#the siblings in law
autisticjoshrusso · 5 months
currently sick and ill about future siblings-in-law maddie and eddie.
like. the potential their relationship has. the two eldest siblings who had to grow up too fast, whose childhoods were dedicated to being parents instead of getting to be kids. the two parents who are riddled with guilt about all the ways they think they've failed their children, who grieve the lost time and missed milestones they can never get back. the two drowning souls who fought and clawed their way back to the people that love them, who need them to never stop trying to be better, to be here, to live.
i love them so much guys i need them to have more scenes together SO badly
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dannymans66 · 5 months
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He spends half his surgeon salary in merchandise
Little continuation to this post, kind of
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lgbtlunaverse · 5 months
"How did Shuro think he could marry Falin when he hated her brother?" you have to understand. Toshiro is from a whole different country. In his head he and Falin would move back to the Eastern Archipelago and they'd see Laios twice a year tops. You can pretend to get along with in-laws you don't like for a few days a year, people do that all the time.
The actual flaw in his plan– which shows he doesn't really understand either of the Touden siblings– is the fact that if the plot hadn't happened and Falin had for some reason said yes to his proposal, Laios would have packed his bags and moved away with them instantly.
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afterschoolcrewz · 2 months
thinking about chimney and eddie as brothers-in-law because they would be SO silly. their dynamic is already perfect but add in that extra sibling component? Mayhem. eddie would be 10x more torturous to chim, chimney would be 10x more indignant to eddie, AND they’d both bond over their shared buckley love interests. also there would inevitably a scene at some point where chimney nudges eddie and goes “buckley’s, right?” and eddie laughs along before both maddie and buck turn around to give them a Look that leaves the both of them begging for forgiveness. i Need it.
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calmlb · 14 days
It’s been clear that the Tanizakis aren’t siblings from the very beginning
here’s some evidence now that it’s been confirmed canon…
everyone who’s read irl Tanizaki’s book knew that Junichiro & Naomi weren’t siblings as soon as they introduced themselves
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BUT just because the Tanizakis aren’t siblings doesn’t mean you can’t feel uncomfortable about them. if you feel uncomfortable, GOOD. that’s exactly what they want
the Tanizakis, Mori— they all use these disturbing ruses to disarm or distract people in order to protect themselves, or to accomplish their goals. this is a writing device that asagiri commonly employs as a way to parallel the irl literature (it’s actually ingenious)
there are 4 main indicators that have always made it clear to me that Junichiro & Naomi are not siblings:
1. most obviously— their character designs. Harukawa is extremely intentional with character designs, & she very intentionally made Naomi & Junichiro look nothing alike
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their eye shapes are purposely different
their color palettes are contrasting
even their differing styles of clothing have meaning
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this was all done so that the audience could PLAINLY see that they’re not related— so that WE know that they’re lying when they say they ARE related
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2. how the people around them respond to their act.
the general reaction is “don’t question it”— which is exactly what they want. “be distracted by how uncomfortable you feel so that you look away from what we’re hiding” (this is likely a protective measure)
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3. most importantly, this is meant to parallel irl Tanizaki’s book “Naomi,” where the main character Joji picks up Naomi to raise her into his ideal woman, but since she's so young (& a minor) they call each other cousins (Joji makes no sexual advances on young Naomi btw)
however, his plan backfires because when Naomi gets older & they get married, she flips the script on him & manipulates HIM so that he's under her thumb (which is why bsd Tanizaki is at a domineering Naomi's mercy). Joji let her have her way because of his masochistic tendencies
4. lastly is the emphasis that Asagiri and the Tanizakis themselves put on calling each other siblings.
over & over, it’s “my brother this” & “my sister that”
like they’re desperately trying to convince us that it’s true (“don’t let your lying eyes deceive you”)
here are just a few of many examples from the light novels…
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again, if you’ve read “Naomi” you knew that Junichiro & Naomi weren’t siblings as soon as they introduced themselves
just like if you’ve read irl Mori’s works, it’s clear that bsd Mori isn’t a pedophile
just like if you’ve read No Longer Human you know that Dazai’s an unreliable narrator. he makes you think he’s a bad person bc he believes he’s a bad person, but those around him see him differently (btw this doesn’t mean he’s never done anything “bad,” though bsd isn’t about morality— but that’s another discussion)
anyway, i’m so excited for the Tanizakis backstory to be revealed so that we can better understand why they use this defense!!
also let this be a reminder to READ THE LITERATURE if you’re able to!! even reading synopses & analyses of the coordinating books makes bsd make much more sense 🥹
reminder that this how you’re supposed to react while reading bsd:
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also, if you’re interested in a post explaining how Mori isn’t a pedo, i wrote this analysis on twt. OR you can read this document that one of my moots sent me (remember: analyzing a character does NOT mean you condone any actions they may or may not commit!)
