#the golden book of 365 stories
billlaotian · 3 months
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cdchyld · 1 year
Just added to the Vintage shop!
~ “The Golden Book of 365 Stories: A Story for Every Day of the Year” by Kathryn Jackson (1975) Illustrated by Richard Scarry
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xiyouyanyi · 4 months
@ryin-silverfish here, also known as "That person who talks a lot about FSYY and fox spirits".
This is my little LMK AU sideblog, which started off as a bunch of disjointed background notes for my fanfics, but developed into its own gigantic thing over time.
I've said elsewhere that, despite LMK (and many other JTTW adjacent works) lifting certain tidbits wholesale from FSYY——like Nezha's backstory or the Golden Dragon Shears, neither the show nor the fanworks really go into the implications of a FSYY/JTTW combined universe.
(For one, Zhao Gongming's three sisters, the Sanxiao, showing up to kick Jin and Yin's butts for stealing and breaking their treasure would be very satisfying, and also hella badass.)
Well, be the change you want, they said. 
So here it is: Journey of the Gods, aka "LMK, but FSYY is also canon and an extremely influential historical event".
Inspired by @digitaldoeslmk 's By the Book AU.
What even is FSYY?
"Ancient China's bloodiest bureaucracy recruitment program, kickstarted by a king who simped too hard for the creator goddess of humanity and the fox girl she sent to end his dynasty."
"I'll write my own God-Demon novel, with blackjacks and fox hookers and no Buddhist allegories!" ——Xu Zhonglin/Lu Xixing/Li Yunxiang
Okay, jokes aside: Investiture of the Gods(Fengshen Yanyi) is the other big "God-Demon Novel" of the Ming dynasty, written after JTTW. It's about the toppling of the Shang dynasty and its tyrannical King Zhou by King Wu of Zhou——but with more Daoism, immortals and demons helping out both sides, and ten billion magical formations and treasures. 
At the end of the story, almost everyone who died in battle were deified and became the 365 gods of the Celestial Bureaucracy, thus "Investiture of the Gods". 
Here is a link to the only full English translation of FSYY, by Gui Zhizhong.
Here is my overview of FSYY's grand overarching conflict, a.k.a. "Why are all the Daoist immortals fighting?" 
Compared to JTTW, it's a lot more formulaic and suffers from a massive character count inflation problem, but also extremely influential in Chinese folk religion, to the point of some modern temples, like Qingyang Palace, basically worshiping characters from the novel! Like, the western equivalent would be a church worshiping Dante and Beatrice from the Divine Comedy.
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(Similarly, it is to orthodox Daoism what the Divine Comedy is to medieval Christian theology, and should not be treated as actual religious scriptures.)
Okay, FSYY happened in the LMK universe. So What?
Well, first, it will really do wonders to fill up that eerily empty Celestial Realm we see in the Spider Queen special, and the Celestial Bureaucracy will no longer consist of a grand total of five people.
Secondly, it can solve some major show-not-tell problems and actually give legitimacy to the grievances of the LMK Brotherhood + Havoc in Heaven, as well as fleshing out the Celestial Realm.
Third, so many cool magical treasures.
Fourth, LBD gets an origin story, with a twist.
Fifth, I delight in quality angst and horror, and FSYY had some seriously messed-up stuff and implications.
Sixth, Celestial Bureaucracy office politics.
Seventh, Nezha kicking asses and winning fights like he should.
Eighth, crazy Xianxia shit, as you’d expect from the great-granddaddy of modern Xianxia genre.
Ninth, infodumps about Chinese mythos and history trivias.
Tenth, Underworld lore.
...As you can probably tell, this is mostly just me nerding out and writing walls of texts. I'm not a very good artist and can't do Lego style, but will probably doodle some symbol/character designs for funsies.
I also derive most of my enjoyment from writing fix-its and worldbuilding, not shipping characters. Like, I love exploring individual characters through relationships, but just ain't a fan of romance.
There will be a lot of OCs, but unless otherwise specified, all of them will be based on actual characters from FSYY and JTTW, with a few folk gods sprinkled in for funsies.
With that taken care of: good luck and happy reading!
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dira333 · 1 year
Writer and Muse - Yamaguchi
warning: flowery writing, fluff
Being sick isn’t good for my body but my writing. I hope anyone can enjoy this. If not, call it a fever dream.
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They say freckles are where the lover of your last life kissed you.
The boy in front of you must have lived so many lives, must have been loved so many times.
You want to count his freckles but there’s never enough time to look at him, never a chance to take it all in.
He hides behind his friend when you’re near or behind his hair when you’re in class.
His name is Yamaguchi Tadashi, you learn, but his face has already been burned into your mind.
That day you walk home and write a poem about him. 
The words drip from your fingertips like blood but your soul bleeds the same silver that the moon sheds at night. 
When your mind gives birth to an idea so beautiful that it makes your soul bleed silver, you want to feel it again.
And the next day, you see him smile. 
You almost miss it, how his lips curve and his eyes glint, the happiness giving his face a golden tint. 
But your mind has already caught on and you spend your lunch break with shaky hands as you pour an idea into the molds of your mind, not caring that the ink leaves blue streaks on your skin as you write and write and write.
When he smiles, you write, his skin lights up like gold in the sun and all we are is breathless at his beauty.
One year has 365 days. 
By the time you’ve written 365 stories and poems and pieces of words and imagination, you’ve managed to tell him your name.
“I like to write.” You tell him once when the teacher sends the two of you to retrieve a box of books. “When I look at you I get ideas.”
He blushes and you wonder if he’s heard the truth between the words. 
Would he still blush if you told him that you know what flying feels like when you look at him?
“Can I read some of it?” He asks once when you’re alone after class. 
There’s ink-smeared paper in front of you, the beginnings of a poem that tumbled out of you when he answered a question in class, and his voice made you think of a shy bear cub taking his first steps before gaining strength and taking the forest as his own.
“Yes.” You say and fear the worst.
He might look at the poem of past lovers and past lives and think you’re weird.
Or he might look at the story of the brave knight who found his calling and think it weird that the knight's eyes are as amber as his, as amber as the memory of forgotten trees.
There is no other way but forward.
You hand him 400 poems and pieces and stories on your last day of school.
Your hands are streaked blue with ink and his are red and bruised from volleyball training.
His friend is calling his name behind him and there’s no one calling you but the paper longing for words.
“If you don’t like it,” you press out, “You can just give it back to me and I will never write about you again. I promise.”
His eyes are big as you turn to leave and you wonder how they will look the next time you see him.
Will the amber be molten and warm or cold and hardened?
One day before school starts, there’s a boy on your doorstep.
His cheeks are red and his warm breath washes over you as you stand frozen in the door.
“Do you really think that about me?” He asks and offers you poem number fifty-three.
You don’t have to look down to remember what you thought that day.
That his hair looked like fairies had spun the secrets of the forest into it. That they had put their jewels into his eyes and hidden their treasure in his smile.
You nod, unable to speak.
His lips pull into a smile that makes his skin shine like gold. 
His freckles dance under warm eyes and remind you that he has been loved again and again.
“Can I come in?” He asks and you wonder how you’ve never noticed that his voice is as soft as clouds.
If you could write a letter to yourself, would you do it?
Would you tell yourself to look out for the boy with the freckles, the boy that had been kissed in all of his lifetimes? 
Would you tell yourself about the first book you published that contained the first drop of your love for him?
Would you tell yourself about the second button of his jacket or the first kiss in the rain or how your love for him and his love for you has proven to be like the ocean? You have yet to see the last wave kiss the shore, there’s always the next one rushing to be close.
Would you tell yourself of the future and rob yourself of the present?
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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ahungeringknife · 1 year
365: May 11
It was a chilly night on No Man's Land. Without the suns to beat out the heat of the day the night was like a cold hand around the throat. Stayed out without protection and you'd feel it in your lungs all the next day. It, among many excuses he gave himself, was why Wolfwood smoked. The cold couldn't settle deep in you if you just set your body alight. A thin smoke curled from the edge of the ember as the other slept. Sleep didn't come tonight. Was just like that sometimes. Too much serum kept his nerves buzzing, eyes open, until exhaustion. Almost until death.
Meryl slept in a tight ball in the back of the car, wrapped up in her coat and blanket, hat over her head and eyes to block out the light. Roberto was tucked into his jacket in the passenger seat, chin down against his chest, snoring softly, one hand curled around a flask Wolfwood wasn't sure could empty.
The heating lamp cast their little 'camp' into orange and blue relief, one side warmed by the light, the other gripped by the cold desert air. Wolfwood sat against the Punisher propped up against the car, toying with his lighter. Flicking it opened and closed with the soft click of the catch and the snap of the metal meeting together on the close. There were three moons out tonight, each an eye peering down from the heavens. Wolfwood wasn't looking at them.
He was looking at Vash laid on his back like he was sleeping, using his bag full of who the fuck knew what as a pillow. He was doing a good job pretending, keeping his breathing deep and even. Not moving too much. But the light of the lamp reflected off his eyes unnaturally even at this angle. He was looking up at the stars.
Wolfwood sucked on his cigarette. Burning smoke chasing the cold out of his lungs before it had a chance to settle. He knew Vash knew he was awake but did he know Wolfwood knew Vash was awake? It was hard to avoid hearing the soft click of the lighter closing and opening.
The cigarette burned down to his lips before he plucked it out and flicked it away. The moons moved across the sky. Wolfwood lingered in the old smoke of the last one before fishing the box of cigarettes from his jacket pocket. Life sucked but at least the Eye of Michael wasn't such a shit show it didn't provide him with what he needed.
"Those things are going to kill you, you know," Vash said all of the sudden, breaking the silence of the night. Wolfwood fumbled the cigarette, not expecting him to say anything. He was looking across the lamp light at Wolfwood now. Without his glasses the heat lamp's glow reflected off his eyes unnaturally. Like a big cat from the story books back at the orphanage. He'd only seen such things like that one other place.
Not his problem.
"Pft, I'd like to see it try," Wolfwood said, picking up the cigarette from the sand and jamming it in his mouth. With a flourish he flipped open the lighter and sparked a flame.
"It's still bad for you," Vash said as the end of the cigarette caught. He pushed himself up on his jade arm, the light of the heat lamp catching on all the sharp planes of his face making him orange and purple and those reflective eyes like shining moons. Wolfwood just puffed at his cigarette with a shrug.
"Thought you were asleep," Wolfwood said, changing the subject. "Something on your mind?"
Vash shrugged and unfurled from his faking sleep, all long limbs and elbows. Sometimes he reminded Wolfwood of pictures of trees. All knobby limbs and graceful boughs, tossed in the wind like outstretched arms. He stood and was utterly still as the night of No Man's Land looking at Wolfwood. No wind to shift his golden hair or tug at his coat so you could really see how still he was. How utterly. Terrifyingly. Still he could be, eyes reflecting the light of the heat lamp.
