#the ice cream incident? something i want to forget
chrollogy · 3 months
what inspired you to write ‘from me to you’ ?
LABDKAKAJSS very good question nonnie 😎
apart from my love for one miya atsumu, i wanted to make a fool out of myself and loosely share some bizarre (not really) life events through a fic series—
and also because i’ve been meaning to write a series that just makes you go ‘AAAAAAAAAAA’ and all that 😭 i can’t describe it but you know those soft movies/animes that make you so so emotional and has the ability to pull at your heartstrings? yeah 🙂‍↕️
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bamfkeeper · 2 months
You make Kurt so incredibly nervous...he wants to ask you out so badly.
Kurt asking you to go on a date or to be his partner would be so precious and I cannot be convinced otherwise. Side note, Krakoa Kurt is one of my favs ever <3
Warnings: None, gender neutral reader, unedited
WC: 1.5k
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Kurt was so nervous.
Ever since your arrival to Krakoa, he couldn't keep his eyes off of you. He so desperately wanted to talk to you, but he couldn't come up with anything to say. His nerves made his tail twitch and thrash behind him while he fiddled with his fingers. He wondered if maybe you'd be the first to talk to him, then he could maybe start talking more at ease.
He did try his best...a group of mutants including himself and you were walking through one of the parks in New York, part of some mission to find a lost mutant. You had been so focused, your eyes scanning the park for said mutant when Kurt got the idea to bring you a sweet treat. He remembered you mentioning your favorite flavor of ice cream and there was a cart conveniently located down the sidewalk.
He walked over and eagerly scanned the cart to see if the flavor you liked was there, and sure enough, it was. He asked for a serving of it and as he waited, he felt someone from behind him step on his tail. He jerked up, making a loud noise and in his jerky movements, he ended up tripping over his own feet and falling right into the cart. Ice cream went everywhere.
Your attention was drawn after he cried out in surprise, and you saw him fall back into the ice cream cart, sinking down in the soft serve and one of the buckets comedically fell on his head. Your eyes widened and you went over to him, "Kurt! Oh my god...are you okay?" you asked, pulling the bucket off his head as more ice cream fell over him.
He shook from the chill and he looked up at you, his eyes wide and his face burned with embarrassment. "J-Ja! I am alright! I did that on purpose to make the children laugh!" he insisted, standing up, then slipping and falling over again. You caught his arm and prevented him from falling all the way on his ass, and he managed to get his feet under him.
"D-Danke..." he muttered, feeling a little shy and completely humiliated that you saw him so clumsy. "Ach...I should clean up..." he whispered back softly and he disappeared in a cloud of smoke before you could say anything else.
After that, he felt too embarrassed to show his face for a few days. He just couldn't believe you saw him fall into ice cream like that. He groaned in bed, a pillow over his face as he let out a string of German frustration. He tossed the pillow to the side and huffed, sitting up. He needed to do something better, something that would make you forget about his clumsiness.
Flowers were his first instinct, but was that too cliché? Did you even like flowers? Would you think that's a sweet gesture? Or were you more into sweets? He didn't want to think about sweets after the ice cream incident...
Maybe something else. A more thoughtful gesture. Dinner? Classic, but was it too boring? Was he just overthinking this??
Another whine escaped his lips, you turned him into putty. He felt his mind was swarming with thoughts and he had no clue what to do. How could he approach you and just...say hello? No, he couldn't do that. How would he even form the words?
This wasn't just butterflies in his belly, he felt like he had a swarm of them, a migration trapped in his stomach and kept twisting around like a tornado. He felt his hands shake and his tail wouldn't stop twitching.
He watched you interact with other mutants from across the room, pouting to himself that it wasn't him you were talking to. He had no one to blame but himself, he wasn't brave enough to approach you just yet. He had no right to feel jealous...he hadn't even said a single word-
"Kurt?" your voice filled his ears suddenly, snapping him from his envious thoughts. His eyes darted at you and he stiffened, you were right in front of him. Your smile was so sweet, it didn't seem like you were even thinking about what happened the last time you saw him.
"Ah...l-liebling." he stuttered out, sitting up and fixing his posture. His tail wrapped around his ankle and he stared at you for far too long.
"Uh, Kurt?" you repeated slowly, giving him an odd look before you smiled again. "Did all that ice cream freeze your brain?" You teased lightly, watching him shift in a flustered manner. "I'm kidding, it was funny, but I'm glad you're alright," you reassured, not wanting him to feel bad about it. If it were you, you'd sure as hell feel embarrassed too.
He nodded slowly, giving a nervous smile. "Ah, danke...I admit that was not my most graceful moment..." he trailed off and cleared his throat. Kurt tried to avoid looking at you, he couldn't keep his eyes on you for more than a second without feeling like he was being shocked all over. You were absolutely breathtaking to him, you were so kind...even when he was a fool.
You saw him shift and he seemed uncomfortable, so you touched his arm lightly. "Are you okay? You've been acting a little funny since the other day." At your touch, Kurt almost whined and he pulled back enough to disappear again, teleporting away as his nerves skyrocketed.
"Ach, verdammt!" he whined to himself and held his face in his hands, "I cannot keep doing this..." he mumbled into his palms, feeling like such an idiot for making a fool of himself a second time. You had such power over him and you had no idea.
This time, he'd do everything right. He stood off to the side, watching you walk your normal routine, he held a bundle of wildflowers tightly in his tail. He didn't know what flower you liked, the fool he was, he was too nervous to ask or spy on you to see if it ever came up in conversation. But the flowers that grew in Krakoa were lovely, he figured you'd like them?
When you got close he took a deep breath. 'No more foolishness,' Kurt thought to himself, feeling more confident and determined. He teleported down to you, luckily he didn't startle you, he almost expected it with the dumb luck he's had lately. "Guten Morgen, liebling." Kurt greeted in the calmest voice he could muster. You were stopped in your tracks and you smiled back at him.
"Good morning, Kurt. What brings you here?" You asked casually, your head tilted slightly with interest. You obviously noticed him lingering around where you were, you just didn't know why he was.
Kurt shifted and he stood back up fully, his tail curling around and he took the flowers in his hand. They were bundled together loosely with ribbon, and he handed them to you quickly, "Wouldyougooutwithme?" he asked faster than you could understand, swallowing as his face heated up. His arms shook as he kept them extended with the flower bundle in hand.
You blinked, you had only heard a jumble of words, not really a full sentence. "Er...what was that?" you asked, looking at the flowers in his hands. "Those are so pretty," you commented and took them from him, momentarily distracted from his nervous question. He watched with relief as you appeared to like the flowers, bringing the colorful bundle up and smelling them.
"Oh, I asked..." Kurt took a deep breath, this was his one chance to do it right. He didn't want to mess up again, and with a trembling voice he asked again. "If you would go out with me...like...a date? W-We can do whatever you want! Dinner, walk, dessert..." he muttered that last part, "But whatever you want to do! I just...I like you. A lot."
With his admission, it was your turn to blush. You gave him a little grin, and you lowered the flowers, "Oh, Kurt...yes, yes of course I would. I like you too," you admitted, your voice a little softer as you stepped closer.
"A lot." you added, pecking his cheek. "And I am totally okay with no dessert if you need to recover from the ice cream." A soft chuckle left your lips with your words, and his cheeks darkened, a bashful smile spread on his face and he scratched the back of his neck.
"Ah...too kind liebling..." His tail swished behind him, shyly moving and wrapping loosely around your calf. "So...how about dinner?" Kurt inquired, "I can make you a delicious meal from my homeland, I promise it's worth trying."
The thought of tasting food from where he came from was intriguing and special, you thought that sounded perfect. A way to spend time with him and know him better. You looked up at him, his adorable face still tinted with a light violet hue from his nerves.
"I'd like that."
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Thanks for reading.
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dividers by @/adornedwithlight
Cover Images: Way of X #1 (2021); Way of X #4 (2021); Way of X #1 (2021)
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killergee · 3 months
Here’s Part 2! Thanks to everyone who read the first part and commented! This could be read as a stand-alone as well, so I hope y’all enjoy!
Soshiro x Reader fanfic where after discovering your crush on him, he does everything in his power to get you to confess. It seems that he can't help himself when it comes to you.
P1 P2 P3
Tags list: @surprisemodafakas @yrxhyes
Okay, so playing stupid may not have been your best move. But your damn pride kept you from admitting to anything. Luckily, Hoshina seemed to drop the topic after your silence and switched to talking about getting ice cream. Much to your surprise, he's let you off the hook entirely and never spoke about the little incident again. However, that didn't mean he didn't tease you in a different way.
In all honesty, you don’t know how much more of his teasing and flirting you could take before you bashed your head against a wall. It’s like he’s doing everything in his power to make you admit to what you said or to address the elephant in the room. The elephant, of course, being your feelings towards him, which you obviously don’t have.
He's definitely changed since the incident. You couldn't forget how one time when you were patching him up as usual, he used your focus against you.
Treating him used to happen at a respectable distance, but since he knew how absorbed you always were when treating him, he took the opportunity to shift and spread his legs apart, slowly moving you to stand in between them. It wasn't until you felt his hands rest on your hips did you jolt back to awarness and finally notice how close he's brought you. When you tried to yell at him and take a step backward, he threw on a lazy grin and curled his hands, fisting them into the material of your uniform. His grip stung, but not enough to hurt. No, it was only enough to leave you with a hunger you oh so desperately tried to push down. Anchoring you in your place, you didn't know if he knew his effect on you. If he knew if he wanted to take you right there, you might just let him. The dark satisfaction that lurked in his mischievous eyes told you yes, but all he does is lie about how roughly you were treating him and whine at you to be more gentle. In your annoyance and frustration, you don't notice how he's been getting more injured lately.
After that, he became bolder and much more forward, testing more and more every day how far he could push you. He always seemed to find a way to make you touch him. To make it so that your sole focus was on him and only him. Tasks such as examining his suit to make sure there weren’t any faults became an almost daily occurrence. You knew he knew you didn’t know anything about how the suits worked, and yet, he’d tell you to touch the planes of his arms to make sure none of the ridges were poking out. Or he’d guide your hand himself, pretending to teach you what it was you should be looking for. The examination would end with him slyly saying “your turn” and you turning red and storming out of the room.
While he does his best to make you touch him, he puts the same amount of effort into touching you. A touch to your wrist when asking if you need any help with your paperwork. A hand on your waist to move around you when there’s plenty of space. A whisper in your ear as if telling you a secret, but he instead says something completely mundane. Or a casual arm around the back of your seat as if marking you as his. If not directly touching you, he'd still maneuver in a way to intrude into your space. Be it with a hand on the table behind you to keep you close and shielded from the eyes of others or by making sure the only seat available was the one next to his.
The constant touching and proximity left you feeling the burn of his touches for days after. The façade you’ve worked so hard to keep up cracks more and more every passing day.
The worst part of it all was the fact that he seemed so casual about it while you were internally combusting each time. Like the one time when you tried to move away from him, he asked, "y/n-kun, what's wrong?" And moved even closer in faux concern, failing to hide the smirk that lurked beneath his smile. "Ya don't look so good," he continued as he moved to graze your cheek before resting his palm on your forehead. "My, my, your face is so hot and red."
"I... uh-"
He chuckled, reveling in how you were struggling to form words. "Even your ears too," he whispered almost fondly as he continued his exploration of your face. With that, he tucked your hair behind your ear and kept his hand there, playfully tapping the tip of your ear. It was too intense for you. Too intimate. The way he was looking at you. The soft smile on his face. You felt his breath ghost over your lips and all of a sudden you're pushing him back and looking down at the floor. "P-p-probably overexertion, I'll be fine...please excuse me," you said hurriedly, leaving the situation. "Alright, see ya later," he sighed out, and if you thought you heard disappointment in his voice, then you would be right.  
But now is not the time to hope about whether or not he was dissapointed. You should get back to work before he-
“Are ya gonna keep staring or are we gonna keep working?” he asks, interrupting your thoughts. Fuck, he noticed. You didn't mean to think about him and all the shit he's done. But in this office, lit up only by the moonlight, you can't help but soften a little. The way the moonlight lights the side of his face is captivating. Not to mention his stupid habit of biting his lip is even more tantalizing than it used to be. It doesn't help that you two are sitting so close together that you can smell the faint scent of his intoxicating cologne. It also definitely doesn't help that your gaze ended up on him while you were lost in thought.
"Sorry,” you murmur, embarrassed, making sure to busy yourself with the file in front of you again.
"Ah, sorry, I forgot I’m quite distracting,” he teases with a smirk as he rests his head on his hand, giving you his full attention.
“Don’t know what you’re referring to,” you retort back a little too quickly. After a few minutes of peaceful silence, you were curious if he was still looking at you. With as much discretion as possible, you shift your gaze towards him, only to be met with his waiting eyes.   
Breathtaking is all you can think of as his eyes seem to glow in the light. Your fingers twitch slightly as you have the urge to move the hair threatening to cover his eyes. Of course, the ever-observant Hoshina notices. He always seems to notice everything about you.
"Struck by the desire to touch me?" 
"Yes, to throttle you, actually." 
He lets out a low whistle and a chuckle at your response, and you try to focus all your energy on your work. Tonight feels different from the other nights. Something about the atmosphere told you that you’d regret running away or saying something you didn’t mean. So instead, you fiddle with the edge of the paper like you always do when you want to calm down your nerves.
Hoshina places a hand on top of yours and stills you. He says, "stop that," but the fondness in his voice seeps through even to your unwilling ears. It could have been due to the exhaustion that your senses were dulled or perhaps the night made you crave his touch a little more. Whatever it was, you didn't move your hand. Slowly and hesitantly, as if scared he'll break whatever trance you were in, he begins to lace your hands together, one finger at a time. His slow pace gave you ample time to pull away. To tell him to back off. To turn him down like you usually did.
