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dustedmagazine · 4 months ago
Listed: RXM Reality
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RXM Reality, the project of Chicago-based producer and composer Mike Meegan, blends breakcore, techno, grime, noise, and other styles into detailed composites. Meegan has made five albums to date under the RXM banner, four on Hausu Mountain and one on Orange Milk. Dusted’s Andrew Forell looked under the hood to find the pop in Meegan’s latest, No. 1 in the World, observing “[He] buries it deep beneath slabs of distortion, glitched out percussion, processed vocals and meatgrinder effects. Still, it wriggles and writhes through the cracks to lie exhausted on the surface, grains swept into semblances of songs besmeared with dirt.” Here are 11 decidedly un-pop songs close to Meegan’s heart.
Zen Music — Children of Men
This is a clip from Children of Men where Michael Cain plays the Aphex Twin track “Omgyjya switch 7” with screams edited over it. I saw this movie in a theater when I was pretty young and this clip really made a lasting impression on me.
Datach’I — LaByRa
Just like the Zen Music clip, I have been searching for music like this my whole life.
Zomby & Burial — Sweetz
UK Dubstep and its offshoots are huge for me. I love how this track is edited like a bunch of tape loops cut together.
Toiretstatus — #272
Toiret status, koeosaeme, and CVN all just travelled from Japan to play in Chicago and the show was absolutely amazing. I had the pleasure of hanging out with them before the show and we went to Hyde Park together. This whole album is awesome.
Actress — Get Ohn (Fairlight Mix)
I used to listen to this album a lot when I was falling asleep and I would start lucidly hallucinating. The interchanging loops of Actress’s music shifts so subtly that even if you think they are locked in and looping together, they are actually shifting and morphing through the songs.
Björk’s takeover of Tri Angle Records’ Rinse FM show (1/8) (February 18, 2015) - HD
This choice covers a lot of influences for me. Different shows on Rinse FM turned me on to so many amazing songs that I have forgotten and will probably never remember. This particular mix is Bjork and Robin Carolan DJ’ing a bunch of Tri Angle Records songs. Björk is an amazing DJ and will always be ahead of her time. Tri Angle was such an awesome label.
Wiley — Swimming
Hmmm, maybe I just wish I was living in London like 10-15 years ago. I have no idea why most of everything on this list is from the UK. It's kind of embarrassing for some reason.
Sd Laika — Great God Pan
Classic song from an artist gone way too soon. I hope they know how loved they were.
Vantana Row — Capitalism Tastes Like Sugar
I just found out about this band. They are cool!
Deli Girls — STAY
Great band! I feel fortunate to have met Dan and I hope to make more music with Deli Girls soon.
Mages Guild is a collective of people currently throwing the best parties with the best musicians in Chicago.
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taxi-davis · 2 years ago
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May 24th 1947 by Witold Gordon
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afnguy · 8 months ago
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successfulblackparenting · 9 months ago
CDC Warns Pregnant People -- No Lunchmeat or Cheese
BREAKING If you live in New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Illinois, or California and you’re pregnant, aged 65 or older, or have a compromised immune system, you might want to avoid eating certain kinds of cheeses and deli meat for a while. The CDC is warning the public of a listeria outbreak. Listeria is a bacteria that causes flu-like symptoms such as a fever, muscle aches, diarrhea, an upset…
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deligrossery · 5 months ago
Deli Grossery Archive: March 2020
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Lucky Newsstand. 2472 86th St, Brooklyn, NY. (Photo Date: 12/23/19)
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sammaggs · 5 months ago
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3x06 The Bounty Hunter | Obvious
Because I think the "obvious reasons" might not be quite so obvious to children and/or non-Canadians, I would like to Explain! The! Joke!
Bobby Orr: One of the greatest hockey players of all time
k.d. lang: Canada's Most Famous Lesbian
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She's a musician and her story is pretty fascinating; she was famously profiled in Vanity Fair after being shut out of the country music scene in America for being gay. (You should read the piece! It's good!).
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Hard to explain the impact on a baby butch lesbian. Much to consider.
And k.d. was hot shit—even Madonna said of her "Elvis is alive—and she's beautiful!" She was from the real middle-of-nowhere in Alberta (village population 600) and managed to make it big. You probably recognize at least this classic banger:
So of course Renfield Turnbull, confirmed queer (to me), would be crackin' wise about k.d. lang.