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kirby-the-gorb · 10 months
yeah! woo! fuck it up kirby! it's [kirb2k]!!!
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sabo-torao · 4 months
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dumb thing i made while trying to fight artblock
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ajuunisu · 4 months
Ace was surprised since he thought he was the only "freaky" sibling
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flymmsy · 6 months
Honestly I do understand Orin because if my sibling’s loser ex boyfriend started trying to tell me what to do - I’d also want him to die.
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 251
Danny is tired and annoyed. On one hand, his parents took the whole ‘so I might be slightly dead’ pretty well! Which is good! On the other, they decided to send him and his sisters to their uncle while they take care of the Guys in White and refurbish the house to be, well, him safe. Which meant a ridiculously long flight all the way to New Jersey. 
A flight he was pretty sure happened to be illegal what with the fact that neither of them were asked for their IDs or anything despite having them with them. Hm. Y’know he’s not going to question it, he’s getting a nap the moment they get to Uncle Harvey’s. 
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
DpxDc AU: Not all omni-lingualism works the same- Nightwing learns this the most awkward way possible.
Dick has gotten to know Phantom, who is constantly hanging around his brothers on various missions and the guy seems like a genuine delight. He’s very easy going, serious when needed and way over powered when it comes to dealing with mission crises. Duplication, ice, invisibility, time dilation (though Phantom insists it has to do with a god’s blessing for running favors and not his own power) like so much, and shit, Nightwing has even seen him easily switch between languages when talking to different heroes. Phantom never explains how any of his powers work, they’re just glad that his powers always do.
On one particular mission Nightwing asks if Danny can switch to a Romani so that they can shit talk without alerting the other team members. (He’s seen him switch to Arabic for Damian so like, why not?)
Danny explains that well, he probably can but normally it takes time and uh, circumstances for him to be fluent enough for conversation. (The circumstances Danny is referring to are that of life or death pt. 2 since that’s when he has the best control over this power.)
Now…Nightwing’s first and only experience with biology related polyglots was Starfire kissing him upon landing on Earth in Jump City. So Nightwing says, ok bet. What’s a little peck between bros?
Being kissed by Nightwing is not what Danny expected, but given the anxiety suddenly raising his blood pressure like a life or death situation would, it does in fact lead to him being able to speak Romani.
This is also the story about Dick learning that he just kissed his little brother’s new boyfriend.
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ulysses000 · 6 months
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A translation of this weird comic: Nami: Sometimes I'm shocked at how much Sanji looks like my mom... Law: Me too.
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dannymans66 · 22 days
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Law living his dream
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benevolentcannibal · 6 months
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just guys being pals(?) what's better than this.
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meteortrails · 6 months
I think a lot about how we only get like one or two scenes of law actually interacting with his little sister, but it’s so glaringly obvious what kind of older brother he was to her through all his interactions as an adult. every time he pulls a morbid prank on the strawhats; the genuine joy of reuniting with his crew; his protectiveness and the way his crew’s safety comes before anything else. it’s so clear what a loving, doting, and insufferable older brother he must’ve been. you know if they grew up together he would’ve done that thing that older siblings do where they lie to you about how the world works and then just let you believe it until you’re like, 25. he would’ve walked her to school and tied her shoes for her and earnestly attempted to help her with her homework. and it kills me a little bit that I don’t think law recognizes that in himself; that the parts of him that were lami’s brother and his parent’s son are still alive and well in who he is today.
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They did not need to make the Fragmented Depiction That Heavily Implies That Little Girl Got SHOT look this cinematic but i am extremely glad they did.
As awesome as it is heartbreaking HERE WE ARE GUYS!!!
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