#the point is that i don't think he's asexual but i can't actually find anyone who agrees
spoofymcgee · 5 months
i'm going to caveat this by saying this is me, ranting about a personal preference on my own personal blog, stating an opinion and not a fact.
because. look. twelve is actually probably my favorite doctor. he's such an excellent personality, vivid and bright and he takes himself very seriously while also being a little bit ridiculous with how pompous he is. i love him with my whole heart.
my problem is with any kind of shippy fic about him.
because, and don't get me wrong, i am a world champion sucker for twissy and river/twelve. there are so many incredible fics about them that i absolutely love.
but even in those fics, there's almost invariably a bit, either a one off sentence or a reccuring joke or just a background fact, that twelve doesn't like sex, isn't generally interested in it, is mostly asexual, and his one exception is either missy or river.
which. and i'm speaking as an allosexual person here, which is why this is very much just an opinion about something that rubs me the wrong way, and not like a call out or anything, but i don't. like that?
because the implication there is kind of that even if you aren't interested in sex, you must be interested in it with someone as beautiful or cool or intelligent or badass as river and missy are. even people who don't want sex must want sex with The Sexy Lady. and i don't like that? that makes me really uncomfortable.
because it's pretty clear in, like, their canon interactions that twelve doesn't really have, like, aesthetic appreciation regarding people? like, that scene with river on darilium in the restaurant, which i think is meant to be played as 'oh he's like a man he doesn't get beauty' but really just comes off as he always thinks she looks nice because he loves her but genuinely can't tell the difference between one look and another because his appreciation for her isn't based on her appearance. (and the bits with clara but those get. weird. sometimes.)
which i don't think necessarily means that he doesn't experience sexual attraction, because that is separate from aesthetic attraction. but i just.
i think there are totally valid, text supported interpretations to view twelve as allosexual, asexual, or anywhere along any sort of sliding scale between the two. you can also have a totally valid head canon that isn't text supported, regardless.
but framing it, consciously or unconsciously, as 'he doesn't like sex, except for his one exception, this super sexy lady, who he does like sex with because she's the love of his life/super stunning/some other strange reason' just. really weirds me out.
because old people can like sex! just because twelve is old doesn't mean he doesn't want to fuck! but it feels like so many people who want to fuck that old man don't think that old man should want to fuck. which is strange and uncomfortable.
and this is a problem because the only way i can think of to solve this is to write my own fic but i don't think i'm super good at romance so.
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geminiartemis · 29 days
Let's talk about Mammon's asexuality!
Okay, first of all, I know this post is waaay late to the party, and maybe someone else has already talked about this much more eloquently than I ever could, but fuck it, I just feel like talking right now. lol
So, back in July, this official image was posted.
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Most people were surprised to find out that Mammon is asexual. Heck, even I was surprised, although I had seen that theory around.
But after a while – and many, many rewatches of that episode – I realized that it makes perfect sense.
(Obligatory disclaimer: I'm ace. Not all aces feel the same way about sex and allos. Mammon is a piece of shit regardless of his asexuality. Most real life aces aren't assholes like Mammon. I actually love Mammon as a character. Don't take things too seriously. It's not that deep. Calm down. Take a deep breath. Drink water. TRUST US WITH YOUR ENTERTAINMENT!)
Exhibit A
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Mammon insists that making a sex robot out of the clown pageant winner is not weird. Then he points at some random guy in the audience and says HE'S weird for even thinking that.
Here's what I think. Mammon knows it's weird. Look at his face. Listen to his tone. He's super weirded out. It's only acceptable to him because it'll make them money, because he's still a greedy bastard, but he does think it's weird. Nobody said anything and he still got defensive about it and put the blame on someone else. “YOU'RE weird, you sick fuck!”
The thing is, to him, sexualizing a young clown is probably just as weird as sexualizing anything or anyone else. Because he's ace and not too worried about the ethics of it as long as it makes him money, sex is weird, sexualizing people is weird, people who like sex and sexualize others are weird, but those things are generally socially acceptable, so everyone is a sick fuck, so how is sexualizing Fizz any different? He just doesn't see the difference, nor does he care to.
Exhibit B
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Like I just said, people who sexualize Fizz are, in Mammon's own words, “sick, fucking degenerate adults.” Like, the idea actually disgusts him! He is so disgusted by his customers who sexualize Fizz that he can't even keep his opinion of them to himself while recording a TV ad! Not because he has morals or any affection or sympathy for Fizz, but because sex and sexualizing people disgust him. He just doesn't get the appeal at all. (But it makes him money, so he goes along with it.)
Exhibit C
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Since sex is so important to allos and IT KEEPS BEING BROUGHT UP ALL THE TIME, we aces sometimes get the impression that it's all allos think about. We assume sex is allos’ Roman Empire. Assume that allos are always DTF. What do you mean you DON'T want to be fucked, Fizzie?? *Crimson voice* That's the kinda shit you allos like, right?!
The sad thing is, that's the sentiment I saw some people in the fandom express when this scene and this line came out. So Mammon's reasoning here isn't even an exaggeration, ridiculous as it is. I don't know if those people were hypersexual allos or clueless aces, but… yeah… it's something that some people think in real life, apparently.
Anyway, the point is, I can totally see the ace vibe in Mammon now. Is making one of the most irredeemable villains ace, the kind of ace who has zero respect for allos, a wise idea in terms of ace representation? Eh, we've already had this discourse in Hazbin Hotel with regards to Alastor, and everyone has their opinion on this. I'm not getting into that. And hey, Octavia is ace, too! I don't know if that will be relevant in the show, but it'd be really cool if it were. We'll see!
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Am I the asshole for giving a random guy my friend's phone number?
(🍫📲 to find later)
I (22 NB/F) was working one day at my place of work by going around and putting various items for sale where they belong in the store, as well as taking out the recycling. As I was making my way up to the front of the store so I could go to break, this older gentleman needed help reaching something. I helped him pull it down, but before I continued I was stopped by this other kid. He had a healthy-looking emo haircut and wardrobe, so I didn't think too much about it at the time. I kid you not, his eyes were big and wide like some kind of bishounen anime (idk if I spelled that right). Literally looked straight out of one almost, he reminded me of an excited puppy too.
"Hello! Do you need help with something?"
"Uh- actually, I was wondering if I could have your Snapchat?"
I was completely gobsmacked.
"Uh- I don't have a snap chat." A lie, but only because my snap is exclusively for my BFFEAE (Best Friend For Ever And Ever). I don't pass it out to my coworkers, family, or any other friends. Just her.
"Can I have your number then?"
Usually guys don't like. Spend this long on me. I'm Demiromantic and Asexual, and for those who don't know, that means I have no interest in having sex with anyone and have no interest in dating anyone but close friends. I never thought I'd be in this situation. Ever. The idea of anyone asking me out of the fucking blue for this is so far out of left field for my expectations that I was just staring awkwardly at him for a moment.
"... unless... age is an issue?"
"Ah- no, I am 22, but I'm just not interested in a relationship right now."
And it's the truth, honestly. My mental health has been a rollercoaster of emotions and schedules that I've been struggling to maintain for months. I did have one at the beginning of the year, but dropped it because I realized I couldn't trust my lover (he was extremely conservative, and I had to hide a lot of my life from him, but it was nice while it lasted honestly. Broke up on good terms).
"That's okay. Maybe we can just hang out sometime or something."
I'll be honest, I haven't been in good health to try a brand new friendship with a complete stranger either (I have horrid social anxiety to the point where I am basically a shit in hermit, and with everything going on in my life I don't think I can handle pushing my anxiety well).
Now, years ago, when me and my BFFEAE first moved to different states, we agreed that we could use each other's phone numbers to give out if we couldn't handle it or just wanted the guy to leave us alone. We have each other permission to pretend to be each other for it, that way they're more likely to listen thinking it's you saying "no thanks" instead of her friend saying "get off her back".
So in the span of ten seconds, because this kid was really sweet and I was still pretty shocked this was even happening, I was giving my friend's number to this sparkly-eyed kid (idk how old he was but I assumed he was younger than me, that's just my natural assumption honestly) and continued on with my work day. I told him a semi-common nickname of mine instead of my actual name bc my name is hard to spell and I didn't feel like putting much time into it.
