#the incompleteness of emotion wheels
polypocketdiary · 1 year
I feel hurt
(but hurt is so generic)
I feel angry
(so new and nearly special after years of effortless transmutation)
I feel let down
(expectations are the killer)
I feel disrespected
(but like oxygen they keep the roots from festering)
I feel taken for granted
(overlooked or undercaredfor? overused and underseen)
I feel neglected
(now there's an oofowthunk)
I feel donethroughdefeated
(the years-long delay of the samurai sword)
I feel ashamed
(can I drink of your sympathy without letting you know where it came from)
I feel relieved
(it's over
it's over
the willit wontit whatamidoingwrong
It's over
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samgirl98 · 4 months
Mending a Family 38/?
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Jason’s guilt grew as he entered his newly restored Mustang.
He had finished fixing her up that day and had been excited to take his little family around the village.
And he had. He had put Danny in a booster seat and Ellie in a car seat and taken a drive with Jazz in the passenger seat. They made it a family day, ate out, sang out of tune with whatever song came on the radio, and had a good time.
Then, they got home, Danny fell asleep, and Jason started feeling down.
He had no idea why he had bouts of depression, but they were starting to become annoying. Well, they would be if he had the space to feel annoyed.
Jason rubbed his chest. It hurt as if someone was squeezing his heart.
Jason turned on the car and felt the soft purr. He stayed in the car, not daring to move. Why couldn’t he feel happy all the time? Why was he thinking about his old family so much? Every time he felt miserable about his old family, he felt guilty. It felt as if he was betraying his current family.
Jason was so lost in his negative thoughts he didn’t notice Jazz until she entered the passenger side.
“Jazz, what are you doing here? Are the kids alone?”
Jason was about to leave the car when Jazz pulled out a baby monitor.
“I got it covered,” she said, “Besides, nobody can come through our haunt without us knowing.”
Jason said nothing.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” came his automatic response. Jazz raised an eyebrow.
“Uh-huh. Sure, I believe that, big brother.”
Silence reigned for a while. The chirping of the crickets was the only thing that could be heard.
“Am I a bad person for missing them so much? I love you guys, and you are the best things that have ever happened to me, but when I’m alone with my thoughts and emotions, I can’t help—I miss them but feel like I’m betraying what we have. What we found.”
Jason let his head fall on the steering wheel. The ache in his chest grew. He wanted his family to be whole again. Jason could picture it in his mind’s eye. Danny surrounded by the Waynes. Danny being spoiled by his aunts and uncles. By the Ancients, he wanted that. He wanted Danny to have cousins, aunts, and uncles.
Jason wanted his older jackass of a brother. He wanted his grandfather…He wanted his dad.
He wanted his family whole. No, his family was whole already.
What was he thinking? What was wrong with him? Why wasn’t he satisfied with the family he had?
“We have a theory,” Jazz said, putting her hand on Jason’s head and giving soft scratches. It felt nice. “Danny and I think your obsession is family. Until you can have every last person you consider family surrounding you, well, you won’t feel complete.”
Jason snorted. It made sense, but Ancients, did his obsession have to be something he couldn’t have?
“So basically, my obsession is unreachable. They’ll never take me back. And if I do return, they’ll try to take Danny away from me. They’ll consider me unstable, too much of a monster to raise a child.”
Jazz said nothing. Jason raised his head and stared at the woman who had become his younger sister. Someone Jason could trust.
“I miss mom and dad sometimes, too,” Jazz whispered, “not for the people they turned out to be, but for who they once were.”
Jazz smiled bittersweetly and turned toward Jason, “Do you think me a bad person for missing them?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” was his automatic response.
“Then why don’t you give yourself that same leeway? My parents have done horrible things; they tried to kill Danny! Yet, I still miss them. Family is complicated, Jason. Emotions are even more so. Don’t blame yourself for what you’re feeling, and don’t feel like you’re betraying us because you want what you used to have. We understand.”
“You’re all too good for me.”
Jazz slapped the back of his head. Jason yelped out in surprise.
“And stop thinking you don’t deserve to be happy. You have a family, even if it’s incomplete.”
“No, you guys are enough,” Jason refuted.
Jazz smiled sadly and kissed his cheek.
“I’m going inside. Remember, don’t feel bad for your emotions, Jason. If I’m allowed to miss my old family, so are you.”
Jason said nothing. He watched Jazz enter the house, lost in his thoughts.
How nice it would be to integrate his old family with his new one, but if he tried, he would lose what he had built.
“Suck it up, Todd; you have a great family now. Forget about your old one.”
Jason turned off the car, phased through it, and returned to the house. The ache in his chest still throbbed.
Suddenly, a chill ran down his spine. He looked out into the darkness and felt watched. There was no one there. Jason gave one more uneasy look into the forest and went inside.
Tim couldn’t believe his eyes.
“Holy shit,” he whispered.
Tim had a facial recognition program running 24/7. After a few weeks of the program running, he had a match.
La Petite Académie would like to thank Peter “Jay” Nightingale for his generous donation to the school. Two benches will be built in his honor.
Tim observed the picture. Jason had dyed his head red and glared at the camera as his picture was taken. He held a plaque with the school’s name, address, and Jason’s alias.
He broke into the school’s files and read about Daniel Nightingale. He had the highest marks in his class and was considered exceptionally smart. Jason had donated fifteen thousand dollars to the school and seemed to be an active participant in school activities. Jazz Nightingale was put in as an emergency contact, and he found phone numbers. Most important, though, was the address listed on the record.
