Blissful Afternoon (Malleus loves me)
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amxrany · 20 days ago
I finally have time off and I'm really excited to this segment (Trey's Dream):
Now we're back at Heartslabyul and Ace is having fun with the dream hopping so far! Ortho notices that the Heartslabyul members haven't been feeling sick, but Cater explains that their dorm's nonsensical interior design choices certainly helped in getting to used to stuff such as dreamhopping.
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Ace wonders as to how many dreams we've been to, and Silver replies that we have been to around 20+ dreams by now, which causes him to go to salty as to why Yuu didn't go to his dream first. But we had to explain to him that at first Silver had no control as to whose dream they were going to land in but managed to gain control after acquiring the help of the Shroud bros. The Shroud Bros also mention a systems of IDs assigned to people's dream, probably a way to gather everyone once it's time to fight Malleus. Idia was scared that the system might still be buggy, even bringing up that it's possible to get lost in the Dream Realm.
Anyways, Grim boasts to Ace that they've overcomed so much, but Sebek puts him down by saying that they got where they are with the the help of other people. But Silver actually defends Grim here, bringing up the time before they went dream hopping. Grim was standing in fron of Yuu and fighting the darkness on his own. We have the option to thank Grim, and he it's his job as the boss of Ramshackle but you can tell that he got flustered.
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Leona just wants to get things over with and tells the others to hurry up. We get a clue that it's Trey's dream because Ace notes the smell of sweets in the air. While the group makes their way to the kitchen, Ace and Deuce could easily distinguish what Trey was making based on scent alone (now that's a talent I want /j).
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But before we step foot into the kitchen, Cater stops us; pointing out that if we just walk in, then the darkness would immediately detect us anomalies. He proposes a plan where he uses his UM to trade places with his dream self to avoid suspiscion, he also gets the help of Leona and Idia. But Leona protests that it should be the first years doing it, because what if his dream self wanted to have tea 😭😭😭 and Idia's just whining about not wanting to they enter the kitchen and it's definitely something (in a good way) and Cater notices that it seems bigger than usual.
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Alright so we get more Cater lore here, we learn that his family prefers to buy sweets because they found it difficult to make them. He brings that up to Trey but he just simply replies that they're not that hard to make and back then Cater just thought was just enduring it but looking at it can say he must be having a lot of fun.
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We finally get the man of the hour with CHENYA??? AS THE HOUSEWARDEN 😭???
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Deuce is so real because he doesn't remember Chenya's name, even with Ortho pulling out his government name from the RSA records he still couldn't pronounce it 😔. Ace makes fun of him for it, but Sebek unintentionally defends Deuce, saying that his name is just like a tongue twister.
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Leona and Idia are just throwing shade towards Cater and Trey for replacing their Housewarden in their dreams, Leona feeling sorry for Riddle while Idia comments that smiling guys who hide their intentions are scary. Ortho puts a stop to it, explaning that the dreams aren't the real representation of one's desires (using Kalim and Vil as examples). Malleus didn't make these dreams himself, he only makes the dreamer think of happy situations and resets it when something bad happens, and it goes on in a never ending cycle. The dreams the dreamer has are similar to those that they would actually have irl, having no control of the situation whatsoever.
Meanwhile, the others are just outside peeking into the kitchen with Grim climbing on Ace's back to get a better view (with Ace complaining that he's heavy😂). Sebek tells them to stfu cuz he can't hear but Ortho tells HIM to stfu cuz he's loud 😭.
Trey immediately notices that Cater isn't the actual one (if you get it, you get it), he freaks out as to how Trey caught him so fast and he replies that he's known him for 3 years so he would have known by now. We learn more about what happened to Riddle in this dream, who's currently just a card soldier. Just like in real life, Riddle tried to battle Chenya for the position of Housewarden but was defeated because of Chenya's UM. His UM is called "Not All Head", making his body (except his head) invisible.
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So we get more Alice in Wonderland references coming up. Because Chenya's UM also affects his neck, Riddle's collar literally just flies past. Riddle who's just confused, doesn't realize that Chenya unbuckles his belt and flips him over causing him to flash everyone; it's similar to the scene with the Chesire Cat and Queen of Hearts. Trey tells him to knock it off because Riddle would get mad if he goes telling everyone but Chenya isn't scared of him lmao. We also find out that Riddle went easy on Chenya, because if that was anyone else he would have burned them alive already 💀.
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Trey leaves for a moment to take the cake out of the oven, which leaves some time for the third years to discuss and they noticed that there isn't much of a difference compared to real life. But because of the few discrepancies, it would be a lot harder to wake Trey up.
Trey comes back and asks them if they're hungry and offers them some food, while also making sure that isn't too sweet so that Cater could eat it. At first, Cater was worried about the rule where the Housewarden has to be the first to take a bite, but Trey tells them not to worry cuz glass desserts are an exception (Chenya's really chill for a dorm leader). While giving them snacks, Leona asks Trey to join them (he really is having a tea party at Heartslabyul 😭), and he guesses that he wants them to taste test the dishes. Leona mentions that his palata is quite refined so he'll be tasting the food from the chef of Heartslabyul, which makes Trey nervous. Let's just say while they were taste testing Trey kept offering more and more food 😅.
Meanwhile, the others are getting jealous because they get to eat while they just watch, but they also came to the conclusion that Trye's dream doesn't seem too different from reality. Suddenly, Ortho tells the group to keep quiet because he and Silver hear something "enormous" approaching. That's when Ace and Deuce tell the others to follow them as they both lead the group into a hidden compartment behind the clock which changes locations depending on its mood.
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Back to the third years, Trey's just bouncing back and forth between giving them more food and baking. Cater starts to feel bad about taking away Trey's happiness away, realizing that Silver and the others were in a really tough spot for doing so. He wonders what would have happened if Trey never had that encounter with Riddle's mother, if he could've been a pastry chef by now.
Once Trey comes back, he and Idia start talking about their interests that was influenced by their parents while growing up. Where Idia brings up that he's been into magical engineering since he was a kid. Trey just starts talking about how much he love science and baking is similar to that because of the need to be precise and the satisfaction one gets when an experiment/dish turns out well, and he also sees it as a way to make other people happy (aw that's nice). Leona's out here being like "nah happiness is simply a byproduct" but Trey disagrees. He likes it when people compliments his food as it gives him confidence.
Holy fuck Trey's dream has so much exposition that I can't just cut it out or else it won't make sense 😭. But what I won't cut out is the part where Trey talks about the event with Riddle back in his childhood. It all began when Trey and Chenya decided to sneak into the nicest in the neighborhood, which just so happened to be the Rosehearts. They meet Riddle who helps them when their ball gets stuck in a tree and was really smart for his age as he could name every insect and plant. They sneak him out of the house so that Riddle can taste a tart, but once his mom found out...oh boy. Apparently she bitched on his family for FIVE HOURS that's fucking crazy like she really went insane over Riddle's diet. Cater said that they also had this conversation at some point after Riddle's overblot, but Trey just brushed it off as he really didn't mind it anymore (but really that shit changed the trajectory of his life forever).
Now we have more dorm lore regarding the Vice Housewarden, in terms of how they are chosen. There are three ways for someone to be the Vice Housewarden which are through: being chosen by the Housewarden, volunteering, or vote from the other members. How Trey became the Vice Housewarden was because of the third method, where everyone voted for him because they found out about his history with Riddle (even though the latter treated him like a stranger once he got to NRC and took the Housewarden position later on). He even broke the rules at one point and got collared for it, which yeahhhh wasn't really pretty.
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Cater reminisces about the past, knowing that Trey serving as Riddle's support must have been hard; he even thinks that Trey secretly wishes that Chenya was there to help him (this is making me sad) and he wishes he has done more to help him. But Leona asks Cater the real question, if he were to help Trey, would that still change the outcome?
Leona who's just tired of all this talk (same here bro) gets the group back to their main goal, starting with Chenya. But then they start hearing the footsteps again, in which Ctaer assumes that it's a hedgehog that ate a size changing mushroom but it was much worse (and funnier). We get to my favorite part of the update: really round Heartslabyul
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Everyone's freaking out (obviously) which makes Trey check out all the commotion, but his he suddenly sports a happy mood when sees everyone and assumes they came for tea time. But he soon notices that there's two copies of Ace and Deuce (who start complaining that they aren't built like that irl) which causes the dream to start to distort.
