#omega is the fool in ever possible sense
niobiumao3 · 9 months
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Tech's tarot card is the Magician in this essay I will
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cannellee · 9 months
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alpha!sasuke x alpha!naruto x omega!reader (f)
— what is it like being team 7's omega ?
my masterlist : ☆
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the moment it was announced that you were going to be a part of naruto and sasuke's team, you knew it would be difficult.
being both alphas, they're naturally in competition most of the time, but adding an omega to their quarrel made things even worse.
it's in their nature to seek their close omega friends' attention. you didn't particularly favour any of them, but naruto was ready to prove anyone else he could be a better partner to you than sasuke.
from this day on, the two of them started to fight even more than usual.
sasuke is a silent type of alpha, but you noticed he didn't particularly try to drive you away. he didn't seem to get annoyed either when you talked to him, you figured it was a privilege reserved to naruto alone.
actually, it's safe to say that sasuke always made sure you were out of danger while out on missions.
he wasn't exactly doubting your level, but he didn't trust you and your abilities fully. his nature made it hard for him to just ignore an omega in possible danger.
it was kind but subtle gestures, noticable to those who paid attention.
whereas for naruto, he was eager to replace you, to tell you to stay away and let him do the work. he didn't mean to come off as condescending nor disrespectful, he was just extremely preoccupied by your safety and wanted to show you he could take care of you.
it didn't take much time for you guys to become a real little pack. both had their antics and grudges, but deep down you knew they both liked each other in their own way.
you played a big part on how they interacted with each other, without you realising. your calming presence and gentle scent helped the two alphas chill down a bit.
your nurturing instincts also contribute to the cohesion of your team. you sometimes act like a mediator, having little to no trouble to resolve conflicts. kakashi has even given up trying to appease those two when they start arguing and directly lets you do your thing. you always succeed in maintaining a good harmony between the three of you, he's really thankful!
your secret trick is letting naruto scent you as long as he wants, he loves to be able to claim you like this, it appeases him so much! it does get on the nerves of sasuke who curses at him to let you go though.
moreover, they may fight once in a will and throw snarky remarks to the other, but if it comes to you, your safety or your mood, they immediately work hand in hand to reassure you.
it would be one of the rare time you'll hear sasuke be so openly mean at someone. he doesn't even foster the idea of an enemy targeting you.
come back injured and you'll be heavily questioned so he can track the one responsible.
both care so much about you, it's safe to say you bring a sense of unity that wouldn't be present if it wasn't for you.
if the three of you were out at a restaurant for example, it was a tacit rule for you to sit between naruto and sasuke.
they pay extra attention to you, naruto in a more exaggerated manner than sasuke, but you noticed sasuke warmed up to you really quickly after you guys first met.
none of them will ever let anybody disrespect their partner, and they trust each other completely to look after you.
sasuke might let his scent spread widely around you, to hold off other people. whether you notice it or not doesn't matter, he will do it regardless.
don't be fooled, they both are very jealous alphas!
naruto expresses his openly, whether it's a friendly interaction that seemed too close for comfort or a compliment directed at you, he'll playfully pout or at least put his claim on you to reaffirm his position as your alpha.
sasuke's is a bit harder to perceive but present nonetheless. you're able to notice it in the way his jaw tightens, the look of his narrow eyes and protective stance.
they both consider you theirs, it's only natural they drive away other alphas. now that they grew much closer, they only accept gestures of affection directed to you, if it comes from one of them.
they also understand you're an omega and your needs manifest differently than theirs. if you need alone time, guidance or to get away from any situation... they got your back! they'll go even as far as giving you their strongly scented clothes and note down every food you like and dislike to make sure you get your favourite next time.
sasuke is at peace with how he feels about you : he likes you a lot and wants to keep you safe. the long days and hours you spent together as teammates forced the three of you to build an unbreakable bond.
their initial alpha rivalry transformed into a playful banter now. they tease each other and use their omega's laughter to measure their victory against each other.
sasuke still likes to mock naruto in front of you, because he knows it makes him embarrassed and it makes you laugh. they love the sound you make, and your lighthearted scent is like a reward.
you might not notice it, but sasuke pays close attention to you and you can expect sweet gifts from him, like pretty flowers which caught his eyes while on mission and reminded him of you.
during training, both of them become very reliable teachers. they want to demonstrate, help you with certain moves... but always having in mind to keep you away from harm.
the same goes for missions, they'll always step in if they assume you're in danger. and they'll do it over and over again, they don't even consider that as annoying or a burden to their mission.
if you think they're doing too much and you want them to calm down with all their protection, they'll understand and let you manage your thing alone. just know that they'll still have an eye on you.
naruto is very passionate and yes, he'll jump in front of you to shield you from anything. he's like a steadfast guardian you know you can count on, no matter how much he likes joking around.
however, sasuke is protective by placing a vigilant eye over you. he assesses potential threats and his actions are calculated. his protective nature is rooted in a silent commitment to keep safe what he holds dear, in this case, you.
during missions, both will offer their hand or arm to cross a particularly tricky path, they'll regularly ask you how you're feeling and if you need a break. if you do, they'll let you rest and go search for some food while the other is inspecting the surroundings.
overall, they are very careful and attentive.
and it really does make you feel protected and safe. you wouldn't trade you team for nothing in the world!
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fatuismooches · 10 months
Kind of dark stuff ahead? Basic Dottore warnings to be honest (blood, experimentation, he pretty much dissects someone, straps them down while they cry and beg for mercy, in front of the other Fatuis since they made you cry as a lesson, so yeah)
Been thinking about Dottore displaying to everyone in the lab what would happen to them if they crossed you, or Tsaritsa forbid, made you cry. By this point, everyone who works with Dottore or in his labs would know of you. And it'd take longer if you were sickly, but as soon as your presence is discovered, and the regular workers are aware of your standing as their Lord Harbinger's lover, immediate respect is afforded to you without any question. Do they have millions of questions? Yes, absolutely, but they prefer to keep their lives. Surprisingly though, you're... quite nice to them? It's honestly a breath of fresh air considering how the segments treat them, so the respectful way the agents treat you is a mixture of how they actually like you and how they don't want to end up as the Doctor's next test subject. There are always newcomers who are wholly unaware of you and who you are, so the older agents try to inform them as soon as possible. However, one learned the truth far too late, sealing his fate. Berating you for one minor slip-up that was just an accident, that was out of your control. And the other Fatuis are there absolutely panicking, trying to explain that you were not just an experiment, that you were- it was too late, because tears were already rolling down your eyes as you quickly exited the room. And the agents think, they are so fucked because they have no idea what the Doctor will do to them now that you've cried in their presence. They can only hope that he will have mercy on them, and punish the idiot who made you cry directly.
The next day, a multitude of Fatui agents, soldiers, scientists, and really whoever happened to be in the lab that day, were called into a room. It was very random, considering they never had meetings since the segments didn't like to be bothered with such frivolities, but upon entering the room, the same sinking feeling pooled in their stomachs. There was a lone operation table in the middle of the spacious room, along with a small table that had yet to hold anything. Strapped to the operation table was one of their fellow agents, bound and gagged, his screams were the only thing filling the room as the other Fatuis could only watch on speechlessly. Next to the (former) agent, was their Lord Harbinger. And no, this wasn't one of his segments, it was Prime, the real Il Dottore himself. Prime himself came to make a statement. Many of the agents hadn't even seen him until now, only encountering his numerous segments. And to the side of him was Omega too. The combination was enough to make some Fatuis want to faint and throw up, but they knew they couldn't for they weren't sure if they'd wake up again.
"I do believe that this is enough people. Word gets around quite fast around here, anyway," Prime hummed to no one in particular as if there wasn't a man crying next to them. Nonchalantly, he circled around the operation table, paying no mind to the muffled "please" and "i'm sorry" echoing like a broken record from the agent's mouth.
"It has come to my attention that some of you have trouble understanding orders," Prime Dottore began, his voice striking the highest amount of fear into the Fatuis. "I make myself clear, do I not? So why do you all still lack common sense? Why..." his gaze suddenly snapped to the tied-down man, "have I discovered that some of you still fail to respect [Name] the same way you do with me? Do you believe that you, a lowly person such as yourself, have the authority to speak to them in such a way?"
"I despise having my time wasted, especially by fools. Therefore, I expect this will serve as a reminder if you ever dare to think about crossing [Name], and consequently me." Prime then adjusts his gloves and motions to Omega, who then begins to set the table with... medical instruments he's retrieved from a bag. Only that they will certainly not be used ethically. The man only becomes more frantic at the sight of the dangerously sharp and pointy objects, but there's nothing you can do, once you're in the Doctor's clutches.
And so the group of onlookers got a front-row seat of one of the Doctor's experiments. As horrifying as it was, no one dared to look away.
Let's just say no one ever dared to make you sad ever again.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Dubcon mating with alpha dream except hob knows EXACTLY what hes doing:) hob has been all but throwing himself at dream all semester all "ohh wow i would NEVER leave MY alpha like that.. too bad i dont even have one :(" hell cut it as close as possible going to class through his pre heat just to hopefully give dream a wiff of how slick and fertile he is. Dream does not seem to notice. But hob is one of the few omegas in the school this year so hob thinks his chances are pretty good to be able to get him in rut. He follows dream to his office all smug and confident. But he wasnt prepared for how overwhelming getting held down and rut fucked was!! Hes trying to crawl away despite himself but only gets hornier when dream physically drags him back. Hob has fooled around before but never done more than some over the clothes stuff with an actual alpha.. dream gives him his first knot and latches his teeth to the back of his neck to mate him as well. Hob is a bit teary and dream still hasnt come back to himself.. his pants were ripped off his body along with his underwear but dream lays on top of him so hes not cold. Hob is determined to keep his alpha though. Hes got his gym clothes in his bag and he drags dream off to his own room, planning to hide long enough that the bond solidifies and an emergency break wouldn't be possible anymore :) good thing dream isnt awake to make hob see someone for that!! Hes got a weird sense of honor and hob is doing all he can to make the bond permanent before dream can get in his way :)
Oh YES. Sneaky, sneaky Hob. This is excellent.
Hob is ambitious, ok? He’s been told all his life that he’ll never get anywhere or be anything. He sees it as his job to prove people wrong. So he has a plan: put himself through uni, get a fantastic fucking job, and get himself the most eligible alpha he can find.
Not necessarily in that order.
Dream is just perfect. Clever, rich, handsome. Hob can’t understand why anyone would leave him, but he’s not complaining. With Dream’s previous mating bond gone, Hob is free to make his move. He’s a little scared of how it will work out, but Dream has been nice to him and shown an interest in Hob! Not in a sexual way, but that’s only because he’s too professional. Hob is sure that Dream won’t object to them being mated. Hob isn’t the perfect omega, but he’ll do his best. He’s (mostly) a virgin, and he plans to take good care of his alpha. What more could Dream want?
And once he becomes lucid again, Dream is surprisingly compliant. He doesn’t seem angry. He panics at first, but once Hob assures him that he wanted Dream to fuck him and mate him, he just kind of… accepts it. He takes Hob home to his big empty house. He just seems pleased to have an omega around the place!
Hob gets his comeuppance for his sneakiness, because the house isn’t entirely empty. Dream soon introduces Hob to… his son. Orpheus is preschool aged and spends his time split between Dream and Calliope’s homes. Hob is suddenly thrust into the role of step-parent to a child who could conceivably be his sibling, while Dream breathes a sigh of relief because he really needs all the help he can get with Orpheus.
But Hob doesn’t believe in giving up! He rolls up his sleeves (figuratively and literally), speedily reads a couple of websites about blended families, and decides that he’s going to be the best fucking step-parent anyone has ever seen. He does regret his underhanded behaviour a tiny bit, but he’s made his bed and now he’s going to lie in it.
And he still gets to ride Dream’s dick at the end of the day, so… it could be a lot worse. Every time Dream grabs him at the waist and pulls him back onto his cock, shoving his knot more firmly into his hole, Hob remembers how it all started… and he’s honestly really looking forward to his next heat. Dream fucked him so good in his rut, so Hob is pretty sure that spending a pheromone loaded heat with him is going to be amazing. And maybe they’ll even make a little sibling for Orpheus :D
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stevetonyweekly · 10 months
SteveTony Weekly - December 2nd
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Hey, y’all! Here’s what I read over the past two weeks. Enjoy and be sure to give your author a comment & kudos! 
immutable as gravity by Areiton 
There’s something about flying that he can’t explain.
There’s a freedom to it that he’s never felt, anywhere else, doing anything else.
It’s like inventing and the best first kiss of his life, like anything is possible, as he hovers between earth and space, and only the strength of his bird around him.
