Love, War, & Soren
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The Dragon Prince thoughts Sorvus & Rayllum & Sorpeli #continuethesaga
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sorinethemastermind · 12 hours ago
Claudia busting out with "You taught me who I am and how to love myself" about Viren in s6 like never has someone so neatly encapsulated the cause of 90% of their deep-seated psychological issues in a single sentence like that before
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sorinethemastermind · 15 hours ago
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an old ezran doodle, I miss drawing dragon prince
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sorinethemastermind · 15 hours ago
Sir that’s my emotional support bread sandwich
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sorinethemastermind · 18 hours ago
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so season 6 trailer huh?
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sorinethemastermind · 21 hours ago
Day 97 of Campaigning for The Dragon Prince Arc 3
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How do we get it? Leave positive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB!! Tell Netflix that we wants seasons eight, nine, and ten through their online request form!
Want to go the extra mile? Write @netflix a letter: 131 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032, US 
And of course keep using the hashtags! #continuethesaga #giveusthesaga #thedragonprince #netflix
Keep the fandom alive! Keep discussing the show - rewatch it! - host fandom events, create metas, fics, and art. We're in this together!
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sorinethemastermind · 1 day ago
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i would call this a work in progress but this is as much work as i’m doing for it lol,, abandoned comic my beloved
anyways i think soren is very neat and i definitely don’t want him to suffer immense amounts of trauma ahaha what makes you think that haha
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sorinethemastermind · 2 days ago
I've been howling at a hollow moon
In which Corvus ponders and starts his journey to New Lux Aurea Co-written and edited by the lovely lovely @sorinethemastermindI write the Corvus POV's, they write the Soren POVs. Also on Ao3 and it has a playlist!
“I love you.” 
Corvus watched, a bit dumbfounded, as Soren left through the cave, the passage disappearing.
Soren loved him.
Corvus’ lips still tingled from when Soren had kissed him.
Soren had kissed him.
“You seem happy.” 
He jumped, turning to see Ethari standing next to him. A small smile was on his face, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“Oh- erm-” his face flushed. “You saw that, didn’t you.”
He let out a small laugh. “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”
Corvus blew out a breath. “I hope he’ll be okay.”
He didn’t want to lose him. Especially not after this– whatever this was– had just started.
“I used to worry about the same thing when it came to Runaan.” Ethari looked at the path, which had long since closed. “Still do. Especially after last time.” His gaze dropped to the ground. “But it’s important to trust them.”
Corvus nodded, his mouth pressing into a thin line. Whatever feeling he had earlier had vanished, replaced with a gut-churning worry.
Please be okay.
Please be okay.
Please be okay.
Buckeye knickered, nudging Corvus with his snout as he finished packing up the saddlebag.
Corvus was sure the horse knew somehow, and was being smug towards him.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want.” He patted the dark brown horse on the snout.
Callum had left a few minutes ago, flying off with his large, hawk-like wings. Corvus didn’t think he’d ever get used to that little trick that he did. It was efficient, though.
From what he knew of the location of New Lux Aurea, it was closer to The Silvergrove than The Silvergrove was to the Banther Lodge, and he wasn’t tracking anything, so the journey would be a lot shorter.
Just over a day if he didn’t take any breaks, which was unrealistic, considering New Lux Aurea was in the middle of a desert, so he estimated around two and a half days, just in case.
Two and a half days of the same gut-churning worry about Soren.
Buckeye nudged him again, snorting lightly,
“Yeah, I know.” Corvus rubbed the side of his face. “Let’s go.”
He mounted Buckeye, and they started out of The Silvergrove. The trees were a bit dense, but there was still enough space for them to weave their way through the trees at a well-enough pace, rays of the full moon streaming through the leaves and lighting their way, with the assistance of bioluminescent mushrooms and critters.
It was beautiful to look at.
He wanted to show Soren.
When they had traversed through here before, in order to get to The Silvergrove, it had been day. They didn’t get to see this part of the landscape on their journey. And he wanted to show it all to him.
Every flower, every mushroom, every leaf on the curved trees. He wanted Soren to see it all.
He hoped that he’d be able to one day, once all of this was over.
Once everyone was finally safe.
Corvus looked up at the trees. As they kept going, white glowing flowers hung low from the trees on vines. Each one had different colored vertical stripes lining its petals, casting a glow on his and Buckeye’s surroundings.
He reached up, his fingers brushing against the bright blooms. He hesitated, before plucking one from the vines. This one had bright red stripes leading towards the center, casting a bright light in his palm.
He’d give it to Soren when he saw him next.
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sorinethemastermind · 2 days ago
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Here are all the Keepsakes and Accessories from the Moonshadow Forest region of The Dragon Prince: Xadia mobile game (recently removed by Netflix). #TheDragonPrince #playXadia
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sorinethemastermind · 2 days ago
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I love these weird/dumb siblings so much
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sorinethemastermind · 2 days ago
Day 96 of Campaigning for The Dragon Prince Arc 3
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How do we get it? Leave positive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB!! Tell Netflix that we wants seasons eight, nine, and ten through their online request form!
