#the subtance
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scogito · 2 months ago
Un'opinione su Revenge. Filmetto niente male sui recessi della rettificazione.
Coralie Fargeat quando è uscita con Revenge ha girato un film intero su un unico quesito, peraltro espresso a chiare lettere da uno dei protagonisti: "Perché le donne devono sempre opporre resistenza?"
Su questo "dovere" si potrebbe scrivere almeno un paragrafo, a cominciare dal fatto che la "resistenza" femminile altro non è che la spinta evolutiva, ma il discorso si fa delicato e impossibile da trattare in quattro righe.
Intanto la regista l'ha piazzata, questa riflessione, nel momento clou dell'epilogo, e senza troppi giri di parole se l'e presa con quell'impiastro maschile che semina merda e pretende di essere trattato da re.
Ora, prima che qualche uomo si senta colpito e ribadisca il fatto che non tutti fanno schifo, è chiaro che ogni qual volta si tira in ballo un problema c'è il rovescio della medaglia. Anche molte donne fanno schifo, ma il tema trattato esplicita il fallo usato come tirannia, in senso letterale e metaforico, non si parla di eccezioni e non si parla di compromessi. Si parla di quegli uomini là, inanimati e violenti di un potere completamente malato. Punto.
Una ragazza viene violentata, i torturatori pensano di aver chiuso la faccenda e invece rinasce più coraggiosa, incazzata e centrata di prima.
Revenge non è un film-pop corn sulla rappresaglia, la trama è basata su un atto drammatico e le sequenze sono amplificate da gorgoglii di carni ferite e generosi bagni di sangue. Tuttavia per certi aspetti hai a che fare con un gruppo di dementi. Per prima la protagonista, che in tutti i luoghi in cui può peccare di vanità non si rende conto di mettersi in mostra proprio davanti al peggior gruppo di sconosciuti e di lascivi in mezzo al deserto, per finire al branco dei diavoli, tanto stupidi quanto vili e vergognosi coalizzati con un leader privo di coscienza.
Eppure è proprio a questo punto che ritorna il "dovere". Prima distorto e dopo rimesso a posto. Il senso di questa Vendetta. L' obbligo e la verità dei limiti, del rispetto e dell'aiuto, a cui vengono chiamati tutti in una feroce rettifica di posizioni. Se la ragazza è costretta a uscire dalla favola di Barbie e crearsi la sua Fenice, gli uomini sono obbligati a prendersi il proprio Karma. Non si torna indietro e non ci sono sconti. La donna scende a patti con l'elemento Yang e gli uomini falliscono l'incontro con lo Yin. I dialoghi contano niente e le sole cose che cambiano gli eventi sono azioni primitive di sopravvivenza. La civiltà in quest'anfratto di terra non esiste.
Che sia per mano di due donne (regista e protagonista) è un dato del tutto non casuale*. C'è una potenza massiccia in questo casino, a cominciare dal fatto che il corpo femminile viene torturato in modi e iniziazioni differenti. Senza lesinare sulla sua fragilità, ma nemmeno sulla sua ribellione. Mai sottovalutare gli orrori e i dolori, mai sottovalutarne le conseguenze.
Qualcuno si sveglia e qualcuno muore. Si testimonia e si restitusce la brutalità subita. Perché il "dovere" chiama tutti all'appello, anche l'aguzzino che nel Super Io in cui si esalta chiede senza capire e prende quello che ha dato.
Dalla negazione al conflitto, dalla paura all'attacco, la resistenza che impera in questo film racconta la trasformazione della pena. L'uso che se ne fa e l'emersione di una tempra insospettabile e insondabile.
Quando il corpo diventa puro strumento e il distacco della vittima e del carnefice si compie nella maniera più cruenta possibile.
*La Fargeat sulle donne ha più di qualcosa da dire (si veda anche The Subtance) e la strada che preferisce è l'horror... di forma e di concetto.
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welcome-to-headcanons · 22 days ago
Providence sometimes contemplates how crackheads like JoJo get into heaven. Although everyone gets angry Providence has her own way around things without (too much) violence. Or so you think. she leads you to believe she's a kind hearted soul, but she would smite you.
Hey! I am going to assume you mean crackhead as in someone who is silly and full of energy!
I'd like to believe you can do as many drugs as you want in heaven.
I mean depending on source material Providence has shown a penchant for anger revenge and violence so I think you're right
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noirve · 8 months ago
love how they made interview with the vampire for me personally <3 like this show has some flaws and i'm aware of them but the themes, the characters, the dynamics, the gothic, the horror.... it's like they reached into my brain to create a tv show with the sole purpose of driving me to the brink of insanity. and that's hot.
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briannysey · 3 months ago
Tbh I get really annoyed when folks online classify any genre or mode of art as bad, mid, uninteresting, or any other of a family of descriptors that indicate that a piece or genre is worthless, instead of just recognizing that the piece and/or its genre is not something that appeals to the person making the claim.
Like you can make the claim that all pop is bland, boring, or uninteresting but I think it says more about you making the claim than it says about the work. It’s one thing to critique a piece and say “this is what I think the piece was trying to do, here’s why it failed,” but to write off the whole genre just shows that you either dont care for or appreciate the form. Which is fine!
But just say that! Like there’s genres of literature and music and poetry and movies and games that do nothing for me. But I dont walk around aaying that horror videogames or more hardcore metal is bad, I just dont play/watch/listen to most of that stuff.