A lesser man would have been nervous.
Wolfwood also knew Vash would rather eat his own coat than hurt a hair on any of their heads. He blew out a thin stream of smoke. Vash moved and like always it seemed so specific. Wolfwood just knew how to look. He knew Meryl and Roberto never noticed how Vash added extra movement to everything so he looked natural. So humans didn't see there was something off about him. Wolfwood had seen it in someone who didn't hide it.
"Yeah," Vash said, answering his question as he walked across the lamp glow. "You and Roberto really stink up the car," and Wolfwood lurched when Vash snatched the cigarette right out of his mouth. "Can't get any fresh air out here with you two puffing away," and even when he was trying to be stern it sounded so silly.
"Oh no, whatever will I do," Wolfwood said, rolling his eyes behind his sunglasses he had on even at night. He pulled out the slightly crumpled box of cigarettes and pulled out another. Vash snatched that one too. "Hey- spikey knock it off," he scowled up at Vash.
"You're way too young to smoke yourself to death," Vash said, shaking a jade finger at him.
"Tsk. I'm old enough to do what I want," Wolfwood said pulling out a third. Vash didn't snatch that one. He just looked sort of sadly at Wolfwood instead, hands at his side, as Wolfwood lit the cigarette. Wolfwood took a light drag, the burning smoke filling his lungs. Thin white smoke curled in the still air between them. Vash sighed. "Don't know why you care so much," Wolfwood grumbled. He didn't like the way Vash was looking at him. It was almost... judgmental.
"That's kind of my thing," he said with an exaggerated shrug. "In case you hadn't noticed." Wolfwood had.
"If it bothers you that much just go back to sleep," Wolfwood said, looking up at him, cigarette hanging off his bottom lip.
He swore he was hallucinating from coming off the serum when Vash just, once again, picked the cigarette out of his mouth. This time he didn't crumple it up but looked away out to the desert and put it against his own lips. His eyes flashed where they were set in annoyance. But Wolfwood was just looking at the way Vash's fingers held the cigarette, the way his mouth was curled around it.
"I didn't know you smoked," Wolfwood said. Maybe that was why he was mad? Trying to quit. Didn't make any sense. None of this did.
"I don't," Vash said with very much the cigarette in his mouth. No smoke wavered out of the lit ember at the end. His face was half obscured by the collar of his coat but Wolfwood swore he saw something along the sharp angle of his cheek. A line? A glow? Something. "Do me a favor. Let this one be the last one tonight," and Vash took it out of his mouth and offered it back to Wolfwood. He looked normal. Or as normal as an imitation of a human at any rate.
Wolfwood wasn't a stranger to sharing. "You could have just asked if you wanted one," he said, taking it.
Vash's mouth made something like a smile. A cheap imitation. "Last one for the night, yeah?"
Wolfwood rolled his eyes. "Sure. Whatever you say spikey," but he'd probably light another once Vash went to sleep. He put the cigarette back in his mouth.
"Good," and Vash wandered back over to his bag and sat, pulling his red coat around him. He sat watching Wolfwood smoke his last cigarette of the night.
The cigarette tasted different. Didn't taste like shit. He'd had menthols once and it was... it was almost like that? Like crisp morning air. But not the cold of No Man's Land night. Like all the garbage stuffed into it was gone. The cigarette burned smooth and actually tasted like tobacco.
It was singularly the best cigarette Wolfwood had ever had in his life.
What had Vash done to it?
As he smoked he knew it'd be his last of the night. After something so good, so fragrant and warm having another would just muddy the memory. And he wanted to hold onto it. This last perfect cigarette. He didn't let it burn uselessly like he often did, taking care to savor it. The ember burned down to his lips and he was annoyed when he had to flick it off into the desert.
"Hey spikey-" but the words died on his lips. Vash was already curled up facing the heat lamp, eyes closed, actually asleep now. Damn. "Heh. Okay. Maybe next time then," Wolfwood said to himself and leaned back against the Punisher and looked up at the three moons and the stars. Even without another cigarette the warmth of the last one lingered in his mouth so the cold couldn't settle in him.
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always-is-always · 1 year
Coming in July, “Beyond The Story: 10-Year Record of BTS”
I ordered my copy a few weeks ago, on Amazon.  As soon as word got out, I made sure to secure one..
There’s something so poignant about it, though.  Watching the trailer just now left me with a lump in my throat.  It’s hard to put clearly into words, as I’m not fully cognizant as to why this residual sadness comes with so much BTS related content.  
There’s a bittersweetness to all of it, right now.  I think partly it’s the residue from last year’s infamous Festa Vlive.... with the unknown we are facing regarding the MS that each of the guys is facing in the VERY near future.  I just don’t fully trust HYBE, after what happened last year.  That’s my unfiltered truth. 
If they would tell us what the enlistment schedule is, it would be really really helpful.  We could all prepare ourselves in the best ways possible, and not have to live with the total unknown.  Other than Jin saying he had 365 days left yesterday, we know nothing of the other’s MS.  
Telling ARMYs when each one is going in would actually be the greatest gift that they could give us.  Other ARMYs have said to me, “they don’t know when they are enlisting”, and I call that BS.  Of course HYBE knows exactly when each one of them will enlist.  It is how they know what content to produce, and how to plan its release over the next two years.  This is a VERY well thought out and planned process.  This is not a “fly by the seat of your pants” type of process.  
BTS = $$$.  HYBE must plan for the time that the guys will all be behind the walls of the military.  BTS is the Golden Butter on HYBE’s proverbial bread. 
I’m looking forward to reading the book, and am super curious as to what was included.  It will be a story that is told to appeal to the masses, of all cultural, political, religious beliefs.  Sanitized, if you will...  
It will be fun to see anyway.  We have enough original content from the last 10 years to fill in many of the gaps that might be left in between the words on the pages... 
Perhaps some day when the guys are no longer under contractual agreements we will get some autobiographies, that give us a real look into the years they navigated as BTS.  Wouldn’t that be cool....  I’ll keep my fingers crossed.  💜
Love them.  Miss them as 7.
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Week 13 Blog
This week I read pages 289 to 342 of the book “The Golden Son” by Shilpi Somaya Gowda.
The most important quote I read this week is “‘Come with me, Leena. It doesn’t matter to me. Everything you told me, your letter. The past. It doesn’t matter anymore.”’ This quote identifies the most anticipated moment in the book as Anil finally confesses his very apparent love for Leena, asking her to move to America, Texas, with him as he applies for a cardiology fellowship. This fellowship would confine him for a few more years in Texas, and he believes that he wants Leena there with him. Anil gains the courage to confess this to Leena after experiencing his best friends/roommates, falling in love with women and progressing their relationships further. He feels that he is just stuck between work, family, and his recent fallout with Amber. So after his best friend's wedding in a town close to his family’s, he uses this time to confront Leena. Share his feelings of guilt, love, passion, and sadness towards Leena and her last marriage. That he doesn’t care about her past, but instead the constant feeling he has had since they were children. Love. 
This week's reading is believed to be a trivial part of the plot as finally, Anil explodes his emotions fully. He not only confesses his feelings towards Leena but to his mother and Leena’s mother as well. Both mothers, however, reject these feelings due to a simple miscommunication. Anil’s mother is enraged by Leena’s family for ruining a marriage she and her husband set up; Leena’s mother is betrayed by the treatment Anil’s family has provided as they haven’t shown some remorse for the marital abuse Leena faced. Yet, both parties don’t know the truth of each other's actions but Anil.  Based on Anil’s attributes to resolution, and the skills acquired for taking his father’s job in resolving town disputes, he will bring both mothers together to share the final truth in next week’s reading. Because if Anil truely loves Leena as much as he expresses (which I believe he does), he will do anything it takes to marry Leena. Even if it means to share Leena’s story with the world or simply bring Leena’s mother along with them to Texas. 
(Word Count: 365)
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pigs-in-art · 9 months
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Richard Scarry, from The Golden Book of 365 Stories
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hellomynamiseglaf · 4 years
🌰Chestnuts and Warm Milk🍂
My List of ~Favorites~ for Interactive Fiction and Visual Novels
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(This is a work in progress so please bear with me)
Interactive Fiction:
The Wayhaven Chronicles (WIP Series in Development) - @seraphinitegames  (Look,,, I’m just... obsessed.. I can’t stop thinking abt it,,, and I'm..... sometimes, I read and I think I feel like I know what love is.)
Mind Blind (WIP) - @mindblindbard (I just,, UGH it’s so good. I can't even say that much because my feelings about it are so potent that everytime I see an update I try to tell myself to leave it alone to play larger portions of updates as a treat and everytime my willpower FAILS and I replay the demo like twice in a row)
Demon: Recollect ; Forsaken (WIP) - both by @bathalafiction (whew...WHEW!!! Are you kidding me?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Look. I was attached to Demon: Recollect. I loved it. And then I played the Forsaken WIP and now I can't get over my absolutely BOMB character design for my player persona. Also it's kind of fun being considered a jerk in the game, because it opens up a lot of different options that I usually feel bad about taking)
Shadow Society - @carawenfiction (the concept is so interesting,, I dream of more. Also Quaiel...baby...)
The Soul Stone War - @intimidatingpuffinstudios (also whew!! I really enjoyed it and the characters all picture themselves really vividly in my mind for some reason.)
Greenwarden (WIP) - @fiddles-ifs (reading this is like thick fog.. but in a good way? I don't know how to describe it without pictures but this IF smells like fog over wet grass)
Divine Intervention (WIP) - @divineinterventiongame (the concept?? UGH SO GOOD. For some reason it's always the first game I click to check for updates)
Golden (WIP) - @milaswriting (😈😈😈😈)
Blood/line (WIP) - @bloodlineoffical (simply put,,, LARRY)
Supernatural in New York ; The Bastard of Camelot (both WIPs) - @llamagirl28  (UGH Both of these are so good in their own ways but equally as exciting to see updates for. I haven't consolidated my feelings much further than "my MC for SiNY is so cute" and "Mordred is a child" but they're all generally positive.)
Ace of Spades (WIP) - @steph-writing (I keep thinking about,,, con........)
Nevermoore (WIP) - @asteristories (AHHHHH.... let me say it again for those in the back: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH)
Son of Satan: The Mortal Coil (WIP) - @sosthemortalcoil (YES.)
