#the escape trilogy
andromedan-prince · 2 years
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in this house we love and respect indie pixel games
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pingu-4 · 3 days
I've seen a lot of raven!Neil fics where neil helps jean and Kevin escape form ravens and he escapes with them/joins them later.
But what I really need to see is a fic from jean's and kevin's pov, where they escape but Neil is stuck being a raven, stuck being nathaniel.
I want to see them join foxes but still think about what is happening with Neil right now, what punishments he is getting for their escape. I want to see them scared for his well-being, while not being able to patch him up or do anything. I want to see them trying to heal, being full of guilt at the same time, because Neil, their ally, their savior, their brother is probably going through hell because of them right now and he's all alone. I want to see them guilty, because Neil has helped them so many times, he had saved them and they left him there to suffer, even though they know that if they even tried to come back to nest Neil would kill them himself.
I want to see Jean mourning his partner forever. I want to see him turining around expecting Neil to be there only to see empty spot next to him. I want to see him grabing car keys to go back to nest, to Neil, when loneliness, guilt, fear, everything is too much, only to be stopped by Kevin from doing anything stupid, from going back to their abusers. I want him trying to keep up on living, only because Neil gave up on his freedom, his life for it. I want Jean to miss his little British devil, while literally anything reminds him of neil.
I want Kevin getting himself drunk only not to think about about what it cost for him to be at foxes, not to think about who pays for it, who he had left behind. I want him to wonder why Neil sacrifaced himself for him, he understands why Neil did it for jean, but him? What did he do to deserve it? I want him to feel guilty he didn't help Neil more, to wonder why he didn't do anything when he had the chance, wonder if he would be brave enough to do anything different if he had a chance to. I want Kevin to miss this loud mouth who gave him a chance of better life.
I want them both to live with a ghost of Neil among them. To talk about him, what would he do in any situation, what they remember about him even though it causes them pain and they are trying to move on, because they are too afraid to forget about him. I want them to wonder why they didn't manage to force him to go with them. I want to see them hoping to see Neil every morning when they wake up, only to be met with harsh reality. To think every short red-head might be him. To have so many feeling when they get that one phone call from Neil. To wonder if there is any way that they can help him. I want to see them as puzzles with one piece missing, learning to live that way.
I want to see the foxes wondering who that raven jean and Kevin often talk about is. To wonder who is that guy that they never met, that had such a big impact and is so important to these two broken boys. I want foxes to see Kevin and jean and just know that they lost something, that even though they escaped and are healing, they are still grieving someone. I want them to hear stories that involve that third person, that "neil" but never getting a direct answer as to who exactly he is and what happened to him.
I want Jean and Kevin hearing the news that "nathaniel wesninski" got injured in some freaky incident and them knowing it wasn't and incident. I want them to be terryfied of what riko did to Neil. Or being even more terryfied of what if it was Neil that did something to himself. They know he is strong, stronger then them both, but what if when he is all alone, facing hell, without any support, without anyone who he has to fight for he finally gave up and decided to die on his own terms?
I want them to see other news, that he had died from these injures, and just break down not believing that Neil, their Neil is gone. Is gone and they weren't there for him in his last moment. I want Kevin and jean to wonder if he knew how much he mattered to them, to wonder if they had said it to him, made it aware to him enough times. I want them to suffer because they promised that all of them will escape one day, but while Kevin and Jean are foxes now, Neil forever will be stuck a raven, forever will be remembered as nathaniel wesninski by most people, will never be able to make Neil a real person for someone else then the three of them. I want them to think about how the one person who saved their lifes, gave them a reason to live, died himself and they didn't do anything to prevent it, didn't manage to stop it. I want them to finally spill all the truth to the foxes. To see Jean and kevin learning to live with all of it, trying to live to their fullest, maybe even dedicating their games to Neil. For them, to do it for themselves. And for Neil.
Or i want them to finally have enough, realizing that this is the last moment where they can do something to help, when they hear about the injury. To see them somehow getting Neil out and seeing how much more he is hurt, mentally and physically than he was the last time they saw him, but still being the same old neil. Being happy that he finally is with them but also sad seeing him in that state. I want them to get Neil into foxes, not wanting to leave him, worried, being very protective of him and helping him heal too. Making neil josten real. To have foxes to finally meet that Neil they heard about and being surprised to see how Kevin and jean, not very warm or open people are so fond of him, how they act so different towards him, how they finally are the way they were supposed to be. Together.
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minty364 · 10 months
DPXDC Prompt #95
He woke up knowing his name and his civilian name but nothing else about himself. Danny looked around to find himself locked in a room on what looked like a space station. When he figures out the mechanism that unlocked the door, for whatever reason it was set up for, he ventures out into the rest of the station. Danny finds out he’s not alone and there are several others that seemed to share the same problem.
They scoured the space station but the zeta tubes that one of them remembers doesn’t seem to be working and they keep finding things from these companies called Dalvco and Lexicorp. Danny only remembers hearing these names but Dalvco gives him a really bad feeling about what was going on here. For some reason the rest of the station was set up like a giant puzzle.