Of course, immediately after I called my friend up and left her a message saying I passed her to this really sweet kid and to be kind with him (she's a protective mama bear kind of person) but that I simply wasn't interested and didn't have the right mindspace for a new anything.
Fast forward to when I get off work and check in with my friend, she and the kid had been chatting back and forth. Apparently he was into drugs (I have sensory issues and can't handle that kind of thing, so I feel like I've actually dodged a bullet) but was getting along really well with her otherwise. We got chatting about it when I confirmed that I'm not open to hanging out with him and that as long as she's kind and doesn't try to set me up with him or anything, I'm fine with her discussing whatever with him.
"I get it girl, we all get like that for a time. I'll keep it away from ya.
By the way, he thought you gave him a random number. He was SOO excited when I responded as you lol"
I felt absolutely sick and was horrified. I figured he would have been like "sick", but apparently he had been like "FUCK YEAH". I feel horrible for deceiving him like this, but I genuinely am in no spot where I can mentally handle picking up a new friendship, much less a romantic relationship. It doesn't help that he genuinely caught me off guard, and passing him her number was my first response to handling it.
Am I the asshole for doing this?
What are these acronyms?
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freddie-77-ao3 · 3 months
sup yall we're vibing here
anyway. hey, my name's freddie, and i'm finally trying to write an actual intro/master post which... we'll see how this goes.
important stuff is highlighted in orange.
so, basic stuff:
as I said, my name's freddie. he/him pronouns. i'm a college student (majoring in accounting, might add a psych minor). not gonna say which college but i'm currently in california.
i've been on tumblr since 2019 i think? not under this account, this started as a fandom account and then spiralled out of control... really fast. um, my regular tumblr which i've not actually opened in ages is @chronicchthonic14 so. yeah.
not particularly relevant to this blog, but i might mention it at some point so, i have autism and adhd. and some other things but. like. that list is very long and those are the two most relevant because i promise if i come off wrong/mean, i didn't mean to, i just forget to make my words normal. but. those are the two most referenced. if for whatever reason someone wants to know more or has questions you can send an ask ig?
i'm scottish, born there. moved to US when I was four. finishing uni and moving back.
some quick warnings
this blog definitely contains cursing/vulgar language, whatever you want to call it, so if you're not comfortable with that, probably not the blog for you, as i don't tag cursing or anything for you to filter out.
if, for whatever reason, if i ever reblog something that contains a slur (against racial minorities, queer people, anything) i will ABSOLUTELY tag that though.
also if anyone has any trigger warnings they think any content needs, please let me know-- asks, dms, comments, reblogs
the cursing thing also applies for sort of dirty jokes? think that only applies to like. two posts and very not explicit. those aren't currently tagged but if they get any more explicit they certainly will be.
queer identity because the explicit reminded me, i'm asexual, and probably straight. maybe bi? dunno, don't particularly care. and i'm trans. ftm. this isn't the blog i talk about that on usually though, unless it relates to a specific ask or a fandom thing.
which, getting into what this blog is for because i can't think of anything else i need to add here (guys let me know if i forgot important stuff, please, i'm an idiot!!! i will forget the important stuff and write random shit instead!! i've already deleted three tangents from this!!)
fandoms!! ones i write and/or post about or will potentially post about
percy jackson extending to hoo, toa, tkc (definitely post way less about this), mcga (again, way less). haven't read TSATS or COTG yet, but spoilers are fine. i post way more about minor characters. write fanfiction for and have some posted (both on here and ao3) and a bunch of snippets.
dcu-- films, comics, animated shows, all of it. personally, my favorites are young justice (the comics, not show version), new teen titans, and batman inc (batgirls, nightwing, and red robin esp). late 90s yj run is my favorite, and i loved the DCeased event. favorite batman comic is definitely court of owls run. no fanfics posted, but some on docs.
mcu-- way less so, but have a stucky oneshot. slowly making my way through in timeline order.
throne of glass. i'm an aedion and chaol apologizer because they do a bunch of dumb shit but then WHO DOESN'T in this series. fanfics in doc, not posted.
this would go on for ages if i listed everything so instead, here's an ask i answered on my fandoms/genres and everything. feel free to send me asks about anyone. if you send me something about radium girls i may cry though (tears of joy) so there's your advanced warning.
main things you'll see on my blog are incorrect quotes, snippets, and the occasional fic
my... idk, contact policy? seriously what do i word this
asks are always open, anon is on.
if you send hate... whatever. i'll probably delete it.
unless i find it funny. then I'll post it. there's really little you could say to me that would hurt.
when i say asks are always open, you can drop anything you want.
literally anything
you need to vent? want advice? want to request headcanons? request a fic? give me a prompt? ask random things about me? something else I've forgotten? go right ahead
if you want to ask me to update my fics? go right ahead. sometimes i forget i didn't post something.
send as many asks as you want, i don't care if it might be spam
i can't promise i'll respond to asks in a timely manner, sometimes i open my inbox and forget they exist for months, i'm sorry. if it's something you really want answered you can send another one
dm's are alright? if you want to be friends or something, go right ahead.
anyone can reblog any of my posts/comment/heart, i don't care. you want to heart 50 things in a row? i adore you. if i had kids, you would get my firstborn
if we're mutuals you can ask for my insta/give me yours.
now, other accounts:
anyway, i think that's it?
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berrycake99 · 1 month
On Alastor's sexuality:
Ok so a thread I NEVER thought I'd have to make, but shit's getting out of hand and I am a little bit annoyed now.
For the longest time, I've defended Alastor ships because I really don't have a problem with random fanart/fics, regular fandom stuff...
But it's getting ridiculous, the latest post I've seen is headcanoning Alastor to be "bi-romantic", ofc getting rly defenssive if someone just says ANYTHING else.
The 'hypersexualization' of his character doesn't lay in him being portrayed in very sexy fanart or fics. It's the fact everyone's using Alastor for claiming their sexuality to be more valid, straight up jumping over his entire character. He is a beautifully written complex morally gray character and ppl only seek to see "wELL wHaT hIS seXuAL pREfErEncE iS", is it really that important???
Even if he's not confirmed aro, he is still asexual and just slamming any other title before ace to make him into your sexuality and then gripping onto it so effin hard is childish.
And you can't even make the argument of his sexuality actually being somewhat important to his character (like how for exemple, Vox being bisexual and having internilized homophobia is important to his actions and relations to others in the show, or how Angel being hypersexual is important part of his story with sex-work industry - I know hypersexuality is not a sexuality, but here too the "sexual" identity/part of a character is valid to include in understanding their psychology, do you see where I'm going?)
In regards to Alastor, nothing of sexual nature is really important to his role in the story. I don't mind anyone having fun and making any type of story they like, I do not think that is 'erasing the rep' because the ace-spectrum in itself is a spectrum and is very different for anyone, and everyone is valid.
What is erasing the rep is just making "headcanons" of his sexuality based on your own to make you feel better that you portray as factual. The reason I always say I don't mind is bcs I say the 'fun' doesn't change the show's flow. But some ppl actually do want that to happen, which is not okay.
You can't make an artist change their oc to fit your own standards. At that point, you're self-inserting.
Ppl are being as disrespectful to even harrass the VA into making a statement to explain to y'all that it ain't happening nothing will be canon and chill tf out. And then they still make the "ok no sex scene but there will be romance we have 2 more seasons to go!"
Did everyone forget Vivzie confirming Alastor will be single throughout the series after pilot or???
Not everything needs to have romance and sex in it..I understand these are important factors for ppl in general which is why I encourage everyone to make their own story, that way you have full freedom of expression to say it the way you want it to be. But expecting the show itself to change into your secific place on the ace-spectrum is just very distastefull.
Not to mention this is done only for the characters with no precisely defined sexualities, but mostly Alastor. Imagine someone going "you can't tell me Angel isn't bisexual. Look at the way he looks at Vaggie in this screenshot!" everyone would loose their shit. But for Lucifer, who is still unclearly straight/pan/bi or Alastor who is ace, ppl go "OMG AN EMPTY SPACE! OPPORTUNITY TO SELF-INSERT!" Stop. Again, how is this important to the story..
No shade to any RadioApple, RadioDust, StaticRadio, whateverRadio shippers. I myself find some of the fanart cute and I understand. But please don't try to force the idea of a non-canon dynamic you like onto every ace person irl and the show itself. That is very stupid. Make a fanfic, enjoy the show. Alastor will probably have an amazing lore in the future. He is more than his sexuality.