There’s other things in his life that have been better--but he can count them on one hand and still have fingers leftover.
it might just have been you by Areiton 
"You have the whole world in front of you, Tony," Steve says, slowly. "When you get off this boat, there's nothing to stop you from living the life you want. If that's as a mechanic with a nice Alpha--you can have that. Just because what you grew up with is trash, doesn't mean that all alphas are. You can still have exactly what you want."
Tony laughs, and it feels brittle, sharp, cutting at his throat as it spills between them. "There aren't nice Alphas, Captain. No one is nice enough to walk away from a billion dollar fortune for someone like me."
"I would," Steve says, and it feels like a confession, like something he doesn't mean to share, and all the more precious for it. 
It Takes a Village (or a team of superheroes) by aven_garde
Three months after the Chitauri attack, Tony received a phone call that changed his life. (Or, the one in which a group of remarkable people come together and balance battling villains and raising a child).
Harrowed Beginnings to a Familial Pack by Arminius461
Steve is the sweetest, gentlest alpha in existence, completely in control of his instincts. After a mission goes south, he's suddenly affected by an unknown substance, making his instincts rage. He needs to be with his omega and pup. The only problem is that Tony is out at Peter’s science fair, and Steve and Tony don’t have a pup of their own…
Baby, Just Say Yes by betheflame
In a world where Tony's life looks a lot like Taylor Swift's, Steve realizes there always more to omegas than meets the eye.
a fool for you by earliebirb 
“I keep telling you, you should tell him how you feel.”
“Stop talking nonsense. It’s against protocol,” Steve says, eyes once again staring longingly at Stark, who is listening attentively to whatever Potts is saying.
Bucky rolls his eyes. “As if Stark ever cared about that.”
Just when Bucky thinks that the conversation is dead, just like the million other times Steve has shut Bucky down whenever he attempts to talk some sense into his best friend, Steve says in a quiet voice:
“Besides… they’re engaged.”
rearrange my heart (to fit your smile) by starklystar
"You dare," Howard's chair makes an ugly noise as it scrapes against the stone floors, the chatter of the room shifting into hushed whispers and stolen glances. "I am your father and your King!"
"My King is my husband," Tony tips his chin up, defiant. "And I refuse to hear you suggest that my husband has been anything other than good to me."
Next to him, he feels Steve's shoulders stiffen in surprise.
Howard's fist slams loud on the table. "Your husband does not even love you!"
Tony jerks back, burned. He knows that. Knows that Steve did not marry him for love – does not need any reminder of the cold truth, of what he desperately yearns for and can't even hope to have – but the harshness of Howard's words was scalding, and Tony can't afford for this to go any further.
Humbugs and Heart by MountainRose 
Tony's hurt, and there's only one place Jarvis knows he'll be safe. At least they have met the man, or this would be exceedingly awkward.
(It's not awkward, Steve would never make this awkward.)
For AngeNoir as part of the 2015 Captain America/Iron Man Holiday Exchange. I hope you like it, ;)
There's A History Between Us (and people think it's mine) by IamShadow21
A moment is all it takes to open up the box and confirm his suspicion.
“I think you're right, Cap,” Tony says. “This isn't my area.”
don't dream it's over by robertdowneyjjr
Steve thought they were happy. That their relationship was going strong, and they had forever ahead of them.
But apparently Tony thought otherwise.
There he was, like double cherry pie by Wolfsheart
Five times Tony comes into the bakery to flirt with Steve, and the one time Steve goes to the garage to flirt with Tony.
love can do some damage by parkrstark
Steve knew he was different since he was a little boy growing up with Bucky, and girls didn't make him feel the same way they made Bucky feel. There were only two people who ever knew: Bucky and his ma. And he planned to keep it that way. "They'll throw us in jail. If we're lucky." 
Steve had heard horror stories of castration, life in jail, and even death. 
"They won't throw me in jail for murdering thousands, but they'll throw us in jail for kissing? Seems kinda backwards." Tony leaned in for another kiss, and God did Steve want it. "'Sides. I know the Sheriff. He wouldn't throw us in jail."
Last Stop Before Malibu by justanotherrollingstony (adoctoraday) 
Steve stands under the hot sun, hoping that the next trucker to roll in will bring him enough money to eat tonight, enough to save a little, to get out of this place and go somewhere new.
What he doesn't expect, is to meet a man who changes everything.
When Tony leaves, Steve follows and finds a place in his home, his bed, and maybe, his heart.
Nobody Panic, Everything's Fine by itsallAvengers
Steve doesn't get jealous. He doesn't. Honestly.
It's just...well- Tony's been spending an awful lot of time with a new employee. Who's smarter than him. And funnier. And more interesting and generally a better match for Tony than he ever would be.
But he's not jealous. Honestly.
Drawn to You by jellybeanforest
In a world where what one writes on one’s own skin appears on their soulmate’s body in exactly the same place until it’s washed off or fades, no one has ever responded to Steve’s questions written in pen.
Who are you?
Where are you?
And once, out of sheer desperation: Wer bist du?
He has tried writing up and down both arms then across his stomach in pictograms when he reckons that perhaps his soulmate is a double amputee and illiterate, but nothing. No response. He is uncertain why he is so surprised. Everything else about Steve is broken, so why not his soul?
But when he points the Valkyrie downwards to crash into the deep, knowing he is about to die, he spares a few precious seconds to scribble one last message to his possibly-nonexistent, potentially-blind soulmate.
Twenty-five years later, Tony Stark is born with a single phrase on his left forearm written in messy old-fashioned script. And as he grows up, the words never change:
“I love you”
It is both a blessing and a curse.
Remix of “the words written on our skin” by Cathalinaheart. For the 2020 Cap-IronMan Remix Madness.
Operation Spank Bank by fohatic
Tony really shouldn't be hacking into classified SHIELD files behind Steve's back. Steve is a SHIELD agent, now—as well as Tony's captain—and this sort of thing reflects badly on him. So why is there a locked file titled "Operation Spank Bank" on Tony's private OS? And why hasn't Steve been briefed about any such operation?
The file is password protected, but Steve has an eidetic memory and has seen Tony enter it, before -- it would serve Tony right if Steve were to 'hack the hacker' and learn for himself what "Operation Spank Bank" is all about...
There's an App for That by Annie D (scaramouche) 
Thanks to the modern gig economy, Steve is the successful owner of a break-up service, i.e. people pay him to break up with their partners for them. One day, he gets the first break-up request for Tony Stark.
(what is hate) but jilted love by LemonGrenade
After a messy mission, Tony winds up injured and unfit for duty. To keep the press and anyone else overly interested in the current post-Accords Avengers unaware, Tony elects to hide from the public eye at his cabin in the Canadian wilderness. His plan is simple: lay low and work on his projects until he's recovered enough to make it back.
And then Steve shows up.
with a decent happiness by torigates
Tony Stark is Iron Man. Steve Rogers isn't, and never was Captain America.
Or, the one where everything is the same except Steve is a kindergarten teacher.
Star-joined Lovers by Ellster
Decades apart two boys are born with identical stars on their chests. As they find each other, their marks come into color.
In Our Arms by tinystark616
Having a threesome with Mark 42 was Tony's idea. Of course, he enjoys watching Steve with the suit more than he thought he would.
your heart breaks in my chest by deathsweetqueen
Steve Rogers was never more happy the day that his soulmark came in, but it led to nothing but disappointment and shame when his soulmate ignored everything he scribbled across his arm; as the years went by, the reason became unmistakable: why would his soulmate want a weak, wretched little thing like him?
Tony Stark was born bitter cold, like he was made of hailstone, and when his soulmark carved itself across his pulse point, he realised why; so, what is his life worth, what could it ever be worth, when his soulmate is dead and he would never have been worthy of him had he been alive anyway?
Patriarch by spqr 
Steve ducks into the hall and comes back with a warm, freshly-laundered towel, which feels so good when he wraps it around Tony’s shoulders that he almost lets out a moan. “There we go,” Steve says. “Don’t want you to catch cold.”
“Thanks, daddy,” Tony quips, because he’s an idiot.
Except Steve’s close enough, his hands wrapped around Tony’s biceps through the towel, that Tony can feel his full-body shudder.
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skele-bunny · 2 months
Romeo and Juliet. (No CW) Terzo/Omega
CW - NONE, Arranged marriage talk, pregnancy talk
Characters: Papa "Cardinal" Terzo/3, Omega, Papa Nihil, Sister Imperator
("Good luck, Babe!" Also I love making my own timelines 💪 Divider by @ wrathofrats)
Read it under the cut!
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Terzo always thought love at first sight was a fairytale Phil would read to him as a child. Sure, there was lust at first sight, but never romance. Seeing someone and falling so deeply in love with them you wouldn't need to utter a single word, it sounded ridiculous as much as it was possible in theory. He'd consider himself a fool if he ever believed in it. And oh, was he such a fool.
Head over heels for his own servant of Lucifer, a simple Ghoul who had to simply look at Terzo before his heart would race and longing for his touch. How his voice held the softest echo as he whispered in his Cardinal's ear, always making goosebumps go up his pale skin. Omega had something so alluring to him, more than Alpha or any other of his ghouls had. Alluring enough to be found in Terzo's bed, his arms, and his heart.
How could anyone blame Terzo as the cardinal practically ran out of his class with his eldest brothers, hands clenched together as he'd make his way down a certain hallway—looking left and right before continuing his adventure into a closed section of the Abbey.
"Amore mio!" He partially whispered and shouted, looking around before hands quickly grabbed his hips to cause a bundle of laughter.
The cardinal turned, being lifted and spun around by Omega before being lowered, their lips connecting immediately — Omega holding him up from under his bottom as Terzo caressed down his cheeks.
Pulling back, the ghoul chuckled under his breath. "That's the fastest you've ever gotten here, love."
"Can you blame me? Knowing I have to talk to my father with only ten minutes in-between, of course I need time with my demone." He whispered, quickly closing their gap once more.
Sneaking around was like a favorite past time to them. Ghouls and humans being together was an unspoken rule. A taboo. In a sexual sense no one batted an eye, but romantically? The master to the servant, the same sex Romeo and Juliet of different species as the Capulet's (Or in this case, the Emeritus') kept them apart by a single hammer between them. Terzo hated when he'd wake up to Omega quickly dressing himself, a final kissed shared before quietly sinking into the shadows just in time as a 'nanny' Sister would knock on the door to wake him. So many midnight dates in the garden, sneaking out of the window to jump in the arms of a now freaking out ghoul two stories below just to skinny dip in the lake nearby.
The cardinal gasped as Omega moved to his neck, claws gripping tighter at his ass as they moved to the wall.
"No marks— Oh, amore mio..."
Omega huffed, his tail flicking and purrs rumbling as Terzo touched his chest. "I know, I know. Just need to taste you."
Cassock straining at the skirt, Omega settled himself between his human mate's legs, pushing forwards for a gentle rocking motion to earn those hitches in Terzo's breath. The pair stayed connected as long as possible before Terzo tapped his ghoul's chest in a familiar pattern, Omega taking the hint and carefully setting his partner down.
"So soon already?" He whined, tail moving around to wrap on Terzo's wrist. "Didn't even get to kiss you again."
"Mmh," Terzo go to his tiptoes, placing a kiss on the ghoul's jawline that erupted a heavier purr. "Unfortunately. It shouldn't be too long. Probably will scold me for not studying hard enough. But, think of tonight and what we'll have, yes?"
A deep laugh sent shivers down Terzo's back as Omega moved down. "Oh how can I not think about it? Just the simple thought of you drives me feral, love."
"Ohh, careful with your words. Might just have to chain you up then won't I, beastie?"
"I guess so, amica."
Cardinal laughed again, placing one more kiss before sneaking out from under Omega's arm, walking backwards with a kiss blown. "I'll see you tonight, Omega!"
Placing a hand over his heart, Omega bowed, pretending to catch the kiss and placing two fingers onto his lips. Cardinal Terzo turned, quickly adjusting his hair and trying to calm his heavy blush as he went back into the more active parts of the clergy, adjusting his collar and propping it back up. It was a simple walk to Papa Nihil's chapter hall, knocking loudly to make his presence known. Too many times he's stood outside waiting just because Nihil didn't hear him.
With the words of permission faintly coming back, Terzo opened the door and his heart suddenly sunk as many other clergymen sat around the table, more importantly Sister Imperator next to her ex-husband. A rare sight that never meant well. He cautiously closed the door and approached, hands behind his back as he bowed.
"You may rise, Cardinal." Sister said, her voice calm. "No need to be frightened."
"Yes, Sister." He cleared his throat, now suddenly more aware of how his voice cracked. "What may I do for you?"
Another voice chimed in, an archbishop who's face always reminded Terzo of the Scrooge. "Excellent question, and exactly what we need. What can you do for us!"
"I'm a bit confused, I apologize." Terzo mumbled back, now more lost as nothing was being directly said.
Another archbishop chined in. "Cardinal Terzo, we're aware of your transition, yes, but talk of the continuation of the Emeritus line as come up. As someone who can bare children, we're now looking at you as your elder brothers have passed that opportunity."