Tim had a lead. His next stop would be Tadoussac, Canada.
I'm so sorry if this wasn't up to my usual standard. I needed to move the plot along. On the plus side, I know how I want the story to go and end. On the downside, I see an end, which means my time with this fic is coming to a close.
Anyway, I hope you liked
@itsberrydreemurstuff @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @skulld3mort-1fan @theauthorandtheartist @emergentpanda-blog @jaggedheart11 @fisticuffsatapplebees @booberrylizard @fantasticbluebirdfan @thegatorsgooseoose @cyrwrites @kjoboo91 @crystallicedart @amaramizuki666 @spekulatiusmuffin @meira-3919 @kilasmess @bubblemixer @lexdamo @wonderland-daisy @mj-arts-n-stuff @amyheart19 @dolfay @the-church-grimm @undead-essence @aph-mable @lizisipancardo @purrloin77 @writer-extraodinaire @charlietheepic7 @sinfulloccultist @nootherusernameworked @coruscateselene @chaoticchange @itsberrydreemurstuff @gmkelz11 @feral-bunny31 @paroovian @thatonegaybitch68 @d4ydr34min9 @overtherose @fandomwandererer @vipower001 @thordottir45 @blackrabbitt3t @rosecinnamonbun @bianca-hooks123 @epilepticnerd @dat1angel @consouling @flamingenchiladadragon @all-mights-asscheeks @ender-reader @fuyu-bitch @ravenswife
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goodvibesatpeace · 7 months
The energy within us is divine
A force that courses through our spine
Each chakra, a wheel of light
Guiding us through day and night
From root to crown, they all align
In harmony, they make us shine
But when they're blocked, our energy depletes
Till we're left feeling incomplete
The first, our base, where it all begins
A red vortex, where our safety lies within
Stability and grounding, we find here
In our body, it's the foundation of all we hold dear
Then comes the sacral, a vibrant orange hue
Where our emotions flow, both old and new
Our desires and passions, they all reside
In this chakra, where our creative power lies inside
Next in line, the solar plexus glows
A yellow fire, where our confidence grows
Our willpower and strength, it all stems
From this chakra, guiding us towards our greatest dreams
As we move up, the heart chakra beats
In emerald green, where love truly meets
For ourselves, for others, and for all living things
This chakra teaches us the power that love brings
Throat chakra, a azure blue
Where our truth is spoken, both old and new
Communication, expression, and speaking our mind
In this chakra, our voice is one of a kind
Then we reach the third eye, a deep indigo
Where our intuition and wisdom flows
Insight and clarity, it's all here
In this chakra, our inner vision becomes clear
Last but not least, the crown chakra shines
A majestic violet, where the divine aligns
Our connection to the universe, to all that is
In this chakra, our true self we rediscover and bliss
Our body, a vessel for these chakras to thrive
Each one vital, for our energy to thrive
In balance, we find our truest form
A passionate being, with our chakras transformed
So let our energy flow ever so free
In harmony and unity, with our true self we'll be
Embrace the complex, the passion within
For our chakras are our greatest epic, our journey to begin.
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barmadumet · 7 months
CW: Pet Death
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It’s been a year today. I didn’t tell many people at the time because it was so hard to talk about. It still is. There’s many people irl who still don’t know. Between my grandparents, parents, and unborn babies, I’ve faced all types of grief in the last handful of years, but this? A new definition of emotional pain. His was a presence with me for more than half my life. He was there every day, an essential part of my comfort space. Every night, he was in my bed. I still feel very incomplete.
It was raining when I found him in 2004. I was at work – my first job. I heard a customer say they’d seen a kitten dart under a running truck. It was actually out of character for me to abandon my post and flee to the parking lot. I stopped the driver just as he was about to leave. I kneeled in the puddles of gravel-filled, muddy water and looked under the back wheel well, and there he was.
Love at first sight is real. When I met the blue eyes of the yelping, tiny, snowball-white kitten, I knew he was mine.
He was perched up on the center of the undercarriage of the truck. I smashed my face against the side panel, reaching my arm as far as it could go. I didn’t care about the exhaust fumes I was breathing in from the tailpipe. I didn’t care that I was getting soaked. I didn’t care about work. I reached for him – until the tips of my fingers touched him for the first time, and I was able to coax him to me. When I had him in my arms, I pulled him to my chest, and since then, he has always been close to my heart.
It was one of the hardest moments of my life when I put him in the ground. I knelt in the damp mud around the fresh grave. He was snug in his bed when my husband and I lowered him down. When he was secure in his resting place, we covered him in a blanket. And before we covered him in earth, I reached for him. And again, I didn’t care about the mud, and I didn’t care about the mess of my falling tears and running nose. I bent over as far as my body would allow, and stretched my arm until my fingertips slipped under the blanket and grazed the soft fur for the last time.
It hit me in that instant that he’d come into my life and left it in a similar manner, and it’s hard to describe the flood of emotions that came over me then. The poetry of it captivated and soothed me, but the finality of it tore me apart.
I think of him every day. There isn’t a relationship in existence that can compare.