Also of no relevance to anything, Bobby Orr is from Parry Sound, which is also the closest town to my cottage, and you can still hit up fine family establishment Orr's Fine Meats and Deli or play hockey at the Bobby Orr Community Centre any time lol
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Quiet Canadiana in due South, a series [more]
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 1 year ago
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"Patti Smith on the biggest misconception about her...:
"The thing that bothered me the most was when I had to return to the public eye in ’95 or ’96 when my husband died. We lived a very simple lifestyle in a more reclusive way in which he was king of our domain. I don’t drive, I didn’t have much of an income, and without him, I had to find a way of making a living. Besides working in a bookstore, the only thing I knew how to do was to make records—or to write poetry, which isn’t going to help put your kids through school. But when I started doing interviews, people kept saying “Well, you didn’t do anything in the 80s,” and I just want to get Elvis Presley’s gun out and shoot the television out of their soul. How could you say that? The conceit of people, to think that if they’re not reading about you in a newspaper or magazine, then you’re not doing anything. I’m not a celebrity, I’m a worker. I’ve always worked. I was working before people read anything about me, and the day they stopped reading about me, I was doing even more work. And the idea that if you’re a mother, you’re not doing anything—it’s the hardest job there is, being a mother or father requires great sacrifice, discipline, selflessness, and to think that we weren’t doing anything while we were raising a son or daughter is appalling. It makes me understand why some human beings question their worth if they’re not making a huge amount of money or aren’t famous, and that’s not right. My mother worked at a soda fountain. She made the food and was a waitress and she was a really hard worker and a devoted worker. And her potato salad became famous! She wouldn’t get potato salad from the deli, she would get up at five o’clock in the morning and make it herself, and people would come from Camden or Philly to this little soda fountain in South Jersey because she had famous potato salad. She was proud of that, and when she would come home at night, completely wiped out and throwing her tip money on the table and counting it, one of her great prides was that people would come from far and wide for her potato salad. People would say, “Well, what did your mother do? She was a waitress?” She served the people, and she served in the way that she knew best." from Alan Light interview in Medium Thanks Thatericalpter.com
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jgroffdaily · 7 months ago
A few things we learned about Jonathan during the promotion of ‘Merrily We Roll Along’:
1. He’s in therapy. He told Daniel Radcliffe and Lindsay Mendez during a Tonys Instagram takeover that he had therapy that morning, and was feeling “very processed”. Video below.
2. In the ‘Out’ Magazine interview Jonathan said he wants to buy the first bar where Barbra Streisand reportedly first sang publicly, which is now an occupied restaurant.
The actor wants to one day buy a Village restaurant called & Son Steakeasy, which used to be the site of the Lion, a gay bar where Streisand first sang publicly during a singing contest (according to a plaque there, at least). His goal is “turning it back into a gay bar and calling it BARbra.” A neon “BARbra” sign even hangs in his Merrily dressing room as a reminder of this dream.
3. In the same interview, he says he's happy to remain single or be in a relationship:
“I’ve been single now for a couple of years and I’m feeling…ready and open for anything. If that’s continuing with that, if that’s a relationship, I’m cool with that.”
4. At the Out Magazine Pride Cover Party he said:
“I’m single. I’m feeling full of pride. And PrEP.”
Bonus quote from the Buzzfeed puppies interview:
"I’m clearly the single one of the three of because the puppies know. I need love.”
5. In the New Yorker interview, he discussed moving to New York at 19:
The first month that I was here, feeling so lost and confused, I pulled the Bible that my Mennonite grandmother gave me off the bookshelf. She gave me that Bible before I left town. I was alone in the apartment thinking, What the fuck am I doing in New York? Or not even “what the fuck”—I didn’t swear until “Spring Awakening,” and when I would sing “Totally Fucked” I would get beet red. And I remember putting the Bible down and thinking, This is not the answer. This is not making me feel good. And then running to Central Park and standing in front of the Bethesda Fountain. I was nineteen, and I was, like, This feels better—but, like, What? Who am I? What am I doing here? I know I want to act, but I’m so scared. And gay. But it was something—some voice, some passion, some inspiration. Some something brought me here.
