#the mummy love story
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angel-0f-verdun · 4 months ago
18 Between Darkness & Light
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Previous Chapter
A surge of energy hit me as my perspective immediately changed. I was looking through my own eyes in my body again. I smiled as I heard Ahmanet let out a scream of despair that rang through my brain. I watched Evy’s face contort into confusion as she looked at me, she abruptly brushed off the confusion distracted by the plane in the pale blue sky. It had taken a steep dive as a sand wall took them out of the air. She then took action grabbing Imhotep’s face and pulling him to her in a harsh kiss, she turned his body around to remove his eyeline from the plane. I understood the sentiment and applauded her inwardly for distracting him, hopefully, the plane would be able to recover. I thought through my plan of action, deciding not to give away the fact that I was back in control to Imhotep. It would make things easier in the long run. I watched frozen to where I stood as the plane’s engine sputtered and the cloud of sand dissipated into nothing. The plane disappeared behind a dune, an explosion following, my heart dropped as I realized who might be on that plane. Imhotep pushed forward into the City of the Dead, my legs following without instruction. At that moment I realized I wasn’t completely in control of my actions. Ahmanet still had some sort of control, how much though, I wasn’t sure.
“I loved the whole sand wall trick, it was beautiful… ” Beni uttered trying to please Imhotep, we just continued past him, a guttural growl settling in my throat.
“Bastard.” I heard him say under his breath. We walked through another entrance that we hadn’t previously known about into Hamunaptra. I wasn’t surprised though this area was massive, so much left unexplored. 
“Keep moving,” Beni said as he pushed Evy with his pistol. My anger for him flared up instantly and Ahmanet loosened her control not caring what happened to Imhotep's slave. I seamlessly retrieved my dagger from my boot as I stalked up to him. Grabbing his shoulder to hold him in place, I pushed him against the wall with a strength that cracked the wall behind him. I drug my blade across his throat, warm blood bursting from the wound, landing on my clothes and face. Ahmanet moved my head to look at Imhotep, he shrugged, continuing down the stairs. I could feel Ahmanet reveling in the easy kill. I let go of Beni’s now lifeless body watching as it fell to the ground. Evy was stunned into silence unsure of what to do or say. I went to wipe the blood from my face, but Ahmanet stopped me, smiling at Evy instead causing her eyes to widen in fear. I could tell she was conflicted by this turn of events.
I heard a gunshot and I knew that Rick, Ardeth, and Jonathan were not too far behind us now… Alive.
“O’Connell” Evy breathed out. Imhotep cleared his throat waiting for me to stand beside him. When in position he blew a handful of sand at the hieroglyphics covering the wall. 
“Shatay wapay ku ra eck” He mumbled the spell as I watched as the priests that had been chiseled into the wall started to move and crack their way out of their places. 
“Bembridge scholars never wrote about this.” Evy interrupted my thoughts as she started to back away from the wall, the priests moving to kneel before Imhotep.
“Kill them, and wake the others,” Imhotep said to the now fully-bodied priests that stood before us. They hobbled off immediately to fulfill their master’s wish. 
“Why don’t you go with them Ahmanet? Terrorize the tourists.” Imhotep ordered, I felt my face twist into a wicked smile as she nodded and we walked away from the scene before us leaving Imhotep and Evy alone. I easily traversed the passageways, my eyes adjusting to the darkness surrounding me. Ahmanet used her skills to keep me light on my feet toward my brother and the others. I climbed up to a ledge watching the three traverse through the treasure room, crouching down waiting for the opportune moment to strike as I watched the three shoot the mummies that Imhotep had sent popping out of the sand below them. I followed them down the corridor that my family had retreated through, on the path to the Horus statue.
“Hello, Horus old boy!” Jonathan greeted the statue with reverence. I watched closely, my head cocked to the side curiously as Rick lit a match on Ardeth’s coarse facial hair. 
“Time to close the door,” Rick said as he lit the wick of the dynamite throwing it into the passageway destroying their way into the treasure room. I settled easily at the top of the statue crouching down. I felt the bloodlust creep up suddenly as Ahmanet plotted. I watched as the carnage slowed and wondered why she hadn’t made her attack just yet. 
“Patience and you will be rewarded. It’ll feel better in front of an audience.” Ahmanet spoke to me almost purring with excitement, knowing exactly what I was thinking. 
“Damn, these guys just don’t quit, do they?” Rick said to the other two as he attempted to help Jon get the Book of the Living out from the bottom of the statue.
“Keep digging,” Ardeth told them as he racked the shotgun heading toward the opposite passageway that the groaning was coming from, I watched as he ran out of ammunition after just a few shots, the click of the gun echoing through the small room. 
“The Book of Amun-Ra” Jonathan uttered out as he unwrapped the cloth from the golden book. 
“Save the girl. Kill the creature.” Ardeth ordered them as he ran forward into the passageway that was littered with Imhoteps priests. Rick lit another match on his own face and then another stick of dynamite. “What are you waiting for? Get out! Get out!” Ardeth yelled. I watched as Rick threw the dynamite into the adjacent area next to the tunnel to blast the remnants of the wall onto the mummies that plagued Ardeth’s escape. I watched with bated breath as I tried to push the thoughts of my husband being dead out of my mind. There was still work to be done. Immediately, a wave of contentment washed over me as I was pushed back from my present thoughts back to the window of watching my movements. Ahmanet took over as she heard the emotions running through me, she moved us swiftly through the cracks and hidden passageways back to Imhotep and Evy. 
“I found it Evy, I found it!” Jonathan yelled, distracting Imhotep from stabbing Evy with an ornate-looking knife. This gave me the opportunity to move towards Rick who was stealthily grabbing a sword from a statue. 
“The Book of Amun Ra” Imhotep uttered as I rapidly scaled down to the ground from the ledge where I had been watching the whole scene unfold. 
“Shut up and get me off here Jonathan,” Evy begged him as he started down the stairs toward her. "Open the book, Jonathan. It's the only way to kill him. You have to open the book and find the inscription." She continued to instruct him. "Well, l can't open it! It’s locked or something... We need the key, Evy!" Jonathan realized almost immediately. "It's inside his robes,” Evy said, answering his question as I watched Rick free one of Evy’s wrists from the shackles that bound her to the table near Anck-su-naum. Ahmanet walked me forward with a flick of her wrist, the mummies that were surrounding the table disintegrated into nothing, leaving just her and Rick. I watched as his face switched to confusion, looking towards me.
“Eris?” He asked curiously, seeing the blood that riddled my body. I advanced on him with the dagger of Set in my hand. He blocked efficiently as I made a swift jab toward him. I was proud of him for deflecting the move since swords were not his chosen weapon. 
“There are worse fates than death.” Ahmanet growled out, as my body stalked toward him, my eyes now doubled and golden. I lunge my knife low towards Rick’s abdomen, he blocked it with the hilt of his sword, pressing it against my forearm in an attempt to disarm me. I moved fast, jabbing the knife toward his face, he abruptly defended by swatting my arm out of the way. I bring my unarmed hand up to deflect his swing at my face, switching the knife to my left hand, keeping my eyes on him as I go. His instant reaction was surprise that I had switched hands that fast, I felt his hand grip my right wrist. I twirled backward away from him and stopped mid spin coming back toward him, slashing at his chest with the dagger in my non-dominant hand. He moved away fast, easily deflecting the move as I went in for another downward stab at his face, he blocked with his sword and twirled my dagger out of the way once again, moving the blades downward away from us so as not to cause any real harm. I could feel the anger seething from Ahmanet as she grabbed the hilt of his sword moving to disarm him. I took another downward jab at my brother, only to be surprised by another quick parry, stopping me with his forearm. We locked eyes, my hand moving to his chest, pushing him away from me with a supernatural force toward a wall where he fell, coughing up a bit of blood, attempting to catch his breath. I closed the difference between us easily, as I grabbed ahold of his shoulder holsters, throwing him on the ground and rapidly moving on top of him. 
I reared up holding the dagger, I knew this was the time to fight back. With a great effort, I pushed forward into the forefront of my brain. Ahmanet did not expect the sudden switch as I hastily took over, stronger this time. While I kept her at bay I watched Rick’s eyes filled with distress. It was either me or him and I knew exactly what I would rather the outcome be. Me. As I struggled against Ahmanets hold on me, I felt the jagged edge of the dagger of Set enter my stomach, a gasp leaving my mouth as Ahmanet started to realize what had happened. 
“No! You fool, you have no idea what you have now unleashed.” She spoke in my head, her power and voice fading away into nothing.
“Eris!” Rick yelled out catching my shoulders as I fell toward him. He moved me to the side, slipping out from underneath me. He held my head watching my flickering eyes, I could see the betrayal flashing through him as he debated what to do, looking at the dagger of Set and back to my face. I could tell Rick was fighting with his emotions, knowing he needed to go to Evy. I nodded urging him to go to her instead. He moved away from me slowly, laying me on the sand as he went to Evy releasing her from the table. My breathing slowed as my vision started to blacken at the edges. The darkness was pulling me away and I welcomed it, I yearned for it now, it didn’t matter that I was leaving my brother and husband behind. I knew that it would protect me.
I could sense a being with me, as my family faded from view. I knew exactly who it was this time though, Set. I watched as he materialized in front of me in his jackal form.
“This is not what I expected from you, Eris.” I could hear his voice projecting from the ether.