Evan, Ev, Rudes, Rudy. . . Until we meet again 🤍
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lagaans · 11 days
possibly incomplete list of favorite things about XX / 3x02:
opening shot
dream miranda crawling dead and reanimated out of the water oh bitch the absolute miles and LEAGUES dream miranda went to elevate this episode wow..
silver expressing emotions
billy hanging off the mast(? sorry I don't know sailing terms) and that one shot where the boat is so sideways and the water so violent that the entire mast gets thrashed into the water and that other guy dies.
eleanor's voice while recounting to woodes rogers how she took control of nassau. something a bit strange and offputting about it in a very deliciously interesting way
"does that mean we're married"
^I wish somebody would invent tig notaro 'ok dyke' for bisexuals
silver in general that whole time. WAH
max trying to explain to anne that she knows anne will not want to leave her but will have to eventually and anne trying to refuse it but also knowing she's right!!!!
Flint completely alone on the deck TIED to the wheel 🫡 the odysseus parallels are paralleling
closing shot!!!!!!
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kydrogendragon · 6 months
Last Line Tag Game
Lol, well, I think I've been tagged in this multiple times in the past two weeks xD But I've finally had some writing done, so I can actually play them now!
Thanks to @tj-dragonblade @zzoomacroom @embroiderling @im-not-corrupted @the-apocrypha @amielot and anyone else I missed that's tagged me in this!
So to make up for so many tags, have an extra long snippet from the next (and final chapter) of A Waking Nightmare! Some of these are just dialogue, some are more fleshed out.
“Hello sweet Morpheus.” “Sister… I did not call for you.” “Oh, but you did. You always do. You’ve been one foot in my realm for a long time now.” She reaches out, trailing the tips of her fingers across his cheek. He closes his eyes. “You always suffer so deliciously, my brother, but you never truly let yourself feel it, do you?” “I cannot. I have my duties to attend. I cannot hurt the Dreamers.” “So much duty. So much honor. And all of it pressing you ever closer to me.” There’s a sharp sting on his cheek and a rush of warmth spilling over his skin. “Perhaps it’s time you take that final step into my realm.” Despair drags her hook across his cheek and disappears as the emotions crest through him.
“Is that how you think yours will end?” “I—” “I think you deserve a better one than that. I think you’re just in that bad middle part right now. What’s it called?” Her eyes flicker in color until one turns green again. “The murky and intense part of a story where people bite their fingers and shake their heads and scream and curse and shout?” “The climax?” “That’s right! You’re in your climax. Or the little bits after? But not your end. You can’t break a story in the middle. No body likes that. It needs a happy ending! There’s lots and lots and lots of sad endings right now. And incomplete endings. And endings that don’t end. And stories never started. But you should make yours a happy one.”
And the much awaited reunion!
“I am sorry, Hob. They should have never done such things. And I... I should never have treated you as I had. I will not ask for you forgiveness, nor do I believe I deserve it. But I would not leave you thinking I held such hatred for you still. I shall take my leave.”  Hob’s eyes widen. He wheels his chair back from his desk and stumbles out of it, uneasy on his feet. He steps forward and his legs give out underneath him as he falls into Dream. Dream catches him, hands firm under Hob’s arms.  Hob pulls himself up better, into a proper hug, and pulls Dream close, one hand on his neck. “You and I are having fucking words on how to communicate. And you're giving me a reliable way to reach you that won’t piss you off after all this mess. Especially if we're to be friends,“ Hob whispers, angrily in Dream’s ear.
No pressure tags! @seiya-starsniper @bazzybelle and @tryan-a-bex
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luckystarchild · 1 year
Sometimes I get a little... frustrated... by the reactions to Lucky Child.
(No one is doing anything wrong. This isn't a callout post.)
Fiction that is serialized one chapter/installment at a time over a long period of time suffers from "No Instant Answers Disease." In a book, if you have a question about something that occurs midway through the narrative, you can read to the end and (most of the time) get your answer unless the author forgets the plot thread or something. But with serial fiction that is incomplete, you can't keep reading. You just have to sit with whatever the plot point is, wondering.
Sometimes LC (and most ongoing work probably) gets comments that express frustration over something that I, the author, know will get resolved eventually. But on a few specific topics, folk consistently will write comments that accidentally imply I'm like... writing about pointless stuff?? And I KNOW they don't mean to imply that, and that they're just giving an emotional response to the drama I MYSELF CREATED, which means it's impacting them emotionally and that means my writing of the subject was successful, BUT it's still a little frustrating on my part when people seem to imply that I'm wasting time/words/story on something "useless" or "pointless" or something that "doesn't matter." FRUSTRATING that they think I'm just wasting words!
But it's not frustrating in a "they're wrong" kind of way, mind you. It's frustrating in a "I can't give them any assurances without dropping massive spoilers and now I'm caught between a rock and a spoilery place" kind of way!
Big LC spoilers if you haven't read past chapter 110 or so. Click to keep reading.
Specifically I'm talking about the "None of this is real" plotline. For those who need a refresher, Hiruko implied that the world/people around NQK may not be "Real" by some obscure definition, and NQK spends a lot of time agonizing over what that means in both a practical and philosophical sense, and if it means anything at all.
In chapter 109, NQKagome reacts super emotionally to this whole idea, insisting that the people around her MUST be real. She loves them, and she feels they love her, so the idea that they're "philosophical zombies" that are basically just really good fake people makes her have an anxiety attack. And a lot of readers SWIFTLY sided with NQKagome, and/or they argued "It doesn't actually matter if they're real or not."
It's that last argument I find really frustrating. The implication that "this topic they're spending time on doesn't matter and they shouldn't even worry about it" is, unintentionally, kind of implying that the time we're spending talking about the concept itself doesn't matter, which is in turn an implication that it has no bearing on the plot/story/characters, which is kind of a sideways comment about my writing/storycraft itself. It's implying I'm spinning my wheels on useless crap.
