— but i haven't found any pictures or videos on it, so you'll just have to take my word on that (if any of you have any pictures or videos of the liza den tutorial, or even a post talking about it, please send it to me!)
this has been information on every animal jam intro, thanks for reading 👍
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outsidersheadcanons · 2 months
Could you pls do the gangs fav modern AU movies/shows?
Darry: Young Sheldon (and before u say anything hear me out. Young Sheldon is unironically a good show. And when it was on the Curtises would always watch the new episodes together. They were VERY invested in the Young Sheldon lore).
Sodapop: He watches whatever's trending tbh 😭 (bro probably watched Wednesday) but he would looveeee 80's romcoms. Think Pretty in Pink, Can't Buy Me Love, Dirty Dancing, the goofier the better ❤️ (he had an insane fixation on Footloose for like. a week)
Ponyboy: Anything Darry tells him not to watch tbh 😒 once he watched Paranormal Caught on Camera and couldn't sleep for a whole week (he won't admit it but he likes watching animated movies too. Esp the lego movies because those are good asf)
Two-bit: Bro literally anything on Disney+. Idk why but I feel like he'd fw Space Jam heavily (or any of those movies where it's live action AND cartoon). He'd also like the Family Vacation movies.
Dally: Skibidi Toilet He likes crime dramas, esp Sopranos and Breaking bad + Better call Saul. He'd be into those true crime special documentaries they have on Netflix and Amazon sometimes too. Has a soft spot for trash TV on TLC too
Johnny: He doesn't really watch TV except for when the Curtises have it on (but he does like animated shows and cartoons a lot even if they're "childish")
Steve: Top Gun and literally anything on Motor Trend
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st-va · 6 months
The latest Hunter: the parenting ep was so fucking cool, i think I was watching it for 2/2.5 hours with a friend cause we were analysing it so much. Forgetting the plot and all the amazing lore jam-packed into that ep, the ANIMATION? Holy shit! I didn't know that it could get better AND keep its quirkiness!
Who is the Ghoul analysis after the cut!
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Okay so there are two forces at play in that house, throughout the whole episode there are hints of a werewolf - in the first room, that is the dinning room, there is a wardrobe that has scratch marks and the door underneath the first floor stairs(the one that big D came through) ALSO has them. Oh, it's also a FULL MOON.
Now, the ghoul and the warewolf could be working independently, completely unaware of eachother, but it is my theory that the warewolf is Matilda and the ghoul is Amanda.
There is a little time jump that skipped some interactions. After Elise stole the smokes and keys (staff access) from Giles, she must have given them to Grim. She, in turn, went to the Security room through the vents (she was said to be good at going through them and they said that the security room is the most ventilated room). In the map it is said that Matilda came to the kitchen from the security room and she has acquired Giles' smokes, meaning that she prob caught Grim sneaking and Grim gave her his smokes in exchange for silence.
Why was Matilda going to the Security Room? And moreover, when Kitten came to the kitchen Amanda said that they could let him in to the Security room (Matilda being against the idea). When the topic of the Hunting came around, neither of them really looked scared. Amanda was just standing there, looking a bit sad or maybe disapprovingly at Matilda, and Matilda was a bit disgruntled, but nothing more really.
Matilda also brought out the subject of "Is the Ghoul really that bad?", which is honestly sending red flags all around for me, to be honest. Sure, she might genuinely be afraid and is trying to be strong, but, honestly? She looked sad.
I honestly do not know how Matilda would have gotten access to the Archives. She couldn't have stolen Remoud's keys cause D stole them seconds before unlocking the door, sure as hell couldn't have stolen Occam's so that leaves Lord Fatigue and the doctor.
Lord Fatigue was with the boys and there was such a small window of opportunity to yoink the keys that it seems impossible, but the doctor is the other option and she hasn't gotten that much screen time, plus it would make sense to get rid of the Lord later. So I'm sticking with Lord Fatigue being the one who got mugged. Again, this part of my theory is very loose, I couldn't find any evidence.
I want to call attention to how fucking furious Matilda looked after they found Occam incapacitated.
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I don't think that is the face someone being sad that her employer is knocked down a peg and won't be able to pay her on time hhh. Amanda's expression is on point, she looks terrified but I will choose to believe that she is seeing the consequences of her friend's actions, in order to help her. Remember, Amanda is the Ghoul and Matilda the Warewolf.
Matilda's expression could also be a symptom of a withdrawal. Now, I will be honest. I know the bare minimum of the lore surrounding Vampire: The Masquerade and my friend couldn't find the exact thing that happens to warewolves during a full moon in this setting, so I'm basing this on pure speculation, but she could be trying to refrain from transmutating and, without her smokes, that could be more of a mental feat.
Moving on, the most damning information that we got out of the episode was after Amanda was fried, she said Baba Yaga. Holy fuck. With how the Arcanum is, there is no way in hell they would let the "Help" know of such a powerful vampire. I really couldn't think of another way she would acquire this knowledge if she isnt connected to the Masquerade in any way.
When the gang went to the pub, Matilda looked tilted as all hell.
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The Ghoul is currently incapacitated, there's no way in hell that Amanda did this. This kill was the work of the Warewolf, with how fucking violent it was. Connecting this with my previous conjecture that Lord Fatigue was the one that got his keys stolen, he is a fucking Lycanthropy professor! I think, in Matilda's eyes, he was a threat and she wanted to get rid of him because it was only a matter of time before he found out. Plus, she had to turn at some point and she would have already been furious that they have been torturing her friend.
It was a golden opportunity as well. From the beginning of the episode, we know that Spit has been experiencing Delirium, the fear that comes with seeing the supernatural and that fear is accompanied with memory loss of the actual event. Git was locked in the bathroom and so Matilda could go ham on taking her rage out on Lord Fatigue.
Whoo! This has been a long one, lastly I want to point out some small things that I appreciated.
Big D going into the Harry Potter room in order to investigate the claw marks.
Marcus and Harry being complete bros and going to lift instead of dealing with an emotion situation.
Brock not sitting down when they were all gathered in the Dining room at the beginning and later saying that his kneecaps were flattened.
D's booty shorts
Honestly, this series is amazing, I don't think I've ever watched something this high quality with this much love, thought and humanity being put behind it. The work that Alfabusa and the gang are putting into making every single frame a banger is phenomenal! I really do not understand how they keep on improving.
What did you guys think? Am I mentally deranged, or am I and my friend onto something? Please tell me what you think of my lil Game Theory and if I missed anything!