6. He's very competitive: asked how ambitious he was on a scale from 1 to 10 he says a 10 (to Broadwaycom at the Tonys junket).
7. He says he's “not really a dog person” in the Buzzfeed interview.
8. He talked more about his relationship with Gavin Creel in interviews with Out and Interview than he has previously, including this quote to Interview:
GROFF: I froze. I hadn’t even thought about coming out as a public person. She [interviewer] was like, “Oh my god, never mind. I’m so sorry.” And then she moved along. And I really remember this moment of looking over to the right and seeing Gavin. He had also just recently come out a year or two before, and seeing him with a bullhorn corralling the people, god, I was so in love with him. I was like, “Oh my god, I am coming out. I’m coming out. I’m coming out.” So I went back over to her and I was like, “Hi, please excuse my hesitation, I’m gay.” And that was how I came out publicly at the March on Washington for Marriage Equality.
9. His 30th birthday alone was a happy birthday (in the New Yorker):
I remember it vividly. We were at the Public Theatre. There was a fire in the East Village, and the show was cancelled that night. I got a cupcake at the deli around the corner from my apartment, on Sixteenth Street, and ate it by myself. I can be a bit of a loner, so that was a happy birthday for me.
10. He said in the Buzzfeed interview the best present he has received from a fan was a signature of King George III, and he hung it in his apartment.
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arsenysworld · 3 months ago
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The Office: Copy That Love
Erin Hannon x Male Reader
It was 10:00 AM, which meant Erin was already preparing for Y/N’s lunch break like it was her life’s mission. The reception desk was covered with small Tupperware containers filled with pre-cut fruit, deli meat, and what appeared to be a single, neatly folded napkin with "You're my favorite IT guy ❤️" scribbled on it in purple Sharpie.
“Don’t you think this is a bit... much?” Pam asked, leaning against the desk and sipping her coffee.
Erin shook her head vigorously. “Not at all. Y/N is so busy all the time, and if I don’t pack him something nutritious, he’ll just eat… I don’t know, a Slurpee and Twizzlers.”
Pam smirked. “You sound like a mom packing lunch for her kid.”
“Not a mom,” Erin corrected, straightening a stack of toothpicks she had arranged like a bouquet. “More like... a cool wife who wants her husband to be healthy.”
“Erin, you’re dating him. For three months. And he’s not your husband.”
Erin beamed. “Yet!”
Just then, Y/N shuffled out of the breakroom with a cup of coffee that looked more like sludge. He plopped down behind the reception desk and squinted at Erin’s elaborate spread.
“Is this... lunch or an art installation?” he asked, pointing at the symmetrical arrangement of crackers and cheese cubes.
“It’s love,” Erin replied cheerfully, handing him a toothpick with a strawberry and a cube of cheddar impaled on it.
Before Y/N could respond, Michael burst out of his office, clapping his hands together. “IT guy! Just the man I need! My computer keeps freezing, and I think it’s because I tried to download an audiobook while also streaming an episode of Walker, Texas Ranger.”
Y/N groaned, rubbing his temples. “Mr. Scott, I’ve told you, stop clicking on pop-ups. They’re not ‘free vacations.’ They’re viruses.”
“Hey, don’t talk down to me, buddy. I know what I’m doing,” Michael said, puffing out his chest. “Now fix it, or I’ll have to call corporate IT, and nobody wants that.”
“Fine,” Y/N muttered, shooting Erin a look as he stood. “Save me a kiwi slice.”
Erin gave him a thumbs-up. “Always!”
By lunchtime, Erin and Y/N found themselves at the copier again, but this time, their voices were just loud enough to attract attention.
“Babe, I don’t understand how you still don’t know I always print double-sided,” Erin said, holding up a stack of single-sided prints as though they were evidence in a courtroom.
“Erin, I fixed the copier. That was the task. If you wanted double-sided, you should’ve said something!” Y/N retorted, leaning against the machine like it was his alibi.
“It’s implied! I shouldn’t have to say it! It’s like when you—” Erin stopped, her eyes narrowing. “You’re doing that thing where you act like I’m crazy.”
“No, I’m doing that thing where I wonder why we’re arguing over paper,” Y/N replied, deadpan.
Nearby, Jim and Pam exchanged amused glances. Jim whispered, “It’s like watching an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond but... at work.”