And I know that's not what's intended by those comments, which are instead likely just emotional reactions to a heavy concept, but like... "Hey author, this thing you've devoted thousands of words to doesn't actually matter or have a point, I think it's useless for the characters to care about it" is a frustrating thing to hear.
Because it does matter.
I wouldn't be writing about it at such length and in such detail if it didn't matter.
But I can't like... explain why it matters, or even the DEGREE to which it does or doesn't matters, because even hinting at how big (or small) of a deal it may be could be SUPER spoilery if you're even a LITTLE good at deducing metanarrative. So I just have to sit here nervously laughing to myself going, "Heheh, yeah, uh, it toooootally doesn't matter at all, noooo... (*nervous fidgeting*)" and feeling frustrated that the reader doesn't trust me to write about things that "matter."
Oh god, this is a trust issue. I just figured that out now while writing this.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that if LC were complete, you could just read to the end and figure out why/how it matters instead of implying it's a useless waste of time, but LC isn't complete, so...you can't. BUT I also know that the impassioned responses to the "Is this Real?" question show just how deeply the topic gets under people's skin, and that's great for me as a writer, because it shows me where I can focus to get people emotionally invested. Even the most hostile "this sucks and this topic shouldn't matter" responses show me I've struck a nerve, which is a GOOD thing in the end. I should take those comments as compliments.
But all in all, I GUESS those frustrating responses and my reactions to them indicate how much I need to finish the damn story, so maybe this frustration is a good thing in the end... but please, for the love of fanfic, please TRY and trust that if I spend a long time talking about something in the story, it's probably because I'm laying the groundwork for plot later. Don't fall prey to "No Instant Answers Disease."
"Just trust the process and let me cook." That's the moral (antidote?) here.
And that's my rant. Thanks for reading.
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wreckedhoney · 7 months
A Killer Frequency Major Arcana Match-up! bc sometimes it's fun to match characters & setpieces from a story with the major arcana from the tarot deck. But some picks are better than others lol, I bolded the ones I like best. Feel free to share what/who you'd match with which, or what picks here stand out! Shared a bit of this on discord, so hello to anyone seeing this again! I added more since :)
0. The Fool - Jimmy. Curiosity, Optimism, Journeys, Trust (both deserved & misplaced), Above the opinions of others. Upside down: Agency, Responsibility, Don’t catastrophize/overthink.
I. The Magician - Carrie. Creativity, Invention, Transformative process, Art, Wisdom, Purity. Upside down: Ineffective old habits, Learn new tricks, Hard work, Change.
II. The High Priestess - KFAM Radio station. Welcoming, Mysterious, Fertile, Secrets, Clarity, Good surprises, Opportunity. Upside down: Actions over wishful thinking.
III. The Empress - Brian Ponty. Peace/Abundance, Love/Luxury. Upside down: Trouble in paradise, Collect yourself.
IV. The Emperor - John Hedges. Power/Authority, Responsibility, Self control, Self mastery. Upside down: Need for flexibility over rigidness.
V. The Hierophant - Forrest Nash. Wisdom, Rules, Choosing one’s battles, Conformity. Upside down: Independent paths/Isolation.
VI. The Lovers - George&Marie. Choices, Guided or controlled by emotions, Passion. Upside down: Emotional coldness, Hibernation, Complacency.
VII. The Chariot - 189.16, The Scream. Control over situations, Freedom, Risk of working oneself out of a good thing. Upside down: Moving forward.
VIII. Strength - Leslie Harper. Stamina, Perseverance. Upside down: Draw on hidden strengths, Reflect on strengths one forgets they have.
IX. The Hermit - Clive Elforth. Reflection, Soul searching, Learning by observation. Upside down: Consider sharing one’s wisdom with others.
X. Wheel of Fortune - Roller Ricky’s Roller Rink. Life is circular, Good times will come back, Keep working towards upsides. Upside down: Take a step back before things spin out of control.
XI. Justice - The Producer’s Booth. Fairness, Adherence to rules & consequences. Upside down: Karma for oneself also.
XII. The Hanged Man - Maurice Russell. Patience, Perspective over catastrophizing. Upside down: Patience is not always a virtue; act or retreat.
XIII. Death - George Barrow. Changes, Attempts to avoid conflict may be futile. Upside down: Pointless to resist; may make things worse. Avoid conflict if possible.
XIV. Temperance - Plunker/The Frat. Self restraint, Moderation, Satisfaction with balance, Going with the flow, Patience. Upside down: Reflect on life’s imbalances, Be wary of impulsiveness.
XV. The Devil - Marie Campbell. Base desires, Bound to self-destruction, Prone to temptation/beguiling, Potential to break free but unwilling. Upside down: Detach from self-destruction.
XVI. The Tower - Elis Point/Whistling Point. Sudden changes & chaos, Powerlessness, Humbleness and Brevity. Upside down: Little to no way to avoid inevitable, but it will be okay eventually.
XVII. The Star - Roller Ricky. Transformation, Growth, Healing & forgiveness, Success, Carrying on. Upside down: Lack of guidance, Work to move things to one’s benefit.
XVIII. The Moon - Edward Marshall Mooney. Clarity past distractions, Ego/stubbornness, Dreams & Intuition followed through. Upside down: Anxieties and unhappiness, though it will also pass.
XIX. The Sun - Peggy Weaver. Optimism, Joy, Creativity, Potential for power. Upside down: Use powers wisely, Avoid unneeded conflict, Reach out to others.