Want to go the extra mile? Write @netflix a letter: 131 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032, US 
And of course keep using the hashtags! #continuethesaga #giveusthesaga #thedragonprince #netflix
Keep the fandom alive! Keep discussing the show - rewatch it! - host fandom events, create metas, fics, and art. We're in this together!
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sorinethemastermind · 2 days ago
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i’ve decided to stan forever
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sorinethemastermind · 3 days ago
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I need to know more about their interactions… please
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sorinethemastermind · 3 days ago
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Please watch The Dragon Prince, Please….
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sorinethemastermind · 3 days ago
My F1 and Dragon Prince hyperfixations are clashing hardcore rn, so do I force them into an alliance by writing a Dragon Prince Formula 1 modern AU..?
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sorinethemastermind · 3 days ago
It is not a secret that Opeli likes to read.
It's a rather invaluable skill for a woman of her station, and she is reading something almost every moment of every day: there are treaties to proof and reports to parse and laws to interpret, but it's a hobby as much as it is a necessity, and the secret isn't in the fact that she likes to read—
It's in what she's reading.
And Opeli will never tell anyone this because she's a cleric and a noblewoman, but also because the crass she hides in the bottom drawer of her desk is well and truly crass. The kinds of books she indulges in have no business being in the desk of someone so esteemed and respected, and if anyone knew—
It makes her blush to think of it. It's the romance, she reasons, the emotional connection between characters and nothing at all to do with the drama of their affairs, or the heat of mouths and bodies in dark corners, or the forbiddeness of their desires. It's the depth of their relationships and the things they would do in the name of love, the sacrifices they would make, and the dream of the happy ending that could be.
It's the things she wonders about, the things she might have had if she'd chosen a different path, that had felt so distant and out of reach until...
Soren is the one who finds her latest novel which is not at all surprising but the way his eyes widen makes her face burn more than the activities of the characters in her books.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?"
Opeli almost falls out of her chaise in her haste to remove it from him, but Soren, playful as he is, holds it high out of her reach, its cover too salacious even for plausible deniability.
"Give it back," she snaps, the venom of it lost in her embarrassment.
"Empire of Shadows, huh?" he says, smirking at the half dressed couple on the cover. "I didn't think you were the type to enjoy this kind of thing."
"Soren, I mean it."
"Is it any good?"
He laughs good-naturedly and lowers his arm enough for her to snatch it back. She jams it back into the bottom drawer of her desk and slams it shut again without looking at him, her face so warm she wonders if she might do herself a favour and spontaneously combust. Soren has seen a great deal from her over the years, but she is certain he's never seen her quite so mortified.
"Are you... embarassed?"
Opeli scowls at him. "What do you think?"
He only shrugs. "I just don't get why you would be, if you are. Plenty of people read books like that."
"People like me decidedly do not."
He snorts. "Gods forbid people like you enjoy a little trash from time to time." He rolls his eyes and leans his hip against her desk, his smile easy and unoffended. "You, of all people, should know I would never judge you for anything like that."
"Yes, well." Opeli straigtens, schooling her face into something a bit more refined. "I'd rather the topic of my personal reading material remain secret, thank you."
"When have I ever told anyone about your secrets, Opeli?"
She pauses then and relents. Soren knows more of her secrets now than anyone because he is one, and he has never given her a reason to doubt him. "My apologies," she mutters, glancing away for a moment, but Soren only chuckles and draws her back to him.
"What's it about?"
She takes a breath. "Two adventurers," she murmurs. "A lost city. Forbidden love."
"Oh, a classic," says Soren, leaning over to pull it back out of her drawer. "Will you read some of it to me?"
She flushes again. "Must I? It's rather..."
"Spicy?" He winks. "That's the point."
Opeli's face grows warmer. "Searching for ideas, are you?"
"To please you? Always."
She laughs then, the warmth in her cheeks be damned. Then she takes the book back from him and presses a kiss to his lips for good measure.
"If you insist."
He does, and he does not judge her for it once.
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sorinethemastermind · 3 days ago
Day 95 of Campaigning for The Dragon Prince Arc 3
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How do we get it? Leave positive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB!! Tell Netflix that we wants seasons eight, nine, and ten through their online request form!
Want to go the extra mile? Write @netflix a letter: 131 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032, US 
And of course keep using the hashtags! #continuethesaga #giveusthesaga #thedragonprince #netflix
Keep the fandom alive! Keep discussing the show - rewatch it! - host fandom events, create metas, fics, and art. We're in this together!
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sorinethemastermind · 3 days ago
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Best siblings ! 
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