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Idia sees Round!Riddle and just goes "Is this what Trey meant when he said that Riddle was eating well 😭" and the round guy just taunts Idia cuz he's the tall one now (but at what cost).
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They all come to the conclusion that sure Trey's dream seems normal, except all rationality/reasoning doesn't seem to exist anymore 😅. Even Silver comments that Riddle's bigger than a horse 💀 and Sebek just makes it worse by wondering how would Vorpal survive with Round!Riddle as its rider.
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The Heartslabyul Gang tells Trey that he wouldn't let something like this happen in real life, because of spoiling ones appetite and possibly getting gum disease from overeating. This starts triggering the darkness to attack the others and bruh they turn into bowling balls, managing to knock down Silver 😭.
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Meanwhile, Trey is starting to wake up, the darkness asks him about the food in the kitchen, with Chenya getting the first piece because he's the Housewarden. This causes Trey to realize that Riddle's the real Housewarden, not Chenya. The darkness starts eating again, which Trey puts a stop to. When asked why, Trey responded that yeah eating his food does making happy, but going overboard isn't something they'd actually do.
Trey starts to wake up by himself! I think that it is around here that his groovy in his SSR takes place.
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But all of a sudden, the area is filled with sand. Leona used his UM to get rid of the darkness even though the area is quite small, which caused everyone to cough up sand. Now that Trey's awake, he gets a bit embarassed that the others saw his pathetic side, Cater's like "more of weird side but alright" 😭. But he promises to be careful when getting hands on a new cookbook, Grim adds that he can bring the extras to Ramshackle.
Trey asks why they got to him before Riddle, and they explain to him the rules of the dream world, where darkness always follows the dreamer. So they needed an ally that can get close to Riddle without setting the darkness off, and that is none other than Trey. Ace speculates that Riddle's dream would involve everyone remembering all the Queen of Hearts rules and they all just laugh 🤣.
Ortho asks for Trey's help and he agrees, everyone thanks him but Ace is being salty because Sebek thanked Trey and not him. Sebek not having his shit either was like "who tf wants to be saved by you?" 💀 (nahhh). Trey and Silver had to apologize on their behalf and Idia comments that it's like watching parents apologizing for their kid's actions.
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Trey gets the invitation, and a new ally is added to the group. Once Ortho creates the model for the dream, Trey comments that his outfit seems flashy. But Cater thinks that red and black look cool on him. In typical Cater fashion, he takes a pic to save for later.
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Before the group gets going, Trey brings a strawberry tart for Riddle. Sebek asks Silver if it's fine even though it will most likely look a bit funky cuz of the dream hopping, but the latter responds that it's okay because it will still taste the same; it's mostly the thought that counts.
Now that ends Trey's Dream, I know I promised this segment last week but it was my major exam week so I focused on my studies. I won't be making any promises but I'll find a way to release Riddle's segment as soon as possible!
Thank you for being patient!
Previous: Ace's Dream Next: Riddle's Dream
(Note: This post is a summarized version of the update, info and pics comes from @/MostroLoungeVIP, @/WitchDrug, and @/acesuuu on x/twt, give them some support if you can)
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amxrany · 1 month ago
Ok I didn't expect Ace's Dream to end up this way, so now I have to tell you guys about it too:
The gang lands in a beach and Cater's having fun with Silver's UM, even taking a video but needing music as an overlay because of Grim's screams 😭. It's quite hot and Sebek asks if we're in Ace's hometown, that's when Deuce replies that Ace lives near the capital of Queendom of Roses while he lives in the southern area.
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We also learn more about Cater and Idia as we're exploring the area. Other than skateboarding, Cater also likes to surf and snowboard. Idia tries to talk smack but Ortho butts in by telling the group that he's just like Cater as he rode a vehicle called a "Barca" to race around Island of Woe (and apparently you need a broomstick license and a special vehicle license to handle one).
We reach a vacation house where we find Ace, who's happy to see Deuce, Cater, Yuu and Grim, but is surprised to see the others (Leona, Idia, Silver and Sebek)
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We also see Riddle in this dream, who's all decked out in vacation wear (from the Stitch event) that even Cater's surprised. But Dream! Riddle simply wanted to dress the part and even pulled Cater aside for a bit to asked if he looked weird. Sebek thinks that there's no way Riddle would wear something like that irl and that's just Ace's personlaity showing while Silver doesn't see anything wrong as Riddle said this is what people on the beach.
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Trey also shows up wearing the Silk City outfit. It turns out that Trey's clothes, the house, and island they're all currently in were lended to them by Kalim's family. Dream! Trey asks Cater why he's in his dorm uniform when he was wearing something different earlier while taking pictures. Cater plays along by saying that he didn't want to get them dirty while cooking, which Dream! Trey believed.
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Ace asks us if we want to change our clothes because our dorm uniform looks really stuffy with the weather right now. Leona warns Yuu to not get carried away. We find out that Ace's dream is a celebration for Yuu...because they found a way back to their world. Riddle explains further that not only has Crowley found a way to return Yuu to their world, but he also found a way for Yuu to visit Twisted Wonderland anytime they want to. Stop I'm not okay it's the way that Ace's dream is just wanting people to continue on with their studies safely and Yuu gets to go back home and visit them anytime is just 😭💔
Dream! Riddle suggests that Deuce and the others should go change to more fitting clothes for this occasion. While Cater volunteers with Idia, Leona and Silver to help Trey with the cooking, but really he just uses it as an excuse to discuss what he has observed. He tells Leona about the plan to look out for Ace as Dream! Riddle and Dream! Trey are most likely darkness, and Leona's impressed with how fast he's catching up with the dream mechanics. Even Idia finds it a bit creepy.
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But Cater's already used to making the first move to avoid conflict. His plan was to use the first years as they're the only ones who are closer to Ace, meaning that they have a better chance of cracking him while the others keep the NPCs distracted. While the seniors are helping the NPCs, the freshmen are trying to brew up a plan. Ortho brings up the clue having needing a big "shock" from reality, but Sebek said he's useless here since he only meets Ace in electives and let's the main gang handle it.
Deuce goes first, telling Ace that this is all just a dream created by Malleus and that they still haven't found a way for Yuu to go home. He also brings up that we still haven't contacted Mickey yet, Ace doesn't believe them but Deuce (with Grim this time) continue to push him further; this causes him (Ace) to start to disorient. Deuce tells Ace to calm down but he thinks they're just lying but Ortho vouches for them and tells him that they're not. It even goes to the point of Ace asking Yuu if what they're saying is true.
Grim latches himself onto Ace, repeatedly screaming that they're not lying; triggering another flashback. But Ace just chews us out for taking the joke too far, and that we shouldn't ruin the vibes of the vacation. That's when Sebek butts in, calling Ace shallow for ignoring the pleas of his friends. But Ace counters that Sebek couldn't read the room for randomly joining a vacation he has no involvement in.
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Sebek replies that he didn't even want to go with the others, but here's just here because he needs to wake Ace up. But Ace's response to the whole dream thing is just him being apathetic, not caring if it's reality or not. Because he thinks if you've lived in a dream long enough, it's not longer a dream isn't it? But a new reality, and not a lot of people can say they're living life without hardship. It's like he already weighed all the outcomes and possibilities of the situation he's in.
Sebek argues back that he cares about Malleus, which is why he and Silver are trying to wake everyone to save him. Because to him, he doesn't want to continue if it means leaving Malleus alone. But Ace doesn't sympathize, he actually blames Malleus for their current predicament and if he gets lonely; he brought it upon himself. To Ace, Sebek's being selfish for ruining his dream just to go and save the one who caused the problem to happen; and to ask Ace's help to defeat Malleus? That's pretty much a death sentence (now Ace isn't exactly a saint either, both are selfish as to how much are they willing to sacrifice for the people they care about). Ace runs away, and that's when Ortho asks the question: if it were someone else, would Sebek hold the same dedication to wake everyone up? Deuce blames Sebek for this, whihc he goes "HUH? WHY ME?!"
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Ortho agress with Deuce, Sebek got too emotional and Ace had a point with what he was saying. Sebek tries to defend himself by saying that it's for Malleus and Lilia but what he did is still considered selfish by anyone's standards. Even Ortho admits that's he's selfish too, and also helped because Idia was in trouble; not everyone is forced to do this.
The seniors are back and they all agree with Ace that he isn't exactly necessary to the plan. We actually get to see Silver get mad at Sebek for causing this whole mess, not realizing that his behavior does have consequences. Once again, Sebek tries defending himself but Silver wasn't having it; leaving him no choice but to submit.
