#the long corridor
prim-moth · 1 year
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<< I will never give you away >> @iamjessemccartney
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letterboxd-loggd · 3 months
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Shock Corridor (1963) Samuel Fuller
June 24th 2024
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deluls · 8 months
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Jin-sung, all I need is you. You'll never know how much I love you.
Whispering Corridors 3: Wishing Stairs dir. Yun Jae-yeon
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thunderstruck9 · 1 year
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Fiona Long (British, 1978), Hey Sucker, 2016. Oil on wood panel, 50 × 50 cm.
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gio-cosmo · 4 months
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He has NO reason to be looking this joyful here 😭
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aecholapis · 1 month
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Megs and Strika should have bi and lesbian flag colored biolights respectively
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bogkeep · 4 months
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pics from one of my many train trips two weeks ago... i usually just have a regular seat, but this particular time i had a sort of budget sleeper car and it was very exciting to me
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amxrany · 1 year
A post about the basics of Silver's UM (with small theories included)
Let's talk about Silver's Unique Magic shall we?
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"Meet in your Dream" or "Meet in a Dream" allows Silver to enter people's dreams. However, there are conditions that Silver has to meet in order for the unique magic to work.
The conditions being: 1. Silver has to be asleep 2. Silver and the owner of the dream he's entering has to know they're dreaming And two other conditions follow with his UM, that being: 1. Silver can't choose as to whose dream he'll enter (but he can tell who the owner is once he sees a bird flying around that person) 2. Silver won't be able to remember anything once he wakes up
Because of his UM, Silver is quite knowledgeable about dreams in general. It's mentioned that it's possible for someone to wake up if they experience a great impact of pain (whether it be dream or real life). But this leaves some questions to rise such as: Can one experience the pain they felt in a dream in real life? What happens when one dies in a dream?
If you're going to ask me about it, I'm thinking it's similar to when you fall off in a dream, your body wakes you up out of shock. You kind of experience the feeling that you fell, but you didn't actually fall in real life. If that even makes sense.
Silver can also visit a place he calls "Corridor of Dreams" which allows him to go into one dream to another, which from the picture looks like the ending of scene of the Sleeping Beauty film.
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Another factor about the dreams is that he can only enter dreams of the people he has bond/link with. Which is quite an interesting touch as Silver struggles to make bonds with other people as mentioned in his dorm vignette. Thus giving us the possibility that the dreams he can enter are quite limited back when he was still in Briar Valley and possibly during his first year in NRC.
It's noted that this is not the full extent of his unique magic as of now, as Silver doesn't have full control over it. But one condition is broken in the story, which is Silver having no control as to whose dream he's going into. This is because of the ring that Lilia gave Silver during the second part of Chapter 7.
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As we can see, it's emitting light; and when Silver asked for his father's strength, they were brought to Lilia's dream. So we can say that the ring acts as a catalyst which makes it easier for them to navigate dreams.
I'm just going to leave the post here for now, but I will be making another follow up post about more theories surrounding Silver and Malleus ^-^
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the absolutely Vivid reality based chronological dream i had last night. man
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maburito · 6 months
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prim-moth · 1 year
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Shenanigans and dramas ‼️
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lesmisscraper · 1 month
The House of Rue Plumet, The House with a Secret
Analyis Part 1.
Okay. One of my most favorite places in Les Miserables and the home of the Fauchelevents after the years after the convent school. The House of Rue Plumet(Rue Plumet as I will mention from now on), is an interesting place, so I will discuss about its structures. First, on the exterior features.
1. Overall Plans
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Although inspired by this post, it was hard to think about the whole plan of exterior building plans of the house(Especially about the secret path.), so I referenced through the Brick originally and some features from <Il cuore di Cosette>, which showed the house very often. But it may differ from your own idea since I referenced only one adaptation and .
2. The Pavilion
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This house was composed of a single-storied pavilion; two rooms on the ground floor, two chambers on the first floor, a kitchen down stairs, a boudoir up stairs, an attic under the roof, the whole preceded by a garden with a large gate opening on the street.
The pavilion, built of stone in the taste of Mansard, wainscoted and furnished in the Watteau style, rocaille on the inside, old-fashioned on the outside, walled in with a triple hedge of flowers, had something discreet, coquettish, and solemn about it, as befits a caprice of love and magistracy.