“Well, I’ve been known to keep the supernatural community on its toes.” I brushed off the awkward comment with an awkward reply. 
“I meant that it was a selfless act that not many people would have made especially with the burden that is Ahmanet.” Set explained. 
“Would you have preferred a different outcome?” I asked suspiciously. 
“No I wouldn’t because I know how much losing your brother would completely destroy you. But I have a proposition for you.” He started as he walked up to me in the dark room. I groaned, not really willing to hear it, but met his eyes anyway asking him to continue. 
“And that is?” I asked him giving him what he wanted, taking the bait he had laid so easily. 
“You let me be a constant in your mind, not controlling like Ahmanet. But a sort of conscience.” I listened to his words that were swirling around in my head. I couldn’t imagine another Ahmanet experience. 
“And who’s to say that you’ll keep your word?”  I asked him skeptically. 
“My brother,” he started before I saw a large falcon appear and land on Set’s shoulder. I could feel my breath leave my lungs. 
“Horus?” I immediately knew my answer as I watched the falcon twitch its head toward me in a nod. 
“It’s no surprise that we have had our troubles in the past…” Set started as the falcon screeched agreeing with him. 
“Since then we have made amends. Horus has always been the lighter side of our brotherly rivalry, if you do not trust me then he would be the one to trust.” I slowly nodded,
“And if I refuse?” I asked curiously, knowing the answer wouldn’t be what I wanted. 
“You will die, and I would hate to see that. You have so much more life to live and without your family and new husband…” He confirmed what I was thinking. It was a difficult decision to make, and I just wanted to die. Sensing that I wasn’t going to agree he let me view what was happening now in the room. "Keep him busy," Evy yelled to Rick as Imhotep threw him away toward a wall. 
"No problem," Rick uttered, his face in the sand, catching his breath. As Rick got up, Imhotep smacked him across the room again, where Rick fell with a grunt. Imhotep strode up to him, closing the distance between them, lifting Rick into the air a hand around his throat. 
“Now it’s your turn,” He says to Rick, his intentions to kill him clear. 
"Hurry, Evy! Hurry!" Jon exclaimed as he watched Rick turn blue from Imhotep choking him. "You're not helping," Evy said in a singsong voice as she flipped the heavy pages of the book of Amun Ra in Jonathan’s hands. "Oh! I’ve got it." Evy yelled out in relief and then proceeded to chant "Kadeesh mal. Kadeesh mal. Pared oos. Pared oos." A transparent blue carriage materialized out of thin air, carrying Imhotep's immortal soul back to the underworld, he released Rick from his grip running after the carriage up the steps as it disappeared. Rick stood back up picking up his sword after rolling over a stone back toward Evy and Jon. "l thought you said it was gonna kill him!" Rick said annoyed as he pointed his sword at Imhotep's stomach. Imhotep advanced on him, running himself through the blade. 
"He's mortal," Evy explained as Imhotep reached down to touch the blood, looking at it curiously. He brought his fingers up to view the crimson liquid, stumbling backward into the pool of skeletal remains holding his wound and muttering as he decomposed in front of their eyes. 
“Death is only the beginning,” Evy translated what Imhotep said for the others. 
“Better make a decision quickly,” Set said to me as if he knew what would be coming next. I huffed as I knew the outcome all too well, I was fucked either way. My brain worked fast as I continued to debate the decision. I knew one thing, I wasn’t ready to die. 
“Alright, fine. Yes, just no possession.” I uttered as I reached my hand toward him in agreement, feeling as if I’d made a deal with the devil. 
“Deal.” He said as he shook my hand, I gasped awake from my position on the ground immediately attracting the attention of Evy, Rick, and Jon. 
“Eris?!” Rick gasped out as he slid up on his knees next to me. I sat up pulling the dagger from my stomach, the ruby turned black disintegrating into dust. I clutched onto the dagger putting it in my pack before looking down at my arms to see the Sumerian-translated Book of the Dead markings that had graced my arms for so long were now gone. My original Set tattoo with the pyramid only remained.
“Yeah… It’s me.” I sighed out in relief as I looked over to Evy and Jon who were astounded that I was alive. I looked back to Rick, our eyes meeting as he watched me carefully. 
“Are you sure?” He asked as I looked at him confused. 
“Yes, why?” I asked. 
“You’re eyes… They’re different colors.” He said slowly, not wanting to alarm me. “One’s brown like normal, the other is green…” He continued. I watched him knowing exactly what that meant but didn’t want to break the news or alarm them in any way just yet. 
“How’re you feeling?” Evy asked as she sat down gingerly next to me, taking the attention off of my eyes. 
“I’m alright, surprisingly…” I said as Jonathan walked closer to me, he was still clutching the Book of the Living as Rick helped me to my feet, not pushing me further for answers for once in his life. 
“Are you okay?” I asked Rick as he looked me over for injuries. I looked at him before he pulled me into a crushing hug. 
“I thought I lost you,” Rick uttered his voice cracking with emotion, I had never seen this version of him before and it was almost unnerving to see now. 
“I’m here, you didn’t,” I reply, my own emotions breaking through. It was as if the floodgate had burst and I was finally feeling everything since the possession besides anger. Immediately my thoughts went to Ardeth.
“Is he??” I asked, before I could get it out Rick squeezed me tight.
“I’m not sure.” He replied softly, pulling away to look at me. I nodded pushing down the raw emotions that were threatening to boil over. 
“Let’s get out of here shall we?” Jon’s voice rang out trying to lighten the mood, I cleared my throat pulling away from Rick as Evy led us through the treasure room. 
“Can we just?” Jon asked softly as he eyed everything in the room glancing to Evy for permission to take a few things. She laughed a bit as she nodded not seeing the need to rush. Jon whooped, as he took some pieces of gold, stuffing them in a saddle bag he had. I threw him my bag to fill as I went to sit on the stairs next to Evy. We sat for a moment in silence as the room was filled with the sound of Jon throwing some artifacts behind him, being careful to only pocket the perfect pieces. 
Once he was satisfied we made our way up the stairs to a corridor, where there was some sort of lever sticking out of the wall. Jon put his bag weighed down with treasure on it. An ominous sound filled the room as it creaked down. 
“What’d you do?!” Rick asked, alarmed as the walls started to move and sand began to seep through the cracks of the city of Hamunaptra. “Time to go!” He yelled as he grabbed the saddlebag off the switch, hoisting it onto his shoulder as we took off in a run through the passageway. I ran behind Jon watching the struggle of him holding onto my bag around his shoulder. I watched the Book of Amun Ra fall out of his grasp and down into a crevasse. Evy stopped and looked down at where the book had gone incredulously. 
“You lost the book! Jonathan, I can’t beli–” She started to say as Rick and Jon grabbed an arm and drug her away from the area and out into the sunlight. I ran behind them as we made it out into the daylight, the pillars around the city collapsing narrowly missing us. We ran until we were out of the vicinity of the chaos. I took a second to breathe as we reached the camels that had herded themselves. My body tensed up immediately as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I reached out immediately and grabbed the person's wrist pulling it with me as I stepped to turn around, my eyes immediately locking with Ardeth’s who was now on the sand instead of on his camel. Evy and Jon jumped from the scare. I heard the familiar click of Rick’s guns being cocked. 
“Thank you, thank you very much,” Jon yelled as Ardeth reached out a hand touching my cheek gingerly. 
“You’re alright,” He breathed out relieved as he quickly closed the distance between us, his lips crashing into my own. I smiled as I kissed him back easily, my fingers finding their way into his hair. He pulled away to address my family,  “You’ve earned the respect and gratitude of my people.” He said to them glancing away from me, meeting Jon, Rick, and Evy’s eyes. 
“Oh well, it was nothing,” Jon said as he clutched his heart. 
“May Allah smile upon you always,” Ardeth said as he kissed his fingers, touching his forehead, and gesturing to them. 
“And yourself,” Jon said as he tried to reciprocate the gesture. I laughed a bit watching the awkward encounter. “Yes anytime.” He continued not knowing where to stop. 
“Let’s go home.” Rick broke the silence that had settled over us as he bent forward to capture Evy’s lips in a kiss. I smiled at the two as Ardeth mounted his camel reaching a hand out toward me to help me up onto it as well. I took his hand, and he easily lifted me onto the animal, settling me in front of him. I watched as Jon mounted his own, my bag securely on his back. Rick and Evy finally pulled away from each other and mounted their own camel, the saddlebag glinting with the treasure Jon had picked out in the sunlight. We started the long trek back toward our home, trotting off over the dunes of sand that covered this area of the world.
Between darkness and light, good or evil whatever human part of her remains she’ll search the world over for a way to break the curse, to find a cure. Yet evil never rests and it will call to her, always… Perhaps sometimes it does take a monster to fight another monster.
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iamamythologicalcreature · 4 months ago
Carry On Through the Ages (all the way back to Ancient Egypt)
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"A Prophesied Rivalry:
This painting, remarkably well-preserved, was recovered from the tomb of a previously unknown and as-yet unidentified woman of significant power, whose rediscovery has fascinated Egyptologists. Historical analysis suggests she was believed to possess a gift for prophecy, and this artwork is very likely an attempt to illustrate one of her visions.
Here, she and her husband are depicted championing their son, who faces an outsider in combat. The outsider is also supported by an enigmatic figure of seemingly great power, foretelling a great struggle between two mighty forces, though whether these forces were meant to be supernatural or more mundane is not clear.
