#the superman who laughs
shinynewwriting · 1 year
The Superman Who Laughs
So for obvious reasons, I’ve been digging into the comics again to get a look at the Batman Who Laughs being weird and horny about Superman. Even when he’s busy killing his Clark, TBWL can’t help but muse on what they might be able to accomplish together:
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Once he popped back into ‘our’ world, he starts infecting superheroes with Joker toxin. But he’s got one hero in particular in mind:
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(These panels are totally not an excuse to post Clark looking beaten up and pretty.) So Clark decided to dose himself with Joker toxin in hopes of tricking TBWL into spilling his big evil plans. Bruce’s thoughts on the matter?
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Heh. TBWL immediately clocks that Superman isn’t actually under his control, but that doesn’t mean he’s not glad to see his BFF:
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TBWL really enjoys 1.) being a smug dick and 2.) watching Clark smash things:
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But eventually, the game is up. TBWL’s thoughts on everyone’s performance?
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Jesus Christ, Bruce. (All panels taken from Batman/Superman 2019, Issues 1-3)
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exploringopensky · 25 days
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was reading Sherlock holmes and this popped into my head
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I love how Jason’s entire time in jail is basically giving off “leave me alone this the most peace I’ve had in a month” vibes
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he’s not even sweatin’ over the fact he didn’t kill the Joker
probably thinking either they’re lookin’ at the wrong one or even thinking “figures” because fuckin guy never dies
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mamawasatesttube · 7 days
"the bats could take down supers despite the supers being way more powerful than them because they are weak to kryptonite!!!" oh really? mhm, right, that's nice. hey, do you know what the bats are weak to? here is a brief, nonexhaustive list: bullets, bombs, swords, crossbow bolts, arrows, crowbars, bombs, grenades, being slammed into pavement at high velocities, drowning, asphyxiation, and i haven't even gotten into the frost breath, laser eyes, ttk in one case, etc. ...
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catastrophicalcat · 2 months
This is a version of the Batman who laughs which I like a lot.
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World's Finest #29
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aingeal98 · 6 days
Thinking about the concept of Cass getting hit by a de aging spell that reverses her back to before her first kill. And she thinks that either she's been kidnapped from David Cain or this is a new form of training. So naturally she goes to leave and track down her father, and naturally Bruce and the batfam try to stop her.
Except little Cass has not yet learnt that violence can have bad consequences. Any time people try to restrain her...
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Just imagine the family trying to subdue one ferocious 7 year old child who's favourite hobby is breaking grown men's bones. She's too fast and tiny for them to pin her down. After three hours of trying to catch her Dick has a broken arm Tim is unconscious Steph has internal bleeding Bruce is coughing up blood Damian can't feel his legs and baby Cass is sitting on top of the batcave dinosaur excitedly wondering who will try to catch her next.
Alfred and Jason try to hit her with tranq darts but she dodges them too, and in one memorable instance grabs the dart out of thin air and throws it back into Alfred's neck. He joins Tim in unconsciousness. Jason says fuck it and calls Superman, because he'd rather take the hit to his pride and admit they need help than risk the even greater injury to his pride of getting beat up by a seven year old.
(Clark and Diana do not let Bruce live this down in the slightest. The next three justice league meetings he gets greeted with polite questions about whether he's having more trouble fighting small human children this week. He grumbles that Cass should have exploded Diana harder that one time.)
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stanlunter · 29 days
What DC movies I wanna see besides 10 more same movies about Batman:
1. Red Hood. Not an adaptation of Under the Red Hood, but rather about his adventures later (but ofc it should include his backstory, just with a less focus on it)
2. Teen titans - Robin becoming Nightwing. Let's be honest, the show Titans is mid and tried to be too "realistic", I can't call it a super hero series. But I want at least a trilogy about Teen titans, focusing or Robin becoming Nightwing with them being actual teens. (More specific wishes: The Judas contract, Deathstroke's revenge, Starfire vs Blackfire)
3. Deathstroke & Wilson family. It would even be better if it was the same universe as Teen titans movies so Deathstroke was the villain in one of them films
4. Deathstroke vs Batman
5. Harlivy movie
6. Movie about Batfam besides Batman. About Robins or Batgirls
7. Flashpoint adaptation
8. Wonder woman vs Cheetah
9. Something about League of Assassins, because there is never enough focus on them
10. Dark days: the casting. Tell me, who does NOT want to see Batman who laughs???
Feel free to add anything you would wanna see!