But you don't.
So he holds your hand within his, providing you a warmth you didn't know you longed for. Something about his grip makes you feel safe in a way only he ever could. It wasn't tight enough to make you feel trapped, and it wasn't loose enough to let you slip away. With only the sounds of the crickets outside and your beating hearts, you two remain frozen in time. You're trying to remain as calm as possible but as you're moments away from ripping your hand out of his and making a run for it, Hoshina startles you by dropping his head onto the table and resting it in the crook of his free arm. Despite his body angling itself away from you, his grip on your hand tightens ever so slightly. 
"W-what is wrong with you!?" You exclaim in embarassment, also turning to look away. With your free hand, you cover the lower half of your face. You didn’t want him to know you were blushing.
"Nothin' just really happy," he replies, his voice a bit muffled by his arm. "It's just better than I expected," he mumbles so quietly that you almost missed it.  
If only you had turned around to look at him. You wouldn’t have missed the bright blush that covered his neck.  
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erwinsvow · 7 months
𝐢 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
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summary: lying to rafe is never a good idea.
author's note: eeee! back to writing for my man <3 this can be seen as a sequel to suit the mood of my soul as it follows the plot a little bit but not really, as there's no direct mentions of pogue!reader in this! i just wanted to write a little about what rafe would be like if he find out you lied/what he would do... :) inspired by @princessbrunette for the dad/kid trope she writes about and this one!
now spinning: prisoner by the weeknd & lana
word count: 3.8k
warnings/tags: smut! rafe is a lil scary in this one but it's okay <3, gripping/bruising, face slapping as punishment, daddy/dad usage for rafe and reader is called kid a lot.
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“So, what’d you do the other night?” Rafe asks you the question quietly, and he sounds different than usual.
You haven’t really noticed the change yet though, so you act like you always do around him—a little dumber, not as vigilant, and using your brain less overall.
That’s the best part of being with Rafe. He makes all the decisions for you, he figures out what to do and when to do it, and you really don’t have to think around him. At first you were confused, if not a little worried. Did he think you were stupid?
But then you realize this is how he is—so overpoweringly, overwhelmingly dominant that you have no choice but to succumb.
So you go on, unthinking, saying what comes to mind. 
“I was with you, Rafey, did you forget already?” It comes out with a laugh, making yourself comfortable against his chest.
He’d just come over less than an hour ago, after dinner with his family, he had said. He always spent the night after doing anything with his family, because they made him angry and you made him feel better. At least, that’s what he always said.
So it’s easy to attribute his difference in demeanor, the strangeness surrounding your normally nice boyfriend, to a bad dinner with his family. He must have been more upset than you thought.
“Hm,” he says, slowly, curtly. “Is that right?”
“Yes, Rafey, dinner and the ice cream? Remember it melted all over your hand?” Your face flushes even thinking about it—because immediately following that incident, you had licked his hands clean. 
“Yeah, I remember. You have a good memory, kid.” 
You beam at his praise for a second, leaning your head up to stare at your pretty boyfriend for a second. But he doesn’t look down at you the way he normally does. He doesn’t look at all, instead his gaze is still fixed on the television, which is still playing one of your silly rom-coms quietly in the background. 
“Rafe?” it comes out like a whisper, but he ignores you, his grip on your arm tightening while he continues to stare off, not at you.
“Try to remember something else for me, kid. Night before last, what’d you do?” 
You freeze under his touch. Your entire body goes rigid, eyes wide, lips parting. You want to speak, but nothing comes out.
Then, Rafe looks down at you. 
“Can’t remember now? Should I refresh your memory?”
You don’t need him to refresh anything. On the night before last, Sarah had asked you for help with something in the Tannyhill library. You had gone to help, because this was more than just Rafe’s sister, she was your friend too, but when you got there, you were confused. Sarah was there, but so were all the Pogues you had seen around town, seen with her before. 
They were all digging through the shelves, looking for something in the library, and Sarah called you over because everyone in the Cameron house was aware of the fact that you knew this library like the back of your hand. Months of babysitting Wheezie and not having anything to do had led to this very situation. Until you became Rafe’s, that is, because ever since then, you haven’t had to spend another moment alone. 
So then you helped them search for whatever it was they were looking for, and when your phone went off with a message from Rafe, at Sarah’s urging, you lied and said you were at home with your parents.
The Pogues found it eventually, after almost two hours of combing through shelves and trying your best to organize them the way they were. You went home, texted Rafe goodnight, and thought that was that.
It wasn’t a lie, you tried to convince yourself. It was a fib, really, because you just didn’t want him to worry even more when he had so much going on. And it’s not like you knew what Sarah was even up to, she said it was just a little project. 
You didn’t realize what kind of project until now.
“Um, Rafe-” you start, really quiet.
You falter when you get a better look at the expression on his face. It’s the first time you’ve ever been on the receiving end of that look—anger, disappointment, frustration.
Your eyes get watery, immediately. It’s just a natural reaction. 
“You think some tears are gonna get you out of this?” he questions, and you feel your breathing getting heavy, your cheeks getting wet.
You shake your head quickly. You don’t want him to think you’re crying for forgiveness.
“I’m sorry-” comes out before you can stop it, and you try to use the sleeves of your hoodie—Rafe’s hoodie—to wipe the tears away, thinking it’ll be better if he can’t see them any longer, but he grabs your wrist before you can.
You’re pinned in place, his hand gripping you and holding you down, the weight of his body on yours. It’s all you can do to look up Rafe with your wide, wet eyes and hope he listens to you. 
He’s never been mad at you before, so he doesn’t know how to react. You’ve always been perfect to him, for him, and he’s never had to do anything more than take your cheeks in his hand and lock eyes to make you realize you’re doing something wrong.
He didn’t think you could be capable of doing something to hurt him, to get in the way of everything he’s planning, not when you’re so compliant and docile and perfect all the other times. 
You have a collection of pretty dresses and skirts, ranging in lengths and sizes, and you always wear the right thing. Modest, longer dresses that stop above your knee and start just under the necklace you never take off—the necklace with his initial on it—when you’re invited to dinner at Tannyhill with his family.
Shorter, small skirts when he takes you to the club or the bonfire. Short enough that people are staring, not short enough to give anyone a view of what belongs to him.
In his bedroom, it’s just his clothes—shirts to sleep in, hoodies when you’re reading a book on his bed while he finishes his game at the desk, nothing more than one of your tanks and a pair of his boxers when you’re getting antsy and horny waiting for him to get back to bed when he’s on an important phone call. 
He’s never had to tell you any of that—you just do it, you just know it. He doesn’t have to tell you to go wait on his bed for him without complaining. He doesn’t have to tell you he doesn’t like when his friends are seeing parts of you they aren’t supposed to. But most important of all, he didn’t have to tell you to stay away from those dirty Pogues and his annoying sister. You were just supposed to know.
“You’re sorry?” he questions, and you know he’s mocking you. Rafe’s gone quiet, which you’re not used to because Rafe never gets mad at you. You didn’t even think it was possible.
He lets go of your wrist, which flails next to your side. His grip is replaced quickly as he squeezes your cheeks together, fingers pressing hard against your jaw.
“You’re sorry, really, is that all? You lied to me. You think that’s okay?”
Your breathing gets hard and fast under his touch. Your eyes get watery again, trying to say something but it’s silenced between Rafe’s fingers keeping your mouth shut.
You shake your head as hard as you can. You just want to explain yourself—it seemed so harmless when you were doing it. You didn’t want to worry him. You didn’t realize what you were doing. You’d never do it again if Rafe will forgive you.
Then you get scared, eyes wide and blank while your boyfriend stares at you, looking so upset and angry you wish you could reverse time and take it all bank. You worry that he won’t forgive you, that he’ll end things and leave you alone, and the thought itself is so frightening you start sobbing and shaking.
Rafe’s hand leaves your face because he gets surprised at your reaction—he thought you’d be telling him something he really, really doesn’t want to hear, but true to your perfect form, you say exactly what he does want to hear. 
“I’m so sorry Rafe, I’m so sorry, they asked me for help but I would have never done it if-if I knew it would hurt you or make you upset, I-I didn’t know-” It all comes out in a ramble, hurt coating your words and tears streaming down in rivulets down your pretty face.
He’s worried he might have gone too far, scared you too much, but you jump back in his arms the second he’s let go of you, face pressed against his chest and his shirt getting wet. 
“I’m so sorry, please don’t break up with me, I’ll never do it again, I’ll never even talk to them again, I swear, I promise-” 
It’s instinctual, Rafe wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. He wonders how he did this—changed the sweet, pretty girl he met on a trip with Wheezie to the library into the girl in his arms now—utterly dependent, crying because of him but not making a single move to defend yourself.
Instead you believe everything he says and you’re sobbing because you don’t want him to leave you. He wonders again, thinking about if he should regret what he’s done to you. 
He doesn’t.
“Shh,” he comforts, and you lean into him further. “S’okay, it’s okay.” He rubs your arms soothingly, ignoring the red down further on the limb, which is inevitably a bruise forming. “I’m not gonna leave you.”
When the words leave his mouth, you melt against his chest like butter, and he grips you tight.
“I’m sorry, kid, I am, but I have to make sure that-that, you don’t do something that could mess up everything I’m working on right now.” You mewl a noise of protest, but he quiets you down again. “Even if it’s an accident, baby, even by accident. You don’t know the things I’m trying to protect you from. I can’t let you get hurt like that, so when you lie to me about something like this, it just upsets me, because I’m working hard for you—for us, and you see that, don’t you?” 
He feels you nod your head slowly.
“I’m so sorry, Rafe,” and he lets out a heavy breath. You cling to his every word, wondering how you could have been so, so stupid, as to lie to your boyfriend. 
“It’s okay, kid,” his hand moves to your back, rubbing circles on the soft skin, hand tucked under his hoodie and above the waistband of his shorts that you’re wearing.
“Do you forgive me?” you ask, lifting your head a few inches to look up at Rafe, wet eyelashes floating up to reveal red-rimmed, puffy eyes.
He looks down, wondering just how much he’s messed you up.
“Of course I do.” Rafe leans down, pressing a kiss to your forehead. You let out a sigh of relief, too soon. “But you have to promise me a couple things, hm?”
“Anything, anything-” it spills out of your mouth, like you can’t get it out fast enough, looking back up at your boyfriend with big eyes, trying to use your hands against his chest to lift yourself up. 
“Promise me you’ll never talk to those Pogues again.”
“I promise.”
“And that you’ll never, ever lie to me again.”
“I promise, Rafe.”
“Good girl.”
He does that thing again, the thing that has you melting in his hands and allowing him to call all the shots. He reaches out to take the back of your head in his hand, leaning you in for a kiss, and you let him do it, just like you let him do everything. 
Rafe kisses you hard, his tongue in your mouth and trails of spit around your lips. When he lets go, you feel him bit down on your bottom lip, and you yelp against his mouth, but it’s silenced because he pulls you into another kiss.
You’re breathless by the end of it, crawling into his lap because you don’t want it to end, craving a lot more than just a kiss and the press of his hard dick against your clothed pussy. 
When he pulls away, you make another noise of displeasure.
“Really?” he questions, and you know it can’t be good. “Do you really think you deserve this dick now? After that shit you just pulled?” He holds you in place on his lap, stopping your grinding motion with his firm hand. Your face heats up immediately, because you know that you don’t. 
“‘M’sorry, dad,” your murmur against the soft skin of his neck. “You already forgave me…”
“Not getting out of this that easily, kid,” and he pulls you by the hair, making your shoulders tense up as you moan again in discomfort. “I think you need to decide your punishment, hm? You’ll get this dick once you get punished.”
You want to scream in annoyance, because Rafe always knows what he’s doing, and right now he’s doing it on purpose. You can feel his hard-on, and if he let you do what you wanted, you’d fall apart in minutes, but he won’t, because he never does.
So you don’t say a thing, because you can’t ever be a brat to Rafe, not for anything longer than five minutes, and you crawl down, off the bed, sitting on your knees on the ground while Rafe adjusts himself to face you from the bed. He looks down at you, perfectly in place, nose still a little red from crying. 
“So, how many?” he questions, watching you stare up at him with big eyes.
“Five,” you start, until you see how Rafe’s looking at you. “T-ten, sorry, ten.” 
“Good girl,” he says, stroking the side of your face with his hand. “Five on each side, hm? That’s what you meant to say, right?”
“Yes, dad,” you murmur back, in a daze at the feeling of Rafe’s hand on your skin.
The first slap, on your right cheek, is light, lighter than you’re used to. It was barely a tap, and you think quickly, while staring at your boyfriend’s face expectantly, if not a little dumbly, that it was nice of him. The next three are harder, and the final one stings. You’re sure it’s red where his hand was, a part of you even hopes it left a mark.
“Five left,” he says quietly, maybe more to himself than to you. You nod, a little too eagerly. “Yeah, kid, you like this? I knew you would. Little freak,” Rafe breathes out. You cling to each word like it’s praise. “Ready for the other side? Yeah?” You nod again.
He’s harder on the other side, maybe because he realized you can handle it. You’ve gotten much harder slaps than these before, but Rafe forgets sometimes, so he always starts gentle. On the ninth one, your eyes get watery. On the tenth, the tears roll down again. Rafe takes his thumb and wipes it across your cheek, like it’ll soothe the sting. 
You go to unbuckle his belt immediately after, thinking you should make him feel good first, as a part of your punishment, but he stops your hands before you get far, taking you by the shoulders and lifting you up into his lap again.
“What’re you doing?” you question quietly.
“I should ask you that.”