Shepherds of Haven (WIP) - @shepherds-of-haven (yes. I just have to sigh because it's very good and I like saying those funny little words of power. But also outside of the game I can only picture this game as a great, grey border collie)
Attollo (WIP) - @attollo (Also a very interesting concept, whoo... I almost forgot how immersive it was untill I played the demo again and was reminded of how 'into it' I was straight off the bat. Also the seperate, short little piece on the blog with Sysba was also really good and I had a dream about it the other day)
Into the Shadows (WIP) - @wynnakang​ (whooo.... I'm sighing again, but louder. I press restart and play the demo again)
A Comedy of Manors (WIP) - @sviyaginthegreat (I kept replaying options that I hadn't chosen before because I wanted there to be more lmao)
Fallen Hero: Rebirth - @fallen-hero (I think there's a sequel coming up? I haven't stopped thinking about this storyline since I finished it omg... the.. the details are really good and I've become ridiculously attached to my tragic villain? Character... she IS the standard for my reusable IF persona, or at least one of my most prominent ones ;-D )
Samurai of Hyuga (WIP series) - (I'm pretty sure multiplechoicestudios.com is the development blog for this game, or at least what I've been checking for updates..... this is a series with four book currently out.... and I've been playing through book 4 at slower than a snail's pace in a desperate attempt to prolong my experience. I really didn't think I was going to like it as much as I did but I got a little too into it and now I'm horribly attached to all the characters)
The Porthecrawl Witness(WIP) - @porthecrawl-witness (I'm pretty sure this is a WIP?? But ugh. SCREEEEEE- it's so good. It's SO GOOD. I really want to punch Talbot in the face. And Asher, if for a different reason. And sort of Staci just to try. Quinn is just a cutie I could never hurt him like that. Ugh but they're all so good and I forgot that I was reading a WIP untill it suddenly was over..... I'mfeeling really aggressive rn as I'm writing this, so please just note that the punch comment is meant as a statement on how interesting the concept and immersiveness of the characters and story is)
Forgotten Names (WIP) - by Alexandra_Zorila on the CoG Forum (turn the volume up. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! Look, look. It's..... delicious. It's SO interesting and I obsessively have a tab open on my computer to check for updates)
OFNA: Birds of a Feather (WIP) - @ofna (the vibes are so grey and smoky but the fog is definitely from a party smoke machine and the room is only dark because the walls are taped with those huge sheets of black construction paper that teachers use to cover their bulletin boards with... the game definitely falls in the 'dark and mysterious' genre but something just strikes me as really funny when I play it. Anyway it's good and it's in a lot if recommended lists for a reason. Also I'm very attached to my American Goldfinch)
More Things in Heaven and Earth (WIP) - @morethingsgame (in the same way that it's fun to play Guenevere in the Guenevere game or Mordred in The Bastard of Camelot, playing Ophelia in the sort-of Hamlet story is really fun. If anyone has read the Missing collection- which I absolutely love- by Margaret Peterson Haddix, this gives me similar vibes for some reason. Anyway, I really want to give Hamlet a hug and make him a flower crown or something)
A Tale of Crowns (WIP) - @ataleofcrowns (It's kind of not even funny how much I love this game... It's hard to even describe why I like it, just that it's so well rounded in terms of the story, characters, dialogue, and relationships. It's such an interesting plotline and it's pretty immersive. Also the first time I read the demo, there was an update as I was reading and the high that sent me on has very rarely been matched. Also Dara running to save my Crown in the tunnel?? 🤚😩🤭💓 ugh. UGH!! That's good food for my fool heart)
Scout: An Apocalypse Story (WIP)- @anya-dev (I'm usually not that into apocalypse themes/plots but I really enjoyed this game, and the plot was very good and intruiging... it really pulled me in and I like my character in the story a lot. I don't know why but it tastes like chikuwa, atsuage, and this specific type of carmelized onions that my mom makes sometimes)
Nothing left to burn (WIP)- @clowdee-works (......ouch. I *knew* what was going to happen and I STILL became attached to Drew)
Smoke and Velvet - @roast-ifs (It's good. And I am VEDY much into my character design. Also the story is really interesting, and I enjoy the setting a lot somehow)
Speaker (WIP)- @speakergame (very fun to play, and each update gets me more interested in the aspects of the plot. I also really like the little descriptions of what the characters think of the player)
The Nameless (WIP)- @parkerlyn (interesting plot, I like the characters a lot, and The aesthetics of this world are so interesting. Definitely had a good time visualizing what everything looked like)
Fields of Asphodel (WIP) - @asphodelgame (I think it's really cute so far!!! I like mythology in general, and the persephone/hades dynamic is *mwah!*... I like the way the story progresses in the beginning, and I think it works well in drawing the reader into the world. I also very much enjoy petting large dogs.)
...there are so much more.. and I have followed so many blogs.........
I'm not sure why I can't find it rn but there's this one WIP game that I really like where the MC buys a manor for like dollar and moves to go live there with her best friend and shenanigans ensue as they try to settle in and fix up the estate
Harbringer (WIP) - @harbringercog (....are you KIDDING me?? I was fully planning on just enjoying the demo and keeping a mental note to update the list sometime later,,, but this game... THIS GAME really made me fold. It's very immersive and regardless of how nervous the author claims to be after releasing the demo, it's of my humble opinion that those nerves can be calmed. It's very good. I was planning on procrastinating and reading a little bit and then going back to this essay I need to write, but somehow I got pulled in and ended up reading through the whole demo and it's apparent that I honestly had no chance of getting through this without becoming invested in the plot.... just... so good.. I'm very excited to see how this will progress)
Visual Novels:
Andromeda 6 (WIP) - @andromeda-six​  (I repeat: Obsessed, I come back every few months to see an update and I fall deeper into the hole every time...)
To the Edge of the Sky (WIP,, probably) - by Ajané (??) on Steam (I think, it’s been a while)
Next on my list to check out: Perfumare by pdrrook
Does.... does The Arcana game by Nix Hydra count as VN?? If so, then yes.
Similarly, the FictIF games are all entertaining, although Last Legacy and Heir to Love and Lies are my favorites rn (and.....unfinished....)
I also don't know if this counts, because I kind of consider Otome games to be their own genre, but on the Love 365: find your story by Voltage Inc. There are a bunch of fun stories, my favorite of which are: the Shinichi Kagari route on After School Affairs and the Saejima and Keiichiro routes on Bad Boys do it Better
..To be continued...
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auspiciousotter · 3 years
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A gift I made for a friend on Instagram! The story is beneath the break.
CW: This is a hurt/comfort story that does touch upon certain topics like depression (especially seasonal depression), and death. They aren't mentioned in great detail, and overall message is a lighthearted one, but please keep these in mind before reading.
Winter was always hard. It was cold, silence, barrenness. The world felt harsh and oppressive as the night overtook the day and the land fell to death.
There was also happiness, life within pockets of frigid despair. Families came together, giving gifts, sharing meals, and spreading the love they had for each other, hoping its warmth would last them the season.
But it wasn’t that way for everyone.
Candles lit up the houses on your walk to the forest. Inside you could see scenes of love and friendship, of pride. You pulled your coat up a little higher and focused your attention on the road ahead of you.
This time of year was a celebration for everyone, but for you it was a bleak reminder of the closing of another unproductive year. All the plans and hopes and wishes you’d had 365 days ago hadn’t come to fruition. The work you did was never enough, futile if anything, and as the world around you began to decay, you were reminded of the path all humans took, each step bringing them closer to their inevitable demise, and no way to stop walking.
Even the forest brought no relief in this time. In summer your trek home from the shop would be cast in golden colors, hints of pink mixing to bathe the trees in a picturesque light, but now the woods were grey and dark. The animals all burrowed in their homes left the land feeling hollow and unwelcome.
Only the soft light of a familiar cottage offered any warmth, as measly as it was.
It was the only reason you kept on trudging, though. When the days got harder, and your spirit waned, the thought of the strong arms of your lover kept you grounded. Muriel might not understand exactly what you felt, but he could empathize more than any other person you knew.
Not even Asra could quite grasp the complicated feelings you had. He always meant well, but he saw beauty and magic in your existence, a miracle to be sure, but he knew nothing of the painful awareness that death had claimed you before, and it would again.
You had to stop a moment at the door.
Inside you could hear the soft clunks of wooden bowls being set on the table. As always, Muriel like to make sure there was a warm meal waiting for you, but especially as the night grew cold. He never said a word, never had to, but his love shone through sure enough.
“Welcome home, love.” Muriel greeted, helping you out of your coat and hanging it on the wall. “How was work?”
“Good. Not too many customers. Asra says hello, by the way. He’d come over but…”
You paused in undressing the numerous layers you’d donned for traversing the frosted trails, focus caught on a stack of journals sitting by your place setting. There were four of them, arranged from largest to smallest, all tied up in twine. Muriel had even attached a few sprigs of spruce and cedar, artfully placed on top with a scrap of cotton ribbon for a bow.
“So he made it back in time.”
“He did.” You said, snapping your attention from the books back to your lover. “Asra would never miss today, even if I…even if I’d rather forget it existed.”
“I know.”
A man of little words, Muriel seemed to know how to speak volumes. When words failed him, his actions would take over. Hugs were his way of saying “I love you” and “it’s okay”.
The one he gave you now said “you’re amazing and I support you no matter what”.
Tears threatened to pool in your eyes, but you wouldn’t let them. Too many times had you let the bad emotions of the day get to you. This year, you resolved to carry on, acting like it was just another day of the week.
You wished it didn’t have to be this way though.
“What’s with the journals?” You asked.
It was hard to ignore their presence as you sat down to eat. Up close you could see they were leather bound, but not by professional hands. The pages had rough cut edges and inconsistent lengths, and the sewing was clumsily done. As the books increased in size, you could see an improvement in quality, a mark that the maker of the journals had improved with each pass.
“They’re a present.” Muriel spoke softly, barely more than a whisper. His gaze sat firmly on the soup in front of him, and he continued to eat as if the presence of a gift wasn’t unusual. “I know you said you didn’t want to acknowledge today but last year…”
You remembered last year. It was arguably the worst it had ever been. After years of wondering why you’d felt the way you had, questioning what had happened in your past that could transcend your amnesia and cause you such emotional pain, you’d gotten your answer. It was nothing like you could have ever anticipated, and yet it came as no shock. Somewhere in the back of your mind you knew, but never had the ability to see it for what it was, locked away behind a door with no key.
When the day came that year, your new found knowledge hit you harder than ever, and Muriel was forced to listen to you sob about uselessness and an unrelenting fear of dying without accomplishment. That night you’d let out years of silent torment, thoughts and feelings not even Asra knew about, as your lover cradled you in his arms.
He’d kissed away your tears but said nothing more. There were no verbal remedies for your pain. Only his embrace could hope to convey the comfort and support he had for you.
His mention of last year’s events had you curious, but as you went to unwind the rope holding your gift together, you heard a small cough.