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Idia says that even if everyone teams up, it's not guaranteed that they can defeat Malleus and Silver prefers not to force people to fight. Even Leona acknowledges that Ace's current magical prowess is just that of an ordinary mage, and that they can simply move on without him (Deuce, Yuu and Grim are saddened by this).
Cater says that Ace is probably frustrated and alone right now, so he chooses to look for him to help him "sleep" without the interference of Leona or Idia. Cater leaves with Yuu, Grim, and Deuce going after him (the others follow suit too just to make sure nothing bad happens). Yuu catches up with him and tries to convince to let them talk to Ace one more time. But Cater affirms that he doesn't intend to leave Ace here and has a plan (awww)
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So Cater was right, he finsd Ace alone thinking about the things the others have told him. He lends an ear as he listens to Ace rant about the whole thing, and he agrees that his reaction to everything was normal; but then he suddenly goes "what they're saying is actually true tho" then HE SUMMONS HIS CLONES TO BEAT ACE'S ASS NAURRR 😭😭😭
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This causes Dream! Riddle and Dream! Trey to appear and they're mad at Cater for attacking Ace. EVEN DREAM! DEUCE AND DREAM! CATER APPEAR but they just take Ace away. Ortho tries to intervene but the others stop him. With Leona telling the others that Cater asked to not be interfered and Deuce adding that it was also his plan to find a way to trigger the darkness.
Cater's plan is working, as Ace starts to become aware of his surroundings; that the things his dorm mates are saying are stuff they wouldn't say in real life. He also points out that how can someone like him help defeat Malleus, and that he's scared. The darkness actually reveals Ace's vulnerable side and we're just watching it from afar. Silver notices that Ace is being persuaded by the darkness but Idia knows that Ace is clever, that's when Leona chimes in that Ace realizes that there's always going to be someone stronger than him, thus knowing his limits. That's when Idia's like "brotha aren't you just talking about yourself?", cue Leona trying to break his tablet.
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We also learn more about how the Dark Mirror chooses its students, while the qualities in which one gets sorted into a dorm remains vague it usually chooses people who leave a mark on history in the future.
Okay going back to Ace, Cater brings up that time during Riddle's overblot and about how quick they were to jump into action. He thanks him for inspiring to fight against their Housewarden that day, also adding that going into fights that are "winnable" seem lame and that he's scared too, but they have to fight. Ace actually starts crying, because he doesn't want to look like a coward and that's what wakes him up.
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Cater helps Ace out of the darkness and calls for the others for backup. After that, Grim and Deuce are mad at Ace for trying to stay in the dream. He also nags to Cater about him using his UM on him, but it was the only way to get him to wake up. They show Ace the video and now his pissed at Malleus, but Grim's like "weren't you scared of him earlier???".
Silver thanks Ace for his help and also apologizes for Sebek's behavior, in which Ace blames Lilia and Silver for spoiling him and Sebek's like "I'M NOT SPOILED BY SILVER 😡". Ortho did mention that Sebek looked awkward after their argument and suggests that he should apologize but Idia replies that he has too much of a pride to do so. Ace just bullies Sebek lmao, forgiving him with his "whole heart".
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Cater steps in before it gets any worse, and we get ADeuce saying "Dream Form Change" now. Ace still doesn't want to fight Malleus, but given the circumstance he doesn't really have a choice. Once shown his dummy version, Grim just laughs at his outfit and Cater comments on the fruits
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The dream ends with the first years complaining about how cramped it is and Leona just tells Silver to get on with it.
And that ends Ace's Dream, took me awhile to get this out because we actually learn a lot about him in this one and I really tried my best to give him justice yknow?
We're off to Trey's Dream next, see you then!
Previous: Cater's Dream Next: Trey's Dream
(Note: This post is a summarized version of the update, info and pics comes from @/LBucchie, @/WitchDrug, and @/acesuuu on x/twt, give them some support if you can)
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amxrany · 1 month ago
Just know that this event will be one of my favorites because Tangled changed the trajectory of my life ever since I first saw it as a child
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and no matter how busy I am, I will find time to read it
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amxrany · 1 month ago
We are making up for the fact that I haven't posted in a long time so let's go (Cater's Dream):
The group lands In Heartslabyul, where Leona bitches about Grim trying to choke him while Grim complains about Leona's hair slapping him in the face. Sebek agrees with Grim and tells Leona to tie his hair. But Leona's just starting a fight with Idia now because he gets to stay in his room while the others do the hard work. Idia ain't backing down either cuz he's the one making the cheat codes to make it easier for them to navigate the dream.
Deuce is just standing there, frozen. When Ortho asked him if he was alright, he actually exclaimed that he enjoyed the dream hopping. He's just gushing about how fun it feels while Silver just maintains a straight face, but he's glad Deuce is enjoying the dream hopping.
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Dream!Ace makes his appearance and is surprised to see everyone. That's when Deuce makes a horrible lie that they came here to have tea (even Leona wasn't buying it 😭).
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Dream!Ace asks Deuce if he saw the message the Housewarden sent on Magicam, which was odd since Riddle didn't seem like the type to use that for instructions. Deuce also calls Dream!Ace out for not wearing their dorm uniform but Dream!Ace just told him that it wasn't mandatory to wear it.
Well that's something odd for Riddle to do, this is where we get the feeling that Riddle isn't the Housewarden in this dream. Ortho asks if he can see what the trial looks like and to their surprise Dream!Ace said that the Housewarden is chill with outsiders watching the trial, even livestreaming it sometimes. That's when Dream!Ace runs off, with Deuce chasing after him.
The group follows after the two and we suddenly run into Dream!Deuce, who we knock out. But for some reason, Dream!Deuce still remained the same; in which Ortho thinks that it may be because the dreamer doesn't see them as a threat or Malleus doesn't realize that there's two copies of the same person running around.
We then reach the Heartslabyul Courtroom where the other members are in. Riddle also gets revealed here (it's basically him if he wasn't the Housewarden).
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Then Cater makes his entrance by performing skateboard tricks in the courtroom and high-fiving Trey (who's still the Vice-Housewarden) in the process.
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Cater's surprised with the amount of guests present today (but it was mostly towards Leona lmao), but Deuce tells him that he invited them for a tea party; in which Cater got really excited about and proceeded to post it on Magicam. Deuce's surprised that Cater's the Housewarden all of a sudden, but Leona said it isn't hard to find someone who wants to be a Housewarden because it's a nice feeling to be in power. Idia agrees, cuz who doesn't like leading rather than following?
Anyways they're holding a trial against someone who commited a crime during crocquet. It's basically just referencing Alice in Wonderland down to a T with Cater not being in the mood to hold an actual trial and just going straight to the verdict and Dream! Riddle serving as their guillotine (in a sense) with his UM. But Dream! Trey convinces Cater to hold a full trial since they have guests today.
Cater tells Deuce to bring in witnesses; the latter not knowing what to do, grabs Yuu and Grim and makes them go on the stand. When questioned, they both answered that they don't know anything. Cater tells the jury to takes and bruh Dream! Ace literally narrates the whole trial even saying that the witness doesn't know anything 💀.
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Another witness is asked, so Deuce is now dragging a sleeping Leona to the stand 😭and Silver wonders if that's how he looks like when Sebek drags him when he's asleep. The questioning starts, but the still asleep Leona just mumbles about Ruggie getting him lunch and Cater just goes, "WRITE THAT DOWN, WRITE THAT DOWN!".
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A third witness is called and Deuce chooses Silver. When questioned, Silver answered that he was having tea because it wasn't his unbirthday. That's when Dream! Trey's like "Cater isn't also your unbirthday today?", which Cater replies with, "That's true...IT'S PARTY TIME"
(good to know Riddle is still the insane boy we know in this dream)
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The mood switches quickly, with the room changing colors and Cater getting pizza for everyone. We even get DJ RIDDLE???? IN THE HOUSE????
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Everyone's just confused as to what's going in this dream. But Leona points out that this might be better than reality, which Deuce tries to retaliate but fails. That's when Idia replies that Heartslabyul in the previous years was a lot worse than Cater's dream. Both third years explained that Heartslabyul back in the day was absolute chaotic, but it all changed when Riddle became Housewarden. Leona adds it's still possible for the dorm to fall back to chaos if it still hasn't accepted the changes Riddle has done because they were so used to chaos that the sudden change may seem maddening.
