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gwnprscla · 2 months ago
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starzpsychics · 1 year ago
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Animal Spirit Guide the Elephant
The animal spirit guide elephant is wise and gentle and represents perseverance, power, and strength. If elephant has come into your life it probably means you are becoming more tuned in to your positive feminine attributes.
Totem animal elephant is family orientated and focuses on the future, having strong social bonds, the elephant inspires respect and brings powerful lessons in personal growth.
This animal spirit guide brings the message to protect the weak in your family (this includes those you consider family such as close friends), and asks you to appreciate how your family’s unity, loyalty, and love, function as a formidable protection energy around you all.
Wisdom of the Power Spirit Animal Elephant
When the elephant comes into your life it could be a signal to slow down, take things one step at a time and focus on your study / goals. The elephant totem animal also reminds you that “Some things in life are worth waiting for.”
Read More: Animal Spirit Guide the Elephant (starzpsychics.com)
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dust-child · 1 year ago
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eric-sadahire · 1 year ago
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Checking in with my spirit guide to make sure I signed up for the easy, breezy, abundant 2024, and not the trials and tribulations package.
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mastertarotreaderblog · 1 year ago
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trustedastrology · 10 days ago
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Did you know the Ram perfectly represents Aries energy? 🐏💥 Discover its traits, myths, and spiritual lessons—plus how to harness its fiery power! 🔥
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wendalyz · 3 months ago
my tears serve as an offering to those who came before me...to let them know that honoring their existence is my lifes purpose. a thank you to them for paving a way for me in this world.
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kozuemori · 8 months ago
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※ 『先祖/身内/知人霊』の場合、ご指定の方が必ずコンタクトを取ってくるとは限りません。ご相談者に一番メッセージを伝えたい方が現れる可能性が大きいです。
メール:[email protected]
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jenniferoriana · 9 months ago
For the past six months, I’ve been on a relentless pursuit of achievement.
I finally landed myself in some big cosmic juicy juice.
I been raising, been working, been twerking, been feeling and mother f*cking healing some deep threads.
I landed my ultimate dream reality role, and I was not going to allow anything, or anyone stop me from that path of trajectory forward.
From early mornings to late nights (and by late nights, I mean I pass out by 9pm) I pushed myself to the brink, convinced that this was the path to success in a very new, yet rewarding path.
But recently, I had an epiphany.
I realized that I’d been acting like a wingnut, spinning in circles and burning out my mental circuits.
I been too focused on thinking, instead of being.
I hadn’t allowed myself to make space to enjoy what I had cultivated.
I had been too busy burning the candle at both ends.
I decided it was time for a change.
As a high achiever,
I believed that success required sacrifice.
I woke daily early a.m.
Fuelled by ambition and caffeine.
My days were a blur of tasks, deadlines, and self-imposed pressure.
Getting sucked into the career wormhole and literally running on autopilot.
And, the work isn't going anywhere...
I realised, I was putting T&C’s on my own damn manifestations.
I needed something to shift, and fast!
So I decided to break the cycle.
Instead of my usual 5 a.m, jump out of bed, punch 2 coffees and an energy drink before 8am (Yes, I want to punch my own self in the face for being so dumb)
I found myself having to work a later shift, which meant I HAD to try something different.
The next day,
I allowed myself to gradually and organically wake.
I sat with my mantras.
I appreciated my coffee
I hugged my son in the morning.
I hung out with my animals.
I took my f*cking time.
AND the world didn't f*coming collapse!
LIBERATION, in acknowledgement.
My life and soul goals are not measured on short-term success.
I'm embedding the ancient craft of alchemy.
Dancing on the fractals of time and space.
I want to be present, balanced, and an active pleasurable participant in all aspects of life.
That means saying no to burnout and yes to sustainable growth.
It means embracing my humanity—the messy, imperfect, beautiful journey.
So here I am,
No longer being a wingnut, spinning aimlessly.
Instead, I’m charting a course toward longevity—a life where achievement and well-being coexist.
Where magick exists in the “mundane”
And your reality, is only what you tell yourself about it- and how your belief systems define what you’re experiencing
Take a deep breath, reassess your priorities, and find your balance.
You deserve it.
Remember, my fellow earthlings: We’re not machines.
