#the top 5 were already bangers but the rest are starting to get to me
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neo-shitty · 2 years ago
maybe i swallowed half the shit i said about 5 star being an average album.
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My Favorite Albums of 2023*
*not necessarily from 2023
Last year, I decided that, instead of limiting my "favorite" list to just the past year, I would broaden the scope to include any CD I acquired that year, whether it was released that year or not. Over the past 12 months, I've added 155 CDs to the already over-burdened collection (which may seem like a lot but it's down from 260 last year, so I believe some praise is due). These are my favorite 9, in alphabetical order by album title.
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Foo Fighters - But Here We Are
"Times Like These," whether he intended it to be or not, was one of the very few, great post-9/11 songs. And while I might expect that from Springsteen, Grohl didn't immediately spring to mind as a voice of comfort and empathy, so the song's impact may have actually been a bit greater than something akin to "The Rising" (which, don't get me wrong, is an amazing song). And now, a couple decades later, it shouldn't be surprising that a Foo Fighters album dealing with intense and intimate grief would also be stunning, but, like before, I certainly wasn't expecting it and also, like before, I've turned to it a hell of a lot more than I would have thought.
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Caroline Polachek - Desire, I Want To Turn Into You
You know those albums where you really like a bunch of the songs but not all of them but you also know that, with each repeated listen, you're going to find ways into the songs you didn't like as much on previous listens and come up with reasons why you actually do like those songs and therefore, think the entire album is brilliant? Yeah, this is one of those albums.
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billy woods and kenny segal - maps
Let me preface this by saying that I am years late to the billy woods party, so I do not have any way of comparing this to his previous, abundant discography, but if it is at all indicative of the rest of his work, I have some major catching up to do! woods is a top notch lyricist with a clear love of language and the ways in which it can be structured. His metaphors and imagery are complex and layered but never so obtuse that they alienate the listener. And all of this verbal brilliance is nestled comfortably on segal's inviting but never settled production. I'll come back to this one often.
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Stevie Wonder - Original Musiquarium I
I'm not normally a fan of "best of" compilations but this one, with the addition of the four unreleased tracks capping each "side," is so well put together and clearly thought through, I'm thrilled to have it as a part of my collection. Plus, it's really hard to ever go wrong with Stevie.
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Laura Mvula - Pink Noise
Roughly 5 years ago, I heard "She," and was blown away. I added Sing to the Moon to my discogs want list but never got around to snagging a copy. About 3 years ago, I heard "Got Me" and decided to be a bit more active in trying to acquire a copy of Pink Noise, but I think there were some transatlantic issues because nothing seemed to be remotely affordable. Fast forward to midway through this year, the album miraculously pops up on Amazon for under 10 bucks and a day or two later, I'm finally blessed with these 10 fiercely intelligent yet uncompromisingly catchy pop bangers.
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Pool Kids - Pool Kids
It's mathy, it's tappy, it's stupidly technical, but if you strip that all away, at its heart, these are 12 solid pop-punk/emo songs. So while the base effort is already worthwhile, the tremendous musicality turns them into something truly special.
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Atmosphere - Sad Clown Bad Fall 10
Okay, so it's only 5 tracks but hear me out. I was introduced to Slug and Ant through their brief stint with Epitaph Records and their, imho, brilliant album, Seven's Travels. Over the years, I've picked up an Atmosphere album here and there, but my takeaways have been lackluster and I started to wonder whether they were just a one-off in my book. And then I found this at a used record store in Seattle, and it not only reignited the flame but made me want to revisit the rest of my collection. That's pretty impressive for only 16 minutes of music.
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Triple Fast Action - Triple Fast Action
Triple Fast Action were probably the favorite band your favorite 90's alt-rock band (The Colour and the Shape was, apparently, greatly influenced by Broadcaster) and with only two albums to their name, it was a wonderful surprise to discover this treasure trove of unreleased and rare tracks, most of which were recorded in their rehearsal studio. While not everything is great, there's a general bittersweet air hovering around this 2-disc compilation - they could have been big, but for whatever reason, the stars didn't align. At least we now have so much more music.
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Ratboys - The Window
Ratboys aren't reinventing the wheel here. They pull upon most of the major indie rock tropes of the past couple of years (Americana, pop-punk, prog rock...) but even with the genre hopping, the album shifts seamlessly from track to track and always feels authentic. What would we do with a new wheel anyway? Wouldn't you rather just get the top-of-the-line version?
Other assorted 2023 stuff
Favorite Albums NOT acquired in 2023:
Proper. - The Great American Novel
Tigers Jaw - I Don't Care How You Remember Me
Elvis Costello - Brutal Youth
Face to Face - Face to Face
Florence + The Machine - High As Hope
Beauty Pill - The Unsustainable Lifestyle
Favorite Live Bands seen in 2023:
The Verve Pipe (City Winery - 4/23)
Home Is Where (Elsewhere - 7/8)
Four Year Strong (Rocks Off Concert Cruise - 10/15)
The Hold Steady (Brooklyn Bowl - 11/30)
Favorite Movies watched in 2023:
Soft and Quiet
Poor Things
Shotgun Wedding
Favorite TV Shows watched in 2023:
Alice in Borderland (Season 1)
The Fall of the House of Usher
The Curse
This is Pop
Channel Zero (Seasons 1 and 2)
Evil (Seasons 1 and 2)
The Last of Us
Favorite Books read in 2023:
Lonesome Dove - Larry McMurtry
In the Dream House - Carmen Maria Machado
Wraith - Joe Hill and Charles Paul Wilson III
Favorite Podcasts listened to in 2023:
Fearful Symmetry
Love and Radio
U Springing Springsteen on My Bean?
"Finn and the Bell" episode of Radiolab
"Wake" episode of The Memory Palace
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r0sa4077 · 6 months ago
Absolutely no one has asked for this but these are my top 10 favorite video games. I sort of ranked these based on the emotional impact they had on me, how many times I've replayed them, how many hours I have in the games, and how well I think they were made, etc.
10. Life is Strange: Before the Storm
I liked Chloe as a protagonist more than Max. I also really enjoyed Rachel and how you couldn't rewind this time, and you were stuck with your choices. And the emotional impact of the story has stuck with me after all these years.
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9. Elden Ring
Elden Ring introduced me to souls-like games and showed me that they were not as hard as I originally thought. I love the gameplay, and the lore is ✨️chefs kiss✨️.
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8. A Way Out
I can't describe how heartbroken I was at the end of this game. It takes you through so much laughter and heartache. And you get to experience it all with another person since it's made to be co-op. It's such a fun and emotionally impactful story.
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7. Shadow of Mordor
I am a huge LoTR fun, but more than that, I am a huge lore and Silmarillion fan. Even the minor inclusion of Middle Earth lore in this game had me geeking out. I also really enjoy the story and gameplay.
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6. Dragon Age 2
The main character, Hawke, has my entire heart. And so do all the other characters. The gameplay might not be as good as others on this list, but to me, the story and the side characters have left such an impact on my brain.
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5. Halo: Reach
The Halo series as a whole has a special place in my heart anyway, but something about Reach has stuck with me after all these years. I love the whole cast of characters. I love the level design and the combat. I love the story. I have probably played this game about 6 times. I have another friend who loves Halo, and when we just want to talk or need to vent, we'll play Reach, and we can play it while on autopilot and just talk to each other.
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4. Red Dead Redemption 2
I love so much about this game. The story, the open world, all the characters, Arthur Morgan. Unfortunately, I was spoiled for the ending before I got to play it, but the impact of it hit just as hard. I don't think I've ever cried so much about a video game besides this one and number two on this list.
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3. Assassin's Creed: Blackflag
Assassin's Creed was one of the series that really got me into gaming, and Blackflag is by far my favorite. Edward Kenway is such a good and interesting protagonist, and I really enjoyed playing as him in one of my favorite series. To this day, it is the only game I've ever completed to 100% in quests, collectibles, and achievements because I just couldn't stop playing it
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2. Mass Effect 3
When I tell you that I am obsessed with the Mass Effect universe, I mean it. There is just something about Bioware's world building, character work, and storytelling that I just love so much. Commander Shepard has got to be one of my favorite protagonists of all time. And like I said, this game and RDR2 the two games that I have actually sat there and sobbed over. When I finished ME3, I immediately wanted to replay from the beginning of the trilogy, but I had to stop myself and go finish other games I had already started. I think about this trilogy and the characters from it so much that I actually read Mass Effect fanfiction, and I'm not a big fanfic reader.
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1: The Sims 4
This one might seem really out of place with the rest of the bangers on this list, but listen ... this game is like a guilty pleasure. I have so many hours in it that it's kind of embarrassing. I've spent way too much money on TS4, and I love all kinds of aspects about it. Dressing up sims, building houses and other stuff, playing out storylines, I love it all. And most of the characters from the rest of the games on this list, I have remade them in TS4 and given them happy endings.
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curestardust · 1 year ago
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Dust Watched: Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2
Genres: Shounen, Action TW: body horror // 23 episodes // S01 (x) M01 (x)
✧  story  ✧
Season 1 of Jujutsu Kaisen starts out with about 5 episodes covering the "Hidden Inventory" arc which is a flashback to Gojou and Getou's time as students and the events that lead to them being who they are in the present. While this arc is loosely connected with the rest of the show, it sets a tone for the rest of the season. As opposed to Season 1 which played around mostly with the hallmarks of Shounens that are more comedy and combat centric with low-stakes due to it being the introduction to the series, this season goes absolute balls to the wall from the get-go.
Both "Hidden Inventory" and the following "Shibuya Incident" arc, which the rest of the season covers are grim, brutal, bloody, and unforgiving. Plot armour? Forget it. This is an outright war. People die and the next second we're already back to fighting because otherwise, they're next.
I'll honestly say, that no anime had me literally on the edge of my seat almost every episode in a LONG time. 90% of this entire season are high intensity fights with high-stakes. Although, exhaustion does seep in near the end of the anime. We spend a tad bit too much time with the same characters fighting the same enemy in the same (bland) location. But aside from that, and a very few slightly weaker episodes, this season was absolutely top notch.
✧  characters  ✧
I don't have much to say here as everyone is an established character. Character progression and introspection does happen to a few characters but I don't want to name names cause even that could be a spoiler.
✧  art  ✧
I think we all know about the unfortunate conditions that were revealed to be happening at MAPPA. It was noticable in some episodes but especially the last few that aired after the news came out. However, any quality drop is the fault of the higher-ups and NOT the animators. The stuff the team put out with JJKS02 is absolutely phenomenal. The OPs themselves will probably go down as some of the best in the 2000s. Throughout the anime itself, the use of colours was gorgeous and the amount of insane fight scenes is mindboggling. Honestly just... I've no words.
✧  sound ✧
Besides the obvious bangers for the OP/EDs and the OST, I really want to shout out the sfx team. That scene where the sound of the shower slowly morphs into the sound of clapping literally gave me goosebumps (because I suffer from a mild form of psychosis and this is LITERALLY what it's like and I've never seen it shown this accurately.)
I didn't know where to put this but I also absolutely need to mention the way they set up the atmosphere. Some scenes were near psychological horror levels of suspenseful. I loooooved it.
✧  overview ✧
Season 2 of JJK had a great start, an insane middle, and very slight decline in the end. If the final fight with a certain someone was cut short by maybe 1-2 episodes, I think the pacing would've been much better. Still, what a ride this was, and the set-up for S03 is looking insane already. (Just treat your staff as damn human beings MAPPA, jesus christ.)
My Rating: 9.5/10
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beeblackburn · 3 years ago
First Law Ask Meme
Tagged by @books-and-doodles! Much appreciated!
Favorite First Law Book: Red Country
Why: The fact that I twisted and writhed over having The Heroes and The Trouble with Peace, both books I’ve re-read more than thrice and still would put near the top, if not the top after another day or reread of the books, supplanted by this one is not necessarily because of technical quality: Red Country is the least put-together out of the three easily, meandering in its early parts and Ro’s plotline needed more narrative space to make her Stockholm Syndrome theme breathe. It’s not even because it has the most all-time great moments in one book, The Trouble with Peace has some drop-dead series-best chapters  and a consistency of quality that makes me weep. It’s not even because it has a lot of my favorite moments (though it does!) because The Heroes has those too, and I’ve reread that more than Red Country.
Really, it’s because it’s the book with the most drastic difference in quality impression between my first read and my reread, and the book I warm more to with each reread. And it’s easily one of the most interesting of Abercrombie’s books as an utter outlier to his general approach to The First Law series. The Heroes and The Trouble with Peace, every time I reread them, I am dazzled by their quality as I was the first time, but I’m not sure they exceed beyond that, despite being impressed by their technical proficiencies. To me, they’re as good as they were my first read. Red Country, though? The more times I reread, and the more books Abercrombie publishes, the more I warm to Red Country’s much smaller scope, his focus on lowborn people getting swept up in the chaos of larger institutions, and how it’s explicitly Abercrombie attacking his own tropes and themes and coming out of it with a bittersweetly hopeful tale whose resolutions still make my heart ache.
There’s just something I deeply cherish about Red Country in how it’s very much Abercrombie going out of his comfort zone in many ways, and actually putting in the work to try and progress beyond the common knowledge of his themes of “people can’t change, they just stay shit!�� with the juxtaposition of Shy and Temple against the prior generations’ devils of Lamb and the Old Man, rather than rest on his laurels and churn out a dozen stories about how nothing changes, life stays shit that people will gobble up uncritically. You don’t get Shattered Sea and his remixing of prior tropes and changing things up without it. you don’t get The Age of Madness and the conscious critiquing of his prior material without it. And, for that, Red Country’s always going to have a stronghold in my heart.