It would be interesting to leave all these red herrings that Vlad or Lex were the masterminds but reveal at the end it was really set up by Talia trying to get Danny to remember his time in the league or something by putting him in a stressful and unknown situation hopeful that it would cause enough distress that Danny would remember.
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crystaltreebee · 2 months
the falsettos pipeline is real, y’all
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yuenity · 2 months
last night I had a dream that Stephanie J. Block gave me the most emotional performance of Holding to the Ground I’ve ever seen and I cried in front of her
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ineffably-flynn · 10 months
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im so normal about them
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quatregats · 1 month
I feel like the only way I can describe the tragedy of Hornblower chronology is that there is a horizontal asymptote at "Consistent Essence of Hornblower" and a vertical asymptote at the space between Atropos and Beat to Quarters/Happy Return, and his character arc is the line -(1/x)
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kakmem · 7 months
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apparently i haven't posted these so have some Indio sketches ig
(+ Chunco!!!)
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oediex · 6 months
On Horizon, Kaidan gives you a hug, and the fucking Vigil theme starts playing. HELLOO???
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elusiveclownbox · 5 months
SOME ANDREIL/NEIL/ANDREW CODED SONGS (in my humble opinion)(with links to listen)
(because i have the biggest brainrot, they’re also just great songs so please give them a listen!)
Neath The Grove Is A Heart
“Home is where we are now. Home is where you are. Home is where I am standing. Where I'Il be staying forever now”
this entire post is just gonna be my biased interpretations of songs but honestly the entire song gives vibes to me…the places that one would refer to as “home” being a constant ever changing cycle of different places, never being able to stay and settle in a physical place. but finding a home in someone else.
Room By Room
Shayfer James (I’ve almost exclusively been listening to him, so the rest of the songs are his oops)
“If the keys in my hand turned a lock of your hair I would walk through the glance, but I'd stop at the stare. And I'd follow it down To the very last step and I'd wait by the room where your secrets are kept”
THOSE ARE THE FIRST LYRICS cmon mannnn,,,learning the brutal past of someone you love as they allow you in, do i even need to say it?
First Date
Shayfer James
“Tell me your story, and I'll tell you mine, I think we will get along fine. Tell me your riddle, I'll tell you my rhyme, I think we will get along fine. And if the rules change, don't hesitate to say you've had enough of me”
It’s literally the whole beginning of their relationship, a truth for truth, trade for trade. The game of, maybe not necessarily originally trust, but of mutual understanding that grows into trust and respect.
Your Father’s Son
Shayfer James
“So if you're any good at bluffing, I suggest you do it quick 'cause everyone is next to nothing, and every tock will have a tick. It fits so well. What you've become is your father's son which will never be much of anyone”
Oh Neil, you poor boy cowering in the shadow of your father, his legacy locked within your image and the face you share with him. No matter what new name and identity you create, you know your father will never be far behind, you will always be his son. At least, that’s how it used to be.
Learning to Be Lost
Shayfer James
“I am a plagiarized autobiography of wreckage, a shipwreck in sheep's clothes. Be patient with me, I am learning to be lost. Don't be gentle. Never gentle. Be mindful of me, I will sink at any cost”
This I feel resonates more with Andrew, but one could argue resonates with both. They both have tortured pasts that are unspeakable to almost all but each other, but Andrew shoves that past and those memories behind a face of calm indifference and apathy. But they are both navigating a relationship with each other that they are unfamiliar with, and didn’t necessarily intend to enter. As they reveal bit and bit of their pasts, they don’t want pity or sympathy, their pasts are what created them and they refuse to be treated as though they are broken, especially Andrew.
Shayfer James & Kate Douglas
“People can't be trusted and we have to fight to stay alive. We'll always be the enemy, oh. Eye for eye and limb for limb, The blood that I've been swimming in, oh. Mother, I've grown tired of this. Mother, I've grown tired of this. There's beauty and there's empathy, some people might've cared for me. I hid my heart, and stayed inside, instead of moving with the tide”
THIS IS ALLLLL NEIL BABYYY. Blindly continuing to follow his mother’s words and advice, she kept him safe for so long after all (in her own way). He trusted that she loved him, wanted to protect him, but he missed out on so much because of her. Missed out on friends and life in general, people who might have been able to actually help him. If it wasn’t for meeting people more stubborn than him, for wanting to just exist for once, he could’ve been on the run and never settling for so much longer. Or have died.
Carve A Smile
Shayfer James
“And with every kiss you make a better man of me. The safe disguise of accidental lies won’t hide us here, no more, my dear. And I would sacrifice the air that makes my body breathe, if it keeps you safe”
They are both so willing to put themselves in harms way to protect the other, even before they came to realize just how much the other meant to them. Andrew with the intention of winning, and Neil half the time not caring if he ends up dead as long as Andrew is alright.
anyway if anyone has actually made it to this point thank you for listening to my babbling. I can associate any and every song i listen to to whatever i am currently hyper fixating on and i need to express it outwardly. Hopefully yall like the music at least, even if you disagree with my interpretations!
