Life is the Greatest Adventure
470 posts
August Fitzherbert || 21 years young || Proud son of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider Eugene Fitzherbert
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fitzfantastic-blog · 6 years ago
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Joe Keery for L'officiel.
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fitzfantastic-blog · 6 years ago
the air is chilly, but the fluff is warm
“It’s hand holding season.”
“I got the biggest blanket for us to share.”
“Get outside– you can see your breath in the air!” 
“Your cheeks are so red; it’s so cute!” 
“I’m not letting you forget an umbrella ever again.”
“My mom made soup and sent some for me to give to you.”
“I got us matching fuzzy socks.”
“This scarf isn’t big enough for two people.”
“If your hands get cold, you can put them in my pockets.”
“Maybe if I kiss you, you’ll feel warmer.” 
“I don’t care if it’s freezing, I want to walk through the park!”
“I made hot chocolate.” 
“Hug me; I’m cold and love you.”
“Your coat makes you look like a penguin.”
“Are you really walking in public wrapped in a blanket?”
“My bunny slippers are too cool for you.”
“These roses cost extra because of the season– I hope you’ll give me extra kisses as thanks.” 
“Are you cold? Let’s cuddle, it’ll make you warmer.”
“What time is it? Don’t answer, it’s Christmas.”
“If it snows, wake me up.”
“I thought it would get warm in the day, but I was wrong.”
“You stole another of my hoodies, didn’t you?”
“Christmas songs this early?”
“Please stay warm; I don’t want you to get sick.”
“I refuse to let you go– I’m cold.”
“It’s icy outside��� also, can you help me limp to the couch?”
“I don’t need mistletoe to kiss you.”
“I’m glad I get to spend this season with you.”
“You’re my designated cuddle-buddy tonight so stay close.”
“Pajamas and movies sounds really nice.”
“Your favorite winter drink was back on the menu, so I got it for you.”
“Can we take holiday card pictures together?”
“Your cheeks are rosy and cute.”
“Are you shivering?”
“I ran you a bath since it’s freezing outside.”
“Stay in bed with me, it’s warmer here.”
“I don’t understand how you love this kind of weather so much.”
“I know you’re excited about the snow, but please put on better shoes than slippers!”
“The cookies and I are the only things hot this season.”
“I bought you a beanie! Isn’t the pompom cute?”
“Are you blushing or cold?”
“Oh, darn, I seem to have forgotten my mittens– please warm my hands?”
“Is it too early for Santa hats?”
“I don’t think cold weather is an excuse to drink ten times more coffee.”
“Well, you can never have too much hot chocolate.”
“I’m gonna stay up and wait for it to snow.”
“Being with you makes the season even better.”
“Since it’s cold should I start calling you ‘snow angel’?”
“Matching hoodies!”
“Are you going to share this coat with me all night?”
cold weather sentence starters
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fitzfantastic-blog · 6 years ago
Stella looked over at August, not that she could actually see him in the darkness. She did trust him, but she figured that went without saying or else she wouldn’t be there with him now. “I’m okay! I’m fine,” she nodded and faked a smile, heading forward with him again. The next room was a complete scene, set with a bloodied butcher chopping up pretend meat on a table. The room was full of gory decorations and her eyes widened as the butcher turned to look at them and growled. She screamed again though quieter this time, her cheeks flushing red as she knew this time that it was real. “I’m sorry! I can’t help it,” she laughed and cuddled into August’s side. “It all looks so real!” 
August had to admit that even for him, some of the things in this haunted house were pretty scary, and lifelike. He wrapped his arm around her as Stella cuddled into his side, chuckling lightly. “You don’t have to apologize. It does look pretty real, I have to say.” They continued on, to the next room, where there was a platform introducing them with brightly colored balloons on it. As they rounded the corner, there were several tall beings in brightly colored tacky costumes with big shoes and crazy hair, their faces painted white and eccentric. A slight shiver ran down August’s spine as they entered. “Those guys are pretty creepy,” he whispered.
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fitzfantastic-blog · 6 years ago
“I didn’t think you’d willingly walk me into some sort of trap, but I’ve been wrong about people before.” Stella took a deep, shaky breath before stepping inside with him, reaching for his hand out of both habit and fear. It was dark, almost impossible to see, and she could hear nothing except her own breathing as they walked forward into the first room. Someone jumped out at her and she screamed, jumping back and away from both the person and August. 