Leona also speculates the possibility of Trey and Cater using Riddle for their own gain, which upsets Deuce as he tries to defend his seniors. But he once again fails under the arguments of Leona and Idia, making him also doubt them as well. But Cater suddenly appears, inviting them to eat. They try to leave, but each one of them slowly falls into temptation. With Trey, Riddle, and Ace aiming after Sebek, Silver and Deuce respectively; Cater goes after Leona, tempting him with tea. But Ortho comes in with a warning shot, who tells the group to snap out of it and that they're being tempted.
Unexpectedly, Cater becomes the darkness alongside the other Heartslabyul members. Everyone realizes that the Cater we were talking to was just a clone.
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For some reason, the shadows just kept on coming. But then, the REAL Cater shows up, he was just going to show his clone something he saw on Magicam and he just proceeded to walk into black goop all over the place.
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Cater sees Dream! Riddle and tires to get him to calm down, but seeing him as the darkness starts triggering Cater's memories. But what makes Cater remember everything was when Dream! Riddle uses his UM on Grim and Deuce.
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Cater wakes up, and helps us defeat the darkness. Ortho shows him the video, and he tells Idia that the drawings he made were cute. He also asks Deuce about the others, in which the latter replies that they're still sleeping. Deuce also asks Cater about how he feels about Riddle, and if he preferred the previous housewarden. But Cater immediately shuts him down, saying that yeah he may have some issues with Riddle, but he has no intention of taking over the dorm himself; so he's fine with the way things are right now.
Lmao Cater's pissed at Leona and Idia for trying to stuff ideas into Deuce's head, but Deuce still trusts him regardless (awww)
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Cater's also conversing with the other, calling Sebek "Sebek-chan" and Silver "Silver-kun" (Sebek did not like this). He's then asked to change out of his clothes, but he gets one more photo op as commemorations. We actually get to choose as to whose dream we're going to next, whether it is Ace or Trey. Cater wanted to reunite the freshman altogether so they decided on going to Ace's dream next.
Cater looks at his dream self and mutters why does he have a dream like this when being a housewarden isn't really his thing, which Silver overheard. But Cater tells him to keep it a secret from Riddle (now what does this mean).
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And that's the end of this update, we're going to Ace's dream next so I wonder what will be in store for us there....
And before I forget this is the groovy for Cater's SSR
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Can't wait to see you guys in the next update!
Next: Ace's Dream Previous: Deuce's Dream
(Note: This post is a summarized version of the update, info and pics comes from @/LBucchie, @/MostroLoungeVIP, and @/acesuuu on x/twt, give them some support if you can)
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amxrany · 1 month ago
For those wondering why I'm posting so late, the update was released on my finals week 😭 I had to lock in yknow 😔. I also took some time off cuz I really wasn't feeling like myself after everything that's been going with my life, so I decided to take a break and focus on some self-healing. Now that I'm better, I decided to post the first update together with the second update as a way to say that I haven't abandoned this yet.
But anyways hope you guys are doing well! Let's not keep you waiting (Deuce's Dream):
We land in NRC and Leona's doing fine with the dream hopping, even mocking those who got sick/scared cuz of it 💀. That's when Grim smells food and runs off to the cafeteria, the others following after him. Turns out it's lunch time, and Grim's now in line to get food, but we then see 2 thugs with colored mohawks from Scarabia telling Grim that the cafeteria was their turf.
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That's when Deuce shows up, except he's blonde just like when he was a delinquent back then.
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He pretty much tells them to fuck off cuz the turf war that happened a few days ago placed Heartslabyul on top, but the thugs wouldn't listen cuz he's just a freshman. But the moment Dream!Trey and Dream!Cater show up, the thugs run away like cowards. Deuce apologizes to them for causing a ruckus, but Cater tells him that it's okay cuz he's protecting his "cute junior".
That's when the trio notice Leona. Dream!Cater and Dream!Trey both seem overprotective of the Ramshackle duo as Cater asks why Yuu is with him, thinking that Ramshackle got absorbed by Savanaclaw with the ongoing turf wars. Leona denies it, saying that Ramshackle isn't involved with them. Trey's relieved as it's better if someone got too close to Yuu. Because apparently in the dream, Ramshackle is (somewhat) protected by Heartslabyul.
Yuu and Grim are separated for awhile as they go and have lunch with Heartslabyul to play along with Deuce's dream while the others think of a plan and in the process Leona bullies Idia into making a device that can let them hear a conversation from far away.
When we reach the Heartslabyul table, we see Dream!Riddle who Deuce refers to as "boss" and asks him if we can sit at their tabe, which he grants. Then Dream!Ace appears, who greets Yuu and Grim first, then proceeds to tease about how loud he was during the confrontation. Normally, Deuce would be embarassed but in this dream he isn't ashamed at all.
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Dream!Cater comes in with intel that Scarabia is planning to take the cafeteria back from Heartslabyul through a turf war, but they aren't backing either cuz Dream!Trey wants to use the ovens for the next Unbirthday Party and Deuce's ready to show them what they got. Of course, Yuu and Grim are so confused as to what's happening; then Ace mocks them for sleeping in Trein's class where they discussed about it.
So basically NRC is divided into 7 dorms that have designated spaces or turf. If a dorm wants to use a space, they have to fight another dorm to do so. Ramshackle is considered to be a neutral zone so no violence happens there but Yuu and Grim hang out with Ace and Deuce so they kinda get some Heartslabyul protection.
Ace and Deuce also explains the territories each dorm owns, which are the following:
Heartslabyul - The library; basically if you wanna borrow a book, you gotta get through them.
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Savanaclaw - The Botanical Gardens; consider yourself fucked if you need something from Crewel there.
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Octavinelle - Sam's Store which used to be a neutral zone until Azul struck a deal with Sam. You pay a toll in order to get in, but you can always resort to fists if you don't want to.
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Scarabia - The cafeteria, windmill and chicken coop; normally they're nice but that all changes when food gets involved.
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Pomefiore - The alchemy lab and courtyard; with the former being their main operations area.
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Ignihyde - Auditorium and infirmary; they hardly confront people but you're screwed if Ortho's around cuz he'll just blast you.
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Diasomnia - The coliseum and stables; they're hard to beat but they're pretty civil, it's better to stay on their good side unless you want to get lightning striked.
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Everyone's shocked cuz what the hell is going on with Deuce's dream 😭. Sebek compares it to a small country at war while Idia and Ortho compare to a manga series that got adapted into a movie and TV drama.
That's when Silver's like "isn't Deuce an honor student tho?" that's when Ortho replies that Deuce isn't even on the Top 100 and has seen Riddle tutor him multiple times before, Sebek also adds that Deuce also had to stay behind classes a lot (cut the guy some slack ya'll he's trying 😔🤚).
The gang (minus Yuu and Grim) discuss ways on how to wake Deuce up, seeing that a fight may not be enough to wake him up. Then all of a sudden, another mohawked student shows up to tell Dream!Riddle that Octavinelle is secretly taking the library while they're having lunch (nah bruh they color-coded the mohawks).
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Since it was only the first years who attacked, Riddle sends Dream!Ace and Deuce (along with other freshmen) to deal with them. So we follow them to the library, where Octavinelle declares that they'll be taking over the library to study for the exams next week, but Heartslabyul ain't backing down without a fight. While they're fighting, they're just screaming attack names while throwing books at one another.
Sebek's upset that they're just throwing books all over the place but he gets real MAD when he notices that the pages are just blank. That's when Leona smirks, it turns out that Deuce can't fill up books he's never read. Sebek calls Deuce out on this shouting that he can't call himself an "honor student" if he treats books like this and challengeds him to a fight.
Sebek didn't waste any time and proceeded to launch himself at Deuce screaming that books are not meant to be weapons...while also whacking him with a book 💀. Grim managed to grab the Queen of Hearts rule book that they were using and points out that only some parts of the books were filled out cuz he doesn't remember that either.
Deuce is starting to wake up, then Dream!Ace turns into the darkness. It tries to sweet talk Deuce that he can be an honor student through strength, and Grim's like "Don't listen to him Deuce! Ace would never say something like that".
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Grim tells Deuce to recall all the times Ace called him stupid and A WHOLE MONTAGE PLAYS I CAN'T 😭 it's that many times fr
(I can only include some screencaps but yeah you get the point)
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But the memory that awakens Deuce was their time at the Dwarf Mines during the prologue (awwww 🥹). Deuce is now awake, and he attacks the darkness. After defeating it, the darkness calls out to Deuce in its last breath that "aren't they true friends?". But Deuce wasn't buying it, knowing that the real Ace was a bigger asshole than it.
