#the tricky bastard
corkinavoid · 4 months
DPxDC Changeling AU pt.2
This idea got me in a chokehold, so I'm here to add more.
I'm sticking with the 'Talia outplayed the fae in order to acquire 2for1 deal of babies' for this one and probably for any later continuations.
Damian knows his brother is not human. He knew it from the very beginning since no one bothered to hide the fact. Yet Danyal grows up just like any other human baby, acting like a child he is supposed to be. He trains by Damian's side, he eats just like everyone else, he likes the stories and lessons their Mother teaches them both.
But Damian knows. His brother is no human. He sees it in the way Danyal tilts his head like a curious bird, in his swift, flowing movements that remind him of snakes, in his eyes that reflect the moonlight in a way cat's eyes do. He knows it by how some of the assassins lose their names to his brother and how Danyal never lies but also never tells the truth.
More than that, he sees it in the way Danyal smiles. Others would call that smile a mischievous one, but Damian sees no mischief in there.
He sees amusement.
And it drives him up the wall.
So he trains. He works harder than ever to prove himself better. He is worth not just simple amusement, he is the Heir, the Son of the Bat, he demands respect, even from his brother. Danyal will never take his place - not that he even could, Grandfather would never allow an unpredictable being to become the next Demon Head.
And he learns, from his Mother and from the old books, and sometimes from Danyal himself. He learns of customs and rules, of names and wordings, of odds and debts, and of tricks and riddles.
Damian has his own pride, and he wants to show it to his brother. To see the amused smile fade from his face, to make Danyal understand he is not just a weak mortal who's been simply allowed to exist beside his brother.
He wants to defeat Danyal.
And one day, he does.
Danyal is on the floor, and there's no smile on his face. Instead, in his eyes he sees the calm tranquility of a lake, frozen to the bottom, as he looks at Damian. And Damian? Damian grins, victorious at last.
Yet it is only after Danyal stands up and leaves a soft, cold and barely noticeable kiss to his forehead before disappearing in the shadows, that Damian realises:
His brother never asked to have his name.
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cjhern1109 · 9 months
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🎄December Prompt - @frans-monthly 🎄
So this was my backup plan for the Secret Fransta exchange in case the video didn’t fall tho in time. However, I still didn’t want this piece to go to waste so I changed it to fit for this month’s Frans prompt! Hope ya like it 💜
WDYW belongs to @the-writing-mobster
Gosh darn, do I LOVE this version of “Baby It’s Cold Outside” by Idina Menzel ft Michael Bublé 💞😭💖
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whataboutfractions · 1 year
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going-to-superhell · 2 years
what should I name my new son?
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corpiote · 3 months
nokto didn't even give me a 4☆ for his own spotlight but here comes his standard 5☆ on clavis' spotlight
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Tim Drake's whole vibe is *I don't need to know more than you. You just have to THINK I do*
And I love that for him.
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linddzz · 1 year
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Boulder brain coral (Colpophyllia natans)
Sea Plume gorgonian (Pseudopterogorgia sp) ((I think it's americanus but gorgonians are a pain for ID))
Grooved brain coral (Diploria labyrinthiformis)
Mustard hill coral (Porites astreoides)
Boulder star coral (Orbicella annularis)
-Bonus Background Corals Bc I wanna See How Much I Can ID For Funsies-
Great star coral (Montastrea cavernosa)
Smooth Flower Coral (Eusmilia fastigiata)
Branching fire coral (Millepora alcicornis)
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nerdieforpedro · 1 year
I have 70 followers?! Wow! I’m so thankful for people reading my work 🤗 I wanted to thank everyone and give some updates:
1. A small preview of a Javi G fanfic I’m working on. I still have to finish writing and decide which direction it’s gonna go:
“Diosa, the map is the wrong way. The beach that belongs to the beach is to the right and not the left.” Javier pointed out, taking the map and turning it the opposite direction, he set it in her soft hands and exhaled deeply. He chuckled as she started at it, he could picture smoke coming out of her ears.
“I…this is worse then that time I got lost finding my own car from the airport…” Abigail sighed, her poor sense of direction and prevailed again. She weakly smiled at Javier and then frowned. He was being very nice about some weird lady on his property. This beautiful man in a Speedo. She wanted to poke his belly and see if he would giggle. He looked like he would, his face was so expressive.