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stairset · 5 months
Alright now that it's the next day. I have to stress how fucking funny it is for me that Starset as a band has existed for 11 years and I've been a fan for practically that whole time and they had not a single song with any swear words to the point that it made them stick out because most of my other favorite bands DO swear. Which is not to say the concept of swearing was foreign to them, as Dustin's old band has several songs with swearing, the book has swearing, for the latest tour they played a whole ass short film that basically turned "Fuck the New East" into a fandom catchphrase which makes zero sense to anyone not familiar with the band and its Lore. But none of that is the actual Starset music. So you just kinda take for granted that they don't say naughty words in their songs and that's just how it is. Then comes the night of May 2, 2024. I'm at work cause I work the evening shift. My shift ends at 11:30 and it's 11 so I'm wrapping things up and getting ready to leave soon and needlesss to say I'm tired as hell and ready to go to sleep. The new Starset song just dropped so I listen to that as I finish up my work for the day. It's an absolutely epic banger which is no less than I expect from these guys at this point. And then. He says. FUCK. After over a decade of not a single no-no word these guys just suddenly drop The First Official Starset Fuck Song out of nowhere. They said what's so brave and new about this world you ask? It's a world where we say FUCK now, that's what. And I'm so surprised that I actually start to laugh out loud for a second before remembering I'm still at work so I end up just making a weird awkward half-laugh sound before stopping myself because if having a new song at all didn't wake me up then THAT sure as hell did. And then I jam to the song in the car on the drive home because a song like that can only be done justice by listening to it on a car stereo that's turned up way too loud. And I'm so into it I almost don't see a possum crossing the road in front of me and I barely slow down in time to not run it over. Which kinda freaked me out at the time cause I've never come that close to hitting an animal before but now that it's in the past it's hilarious because I can honestly say I found a song so good that it almost made me kill something. Truly a moment in Starset history for me.
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mapping-elysium · 6 months
Let's start this off right with one of the most notable lore-dumps in the game, the Plaza Rain Shivers check.
In the west
Stairs to the water
Sea Fortress > Bay of Revachol > Sky scrapers of La Delta
What’s down the shore?
Defunct R+E building > Abandoned Church > Coal City
In the east
Industrial Harbor (Locked) > La Drisienne - King Dris’ Passengers Harbour > River Distributary > Couron > “The Class Divide”
In the north
Whirling Yard > Capeside apartments
“Standing in the rain, looking north, where jamrock rock city stretches inland”
In the south
Traffic jam, roundabout, statue > Road ascends to 8/81 (ghetto beneath) > Jamrock
Where do i live?
On a street there that flows like a muddy river in the snow, with fire traps rising on either side. A film rental opens its doors to the rain, an armoured motor carriage rushes past the corner where you used to walk together... Suddenly, the hair on your back rises.
Shivers - All around you, rain falls on the great city of Revachol. Rain drips from the eaves and floods the gutters, washing the filth away.
Shivers - The spring thaw must be here. The snow is melting...
You - What am I doing?
Shivers - Looking up at the sky, cold water dripping from your hair.
You - What do I see?
Shivers - Grey sky like great battleships, clouds colliding with one another. Rain falls down on the world.
You - How does it feel?
Shivers - Your shirt sticks to your chest. The shoulders of your disco blazer grow heavy. The cold finds its way in under your skin. You shiver, and the city shivers with you.
Composure - You're not dressed for this weather. You should get an overcoat, or a patrol cloak.
You - What is in the west?
Shivers - Sheets of rain over the water. A flight of stairs leading into the ocean. Wave after wave washing the coast of Martinaise, with its motorboats and gently swaying reeds.
Shivers - The ruins of a half-sunken seafort crumble on an inlet. Beyond the Bay of Revachol, ghosts rise into the sky.
You - Who are you, ghosts?
Shivers - The skyscrapers of La Delta, the financial district. Faint golden light seeps from the office windows.
Inland Empire - Will you ever go there?
You - Will I?
Shivers - No. You are just one of the hundreds of thousands who watch them rise across the bay from Martinaise every day.
You - What is down the shore?
Shivers - Urban coastline, rain dripping off eternite-covered roofs. Cinder blocks left over from half-finished construction. A defunct research and development building once seized by revolutionaries. An old wooden church stands on stilts above the water.
You - And beyond that?
Shivers - Coal City, end of all lines.
You - Run your fingers through your dampened hair.
Shivers - Your hair is an oily mess flecked with ash from neighbouring coal plants. Smoke stacks rise somewhere in the distance.
You - What's in the east?
Shivers - The great gates of the industrial harbour are locked. A chill runs down your back. You shudder like an animal trying to shake water from its hide.
You - Clench your teeth to stop shuddering.
Shivers - Behind the gates -- heaps of supply crates. Red and blue metal shipping containers slick with rain. The Greater Revachol Industrial Harbour is an artificial mountain range. Immense wealth resides within, and immeasurable poverty in its shadow.
You - And before that?
Shivers - You -- on the Martinaise plaza. A small dot looking up at the sky. Droplets form on your eyelashes.
You - And beyond that?
Shivers - La Drisienne, King Dris's Passenger Harbour. Cruise ships flanked by dock arms. Cranes watching over the mouth of the river distributary.
You - What is across the distributary?
Shivers - Couron, the lower middle class. Distributary after distributary cuts the city blocks in half. Seven-story buildings trail off into the rain.
You - What is beyond the Couron?
Shivers - A silvery curtain of rain over the houses. The class divide.
Rhetoric - You have never been there. They don't need the law east of the river.
You - What's in the north?
Shivers - Capeside apartments -- tower blocks crowd one another, 4.46 mm bullets still lodged in their war-torn stone walls.
Shivers - Hallways collapsed from the mortar hits of a war that was lost long ago. Clotheslines go to waste in the rain. Radios play.
Rhetoric - The morning news.
You - And closer to here?
Shivers - A yard. Rain falls onto the roof of a woodshed. Filthy water pools around a body. Droplets of rain slip from the dead man's cold cheeks.
You - What's in the south?
Shivers - A traffic jam. Rain thrumming on the roofs of motor vehicles. Inside, drivers watch water streaming down their windshields. The statue of a king shudders, he too is cold. The canal bridge has been raised.
You - What's on the other side?
Shivers - The road ascends; a raised motorway loops above the ghetto. Beneath its concrete columns -- a sea of rooftops, woodwork, and tar stretches northward. Four-story buildings as far as the rain can fall. The snows melt in Jamrock.
You - What is Jamrock?
Shivers - Revachol is the capital of the world. Jamrock is the capital of Revachol. Droplets form on your eyelashes.