Muriel glanced at your bowl and the soup you had left untouched. There wasn’t much in it, not compared to his own serving, but you weren’t often hungry this time of the year. In the past Asra had to find sneaky ways to make sure you remained fed, but Muriel was much gentler in his approach. His encouraging words and praise made it easier to stomach the food, but if there was ever a truly awful day, he would let you be, only leaving a few small snacks around in case you got hungry later.
Smiling, you lifted your fingers from your gift and grabbed a spoon.
It was a good day, and you’d be able to eat your small portion at least.
After the meal was wrapped up, Muriel cleared up the table, gently kissing your head when you showed off your empty bowl. You waited until he returned from washing the dishes to approach your present again. This time Muriel made no remarks as you pulled the string apart and picked up the first of the journals.
What you had expected to be empty pages for you to write on were actually diary entries written in a familiar scratchy script. They started a year ago from tomorrow, with a long entry about how it was hard for him to vocalize his thoughts, and how he hoped that in a year’s time he could show you all the ways you made him proud.
Following that was a mix of entries both long and small, one for each day that had passed. There were paragraphs about how you handled a tough customer, or helped a wounded creature in the forest, but by far the ones you like most were only one sentence long.
‘March 13, XXXX
You woke up and chose life.’
‘June 4, XXXX
You stayed in bed to take care of yourself instead of pushing yourself too far.’
‘July 27, XXXX
You spent all day painting beautiful art.’
That last one had a few scraps of colored pages, remnants of some drawings you’d been working on that never came to be. Something was always wrong; proportions were off, or you’d messed up the colors. In the end you’d ripped up the papers and tossed them in the fire to burn to ash. You could see the corners of the scraps had been singed, but most of them remained intact, recused before the flames could snuff your work out of existence.
“You said you felt like you never accomplished anything, that you were wasting what little time you had, so I thought maybe I could show you what I see.”
The words caught in your throat.
For once, you were the speechless one, unable to articulate what you felt in the moment. So you did what Muriel would, wrapping your arms around his chest, squeezing tightly. The tears you fought so hard to hold back came bursting forth and you sobbed into him, soaking his shirt. He didn’t care, just pulled your closer, rubbing your back with his hands and keeping you pressed tight in his strong grip.
You spent the rest of the night like that, curled up by the fireside, just you and he and your familiars.
Night deepened, and the call to bed was made. The two of you got settled beneath layers of fabric and fur, Muriel cradling you against his chest as you let the crackling of the fire and hush of the snow lull you to sleep.
“Happy New Year.” He whispered just as sleep was caressing your consciousness. “I love you.”
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cmtcahrule · 4 years
Statistics from LC IG account: Year 2018
I am going to share some data and observations and ask questions. This post is long – sorry in advance.
Liz had 362 posts in 365 days. That is a lot less than in 2016 or 2017. She posts almost daily and is an open book.
Travel: There was some wild travel during 2018.
Jan 1 – Cayman Islands; Jan 9-10 – NYC; Jan 17-18 – NYC; Jan 23-30 – Rome/Paris/London/Crema Feb 7-10 – NYC; Feb 17-19 – San Antonio March 7-12 – Austin; March 28-31 – San Antonio Apr 1 – Denver; Apr 17-30 – New Orleans (AH filming Wounds) May 6-8 – Dallas/New Orleans; May 9-11 – NYC; May 12-17 – New Orleans; May 25-28 – NYC; May 29 – Denver   June 18-20 - Denver July 1-3 – NYC; July 4-5 – Connecticut; July 6-10 – NYC; July 11-13 – Dallas; July 14-15 – Denver; July 21 – Houston; July 22 – NYC; July 24-30 – Italy/Sardinia Aug 1-5 – NYC; Aug 9-10 – San Antonio; Aug 12-29 - NYC Sept 1-7 – NYC; Sept 8 – Toronto; Sept 9-12 – NYC; Aspen – Sept 15-16; Sept 22-27 – Milan; Sept 29 – NYC Oct 10-11 – Australia; Oct 13-15 – Oregon; Oct 28-29 – Dallas Nov 4 – Germany; Nov 5-6 – Amsterdam; Nov 12-15 – Dallas; Nov 21 – Dallas; Nov 22-24 – Denver Dec 2- 4 – India (wedding); Dec 5-6 – Paris; Dec 11 – Washington DC; Dec 11-14 – NYC; Dec 17-18 – NYC; Dec 22-26 – Dallas/Denver; Dec 28-31 – Cayman Islands
TC liked 21 of LCs IG posts during 2018. Most were of Harper/Ford and a few of sexy AH at premieres. Other likes were random. It’s interesting to note that AH “likes” the majority of LC posts during 2018. As does Andrew Gray McDonnell.
1.       CMBYN press was center stage in January. Lots of awards shows/events in LA and NYC and many interviews: Palm Springs Intl Film Festival, NY Film Critics’ Awards, Jimmy Kimmel interview, BAFTA LA Tea Party; James Franco dinner, Golden Globes, National Board of Review Annual Awards Gala, Critics Choice Awards, CNN interview, Indie Wire interview, and Screen Actors Guild Awards. Then comes Rome. I am interested in learning more about Rome because thirsty AH and shy/timid TC were on full display. My data shows they landed in Rome on Jan 23 and Oscar noms were announced the same day. I’ve heard LC did not arrive in Rome until Jan 24. I believe AH and TC crossed 2nd base in NYC in July 2017 and it’s possible they crossed 3rd base or hit a home run in Rome. LC had an interesting post on Jan 29. She showed that she and AH were in Crema and she says: “Back to where we lived for 3 months.” I don’t recall them living in Italy for 3 months. January closed out with Paris premiere (sexy brown leather jacket), French interview on Quotidien; London Film Critics Circle Awards; and dancing in the streets of Crema at midnight.
2.       February was busy. AH and TC lunched together at Soho House (Feb 1); AH posted a story of the CMBYN dancing scene (TC liked it); AH and LC attended Killers concert; AH and TC are both mysteriously at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Feb 5; TC posted pic of AH in black tracksuit at airport on Feb 5; TC posted story of AHs sexy mag cover – “okkaayy king” on Feb 7; TC and AH and LC at Officiel Hommes Issue Lunche Dinner in NYC on Feb 8; TC and AH at Curzon Soho press interview on Feb. 8 (AH in red track suit); AH back home in LA on Feb 10; and TC had GQ cover launch party w/ Kid Cudi and AH on Feb 20. Did I say busy? TC likes LCs Valentine’s Day post to AH - odd. I also notice LCs Feb 2 post on her becoming an “emerging lifestyle guru for the Instagram generation”. Two years later her ex husband is “sleeping” with IG influencers right and left - sorry. 
 3.       March brought the Independent Spirit Awards (think a naked, sick AH on TCs phone), Oscars (boys looking like a married couple) and TC presenting AH an award in Austin. Get out your hanky for “the man that this man is” speech. I took note of LCs post on March 15: “Having deep discussions about things that matter.” Could it be discussions were being held because of events in 2017 and #1 and #2 above?
4.       In April, TC went to Coachella with The Weekend (listens to Mystery of Love in the car) and TC lets us know he really likes AHs red velvet Oscars suit. AH in NOLA for Wounds and LC and kids join him there mid-month. During April, TC likes several of AHs posts, none of LCs posts.  
5.       Summer: In May, TC is off learning how to ride horses and joust. In June, AH is in NYC all month working on Straight White Men while it looks like LC is in LA. TC is shooting The King in June. In July, LC brings the family to join AH in NYC for 4th of July festivities. LC misses the premier of Straight White Men in July because she goes on a girl’s trip to Italy and Sardinia. My mind starts to wonder at this point whether AH being in NYC all summer was an escape route. 
6.       LC and kids spent August in NYC. I don’t know what to make of the birthday celebration pics - they make me uncomfortable. AH trying to lick LC. I think the Blind Gossip article about the sharing of clothes between two male co-stars came out this month. Are we trying to cover something up?  
7.       Then September hits. TC attends AHs last performance of SWM on Sept 4 in NYC and I think goes out to dinner with AH and his dad (LC not there). Fast forward to TIFF. TC is there for BB and AH/LC are there for Hotel Mumbai. At the BB afterparty on Sept 7 we see “the hug of a lifetime” even though TC and AH saw each other 3 days prior. Where was LC when “the hug of a lifetime��� took place? AH and TC had dinner together in Toronto on Sept 8 and jointly posted romantic stories. Was LC at this dinner? If not, why not? She has pics saying she is in Toronto and Dallas on Sept 8 – I am confused. I am curious also when the “hug of a lifetime” pic got leaked. Was it this month? Was there damage control? After the “hug of a lifetime” AH and LC go to CO and then Milan and the pics are cringe. At this same time, TC has posted the thirst trap story in the dark car with the Plan B t-shirt and hat. What’s going on here?
8.       AH pens a tribute to TC in Variety in Oct. The LDR sham kicks off. TC is liking LCs posts of the kids in the pumpkin patch. AH and LC are off to Australia for a couple of days for Hotel Mumbai press. Next, TC is posting the deuce-deuce story and quickly deleting it (Oct 24) and AH is posting a splinters Tweet on Oct 25. TC shows up in Dallas for a fundraiser with AH on Oct 28 unexpectedly. LC makes no mention of him being there even though she is a name dropper.
9.       November is insane. LC headed off to Germany/Amsterdam for I think a bachelorette party. She is gone Nov 4-6. TC and AH hang out at the 22nd annual HFA awards on Nov 4 and TC wears the backless sequined top. AH puts out the New York fried chicken Tweet on Nov 6 and TC posted the “tree” pic for the Charmies on Nov 6. TC posted a sexy bathroom selfie on Nov 13. Nov 16 is a blur: LC is in Dallas having a girls night out; TC posted the sexy Twink thirst trap selfie with the hood, and TC supposedly hangs out with AH at a British GQ photo shoot in the Hollywood Hills (the one where he is in silk PJs). LC does not mention the GQ photo shoot taking place. Governor’s Awards and the “he is my lover” comment happens Nov 18. The next day LC puts out a post asking the public to join her and AH in a double date contest. What? Finally, on Nov 22, AH puts out a post letting LC know she is the best wife ever. All of this before Thanksgiving. 
10.   The year ends quietly with LC/Harper in India for the Chopra-Jonas wedding. I don’t see pics that AH was there. Was he? AH and LC meet up with Esther Garrel on Dec 6 in Paris while AH is doing On the Basis of Sex press. There is a quick pit stop in DC on Dec 11 where AH and LC meet up with Ruth Bader Ginsburg and consequently LC photoshops AHs “imperfect” nose before posting her pic on IG. They spend the holidays like normal in Dallas and Denver and Cayman Islands. I am curious where was TC during December 2018? Did he hang out with AH while LC was in India…eating fried chicken or helping him pull out splinters?