The main structure of the house and where Cosette and Toussaint . It's totally 3-floored building with Mansard styled roof and the and old-fashioned interior and exterior. It had two rooms and a kitchen(as well as the dining hall) on the ground floor, two chambers and a boudoir(Of course Cosette's bedroom when it's owned by the Fauchelvents.) on the first floor, and an attic. ICDC also kept this style. Interiors would be discussed in later, but I can guess that's a very common French styled house at that time. The below images shown are the Mansard roofs, and the exact example of the same floored and styled building as the Brick's description(But probably larger than Rue Plumet.).
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3. The Secret House(Aka. the sort of porter's lodge.)
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But behind the pavilion there was a narrow courtyard, and at the end of the courtyard a low building consisting of two rooms and a cellar, a sort of preparation destined to conceal a child and nurse in case of need.
The other building behind of the pavilion, which was originally built for hiding children and a nurse and porter but became Valjean's Place later. Not that much information, only with the floors(Basement and the Ground floor) and two rooms and a cellar are what Mr. Hugo described about this building.
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Interestingly, ICDC described as the pavilion and the secret house was almost stuck together in a closed distance. But as in the Brick there's a courtyard between them, so I thought this was only the problem with the depth of the field and made some distance between them on the plan map above.
3. The Garden
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The garden thus left to itself for more than half a century had become extraordinary and charming. The passers-by of forty years ago halted to gaze at it, without a suspicion of the secrets which it hid in its fresh and verdant depths. More than one dreamer of that epoch often allowed his thoughts and his eyes to penetrate indiscreetly between the bars of that ancient, padlocked gate, twisted, tottering, fastened to two green and moss-covered pillars, and oddly crowned with a pediment of undecipherable arabesque.
There was a stone bench in one corner, one or two mouldy statues, several lattices which had lost their nails with time, were rotting on the wall, and there were no walks nor turf; but there was enough grass everywhere. Gardening had taken its departure, and nature had returned. Weeds abounded, which was a great piece of luck for a poor corner of land. The festival of gilliflowers was something splendid. Nothing in this garden obstructed the sacred effort of things towards life; venerable growth reigned there among them. The trees had bent over towards the nettles, the plant had sprung upward, the branch had inclined, that which crawls on the earth had gone in search of that which expands in the air, that which floats on the wind had bent over towards that which trails in the moss; trunks, boughs, leaves, fibres, clusters, tendrils, shoots, spines, thorns, had mingled, crossed, married, confounded themselves in each other; vegetation in a deep and close embrace, had celebrated and accomplished there, under the well-pleased eye of the Creator, in that enclosure three hundred feet square, the holy mystery of fraternity, symbol of the human fraternity. This garden was no longer a garden, it was a colossal thicket, that is to say, something as impenetrable as a forest, as peopled as a city, quivering like a nest, sombre like a cathedral, fragrant like a bouquet, solitary as a tomb, living as a throng.
The place where Cosette and Marius met at night after Eponine's guidance and guarded the house itself with the walls and fences. Sadly, we don't know that much on which style was the garden of Rue Plumet. But may 18th century French style gardens would be the same as what looked like the garden after Cosette took over, and even that of the stone bench.
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4. The Secret Corridor to Rue du Babylone
This building communicated in the rear by a masked door which opened by a secret spring, with a long, narrow, paved winding corridor, open to the sky, hemmed in with two lofty walls, which, hidden with wonderful art, and lost as it were between garden enclosures and cultivated land, all of whose angles and detours it followed, ended in another door, also with a secret lock which opened a quarter of a league away, almost in another quarter, at the solitary extremity of the Rue du Babylone.
Through this the chief justice entered, so that even those who were spying on him and following him would merely have observed that the justice betook himself every day in a mysterious way somewhere, and would never have suspected that to go to the Rue de Babylone was to go to the Rue Blomet. Thanks to clever purchasers of land, the magistrate had been able to make a secret, sewer-like passage on his own property, and consequently, without interference. Later on, he had sold in little parcels, for gardens and market gardens, the lots of ground adjoining the corridor, and the proprietors of these lots on both sides thought they had a party wall before their eyes, and did not even suspect the long, paved ribbon winding between two walls amid their flower-beds and their orchards. Only the birds beheld this curiosity. It is probable that the linnets and tomtits of the last century gossiped a great deal about the chief justice.