The dog shown, intriguingly, held a place of honor within the family and was found interred in a nearby chamber. The cat's presence, however, remains enigmatic, as the "Cats vs Dogs" reputation cultivated by these domesticated animals today is not something observed elsewhere in Ancient Egyptian artwork. Noted Egyptologists Miriam Blackwood and Theodore Langston have half-jokingly speculated that its inclusion was a mere artistic preference, hinting at the painter’s fondness for cats."
I've always loved Ancient Egyptian art, ever since childhood. I've wanted to do something like this ever since I first read of Baz's ancestry, so @carryonthroughtheages seemed the best excuse to dabble in this ancient art style.
I talked to @monbons about it and apparently the stars and planets were in alignment that day, because she agreed to collaborate with me. She’s created some absolutely gorgeous fiber art to go along with Natasha’s prophecies. And then she surprised me with a Baz doll, because she is amazing. (I love him so much and we are going to look at fashion books together. It’s going to be awesome.)
This is definitely fanart of both Ancient Egyptian art and Snowbaz. Both are worth diving into if you find yourself curious to know more!
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acewithapaintbrush · 2 months ago
please, I need to know about the mummy au!!
Hehe this is actually a One Piece/Mummy AU, the story of The Mummy retold with One Piece characters but with necessary changes to the story of course. It's Zolu and I wanna thank you, getting this ask made me reread a scene I have written for this and I'm more determined than ever to finally get this off the ground!
@swordsmans and @svtboo I need you to kick my ass to finally write this! Here's the scene I was talking about, the prison scene but Zolu, yay
Zoro squints against the unforgiving Egyptian sun. There are people standing in front of his cell. A man with blonde hair and a prominent scar on his face and a black haired man with freckles that, for some reason, has no shirt on. Zoro almost snorts. That's a recipe for an epic sunburn but whatever, not his problem.
The two of them are bickering with the prison warden, throwing Zoro uneasy looks from time to time. There is also a young woman with hair so red it looks orange in the sun. She is standing a bit to the side, arms crossed, trying to act as if she is bored out of her mind. But Zoro can see the way her gaze is fixed on the execution platform and the noose idly swinging in the wind.
There is also that fucking clown, Buggy. The one that stole from him and got him into this mess.
“You!” he growls and is gratified when the guards standing behind him take a step back even though his ire wasn't even directed at them. The actual target of his bloodlust pales and then tries to cover his nerves up with a high pitched laugh.
“No hard feelings, eh, Roronoa? You lost that key fair and square.”
“And the second I get out of here I will cut your throat. Fair and square.”
Zoro knows that he looks absolutely feral, dirty and still bloody from a recent fight. He must look like the demon they love to call him. The two men and the warden stare at him and the girl squints at him from the corner of her eyes, her shoulders tense. The clown looks like he is about to piss himself and Zoro loves it, loves that even behind bars with shackles around his wrists and his swords locked up in the warden's office he can strike fear into his enemies.
Except that there is suddenly someone else crouching down in front of his cell, so close he fills Zoro’s entire field of vision. A young man with a straw hat and a small scar right under one of his eyes. Zoro doesn't understand how he could have missed him until now. The eyes are dancing and his smile shines bright like the sun. He is definitely smaller than Zoro in stature but something about him feels endless. Vast like the sea Zoro hasn't seen in years.
“So cool!” the man with the scar says and he leans even closer, close enough Zoro can smell his breath. It inexplicably smells like the sea. The dust and the grime of the desert suddenly feel far away even though Zoro is kneeling right in it, bleeding right into it from a wound that hasn't healed yet.
One of the men interrupts his discussion with the warden to shout a quick “Don't get too close, Luffy.”
Luffy subtly rolls his eyes and doesn't move. Zoro grins and the man grins back. Sharp. Dangerous.
Zoro leans closer too. “Luffy, eh?”
“Yep. And you are Zoro. Boogy says you know the way to Hamunaptra.”
“Maybe I do.”
Luffy hums and leans his forehead against the bars of his cell, a smirk playing around his lips. The guards at Zoro’s back move as if they want to intervene but ultimately decide to keep out of it. Smart men. “They wanna hang you tomorrow. My brothers are trying to buy your freedom.”
Zoro laughs a little and delights in the way Luffy's eyes widen with curiosity. “How nice of them.”
“Hm. They are the best. Sabo really wants to find that mystery place.” His voice lowers. It feels like they are alone. Their noses are almost touching through the bars. “Will you show us the way?”
Zoro exhales. “Let's make a deal. You get me out of here, and I'll be your guide to wherever you want to go.”
And before he can change his mind he surges forward and presses his lips against those of the man in front of him. The kiss is messy, not his best work at all, but hey, his execution is scheduled for tomorrow and he hasn't been intrigued by anyone like this in many many years. The only shots you miss are the ones you don't take.
He can hear the guards scramble forward to restrain him and a distant part acknowledges Luffy's brothers shouting bloody murder so he starts to pull back. Before he can, Luffy grabs his shirt through the bars and pulls him right back in, pressing their mouths harder against each other. As Zoro is finally ripped away by the guards he feels teeth slightly pierce his lower lip, drawing a bit of blood.
The guards pull him backwards towards the door that leads inside and the last thing Zoro sees is Luffy's face, pressed against the bars, eyes on fire and grin almost a little bit too wide, a tiny spot of red glistening in the corner of his mouth.
“It's a deal.”
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thomas-life · 6 months ago
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Here's some fanart I made of Mummy Joe's character Missy from his YouTube/instagram short "Deathface the Horsey."
I don't know what it is about their characters but I felt compelled to draw this brave rootin' tootin' rebel.
Obviously I took come artistic liberties seeing as Mummy Joe doesn't do a lot of details...
I hope Missy makes it to the Grand Canyon so she and Deathface can jump it!
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romancemedia · 1 year ago
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Highlights of 2023 - My Top Couples
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deathshadowed · 10 months ago
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𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕙 𝕨𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒 𝕄𝕒𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟'𝕤 𝕗𝕒𝕔𝕖
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𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐝 // 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐬
+18 only, fandomless, heavily Western / gothic Western rooted original character Karma with many significant verses to fit into certain fandoms & scenarios. Selective, OC & crossover friendly. Mun & muse are +21
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫
𝔼𝕩𝕡𝕝𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: an unexpected take on death, chasing adrenaline at all costs, fears no evil because she is Death and the valley is hers along with the shadows, supernatural elements hidden in plain sight, 12 lives in two chambers, buried but never healed grief, a name which eventually catches up with everyone like death does, the true definition of chaotic little shit good, slow decline of identity, yet an another Véghváry who has no idea how she's gotten cursed, gritty gothic western & everything that comes with it
♡ / ↻ 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐚𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭 𝐢��𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭
𝓛𝓮𝓽 𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓼𝓮 𝓫𝔂 𝓙𝓪𝓼𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓮
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ava-is-up-to-something · 2 years ago
So, I watched The Mummy (1999) last night, and I thought it was a good movie (inaccurate to ancient Egypt and Egyptology, but still a good movie). But it did remind me of this one story from Greek period ancient Egypt, that’s actually kind of similar to the plot of the movie? So I’m gonna ramble about that for a while now.
This story is called Setne and Naneferkaptah, and it also has a Person Who Is An Expert In Fields Related To The Mummies and Curses™ looking for a magic book that’s protected by curses, and a dead guy from an older time and his girlfriend (wife, in this story) who want to stop them from doing that. The Expert™ in this story is Prince Setne (he’s a magician), who was an actual real guy who existed, he was the son of Ramesses II, and he was used in ancient Egyptian fiction as the protagonist of a few stories, not just this one. The magic book is called the Book of Thoth, it was made by the god Thoth, and there two spells in it that will give you a bunch of cool powers, including being able to talk to animals. The dead guy who’s tomb Setne breaks into is called Naneferkaptah, and he stole the book of Thoth from the original place where it was, but then him, his wife Ahwere, and his son all got killed by the gods because of that, so now the Book of Thoth is in his tomb.
Anyway, the story (well, the surviving parts of it that we have) starts with Setne in the the tomb of Naneferkaptah, with Ahwere telling him the story of how she and Naneferkaptah got married and were really happy, but were then killed after Naneferkaptah stole the Book of Thoth. The place Naneferkaptah steals the Book of Thoth from originally isn’t a tomb, it’s a multilayered box at the bottom of a huge body of water. I guess there are what you could call “traps” around it? There’s just a bunch of bugs. And snakes. Six miles of scorpions and snakes and other reptiles all around the box. Naneferkaptah uses a spell to get past all the bugs and snakes, and then he fights the guardian of the book, which is another snake. He fights it thee times, the first two times it comes back to life, but the third time he cuts it in half and it stays dead.
Setne demands they give him the book after Ahwere finishes telling him that story, and Naneferkaptah is like, “Dude, my wife just told you how taking this book is a super bad idea, why do you still want it?” But Setne is doing that protagonist thing where just hearing the story within a story isn’t enough to get him to learn the moral, and bad things have to happen to him in order for him to learn it, so he plays board games with Naneferkaptah to try and win the book from him. Setne keeps losing, and every time he loses Naneferkaptah hits him the head with the board they’re using, which makes him sink deeper and deeper into the sand he’s standing on. This keeps happening until Setne is about to suffocate in the sand, at which point he just cheats and steals the book from Naneferkaptah with magic.