“Y-you said I don’t deserve it yet, so I was gonna make you feel good-”
“I didn’t say that, kid,” he says, pressing his big hand against your neck. 
“Yes, you-” he looks at you sharply, and you shut up mid-sentence. 
“No, I said you’ll get it once you’ve been punished. Punishment’s over, hm?” His hand slips underneath your hoodie—his hoodie—and he starts to lift it up. Your hands go up, helping him ease it off. Once it’s discarded on the floor, you lean in for another hard kiss, hands around his neck and legs wrapped around his waist. 
“Easy, easy,” he says, pulling away for a second. “Have to breathe, remember?”
You shake your head and whine, pushing your lips together again. Rafe moves you quickly, your back thudding against the bed and him hovering over you.
You scramble to get rid of your shorts—his shorts—but Rafe’s hands come up and stop yours before you can. Locking eyes with you, he takes them off himself, until you’re fully exposed and lying naked against his pillow.
Another kiss, another whine. You pull the front of Rafe’s shirt.
“Take it off, please,” you whimper, because you just want to get him naked and get on with it, but the tantalizingly slow pace he’s setting is killing you. 
“Really gonna tell me what to do right now? When I’m being so nice?” Your head shakes but you don’t know if you mean it. “Okay. If that’s how you wanna be, okay.”
He flips you over in one motion—your stomach hitting the sheets before you can process it. You don’t hear anything except the rustle of his hands on his belt, the clink of the metal falling, and a groan from Rafe.
And then you feel him—feel what you’ve been begging for this entire time, the nudge of his tip against your folds. Your whole body tenses and your walls clench in anticipation, but Rafe doesn’t move. 
“Rafe—!” the whine leaves before you can think about it. Rafe’s hand reaches out to grab you by your hair, pulling your head up, his mouth against your ear. You feel your nipples harden and pebble in the air, every part of your body craving something, some touch, some movement.
“Y’know, I thought you were gonna be such a good girl,” he starts, and you feel your walls flutter. “But you’re acting like such a slut today. But it’s okay, I’m gonna give you what you want. Then you’ll be good as gold, won’t ya?” You let a whine at the thought, before Rafe lets go and drops you back onto the bed.
In one thrust, Rafe pushes himself in, and your entire body tenses up at the feeling. The stretch of your walls hurts, no matter how used to him you get, and your bones feel like putty. You can hardly hold yourself up, when Rafe starts fucking you at the brutal pace he’s set. 
The stinging of your face disappears from your mind completely while Rafe batters your pussy, his hands on your back, pushing down while you arch up. Your cheek rustles against the pillow. Nothing comes out of your mouth except whines and moans, and the occasional cry when he goes even harder.
“Just needed this dick, huh, kid?” he chokes out, pressing your face into the pillow and watching his dick slide in and out of your pussy—coated in your cream, leaking down and making a mess of his sheets. “Ain’t that right? I asked you a question.”
He grabs your hair again, lifting you just enough so you can speak. 
“Yes! Yes, yes, yes-”
“That’s what I thought-” and he pushes your head down again. “J’needed to be set straight, hm? You won’t ever lie to me again—” Your voice is a mess of garbles and whines, not making any sense but wanting to agree with Rafe so badly. 
Rafe’s fucking you like he hates you, and you don’t have it in you to stop and make sure he doesn’t actually hate you, because the only thing you can think about is making sure he doesn’t stop.
“Or maybe you will,” he starts, in between thrusts. “Just wanna get fucked like this, don’t you? Wasn’t enough for you to get it gentle, right, kid? You’re my little slut-” 
Rafe’s hitting that part of you that makes you see stars—unrelenting, over and over again, but it’s all of those things together—the feel of your nipples rubbing against the bed, how full you feel inside, and especially the words he’s saying—that push you over the edge. You fall apart crying, body shaking, letting out a muffled dad, dad, dad against his pillow. 
He doesn’t stop there, though, riding you through it and then pulling out, just long enough to flip you back over. 
You’re sensitive all over, your walls clenching around nothing while you stare up at Rafe, and then back down to where the two of you were connected. He grips your cheeks again, pushing himself in and staring at your fucked-out face.
He’s way too close to still be fucking you—especially raw, like this—but it’s not until you start speaking that it’s a big problem. You sound all jumbled up since he’s holding your face way too tight, and when he loosens his grip, words fall out of your mouth and he realizes what you’re saying.
“Want it inside, dad, please, please, please, fill me up—” And he finishes, leaning over you and filling your pussy up, just like you asked for. He doesn’t stop for what feels like hours but could only be minutes—you mewl at the feeling and gasp when he pulls out, cum leaking out of your hole and spoiling the sheets even further.
Rafe’s breathless, collapsing beside you and in a much better mood, because he doesn’t complain when you fall against his chest and press your face into his neck. 
He lets you sit like that for a little bit, catching your breath and letting your heart rate return to normal. 
“We made a mess,” you comment, still feeling gushes of his cum spilling out of you. 
“We’ll get it in a minute.” 
He can practically hear your thoughts, buzzing through your little head at a mile a minute, wondering what to say, how he feels, if he's still upset, probably wanting water and a shower too.
You move a little, just to get more comfortable, when Rafe grabs your face again. The side of your jaw is red from where he keeps grabbing you. It’ll leave a bruise tomorrow. He doesn’t care because he’s not planning to let you out of his sight for the foreseeable future.
“Don’t lie to me again, kid. Got it?”
“Yes, Rafe,” you breathe out. "I got it."
“Good. Now let's finish this stupid movie." Rafe lets go of your face, and wraps his arm around you. 
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
My mind is just coming up with amazing ideas today. I guess that's what happens when u don't study for a week... (this is all happening my academic burnout sm)
I present to you- Yandere Dad Hawks x bird kid reader.
Look Dad Keigo was gonna be a doting father for any kid, biological or not, but there's just something about his bio kid who also HAS HIS QUIRK😭😭😭 Like he can't stop awing at the sight of his little baby bird having tiny tiny red wings like papa.
The ever loving, forever doting, always spoiling his baby, that's the kind of dad Keigo is. I mean, putting his own childhood trauma aside, he still wants you to have the best childhood ever. There are very few things he says no to (only coming second to Dad Dabi who only says no to things that will actively put you in danger. Want ice cream for breakfast? Okay. Want to go to 7/11 with grandpa Enji? Hell no.). Child reader wants an Endeavour hero figure? Of course, darling! Here, take one from daddy's collection 🥰🥰🥰 Dont wanna eat your peas? Sorry, doll. You're gonna have to finish your plate, even if you try to look adorably menacing by fluffing up your wings.
Oh and your wings😭 You know how Rei has a weird thing for your hair (and she definitely gives you a flea bath after you hang out with hawks)? Yeah that's how Keigo is with your wings- obsessed. He takes care of them, cleans them out and even has you sit for hours if that's how long it takes him to groom them. "Its no use swatting me, baby. I'm still not letting you move an inch until I'm done. So, just sit back and relax.🥰" keigo would say as he hands his phone to watch some shows.
I headcanon that Keigo's kid will be sassy and quick as him. The two can bicker for hours, and no ones really sure whether you're just that good at arguments or if Keigo just let's you win because he loves you so much.
I can also see Keigo and reader bonding over their mutual love for pro hero Endeavour (but in very different ways💀)
Dad Keigo adores spending time with you, especially now that you're put in a safehouse with only a handful people he let's you meet. A major part of his life is feeding you. Maybe it's the bird brain, maybe it's his childhood trauma, but Keigo has to cook meals for you and he has to watch you eat them. He's not sure, but it makes him be at peace knowing that you sleep with a tummy full and a warm bed.
I think as far as flying goes, Keigo tells you to only to do it under his supervision. You know how sometimes you forget how ti breathe and then making a concious effort to breathe makes it difficult to do so? That's what Keigo thinks happens. He thinks that if you fly alone, you might suddenly forget how flap your wings or maybe you get tired and then you're just crashing down to the ground. Unfortunately for his weak heart, you don't listen to him and fly as high as you can.
Would Keigo let you go to school? Initially, yes. But it only takes one incident, something even as harmless as a stupid prank call threatening his child (Dabi did the call), and that's enough for him to go hay wire and pull you out of school and move to a new safehouse, cut off from anyone and everyone. When he has to leave, he'd either drop you off at Enji's, OR have someone from the Hero Comminsion come and babysit you.
You can pout and cry and scream at him all you want, he's not changing his mind. You're his baby, his only light, only will to live, he can't risk your life.
His life would only become more complicated if either of you get a love interest. For you, the choices are: Katsuki, Tokoyami, Izuku. For him, the choices are: Dabi, your baby mama, Miruko.
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Steve and Robin decide to get matching ice cream scoop tattoos. Of course, Steve was a little nervous. He'd been scared of needles since Starcourt. The guy tattooing them was kind enough to give Steve a couple of beers to calm him down. Yeah, it loosened him up.
"I can't believe you! We were supposed to get MATCHING tattoos, Steve! MATCHING!" Robin shrieked.
"I'm sorry," Steve winced.
"I got a tattoo of an ice cream scoop and you got Eddie's fucking name tattooed on your arm," Robin said.
"I'm sorry."
"If it was just Eddie, you could have said that you're into Eddie Van Halen, but no, clear as day, Eddie freaking Munson," Robin said.
"I'm sorry."
"Is that a little heart over the I?" Robin asked.
"I'm sorry!"
"Stop saying that!"
Having Eddie's name on his arm meant that he could only wear long sleeves. No more polos for him. Robin remained irritated with him, and he knew why, but now Eddie was scowling at him. He did not know why he was doing that. The three of them were hanging out at Eddie's house, and Eddie was currently scowling at him.
"What's up, Eddie?" Steve asked.
"What happened to your polos?" Eddie asked.
"Oh, I still have them. I just wanted to try something different is all," Steve said.
"So you have them, but you've chosen not to wear them?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at him.
"Is this you're irritated?" Steve asked.
"I have completely forgotten what your arms look like!" Eddie exclaimed.
"But you do know what arms look like in general, right?" Steve asked sarcastically and Robin scoffed.
"He's just covering up the fact that we were supposed to get MATCHING tattoos," Robin said.
"You have a tattoo! Okay, now I'm irritated for a completely different reason. Why wasn't I there?" Eddie asked, pouting.
"It was supposed to be us getting ice cream scoops," Robin said, rolling her eyes.
"So, what did you actually get, Steve?" Eddie asked.
"Uh. . ."
Robin's eyes widened when she realized she almost revealed Steve’s secret.
"Uh! He actually didn't get anything! I went first, and he chickened out," Robin said quickly.
"Fine! Keep your secrets," Eddie said as he played the movie.
After the movie was over, the tattoo incident was pushed out of Steve and Robin's minds. Eddie, however, did not forget. His eyes widened when he looked at Steve.
"Oh my God! Steve! There's a fucking spider on you and I think it's one of those deadly ones! Oh my God! It disappeared into your shirt!" Eddie shrieked.
"Oh my God!" Steve screamed and took off his shirt along with his undershirt.
He started beating them against the couch.
"Oh my god," Eddie said softly.
Steve stopped what he was doing and looked at Eddie, who was staring at his arm.
"There was never any spider was there?" Steve asked.
Eddie placed a hand on his bicep, tracing his name on Steve’s arm. Eddie bit his lip.
"Why did you get this tattoo, Steve?" Eddie asked softly.
"Because I was thinking of you," Steve said.
"Platonically?" Eddie asked.
Eddie wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He smiled into the kiss, realizing that Steve was completely shirtless. He moved his hands as he kissed him, trailing them down to Steve's chest. He broke the kiss, grinning as he cupped Steve’s tits and squeezed.
"Honk, honk."
"Seriously?!" Steve asked, giggling.
"I still can't believe that you got my name tattooed on your body," Eddie said, rolling his eyes as he leaned over to place a kiss on the tattoo. "You know what this means?"
"That we're dating?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, that too," Eddie said. "I'm going to have to get your name tattooed on me now."
"You don't have to," Steve said, blushing.
"No, I'm gonna. Don't worry, it's just going to be 'Daddy' right over my nippless tit," Eddie said.
"Please, just get Steve," he muttered, blushing.
"Robin's going to have to wait a little bit longer at Max's," Eddie said.
"Wait, Robin left. When did she leave?" Steve asked.
"Probably when I stuck my tongue down your throat, sweetheart. She left a note on the chalkboard for us sluts," Eddie said. "Anyway, if you're up for it, I want to take you into my bedroom and rail you so hard into my mattress that I almost make you forget your own name."
"Y-yeah, totally up for it."
A few weeks later, Steve was throwing a pool party for the kids and the older teens. Steve was walking towards Eddie when Dustin spotted his tattoo.
"Steve! Do you have a tattoo of Eddie's name?!" Dustin shrieked.
"Yeah," Steve said casually.
"He's my boyfriend," Steve replied casually, and Eddie grinned, wrapping an arm around Steve’s waist.
Once everyone properly freaked out, they offered the couple their congratulations.
"Eddie, how come you don't have one of Steve?" El asked.
"Oh, I do," Eddie smirked.
"All I see is Daddy," Mike said.
"Yeah, you do!" Eddie cackled and slapped Steve’s ass.
"Where is my ice cream scoop?!" Robin exclaimed.
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mayajadewrites · 10 months
Levi Ackerman x Reader: Almost
Chapter Six: Coffee Ice Cream
Chapter Summary: We start off in Levi's POV, getting more insight on him and what he's thinking. He invites you over for TV and some ice cream. Nothing more. *tehe*
Fanfic Preface: Modern AU Levi Ackerman x Reader fanfic I’ve been dying to write! Levi is my latest hyper fixation so this was bound to happen. There will be other AOT characters in the mix, but remember this is a modern AU!