Inland Empire - It's home.
You - Why am I not there?
Shivers - To be in Martinaise, where no one goes. At the run-off point of a long-forgotten canal, in the whitest part of town. In the shadow of the day the Revolution failed.
You - What am I doing here?
Shivers - Standing in the rain, looking north, where Jamrock Rock City stretches inland.
You - Where do I live?
Shivers - On a street there that flows like a muddy river in the snow, with fire traps rising on either side. A film rental opens its doors to the rain, an armoured motor carriage rushes past the corner where you used to walk together... Suddenly, the hair on your back rises.
You - "Motherfucker." [Finish thought.]
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lazybutsmexy · 2 years
Rotten Apple
Ghost x fem!Reader (Canary) x Soap
A/N: This is set after the events in Bird Hunting, but is mostly centered around Canary (here [Name] due to her being in a civilian setting) and her parents. Just a lil' bit of lore for BH fans :)
Warnings: hurt/comfort, referenced past child neglect, narcissistic/abusive parents.
Summary: Sweetened apples turn sour when rotten apples are around.
Word count: 2100~
“...Yae think we should’ve brought a leash?” Johnny pondered, and Simon had no choice but to consider his opinion for the next time they went to the farmers’ market with [Name]. Only ten minutes had passed from the moment they arrived, and it only took her catching a whiff of sweetened apples for her to zoom away into the crowd. 
And it was crowded today, with a congregation of people, alone, in couples, or entire families that had decided to brave the unusually sunny weather to stock up on organically harvested seasonal fruits and vegetables, animal products, and other produce made by the same people that sold them in cute little stands. 
[Name] absolutely loved the farmers’ market - Simon wasn’t that keen on crowds, but both him and Johnny were easily swayed by her excitement. The initial plan was for them to stock up on groceries before spending a long-awaited long weekend at Johnny’s cabin in the north. But now she had disappeared to who-knows-where. 
Her stealth had been an important skill during missions, but now it was a problem. Is this how their enemies felt, knowing that she was around there but being unable to find her?, Simon thought, his eyes scanning the crowd from above - luckily, there weren't many people even close to his size. 
“There!” Johnny exclaimed, and took off in a random direction. Simon was hot behind his heels, refusing to lose another one of his partners today. Both men had to struggle to part the crows around them without shoving them aside, and not tripping into distracted kids that wandered around their parents. 
Finally, Simon saw her, but there was something off about her. He couldn’t quite place it before Johnny got to her, his hand brushing her arm. 
“[Na-]! Oh, sorry,” Johnny quickly retracted his hand with a sheepish grin, “I thought you were my girlfriend, you look a lot like her.”
The girl eyed him up and down and quirked an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed, “That’s the most awful pick-up line I’ve heard,” she sneered at him, and Johnny couldn’t help but notice that she really looked eerily similar to [Name], from the color of her hair, the shape of her lips, to the scrunch on her nose when she looked at him in displeasure. “And by the way,” she continued dismissively, crossing her arms over her chest, “I already have a fiance, and you can’t afford me anyway.”
Both Simon and Johnny blinked at the woman, who was looking at both of them up and down. Johnny was getting rightfully annoyed at her choice of tone, and was about to turn around when she saw the woman’s face shift into surprise as her eye caught something behind them. “...[Name]?”
[Name] had been about to grab Simon’s shoulder, excited to show him her newly purchased jars of jams while munching away at a caramel apple, but the moment she noticed who was speaking to them, she turned around and shifted through the crowds again. 
Her heart was pounding in her ears and she felt her lungs constrict against her ribs for oxygen. The soles of her feet stung - although her burns were healed, the new skin was still sensitive. She had lost her treat somewhere, but she paid it no mind, eager to find the exit, and wait for Johnny and Simon by the truck. 
However, and she should already know this by heart, Lady luck sometimes is a bitch. 
“...[Name]? Is that you?” The voice made her freeze on the spot, right outside the parking lot, and she felt like a child all over again as she slowly turned around, her eyes meeting her mother’s. 
“...Hi, mom,” she sighed dejectedly, resigning herself to her fate as she saw her father turn around to face her, regarding her with an unimpressed stare, “Hi, dad.”
“Haven’t seen you in years, darling,” the woman spoke sweetly and smiled politely, but it didn’t reach her eyes. It never does when it’s for me, [Name] thought bitterly. It was no different than when she spoke to a stranger at the grocery store, definitely not how one would speak to a daughter. 
“Have you finally come to your senses?” her father was less subtle, crossing his arms over his chest, “Are you finally coming back home?”
“Ah, no, I’m actually on medical leave,” she cleared her throat and straightened her back, finally remembering she was not a teenager anymore, “I have my own place, had it for a while now, actually.”
“Really now?” her mother cooed, “When are you going to get the rest of your stuff from home, then?”
[Name] blinked at her, tilting her head a little in confusion, “you told me you were getting rid of my things years ago, you said you were going to use my bedroom for an office for Trish or something.”
“Oh, we did repurpose your old bedroom, silly girl,” the woman laughed, then shrugged condescendingly, “what we couldn’t give away is in a couple of small boxes in the attic, mostly your childhood photos.” [Name] said nothing - she had already expected her parents to get rid of all traces of her the moment she joined the military, she was only mildly puzzled about them keeping anything. “I'm sure you’ll want those, at least.”
“...You don’t want them?” she asked, although she already had an inkling of what the answer would be. 
“Well, it would be embarrassing to have people asking about you, you know?” her mother sighed, shaking her head, “What would we tell them? It was easier to pretend your sister was an only child.”
“You could tell them the truth,” [Name] retorted, and her father seemed to tense up at her answer.
“Tell people that we have a daughter who whores herself out for a living?” He grumbled, while her mother looked around to see if anyone heard, “what do they call them, barrack bunnies?” 
[Name] bit her lip, her mind unhelpfully replaying the disastrous argument that resulted from her enlisting years prior. “I thought you didn’t care if I died, anyway.”
“But you’re alive, and you owe us,” her mother chastised, her pitch dropping a few tones, “we raised you-”
“Grandma and Grandpa raised me, you were too busy raising Trish.”
“We kept you fed and clothed even though you always rebelled against us,” her mother hissed, stepping closer, “you turned our family against us!” 
“You did that yourself,” [Name] kept her voice down, calm, knowing from experience that getting herself fired up would only give them more power, “you’re the one who started pretending I didn’t exist when I turned ten, saying you wished Trish was your only daughter.”
Her mother huffed and turned her face away indignantly, “and I stand by that.” 