Then there’s this fakeout sequence, where Setne gets so horny for a woman that he’s willing to orders all his children to be killed in order to sleep with her, but at the last moment it turns out the woman wasn’t real, Setne’s kids are fine, it didn’t actually happen and Setne’s just naked and embarrassed now. Having learned an important lesson about the destructive nature of greed, Setne returns the book to Naneferkaptah. Setne also finds the bodies of Ahwere and her son (they were buried in a seperate tomb) and moves them to Naneferkaptah‘s tomb, so they can be dead and in love together for the rest of time.
So anyway, if you ever wondered about what ancient Egyptian stories about tomb robbing cursed texts were like, now you know.
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angel-0f-verdun · 8 months ago
16 Unrelenting Turmoil
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Previous Chapter
As we got to the top of the stairs Ardeth set me down on a chair in the library while he went searching for gauze to wrap my hand. I smiled to myself sitting there realizing that this was where the journey had all started. Had I never worked here or Rick never been missing, we wouldn’t be in this situation right now. I found myself feeling grateful that we weren’t adopted as children, who knows how I would have turned out had I grown up a socialite in America. I cringed at the thought of those dresses with corsets I had seen in the papers.
I heard some commotion near the front of the building footsteps quickly rushing through the hall. I spotted the curator come out from his office to meet the group which was most likely my brother and the Carnahans. Dr. Bay greeted them and they talked in hushed voices as Rick’s eyes caught my own noticing me. Ardeth cut off my view of him as he stepped into my line of sight. I smiled at him as he gingerly took my hand wrapping the gauze around multiple times to staunch the bleeding. He then transferred his attention to my thigh where the fabric had ripped. He looked into my eyes asking for permission to rip the fabric more. I nodded as I felt the feeling of eyes on me. He tore it, wrapping the gauze around the wound as the blood-soaked through almost immediately. 
“I thought I told you to watch her, not maim her.” I heard the accusatory voice of my brother as his heavy footsteps approached us. 
“It’s fine Rick we were playing with swords. One way to pass the time while you were off gallivanting with the others.” I said to him waving my left hand around to make a point, annoyed that he suddenly started caring about this.
“What is that?” He asked, ‘fuck’ I mentally cursed myself hoping that we wouldn’t have to have this conversation just yet. 
“It’s nothing,” I said as I placed my hand underneath the leg that Ardeth was wrapping. This caught the attention of Evy and Jon who walked up interrupting Rick’s incoming fury. Evy gave me a look of confusion and intrigue, a smile tugging at her mouth. 
“Let’s see Eris.” She said as she stood next to Rick her fingers grazing his arm. I could tell he relaxed the second she touched him. I was grateful for her presence then. Ardeth looked up at me when he had finished the wrapping. I yanked the gauze out of his grip and started to wrap his shoulder to prevent him from moving. 
“Holy smokes, look at the size of that thing. It’s like a golf ball on your finger.” I heard Jon gasp as he caught sight of the rock on my finger. I watched my husband's face seeing a smile start to form. I could tell he was delighted at the reaction.
“Oh my god, it’s absolutely beautiful, let me see,” Evy said, brushing past Rick’s shoulder and kneeling down as well. I gave her my left hand and saw Rick turn as red as a tomato. Evy noticed the wedding band, I felt her fingers move it a little. 
“You and he?” she asked with a soft smile gracing her face. I nodded unsure how to break this news to my brother. 
“I wasn’t even invited.” I heard Rick slowly put the pieces together. His voice didn’t hold a tone of anger but rather sadness. 
“She is that missing link for me as you have found with Evelyn,” Ardeth uttered, watching me entirely while he said it. I smiled at him, unable to resist him. I leaned forward, capturing his lips in a soft peck. I stood up wincing at the blood rush to my legs walking toward my brother. His eyes met mine and it looked as if he was mulling something over. 
“You never were one to take things slowly. Are you sure about this?” Rick asked me, I nodded. 
“Alright, Ardeth, welcome to the chaos.” He said as he walked over to hug the man. As he did I saw Ardeth wince as his shoulder got the brunt of it. When Rick let go he chuckled a bit, 
“Watch out for her, she’ll annihilate you with swords… But it seems you’ve already figured that out.” He said. 
“Yes, a butcher taught her how to fight, not a swordsman.” He repeated the words he had told me just a few minutes ago.
“Yes, what was his name again Eris? Gary? It was some weird name.” I sighed as he kept the conversation going. I wanted to get off the topic.
“Geralt.” I said shortly, Evy knew what I was talking about as her head spun toward me with wide eyes. She cleared her throat, regaining her composure. 
“Yeah, that was it… I seem to remember--” Rick kept going as I gave Evy a look, she elbowed him in the ribs to get him to stop talking. 
“What was that for?” He grumbled looking down at Evy next to him. 
“We really should get started on finding out where the golden book is.” She said as she spun around and started walking towards the stairwell. 
“Sorry? What gold book?” I asked her as Ardeth and I followed the group up the stairs with the curator leading us toward the room that held the tablet sitting at the top of the steps. 
“Well, according to legend the black book that the Americans found at Hamunaptra is supposed to bring people back from the dead. Until now it was a notion I was unwilling to believe” Evy explained.
“Well believe it sister, that's what brought our buddy back to life,” Rick told her with a scoff in his voice as we made it to the first landing. 
“Yes, and I’m thinking if the black book can bring dead people to life…” Evy started her thought. 
“Then maybe the gold book will kill him.” Rick finished her sentence. 
“That’s the myth. Now, we just have to find out where the gold book is hidden.” Evy explained as we reached the second floor. 
“Imhotep” I could hear the chanting start outside. 
“What’s that?” I asked them unsure what to expect when we left the safety of the museum. Evy turned around away from the tablet to look out the window. 
“Last but not least, my favorite plague, boils and sores.” Jon morbidly breathed out. 
“They have become his slaves. So it has begun, the beginning of the end.” Ardeth said his hand slipping into mine. 
“Not quite yet it hasn’t. Come on.” Evy replied to everyone determined to get us out of this mess. She ran quickly back to the tablet as I eyed the crowd forming outside. I squeezed Ardeth’s hand as I moved quickly back down the stairs ignoring the pain that spread through my leg. 
“Where’re you going?” I heard Rick ask looking down at me over the railing with Ardeth. 
“To get a sword. We won’t be able to shoot our way out of this.” I told him as I continued on my mission. Ardeth nodded at me but I could tell he wasn’t happy to let me go alone. My legs carried me toward the path that Ardeth had led me down to the basement.
The air turned cold as I rushed through the storage area towards where the concrete turned to sand in the training area. I ran to the wooden stand and reached for the sheath strapping it to my back, then grabbing the sword that I had used not long ago to prove my skill to my husband. Just as I was about to sheath it my eyes flickered to Ahmanet hiding in the shadows of the room near the wall. Not wanting to confront the demon standing in front of me I turned on my heel trying to escape from her foreboding presence. Before I could start a run the wind was knocked from my lungs as I felt the cold concrete of the wall on my back. I groaned as I hit the floor, she was pissed and stronger than she was before. 
“You thought you could escape me?” She muttered walking up to my curled-up body on the floor as I coughed blood coming out of my mouth. I knew immediately that I had broken a rib as it hurt to breathe. I spit the blood from my mouth grabbing a handful of sand discreetly. 
“I can always try,” I told her, attempting to get up from the ground. She stopped that movement, putting a hand on my neck and pushing my face further into the grains of sand. I stopped struggling against her, the force too much for my broken body to withstand. 
“ARDETH!!” I yelled out before Ahmanet pulled me up by my neck, the cold wall behind my back again as she silenced my voice. I struggled to breathe as she choked me. 
“He can't hear your screams of peril,” She said menacingly as I tried to pry her hands away from my throat but the attempts I made didn’t matter as I started to see black fog my vision. I remembered the sand I held in my hand and thrust the grain at her face. She scoffed and squeezed tighter. The world fading away. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears slowing down. Just before the black took my entire world away I was dropped back onto the ground a groan emitting from my throat as I lay there for a second catching my breath yet again. 
“Eris, my love.” I heard his words echo through the space unwilling to open my eyes for fear I wasn’t in my body anymore. 
“What the hell happened?” I heard Rick as his feet hit the sand. 
“Open your eyes.” I heard Ahmanet’s now disembodied voice coming from inside my mind. I did as she asked, seeing Ardeth crouched in front of my head. I looked around the room trying to find her again. 
“She’s back, she was here,” I uttered, unsure how else to explain it at first. 
“She’s growing stronger from the catalyst of Imhotep rising. It’s almost as if she’s here with me in the physical world.” Ardeth nodded slowly then touched his forehead to mine. The intimate moment was interrupted by my brother clearing his throat.
“I hate to interrupt such a caring moment but we should really get going.” Evy said, breaking the tense silence that fell over the room. I moved to get up from the floor feeling the aches and pains more prominent this time. I reached for the sword that had dropped from my hand when I had tried to run away. I put it in the sheath behind my back, straightening out my muscles and stretching them. 
“Alright, let’s go.” I followed the group from the basement and out to the front of the building where Jonathan was waiting with the car. Right before Jonathan could punch the gas to get us out of there I heard a voice yell from the steps of the museum. 
“IMHOTEP!! IMHOTEP!!” Beni yelled, getting the mummy’s attention from where we had been standing at the window just a few minutes ago. Imhotep screamed, his jaw unhinging covered with decay that had not been fixed yet. The last person he would need was Daniels who was safely in the car with us. I cringed, not wanting to think about the man’s fate. I felt Ardeth’s arm hook around my shoulder steadying me as the car took off in the direction of the inner city streets. 
