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aecholapis · 2 days ago
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March 26: Leadership - Strika
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elfdragon12 · 8 months ago
Transformers yuri
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howgalling · 7 months ago
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@medusolo strika!!! hehe
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archie-sunshine · 6 months ago
Meter pussy obliteration? how about the general of destruction (Strika) and her consort (Lugnut)?
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so- like the thing is with- yknow- size difference is a bitch in tfa i'll be real. everyone pop some champagne for my first true micro macro artwork.
also the aftermath bc i think its important
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(he got a BOANER from getting FROTTED by DECEPTICONS. his ass is NOT surviving the traitor allegations)
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cerebrocentric-bullet · 6 months ago
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Pyra Magna and Strika commission for @jariktig!
[2 last commission slots available] All proceeds go towards Palestinians raising money to survive in or leave the Gaza Strip.
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cybertron-smash-or-pass · 9 months ago
A Bit of a Different Poll
In no particular order, these are most of the tf girls I wanna kiss so bad it makes me look stupid.
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nazrigar · 4 months ago
Transformers All-sparks: Cybertronian Military
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Introducing Cybertronian Military folk, from Triple Changers to the Chief Justiciary. Triple Changers were Senator Shockwave's greatest achievement prior to his fall from grace. Recruits were picked from candidates of the military with T-cogs that (hopefully) could withstand the modifications required to have TWO alt modes instead of one. Triple Changers are rare. VERY rare, as the process was dangerous.
But the results were considered worth it, because they ended up creating some VERY formidable warriors.
Meanwhile, in terms of special forces, we introduce the Cybertronian Wreckers, warriors meant to be the spearhead of dangerous operations of extreme risk. Those who live long are considered some of the most dangerous warriors of Cybertron.
All the while, all members of the Military, when they do wrong or unlawful acts, become under the purview of one the most powerful judicial institutions in Cybertron, the Cybertronian Military Tribune, headed by "The Great Magnus".
Springer: Brimming with confidence and sarcasm galore, Springer is essentially the perfect Wrecker, with the skills to back it up. He's the Cybertronian Man of Action, and don't you forget it!
Strika: A heavy weapons Transformers and one of the meanest and no-nonsense warriors out there. If she thinks you are sup bar she WILL say it outright and in your face about it. Meanwhile, as a living artillery platform, she's good at her job and knows it.
Kup: Ancient. Kup is OLD. He's rough around the edgest and a tad bit ornery, but he has a lot of wisdom beneath the facade. Technically not active duty, but not retired either, he's officially "in reserver", ready to be called up whenever Cybertron needs him.
Ultra Magnus: The current Magnus, weilder of the Magnus hammer, and highest member of the military's justice system, it is through him that makes sure justice is given fairly and firmly. A powerful man with a personal hobby of designing and researching various armors. He can belt out a speech about laws, but otherwise quite stiff in casual conversation.
The Hounds: "Big Dog" Hound is an old war veteran who's seen the best of the best Cybertron has to offer, and some of the worst. Has a big Engex belly, and a plethora of weapons on his station, and knows how to use each and everyone of 'em. Used to be crass and rough around the edges, but mellowed down considerable after the creation of his son. "Little Dog" Hound is someone, whom at first glance, shouldn't be part of the Cybertronian military, for he much prefers sightseeing the natural world and tinkering with Holograms than fighting. He joined because, deep down, he feels like it's his duty, as with every Hound before him, but he's glad he could serve his OWN way. After all, hologram study are relatively non violent.
Blitzwing: The first successful triple changer, and a beast on the battlefield. Also an unbelievably unpleasant person on a personal level, likely to mock a bot's suffering and struggles when they're not "military material" enough.
Octane: Another triple changer, and by all means doesn't actually want to be there, but he was caught for theft and it was either serving the military or time in prison. Despite his might as a triple changer, he's VERY reluctant to get into dangerous situations.
Impactor: The legendary leader of the Wreckers, no mission too bold, no mission too dangerous, and if you give him a mission, his tenacity and resolve means he WILL get it done, no matter the cost. Springer's boss.
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blitzy-blitzwing · 8 months ago
Can we see lugnut and strika reuniting and hugging and stuff plz
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They’re a huge couple. :V
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hysterical-random-things · 11 months ago
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Mermay Day 5- Grimaldi scaled squid Strika
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margoshamangolord · 4 months ago
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thinking about lesbians
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steelthroat · 18 days ago
Requests??? Air of wide-eyed optimism duly adopted. Could you of your goodness do me Pyra Magna/Strika, enjoying critiquing others' technique. SFW or not, as you see fit.
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Yesterday I discovered "the amazon" position...so I HAD TO TRY IT FOR THEM OF COURRRRSSSSE
Text bc my writing is messy:
Strika: not as *sigh* bad as I thought
Pyra: I never received any complaints
Strika: Don't let me be the first one (to do so)* then
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mweheh-scribbles · 6 months ago
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The tfa otp!
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transingthoseformers · 5 days ago
I think we collectively need to consider Dommy Elita/Commander from Hell Elita more.
I want her to be a nightmare of a commander demanding perfection and then some to ensure minimal causality and injuries for her men and maximum damages to her foes.
I want her tearing through Decepticon lines and strongholds with nothing but her teeth, her gun, and two of the deadliest motherfuckers the Autobot Army has to offer.
She needs to be the blight of any and every Deception Commander in her line of sight to the point of the ground units begin planning to avoid her and her teams all costs because they know even if they succeed in whatever the fuck they've been assigned, the dead count will be so high it wouldn't be worth it.
At the same time.
I want her to have Optimus pussy whipped and pussy trained.
I want her to have him- last of the Primes, head of an army belonging to a dead world and dying species torn asunder in a civil war- in a perfect heel ready to do whatever the fuck she wants whenever she wants it.
She's painted herself the color of innermost energon as a visceral reminder of what she can do on the battlefield, and when she's edging her convoy truck of a toy until he's a begging, haggled mess of static and dripping with coolant, it's the color that his transfluid will end up being from the over saturation of charge.
You're absolutely right, of course, and I am a big fan of this version of Elita <- biased
Especially since in some continuities, she's left in charge on Cybertron with a relatively small group of autobots for a *while*. Against Shockwave. One has to adapt and get creative in order to counter him after so long.
(tbh though this'd be a good universe for Strika / Alpha Strike, they'd counter each other here in fun ways) (maybe not fun for them but fun for us)
10/10 on the oplita interactions here
Big fan of just. The general energy going on here. The specification about the war being this massive drain on everyone and everything, to the point that it has killed Cybertron and will end up killing them all one day, is interesting. Fascinating.
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indragonsaur · 18 days ago
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Transformers: Cybertron chronicles: Strika
Name: Strika
Gender: Female Species: Cybertronian Status: Online Faction: Decepticons
Alt-Mode: Armored Cybertronian Battle Tank Voice actress: Allegra Clark - Marisa from Street Fighter 6
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ilmeshka · 1 month ago
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🦂BlitzNut week. Day 6 - Jealous
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cybertron-smash-or-pass · 6 months ago
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TFA Strika
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