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☕︎⋆˙⟡♡☕ LEVI ☕︎⋆˙⟡♡☕
It's been a few days since our little incident. I didn't want to come off as obsessive, which I may or may not be, but I knew if I wanted this to last and bloom I needed to give her space to continue to be her own person.
"Mr. Ackerman, I've meal prepped for you for the next week and there's a load of laundry going." My housekeeper, Daisy, says as she fixes her apron. "Is there anything else you need me to do?"
"No, thanks Daisy." I nod for her to dismiss as I walk through my mansion.
Honestly, I'm not sure why I have a housekeeper. No one cleans like I do. I guess I keep her around for the cooking since I'm shit at that. Cleaning has always relieved my stress and makes me forget where I am in the world.
I didn't start off as a millionaire, almost billionaire. I started at the very bottom, with my mother.
We used to live in homeless shelters and sometimes strangers couches, until she fell ill because of our living circumstances. I watched my mother wither away in front of me, like a rose.
"Levi, promise me you will be something." I remember she said to me as she was taking her last few breaths. "Mommy will always watch over you."
Then she was gone.
Social services picked me up after that and I went to live with my aunt and uncle. They lived comfortably in middle class with no kids - lucky me.
I'd like to think mom would be happy with how far I've come.
"Levi, your new assistant starts today. Don't run her off, please." Hange gives a pleading look. "She's nice."
"Nice and competent are two separate things." I continue to jot down notes from a contract I'm reading.
"Levi, this is Juliet. Your assistant." Hange walked into my office with, who I'm assuming is Juliet. She's young, with long blonde hair and brown eyes. Conventionally attractive.
"Nice to meet you Mr. Ackerman. What do you need me to do first? Do you want me to get you coffee?"
"I don't drink coffee. I drink tea. And I get that myself." I look up from my desk. "Hange, have her go over my schedule for meetings next week and make sure everything is in order."
"Sure thing boss." Hange left with Juliet, closing my door gently behind them. I have a therapy appointment today, thankfully it's virtual. I open my laptop and sign into the portal to initiate the meeting.
"Levi! You look good!" My therapist, Maria, smiles.
"Thank you. The camera probably smooths out my skin."
"So, tell me about your week. What are you feeling, what's going on, all that jazz."
"I punched a guy in the face last week."
"Levi! What did we talk about with your anger?"
"I did think it over. I thought before I punched, and after. I don't regret it."
Maria shook her head, bringing her glasses to the bridge of her nose. "Ay dios mio, you make my job so hard sometimes."
"That's why you get paid the big bucks, right?" I let out a rare chuckle.
"Why did you do that?"
Because he was touching whats mine.
"I thought he was going to take advantage of someone."
"Who's this someone?"
"I don't want to tell you about her yet. Then that means its serious."
"You punched a man because of her, that's not serious enough?"
"No. It's not. I'm 30 years old, Maria. I've never had a real relationship so I'm navigating it the only way I know how."
"Levi, she is not your mother. You can't treat her like she is a fragile human being. She has feelings, like you, and she is her own person. Does she want to be serious?"
"I'm not sure. We're ... dating? I guess that's different from being in a relationship."
"Ah, taking things slow. I see. Well, tell me about her."
"She works at my favorite coffee shop that I go to every day before work. Except I get tea. Anyways, I've seen her almost every day for 6 months and I've had long and short conversations with her. Only recently have we started seeing each other."
"And what are you scared of?" Maria's question stumped me.
I'm scared of everything.
I'm scared of losing her. I'm scared of losing what I have. I'm scared of starting a family only to have it ripped from me.
"Levi?" Maria snapped me out of my thoughts.
"I'm scared of, a lot. My feelings scare me. I feel, protective over her. I feel like I want to savor every moment we're together. I'm also scared she's going to run off once she truly sees my life."
I'm rich, like, filthy rich. She works hard for her money, lives alone, and has dreams of opening her own coffee shop. Which I can help with.
She's used to doing everything for herself. She doesn't have a housekeeper, a chef, none of that. She cooks, cleans, and does everything herself.
Everything I want in a woman is in her.
"You can't go around anticipating people leaving." Maria tapped her pen on her notebook. "You know what I say, everything happens for a reason. There's a reason you connected with her and there's a reason you feel the way you do about her. I don't think it would hurt to explore those feelings more."
After your therapy session, I decide I'm inviting her over for the first time. I want her to see how I am, in my house, and I want to observe how she is.
Me: Are you busy tonight?
Her: If by busy you mean I have a date with a pint of coffee ice cream and Grey's Anatomy, then yes.
Me: Would you like to do that here?
Her: Here is where?
She's gonna make me work for this.
Me: Here as in my house. I'll pick you up at 7.
☕︎⋆˙⟡♡☕ BRATTY BARISTA ☕︎⋆˙⟡♡☕
After getting ready for Levi's, you take a look at yourself in the mirror. Your outfit consists of leggings, crew socks, sneakers, a low cut tank top and a zip up hoodie. You can't lie, part of you wants Levi to continue what he started at your place last week. The other part of you is scared shitless to go to his mansion.
At 7 PM sharp, you hear tires roll in front of your place. By the time you lock your doors, Levi is waiting outside the passenger door for you. He kisses your cheek before letting you in the car, scanning your body.
You study the drive from your place to his - about 20 minutes. Levi lives in a rich, residential area with plenty of land to spare.
Walking into his home, it's spotless. Like, actually spotless. No dust anywhere, nothing is out of place, even the remotes on his coffee table.
"I bought some coffee ice cream and I have Netflix set up for that show already - Grey's what?"
"Grey's Anatomy. You're watching it with me?"
"I was serious when I asked you if you wanted to do that here. Can we start from the 1st episode?" Levi grabbed 2 spoons and the pint of ice cream.
"Sure." You walk over to the couch, which looks like a cloud, and sink your body into it. So this is what it's like to have money.
Levi pressed play, opening the pint. He plunged his spoon into the ice cream as neatly as he could, bringing it to your lips.
You open your mouth slowly, letting him insert the spoon into your mouth. You stare at his eyes as you lick the spoon, getting lost in the clouds that live in his eyes. He pulled the spoon out of your mouth, taking a scoop for himself.
Levi had coffee ice cream residue on his bottom lip, which he quickly licked away. You stared at his chiseled jawline as he watched the show, his eyes moving back and forth with the scenes.
Eventually Levi put the ice cream away, knowing we would eat it again later. As he sat down next to you again, you couldn't help but notice a bulge in his pants.
We meet again.
Levi put his arm around the back of the couch, leaning back so his chest was stretched out. You could see his collarbone peeking out of his shirt, along with his sculpted muscles.
"You're not even watching, brat." Levi interrupted your daydream.
"I'm watching something else." You turn your body toward him. "It's much more interesting."
"What do you mean? I think it's ok so far -" Levi directs his attention back on the tv, getting lost in the plot.
You took advantage of this moment and unzipped your hoodie a bit, exposing your cleavage. He didn't seem to notice, but he will soon.
You slide into him, making sure he can feel your body against his. He looks down at you through his jet black locks, seemingly by surprise.
"Shhhh." You press your finger to his lips, pulling your leg over his lap so you're straddling him. "You can't talk until I'm done. I mean it. Not a word." When did you suddenly get bold?
Levi's erection was more prominent now, pulsing against your thigh. You trail kisses down his face, neck, chest, and eventually you snake down to your knees, in front of his belt buckle.
You look up at Levi, who's mouth is open like he wants to say something.
"Remember the rules, Mr. Ackerman." You wiggle your finger, unbuckling his belt. "Not a word until I'm done."
His belt slid off with ease, as you pulled his slacks down to his ankles. His dick print through his boxer briefs startled you, but you're not gonna stop now. You spread his legs, pushing yourself in between them.
You drag your fingertips down his stomach to his pelvic region, tracing the 'V' line gently. You glanced to look at Levi, who's eyes were dead set on you.
His underwear came off, and his dick slapped his abs. Your eyes grew wide from his size, knowing you might have bit off more than you can chew.
You take one hand and start pumping his dick slowly, brushing your thumb over the tip. Pre-cum leaked from the slit, motivating you to pump harder.
You take some of the pre-cum from your finger and slid it into your mouth with a 'pop' sound. Levi groans, letting his head fall back.
You bring your lips to his tip, sucking it gently while pumping his shaft. You could not take all of him in yet, but you will. Your other hand starts massaging his balls, which hitched his breath. Your tongue caressed every vein in his dick, paying special attention to the tip.
Levi finally put one of his hands in your hair, directing you on his dick. You took more and more of him in, eventually hitting your gang reflex, but you didn't care. The look on Levi's face is worth it. He whimpers as your tongue cascades along his length, the sounds alone causing him to almost overstimulate.
Levi moaned your name before you felt his dick start pulsating in your mouth and his hand pulled your hair roughly. "Where do you want me to cum?" Levi said with short breaths.
"In my mouth."
It was less of a mess that way.
That must have sent Levi over the edge. He unleashed his load in your mouth, holding your hair tightly.
You snake your body up to his face and smile, swallowing his load.
"Fuck." Levi caught his breath, kissing your lips gently. "My turn." Levi pulled you onto the couch, laying you down horizontally. "But you can be as loud as you want."
Levi slid your leggings off, revealing your hot pink thong. He played with the straps before sliding them down your legs, kissing your thighs as he passed by.
Your core was drenched at this point from sucking his dick alone, and seeing him at your pussy sent you to another planet.
He slid two fingers in without warning, pulled them out, and sucked them while keeping his eyes on yours. "What a good girl. So wet for me." Levi started pumping his fingers, curling at your clit.
"Levi.." You moan his name, curling your toes. Levi presses his hand on your stomach, sitting his face in-between your thighs. His lips touched your pussy, sending electricity up and down your body.
The entire time, his eyes are on you. Watching every face you make, listening to every moan. Levi ate pussy like it was his last meal. His tongue and fingers invaded you and made it their home instead. Your walls started to pulsate as his tongue went in and out of you, devouring every last drop.
"So beautiful." Levi mumbled against you, curling his fingers one last time before the world went away around you. The feeling is euphoric. A man hasn't made you feel like this, ever. You've pleasured yourself enough to give yourself an orgasm, but this is different.
"Levi." You moan loudly, gripping his hair, riding out your high. You could not focus on one thing - there were no thoughts in your head. Levi ate you through your high until your legs were shaking uncontrollably.
Making his way to your lips, Levi kissed you gently, the sheen of your arousal all over his mouth.
"I wish I could savor this taste forever." He groaned, putting his hand behind your neck and pressing you into him gently.
His lips moved with purpose, making sure every inch is taken care of. Your lips are plump from all the arousal, your heart feels like its beating out of your chest.
"Do you still want to watch Grey's Anatomy?"
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ga-u-1737 · 2 months
Inherited Guilt: An Idols Fallback
Chapter 2
Velvet lay still on her queen-sized bed as she woke up from her sleep, the sky was painted light blue, with no clouds in sight, and the bright sun outside was beaming through her window and onto her small empty bedroom, glittering and sparkling from the light.
She groaned slightly, rubbing her violet eyes at the sudden brightness.
“What time is it…” She said groggily still feeling tired and sleepy even a single beauty sleep wouldn't get her well-rested.
Glancing around the room a bit, her eyes landed on a picture frame on her bed cupboard. A picture, more like a memory of when Veneer and Velvet were little kids.
They just went to a theme park in the summer, and both Veneer and her were covered in sweets and ice cream.
Velvet grumbled, remembering what happened with her brother, the guilt bubbling up again.
She, of course, felt angry for what he had done and a bit betrayed but also felt anger at herself for exposing him. He was still her brother, her relative.
She laid her head back on the pillow and closed her eyes, maybe going back to sleep would allow her to forget that day and that it never happened.
“Um excuse me.” A bright flashlight flashed in her eyes forcing her to open them again. She blinked a few times to realize Crimp standing on top of her, a look of concern and seriousness on her face.
“Agh-Crimp!” Velvet yelped, squinting her eyes. “What are you doing!?”
“Why are you still asleep?” Crimp asked, crossed, turning off the flashlight. “It's almost 9, you got to get ready!”
“Ready for what?”
“You've got a lot of things to do, Velvet, you have a big schedule that we are a bit behind,” Crimp said.
Velvet mildly groaned again as she stood up from the bed, she didn't feel like doing anything today or doing anything at all.
“Okay…What’s the big schedule then?” She asked in annoyance, going towards the closet.
“I'm already in a bad mood.”
Crimp huffed, shaking her head. “You have to address the press about Veneer and about the crimes he committed, then you gotta visit your parents later today.”
“Why do I need to visit my parents?”
“They heard about what happened and wanted to see if you're alright,” Crimp responded, continuing what she left off.
“You then have an interview on the Bop on Top at 1:34 pm.”
Velvet widened her eyes, her cheeks all red, she knew who the TV host was, and was close to her as well.
“At least something good is coming for this day.” She thought to herself.
“What else is there?”
“You then got a photoshoot at 5:42 pm. Don't tell me you forgot?”
Right. The photoshoot. She and Veneer were not only singers but were also models on the runway, most of their faces in magazines and articles, well mostly Veneer.
“Look Crimp, is there anyway to cancel everything today and mostly for the rest of the month?! Velvet yelled out while putting her hair in a giant ponytail.
Crimp sighed, holding the schedule in her hands.
“I know what happened wasn’t the best but we already planned everything for this week, and for the next 3 months,” Crimp explained which Velvet grumbled at.
“Well, how about we just cancel all of it or maybe postpone it for 4 months.” She grabbed a long dress covered in a night blue, designed with flowers all over, with long lace sleeves.