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lavander-aavaros · 2 years
After browsing through 2 and 3 year old reddit posts, I can definitely understand why some people ended up feeling betrayed by RE:H. Even though I had the complete opposite experience. I distinctly remember seeing "anti-dating sim" on the itchio page back in 2019, but I guess they didn't keep that to the very end?
It's certainly a depressing game, but browsing all those comments really just makes me appreciate that this game exists even more
(Spoilers ahead)
I can certainly relate to Dov's feelings of frustration at dating sims, the standard of a "happy ending reward" and fluffy sex/romance, all that
I played it when it first came out (and holy shit, it really has been 3 years), and at that point, I hadn't yet accepted my asexuality, let alone aromanticism.
I guess, my point is, the sex and romance in the game really hit a part of me that took a few more years to decipher. I flirted with all the characters in the "standard" way and I honestly dreaded the "relationship end" that would inevitably come. But I was prepared to bear it for vampires and pretty art. And honestly, because I'm used to it. No matter how much you try, you can't escape sex and romance. The best case scenario is finding a few friends that will shut up about it around you
And it is what it is, you know? People find joy in sex and romance and they're not wrong for it. Conflicting needs and all that
...And then, that "relationship end" never came.
I've been replaying the game, currently on Markus' route, which is what sparked all of this.
And Markus... oh, Markus. I did the flirting, I said I wanted to have sex. Some of it was curiosity, I wanted to see ALL the text. And some of it was going along with what I was used to. You flirted, now have sex. This is your own doing.
Now, I'm not much into noncon. On a good day, I simply don't think about it, on a bad day it squicks the hell out of me. Which is a problem when I want to vent out my sex repulsion and read some straight up Bad Sex, and the only Bad Sex I can find is noncon. (I can write my own, but sometimes you just want to relate to a character, you know?)
And then Markus' scene came along, and it was the first time I'd seen some downright uncomfortable consensual sex. He asks if you want to have sex. You say yes. It's on his own terms and he says he will be "doing the impaling". You have sex. It's not good sex.
And with Markus, with honestly the entirety of RE:H, it was the first time that Sex And Romance Conclusion felt... good. It was the first time that reading sex and romance didn't feel like a punishment for my curiosity. "I started this, now I have to see how it ends. Ah fuck, the characters fell in love and now they're having sex. If only I wasn't playing a dating sim. Oh well, it's too late to turn back now"
Which, I admit, is an... odd mindset, given that I could just not play dating sims. But I like clicking the spacebar button and looking at pretty pictures!
I am half joking, I did spend a good chunk of my life reading and playing romance in hopes that, one day, if i did it long enough, I would just get over my repulsion and "be normal"
I've seen people say that the RE:H sex and relationships felt like a punishment. I think that was Dov's original plan, if I remember correctly?
But for me, it was the first time I actually felt rewarded for bearing the flirting. The happy Relationship And Sex reward was never rewarding to me, because honestly, I don't get why anyone would like that in the first place. Why would you ever want something that makes you feel gross and uncomfortable, you know? (I am aware that people in this world do like sex, but I just cannot relate)
So when I got uncomfortable and downright bad sex, I finally felt rewarded with relatability. "Yes! This is what sex is! This is what flirting and relationships feel like!"
This is what sex and relationships have always been to me. Repulsive and uncomfortable and, worst of all, unavoidable. Yes, sure, in real life, you can simply not have sex, you can stay single. But let's be real here, it's unavoidable when you like vampire fiction and action movies. And I could never relate to the fluffy ace characters that just... don't have sex.
I don't have a problem with people feeling betrayed and disliking the game, we all have different tastes. But, for me, at a point in my life where I hadn't accepted myself, at a time in my life where I was trying to "fix myself", RE:H was the first time I could have my cake and eat it too
I'm getting quite emotional. RE:H wasn't my saving grace. It wasn't everything and it still took years for me to get comfortable with myself. But, perhaps, call it a helping hand. A step on the ladder out of my own self-inflicted hell.
Though RE:H is bleak and depressing, and I can't risk playing it when I haven't had enough sleep, it truly means a lot to me and it will always have a place in my heart
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shootinwebs · 7 months
{Hazbin Hotel Playlist: Deer in Gray Fog}
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YouTube version:
Description: Mostly about Alastor being specifically sex-positive graysexual aromantic. These ended up being mostly downer songs, but don't get me wrong, Alastor is proud to be asexual and that part of his life is mostly good.
(Content Notes: aphobia, self-harm, alcohol dependency)
-He does have an incredibly emotional side underneath it all.
-He's not sexually attracted to anyone by their appearance.
-He craves platonic and familial intimacy. Occasionally, sexual intimacy.
-But he's far more interested in the emotional and the trust aspects of sex. He will totally have exclusively sexual affairs with someone if he's found he can seriously trust them enough to take off his perpetually-smiling persona. But he gets very tired of it, very quickly, because most of these people want to have sex with him on a regular basis and he finds that exhausting and sometimes even hurtful.
-If he's seriously sleeping with someone that often, it's definitely an act of self-harm, and involves him drinking over his limit.
-If he actually feels love towards someone, it's not romantic. It's the same way he would love a friend he really trusts.
Some of the songs that I feel aren't simply self-explanatory or that have lyrics I really want to point out:
Stranger (by Goldfrapp) || "Stranger, make me remember you. Taken by the crowd, a tide. It's there, then gone. Do or die." || A gentle but haunting erotic song about a no-strings-attached sexual encounter with a stranger, who is not attractive to the narrator by their appearance but by their otherworldly aura. Pretty much my overall idea of what makes Alastor enchanted by certain people.
Leather (by Tori Amos) || "Don't you want more than my sex? Oh, god, could it be the weather? Oh, god, why am I here? I almost ran over an angel. 'In a sense,' he said, 'You're alone here. So if you jump, you best jump far.'" || Honestly, because of the jazz vibes and the piano riff in the middle, I can totally imagine Alastor singing/playing this. The first line "I'm standing naked before you, don't you want more than my sex?" I think implies a figurative nakedness rather than literal. As in, the narrator has bared their soul to this person, but all the other person can think about and all they want from them is between their legs.
Boxing Day Blues (by Courtney Barnett) || "I know that I let you down. You're not keen on what you've found. I love all of your ideas, you love the idea of me. Lover, I've got no idea..."
All Cats Are Grey (by The Cure) || "I never thought that I would find myself."
Sleeps With Butterflies (by Tori Amos) || "Are you having regrets about last night? I'm not. Is there trouble ahead for you, the acrobat? This girl only sleeps with butterflies. So go on and fly, then." || Alastor being perfectly happy with his aromantic life, and even happier to say "ok! fuck off!" to anyone who doesn't respect that.
Time to Go Home (by Chastity Belt) || "There we were, sitting in silence. Nothing worthwhile to say. Wanting something that would cut deep. Oh... I can't see straight... The room is spinning... I just want to have a good time. I hope you have a strong heart." || Relying on alcohol to help him care less about how someone treats him in bed, craving both exclusively to feel something. But often, for him, the combination of being drunk + bad sex leads to him lashing out (even though he's not even a mean drunk). At best, screaming things at them like, "Don't fucking touch me! Stay away from me!", and at worst, killing them. The second lyric here, I usually interpret as someone being a mean drunk but relying on alcohol to feel something. But with Alastor, "I hope you have a strong heart" would mean he wants to sleep with someone who actually cares about his feelings.
Low Five (by Sneaker Pimps) || "Just change with no real progress, nothing comes to mind. Do you love yourself?" || Desperately craving platonic intimacy and a trustworthy bedroom experience. Alastor also feels that people who are offended by him rejecting them for sex are pitifully insecure and egocentric.
Tear in Your Hand (by Tori Amos) || "I think there are pieces of me you've never seen. Maybe I ain't used to 'maybes' smashing in a cold room, cutting my hands up every time I touch you."
Drone (by Chastity Belt) || "It was just illusion, stuck in my own bad air. I make choices without reason, invite strangers in and leave them. He was just another man trying to teach me something. I never expect much from anyone, so I'm never disappointed and I never have to trust."
Cologne Cerrone Houdini (by Goldfrapp) || "I'm not your kind, I'm not your girl. See, I'm in your car but not your life."