“Totally,” Pam said, grinning. “Y/N’s the snarky husband, and Erin’s the wife who means well but overcomplicates everything.”
Dwight, who had been eavesdropping, stepped in. “If I may, the copier isn’t fully fixed. It still jams occasionally when using cardstock. I suggest running a full diagnostic—”
“Dwight,” Y/N interrupted, “this isn’t about cardstock. It’s about principles.”
Erin crossed her arms. “Exactly. Thank you.”
Dwight squinted at them both. “You two would make terrible farmers.”
“No one’s arguing that, Dwight,” Y/N said, sighing.
By 3 PM, the breakroom was bustling. Y/N was trying to eat his sandwich in peace while Erin flipped through a wedding magazine.
“Ooh, look at this dress!” Erin exclaimed, holding up a page of an impossibly frilly gown. “What do you think? Too much lace?”
Y/N didn’t even look up. “Erin, we’re not planning a wedding.”
“Not yet,” she muttered, turning the page.
Stanley, sitting at the next table with his crossword, chimed in without looking up. “Kid, just say you like the dress. It’s faster that way.”
Y/N gave Stanley a blank stare. “This is my life now.”
Kevin waddled over with a bowl of chili, grinning. “You guys are like a reality show. Like The Bachelor, but, like, funnier.”
Jim leaned into the breakroom doorway. “More like Married at First Sight.”
Pam followed him in, shaking her head. “No, they’re like one of those quirky indie rom-coms. The ones where everyone’s weird, but it’s charming somehow.”
“Or exhausting,” Stanley muttered, finally glancing up from his crossword.
Erin, oblivious to the commentary, leaned toward Y/N and pointed at a photo of a centerpiece made entirely of succulents. “Babe, I think this would look so cute at our reception.”
“Reception for what?” Y/N asked, exasperated. “We haven’t even talked about moving in together, and you’re planning a succulent-themed reception?”
Erin shrugged, completely unfazed. “I like to be prepared.”
Across the room, Dwight’s ears perked up. “Succulents are an excellent choice. Hardy plants. Minimal watering.”
“See?” Erin said, flashing Y/N a triumphant grin.
Jim chuckled, grabbing a soda from the fridge. “Careful, Y/N. First it’s succulents. Next thing you know, you’re picking out baby names.”
“Don’t give her ideas!” Y/N groaned, burying his face in his hands.
“Too late,” Erin said brightly, scribbling something in the margins of her magazine. “What do you think of Logan? Or Sophie?”
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froidefille · 3 months ago
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Day 14: a fic rated T
📚 Five Little Things by @bixgirl1
Draco/Harry, 6.2k, T
Harry was supposed to be good at this.
That was so just so delightful! Poor Harry!! Poor Teddy!!
I absolutely loved the moment when Harry asks Teddy what he needs and then does everything he can to provide said reassurement (which in this case is „Draco punk-anshoo” 😭). I think it is so so important to give kids autonomy, hear them out and enable them to analyze their own emotions and then make their choices.
I was also absolutely captivated by how Draco calms both of them down. It just seems so lovely to have someone there with you to ground you:
“Hello, Edward,” he says. He holds out his arms and Teddy almost throws himself from Harry’s to the floor trying to get into them. A Quidditch magazine, Teddy’s purple plastic cup, the Wireless, and Teddy, and Malfoy.
The scene of Draco telling Teddy a goodnight story (Teddy thinking of Harry when Draco reaches the fairy godmother part of the story 😍) is very fluffy but do not fret: we have Harry to angst about it so the balance is saved 😅 I have to admit that there is something special about tucking little kids to sleep that is just so primal and soft all at once – like, you just want to give the kid everything. I don’t have my own but I am the Goodnigt-Stories Reading Aunt and that’s how I always feel. This scene have ttoally transported me to the warmly lit colourful room with soft blankets and cartoon-printed sheets 💜
And this exact domestic emotion of comforting a child, contrasted with Harry’s absolute lack of such experience – ouch.
So yeah, this fic will make you hurt and then will comfort you about it 😅
Thank you for today’s prompt @hprecfest and your superb writing @bixgirl1 <3
See you in the next one!