But the scenes, gods. Averstock! The chapter The Best Man and Dreams! Shivers and Temple! Lamb murdering the shit out of Sangeed! The entirety of the part Crease! The raid of Ashranc! Cantliss getting hung! Savian and Lamb’s last stand! Lamb’s horror show through Jubair’s eyes! Brachio and Temple’s last conversation! Lestek’s finest performance! Shy’s rumination on who’s fault it all was at the very end! That last chapter. All of these moments live rent-free in my memory, it’s ridiculous. It’s an entire book that was already built to scratch my personal itches as a writer and reader, even carve out a new one in wanting to write Weird West, it has no right to have that many banger scenes in it.
Top 5 favorite characters: Vick dan Teufel, Prince Calder, Rikke, Crown Prince Orso, and Logen Ninefingers
Bear in mind I haven’t read The Wisdom of Crowds from start to finish in its entirety. Not yet, I’m hoping to get into the mood of reading more this year, so this list could change, but I did read a good chunk of chapters, enough that I’m very confident in these rankings.
1. Vick dan Teufel because, boy, even from A Little Hatred, I didn’t find her underwhelming in the way the fandom felt she was. Everyone said she was Glokta-lite without the humor, and I was there thinking that she was an intentional negative space to the core four POVs, utterly leached of all the spoiled circumstances she should’ve had in lieu of a traumatizing childhood from Old Sticks himself. She’s fascinating in how much she’s a critique of the series superstar in Sand dan Glokta, and how her trauma and lies intertwine to make her so much harder to read, compared to the more surface motives of other characters. She keeps her very emotions in check, hides them behind her cloak-and-dagger activities, and makes you have to work to understand her deep down. But then you get a crack of the door, like the truth behind her brother or her brutalizing Heugen, and you’re left chilled to the bone. She has an intelligent lens on the important players, walks and comments in themes and fields that few others of the series prior tread, an amazing character arc, and even made me cry at her last chapter of the trilogy, despite Abercrombie not being a tearjerker of an author.
2. Prince Calder because my boy here has been through quite a character journey from when we first read him, and I am impressed by his arc and depth. It might’ve taken The Heroes for me to fully love him, but once he latched onto me, I was gone. Loved me his slippery tendencies, his ability to kick the hornet’s nest with such skill, his self-awareness, his penchant for hot-headed actions, brought by love and grief, his adorable scheming during a war, against his own king. His unexpected penchant for all sorts of loves, from the parental towards Bethod and Craw, the brotherly towards Scale, to the romantic towards Seff was what cinched it for me. It gives him a necessary warmth that makes him far more palatable than other slippery schemers like Glokta, Morveer, and Cosca. Now that The Age of Madness is done, I can appreciate him in how much of a shit he grew from and still ended up being, but in a more endearing way. All from the core that he’s a “sentimental little prick,” a snarky, scheming shit in a world full of warriors and breakers, who still holds an impressive amount of love in his heart, and how it leads to his ending in The Age of Madness. He ends perfectly like Vick and that’s worth a second place, as Calder’s always been his entire life.
3. Rikke because boy, she really had to do a lot of work for me to really get into her, just from the start. Just from the on-set, she started off with two tropes that I’m generally apathetic to or find lazily-written, the tomboy and the prophet. From there, she pulled out some of series-best chapters, like Late, Old Ways, Proper Ways, and Lessons and that amazing last chapter of hers in The Wisdom of Crowds, for a start, and how she interacts with her Long Eye remains refreshing and twisted and mystical in a way Abercrombie doesn’t really get to flex, but he’s quite good at. Beyond that, I find her interesting in how much she’s the thematic outlier of the trilogy, one of the few who develops in a way that contrasts against the rest of the POVs, trying to be fair-minded and wreaking herself with guilt and regret at the necessary evils she has to do, if still having the steel to commit them that Orso wasn’t willing to, rather than fall head-first into moral turpitude like Savine at first or Broad and Leo eventually. And it’s not easy, and it won’t promise an endlessly better world, given that last chapter of hers, but Rikke represents a progression of the world’s themes that I find compelling, as a player going forward and what I feel she represents: better, but still not good enough.
4. Crown Prince Orso because he also had to work for me to love him. I didn’t start liking him until his third chapter! Granted, ignoring a girl about to be hanged because your mom called you and fucking Savine dan Glokta are perfectly solid reasons to not like a character at first impression. But he started to click then, and from there, I was gone. Eminently relatable, always with a quip or a narration that makes me smile and full of low self-esteem and depression, I could always delight in Orso’s chapters. He might’ve been on fire in The Trouble with Peace, and his best material is still there, but even reading what I could of The Wisdom of Crowds’ Orso material, I actually think he’s one of the most tragic POVs of the series, not just because he’s a soft decent man in a grim world, but because the takeaway of his life at the end is genuinely heartbreaking to me and his trilogy-wide character arc is depressing in a way Jezal’s isn’t the more I think about it. Not only because of what it says about the Good King trope, and how he fundamentally can’t make the system work, but what it says about his self-worth that he comes to the conclusion he does in the end. At least Jezal wanted to go back to the donkey he was and didn’t look forward to his death. At least he had children to dote on and love him down the road. What Orso thought of the worth of his life, in the end, was more crushing for someone like me, who suffered my spells of depression.
5. Logen Ninefingers because god fucking damnit, Logen still boasts some of the series-best moments He’s already got a lock on Last Argument of Kings’ best scenes (the first Bloody-Nine episode, the truth from Bethod, his fight with Fenris the Feared, his talk with Bayaz, and his conclusion with Black Dow), but Red Country came along and gave him a whole host of series-best scenes. But, beyond even that, he was the first asshole I read of Abercrombie’s that made me realize how good he was at making us inviting and complicit in his human horrors. The trilogy might’ve done a decent job at a sleight-of-hand between Logen’s nicer moments and the times he turns violent asshole, but Red Country really impressed how Logen can really be a good enough, a gentle and friendly enough, person, and that part co-exists smoother into the violent shit he becomes, that we want to excuse his violent turns, that we want to pretend the Bloody-Nine is something else entirely. That it’s a bad thing that’s separate from Logen, as he’d want to tell himself. And then the novel just tears it up apart. Logen himself is a violence addict who wants excuses to justify himself. That’s not contradictory to his nicer moments. They’re part of the same man, for good or ill. In that sense, Logen is scary, in that it’s not the Bloody-Nine that frightens me in my bones. It’s that he’s the worst part of me who believes my problem is someone else’s fault and wants to bloody their face. He’s a terrifying liar to himself, and Abercrombie’s greatest trick was making us root for the horror he is.
Top 5 least favorite characters: 
1. Cathil, because as much as Terez’s fate was a few flavors of yikes, Cathil’s easily the worst-written woman of the series. Like, bar none. She’s still got her fair share of character moments, like telling West about her backstory or telling him that he’s too angry for her, because Abercrombie, even at his worst, has some very nice moments to his women, but she’s basically a vessel for West and Dogman's characters, and then gets killed off by a stray arrow for manpain, while Threetrees gets a “badass” moment in facing off against Fenris the Feared. God, Vick’s great for the understated reason that she took up Cathil’s backstory and just ran with how eminently interesting it should be, but Cathil herself is a pretty nothing character, for the ingredients she has.
2. Prince Ladisla, because he’s waaaaay too caricatured for my tastes. And given we spend half of West’s Before They are Hanged material with him, I’d at least wish he was interesting or entertaining or thematically reflective on the Union in more ways than “haha, Union elites are fucking stupid and underestimate the barbarians, man.” I might not mind him being a punchline, but the degree that he isn’t a human does make the mixed feelings intended by West’s murder of him less justified. And it’s not like he couldn’t have been done well, Fedor dan Wetterlant in The Age of Madness does Ladisla’s material so much better. It’s just a shame West’s early material that book is partly a slog because of Ladisla and Cathil’s one-dimensionalities.
3. Superior Goyle, because god, this fucker is so boringly ghoulish. It says something that his subordinates, Stone-Splitter and Vitari, are more memorable or interesting than him. That’s not to say he doesn’t work as Sult’s worst impulses, the lesser model to Glokta’s superior one, but he really should have more going for him, considering how prominent he is in the Glokta business. As in, he’s just a bully who’s incompetent and can’t take what he dishes.
4. Rudd Threetrees, because this man just makes my brain break with how much he doesn’t have going for him, in terms of how Northern customs interact with morals and how they clash, and how the more you think about Bethod’s truth to Logen, the more Threetrees should be ashamed of his time with Logen, but isn’t. He’s just the Ur-Straight Edge, the ideal that all other Straight Edges measure themselves to, without any of the overt messiness that comes from being loyal to a violent shithead. Granted, Made a Monster makes the implication that Threetrees lies to himself terribly by avoiding being a direct witness to the times that Logen’s being awful and that’s interesting. Chronologically after, though, when he tells Black Dow he wonders why Logen spared the shit he is, my mind just goes “oh, up yours” and want to bully him for insinuating that Black Dow is any way comparable to Logen’s awful shit, given the Rattleneck incident.
5. Collem West, because god, he could’ve been so much better, in my opinion, and he’s dreadfully boring to me. Not fun enough to indulge, not tormented enough for me to care, not nice enough for me to respect. He should be a hell of a slam-dunk in terms of epic fantasy tropes to deconstruct, the Good Commoner, Except He’s Actually Kind of a Piece of Shit. Instead, all the character arc notes he should have either get cut off (Cathil) or are underwhelming by the end (Ardee). I think Nobody’s Dog is an incredible note of the cycle of abuse and the way he gets magical radiation is actually a solid note to how inglorious a war hero’s fate like his can be, but West ends up feeling like a bunch of disparate and aimless character notes that go nowhere.
Favorite ship: Shy and Temple
Their ship is one that actually feels the most like a relationship in the making to me, warts and all, whereas most other relationships either skip to the point where they’re very comfortable together (Calder and Seff, along with Shenkt and Vitari) or mostly have warts (Jezal and Ardee, these messy bitches). They like each other, they have a romantic attraction, endure their tribulations, work through their problems together, and try to handle their feelings relatively maturely, even if they fuck it up sometimes. There’s something very grounded about the normalcy of their courtship and how they dance about their mutual feelings together, before culminating in them trading each other’s secrets before their first time together and then it all goes to shit because kidnappers will kill boners 99% of the time. And where they end off in the book just warms my heart with how Temple’s integrated into Shy’s life and her family altogether, and how the spark of romance hasn’t faded, it seems.
Favorite region in the First Law world: Angland
It was either this, particularly Ostenhorm, or Uffrith, and English-inspired countryside with constant rain and cold climates sounds more my thing than Scottish-inspired countryside. There’s just a rustic feeling there, almost cozy with how the rain soaks through the tent-camps, the ground, and the roofs. I would definitely want to live there for the climate, but I’d especially want to live there after the Brocks get the lordship, given Finree is an excellent administrator.
Top 3 favorite scenes:
1. RIKKE VS. BAYAZ, because holy shit, my brain fucking melted when I read that entire scene. What an amazingly comprehensive staging of someone really not taking Bayaz’s bullshit standing, even down to having the receipts of his actions in prior books and tearing down his bullying ideology for the approach made of air it is without the concrete muscle to back it up. It is literally one of the most-desired things I wanted out of the entire The Age of Madness, and boy, did it deliver in spades.
2. Temple and Shy’s sharing of their pasts, because it’s a layered piece of work, there’s a lot of great character work going on, from Shy’s existential confusion at why she got away and the hanged girl died in her place to Temple’s utter self-loathing and frankness of his rock-bottom, a lot of themes running through the dialogue, from the theological, to the existential, to covering redemption and sin, to the meta-textual and how Temple and Shy’s backstories are horrible, full of crime and being complicit in atrocity, but them refusing to settle for those bloody status-quos and make something better of it, unlike their older ilk.
3. Calder punching Tenways, because it was the start to my enduring love for Calder, and I love what it says about his character that the drink-influence grief of losing Scale led to him doing something hot-headed and totally stupid. It felt so righteous to see that scabby old shit get what was coming to him (even if I don’t think he deserved it fully), and it was cathartic to fully see Calder cut loose, stop screwing around with words, and just express himself beyond being a scheming shit.
How were you introduced to the books?
I actually think I know the very links that introduced me to the books, I was looking up dark fantasy series online after reading up on A Song of Ice and Fire, and came across this link: http://bestfantasybooks.com/best-grimdark-fantasy-books and while I didn’t read it then, I looked it up on TV tropes and came across its ending tropes and... wowzie. I just knew I had to read it, if only for Glokta, and how the torturer wasn’t one of the most worst people of the setting (yet), even humane at times, and that that seemed to promise character complexity for my mid-teens brain. The ending alone attracted me like a moth to the flame and I looked it up on an online reading site and just plunged into it, and here I am, The First Law being my second favorite fantasy series, and easily the best grimdark fantasy and definitely the most palatable out of its ilk.
Share a quote or quotes you love:
Once you've got a task to do, it's better to do it than live with the fear of it.
—The Blade Itself, The End
“I would venture to say a face is no more evil than a coat. It is the man beneath, and his actions, that count.”
—Red Country, High Stakes
“I would be the last to disagree, but you fail to see that you are worse. No man capable of greater evil than the one who thinks himself in the right. No purpose more evil than the higher purpose. I freely admit I am a villain. That's why you hired me. But I am no hypocrite.”