“...I know, you find it easier to pretend I don’t exist than to check whether I’m alive or not.”
“We should’ve left you at the hospital when we had the chance.” 
[Name] rolled her eyes at that. After so many years living away from her parents, the usual quips and threats from her mother hurt less than when she was a teenager. It was a small comfort, to know that she’d grown out of her parents' shadow. “Yeah, that wasn’t very smart of you-” she was stopped by a sound slap, her face turning from the impact. She slowly raised her hand to cup her stinging cheek, and eyed her father, whose hand was still raised.
“You will not speak to your mother in that manner, young lady,” he growled, and [Name] just blinked at him, unsure of how to react without getting herself arrested. 
“And you will not raise your hand against my corporal again, unless you’re ready to lose it,” Simon’s voice was low, dangerously low, and it sent shivers down both [Name]’s and her parents’ spines, although for entirely different reasons. She glanced over her shoulder, finding herself eye-level with Simon’s chest. Johnny stood by his side with a severe expression in his face, one she had seldom seen before. 
Her parents warily stepped back, taking in the two large men who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. “W-who are you?” Her father stammered - although he would later deny he did. 
“Lieutenant Riley, and this is your last warning,” he grumbled, although he didn’t need to do anything else to intimidate them. They already looked as if they were trying to find somewhere to hide. 
Knowing that her parents were - for once - the ones cowering in fear stirred a newfound sense of power in [Name]’s heart - what was it that Gaz called it? Ah, yeah, scary dog privilege. She found it easier to look at the people in front of them and realize that nothing had tied her to them for a long time. 
The branches of the genealogy tree can also be snipped to one’s content, her Grandma had told her on her twelfth birthday, when she couldn’t grasp the concept of her parents choosing to celebrate one kid’s birthday and not the other’s. 
She had found herself being dropped off at her Grandparents’ early in the morning, while her parents boasted about taking Trish to an amusement park for the day. Little [Name] was heartbroken, and had begged her mom to forgive her for whatever she had done to not deserve a birthday party. But alas, they were relentless, and a lot of screaming from her mom and a backhanded slap from her dad had broken her pleas and made her silent, just like many other times. 
At that time, [Name] couldn’t grasp the meaning of her Grandma’s words, but now that she had grown up, and disappointment had settled in a long time ago, those words rang truer than ever in her mind. 
Even when she was on the brink of death in the forest, seeing them again never crossed her mind, for she knew they wouldn’t care even to visit her grave. 
Keep up with that attitude, and you will die alone, because no one will ever love you, her mother had told her at thirteen, when she started openly questioning the difference in treatment with her twin. 
How wrong she was, she thought. She was far from alone, and she was very well loved. Although her Grandparents were long gone, she had Simon and Johnny right here with her, and Gaz was her chosen brother, and Price was a better father figure than the man in front of her had ever been.
“Burn those photos, for all I care,” she smiled at her mother. It was a calm, detached smile - a polite smile you give to a stranger at the grocery store, not to a parent. “Make it real, that I do not exist for you.” 
And with that she turned around, tugging on Simon's long sleeve as discreetly as she could. Johnny did notice, however, and smirked to himself as he followed after them - Simon would’ve gladly squared up to those two for hours if needed, but he easily relented to her touch. 
Simon opened the truck’s passenger door for [Name] and she sat in silence, still mulling over her thoughts. A warm hand rested on her knee and she looked up to see her favorite pair of blue eyes staring back at her. They looked at each other in silence - there was an unsaid question in his lips, but she could almost taste it. 
“...Let’s go home, okay?” She whispered, her hand stroking his knuckles. He simply nodded and shut the door before climbing in himself. Johnny was already sitting behind her, his lips pressed in a pout as he caught her reflection on the side view mirror, staring out of the window at the pair of strangers that once held her heart in their hands.
After a few silent moments as they pulled out of the parking lot, Johnny reached over, presenting [Name] with a fresh candy apple with sprinkles on top. She took it from his fingers, chuckling to herself at how easy it was for them to draw a smile from here, even though her heart still stung a little.
"Thanks, love," she hummed, pressing a kiss to his wrist and knowing that Johnny was grinning proudly to himself. Simon's hand was warm on her thigh, a welcome weight that grounded her in the present.
She could grow her own tree, if she so wanted, with the people she loved the most.
A/N: poor bby Canary deserved better parents :(
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dawnleaf37 · 7 months
@spiderwebd regretevator
Regretevator (Game) is similar to The Normal Elevator from older days of roblox, being that you enter an elevator and it will arrive on a myriad of different floors to explore, minigames to complete, or just . Funny Thing
The Regretevator (the actual Elevator) is an interdimensional form of travel that is used by various entities to get around. It is confirmed to be able to go Anywhere. and seems to be able to transcend time and space which is always fun
The game features 70+ floors currently, and has a certain style of humor to it, but what really makes it are the NPCs, interactable characters, some of which can enter the elevator and some of which cannot. Im going to recap the ones who will enter very quickly, so sorry for the imagespam here:
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A mannequin(which is a species produced by a factory) named mark. Woodcarver as a job, has a coworker named Jim. Hates concrete. Southern accent. Divorced from Wallter.
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Used to be a human, drank cement, is now concrete. Generally nice dude. Thinks concrete is better than wood. Tall as fuck. Divorced from Mark.
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Often shortened to Poob. Loves parties if you couldn't tell. Can kill you if you slap them like 10 times. You can slap them. theres something so so so so fucking wrong with them holy fucking shit oh my god. oh my god oh my g Keep this asshole in Mind. Keep them in mind ple;as
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Actual name is PartyGuest. Builds robots. Steals money from you. Speaks Japanese. Yes they are a bug beetle to be specific. Asshole
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Found in the 3008 level yes theres a 3008 level yes i love it. Germophobic, clean everything. Zoomies he is zoomies. Despises Infected, but knew him as Kasper
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Diseased when he bought a freemodel with a virus in it. Perpetually trapped as a scene kid. Had a cat. No longer has a cat. Used to be named Kasper, infection made him forget
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It;s the fucking unpleasent gradient meme. does jackshit. some people headcanon that it ate infecteds cat and i think thats the funniest shit
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Species called a fruitaur or something, banana-snail-horse-dog-girl. Hosts a wipeout-like show named Splitsville. Lesbian. canonically has feelings for bive
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Completely made of hair. Conspiracy theorist. this is just touch tone telephone. canonically has feelings for Split. may seem crazy but she Knows things
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It;s freddy from fnaf but for Red Ball Diner, go look up gregoriah regretevator and tell me how gender he looks
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Animal Jam emote. framed for many crimes. Also knows things. Shoots lasers out of her eyes that will either kill you or heal you. meows
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that fucking cat everyones nuts about. Alien. Abducted Spud! and did shit to them. proud xe/they swag. was redesigned cause the creator was an ass :/
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yes the exclamation point is part of the name. was a camp councilor, got abducted by gnarpy and experimented on, is this now. that line is his mouth btw. if you click it 200 times it will explode. please be nice to them :(
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Clown fired from job after to bad of stage fright. They are just a sad thing tbh
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lovely little robot, if a bit glitchy and unfinished. VERY nicey ! a researcher, learns info on everythings for their database! my friend made this one :3!