“You’re gonna get yours Beni, you hear me? You’re gonna get yours!”Rick yelled from the front seat of the car near Jon. He drove through the streets of houses that covered the block. Jon stopped abruptly, the brakes of the car squealing as we faced a mob of Imhotep’s slaves. After a moment of sitting there, Rick used his foot to push the car forward causing Jon to let out a squeak as the car started to move forward into the mob of people. 
“Hang on,” Rick told the rest of us as people started to hit the windshield of Jon’s car. After being bulldozed they started to climb onto the car. Separating me from Ardeth as we both prepared for a fight. I grabbed the dagger I had hidden in my boot, slashing the wrists of a few that were gripped onto the love of my life. I ducked as I noticed Ardeth about to punch me in the face. I heard the scream of a man behind me who went flying off the car and into some baskets of food that lined the streets. 
“O’Connell, O’Connell!!” I heard Daniels scream as he was being carried off the car by a few of the indentured. I shared a brief look with Ardeth as we let him go, continuing to fight off the others that were still latched onto the car. For a moment it was silent and everyone stopped. The crowd was gone from around us, going after the last American that had opened that chest in Hamunaptra. As soon as I had taken a breath a huge crash sent my body forward through the air. I felt Ardeth grab my shoulders holding me in place where we stood in the back of the car. The mob caught up to us, Ardeth pushed me out of the car to follow Evy, Jon, and the curator standing in front of the market that used to be set up every Sunday to buy fruits and other things that tourists would enjoy. I reached for my sword on my back holding it in front of the crowd that was starting to surround us. Rick was trying to hold them off with the torch he had picked up from the street. 
“It’s the creature, he’s fully regenerated.” Dr. Bay whispered to us pulling me from the nostalgic thought. The crowd made a path for Imhotep to walk through. There was no longer decay on his mouth he was entirely whole now. 
“Come with me, my princess it is time to make you mine for all eternity.” Imhotep walked up to Evy. I felt Ahmanet rise to the surface, once again. My posture changed abruptly as I looked over at Ardeth to find him already watching me. He reached for my hand and Ahmanet quickly pulled it away from him. I watched as his eyes showed a hurt expression watching as my eyes doubled. He knew what was coming.
“For all eternity, idiot.” Evy corrected Beni’s words as he was translating for the rest of us. 
“Fight her Eris.” I heard Ardeth whisper to me, catching the attention of the curator. I did as he asked, trying to push toward the front of my mind and get her out of my body. I felt her start to lose hold. 
“Take my hand and I will spare your friends.” Imhotep said to us. 
“Oh dear… Have you got any bright ideas?” Evy said to Rick as she debated her options. 
“You have nowhere else to go but with him” I heard my voice ring through the air. I pushed Evy forward towards Imhotep. I watched as Rick looked back toward me his eyes widening at the sight of me. He looked to Ardeth briefly sharing a look as one of his hands left the torch for Evy.
“I’m thinking, I’m thinking.” He said to her as I felt Ardeth wrap a chain around my wrists behind me. I felt Ahmanet scream in my head as the silver touched my skin. I crumpled into a sitting position on the ground. 
“You better think of something fast, because if he turns me into a mummy you're the first one I’m coming after.” Evy said to Rick as she started to walk forward revealing me behind her. At the sight of Imhotep Ahmanet easily broke the chain that bound my wrists, the jolt of energy pushing me toward Evy and Imhotep. She shared a look with the fully regenerated mummy.
“No,” Rick grunted out a look of desperation reaching for his pistol. Ardeth quickly reached out and stopped him from shooting. He held him back his own emotions running wild across his face. 
“Don’t, he still has to take me to Hamunaptra to perform the ritual,” Evy told Rick watching as the two men struggled internally with letting us go. My back straightened as I put the sword away watching my husband hold back my brother. 
“The sword skills were a delightful surprise Eris. They will come in handy.” She said to me as she let go of control for just a second. Allowing me to speak.
“I love you,” I whispered, talking to them both unsure if this was where we left each other forever.
“She is right, live today, fight tomorrow.” Ardeth breathed out not wanting to let me out of his sight. Rick put the pistol away begrudgingly knowing that it wouldn’t help the current situation. 
“I’ll be seeing you again.” Rick glared at Imhotep and me. 
“Evelyn,” Rick uttered as we turned away from him and started to walk towards the path that had been cleared for us out of the city. I watched as Ahmanet started to converse with the mummy. I was too bogged down with her to struggle anymore. I needed to refresh my mind to figure out a way out of this. I slowly let the darkness consume me as we traveled back across the desert toward the city that had started this unending nightmare. 
Next Chapter
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riveroverthesky · 2 years ago
Me researching genetically engineered fish after spending the last two years obsessing over FFVII and its entire SOLDIER programme subplot:
"I'm going to use this information responsibly" - I lied like the liar I am
Research Variation
Rainbow Trout - To study muscle development
Zebrafish - To study heart tissue repair and failure
Grasscarp - To study lactoferrin
Pet Variation
Zebrafish, Medaka Black tetra, tiger barb - Bred with the green fluorescent protein extract from jellyfish to develop fluorescent lighting when under white and ultraviolet light. Research eventually led to different colourations:
Trademarked names - "Starfire Red", "Moonrise Pink", "Sunburst Orange", "Electric Green", "Cosmic Blue", and "Galactic Purple".
Food Variation
Salmon, trout and tilapia - Injected with growth hormones to increase the rate of development by double or even 100x their regular body weight
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touchaheartnews · 1 year ago
How a Nigerian Woman's Early Morning Cooking Went Viral and Changed Her Life
How a Nigerian Woman's Early Morning Cooking Went Viral and Changed Her Life
Touchaheart – Mummy Zee, or Debbie, is a Nigerian woman who has become an overnight sensation on X (former Twitter). She shared a post on the social media platform about three days ago that sparked a lot of reactions and discussions. In her post, she confessed: “I’ve always been too lazy to wake up and get his lunch ready. But the day he told me a colleague brought two spoons so he’ll eat with…
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fandom · 4 months ago
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Nine rings for mortal men doomed to die, five nights in an abandoned pizzeria, and one (1) fourth-generation Honda Odyssey.
Deadpool & Wolverine
Five Nights at Freddy's +26
Lord of the Rings +4
The Hunger Games +10
Saw +18
Dune +53
Barbie -6
Trolls Band Together
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse -9
Red, White, and Royal Blue -6
Transformers One
The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes +76
A Minecraft Movie
Nimona -12
The Hobbit +10
Inside Out 2
Mean Girls +17
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Venom: The Last Dance +21
Twilight +1
How to Train Your Dragon +8
Dead Poets Society
The Boy and the Heron
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Ultraman: Rising
The Marvels +48
Goncharov -27
Coraline +16
Lisa Frankenstein
Howl's Moving Castle -7
Top Gun: Maverick -14
Les Misérables +9
An Extremely Goofy Movie
Steamboat Willie
The Addams Family -30
The Super Mario Bros. Movie
Shrek -24
Spirited Away -2
The Batman -2
Trolls World Tour
Brokeback Mountain
Fight Club +41
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire
I Saw the TV Glow
Star Wars: Episode III—Revenge of the Sith +12
Knives Out -40
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
Rite Here Rite Now
The Nightmare Before Christmas +19
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem -34
The Princess Bride +4
Frozen -3
Little Shop Of Horrors
Monkey Man
Night at the Museum +9
Gladiator II
The Lion King
Alien: Romulus
Soul +5
Wreck-It Ralph
The Wild Robot
Pacific Rim -6
Avatar: The Way of Water -55
Princess Mononoke -13
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
American Psycho -16
The Thing -26
The Fantastic Four: First Steps
The Mummy -4
Heathers +18
Beauty And The Beast -46
Oppenheimer -67
Alien (1979)
Equestria Girls -9
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story -42
The Little Mermaid -67
Marie Antoinette
Pirates of the Caribbean -3
The Lost Boys -12
The Dark Knight
My Neighbor Totoro -9
John Wick -42
Kung Fu Panda +4
Hellraiser -19
Encanto -50
The Shining
Star Wars: Episode IV—A New Hope
Lilo & Stitch -13
The number in italics indicates how many spots a title moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded titles weren’t on the list last year.
Love movies? Discuss plots, follow franchises, and share movie memes. Right this way.