Thea (by Goldfrapp) || "It's a long, long night of waiting. I want you there, I want you gone." || Sometimes when he was alive, Alastor would start crying in the middle of sex, deciding he wanted to stop, and pushing the other person away from him. Because it just didn't feel right. Something was missing.
Dream On (by Depeche Mode) || "Can you feel a little love? What you take won't kill you, but careful what you're giving. Feel the fever coming, you're shaking and twitching. You can scratch all over, but that won't stop you itching." || Can't a potential friend feel at least a little platonic love? The last line suggests a struggle to be satisfied. There have been plenty of times when Alastor has had sex with someone but felt empty or annoyed because the other person just didn't care to make it mutually satisfying or to make sure Alastor could actually trust them.
Laurel (by Goldfrapp) || "Looking for lights, a golden light. Red, red hair and almond eyes. Strange how he's cold behind the smile. An angry mind, don't wait for tonight. Fear is a fog, rolling in and around. Whispers from inside, running out of time." || Alastor just wants friends or a found-family. He just wants to be close with people whom he really trusts (i.e. Rosie). But because of his early life experiences when he was alive, he finds it difficult and even heartbreaking to try to trust anyone. But he has an emotional, sentimental side to him that's desperate to be shared.
All Men Are Pigs (by Studio Killers) || "I believe that life's a film noir. I know the role that you play, so save your cliches. I wasn't born yesterday. Zip it up, Romeos."
"I'm the boy that will heal you, fix you up!" || This song tells the story of a conversation between two people: a person minding her own business and not interested in a sexual encounter, and a belligerent man trying to convince her that he's "not like other guys."
Swamp Song (by TOOL) || "You're a stupid, belligerent fucker. No one even invited you."
Caught a Lite Sneeze (by Tori Amos) || "Boys on my left side, boys on my right side, boys in the middle. Building tumbling down, didn't know our love was so small." || Alastor considers men or any adults who can't keep it in their pants as childish. Acting like boys, not men.
Strict Machine (by Goldfrapp) || He's turned on not by the way someone looks or by romantic feelings, but by the way they touch him, their body language, their tone of voice, and by his own ability to trust them.
My Hands (by Chaos Chaos) || "When you talk to me, there's something in the way. It's when you look at me, so I look far away. I know your kind, you're thinking about it. You think you own everybody. But I do give up, and I do dance with you."
Mama (by Unloved) || "Mama, I did something bad. Mama, I made a mistake. Unlocked my heart, m'aider, m'aider... I let him in, everything went dark. Make it stop, make it go away. I hear your voice inside my head, over and over and over again, 'If you play with fire, you're gonna get burned.'" || His mother was the very first person to be open-minded and to accept him unconditionally, encouraging him to always be himself. It wasn't until after she died that he started putting on a fake persona to protect himself. Because he had no one to confide in, and he doesn't know who he is without her. And that's where his confusing desires for intimacy started and his struggles to understand/accept his own identity. He wouldn't feel the need to subject himself to anything he didn't want if he just had his mother to hug and to talk to. But, she's most likely in Heaven, meaning he will most likely never see her again and never receive her much-needed advice.
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queer-cosette · 1 year
15 Question Tag Game | OC Edition
Thanks for the open tag @just-french-me-up to answer these questions about my OC! I love talking about my beloved Carlotta Suero - she features in various Miraculous Ladybug fics, with focus on her in The world is still sleeping, while I keep on dreaming and these are times that can't be weathered (and we have never been back there since then), and it's been too long since I talked about her <333
Rules: answer the questions below as yourself and/or your OC. (I'd also add that you make your own post).
1. Are they named after anyone?
Yes! Her first name is after Carlotta Brown from Enid Blyton's Twins at St Clare's series. Carlotta Brown is, like my Carlotta, Spanish by birth and a bit on the wild side with a desire for adventure and refusal to bow down to a perceived authority determined to make her conform. Very fitting for my girl.
Suero is a Spanish surname that I chose because it was likely my dad's family's surname a few hundred years or so ago. We don't know at what point we left Spain for Ireland, but Suero is a common surname in the area we were most likely from. Lil shoutout <3
Her middle name, Estrella, is slightly after my friend Stella, who is possibly the coolest person I've ever interacted with in my entire life.
2. When was the last time they cried?
these are times that can't be weathered (and we have never been back there since then) actually addresses this! Carlotta made a (implied to be unhealthy) choice at four years old that crying is pointless after witnessing a beached whale die in New Zealand. Her mother, in an attempt to lessen her heartbreak, tells her that "We shouldn't cry at something so beyond our control!" and she internalises it very heavily until her mid/late teens when she discovers the horrific truth about Gabriel Agreste's favourite pastime, and slowly breaks down in tears thinking about how it's going to fucking wreck her friend Adrien (Gabriel's son) when he finds out.
3. Do they have kids?
No, largely because Carlotta has a lot of me in her, and I don't want kids. I also unintentionally designed her superhero alterego as having the colour scheme of the asexual pride flag, so make of that what you will.
4. Do they use sarcasm?
Yes, but mostly with her younger siblings. She tries not to with Adrien because he's (in my canon) autistic and also very sheltered, so he doesn't always get it and she hates being bitchy to him even by accident because it feels like kicking a small animal. She's more a deadpan snarker than anything else, sarcasm-wise. Marinette is very much the same way, so they'll watch bad movies together and snark their way through it as a bonding exercise.
5. What’s the first thing they notice about people
Voice undertones. Carlotta is visually impaired - she has occipital lobe damage from a skateboarding accident at age 13 and has hemianopsia as a result - so sound has become even more important to her than it already was. And it was important to begin with - as a diver, she spends a lot of time underwater, and sound travels faster and further underwater than light does. Since her accident, she's learned how to pick up on tonal significance very very accurately. She can hazard a scarily accurate guess within five minutes as to where someone is from and what they think of the person introducing her to them.
6. What’s their eye colour?
Dark brown with slight violet undertones, turning fully bright violet with her Whale Miraculous transformation.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Both, in a way; Carlotta adores high-stakes adventure movies with happy endings. A few jumpscares go down a treat, so long as everyone's found peace by the end.
8. Any special talents?
Besides learned skills (scuba diving, playing violin, skateboarding etc.) Carlotta is weirdly good at convincing people she's way more of a goofball than she actually is. All her childish antics do a good job of concealing how genuinely intelligent and sharp-minded she really is.
9. Where were they born?
Maternity ward in Asturias, Spain, in the Spring of 2000.
10. What are their hobbies?
Scuba diving, playing violin, and skateboarding!
11. Do they have any pets?
Her mother has a service dog, a golden labrador named Honey, after she had a workplace accident that left her with multiple severe burns from the waist down; Carlotta herself doesn't really consider Honey to be *hers* though. She did have a magical underwater encounter with a juvenile sperm whale off the Azores who she named Herman, but Herman is, of course, a wild animal, and more a friend than a pet.
12. What sports do they play/have they played?
Carlotta is very into swimming and diving! She's a very powerful long-distance swimmer, and has competed in diving competitions. She prefers outdoorsey activities to actual sports, though - things like skateboarding and tree-climbing.
13. How tall are they?
Five foot eleven inches (same height as me!). I wanted more tall girl characters, so I made one.
14. Favourite subject in school?
Biology. She wants to be a cetologist, and has thus far managed to find a way to turn the topic of every essay back towards oceanic megafauna.
15. Dream job?
Part time cetologist (she wants to be the first scientist to film the birth of a blue whale) and part time superhero. Maybe both at the same time!
Tagging @hanaasbananas @theladyfae @private-bryan @multimousenette and anyone else who would like to talk about their OC!
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I posted 1,052 times in 2022
That's 538 more posts than 2021!