“I'm sorry but we already got everything set up and it's too late to postpone,” Crimp said in a sad- tone.
Velvet clutched on the dress, silently groaning.
Crimp walked right next to her, putting her hand on her shoulder. “I can tell that you're upset, and yes that incident didn't help but I'm sorry, like I said earlier we already planned everything for the rest of the month plus the next 3 and today is far too late to delay anything at the moment.” She explained,
“But I promise you, it will be okay, and this whole thing will be over soon, then you could sit back in your comfy bed and sleep for the rest of the day.”
Velvet giggled, showing a faint smile. “Yeah, thanks Crimp.”
Not even a few days and the event of what happened became a public affair around Mount Rageous. Already people were texting their friends and family about it, posting it on social media, it being the most gossiped-about topic everywhere, it was like a spreading disease.
Velvet herself wasn't an exception, the press was immediately in her face, asking questions and taking photos.
She hated this part of being famous, but people had to know about the aftermath and needed answers.
“So during the Rage Dome Show, what was the reason Veneer used pop-singing trolls so he could sing?” One of the press asked.
“I've said it earlier but the reason was he just wanted fame, but he lacked talent.” She said truthfully, keeping a calm demeanor.
“Well, why did he try to kill you on stage in front of a live audience?”
“He was angry he got caught,” she responded, “And I guess wanted to use his anger on someone else.”
Questions were swimming from left to right, asking all sorts, to which Velvet answered almost all of them, it was almost overwhelming, to be honest.
This part of the fame wasn't a piece of cake, the cameras being all spent flashing pictures and taking video, and the number of people wanting her to answer all their questions and thoughts.
“So a day after the Rage Dome Show fiasco,” Another one said, holding a giant microphone. “There was a small tiny rumor going on that Veneer was violent towards you behind closed doors and often abused you. Is that true?”
Velvet frozed, her body stiffed and her voice silent. Her heart was beating fast, and the noise in her ears was deafening, only the sounds of flashing cameras were heard.
“Miss, is everything all right?”
Velvet darted her eyes everywhere, seeing everyone averting their eyes at her, some still barbering her with questions, giving unorganized answers through the sputters that escaped her mouth, sometimes only nodding her head as a response.
Her breathing was shallow and shaky but was a bit steady.
“Miss Velvet, please answer us!” Another one yelled.
“Um…well I…” Velvet stuttered, she formed her hands in a tight fist, holding back a few tears. “Well…I-um...you see it…”
“Okay everyone, let's give Velvet a tiny break for now,” Crimp announced, dragging a scared Velvet out of the crowd.
They stopped at a nearby empty park and sat on one of the beaches there, which gave Velvet a second to breathe.
“Velvet, what was that?” Crimp yelled out, her eyes on the young celeb.
“I…I don't know.” Velvet paused, drinking a water bottle Crimp gave her, “It was fine earlier but that one question about Veneer made me just-”
“About one of those rumors that Veneer hurt you in private.” Crimp interrupted
“Yes, that one.” She nodded, gripping her hands together on the bottle.
“Well, sometimes Velvet we need to answer some interesting questions that people may have, some personal ones as well,” Crimp added in response.
“I know that but…”She paused again, “That one was personal, and I don't wanna answer what Veneer was doing in his own time besides Troll-napping.”
She put down her sleeve, revealing a faded but large bruise, painted in a light purple with a tint of blue on her left shoulder.
“Especially what Veneer did to me.” She continued, “And after that specific day…I don't want to answer that.” A couple of tears escaped her eyes, dripping on her face.
Crimp softened her face, slightly cursing herself. She held onto Velvet’s hand in comfort.
“Yeah I guess that makes sense,” She replied, staring at the bruise and frowning. “Not after that.”
They sat in silence for a moment, the sounds of the children and chattering teens passed by them, the sun still affecting the world with light and the white cloud walking by it
“But,” Crimp opened her mouth. “For right now, everything will be fine.”
Velvet glanced at her, giving a confused look. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that things will be okay.” She explained, “It happened and it seemed like it's over now but there are still some things that are still affected.”
Velvet stared at her for a moment before slowly nodding in agreement, covering the large bruise.
“Yeah, I guess you're right.” She said, averting her gaze from Crimp.
The young woman sighed, gently rubbing her hand on the idol's shoulder.
They both looked at the ocean-like sky, the pastel clouds passing by with some covering the sun. Distance sounded through their ears, the sounds of the wind blowing swiftly, strangers walking or running by them, some even noticing the idol, and the sound of their soft breathing.
Eventually, Velvet gripped her hands and got up, wiping away her tears.
“We have to get back on schedule.” Velvet sighed while fixing her clothes. “Most of the day has already been wasted.”
Crimp jumped before adjusting her sitting.
“Oh! Oh-oh right yes.” She slightly stammered as she got up gripping her chart board. “We should get back to the news reporters, then we should visit your parents at your childhood home.”
Velvet silently nodded, walking in advance whilst Crimp followed along.
She breathed in and exhaled through her mouth.
It's gonna be a long day, or a long while before this whole Veneer famous scandal will be forever done.
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Chapter 3(in progress)
Preview of chapter 3
Preview of Chapter 3 part 2
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aeonphantasia · 6 months
To all the akuroku shippers (and to my own amusement lol), I made a small summary of all the times Axel and Roxas met and spent time together throughout the KH 358/2 Days game because i feel like the movie version didn't do justice to them. It's a very small outline and i'm already planning to do a more detailed breakdown in the future to showcase how their relationship has changed through that one year. Hope you enjoy it!!
Also, I want to dedicate this to all the akuroku fans out there who have written beautiful fics about these two. I know there's an akrk discord where you meet and discuss about them. I made this for you, for reference if you want as a thanks for all your wonderful works!!! (I would tag you all but i'm a bit shy, so you know who you are!)
n.b. the days marked with a ! indicate an important milestone in their relationship.
PART 1 - here.
!DAY 255 - THE LONGEST DAY Axel meets Xion in C.O. and asks her to leave and forget everything. Axel meets Roxas for ice cream. (This is where the famous ‘why the sun sets red’ scene happens). Roxas wonders about Xion. Axel lies and tells him she is on an important mission. Roxas feels Axel is not being entirely honest and he too seems like is not himself. Xion finds the truth about herself. 
!DAY 256 - NEWS Org.XIII has a meeting discussing Xion who has left. Xemnas forbids anyone to go look for her. Roxas is disheartened. After his mission he is alone eating ice cream. Roxas wishes Axel would be there with him. Axel stands hidden in silence on the clocktower, observing Roxas. 
!DAY 257 - HOLLOW Roxas sits alone on the clocktower. He’s sad. Wonders where his friends are. Roxas seems sure Axel is avoiding him. 
DAY 276 - DISORDER After a long time, Axel joins Roxas on the clocktower. Axel resolves they will go look for Xion the next day. Axel is worried about Xion too.
DAY 277 Brief meeting in the morning. Roxas looks for Xion. 
DAY 278 Brief meeting in the morning. Roxas looks for Xion. 
!DAY 296 - CONFESSIONS Brief meeting in the morning. Later, Roxas and Axel sit on the clocktower. Roxas wants to look for Xion in C.O. Axel confesses that’s where Xion comes from. 
!DAY 297 - CONTACT Axel and Roxas go to C.O. Roxas collapses. He wakes up next to Axel in Twilight Town. They briefly see Xion but she runs away. Roxas questions her actions. Axel seems reluctant. 
!DAY 298 - FRACTURE Roxas witnesses Saix ordering Axel to bring Xion back with force, considering her a traitor. Axel promises he won’t hurt her. Roxas has been ordered to find the impostor (Riku). During his mission he finds Xion and begs her to come back, which she refuses. After trying to grab her, she summons her keyblade. Axel, who was secretly witnessing the scene, charges towards Xion and they have a fight which Roxas tries to stop. Axel knocks Xion unconscious and brings her back to the castle. Roxas catches up to him asking for an explanation and accusing him of not keeping his promise not to hurt her. Axel remains indifferent. Roxas is cross with Axel.
!DAY 299 - SORA Roxas learns from Xemnas about Sora. When he’s greeted by Axel, he ignores him. Axel keeps ignoring his guilt towards Roxas and the lies he’s telling him, convincing himself that that’s what being a nobody means. Yet, he feels something is not right. ‘Roxas doesn't trust me after the whole Xion incident, but I can't tell him the truth yet. So I keep lying. It's no big deal when you're a Nobody. There's no guilt, no feeling at all. So why does it still sting, just a little, when I lie to him? All my dealings with Roxas give me this bizarre illusion of humanity.’
!DAY 300 - SHUTDOWN Axel and Xion join Roxas for ice cream. None of them speak a word.
!DAY 301 - VACANT PLACE Roxas eats ice cream alone. He starts feeling tired. Axel doesn’t know how to talk to Roxas. 
!DAY 321 - WANING POWER Roxas and Xion have ice cream together. Roxas complains about the way Axel treated Xion and he’s mad at him as far as calling him ‘jerk’, which takes Xion aback. She (very sweetly) explains to him that if it wasn’t for Axel she wouldn’t be here with him now. Roxas is still cross. (The little dialogue they have is actually very sweet and emphasizes my HC that Xion is very aware of the feelings Axel and Roxas have for each other.) Roxas: I can't believe that jerk would actually attack you. Xion: So he's a jerk now? (Roxas says nothing) Xion: Roxas, I wouldn't be sitting here with you if Axel hadn't done that. (Roxas still says nothing) Xion: He's your best friend. Roxas: So are you. Later, Xion meets with Axel. She is worried about Roxas, and Axel tells her (very rudely) it’s because she is absorbing his powers. Once again, Axel states that they are best friends and can’t take decisions on her behalf. 
DAY 322 Roxas has ice cream on his own and wishes he can meet with his friends again like before. 
DAY 324 Roxas has ice cream alone. 
!DAY 352 - SUNSET Brief meeting in the morning. Axel is worried about Roxas. During his mission, Roxas fights a powerful nobody. Just before the final attack Axel appears and stops the fight revealing the mission to be a setup: Xion and Roxas were actually fighting each other. Later they eat ice cream together. They enjoy their time together and Roxas proposes the three of them to run off so they can always be together. Roxas promises to never forget these memories. ‘Me and Xion and Axel had ice cream. The sunset was beautiful.I don't have to write anything else down, because I'll never forget this day.’
!DAY 353 - RESOLVE After his mission, Roxas is back at the castle. He learns that Xion has disappeared again and Axel let her go without stopping her. Finally, Axel tells Roxas the truth about Xion and how he would trade her to save Roxas’ life. Roxas is very upset. He thinks he can’t trust Axel anymore. (I cannot NOT include their dialogue because it is extremely powerful and emotional). Roxas: What happened out there? Axel: Look, nothing. Roxas: Xion's gone! How is that nothing? Axel: It's just like Xigbar said. I couldn't stop her from going. Roxas: Don't give me that! Why not? Axel (crossing his arms): Roxas... Xion is like a mirror that reflects you. Roxas: What? Axel: The Organization made her to duplicate your powers. She's a puppet Roxas: Have you gone nuts? Xion's a person, not a puppet. Axel: She's smoke and mirrors, Roxas. And when I looked in the mirror... It wasn't you I saw. Roxas: I don't know what you're talking about, but Xion is Xion. You can't expect her to be me. Axel: That's not what I mean, Roxas. It was only a matter of time before somebody had to break the mirror. Roxas: You mean destroy her. (Axel looks away) Roxas: Answer me! Axel: Roxas, if somebody doesn't, you'll... You won't be you anymore. Roxas: I'll always be me! Your best friend--just like Xion! Axel (shaking his head): Roxas, you're...you're not seeing the bigger picture. Any of it. Roxas: Ugh, forget this. (Roxas starts to leave) Axel: Roxas! (He runs away) Axel: Why can't you understand…
!DAY 354 - TRUTH Org.XIII has a meeting. Xemnas orders Axel to capture Xion once again. Roxas is against it. He is angry at Axel for keeping the truth from him for so long. Roxas wonders if he is a puppet too. 
!DAY 355 - UNSAID, UNHEARD Roxas meets Axel and the two have a bad confrontation. (Again, I’ll let their dialogue do the talking. This is the best piece of writing of the entire game. I call this ‘The Break-up’). Roxas: Axel. Axel: Hey, Roxas. (They stand silent for a moment) Roxas: You find Xion? Axel: Like it's gonna be that easy. Roxas: I know… (Axel says nothing) Roxas: Have you been keeping the truth about her from me this whole time? Axel: ...Not the whole time. Roxas: When did you find out? Axel: Oh, I dunno. Somewhere along the way. Roxas: Didn't get it memorized, huh? Axel... Who am I, really? (Axel says nothing) Roxas: I'm special, like Xion. I know that. (Axel remains silent) Roxas: But the Organization wanted me out of the picture. Axel: Yeah... They did. Roxas: Is it because Xion copied by Keyblade and they didn't need me anymore? (Axel continues to say nothing) Roxas: And you feel the same way. Axel: No, you've got that part wrong. You'll always be my best friend. Roxas: Best friends are honest with each other! Who am I, Axel? (Axel looks away) Roxas: Xemnas said me and Xion are connected to Sora. Who is that? Tell me! Am I a puppet like Xion? Axel: No… Roxas: What, then? Axel: You really think the truth is going to make you feel better? It won't. Roxas: What makes you so sure? I have a right to know who I am! How did I get here? Why am I special? Where did I learn to use the Keyblade? I deserve those answers! Axel: Roxas… Roxas (sighing): Are you gonna tell me or not? Axel... Who am I? Axel: You've just gotta trust me, Roxas. (He turns around) Roxas: I don't. Axel: Hey, c'mon… Roxas: If I can't get answers here, I'll get them somewhere else. Somebody knows where I came from. That'll be the person I trust.