Silence. "Ah." Was all Terzo could muster, feeling his face get warm of both embarrassment and rising blood pressure.
Eyes were on him, and suddenly the thought of Omega touching him as he was drenched with sweat became disgusting. The cardinal cleared his throat again, resisting the urge to rock on his feet to calm himself.
"The idea hasn't come up, I apologize. It's still so soon, and I-I, you know!" He began to ramble. "Still so young! Having the time of my life and all, think a little tot running around would be, ah, too soon!"
"You're about to turn twenty-seven." Sister interjected, raising an eyebrow.
"That's... Still young." He tried to argue back, laughing nervously.
There was a general look of annoyance from the crowd, Terzo swallowing harder as he tried to keep up his demeanor. Sister sighed and leaned back in her chair, looking at the supposed third heir to the Papa lineage.
"We've arranged for you to meet someone. Wether a husband or donor, your choice," Terzo went completely pale as she continued to talk. "We'll give you that grace until you're thirty, but after that if you don't have something or your brothers have something, it shall be done."
Terzo diagnosed himself with tinnitus as his hearing began to ring, watching multiple mouths talk but nothing reaching him. Surely, the clergy must've made this their April Fools, right? Surely... Surely, Sister and Nihil wouldn't have pulled something they were so against just for a heir. They weren't that desperate, were they? He was going to puke, pass out, puke again but make sure to aim on the archbishop to his left that kept bedroom eyeing him, then maybe have a meltdown in-between as everything kept feeling worse.
"—So, you understand, yes?" Sister finished.
Terzo nodded, placing a fake smile on his face. "Yes, Sister. I understand."
"I knew you would. Thank you for your time, you're free to leave now."
Cardinal Terzo bowed before turning on his heel, calmly walking out and closing the door before bolting down the hall, taking the back way around the unfinished part of the abbey to his quarters. He shoved himself into his room, going first thing to his bathroom and heaving. Nothing but panic, disgust, and fear came up—acid prominent as he tried breathing. The youngest Emeritus brother gagged again, spitting into the mess below as he heaved, using his long sleeves to wipe his mouth and forehead.
He sniffled and slowly stood up straight, hand clutching his chest as nausea still radiated through him. Turning the sink on to cup water in his palms, splashing on his face and swallowing a bit more to spit out. He fumbled as he reached over to flush the toilet, sighing and letting the sound of running water echo into his mind.
Marriage? Children? By a complete stranger? Terzo didn't know if he wanted to start crying or vomit again, but his body made the choice to do both. He was wracked with sobs as he kneeled over the porcelain, unable to calm himself. Sure, Terzo's had partners before Omega, had a few pregnancy scares, and maybe the idea was further in the future... If it was possible for ghouls and humans to procreate.
Omega was the only thing on Terzo's mind. The first thing he'd do as Papa is remove that taboo just to simply marry the one he loved with everything in him. To continue promoting that love held no bounds, that favorite line he would chant during June and whenever possible, that love is love. What would Omega think to know he'd possibly be married off or used for some man's incubator before he'd even become Papa to have their dream come true?
Let alone, how could his brothers be so selfish? Sure, Primo would get a pass but as the eldest human shouldn't this be his responsibility? Secondo was already a whore, surely he'd manage to knock someone up with how much he laid around. Better yet, Terzo would put thumbtacks in every single condom that'd enter the abbey if needed. This was nothing but targeted to him, anger replacing his despair.
"Selfish bitch!" He yelled, hitting his legs as Sister's words repeated in his head. "Go lay with our air head father again, I'm positive you have more in you, you old hag!"
He grabbed his hair as a frustrated yell left him, quickly standing up and shucking his cassock off. The smell of his sweat was displeasing, yet he turned, eyeing himself in the mirror. Another burn of hate erupted. Only Omega could touch what was presented, could love what was offered. No one else could do it like he could. Terzo didn't want anyone else to do it.
The cold shower he sat in gave just a bit of relief, letting his tears and stench drain away. His eyes closed, cheek squished against his own knee. He hadn't even realized he fell asleep until the gentle smell of peanut butter breath touched his nose.
"Terzo? Amica?"
Terzo hummed, feeling an all too familiar palm and claws push back his soaking hair. "You alright?" Omega asked.
Despite calming down, Terzo busted into hysterics again as he woke up quickly, grabbing Omega and bringing him into the water despite his clothes still being on. The ghoul choked a bit from Terzo's arms on his neck, shivering at the freezing temperatures. He looked down as his mate continued crying, pulling him down again for a frantic kiss.
"Darling—" Terzo pressed up again, hands fumbling with his ghoul's uniform, and another disconnect. "What's going on?"
The cardinal shook his head, hands going back up to hold Omega's face, determination and spite radiating despite his active tears. "Impregnate me right here on this floor right now, Omega!"
"W-What?" Omega laughed, his face quickly turning a dark purple.
"All night, fuck me all night until I lose my breath."
"I'm not doing it in this freezing ass water." The ghoul grumbled, pulling them both up and out of the water only to be pushed onto the bathroom floor, hands instinctively holding Terzo's side.
"Then make my room stench of you."
Despite wanting to pry, Omega knew his lover would open up eventually. So he did exactly asked— Or well, ordered. Pressed against the sink counter, somehow dancing their way and staining furniture nearby until they reached the bed and gave it a permanent squeak. Terzo was laid against his chest while on his side, fingers gently poking at Omega's nipple piercings.
"Are you ready to talk now?" The quintessence asked softly, claws delicately scratching at the root of Terzo's scalp. "Or do we need another round before we get to a talking standpoint?"
Terzo laughed, his cheeks turning pink again but shaking his head. "No, no... We can talk."
Their bodies became closer as Omega pulled Terzo close, purring and chin resting on his mate's head. "I'm all ears."
"...They're trying to sell me off to some random man."
"What?!" Omega jumped back, looking with confusion at the words just spoken to him.
"Okay— Not literally, but it feels like it!" Terzo groaned, sitting back up. "Apparently talk of the Emeritus bloodline or some shit came up, and both Primo and Secondo had denied so now they're looking at me for a child. I don't want a runt! I can barely stop smoking marijuana how in Lucifer's great name will I be responsible enough for a whole life?!"
He continued, frustration showing with his hands. "So they were saying that they have this... Man lined up to be a husband or donor, and I can decide for myself until I'm thirty and then they're essentially going to force me to do one!"
Omega still laid back, eyes scanning over his master before exhaling. "...Wow."
"The audacity!" Terzo flopped into Omega's chest, whining like a toddler as he kicked his feet against his soiled bedsheets. "I just want to be with you and it feels like everything is just getting in the way..."
The ghoul's heart broke, hearing his little mate so... Defeated. Lost. It was so unnatural for his headstrong and confident personality, someone that never gave up until he got what he wanted.
"Oh, love... Thankfully, you don't turn thirty in three and a half years! While, yes, it's not optional, I'm positive things may change between then."
"And if it doesn't?" Terzo whispered, facing away from Omega as he still laid on his torso.
"Then... We figure out another way. We'll run away if we have to, like that one story book you keep telling me about. We'll be Romeo and Juliet just without the double suicide." That earned a laugh.
Facing Omega again, Terzo let the ghoul gently wipe away his silent tears, pushing against his giant palm. "I love you, Oila."
"And I love you too, Terzo. I always will until my final breath in the ether." He pulled the human closer, a gentle kiss being shared before Omega pulled back. "In the meantime, we have to make a plan to get your brothers to take the responsibility. Poke holes in their condoms."
"That's exactly what I was fucking thinking of earlier! Ugh, you beautiful beastie reading my mind."
Omega began to laugh as well, rolling them over to where he sat between Terzo's legs. "Guess I have my work cut out for me in the next three years to just beat this mystery man though, hm?"
"Ohh, very much so." Terzo sang softly, hand going down the quintessence's chest then around to his back to rake his sharp nails into the warm flesh. "Guess we'll have to get to it then."
Nuzzling down, Omega began to kiss as Terzo's neck again, thumb pads pressing at the scar beneath his breast. "On a serious note, love... I'll do everything in my power to make sure you don't meet this fate. Or if the worst becomes truth, I will never leave your side... Till death do we never part, remember?" He spoke, the Emeritus whining at a reminder of their promise to one another.
"Till death do we never part..." He repeated back, hand going to the back of Omega's neck against just to pet through his hackles. "Now stop before I cry again and make love to me."
"What, don't want me to impregnate you on the floor anymore?"
A light tug on his hackles made another laugh leave the ghoul's lips, kissing his mate over and over again as he pushed back Terzo's thighs.
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dark-elf-writes · 10 months
you can’t just drop r27 omegaverse on my birthday and not expect me to be normal about this the rest of the day
Happy Birthday!
Tsunayoshi Sawada presented as an omega on his twentieth birthday, and, once the usual mess of a first heat had been dealt with and he was laying sweaty and exhausted in the remnants of his hastily constructed nest, he had to bite his lip to hold back tears.
It wasn’t the heat that was bothering him (well it was more than likely the hormones and exhaustion that still lingered post heat that were bringing tears to his eyes if he was being completely truthful with himself) wasn’t the fact that he had presented as an omega (it wasn’t really much of a surprise, particularly not with how the future Hayato had reacted to him immediately reaching out to nuzzle against him, to scent him like they were pack) it was, more than anything, the knowledge that he would never get to have a true hunt.
It was a silly thought, really. A stupid selfish thing for him to want. A romantic ideal that had been pressed into his mind from a young age.
And yet he wanted it.
To have a prospective mate chase him, hunt him, to give his all to the chase and know that anyone who caught him would have earned it. Would be an alpha worthy of him. A dream, really, that Tsuna had never thought to have (why would Dame-Tsuna be anything as rare as male omega? How could he ever be an alpha?) and one that was crushed the moment he realized it was a possibility.
Because who could ever have a chance of catching him if he gave his all? Who could fool his hyper intuition long enough to grab him? Who could outrun his flames? Who could run him down if Tsuna could fly?
It ached more than he was willing to admit. Somewhere deep in his chest that made him want to whine. He was sure his scent was drenched in that sadness and pain. Was certain if it the moment he finally dragged himself out of bed and into a fresh change of clothes after a shower only for his guardians to all jump to alert immediately (Takeshi had even snarled at the invisible threat, tucking an arm around Tsuna’s shoulders and dragging him close as if to protect him).
He tried to smile through it, tried to think of happy things to take the sour note out of his scent, but the closer it got to his next heat the more and more on edge the others became. (He had caught Hibari prowling the hall outside his room with fangs bared and tonfas in hand twice. Had caught Mukuro leaving new blankets covered in all of their scents outside his door too.)
Then the day before his heat was set to start, he woke up to a silent home.
Tsuna was up and running before his thoughts could catch up with him, dressed only in the shorts and t shirt he had slept in the night before to stave off the pre-heat fever.
He staggered to a stop when he saw a figure leaning against the door to his office. A familiar figure in a suit and fedora pulled low over his face. The scent hit him a moment after the sight did, pine and gunpowder and alpha, so strong that it nearly made his knees buckle.
A whine built in his chest, high and needy, even as he felt his head tip back almost instinctively, baring his throat.
In the shadows of the hat, all Tsuna could see was a fanged smirk. Warm. Sharp. (Like he already had Tsuna pinned and under his teeth.)
The click of a gun had him bolting before his mind could catch up with him. Before he could process the words Reborn had all but purred to him in deadly promise. Before he could remember that he wasn’t even wearing his damn shoes as he hurled himself out the third story window left open like this had all been planned from the start.
(Knowing Reborn, it had.)
He was laughing as he felt his flames spark at his hand, roar to life on his forehead, laughing as he realized there was no need for him to hold back, laughing as his muddled brain finally made sense of those words.
“Run, little omega.”
Tsunayoshi Sawada was sill laughing as he took flight, knowing even know that the World’s Greatest Hitman wasn’t far behind him. Knowing that soon enough he would be caught.