The gang also shows Deuce the whole explanation in which Leona teases Idia that he's good if someone like Deuce managed to understand it (Leona really has the time to throw shade huh). Deuce's embarassed about his dream, but Ortho tells him not to too worry too much about it; since the dreams are just warped versions of a person's desires.
Sebek really isn't letting go of the empty books thing and scolds Deuce about it. But Ortho noticed that there's one book that's written properly, it's called "Story of the Card Soldiers". It's a popular story in the Queendom of Roses, but not so in other places. Deuce tells them that it talks about the cards that constantly follow the Queen of Hearts, and he liked the part where the cards chase the rule breaker through the maze. He also remembers how he used to beg his mom to read it to him as a bedtime story.
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Silver also notes that the book is actually complete, and Sebek immediately gets invested in the story. He noticed Deuce smiling at him while reading, and asked if he liked reading; which he replies that reading is important to him. Deuce plans on reading more from now on, which leads to Silver asking Sebek to recommend a book that Deuce can read. Since Sebek recommended books that Silver can read with his condition. He agrees, but proceeds to call the other first years losers 😭. But Silver tells them not to take what Sebek said to heart, and that he's a good guy.
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While they were making the clone for Deuce's dream, they noticed that Leona went missing. Turns out he just moved a bunch of chairs to sleep on them lmao
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And that's it for Deuce's dream, he really did turn NRC into a turf war huh?
But anyways, hope you guys enjoyed!
Next: Cater's Dream
(Note: This post is a summarized version of the update, info and pics comes from @/LBucchie, @/YumeMay0, and @/acesuuu on x/twt, give them some support if you can)
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amxrany · 2 months ago
siblings siblings siblings
I'm just here to post silly sibling moments between Silver and Malleus, if some of them look ridiculously specific there's a high chance it's something my brother and I did and I'm just projecting.
This can be counted as a little continuation of my "Cain's Instinct" Post
Malleus has totally used his tail to trip Silver at least a dozen times and each time he feigned total insanity when Silver accused him of Lilia.
Silver tried to smother Malleus with a pillow when he was a child, there are very few things that can wake him up or keep him awake at night and the dragon's loud snoring is one of them.
Whenever they have to serve each other food or drinks they give the other the ugliest plate, glass or cutlery.
Malleus has told Silver more than once that he has "lost the right to his shoes" when he says or does something he considers stupid.
This consists of hiding the left shoe of all of his pairs or undoing the laces of his shoes when the youngest is distracted.
Silver always comes into Malleus' room to steal his favorite pillow, this he does with Malleus in the room and looking him in the eyes at all times.
They both come into each other's rooms at random times of the day to move something around without telling the other what or where they moved it.
Malleus has used the phrase “it's because you're ugly” as an argument a ridiculous amount of times.
Silver's favorite argument is to remind Malleus that “at least he didn't eat bugs when he was a baby.”
They both accuse the other of being the favorite child and have made huge lists of what they believe to be the obvious signs of this.
Malleus has come into Silver's room only to throw himself on top of him and not move even though Silver tells him he is ridiculously heavy.
Lilia has NEVER been present at any of these moments and lives in total ignorance of how his two children get along.
Sebek has seen it but it is so out of character for his two eldest that he believes it to be hallucinations from Lilia's food
Español Bajo el Corte
Solo vengo a dejar momentos tontos de hermanos entre Silver y Malleus, si algunos se ven ridículamente específicos hay una gran probabilidad que sea algo que hicimos mi hermano y yo y solo me estoy proyectando.
Esto puede contarse como una pequeña continuación de mi Post del “Instinto de Cain”
Malleus totalmente ha utilizado su cola para hacer que Silver se tropiece al menos una docena de veces y en cada una de ellas fingió total demencia cuando Silver lo acusó con Lilia.
Silver intentó ahogar a Malleus con una almohada cuando era un niño, hay muy pocas cosas que puedan despertarlo o mantenerlo despierto en la noche y los fuertes ronquidos del dragón son una de ellas.
Siempre que les toca servirse comida o bebidas entre ellos le dan al otro el plato, vaso o cubiertos más feos.
Malleus le ha dicho a Silver más de una vez que “ha perdido el derecho a sus zapatos” cuando este dice o hace algo que él considera estúpido.
Esto consiste en esconder el zapato izquierdo de todos sus pares o desabrochar las cintas de sus zapatos cuando el más joven está distraído.
Silver siempre entra al cuarto de Malleus a robar su almohada favorita, esto lo hace con Malleus en el cuarto y viéndolo a los ojos en todo momento.
Ambos entran al cuarto del otro en momentos aleatorios del día para mover algo de lugar sin decirle al otro qué o dónde lo movió.
Malleus a utilizado una ridícula cantidad de veces como argumento la frase “es porque eres feo”
El argumento favorito de Silver es recordarle a Malleus que “al meno el no comía insectos cuando era un bebe”
Ambos acusan al otro de ser el hijo favorito y han sacado listas inmensas con lo que ellos creen que son las señales obvias de esto.
Malleus ha llegado al cuarto de Silver solo para tirarse encima de él y no moverse aunque Silver le diga que es ridículamente pesado.
Lilia NUNCA ha estado presente en ninguno de estos momentos y vive en total ignorancia ante el cómo se llevan sus dos hijos.
Sebek lo ha visto pero es tan fuera de carácter para sus dos mayores que cree que son alucinaciones por la comida de Lilia.
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amxrany · 2 months ago
TWST Squid Game AU
“… Raverne?”
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amxrany · 2 months ago
You literally can't tell me Azul Ashengrotto, the guy whose favorite food is fried chicken no matter how he may deny it, wouldn't LOVE the one and only fried chicken ever
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amxrany · 2 months ago
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Every time I write “Dawn of Knight” I keep getting reminded of that brand of soap so I doodle this 😭🙏 I edited the og pic into yk Knight of Dawn, I’m gonna start tweeking because of that— so here’s this abomination
A/N; Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated and ily 🗿💕
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amxrany · 2 months ago
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hear me out 🍰
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amxrany · 2 months ago
trey is a european malewife, jamil is an asian malewife. discuss
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amxrany · 3 months ago
Hi lm hamdi lam from Gaza.lam a father for 4 children . our first goal is to reach 1,000€ please donate!! . We are still suffering from the effects of war and the loss of everything, This amount is not just a number, but a real opportunity to rebuild our lives and Help me complete my children's education and put a smile back on my children Thanks 🙏🏻
Hello! I would be glad to help but unfortunately I don't have the money to donate 😔. This is because I'm from the Philippines, a country that uses philippine peso, not euros. I also don't know how to convert the money from euros to pesos in the gofundme nor do I have the means to donate since my family is also financially struggling. But, what I can do is spread this message and add a link to your gofundme to anyone who is willing to help!
To those who can donate here's the link
Once again, this is my way of helping since I cannot donate monetary aid, it would also be nice if you guys share this post as well for other people to see!!
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amxrany · 3 months ago
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Note: I will not only be covering everything TWST releases, I will only cover the ones that seem doable to me. These are also not accurate translations as I just summarize posts from twitter so there will be some incosistencies from time to time.
🐉🦇 BOOK 7: RULER OF THE ABYSS ⚔⚡ »»ᅳᅳ► Part 7.4 (One, Two, Three, Four, Five) »»ᅳᅳ► Part 7.5 (One, Two, Three, Four, Five) »»ᅳᅳ► Part 7.6 (One, Two, Three) »»ᅳᅳ► Part 7.7 (One, Two, Three) »»ᅳᅳ► Part 7.8 (One, Epel's Dream, Rook's Dream, Vil's Dream) »»ᅳᅳ► Part 7.9 (Kalim's Dream, Jamil's Dream) »»ᅳᅳ► Part 7.10 (Floyd's Dream, Jade's Dream, Azul's Dream) »»ᅳᅳ► Part 7.11 (Jack's Dream, Ruggie's Dream, Leona's Dream)
🐰 WHITE RABBIT FESTIVAL 🐰 »»ᅳᅳ► First Update (One, Two, Three, Four) »»ᅳᅳ► Second Update (One, Two, Three, Four) »»ᅳᅳ► Third Update (One)
🏝 LOST IN THE BOOK WITH STITCH 🏝 »»ᅳᅳ► First Update (One, Two) »»ᅳᅳ► Second Update (One, Two, Three) »»ᅳᅳ► Third Update (One)
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amxrany · 3 months ago
I'm so excited for this part (Leona's Dream):
So Leona's dream also takes place in Afterglow Savannah, and we find out that Ruggie didn't suffer from any side-effects because he's used to being dizzy from Magift. Azul, on the other hand, is already close to dying and clinging to Sebek; so Ruggie offers to get him something to drink.