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emmavakarian-theirin · 2 months ago
so let me start this by saying i in no way mean to steal the thunder from this post or anything, as stated this has been on my mind for a while and i wanted to articulate my own thoughts rather than hijack someones post, as well as get the wording right because there's so much about it i can't put into words
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the way the notion of a promise between rook and lucanis changes over the course of the game and their relationship is so complex and endearing to me. from my playthrough (as a non-crow, if there's a difference):
rook promises they'll take down zara together with lucanis. he tells rook not to promise. technically that doesn't happen, and you could say that promise was broken. prior to tearstone island, rook promises they'll be here for lucanis, and again he tells them not to. but then rook's gone for weeks, presumed dead. again, a broken promise. but then rook comes back and wants him to promise that they're here and this is real, and he does. that promise doesn't break. then later, rook promises they're not going anywhere, a promise which had already been broken. but lucanis lets them promise, and rook wants that promise held against them. that promise also doesn't break.
there's so much to be said and discussed about it and i don't think it comes down to one reason, but just some possibilities:
in lucanis' mind, has his worst case scenario already happened? so now with rook back, does he let these promises happen? there was so much he didn't say or do because he was afraid to lose them, only to lose them anyway. so now he'll say and do anything while rook is with him and here. rook has become priority despite all he's known and been through.
is it more that, having been a part of the antivan crows since birth, he's been raised and trained not to trust or rely on many, if anyone. but as a crow, his life is little more than contracts and sworn oaths. would he promise to rook, but not have them promise in return? only when there's so much on the line and no promise of tomorrow, worse than usual in his line of work, does he let them promise just this once?
is it because maybe, just maybe, if rook can make it back to him again and again despite everything - the prison of regret, arlathan, weisshaupt, gods, even him - maybe there's hope? that they can find a way and be safe and together, even when so much of their lives involves death and deception?
or is it merely them finally just fully giving themselves to one another without fear or question of each other. to be completely vulnerable for a change. to have that with someone in their lives they can trust completely. to love and be loved.
i've spent the last 30 hours (my laptop begs for death) putting together a lucanis gifset and once i can finally think of the caption it is so over for me
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ari-ana-bel-la · 6 days ago
George and his little one getting caught by the DTS crew as he was busy doing her hair as she just pouts since he "ruined" her hairstyles and wanted a new one
Behind the Scenes
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The Netflix crew had been shadowing the Mercedes team all day, capturing everything from Toto’s intense strategy discussions to Kimi Antonelli’s quiet moments as he prepared for his next run. But there was one person they hadn’t managed to get much footage of—George.
It wasn’t intentional. He’d just been busy, but not with meetings or car debriefs. No, he’d spent most of the day with his four-year-old daughter, Yn. She was his little shadow, his greatest joy, and today, he had chosen to prioritize her over the cameras.
That’s why, when the Netflix crew entered the Mercedes lounge area, they weren’t expecting to stumble upon a moment far more intimate than any strategy meeting or garage footage.
There, in the cozy corner of the lounge, sat Yn. Her tiny frame was perched on one of the padded chairs, her legs swinging back and forth as she focused intently on the brightly colored picture book in front of her. The book was almost too big for her lap, but she managed, her small fingers tracing over the illustrations as she whispered to herself, completely lost in the story.
Behind her stood George, carefully running a brush through her beautiful hair. His expression was one of concentration, his brows furrowed as he tried to smooth out the little tangles without pulling too hard.
Yn had a small pout on her lips, her nose scrunched up in dissatisfaction. It was subtle, but George noticed instantly. He always did.
“Oh no, what’s this?” he murmured, setting the brush down for a moment to press a quick kiss to her cheek. “Are you mad at me, my love?”
Yn let out a tiny huff, crossing her arms. “You ruined my hair.”
George blinked, then looked at her hair again. Sure, it was a little messy from where he had been brushing it, but—oh. He understood now.
“Ah,” he said knowingly, nodding. “Mummy did it this morning, didn’t she?”
Yn nodded, her lips still pushed out in that adorable pout.
George bit back a chuckle. “I’m very sorry, princess,” he said solemnly, kissing her cheek again. “I didn’t mean to mess it up.”
Yn peeked up at him through her lashes, as if considering whether to accept his apology. George, sensing he needed to sweeten the deal, leaned in closer.
“How about this?” he whispered conspiratorially. “I’ll do your hair again, and I promise it’ll be just as good as Mummy’s. Maybe even better.”
Yn’s pout wavered. “Promise?”
George placed a hand over his heart. “Cross my heart.”
That earned him a small, wobbly smile, and George grinned in return, pressing another kiss to her temple before picking up the brush again.
Unbeknownst to him, the Netflix crew was filming the entire thing. They had stayed hidden, knowing that this was one of those golden, unscripted moments that truly captured the human side of the drivers. They didn’t want to interrupt; they just wanted to watch.
George worked diligently, his hands gentle as he divided Yn’s hair into sections. He wasn’t as quick as Carmen, nor was he as skilled, but he was determined to make his little girl happy.
“So, what are we thinking?” he mused. “A ponytail? Pigtails? A bun?”
Yn scrunched up her nose, deep in thought. “Braid.”
“Ah, a fine choice,” George said, nodding seriously. “A classic.”
He carefully began twisting her hair into a braid, his fingers moving slowly to make sure it wasn’t too tight.
As he worked, Yn continued flipping through her book, occasionally humming a little tune under her breath. The soft atmosphere of the lounge made it feel like they were in their own little world, far away from the noise of the paddock.
“Almost done,” George announced after a few minutes, securing the braid with a small hair tie he had kept in his pocket. “Now, let’s see if Daddy’s work passes the test.”
He pulled out his phone and snapped a quick picture before turning the screen toward Yn. “What do you think?”
Yn’s face lit up. “I love it!”
And then, before George could react, she flung herself into his arms.
George, always prepared, caught her easily, wrapping his arms securely around her tiny frame. He held her close, pressing a hand against her back as she snuggled into him.
“Best Daddy,” she mumbled into his chest.
George’s heart melted. “And you’re the best little girl.”
The Netflix crew, recognizing that this moment was too private to exploit, slowly backed away, shutting off their cameras as they left the lounge.
Some moments were just meant to be cherished—not filmed.
Authors Note: Hey loves. I hope you enjoyed reading this story. My requests are always open for you.
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wileys-russo · 3 months ago
santa's biggest fan II l.williamson
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part of the mila-verse and a little belated christmas fic i never finished in time santa's biggest fan II l.williamson "okay mils, time for bed bubba!" you clapped your hands together when the movie finished, the end credits rolling and your wife heaving a sigh of relief as your daughter groaned.
"another one! i'm not tired." the small blonde demanded, curling even more into leah who smiled in amusement, but that dropped the moment you gave her a hard look of warning.
"bubba if you don't go to sleep, santa won't come!" the footballer whistled with a firm nod as mila looked up to her in shock. "he only comes when everyone is sleeping." you back her up with another nod.
"okay lets all go to bed come on!" mila announced, launching herself off the lounge and sprinting off in the direction of yours and leahs room.
"mila babe, mummy and i don't go to sleep yet. remember how we talked about grown up bedtime is different to kid bedtime?" you called after her, footsteps thundering back down the hall as you were grateful you didn't still live in the tiny upstairs apartment you and leah first moved into together years before mila was even a thought.
"then why can't i stay up with you? its a special night, mummy said so! that should mean special rules." mila huffed, bottom lip jutting out into an adorable pout as she stomped her foot.
"it is already an hour past your bedtime little miss, now go on jump into bed and we'll come in and read you a special story. right?" leah chimed in, mila shaking her head and with a resoundingly stubborn no! was off and racing around the house again as you and leah shared a knowing look.
"my love i have a feeling this is going to be a long night."
and safe to say you weren't a betting woman but you were right on the money with that predication.
"is she..." you whispered to your wife as she ever so slowly tip toed back into the living room with a quick nod and you exhaled in relief. "how many stories?" you asked with a slight smile of amusement, opening your arms as the blonde sank down into them with a huff.
"the same one, over and over, seven bloody times. i might just add in the murder of that hungry hungry caterpillar the next fucking time i read it!" leah grumbled into your neck, your body vibrating beneath her with a quiet laughter.
"its not funny! god why are kids like this? first it was that awful baby shark song, then it was that awful show about fruit and friendship or whatever, now its the same awful book on repeat!" leah whined as you merely smiled, hand slipping up her hoodie to scratch your nails gently up and down her back.
"kids just like repetition baby its safe for them, they know they won't be disappointed. almost like a defender i know who has had the same pregame routine for...what is it now? ten? eleven years?" you chuckled, leahs head whipping up to scowl down at you as her taller body hovered over yours.
"that is not the same thing!" she whisper yelled defensively as your smile widened into a grin.
"is too. or should we talk about the rotation of bland beige meals you rotate? our daughter has a more adventurous palette than you, at least she can handle some seasoning and colour!" you teased, poking your tongue out in response to her offended scoff.
"i will have you know-" your hand darted up to cover her mouth with a sharp shut up at her raised tone of voice, peeking your head up to glance over your wifes shoulder, sighing in relief when mila didn't appear.
"you know my girl there is another way you could shut me up thats much more pleasant for both of us." leah smirked once you'd removed your hand, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively as you tried to bite back your smile, her arms planting themselves either side of your head.
"is that mistletoe?" leah frowned looking up at the ceiling but the moment you tried to glance up her mouth connected with yours, your fingers pinching her side. "you're unbelievable." you mumbled against her lips with a slight snicker.
"unbelievably sexy? oh baby, how you flatter me." leah gasped sarcastically, once again kissing you quickly before you could reply, settling herself comfortably on top of you as your tongues fought for dominance of the kiss.
but before anyone could win there was an interruption, leah falling off of you in shock and groaning as her back met the floor with a thump.
"i'm not tired and i can't sleep!" mila repeated, stomping her foot with a scowl that was a near mirror image of your wives from where she sat on the floor muttering about her tailbone.
with a deep sigh you sat up, swinging yourself to push off the sofa and scooping up the tiny blonde, settling her on your hip. "well that's too bad mil, it is way past your bedtime!" you carried her back to her room, protests ringing out the entire time.
"story!" the girl demanded as you tucked her back into bed, sighing again and reaching for the book already sat on the bedside table, making yourself comfortable in the armchair by your daughters bed.