It was the most difficult one to think about the structure, since including ICDC, there's no adaptation I've seen that describes this path to Rue du Babylone, even @coolrobotsupremacist's post I mentioned above only showed the back door. And no reference real life images neither.
Though I described the path not that long in the plan map, its length is 'a half' quarter of a league(À un demi-quart de lieue. What are you doing Hapgood?), at that time a French Metric league was 4km(about 2.5 miles), so the corridor is 500m, which is about 0.3 miles. I think the land between Rue du Babylone and the house is larger than the I described and the I can guess the reason why other gardeners thought it's just only a wall, not a long trail.
Continued on the next part!
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thefirstknife · 1 year
What do you think about the season of the dawn mostly our guardians gravesite do you think it will come to fruition? I think it would be cool if they just killed us and had us come back someway. But I wanna know what you think.
I think about that very often. I think about Season of Dawn very often in general.
For those that weren't there, Season of Dawn had a community event that allowed us to explore the Corridors of Time. It was one of the most complex things that ever happened, only lasted for two weeks, and the solution to the whole puzzle led to a room called the Timelost Vault where we could see our own grave and hear Saint-14 saying an eulogy.
One of the most fascinating places we've ever seen tbh. The whole Corridors of Time were incredible to me, but that final room that took the whole community working night and day to find was something else.
We still to this day don't know what it truly means. In the eulogy, Saint says that we've died and that there was some sort of "final confrontation" and that he left a weapon we used there, shattered. And he also says that if we come back and aren't truly dead ("you've performed miracles before"), that we can take it.
Is this a prediction of the future? Is it some alternate timeline? We have no idea. The nature of the Corridors of Time is such that we just can't know. And of course, this was referenced in Season of the Splicer in one of the Expunge missions where Quria talks to us through our HUD:
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The area in Expunge where this happens is very reminiscent of the Corridors of Time, the only are that doesn't have colour:
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Corridors of Time:
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But Quria was a Taken Vex mind so Quria saying this also doesn't help us. It could still be talking about an alternate timeline and not necessarily a prediction of the future. I think that as an alternate timeline, sure; it's absolutely possible there's a timeline where we died in any of the numerous battles for the system.
As a prediction for our own timeline... Hard to say. The Vex can't simulate paracausality, though the Corridors of Time aren't something the Vex made; they are just able to visit it and use it to move through timelines. So can the stuff we see in the Corridors of Time be a real prediction of our current timeline? It's definitely possible, but not something we can either prove or disprove for sure. I personally think it's most likely not a prediction, but it's definitely something to think about. Corridors of Time in general, as well as any timeline shenanigans, the Vex, the Sundial and the rest of the stuff that happened in Dawn.
I can see a scenario that mimics what Saint implies in the eulogy; that we "died" but that we're secretly still out there somewhere and can return. A story like that could make the grave and the eulogy true, but not have any impact on the playability of the game. But how likely that is? Unclear. I think that this ominous setting of our grave is a really cool setpiece that basically constantly looms as a possible threat in the background and we can never tell if and when that might come to pass.
One of the best setpieces in the game for me, but one that was unfortunately only there for 2 weeks. This definitely gave it an extra air of mystery and intrigue, but also it was highly inaccessible from the time when FOMO was much worse than it could ever be now. Even if you played this season, you could've easily missed this event. I almost did, as I was away on a vacation for a week when this happened and only got back for the few days after it was solved to run through it. This short availability definitely made the whole event feel much more ominous than perhaps intended so it's really unclear what this meant exactly and how relevant it still is and whether or not it was a meaningful prediction or just the consequence of being thrown into exploring millions of timelines. If anything, I would really enjoy seeing a reference to it in some way!
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....some wips
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rapidhighway · 9 months
PLEASE PLEASE PLEAS I CANT HANDLE INTERACTION I NEED TO BE LEFT ALONE I need to do thingsss but I can't leave the room, I'll be seen ToT
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rithmeres · 10 months
yes, the plans that i could not share with you (because the haters would sabotage me) were that i was taking on LACC in my vash getup :)
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i have so few pictures of myself but i got so many compliments (especially on my arm) and plenty of other people took pictures of me. and normally i don't like attention but i will be honest with u. under these circumstances i loved it. my arm held up really well through 8 hours on the convention floor and i have never been prouder of anything i've made. it's articulated incredibly well, no part of it gave out or required repair, it's never uncomfortable or a nuisance to wear, and i have enough range of motion to do relatively complex things like tying my shoes.