—Red Country, The Tally
Tagging: @xserpx, @autoapocrypha, @vera-dauriac, @popopodogrev, @xillionreblogs, @myu2k2, and @leconcombrerit! And anyone else who might be interested without being tagged. Feel free to tag me, if you do it, so I may read and partake in your answers. 😊 
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lochsides · 4 years ago
If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power Review
Where do I even begin with 'If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power'? It is such a good album, it's almost criminal. If I had to pick the best album to be released this year, IICHLIWP would be it. Halsey has always been an excellent songwriter, that was never even in question, but it has been proved once again, in case anyone wasn't paying attention. IICHLIWP is an album that covers so much depth in sound and in lyric. The dichotomy of the Madonna and the Whore, as they said in their announcement of the album, is an overarching theme of IICHLIWP and it is articulated so consummately. The references to pregnancies and childbirth are more subtle than I expected but that's what makes them so genius. This is an album where every lyric is intentional.
My favourite songs are ‘The Tradition’, 'Bells in Santa Fe', '1121' and 'Ya'aburnee'. More detailed thoughts on each track are below the cut. Trigger warnings for sexual assault and miscarriages.
The Tradition — This is the first song on the album and Halsey had already fucked me up so there's that. I got full-body chills listening to 'The Tradition'. The production is masterful. There is this darkness that settles in early and ebbs and flows beautifully, not only throughout the song but the album as a whole. 'The Tradition' already sets up so many of themes of this album, but what a way to talk about sexual assault. I am in love with the entire chorus line but I think my favourite lyric is ‘she got the life she wanted but now all she does is cry.’
Bells in Santa Fe — The transition from 'The Tradition' into 'Bells in Santa Fe' was so smooth I didn't even notice that the songs had changed until I looked at my screen. I don't think I could actually describe how much I adore this song if I took up the rest of my life doing so. The production is absolutely God-tier. Everything from the way it keeps building throughout the song to the percussion to the piano on the second chorus and the distortion towards the end is so perfectly done. You will never hear me rave about production this much. What a fucking song! On top of all that, you have the lyrics that are so powerful. When they said 'cause who the fuck would chose this?' it reminded me of my favourite Manicsong, 'Forever... is a long' where they sing 'how could somebody ever love me?' so that stood out to me. I love the cadence on 'secondhand thread in a secondhand bed with a second man's head' but the lyric 'better off dead so I reckon I'm headed to Hell instead' is probably the one that hits the hardest. My escapist, runaway tendencies felt very exposed by the entirety of the pre-chorus.
Easier than Lying — The way she emotes on ‘you lair, you don’t love me’ is fucking everything. I needed to start with that. It’s my favourite aspect of the whole song. And then there is that obvious callback in the bridge. ‘Easier than Lying’ is the punk sound we were promised of IICHLIWP and they delivered. The Grungy electric guitar, the bass, the production!!! This one goes hard and it makes no apologies of it’s anger.
Lilith — ‘I’m disruptive, I’ve been corrupted, and by now I don’t need a fucking introduction.’ I mean what could I possibly say after that??! Honestly, I love the duality of how this line could be about Halsey but it could also be about Lilith, herself. There is a selfishness to 'Lilith' that I love. When you connect that to the mythology of Lilith preying on pregnant women and the context of this album — it's just got so many layers. Halsey's mind!! I love the sound of this song. The production has a classic rock flare to it. Those drums are so clean and the bass accompanies it perfectly. The smoothness of their vocal on this track is very pleasing to listen to.
Girl is a Gun — I'm not going to lie, this song isn't for me. I get it. The message is right up my street but the overall sound of it just isn't what I personally like. I do love their little laugh at the start! The lyric 'it's a shot in the dark, I'm not a walk in the park, I come loaded with the safety switched off' is my favourite.
You asked for this — This song is really interesting because they gave us a pop punk sound, pushed it to the back of the track, really grungey guitar riffs and all, but their voice is so light and delicate almost, very airy in a way that stands apart from the backing track. I really like it. To me, it's like an emphasis of the message of 'You asked for this'. Young women are oftentimes forced to grow up too soon and 'be a big girl.' Society forgets, I would even say purposely overlooks, that they are 'still somebody's daughter,' one of the few things that is used to give value to a woman. We've all heard people throw the phrase "but what if it was your daughter/sister?" into the conversation when discussing women that have somehow been abused by the patriarchy. 'You asked for this' also calls attention to how when we're younger, all we want is to be grown up but how unaware we can be of what it means to be a woman in this world, the trauma that comes with it.
Darling — The guitar in this song and it’s almost-country sound are what sets this song apart from the rest of the album. ‘Darling’ is a lullaby for their child, but it tells a story of their struggles. It is honest in a way that feels private. Motherhood sounds so good on them!! This song is just a collection of things I love in music. 'Darling' is soothing and it sounds like comfort, in both melody and lyric. 'Foolish men have tried but only you have shown me how to love being alive' is perhaps the softest lyric on the whole album.
1121 — I expelled a heavy sigh when I heard ‘1121’ it absolutely took my breath away*.* This song is a truly moving ode to an unborn child. So many people talk about how they had never known what unconditional love really meant until they had a child. Halsey tells it as such: ‘you could have my heart and I would break it for you.’ I love their vocal styling on this song so much, going between their lower register and those beautiful falsettos in the chorus. The overlapping on the bridge of ‘please don’t leave, don’t leave me in the shape you left me’ and ‘I’m running out of time to tell you, I’m running out of things that I regret’ and ‘you’d never, you told me’ really capture all the wide array of emotions felt by pregnant person upon finding out they are pregnant when they’ve dealt with miscarriage. Her voice emotes the fear of losing another child, the regret of the ones she's already lost, the promise, almost desperate, of the opportunity they have right now. All of these feelings are brought to life further by the production of the song. There is so much depth in '1121'.
honey — Pop punk wlw anthem check. Halsey suits this sound so much. This track, the production, the instrumentation, all of it catered to their voice so perfectly. The sound is so refreshing and yet so classic. I adore the melody. It’s unsuspectingly catchy. I wonder if there are links to ‘Lilith’ with ‘she’s mean and she’s mine’ or if I’m just reaching. Either way, a song about a love that is a little chaotic and wild, sign me up!
Whispers — Whispering on a song called 'Whispers' might be obvious but I'm a basic bitch so leave me alone, I loved it. Lyrically, 'Whispers' was the song that I saw myself in the most. When she said 'camouflage so I can feed the lie that I'm composed,' I just felt far too exposed for comfort. Same thing with 'I do not know me.' And that's what art is supposed to do. The instrumental is haunting and dark. The way they create tension by adding in one instrument at a time. The production is amazing. Top 5 shit right here!
I am not a woman, I'm a god — Not only does this song have the catchiest hook, it’s literally ‘I am not a woman, I’m a god. I am not a martyr, I’m a problem. I am not a legend, I’m a fraud so keep your heart ‘cause I already got one.’ That hook right there tells you everything you need to know about this song. ‘I am not a woman, I’m a god’ acknowledges that one needs not be a woman to create life. They are claiming power to their gender identity through relation to Godliness. Even in the other lyrics, they talk about being ‘a different human in a new place’ or ‘a better human with a new name’ (this line in particular draws direct parallels to trans experiences). Both times, they specifically use ‘human.’ The production of this song is designed to be a single. It’s got the signature darkness of this album, tells the listener where Halsey is at sonically, and it’s a total banger.
The Lighthouse — The way this song just comes in swinging right away with the distortion and the heavy guitars is exactly what I expected from this album going into it for the first time. Very modern punk rock. And the lyric doesn't pull any punches either. 'From a tender age I was cursed with rage,' like c'mon!! I love the melody and her vocal inflations throughout the song. This is the longest song on the album but it doesn't drag. The change up right before the outro really helps with that. I find that outro so interesting. The contrast between the instrumental constantly building but their voices staying so far in the back on the track creates so much tension that is relieved in the best way possible with 'Ya'aburnee'.
Ya'aburnee — ‘Ya’aburnee’ is the perfect conclusion to this album. Halsey said in their Apple Music interview that IICHLIWP is about the power to choose and by the end of the album you realise that they choose love. This song perfectly embodies that. It’s familial. The entire chorus talks of seeing yourself in your kin and the circle of life. The second verse is a clear love letter to their partner and it makes me emotional, knowing their romantic history as we do, to hear them sing ‘wrap me in a wedding ring.’ I love how the lyric ‘you will bury me before I bury you’ is not only a statement of their hopes that they don’t have to live in a world without their loved ones, a statement of how parents should never have to bury their children, but it almost sounds like a protective promise that they will do anything to ensure their loved ones are kept from harm so as not to need burial. The softness of the instrumental on ‘Ya’aburnee’ is feels like unwinding from the rest of the record. It’s such a beautiful song.
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artemisunicorn · 4 years ago
Naruto Shippuden Openings Ranked
Aight y'all, I said I would do this months ago, so here we are.
Just like my last ranking post, I have no real reasons as to why I like this OP over that one. They're just poor reasons and explanations that I'll probably change my mind about after posting.
But yeah, this is gonna be a long post, so let's get to it.
Also just a disclaimer- I had a very difficult time ranking the openings, especially at the bottom. Just note that I like and enjoy every OP except one.
Actual ranking is below the cut because yay I can use my laptop to make posts now :D
Number 20 - Tsuki no Ookisa - OP 14
I always thought this was called “Size of the Moon” or something like that
This OP
Oh boy
I used to just hate this one with a passion
And I still do!
Okay not literally, but it’s still my least favorite
I see what they were going for
Red, black and white vibes
And the song
It just doesn’t make me feel anything but the huge urge to skip it
I’m so sorry if you really like this OP but goodness I really don’t like it
It’s one of the only ones I don’t like vs don’t mind
I will say
The end though?
Where its showing the freeze frames of everyone
That looks great
Itachi at the beginning looks great
It definitely has its moments, but just not enough to make me really enjoy it
Number 19 - Hotaru no Hikari - OP 5
Or as I like to call it
I already know y'all but to come for me on this one I'm sorry
This opening is,,,okay…
Now that I’ve seen all of them, I kinda have this bias of “I know what the next opening is and that’s a whole BANGER” so I kinda sleep on this one
But its not bad
I always love the Naruto and Sasuke parallel shots
Just not up there for me
Number 18 - Guren - OP 15
Another OP I lowkey just disregard after watching all of them because we all know what follows this one
But it’s not bad at all
I love the split screens
And then it all comes together
Kakashi and Obito’s split screen looks amazing
Actually, all of their shots look amazing
The song goes well with the visuals
I love the colors they used
Seeing Madara is always a treat
The shot of the hokage is good
But uhhh
Yeah that’s about all I got
Number 17 - Newsong - OP 10
Don't kill me plez
A lot of people don’t like this OP
I can see where they’re coming from
But it's goofy and wacky, and honestly not so bad
It ain’t nowhere near top tier, but I can enjoy it more times than not
The part where they’re running and do a lil jump
That took me out when I first saw it
The animation is supposed to accompany the wacky feel, and I feel that the animators had a lot of fun with this one
Overall, I don’t dislike this OP like most
I actually like it
But admittedly, it’s not strong
It’s very cute tho
It makes me smile
That team jutsu though
What the hell
I don’t know how I feel bout that
Also B falling
That was a nice addition
Also also Sasuke refused to be a part of this wacky ass OP which I love
Number 16 - Niwaka Ame ni mo Makezu - OP 13
This OP is fine
It doesn’t really do anything for me until the 5 Kage are shown fighting Madara
Which looks great by the way
But also gives me storm 3 war flashbacks
It’s pretty overall
Like all the parts with Naruto look really good
The individual shots of the 5 Kage and Sasuke are meh
I don’t really care for that part
Overall, ehhh
Number 15 - Moshimo - OP 12
I’m not gonna lie
I totally forgot about this OP
It’s fine
Nothing really excites me
I do like 2 parts though
Where Ay tries to punch Minato and he gets out of the way to fist bump baby B
And when Naruto is in the middle and it zooms out to show Kushina and Minato behind him
The song is good
Overall, okay opening
I was torn over whether to put this one above or below OP 13, but I decided above because I like the ending part more
Number 14 - Toumei Datta Sekai - OP 7
Another OP I really slept on
A lot of people really adore this one but I just don't see it??