"in the light of the moon, a little egg lay on a leaf..."
"-then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon, pushed his way out and-" "-and he was a beautiful butterfly!" your daughter finished excitedly, clapping her hands and nowhere near close to sleep as you exhaled tiredly and snapped the book shut.
"right i've read this three times now and you're a big girl right bubba? well big girls go to sleep when they're supposed to. so you and gunner-" you paused to adjust the little dinosaur plushie held tightly in your daughters grasp.
"-are going to lay here very quietly together, until you fall asleep. or else no santa! you want santa to come visit right mils?" you ran a hand through her mess of blonde hair as she nodded eagerly.
"mama!" her hand grabbed a fistful of your hoodie as you stood and ducked down to kiss her forehead. "yes baby?" you sighed with a small smile.
"cuddles till i fall asleep? pwease?" the four year old pouted, hitting you with the puppy dog eyes she knew worked like a charm on the pair of you most of the time.
"don't do that mil, you know how to do your L's properly." you warned with a look. "please! please, please, please, please-" mila begged as you sighed, seemingly more tired than she was at this rate and knowing the later she stayed up the later you and leah had to stay up to sort out her presents.
"okay! okay okay. but just for a little while, yeah?" you gave in, gently tugging her hands off you and moving to flick the big light in her room off, leaving only the small red arsenal nightlight illuminating a pathway to her door.
"bubba no-" you tried as you laid down beside her, the four year old climbing basically on top of you, her gunnasaurus plushie squished against your cheek as you exhaled, not bothered for the argument.
one hand moving to tangle in her hair your fingers moved rhythmically against her scalp, feeling her limbs ragdoll as her body became that little bit heavier, her breathing evening out against your collarbone.
you waited a few more minutes until you were sure she was properly asleep before very very carefully moving her back into bed, wincing as you struggled to detatch her arms which seemed to be locked around your neck.
though you didn't make it two steps towards the door before she awoke again, tiredly sitting up and wiping her eyes as you exhaled with a shake of your head.
"mama no! more cuddles." "no more cuddles bubba, time to go to sleep. mama will sit by the door for five minutes until you sleep again, okay?" you bargained quietly, your daughter seeming to accept that with a nod as she sank back down in bed right as you sat down on the floor.
five minutes passed though again as you tried to leave her voice rang out for you to stay and you sank back down to the floor with a frustrated sigh, gently encouraging her to lay down and try to sleep.
ten more minutes and you managed to crawl out of the room without interruption, leaving her door open ajar and returning the living room where your wife was still sat up awake, now bundled beneath a blanket.
"come here." the defender smiled knowingly, moving the blanket and adjusting to give you some room to sit between her legs, patting the sofa encouragingly.
though your ass had barely made contact before it sounded again, now both you and leah groaning quietly.
"mama! mummy! i had a bad dream!"
"she's down?" you asked hopefully, now sat comfortably beneath the blanket leah once was, your wife tag teaming to go and lay down with your daughter a half an hour ago, only now emerging.
"for the count." leah confirmed with a tired nod, taking a seat beside you and wiggling beneath the blanket, grabbing your legs and moving them to rest on her lap.
"shit its nearly midnight!" leah realised with a huff, tapping her phone and seeing the time as you hummed, your head resting on her shoulder. "she's a night owl like her mummy!" you teased, patting leahs chest who flicked your ear playfully.
"god i love this movie." you hummed happily, the two of you having been watching bits and pieces of the holiday as you took turns popping in and out of your daughters bedroom to try and get her to succumb to sleep so the pair of you could play santa.
and as your movie finished and there'd been no sight of mila for at least forty minutes now, you readied yourself to do just that, the presents all neatly stacked in your bedroom as leah counted quietly to make sure everything was accounted for.
"-so the bike stays here from us, and the new predator boots go out from santa." leah rolled her eyes at that making you grin, alessia having insisted her goddaughter grew up on predators boots instead of phantoms, something which had driven leah up the wall from the very moment the topic was raised, both you and your best friend adidas athletes while she was with nike.
"i'll go check she's asleep and grab the stocking off her bed, mrs claus." you winked, stealing a kiss from the grumpy blonde whose eyes rolled.
you'd grown up doing christmas a little differently from your wife, the stocking always sat on the foot of your bed rather than hung in the living room, a tradition you'd carried on through your daughter much to leahs protests it made everything ten times harder.
and tonight unfortunately, you were about to find out she was very very right.
you ever so carefully pushed open your daughters door, sticking your head in and surveying the room. "santa?" you heard a tired voice call out groggily, quickly pulling your head back and swearing under your breath, waiting by the door for a moment to see if she'd get up.
but it would seem the small blonde was at least half asleep as no footsteps sounded, and you hurried back to the bedroom where leah was nowhere to be seen, found in the living room meticulously organising the presents beneath the tree.
"we've got a problem." you sighed as she looked up with a frown and an eyebrow raised questioningly. "she's awake still? seriously? its nearly two in the morning babe this is ridiculous!" leah whispered as your eyes rolled.
"sort of, she's not quite asleep but she's not fully awake. we could wait a little while longer?" you sighed tiredly, running a hand through your hair as leah pulled a face.
"you and i both know she's not sleeping past five in the morning babe, no matter when she falls asleep, and i need sleep to deal with our families all day!" leah whined, head thumping against the wall.
"what and i don't leah? we'll just wait ten minutes and i'll check again!" you warned, your wife too tired to protest as she nodded, joining you on the lounge a few moments later.
sure enough when you popped your head in a little while later mila appeared to be sleeping, not a peep heard as you waited a few seconds to be sure, though your breath hitched as she tossed and turned suddenly.
"she's restless, i'm worried she'll wake up." you sighed as you returned to your bedroom where leah was waiting. "you're joking yeah? it'll be fine! lets just get it over and done with." the defender scoffed bluntly, trying to stand from the bed as you pushed at her chest and sent her bouncing back down.
"leah. we are not ruining the magic of christmas for our four year old daughter who loves santa." you growled tiredly, giving her a dirty look before disappearing into the en-suite, rummaging around for something.
"well we're also not being held hostage by that four year old for another hour!" your wife growled right back as she popped up in the doorway. "correct. so, time for plan b!" you stood and leahs hardened face fell seeing what you held in your hands.
"oh absolutely the fuck not. i know what you're thinking babe and thats not happening!"
only a few minutes later, it was most definitely happening despite your wives ongoing grumbles and mumbles of protest as you carefully stuck the cotton wool balls to her face.
"this is fucking ridiculous!" leah grunted unhappily, scrunching her nose up as you finished the makeshift beard, the blonde clad in a matching red arsenal tracksuit with a couple of pillows stuffed up her jumper and a white scarf tied around her waist.
"babe i look like a bloody garden gnome not santa!" leah whined as she caught sight of herself in the mirror and winced, a red arsenal beanie with a funnel under it to create somewhat of a makeshift santa hat teetering precariously on her head.
"she won't notice in the dark if she wakes up leah. you'll just crawl in, try not to wake her, get the stocking. we fill it, you crawl in and put it very carefully back, and we're off to bed!" you recounted, shoving her out of your bedroom and toward your daughters.
"go santa go!" you whispered, hand colliding with her ass encouragingly as she jumped in surprise and turned to give you a filthy look.
"oi you better watch it, elf." the blonde pointed menacingly as your eyes rolled, hiding a smile as your wife dropped to her stomach, pushing mila's door open and very carefully commando crawling inside.
you felt as though you couldn't breathe until she returned, a hand over your mouth to stop from laughing as she crawled out again a moment later dragging the stocking with her.
"don't you dare laugh." the older girl muttered, hitting you in the face with the stocking as the air of you hurried to fill it with presents quickly as possible, your breath again stopped as leah began the crawl inside to put it back.
thankfully despite a few tired mumbles and a sleepy roll over that had leah dropping flat to the floor, her mission was successful and a very sudden burst of adrenaline filled her body as she crawled out and ever so carefully pulled the door shut with a soft click.
your own bedroom door closing you squealed as a body hurtled into yours, a few loose cotton balls falling to hit you in the head as your back hit the mattress and your wife hovered over you with a cheeky grin and an all too familiar glint in her eyes.
"now i think santa deserves a little reward for all her hard hard work tonight my darling, don't you?"
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sourcherryandsprinkles · 8 months ago
i saw you were taking requests and so i got inspired: aegon x sister!wife in which they have a complicated relationship (not as terrible as his and helaena’s) but she gets all protective over aegon when he’s burned because she saw what aemond did and because she’s with child but no one knows so she blurts it out while arguing with aemond after confronting him in aegon’s chambers so aegon wakes up to her being all wild for him and instead of him saying “mummy” he says “i’m sorry” or anything that’s going to make us tear up!
Request: Since you’re open to requests (I don’t know if you write for Aegon), would you consider doing an Aegon one where it’s hurt/comfort after the battle/burns with his recovery. Maybe with some angst? ����
Request: Otto demands more babies from you but Aegon says no because he loves you in his own way and doesn’t want to love you. One of the pregnancies left you in bad shape and Aegon got scared
Warnings: mention of misscariage, incest, forced marriage, mention of attempted murder (Aegon), choking
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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At three and ten, you woke up to a red stain in your bed — you flowered. According to your Septa, it meant that you were a woman. According to your parents, it meant that you were ready to marry your brother, Aegon, and give him children. 