In conclusion, the pics on LCs IG account during 2018 give off the appearance of a happy family. And AH is along for the ride. Were things fine or was everything we saw, especially over the summer and after TIFF, masking something else? Cuss and discuss amongst yourselves.  
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Here's what happiness feels like for me.
My sister curls up beside me in bed. It's three in the morning and we should be asleep. Instead; we watch movies about faraway worlds and women with red lipstick and eyes that shine like a predator's. Her and arms loosely curl around me, and our fingers brush. It's a silent intimacy, with muffled laughter and mocking ribs lined with affection. It's four a.m. and I am yawning, and we fall asleep in each other's arms with a tender sort of vulnerability.
My mother laughs as she braids my hair on the balcony. It's dark out, and we talk and talk and talk. The words spill like magic, and we are two mischief goddesses lounging in the garden of the gods, our silver tongues spinning stories and fates. She brushes a kiss on my brow and hugs me tight enough that I could hear her echoing heart.
My father and I read through the books in his library, a silent evening. We talk about old cultures and fallen empires and the stars- we talk about history. And there's something beautiful there, between us, a man who wished to twist the world into magic and kindness and good, and thinks he can't, and a girl who's going to try anyway. There's also something else, in that whatever history may write, mine will always have him, and his will always have me.
My best friend and I link hands, and we walk through the streets on an afternoon. It's busy, and I chatter through the hours as if there is everything in the world I could talk to her about, and she watches me like she would listen to me till the end of the world. Our laughter is golden, brighter than the stars, and we talk about seeing the ocean and the ice and the mountains. Her eyes sparkle as she drags me to her favourite art shop, and I render her in poems as she renders me in charcoal.
I grab his hands and pull him into the morning sun. I write poetry for him, and he collects 365 days worth of flowers, carefully pressed between books. I call him all the ways you can call a lover, and he folds pretty paper cranes for me. I hoard his touches as he hoards mine. Our hands interlaced, his arm resting on my waist. Me playing with his hair as he lies on my lap. The teasing whispers he trades me for my low lidded glances. His laughter, a symphony of mine, bright, beautiful and deadly in that I will die and kill to keep him like this.
I lie on the roof, and the sun's breaking through the trees in the distance, painting the day anew. Venus watches as I read in the early light, torchlight beside me and steaming coffee in my hands. The world is beautiful, the trees and rivers and all of the stars disappearing now, and I fall in love with living.
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Hello! i would like a spirit guide reading, my initials are CF and im a scorpio 14/11, i love your work thank u so much!
👋 hello, CF ♏ 🦂 Scorpio,
Your Spirit Guide is Goddess of the 🌈 Rainbow, Messenger of the Gods: 🌿 IRIS
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In Greek mythology, Iris (/ˈaɪrɪs/; Greek: Ἶρις, Ancient Greek: [îːris]) is the personification and goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods.
According to Hesiod's Theogony, Iris is the daughter of Thaumas and the Oceanid Electra and the sister of the Harpies: Aello and Ocypete. During the Titanomachy, Iris was the messenger of the Olympian gods while her twin sister Arke betrayed the Olympians and became the messenger of the Titans. She is the goddess of the rainbow. She also serves nectar to the goddesses and gods to drink. Zephyrus, who is the god of the west wind is her consort. Their son is Pothos (Nonnus, Dionysiaca). According to the Dionysiaca of Nonnos, Iris' brother is Hydaspes (book XXVI, lines 355-365).
She is also known as one of the goddesses of the sea and the sky. Iris links the gods to humanity. She travels with the speed of wind from one end of the world to the other[1] and into the depths of the sea and the underworld.
Iris had numerous poetic titles and epithets, including chrysopteros (χρυσόπτερος "golden winged"), podas ōkea (πόδας ὠκέα "swift footed") or podēnemos ōkea (ποδήνεμος ὠκέα "wind-swift footed"), roscida ("dewy", Latin), and Thaumantias (Θαυμαντιάς "Daughter of Thaumas, Wondrous One"), aellopus (ἀελλόπους "storm-footed, storm-swift).[2] She also watered the clouds with her pitcher, obtaining the water from the sea.
🦋🌸🦋The hieroglyph for her name originally used meant (female) of flesh, i.e. mortal, and she may simply have represented deified, real, queens. The most commonly used name for this deity, Isis, is a Greek corruption of the Egyptian name; and its pronunciation as 'eye-sis' is a further corruption by English speakers. The true Egyptian pronunciation is unknown, as Egyptian hieroglyphs only recorded consonants, and left out most of the vowels. The Egyptian hieroglyphics for her name are commonly transliterated as jst; as a convenience, Egyptologists pronounce that as ee-set.
IRIS (Iris), a daughter of Thaumas (whence she is called Thaumantias, Virg. Aen. ix. 5) and Electra, and sister of the Harpies. (Hes. Theog. 266, 780; Apollod. i. 2. § 6; Plat. Theaet. p. 155. d; Plut. de Plac. Philos. iii. 5.) In the Homeric poems she appears as the minister of the Olympian gods, who carries messages from Ida to Olympus, from gods to gods, and from gods to men. (Il. xv. 144, xxiv. 78, 95, ii. 787, xviii. 168, Hymn. in Apoll. Del. 102, &c.) In accordance with these functions of Iris, her name is commonly derived from erô eirô; so that Iris would mean "the speaker or messenger:" but it is not impossible that it may be connected with eirô, "I join," whence eirênê ; so that Iris, the goddess of the rainbow, would be the joiner or conciliator, or the messenger of heaven, who restores peace in nature. In the Homeric poems, it is true, Iris does not appear as the goddess of the rainbow, but the rainbow itself is called iris (Il xi. 27, xvii. 547): and this brilliant phenomenon in tile skies, which vanishes as quickly as it appears, was regarded as the swift minister of the gods. Her genealogy too supports the opinion that Iris was originally the personification of the rainbow. In the earlier poets, and even in Theocritus (xvii. 134) and Virgil (Aen. v. 610) Iris appears as a virgin goddess; but according to later writers, she was married to Zephyrus, and became by him the mother of Eros. (Eustath. ad Hom. pp. 391, 555; Plut. Amat. 20.) With regard to her functions, which we have above briefly described, we may further observe, that the Odyssey never mentions Iris, but only Hermes as the messenger of the gods: in the Iliad, on the other hand, she appears most frequently, and on the most different occasions. She is principally engaged in the service of Zeus, but also in that of Hera, and even serves Achilles in calling the winds to his assistance. (Il. xxiii. 199.) She further performs her services not only when commanded, but she sometimes advises and assists of her own accord (iii. 122, xv. 201. xviii. 197. xxiv. 74, &c.). In later poets she appears on the whole in the same capacity as in the Iliad, but she occurs gradually more and more exclusively in the service of Hera, both in the later Greek and Latin poets. (Callim. Hymn. in Del. 232; Virg. Aen. v. 606; Apollon. Rhod. ii. 288, 432; Ov. Met. xiv. 830, &c.) Some poets describe Iris actually as the rainbow itself, but Servius (ad Aen v. 610) states that the rainbow is only the road on which Iris travels, and which therefore appears whenever the goddess wants it, and vanishes when it is no longer needed: and it would seem that this latter notion was the more prevalent one in antiquity. Respecting the worship of Iris very few traces have come down to us, and we only know that the Delians offered to her on the island of Hecate cakes made of wheat and honey and dried figs. (Athen. xiv. p. 645; comp. Müller, Aegin. p. 170.) No statues of Iris have been preserved, but we find her frequently represented on vases and in bas-reliefs, either standing and dressed in a long and wide tunic, over which hangs a light upper garment, with wings attached to her shoulders, and carrying the herald's staff in her left hand; or she appears flying with wings attached to her shoulders and sandals, with the staff and a pitcher in her hands.
AELLOPUS (Aellopous), a surname of Iris, the messenger of the gods, by which she is described as swift-footed like a storm-wind. Homer uses the form aellopos. (Il. 409.)
Source: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology.
A goddess named “Iris” personified the rainbow in the mythology of ancient Greece. Most works of art depict her either in the form of a beautiful rainbow, or as a lovely maiden. She wore wings on her shoulders and usually carried a pitcher in one hand. Her name combined the Greek words for “messenger” and “the rainbow” to signify her dual role. Some accounts depict her as one of the goddess Hera’s assistants. (Hera carries associations with the sky.)
The ancient Greeks considered Iris the female counterpart of Hermes. She served as a messenger from Mount Olympus. She would use her pitcher to scoop up water from the ocean and carry it into the clouds. Some legends also hold she used her pitcher to collect water from the River Styx, the shadowy river separating the world of human beings from the underworld. Many Greeks viewed Iris as an important link between mortals and the realm of the gods.
The Family Life of Iris
Most sources describe Iris as the daughter of the Oceanid cloud nymph Elektra and Thaumas, a minor god sometimes associated with the sea. She would have been one of the Titan Oceanus’ granddaughters. Her rainbow frequently appeared in the sky over bodies of water.
Legends differ about her life as an adult. Some stories describe her as unmarried and primarily a messenger for the Olympian gods. In other accounts, she fell in love with Zephyros, the god of the West Wind. They had a son named Pothos, who personified Desire.
Iris as a Messenger
Iris would frequently use her pitcher to serve nectar to the gods and goddesses on Mount Olympus. When these major ancient Greek deities needed to send messages to other gods or to human beings, they would sometimes ask Iris to transmit their words. She could travel very quickly from Mount Olympus to Earth, and could even journey quickly into Hades.
Many ancient Greeks considered Iris one of the most beautiful goddesses. The ancient Greeks described her as “swift footed”, suggesting she could respond rapidly to requests. In legends, she carries symbolic associations with messages and communication.
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Iris is depicted in ancient Greek vase painting as a beautiful young woman with golden wings, a herald's rod (kerykeion), and sometimes a water-pitcher (oinochoe) in her hand. She was usually depicted standing beside Zeus or Hera, sometimes serving nectar from her jug. As cup-bearer of the gods Iris is often indistinguishable from Hebe in art.
The message that rainbows connect us to the immortal can be seen in many mythologies worldwide, including Japanese and Navajo, though each has a different back story and belief. In our lives, we can see the rainbow as being symbolic of a transition, suggesting a potential change from one phase to another.
Rainbow – Other Symbolic Meanings
In general, rainbows are seen as transcending the earthly realm. Rainbows are the physical symbolism of this ascent. It provides us with inspiration to achieve greater heights and seek wisdom from the worlds beyond. The rainbow is the bridge that closes the gap between these two realms and allows for the possibility for communication. It is symbolic of possibility in many other ways as well. The glowing arch appears high above our horizon and can look close and distant at the same time. We are incapable of finding its end.
