#the prince and the assassin
cassandtheass · 1 year
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8balldoodles · 10 months
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Assassin zoro au
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starry-skies-writes · 1 month
Ok wait wait we’re all thinking of Runaan and his interactions with Callum and Ezran, but let’s think about SOREN.
Soren, who he fought on that night, trying to kill his king. Soren probably killed some (or at least one) of Runaan’s comrades himself, while Runaan killed his king. They were both leaders that night, of their respective teams. Soren almost killed Runaan that night too, until Claudia stopped him.
How is Soren gonna react???? I feel like it would a ‘sort of’ serious scene where they would kinda stare at each other until Soren says something completely out of pocket that makes Runaan go like “um wtf”
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Dimensional time traveling Prince AU
Damian is 8 yrs old in this AU while Danny is 14 but he's in his Royal form which gives him a 18 yrs old appearance
More about this AU in this prompt
Damian who is pointing his sword at Danny: I challenge you to a duel. Fight me and show me if you are truly worthy of being the so-called 'Blessed being of the Lazarus pits'!
Danny who has just got here literally 5 minutes ago: Woah wait, I'm not fighting a child! You're literally almost half my age! It would be so low of me if I'm trying to fight a kid!
Damian charged at him with his Katana: Fight me!
*After the fight*
Damian who is a bit bruised and is on the floor dumbfounded he just lost:...
Danny who is panicking and cursing himself to fighting the tiny kid: Oh Ancients! What have I done?! Are you okay?! (Screaming and proceeds to heal him with his ectoplasm that can be used for humans and is quite harmless)
Damian who is still processing he just lost and his previous opponent is healing him rather than punishing him or disciplining him by hurting him: I have found a literal angel...
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i think the barbie movie would have a profound psychological impact on hua cheng
prev comic / next comic / follow for still more hualian barbie movie content because i am not done
bonus angsty version 🎉 i hate love expressions just a couple tiny lines on the mouth and eyebrows and it goes from silly to sad
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starry-bi-sky · 19 days
The duality of one Danyal Al Ghul — oop sorry I mean Phantom
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jal-the-jinxed · 2 months
Loving the potential beef in season 7 between Runaan, a deadly assassin and probable "No one is good enough for my baby" type dad, and Stella, the #1 Rayllum shipper and also a tiny monkey
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brynn-lear · 2 months
Note: these are all yandere characters I had back in 2022. I'm describing them very vaguely. I can't bring myself to spoil even minute details I find intruiging even though it's unlikely I'll make this webtoon-isekai-otome game concept come to life. Shoutout to mochi and harmony. I would've forgotten these men exist if it weren't for them lol
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Yan!Butler: People kept mistaking your deceased brother's butler as a nobleman, especially with how you both appear to be best friends rather than master-servant. His butler is one of your greatest allies and critic; not once has he missed his chance to tease you in such “polite” yet convoluted ways. But you at least know his sharp tongue comes from a place of affection, and not from disdain as he would with other nobility. Your older brother took him under the family's care when his small village was brutally extinguished by unknown assailants. That butler thinks all other nobles deserve gruesome ends. There's not a single day where he does not feel paranoid. So when you feel as though the pavement you passed by in your private gardens had splotches of red… you turn a blind eye. You trust your brother and his allies. As long as you ignore that what he does is far beyond ensuring your brother's safety, you can go on sleeping peacefully at night.
Yan!Eccentric Immortal: You honestly thought it was so weird for a wandering pink-haired tourist to wear red shades and a short-sleeved shirt with tons of hibiscus printed on it, but whatever floats his boat. At least, that's what you thought at first before you struck a conversation with him out of pure boredom. No matter how… “modern” he looks, he was dejected enough at the time to confess that he came to see how his hometown looks— only to discover it is practically unrecognizable. He kept pointing to business shops, claiming some used to be parks, a small forest, his favorite bookstore, and a place his old buddy used to have a successful shoe factory on. And then it hit you. This man you're with… is one of your ancestor's mayor turned revolutionary best friend who struck a contract with the devil. There's one small problem... You're involved in said contract.