It takes a second to kick off
It really only gets started for real when we see Pain and the trio’s flashbacks
After that, it’s pretty good
The music picks up, the visuals start getting quite interesting
And that Pain v Naruto moment where they just stare at each other and it shows both faces
Looks amazing
And of course, Kakashi brings some spice into the mix
It’s always a great time when we can see him in action
Makes me wish we got the girls v Konan though
But yeah, the shot with Naruto falling in
From then on, it's incredible
Number 13 - LINE - OP 18
From here on, these OPs are just the ones I love
This OP is a major breather
The song is very slow and nice
Visually, I love the choice in focusing on one thing at a time
Once character at a time
It looks very nice
The little destiny shard flying around
And I love how there’s variants in who interacts with the shard at the very end
My favorite is Itachi because he gives the shard to us and I’m not crying you are
It’s really pretty too
Not much to say here
I just really like it
It’s not top tier, but it’s a great OP nonetheless
Number 12 - Closer - OP 4
Where everyone is looking back
I absolutely love it
I absolutely must know if the budget was actually blown on Hidan spinning his scythe
The shot looks great though
Another vibe kinda opening
The ending is so cute with Naruto jumping in the air
they did that to cover the gaping hole in our hearts
Also I completely forgot there was a second version until I saw it while pulling up the link
First version is better
Number 11 - Lovers - OP 9
That beginning part with the camera cutting and focusing on the three
Yeah that right there is great
And the explosion behind Killer B
Love that shit
They really went all out for the aesthetic kinda look
And it really pays off because the OP looks very very good
The song is pretty good too
But I probably wouldn’t listen to it outside of what’s in the OP
Every shot with Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura on the divide is really good
Number 10 - Blood Circulator - OP 19
Ah the top 10
Another song that is hype asf
I honestly prefer the third version with Naruto and Sasuke
But even still, this OP is pretty great
It’s a lot better visually in the second version because there’s not a lot of lingering shots
I love the shots of Minato, Kushina, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Itachi and Iruka
But I also love that the whole first version is summed up in no time in the second and we move onto better shots
But the third version is the best visually
With the fights and flashbacks
And the ending with Sasuke staring and Naruto crying and then they fight
That rasengan is great
But even still, all versions look pretty good
I really don’t have that much to say about this one
I enjoy it quite a lot
Number 9 - Hero’s Come Back!! - OP 1
Everybody and they mama be dancing to this I swear
It’s a bop and a half
Honestly what a great way to start the series
I’m bopping every time it comes on
And that shot of Gaara holding out his hand before he don’t feel so good
My heart
I mean, what else can I say about this one
It’s just great
Number 8 - Totsugeki Rock - OP 11
First things first
Naruto’s face at the beginning caught me off guard the first time I saw it
Visually, this OP isn’t bad at all
I actually really enjoy this OP a lot
It makes me dance and headbang lmao
I would say the song carries this one, but nah
The visuals really go well with the song
I really don’t have much to say about this one
It really is just so fun and hype
And I really love it
Number 7 - Kaze - OP 17
This OP is very pretty
It’s another one I slept on
It’s animated so well
All of the freeze frames we see are stunning
And it’s animated very well
Also long Kakashi segments always get extra points from me
And this one is gorgeous so even more points
I love the kinda traditional style they were aiming for with the textures
The cuts to the hand signs are good too
Also in sync with the music which y’all know I love
The aesthetics in general are just so lovely
This OP has some of the best visuals in all of the OPs
I can’t even express how beautiful it looks
And seeing Minato and Rin slowly fade by as Obito falls and Kaguya is revealed
So good
The song goes well with the visuals too
The song in general slaps
Overall, very good
Number 6 - Distance - OP 2
I just love this mcfuckin opening so much
It caught my attention when I first started watching Shippuden
And it’s very pleasing to look at
Also that “Thank you my friend”
Hits me every time
And overall it’s a vibe kinda opening
The walking scenes are the best
Not a lot going on on the eyes, but it still looks really good
Honestly, it’s probably my favorite OP, but it’s not the best OP
And I’m a sucker for the emotions
And this OP brings it hard
It’s definitely ranked higher than most would put it, but I can only put it so low
I love this OP so much
Number 5 - Karano Kokoro - OP 20
Holy fuck
This OP
Damn near brings me to tears every time
This OP was,,,,well,,the end
This was the conclusion of the story
And my goodness y’all
It still hits me in the feels
The visuals with this one carry it on home
It hits hard seeing everyone growing up
Let’s talk about the visuals shall we
Starting right from the beginning
Shikamaru just sitting as the music comes in
By the way, the music fits so well with everything
But yeah, seeing him just look up with this soft music just warming your heart
And then it cuts to the shogi board so we know exactly what he’s thinking about
Then to Sasuke
With everything that’s happened with him, just seeing him be able to just breathe
It’s everything y’all
And then we get to see Naruto’s stone face up there with the rest of the hokage and then to this lovely vibe
Naruto and Sasuke doing the hand sign that saved the world
"Tell me the story of your life"
That shit right there
They knew what they were doing when they chose this song y'all
InoShikaCho eating some barbeque
Kiba being loved to death by Akamaru and Hinata smiling
Do y’all see why this just makes me so happy yet?
Free Kakashi points
The shot of Naruto as hokage
That part got me good when I first saw it
And even a little now
Lee, TenTen, and Temari showing that they’ve still got it
The zoom in on InoShikaCho to Ino saving Sai
The story has finally come full circle
And there's finally peace
It’s just overwhelming happiness
I really love this OP so much
Number 4 - Blue Bird - OP 3
Blue Bird slaps
Visually, it’s absolutely incredible
Like that one part
Y’all know that part I’m talking about
Where Sasuke and Naruto do that parallel switch
*chefs kiss*
It’s just so good
Y’all better know by now how much I love the visuals synced with the music
And this song delivers on that
I know I have so much to say about this one, but I’m not gonna remember to say it until after I post
I prefer the second version (even though it’s just the same animation from Closer)
Number 3 - Diver - OP 8
Let me get this out of the way
I LOVE Diver
It’s another OP that just always got my attention from the get go
They really calmed down with the visuals on this one
Instead opting to have the very pleasing gentle visuals that match so well with the song
And then he gets blasted out of the water and it gets SO GOOD UGH
All the hidden gems you don’t recognize until you rewatch it after seeing everything come together
I love that
And then Sasuke coming in to get all up in Naruto’s personal space just to fuckin chidori the shit out of him
It’s quite sad
But then his friends just lift him up
My heart
Then he wastes no time just rushing in to save Sasuke in the same 30 seconds as when Sasuke attacked him
It really shows his character
But also it was a whole direct reference to how Sasuke was looking over him back when he first left in the rain
That’s the subtle little hidden gems I love to see
Also the music just slaps so hard???
Like hello??
Who told y’all to make something so good????
And did I mention that I just love the visuals??
Number 2 - Sign - OP 6
*drums going ham and guitar absolute shredding*
Okay now that that’s out of the way,,
I am ashamed to admit that I used to sleep on this OP
Both Sign and Silhouette have people turning to look at the camera-
And they’re both so good…
Dare I say…
Is this a….SIGN
I’ll leave now..
The opening part with Jiraiya and Naruto and then Sasuke and Itachi
My heart y’all please
There really isn’t a single second where I wanna look away
I can’t gush about this OP enough y’all
It’s so damn good
Also y’all know I gotta mention the hair whip
I’ve never felt pain like I did for Jiraiya and Itachi
It still hurts
But the OP
It’s just amazing
It still gives me goosebumps
But as I’m rewatching all of the OPs for this, I just fell all the way in love with the show again because of this OP
Number 1 - Silhouette - OP 16
Speaking of silhouette
We all been knew
From the get go, it’s just a blast
The song and visuals are a match made in heaven
Oh, and don’t think I won’t be gushing about them individually
The song
KANA-BOON need to chill bruh
This song is SO GOOD
The colors pop
It’s so pleasing to the eye
All of the transitions and smooth animations
Like Obito and Madara aging up (and down)
The quick flash of baby Kakashi and baby Obito before we even see Madara’s aging transitions
Y’all know I love the camera focus/glitch effect and it’s used a lot here
Naruto’s aging up while running
The switch between the static look to the smooth look
And the pencil drawn kinda look
They really went so hard on this OP
Everyone getting the cloak
That shot of Rin spinning in time with the music
Everything is always synced perfectly with the music and it really just makes it so much better
Especially because the song is so fast paced
To match up the visuals with individual words and not just full measures or half measures
Like just one example
Obito walking and him aging up
All synced with the music
I can go on about this opening FOREVER
It’s a true masterpiece
Right, well that's my ranking. Took many hours but I'm pretty happy with it for now.
My ranking will be completely new by tomorrow morning
But yeah please hit me up if you disagree/agree with the ranking. I love discussing these kinds of things with people!
This is starting to sound like a youtube outro
Also unfortunately no gifs to make the post pretty this time ;-; I'm having technical difficulties.
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purplesurveys · 3 years ago
Stayed single almost the whole year? I was single for the whole year.
Were involved in something you’ll never forget? Nothing too dramatically big, but I have had a number of memorable experiences this year, all of them positive.
Tripped over a coffee table? Not tripped but I did my stub my toe or hit my hip on a table’s corner multiple times.
Dyed your hair? Nah.
Came close to losing your life? I guess, in a sense that I had thought my life was going nowhere at the start of the year. Luckily the tides turned for me shortly after that period.
Saw one of your favorite bands/artists live? Live-streamed online concerts were the closest thing I got to attending concerts, so no.
Did you meet any new friends this year? Yes! I’m super close with Reena now, and I also made a number of friends at work once I finally got settled in the culture.
Did you hate anyone? Oh yeah.
Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships? Not at all. I feel like the friendships I formed panned out really well this year; I met the right people at the right time and I’ve been very happy about that.
Did you miss any friends? Yes; those I still haven’t seen since March 2020 like Jo, Laurice, Kate...majority of my college friends, essentially.
Did you have a cake? I had so many cakes it was ridiculous, but I also felt so so grateful. Kata sent over a mocha cake; my parents got me a Starbucks Frappe-shaped cake with a huge cutout of Jin’s face as the cake topper; and I got a cake topped with macarons for my family.
Did you have a party? Not so much a party but I did organize a dinner for my family; I bought a bunch of food – paella, pizzas, tteokbokki...I can’t even remember the rest but it was definitely too much for 5 people, lol. My mom surprised me with BTS and Jin tarpaulins to decorate the dining room, too.
Did you get any presents? My aunt sent me money and Bea got me a bucket hat that I had shared that I wanted.
Did you change at all this year? I’m a whole fucking lot happier and I don’t shy away from flaunting it anymore.
Were you in school? No, I graduated college last year.
Did you own a car? Not my own and I’m nowhere near being able to afford one in my name.
Did anyone close to you give birth? No, not anyone close.
Did you go on any vacations? Kinda? They were microvacations more than anything though, lol. The longest one I took was 3 days long, when we went to Zambales.
2021: WRAP UP…
Was 2021 a good year? It honestly really was. I talked about this with Andi last night and we were in agreement that the year had been kind to us. I think I was able to grow a lot, experience a lot despite the restrictions, and opened up a lot to new people.
Do you think 2022 will top 2021? If it does then I’d be surprised. That would make 2022 a banger year considering how smooth-sailing 2021 already was for me.
Kissed in the snow? I didn’t, because we don’t have snow.
Done something you’ve regretted? Sure.
Painted a picture? I don’t think I dabbled in painting this year. I did a bit of embroidery and gem art, but not painting or coloring.
Wrote a poem? No.
Ran a mile? Hell no, hahaha.
Visited a foreign country? I didn’t have the chance to.
Cut in a line of waiting people? No and never.
IN 2021 I…
Broke a promise? Eh, just minor ones like telling myself I’ll wash the dishes in an hour or something like that haha.
Lied? Minor lies, nothing that would have ended up a disaster if I got found out.
Disappointed someone close? I probably disappointed my parents when they discovered my vape stash a week ago...so yes,
Had a secret? Lots.
Pretended to be happy? Just at the start of the year. I haven’t had to fake it recently.
Slept under the stars? Oh yeah many times. There was a period this year when I went up to the rooftop every night and occasionally fell asleep on the floor there, under the stars.
Kept your new year’s resolution? Not a resolution per se but I told myself I’d invest in skincare this year which...never happened hahaha. It’s no longer a priority; I find the many options a bit overwhelming. I also told myself I’d start working out, but 1) I hated it and 2) I quickly realized I was only doing it to get back to my ex, and after I realized the fact I thought she wasn’t worth the revenge.
Forgot your new year’s resolution? I didn’t make any.
Met someone who changed your life? I wouldn’t say so.
Changed your outlook on life? Yup.
Sat home all day doing nothing? There were some weekends where this had been the case, haha yeah.
Learned something new about yourself? Sure, the most important of them being that I’m apparently more extroverted than I thought.
Met great people? Absolutely. I’m surrounded by a great bunch these days.
Kissed someone that means a lot to you? Nopes.
Stayed up till sunrise? I did.
Cried over the silliest thing? I’ve cried over nothing during my PMS weeks, which I guess can count for silly.
Had friends who were drifting away from you? I wouldn’t say so. Most of my friends are low-maintenance so we can go months without talking – and when we do chat with each other it’s as if not a day went by.
Had a high cell phone bill? Not applicable since my phone’s on prepaid.
Spent most of your money on food? I’d say K-pop merch dethroned food in 2021, but I did order a shitload of food this year.
Had a fist fight? No.
Gotten sick? Not fever-sick, but I did get puke-sick a few times.
Liked more than 5 people at the same time? I didn’t.
Became closer with a lot of people? Yes.
Song that reminds you of summer 2021? Permission to Dance.
Lost any friends this year? I disconnected from Aya this year.
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honeyjaez · 5 years ago
A solo stan who is thinking about checking other groups out?
There is nothing wrong with being a solo stan (as in only liking 1 group) as long as you are kind and courteous to other groups.
Also this post might not be for you.
But if you are a solo stan (usually starting with BTS) or just in need of finding new groups and thinking about spreading your wings here are some suggestions. 🙂
When I first got into kpop way back in the 2010 years I had no clue what I had stumbled on and I only liked 2 groups max for the longest time because I didnt know about any other groups. Since then I’ve come to love so many groups that I wish I knew about sooner.
Now mind you. I am primarily a boy group stan so there are not a lot of girl groups on her so please forgive me. -*edit I’ve decided to do a part 2 of just girl groups so stay tuned
This is also under the impression you already know BTS and their brother group TXT.
also if your fav is not on this list I dearly apologize. I picked groups that might be a good intro to like multiple groups.