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teddybeartoji · 25 days
sorry if i'm not that good of a writer, but i'm so obsessed with toji rn and the idea of a married toji that doesn't care anymore about surviving as he's safe and secure with m!reader. a roof over his head, warm food and something he's not used to, unconditional love. he's growing soft in all the sense of the word, like an overfed house cat. toji was insecure at first, something weird in him as he's not used to all of this, but reader was obsessed to see how this dream of a man is now chubby, not a dad bod, chubby and m!reader loves it, m!reader got his own personal weighed blanket.
bonus points if this is with omega toji. (but, i don't have any idea what to add here, besides the idea of pups and mama bear toji)
NONNIEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACEE!!!!! I LOVEEE LOVE LOVE CHUBBY BIG LAZY CAT TOJI HE DESERVES TO JUST LAZE AT HOME ON HIS COUCH ALL DAY LONG:((((((((((((( and this with a male reader too???? wooowwwwwwww my heart is gonna melt away i think what have you done to me nonnie.... i think he makes a very good malewife btw like he's home all day long while you're at work and he finds cleaning to be a very relaxing task so he's glad to do it for you. i'm literally imagining him walking around with the vacuum while sipping his coffee every once in a while, his eyes on the tv where some old rerun of a show is playing. he just loves staying at home he really truly is the perfect housecat!!!!!!!!!!!
and i think he cooks surprisingly well too. and he loves to eat. and he loves to watch you eat. so nothing brings him more joy than to welcome you home with open arms and then just immediately sit you down at the dinner table so he can gaze at you like some lovesick fool as you chomp down the meal. he gets really soft okay... the second he lets you into his heart he's a changed man and i mean that in the best way possible. it definitely takes some time but it's so so worth it bc he's gonna take care of you AND he's gonna let you take care of him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and the weighted blanket thing oh my godddd after you eat he guides you to the couch so you can talk abt your day while the two of you cuddle and it's the cutest fucking thing ever like this big ass grown man is just almost entirely on top of you, hiding his face in the crook of your neck while you ramble his ears off. he loves it sm!!!!!!!!!!!
+ oh he would absolutely love to be the mama bear i don't care what anybody else says. he loves his kids sm and he wants all the best for them,, he's building them their own little playgrounds in your garden he's having teaparties with them he's doing disney movie marathons with them he's a grump and he's the biggest softie at the same time.
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roswellsmokingwoman · 9 months
(Aziraphale x Crowley) Need and Necessity - Chapter 6
Click to read A/B/O Regency AU with Omega!Crowley and Alpha!Aziraphale
Lots happening in this chapter! Aziraphale and Crowley are separated, but pining for each other. Anathema remains at home with Crowley and Newt goes off with Aziraphale on business.
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“I’m pleased to see you, Crowley,” Anathema breathes, maintaining a distance from him. “I thought that the door might have to be broken down today.”
“Newton isn’t here to entertain your requests,” Crowley spits, turning around. His amber eyes have darkened, red swallowing up the whites of his eyes now. 
Anathema stares at him dumbfoundedly. It is an accusation–a partially accurate one, but she never thought that Crowley might suspect them. She wraps her arms around herself. The night had not gone well. As Crowley shifts, she finds his neck unchanged. They had not mated. Her plan failed. And now, Crowley is alone. 
“What are you alluding to?” Anathema feigns ignorance. 
“That you’re aware he’s smitten with you. So much so, that when you orchestrated a plan for Aziraphale and I to… To, well…” Crowley begins to stutter, gesturing wildly. “To fall in love?” he finally says out loud, unable to imagine that outcome now. 
After all that has come to pass, how would Aziraphale ever love him? He was a fool to think that he could survive one night with him. That a singular experience would satiate desire when the imprint proved otherwise. It had tricked him into thinking that just a sip would quench his thirst when it only ignited the rapacious monster residing within. 
On the following morning when Aziraphale’s lips met his own, he possessed the barest sense about him so as to not render himself indecent. The kiss signified little when Aziraphale had not claimed him. He left for London, on lord knows what business. If Crowley were to believe that Aziraphale had even a scintilla of care for him, it would have been more difficult for Aziraphale to part from him after all that’s come to pass. Crowley knows love is farfetched. 
“He was stupid enough to listen to you. And you allowed it all.” Crowley finishes bitterly, teetering between anger and forgiveness. The better part of him is aware of Anathema’s better intentions, but her actions have been careless.  
“It was not a mere manipulation,” Anathema fires back. “You should know better than that. After all of our talks, and the time I have spent watching you agonize over Mr. Fell. How could I not intervene?” The question lingers in the air for a moment, Anathema hoping that Crowley would respond but he does not. 
“You are too blind to see that Mr. Fell might possess feelings for you!” Anathema shakes her hands and steps closer to Crowley as she speaks. “And Pulsifer acted in Aziraphale’s interest. Just as much as I hear from you, he hears from Mr. Fell. I only ever wanted to help you, Crowley. When you told me of the imprint–”
“You sent him on that roof!” Crowley shouts. “I know you, Anathema. That simpering, bumbling man would have never stepped foot on that roof if it were not for your insistence and his affection for you.” 
“He does not have affection for me,” Anathema laughs and covers her face, spinning around at the ludicrous possibility that Newt might harbor something for her. “Pulsifer knows about the imprint. He knew we had to do something. It was not–I mean…” Anathema drifts off, suddenly so uncertain why Newt would have climbed up onto the roof. Why despite his every reluctance, he continued planning and plotting with her.
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romikawai · 1 year
Joel's Alpha
"Yes dad, I have everything I need…" he smiles
"no, dad…" he looks around "you know I know how to take care of myself and my mind is now on science so…
"How disgusting" he wrinkles his nose "I'll do it when I meet the right one, nothing more"
"Yes, yes" he smiles "I love them too, I'll go see them on vacation" he says and hangs up
"your family" says mitch
"Yes, they are special and I love them that way, I got the madness from my father and the wisdom from my other father" he thinks and laughs "I think I'm missing it but, I love them just the same"
"and how are your brothers" he smiles
"It just drives one of the parents crazy" he says simply "you already have the schedules for the new classes"
"yeah, chris" he laughs "besides, it looks like new students are coming too"
Chris smiles because he knows that everything will be even more special at those parties and it also meant that there were other fools to understand that the university was not crazy.
"You know…they will choose the tutors" Mitch looks at him "wherever it doesn't matter what career the new ones choose, the tutors will be there to guide them"
Chris sighs wearily, he hated knowing that he would have to teach any fool he thought he was better and would have to avoid any omega who feigned interest.
Neither spoke again when they reached their classroom while they took their seats and had to wait to hear what the director was going to say.
"Well, as you know, the new ones are arriving this time and we need volunteers for their teaching and for them to know that the university is the right one to continue their studies and…
Chris was listening to the same words that he was saying when other new students were about to enter. But his sight stops at the only young man who entered the door and who was feeling the richest smell he had ever smelled.
He looked carefully at that young man, noticing his beauty and his green eyes that looked at the whole place with fear while he waited for what the director was going to say.
"Well… and he's Joel" he introduces them "who would be his you…
"I" raise your hand Chris
"what are you doing" says mitch surprised
Chris could feel the different scents coming from the others, knowing what they were wanting and he couldn't allow this beautiful young man he wanted to meet to be hurt or touched by some of them.
"Well Chris" says the surprised director "I'll wait for you in the direction for instructions and teaching that I hope you teach Joel" he says seriously
Chris felt a strange surprise the way the director looked at him while he was near Joel, who was nervous and let him guide him to his seat before leaving and that the class was normal, although that also began to notice.
No one stopped watching him and he didn't like to feel his wolf angry with that closeness.
"You're okay" Mitch whispers.
"I don't like being around him"
"that" is surprised
"I… I don't know what's wrong with me" Chris says looking at him "I'm going to the bathroom, let me know when class is over so I can go see the principal" he says and leaves
It didn't matter if that was turning his streak of not missing into something bad but he had to walk away in those moments to think clearly or better yet, call his parents to explain what was happening to him because he did not understand.
He made it to the bathroom in time to wet his face and try to calm his heart as he pushed his thoughts away from the image of his eyes and the rich smell he had smelled.
I hear footsteps approaching and I don't hesitate to hide in one of the bathrooms.
serious mistake
The rich smell that he had felt was there and he realized that the new boy was right there in the bathroom. I try to make as little noise as possible while thinking how to survive
I hear another door noise and I hope he's gone to go out and…
"LEAVE ME" he screams
The sense of protection appeared as soon as he heard Joel's scream and he didn't hesitate to quickly leave the bathroom just to witness how a stupid alpha was about to hurt his omega.
"Get out of here nerd" he says "don't you see we're about to start something"
He didn't like that and he didn't hesitate to get closer and give him one of the blows that he knew would get him away from Joel fast. Trying to make his scent as threatening as possible while still staring at him.
"Go away" he says seriously
He watched angrily as he left, giving him time to calm down and turn to see Joel trying to hold back his tears but trying to cover himself.
"Calm down, I won't hurt you" he whispers and approaches "let me help you"
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letstalktea · 2 years
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Tags: amab!alpha!Leighton (he/him), amab!beta!Robin (they/them), Defiant!GN!omega!Reader (you/your), a/b/o, dubious consent, teacher/student, angst, NTR(?)
Note: Written for @inkyquince “The Omega Hunt” collab. Please ignore how bad it is. This has been in my wip folder for so long and I forgot things along the way. 🥺
Word Count: 3500
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They opened the cage and said to run, so you ran. While other omega ran into the forest, you bolted away from it. The forest was full of beast people, plants, and some strange beings you couldn't explain but didn't want to deal with on top of alphas. You had to escape to narrow down your problems. Moving was hard though since your system was swimming with whatever they had given you.
"Psst," you heard someone call to you through the dense night after having run for who knew how long.
You turned your head expecting to need to punch whoever it was, only to see wide eyes and the most innocent smile beaming at you.
You smiled back. "Robin?"
You couldn't believe they had found you. You hadn't seen them since the day you'd been taken away and locked up for this event, but here they were. Of course you had to jump on them and give them the biggest hug you ever had.
"How did you-"
"I… I was watching everything from just outside the starting point. I saw you when they…" They couldn't even finish the thought. Seeing you in that cage while everyone surrounded you and jeered had been terrible. They couldn't even imagine what it was like for you to be in that situation.
"I'm here to help," they finally said. "Two heads are better than one, right?"
You laughed dryly, but happily. Robin really was your best friend and always there when you needed them.
"Sure." Maybe they could help you keep your wits. "Somewhere unpopulated with decent security…" 
Oh, you had a terrible thought.
"Mind getting me get to the school?"
Robin pursed their lips as if to question your choice but wrapped an arm around your waist anyway. You slung one around their shoulder so they could support your weight as they led you away from the sounds of other omega screaming as they were inevitably caught. You could, thankfully, still walk mostly on your own despite your legs feeling like jelly so all Robin had to do was help keep you from falling down, which is something they were very good at. You two had been supporting each other longer than you could even remember. From the time you were both little and they were picked on by the other kids in the orphanage so you screamed and chased them away, to holding each other’s hands when you snuck into a scary movie as preteens, to the time you got really sick just before your first heat and they took care of you every moment they could… until you were taken away from them without mercy. You two had only one another for so long.
But right now wasn’t the same as when you’d both fooled around as kids. Right now it was serious for both of you. If you were caught before dawn, you would be thrown to the nearest alpha and turned into their personal property – a fate you could hardly imagine the worst of. As for Robin… Mayor Quinn had looked the other way in previous events, but that was for those who had mated despite not being part of the hunt. That was for those poor alpha and beta that had been lured in and seduced by some duplicitous omega’s pheromones. How could the mayor possibly punish the victim of some omega’s thoughtless actions?
The thought made you sick. As if you were the perpetrator on this night. You were too busy running for your life from people that saw you as nothing more than an object! Well, more like hobbling with the assistance of the one person you trusted right now.
Thank goodness Robin was still there with you every miserable step of the way.
Getting to the school wasn’t easy – having to take indirect routes to avoid attracting the hypersensitive senses of any alpha on the street that may have thought it strange to find a stray omega wandering around – but you did it. The gate was high and locked up, but you scaled it often enough without an issue. The only difference was that this time you had a partner in crime. Robin wasn’t skilled in this kind of thing, unlike you, so you had to give them a lift over the fence before crawling over for yourself. That would serve as the first layer of defense, as the number of people that were willing and able to hop the thing was significantly less than the amount who could possibly be chasing after you.
The second line of defense was to do a little breaking and entering. Most people wouldn’t think of breaking into school, but those people also didn’t realize how much money, random jewelry, electronics, and personal items people left in their lockers that could be pawned off for a quick buck. Getting into the school building was as easy as breathing for you at this point. After that, you and Robin could slip inside and lock up so no one else could come in. Maybe you would hide in a classroom without windows to the outside just to add an extra layer between you and the raving lunatics hunting you down.
The best part was that, once you and Robin settled down in that classroom, it was like good old times. You two could break into the canteen and raid the terrible school food, search people's lockers for snacks, maybe even find the TV and see what videos were lying around; it could be the most fucked up sleepover ever.
The throbbing between your legs was going to be a problem though. That stuff they gave you had left you a horny mess. Thank goodness Robin was a good person or else you would be worried about them putting the moves on you.
"Catch," you shouted to them as you popped open some poor sod's locker and tossed them a bag of chips they'd left in it. You were choosing to ignore the vibrator in there right next to it.
They looked at you with a frown for stealing, but they accepted the treat as you both ran to a classroom and settled in for the long night. You couldn't find any good videos for the TV, but you both managed to find a few board games to bide your time. It really was just like the good old days. Now all you needed were some flashlights to stick under your faces while you told scary stories late at night.