originally i was not planning to try to meet anyone famous because 1) it's expensive and 2) the lines are long and 3) i feel weird and annoying approaching literally anyone for any reason BUT. the spot where i met up with my sister just happened to be right next to johnny yong bosch's table. right when he started signing things. so i said LOL ok i'll do it.
it was super chill, i asked him how it felt to get the call that they wanted him to come back 20 years later for a trigun reboot and he said it almost didn't happen -- that since they recast everyone else for stampede they considered recasting vash as well (and i said WOW i'm so glad they didn't) and he said he really enjoyed getting to come back and explore a darker take (i forget if what he said was a darker take on vash's character, or just a darker trigun in general) but it was briefly surprising 2 me that he considered stampede to be a darker version but i get it, especially when u consider that there is not a lot of comedy in those 12 episodes to balance out the grief.
ANYWAY he was impressed with my arm and i asked him if he would sign my coat :) so he signed the lining but he was also like u know what, i'm gonna give you a second autograph just because. so he signed a print for me as well (free of charge!!) and the print with the blue signature matches my famous paintings that i always film in front of (that's providence baybee)
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other stuff from the con under the cut
cosplay notes:
i saw 3 other vash cosplayers (a 98 vash, a stampede vash, and a purple coat vash) and no shade but i definitely had the best arm build. peace and love to all of them though
i saw 1 1/2 wolfwoods. 1 was the aforementioned mullet wolfwood from yesterday's post (ww if you’re out there ww) and the 1/2 was the 98 vash cosplayer’s gf in some kind of goth-ish dress and she was carrying a punisher
mullet wolfwood if you're out there i regret not getting a picture with you so much. i am deeply ashamed and i have no excuse because i ran into you twice and both times i was too embarrassed to ask for a picture. i just want you to know that your punisher was swag and your earrings were yolo and we would look very good together
i expected to see a lot more trigun tbh. los angeles where u at. 4 vashies at a convention of 120,000+ people is nothing. one guy even walked up to me like wow i love ur vash, i haven't seen a lot of trigun at this con and i was like I KNOW i thought i'd see a lot more
theeeee costume of all time award goes to the cad bane cosplayer i saw on the balcony. spare hand in marriage dude (gn) you looked so good
second place for costume of all time goes to the other mother cosplayer who had button eyes and these crazy finger appendages and never once broke character even while waiting in lines
i took 100 points of psychic damage from this one guy who (and im not kidding) was at least 6’4’’ and wearing platform boots and was dressed as the mfing onceler. with the stupid top hat he was fr 7+ feet tall (i saw him duck to get through a doorway).
someone was there as the brawny paper towel guy?? just walking around in a beard and flannel carrying a pack of paper towel rolls?? go off king
i saw 5 nightwing cosplayers but only 2 were biblically accurate (had ass)
the nanami sweep at this convention was so real u all SHOWED UP. and everybody ate. i saw at least 12 nanamis and not one of them was a flop.
i have never seen so many spider-mans in my life
other things:
fig. 1: this extremely hot captain america on a very large poster was about 2 make me act unwise. hi gorjus................................. nice eyebrows
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fig 2: i saw this sign a couple blocks away from the con and i did a triple take. 🔥🔥🔥TRIMAX MENTIONED🔥🔥🔥
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fig. 3: i saw all 4 hobbits in panel and can confirm elijah wood’s laugh is ten times more infectious in real life. before they were even done sitting down, dominic monaghan switched around all of their name cards so that none of them were seated behind the right name. as u might imagine much of the panel's content was reminiscing about LOTR, but i heard some stories that i hadn't heard before. they also talked about video games, other projects they are working/have worked on, how their kids feel about their dads' LOTR roles, how much they love ian mckellen, and how they would love to see something happen for the 20th anniversary of ROTK this year. sean astin (the legend) took shots at the stranger things writers (basically said joyce could never be happy with hopper) AND EVERYONE CLAPPED LOL. billy and dom talked about the best food in NZ, their show billy and dom eat the world, and the unfortunate events that led to the friendship onion's hiatus. it was a ton of fun to just watch them be themselves with each other, you can tell that these guys are all so fond of each other and love each other so much.
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and finally, fig. 4: i bought these beautiful prints from @/batinyourbelfry and the skeletal washi tape from @/skeletalacademia (both on IG)
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