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But something strange is going on, the street has lesser people than usual and when Ruggie tries to talk to one of the shop owners she proceeds to yell at him that there's no food for hyenas. Residents start scrambling when they see Ruggie and yeah it's pretty much discrimination. Sebek finds this an odd jump from the two previous dreams.
So they head to the palace to look for Leona, but notice that there's no guards. Ruggie notes that the palace is usually guarded by female beastfolk because they're known for how strong they are. So he assumes that something must have happened inside, that's when a group of hyena beastmen approach them.
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So Sebek and Jack ain't buying shit with the beastmen's behavior, Azul and Ruggie try to stop them; but the hyena beastmen reveal themselves to be shadows and proceed to attack the group. We reach the throne room where we see Kifaji and Leona. This is where we get the Kifaji voice reveal and HOLY SHIET LEONAAAAAA.
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So Leona's dream is basically just the Lion King if Scar succeeded in getting rid of Simba for real. Leona's Father died, Farena and Cheka died due to an "accident", this leaves Leona as the heir to the kingdom.
But the kingdom proceeded to fall into shit once Leona took over, because they tried fixing the slums with technology that was too advanced, which resulted in pollution, food scarcity and the animals leaving. Kifaji and Leona are seen arguing, with Leona telling him that the plan was perfect and that the people are to blame with the kingdom's downfall. Kifaji argues back by telling him that people aren't chess pieces and as a king, he should know that by now.
That's when we hear commotion outside, it's a mob of angry people lead by Dream!Ruggie, he claims that Leona isn't his king for giving them nothing to eat and the mob demands him to give the country back to them. That's when Leona's like "if ya'll hate the country so much why don't you leave."
The group couldn't do anything at the moment so they find a place to stay at the moment. Ruggie takes the group to Sunshine Villa, a luxury hotel, Sebek wonders if we can even pay for all of this and Ruggie's like it's fine since we have the Shrouds. He found out that the Shrouds are under the Jupiter Company and can pay for the food.
Oh yeah wanna know how bad the food scarcity in the country is? It's to the point that when they try to order food the waitress tells them that there's no ingredients.
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That's when Ortho brings up the fact that Leona is usually the type of person to know when he's dreaming. But then Idia butted in that, sure Leona can notice things faster than a regular person but what if he isn't aware of it, considering this is Malleus' magic we're talking about.
Silver then asks why is Leona's dream so painful if Malleus' intention was to give them happy dreams? That's when Idia brings up the possibility that Leona's dream operates like a sandbox game, where you can pretty much do anything and everything (yes, even cause destruction). Ortho adds that it's possible for Leona to go for a realistic simulation of him becoming the King.
That's when Jack asks: If Leona knew the risks of his choice, why would he still do it? Ruggie says that it Leona wanted it to go on anyways. Then Ortho uses a scenario where Idia would sneak out in the middle of the night to get ice cream, even though he knows that Ortho will get mad, he still does it anyways. That's when Sebek's like I wouldn't do such a thing! Until Silver exposes him for eating 2 baguettes in the middle of the night which led to him receiving a scolding from his mom 😭(Silver is Sebek's opps fr). Azul also brings up how tempting fried chicken is in the middle of the night (food really does hit different in the middle of the night huh?).
Ok going back to the topic, Leona's imagination is the whole reason why the dream is so complicated, which makes it a challenge to wake him up. So Azul suggest that we find a way to ake the control off Leona. The idea was leading a revolution, but they need a leader who can take Leona's place, Ruggie mentions Cheka so they all go along with him.
But the problem is Cheka is considred "dead" in this dream, so Ortho creates a 3D model of him but he can't get it to move because they lack the data on him. That's when Jack realizes that they can use Ruggie's UM as a way for Cheka to move, which is actually brilliant. They also let Ruggie do Cheka's voice through speakers, basically turning him into a Cheka Vtuber.
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Things start to get worse in the palace, with the guards starting to get violent with the people. So Azul, Sebek and Silver stay behind to fight the guards while the rest rush to the throne room.
When Leona demands Kifaji to bring him meat, Kifaji told him that there's nothing left to eat and none of this happened with Farena. Leona did not like that statement, so he uses his UM on Kifaji. THAT'S WHEN RUGGIE CONTROLLED CHEKA JUMPS IN LMAOOO.
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Kifaji's surprised that Cheka is alive. Cheka (controlled by Ruggie) tells Leona that he's a bad king and that the throne belongs to him but Leona's UM causes the hologram to break blowing their covers up. That's when Leona chokes Ruggie again, not recognizing him. BUT KIFAJI COMES IN WITH THE SAVE AND USES MAGIC AGAINST LEONA.
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Ortho doesn't understand why Kifaji is siding with them when he's literally in Leona's dream, but Kifaji tells the group to escape. But there are too many shadows so we have no choice but to fight. Jack's impressed that Kifaji's strong and by the time the battle's over, we find out that Leona managed to escape. The group theorizes that the reason why Kifaji is on their side must be because of something deep, that Leona wants someone to stop him.
Jack manages to pick up Leona's trail and they find him outside being swallowed by the darkness and the group jumps in to follow him.
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We land in a different scenario this time, it's basically a "what happens if Savanaclaw succeeds with stampede from Book 2" and Ruggie found it so awkward since Silver and Sebek are in the group right now 😭. But Diasomnia gets crushed and Savanaclaw's celebrating.
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Azul expresses that they're terrible for doing that but Ruggie also tells him that he's in on it too with the potion he gave them. Azul defends himself that the contract stated that how they use the potion won't be his responsibility 🤷‍♀️.
Jack notices that Leona doesn't seem satisified even if he got his way. When he became King, he wasn't satisfied; seems like getting what he wants doesn't truly satisfy him.
So we repeat the events of Book 2 where we confront Leona but with Azul leading the group. Silver and Sebek tell him that the plan failed and that no one was harmed. That's when Leona noticed that there's 2 Ruggies that he starts to think if he's dreaming or not.
The shadows start asking the group on what they're doing with their "king'. but Jack tells the shadows that Leona isn't their "king", but their Dorm Leader. He tells Leona to remember everything, and that's what caused him to wake up.
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But then the darkness comes back and tries to grab Ruggie but Leona runs to grab him and use all his strength to pull him out and throw him at Jack; sacrificing himself and giving into the darkness. Silver had no choice but to use his UM while Ruggie frantically screams Leona's name.
Now Leona's facing his inner demons (his overblot). His Overblot Self tells him that he could be a better king than Farena (as if we didn't what happened awhile ago). So they start fighting.
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After the fight, Leona ends up back in Afterglow Savannah being blessed with rain. That's when Kifaji appears, both are aware that they're in a dream that Leona must wake up from. They converse for a bit until Leona says goodbye, and to Kifaji's laughter, he uses his UM to dry the place. He declares trhat he will choose where he belongs and how he lives.
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The group finds Leona with the help of Ortho. Then Ruggie asks Leona why he helped him that time, he just responds that it's normal for him to help because he's a "true friend." Ruggie just replies that he has a lot of nerve for saying that after the events of Book 2 (but as a joke).
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When Ortho explains to Leona what's going on, he already knew that Malleus was mysterious and had a feeling he would pull stuff like this but at the same time he's just tired and plans on taking a nap, telling us to wake him up when the fight starts.
But they managed to convince him to join the group after telling him that Azul, Ruggie and Jack have used enough of their magic and need to rest for the big battle.
And this is the end of the Savanaclaw update, but for a moment can we talk about Leona's dream in contrast to Ruggie and Jack's dreams? We see that Ruggie and Jack both see Leona as someone dependable, a leader, someone who can change their country for the better. But when Leona becomes the king in his dream, everything just falls into shit. The amount of self-doubt he holds against himself reflects into his dream, he believes that he couldn't become a great king for his people. That even if he went for something realistic for his dream, the country would just fall into ruin. Because of the ongoing battle he has with himself, he thinks that everyone has it out for him; but in reality, it's the opposite.