Groups down below ˅˅˅˅
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-13 Member group under Pledis Entertainment.
- Debuted May 26, 2015
-Popular in Korea and slowly gaining popularity internationally.
-AMAZING dancers.
-Like the synchronization is unreal for 13 people.
- Divided into 3 sub-units; Performance Unit, Hip-Hop Unit, and Vocal Unit
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Don’t Wanna Cry. Hit, Clap
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-Currently a 6 Member group under YG Entertainment
-Debuted September 15th, 2015
-Addicting Chorus’s and bad ass rapping
-Their Leader B.I recently left the group early this year, but fans are hopeful for a reunion. But that doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate OT7 right now.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Bling Bling, Love Scenario, B-Day
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-6 Member group under RBW Entertainment
-Debuted January 9th, 2019.
-They are a crazy good for a rookie group and have a lot of bangers.
-Their choreography is no joke
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Valkyrie (Debut song), Twilight, Lit
(Seriously they have no bad songs)
NCT 127:
(NCT is actually a massive group divided up into sub-units)
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-10 Member group under SM Entertainment.
-Debuted July 10th, 2016
-Crazy Powerful dance moves.
-Look mean, but are actually sweethearts.
-Gaining popularity in the west.
-Some songs to introduce you to them:Cherry Bomb, Touch, Highway to Heaven
NCT Dream:
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-Currently a 6 member group under SM Entertainment
-Debuted August 24th, 2016
-Cute Charm and Powerful stage presence. 
-NCT Dream is as this moment not a fixed unit and based on idols age.
-When they get old enough the members “graduate” and join other NCT sub-units
-Mark of NCT 127 was once the leader but he reached the age limit and “Graduated” and thus no longer apart of the group.
-Many fans detest this concept and wish SM to make them a fixed unit but that doens’t mean you can’t love OT6 or OT7 at the moment.
-Some songs to introduce you to them:  Boom, We Go Up, Go
Stray Kids:
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-8  member group under JYP Entertainment
-Debuted March 25th, 2018
-Gained a lot of popularity through their survival show of the same name
-Strong and Meaningful songs that deal a lot with self struggle and depression. 
-All songs are produced by members Bang Chan, Changbin and Han who make up the sub-unit 3racha.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Hellavator Levanter, Voices, My Pace, Double Knot, God’s Menu, Back Door (I mean this list can go on and on)
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-7 Member group under JYP Entertainment
-Debuted January 16th, 2014
-Another amazing dancing group
-Strong Charisma on stage.
-Variety Kings
-Some songs to introduce you to them:Hard Carry, Eclipse, You Are 
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-7 Member group under A Team Entertainment
-Debuted October 31st, 2015.
-Severely underrated 
-Has lost some members and gains some as well.
-They work super hard year round with hardly and rest.
-Please stan VAV.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: She’s Mine, Poison, Spotlight. 
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-6 Member group under Fantagio Entertainment
-Debuted February 23rd, 2016.
-Cute, Charming group.
-The boys are actual angels.
-The group is a breath of fresh air.
-Super Talented.
-Addicting songs that just make you smile
-Can have the same concept as literally any other group but still make it their own.
-Vocals are beyond this world.
-Also just overall very pretty.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: All Night, Blue Flame, Baby, Always You. 
The Boyz:
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-11 Member group under Cre.Ker Entertainment
-Debuted December 6th, 2017
-A really fun and charming group.
-Their song’s are very addicting
-Dance like songs
-Sweet sweet boys who deserve love.
-Member Hwall left in October of 2019 due to health reasons 
-Some songs to introduce you to them: D.D.D, No Air, Giddy Up 
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-5 Member group under JYP Entertainment
-Debuted September 7th, 2015
-An actual band so they don’t dance on stage
-but crazy talented
-Their songs are known to make people feel happier.
-I don’t think it is possible to have a bad Day6 song.
-Jae’s twitter is quite possible my favorite place on this earth.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: I smile. Time of our lives. Colors, I need Somebody. Dance Dance. Literally any of them.
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-Currently a 9 Member group under Cube Entertainment.
-Debuted October 10th, 2016.
-Also Underrated.
-Such amazing discography.
-Strong vocals and major crackheads
-Went through their survival show “Pentagon Maker” and debuted as 10 members.
-Former Member E’Dawn was basically kicked out of Cube and Pentagon after revealing he was dating label mate HyunA. Fans are still hopeful for an OT10 reunion.
-But we can support OT9 now.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Sha La La, Shine, Like This, Cosmo (Japanese song).
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-9 Member group under FNC Entertainment
-Debuted October 5th, 2016
-FNC’s first dance boy group.
-If you want any songs to put on your workout playlist, or just get you hyped then their are your boys.
-AMAZING Dancers.
-They are almost all actors as well. If you watch K-Drama’s you might recognize Chani (their maknae) from widely popular Sky Castle and Rowoon from new K-Drama “Extraordinary You”
-Stan SF9. Stream RPM
-Some songs to introduce you to them: O Sole Mio, RPM, Now or Never, Easy Love
Monsta X
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-A SEVEN Member group under Starship Entertainment
-Literally the definition of hard-working.
-Powerful Choreography, crazy stage presence, intense charisma...must I go on.
-Literally deserve the world.
-Were formed through the survival program No Mercy and have not stopped since.
-Their songs are so addicting and on top of that are actual sweethearts.
-Only want to make people smile and feel loved through their music.
-Would possibly die for their fans.
-Okay I’m talking too much.
-Gaining popularity in the Western regions.
-In October of 2019, member Wonho (the orange hair in the gif) left the group due to rumors and lies being spread about him. He didn’t want to hurt Monsta X’s reputation so he left the group but fans have strongly opposed this, fighting for starship to help clear his name and have him return. The protest continues on even after almost a month.
(Trust me, if you knew this group and Wonho, you would understand why fans are opposing this.)
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Follow, Shoot Out, Beautiful, Dramarama, All In, Alligator.
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-5 Member group under Pledis Entertainment
-Debuted March 15th, 2012
-Very unique style and concept with their albums.  Sticks to their own specific style.
-Addicting chorus.
-Honey Sweet vocals. 
-Had a sub-united called NU’EST W while Minhyun was promoting as a member of Wanna One. (The W stood for ‘Waiting’ which should tell you the type of guys they are).
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Bet Bet, Love Me, Face (Debut  Song), Help Me (Nu’est W song).
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-7 Member group under Cube Entertainment
-Debuted March 21st, 2012.
-Ballads anyone?
-Are primarily a vocal focus group
-But understandably because BTOB has one of the strongest vocals in Kpop.
-But can also dance.
-Honest to good crack heads
-Variety Kings #2
-Currently 3 members are serving their military service but you can still support them in their quiet time.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: I’ll be your man, Only one for me, Beautiful Pain, Missing You.
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-8 Member group under KQ Entertainment
-Debuted October 24th, 2018.
-In their one year so far since debut they have shown the world that they are not a group to underestimate. 
-Strong Dancers, powerful choreography. 
-Their stage presence is no joke.
-Songs are super addicting and go hard so if you need a workout playlist Ateez is your group.
-San is Satan in disguise.
-Prepared for debut for a really REALLY long time. 
-Already signed up with a US record label.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Wonderland, Pirate King, Treasure, Say My name, Wave. literally any of them.
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-9 Member group under SM Entertainment
-Debuted April 8th, 2012.
-If you know BTS, you probably know about them.
-But EXO are worth all the hype.
-Korea’s chosen representative (Whether you agree with it or not, it’s true) 
-Deadly Stage Presence and Charisma
-Their songs are always iconic.
-Leader Suho just might be god I haven’t figured it out yet.
-As of November 2019, 3 of their members are not promoting with the group. Lay is off promoting solo stuff and stuff in china and america (because SM doesn’t want EXOLS happy) and the other 2 members, Xiumin and D.O are currently serving in the military.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Monster, Love Shot, Lotto, Tempo.
Golden Child
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-10 Member group under Woollim Entertainment.
-Debuted August 28th, 2017.
-Underrated group x 10.
-Dancing is on point.
-Stage presence on point
-cute songs
-They are just charming boys who smile more than the sun i swear.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Wannabe, DamDaDi, Genie, Let Me
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-5 Member group under Beat Interactive
-Debuted May 23rd, 2017
-I literally don’t understand why they are so underrated.
-They have created their own unique style in kpop with a rock vibe that is hardly used in the community. 
-POWERFUL dancers.
-Rude as fuck but thats besides the point.
-Another great group if you need workout songs.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Undercover, Savage, Callin, Take Me Higher.
Other groups that I did not talk about but I think should be mentioned:
-Great Guys 
-Kim Donghan(solo)
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shahidiwrites · 4 years ago
CONFETTI RANKING NO ONE ASKED FOR <3 But firstly can I just say their team literally said so what girl group era are yall taking inspo from? And little mix literally just said yes <3 UISDJOKOISADJ THE I N F L U E N C E S ON THIS ALBUM AHHHHHHHH i think it also sucks that c**** definitely took a toll on the album and i honestly think it was supposed to be released sooner BUT nevertheless it’s here now and i was sO PLEASED AND IM SO PROUD OF THESE GIRLS living their past life having all the fun with this album so let us go!!
1. Confetti. A powerful feel good song. Like this is THE Bad bitch anthem, like I can’t wait to be driving at night with my girlies blasting this. IT’S SO FUCKING GOOD. I love when the instrumental strips away on jade’s verse and it’s just the snaps BEAUTIFUL. Some of the melodies in here were definitely a shout out to girl groups like cherish and destiny’s child and holy fuck it WORKED. T H A T BRIDGE. LIKE. UGH. Vocally it’s a lot more stripped back than the rest of the album, and yet it’s still my favorite?? I think that speaks so much to Little Mix’s musicality. They don’t need insane vocals (even though they DEFINITELY HAVE THEM) to make a good song, like they know what works and they prove it every single time.
2. Sweet Melody. This song is so fucking clever. I know everyone has already talked about the way the instrumental literally follows the words, but IT’S SO CLEVER I’M MENTIONING IT AGAIN. Jade’s verse will forever be my favorite. She really set up the story with her verse. I love how the first part of the chorus is literally a sweet melody before it goes into the edgier chorus UGH SO GOOD. Not to mention this video gave us the first choreo heavy music video since fucking Salute ad that is a blessing in and of itself.
3. Happiness. “Remember I, I was mine. Before I was yours.” Honestly what else do you need? That line was so fucking iconic. The melody is so fucking beautiful, the nod to past girl groups was very strong in this one. It’s a different sound for them but at the same time extremely them??? I love the lyrical content SO MUCH. it’s such a feel good powerful song. The bridge of perrie belting and then the beautiful quick breakdown before they go back into the chorus ugh so fucking good. 
4. If You Want My Love. This song punched me in the face the second it started with Jade and didn’t stop until the fucking end. This was SUCH a spot on nod to past girl groups and they fucking nailed it. The chorus gives me CHILLS every time. It literally DEMANDS your attention in the same way the lyrical content is demanding to be treated right. The bridge had me meltING. PERRIES BUILD UP BELT?? Reminded me of About the boy which iconic we love growth. The melody is so fucking good AND THE ACAPELLA AT THE END??? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING??? so damn good. Everyone say thank you little mix.
5. Rendezvous. Honestly this top five is literally nothing but non-skippable B O P S. The fucking sway sample is ICONIC. It’s giving such motivate vibes and we all know how much of a banger that one is. Trying to imagine the choreo to this song is physically paining me and i’m so fucking pumped to see IT. I love how they have been consistently taking ownership of their bodies and flipping the gender expectations around. “i ain’t trying to fall in love with you” JUST ICONIC. Also reminds me of bloodline by ariana grande and also FUCKING ICONIC.
6. My Love Won’t Let You Down. This song needs to be longer. It’s so fucking beautiful. The lyrical content had me crying by the first line. It reminded me a lot of don’t worry by the 1975 but a lot more personal, it’s a very pointed song so it hits so differently than the 1975 one does for me. But holy shit it’s so beautiful, they have all grown vocally so much. “We can sit at the edge of your bed, tell me all of the fears in your head, and i’ll sing you your favorite song” This REALLY got to me bc idk it just felt like they were speaking to their fans i that moment and I know that alone can mean so much to so many people. It really did for me.
7. A Mess (Happy 4 U). I was not expecting them to start so deep, i literally felt like i was being let in on a secret it was so cute. And then the slip into that head voice, it was so airy and so pretty. And the drums in the background were very reminiscent of nothing feels like you which was a GREAT trip down memory lane for me. I also just love the message behind the song and the lyrical content is cute. AND THE FUCKING D R O P. U G H. THE FACT THAT THIS SONG ISNT HIGHER SHOULD SPEAK VOLUMES AS TO HOW GOOD I THINK THE OTHER SONGS ARE.
8. Holiday. WHY DOES THE FANDOM HATE THIS SONG SO MUCH??? IT’S SO GOOD. THE PRE-CHORUS ALONE !!!! EYE!!! It’s really upsetting to me and my homegirls why Holiday gets so much slander. The music video..... anyway the S O N G. It’s so good. So fun. A tune.
9. Nothing But My Feelings. Idk what this trend is of singing complete FILTH to the cutest little melodies but i’m here for it. This song took me by surprise tbh but i loved every second of it??? ESPECIALLY, the cute little adverbs in the background holy shit. They’re so much fun. And little mix + trap influenced is probably my new favorite thing so i need them to continue doing trap influence for my own sanity.