The rainbow challenges us to be a better version of ourselves. A more inclusive person, a person who seeks a challenge, a person who desires spiritual growth and a connection to the spiritual realm, a person who endures the darkness in pursuit of the light.
Like the rainbow, these things can seem far away and out of our reach. The important thing, though, is that we keep striving for them. The rainbow symbolism is powerful because it reminds us of the endless possibilities. It shows us vast and magical our world is. Rainbows challenge us to confront and embrace our own potential.
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Thank you for meeting your Spirit Guide today .. if you ever want to contact your Spirit Guide, Iris, you'll have to try a guided meditation especially designed for Spirit Guides (YouTube has plenty of sufficient one)
But if you prefer that I get in contact with her and get you some messages just simply go to my PayPal and give a donation .. thanks 😊
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sensei-aishitemasu · 5 years
2019 Black-Owned Gift Guide!
It’s that time again! This Black Friday, try and support a Black-owned business for all your gift-giving needs. For last years gift guide, click here. For the 2017 gift guide, here. For the 2016 gift guide, click here. For the 2015 gift guide, click here. (This is the FIFTH annual gift guide! Time flies!) 
Similar to 2018, I kept every individual item listed under $100! Click on the links to be taken to the websites in order to peruse more yourselves. Every item and brand has been hand selected and curated. Sustainability has been increasingly on my mind, especially when it comes to fashion; as such, several brands on this list are ethically and sustainably sourced. Several also include donations from your purchase being made to philanthropic causes. 
[And as always, this guide has been split into categories to make it easier to get through, but feel free to mix and match for the person in your life that fits all of (or none of!) these categories!]
Gift Guide 2019 Items
For the Homebody:
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eLo ‘Gloria’ Cotton Spray, $30
Shea Shea Bakery Candy Cane Candle, $22
Shea Shea Bakery Coffe Mug Candle, $12
Shea Shea Bakery Bowl of O’s Signature Candle, $20 
Shea Shea Bakery Milk & Cookies Bath Set, $16
Shea Shea Bakery Bath Whip - Confetti Cake, $12
Shea Shea Bakery Honey Bear Bubble Bath, $6
Shea Shea Bakery Milk Mates - Salts + Bubble Bath, $16
Shea Shea Bakery Milk + Honey + Syrup Bubble Bath Set, $22
Shea Shea Bakery Cast Iron Skillet Wax Burner, $22
Shea Shea Bakery Sweet Mini-Melt Cinnamon Bun Wax, $10
Shea Shea Bakery Sweet Mini-Melt Peanut Butter Cups, $10
228 Grant Street Candle Co. Amber + Sandalwood Apothecary Jar, $30 (pictured)
228 Grant Street Candle Co. Oakmoss + Amber Jar, $20
228 Grant Street Candle Co. Botanical Garden Gold Travel Tin, $10 
Kicky Mats ‘Don’t Bother, We’re Broke’ Doormat, $50 (pictured)
Jeffrey Manning “You Are” Art Print, $55
Jeffrey Manning “Mellow Bliss” Art Print, $40
Duchess 365 ‘When I Get Home’ Art Print, $23.99 (pictured)
Tactile Matter ‘Safe Space’ Art Print, $45 (pictured)
Tactile Matter ‘Peaches & Coffee’ Art Print, $45
Galerie.la Small Market Basket, $28
Galerie.la Botanica Medium Candle Harvest, $24
Galerie.la Relaxation Rituals Box, $44.95
Galerie.la Botanica Large Candle Nirvana, $32
Galerie.la Rooted Incense Holder In Gray, $68
Galeria.la Calma Herbal Salt Soaks, $20
‘Hypnotic’ Quilt Set by Justina Blakeney, $100 (pictured)
Brass Bette Planter by Justina Blakeney, $ 75
Ida Mirror by Justina Blakeney, $70
Kahelo Black and Gray Rug by Justina Blakeney, $89
Kashmir.VIII ‘The Party’ Pillow, $50 (pictured)
Cards For All People “Angry Moms” Card Game, $17.99
Cards For All People “Black Card Revoked” Card Game, $17.99 (pictured)
Trading Races Card Game, $24.99 (pictured)
Winsults Card Game, $25 (pictured)
For the Foodie:
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Zach & Zoe Wildflower Honey, $12  Zach & Zoe Wildflower Honey - Lavender, $15
Zach & Zoe Wildflower Honey - Raspberry, $15 (pictured)
Zach & Zoe Honey with Ginger Root, $15
Soul Fit Grill Assorted Spices, $55.99 (pictured)
Raw Cells Mind Fudge, $15 (pictured)
Raw Cells Calm Cookie, $8
Raw Cells Brain Brownie, $5
Raw Cells Bliss Bar, $7 (pictured)
Chris Cardi ‘H Street’ Apron, $25.03
Cultured Kombucha ‘Flight Glass’ Set of 4, $35 (pictured)
Cultured Kombucha ‘Cultured’ Tote, $15 (pictured)
Kashmir.VIII ‘Ms. Hill’ Mug, $16
Kashmir.VIII ‘Easin’ Mug, $16
Kashmir.VIII ‘We Did It First’ Mug, $16 (pictured)
Kashmir.VIII ‘The Black Power Mixtape’ Coaster Sets, $35 (pictured)
Botanicals on Blush Kitchen Tea Towels by Justina Blakeney, $28 (pictured)
‘B. Smith Cooks Southern-Style’ by B. Smith, $29.99
For the Beauty Guru:
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Oui The People ‘The Single’ Rose Gold Single-Blade Razor, $75 (pictured)
Oui The People ‘Sugarcoat’ Shave Gel-To-Milk, $64 (pictured)
Galerie.la Rose Quartz Facial Roller, $28
Galerie.la Jade Mask, $42
Galerie.la Base Coat Nail Polish Vault, $20
Galerie.la Base Coat Nail Polish The Simon Collective, $20
Galerie.la ‘The Makeup Bag’ (Navy), $59
Galerie.la ‘The Makeup Bag’ (Yellow), $59
Galerie.la Mermaid Milk Superfood Moisturizer, $42
Shea Shea Bakery Buttered Pound Cake Body Mist, $5 (pictured)
Shea Shea Bakery Glazed Donut Body Butter, $25
Shea Shea Bakery Detoxifying Charcoal Cleanser, $15
Shea Shea Bakery Antibacterial Apple Cider Toner, $6
Shea Shea Bakery Almond Milk + Chocolate Peppermint Moisturizer, $6
Shea Shea Bakery Scar Healing Serum, $23
Shea Shea Bakery Gentle Foaming Cleanser, $8
Shea Shea Bakery Chocolate Coffee Bean Scrub, $12
Shea Shea Bakery Rose Garden Soap Bar, $5 (pictured)
Monie Squared Pumpkin Spice Cheesecake Soap, $8
Monie Squared Brown Sugar Fig Goat Milk Soap, $7
Monie Squared Warm Vanilla Sugar Goat Milk Soap, $7
Monie Squared Leave-In Detangling Conditioner in Blood Orange, $16
Camille Rose Naturals Algae Renew Deep Conditioner, $20
Camille Rose Youth Burst Anti-Aging Night Time Elixir, $18 (pictured)
Camille Rose Seedless Skin Pore-Perfecting Facial Exfoliator, $19
Oyin Handmade Burnt Sugar Pomade, $13.99
Oyin Handmade Boing! All-In-One Coil Styler, $14.99
Oyin Handmade No Ash At All Lotion, $9.99
Hunny Bunny Boutique Hunny Lavender Face Bar, $9
Hunny Bunny Boutique Rose Clay Facial Mask, $8
Bejia Flor Naturals Acai Mango Lotion, $22
Vee + Co. Apothecary ‘Seven’ Aromatherapy Roller, $18
Vee + Co. Apothecary ‘Mellow’ Aromatherapy Roller, $18
Vee + Co. Apothecary ‘Faith’ Aromatherapy Roller, $18
Vee + Co. Apothecary ‘Tisane’ Body + Bath Oil, $25
Jade & Fox Co. Liquid Gold Facial Cleanser, $15 (pictured)
Jade & Fox Co. Neptune Hyaluronic Face Mist, $15
Jade & Fox Co. Flower Power Toner, $18 (pictured)
Jade & Fox Co. Fineapple Face Mask, $22
Jade & Fox Co. Maui Wowie Serum, $17 (pictured)
Jade & Fox Co. Angel Eyes Under Eye Cream, $24
Jade & Fox Co. Crushed Velvet Butter, $26
Jade & Fox Co. Honeysuckle Spray, $14
Jade & Fox Co. Lust Oil, $15
Jade & Fox Co. Crush Body Oil, $17
Jade & Fox Co. Vixen Oil, $15
Jade & Fox Co. ‘Show Girl’ Body Oil, $17
Jade & Fox Co. Siren Highlighter, $18 (pictured)
Makeup/Beauty/Hair Brands:
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Plain Jane Beauty (pictured)
Mented Cosmetics (pictured) 
Beauty Bakerie 
Bovanti Cosmetics 
Colour U Cosmetics
Hue Noir 
Gold Label Cosmetics 
Lamik Beauty
Lip Addyct 
Magnolia Makeup 
Lotus Moon Skincare
The Lip Bar (pictured)
Ginger + Liz Nail Polish
Foxie Cosmetics
Blac Minerals Cosmetics (pictured)
Danessa Lyrics Beauty
Lena Lashes
AJ Crimson Beauty
KSquared Nail Paint
Kinky Curly Yaki
Heat Free Hair Movement
Big Chop Hair
Princess Hair Shop
Haute Kinky Hair
Private Stock Kair
Catface Hair
Mischo Beauty (pictured)
Brown Butter Beauty (pictured)
Her Muse Studio
Elo Lipcare (pictured)
Glam Goth Beauty (pictured)
For The Fashion Conscious:
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Galerie.la Abbot Corduroy Knit Robe Berry, $98
Galerie.la Denim Crop Bra, $35
Galerie.la Golden Organic Cotton Crop Bra, $35 (pictured)
Galerie.la Recycled Cotton Baby Tee Black, $39
Galerie.la Alicia Crossbody Brown Bag, $85 (pictured)
Galerie.la Stacking Rings Brass, $25 (pictured)
Galerie.la Diamond Stacking Ring, $25
Galerie.la Petite Arch Earrings Brass, $34
Galerie.la Thelma Top Mauve, $48
Galerie.la Silver Hashtag Earrings, $58
Galerie.la Cascade Dress Charcoal, $59
Galerie.la Petra Jumpsuit Charcoal, $65 (pictured)
Galerie.la Sabbath Cocoon Tunic, $98
Galerie.la Flap Wallet Mustard, $79
Galerie.la Zipper Wallet Blush, $69
Glam Goth ‘Goon’ Beanie (red), $25
Glam Goth ‘Goon’ Beanie (black), $25
Glam Goth ‘Goth’ Cap, $30 (pictured)
Glam Goth ‘The Young Angel’ T-Shirt, $20
Instant Vintage - Azul by Giancarlo Bolero, $55
Instant Vintage - Merlot Veiled Hat, $30
Instant Vintage - Turquoise Velvet Bow with Headband, $45
Instant Vintage - Sweetheart Floral Dress, $48 (pictured)
Sir and Madame Striped Wool Split Back Shirt, $75
Sir and Madame Logo T-Shirt, $40
Sir and Madame 'Madame’ Cropped Tank, $28
Sir and Madame 70′s Script T-Shirt, $45
Sir and Madame “A Better Tomorrow” T-Shirt, $40
Sir and Madame Red Wing Engineer Boot, $75
Sir and Madame Jungle Camo Woven Shirt, $45
A Life Well Dressed ‘Artsy’ Statement Cap, $16 (pictured)
A Life Well Dressed ‘Create’ Statement T-Shirt, $20
Gregory Sylvia ‘Farrah’ Watch, $95
Gregory Sylvia ‘Chandler’ Watch, $78 (pictured)
Gregory Sylvia ‘Rosen’ Watch, $105 (slightly over budget but a beautiful watch!)
