#seduction by scoops ahoy uniform
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hairmetal666 · 3 months ago
"But why is he here all the time," he whines to Robin. She doesn't like him much, but Scoops is empty, and what else is he supposed to do? Not speak to her at all?
"Why do you care what Eddie Munson is doing at the mall."
"I don't care." He scoffs, rolls his eyes. "He's just always here. Doesn't he have anything better to do?"
"Do you?"
"He doesn't work here."
"Haven't seen you doing a lot of work here, Steve."
"You spent forty minutes yesterday drawing on your sneakers."
She shakes her head, but doesn't say anything because he's right and she knows it.
He goes back to staring at Munson, sitting on the edge of the fountain. He's relaxed back, legs spread, looking like he owns the place. The way he's leaning, his t-shirt rides up, showing a tantalizing glimpse of pale skin and the lightest dusting of hair. He doesn't remember his mouth being so dry before.
"You're such an idiot." Robin smacks herself down beside him. "Eddie's a good guy. Is this just because he's the freak and you're King Steve?"
"No!" He says it too loud, a few people in the foodcourt turn to stare. "I'm not that guy anymore. That's all just--" he flaps his hand, can't find the words.
She makes a disbelieving noise, eyes narrow. "I'll never forgive you if you hurt him."
Robin stomps off to the backroom before he can stop her, tell her he doesn't want to hurt Munson.
One of Eddie's friends says something that has Eddie stretching back to hear, pulling his shirt higher, flashing the dark line of a tattoo, and that's too much, that has him slamming his eyes closed, rubbing at his brow but all he can think is--
cold cinder block at his back, hot mouths and fumbling hands and long, deft fingers; desperate, bitten off moans; hands fisted into long curls; the hot, bittersweet taste of him
It was only a handful of times, quick encounters in the locker room, once under the bleachers in the gym. And Steve, he'd never--it didn't mean anything, but it meant everything, and Eddie's been all he can think of for months.
A group of middle school girls comes in, then, and he forgets about Munson as he scoops ice cream and blends milkshakes. The next time he looks to the fountain, Eddie is gone
Steve cleans up the remnants of a dropped milkshake at the store entrance, and his shorts are a little too tight, okay, he can feel the way they pull around his hips when he bends too much, but he has to clean the tile before the rush starts and customers complain. There's one spot, though, it's already dried, has to really put his back into it.
The food court is crowded by the time he finishes, bustling with customers. He turns to grab the bucket, and stops dead in his tracks. Munson sits on one of the built-in planters directly behind him. He was staring at Steve's polyester clad ass, but now his eyes travel up Steve's body, getting darker with desire as they go.
He's trapped in place by the force of Eddie's gaze, by the want there. They stare at each other in silence, Steve's blood thumping a vigorous rhythm.
The moment breaks when Robin's voice, calling his name, catches his attention. He turns back to his work without a word, but inside he's reeling.
Steve's opening alone, comes out from the back, and there Eddie is, lounging on the fountain rim with a magazine in hand. It's been a couple of days since he's been around, not since the incident. He watches as Munson languidly flips through the pages, seeming not to have a care in the world, and he--
Well, he's never really had to wait around for something he wants.
He stalks over to the fountain, stops when the tips of his sneakers touch the toes of Eddie's boots. And, yeah, he's in his dorky sailor outfit, but Munson didn't seem to mind the other day. Steve thinks maybe he likes it.
"Munson," he says. His hands are on his hips.
Eddie looks up, slow, taking Steve in. He leans back further, crosses his legs at the ankle. "Harrington."
They stare at each other. Steve starts biting his lip. Not as a move--he's nervous, suddenly, that all of this is a waste and Eddie isn't interested--but Munson's gaze hooks on his mouth, lingers, like a warm caress.
Steve's never initiated things between them before, isn't sure if it's working. He takes the chance, though, starts walking away.
He crosses through the seating area, past the counter, into the back, doesn't know for sure if Eddie is following until the door doesn't close right away behind him.
There's a single beat of a second where they watch each other and neither moves, before Eddie is on him, grabbing his shoulders and pushing him into the wall.
"What the fuck is this, Harrington, huh?" They're close enough for their noses to touch. "You ignore me for months and now--"
"You're here all the fucking time," he snaps back. "Sitting in the same spot like you own the place."
"So, I'm not allowed to be at the mall now?" Eddie sneers. "God forbid I'm in sight of the king."
Steve tries to pull away. "That's not what this is, and you know it."
"Then what is it, Stevie? Spell it out for me real slow to make sure I understand." He leans in, a little, and Steve stops breathing.
Eddie's lips brush his, a gentle press that isn't quite a kiss, not yet. His knees go weak, the wall at his back the only thing holding him up, but the kiss doesn't deepen. Instead, Eddie steps back, laughs. "You think I'm this easy, sweetheart? That you can lure me with your little sailor costume and I'll come without a fight?"