“I would hope that could trust I wouldn’t do that, but I won’t take it personally if not.” August knew that Stella was hard to get to, sometimes, and though it took some time for her to trust him, he didn’t mind. He liked feeling like he earned her trust, rather than being handed it willy nilly. August jumped when someone scared them, but noticed immediately that Stella had come out worse off. “Hey, it’s alright, nothing in here is real, it’s just for fun. Come on,” he smiled, taking her hand again and gently squeezing.
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fitzfantastic-blog · 6 years ago
“What? No, no! They’re not like Nora, relax, okay? It’s not a trap, I promise.” August knew that Stella was still shaken up over what had happened, and rightfully so, but he did his best to calm her down. “People like it. It’s cool, I guess. We’ll find out soon enough anyway,” he chuckled. When they got to the front of the line, August handed the person standing there two tickets that he had kept in his back pocket. “Pretty much. I’m new at this too, so I’m not entirely sure what to expect.” Before they walked in, the attendant standing there briefly gave them some rules to follow and let them inside. “Here we go,” the brunette flashed a smile, looking over at her.
“If you say so,” August chuckled, shaking his head though smiling at her. He saw how curious she was about where they were, which amused him. “Good. Because they’re going to try their best to scare you.” Looking at the house, August shrugged. “Not sure, but some people have decided to turn it into a haunted house. It’s a tradition people in modern times have startef for this time of the year. I thought it would be fun,” he explained as the line moved forward a bit more. “Unless you’re too scared, we don’t have to go in.”
“Try to scare me? Why would anyone do that? Are these people like Nora? We’re walking into a trap!” Stella didn’t understand why they would willingly walk into a house that was filled with people trying to scare them. When he explained it was a tradition, she still didn’t understand but at least pretended she sort of did. “Because being scared is fun. I’m not too scared, we’re going. I’m fine,” she shook her head as they moved ahead in line to the point where they were at the entrance now. “We just walk in?”
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fitzfantastic-blog · 6 years ago
“If you say so,” August chuckled, shaking his head though smiling at her. He saw how curious she was about where they were, which amused him. “Good. Because they’re going to try their best to scare you.” Looking at the house, August shrugged. “Not sure, but some people have decided to turn it into a haunted house. It’s a tradition people in modern times have startef for this time of the year. I thought it would be fun,” he explained as the line moved forward a bit more. “Unless you’re too scared, we don’t have to go in.”
“Don’t your legs get a bit cold?” They must have, considering the seasons were changing and what not. August noticed the way she looked at him and it made him smile. “Well, I didn’t say we had to go to the library, it’s just an option.” Seeing the almost pout on her face, August traced her bottom lip with his thumb. “No, no… I think I’ll you speculate what I mean.” After a few minutes they arrived at their destination and joined a queue of people outside a big house. “You don’t get scared too easily, do you?”
“Yes, but that’s a sacrifice we must all make for the greater good.” She would rather look good and freeze than feel unattractive or cover herself up, especially if it got her August’s attention. “The library could be fun,” she said softly, mesmerized by the slow movement of his thumb. Her head perked up at the line of people, noticing the sound of a scream in the distance and then laughter. “No. I don’t. I don’t think so. Why?” She hesitantly took a few steps forward as the line moved closer to the house, noticing now how creepy it looked from the outside. “Who’s house is this?” 
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fitzfantastic-blog · 6 years ago
“Don’t your legs get a bit cold?” They must have, considering the seasons were changing and what not. August noticed the way she looked at him and it made him smile. “Well, I didn’t say we had to go to the library, it’s just an option.” Seeing the almost pout on her face, August traced her bottom lip with his thumb. “No, no... I think I’ll you speculate what I mean.” After a few minutes they arrived at their destination and joined a queue of people outside a big house. “You don’t get scared too easily, do you?”
“It’s quite the shame that you don’t have any now then. But I’m quite content with holding your hand, by the way,” he smiled. “There’s a fireplace in the library. I’m sure some of the common rooms likely have them too.” August couldn’t help but laugh quietly at her comment. “You’ll just have to think about it, I guess.” Smirking, he pressed a kiss to her lower jaw, moving a bit closer to her now. “Keep wondering. Come on, we’re almost there.”
“My dress shows off my legs.” Stella looked over at him, stealing a shy glance before looking ahead again. She was content to hold his hand, for now. “And you’d take me to the library to sit in front of a fire? That sounds unlike you. Wait, August! Tell me!” Her lips formed a hard line, almost pouting. Almost, but not quite. She leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder as they walked, trying to figure out where he was taking them. 