154 posts created (15%)
898 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,038 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#demetri alexopoulos - 546 posts
#eli moskowitz - 508 posts
#elimetri - 479 posts
#demetri cobra kai - 463 posts
#binary boyfriends - 461 posts
#hawk - 423 posts
#hawkmeat - 362 posts
#cobra kai - 154 posts
#allvalley100 - 148 posts
#miguel diaz - 141 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#eli is a fae because you simply cannot tell me that anyone who does their hair like that doesn't have fae energy like. at least a little bit
My Top Posts in 2022:
Season 4, Episode 6: An Extremely Chaotic and Incoherent Review
The Good:
"Kicks Get Chicks" *is the gayest episode in the entire season* Kicks get DICKS more like
"Sure, we're good for the occasional inspirational moment, but we're not exactly center mat material" HA, love that this fucker is self aware
He knows he's the Comic Relief Guy and he embraces it fully
"He who shall not be named" absolutely LOVE how Demetri just fucking despises Robby now but is trying to be lowkey about it so as not to stir the pot
If he could I'm pretty sure Demetri would pummel this man six ways to Sunday
Once again reminding everyone that Robby paralyzed and nearly killed Demetri's best friend, betrayed his and Demetri's dojo, and then held down and forcefully shaved Demetri's other best friend
Yeah he wants to like...murder Robby at this point honestly
I can't blame him, either--if someone fucked over my bestie, my dojo, AND my crush??? I would indeed be out for blood, yes
The way Demetri looks CRUSHED when Daniel's like "I know you're missing your friends but we have to put the past behind us" :( :( :(
He just wants his boyfriend back god bless
Wow no wonder Tory's fucked up, with an aunt like THAT
This season is kinda making me love Tory, I'll admit
I never thought I'd see the day but here we are
Could this man BE any more delightfully unhinged
Johnny Lawrence's dojo marketing will never NOT be hysterical
"Smack-dab between the pipe supply and the burned-down Chuck E. Cheese" SIR
"I'm asexual" WELL at least we exist on television, right???
I guess this is the queer rep we get for Season 4, RIP
"I can't do the whole physical aggression thing" Remind me again why she and ELI FREAKING MOSKOWITZ are meant to be compatible at all??? Literally what even would they talk about??? Well REGARDLESS, can't help but admire her staunch determination to be a pacifist in a high school singlehandedly spearheading the local karate wars
"She's the best athlete in school and she's not afraid to get into a fight" Okay don't get me wrong, I'm still seething over Moon and Piper breaking up, BUT I do find it absolutely HYSTERICAL that Moon apparently has a type
Even funnier that Yasmine lowkey fits her type too, which is apparently mean, cocky bitches who don't take shit from anyone
Oh SHIT, Sam catching Amanda talking to Tory??? This boutta get JUICY
See the full post
79 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
Season 4, Episode 10: An Extremely Chaotic and Incoherent Review
The Good:
I can't with this man
I can 100% not tell if these boys are memeing or actually taking karate advice from the Star Wars prequels but honestly??? I fucking love it either way
Dumbasses (affectionate)
ALSO the absolutely doe-eyed way Eli looks at Demetri when he says "you're taller!!" Yeah you like your men taller, don't you, short king?
Come to think of it Eli has been basically nonstop giving Demetri doe eyes all season
Maybe that's just what his face looks like?
Nah he's still kinda smug smirking at the beginning of the season
But he does become very apt at looking like a sad puppy
I swear this fucker still looks at Demetri like he hung the sun though
Ohhhhh Demetri just going RUTHLESSLY at Robby fills me with LIFE
Demetri Alexopoulos and Robby Keene mortal enemies WHEN
Still morbidly satisfying to see all that paralysis, shaving, and dojo-betraying beef explode out of my boy Demetri in one fell swoop
Oh shit!!! The head kick!!! The THROWDOWN!!! We are at last seeing a glimpsed of the unhinged Demetri I have craved for so long, keep being scary my love
Seeing this gay nerd be aggressive and intense as hell is ascending me into nirvana
He has found his inner craving for violence and destruction, and I think that's very valid of him
Truly he and Eli are kindred spirits in ways S1 Demetri never could have imagined
You gotta love some irony
He's gone from yeeting out of every bad situation to being like "this dude shaved off my boyfriend's gay-ass hairdo and now I'm going to beat him to kingdom come"
You know what that is? GROWTH
Poor Daniel though, he's like "Oh no :( :( :( My karate sons are fighting :( :( :("
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80 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
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Mr. LaRusso says anyone can be the hero, but I’m not Batman! I’m more like Alfred. You’re Batman!
Y’all thought I was gonna watch Season 4 and then NOT do a moodboard of The Basement Scene??? Preposterous. Completely absurd. Literally just gave me too many Vibes to work with for them not to be utilized.
Tried for more grayish/neutral colors for this one! Hopefully it’s not too boring ^^; I wanted to match the general energy of the scene, and both Demetri and Eli seem to be feeling kind of sad and empty here, SO.
Very happy I found a picture of “I love you” written in binary code ;_____;
Also, it has been said, but I’ll say it again: You have Demetri look at Eli like that, and...what??? Expect me to buy Demetri isn’t deeply in love with him??? To buy that Demetri Alexopoulos’s feelings for his best friend are nothing but platonic??? I respectfully disagree, and also, you are an idiot.
The top left pic is what should’ve happened after the basement scene XD
Pic credits available upon request!
82 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
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“They were expecting to find Miguel Diaz. What they weren’t expecting to find was love.”
Imagining of Season 5 in which Demetri and Eli go on a totally straight and totally heterosexual Dudebro road trip to Mexico to find their best friend. Unfortunately, when you’re trapped in a car with someone for hours on end, you might have to start confronting some feelings you wish weren’t there.
Well, everyone, I caved. I fucking caved. I said so many times that I wasn’t going to write CK fanfiction because GODDAMN if I don’t have too many WIPs in other fandoms, but like. The desire to write a homoerotic road trip fic was just too damn much.
I’ve never tried formally writing these two before, so I have no idea if it’s any good, but GOD did I try lol. Not much plot here, mostly just Vibes, gay tension, and missing and worrying about Best Boy Miguel!!! Also written partly out of spite because I’m just constantly seeing Miguel/Demetri friendship erasure in the fandom and it’s gotten me HEATED, so now I’m writing about Demetri going off to find Miguel in Mexico and internally monologuing about how worried he is and y’all just gonna have to deal with it. Fun fact: Miguel and Demetri love each other, and I will not hear otherwise under any circumstances :D
Also I can’t believe I’ve been in this fandom over a year and it took fucking writing this fic to realize Demetri has an extremely bad case of generalized anxiety disorder D: Like he worries about every all the time and honestly? Same
Uhhhhh CW for mentions of human trafficking, even if it’s done in jest (they’re teenage boys after all, this is the kinda thing teenage boys joke about lol) and some zesty...physical references, but the sauciest thing they do is make out because I’m asexual and do not wish to write smut XD
Fic is under the cut!!! Be warned, it is a 4k word longboi!!!
EDIT: There is now a sequel here as well!!!
“I cannot even begin to tell you how unsafe this is.”
“Uh huh. Go on.”
“I’m serious, Eli! We’re parked out in the middle of nowhere in a desert that never ends and the only signs of civilization are those cars going by on the highway at like 90 miles an hour. This is how people get kidnapped. And used for…I don’t know, human trafficking or something.”
Eli rolls over from where he lies next to Demetri on the car roof, scowling at him. “You think the traffickers are going to want you?”
Demetri scoffs, offended at the implication. “I’ll have you know I am a catch! The hottest girl in school thought so for a while.”
Eli breaks into a smirk. “Didn’t Yasmine like…use you as a beard, dude?”
“That’s not—she’s not—she didn’t—look, it doesn’t count if she didn’t know she was lesbian until after we got together!” Demetri splutters, gesturing vaguely as he attempts to arrive at a point.
“Wouldn’t that make it even worse?”
“Still speaks volumes to my suave disposition that she had no issue appearing to be dating me.”
“I’ll never understand it.” Eli turns away, gaze flicking back up to the stars.
“As I was saying.” Demetri stubbornly goes on. Someone has to knock some sense into Eli Moskowitz—access that logical coding brain he knows is in there somewhere. “Just because we’re a little ways off the main road doesn’t mean someone isn’t going to see us parked out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. They could still come out here, break into the car, and do—well, whatever they want! It’s not like anyone would hear us yelling for help. We should have gotten a motel room.”
Eli snorts. “What, are we throwing hundred dollar bills around like we’re Terry Fucking Silver? It was hard enough mooching enough gas money off my mom. Besides, we know karate. If anyone comes after us, we could take them.”
Demetri rolls his eyes. “Right, my bad. I forgot I’m under the protection of the latest AVT champ.”
“Damn right.”
“I’m holding you to that, by the way. If we get kidnapped, and you can’t fend them off, I’m going to be really mad.”