But we can also see that Kifaji is such an important figure in his life, even if Leona caused the downfall of the country; he still continued to stay by his side. He shows that he loves Leona by going against his schemes, telling him that he must wake up from this dream. This just goes to show how deep of a bond those two share and it kind of makes me emotional yknow 🥹.
Anyways enough of my rambles hope you guys enjoyed this update, we're getting the Heartslabyul this December (what a nice christmas gift) so stay tuned then!
Previous: Ruggie's Dream
(Note: This post is a summarized version of the update, info and pics comes from @/LBucchie, @/WitchDrug, and @/MoonlightEquin1 on x/twt, give them some support if you can)
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amxrany · 4 months ago
I'm excited with how much this one will hurt me (Ruggie's Dream):
We are now in Afterglow Savannah, and the group (Grim, Sebek, Idia and Ortho) is teaching Jack how to use "Dream Form Change" and bro's too hesitant to say it 😭, he evens mention that it's just like the shows his sister watches. But the group continues to egg him on until he actually said it and everyone's just excited for it (except for Silver and Azul).
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So in the background, we see a statue of the birth of Simba scene from the Lion King, it's said that this scene is often referenced in children's books.
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The group then brought up one detail: why aren't there any statues of hyenas bowing? That's when Jack mentions an old theory, that the statue was made during the time the hyenas weren't serving the King of The Beasts and Afterglow Savannah yet. Because people believed that the hyenas lived in the "Land of Shadows" (or the "Outlands") and had their own rules.
It's also believed that lions have been kings for a long time. But despite beastfolk being scattered all across Twisted Wonderland now, their origins can be traced back to Afterglow Savannah. Jack also tell us that his family are immigrants who moved to the Land of Pyroxene.
We actually go into a bit of real-world issues here as the group talks about how Afterglow Savannah values of the co-existence of their people with nature despite urban development plans. That's when Idia brought up Leona's choice of joining a mining and energy research institue for his internship and how it highlights a current issue of his country. Ortho then tells us that mining can help a country prosper but it clashes with the traditional life of the residents, which is why the issue is seen as controversial.
The issue of excessive mining is also brought up, because if that happens people can be forced out of their homes. But with Leona joining the institute to learn about its programs and possible plans to understand the issue from the other side, shows that he really does care about his people 🥹
THEN THE OWNER OF THE DREAM APPEARS AND HE'S RUNNING LATE TO CLASS (very school girl behavior if you ask me)
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This actually makes me sad because as we're passing through the market, we can see that Ruggie's dream is just life treating him better. Because his father comes home with a great fortune (they really pulling the father comes home with the milk route on him huh 😭), everyone and everything in the community is thriving with vendors handing food to Ruggie because he slept late and not because he missed a meal, and Ruggie's worries being about an exam he might miss and not how to survive to see the next day. Once again, we get hit with the reality that all of this is just Ruggie's imagination.
We end up in a school called "Ivorycliff Academy" where most students are hyena beastfolk. It also has a statue of the hyenas we see in the Lion King as well. The academy actually holds hyenas with high regard, seeing them as important figures for fighting alongside the King of The Beasts for their rights.
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The academy also has an abundance of fruit trees to the point you can just pluck a fruit off the tree and eat it (had those in my old school but we were never allowed to eat the fruit smh 😒). Because of this Grim couldn't hold himself back and proceeds to eat the fruit from the trees, which causes some chaos because he's seen by students and Ruggie nearly called security on them but luckily Azul comes in with a save, telling Ruggie that Grim belongs to them and that they're exchange students.
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Sebek berates Grim for causing trouble because he got hungry, but he's no better because his stomach starts growling too 😭 but Ruggie told them to feel free to eat with them since hyenas share the spirit of solidarity. He relates this to his own experience that he can't ignore other people when they're hungry.
Ruggie brings the group to a donut stall and shows us his favorite combo - a plain donut with chocolate sauce, topped with sliced fruits, custard, fresh cream, and lastly some berry jam - The Ruggie Special if you would. He gives the donut to Sebek, who eats it all in one bite. He also prepared a mountain of donuts for the group and Azul's just concerned with the amount of calories 😭
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We also learn from the vendor of the donut stall that Leona was the one who established the academy. In this dream, Ruggie doesn't know Leona personally but he really looks up to him here; because Leona used his knowledge from studying abroad to build schools just like Ruggie's. He's even more popular than Farena amongst the country's youth. But then the bell rings and Ruggie leaves the group to go to class.
But then the vendor of the donut stall suddenly turns into the darkness and attacks the group, Ortho warns the group that Malleus' presence is strong so they must wake Ruggie FAST
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Jack says that he doesn't want to wake Ruggie up because he's so happy in his dream. But Azul tells him that in reality, Ruggie isn't always happy and that they should wake him up for the sake of his body, because he's receiving zero calories and his real grandma is alone and probably worried sick about him.
We then remembered what happened during Book 4 where Ruggie brought food for the people in his community during winter break and they come to the realization that he wouldn't want to be stuck in the dream world when the people he cares for are still suffering in the real world. This is where Azul proposes his plan.
So Ruggie's with a group of people going to the cinema to see a movie when Azul suddenly drops a coin in the ground, 1 thaumark/madol to be exact. Ruggie stops when he hears the noise and suddenly doesn't understand what's happening to him, like something calling him.
Azul increases the amount slowly from 1 thaumark/madol to 5 thaumarks/madols, this caused Ruggie to slowly lose his mind and separate from his group to look for the source. That's when Azul pulls out 100 thaumarks/madols.
Everyone's wondering why he's dropping money all over the place, that's when Azul mentions that when Ruggie sometimes takes shifts in Mostro Lounge, he can immediately the amount of money someone dropped based on the noise (like a coin buff if you think about it). Because there was one time someone dropped money by accident and he managed to guess the exact amount of 753 thaumarks/madols. He also manages to find the location just by the noise (wish my coin buff was like that fr 😔)
Anyways look at Ruggie in the Octavinelle uniform, so cute
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Everyone's surprised about this discovery, even Idia said that it's like a buff you get in an RPG.
But anyways, Ruggie manages to find the money and wonders why he suddenly feels happy about it; this causes the dream to start distorting. Azul strikes in a moment of weakness and shows Ruggie 500 thaumarks/madols.
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That's when Azul throws the money into the fountain and Ruggie jumps in immediately to look for it (I think that part explains Ruggie's groovy? Correct me if I'm wrong tho). Then Azul just laughs at him (what an asshole 😭 but Yuu gets mad at him for it)
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This actually wakes Ruggie up and the group of people he was with approaches him and the first thing he does when he's back on his senses is to complain about the color of their uniform 💀 and that he doesn't give a damn if it gets dirty, preferring the NRC black colored uniform better.
The group tells him not to be behave that way because they're meant to be affiliated with the king. But Ruggie's like "King? I'll choose which King I'll serve." which turns them into shadows.
Once the shadows are defeated, Ortho explains to Ruggie that everything was just a dream; which causes him to breakdown completely.
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He cries about how all the food was fake, and when he goes home his dad isn't there and his grandma won't get a new car. Idia isn't helping with the situation either because when Ruggie asks if Malleus was a heartless person, he proceeded to responded "erm actually he's a fae 🤓" (would've killed him just saying 🤷‍♀️)
Ruggie calms down and suggests we go find Leona because if there's anyone who wants to fight Malleus, it's most definitely him. Jack agrees, saying that Ruggie is the best person to wake him up knowing that he does that every morning.
The update ends with Ruggie joining the gang as we go to Leona's dream.
And that's it for the first part of the Savanaclaw update! Keep in mind the second part covering Leona's dream will be released on November 29, so stay tuned then!
Previous: Jack's Dream Next: Leona's Dream
(Note: This post is a summarized version of the update, info and pics comes from @/LBucchie and @/WitchDrug on x/twt, give them some support if you can)
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amxrany · 4 months ago
Apologies for the delay guys, just had a lot of things going on with my life, but let's get into it (Jack's Dream):
So we land in Night Raven College around the Fall Season, and you know how as we're traveling through dreams there's someone who suffers from side-effects? Well for Azul, he ended up passing out with his eyes open and no one noticed at first until they realized he was just staying still 😭. They managed to get him to wake up, and because of that Azul promises to take motion sickness medicine next time.