Roxas leaves. Outside of the Castle, they meet one more time. Axel: Your mind's made up? (He stops) Roxas: Why did the Keyblade choose me? I have to know. Axel: You can't turn on the Organization! You get on their bad side, and they'll destroy you! Roxas: No one would miss me. (He walks away) Axel: That's not true... I would.
DAY 356 - PLACE TO BELONG Axel meets Xion and they fight. Axel brings Xion back and then he collapses from fatigue. 
!DAY 357 - TEARS Roxas and Xion fight. Xion disappears into the light. Axel finds an envelope. Inside, there’s a ‘WINNER’ stick. 
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Please may I have a Spy x family scenario of when Greige was locked in a hot car by the kidnapper who dared to lay a finger on Juvia's son. Juvia's top priority was her son who was locked in the car on a hot day and she needed to get him out of there..sharpish because it meant life and death when someone or a pet is locked in the car on a hot day and Greige was understandably in distress..forget the mission..getting Greige out of a hot car was important. Greige bawled his eyes out when she finally freed him *she had to use her shoe to break the window*..she had to get him to hospital sharpish..he was burning up from a fever and he wasn't well..Loid took them both there. Juvia had honestly dodged a bullet there..any longer and the consequences would've been much worse but Greige had to be hospital for a few days until he could come home. Juvia was understandably in mom guilt mode and Loid tried his best to cheer her up to his abilities in the hospital café..he knew that his little sister almost lost her son because of him being locked in a hot car. Juvia appreciated his efforts in trying to cheer her up honestly..when he brought her a cup of strawberry herbal tea *her favourite* and a chocolate muffin.
https://www.tumblr.com/justsomeoneintoomanyfandoms/733220789237727232/please-may-i-have-a-spy-x-family-headcanons-of (referring to this Oc who is Loid's younger sister and everything)
Hi! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like the scenario!
Want to read more about Juvia Forger? Here's what the characters think of her.
Fandom: Spy x Family
Characters: Loid Forger x Juvia Forger (platonic)
Word Count: 1.0k (1,000 words)
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Juvia squeezed Greige’s hand as he walked beside her. They had just finished their grocery shopping and were beginning the walk home. It was a hot day and Juvia could see that her son was already feeling the effects of walking out of the cool shop and into the heat. She made a mental note to try and stick to the shade wherever she could on the way home.
She was about to ask him whether he wanted to stop to get ice cream on the way home when his hand was ripped from hers. Juvia whipped around, panic already rising in her chest.
A myriad of thoughts whirled through her head as she turned. Had Greige spotted a friend from school? Was there an animal nearby that he wanted to see? Or was this something more sinister? Had an enemy tracked her down? Was her son about to be used as a way of getting her to spill secrets?
Juvia finished her turn and locked eyes with the man who was holding her son. He was slightly taller than she was and his face was covered by a black mask. There was a star tattooed on his right wrist. Juvia didn’t know if that was significant but she knew such a defining feature would help her identify the man later when she told the police about this incident.
The man was backing up, dragging Greige with him. He was holding a hand over Greige’s mouth so he couldn’t yell for help and Juvia could see her son panicking. As soon as he saw the fury burning in Juvia’s eyes, the man began to visibly regret his decision.
He pulled on the nearest car door, which swung open. He pushed Greige inside, swiftly closing the door before reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a key and quickly locked the car before turning and sprinting away.
Juvia let out an enraged cry and began chasing after him. As soon as she passed the car, she released why the man had done what he had done.
She had a choice.
Either chase the man down and bring him to justice.
Or get her son out of the heat box he had just been trapped in.
The answer was simple.
Juvia ran to the car, pressing her hand against the window where Greige was banging his fists. He had tears running down his cheeks.
“It’s alright sweetheart. I’m going to get you out of there.”
Greige’s banging was already getting fainter and Juvia could see his face getting redder and redder. She pulled on the door handle but it was firmly closed.
True panic was beginning to rise in Juvia’s chest and in a last ditch attempt, she leaned down, pulled off her shoe, gestured for Greige to move away from the window, and swung the heel of her shoe towards the glass.
On the first impact it cracked and on the second, it shattered, raining glass across the backseat. She reached through and opened the door from the inside, pulling it open and reaching across to lift Greige out.
He was still crying but his sobs were faint and Juvia knew she needed to get him to the hospital and get him checked over. Before she could begin making her way towards the nearest hospital, she heard a car pull up behind her.
“Juvia! Is everything okay?”
She turned towards the welcome voice of her brother, Loid. “Greige needs to go to the hospital. He was locked in this car by a kidnapper.”
Loid’s already concerned face dropped further and he leaned across to open the passenger side door. “Get in. I’ll take you both there right now.”
Juvia sat in the hospital lobby, her leg bouncing nervously. Greige had passed out just as they got to the hospital and was currently being checked over by a doctor. All she could do now was wait and stew on her guilt of not being able to protect her son properly.
She was a spy for heaven's sake. A highly trained spy at that. She should be able to do something as simple as make sure her own son doesn’t get kidnapped from right beside her.
“Here. Though you could do with something to eat and drink.” Loid sat down opposite her and placed a takeaway cup and a muffin in front of her. “Strawberry herbal tea and a chocolate muffin. Your favourites right?”
Juvia smiled without happiness and nodded, pulling the drink and snack towards her.
“You did well. Getting him out of that car was the priority and you achieved it.” He leaned across and placed a comforting hand over Juvia’s, “He’ll be okay Juvia.”
“Miss Foger?”
Juvia’s head swung across to where the doctor was standing, clipboard in hand. She got to her feet quickly, walking across to him. “How’s my son? Is he okay?”
The doctor smiled. “He’ll be just fine but he’ll need to spend a few days here so we can hydrate him properly and monitor him for any changes in his condition.”
Juvia’s shoulders dropped with relief and disappointment. Loid placed a hand on her shoulder. “Thank you doctor.”
He guided Juvia back to her seat. “See. You did well. He’s going to be okay.”
“But I could have done more. If I’d just broken the window earlier. Or if I’d stopped him from being taken at all. He wouldn’t even be here if I’d just been better.”
“Juvia.” Loid’s voice was gentle but firm, “You did the best you could in the moment.”
Silence followed his words as Juvia considered this.
“Hey, do you remember anything about the guy who grabbed Greige?”
Juvia nodded. “Of course I do.”
Loid smiled but his eyes were sharp. “Greige will be safe and comfortable here for a while. What say we go do some brother-sister bonding and find him?”
Juvia smiled, her expression matching her brother’s. “You know? I think that would make me feel a bit better.”
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glenncoco4 · 2 years
You Can Count On Me (Ch.19)
A/N: So when I first came up with the idea of this story I had huge plans. As I continued to write it became harder and harder to come up with chapters I’m proud of on top of all the other story ideas I had. With great sadness, I have to say the next chapter will be the last of this story. Thanks for sticking with me and I hope you’ll read my others. One I’m currently working on is a little spicey which I’m very excited about. Anyway, thanks again for reading and I hope you enjoy these last two chapters of this version of our favorite OTP.
As the pair walk down the sidewalk, ice cream cones in hand Kensi can’t help the bubble of laughter that leaves her lips, thinking back to her fiancé’s encounter with the old white lady at the ice cream shop and is brought back to another incident from high school. “Remember when Old Lady Thomas threw a box of Raisin Bran at you cuz she thought you were trying to steal her groceries? ”
“How could I forget? I still have the imprint of the box on my arm.”
“You gotta admit she had great aim for an 80-year-old with cataracts.”
“A look into your future.”
Biting back a smile, her fingers find his bicep, pinching him for his remark. She’s just about to say something when the shrill of her phone fills the air around them. Reaching in her pocket to retrieve the device, she sends her fiancé a curious glance. “Unknown number.” The brunette accepts the call, bringing the phone to her ear.“Hello?”
“Hey, Kensi.”
Hearing the name leave his partner’s lips, the blonde’s brow furrows. Without thought his fingers curl into a tight fist, crushing the ice cream cone in his hand.
“I was hoping you’d answer.”
Closing her eyes, she takes a deep calming breath. Life has been throwing things at them left and right these past couple of weeks so she’s not sure why she’s surprised to hear from her ex-fiancé for the first time in 5 years. “What do you want?”
“To apologize.”
“Why? Why now?“
“Not over the phone. Can you meet me at Burton Chace Park?”
“I promise, Kensi, that’s all I want.”
Meeting her partner’s eyes, she nervously bites her lip. This is her chance to finally get the answers she’s always been looking for. “Fine. We’ll be there in 20.”
Ending the call without another word, she lets out a sigh. “Looks like we’re going on a little field trip.”
“You sure about this?” He’s not trying to discourage her from getting the answers she needs, but he knows how fresh the wound Jack left still is.
“Not really, no. But knowing my back up’s there will help.”
“I’ll bring the muscle.” He flexes his bicep, alleviating the tension in her body. This man may have hurt the person he loves most in the world and he may want to bash his head in but if it means she gets the closure she deserves he’ll be cordial…maybe.
Walking across the open grass area of the park, she tries to calm her nerves. It didn’t hit her until they were almost here that she was gonna see him again, the man that broke her heart. The man she was gonna marry. Even though the last few months of their relationship were nothing short of chaos and turmoil she still loved him at one point in her life, maybe not like she loves Marty, but she still loved him. 
At the sound of footsteps coming towards him, the former marine looks up and meets the special agent’s eyes, and immediately jumps off the bench, walking towards her with a small smile across his face. “Hey, Kensi. Glad you came.”
She gives him a straight smile, feeling the tension rise throughout her body. Maybe this was a bad idea. Then she feels him press a reassuring hand on the small of her back. Her solstice. 
The former marine was so focused on Kensi that he didn’t notice the blonde walking up next to her until there was a burning sensation running through his body. He meets Marty’s eyes and immediately sees the anger bubbling in his cerulean blues. “He-hey, Marty?”
“How’ve you been?”
Kensi rolls her eyes and feels the anger begin to bubble up inside her.  “Get to it, Jack. I didn’t come here for small talk.”
Nodding his head, he lets out a calming breath. “There’s a lot I want to apologize for. The way I treated you, especially when you were so good to me.”
Marty meets his best friend’s eyes feeling the need that she’s gotta do this on her own but he’s here if she needs him. “I’ll give you two a minute.”
She gives him a grateful smile before watching him walk off. He’s always there. 
“So you two?”
She gives him a pointed look, definitely not playing this game. 
“Sorry. None of my business.”
When she doesn’t say anything, he nods, knowing he’s only got a few minutes of her time. “I’ve been sober for about 2 years now and in those 2 years, I’ve realized how much I hurt you. You were there for me no matter what and I treated you like shit.”
“You were an assshole.”
He smirks, still the same spitfire she was 5 years ago. “I was a dick.”
She huffs a laugh cuz he’s right, he was the biggest dick.
“I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for trying to help me get better. Thank you for not giving up on me even when I gave up on myself. I was such a fucking mess but you were always there. You did everything you could for me. And please don’t blame yourself. There’s nothing more you could’ve done to help me.”
She didn’t know she needed to hear the words but as soon as they leave his mouth something inside her heals. And seeing the sincerity in his eyes tells her that he truly meant the words he said. She doesn't want to hold onto this anymore. Her best friend is going to be her husband…they’re continuing their life together, but as a couple now. This anger has no place in her life. “Thank you for saying that.”
He takes a quick look at Deeks who’s staring daggers at him. “He hates me.”
She can’t help the grin that spreads to her lips as she meets her fiancé’s eyes only he’s fixated on the man standing next to her. “Not gonna lie to you. He does.”
“I’m happy for you guys. You deserved so much better than me which is what you have now. There’s not a doubt in my mind he’s the man you deserve.”
Eyes still trained on her partner, she nods in agreement. He’s everything. “Can I ask you something?”
Turning her attention back to him, it occurs to her she never got the answer to one of his reasons for leaving. “When you said Marty was in love with me and I clearly with him…what did you…I mean how did you know?”
“If I’m being truthful with myself, it was the first time you introduced us.”
“Yeah. You went off to the bathroom and he gave me ‘the talk.’”
“The talk?”
“Yeah, like what big brothers do to guys dating their little sister only it wasn’t.”
“How do you mean?”
“Well, he said the normal kind of stuff like, ‘hurt her and they won’t find the body,’ but there was this protectiveness I’ve never known in my life shining in his eyes. That and when you got a strike and started celebrating with each other, I saw the look you two shared and knew that if I wanted our relationship to work and not be jealous I had to lie to myself. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t…until one day I knew I just had to stop.”
“We were pretty oblivious back then.”
“That’s a bit of an understatement.”
She takes another glance towards her partner and feels the panic start to roll in seeing the deer in headlights look on his face. Following his line of sight, she’s immediately filled with rage. Her hand tightening into a fist at her side. 
“What’s wrong?” The former marine doesn’t miss the sudden change in the atmosphere. 
What’s wrong? What’s wrong? There’s so much going wrong yet she can’t find the words to voice it. “Um…it’s um.”
Then he’s there, walking off balance towards the pair and throwing his arm around the former marine’s shoulders. “Hey, Jackie.”
“Gordon, how long  you last this time?” Jack asks the older man, letting out a frustrated sigh.
Ignoring Jack’s question, Gordon’s attention turns to Kensi. “Who’s the pretty lady? You look familiar.”
“Kens, this is Gordon.”
The mischievous smile that the older man sends her way makes her skin crawl. “I know who he is.” She says it through gritted teeth, reaching for the gun in her waistband.