“Completely understandable.”
A lull passes over the boys. For several moments, there’s no sound but desert wind, the hum of crickets and cicadas, and the sound of distant traffic. They had pulled off onto some dirt service road and driven for a while before they arrived and parked at what Eli decided was “the perfect sleeping spot.”
“I can’t believe you’re not tired,” Eli pipes up. “You’ve been driving like…all day.”
Demetri shrugs, car roof cool against his neck and shoulders. The sweltering daytime heat has long since faded from the metal.
“I don’t know. I guess I didn’t know when I’d get the chance to stargaze again. It’s kind of hard with all the light pollution. I remember we used to try on your trampoline, and whenever we’d get excited about a particularly bright one, it would turn out to be LAX’s newest outgoing flight.”
“Yeah, there’s a lot more going on out here. Might as well enjoy it.”
See the full post
175 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Binary Boyfriends S4 Fix-It Fics That I Need Immediately
Apologies in advance if any of these have already been done, but consider!!! I am always down to see more!!!
Psyche! Its turns out Yasmine and Demetri both are absolutely aware that they’re gay and are 100% faking a straight relationship to seem more cool and normal! The only reason they sell the horniness so well is because they’re both theatrical motherfuckers and wanna see how much they can overdramatically ham it up to fool the entire school into thinking they’re heterosexual
Demetri attempts to stand up for Hawk with Chris and Nate! Make no mistake, not because I think it would work, but because Demetri sometimes has 0 tact when he gets angry and I think the fallout would be very funny
Demetri and Hawk spar, but Hawk accidentally hits Demetri too hard!!! Angst ensues!!!
Demetri and Hawk spar, and they get all amped up on adrenaline and suddenly one is shoving the other against the dojo wall and making out with them!!! The entire dojo sees them and it’s very funny
Demetri jumps off the building!!! And brags about it to Hawk!!! Hawk looks at him with heart eyes because he’s a badass!!!
Alternatively, Demetri tries to jump and lands on the mattresses. He has to go to the hospital. Hawk visits him and switches between heaping on adoring praise for being so ballsy and yelling at Demetri for being so stupid and scaring the shit out of him.
Bonus points if Demetri literally only jumped to impress Hawk
Demetri and Hawk being utter and complete overprotective karate dads to Nate and Bert
Like remember how they both adopted them as their sons??? LET’S DO SOMETHING WITH THAT
Demetri dyeing Hawk’s hair in the bathtub and it’s very intimate and they keep aggressively tryna No Homo it
I think this may have already been done but I am literally always down to see it again
POV: You’re a Cobra Kai goon about to help the scary Keene kid shave off some dude’s gay-ass purple mohawk when there’s a crash and the most gangly, uncoordinated dweeb you’ve ever seen busts in through the tattoo shop window
You’re like “who’s this clown”
But “clown” as in horror movie clown specifically, because this interloper has a mildly to moderately unsettling look on his face
Cue the unsettling clown saying “Evening gentlemen :) :) :) Hope you’re not about to do something you regret to my pal Eli here :) :) :)” in a really quiet and calm tone of voice, which is. DEEPLY terrifying
*cue Demetri breaking into the world’s hugest and most horrifying slasher smile*
And he unleashes nine levels of hell on the Cobras, because he deserves to
Bonus points if he steals the razor and goes just a BIT slash-happy on them
Or strangles Kyler with the belt thing he was holding Eli down with
I just think Demetri should be allowed to completely fucking lose it and become the scariest motherfucker you’ve ever seen when someone messes with his boyfriend Eli Moskowitz
No really, just stop what you’re doing and imagine Demetri chasing Kyler through the tattoo parlor with a shaver Shining-style like “HEEEEERE’S ‘METRI!”
Like would that fuck or WHAT
On a related note, Demetri going full Slasher Movie Villain on the Cobras to get revenge after they shave the ‘hawk would also be acceptable
I think he should bring Miguel along too, I think that would be neat
Just a couple of best bros going to inflict unspeakable violence on the ne’er-do-wells who brutally violated their other best bro, don’t mind them
Demetri still gets to be more unhinged through
Because a) that’s his fucking boyfriend whose hair they’re avenging and b) Miguel has already gotten to be scary on many occasions!!! Let Demetri have a turn!!!
See the full post
181 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
...okay so not nearly as funny as last year's (where my 2nd most popular post was my dumb Scott Pilgrim shitpost) but I'm very pleased with my longest tag. It's very correct and absolutely hysterical.
Wild that I apparently posted more than I did at the height of my 2021 hyperfixation. I guess Season 4 and my frantic desire to ramble about everything will do that to ya.
(Obligatory reminder that all 6 chapters of the road trip fic are on my AO3 SummerPhlox if you want to read/comment there lol)
And my other blorbo Miguel Diaz making the top 10 tags too, we love to see it <3
Happy almost-2-year-anniversary to this blog lmao what the fuck I thought I'd have a little mini baby hyperfixation on some nerdy karate gays and then I'd go about my business but irl plot twists are more wild than any movie I've ever seen because somehow I'm still fucking here
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endless-oc-creations · 2 months
Excuse me for butting in but you and that rude anon are wrong for using Google to define sexuality. Wade is pansexual. In the comic book series and TV Show, Rick Grimes is depicted by the original creators as canonically straight and devoted to his wife. All his love interests are women. Daryl Dixon is more ambiguous but the creators and actor said previously that Daryl is meant to be asexual and a virgin, and they loved that. Peeta is defined as heterosexual by the way Suzanne depicted him. We have to go by the original creators intentions. Jesus and Aaron are canonically gay in the comic books where there was little LBGTB rep at the time. If someone straightened them out like I have seen some writers do for Jesus just so to pair them with their SI, then it's depressing. But this is fanfiction and ultimately you're not harming anyone. I think what is harmful is people like you and anon trying to justify sexuality with Googling articles that are just the creation of some hack but appear to back up your headcanons. You can easily respect the original creator's depiction but create your own fanfiction suiting your own tastes. I am saying this because I have friends who are heavy into Rick and Michonne and they go by official lore how devoted he is to a straight POC woman. They are a hetero pairing. It's odd to see people arguing he isn't when it's right there according to them. People can change his sexuality without trying to make out it's actually canon. But if you wish to make Rick a poly pairings with two men, then you can but there is a difference between canon and headcanons. I would advise anons to just move on and block. You can either agree or disagree with me but don't let it spoil your creating
First off anon, thank you for coming into my inbox and being at least polite with your ask. I wanna express that I don't mean to harm you or anyone with what I replied. I'm not forcing sexualities onto anyone and I was just using the research from articles I found from Google to make a point to that rude anon that you can't just assume that a character is straight.
I think it's important to research some things in a response if someone is trying to say "You can't do this because this character isn't this x, y and z, etc." If you get what I'm trying to say.
For example, how would you know about Daryl Dixon being ambiguous and that " the creators and actor said previously that Daryl is meant to be asexual and a virgin"? If you didn't google or seen an article based off an interview or just the interview itself?" So that is all I was doing. I was putting the links to articles.
On December 1, 2014 an article came out with an interview with Robert Kirkman, the creator of The Walking Dead, on the show Talking Dead, that"...Daryl Dixon is straight." The article is linked here.
BUT! On Mar 5, 2015, "The Walking Dead" Star Norman Reedus, who plays Daryl Dixon, gave a conan interview. (I added the link to the video interview) Where he weighed in on the possibility of his character, Daryl Dixon, being gay.
“If that’s the story they gave me, I would rock that story. I’m not afraid of it,” Reedus said. (The Varity article with more of that interview is here. )
So even though Kirkman stated that Daryl "is straight" the possibility is still open.
What I think is just a little hurtful is that you just assumed I am like that rude anon trying to "justify sexualities". That anon said they googled these characters and that they were straight. Without any information to back them up on it. I googled as well but came back with articles that had articles containing the information I stated. So some of the articles wasn't just some hack, they came with examples. Some from 'canon' itself.
Also, I looked into this after reading your message, but I couldn't find one article backing up your claim that Peeta is defined as heterosexual by the way Suzanne Collins depicted him.
I am a HUGE multi-shipper. I have too many ships that I love and adore. Some are canon, some are not. One pairing that's canon that I love is in fact Rick and Michonne, I absolutely love the way those two are devoted to one another and would do anything for each other and their family. But, I also ship Rick x Daryl for fun, I know they will NEVER be canon but it's fun to read fanfictions and watch fanvids with those two.