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When the group used "Dream Form Change", Silver didn't recite it this time; because it turns out he already mastered it a long time ago, because he usually uses the spell when he oversleeps and wakes up late. So Sebek tries teaching Azul the whole spell that Idia made and Azul was just shocked, then Idia tells him that he doesn't get the otaku nature and that one must yell out a catchphrase. That's when Azul goes, "Well, you're the only one into those things anyways." BUT IDIA DEFENDS HIMSELF BY SAYING THAT EVERYONE IN STYX IS ALSO A GEEK 😂
But anyways, we got more lore from Idia that the spell we're using right now allows us to take on different forms in dreams. However if we were to do the same in real life, then one must need special permission from the Magic Agency.
Silver praises Azul for getting a hang of the spell quickly, but then Grim pipes in saying that Jamil mentioned that Azul was rotten but useful, that's when Sebek scolds Grim and tells him that he's just misleading Azul and what Jamil actually said is: that he doesn't like him but he's a dorm leader, so making him our ally would be useful AND AZUL JUST BECAME DEPRESSED LIKE THERE THERE BRO 😭 and Idia was not helping either because he just recounts the events of the previous update, even mentioning that Azul signed his tablet (which he tries to erase in a panic because he wants to forget about it)
Azul then tells the group that he feels bad about acting like that in front of star athletes (referring to Silver and Sebek). Of course, the two "star athletes" in question are confused and that's when Azul reveals that a video of Silver and Sebek competing in an equestrian competition went viral on Magicam, where netizens were calling them "princes" and stuff.
But since Silver and Sebek don't use the internet much (for the case of Sebek, he does have Magicam but only for the sake of communication) and thought that people were referring to their horses as princes (pls never change you two). This is where we learn that their horses are named Samson (for Silver) and Tempest (for Sebek). That's when Azul corrects them that the internet was referring to them as princes.
That's when Idia starts dissing sports clubs for getting that much attention but the board game club doesn't even get that much hype. But then Ortho replies that the board game club did end up in the local newspaper BUT WHEN THEY WERE TAKING A PHOTO IDIA COVERED HIS FACE WITH HIS HOODIE BWAHAHAHAHA
While the group is talking, Jack comes running in, telling them to get out of the way cuz he's running late. The bird is seen flying around him, signifying that we're in Jack's dream now. So the group follows him to the Coliseum where we see Savanaclaw and a lot of training equipment.
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It turns out that Savanaclaw is training for the Inter-Dorm Magift Tournament (so the dream takes place around the events of Book 2) and bruh Dream!Leona's just acting like those typical sports anime protags where yeah he's disappointed about their loss against Diasomnia but they shouldn't waste their chances and there's still room for improvement yada yada yada
AND EVERYONE'S JUST LIKE NAWWW WHO TF IS THAT 😭😭😭. Everyone agrees that they have to wake Jack FAST.
The group's discussing about Jack's Dream when Sebek expresses that he still remembers the incident during Book 2,where he was not only worried about Malleus but with the other players as well (awww) and Azul's out here acting like he wasn't involved in it somehow and that he was shocked about Leona's plan (not awww)
Anyways yeah he deserves to be judged
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So they start devising a plan on how to wake Jack up, and in the process talk about his role during the incident. Sure, he did go behind their backs for the greater good but it was most likely a difficult choice for him since he did look up to them :(( . It's unusual that a junior looks up to their senior, but even then Jack still chose to do what's right and we gotta admire him for that yknow.
Silver compares Jack's dream to Sebek's dream, stating how similar they are and Grim's just like "oh if that's the case why don't we punch him to wake him up" 😭
But that's when Idia comes up with the greatest plan of all: We challenge Savanaclaw in a Magift Match (featuring Idia in hologram form)
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The entire scene literally feels like watching a sports anime because Azul manages to come up with a sob story about how Octavinelle and Ignihyde are working hard to make it to the Magift Top Spots and he really be pulling up the question if they still got a chance to Dream!Leona and he agrees like a sports anime rival 😭. So yeah we're given the chance to compete against and the group huddles up first and gives a little cheer
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Btw this part's a rhythmic and let's just say you have the option to make Azul suffer even more than he should here 😭 (can't find the full rhythmic but there is a part where Azul just gets launched out of the frame)
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Azul's already on the verge of passing out again, so Silver had to call for time-out. Ortho offered cooling spray while Sebek gave him water and then there's Idia who proceeds to make fun of him even bringing up his "athleticism" during his dream like bro that's so foul 😭🤚
In the meantime, Sebek tries to come up with a strategy that won't kill Azul in the process. What comes up is that Sebek will mark Leona, Silver will mark Ruggie, Ortho marks Jack, and Grim and Yuu will run around as decoys.
We're back into the game, and Sebek actually managed to put up a good fight against Leona but ends up throwing the disc out of bounds because he tripped. But then Dream!Leona went and helped him up??? and gave him constructive criticism???? Everyone went "Nahhh Leona would NOT do that".
Now we go to Ortho and Jack, with Ortho evading Jack as he's holding the disc. He also taunts Jack for not being able to catch up to him. So the entire game get so serious to the point that THEY REACH SPACE ONCE THEY JUMPED ???
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So Ortho's plan this whole time was to drag Jack into space as a way to bring him back to reality. Why? Because Jack starts showing symptoms of waking up when he realized that he should have been dead by now since he's in space. That's when Jack talks about how he saw Leona play on TV 3 years ago changed him and how he enrolled into NRC just to play with him 😢. Then we get the end scene of Book 2 that finally woke Jack up like nooo :(((
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JACK STARTS FALLING FROM THE FUCKING SKY AND EVERYONE PANICS. But thankfully Ortho changes into his Cerberus and catches him just in time. Jack starts crying because he realized everything was fake and that all he wanted was to be a player in Savanaclaw 🙁.
Shadows start to appear but we manage to defeat them. But then, Jack starts attacking us thinking that were also fakes as well. Azul tells him to look at his face and that they're in fact the real deal, but Jack wasn't buying it cuz he remembered he had beef with Azul 😭. That's when Idia's like "this happened because you aren't reliable bro" and Azul's just asking Ortho where Idia's power source so he can turn it off (i love Idia in this chapter man).
We let Jack watch the video and tell him the events leading up to where we are right now, and then he proceeds to pat Yuu and Grim's heads, praising them for making it this far. We also let Jack see his dream self, and yeah the first thing he does is comment on the areas he can work on (#priorities).
Jack and Sebek have a conversation alone, where Sebek expresses that he still holds a grduge against Savanaclaw over the events of Book 2 and Jack accepts it, telling him that he has every reason to be angry; and that left an impression on Sebek cuz that made him think that there's still good people in Savanaclaw.
And that's it for Jack's dream. I was already working on summary for this update but there's this big event going on in my university so I've been doing coverages for 3 days straight and I only just got to rest now (being a journ student is quite tiring) but yeah I will most likely have Ruggie's segment out by tomorrow.
Stay tuned then!
Next: Ruggie's Dream
(Note: This post is a summarized version of the update, info and pics comes from @/LBucchie and @/WitchDrug on x/twt, give them some support if you can)
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amxrany · 5 months ago
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Note: I will not only be covering everything TWST releases, I will only cover the ones that seem doable to me. These are also not accurate translations as I just summarize posts from twitter so there will be some incosistencies from time to time.
🐉🦇 BOOK 7: RULER OF THE ABYSS ⚔⚡ »»ᅳᅳ► Part 7.4 (One, Two, Three, Four, Five) »»ᅳᅳ► Part 7.5 (One, Two, Three, Four, Five) »»ᅳᅳ► Part 7.6 (One, Two, Three) »»ᅳᅳ► Part 7.7 (One, Two, Three) »»ᅳᅳ► Part 7.8 (One, Epel's Dream, Rook's Dream, Vil's Dream) »»ᅳᅳ► Part 7.9 (Kalim's Dream, Jamil's Dream) »»ᅳᅳ► Part 7.10 (Floyd's Dream, Jade's Dream, Azul's Dream)
🐰 WHITE RABBIT FESTIVAL 🐰 »»ᅳᅳ► First Update (One, Two, Three, Four) »»ᅳᅳ► Second Update (One, Two, Three, Four) »»ᅳᅳ► Third Update (One)
🏝 LOST IN THE BOOK WITH STITCH 🏝 »»ᅳᅳ► First Update (One, Two) »»ᅳᅳ► Second Update (One, Two, Three) »»ᅳᅳ► Third Update (One)
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