The buzz between you two faded quickly as you heard the only door into the classroom open up, swiveling your heads to see what was happening.
You felt the color drain from your face as you caught yourself staring straight at your rat bastard of a headmaster.
"I see we have a couple of trespassers," Leighton said as he stepped inside.
Of course he would be here when the hunt was going on. The man, despite being an alpha with seemingly some amount of status, probably creeped out too many people to be invited to the hunt himself. But did he really have so little of a life that he just had to hang out at the school after hours.
"Fuck off," you spit at him.
"Is that really the stance you want to take given the situation you are in?"
There was no point in arguing. You were sure that Leighton would get whatever he wanted eventually, by hook or by crook. He didn't need to claim you in order to own you. All he needed was to remind you that he was the person with more control over your life than almost anyone else. You would fall in line or he would gladly punish you for his own sick amusement.
On the other hand, Robin was a beta; just another average person with nothing special to their name. They were as much a victim of Leighton as you in this situation. The only difference was that they could still walk away tonight with their freedom if you played your cards right.
You dropped to your knees with your hands resting on the small of your back so your chest was pushed out. You lowered your head to face the ground hoping it would save you some kind of dignity if you didn't look him in the eyes. It certainly did not. More humiliating was how Robin's fingers dug into your arm as they shook. Clearly they were terrified and trying to wear a brave face.
"Every year," Leighton stepped closer to you both, "someone thinks they can break in here to hide. Then I get to oversee their discipline. It's the first time an omega has brought a beta with them though." 
He was too calm. It was as if he knew everything would go his way without even trying… and you hated to say he was right because you had to keep him from turning to Robin. You knew the kind of sick shit he was in to and they didn't deserve that.
However, you failed to realize that being so familiar with Leighton also meant they were familiar with you. You were a delinquent of the highest order. He'd seen you in detention many times and had dealt with all of your defiance. Robin, on the other hand, was a perfect student. They never got in trouble which meant they had never truly experienced one of Leighton's punishments. That meant they were vulnerable. And the way they clung to you? That was exploitable.
"Perhaps I should call the cops and see how they deal with your trespassing. I'm sure they would also love to return a wayward omega to the hunt."
"No!" Robin shouted and, in doing so, sealed your fate.
A chill ran up your spine as the edge of his mouth twisted upward. "I could manage your discipline myself. A beta interfering with the hunt. What shall I do?"
"No!" This time it was you that shouted. "I'll take it all. I'm the one that wanted to come here."
"But I helped," Robin argued. "The blame is mine. Please don't put itl on them."
"So both of you need discipline." That worked for him. He loved when he got two brats caught in a trap.
He shot his eyes toward you. "Come here."
You'd been through this enough times to know what he wanted. You stood up and slowly walked over to him, presenting yourself meekly so he wouldn't get angry and take it out on Robin. As you got closer though, you smelled something familiar clinging to him. It was the same smell that was always there; the reason he could make you bow to his perverted whims during detention. It wasn't as strong as others, but wafting off of him was the scent of an alpha.
Normally, you would sneer at the stench and curse him as he overpowered you and left your ass red, but today you had been primed. Smelling an alpha like him so close made you weak in the knees. You couldn't help but collapse in front of him as your underwear flooded with your juices.
"Are you okay?" Robin called to you, but it sounded so far away.
"It seems you've gone into your heat," Leighton said as he kneeled in front of you. His finger brushed against your sensitive nipple which twitched even under the fabric of your shirt. His hand gripped at your bottoms, ripping them open as you hissed.
"S-stop it," Robin protested what he was doing.
"Oh?" He looked back at the trembling beta with that same sickening smirk. "I would be glad to."
He flipped you so you were facing Robin as you laid against his chest. He grabbed your ankles to lift you legs high, exposing your fluttering, dripping hole to your best friend. "I think this would be the best punishment for you two. Since you two were trying to escape together, claim them as your omega."
"What?" Robin asked in disbelief.
"They're an omega in the hunt. They're meant to be claimed. By you or by someone else," he lowered his mouth toward your neck to make a point, "is up to you."
"I c-couldn't…"
"Then you can at least satisfy them. Look how desperate they are. Fuck them until the hunt is over. If not," Leighton licked at your gland, making you shiver and squirm beneath him as his teeth inches dangerously close to the spot that would rob you of your freedom, "I'm sure I can think of a different punishment for you both."
"You bastard," you mumbled through your building lust, but it wasn't very intimidating when there were hearts in your eyes as you stared at Robin's crotch.
Just under those pants was a cock all for you. Leighton didn't have to help you spread your legs. You felt so exposed under Robin's gaze, but you suddenly wanted them to see you and your leaking, wet hole.
"Please…" you begged without thinking. "Want… cock…"
Robin's face turned bright red as you stared at him, leaning against your headmaster who was forcing this on you. It was sickening.
It was even more sickening that they didn't hesitate to settle themselves between your legs and fish out their cock. They were already hard and ashamed that staring at you had done it to them.
"We'll laugh about this later," they promised you, but mostly reassured themselves. This was only so Leighton wouldn't hurt you, they swore. Even as your warmth enveloped them and you claimed their first time.
How many times had they imagined this? They had thought so many times about finally confessing to you and making your first time together special, but now they were sinking into you with an erratic rhythm under the gaze of your headmaster.
Your gasps and moans danced in the air around them, sounding so happy every time they bottomed out inside of you. After this, they would tell you the truth. They would let you know that they wanted to be more than friends, even if the steps were out of order.
Oh but you were so tight around their cock. Robin was disgusted with themselves. They had tried so hard to save you, but now they were the one buried deep inside of your sloppy, greedy hole as they listened to your obscene moans.
"I'm sorry," they chanted in time with each thrust.
They weren't sorry for doing this to you – well, they were but that's not what they meant by their apology. They were sorry for enjoying it. They were so, so sorry for getting lost in your heat as their hips snapped against yours. They were sorry for loving the way your addled mind begged and pleaded for them. They wanted to see you as the friend they loved more than anything else, but the only thing you were right now was a cock drunk omega.
Meanwhile Leighton sat there lazily watching how Robin fucked you as he wrapped his hand around your throat to hold you in place against his chest. Watching you both fuck like horny rabbits made him wish he'd remembered his standing camera so he could add this night to his collection. Although, the sight of you wrapping your legs around Robin's waist to make sure they stayed nestled deep inside of you would be burned into their mind for a while yet.
Robin pushed in one last time, filling you with so much cum that it leaked out around their cock.
"More," you whined, but they had nothing more to give. They weren't the type to be able to get hard so soon after an orgasm. It would be too much to even try. 
Leighton peered at them in disappointment as his teeth grazed against the gland on your neck and Robin felt sick.
"I can keep going," they insisted, but when they tried to move they groaned in pain. They were so sensitive that even having your walls grip onto them was too much. If they didn't move though-
"Too bad."
Robin's mouth opened to protest further, but Leighton's fangs had already sunk into your neck. Your legs convulsed as you came to the feeling of him and you being bound together by your DNA. It was instantaneous, but you suddenly felt as if he was the only reason you existed. You weren't nor had you ever been a real person; you were only born to please his cock and accept his cum.
Your alpha.
You were practically clawing at Robin to get off of you so you could sink onto your alpha's cock instead. What was some beta when compared to the delight your alpha could offer your omega body? As far as you were concerned, nothing. You belonged to only one person now and no one else could take his place; not even the best friend you'd been with your entire life. They couldn't offer you the comfort of dominating and mounting you whenever you were in need, nor could they bite you and make you theirs. Even if they could, they had already lost you in their hesitation.
Robin slipped out of your hole, cum seeping out as they did. You twisted in Leighton's lap, turning to face him as the fresh mark on the back of your neck tingled to let you know you were doing the right thing. You had to fuck him. Your instincts were telling you to accept him or else your body would never be satisfied again.
He was already hard as you lifted your hips and sunk down onto his thick cock. Your toes curled as you began to bounce in his lap without a care for Robin who was still watching you mate like a beast. Maybe you would feel guilty for not giving a shit about them once your rationality returned to you, but for now all that mattered was being stuffed full of your alpha's cock.
Leighton, for his part, seemed to be content to lie back and watch your face twist in animalistic pleasure as you rode him. Your tight walls squeezed down on him as your omega slick dripped down the length of his shaft. Unlike Robin, Leighton could actually satisfy you. Only an alpha could satisfy an omega bitch like you, after all.
Robin could only watch helplessly as you rutted against the headmaster, loudly screaming in pleasure as he stretched you open and turned your brain into mush. It was like you had forgotten all about them now that you had been shown your proper place. You were nothing more than an omega.
"Please," they muttered so quietly it was drowned out by your cries, "no more. Don't hurt them."
Leighton looked at them from over your shoulder. "I would never hurt my favorite student. Do they look like they're in pain?"
As if to exemplify his point, you slammed your waist down and felt your eyes roll back in your head as you finally came after being pent up for so long. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you shuddered and trembled in orgasmic bliss.
He gripped your hips, forcing you to keep rolling against him until you had finally done enough to make him reach the same high so he could flood you with enough cum to push all of Robin's out.
Leighton pulled out of you, letting you go pathetically limp against him as you continued to quake.
"You-" Their words got caught in their throat as they lowered their head in defeat. He had won and they couldn't save you like they had desperately wanted to. If anything, you had ended up with the worst possible fate.
 They were so lost in their misery at failing you that they didn't even notice as Leighton stood up and fixed himself to be presentable, forced you to stand by holding the back of your neck (not allowing you to fix your frayed clothing), and stepped closer to his disheartened student.
"Don't worry," he whispered in Robin's ear as if to taunt them. "I'll let you practice as much as you need until you understand how to make them come." Omega were simple creatures, after all. As long as you made them come a few times, they would like anyone. Although, Leighton would always own them 
The look of defeated helplessness that clouded over Robin's tired eyes made him drunk. The way you desperately held onto him, much to your old friend's horror, made him hard all over again. He wanted to see how much lower they could fall before they finally broke like you already had. 
He placed his large hand around the back of your neck and squeezed tightly so he could lead you around as he pleased. You obeyed him without a struggle, only concerned with satisfying your alpha.
"Come to my office Monday morning and don't be late," was what Leighton said as he began to drag you away from the classroom.
Truthfully, he hoped Robin was late. He had plans for how to punish the brat if they didn't come when he called, all of which involved you; pictures of your vulgar cock-hungry face plastered on their locker for anyone passing by to see, inviting them to his office to watch you be punished in their place, making them sit back while you enjoyed slobbering all over his cock, and so on. The list was endless.
And it didn't end at Robin either. He knew for certain that there were multiple brats and even a few teachers in need of discipline at his school. You were just the best bait to lure them all in.
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terushimooo · 2 years
Cult Leader!Ikkei x F!Reader and Cop!Daichi x F!Reader
T/w: incest, noncon, huge age gap (20′s vs 60′s), omegaverse, werewolf, yandere, implied abduction/captivity, forced marking/bonding, unprotected sex, breeding/pregnancy kink
W/c: 1.7k
Update: This was totally an April fools joke. I love you Rhi, Please unblock me :’). (If I forgot any warnings please let me know!!)
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Daichi loves you more than anything, so when you text him in a fit of desperation—begging for your big brother to save you once again—how could he possibly say no?
Your brother is strong.
Your brother is reliable.
He’s trustworthy, caring, and the most loving person you've ever met. Time and again, he’s shown that he’s a natural born leader—that he’s a protector—both to your family, to the community, and to you.
Your brother was your idol.
You would’ve even gone as far as to label him your first love; in a childish sense of the word, anyway. In your youth, you would tell anyone who would listen about how much you loved your brother, more than life itself.
And you meant it.
But as you got older, there was something not quite right with the way brown eyes traveled along the expanse of your skin, with the way they noticeably lingered at the base of your neck.
There was something off about the way he’d creep into your room when he thought you were sleeping… Something wrong with the way he’d slide under your blankets—bare chest pressed against your back, wet mouth exploring the taste of your skin.
His praise kept you complacent. His touch kept you safe.
You believed that.
But your parents had different ideas.
To be the next leader, they claimed, Daichi needed someone more than you, someone stronger, better.
“It's because of his nature”, they’d say. “It’s because of your conflicting dynamics.” But you knew it wasn’t like that. Not really.
It was always something different… something more.
Alphas, omegas, their need to conform, their need to dominate—your parents pretend they sent you away to keep you safe. But you know better than that. It’s just a lie constructed to keep you from loving your brother the way that you should. The way that’s normal…
The way that’s right.
Your brother’s not like the other alphas.
He’s not looking for the strongest mate, and he’d never discriminate against the weak either.
You know that for a fact.