So please just don't assume that I am trying to take away from canon relationships when I create ocs for canon characters that are already in a relationship.
So I agree with you Anon, when you said "this is fanfiction and ultimately you're not harming anyone." It is something I whole heartedly agree with and think it is so so important. I make my characters for fun and I like thinking about their dynamics with other canon characters or in that particular world.
I hope this makes sense.
0 notes
noblebs · 4 months
for everyone/anyone: 🎶Do they have a sex playlist? 💜Are they on the asexual or aromantic spectrums? How does that impact their relationship to sex and kink?
for orion: 👄Oral sex? Giving or receiving? (sorry orion sorry about all your mouths im thinking about sorry) 🐕Pet play? What kind of pet are they? What pet would they prefer to have?
🎶Do they have a sex playlist?
(EWT is set in 1995, so I'm converting "playlist" to "mixtape" haha)
I actually don't think anyone does; Mad doesn't give a shit, Dev wouldn't even know where to start making one, Orion is a little old-fashioned about music so maybe he'd put a slow jazz record on if he's feeling Romantic but probably doesn't own any tapes/CDs lol
💜Are they on the asexual or aromantic spectrums? How does that impact their relationship to sex and kink?
Harley is ace and sex-averse, they're not really sure about aro. they could maybe come around on non-sexual kinks for a partner but it doesn't feel any sort of way to them on its own. the rest of my main cast are allosexual, though they have widely varying degrees of sex drive
👄Oral sex? Giving or receiving?
ohhhh, what's the point of having more than one mouth if you don't develop weird oral fixations <3 under any other circumstance she prefers to top but for the chance to put something in her mouth he'll make an exception. loves giving, loves receiving, it's all good as far as she's concerned
attempting oral with the mouth on his neck is very ill-advised. you WILL lose whatever you stick in there, but by god would she enjoy it lmao
🐕Pet play? What kind of pet are they? What pet would they prefer to have?
I'm getting a sense of deja vu but I can't find where I might've answered this before?? but anyway, Orion wouldn't be interested in being anyone's pet but she'd happily be a master for a pup or maybe a pony. pretty much anything involving exerting her will over someone else has her interested
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cedar-sunshine · 6 months
intro to my OCs just for background as I will be posting them
I have two WIPs, one solo and one with my best friend. The solo one is called Star for now and the one I'm collaborating on is currently nameless and I refer to it as 'the comic' which is incredibly specific and great for categorical tags (I'll probably just tag it with a sun emoji tbh).
Star takes place in a post apocalyptic world featuring two very queer very mentally struggling main characters who might kiss or might just cry a lot (follow me to find out!)
The comic takes place on a cool island summer camp with magic (if this reminds you of lumberjanes, that was the inspiration, I wanted to make a story about queer kids interacting with magic, sort of like escapism cause it's all positive and fun) and has a pretty diversely queer cast (I love them all deeply)
My OCs for star
Tristan- transmasc (he/him most likely), unlabeled queer in terms of romanticism, and probably asexual idk. Autistic coded imo. Really likes plants, pretty depressed. Strong believer that everything is bad and nothing good will ever happen and the world is over
Orion/Ori (or-ee)- transmasc, pretty chill about pronouns but generally prefers he and maybe they, as long as it isn't she he doesn't care. Achillean. In denial about everything and very optimistic. Pretty high energy and outgoing
My OCs for the comic (I swear we'll name it sometime) not exhaustive but this should be the ones I reference the most
Atlas- he/they, transmasc aroace, AuDHD, his main special interest is magic and magical beings and stuff like that. Knowledgeable and passionate about this to the point where he will correct adults who study magic if they're wrong. Also very into plants and plant identification and just nature stuff in general. Dude could write a handbook.
Alexander/Alex- he/him, brother figure for atlas. He's got a big sword and might be the reincarnation of king Arthur (he found the sword in a cool lake). Has no inclination to be the king of britain or whatever. Bi? Gay? Who knows. His love interest is a man
Lee - he/it/whatever honestly he doesn't care, devil (got some rad horns and shit, he can't fly) who likes to play at being a villain, pretty harmless and honestly just likes to fuck with people. Would wear a dress. Has worn a dress. Will wear a dress. Queer (he says that he's 'gay for every gender'). Gives his boyfriend (above) regular heart attacks (its. For his health. You know)
Athena - she/her probably, transfem and of questionable romantic orientation. Descended from a god, probably a minor god of summer or spring or something. She can set stuff on fire and glow and whatever. She's figuring it out. She also rarely puts on shoes
Angel - he/him but doesn't mind neutral pronouns, probably wont realize that neo or xenopronouns are referring to him though. He's the group counselor and generally just sort of tags along and watches to make sure they don't die. Has a lot of faith in them and encourages them to do stupid shit he thinks is funny. He does keep them safe but like. He lets them have fun. Polyam, bi with a very strong preference for men. Has rad wings (his name is incredibly on the nose)
Vince (he/him) and odyssey/essie/s(any but prefers masc words referring to them): angels boyfriends who don't actually show up much but I feel very strongly about them and I think they're all very cute together. Vince is the golden retriever, essie is the black cat, angel is the orange cat.
anyways if anyone actually read all that, that's rad!! I hope you like them. I will probably be posting a ton about them soon if you're interested!
Have a great day!
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skinni-girls-eat-books · 10 months
Thursday, November 16th
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8:30am I have one more big assignment and two more small assignments. It feels impossible and I'm so tired. All I want to do is call my best friend but he won't answer. Just have to do this myself again. I'm extremely strong and resilient and I can't believe I made it to this point.
3:30pm I survived Verbal Defense! I did it! I am really proud of myself for everything I have survived this semester! It's raining really hard which is fucking up my vibe and shit but the rain will stop eventually! I'm like shaking from all the overflow of emotions. This semester took so much from me, out of me, really just beat me tf up. My life has been a trainwreck for so long. I just want peace. I just want to calm the persistent anxiety that's been propping me up for months. I just want to rest my mind. I'm literally shaking from the release of stress. Stress is so undeniable physical and just wrecks your body in so many ways. It's time to rest and heal. You've been through so much trauma the past few months and here you are, still alive, still strong. Don't ignore the trauma you experienced but it's time to heal and grow and begin another chapter, not ignoring the previous chapters, but building off of the lessons learned. We go on.
4pm Just remember that most people don't gaf what you do bro just don't hurt anyone and ur good. I just put fish sticks in the oven and popped open a mojito and I'm chilling until I change my mind and want to do something else.
4:20pm I feel like I can finally process what has happened to me. School put me in survival mode and now I'm free to heal. Yeah I'm crying when I should be feeling nothing but joy. I'm crying bc I didn't get the chance to when I was just trying to survive. I went through so much having my trust broken and my life ripped out from under me. I am traumatized but I'll heal. I know I will. This will pass and then I'll feel the joy of my success. It was all mine and all my hard work. I'm seriously proud of myself and I'll say it 1000x ❤️
4:40pm added image of my fish sticks bc it makes me happy that I'm feeding myself
5:00pm intrusive thoughts but wow I can't believe I didn't kll myself this semester I'm so proud :)
5:10pm I made green beans sauteed in the pan instead of the microwave 🥰 I love myself and I know I am worth so much and I know I can take care of myself when I'm not insanely stressed with school. I'll find myself again in no time ❤️ it's like a dark storm cloud has lifted from above my head
7:47pm I woke up from a nap and my stomach hurts lol I think I made the green beans too oily/buttery but it's ok! Haha. I need to clean out my fridge and get some me foods in here. I haven't gone grocery shopping in ages. Everything is probably freezer burnt tbh but that's ok! You were just trying your best ❤️
I have rented Silence of the Lambs and I think I will take a Tums and have some Sprite and some ice cream and rest some more ❤️
9:25pm ok so I had a finish an assignment that nobody wanted to do so I took one for the team and did it 💕 the Tums helped tremendously and now it's movie time :) I'm glad I don't feel like I'm about to shit myself anymore so that actually worked out 😂
9:49pm physical feelings/ sensations have such a profound impact on my mental status. Seeing something gross or feeling physical pain just send me into a spiral. I would like to know how to work on this more. I think the best thing to do for now is to focus on what I can control in my surroundings.