("Oh, so he's immortal, huh… no wonder he was burying his face in his mushroom hat when we were walking around in the museum. On one hand, impressive that he was the first man ever photographed, but he's also the first photobomber ever. He was just cleaning his shoes and got in the way…")
[More descriptions utc]
Yan!Crown Prince: He is your childhood friend crown prince, who was once a quiet and lonesome kid. You belonged to the very few children who properly befriended him, but in each playtime, he always clung to you tightly. The adult nobles in your life had always made it a point to remind you to be wary of his lineage. “The royal bloodline’s first love is their last— and such obsession reigns supreme.” There is also a legend of how the first king confessed to his tactician after the war. However, he dismembered & hid her limbs when he faced rejection. The royal family has been plagued with unrequited love and unhappy marriages since then, yet you don’t believe him capable of perverse and violent thoughts. He harbors a hopeless puppy-like “one-sided” affection on another childhood friend of yours (THE main female lead) but he takes it “like a champ”, you're sure of it!!! Plus, the prince has grown so mature and independent, always asking for your counsel on politics more than personal affairs. You haven't met a man who enjoyed his duties as much as he does. If anything, he has distanced himself from you… Right?
Yan!Doctor: As a child from a loving noble home, you had remained firm in your stance on committing acts of kindness. When an injured kid your age was starving outside your estate, you did not hesitate to order your brother's butler to fetch food and drinks. Since he was nameless and you weren't one to gloss over a book of baby names— you gave him one that sounds like a dog’s. Years later, you've fallen gravely ill. No physician across the continent could help you despite your philanthropist reputation. But there was one who had done the impossible. The doctor cured you in under a month, and when you tried to cover his services, he said everything was paid with “three glasses of milk and a box of biscuits.” Honestly, you should've remembered who he was sooner, considering how strange his name was. Despite such a grand revelation that he apparently owes you his life, there's unbridled hunger beyond his “kind” eyes. Something lonely and unhinged.
Yan!Ex-Hitman/Politician: There was a boy you've always seen each time you went to church. You see him every week that you both watched each other grow up. Apparently he came from a noble bloodline just like you, but despite being the eldest, his parents greatly favored his younger sibling. Deciding he had no talent to best him, the boy went to the monastery to practice the word of God instead. You always thought he was an ambitious and good-hearted person— especially since it's not exactly common for someone in their late twenties to aspire for the position of prime minister and appear so incredibly wholesome. On your quest to find someone to help you solve the mystery behind your older brother's death— you found out that the kind mint-eyed man who often carved wooden toys and sewed plushies for the orphans was the notorious hitman who killed plenty of corrupt nobles in his prime. Could he be behind your brother's death…?
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tategaminu · 1 year
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strifentines · 6 months
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redgoldblack war room meeting
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bellmo15-blog · 7 months
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It may of been a month and a half since that whole "gamers need to get comfortable with not owing there games" quote from a Ubisoft executive but no, you DON'T just say shit like that and expect me to pretend you didn't say that!
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cassandtheass · 1 year
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the prince 👑
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8balldoodles · 10 months
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Medieval au where sanji is a prince and zoro is the assassin hired to kill him except they fall in love
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rayllurn · 1 year
When someone insults you by calling you a "junior assassin":
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When someone insults your boyfriend by calling him a "baby mage":
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radiance1 · 1 year
A Dp x Dc idea that isn't Danny-centric!? Say it ain't so!
So I think that this'll be a relatively short one but anywho.
Pariah Dark forcing the entirety of Amity Park into the ghost zone did not come without consequences, even with the ghost shield the Fenton's put over the town.
Said consequences come in the form of the entire basically becoming a ghost portal in and of itself. It mostly happened slowly over time, with the town experiencing quakes that spread quakes that lead to the Ghost Zone.
Everyone had to evacuate when it got really bad, well, mostly everyone. You see, Sam didn't want to leave Amity Park at all so he tried to find ways to convince her parents to let her stay even if said city was basically crumbling.
Then she had an idea.
What if she became one of Undergrowths allogenes? (taken from genshin impact)
So she persuaded (read: bullied) Danny into taking her to him so they could make a deal and let her stay in Amity. Undergrowth was surprisingly accommodating to the both of them, what with Danny becoming the new Ghost Prince and Sam already leaving a good impression on him.
He gave her a task, take this seed and place it within the middle of Amity Park and watch over it until it fully grows, then, and only then, will he accept her as one of his allogenes.
So Sam very obviously took said seed, said yes, and went to plant it.