2. I’m also trying my hand at Agent Whiskey for Halloween 🎃 and hopefully maybe writing Din Djarin (one day I will figure him out 🤔)
3. Thanks to @iamasaddie she gave a prompt for The Red Viper for Dorne that I’ve ran with. 🫡 The hair shall prevail!
4. Lastly, still working on my ongoing series for Frankie Morales, Javier Peña and Dave (Murder Daddy) York. There will be more chapters…eventually. Joel, Javi G, Oberyn and Whiskey blew threw and I got ideas for them. My brain sometimes man. 😵
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haledamage · 2 days
5000 words into this fic and I'm starting to suspect my brain lied to me when it said it had a "cute little story idea"
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takethistoyourstardust · 11 months
need to have a full breakdown of treasure and the narcissius myth reference and how it’s his mother trying to manipulate him back to her side…
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lisutarid-a · 4 months
[Gakuen K] Munakata Reisi Route Translation
In good terms?
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[Translation under the cut]
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Saya: Excuse me. Huh, only Fushimi-kun is here so far?
Fushimi: As you see.
Saya: …That's right.
Fushimi: Tsk…
Saya: …
Saya: (This is awkward…)
Saya: (Come to think of it, Fushimi-kun and I are classmates, but we've never talked properly)
Saya: (Since we're both here, maybe I should talk to Fushimi-kun more)
Saya: That puzzle we did the other day was a tough one.
Saya: I didn't expect a puzzle with that many pieces but no pattern.
Saya: I wonder where they sell such kind of stuff.
Fushimi: …I don't even want to remember.
Saya: S-Sorry.
Fushimi: It's nothing. You were here till the end, weren't you? I don't know how you manage to stand it.
Saya: Yeah, I got kind of carried away. Fushimi-kun was gone before I knew it.
Fushimi: I've been called by the Discipline Committee. Didn't you hear?
Saya: U-Uhm. I realized that everyone had left after I was done…
Fushimi: How focused you were on a jigsaw puzzle…?
Munakata: Fushimi-kun, are you there?
Fushimi: Yeah.
Munakata: Can I have the documents I asked for?
Fushimi: Here.
Munakata: Thank you. You work fast.
Fushimi: Thanks.
Munakata: And it looks like you put your hand on everything, Fushimi-kun is very attentive and helpful.
Munakata: Oya, there are sticky notes on the documents…
Fushimi: There were a lot of typos, so I checked them along the way.
Munakata: I beg your pardon for that. I should scold Domyoji-kun.
Fushimi: I'm sure you noticed but handed them (documents) to me anyway.
Munakata: No, no, that's not true. Thank you for making me aware of it, Fushimi-kun.
Fushimi: Pf…
Munakata: I missed them too, so I'll pay attention to them in the future.
Fushimi: …You would never have missed this bunch of mistakes.
Saya: (It is true that Munakata-senpai doesn't seem like the type of person who would miss a simple mistake…)
Fushimi: And not only today, but lately there have been a lot of stupid mistakes, please fix this too.
Munakata: …Fushimi-kun.
Fushimi: What is it?
Munakata: I didn't realize that you think so much about the club…I am touched.
Fushimi: Ha?
Munakata: I am very proud to have you as a member of our club.
Fushimi: …sigh
Munakata: Thank you for always covering my imperfections.
Saya: (Senpai definitely knows what he's talking about…)
Saya: (Munakata-senpai trusts Fushimi-kun, Fushimi-kun also follows Munakata-senpai's instructions, no matter what)
Saya: (Maybe they are closer than I thought?)
Saya: Fufu.
Fushimi: …What are you laughing at?
Saya: Ah, sorry. I thought you're in good terms.
Fushimi: Ha? Who? With whom?
Saya: Fushimi-kun and Munakata-senpai.
Saya: I enjoy watching your conversation.
Munakata: Oya, it seems we've been entertaining you for some time now.
Fushimi: Tsk…And whose fault is it?
Munakata: Isn't it Fushimi-kun's fault?
Fushimi: No, no matter how you look at it, it's President's fault.
Munakata: Hm. Well, then, to meet her expectations, we'll play this game together…
Fushimi: No, I don't want to. That's what President had planned, right?
Munakata: No, it's just to entertain Konohana-kun.
Fushimi: Then why you started it in the first place?
Fushimi: I mean, if you came here to get the documents, don't you have to go back?
Munakata: …You're so heartless, Fushimi-kun.
Saya: (I thought Munakata-senpai and Fushimi-kun were a little unapproachable at first, but maybe they're not)
Saya: (Since we are in the same Blue club, I hope we can get to know each other better)
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niobiumao3 · 9 months
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Tech's tarot card is the Magician in this essay I will
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meringuejellyfish · 10 months
ough i soak
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cloudbattrolls · 3 months
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Evil Cat Furious At You For Singing Made-Up Song About It
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planet4546b · 4 months
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reefer-keifer · 5 months
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