Gregory Sylvia ‘Crimson Crave’ Wallet, $69
Tree Fairfax Lois Belt, $40
Tree Fairfax Distressed Wrap Clutch/Wallet, $54
Chris Cardi ‘H St. Nostalgia’ Tee, $30.03
Chris Cardi ‘Bastards’ Tee, $30.03
Sole Rebels ‘The Surge’ Shoe, $90
Sole Rebels ‘The Exodus Ahhh’ Shoe, $100
Sole Rebels ‘The StepUP’ Shoe, $95
Sole Rebels ‘The Exodus RIFF’ Shoe, $100 (pictured)
Sole Rebels ‘TooTOOS Holees’ Shoe, $85
Enbois ‘Jafari’ Watch (Zebra), $85
For the Bookworm:
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‘The Water Dancer’ by Ta-Nehisi Coates, $28 (pictured)
‘Deathless Divide by Justina Ireland, $18.99 (pictured)
‘Black Talk: Words and Phrases from the Hood to the Amen Corner’ by Geneva Smitherman, $6.38 (pictured)
‘Talkin and Testifyin: The Language of Black America’ by Geneva Smitherman, $7.77 (pictured)
‘White Negroes: When Cornrows Were in Vogue ... and Other Thoughts on Cultural Appropriation’ by Lauren Michele Jackson, $23.49
‘Mules and Men’ by Zora Neale Hurston, $15.99 (pictured)
‘The Black Book’ edited by Toni Morrison, $35
‘Bloodchild and Other Stories’ by Octavia Butler, $14
‘Rebel’ by Beverly Jenkins, $7.99
‘B. Smith: Rituals & Celebrations’ by B. Smith, $35 (pictured)
Rayo & Honey ‘Eat Words, Drink Stars’ Pin, $12 (pictured)
Rayo & Honey ‘Read More, Writer Better’ Banner, $50 (pictured)
Rayo & Honey ‘Books Change Your Mind’ Banner, $55
Rayo & Honey ‘Hundreds of Books Under My Skin’ Bookmark, $8 (pictured)
For the Kids:
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Yinibini Baby ‘Trunk of Hearts’ Elephant One-Piece, $29.50
Yinibini Baby ‘My Neighborhood in DC’ Tee, $26.00 (pictured)
Jade & Fox Co. Fantasy Body Lotion for Babies, $16
Duchess365 Framed Art Print [Ladybug], $57.99
Duchess365 Throw Pillow [Lollipop], $29.99 (pictured)
Duchess365 Framed Art Pillow, $47.99 (pictured)
Herbaceutikals Talc Free Baby Organic Baby Powder, $14.25 (pictured)
‘Party, A Mystery’ by Jamaica Kincaid, $17.95 (pictured)
‘The Last Last-Day-of-Summer’ by Lamar Giles, $8.49
‘Puppy Truck’ by Brian Pinkney, $11.38 (pictured)
‘Libba: The Magnificent Musical Life of Elizabeth Cotten)’ by Laura Veirs, $17.99
‘Little Melba and Her Big Trombone’ by Katheryn Russell-Brown, $18.95 (pictured)
Vee + Co. Apothecary ‘Mamatoto’ Aromatherapy Roller, $12
KaAn’s Designs ‘Living The Dream’ Denim Jacket, $40 (pictured)
Sir & Madame ‘Sir’ Kids Pullover, $55
Amina Abdul Jillil Kids Velvet Sneaker, $89 (pictured)
For the Masculine:
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Gregory Sylvia ‘Durham’ Watch, $78 (pictured)
Gregory Sylvia ‘Grayson’ Watch, $95
Gregory Sylvia ‘Fullerton’ Watch, $95.00
A Life Well Dressed ‘Create’ Sweater, $34
A Life Well Dressed ‘District of Champions’ Sweater, $48
Sir & Madame Scratch Goods Beard Oil, $24 (pictured)
Sir & Madame ‘Sir’ Shirt (Blue), $40 (pictured)
Sir & Madame ‘Sir Shirt (Orange), $40
Sir & Madame Classic Logo Beanie (Gray), $40
Sir & Madame Classic Logo Beanie (Orange), $40 (pictured)
Sir & Madame ‘Sir’ Long Sleeve Black Shirt, $55
Sir & Madame ‘Sir’ Lapel Pin, $10
Instant Vintage - Pink and Blue Plaid Pants, $50 (pictured)
Instant Vintage - Camel Leather Blazer, $90
Instant Vintage - Tan Trench Coat, $60
Enbois ‘The Weekend’ Bag, $60 (pictured)
Enbois ‘Cocoa Collection’ Bracelets, $50 (pictured)
Enbois ‘Garvey’ Watch (Black), $70 (pictured)
Vee + Co. Beard Mist, $12
Vee + Co. Beard Oil, $20
Vee + Co. Beard Wash Shampoo + Conditioner, $18
Mr. Blackmans Bergamot & Spice Beard Balm, $11.99
Scotch Porter Nourish & Repair Hair Conditioner, $24.99
Scotch Porter Hydrating Hair Wash, $24.99
Scotch Porter Charcoal & Licorice Moisture Defend Face Lotion, $19.99
Levi Fisher Balm Diggity Softening Beard Butter, $12.99
Levi Fisher Smooth Operator Detangling & Conditioning Beard Serum, $9.99
Levi Fisher Go Tea Herbal Grooming Spray for Short Hair and Beards, $9.99
Sole Rebels ‘exodus Traveller ‘Shoes, $100
Sole Rebels ‘stepUP Ed. 2′ Shoes, $95 (pictured)
Sole Rebels ‘the SURGE any’ Shoes, $90
For The Technologically Savvy:
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Enbois Case iPhone 7/7plus/8/8plus/iPhone X/iPhone XS/iPhone XR, $12 (pictured)
Enbois Walnut Case iPhone 6/7/8, $8
Enbois Rosewood Case iPhone 6/7/8, $8
Enbois Power Bank, $15 (pictured)
Enbois Grip Socket, $3 (pictured)
Embrii Shop Iridescent Macbook Case, $49
Embrii Shop Matte Gold Messenger Laptop Sleeve, $39
Embrii Shop Champagne Gold Glitter Macbook Case, $49
Embrii Shop Emerald Tartan MacBook Case, $49
Chic Geeks Black Faux Crocodile MacBook Case, $78
Chic Geeks Emerald Faux Crocodile MacBook Case, $78
Chic Geeks Grey Marble MacBook Case, $68 (pictured)
Chic Geeks Rose Gold Keyboard Cover, $12 (pictured)
Chic Geeks Space Gray Ombre Keyboard Cover, $12
Chic Geeks Emerald Faux Crocodile iPad Case, $78 (pictured)
Chic Geeks Unicorn Sparkle iPad Case, $68 (pictured)
Chic Geeks Emerald Glitter MacBook Case, $58
Chic Geeks Black Marble MacBook Case, $68
Chic Geeks Gray Marble iPad Case, $58
Puku G8 Earphones, $29 (pictured)
Khristian A. Howell Fig Life Sleek and Chic Phone Case, $39.99 (pictured)
Khristian A. Howell Deuces Sleek and Chic Phone Case, $39.99
Khristian A. Howell Buffalo Plaid Sleek and Chic Phone Case, $39.99
Cards, Stationery and Gift Wrap:
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Greentop Gifts Clarence Claus Candy Canes & Trees Gift Wrap, $7.50 (pictured)
Greentop Gifts Clarence Claus ‘HOHOHO’ Gift Wrap, $7.50 (pictured)
Greentop Gifts Clarence Claus Close Up Gift Wrap, $7.50 
Greentop Gifts Clarence Claus Gift Bag, $4.50
Sweet Potato Paper Red Plaid Gift Wrap, $9.95
Sweet Potato Paper Yellow Triangles Gift Wrap, $9.95
Sweet Potato Paper ‘Can Swim’ Gift Wrap, $9.95 (pictured)
Sweet Potato Paper ‘No Worries’ Notecards, $10.50
Sweet Potato Paper ‘Sunny Thanks’ Thank You Cards, $1.25 per card 
Sweet Potato Paper ‘Audio Thanks’ Thank You Cards, $1.25 per card (pictured)
Sweet Potato Paper Blotting Paper, $1.25 per sheet 
The DynaSmiles Stationery & Gifts Assorted Christmas Cards Bundle, $28
The DynaSmiles "Fro La La" 4x6 Sticker Sheet, $3.50 (pictured)
The DynaSmiles "Santa's Beard" Christmas Collectible Mug, $20 (pictured)
Addie Rawr ‘A Room Full of Dolls’ Adult Coloring Book, $15
Addie Rawr Fall Dolls Stickers (Die Cut & Sticker Sheets), $6.50
Midnight Reflections Melanin Prima Ballerina Ceramic Ornaments, $15.99 (pictured)
Midnight Reflections Kwanzaa Wrapping Paper Kit, $15.99
Midnight Reflections Black Santa Gift Bag Kit, $18.99
Midnight Reflections Black Angel Wrapping Paper Kit, $8.99 (pictured)
Midnight Reflections Black Santa with Snow Flakes Wrapping Paper Kit, $8.99 
Khristian A. Howell Rosey Holiday Gift Wrap, $8.99
Khristian A. Howell Rosy Twinkle Gift Wrap, $8.99
Khristian A. Howell Ansley Park Gift Wrap, $8.99
Kashmir.VIII ‘Maya’ Notebook, $11 (pictured)
Kashmir.VIII ‘The Marathon Continues’ Sticker, $9-$20
385 notes · View notes
swden-bookelves · 4 years
Reading Challenge 2021
Let’s try anew this year.