Gordon’s brow furrows. His attention suddenly zeroing in on Marty as he runs toward them, suddenly sobering him up.  
“Marty, my boy!”
Clearly, this reunion is gonna go exactly how he hoped, eyeing the three he quickly calculates his moves, and just as the shaggy blonde is about to reach them, he pulls out the knife in his pocket, jumping over to Kensi grabbing her, pressing the knife against her throat. 
“Let go of her.” If he wasn’t seeing red before he is now. 
“Not a chance.”
The best friends turned lovers share a look, communicating their plan without words. Marty continues to say things to his father, distracting him and before Gordon can process what’s happening Kensi has him in a wrist lock, knocking the knife out of his grip and throwing him over her shoulder onto the ground. 
Jack’s eyes go wide as he watches the scene play out before him. Kensi twists the man’s arms behind his back, catches the handcuffs her partner tosses her, and with his help tugs the drunk bastard’s arm. “Up on your feet, jackass.”
“Is she this feisty in the sack?”
Without a second thought, the blonde turns to face his nightmare and rams his fist into the man’s stomach, knocking the breath out of him. “You’re lucky I’m a better man than you are otherwise I’d put a bullet in your head right here and now.”
The pair escort him to the Caddy, Marty taking over and shoving him in the back seat before slamming the door shut. 
He’s rattled she knows that. Grabbing his hand, she pulls him to the back of the car, taking a stance in front of him. “Baby, look at me.” 
Doing as he’s told, he feels his hatred and anger wash away. The warmth and understanding shining in her mismatched orbs calming him in a way that only she can. She takes a deep breath and releases it signaling for him to do the same. He joins her on the second one and can feel the rest of the tension release from his body.
“That was a little more anticlimactic than I was expecting.”
“What are you talking about? My shit of a father approached you while talking to your ex whom you haven’t seen or spoken to in 5 years and held a knife to your throat until you flipped his sorry ass on his back.”
“I’m not gonna lie, it was pretty fun.”
He can’t fight the smirk playing on his lips, pulling her into his embrace, her arms immediately wrapping around his waist as he places a kiss to the top of her head, breathing in the scent that is so uniquely her. “You’re always saving me.”
“Just like you always save me.”
“We’re adorable.”
“Aren’t we though.”
Taking this moment for themselves they let the fact that this thing that’s been hanging over them is finally done. And then the footsteps approaching them brings the pair back to something else hanging over them. “Ugh, I forgot about the other asshole.”
 “Be nice. He apologized.”
The partners pull apart just as the former marine reaches them. A little bit of shock and fear written on his face. “I’d offer to help but it looks like you two have it under control.”
Marty huffs a laugh, unamused. 
“Look, Marty. I know I was an asshole.”
“You were a dick.”
“I know. I’m sorry. It doesn’t mean much but I am. You were there for her when I wasn’t. You were always there for her and I’m grateful for that because she deserves someone like you.”
Dammit. Why is he starting to like this guy again? “You getting the help you need?”
“Yeah, I’m taking it one day at a time but I’m getting better every day.”
Shocking all three of them, Marty offers his hand to the brunette. “As much as I hated you, if she’s forgiven you then so have I.”
Jack raises a brow skeptically before a smile crosses his features and shakes the blonde’s hand.
“Thank you both.”
Kensi, sends him a small smile before he turns, walking back towards the rec center. “Take care of yourself.”
Marty lets out a deep sigh, releasing some residual tension from his body. “Ugh, that was so hard.”
“That’s what she said.” She can’t help herself, he’s rubbed off on her in so many ways. 
There’s a beat of silence as they soak in the fact that it’s over. It’s finally over. 
Putting her Badass Blye persona back in place, she squeezes his hand, a little spark in her eye. “Come on. Let’s take this piece of shit to the boat shed so we can go home and have sex.”
He’s a bit flabbergasted by her words, shaking his head in laughter. He watches her head to the driver's side of the Caddy. “Girl, I’m gonna marry you someday.”
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kazhan-draws · 2 years
Harringrove, 7, 20 and 26?
Thanks for the ask Ihni 💙 This was really fun to think about and I think I went slightly overboard lmao
Feel free to send me more with those two or another ST pairing, I clearly have a lot to say 🤣
the meme
7. Who is more sentimental?
That one goes to Billy. 
He’s the one who gets stuck in the past: the life he had in California, his life before his mom left, that’s something he probably doesn’t allow himself to think about much—at least not until El reminds him of how happy he was then—because it hurts too much, but once he opens that window, it’s hard to get him to stop. 
Billy collects pictures, concert tickets, small trinkets that remind him of a moment when he was happy, of people he loves. He’s the one who listens to a song and feels all kinds of emotions about it, either because he remembers the first time he listened to it and who he was/how he felt back then, or because the song reminds him of someone. 
He’s the one who gets emotional or refuses to watch a specific movie because it reminds him of his mom.
He’s the one who wears Steve’s clothes when he isn’t around, because he needs the comfort and the reminder that he is loved.
He’s an emotional guy, so he’s definitely the one who feels the most sentimental.
Steve on the other hand is very much the kind of guy who lives in the present. He doesn’t care much about pictures, doesn’t really collect items, I mean just take a look at the guy’s bedroom, he clearly isn’t someone who needs to surround himself with pictures and items and thinks a lot about the past. It happened, it made him sad or happy, moving on.
A song is just a song, I’m not saying he’s never going to associate it with someone or a memory, but it’ll probably be a quick thing, he won’t linger. 
He lives in the moment, clinging to the past or old emotions isn’t something he does much, what’s happening right now is more important to him than how he felt ten years ago. 
(That doesn’t stop him from wearing Billy’s clothes too, but that’s something he does when Billy is around because it gets him all hot and bothered.) Next questions under the cut because it got long lmfao
20. Who holds a grudge the longest?
Okay, this is a tough one, because I think it’s really, really hard to get Steve to the point where he’s going to be so mad at someone he’s going to actually hold a grudge. I mean, Nancy basically broke his heart calling him and their relationship bullshit, and he still tried to show up the next day with flowers to apologize. But that’s because even when he’s hurt, Steve probably always feels like he’s at least partly responsible, and he’s clearly ready to put his pride and feelings aside when he really loves someone and wants things to work out.
So you’d have to really, really fuck up for him to be mad forever. 
On the other hand, I think he absolutely is one to be awfully bitchy and petty over small things. 
Let’s say Billy makes the mistake of finishing the tub of Steve’s favorite ice cream once, a treat Steve was really looking forward to after an awful day at work. Billy better be ready to jump in the car and go buy a whole new tub the moment he realizes his mistake, and that’s not saving him from Steve bitching about it all night, and he’s never forgetting about it.
“Oh, you’re mad I finished the Chinese leftovers you were saving for lunch? Remember the Ice Cream Incident of ‘87?” “Steve, that was thirty years ago.”
Everyone knows about the Ice Cream Incident. 
On a more serious note, I also think Steve would definitely hold a grudge against someone who hurt the people he loves, which means it’s probably a good thing Billy started shit with the kids back when Steve didn’t care too much about them, or they might never have moved past it. 
Now, Billy… The easy answer is “yeah, he definitely is the kind of guy who holds a grudge forever and over the tiniest things” but I think it’s a bit more complicated than that. 
Someone he doesn’t really know and cares about pisses him off/annoys him/says or does something hurtful, he’s going to forever put them on his shit list and it’s going to be really, really hard to make him change his mind. 
It’s not so much holding a grudge, it’s more protecting himself. If someone he’s starting to get close to—which, you know, is already a pretty huge thing in itself because he’s really bad at letting people close—fucks up once, he’ll probably put an end to that relationship immediately, he’s never going to be the one to take the first step to fix it, and it’s going to take A Lot to get him to forgive.
Now, if it comes from someone he loves deeply…
Well, pain and betrayal coming from the people he loves and who are supposed to love him? What a surprise, it’s not like that’s literally one of the very first things he was taught in life. 
A part of Billy just expects it, so if—when it happens, Billy just takes it. Doesn’t say anything, goes numb, and would probably accept any apology as long as it means the person—Steve isn’t leaving. He won’t hold a grudge, but he won’t talk about it, and he’s definitely never forgetting it happened, so in a way it’s a thousand times worse than if he actually held a grudge and got mad about it, because it’s impossible to fix something if you can’t see it’s broken. 
I feel like this one got away from me and I don’t have a definite answer, I guess they can both hold grudges for a long time, but it depends on who, what, how, etc… 
26. How do they comfort each other?
The first and most obvious answer is touch. They’re both bad with words, don’t really like talking, most of the time they don’t even know what the fuck to say when the other is feeling under the weather, so kissing, hugging, small gentle touches.
Steve is pretty good at noticing when Billy isn’t feeling well, what he struggles with the most is figuring out when Billy needs to be left alone to deal with things or process shit on his own, and when he actually needs Steve to be there for him. It’s a hard thing to balance, because Billy doesn’t even know himself sometimes so that’s probably something they struggle with at first. Steve tries to fix things because that’s what he does and he isn’t always patient enough, or has a hard time accepting that some things simply can’t be fixed, and he gets hurt when Billy lashes out because he just wants to be left alone.
But once they figure it out, Steve learns to notice the small differences, he learns to give Billy some space, and to wait for him to be ready for some comfort, and that’s when Steve can shine. Wrapping Billy in a warm and soft blanket and getting him to lie down on the couch with his head pillowed on Steve’s thigh so he can card his fingers through his hair until he feels better; simply holding him quietly until Billy stops feeling like shit, etc… 
Billy hasn’t known comfort since his mom left, he has no idea how the fuck he’s supposed to comfort someone, it’s not something that comes naturally to him. You feel sad? Yeah, everyone does, you aren’t special, jeez. His first instinct is definitely to ignore it because he doesn’t know how to deal with it, and because that’s how he was taught to act. 
Steve showing vulnerability would probably make Billy feel awful at first, because you aren’t supposed to do that, and what the fuck does he expect Billy to do? He might even say hurtful things at first, because that’s all he knows. 
So I think he’d just mimic Steve at first. Steve hugs me when I feel like shit, I guess I’ll hug him when he feels like shit. And it slowly reminds him of what his mom would do, and it hurts to think about but he also remembers how good he felt when she’d hug or kiss him, so that’s what he does.
And then he remembers when she’d cook his favorite meal, or take him to the beach, out of the house and away from Neil, so he starts applying that too. He gets Steve his favorite food, does small things for him, gets him in the car and drives without purpose, just to get them far away from everything where Steve can breathe a little bit. Well, shit, this really got long, anyway, thanks again, I hope this was as satisfying to read as it was to write 🤣  
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the-heaminator · 2 years
2.2k of useless fluff between Australia, New Zealand and Germany in the 1890s, and a brief reunion 60 or so years later. This came out of some deep dark crevice of my mind and I do not know how to feel about that.
Dresden, 1890s
The summer warmth and smog had settled itself over Europe quite resolutely now, the stifling heat doing nothing to aid Ludwig nor Eleanor in their endeavours of trying to do anything at all, too warm and sunny to do anything but play inside away from the hustle and bustle of the house and far far away from the fraying tempers that had collected in the dining room, though not for eating just yet.
That did not stop Jack, who aunt Brighid always said was made of sunlight itself, from going outside and picking at various creepy crawlies and from hiding in trees and playing with sticks, the other two, set to keep watch on the sunshine child by both England and Prussia had to contend with the shelter of the veranda and ate Creamed Ice, sweetened with honey and finely chopped nuts. While they watched Jack do what he did, Ludwig was overheating far far worse than Elanor, she had the pleasure of wearing a relatively loose summer dress, mainly because England was not the most well-versed in what to make a girl wear, so he seemed to go for practicality unless it was a formal function.
Which to be fair this was, but they had no need to be here, they had just pestered him often enough and there was nobody to look after them, he would never trust any of the housemaids enough to entrust them to her, Matthew was in Canada now, Uncle Rhys and Uncle Alisdair were in America dealing with something or the other, Jack probably would never forget the incident of when he was still physically about the size of a toddler and accidentally got passed around one too many times in the great exhibition and ended up with Alfred who recognised him as one of England's quicker than Jack could say "Bloody fuckin fast!"
He always had a filthy mouth, not that he had no reason to, Ludwig had heard Prussia say, on multiple occasions, that England should at least to attempt to clear up his speech, which was more than once met with a tirade of enough curse words both nautical and not, that he could feel his ears shrivel up and he didn't even know what half of them meant?
Jack may have been a lizard, with lack of a better way to put it, but Ludwig must certainly was not, he was wearing rather stuffy grey wool over a shirt that didn't cover his forearms, Eleanor asked if he wanted heatstroke, but he really just didn't like showing his forearms to anybody, apparently they were far too thin and boney, with many bruises that weren't inflicted by anyone hand, but by the nation as a whole, it seemed as of they didn't understand this very well, they had seen it happen to their father and his siblings, but they never seemed to get them themselves unless something markedly severe was happening, apparently, it usually affected their father more than it affected them, supposedly because they were colonial holdings and England held jurisdiction of them.
They were stewing in silence for a while, Ludwig had started to nod off, it being far too hot to deal with right now, so that he didn't realise that Eleanor had started to draw in the hard dry earth in the flowerbeds with a twig.
She drew the magnificent Carracks that sailed the seas in the 1500s by the Spaniards, well according to what her sailing book said, she had heard that her father had been a pirate at some point but she found that incredibly hard to believe, but whatever, she drew the Barques that were used to get to her lonely island, that fared through storms and whatnot.