"Am I wrong?"
Eddie scoffs, turns his head, and Steve thinks he overplayed it, that his misread everything.
"Fuck you, Harrington." Eddie grabs him, then, hands fisting into his sailor shirt. "Fuck you and this stupid, sexy outfit. Fuck you for knowing this would work on me."
His mouth presses against Steve's throat, and he moans, clinging to Eddie's jacket.
"Listen to you, sweetheart," Eddie murmurs. "Making all those desperate, pathetic sounds for me. Almost like you missed me or something."
"I did." He groans as Eddie's mouth moves along his jaw. "Missed you so much, haven't been able to stop thinking about you."
Eddie sinks his teeth into Steve's cheek, and he has to stifle his shout. He's harder than he can remember ever being before, thinks he could come just from the feel of Eddie's teeth in his skin.
"That's not what you told Billy," Eddie says. "When he almost caught us."
"I didn't want him to hurt you," he gasps. "I--I didn't want him to have a reason."
Eddie pulls away, Steve grasping after him. "I can handle Hargrove."
"He hit me in the head with a plate." Steve points to the small scar on his forehead. "That's how I got that concussion last year."
"Oh," Eddie blinks. He cards his fingers through Steve's hair, pulling it out of the way to see the scar better. "Sweetheart. I thought--" he swallows, throat working. "I--I keep coming here to see you. I wanted--"
His hand falls to Steve's neck, drawing him in. For a second, Steve thinks it's another tease, but Eddie does kiss him this time. It's deep, desperate, so thorough he thinks Eddie's memorizing the taste of him. He doesn't want it to ever stop, not for a second.
Outside, someone starts hammering on the counter bell, shouting for service.
They slip apart, Eddie still gently cradling the back of Steve's neck. "Come over tonight?" Eddie's eyes are so dark, wanting, he could drown in them.
"Yes." Because there is no other answer.
He lets Eddie out the back door just as Robin yells from the front, "Harrington! We have a customer! I haven't clocked in yet!"
"Be right there," he yells back, but not fast enough that she doesn't catch a glimpse of Eddie slipping out.
She whirls to him, brow in an angry furrow. "Steve! I told you not to hurt him!"
He can't stop his smile. "Buckley, I promise you, Munson can take care of himself."
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years ago
RP rambles - Steve Harrington x M!Reader
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Written with @inhumanshadows because I'm doing a stranger things rewatch and Steve is a babe
● when Steve gets a job at Scoops Ahoy he’d make a shit ton of ice cream puns that summer
● one time he would accidently sit in a tub of ice cream while making out in the freezer
● "Shit my ass is freezing cold!"
● "Funny I always thought it was pretty hot"
● And seeing him in the uniform:
● “Hmm. I’m craving ice cream and I see some peach ice cream. And a nice banana.”
● Steve: “god….”
● “Just y/n is fine”
● One time his boss stops by and when he goes behind the counter Steve has to use his sailor hat to hide his boner cause he was watching you seductively licking ice cream off a cone
● Robin knows exactly what’s going on too
● She distracts thier boss by dragging him to the back to talk about inventory and when he leaves she tells Steve "you so owe me Harrington, you're covering my shift Friday night so I can take Nancy on a date"
● Steve: “deal and thank you.”
● you walk over. “Well I gotta go back to my store. Thanks for the treat.”
● Steve: “I have a problem.”
● “Want me to deal with it?”
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lesbroona · 6 years ago
Billy checked himself in the mirror one last time, his shift was starting in a couple of minutes and he needed to look good for his fan club. His fans consisted of girls from the age of thirteen to, he guessed, sixty (that was Mrs. Johnson, she was nice and brought him cookies once). His most significant crowd though, were the moms. They would come a few days of the week to thirst over him. Billy guessed women really liked what they couldn’t have. Of course Billy also liked what he couldn’t have, so maybe that was just people. He didn’t mind the attention anyway, it actually helped his situation. 
He left the locker room at exactly three o’clock and started the show. He had barely stepped out and all the girls were already staring him down. Billy paid them no mind, as usual. Across the pool he identified his first victim. He blew the whistle at the running kid, everyone stopped to look at him. Billy yelled the first warning to the kid, he liked screaming off just at the begining of every shift, so people would know he wasn’t for shit, then he could chill in his chair for the rest of the day. 
On his way to his post he had to pass the moms. He greeted all of them and complimented Mrs. Wheeler. Billy liked to do that, it made them feel special. Each day he would pick a different mom and a different compliment: Dig the new suit, Mrs. Wheeler... Nice hat, Mrs. Davis... Mrs. Miller is that a new haircut? Looks good on you... They fell terribly for that. The moms were just a bunch of boring suburban women with failed marriages who wanted to relive their glory high school days with him. Unfortunately for them, they had missed a very important detail about him.