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(invasive)Species of shapeshifters. Repeats words back at you in jumbled wordsalad. they dont seem malicious i dont think . my favorite. ever. the best
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a cat
There's more NPCs but i just covered the basic ones(new one being added soon made by my friend as well :3333333333)
this is MR
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it is an effigy for a spirit and when it enters the elevator it has a chance to cut the lights and burn any NPC in the elevator. EXCEPT FOR FUCKING POOB. the spirit that inhabits MR is also the same one that protects poob. and if you look close at the game youll see POOB SI FUCKING EVERYWHEREi have to stop here before i go fucking insane but the basic premise is these two are tied and i dont know why or what how whatthe fuckkkk theres a whole lot more like theres a damn religion surrounding it and symbolism of the axolotl sun which means something but fuck FUCK!!!!
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jammin-animal · 11 months
A Long Study of Greely's Character
(This Post contains HEAVY Spoilers for Animal Jam Classic's Adventures, and spoilers for current AJPW events. Read at your own risk.
For those of you who don't know, in Animal Jam - Play Wild (AJPW), Greely done something drastic after the Lines of Power Event. The action he's taken has led to people assuming that he's gone evil.
In this post, I attempt to debunk and defend the often mischaracterized Greely, using a lengthy review of his appearances in-lore to help you, the reader, understand his character, and why he would do something like this.
This may not be the only time I analyze him, but it will certainly be the longest!
Before I get into it, I need to clarify what the LoP event is.
Part 1: The Lines of Power Event
In Jamaa, a duality based leyline of magic appeared, with lines running underground, with one under the Alpha Headquarters. These lines had two distinct types of energy; Darkside, and Lightside, both of which are derived from certain traits.
Lightside is derived from Peace, Imagination, and Clarity.
Darkside is derived from Power, Emotion, and Initiative.
Notice that these are Amoral traits (except Peace, which is undoubtedly Good), as one can use Clarity and Imagination to devise an evil scheme, and use Power and Initiative to defend someone.
Despite neither Lightside or Darkside having any inherently "evil" traits, many Jammers took the usual approach, and assumed that Light = Good and Dark = Bad. Heck, even the Alphas (save for Greely and Liza) took this view.
Due to the discovery of the lines, in order to seperate and potentially prevent the Phantoms from harnessing these powers, Graham built a machine that could channel either energy, but only use one.
In the LoP event, Jammers could use the machine to channel either Lightside or Darkside energy. Darkside energy, could be used to discover the intentions of the Phantoms, but was more unstable, and would risk destroying the Alpha HQ building. Lightside was more stable, as it was frequently used in attempts to keep Phantoms at bay, but would only do that, keep them at bay temporarily.
Alphas Peck, Cosmo, and Sir Gilbert, all advocated for the exclusive use of Lightside Energy, with only Greely advocating for Darkside, as it was not a tactic utilized at that time. Graham and Liza's viewpoints are largely unknown, but Graham says he was already planning out a new HQ during the event, implying that he didn't really care which side won. ("It's silly, but I'd been drafting scematics for a new Headquarters. No need for them now!" -Graham, Post-LoP)
Speaking of Post-Lines of Power, Lightside Won. Prior to this, the Alpha HQ was visibly under threat of sinking into the leylines. This was attributed to be caused by the utilization of Darkside Energy; this visual of the HQ sinking led to Jammers switching and using Lightside, under the assumption that Darkside really was bad.
So, Lightside won. Directly after this? Greely, the longtime Representative of Wolves, the stoic Alpha of Jamaa, resigned.
Part 2: Greely's Reputation
Due to Greely's Resignation, many Jammers developed a theory that Greely had betrayed Jamaa and the other Alphas, as a result of his advocation for Darkside energy. They considered his resignation an "admission of guilt", a sign that he really did become traitorous in favor of joining the Phantoms.
That said, I don't fault anyone for believing him to be secretly evil, considering his personality.
Greely is incredibly secretive, he's stoic, quiet, and often behaves rudely to others, commanding instead of asking. He has a deep fascination with Phantoms, coming off as questionable. It's no wonder he's considered to be both super cool, but also super sketchy.
However, if you consider the chronological order of the following events, you'll notice that the timing of his resignation debunks this "He joined the Phantoms" theory entirely.
The timeline is as follows:
Night of Phantoms Event begins, Lines of Power Event Begins
Phantoms become Playable
Lightside Wins
Greely Resigns and disappears
Phantoms were already able to become Jamaaian Citizens by the time Greely Resigned. If he wanted to study or be near Phantoms, he wouldn't have had to leave, only communicate with the Phantoms that moved to Jamaa.
That, however, doesn't explain why he left, why he took his belongings from the HQ, or why he resigned.
I cannot explain exactly why he left, or what he's doing.
But I KNOW that whatever the reason is, it is not to betray or hurt Jamaa in any way.
Part 3: Greely in Adventures
To better understand Greely, we need to take a look at his appearances in the Mainline Legacy Adventures.
The Hive: His first appearance. Greely tells the Player to stay out of the conflict between Jamaa and the Phantoms.
The Great Escape: Greely is at the top of the Phantom Prisons, and he berates the player for even being there, and sends you on your way out of there. Note: The Alpha that sends you, some rando, in to be captured on purpose, is COSMO.
Greely's Inferno: Cosmo sends the Player up the volcano, Graham sends you IN the Volcano to get his stuff back for him. Inside, there's a secret entrance to Greely's little hideout, full of Phantom related items and his research. The player encounters Greely at the heart of the volcano, where he, as usual, berates the player for being there. It's also revealed that the Phantoms were going to use the volcano to destroy Jamaa, a plot that Greely stops with his magic, even though doing so would A) Make him unable to leave an active volcano while it erupts, and B) go against the Phantom's perfect little plot, which would mean he's absolutely not in the kahoots with them. Greely asks the player to please evacuate the volcano, and he is then able to halt the eruption of the volcano while it's mid-eruption, where it is presumed that he's died. The first request Greely asks of the player is to get themselves to safety.