XX. Judgement - The DJ Booth. Judge oneself, Examine choices & actions, Reflect on present and goals. Upside down: Avoid overthinking (especially details) as it may cloud judgement.
XXI. The World - Henry Barrow. Completion, Satisfaction. Upside down: Incomplete feelings, Reflect on what was missing.
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titanoboaworks · 10 months
Name: Jessie “Crow” Tullius
Crew Name: The Brass Knuckle Pirates
The Strawhat Pirates
The Red-Hair Pirates
The Heart Pirates
Emo Angel
Origin: Sky Island
Residence: N/A
Epithet: “Crowfood” Jessie
Status: Alive
41(post time skip)
Birthday: September 23rd
Height: 6’4
Bounty: 2,500,000 mil berries(As of joining the crew)
Dream: Find a place to call home
Eye Color: Pink
Hair Color: Graying Black
Body Type: Lean and Muscular
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Skypiean
True Neutral
Personality: Jessie is a deeply introverted individual, often self-critical due to high personal standards. Rarely angered, they maintain a reserved demeanor and approach strangers with a sense of distrust. However, they are deeply caring to those they consider their friends, helping take care of their companions via their cooking and subtle ways, as they find it hard to show their emotions and sympathy at face value. Beneath the surface, however, they are fueled by an unexpected bloodlust and a thrilling desire for combat despite their reserved nature, it’s rare for them to show it, it’s reserved for opponents that push them to their own limits
The Strawhat Pirates
The Red-Haired Pirates
The Heart Pirates
The Kid Pirates
Revolutionary Army
The Marines/The Navy
The World Government
Love Interest: Marco the Phoenix
Love Status: Dating( As of post time skip)
Powers and Abilities:
Devil Fruit: N/A
Devil Fruit Type: N/A
Description of Fruit:
Haki Type(s): Armament Haki
Wind and Fire Wheels
Armored Arm and Gauntlet.
Moon Necklace
Alchemy and Cooking tools
Alchemy: A special interest but also something deeply tied to their background as a merc that specializes in poison. They no longer use it for poison but more for ways to help Andruis with being the medic for the ship.
Cooking: Jessie has a love for cooking, having learned it from their father when they were young and perfecting it over the course of their travels as a merc and pirate, developing a love various dishes to make and make their own, it becomes a critical skill for them.
Astrology: Something instilled in them by their parents own beliefs but Jessie secretly likes Astrology as they have a belief of it relating to people’s affair and the events of the cosmos.
Botany- Loves to study plants, both for cooking, scientific experiments, and simply to enjoy the beauty of the plants they find on the adventures they go on with the Brass Knuckles.
Brass Knuckles: One of the few groups of people that Jessie would call friends. Or even family,
Social Interaction: Not good will people outside of their circle and hardly cares to interact with others
Large Animals of any kind: Has a fear and anxiety with animals bigger than a simply deer.
Cold Weather: Ever since leaving the Sky Island Jessie has found they hate cold weather and it irritates them far to much.
Wearing Heavy clothing: Having to wear having heavy winter clothing on some cases is a major dislike due to their wings and needing to find something to either cover them or cut holes in them for their wings, it’s a problem for the all around.
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echobutgirlypop · 1 year
Thinking about how a villain’s name is the first thing they hear…
When hawk moth akumatizes someone successfully, parts of them have been pushed back. Their negative emotions have the wheel, you could say. This version of them is incomplete and lacking identity. If hawk moth could not talk to them, they would go on a confused rampage. Since the first words they hear are their name, the name of their guide, and their purpose, they immediately choose to follow Hawk moths plan for them. Basically, once Hawk moth akumatizes someone, he makes them think they owe him everything because he gave them powers and identity. Anyway. Just a thought.
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
Hell yeah i got some recs!! Most of mine are going to be more Hank and Connor or Reed900 centric, so keep that in mind.
From it's Own Wreck by Jivvin is my current favorite! It's a ghost au based on the film Just Like Heaven (2005) and it's full of gorgeous writing and has lots of great moments in it. I can't recommend it enough. It is incomplete, but the author regularly updates and it's a few chapters away from being finished.
Deviating and Solving Crime with 100% Human Detective Connor by CaptainKenway. Exactly what it says. You're solving crime with a 100% human detective, nothing else. Nothing suspicious about him. 0_0 It has some good angst and funny moments, and i really enjoyed reading it.
Detroit 07 by Rhinozilla is INCREDIBLE! It's a 38 part series (i know, im stilling working through it) and it's got so much angst, found family, comfort, crack shenanigans, and just as much plot as there is silly oneshots. It's got some OCs in it that are amazing and fit so well into the story, and it does deviate a little bit from the norm (different name for Nines for example, and no reed900) but it's still really good. Since there are so many parts to it and two of the parts are over 400k each, here are some of the smaller oneshots that can be read easily by themselves:
Color Wheel: Connor sustains minor damage to the hardware controlling his appearance. Everybody in the bullpen is united with one singular mission: do not let Connor know that his hair keeps changing colors.
The Breathing Graveyard: The DPD sends Connor to talk down a volatile deviant that's holed up in a trailer near the android scrapyard. It doesn't go the way any of them expect.
Bubbles: Connor gets stuck watching a lost little girl while they wait for her parents to come pick her up at the station.
And then i'd recommend Chapter 51 of Camaraderie if you're up for a wholesome father-son moment.