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deusluxuria · 11 months ago
( Spoilers: JJBA Part 7 / Steel Ball Run )
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The American Dream
No me quieres ya
Y siempre estaré
Por tu amor
Por tu amor
(Note: This edit is not about pity towards Disabled people. It is about being rejected by family and by society in the quest for fame and adoration, and falling to anything that numbs the pain.)
[ID: Screenshots from the "Llorando/Silencio/Club" scene from David Lynch's Mulholland Drive, interspersed with parts of the Steel Ball Run manga about Johnny being rejected. In the Mulholland drive images, a woman crying with smeared makeup and a mini dress approaches a microphone to sing, and then collapses, a stage spotlight still on her. The images of Johnny are of him not being as celebrated as his late brother, of his father crying and saying "Oh, god, you killed the wrong son," Johnny with two girls using drugs, and finally, him being shot in the back. The images of Johnny have a spotlight highlighting the most important/most impactful parts of the images./end ID]
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junkie-jerkoff · 14 days ago
As an ex H addict (yea its in the username, ya fuck) I look up to Jason Mewes sm, everytime he talks about his addiction I legit wanna cry, like fuck I'm not the only one who went through this shit and has to go through it? I fucking love him.
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thestalkerbunny · 10 months ago
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It started with me trying to figure out roughly how much HAIR is exactly on Hackles in his human form and it turned into a joke about how his partner is MADE of the substance that they make condoms out of.
Slimes historically are made from a base of a laytex like substance which gives them their stretchy, rubbery, solid form, without it-they'd just be liquids.
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bitchkay · 1 year ago
I prefer Guys characterization in the princes path rather then his consort route
I feel like all the routes should've progressed slower tbh but with Guy in particular I feel like it would really work with a slow burn romance
Also, unrelated but MC always falls in love with her chosen consort by chapter 10 like girl you've known this man for 2 weeks
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fite-club · 6 months ago
AFAB/tme people have female genitalia and thus are at risk for misogyny especially if they don't pass or are outed as trans. No shit trans men don't get oppression points for being a man, they get it from being trans and having a female genitalia; and then in a lot of people's eyes, that means they're secretly a woman or a third thing away from either. I hate the terms transmisandry/transandrophobia too aside from being incorrect linguistically. There are, however, separate experiences away from transmisogyny that don't fit under that term.
For instance, trans men can be raped and forced to carry a child as a method of forcing a detransition, or just made pregnant to "prove" they're a woman. Correctional rape obviously isn't specific to trans men, but being forced to be pregnant or getting pregnant at all is - and NO, I'm not saying that rape is worse for one gender or another, I am explaining the risk. Testosterone is a very controlled substance that's exceedingly difficult to DIY due to regulations and lack of materials. Female-sexed healthcare is extremely invasive and can be traumatic, especially with severe gender dysphoria. Trans people are at a much higher risk for violence obviously, and do you think that goes away because the person in question has or is found out to have a vagina?
I'm not understanding the point of your blog. There are shitty transmascs, shitty trans men, shitty cis men. Tumblr and twitter seem to be the spawn points for theyfabs and terminally online he/theys. But you're not pointing out anything insightful or intelligent; in fact, you seem to just like to argue and bother people for the sake of it, resorting to personal attacks and hissyfits when confronted on your contradictiory nature and deliberately inflammatory statements.
If you didn't read this far because you either can't read more than two sentences you don't agree with -- or maybe your brain turns off and goes into "fite" mode when you perceive attacks on your beliefs and character, from what I've read on your blog. I don't not-agree with you, but I also think your behavior is that of someone much less mature than your age, and you're deeply misguided on current events other than intrapersonal drama.
i don’t care even a little bit about how much you do or don’t agree with me, especially when you make up my opinions instead of asking me for them. i also don’t care about how you personally feel about what i say online and the purposes of what i’m saying. if one more person tries to mansplain transphobia to me as if i, a trans man, don’t comprehend how trans men can be oppressed, i swear to god
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dcive · 1 year ago
i love reiner braun.
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nasthepotprincess · 2 years ago
you must know that laurent has a fatty, right? i mean this has to be common knowledge, right?!?! it can’t just be me, right?!?!
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aplpaca · 2 years ago
i'm just saying id rather read something that's writing style is nothing special but that the author's passion and sincerity can be clearly seen in than read something with the most Amazing Masterful writing style that lacks a real sense of passion/genuineness/connection
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cierv-o-robot-o · 2 years ago
I find it so funny when people ask me why the fuck I find southpark entertaining like girl I do not know either I don’t know what to tell you I’m sorry
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severmyneck · 1 year ago
mmm im supposed to have quit smoking weed like a month ago because im going to eastern europe tomorrow but instead here i am, pounding my stems into powder, scraping anything that isn't completely black out of my ashtray and removing every fleck of resin from my glass
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humanitys-strongest-bamf · 2 years ago
not fun stuff under the cut idk
really weird how triggers work, was fine earlier today and now i cant fking move and can barely fking see and non-stop thoughts of kys are flashing thru my head and i have to eat in like 20 min but i dont think i can keep anything down and then my husband is going to get all upset and want me to tell him wahts wrong and i dont have the emotional energy to pull more shit up and ;aldk jf;lasdkfj
guess this breaks my streak of not smoking
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clownkillsyou · 2 years ago
does anyone else remember the #blackshit madcom nfts
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