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jasontoddsguns · 2 years
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Original drawing :)
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Love that given there are DC villains, a piece of shit scientist, a deranged green creature with a chainsaw, a Martian, a green monkey scientist, a deranged whatever the hell Taz is, a suit wearing sentient AI and an immortal hockey mask wearing serial killer along with Steven and Garnet Multiversus can literally do the "I think we're gonna have to kill this guy, Steven." meme a reality
I think The Joker would have so much more fun trying to break Steven than Batman cuz Steve is a straight up pacifist so I can only imagine the fun The Joker would have just trying to get Steven to break poor kid's gonna need more therapy
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hero-villian-blog · 4 months
Injustice But Batman Takes The Place Of Superman
So recently I was thinking about Batman's moral code and people's problem with it, people's problem with Batman's many incarnations that aren't the greatest, and alongside people not always caring for the evil Superman thing which got me thinking.
While we've had the dark mirror Batmen of the Batman who tries too hard, Owlman, and Justice Lord Batman. What if we got a story where Batman breaks his 1 rule, where goes over the line. He always says he doesn't do it because if he does he probably won't come back from it. So how about an injustice type story where Batman snaps instead of Superman. Where Batman uses his plans to deal with the Justice League and twists it, where he takes the role of Injustice Superman and uses things like red sun lights, Kryptonite, and magic to keep Clark at bay. With something like a Civil War Scenario going on but Batman is the head of it. This Batman could be like say the Dark Knight Returns Batman in all the worst ways that people criticize that version for, all the negative aspects of that Batman.
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thedcicons · 8 months
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Batman Who Laughs.
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leoleolovesdc · 1 year
I’m not ever opposed to heroes having civilian identities, that’s an important part of a superhero story and what makes us relate to those characters in the first place, but realistically I don’t think that would work very well.
If I tried to live a normal life while also having the daily responsibility of saving my city (sometimes even the world) I wouldn’t be able to wake up every day and just go to my boring job or school to do something that I know is ultimately meaningless and selfish since I could be spending that time saving more human lives around the world. Even if we pull that argument “you can’t help anyone if you don’t help yourself” or “if I didn’t have a life I would go crazy”, it’d still be impossible to try and have a nice life while feeling that you are letting hundreds of people die daily for your own mental health’s sake.
I know it sounds stupid, and it is, but it’d be absolutely impossible not to feel the weight of protecting humanity on your shoulders when you’re one of the only people, if not the only person, who can do something meaningful about the damage that villains, accidents or anything else does to millions every single day. It feels selfish and pathetic to put your sanity before someone’s life and having the power to play a game of “would you rather feel responsible for millions of deaths or loose your sanity while trying to save everyone?” just doesn’t sound manageable in any circumstance.
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strange-starz · 17 days
Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point had no reason to be that good!
It's more simplistic then what I usually real, so I managed to read all 6 issues and the spin off in like 2 hours but... The story was so good and so was the character development and the romance
But the panel I have below game me whip lash lol
I hope we get more fortine comics in the future especially with the new marvel x fortnie battle pass
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onlylonelylatino · 2 months
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Blue Beetle infected by The Batman Who Laughs serum by David Marquez
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navree · 3 months
i appreciate this recent trend in dc movies like reeves batman or gunn superman where it appears that the way to really hammer home the different between the hero identity and the civilian one is to give the civilian identity the ugliest fucking haircut imaginable
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cacklingskeleton · 1 year
Superhero Elseworld stories are either:
The most profound superhero story you’ve ever read
Super corny but fun
Something so out of character and edgy it spawns dozens of clickbait youtube videos about “the darkest story in comics”
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