Through Your Veins by AceEmerson: Nines gets hurt and Gavin takes him back to his apartment to patch them up. There is also an android cat, first kiss, and TENSION
Secret by sv962: Role-reversal Reed900, first kiss. Tis very good. Semi-short at less than 5k and you want a good little role reversal, i recommend it.
The unexpected benefits of having a therapist terminator by texs_sins: Undeviated Nines decides to become Gavin's therapist to help improve their work partnership. 'Surely exposing himself to human emotions won't make a difference, after all nothing has ever made him deviate, right?' it's a fantastic fic and i love their take on Machine Nines and Deviated Nines. (fair warning because it's not listed in the tags, there's a little bit of smut in the last chapter, but easily skippable if you aren't up for it)
Beautifully Unique and Strange by cliffhanging: autistic Connor oneshot because we need more autistic Connor fics
Only Skin Deep by the AsexualofSpades: pre-relationship Reed900, where Nines tries to hide as much of his androidness in response to his anti-android partner five times and the one time he doesn't. It has a nice follow up fic too and i recommend it!
i think that's a fair amount to stop at, oh my god. And thanks again for your recs!! I'm gonna get reading to them tonight!! <3<3<3
Ahhh hell yes! Thank you so much!!
I have read the texs_sins fic (and most of theirs) but I'd definitely reread them bc I love them a lot so thank you for reminding me!
I am ALWAYS DOWN for more father son content with Hank and Connor, thank you SO much. It's so hard for me to find any these days.
Detroit 07... Almost sounds like a kind of Brooklyn 99 AU? In which case idk if I should read it just yet because I am also writing a dbh brooklyn 99 AU and I don't want to accidentally steal ideas or be influenced by someone else, but maybe after I post my own work I'll check it out! (two cakes!)
These all sound super fun thank you for the recommendations!! <333
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hotwraithbones · 2 years
My latest full-length book, In Residuum, arrives February 20th from Kith Books! 💜 For those who like discounts, pre-orders are open RIGHT NOW! Meow ⬅️ (preorder link)
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In Residuum is a collection of texts built from the frantically gathered residue of thoughts, drafts, literature, lost family history, the darkness and emptiness that tend to replace suppressed memories, and incomplete experiences. Together, these are all cultivated as a way of drawing the metaphysical and abstract from a number of writings, and letting the rest -- a faded mass -- slowly fall away. In this are truths -- some personal, some general -- otherwise invisible to the naked human eye. Moreover, in its visual elements and weaving of metatext, shadowtext, and blatant lack of regard for chronology or order, this is a book that can be read differently by each person no matter how many times they read it through.
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{FEATURED POEM "[im]mortal decline" 1st Published in warning lines magazine Volume 04: OTHERWORLDS
An examination of colonization, classic, Renaissance, and medieval European texts, the role of ancient languages (Sanskrit and Pankrit) in religion, prayer, family, and modern poetics, C-PTSD, psychosis, mental illness, sexual, domestic, emotional, mental, and physical abuse trauma, intergenerational trauma, sexuality, gender, patriarchy, culture, ancestry, and 4D spaces, In Residuum is an encapsulation of countless items and ideas forged together in an attempt to create something greater and stronger -- something honest and potentially hopeful. The pieces are all fractured and mismatched, just as mine are, but all the same, even in all the ways they grind and splinter against each other, this messiness and chaos works together among, within, between, and around itself to form something somewhat whole. In other words, this book is my humble attempt at the portrait of a survivor. In it, I use my rawest, most vulnerable, most sabotaged, and most slaughtered self for reference.
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"Specializing in badass hybrid work and subversion of western literary expectations, Ami J. Sanghvi continues to utilize language as an artistic medium with In Residuum. Technological word processors may "insist all [their] words are wrong, but there is always something invigorating about Sanghvi’s work that Microsoft Word could never possibly hope to understand, as well as a perpetually unerring sense of both aesthetics and poetics."

— nat raum, eic of fifth wheel press and author of the fine line + you stupid slut
Snag your copy while supplies last!
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shallyne · 1 year
Everytime someone praises SJMs ability to write friendships I'm like 😬 ehhhh
I do not agree that SJM writes good friendships where it counts, at all. I do agree that she introduces and implies friendships perfectly, she had me rooting for almost every friendship she ever introduced in her books
Now please remember these are my opinions, don't bitch about it ❤️
Starting with Feyre, after acosf I can't see any friendship in the IC bloom again after the shit show that was going on. The only one I can remotely see is Feyre and Mor and we all know fully well that SJM won't focus on them again
Then, if we put my dislike of Nesta to the side, I still don't see any appeal in the Valkyries. It felt very wattpad-y and incomplete and the emotions SJM wanted us to feel just weren't felt
The bat boys fell flat after Cassian and Azriel showed interest in Nesta and Elain
With Throne of Glass, Lysandra and Aelin had all that build-up to be PERFECT but it fell flat in Kingdom of Ash (I think it was due to all the different POVs and different plot lines going on tho)
Rowan and the Cadre kind of lost appeal to me in the last book too
The only friendship I still love like I did from the beginning was Aelin and Fenrys, due to them growing closer becaus eof the events of KoA
To Crescent City, there isn't a friendship I really liked to begin with except Bryce and Danika
Danika was continously used as a plot device to introduce new conflicts and the meaningful friendship was slowly burned down to cinders (I still love them but I see why people don't like Danika)
Bryce's friendship with Fury and Juniper was okay but not much more. Bryce was more a third wheel after Danika died and their friendship suffered a lot through the books
Hunt and Isaiah are kind of friends but they are more colleagues in my eyes, there's not a deep bond between them
Hunt and Baxian do have the potential but I don't think SJM will build on it in in hofas (note because I really hope we see a friendship building between Lidia and Bryce)
The frat pack are inseparable but we're only really told. "Hey we are friends and we live together" I see it but I don't feel it, you know?