10. Not A Pop Song. I’m glad the girlies get to sing their truth at LAST. I also love the melody in this song and the “not a pop song” harmonies in the background near the end. I do think the verses are too short but i love leigh’s prechorus so much i’ll let the verses be shorter so i can get to her sooner. Also perrie kILLED that bridge are we surprised? no not at all.
11. Break Up Song. idc man this songs still slaps lmao. IT’S CUTE. But i’ve heard it enough it can’t compete with the new bbies on the album, but that intro gets me hype every time. And I still have fun dancing to it months later, but i’ve had it so long it’s been celebrated enough.
12. Breathe. I just feel like the verses were so much prettier than the chorus, like the lyrical content is so beautiful. Maybe it’s the instrumental??? But i think it would have been so much prettier had the chorus not been so intentionally choppy. The verses alone tho almost saved this song for me and made me put it higher but there’s just so many better songs on the album so it is here.
13. Gloves up.... is this controversial? There’s just a real disconnect between??? everything??? it sounds like three different songs tbh?? I love the lyrical content and the breakdown in the pre-chrous and jesy’s pause before perrie’s power vocals come in, but the instrumental is just kind of all over the place to me. idk maybe subconsciously i was comparing it to salute because that’s the writer they wrote it with but idk just not for meeee
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joshslater · 5 years ago
Grimsby pt. 5
Similar stories and bonus material (like the photo tumblr blocked) on my Patreon.
Declan greeted us with an “Oi, lads” as he walked past us to the kitchen. He took me completely by surprise. The beer, the weed, the fatigue, the everything had me zone out and only concentrate on what was immediately in front of me. The beer, the weed, the heat and smell of big Jace next to me, and the FIFA game I was slowly losing. I had completely forgotten the possibility of Declan. He returned from the kitchen, Stella in one hand and a Lidl bag in the other.
“O'Rourke down at 2 lit the grill. I bought some bangers for us. You coming Jace?” “Always”
He threw down the controller on the table and got up. I still wasn’t grasping what was going down. Jace looked down at me as I aimlessly was moving my team around while trying to comprehend what was happening.
“You’ll lose. Come.”
I accepted what he told me, pressed pause and got up to join them outside. The afternoon sun made everything too hot and too bright, after smoking weed in front of the TV for hours. Jace and Declan talked about something as we walked down the street to number two. I was too buzzed to try to comprehend. I could see a small group standing at the end of the street, in front of us. They looked young, all dressed similar to us, perhaps with less shirts on, and everyone holding a can or a bottle in one hand.
“I got one left” “What?”
I looked at Declan, followed his eyes towards his hand. He was holding out a nicotine patch towards me. I took it, removed the package and stuck it up inside my T-shirt, somewhere on the chest. Fuck, I’m still wearing the track suite from work, I realized. The one that didn’t smell like weed. Didn’t.
“This is Chayse. Lives in 10. He’s cool” “Cheers mate!”
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I took a swig out of the bottle of blue wkd in my hand and nod towards the group. Where the fuck did I get that from? Who drinks that kiddie stuff? Just how fucked up am I, really? If they could tell I was high as a kite, which of course they could, they didn’t appear to give a fuck. Everyone was busy chatting, having a beer and whatever else they were doing. This wasn’t so much a party as it was a bunch of lads having a beers on the street, spilling out into the main road. A white, plastic outdoor chair was placed outside the door of number 2. An extension cord snaked its way from the house and was draped over the arm rest, with nothing plugged in. The BBQ setup turned out to be a couple of single use grills, coal on aluminium trays, probably bought at the nearest petrol station. Declan got a pack of vacuum packed hot dogs from his Lidl bag, tore it open, and dumped the sausages on one grill. One of the unfamiliar guys I’d just greeted turned towards me.
“Aight, did you catch Chelsea Arsenal?” “Of course”
It was one of the games I watched with Declan, and I wasn’t even drunk or debilitatingly high, like now, when I did it. I even remembered some of what the commentators said.
“What you think about the first score?” “It was his first for the season, was it?” “Was it? You might be right, mate. What’d you think about it?” “I can’t even describe it.” “With you, mate. Fucking epic doesn’t cut it”
I shocked myself that I could string together some commentary fragments with empty statements and pass them along as conversation. Not wanting to press my luck I tried to be as agreeable as possible through all the footie talk.
“Oi! Bun!”
Declan threw a hot dog bum at me, which I didn’t catch, but quickly scooped up from the ground. Not trusting my dexterity I put down my blue wkd next to the plastic chair. I stepped over to the grill and grabbed one of Dec’s sausages in the bun. I realized I was starving, as I bit into the hot dog.
“This is fucking great, mate!” “Lidl deluxe onion pork bang. Best there is. Farewell bang, innit” “You’re leaving?” “Want to beat the traffic. It’s been fun.”
I didn’t know what to feel. Most of all I was annoyed he’d drop the news on me like five minutes before he’d drive away. Communication wasn’t his thing though. But it felt like I was going to miss him. Without him I was back to knowing no one here. No, I knew Jace, I immediately realized. It’s like a relay, where I’m handed over, moving further and further away from where I started. Declan didn’t know who I was, but he knew I wasn’t Chayse Brown, at least not this version. Jace only knew what I was now.
Someone from the group took a seat in the white plastic chair, and another one connected a clipper to the extension and started to buzz his head. I couldn’t see a difference, as it was short to start with.
“Hey, Declan. Thanks for everything.” “Safe. Keep your phone charged.”
He walked away towards the car, stella in hand. I stepped back to the chair and grabbed the blue bottle. I took a swig out of it, and almost choked on my big gulp. It wasn’t my blue wkd but something far stronger. I looked at the label and saw a bottle of MD 20/20 blue raspberry. Still fucked up, apparently, because those bottles are nothing alike.
“Hey, are you stealing my shit!” shouted the boy in the chair, jumped up and started to puff his chest. “No, I’m... mistaken” “It fucking looks like you are stealing.” he was staring right at me, just inches away when he suddenly relaxed. “I’m just messing with you. That is yours?” he pointed at the blue wkd still standing next to the chair. “Yeah, I think so.” “Here, take over from Liam” “I don’t know how to... I’ve never used a clipper before.” “Nothing to it. Just move it around until it looks even.”
Liam handed over the clipper to me as the boy got back in the chair. He was right. There was nothing to it. In a few more strokes, though probably much slower than proper, he looked “even”. Not that I would know.
“Here, take a seat and I’ll fresh you up for Friday. Yours looks pretty mint, but I’ll fresh the sides for you.”
I had no idea what he meant, but took a seat to go with the flow. He lathered the sides of my head all around with shaving foam, and then picked up a Gilette razor from a kitchen plate and started to shave my head. It was all bizarre to me.
“You do this a lot?” “What?” “Hairdressing” “Just taking turns freshing up the lads for Friday. It happens.”
Someone new came up to me and stuck a can of Fosters in my hand. “Oi. I’m Connor”
I could feel the headache pulsate with my heartbeat as UK Bounce blared out of the phone’s alarm app. I was in my bed, no, on my bed, again without remembering getting there, and fully dressed. I would take the bus to the dock, I already knew that. Should I snooze or bother with a shower?
As I walked to the bathroom the door to the second bedroom was open, and I was reminded that Declan left yesterday. I wondered if he brought the plastic bag with my old clothes with him, or if he had already binned them. I looked into the room. A couch and a cheap home gym. I’d forgotten that it was even here, since I hadn’t looked into the room since the first day. Fuck, that was only days ago.
My eyes were red and I looked like I was decomposing. By contrast my skull was shiny, like a doorknob with a round little carpet on top. The slits in the eyebrow were more pronounced too. Apparently someone touched them up, though I had no memory of it. What was the name of the guy? Liam?
I took a shower, and some of the magic was back. It felt so good. I was hoping that some 3-in-1 would wash off some grease, and make me less shiny. I didn’t really do much, but then the people at the dock didn’t appear to give much of a fuck. I put on the the clothes I had on me when I entered the bathroom, lit a cigarette, and left the house. I felt like a zombie shuffling to the bus stop in the morning darkness.
I’d finished my cigarette by the time I got there, but still craved more, so I lit another one and inhaled deep. Why didn’t I bring a morning beer? Because that’s not what actual humans do, a little voice in my head whispered. Still, would have been fucking nice right now. Luckily the bus peeked around the corner, so I didn’t have to wait for long. I should probably learn the time table.
There were a few people on the bus, but not many. They were all staring like I wasn’t welcome. I guess I didn’t look my best after what I’ve been through. Saturday couldn’t come fast enough. I decided to sit at the back to avoid the glares of people. It wasn’t until I was just about to stomp out my cig I realized I was smoking on the bus. Fuck. And no one told me not to, not even the driver. In fact, I just realized, I hadn’t even paid fare. Why didn’t he tell me?
One glance at my reflection in the bus window, and I had my answer. I looked like trouble, and he didn’t want any. I felt guilty all the way to the dock, and plonked down two pounds at the driver as I exited the bus. Regardless what Liam, or whatever, said I did not intend to become a thief.
Drudge time.
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jq37 · 5 years ago
The Report Card -- Fantasy High Sophomore Year Ep 1
Sophomores and Spring Break 
Note: Hey guys! I decided to try something a little bit different and slightly more structured than my usual recaps for FH: Sophomore Year. I’m hoping this will be a little easier for me and a more useful tool for keeping up to date since there will be a lot more eps to keep track of and they’ll be easier to miss. Lemme know what you think and if you want raw, unfiltered opinions on anything specific, feel free to send me an ask. I’m always down to go off about literally whatever. 
We’re back, baby! It is Sophomore Year at Aguefort and the gang is on Spring Break. A lot is going down so lemme break it down. The Bad Kids, having defeated Kalvaxus last year, are all entitled to a share of his hoard and all the red tape is finally cleared so they all get 20k gold each (which is an insane amount of money converted to USD if you use the WOTC conversion rate of a gold coin being around $145 (circa 2006 when they answered the question)--which would be close to $330 with inflation). Jawbone and Sandra-Lynn are moving in after less than a year into a profoundly haunted house and it’s kind of a Full House situation because Adaine, Fig, Kristen, and Tracker all officially live there (plus it seems that Zayn has also anchored himself to Adaine’s tower--btw, Adaine took the tower that the haunted house obviously has) and you know all the other Bad Kids are gonna be there on the regular. 
More importantly, Aguefort gives the gang their big project for the year--finding the crown of the Nightmare King which was stolen at the end of last season--which is worth 60% of their grade (Adaine does a full Hermione at this information). Each of the gang has info about the NK but the trail has mostly gone cold. Luckily, Fabian just got a hot tip about where Falinel is keeping Aelwyn and she seems like a pretty good lead to start with since she was super tied up in the bad side of all the messiness of last year. Adaine is displeased to say the least. 
Going off to find the crown is super exciting story-wise for two reasons. First of all, it means the gang gets to hire, well, hirelings to help them and temporarily join the party! They ping basically every cool NPC they can think of (except for Tracker for some reason which is BONKERS because (1) she probably would have done it for free and cutting her in would still be keeping the money in the family, (2) she’s dope as hell, (3) she’s a cleric and the party can always use more healers, (4) she’s a werewolf so presumably she has skills that would help in the woods, and (5) they’re t r a c k i n g down a crown and the girl’s name is literally T R A C K E R, but I will not backseat D&D) and eventually end up with Ragh (who has been without an adventuring party all year, poor guy), Sandra-Lynn (swayed by a nat 20 rolled by Fig), Cathilda (!?) ,and, for some reason, Gilear (which Fabian is happy about, mainly for the opportunity to maybe bump him off on the way). Second of all, if you recall, Elmville is a pretty modern town but the rest of the continent is less fantasy high, more high fantasy. Horses and lanterns and all that pseudo-medieval goodness. They are gonna stick out like a sore thumb. I am very here for it. 
Everyone goes home to rest up but, after some ominous dreams, only four of them wake up. Riz and Fig are left asleep and then Brennan mic drops and ends the episode which is a power move and I am extremely upset about it but also, respect. Right for the jugular immediately. I heard Murph and Emily are on tour in the UK next week which probably has something to do with this but, in the moment, I did not know that and I really felt the hammer drop in my heart. It was wild. Cannot wait to see where we go from here. Plus, who doesn’t love watching characters freak out because their friends are in danger?
Random Thoughts
I have no idea what the title of this episode is or if it’ll even have one and not a number but I gave it a placeholder one for now. I also don’t have access to the stream yet so I didn’t get to include some info I wanted to (like a record of nat 20s, and nat 1s so I can track their stats for the school year) and I probably missed some stuff because my brain can only hold so much info guys. I’m not Brennan. 
I mentioned this yesterday during the stream, but there will never be anything better than the pure D&D joy of everyone, in character, talking over each other to clown on each other. They get the friend-group banter that’s a hair breadth’s away from bullying so true to life and it’s so fun to watch. On the flip side, the opening scene with everyone introducing themselves and affirmatively claiming each other as their best friends was also peak D&D. Found family= best trope. 
Fig and Adaine burn spell-slots at basically the same time to try and beat each other to the best room in the (Scooby-Doo ass) house--which is exactly the kind of thing that would happen in this world. It’s such an intuitive setting. I love it so much. (BTW, Fig ends up staying in the false space under the revolving grand piano because, of course).