The Search for Greely: Despite Greely sacrificing himself to save Jamaa, his innocence proven by his actions, Graham still considers Greely suspicious due to his personal notes saying things like "The other Alphas don't suspect a thing" and for having a fixation on Phantoms. In this adventure, the Player finds a machine Greely uses to temporarily become a Phantom as a means to use a portal into their dimension, which is considered extremely sketchy of him. When you find him though, he's been caged by the Phantoms, further proving his innocence, as the Phantoms wouldn't be so keen to lock up Greely if he were working with them, after all, Greely proves himself to be really intelligent. When he's freed, he breaks from pattern, and compliments you for your skills, remarking how the player is full of surprises. For a brief moment, he worries that you're both trapped since you need to be a phantom to use the portal. Plot says Cosmo overrides the portal and Alphas Liza, Graham, and Cosmo appear, with Graham questioning Greely's intent, with Cosmo DEMANDING Greely explains himself. Greely states that he infiltrated the Phantom Dimension as a means to obtain the Phantom Beacon, which would lead them to the Phantom's fortress, said to be where Phantoms replicate and make more Phantoms. Note that none of the Alphas present believe him until he shows proof, showing the Phantom Beacon. Greely thanks you for the help, but still dislikes your presence, since it means you put yourself in danger.
The Phantom Fortress: Greely is shown to be disguised as a sheep to get himself captured as a means to set other captured sheep free. Apparently he's been doing this for months, disguising himself as different animals to set them free. He states that he's been planning this for months, and, as usual, scolds the player for so nonchalantly ruining his careful planning, though not as harshly as before.
Storming the Fortress: Sir Gilbert calls you ordinary, then takes it back, and then sends you into the Phantom Fortress, by yourself. Granted, he does so because he can't be in two places at once, and needs to defend Jamaa from an ongoing attack, but still, consider that he's the head of Jamaa's Military forces, and has a tiger army. Also that there's more than one Alpha. By the way, Peck is missing. When the player encounters Greely in the heart of the Fortress, he just sighs in defeat, asking himself why he bothers planning at all anymore. He then, for the first time, asks the Player for help. Greely assigns himself to keep the Phantoms at bay, while the Player destroys the engine responsible for powering the Phantom Fortress. After this task is completed, Peck shows up, and Greely says that moment she disappeared, he went looking for her (yet when Greely disappears, it's assumed he's up to no good). Greely knew for certain where Peck would be, he knows that she's the brave, rambunctious type to go off and storm the fortress. This proves that he does know about the other Alphas well enough to guess what they'll do. He's ready to put himself in danger, but not willing to let the other's sacrifice themselves, not when he could do so in their stead. Peck caused enough damage to the Fortress by herself that it begins to break down, leading to an (offscreen) escape. Afterward? Peck is the one to get the credit, with Graham stating that it was all thanks to her. Peck denies it, and says it was thanks to all of their hard work, saying that she believes that the other Alphas would have done the same if they were present. She especially thanks Greely, saying he deserves credit and a giant hug. Greely seems a little surprised and even uncomfortable about being praised, and it seems he isn't used to being appreciated. He then deflects and gives credit to the player, leading Peck to chime in and tell the player that they saved Jamaa.
The River's Heart: Greely is trying to return a magic stone to where it belongs. He also, for the second time, asks for the Player to help, however, the task at hand is far, far less dangerous. He only asks that you accompany the Stone as it floats on a boat down a river, to where it belongs. Here, he says that the Player has proven themselves to be trustworthy. Greely has begun trusting the Player enough to handle themselves, and only after having proved themself to be capable, does he feel comfortable giving them tasks, and even then, the tasks are extremely simple in comparison to what the other Alphas ask of you. Peck appears, and expresses worry that the Phantoms are going to ambush Greely and the Stone. ("I'll bet you anything the Phantoms are on their way to ambush us, now that Greely isn't with us. He tried to stop me from following him, but I just knew something like this would happen!" -Peck) She's right, there's an ambush. After they're stopped, Greely appears, remarking that he was attacked by FOUR PHANTOM KINGS. He is then surprised that Peck is here, and assumes she's here because the other Alphas sent her here to stop him from returning the Stone to it's rightful place. Greely doesn't trust the other Alphas to allow him to give the Stone back to nature. Peck instantly denies this, saying she agrees with him, leading him to question why she sounds so upset. Peck reveals that she's upset with Greely for always trying to handle things by himself, and berates him for never asking her or the others for help. He then apologizes for his, admitting one of his biggest faults, and promising to be less secretive, and to be more open about his plans. Peck is happy and in turn, promises to hold him responsible to this promise. The two return the Stone to it's place in nature, and head on back, where they're greeted with,,, hostility by the other Alphas. Sir Gilbert, right away, berates Greely for taking the Stone, Liza scolds Greely for not being a team player and says "Don't you trust anyone?", Graham doesn't say anything of substance. Greely then scolds the other Alphas for not realizing that the Stone doesn't belong to them, it belongs to nature. Sir Gilbert says, "Why would we [realize that], there's nothing here but rocks!", he then yells at Peck for going along with Greely's "nonsense". Her reply is to defend Greely, but still reprimand him for not being clear about his intent, reprimanding for stealing the Stone, which, now in it's place, activates, revealing it to be a Heartstone, one of the biggest, most ancient they've seen. Greely says that it can only activate when it's in its proper place. AGAIN, Greely has to prove his innocence with an outside force, and only then is he forgiven and treated with respect.
Part 4: Greely's Character
So now let's unpack All That!
Do you notice the patterns?
The game, in the beginning, continually points at Greely and tries to convince the player he's evil, yet in the face of danger, Greely, time and time again, proves that he isn't.
Greely is the only Alpha to consistently scold the player for following the Alphas into danger. Heck, he dislikes when the other Alphas follow him into the literal inferno that is the volcano. Greely is the only one to express remorse for putting the player into a position of action, and only begins to trust you after you continually prove yourself to be able to handle fighting Phantoms.
Greely keeps his most dangerous missions to himself, even away from the other Alphas. He even gets a little upset at them for trying to help.
The other Alphas, excluding Peck, are constantly mistrusting him, even after he continually proves himself to be on the side of good. They only listen to him AFTER he displays physical evidence of his innocence. He's surprised when Peck compliments him, displaying that he is rarely appreciated by his colleagues, let alone trusted by them.