Many, many of these friendships suffered to make the romance in the books shine. And don't get me wrong, I love me a good romance but friendships are also important and if I have to headcanon a satisfying friendship it's not good. SJM COULD do it if she'd pay more attention to them.
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uh insert a portal opening sound effect from mortal kombat 2 here, thank you, i dont know how to do that so just, use your imagination!!
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That's right, bracket 3? it was incomplete, you all saw, but no longer
see it WAS gonna be like this bc I got stressed about the brackets being too much to handle, but, I started to think, you guys have all been really supportive of my two bracket blogs, and I felt "maybe I AM good enough to handle the bracket being as big as I wanted it"
So, not only is Bracket 3 growing, you might get another portal of secret fighters later down the line :] but for now, bracket 3 will expand with two groups of SECRET FIGHTERS!!
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Anyways, as I said, there will be ONE group at a time now as it'll be easier & less anxiety inducing for me to manage. So, group 1 of bracket 2 is approacing, behold!
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Oh, hey yheah uh, btw, there is another OC of mine on this bracket besides Zoey :D hope you guys don't mind, allow me to introduce you to my OC, AXEL!
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So, I'll tell y'all more info about him in the poll, but lemme tell you some stuff now.
-25 Years Old, He/Him
-Axel is one of Zoey's best friends, Zoey sees Axel as something of an older sibling that she looks up to.
-Axel is a bit of a ass on the outside, he's irritable, cranky, doesn't like to talk about his emotions a lot of the time, and is just really hard to get through to as you have to really put in the effort to get through to him. But deep down, he's a big loving teddy bear.
-He cares immensely about his loved ones, it's just that he doesn't show it outwardly & uses his bad temper as a way to manage with his emotions. He's a good hearted soul, just one that's got a lot of thorns covering it.
-Oh also, he's REALLY good at punching, he's able to punch hard enough to shatter boulders & tree trunks.
-He's got a very thick new zealand accent
-My headcanon voice for him is just Hypnopotamus from ROTTMNT
-He's big into cars, he's an incredibly skilled (but wreckless & with a bit of a daredevil attitude who, when given the option, WILL take the most dangerous & death defying path entirely because he just loves the pure addrenaline fueled rush of doing some fucking holy-shit-you're-a-fucking-menace-behind-the-wheel level tricks) driver who knows damn well how to function behind the wheel of anything on wheels, does he do boats and aircrafts too? Eh, not so much. Especially boats, he thinks boats are lame.
Anyways, see you guys at Group 2! Oh & my other tournament, @weird-al-song-tourney is starting tomorrow! so see you for that too <3
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i am obviously not going to be able to fit all of this into my job talk and i have no idea if it’ll even match the prompt BUT i’ve been thinking about some of the specific areas of programming i’d be most psyched to design/work on if i got this job. still incomplete (and obviously this could easily be 5-10 years’ worth of work but i like to DREAM ok!!!) but here you go.
Focus Area 1: Make high-impact mentoring more accessible, effective, and sustainable for faculty and students.
Build upon the success of existing faculty cohort programs (Diversity and CE Fellows) (ie structured longer-term forms of professional development, community building, ongoing support
Collaborate with faculty, staff, students to develop a centralized library of evidence-based resources (tools to use at different stages in mentoring relationships, mentoring curricula, professional development workshops to address specific needs, etc.), to ensure students get the most out of mentorship AND to ensure faculty are able to engage in high-impact mentoring in personally & professionally sustainable ways. (Basically I just think that too often faculty are left alone to reinvent the wheel and that is so exhausting!! It increases the likelihood that mentoring will be ad-hoc and kinda random instead of thoughtfully planned. It also means people might not be using the most time-effective, culturally responsive, and/or evidence-validated strategies. I’ve always been REALLY into the idea of interviewing faculty and students about their mentoring experiences, needs, challenges, etc. and then using that info + secondary research to develop a toolbox of activities, forms/tools, and vetted resources people can consult & use for any stage of the mentoring relationship. it could be modeled off alison green’s incredible The Management Center and tailored to the institution’s specific demographics: high rates of first-gen, first-gen low income, and transfer students. this would just be like... passion project for me lol.)
Create resources (as part of the toolkit above) and integrate workshops into existing undergrad research programs that teach mentees the skills they need to get the most out of mentoring relationships (such as how to identify potential mentors, initiate mentoring, define expectations, communicate short- and long-term goals, develop mentoring maps, prepare for meetings with their mentor, navigate conflict, etc.), with a focus on giving students greater agency and confidence in navigating mentor/mentee relationships.
Restart the defunct faculty research mentor award program (and explore other ways of recognizing and thanking faculty for their intellectual and emotional labor). Also, explore ways of institutionally rewarding and incentivizing faculty mentorship, for instance in relation to promotion, tenure review, or contract extensions. (This is an area I’d need to learn more about—but it would be cool to explore how faculty currently document mentorship work in their tenure files or whatever.) 
Focus Area 2: Increase transfer student engagement in research. 