Fabian and Gorgug went to recruit Ragh, who assumed they were propositioning him for a three-way. In his defense, they did do it in a super proposition-y way and they were in the middle of the LGBTQ student union.
Also, Gorgug gives Ragh an inspiring speech about thinking you’re your own dad which makes him burst into tears. 
Speaking of, Jawbone offhandedly says he’s poly but, like, based on some of the stuff he’s said, I feel like that’s not really a reveal. He also gets along well with Gorthalax and would be down w/ a three-way if Sandra-Lynn wanted to which, again, totally checks out. 
Arthur Aguefort uses Chronomancy to rewind time and catch a snide comment Adaine made under her breath, which is exactly the kind of frivolous use of God-like power I’d expect from him.  
I really love Adaine’s energy coming into this season. She’s in therapy. She’s in a good home environment. She’s comfortable enough with her friend group to do stuff like prank Fig (love that they’re gonna be living together now). And she’s good friends with Zayn now which I want to see more of based on their one interaction in this ep which was very cute. I am already on record as saying I would be down with her getting a ghost boyfriend--I mean, for the aesthetic alone--but I’d be happy with just more friendship. 
Fabian is also hilarious this season because you can tell he’s gone a bit soft from having friends and leaning into that (the friendship necklace with Riz) but also he’s fully aware that it’s happening so he’s, like, ping-ponging back and forth like, “These are my friends,” and, “What am I saying? I used to be cool,” and it’s very funny. Very happy the Aelwyn storyline is happening right out of the gate, both because I think Aelwyn is a very interesting character with a lot of potential for nuance but also because Fabian reacting to her and Adaine reacting to Fabian reacting to her is always gold. 
Prompted by an offhand conversation from Fig about rock and roll, Brennan--earning another feather for his Cap of God Tier DMing--goes on an impromptu five minute long improved diatribe about a bard who played such a good concert that it instantly impregnated everyone in attendance (dudes too) who gave birth to kids with sick rocker hair and denim jackets and ascended to Rock Heaven on their 18th Birthday. You truly have to watch it to believe it. At a certain point I thought he was gonna drop it but that was the moment he doubled down and kept going. Amazing. 
Watching Murph, in real time, make up a girl/boy/whateverfriend in Fantasy Canada was a gift. 
I don’t have access to the stream yet but best quote of the night that I can remember is Kristen choosing her room: This is triggering and I’ll take it. (Her line about her lesbian starter kit and the one about wanting a horse were also bangers). 
The group talks about what they’re going to do for transportation outside of Elmsville since they don’t really use cars out there and they somehow get from “disguise Fig’s tour bus” to “commission Aguefort to create a brand new animal that can hold six people plus hirelings, one of which is Fabian who is also riding his motorbike”.
I love that Sandra-Lynn’s Mom Powers work on Tracker. 
Basrar doesn’t accept the invitation to come with on the quest, but he does give Kristen a bag of infinite ice cream sandwiches, which is basically just as good, IMO. 
Oh Gilear. The man is sleeping in the Seacaster garage, being bullied by skater kids, and now he’s stuck on this quest with his ex and Fabian who actively wants him dead.  
Speaking of, I’m psyched to see more of Sandra-Lynn. She was kind of a sleeper badass at the end of last season. 
Ragh is keeping secrets which I hope the cast doesn’t forget because it could be nothing serious (like the high school drama happening with Skrank and the 7 maidens--maybe he’s just crushing on Gorgug who did full kiss him during Promocalypse) or it could be Serious Business that will blow up if the don’t stay on top of it. We’ll see. 
Oh, almost forgot. Adaine wants an emotional support frog. Every time I think I can’t love her more.   
Fig for Not Respecting Personal Boundaries
Fig goes full Emily right out the gate and, after finding out that Skrank (nerdy bird dude who apparently can get it) was not only dating Ostentasia (rich, popular dwarf) but also dumped her in pursuit of Danielle Barkstock (one of Ostentasia’s party members, the scandal), disguises herself as him with Danielle to figure out what’s going on. And, wouldn't you know it, when she gives herself away, Danielle immediately is shocked and appalled, as you would be, obviously. We also learn that she’s still catfishing Dr. Asha which is, how you say, for sure a crime. Fig, please, I’m begging you. Cease. 
Honor Roll
Fig, Riz, and Adaine for Researching the Nightmare King
Fig made both lists, look at that. Wasn’t my plan for this to be a three-way tie (also didn’t expect to use the word “three-way” this many times in this writeup) but I think their contributions were pretty much equally valuable. Rainsolo on the Discord wrote up this summary of the lore dump Brennan gave them.
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ritsunaru · 5 years ago
Top 3 episodes from she-ra
here it is! top 5 (plus an honorable mention) she-ra and the princesses of power episodes:
1. s04e09 “hero” — i said what i said!! the cinematography is beautiful and it makes me cry even harder than the finale. the cut from mara playing with the magic ball after creating flora and adora playing with it in the barren clearing is SO good!!! mara’s story is so touching and i really wish we got to see more of her (and razz) in s5. razz is an important connection between the she-ras and remember that she is the entire reason mara was able to warn adora about the heart of etheria!! listen to “i’m not your hero” by tegan and sara immediately after watching for some extra tears
2. s01e11 “promise” — classic episode but this one really set the bar for the rest of the series. same as hero, the cinematography and parallels that ring throughout the entire series are really crucial to catra and adora’s arcs. every time i rewatch this episode i can find something new to make me cry! also this is my favorite song in the entire series, in general this episode is THE most important to the show and it’s a gem in a season of honestly mediocre intros for the princesses. “nothing really bad can happen as long as we have each other” “you promise?” “i promise” AAAAUUUUUUGH just kill me already
3. s03e06 “the portal” — oh god, this and “remember” are so heartbreaking and i intend to write an essay on scorpia’s arc culminating in “remember” eventually. the main thing that makes this episode my third favorite is, you guessed it, the impact on catra and adora. the moment when catra is blaming adora for everything and then adora says “you made your choice” may be my absolute favorite moment in the show. adora won’t let people manipulate her anymore. angella is such a tragic character, but her bravery allowed the rebellion to survive, and s4′s most blatant failure is the lack of grieving for angella shown past s04e01 “the coronation”
4. s03e03 “once upon a time in the crimson waste” — i talk about this all the time but this episode is crucial to scorpia and catra’s arcs and shows the first massive split in their relationship. we know catra’s a bad friend but this is when she snaps in s3 and when she REALLY starts treating scorpia like literal trash. it also sets scorpia up to have her realization in s04e06 “princess scorpia” and it’s a shame that i didn’t have the space on the list to include that episode because the buildup is SO good. but the truth is that scorpia can’t see past the fact that catra is happy in the waste because she’s fueling off her trauma (this reminds me of zuko and his firebending but that’s for another post). if they stayed, catra would never have to confront her behavior because that toxic mindset is encouraged in the waste
5. s05e05 “save the cat” — i bet you were wondering when i was gonna place a s5 episode on here, and it’s not s05e07 “perils of peekablue” bc even though we got our 3 minutes of dt screentime the characterization is WAY off and idc if peekablue is hot scorpia hating dt doesn’t make sense!! phew ok anyway. this is the best s5 episode (heart part 2 is a close second) because of basically everything. let’s get the she ra hot part out of the way but the gentleness adora treats catra with even after everything that’s happened...it’s a beautiful tribute to their relationship over the series and it’s even better knowing that it came right after the WORST s5 episode with the star siblings and the reintroduction of she ra BECAUSE of adora’s grief.....let’s all say thank you noelle
honorable mention to s01e09 “no princess left behind” and s04e01 “the coronation” for having absolute BANGERS also nplb is heartbreaking and i cry every time
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anime-scarves · 6 years ago
Fall 2018 First Impressions
It’s a new season which means new shows which means impressions of the shows I picked up after 3 episodes. I’ve picked up quite a few more shows this season than I usually do. So I’ve either been really bored, or there’s a pretty good selection of exciting new shows. Let’s take a look. 
Zombieland Saga
There was a bit of quiet excitement for this show before it came out, and it had unexpectedly good reviews coming out of a private prescreening. So what’s the show about? Well zombies being idols of course. Yes, you were tricked into watching an idol show and now you’re actually loving it. It’s not a traditional idol show by any counts because the first episode was metal, and then the 2nd episode had a rap battle, and so on. I’ll admit the 3rd episode was a bit disappointing compared to the first two but it was still enjoyable. There’s a lot of questions for the show going forward, but so far I’ve really enjoyed it. Definitely recommend giving it a go. 
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Goblin Slayer
The first episode came out and this was the hottest show to talk about. Not exactly because the first episode was so amazing, but because it was very controversial and contained some graphic sexual imagery (adventurer being raped by goblins). The show is unsurprisingly about an adventurer that goes and slays goblins, and so far that’s really it. The story is loosely based off of the author’s many years of role playing games and it shows a lot in the world too. You’re basically watching an animated DnD campaign. After the edge got toned down from the first episode it’s a reasonable but not particularly noteworthy fantasy show. 
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Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai
I still don’t know what people are calling this show short hand, so I’m gonna go with Bunny Senpai. The comparisons to Monogatari and Oregairu are apt, but do sell the show sort of its own charm. One thing the show really has going for it is that by the 3rd episode it has already finished its first arc which gives you a really good idea of what exactly you’re going to get for the rest of the show. There isn’t a lot of wasted time on needless things, and the chemistry/banter between the two leads has been good so far. If you’re looking for a character based drama/romance/something than this is a solid pick. I’m definitely excited to see how the show ends up. 
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Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken
I’ve been reincarnated as a slime has been a surprising treat. Going in I was expecting “just another Isekai with a twist” but it’s done quite a bit to set itself apart from the rest of the pack. The premise is pretty fun, it’s got a bright and colorful animation style, and the studio is making excellent use of digital effects in the production. So far it’s been a charming adventure of a slime consuming the world it comes across and assimilating it all and learning new skills. The world seems to be heavily based off of RPGs and the OST plays into that with some great classic video gamesque music. This is quite the fun Isekai and I’d give it a go if you were looking for something a little more light hearted. 
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JoJo part 5:  Vento Aureo
Are you watching JoJo? If you’re not you really should be. Since this is the 5th entry into a series I’m not really gonna be trying to convince you to pick up JoJo since there’s quite a bit to see before this, so I’m just gonna comment on how good it is. David Pro has knocked it out of the park with Vento Aureo. The animation is exceptional, the stands look so good animated, really everything is good so far. The ED caught me off guard so hard, but I’m loving it now lol. It’s been so long since I’ve read part 5, and part of what I read was the not as great scanlations so there are large parts of the show that I’ve completely forgotten or were sort of unclear when I read it. Getting to see those animated is going to be at treat. 
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Trigger’s show for the season has got me really excited. It’s a mecha that pays homage to the classics but with a good modern touch the to animation style and character designs. I’m not really sure how to describe this show tbh. There are mecha, kaiju, the over the top Trigger touch, and so on. Understanding the historical context of the show as well as some of the directing choices really made me appreciate the show a lot more. So I’m going to leave a link to Sakugabooru’s production notes for the first two episodes. It was a very insightful read. I wasn’t entirely sold after the first episode, but it’s been growing on my steadily. Having a great time with this one so far. 
Sakugabooru post
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Release the Spyce
Did you watch Yuru Yuri and think to yourself this is pretty swell, but what if they were spies that got pseudo super speed/agility by eating spices. Then I have the show for you. Character designs are done by Namori and I want to say the director worked on Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero. So far it’s been cute and fluffy as you’d expect from something Namori is working on, but the content itself actually goes really hard. There have been drug rings, brothels, military smuggling, illegal pharmaceuticals, and so on. I’m actually sort of expecting this one to end up quite a bit darker than it has started out. Also the OST is amazing and just throws out trap and dubstep bangers during fight scenes. It was so unexpected but it really adds so much to the aesthetic of the show. Definitely excited to watch more of this. 
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Skull faced Bookseller Honda-San
And to round things out I’ve got a short at the end of the list. The show is about Honda and his colleagues that work at a bookstore and their daily adventures of dealing with customers, sales people, and all the daily tasks of running a retail store. I suspect that if you’ve worked in retail, or more specifically a bookstore, this will be extra funny. Even if you haven’t it’s a good laugh. 
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And that’s it! This one got a little long, but I hope you enjoy it or something. 
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k-1-e · 6 years ago
2018 Songs of The Year
With the year coming to an end its time we look back at 2018, and see some of the talent that has made waves in the scene
5. Headie One - Know Better
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This song came out in the beginning of the year, with ALOT of controversy surrounding it. Having all started with Headie one (a much smaller artist than what he is now) going to Luton university for a performance, in which after he was caught on camera going to a student’s dorm and being jumped in the morning after. A classic honey trap setup. Now headie a known driller, refrained from retaliating to the incident or so it seemed. Within the next week he dropped “Know Better” where he raps about Him taking an L in L, but getting a W in W and the rest was left to the timeline with a story about a shooting in Enfield taking place the same day. needless to say headie hasn’t had anymore attempted robberies at his shows.
4. Rapman - Shiro’s Story 1, 2, and 3
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This saga of songs had deep storytelling following the protagonist shiro with his tribulations of betrayal and revenge. Rapman has always been known for his storytelling but shiro’s story became more than a song and became a saga, that had everyone waiting for the next installment. Being compared to UK classics Topboy, and Kidulthood. With star performances from the old “mandem on the wall crew”  Joivan Wade and Percelle Ascott, as well as cameo’s from almost everyone in the scene shiro’s story seemed to come to life being more than just 3 songs. We rarely see rap used in this style anymore but when it is done correctly like Rapman has used it, it is a winning formula.