PS. THERE’S ALSO ART by @gaeilgelupin (which also hurts a little, you've been warned xd)
A few of my fav quotes under the cut <3
After only a few seconds, Malfoy strolls in, still fully dressed in smart grey trousers and a white shirt, a slightly puzzled look on his face. He’s missing his ever-present tie, and has folded his sleeves back to the elbow, but if Malfoy was on his way to bed, it’s clear he was only just.
Not the sleeves folded back to the elbows (can someone pls draw this tho? 😂)
Leaning further into the flames, Harry lowers and hardens his voice. “Malfoy,” he says pointedly. “Why don’t you come over? And say goodnight to your cousin. Right. Now. I know he would love to see you.” Malfoy blinks several times, then adopts the same cheerful tone Harry attempted; Harry tries not to feel sour when Malfoy pulls it off better. “Of course! You know, I’m rather glad you let me know he was with you, I haven’t spoken to him in a few days. I nearly firecalled him at home tonight. I’d certainly have felt silly then, wouldn’t I? Move aside, Potter, and I’ll come right through.”
When you try to stay calm for child's sake (and usually they call you out anyway xd)
As glad as he is Teddy has so many people who care about him, there’s something about seeing someone else meet his needs so easily that throws Harry’s inabilities into stark contrast. Something about it that makes him ache, deep inside.
And isn’t that every carer’s deepest secret, this feeling right there!
“—stood holding the ruins of the dress she had so diligently crafted with her tired magic, and watched from the Manor steps she had scrubbed that very morning as the carriage rolled away to the ball with her stepmother and stepsisters in it, and then she sat down and put her face in her hands, and began to cry.” “‘cause iss o-ay?” Harry hears Teddy mumble, probably around his thumb. “Yes, precisely,” Malfoy says. “Crying is always okay when you need to, no matter what anyone else ever tells you, and especially when you feel disappointed after having worked so hard to master something and finding that you haven’t yet, or when you’re scared, or for any reason at all if it might make you feel better.”
Finally some delicious, delicious emotional education and allowing boys to cry.
Last but not least: All of Harry’s lists he uses for grounding throughout the story and how they change. (not me only realizing the title is five little things because Harry uses the five things technique as I write those very words 😶) And then:
Harry lets his hand fall away and stops counting. Smiling, he closes his eyes.
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digitalfountains · 11 days ago
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Xenia Deli by David Mushegain
- Lovecat Magazine
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rathayibacter · 6 months ago
There's A World Where The State Has To Plan Your Funeral
a man in a dark room presses a button on a joystick. lights flash on the screen in front of him. the next day, he buys a ticket to fly across the world. he sits in an uncomfortable seat for fourteen hours. sometimes he reads a magazine. sometimes he checks his phone.
he introduces himself to the families involved. sometimes they spit on him. sometimes they cry. sometimes he justifies himself. usually not, though. he listens to requests. he takes notes. he writes a little smaller than usual. he's gonna need a new notebook soon.
he calls funeral homes. he argues over scheduling. they're busy. lots to do, not enough hours in the day. he arranges transportation of the remains. this step isn't always applicable. he goes through their wardrobe. he assembles an outfit. something they would have liked. he asks the family questions about what they would have liked. he sends the outfit to the morgue, for preparations. when applicable.
he writes invitations. he calls distant family members. he makes travel accomidations. he goes through photo albums, provided by the family. he picks out a few. he asks the family for approval. sometimes they say no. sometimes they point out a specific picture. one he missed, or one he couldn't look at. he calls print shops; he prints up large glossy pictures. he calls caterers; he asks for certain substitutions. dietary restrictions. he calls a florist's, orders a few bouquets. orders a wreath. he calls the funeral home again, to make sure everything's all set. he dry-cleans his suit. he writes a few words.
he shows up a few hours before. he helps set up decorations. he hangs the wreath on an easel displaying a large glossy picture near the entrance. sometimes he puts something else up on the easel. an old locket. a sun-faded holy book. a teddy bear with a missing eye. he welcomes the family. he shakes hands. sometimes he holds them while they cry. he waits until everyone's there. he stands at the front of the room. he says a few words. he sits back down. he listens to the family speak. he tries to focus on the words. his tie is choking him. his jacket is constricting his chest. his wedding ring is threatening to break his finger. eventually, it's over. the sensation almost goes away. he stays afterwards. he eats a cold sandwich. it's a little bit wet, the plastic trapping a bit of condensation from the deli meat. he speaks with a few members of the family. a few of them speak to him.