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fitzfantastic-blog · 6 years ago
“It’s quite the shame that you don’t have any now then. But I’m quite content with holding your hand, by the way,” he smiled. “There’s a fireplace in the library. I’m sure some of the common rooms likely have them too.” August couldn’t help but laugh quietly at her comment. “You’ll just have to think about it, I guess.” Smirking, he pressed a kiss to her lower jaw, moving a bit closer to her now. “Keep wondering. Come on, we’re almost there.”
“Unladylike? Isn’t it also considered unladylike for a princess to wear pants? Then again, my sister breaks this rule all the time,” August chuckled. “Well then the next time you’re wearing something with pocket’s I’ll stick my hands in them instead,” he added with a smirk. “Mmm… not exactly. Though that does sound very cozy. Maybe we can set one back at the palace, hm?”
“Yes but that’s not why I don’t wear pants, I just like dresses. They’re pretty,” Stella lifted her chin and smiled. “Oh maybe I should wear something with pockets then. As long as your hands are on me. That would be nice, but I don’t know where there’s a fireplace, do you?” She tilted her head, trying to think of whether she just hadn’t noticed them before. “Wait, you never told me what you were going to do to warm me up!”
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fitzfantastic-blog · 6 years ago
“Unladylike? Isn’t it also considered unladylike for a princess to wear pants? Then again, my sister breaks this rule all the time,” August chuckled. “Well then the next time you’re wearing something with pocket’s I’ll stick my hands in them instead,” he added with a smirk. “Mmm... not exactly. Though that does sound very cozy. Maybe we can set one back at the palace, hm?”
“Someone should certainly invent ones that do, that is terribly inconvenient,” August shook his head. “What would I have to complain about?” Despite Stella letting go of his hand, he stepped forward -having longer strides than her since he was taller- and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her back. “Oh no you don’t. Nice try. I could warm you up other ways than holding your hand,” he added, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“I guess it takes away from the dress. And it’s unladylike to put your hands in your pockets,” she pointed out. “Hey! You’re the one that wanted to give me pocket warmers instead of holding my hand.” Stella gave him a coy smile and let him pull her back, wrapping her arm around his waist once she was close enough. “What other way would that be? Building me a fire?” she teased. 
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fitzfantastic-blog · 6 years ago
“Someone should certainly invent ones that do, that is terribly inconvenient,” August shook his head. “What would I have to complain about?” Despite Stella letting go of his hand, he stepped forward -having longer strides than her since he was taller- and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her back. “Oh no you don’t. Nice try. I could warm you up other ways than holding your hand,” he added, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“Sure it is…” August teased, rolling his eyes playfully at Stella with a quiet chuckle. “Do we need to get you some mittens? Oh— there’s some sort of modern invention, er- warm pockets? No, no… pocket warmers! Yes, that sounds right. Do we need to get you some of those? Not that I mind holding your hand at all, as it is quite nice.”
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fitzfantastic-blog · 6 years ago
“Sure it is...” August teased, rolling his eyes playfully at Stella with a quiet chuckle. “Do we need to get you some mittens? Oh— there’s some sort of modern invention, er- warm pockets? No, no... pocket warmers! Yes, that sounds right. Do we need to get you some of those? Not that I mind holding your hand at all, as it is quite nice.”
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fitzfantastic-blog · 6 years ago
“No, I don’t think I have... Germany should have them if they’re that good, though of course, I’ll have to take your word for it I guess.”
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“Have you ever had one of these? It’s called a slushee and they’re so good! How do we not have these in Germany?”
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fitzfantastic-blog · 6 years ago
“Umm, no? But I do not think I hate anyone.”
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“Really? There isn’t a single person you hate? No... enemies, or- anything? Well, good on you, then. My point being, if you live with someone long enough, and are fond of that person, there is bound to be feelings there eventually. Or rather, it would make sense.”
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fitzfantastic-blog · 6 years ago
“No, no... you have to tuck in your elbows more, see? Like this...”
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fitzfantastic-blog · 6 years ago
“Is that so? Well, I don’t really know them so I cannot say if it makes sense or not.”
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“Well, put it this way. Do you think you could live with someone that you hated?”
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fitzfantastic-blog · 7 years ago
@bxtemaudite // x 
“I know, right? Roommates. Then again, I guess it makes sense now that they’re together. Spend enough time with someone, might as well.”
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fitzfantastic-blog · 7 years ago
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Joe Keery leaving a Miu Miu event on September 13
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