After all, what alpha intent on forcing submission would sink to his knees and bow his head—to you—to an omega? What alpha would wrap his hands around your limbs in a move not to control you, but to bandage your wounds, to press gentle kisses over your carefully wrapped injuries? What alpha would give his precious time to someone so low on the pecking order that they can’t even shift?
You’ve always known the safety of your brother's love, of his kind and gentle touches. So when you experience another, when a man calling himself alpha—calling himself your alpha—lays claim to your body, when he strips your soul of its protective casing—you know you've made a mistake. You know naivety has won out against logic, against the teachings drilled into you since birth.
You never should’ve left the safety of your commune, of your childhood home, but most importantly, you never should’ve left your brother.
The roads back are different than you remember.
The forests you used to play in are long gone, filled instead with the golden stems left from a seemingly successful harvest. And in place of the once green, open fields of grass—the land lays bare, covered in mud and looming construction.
It’s a stark contrast. A painful reminder that you no longer belong here; that this isn’t the home you love and remember… Not anymore.
As you continue to drive down the forgotten and unpaved trails, you can’t help but wonder; were the mountains you used to call comforting—the walls that sheltered and protected you well into your adolescence—were they always this… intimidating?
Or is it just you?
Is it you who’s taken on the role of the villain, turning the innocent into the vile and corrupt?
You can’t help but think it's the latter.
Useless—a grown adult, running back with her tail between her legs, into the arms of her big brother.
Even the sky, clouded over in a dark collage of gray, seems to echo its anger at your return.
Maybe it’s the tears pooling in your eyes, or maybe it’s just the natural passage of time—either way, if not for the echoing voice of your brother directing your every action, you’d surely be forsaken.
When you pull up to your brother’s home, a cabin hidden deep within the last remaining stretch of forest, you can't help but wince at the figure seated on the porch, cigarette hanging loosely from his wrinkling lips.
You watch as he stands to greet you, firm hands wrapping around the banister, eyes piercing through the windshield of your car. The motion of his hand forces you to step outside, to face the consequences of your actions—the consequences of your absence.
You don’t even have the time to take in the slam of your door, let alone the sounds of nature. The grey-haired man beckons you over in an instant, elderly voice ringing out over the surroundings.
“Long time no see,” he taunts, a wicked grin plastered across his aging features. “You miss me?”
“Y-yeah. Of course, sir.” You answer back, hesitance obvious in your actions, in the bow of your back, in your cautious step forward.
You know better than to make enemies of the man in front of you, of the commune’s leader, your brother's mentor, Ikkei Ukai.
“Where-where’s Daichi?” You ask. “Where’s my brother?”
Ikkei just scoffs before raising his hand dismissively. “He went out on a last minute call—don’t ask me what, something about a rowdy group of alphas. Aside from that, don’t know, don’t care.” You watch as Ikkei spits his cigarette onto the wooden planks before snuffing it out beneath the sole of his sandal. “Why don’t you go inside, get settled into your old room while I bring in your bags, okay?”
You nod in agreement, not that it matters though. Ikkei’s already moving toward the car before you can even acknowledge his words.
Part of you is surprised when you creek open the door to your past life. Your room is exactly how you left it, upkept and spotless—as if you’d never really left. Even the sense of foreboding, the looming patriarchal figure constantly following your every action, that seems to have stuck around as well.
Sitting on your bed feels surreal. You can’t help but notice the strong, deep, and woodsy scent permeating the room's constitution. You suppose it only makes sense, this is his house after all. Even so, part of you likes to imagine that your brother spends a great deal here, that he misses you as much as you’ve missed him.
Closing your eyes, you can almost imagine your reunion. The shared warmth, the shedding of tears, the gentle caresses—but all of that seems so far off with Ikkei’s presence ever bearing and unignorable in the doorway.
While you mourn at the loss of your brother’s presence, Ikkei can’t help but bask in the fortune the day has brought.
Sweet little omega, he can’t help but think, can he even call you that? You’re so helpless. So vulnerable. So alone.
Ikkei remembers watching you play throughout your youth; always the runt, always the weakest, always picked last. It can't be helped, he knows that. Everyone knows that.
Still, seeing is believing. And seeing you here, all grown up… well it has Ikkei believing in something more. It has him seeing your potential, not as a shiftless, rankless member—but as a wife, as a mother, as the brood mare (for a lack of a better term) of the commune.
It’s what has Ikkei entering your den, posture rigid and stiff—like the cock tenting beneath his worn down sweats.
The fear and disgust in your eyes only has him hardening more, eager to finally take what’s rightfully his—what’s been denied to him for so many years. Sending you away was never his choice, you have to know that, you have to understand.
Ikkei only hopes his message will get across through the hands that roughly grope the plush of your hips, the tongue that runs along the throbbing glands in your throat, the teeth that sink themselves deep within the junction of your neck.
Your screams don’t come off the way you want them too, the way you need them to. Instead, Ikkei takes them as your sign of approval. It’s how things with his past wife worked, so why would it not be the same with you?
It doesn’t matter if you want this.
It doesn’t matter if you reject his mark—you clearly don’t understand. Now that he has you, now that he’s got you pinned beneath his hulking figure, pants down and underwear pushed to the side—he’ll mark you as many times as it takes.
You’ll learn to be complacent.
He knows it.
It’s what he tells himself as he forces himself inside, the dry walls of your cunt tearing at the rough intrusion.
It’s been so long since he’s had anyone as perfect as you, someone so young. Ikkei knows he can’t last. He knows you can feel it too.
The sob that wretches itself from your chest is the last straw before ikkei finds himself spilling deep inside your cunt, cock throbbing and pulsing against the ring of your cervix.
God, he hopes that it takes.
He hopes that you’ll be filled with his pups sooner rather than later.
Sweat drips from his face and onto yours, mixing with your tears in a beautiful image of passion. The blood spilling from the inflamed wound on your neck only makes the older alpha swell with pride.
Ikkei knows that the others will talk, that they’ll disapprove of his taking of a mate—especially at his age. But, he’s the commune leader. No one would really dare go against his word. Not after he’s kept everyone safe for so many years.
Even if they do, it’s as the youth these days say, YOLO—you only live once.
Okay okay okay okay okay, but no, for real, I AM gonna write you a real cop daichi fic—WITHOUT THE ELDERLY—but that day, that day is not today. :ehe:
(I will update and correct these tags after rhi reads this, I swear)
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ibijau · 3 years
Writing prompt: A/B/O AU where, after a night of heated passion and romance, Nie Huaisang is expecting Lan Xichen's child. Nie Minjue, being the overprotective Alpha that he is, has vowed to (possibly literally) kill anyone who has touched his little brother, but due to Huaisang making Xichen promise not to claim the child as his own, no one comes forward, which only serves to make Minjue even more furious at such a dishonorable move.
Meng Yao (and let's make this before his true colors are revealed because why not) takes full advantage of this and is somehow able to convince Minjue to let him marry Huaisang.
I’m going for Untamed canon for this, just because it works better. This would be just after the gusu trio and lwj bring xue yang to the unclean realm, but before the Wen come around
“I’d rather not,” Nie Huaisang mumbled, twisting the hem of his sleeve in his hands.
His brother threw him a puzzled look. “Why not? You like Meng Yao. And unless the true father is going to show up…”
“He’s not,” Nie Huaisang said, pressing his hands to his barely showing stomach, still pulling and twisting the fabric of his sleeve nervously. I told him to keep our fling a secret, he thought, something he was starting to regret.
It was just that he hadn’t expected Nie Mingjue to react quite this way. After all, Nie Huaisang was hardly the only omega in the Unclean Realm, and he’d seen more than a few Nie disciples get pregnant and raise children all on their own. In fact, the Nie sect had a bit of a reputation in that regard, he’d learned while at Gusu, at which point it had occurred to him that they did frequently get new disciples who were omegas whose partner wouldn’t take responsibility for the child. And nobody said anything against that. The parent would get all the help they needed as well as support from people who’d gone through the same, the children were taught in the Nie manner…
So when Nie Huaisang announced that he was with child after returning from Gusu, he’d thought it would just be the same for him. He’d get a scolding for being careless (and for taking so long to come home, but it’d been fun to run around with friends. Well, mostly fun, except whenever they’d almost died, and for the mass murderer they’d had to bring to the Unclean Realm) and then his brother would move on to the next problem.
Instead, Nie Mingjue had interrogated him for hours and hours to try to get the name of the alpha who had, according to him, “deflowered” and “ruined” and “taken advantage” of his darling little brother, promising he’d force the person to marry Nie Huaisang, or to kill them if they refused… and that was only after Nie Huaisang swore that everything had been consensual, because before that Nie Mingjue just wanted to kill the person.
Nie Huaisang also had been forced to swear that it wasn’t any of the three friends who’d travelled with him who had done this to him. And then Nie Mingjue had interrogated them anyway, much to Nie Huaisang’s embarrassment.
And then…
“Is he already married?” Nie Mingjue asked. “Is that why he can’t marry you?”
Shaking his head, Nie Huaisang almost laughed. In fact, he was quite sure that given the chance, Lan Xichen would marry him, being an honourable man. And Nie Huaisang certainly liked him enough that such a marriage would please him immensely, except…
Except he wasn't stupid enough to think whatever had gone on between them was love. The first time they’d gotten together had certainly been an accident, due to Nie Huaisang not realising that his heat had started a day early, and Lan Xichen had been tutoring him, and one thing leading to another…
The first time would have been excusable. These things happened, and luckily Nie Huaisang hadn’t gotten pregnant that first time. But everything after that had been the result of a combination of boredom and opportunity and, at least in his case, maybe a tiny bit of emotion as well. If he hadn’t been a little in love, he wouldn’t have suggested they continued fooling around like that, nor so boldly offered for Lan Xichen to join him during the second heat he suffered while in Gusu.
It still surprised him that Lan Xichen had agreed to something so stupid. But then again, few alphas could have rejected such an offer, and in spite of his new responsibilities as a sect leader, Lan Xichen was a young alpha with all the needs and desires that came with it.
Lan Xichen who had looked so sad when Nie Huaisang had suddenly announced that their little affair had run its course, but… but it was for the best. Having realised he was with child, Nie Huaisang just had to put an end to this, before Lan Xichen got stupid and tried to marry him for honour. It would have ruined his reputation to become known as lustful when, as a young sect leader of a Great Sect, so many eyes were already on him in hope of seeing fail.
Maybe it would also have broken Nie Huaisang’s heart to be married only out of duty, but that was irrelevant.
“I don’t want to marry anyone,” Nie Huaisang announced, which was almost the truth anyway, so it wasn’t quite a lie. “And Meng Yao is… I like him a lot! But I don’t want to marry him. I don’t think he’d want to marry me either!”
“He offered himself, actually,” Nie Mingjue replied. “He said he would hate for your child to suffer the way he has and that if we cannot find someone better suited, he’d be happy to help. I think he might be a little soft on you.”
Had Meng Yao not been on the other side of the country when Nie Huaisang was getting himself knocked up, it was likely Nie Mingjue might have regarded his offer with a little less kindness. Or maybe he would have liked it better if he could have assumed that Meng Yao was the father, making it a good deal less likely that Meng Yao would ever leave them to try his chance in Lanling. Nie Mingjue was ever so fond of his deputy, seeing him almost as a brother, a better one perhaps than the real one.
Well, Nie Huaisang too saw Meng Yao as a brother, so the idea of marrying him made him wrinkle his nose in disgust.
“You are impossible,” Nie Mingjue huffed, sounding so upset that his brother felt a little guilty. “I’m just trying to look out for you, and so is Meng Yao.”
“Well, don’t. I’m fine. I’m gonna have my baby alone. Well, I’ll want a midwife, and a nurse, and cousins to help me with it, but other than that, I’m having it alone!”
“Okay, that’s it!” Nie Mingjue exploded. “I’m writing to Lan Xichen. Let’s see if he can knock some sense into you and…”
Nie Huaisang threw himself at his brother, as if merely speaking of his friend might have made him appear in the room, thus ruining all his efforts to keep his pregnancy secret.
“Don’t!” he cried out, tearful from fright. Seeing him so distraught made Nie Mingjue suspicious, so Nie Huaisang clung to him tightly and scrambled for an excuse. “Xichen-ge is already so busy! He’s got all his attention taken by that Yin Iron business, should we really bother him with my problems? And anyway… anyway it’s private, I don’t want others to know!”
“I half blame him for this,” Nie Mingjue retorted. “He’d promised me he’d keep an eye on you. And you always listen to him more than me, heavens know why.”
Mostly that was because Lan Xichen gave fun orders, such as ‘sit down while I do your homework’ or ‘open your mouth, I have a treat’ or even better ‘open your legs a little more, just like that, you’re such a good boy Huaisang’.
Not that Nie Mingjue needed to know that.
May he never, ever know that.