We’re complex, evolving houseplants.
Let’s honour that.
With gratitude,
Jennifer Oriana
Sent from Mail for Windows
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saturninemysticthreads · 1 year ago
Your opinion matters! Share your thoughts below.
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pbcnita · 1 year ago
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bianca-alexander88 · 1 year ago
I’m sitting in the backyard enjoying what is likely one of the last nice days of autumn this year before the weather shifts into the winter season, full gear. Casually reclining in a seated butterfly variation, snuggled into a large black papazani chair, I wear my “i’m a yoga teacher” badge on my sleeve. My two dogs rest on their own cushion at my feet; they’re the luxurious pugs who feature as prominently on my social media feed as I do myself.
I sip a Stella — also casually. I’ve spent the last hour or so watching the birds, busy one of two of the feeders I put out for them. I’m trying to make them fat for winter. The sun feels incredible on my skin; I’m truly a solar powered individual; I feel better about life when the sun is shining — I’m assuming like most of the human population. The night time is for sleep.
The dogs burst into barking fit, disturbing the birds and sending them as a solid alarmed flock into the bush, exploding into feathered cloud of loud chirping which is followed by the angry nattering of a familiar squirrel: he and the raccoon I saw on our surveillance cameras share this backyard with a couple rabbits.
I dropped my partner off at the airport this afternoon and then popped into Costco to grab some essentials like fruits, cheese, shrimp, as well as fudgicles… and bird seed… I’m a 30 year old blonde woman so I am used to being stared at when I go out into public, often it’s simply because of the colour of my hair. Some people fetishize blonde hair.
I saw myself in a dream last night for the first time ever and wouldn’t you know it, “I” was an angel of death, coming to bring my future geriatric self to my end. I die in bed.
I’m listening to a mother yell at her son in a house with a backyard that connects to ours.
Anyway, I found myself in bed in this dream, a room with two twin beds side by side with a basic nightstand between; the entrance was at the foot of the bed and their was a latch window above the top of the beds. No one was in the other bed.
I check my email and try to avoid continuing with this narrative; I chew the skin around my nails compulsively. I pause to message my partner who is boarding his plane currently; I finish my beer.
In the dream I am on my back looking toward the door when my younger self walks into the room and sits on the edge of the bed across from me. I’m paralyzed and I’m desperately trying to greet her with understanding pleasantries; I know why she’s here, I understand and I accept; I even express gratitude. I try again and again to greet her, pressing out laboured exhales instead of the articulate language I seek to express. She gets up and steps towards the window, unlatching it and opening it.
I try to say thank you, thank you, thank you again and again, as I strain pitifully to crane my neck around to watch her open the window, making sure my soul can escape the room.  She comes nearer my bed and places her hands above my pelvis; the rhinestones on the front of my sweater shine with reflected light, her light.
She looks at me and I know what's coming as she moves her left hand to hover it above my heart, all five finger tips squeezed tightly together as she pinches and pulls directly up, her gesture creating an energetic upward action, drawing my soul out of my body with a gasp — I snap awake and I realize instantly what the dream means. 
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starzpsychics · 1 year ago
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Animal Spirit Guide the Owl
The animal spirit guide is a psychological and spiritual symbol, for example your spirit totem animal gives a glimpse into your past and can provide a glimpse into your present and possible future. An animal totem will offer spiritual guidance.To best understand the lessons conveyed by the power spirit animal involves learning their instinctual behaviours and natural habitats.
The animal spirit guide communicates the qualities we need or lack in our daily lives.
There are 4 types of power spirit animal guides: messenger, journey, life, and shadow.
The animal messenger guide appears to warn or guide you through a specific situation, this animal stays with you until the message is received or the situation has passed
The journey totem animal appears when you reach a crossroad, and a decision needs to be made for progression. This animal will stay with you until your journey is complete this can take days, weeks, months even years.
The life animal spirit guide remain with you throughout your life, this animal is a reflection of you.
Read More:Animal Spirit Guide the Owl (starzpsychics.com)
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spiritualmeanings · 2 years ago
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mastertarotreaderblog · 1 year ago
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todaycoza · 2 years ago
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-Let me sing you the song of my Peep-Peep-Peeps-
21 April 2023
Moving Picture 2250 x 4000
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