You always dreamed of marrying a Dornish prince. When you were little, your father had taken you with him to visit the Martells. You'll never forget the beauty of the water gardens and the feeling of the warm sun on your skin. 
Unfortunately, you were the eldest daughter of Queen Alicent. Your hand was promised to Aegon since you came out of your mother's cunt. 
There were no smiles on any of your faces when you married in the Great Sept of Baelor. Aegon kept sighing during the ceremony, disinterested and wishing for it to end, and you were picking at your fingers until drawing blood, terrified of the moment he would take you to bed.
You did your duty as husband and wife. You gave him a child — an heir. Your father was smiling wide at the beautiful silver haired babe in your arms, proud of his daughter, while your mother had tears in her eyes and called you her brave girl, having gone through the same thing when she was a girl. As for Aegon, he was in a brothel, getting drunk and wetting his cock. 
‘’Where is the babe?’’ he asked when he returned in the morning, the sun rising outside the Keep. 
You were exhausted from giving birth, and sore in places you didn’t think you would ever be. You were not in the mood for conversing with your unfaithful husband. 
‘’She is sleeping,’’ you replied. 
‘’She?’’ Aegon frowned. ‘’It’s a…girl?’’
The disappointment in his voice didn’t go unnoticed. ‘’I apologize for not giving you a boy.’’ 
After that moment, Aegon became kinder to you. 
He didn’t know how to be a father, but he knew that he didn’t want to be like his father; a man who pressured his first wife to give him a boy — an heir —, and drove her to her death from trying.  
A daughter was good, it was great. 
She quickly became his whole world. He took her on Sunfyre — against your approval —, read her stories at bedtime, and let her put flowers in his hair when they played outside. Your heart was fond every time you saw them together. 
‘’I want another,’’ Aegon said to you in the quiet of your bedchamber one night, his hand covering your flat stomach. ‘’Our daughter needs a brother…or a sister to play with.’’ 
You were seven and ten when you almost died during a miscarriage. Pregnancies were known to come with complications amongst the Targaryen women — miscarriages, stillborns, abnormalities —, and yours had been no different. 
Aegon had woken in the middle of the night to blood soaking the sheets. He shouted for the maester, dread filling his whole body at the thought of losing you. You were asleep for three days, which made the maester nervous. 
‘’No more,’’ he promised when you opened your eyes, refusing to put you through the risks of another pregnancy. He would not know what to do without you. 
When King Viserys fell and Aegon ascended the throne, a war ensued and Aegon ended up badly injured. Burns and broken bones. 
It was now your turn to stay by his side and pray the gods for his recovery. 
You had left shortly for the maesters to change his bandages, and found Aemond looming over the end of Aegon’s bed when you returned. 
‘’Was it worth the price?’’ 
Your brother’s head snapped in your direction in the doorway at the sound of your voice, but he ignored your question. 
You closed the door and stepped closer, eyes narrowing. ‘’You did this to him.’’ 
Aemond remained silent. 
‘’I saw you, Aemond. At Rook’s Rest.’’ Your gaze shifted to Aegon, lying motionless with half his face and body burned. ‘’I wasn’t going to let him go to battle alone and drunk. We didn’t choose this marriage, but I care enough to follow him on dragonback when he’s being reckless. I stayed behind, hidden through the forest. I could see all.’’ 
The room fell silent, the only sound Aegon’s labored breathing echoing.
‘’You burned him.’’ Your voice quivered with anger and disgust. ‘’You burned him and let him fall to his death! How could you?” you demanded, your voice trembling with rage. “You’re his brother! You were supposed to protect him, not burn him alive!”
Aemond observed you, his face cold and detached. ‘’Sacrifices must be made in order to ascend to our victory, sister. Aegon has the fire but lacks the wisdom and knowledge to rule.’’
‘’And you think you would make a better king?’’ you shot back with a huf. 
Aemond's eye darkened at your words. He stepped closer to you and grabbed your neck in a strong grip, but didn’t press. ‘’Watch your tongue, sister,’’ he warned in a low, menacing tone.
‘’Or what? You’re gonna burn me like you did Aegon?’’ you retorted, defiance in your violet eyes.
His grip on your neck tightened and the air was cut off instantly, your breath halting in your chest. Panic surged through you as you looked at him, your eyes wide with fear. His face was inches from yours, his grip unrelenting.
As if he had sensed your distress, Aegon spoke your name. It was more of a mumble, a weak wheeze, but you heard it. You both heard it. 
Aemond released his grip, shocked and stoic, and watched as you hurried to Aegon's bedside. He was half comatose, his eyes closed as he let out a soft moan.
You gently caressed his cheek. ‘’I’m here, my love,’’ you said, bringing your other hand to your neck where Aemond had grabbed you. 
He had always been gentle and kind compared to Aegon, especially toward you and Helaena. Never you would have imagined Aemond would put a hand on you. His behavior had changed since the death of your father. He became reckless and impulsive. Even your mother had been saying so. 
You heard footsteps, telling you Aemond was leaving, and without raising your head you said: ‘’I will pray you cut yourself on the throne and decay like our father did.’’
House of the dragon taglist: @khaleesihavilliard@domoron @ididliquorice @lover-of-helios@lover-of-helios @shine101 @tanyaherondale @mikariell95 @serrendiipty @lantsovheiress @gilliananderfuckme @shine101 @tetgod @clayzayden @memeorydotcom @tnu-ree @futuregws @blackravena @winxschester @mysteriouslydelightfulchaos @xxlaynaxx @secretsthathauntus @pilarxxxaguayo @emmavan39 @stargaryenx @erylilly @bbblackmamba @rainedrop97 @dreamer087 @gothicgay14 @ashlatano7567 @superkittywonderland @justaproudslytherpuff @evesolstice @buckysmainhxe @padfootsvixen @scarletmeii @evesolstice @dkathl @kaywsworld @tetgod @padfootsvixen @domoron   @weird-addiction @angeliod @xjennyx2 @adaydreamaway08  @mymultiveres  @secretsthathauntus  @puffycreamcakes @thirsty4nonlivingmen @naty-1001 @katiepie67 @moshpot24x @hc-geralt-23 @lovelynerdytraveler @saturn-sas  @zgzgh @sssjuico10 @tabloidteen @timetoten @deekaag @wondxrgurl @aerangi @strmborns @astridyoo15 @daemonslittlebitch @queenbeestuffs @severewobblerlightdragon @agentstarkid @msliz @vane1999-blog @fairyfolkloresposts @todaywasafairytale07 @otomaniac @zgzgzh @thebeardedmoon @golden-library @kikyrizuki @hnslchw @camy85 @winxschester @armstrongscommentsection @withfireandbl00d @randomstory56 @JudgmentDays-Girl @darylandbethfanforever9 @darylandbethfanforever9 @aegonswife @dakotapaigelove @jays-bullshit @blublock404 @Icefyre19 @paulilvsremus @mfedits @aemondwhoresworld @angrybirdxx @YarianyIrizarry @frutiloopslupin @minedofmoria @aleemendoza2425-blog @quinquinquincy @Rosey1981 @maria-reads-everything @eddieslut69 @barnes70stark @baybaybear @prettyduckling22 @Briefwinnerpersonaturtle @darlingcharling-blog @deliaseastar @Wolfgirl-205 @visenyareads @Nanaldy @Lovelywiseprincess @not-neverland06 @newtmyhusb @mikimimic
All and more taglist:  @kenqki  @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3   @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs  @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis  @katherinejess  @rafesgirlstuff   @lafleshlumpeater @iamluminosity  Anouk nani-2305 @books0fever @papichulo120627 @qardasngan @ghostlyvoidydragon @M0rgans1nterlud3 @dahlia-blossom21 @Spacexdrago @nhlfs
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mammoth-clangen · 4 months ago
What a cool lineless style! I always find they have such a crisp aesthetic (though I struggle to get lineless looking this nice, personally cycbhj XD )
Tysm for drawing Bat and giving him a zoopals plate!! I don't think they have a bat shaped one so he'd probably choose the alligator tbh XD
@promisedclan is showing a lot of, well, promise so far! Go follow them!!
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Fanart for some guys!!
Suncat from @jumalanpelko .. My precious baby. Sweet little angel. She is definitely not doomed by a tragic narrative and I am NOT huffing copium. (How very guard-core of me)
It was hard to pick a design from @redwallclan . The premise and character designs are all very cool!! But I eventually went for the leader, Rimemoon. What can I say? I’m a sucker for a guy with ice motifs.
Honeyspring from @mourningsbane .. My tragic girlboss. I support women’s rights and women’s wrongs. I think she should have infinity amount of revenge. Also I’m going to go buy her kits some dinosaur chicken nuggets and some zoopals plates to eat them on. I think that will fix them.
Bat from @mammoth-clangen is such a sweetie!! A king. If anything happens to him I will be inconsolable for approximately three months. He also gets a zoopals plate to eat his prey off of. He deserves it.
Saltburn from @nanistar ‘s Saltburn’s clan.. That comic is probably my current favorite WC fancomic. Silly cats in the desert? Check. A secret clan with glowy mushrooms? Check. Horrible horrible family dynamics? Check. Go read Saltburn’s clan if you haven’t.
Finally we have Lynxpaw from @salt-clangen I really enjoy Bonefall’s work. And I have a soft spot for Cleric/Healer apprentices that have to kinda figure everything out themselves. I’m rooting for her success. You go, girlie!!
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