“Don’t bother Xichen-ge,” Nie Huaisang pleaded again. “I’ll… fine. I’ll marry Meng Yao.”
“You will?”
Nie Huaisang shrugged. He didn’t like the idea, but it was better than to risk dragging Lan Xichen into a bad marriage he’d grow to resent once the novelty of it wore off.
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Temporary Secretary | Finale
Chpt 1 | Chpt 2 | Chpt 3 | Chpt 4 | Interlude
Peck x fem!reader
The time has come. The Forsaken is free. There's not much left to do, but... Will the doctor make the right decision? And does that decision include you...
Tw for the Kravchenko fans. You might not like this.
"Agh, you fucking fool! Zykov is the for-!", Kravchenko whips around, only for the rage to immediately die on his lips.
Peck stands planted firmly, his pistol raised defiantly at the Colonel. Kravchenko growls low in his throat, but refrains from any sudden movement, "What do you think you're doing..."
"I'm done working for you, you son of a bitch", he nods his head toward the window where Sam and the Forsaken square off, "I'm going to fix this fucked up mess I made"
"How dare you... You'd backstab me? Omega? Do you so quickly forget who took you in, offered you everything?"
"Shut. Up. I'm ending this now, Lev"
Kravchenko sneers, raising his hands slowly, then making to bolt suddenly, "Give me the gun!"
"Don't. Move...", The barrel is now inches away from the Colonel's forehead, locked and loaded to fire.
"Hmp, don't play games with me Peck... You don't have the ner-"
"Don't fucking tell me what to do", Peck tosses the gun away and rushes to the computers and comms. "Requiem, I'm here-"
And so, the battle against the Forsaken rages on. Sacrifices are made, but ultimately the day is won. For some more then others...
It's not until later that Peck hears about the arrests made at Requiem HQ. The only sense it makes is as to why he hasn't been hunted down and arrested himself. For now, he's too occupied with fleeing Omega.
Kravchenko is dead, and the only possible suspect is him. No, he couldn't dare to return to Omega territory. He can't even risk visiting his own home.
All he has is you.
He escapes the base, an easy task now that all the undead have been cleared out, and makes for the only safe place he has left.
The last thing you expect is a knock on your door, especially at this hour. A part of you wants to leave it, but the urgency of the knocks is what ends up dragging you out of bed. Wrapped in your robe, you pad your way across the cold tiled floor and sneak a glance through the peep hole.
Even if you wanted to pretend there was no one home, the sharp gasp you give ruins the chance.
"W-william?", you crack the door open, shaking as all sorts of unpleasant emotions overtake you.
At first, you almost didn't recognize him, he's burned so badly. Blood and pus ooze and leak down the left side of his face, all stemming from a raw, bubbling wound near and around his eye.
You urge him inside quickly, and bolt the door behind you, "What happened?"
It feels to him like you can barely look at him. "I did it. I helped Requiem beat the Forsaken, but... Only temporarily, that thing is still out there, on another plane... I- I....", He's starting to shake, like a shiver is overtaking him.
You take his hands in yours and lead him to the couch. Surely he must be in shock. You shush him and tell him to wait here, while you go get some medical supplies. Honestly, you don't think you have what it takes to treat such a terrible burn, but you'll at least try.
By the time you arrive, bandages, water, and all in tow, he seems to be a little more stable. He's clutching one of your blankets to his chest. He loves your things... they smell so much like you.
The smell of burned and bleeding flesh floods your nose, but you give him what you hope is a comforting kiss anyway. You do you best to clean away the blood and junk, as gently as possible.
"I... Killed Kravchenko"
You stop. "What?"
Peck winces. He's been terrified to admit this too you, ever since the Forsaken was banished. He may be a lot of terrible things, but a killer is by far both the newest and worst.
"He's dead. I shot him"
You digest the information a little to long for Peck's liking, but before he fears he's about to be tossed out... You press a long kiss to his lips, steering clear of his burns as you lovingly hold his cheeks.
Now he knows he must be out of it. Are you not upset with him? He asks as much, to which you scoff and say, "Lev Kravchenko was not a man. He was a dog and a monster set to eviscerate whoever his master turned him loose on. I say you've done the world a great service"
You finish up your speech just as you wipe away the last of the dribbling blood and pus.
"Besides", you press a little kiss to his eyebrow, right above his patch, "that's what he gets for taking what isn't his"
Peck smiles, more then a little relieved. Now that that's over with, he allows himself to rest against the back of your couch, sitting patiently as you do what you can to clean up his wound. But... No, he needs to tell you the rest.
"There's... More, actually"
"Oh?", you don't seem bothered in the slightest.
"I have to leave"
Now you freeze for real. Your heart drops to your stomach, and your limbs turn cold. God, your hand is shaking you're so afraid.
Mercifully, he doesn't leave much time for you to over think things, "Omega is going to know what I did. Now I have them and Requiem on my ass... That, and, well, the Forsaken isn't exactly delt with yet either, just... Locked away for later"
"Alright, and? What are you saying..."
Peck takes your quivering hand and warms it up between his palms, "I uh, well... I can't stay in Russia anymore, or else Omega will hunt me down, and... Same thing if I go home, so..."
He slowly brings your knuckles up to his lips and presses a kiss in the middle, "Do you... Want to run away with me?"
Despite the obvious surprise written in your face, he keeps going, "I need time to think about this, think about how to deal with the Forsaken if or rather, when, he returns and... I don't want you to stay here"
The doctor rubs his thumb over your knuckles, then kisses each one slowly, in between statements, "It's dangerous for you. If they found out about your connection to me... Well, I don't even want to think about it. Besides..."
He holds your hand open, pressing your palm to his good cheek, "I can't bear to lose you. I don't even want to be away from you. I can't, not even for another day"
Peck sighs, and let's your hand down to his lap where he continues to hold it gently, "I know that's pathetic, but it's true. I've only come this far because of you, I can't imagine going on without you", he looks up at you at last, a sad watery look in his eye.
You hesitate a moment, "... Where would we go?"
He sighs, "I don't know... Maybe we could escape to Europe for now, think things through in peace. I know it's not the best offer, but..."
Peck sighs again, and avoids your gaze. A knot forms inside him, the tension eating away. If he was ever afraid that your turn him down for a dinner date, all those weeks ago, surely he couldn't expect you to accept him now.
You hum softly, and run your free fingers through his short, thin hair. It's soft, and if it was any shorter, you think it'd be rather fluffy. He glances at you through the corner of his eye, watching as you lay your head on his shoulder.
"I'll go if you take me somewhere nice", you smile playfully.
"What would you consider nice?", he ventures, not entirely sure if you're serious.
"Oh, I don't know... How about somewhere romantic? Greece, Italy, France..."
He quirks his one remaining eyebrow, and smiles mischievously, before nuzzling his nose to yours as he says something in perfect French. Although you're not quite sure what he said, you assume it must be something sweet or nice, and laugh that cute little giggle he loves.
Instead of pulling away, he presses a little kiss to your lips, and dares a second one. You make a happy little hum and press into him, as he locks his arms around your waist before you go to hold his face between your hands.
Suddenly, he hisses and pulls away. It would seem you forgot about his burn. You apologize profusely and worry over it to see if you can help.
He blocks it from your hands and assures you it's fine. With his good eye, he motions towards his eye patch, "I've had worse", he huffs humorously.
You smile, a little sheepish, but instantly feel yourself again when he rests his forehead against yours. He takes each of your hands into both of his and rubs some warmth into them, "Christ woman, your hands are like ice"
At that, you laugh, and he kisses your forehead. Together, you sit in silence for a little, resting one head against the other. Then after a little while, the doctor clears his throat, "I um... Do you...? Do you, still think I'm handsome? Even after... This?", he asks shyly, vaguely gesturing to his raw, burned up face.
You don't even hesitate to respond as you plant a kiss to his nose, "Very"
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blouisparadise · 4 years
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Here are so many amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of November. We hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) Work Me Breathless | Explicit | 1678 words
Note: this is the sequel to this fic.
Louis visits Harry at work after the doctor got a new promotion. They christen his new office...
Louis leaves a little breathless.
2) Skeletons In My Closet | Not Rated | 2051 words
Basically soft core porn. Harry decided to treat Louis on Halloween.
3) Looks Like We Made It, Look How Far We’ve Come, My Baby | Teen & Up | 2161 words
Louis and Harry are going to officially move in together, they’ve chosen the house and everything is ready, they just need to wait a few months before the owner gives them the keys.
So what’s the problem, you may ask. Well, they’ve been arguing for days and Louis is honestly considering strangling his alpha with one his ridiculously ugly designer scarf. Okay, not really. But he’s going to lose it soon if they don’t stop fighting.
4) Little Devil | Explicit | 2241 words
The pair had just finished taking a round of shots when the one and only Harry Styles saunters over, clapping Niall on the back to say hello. “Louis,” he drawls out, not even trying to hide the fact that he’s raking his eyes over the smaller boy. “You know this is a costume party, right?” Louis rolls his eyes, starting to ramble on about how he is in a costume and what a nit Harry is when he gets it. Harry is saying Louis is a devil.
“And what are you supposed to be Styles? An angel, really?”
“It’s a costume Lou, ’s not supposed to be real,” he says with a smirk, sliding past Louis but stopping long enough to whisper, “I can assure you, I’m no angel baby.”
5) After the Lilo Kiss | Explicit | 2477 words
"I guess I need to show you who you belong to, hmm baby boy?" he growled in my ear while choking me with his other hand.
6) Oh So Thankful | Explicit | 3034 words
Or the one where Louis and Harry both stay at college for Thanksgiving break, and decide to spend the holiday together.
7) Tell Me What You Want (What You Need) | Mature | 3246 words
Louis didn’t plan on getting laid tonight. When he invited Harry over the day before, it was completely innocent. Just two lads hanging out. He still doesn’t plan on it, no matter how hard he’s getting as Harry’s fingernails start scraping over his nipples lightly every time they pass.
8) Calling Out For Someone To Hold Tonight | Not Rated | 3819 words
Harry’s straight. Louis isnt. They still manage to fall in love.
9) Your Love Delights My Soul | Explicit | 4186 words
"Alpha..." Louis moaned against Harry's lips, chasing the friction against his thigh.
"You are my one and only," Harry bit his jaw, "And you know it quite well. Pretty sure I remind you every night, but you have to rile me, have to make me angry. Why, Omega?"
10) Life and Death | Explicit | 4122 words
In which Louis is Life and Harry is Death.
11) When You Turn Off The Lights | Explicit | 4305 words
Gothie Louis/Normie Harry.
12) On My Mind All The Time, Say You're Mine | Explicit | 9261 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“Dude, we’re inside, and it’s night time. Those don’t look as cool as you think they do.” Louis could kick himself, he sounded so stupid, but it certainly got the guy’s attention.
It was at that unfortunate moment that he noticed several other things about this hot asshole, that he hadn’t noticed just staring from afar. First, when Louis spoke to him, his gaze was kind of unfocused behind his sunglasses, and secondly, that he had a red and white cane folded up under his arm.
“I’m… Blind,” the man chuckled, awkwardly.  
Louis wanted to melt into a puddle out of pure embarrassment.
“I— am so sorry. I have to go.”
“Hey, wait, wait,” the man soothed, grabbing at Louis’ shoulders before he could get away.
“I’m sorry,” Louis repeated, looking down at his shoes.
“It’s alright,” He cackled. “I get it a lot. More than you know.”
13) Let's Break The Internet | Explicit | 9505 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here. Please note that the pairing for this fic is Louis/OMC.
The one where Louis is an Only Fans baby.
14) With the Certainty Of Tides | Mature | 13980 words
“Love you,” Louis whispered in the dark. He didn’t know what time it was or where the light had gone, he knew that he was in Harry’s arms, basking in the afterglow of all their love and he’d be a fool to not tell Harry that. As if Harry didn’t know.
“Love you,” was whispered back, as if Louis didn’t know. They confessed to each other as if it was their first time saying it, raw and painful, and listened to it the very same way, but they knew those words to be the only ones true.
With all the certainty of the tides, with all the light from the sun, with all the steady beats of their hearts, they were deftly in love, in secret and so loudly. They were brave and fearless and strong and hopelessly devoted in every sense of their breaths.
“We made it, baby,” Harry mumbled, bringing their lips into a final kiss, sweet and soft and the color of pink. They already knew that, didn’t fight tooth and nail and argued through every petty year and bleed their hearts into the words they sang and on their skin for them to have not made it home.
They were home.
15) A Moment In Time | Explicit | 14004 words
The one where Harry and Louis used to be together, until they weren’t, but with a twist of fate and a bit of magic, could this be their chance to find forever in each other’s arms?