3. Dave & Fredo - Funky Friday
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If we were looking purely at plays, Funky Friday would be number 1, having reached UK number 1 in October giving both Santan and Fredo their first number one hits. You can hear why Funk Friday hit number one, its got all the qualities of a great song, a good line for everyone’s bio’s on insta and twitter “at this age how man still hating”, radio friendly, sing along value, and a pairing of two of the most popular UK rap artists right now. This is the first song to hit uk number one that had a british rapper as the lead since tinie tempah not letting go in 2015. Produced by Dave himself with help from the ever present 169, the beat loop is very memorable sounding arcade-ish, a definite call back to grime but a sound dave seems to favour on his more commercial songs.
2. Ambush - Jumpy
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My personal song of the summer, Jumpy and the Jumpy remix featuring Chip and Skepta really was played everywhere. Ambush an artist I had never heard of before Jumpy really made a name for himself with this song and it makes sense the star quality is there this is more than a one hit wonder and the scene recognised it. Ambush and buzzworld are now established as names to look out for in the industry, there’s not much else for me to say about this track except if you aint listened to it go play that right now and if you have go back and relive summer 2018.
Honourable Mentions:
D Double E & Skepta - Nang
A cold call back to old school grime
M Huncho - Come Up
M Huncho another name to watch out for has had a great year this song being a highlight of that
EO - German
A rep for the younger gen, a classic sing along type song that got a lot of plays
DigDat - Air Force
Debut single by DigDat and the first drill song to reach uk top 20
1. Unknown T - Homerton B
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Now with this list number 1 was only ever going to be one song. I was happy to let jumpy be my song of the year but Homerton B changed all of that, coming out a week or 2 before carnival i remember seeing this track on GRMDaily not knowing who Unknown T was.Just seeing the title unknown T, homerton B i could already hear the hook and I clicked I was not disappointed at all. Unknown’s unmistakable voice, paired with his flow and lyrics within seconds the yardie in me awoke and I had a burning desire to find a girl and dagger her like 09 sneakbo. This song is a hit, a banger, a masterpiece, fitting in this weird genre of bashment-drill which i feel will be long before anyone is able to recreate. Im patiently waiting Unknown T’s next release and his 2019, i feel he’s going to be a force to be reckoned with.
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deadcactuswalking · 3 years ago
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 27/08/2022 (Aitch/Ed Sheeran)
It was a decently close race, but LF SYSTEM are at #1 for an eighth week on the UK Singles Chart with “Afraid to Feel”, and welcome back to REVIEWING THE CHARTS!
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Outside of a couple big debuts, this is a pretty slow week, and I mean really slow, even if some of the traction or momentum within the songs already on the chart is pretty promising. We still have to – as always – start with our notable dropouts, songs exiting the UK Top 75 – which is what I cover – after five weeks in the region or a peak in the top 40. There aren’t many of those either: “Jimmy Cooks” by Drake featuring 21 Savage is out after being eclipsed by “Massive” (which similarly had a large decrease this week), and “Dandelions” by Ruth B. is gone after 30 weeks without even hitting the top 40.
In terms of the songs filling in to replace them, well, we have at least two new big arrivals that might stand a chance, but of course, we have our notable gains and returning entries. “2 Be Loved (Am I Ready)” by Lizzo and “Another Love” by Tom Odell are back at #71 and #70 respectively, and then of course we have the gains: “Atlantis” by Seafret at #68, “Matilda” by Harry Styles at #56, “Victoria’s Secret” by Jax at #53 (kill me), “Yellow” by Coldplay of all songs at #52 off of the return last week, “KU LO SA – A COLORS SHOW” by Oxlade at #50, “Mary on a Cross” by Ghost at #43, “Turn On the Lights again..” by Fred again.. and Swedish House Mafia featuring Future at #40, “Remind Me” by Tom Grennan at #38, “Under the Influence” by Chris Brown at #24, “Late Night Talking” by Harry Styles at #12, “Big City Life” by Luude and Mattafix at #11, out-charting the original and finally, “Super Freaky Girl” hitting the top 10 at #10, becoming Nicki Minaj’s first top 10 hit as a lead artist since 2014 with “Anaconda”.
Our top five consists of “I Ain’t Worried” by OneRepublic at #5, “BREAK MY SOUL” by Beyoncé at #4, “Green Green Grass” by George Ezra at #3, “B.O.T.A. (Baddest of Them All)” by Eliza Rose and Interplanetary Criminal at #2 and finally, of course, “Afraid to Feel” at the top. Now’s the time for me to talk about albums released in the past week or so that didn’t really impact the chart, and this one does get a bit long because, well, most good music doesn’t chart, but regardless...
Off the Charts
HOLY FVCK – Demi Lovato
There is one album I absolutely adore in this short list of four non-charting records, and for the rest? Well, I don’t have much to say about any of them. Lovato’s newest album, charting at #7, seems to sacrifice much of the growth and interesting character that was developed in their last record for a cheap, derivative pop-punk takeover that spends much of its time in generic, overly-compressed mediocrity, even if some of the riffs do rock and some of the hooks are catchy. Demi is perfect for this kind of music, but the writers and producers gave them the short end of the stick. My favourite track is “CITY OF ANGELS”.
I liked what I heard from this Japanese alternative rock band a lot, but the newest album falls kind of flat. It’s still a decent, well-produced set of colourful, heavy bangers but the production is less dynamic so despite the squelching guitars and soaring nature, everything is a bit too clear and tangible. This wouldn’t necessarily be a problem if it were more cohesive, but sonically and conceptually from the standpoint of someone definitely blocked by the language barrier, it feel s a bit formless to me. I’d still recommend it, and it definitely picks up by the end, but I’m not a fan overall. My favourite track is “Birds and rhythm”.
PUP PACK EP – Kenny Mason
There’s not much to say about this one, either: Kenny Mason delivers three good rap songs, and whilst he’s a bit less on the rappity-rap side here (which honestly is what I prefer from Kenny), I do think his melodic chops are improving and he still has plenty of conscious lyrical bars on the closer. It was pretty exciting to hear him on the minimal plugg-esque groove on “Dip!” with DavidTheTragic, which is my favourite track here, and I hope that next full-length is coming soon.
Ibiza Dreams – Departure
I had unusually tempered expectations coming into this new Departure album, considering that the one review was lukewarm and the title of Ibiza Dreams seemed far from an aesthetic that the largely darker, cryptic production from Departure could really encapsulate. I was therefore pretty surprised by how much this gorgeous album actually resonated. Whilst the other two records from Departure I’ve heard this year were ambitious to a degree, the first was free-flowing and chaotic and the second felt like pretty intricately crafted beats that worked best in isolation. This album has a level of ambition that I did not expect, considering the constant layering and collation of samples that is insanely dense, even more so than other plunderphonics, the guest features and generally longer runtime of some of these tracks and what feels like a more realised concept behind everything here. It’s so clear that Departure – or whoever the character here is – is not at peace, but what this album elevates most to me in terms of a goal or theme is still stability.
The jangling, Summery and wistful tones are always contrasted with these echoing drones wherein one instrument or really one present voice careens through the mix. The “Ibiza dreams” still seem very far away, but the album feels very laser-focused on at some point gaining that sense of peace and escapism, even if the album is indebted to the chaotic overthinking on “Real Ibiza Summers (Thoughts 6)”, the political frustration on “Freudian Analysis (You’ll Never Stop Suicidal Weakness”, and especially that mantra of self-hatred on said track: “loving you is complicated”. Coming into stability and self-esteem will be a rocky, manic road and the level of back-tracking, repeating yourself and predisposed melancholy throughout this record is a pretty nuanced slice of what that journey can be like. That’s not to say it doesn’t work sonically of course, because I’ll always like chipmunk vocals over breakbeats like on “Jacksonville Beach” with High Life, the cathartic, blood-curling scream on the aforementioned “Freudian Analysis”, the paranoid, meandering loops of “Korinthisch” before the soaring guitars kick in and let the track devour itself in its own emotional distance over the frosty drums, and, I mean, “Strobelight” with MMIII is just groovin’.
Katherine Bogue’s ghostly performance on “Isolation and Responsibility” as she recites “Father and Sons” by Cat Stevens / Yusuf Islam genuinely made me tear up a little bit, even when her intimate performances is drenched in the kind of echo and reverb that makes her seem like she’s singing from the heavens above. The beatwork on the closer “Humanity’s Tale” is immaculate with those trip-hop drums punctuating the densely-packed samples, including one of “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion which probably only works in this context. The advice given by the sample on this track, whilst he acknowledges is completely meaningless because it’s advice that goes by his own specific life experience and ultimately, what he’s saying is that it would be best to not take advice from anyone and instead trust in yourself, still resonates because it’s the last step that it feels needs to be taken before “Ibiza dreams” are in reach. It’s at that point that “Ibiza dreams” are evidently not the Summer party fun, if that wasn’t clear already. It’s more of a gateway to balance, and only with that balance is the protagonist, whether that be Departure or whoever else, is able to admit those closing lines: “I want to feel alive, I don’t even want to die anymore”. This album deserves a lot more analysis than I think I can give it justice in a shorter format, and my thoughts on the record are still not entirely assembled, but this album already within just a few days of release means a hell of a lot to me, and I fully recommend it if you’re willing to take a plunge into some at times heavy but genuinely inspiring sampledelia. Seriously, though, trust me on the sunscreen.
#57 – “All These Nights” – Tom Grennan
Produced by The Six and Andrew Wells
There are only three new arrivals this week and honestly, I doubt I’ll have much to say about them, so you may as well call this a Departure album review with added bonus pop music. At least this has a decently unique concept, with the song mostly being about how despite the relationship getting closer and closer, he just wants to hear that extra step in hearing his partner say “I love you”. It’s sold pretty decently as well, or at least competently. My main gripe is the mix given how compressed it all is, cheapening the impact of pretty much any moment, and the drums sound cheap as hell within the same old 1980s synthpop pastiche, but there is a genuine drive to that chorus that feels pretty punchy. Tom Grennan is kind of lacking in presence here, which is surprising given he’s front and centre in this mix: I feel like he has nowhere near the personality to make these inflections work. Like much of the guy’s work, I feel like it could be a great song – and really, this is a brilliant chorus – but the structure’s too jerky, the mix isn’t dynamic and the vocals are just not good enough. This is the closest that Grennan has gotten to greatness to me, but I know it’s possible and that might be the most frustrating thing.
#22 – “Pink Venom” – BLACKPINK
Produced by Teddy Park
...What in the fresh Hell is this? Okay, maybe I should have been expecting something like this: BLACKPINK have a tendency to make the most... out-there and obnoxious elements of K-pop front and centre, but this still feels a bit... much, which is odd because for a lot of the time in this song, the mix feels gapingly open and kind of empty. The constant 90s rap references seem to try and make BLACKPINK’s bilingual raps have something more “tough” to them, but I highly doubt these girls are catching “bodies on bodies”. The wonky, south Asian-influenced trap production isn’t awful in the verses, with the jerky percussion potentially working in a context that isn’t going to scrape it all off for the big finish in the chorus, which has always felt really cheap with BLACKPINK. The chorus is this low-energy looping refrain that whilst hypnotic, completely halts the song’s momentum, before an awkward G-funk rhythm with dusty drums in the second verse which is out of nowhere and has some piercing synths that I definitely don’t like... but at least Jennie’s Big Sean-esque rapid, all-over-the-place flow is kind of fun. This isn’t as manic as “Kill this Love” might have been, but still, by the bridge, I have no Goddamn idea what is going on. Maybe I need to watch the video to understand the BLACKPINK lore and maybe that can make me find out why they’re doing a Big Shaq impersonation on the outro, but for now... I think the girls are at their best solo, when they can play with a certain level of restraint that BLACKPINK does not allow. This isn’t awful by any means, but it’s a sight to behold.
#6 – “My G” – Aitch featuring Ed Sheeran
Produced by Fraser T. Smith, WhYJay and LiTek
Usually with Aitch, and honestly with Ed Sheeran, I pull out the jokes but I don’t think that’s all that inappropriate for this song in particular. Aitch’s new album, Close to Home, debuting at #2 on the albums chart behind Steps, just managed to debut one song on this week’s chart. It’s a pretty sweet one, in all honesty, as Aitch raps about his little sister who has Down syndrome, with some really detailed accounts of the memories that he shares with her, even if some of them aren’t all that positive. Written in an almost letter format, he expresses his motivation to continue being there for her even as times go on – quicker than he expected – and briefly touching on how he wants her to not pay mind to people who may stop and stare because of her condition. It might be a tad heavy-handed, but the narrative being as genuine as it is, especially in that second verse, is more emotion than I think I’ve ever heard from Aitch, and it’s to be commended. Ed Sheeran is also here, and whilst I don’t think his guitar-laden hook blends in with the kind of awkward percussion as well as it could, it’s pretty catchy and for this kind of rap ballad, it’s serviceable. I can see it sticking around.
I probably prefer “All These Nights” sonically but “My G” put a smile on my face so I think I’ll give it Best of the Week, with whatever “Pink Venom” by BLACKPINK is as the Worst of the Week. I do wish I liked any of these three songs more than I do but that’s how the UK Singles Chart works as always. Thank you for reading – I know most of it wasn’t focused on the chart but I frankly don’t care – and I’ll see you next week!
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