The center of Amity Park was basically a giant ghost portal, it was small, at first. But with each and every quake it expanded and expanded until it couldn't be ignored anymore, so after Danny and Sam got back and went to it, Sam just dropped the seed in the middle of it and watched it sink.
Luckily Overgrowth gave her a proper method she should follow to ensure its growth, at the very least.
It took 4 years for the seed to grow, 4 years of relative isolation for Sam. Danny was usually busy with High Prince duties, what with being summoned and the likes, while Tucker was busy with taking over the outside world.
They still made time for her however.
When it grew Undergrowth gave her praise, not many would willingly keep themselves in isolation to grow an interdimensional seed from the other world. Such, he made do on his promise and gave Sam a portion of his powers, turning her into one of his allogenes.
He did however tell her that she was only Allogene he's ever had in multiple eons. Some of them chose to reenter the reincarnation cycle, while others sacrificed themselves for the greater good and such, some of them among the living are still alive, however, so they should be at least, vaguely aware of her existence.
Sam trained her new powers, familiarizing herself with them until it was as easy as breathing, which took a few months of non-stop training. Thankfully her new stamina is leaps beyond that of her previous human self. Eventually, she was even able to create a few lotus' that acted mostly as transport around the giant ghost portal.
Oh yea, did I mention that the Ghost Portal expanded enough to take over all of Amity Park? Well, a few buildings here and there stilled survived, mostly like small islands but still.
So Sam was living a pretty fine life, all things considered. Her days were very peaceful, tending to a few plants here and there, taking care of the giant tree that sprouted from the seed she grew, training her powers and talking to Danny and Tucker whenever they dropped by.
It was repetitive, but a nice one.
Then her daily cycle was interrupted by people claiming to be the Justice League, and she honestly did not have a clue as to who they are. She didn't really keep up with the news after planting the seed, or the outside world at all for that matter, the only one she regularly kept in contact with was Tucker.
She thought back on, and Tucker did mention them once or twice. Mostly painting them as irritating individuals yet worthy of respect, not that she knew why but she wasn't going to just let them step in here regardless. It's pretty rude to just step into someone's home without permission, no?
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An Assassin Analysis
I was honestly not expecting to see Ram, Skor, Callisto, and Andromeda again. I thought that their role in the story had ended in Season One, but I especially thought that after their souls passed on in Through the Moon.
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When Rayla first went through the portal at the Moon Nexus she encountered them; something that was surprising to me. I had assumed that they, not turned into coins or held in limbo by Aaravos, would simply have passed on. But we discovered in the comic that their spirits were not at peace;
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After seeing that the binding was gone from Rayla's wrist, they assumed that meant she had completed their mission and killed Ezran. They vanished before she was able correct them. I took this as them passing on in peace once they believed that their mission had been completed.
So why, now, are we seeing them again?
"The Keeper has a secret." That is what the Instagram post with the new screen shots says. So... are the assassins connected to The Keeper's secret?
Based on the Moon arcanum's relationship with the afterlife, death, and the thin line between reality and illusion, my first thought is that The Keeper is some sort of "Keeper of Souls". But that doesn't make sense, because I don't think that Ram, Skor, Callisto, and Andromeda are going to come back. I think that this is an illusion of them. Or, at most, their spirits being called back to speak one final time (maybe my theory can be correct).
I don't think that they're really there, and I don't think that they'll be brought back from death.
In the image, we see them holding out their hands as if to cup one of the metal lotuses that Ethari made, though they're empty.
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And beyond that, I feel like what Rayla is standing in with them could be the pool of water in the Silvergrove, where said lotuses are placed.
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One theory I have is that Rayla is in a sort of "trial" to have her status as a Ghost removed. But there are many more options.
Whatever the case, this makes me think that we will definitely be seeing the Silvergrove again. But does that mean that Runaan and Rayla are going to go off on a solo mission while Callum heads to Katolis?
Another option is that, if my theory is correct and The Keeper does have a connection to the afterlife, they could potentially use him to commune with the spirit of those that originally put Aaravos away; learning the whereabouts of the Nova Blade.
So maybe they go to the Silvergrove for help, and to reunite Runaan and Ethari, but before The Keeper will help them Rayla must face what happened back in Season One and her status amongst the elves there as a Ghost.
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