They weren't the most detailed, how could you make drawing in the dirt all that detailed, but in the still, sultry air, they seemed to be by far the most appealing thing in the garden just about now, her doodling even managed to attract the notoriously flighty attention of her dearest brother, and he squat near the flowerbed, in the full sun, clearly unperturbed the sun beating the back of his neck and frying what few braincells he seemed to resolutely own, he started adding his details as well, doodling in the dirt as Ludwig stayed asleep, but this is jack, he would never particularly let anybody sleep especially not in such weather, he would get heatstroke really goddamn fast, especially if he stayed in what he was wearing, honestly who would wear a woollen jumper in such weather?
Plus he was already borning, in Jack's eyes he already acted like an old man, despite being physically about the same age as him and as a nation he was quite a bit younger, but he already acted painfully stuffy, he sat with the same almost military-like posture that both their Father and Prussia tended to sit in, he was touchy, especially about seeing his arms unclothed, quite like how Uncle Rhys was sometimes, and he genuinely seemed to have a stick up his ass already, no one seemed to ever treat him like a child and well, Jack knew that getting treated like a child too much felt terrible, but also never being treated like one, especially if, physically at least, he still was one, he never seemed to experience the pure awe or interest that Jack did, happier to sit on the side passively and watching then to ever take part in anything, he was quite boring usually; but sometimes he could see that underneath all that, he was still very young, when Jack pointed out different bird species a while ago he seemed to copy all Jack had to say down with uncharacteristic zeal, copying everything down almost word for word in the flowy cursive that Jack associated with old men and Matt; not something that one would expect from a 14 year old for sure, Zee joined in the conversation and that was one of the few times they saw him looking like an actual child, it was odd.
"Jack, what are you thinking of?"
Jack had been squatting on the soil, not moving, seemingly deep in thought.
"You know, he acts like an old man sometimes," He said pointing at Germany, who was quite fast asleep in the shade, the heat clearly having got the better of him "But I want to think that he isn't and throw mud at him, but if I did I don't even know how he would react."
"Jack that is way too specific, but you have a point."
At that he had an idea, half-baked as it was, it was an idea nonetheless, it was to start with him being awoken, Zee would do that and hopefully, he did not have a particularly strong reaction to physical touch, he was particularly young even for their kind so he shouldn't, but Ludwig seemed to break more than a few long-established rules of nationdom, so who knows.
Zee had her reservations, she always did, being the voice of reason amongst the two, sometimes seeming to be the voice of reason in their entire family despite being one of the youngest, but Jack very much did not, and unfurled himself from his crouch to full height, ruddy face smiling like rays of the sun itself, before he poked Ludwig on the shoulder, once, then again, achieving only a sleepy grumble which caused him to move his head, which therefore caused him to lose his very carefully made position, and he fell onto the hard soil, quite sufficiently waking him up.
The look on his face caused Jack to fall into an absolute fit of laughter, and even Zee who generally prided herself on not doing that started to giggle at his expense, Ludwig picked himself up quickly and dusted himself off, grumbling all the while, the language was quite bland, especially considering his company and their vibrant vernacular of curses, but if Gilbert had heard him he would have surely got his mouth washed out with soap.
He returned himself to his perch on the veranda, well in the shade as Jack sat down next to him, looking markedly more scruffy than before he dozed off, how long had it been anyways?
They all sat in silence for a few moments before Ludwig enquired what the drawing in the soil was of.
"Don't tell me you've never heard of a carrack?
"Or a galleon?"
"Or a schooner?"
Ludwig knew that they were boats, he had read about them, but had never actually seen one, they were quite before his time, really before all of their times, but Arthur had a fondness of the sea that Gilbert most certainly did not possess, he had only seen the sea a few times, and it was steely grey the few times he did see it, the waves choppy and the air cold with a cloying smell of dead fish and other wonderful nautical scents, like alcohol as well as the smoke of the coal ships making it difficult to breathe if he stood too close.
"They are boats no?"
"Of course, they are boats, banana face, but do you know what type of boat it is?"
Ludwig searched his mental inventory for the type of boat, it seemed to not fit into any of the well defined categories and that annoyed him very much, outwardly he looked mildly constipated and the both of them looked on in interest.
"Is it a...collier?"
The two looked impressed "Not exactly, but that was the point, it is a barque, which is basically where all the boats that do not fit any other categories are lumped together, and that does look like a collier quite so."
Jack absolutely lit up and started to go on about the ocean, specifically the ocean at botany bay, the slick rocks that he used to climb over and hunt for mussels and crabs, and try not to fall into any of the rock pools, lest Aunt Bridghid had to fish him out and he would get a good smack upside the head for it, about how many birds nested there and how he knew where all the nests were, the blue-green water that had so many fish in it despite being close to the coast, he started to talk about how blue the sky was, the smell of salt in the air as he walked alongside Aunt Bri.
He started to spin elaborate tales about the birds and their migratory journeys, creating epic-like sagas and whatnot before finally stopping, beaming at the rapt attention of his audience of two.
"What about you Ludwig, have you ever seen the ocean?"
Ludwig seemed to take a moment before saying "It was nothing like yours, there was a lot of grey, a lot of smoke and noise, pebbles that hurt to fall on," he scrunched up his nose "It smelt like rotting fish, tobacco alcohol and sadness."
Jack made a face "That sounds fucking depressing, like the limey coast!" He thought "Were there crabs."
"There were no crabs, not that I looked."
Zee continued to watch, she liked seeing those two talk, unstoppable force meets an immovable object and all that, they bounced off each other really very well.
"I want to see the ocean like yours." Said in such a childlike manner that for a moment you could believe the voice actually did belong to a teenage boy, forced to grow up too fast and not the tired middle-aged man he already seemed to be acting like, and it was nice for the three of them.
Sydney 1950s
They were older now, two men of admirable height, no longer an oddly proportioned German and an Australian who always had mud on his knees, Jack watched as Ludwig just looked out upon Botany bay, sure it wasn't as it was 300 years prior, but enough of what Jack said stood the test of time, the rocks were slimy and Ludwig was terrible at climbing over them, the rock pools with the mussels and crabs remained, Jack showed him different types of crab while they squatted in the sun, Ludwig wearing a coat of sunscreen because he absolutely burned in the sun.
The green-blue sea and the birds that preened themselves haughtily when they passed, the sky far more blue than he had ever seen it at home, the smell of salt tickling his nose most pleasurably, such a far cry from the first time he saw the sea
They were both quite worse for wear after the wars, it was difficult to imagine that that conversation happened not 70 years prior, but that was besides the point, Jack may have not been small enough to fall into rock pools and Ludwig was not small enough to cry after tripping over rocks, but they were young, younger than most really, Ludwig had barely been around for 80 years, a blip in time for older nations, but at least now, after all the years had thrown at them, they could enjoy.
"Come mate imma teach ya to surf!"
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fumikomiyasaki · 5 months
"I'm not trying to be nosy. I'm just concerned about you, that's all." With Aimée and Kuze
“Please, dont take any unnecessary risks.” With Beelby and Lilith
Concerned Starters
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It was something familiar to him about the place Aimée picked for a date with him... he looked at the sea in the back... the streets before him and moreso that Cafe they stayed at... as he noticed a small stone Monument embded into the wall... as he looked at it an old woman talked to him in a quite voice.
"Some years ago a Young man was hit by a truck around these parts... his parents were quite rich and devasted about the loss of her son... but the more curious thing Was his body was never found... so they hoped with that Monument... maybe one day they could lead his soul back to him. You are a Young lad too, right? Make sure to cherish the life you have."
Kuze went silent... something was pressing against his head... as if he had a slight realization but as it led up he bowed before the woman.
"Thank you for the advice. "
Soon Aimée came back to their seat with two parfaits of ice cream... looking at him silent... barely touching it at all.
"The flavour not to your liking, dear?"
"No that's not it I... Nevermind. "
"I'm not trying to be nosy. I'm just concerned about you. That's all."
He took a deep breath...
"Hearing about the Story made me think... as if I suddenly felt some memories return... why did I hear about this incident... it concerns me a little given what I am..."
"You mean... that you..."
"She talked about a Young man... and Yasuno said he died as well and got resurrected... so I..."
The blond sat closer to him and put her hand on his shoulder.
"No matter what the truth is... who you are now is more important, right? It be nice to know the truth but... what if it leads you to things you never wanted to know about? Either choice you make, won't change how much I love you... just be sure to not lose your memory again... even if it sounds like a romance movie... I do not want to have to win your heart over again."
"I-I know... thank you Aimée. "
He slurped ok his parfait and gave her and embarrassed smile.
"I hardly could forget you really... you are just too dear to me."
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It was finally a day where the Demon wasn't busy and had time to accompany Lilith in a walk through the gardens... enjoying unusual peace in his life... he remembered however... it was that day... the day he first seen her... when her horrid fate began... seeing her face he couldn't help but look down a little.
"Whats wrong?"
"Nothing... its fine my lovely Lilith... just thinking about if I have any idea how to make life easier on you."
"Please don't take any unnecessary risks. I know you are strong but I also do know how you also like to make yourself enemies, Beel."
He chuckled and put a hand to her face, cupping it.
"And even if I had to fight the whole World I would do it but... I know how much I am allowed to do... do not worry. Just making sure I explore anything I can do for you."
She squeezed his hand and held him closer.
"Thank you. For all that you try really. If only the day would arrive where I don't have to live with this blood Hunger."
"I would let you pull any drop out of me. We will make it... Somehow... I asked milady Vanessa in case for advice.. but for now lets not Sour your mood... we came here to take a breather. I will make sure you will know once I have an idea."
The butterflies followed them...among the pretty garden where they could be alone and talk just without any disturbances.
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cosmicdreamt · 1 year
🎲 platonic kisses... ??? please.........
Pick a Kiss Any Kiss ( Accepting ) || @squidsavior 8. A platonic kiss
"I don't have much of a preference between froyo or ice cream. Whichever place you think will have the best flavors is where we can go."
Honestly all Neff wanted was to shove her face with something sweet and tasty. She was thankful Naomi was willing to join her since Neff was someone that just....liked having company no matter how simple the task. It was kinda funny having her friend laying on her lap while Naomi looked through her phone to check out the obnoxiously large variety of shops. Every so often Neff would lean over to check the screen being shown to her and give an opinion on the menu.
And of course no hangout with this is complete unless they're having a good laugh at some of these specialty names because who could ever forget the Schweddy Balls incident? One particular good laugh had Neff struggling to keep her legs from knocking her poor friend off her lap, choosing instead to lean back over and kiss her friend atop her head.
How could she not? Being in good company always had her appreciating the fact that she could, that someone chose her to spend their time with and make memories like this with.
She was glad to have her in her life.
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miniiredd · 1 year
So surprise suprise another RSD/I don’t know what people want from me rant. I know I always seems to be complaining about my RSD but a series of things happened this past week that just really set it off, like the worst it’s been, and I just, I just need to get this out, I need write it down even if it makes no sense or it’s just going to fester and make me even sadder
So Wednesday “friend” at work J1 was (I will say it was jokingly) like oh don’t talk to J2, and when I ask why, he was like ‘I’m trying to plan a dinner for C’s birthday with J2, D and myself, like we did for j2’s birthday (which didn’t know about that) and she’s being difficult’…. A dinner I wasn’t invited to btw lol, and when I pointed oh this is like the ice cream incident (where they went to the gelato place literally doors down from work one day on a day I wasn’t working, despite me saying hey I wanna go we should go one day), he laughed Because he thought I was joking and then wondered why I was in a mood the rest of the day
And like every week, well 98% of every time we work a Saturday together I’m getting two of those 4 a juice from our favourite place that I walk to and then back to work because I finish before them, and the other 2 when I grab lunch I’ll get them chips or share mine or my nuggets but I can’t get a dinner invite? It just hurts alittle
Like i understand they can do things as their own little group but like don’t complain to me about someone being difficult about plans and then laugh when i point out ‘oh hey another thing you guys are doing that I’m not invited to’ when we’re supposed to be friends but your constantly doing things and not inviting me.
And Saturday/Sunday another “friend” from work who start of the year made all these promises of what we were going to do this year (none of which we’ve done, we’ve hung out 2times that wasn’t a concert and one was to get an outfit for a concert and the other to see a concert movie), made the joke ‘oh your going somewhere without me” when I said i was going to something Saturday night the very rare time I have had plans, despite her originally being INVITED when the plans were made (she didn’t actually acknowledge the offer at the time)…. Went to the beach and didn’t invite me like people wonder why they don’t here from me much or make the “joke” I don’t leave my house
Oh and The kicker to Saturday night?? she already had plans!? But complained because I didn’t invite her to mine which again she was, and then the next day goes to the beach and not a word 😶. But if it’s a concert she wants to go to? Oh I’m the first person she messages, cause I get the tickets and don’t ask for the money straight away because I’m an idiot and talking money makes me uncomfortable.
And to round it all off, My own mother, who I’ve barely had any contact with since like Feb? Last year (Due to various reasons growing up but especially due to how I found out about a death in the family) is in Fiji. I can barely get a text for Christmas/my birthday, haven’t gotten a present in years But she can put money in to get my brother a dog for his birthday and now apparently an overseas holiday, And not to forget She owes me a couple thousand she ‘borrowed’. How do I find out she in Fiji? A phone call? A voice mail?, hell a text? Nope I find out from her posting on facebook
I’m just sick of being too much for people, too loud, too focused on the “wrong things”, I message too much, I’m too weird, but at the same time I’m too quiet, I don’t message enough, I don’t speak up enough, I’m not enough to actually spend time with and go do things with
Like It makes me want pull back from my online communities, I mean shit I’ve haven’t been active in the discord groups in I’m for months (and the thought of trying to literally scares me), and pull away from my online friends because like if people in my real, day to day life don’t want to do things with me or interact with me, why would my online friends? Which I know isn’t true I know it but that thought is hella loud
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