Billy relaxed in his chair but kept an eye open to any brat kid that could try something. It was pretty chill since he had already banned most of the trouble makers. Every once in a while, one of the moms would go swimming by right in front of his post. He would give them a smile if he felt like humouring himself. 
About an hour later he went for a walk around the place to make sure everything was alright and stretch his legs. Mrs. Wheeler immediatly came out of the pool and pretended to casually reach Billy. He looked at her up and down and gave her his best smile. 
“Looking great out there, Mrs. Wheeler.” She smiled seductively at him, she was the worst of them. 
“Well, it’s easy when you know there is someone so dedicated and... strong, looking after you. Makes you feel safe.” 
Billy shifted the weight on his legs and looked away before letting out a laugh. He didn’t know he could still be uncomfortable with this. 
“Just doing my job, ma’am,” he said, putting as much charm into the words as he could without actually feeling it. Mrs. Wheeler didn’t seem to notice and just kept eyeing him like he was a snack. 
Somewhere behind him Billy heard a familiar annoying voice. He turned over to find Steve and his pet brat Dustin. He was wearing his Scoops uniform, it was too damn great. Billy smiled, feeling like himself again. He turned back to Mrs. Wheeler. 
“Speaking of... duty calls me, see you around.” he said with his full charm on again and gave his back to her. 
He walked over to Steve and Dustin with his chin up and a killer grin, his chest warming up the closer he got. 
“Code red! Steve, code red!” The kid said tugging at Steve’s shirt so he would turn. He gave Billy a full check out. Billy could swear Steve’s eyes went a bit wide, but he hid it and straightened himself to face Billy. 
“Ahoy, sailor,” Billy mocked. “You know this is a pool, man, you didn’t have to dress so formal.”
Steve sighed in annoyance, Billy passed his tongue over his lips, amused. 
“These are his work clothes, asshole,” said Dustin. 
“Hey, kid. No cursing! That’s a warning,” Billy dictated, pointing a finger at his direction. “And I know you didn’t shower to get in the pool, so why don’t you go do that?” 
The kid rolled his eyes and turned to go to the locker room. Billy looked at Steve again and smiled like nothing happened. 
“God, you’re such a prick,” Steve told him. 
“That’s a curse, I’ll have to give you a warning, pretty boy.” Steve huffed. 
Billy liked how he looked when he was annoyed. Steve would pull his brows down and part his lips just a little. It made Billy want to kiss him real bad, but Steve’s attention was somewhere else now. 
“Did Mrs. Thompson just wave at you?” Billy turned to where he was looking, Mrs Thompson had just arrived, he hadn’t seen her walk by or wave but she smiled when he looked over. “Didn’t she just get married again?” 
Billy shrugged. Steve looked around the place and over to the moms. 
“Do they all get like this around you? That’s like... really gross. Half of them have kids our age.” 
Billy just shrugged and laughed, it was not like he cared which women were into him, it wouldn’t make a difference anyway. They flirted with him, he flirted back at them like he was supposed to and that was it. He liked that Steve cared, though. He really liked it. 
“Are you jealous, Harrington?” He cocked his head to the side and stuck his tongue out.
"Like I would want a bunch of creepy married ladies after me." he chuckled.
"Yeah, that's not what I meant." Billy stared at him intently. Harrington's cheeks turned bright red but he didn’t look away. “You don’t gotta worry about them, they’re not really my type.”
“Well, you shouldn’t be their type either,” Steve said in a low voice, glowering at the moms. He was really serious about that, Billy didn’t know how to react, he just stared blankly at the other boy. 
“Is this good enough for you?” Dustin showed up again, wet from head to toes but still with the stupid baseball cap on. Steve recovered his posture, Billy was still kinda lost. “Uh, what is going on?” 
“Nothing” Steve replied. “I better be on my way. Don’t forget to reapply the sunscreen. And don’t go too deep, I don’t care what Mike says, don’t do stupid shit!” 
Dustin mumbled an okay. Steve was like a mom, one Billy could actually like. 
“I’ll keep an eye on him,” Billy assured. 
“Thanks. You don’t do any stupid shit either.” He glanced over at the moms. 
“Can’t promise that,” he provoked and Steve smiled. Billy’s chest lit on fire. 
Steve walked away and left Billy staring after him. His ass looked too damn good in those tight sailor shorts. 
“Are you done drooling over him?” asked Dustin. Billy snatched the cap from his head. 
“No hats in the water. Now go over there before I push you in.”
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kegkingharrington · 7 years ago
OH YOU BETTER BELIEVE THAT BILLY GONNA BE SHOWING UP FOR ICE CREAM EVERY FUCKING DAY - he’s going to tease Steve about that stupid little Scoop’s Ahoy uniform but meanwhile he’s living for it. Billy’s going to be lounging with some chick hanging off his arm but he’ll be making that ridiculously seductive tongue wag all over that scoop of ice cream and watching his pretty boy the entire time
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