16) I'm Still A Little Bit Yours | Mature | 14921 words
“Harry?” Louis asked to the empty apartment. "What the hell?" He sat up on the bed, his comforter pooling around his waist. The place wasn’t big enough to lose someone. Harry must have left in the middle of the night. And then he felt it. The new twinge of pain in his already bruised heart. He forcefully threw his upper body back and grunted in frustration. Then he looked over to the bedside table and noticed a note under the cup of cold chamomile tea he never got around to drinking.
He reached over and there were only two words scrawled on the otherwise blank page, “I’m sorry.”
He was so damn stupid! He curled up on his side sobbing and trembling. He covered his face with the comforter, tears soaking his pillow, as he begged his body to go back to sleep.
17) I Couldn't Face A Life Without Your Lights | Mature | 15538 words
Louis and Harry are college students who haven't been the same in the past two years.
18) Practice In Pencil, Seal It In Pen | Explicit | 16486 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Harry is in love with Louis but he doesn't know.
19) Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) | Not Rated | 16683 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
The one where Harry wants a little more in the bedroom and has a habit of putting his foot in his mouth.
20) The Animals, The Animals | Not Rated | 16721 words
Admittedly, it’s not the first time Louis Tomlinson finds himself in handcuffs.
The difference this time is these handcuffs are attached to a year long sentence. Not just that, but a year long sentence sharing a cell with a possibly mute 19 year old with dark eyes and even darker secrets.
21) Colder Weather | Mature | 19103 words
When Harry comes around, it’s the coldest time of year. Louis, for once, just wants Harry to take him away from colder weather.
22) Across the Grey, Salty Sea | Explicit | 19968 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Prompt 212: Alex from Dunkirk and French escort/prostitute Louis who ends up in Alex’s quarters more nights than not. Alex gives him his dog tag to wear maybe just a lot of smut and dirty talk with Louis being a pretty princess.
23) Blinded By The Sparks | Explicit | 22205 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Harry is a scammer who drifts from casino to casino. Louis is the new waiter who wants in on the scam.
24) Rainbow Bloom | Mature | 22711 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Louis is in denial. Louis has been in denial for far too long. Then Harry enters his life and everything changes.
25) What A Sight For Sore Eyes | Not Rated | 24216 words
Louis’ playing Danny in their uni’s production of Grease. They’re missing a Sandy, and Harry’s sort of been in love with Louis for a year.
Everything else just kind of happens.
26) MISSING | Mature | 26950 words
Louis brothers report Louis missing after they can’t get hold of him for 24hours
Harry Styles and Charlie Stone, detectives of the teenage homicide and missing persons division, are long time friends of the Tomlinson's and take the case.
27) Even The Best Laid Plans | Explicit | 25175 words
Louis wants to have sex with someone and decides Harry is the perfect alpha for the job.
28) Sunflowers, Sunshine, And You | Explicit | 28778 words
Sunshine county is small but mighty and Harry takes pride in knowing nearly each and every person that lives inside of it. For nearly eleven years now he’s been sheriff, and not one of them he’s ever regretted settling down here.
He knows the road names like the back of his hand, knows the people and the animals and the way the world works here. In all of the time he’s been here, not a thing has changed.
So, all things considered, when he starts seeing a beat up pickup truck roaming through town with plates he’s never seen before, Harry, to be frank, jumps on that like a fly on fresh dog shit.
29) Blue Songs Are Like Tattoos | Explicit | 30739 words
“Good morning, University of California, you’re listening to KALX 90.7 FM Berkeley, this is DJ Harry Styles. If the owner of the tapes I’ve been finding around the studio doesn’t come forward and introduce himself, I’m going to continue tossing them straight in the trash!”
or the DJ Harry and Rockstar Louis fic.
30) Sweet Like Honey | Explicit | 33117 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Harry and Louis need money and they find an unconventional solution in the form of PornHub. It’s not supposed to be a big deal.
31) When Our Worlds They Fall Apart | Explicit | 42228 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Harry put his hand over his heart as if Louis had wounded him. “You’re so harsh, my liege! Perhaps you need to relieve some tension…” He let his voice trail off suggestively.
“The day I ask YOU to relieve tension is the day I lose all my wits and join the Imperials,” Louis said. “It will never happen”
Prompt 325: Star Wars AU with Harry as Han Solo and Louis as Leia.
32) Somewhere In Between | Explicit | 42765 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Louis wakes up early. He brushes his teeth and can only stomach a piece of toast for breakfast, dressing quickly and heading for the car. He pulls into the parking lot of the Department of Dominance and Submission just as they’re unlocking the doors. It takes him all of an hour in the uncomfortable chairs to fill out the paperwork to the best and most accurate of his ability, handing it over to the receptionist as soon as he’s finished and wiping his sweaty palms on his business trousers.
There’s a high chance that within ten to fifteen business days, Louis will be matched with a dominant.
33) Spoonful of Sugar | Explicit | 42900 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here. This fic is also a sequel to this fic.
Louis Tomlinson cares for his family above all else, a fact that’s led him on a twisted path peddling drugs to support them. Just as he’s made the decision to jump ship, Louis gets snared between the two largest crime syndicates in the city. To keep his family safe he’s forced to trust the man that failed to keep his promise two years ago, the resident drug lord he’s unknowingly been working for, Harry Styles.
34) Breakable Heaven | Explicit | 44594 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“What do you think?” Louis gets captured by Harry’s green eyes, unable to look away or even take a breath.
“I think you’re the most magnificent creature I’ve ever met.”
“You must not have met many creatures then.”
Harry’s eyes glance downward to Louis’ lips and his tongue darts out to wet his own. “None like you.”
35) You're The Habit That I Can't Break | Not Rated | 44940 words
When Louis crosses paths with a green eyed stranger in prison, he learns that some habits aren't so bad.
36) Fine Line (The Story of Us) | Not Rated | 46191 words
Walking through Harry's album Fine Line. Each chapter reflects a song off the album.
Harry knew he was a lucky guy, really he did. He knew that in the cosmic pulling of straws he had pulled the long one and basically won the lottery. With a number one debut album, millions of adoring fans, and many a celebrity praising his work Harry should feel happier. He should be skipping instead of walking, singing instead of talking, and grinning from ear to ear. Maybe he was ungrateful. Maybe he was numb to it all. Or maybe he had a big, ocean-sized crush on his best friend.
37) Tastes Like Summer, Smiles Like May | Explicit | 47519 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
A cold prince, an alpha with nothing left to lose and a kingdom with a secret.
38) A Silent Whisper (That's Left Unsaid) | Explicit | 50842 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
A Fake Relationship & Exes to Lovers AU ft a failed proposal ten years ago, an oblivious Harry, an overworked Louis, Zayn as the protective best friend, a meddling aunt and a lot of talks about weddings and rings.
39) Lost And Found | Explicit | 51736 words
Where Louis is just looking for his dog but finds love along the way.
40) Don't You Know That I'm a Moon in Daylight? | Explicit | 58770 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Prompt 79: Louis and Harry fell in love in the 18th century, Louis wanted Harry to convert him into a vampire, but he ended up resenting Harry for it. Fast forward to our modern days, they haven’t seen each other since then, but one day they meet again through a mutual friend. Harry was bitter for a long time, but he accepted that being angry wouldn't erase the fact that Louis was the love of his life. He wanted to court and spoil Louis like in their original time period, but Louis avoided him every time Harry tried to reconnect. Happy ending!
41) The Guesthouse | Explicit | 61951 words
Louis has a secret that could break him. With every trip to the Guesthouse, with every fuck he offers himself up for, he gets a piece of the freedom back that he's lost.
Seven nights a year he goes to the exclusive sex club; every day he fights to keep that little bit of information to himself.
And there's another thing - his unwavering and pointless obsession with his bandmate.
There's the Guesthouse, and then there's Harry, and Louis works tirelessly to keep the two apart. Soon, very soon now, he won't be able to.
42) My Friend Lost A Bet | Mature | 74965 words
The one where Louis ends up on the list of potential fake-boyfriends for Harry Styles because Stan really sucks at football bets.
43) In A Sea Of Mist | Explicit | 126725 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
A Greek Mythology/Camp Half-Blood AU where Harry is lost, the road to peace is a wretched one, and somehow, through a mist of confusion and regrets, Louis seems to be the only thing that makes sense and everything Harry needs.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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darkpoisonouslove · 3 years
Broken Eyes
Summary: After the shock of Sky turning on her, Bloom loses her way through the maze and runs into the guards coming for her head. Icy interferes and saves her life just for a piece of Bloom’s vision of the world.
I don’t typically use present tense but I felt it fit here. Let me know how it worked out!
The morphix barrier between Bloom and Sky may have withstood his attack but Bloom’s heart wasn’t that lucky. Of course not. Valtor is meticulous in his planning and cutthroat in his nature. A perfect reflection of her. Something so fragile didn’t stand a chance.
It is broken like the blue leaking out of Bloom’s eyes as she runs through the maze blindly. She takes a wrong turn leading her farther away from her friends and then another one putting her on the path of danger. She is losing herself in the pain numbing any sense or intuition–a creature of passion, Valtor said and set out to prove it as if she needs more of Bloom’s flames burning her gaze–to collide headfirst with the guards crawling all over the place in search for her. She’ll never find her way out.
She’ll never find her way out.
The thought bleeds in her magic, stabbing her to break her body into pieces, easier to transport in front of Bloom. On the line of fire. It isn’t the first time she puts herself there. Fire has never been a match for her ice. Then Bloom challenged her – a burning heart amidst the dark sky.
The guards drop dead from a single ice needle in the heart each.
Her nails spill Coven blood digging crescents into her palms.
Another breath of pain scorches through her as she prepares to join the bodies she’s just left behind, turning to look at Bloom.
Her eyes are broken stained glass. Still rich in emotion as it drains out of them in floods that can drown her own flames and Icy, too, if she doesn’t freeze them.
Her fists are frozen at her sides as the blue shards pierce through her with insistent shock. Bloom’s gaze never tears away from her. She has no eyes for the dead guards. Only for her. For her own safety. For the breath she didn’t lose.
“You saved my life.” A screech comes out as the cogs desperately turn inside Bloom to grind the ice covering them to dust and shake it off.
Broken. Broken. Broken.
She is broken.
Sky shot an arrow at her.
Icy protected her.
She helped the moron cause more damage. He shattered Bloom’s heart into pieces still dripping from her eyes and she destroyed her world. She pulled the ground from underneath Bloom’s feet and turned her existence upside down. For all the doubts Bloom has suffered in her relationship with Sky, she has never once had to question Icy’s hatred. She saved her life and shattered the frame Bloom knew how to fit into.
“Aren’t you going to deny it?” Projecting. Bloom’s eyes are all over Icy looking for a place to exist in her frame now, for a way to make sense of the situation, for a feeling she can fit inside the remnants of her heart.
“Don’t be stupid.” It is impossible to deny an objective fact.
Icy has done the impossible before. She stole the Dragon Fire. She escaped from Omega freeing Valtor alongside herself and her sisters. She found the one way to destroy the princess the ruins of whose kingdom are far more tailored to Icy’s tastes.
Maybe it is time to stop breaking through the restrictions of reality. Her next move can snap Bloom in half.
“Right.” Bloom finally peers at the dead men lying harmlessly behind Icy’s back where her heels can crush the pulpy mess left of their hearts. Yet, Icy’s heart is the one wailing now in the heavy silence while Bloom’s eyes crush it like two petals plowing through ice. “You want to kill me yourself.”
“Do you ever listen to what I say?” If Bloom isn’t asking, she’ll have to be the one to throw a question mark she can grab on to out there.
Bloom’s eyes widen in tact with her chest expanding to shelter the breath Icy has allowed her to take. She’s heard her.
“I’m...” Her voice dies when she finds no words to continue the thought. Just the smothering freedom of endless possibilities. When you’re nothing, you can be everything.
Icy doesn’t have that option anymore. “You’re still in danger.”
She is a fool in love. She will pay with her life – one way or another. She will pay for helping Valtor break Bloom. She will pay for breaking her silence the moment Sky was out of the picture even though it will not last.
None of it will last. Bloom will put herself back together. Valtor will disappoint Icy. And Sky will be back with a new frame for their picture perfect delusion.
The only thing that might last is the crack in Bloom’s eyes. Her gaze is sharp now even through the blur of tears drying like stains on her vision. The blue is gaining in intensity like her soul is flaming again. And there’s a crack in the glass wall between them. Icy is not just a villain to her anymore, an enemy. And Sky is not there to keep her looking at the montage of the happy moments they’ve had that he’s playing on repeat to give her deceptive stability.
There is a crack in Bloom’s eyes, a piece missing from her stained glass that Icy took and stuck in her own heart so that Bloom could see her through the hole in her perfect world even as she turns and runs away from her without a single word.
For that Icy will spill all her blood. It is hers to give. It might even have the strength to break through the spell Bloom has caught herself into.
A spellbound fool. She has been ever since she first touched magic while Icy was on the other end of the universe busy breaking her own heart.
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