Greely has a tendency to isolate from the Alphas, as he doesn't fully believe in their capacity to understand him, which is completely justified due to their treatment of him. He doesn't trust them to handle situations with the appropriate level of caution, so whenever he goes on a particularly important mission, he keeps it from them.
Greely's secrecy is a means to ensure the safety of Jamaa, to ensure that the other Alphas don't get caught up in danger. Greely continually goes off on easily the most dangerous missions to protect Jamaa. Yet even his own colleagues distrust him, unaware that he hides his work to keep them from doing anything rash, and potentially dangerous. He doesn't want anyone doing something reckless and accidentally harming Jamaa.
This is why I find it utterly impossible for his resignation in the Play Wild edition to be a sign of villainy. Every appearance he makes, every action he does, all of it points to him being the most caring of the Alphas.
Bringing the conversation back to Play Wild's Lines of Power Event.
Greely advocates for the utilization of Darkside energy. which, by all means, encapsulates Greely perfectly!
Emotion, Greely cares deeply for Jamaa and all it's creatures, his actions display this emotion clearly.
Power, the magic he uses to defend Jamaa, even stopping a volcano, nearly dying in the process.
Initiative, Greely does the jobs nobody else even considers, he carefully plans, then walks directly into the heart of danger, which even Sir Gilbert doesn't do, as he primarily tends to borders and takes the defensive. Greely takes the offensive, delving into the inferno of the Phantom's lands.
His resignation in Play Wild is not a sign of villainy, it's a sign that Jamaa is in danger, and he is going to try and fix it the way he usually does. By himself. Alone.
This is not the first time he's gone on his own to try and solve a problem, to try and delve into danger all alone for the sake of Jamaa, but it's certainly the first time he's done something so drastic as resign from his position. He didn't even tell Peck, who he made a promise to, meaning he cannot risk anyone, not even her, who he trusts, following him.
Now remember points 3 and 5?
Greely isolates himself from the Alphas whenever he begins a dangerous task.
Yet again, Greely is going to try and sacrifice himself for the sake of all Jamaa, for the sake of the colleagues who do not trust him, for the sake of his friend, Peck...
I wholeheartedly believe that Greely's resignation is a push to the Alphas to appoint a new Alpha in his stead, as he considers his latest mission so dangerous, that he thinks that he will either never be able to return to Jamaa, or that he will die.
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sunbun-fnaf · 11 months
HEY!!!!! IM SUNBUN!!!!!
I use he/they/it pronouns! I'm here to talk about FNAF and draw the silly guys too!!
I'm mostly just an artist, but I do some writing from time to time. I also make some cosplays and fursuits!
I've been in the fandom pretty much since FNAF first game out- its really my one and only special interest. If it has anything to do with FNAF, I'll probably lose my mind over it.
my FAVS are all the bunnies, but I specifically hold spring bonnie very close like a small critter <333
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Pizza Party is my CHILD. It's pretty much just me doodling some slice of life stuff based in FNaF. The silly guys remain silly!!!!! There isn't much to do with the actual lore outside of relationships that people have to each other.
All updates can be found on this tumblr.
1987 is a podcast I host with @toki-woki-fnaf! We share all of our thoughts, theories, and ideas revolving around FNAF along with retrospectives on each of the games and all of the content that is based in FNAF. We really just stay silly with it there :] Feel free to check us out!
SUNSHINE, LOLLIPOPS AND RAINBOWS is my DCA fic! It's still a major WIP and will undergo a serious re-write before I publish it on AO3. For now though, here's the link to the Quotev version! It's very, VERY outdated though :[
More will be posted! I have a lot of fic ideas that'll be up here soon >:D
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@sunbun-fnaf> My main!!! This is where all the Cool Shit happens >:] I don't post much outside of here unfortunately!
@thestaticfoxx > This is for my general art! While I don't post here too often, this is for all my stuff that doesn't really relate to FNAF.
@staticfox > This is my furry account! It's where I'll put all my furry art and fursuit wips.
@cypher05 > valorant art/silly shenanigans account @kani-cove > This is where all my silly animal jam content is! that. doesnt include fnaf. there will be overlap with aj fnaf content
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Talking tags!! > #bunny buzz, #sunbun binky!!, #rambles :]
Art tags > #myart, #my art, #sunbuns scrap box
Ask tags > #ask, #anonask, #askreq
AU TAGS/WORK TAGS!! > #pizza party, #slr fnaf, #fnaf 1987
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tbhs by @freddyfazbearsmegapizzaplex
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dearcauti0n · 5 months
Some random jammer reminded me of something while fighting a phantom
Hosting an Jamaa (Animal Jam) roleplay
I always had that in the back of my head ever since I started playing.
Just imagine the possibilities, you can train, go fishing, have the fakest adventure, pretend you were assigned a mission from the alphas, explore new areas but they're only just dens set up for new locations.
Make enemies, make friends, start packs or clans, or a new society with your name on it
That literally sounds so fun if you're into lore or simple stories for just AJ stuff
I actually have made some AJ related simple stories before, just never really shared them full on
If there was like, somewhere, something dedicated for that type of stuff I'll probably engage in it
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svenmantsik · 15 days
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CATNET3000 - TalTech game jam game
A short platformer game (1026×800 px)
Incomplete little platformer game about letting go of the old internet, made in the Godot engine, as a group effort. You play as a cursor in the form of a cat and platform through a tactile 2000s website before it collapses as it gradually goes offline.
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(the animations / sprites I made for the game: player character, spinning CD collectible)
CatNet3000 is playable and downloadable on itch.io.
We named our group Team Hyppekass as a sort of reference to Tiigrihüpe, which was the initiative that brought computers and internet access to Estonian schools.
Sven Mantsik (@ seitsmes_mnt, me): I did the sprite art, sprite animation, some lore writing, and itch.io page design.
Caroline Pajusaar (@ artsycreaturez) - background art, level design.
Karu Kaljuste (@ libakary) - programming, game design.
Anni Hõ (@ 4nnih6) - audio, game design, writing.
Made in 47 hours during the TalTech GameCamp game jam of March 2024, theme: "Into the Unknown." It got 6th place!! (Out of 28 games.)
This game is still very incomplete with a few things missing and a lot of things not working. It's not really completable.
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Here's an overview of some animations, assets and backgrounds that didn't make it into the game. There's also development and planning sketches.
Development sketches / plans I wrote:
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Some more of the assets (and one background) I made:
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pancakesmythie · 6 months
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I made an Animal Jam sugar glider demon before, now I have made my husband (Professor Pester from Viva Piñata). I wish I could have made him look more spiky but the horns I tried to add didn't look right at all so maybe IDK what I'm actually doing.