Background: [school] accepts very high numbers of transfer students each year; transfer students often significantly overlap with other student demographics (many transfer students are first-gen, BIPOC, or belong to other groups historically underrepresented in higher education) but they’re also a unique demographic who would benefit from targeted programming designed with their specific needs and accelerated timelines. Transfer students may enter four-year universities with less navigational capital than their peers and less familiarity or past contact with research (as two-year college faculty may be less likely to engage in research or to integrate students into research projects). They also tend to have greater demands on their time and resources outside of the classroom and fewer years in college to build relationships with faculty and to explore different research opportunities. 
Before transfer students matriculate:
Work with local community college instructors and advisors to demystify research, communicate the academic and professional benefits of engaging in undergrad research, and familiarize students with [school] resources/opportunities.
Incorporate presentations & workshops specifically tailored to transfer students into new student orientation events.
Collaborate with academic advisors & academic coaches who support transfer students to deepen their awareness of [school] research opportunities and to develop strategies for guiding students towards research. Focus on developing consistent messaging and easy-to-digest one-page resources that advisors can share with students.
Create a page specifically geared towards transfer students on the Office of [Redacted]’s website (so we have somewhere to direct students during workshops, orientation, etc.).
Directly email all incoming transfer students to invite them to a special “Getting Involved in Research” event held in the fall, where they can listen to faculty speakers and then have a chance to informally network with faculty in small groups after. 
During transfer students’ two years at [school name]:
Develop and teach two-credit “Research for Transfer Students” course (potentially modeled on the UW Seattle version)
Develop and implement Faculty Mentor Lunch/Dinner program (modeled off the one in the first-gen book—look up the institution) specifically for transfer students, to help them make early contact with faculty and learn about ongoing research projects.
Work with academic advisors to encourage them to incorporate curricular and co-curricular research opportunities into the degree maps they already create with students
Explore ways of recognizing and incentivizing transfer student involvement in research (for instance, creating a faculty-nominated award to honor transfer students who have excelled in research placements, or even eventually creating a certificate program where students earn a credential of some kind by taking a couple classes, completing a research assistantship or internship, participating in a professional development workshop series, and presenting their research at a conference or campus symposium).
Gather informal data from transfer students to understand barriers to getting involved in research & explore ways of addressing those barriers (for instance, if childcare responsibilities prevents adult students from engaging in research or attending late afternoon/evening workshops, how can we get creative about addressing these barriers?)
After students graduate:
Maintain an active alumni network if possible, since most alums live in the region (newsletter highlighting transfer students and former transfer student alums’ achievements and projects?)
Invite alums back to speak at workshops and events (ooh it might be cool to have them attend one of the faculty mentor dinners or the orientation event).
Explore eventually developing a professional mentorship program (similar to the business school’s) that pairs transfer student alums with current students. This could be integrated into a larger professional mentorship program. 
Focus Area 3:
Can’t decide between these (all of which would obv be long-term projects)...
Gradually increase the number of undergrads who complete some kind of senior research project (a senior thesis, Capstone, or research assistantship that involves creating a substantive professional research product) over time... would have to learn more about what their current support for thesis writing looks like & also think more about the specific infrastructure you’d need to make this possible. could target a specific department as an initial three-year pilot or something like that, maybe?
Develop a research certificate or minor of some kind that involves completing a specific number or sequence of courses, participating in professional development programming, completing a research assistantship or internship, and/or doing some kind of senior research project? idk would obviously have to think about this more & learn more about institutional politics & look at how similar programs are structured at other institutions)
Collaborate with the Connected Learning director to recreate my old program in this new school <333 I bet we could get that Mellon $$ lol
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firsttarotreader · 2 years
Thanks for the reading about the sleeping in a bed with him. Is this also the way if he is in a relationship with someone? When he is sexually involved with someone and steady relationship. Does he like to sleep in the same bed as his partner?
Hi! When I look at this ask I always think of Harry Styles’s song “Cinema” and the lyrics “You’re sleeping in this bed with me. I just think you’re cool. I dig your cinema. Do you think I’m cool too?…” 😬😬 But okay, we know sleeping with your partner/bf/gf is usually part of the deal, so let’s see how he could possibly feel when it happens, because we know this man is a free spirit, right? Lol
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The first cards I pulled for that were the Knight of Teacups, The World reversed and Temperance. Well, the Knight of Teacups is the caring and loving Knight, a gentleman, full of emotions. Pedro could possibly enjoy it and want it to be a good thing for both. The World reversed is the “unfinished business” card, like it’s not over yet and you still have something to do. I take it as him potentially thinking that not sleeping with your partner leaves things kind of “incomplete”, like you should do it because otherwise something is missing. And Temperance shows the experience can be really balanced for him IF he has feelings for the person. I mean, if love and sex and in harmony and he likes the person, then it will be good and harmonious (at least most of the time lmao)
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The next cards kind of explain why. 4 of Teacups, 6 of Teacups reversed and The Tower. This is quite interesting. 4 of Teacups is telling us that if things become too much of a habit, too much of a repetition, or sleeping in the bed with the person every single day for too long, he might actually start to get bored of it, and 6 of Teacups means he will miss “the past”, he will get stuck in the times when things weren’t so… traditional. That will get him to the Tower, and he will start to crumble. He will feel the need to change everything, to do something different, or it could even lead to a fall of the relationship…
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When I asked for a last thought on how he could feel about the idea of sleeping with a partner, the card was The Wheel of Fortune. Lmao. I love Tarot’s consistency. Basically he will enjoy it, he will be happy to, but not forever, not for long, he might want to take a night for himself once in a while. 😂😂 Because this man never stays the same, he is constantly moving and like he said it himself, he is a commitment-phobe.
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