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thefeminine-urge · 2 months
I woke up, and the grief was murderous. Sufficiently insufferable. I am so happy and so sad. So sad, I want to write the shit out of it, but I didn't. The memoir, my Amor Fati, this rooting journey and how to fall asleep at night with myself, who most parts longing for a sanctuary. But, I don't belong. There's only one hideaway. It would entertain me by strange dreams and nightmares. A lot of explicit dreams in the past nights of July. An adulting fantasy at its finest. The opposite of dream is nightmare, I had one of many about being in a car with my mom, dad and brother - we were on a ride at the edge of the sea and the car flipped right into the water but I escaped while the others drowned in. How ironic, my life is a movie. The Evil Eyes are watching me, perhaps. Reading me through the mirror shaped like a door to the abyss I just placed in my room. I'm happy to get to see how much I have grown day by day, and I remember death, so I shy away on wanting too much. But in nature, I'm still a naughty rebellious girl. My growth goes, for an instance, not from the root of a tree but from its trunk being cut down. Now I understand why some trees were slaughtered or plants get trimmed, it's for them to grow anew. Just like hair scientifically. Just like me. I missed a lot of July's sunlight, and my favourite park is like my other abandoned hobbies and dreams. I befriended the capitalistic sapiens and let them milked blood out of my breast. Forgive me, for I have sin to keep this lung pumping and this heart beating. My after effect should cause them to grow fonder of life that is not merely all about hustling to the grave, but a good life is like having access to real nourishing food and as simple as real love should be and divine intervention to guide through path after path. In case life ends, I don't want us to leave an empty journal we wished to write because time is truly brutal, and the metaverse has taken us over. What we feel and think is precious, more than any currency will ever be, and AI will never reach a human's peak.
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give maya heelys.
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musewrangler · 9 days
“All right,” the Colonel said slowly, rubbing at the healing leg. Anakin recalled those muscle pains up his arm as he got used to using the prosthetic. “Could we start with these two questions? One, who might desire to pit Naboo and the Republic against each other? And two—-is there anyone in the Republic who stands to gain from these hostilities?”
Anakin rose and extended a hand to Veers who accepted his help in hauling him to his feet.
“Excellent questions, Veers. And ones we will need to be very discreet about as we search for answers. Because I suspect that someone might have even infiltrated the Chancellor’s security given how thoroughly I was stonewalled.”
The Colonel looked grim, but he inclined his head in agreement.
“Then let us get to it, sir. Or I confess I might have to go AWOL to get my friend.”
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that, Colonel,” Anakin told him, grinning a little as they walked out of the gym. “But I’ll be right beside you if you do.”
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devoutlywished · 4 months
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far safer of a midnight– meeting
external ghost.
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andromedan-prince · 2 years
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prepare your asscheecks
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koiguitars · 2 months
it deeply agonizes me that the speak now elements of the manuscript are never discussed in favor of the atw of it all..... like i just. "in the age of him she wished she was 30 and made coffee every morning in a french press" vs "someday when we're older, this is something we'll laugh about over coffee every morning while you're watching the news," "now and then she rereads the manuscript of the entire torrid affair" vs "i used to think one day i'd tell the story of us," "afterwards she only ate kids cereal and couldn't sleep unless it was in her mother's bed" vs never grow up exploring the idea of moving out for the first time & how she couldn't be sleeping in her mother's bed if she was already moved out (also robin being the last song before the manuscript already creating this mental connection)..... please im insane
#album: the tortured poets department#album: speak now#the manuscript#multi song#red strings#textposts#speak now/ttpd sister analysis#also ideas of ''give you my heart'' vs the half of my heart JM collab#and ''slow dance alight with the sparks'' vs JM's slow dancing in a burning room#but tho i think they're Relevant i kinda don't like making stuff about the Men™ of it all#cause the point of the story is that it's an analysis on personal trauma and an exploration of the reason all the behaviors on ttpd happen#but like. so much of ttpd is paralleled in speak now like that album is Thee catalyst for everything#also atw10 being written during speak now tour rehearsals inherently makes atw speak now coded too so like. you cannot escape speak now#she haunts the narrative#but the manuscript makes me insane every time i think about it#you go through the whole main album and think things like#''hmm bdilh has real ours energy. i can fix him has real superman delulu energy. tsmwel has real dear john energy''#down bad is haunted and mbobhft is innocent and fresh out the slammer is sparks fly and ttpd is mine and guilty as sin is i can see you#and then you get to the end of it all and you realize that there was a Point to those parallels#that there was a Point to wcs and the midnights 3am trilogy/storyline#that speak now's story and themes are the catalyst for literally e verything#both in terms of an emotional sense and also a work ethic sense#the idea that speak now was fully self written as a means of proving naysayers wrong#and that mentality goes hand in hand with the denial and desperation to prove others wrong about this romantic relationship#and there's success in one path but not in the other and it's so difficult to reconcile with that (the prophecy)#god its all too much these tags don't even scratch the surface#i desperately need to just write this whole essay or i'll go insane with all these thoughts
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