365 days. 50 books.
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Current Book: /
Book Count: 45
MA. G. Howard - Herzkönigin (Dark Wonderland #1)
Detektiv Conan: Band 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Haley Cass - Those who wait
Charlotte Royal - Einladung zur Sünde
Haley Cass - Forever and a day (#1.5 Those who wait side story)
Daphne Teubner - Biestige Küsse (Es war vielmal #1)
H. P. Lovecraft - From Beyond
H. P. Lovecraft - Herbert West: Reanimator
Amy Ewing - Die Gabe (Das Juwel #1)
Vina Jackson -  80 Days: die Farbe der Lust
Bianca Iosivoni - Sturmtochter #2: Für immer verloren
Stephen King - Carrie
H. P. Munro - Mutual Benefits
Sienna Waters - The Wrong Date
Amy Ewing - Die Weiße Rose (Das Juwel #2)
Kim Kaar - Crazy in Love #1 (Gefährlich schön)
Amy Ewing - Der schwarze Schlüssel (Das Juwel #3)
Clara Reese - Fake Fiancée
Haley Cass - When you least expect it
Marie Andrevsky - Liebe sieht mit dem Herzen
Die Drei Fragezeichen und der Super-Papagei
Jennifer Benkau - Von Sternen gekrönt (One True Queen #1)
Ellen Alpsten - die Zarin
Jennifer Benkau - Aus Schatten geschmiedet (One True Queen #2)
Clare Lydon, T.B. Markinson - One Golden Summer
Claudia Siegmann - Die Rache der Fee (Märchenfluch #2)
Die Drei Fragezeichen: Sinfonie der Angst
Marah Woolf - Liebe mich nicht (#1 Götterfunke)
Claudia Siegmann - Der Kuss der Wahrheit (Märchenfluch #3)
H. P. Lovecraft - Facts concerning the late Arthur Hermyn and his family
H.P. Lovecraft - The Descendant
Die Drei Fragezeichen: Signale aus dem Jenseits
H. P. Lovecraft - The Outsider
Edgar Allan Poe - William Wilson
W. W. Jacobs - The Monkey's Paw
2 notes · View notes
(Today’s fic is a Beastars au! If you’ve never heard of Beastars, think Zootopia with higher stakes despite being set in a high school. Five books of the manga are out in English and the anime’s coming to Netflix this month, if you’re curious.
I’m really proud of this one, so let me know what you think!)
318/365: Animal
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke: Rex Rabbit
At first, Ryuunosuke’s sure it’s fear.
Fear causes his ears to perk straight up when the new student steps in front of the class. Fear causes his nose to twitch, his eyes to grow.
“Class, this is our new student,” the teacher says as the tiger writes his name on the board. “He just moved here. Let’s give him a warm welcome.”
The tiger has unusual white fur. He’s large, as all tigers are, but oddly lanky. When he turns and faces the class, his eyes almost seem to glow with a strange mix of lavender and gold.
“I’m…” he begins to say, but he mumbles, not opening his mouth much. He looks down at the floor and shuffles his feet, countenance completely missing a predator’s usual confidence.
The teacher shoots him a stern look.
“Speak up, please,” he says sharply. The tiger tenses, golden eyes wide, but finally, he opens his lips.
Fear causes Ryuu’s rabbit heart to hammer against his ribs at the sight of the tiger’s teeth.
“I’m Nakajima Atsushi!” He says, enormous fangs glistening in his mouth. He adds, bowing sharply, “It’s a pleasure to meet you all!”
“Welcome, Nakajima-san,” everyone calls back. Everyone except Ryuu, who has frozen to his chair.
Nakajima Atsushi: White Tiger
“You’re Akutagawa-san, right?”
Ryuu practically jumps out of his seat as Atsushi speaks. He whips his head up, staring at the tiger, who blinks innocently as if unaware of the intimidation exuded by his mere presence.
“The one who runs the literature club?” Atsushi says, still mumbling, lips practically closed. He seems almost shy, eyes darting around, tail swiping across the floor.
Ryuu’s sure it’s a farce.
“Yes,” he mutters, narrowing his eyes, wishing he could climb on his desk to stand taller than his feline classmate, but also knowing that would make him look even more ridiculous. So he simply stands. “How did you know about that?”
Atsushi turns, eyes sweeping over the emptying classroom. “He told me,” he says, pointing at a red fox a few rows over, who leans back in his chair so far that only two of its legs still sit on the floor.
The fox’s large ears twitch, and he looks in their direction.
“You’re always saying we need more members,” Chuuya points out. Ryuu wants to wring his neck.
Nakahara Chuuya - Red Fox
“Who goes to a new school and the first thing they want to join is the literature club?”
Ryuu shrugs, eyes fixed to his phone screen as he chews on his straw.
“He didn’t,” Chuuya points out, sitting down at the lunch table, drawing Ryuu’s grey eyes to him. Michizou falls silent.
“How do you know?” asks Higuchi. Chuuya rolls his eyes.
“‘Cause the guy is as subtle as a sledgehammer,” he scoffs. “He saw me talking to Ryuunosuke-kun after first period, came up to me after second period, and asked if he was in any type of club.”
Ryuu nearly chokes on his straw and successfully drops his phone in his salad.
“WHAT?!” Higuchi roars.
The lunchroom falls silent for a split second, staring at the wolf, and her muzzle ignites in a fierce red blush as she lowers herself back into her seat.
“Are you saying he joined the club just for Ryuunosuke-kun?” Michizou says skeptically after curious eyes turn away and Higuchi scrambles to wipe the dressing off of Ryuu’s phone. “What’s so interesting about him?”
Ryuu shoots the lizard a glare, silencing him.
“Maybe he likes you,” Chuuya wonders.
All eyes at the table turn to Ryuu, whose hands twist in his lap, who turns to stare at the table, whose shoulders tense and square up.
“He wants to eat me.”
For a moment, no one says anything. The silence feels palpable.
“D-don’t joke about that!” Higuchi finally stammers. Ryuu looks at her from the corner of his narrowed eyes.
“I wasn’t joking.”
No one at that table finishes their lunch.
Higuchi - Gray Wolf
Understandably, when they begin that day’s club meeting, Higuchi won’t let Atsushi anywhere near Ryuu. Ryuu in no way minds.
Even so, he still can’t focus, only staring at the tiger as the other club members debate the day’s reading and writing assignments.
“You’re unusually quiet, Akutagawa-kun,” Ranpo points out all of a sudden, beak clacking. “Is something on your mind?”
All eyes turn to him, and Ryuu suddenly feels even smaller than normal.
“I…” he begins, eyes darting around until they fixate on Atsushi.
“Do you want me to get you a cup of water?” The tiger asks. Ryuu manages to shake his head.
“N… N-no,” he finally says. “I-i’m fine. We’re still talking about Rashoumon, right?”
Higuchi frowns.
“We stopped discussing that over ten minutes ago,” she says. “Nakajima-kun was just telling us how he likes to write short stories.”
Ryuu’s nose twitches. He hadn’t even noticed the tiger begin to speak.
“Alright,” he mutters, ears facing completely forward, putting all his effort into focusing.
No amount of effort can stop his heart from racing when Atsushi smiles, and his fangs gleam white as alabaster.
Tachihara Michizou - Monitor Lizard
Ryuu practically runs as soon as the club’s adjourned. He clutches his books tight to his chest, staring at the ground, mind on white fur and honey-lavender eyes.
And teeth. Long, knife-like, bone-crushing teeth.
He’s too focused. Even with his ears, he hears the warning a second too late.
And he’s pushed to the ground. Dirt flies into his face, his books fall out of his arms, and a heavy weight lands on top of him.
“That… That was close.”
Ryuu freezes. Slowly, afraid to look at him, he turns his eyes to the tiger that holds him to the ground.
Atsushi smiles sheepishly, fangs inches from Ryuu’s neck.
“If that baseball had hit you, you would’ve been out cold,” he says. “Sorry my first instinct was to-”
Ryuu lets out a cry he didn’t know he was capable of.
A high-pitched, primitive rabbit’s scream bursts from his mouth. He swipes his claws across the tiger’s nose, causing him to rear back, freeing Ryuu, who grabs his books and scrambles to his feet.
He runs and doesn’t look back.
Edogawa Ranpo - Magpie
Safe in his dorm, Ryuu shakes. He clutches his pillow to his chest, eyes wide, and he shakes.
He’s never felt fear like this before. Not from Higuchi, not from Chuuya, not from any of the other predators in the school. It’s not like Atsushi is the biggest, or the fiercest, or even the most intimidating.
So why him? Why does every look he sends Ryuu’s way cause his heart to try and escape from his chest? Why do his fangs send chills down his spine? Why can he see only him whenever he enters a room, even when they’re surrounded by other animals?
A knock hits the door, and Ryuu’s ears perk up.
The rabbit freezes. It’s him, in the prey dorms. He tracked him here, or asked where he went. He’s been searching for him.
“You… You left your notebook in the schoolyard.”
Ryuu’s careful not to make a sound. Still, he leans forward on his bed, looking to the door, watching the shadows of Atsushi’s feet.
“Look, I… I’m sorry about earlier.”
Slowly, perhaps only through morbid curiosity, Ryuu steps onto the floor. His furred feet make no noise at all.
“I acted without thinking, and… I’m sure there were better ways to keep that ball from hitting you other than tackling you to the ground.”
Ryuu can hear his heartbeat. It’s as fast as his; they’re almost beating in sync.
“I must’ve really scared you,” Atsushi whispers, and Ryuu stops in his tracks when his voice cracks.
“I know I’m scary,” he sighs. “That’s why I don’t open my mouth much. You noticed that, right? Everyone does. They think it’s weird that I don’t want to show my fangs.”
Ryuu steps to the door. He places his hands on it, his ear against it.
“But I don’t want to scare anyone, you know? Especially not someone I-!”
He stops, cutting himself off. His heart skips a beat as he takes a few deep breaths.
“... I’m sorry,” he says again after a moment. “For scaring you.”
Ryuu opens the door. Nose still scraped but no longer bleeding, Atsushi’s ears perk up slightly. And realization hits Ryuu like a thousand oceans crashing into him, washing over him, drowning him.
“I’m not scared of you.”
Atsushi’s jaw drops open. Without saying another word, Ryuu takes his notebook out of his outstretched hands and begins to step back inside his room.
But after composing himself, Atsushi manages to speak once again.
“... I’m glad,” he smiles, those same fangs stirring up those same feelings in Ryuu’s core.
Except now he knows how to label them.
So he simply nods, closing the door, listening to Atsushi’s footsteps fade down the hallway, sliding against the wall, heart feeling as if it’s going to explode.
It had never been fear, after all.
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