The main head area is supposed to be like a sour mallowolf, the nose alone is bat-inspired (striped like Pester's nose). I also made him more complex designed legs instead of the simple Hazbin Hotel ones I made before. A: Those would make him look top-heavy. B: He just looks kinda badass like this. Then I added on devily tail and wings. IDK alot about HH lores (like at all) but this was fun and sexy to make.
He is so fucking hot I will sell my soul to him in a heartbeat!!
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Literally me ASF RN (the card being my soul OFC).
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Also please tell us more about the circus of death au 🥺🥺🙏🙏
OH!!! Gladly!!! Thank you so much for asking about one of my aus it means a lot :D!
Okay okay- so- Circus of Death au, my beloved, it's been a while so I think I'll do a lore post since I haven't explained much for this one yet.
The Circus of Death (or Dead Circus for shorter convenience) is a circus of dead souls that exist in a magical demonic space between life and death!
They greet those who have stumbled into that realm and provide them with one final performance before death!
Only those who have - died tragically, enter the river that connects the realms, or who wish to join the dead circus - may enter the realm where the circus of death remains.
Spirits who are dead have tickets to the show which allow them to pass peacefully once the performance is over.
Those who wish to join may volunteer as an audience member during the performance - they will die during this and become part of the circus.
Don't eat the carnival food, its made of demonic shadow-y matter and you will just die.
The rest is going under a cut because it is long and also ->
CW // death, graphic details of said deaths, generally dark themes:
So. In life there was a circus. People knew it as a 'cursed circus' because they were renowned for constantly having accidents and mishaps and things going wrong.
But they were well known.
The ringmaster - literal piece of shit - had signed a contract with a demonic entity: "Give me fame and money and in exchange I will give to you all the souls that join my circus."
And so, everyone who joined the circus had signed their souls away via a contract without knowing. This caused them to be seen as a whole big massive bargaining chip by both the demonic realm and the ringmaster.
The ringmaster was an asshole and treated his circus as animals and shit. A lot of them were mutilated for his own gain (like hawks having fake wings stitched into his back for show, etc)
- -
Now, for the roles (+ how they died) ->
Tsunagu: Aerialist, did trapeze and aerial silks together with Shinya and he was the centerpiece of the show. (Hung and beheaded. The One Who Started It All.)
Shinya: Partners with Tsunagu, did all the same things. (SURVIVED. The Missing Piece)
Kuugo: escape artist specialising in water tricks and water escape stuff. (The lock jammed and he drowned.)
Hawks: Did acrobatics and aerial tricks. (Wings and props got stuck and he fell.)
Miruko: Did a mixture of circus acts mostly including tumbling and trampolining and knife-throwing. (The scaffolding fell and skewered her.)
Ryuko: Fire tricks such as juggling, fire performance, and such. (Set herself on fire. Down came the circus, alongside her.)
Uwabami: Snake-handler(?), she did tricks with a pit of venomous snakes and also just looked after them. (She fell in.)
Mic: Tightrope tricks, did all sorts of tricks. Also was in charge of announcements and introductions. (He fell as the structure holding the rope broke.)
Aizawa: He did knife-throwing and also looked after the kids with powerloader and midnight in the side tent. (Was crushed by the structure as he rushed out when Mic fell.)
Ectoplasm: Lion-keeper. He took care of them and did small tricks with them. He loved them a lot. (Killed by them and ripped apart by those which he cared for.)
Powerloader: The magician. He did classic magic tricks during breaks and waiting times, and entertains and looks after the audiences/circus members kids during the shows in a side tent with magic and arts and crafts. (Watched everything happen, clawed his eyes out and was killed. The Witness to it All.)
Snipe: Sharpshooter, did tricks with his gun and partnered tricks with Midnight. (Shot himself.)
- -
Now back to plot and lore.
The ringmaster saw Tsunagu as this. Trophy. This shiny little centerpiece for his shows that was the most important thing because he was a) pretty and skilled, and b) made him more famous for a good show.
But, since Shinya came along and partnered with Tsunagu and they were together, he HATED Shinya.
But at this point everyone knew how horrible the ringmaster was, and they were struggling financially.
So the ringmaster plotted. He was going to kill Shinya in a staged accident, which would make Tsunagu not be able to perform, and then the entire Circus -> this way, he could run away with Tsunagu and start ANOTHER circus that was more successful.
And. It worked. But not the way he intended.
Their final performance.
Ringmaster hired a few subordinates to help with the plan, sabotaging most of the equipment and stuff.
Shinya was supposed to be the first death -> he had to step in as the target for someone's knife-throwing, which he had done before.
The knife was supposed to go through his head and kill him, but the guy missed and it went in his eye, and somehow he survived but was too injured to perform. The show continued.
They did a few acts regularly to avoid suspicion and were going to initiate the plan after the break (which is after Tsunagu and Shinya's performance usually)
Tsunagu refused to skip, and went on to perform (despite this being against the ringmasters plan) and his death was the first and only pure accident.
His routine went wrong, he got tangled in his silks and basically slowly hung himself above the ring and no one could get to him bc of the ringmasters meddling.
The ringmaster lost it over this, and ragefully went up and. Cut off his head so that the rest of him could just fall down and the show resumed.
Shinya was knocked out and stuffed into a closet so he couldn't interfere and the rest of the circus members were threatened to continue, some already figuring out what was happening.
The audience also weren't allowed to leave.
Slowly, the acts played out. Sabotaged. Accidents and tragic deaths occurred and one by one, the members of the circus died. Occasionally they were simply just killed by the ones that planned it.
It ended with fire. The tent went up in flames and the ringmaster had already snuck off (with Tsunagu's head). Shinya woke up and managed to escape but he was semi delirious so didn't know what was happening.
The circus burned and the souls were claimed by the demonic entity from before, making them manifest in the other realm. But they don't know themselves, they don't know how they died. Who are they?
Shinya was the only survivor and the missing piece. That and Tsunagu's head.
In order for the circus to regain their sense of self fully, to know who they were and what they are: Shinya must die, Tsunagu's head must be burned and brought back to him, and the ringmaster must be killed.
For now, the only thing they know is to repeat their last performance over and over again in the realm between realms.
They perform and die for other dead souls over and over again, slowly learning who they were. They wear masks that show parts of themselves. But the one who still doesn't know anything about himself is Tsunagu.
He waits.
The Circus is a family, it is a whole piece, and it is waiting for Shinya to come home.
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