1am lol ok I ended up not watching the movie and that's ok! MasterChef marathon ftw. Got both my little boys laying on the couch with me ❤️
Woke up and I started thinking about being in a relationship and about him or whatever but I'm not really sad. I think I'm asexual or like really minimally sexual. Idk what it is but like I enjoy people for so much more than sex? Like I want to have a connection with you first and then that will follow. Idk how people just be out here jumping and dumping 😂 it's just a waste of time for me. Long story short, I'm not seeking out another relationship rn so it's hard for me to even feel sexual really. Maybe it's a trauma thing or a stress thing, I really don't know. I do know I can't be the only one who feels this way and that's ok ❤️
2am I think I have autism and yeah I mean I thought of it before but then it's like 🤷‍♀️ ok and? And yeah I just think it explains a lot of things about me. But it's like I don't know what to do with that information lol.
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lessbaguetteplease · 11 months
Ok imma sincere myself a bit and 'vent' (? Abt my aromanticism and asexuality
I realized I was aroace after a lot of internal debate, but the braking point was when I met my long distance gf for the first time. I felt so uncomfortable with all the couple stuff that I just knew I had to be aroace, it was crystal clear. But although I love my identity, I sometimes feel so lonely.
Probably bc of childhood trauma and stuff of never feeling like the priority of anyone and that I was invisible for other people, cus other didn't care abt me, that I feel so affection starved. I always felt like "I want someone to love me that deeply, but I can't correspond that kind of love. Even if I want to"
Also probably bc I'm autistic, most of the time I don't know where is the limit between friendship affection and flirting, so I'm scared to get too close to people in case they missinterpretate it, or if I'm to annoying to them and that kind of stuff
I recently came across the term queerplatonic relationships and god fucking dammit, how I wish I find someone to have one. Someone I know we won't have romantic feelings and won't fall for each other, but can get as close and intimate (not in a sexual way) as normative couples. In fact I met someone that I felt if we got to meet eachother more, we could have had it. He is a gay boy and I'm an aroace "girl" (I identify more with the term agender, but never really come out as it, so yeah) and we had this kind of connexion I don't feel with most people, where I'm truly comfortable and enjoying socializing cuz we are similar souls. I met him in a student residence, but sadly I had to move to another residence. We are actually pretty close and want to keep the contact, but we are both too busy to hang out, plus I don't think he feels all this things the way I do so, whatever, I'll try my best at least. And even if we hang out, it's not the same as coexisting in the same building, having dinner together and go to our rooms or the community livings to chat and play.
Whatever, I'm driving off topic. It's just a bit frustrating being aroace in my situation sometimes. I feel lonely and that's the feeling I most hate. Of course I'm proud of my identity and I'm happy to be independent without the need of a partner and sex in my life. But as I said, sometimes I just want someone to love me like that, even if I can't correspond
Thank you if you have read until the end. Have a cookie 🍪 good night!
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bnasheee · 11 months
the post is now gone now, i cant seem to find it now. i read "to a married man" as in that is the person who is offended as if flaunting sexuality he can't partake in is rude. the post never specified breaking people's comfort zones by BEING sexualized. that is understandable. anyone who dosnt want to be seen and exploited like that deserves to not get hurt. sorry if i upset you, i just get nervous with the way social media companies try to push puritanicalism. im a queer asexual so i curate my feed enough to vet out things i don't want to see but think its important for the basic existence of queer people to be sex positive ESPECIALLY kink positive in that regard. so yeah, sorry for the misunderstanding
no yeah i deleted it because i truly honestly hate my words being misunderstood and then being accosted about it because someone assumed they knew what i meant. That is genuinely something that frustrates me more than most other things. I am actually very sex positive or at the very least sex neutral. I do not give a shit what other people do with their lives. It does, however, bother me a lot when people actively disrespect someone else's boundaries like that. The post was 100% about how its weird and disrespectful to make horny posts about someone who is married and has said he doesn't like it. Its disrespectful to him and his wife and also just deeply unhealthy for the person posting it to obsess that much about a stranger to the point of disrespecting his boundaries.
I don't beleive in the puritanicalism of social media or the policing of what other people do. I am literally an openly queer fetish/kink artist myself. What i do beleive in is the fact that the weird sexualization of content creators and people who act like they arent people who should be respected is wrong. There's a rampant attitude among people who are fans of someone disregarding that person's feelings about content like that and treating them like they're fictional characters or dolls and basically acting like they can say or do whatever they want to the creators theyre fans of just because they are fans of them. People actively disregard the autonomy and comfort of content creators because they do not see them as real people. That is what i have a problem with, not people being openly horny/kinky.
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tavarillasgalen · 1 year
Thinking about relationships and all this, and Idk, I always felt like something was wrong with me because I never really wanted one. So many posts, books, movies, songs, etc, of people yearning for a significant other, and that was never me.
I thought maybe I'm aromantic? Because I knew since I first learned of the concept that I'm asexual. I have never felt sexual attraction. Do I get horny, yes, do I enjoy sex, yes, but sexual attraction is just never something I've experienced.
My ex and I started off as friends with benefits, and I told him I'm not a relationship person. I had a bit of a crush, I have had my share of crushes, but like... They were never really something to act on. I never really wanted more from them.
Then, we became a thing after I had slept with someone else, and even though we weren't exclusive or anything, it still felt wrong to me. So, we made things official after talking about that.
But the thing is... Idk. I was down for fun, but relationships just... It didn't feel ~ special ~ like how it is described. It just felt like I had an official Best Friend. The love was like best friend love, on my end, anyway.
And I wanted to break up so, so, so many times throughout the relationship, even within a mere couple of months together. But I stayed, over and over and over, I stayed, because i didn't want to lose my Best Friend, and he'd made it clear that if we broke up, he can't do what some exes can, which is stay friends. And I thought maybe, the Romantic Love will come, if it lasts long enough.
I never wanted children. I never wanted marriage. I had my tubes tied to ensure I can't have children. Marriage... I liked the idea of a special ceremony celebrating your relationship, but actually legally committing to someone else, having to get divorces if it doesn't work... I never saw the point of marriage, outside of religious reasons. And I'm not religious. At all.
In the final years of the relationship, we talked more and more about marriage and moving in together and stuff, and the only reason I didn't mind talking about marriage so much was the idea of a Permanent Best Friend. But even so, I didn't see the point of marriage, but he was religious and so not getting married and just being together wasn't an option for him.
And Idk. It's something i've been thinking about a lot, since I broke up with him. I just don't crave romance. I crave human interactions, friends, best friends, someone to have sex with, but a romantic relationship just isn't it for me. I like reading about it. I don't mind romantic gestures. But I'm just not sure whether or not romantic love is something I'm even capable of.
Ultimately, allowing the relationship to last as long as it did was a disservice to us both. I didn't want to be in it, but I didn't have anyone else and I didn't want to be alone. I shouldn't have let myself waste years in a relationship I no longer wanted just because I was afraid of being lonely. I get so angry about all the time wasted, but really, I only have myself to blame. And it wasn't fair to him either, to be in a relationship with someone who didn't really want it. He seemed surprised and devastated when I ended it, and wanted it back, but I instantly felt so free. I have been so much happier and less anxious on my own. And I think in time, he'll realize it was good for him too, that he didn't deserve to be in a relationship with someone who was just in it because they felt like they had to be, and he'll find someone who genuinely wants romantic love, who wants the relationship, who wants marriage, etc. Because truly... I miss having someone to talk to. But I have felt zero heartbreak or remorse about ending it.
Anyway, this is brought on by an elopement photographer I follow. Because while marriage is a pass for me, weddings seem stressful, I do like the idea of travelling somewhere special to take pictures with your loved one. I hate the idea of a wedding, but if I had to get married, an elopement would be the best option for me.
And I was just thinking about how difficult it could be to find someone new, with the whole I don't want kids and I don't want to get married thing. But then I realized: I genuinely don't care.
I don't want a relationship, I just want friends. A best friend. Friends with benefits.
And who knows, maybe with the right person, a crush could turn into a genuine desire for a relationship. But for now, I don't want it at all. I want to not be alone, yes, but in the, i don't have any friends way, not in the romance way.
And I just hate that even knowing how heteronormative media is, I still feel like there is something wrong with me for that.
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