later that day is the burial. he doesn't remember much of the burial. he kept thinking about unrelated things. stupid things. he kept thinking about his friend who got struck by a drunk driver. he kept thinking about how his father used to hit him. he kept thinking about little children, playing in the middle of the street under an open fire hydrant. he keeps thinking about flashes of light. after the funeral, he should go back to his hotel room. it's getting late, and his flight home is in the morning. he considers going back to his hotel room. crawling under the cold sheets. falling asleep. instead, he looks up a street corner on his phone.
he visits the site of the attack. he stands amidst ruins. the rubble is mostly cleared, but a few pieces remain. he imagines that, if he just finished cleaning up, he could find something. find the teddy bear's missing eye, maybe. maybe something else. maybe he would, but it would just look like a button. he thinks about kicking a piece of loose concrete. he doesn't. the next morning, he gets on a plane. he sits in an uncomfortable seat. sometimes he reads a magazine. sometimes he checks his phone.
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hoperays-song · 7 months ago
Named Businesses/Brands in the Sing Franchise: Sing 2
In a recent rewatch of the movies, I tried to find all the named businesses and brands that are in the movies for world building sake (minus bands and entertainment acts cause thats a different list). So here is, in semi chronological order, all the ones that appear in the second movie! There should be minimal overlap between the lists as I only included old ones if we learned new info. Anyways, I'll try to finish the shorts soon!
New Moon Theatre - The new rebranding of the old Moon Theatre, including a name change!
Dusty’s - I did mention it last time but the color scheme has now changed from orange to green.
Sun’s Up! FM - A radio station seen on a billboard when Suki is in taxi. Also seen advertising on Redshore’s main strip.
Drama Club - An organization advertising on the street the taxi drives down.
Canal Promenade - The riverwalk and canal area that Buster falls into.
Antiques -  A business along the Canal Promenade.
Laundry Service - A business along the Canal Promenade. Funnily enough, it is also seen later advertising in Vacation Newspaper.
Gophers & Associates - A law or real estate group advertising along the Canal Promenade.
Tanning Lotion - A product advertising along the Canal Promenade. Also seen advertising on Redshore’s main strip.
Lounge - An establishment along the Canal Promenade.
Bee Rich - The magazine Eddie was featured on on Buster’s coffee table. I'm not kidding, that's the name.
Rick’s Club - The club Ash performed at.
Pop Soda - Also has returned but now we know it has a lime flavour! That’s my second favourite soda flavor so it gets a shoutout. 
Stage Left - A brand of storage for stage props and band equipment we see at Rick’s. We later see it at Crystal Theatre.
Safe Travels LTD - A travel company seen advertising behind the Canal Promenade and the Bus Station. It is then seen throughout Redshore.
Redshore City Bus - A bus line that seems to run from Calatonia to Redshore, though it is likely to have lines to other major cities nearby.
Critter Deli - A deli in front of the Bus Station.
Ginny’s Chips - A type of chips shaped like smiley faces.
Chips Potato - A type of chips in Mrs. Crawly’s supply box.
Babilonia - A hotel/casino on Redshore’s main strip.
Catty’s Bar - A bar on Redshore’s main strip.
Zeus - A hotel/casino on Redshore’s main strip.
PawJack - A hotel/casino on the Redshore strip,  it has several advertising billboards.
Raincow - A hotel/casino on the Redshore strip, it has several advertising billboards.
Atlas -  A hotel/casino on the Redshore strip, it has several advertising billboards.
Sand-Witches - A sandwich chain advertising on the Raincow billboards.
FireRock - A hotel/casino on the Redshore strip,  it has several advertising billboards.
Soda - A drink that has a new lime hibiscus flavour that was advertising on Raincow’s billboard.
Eclips Gagaming - A business on the Crystal Square bus stop, seemingly an arcade of sorts. 
O4A Fashion - A fashion brand advertising on a billboard next to a Loopee sign.
Karaoke Party Club - A business on the Crystal Square bus stop.
Money Exchange - A business on the Crystal Square bus stop.
Dony’s - A business on the Crystal Square bus stop seemingly associated with the Atlas casino/hotel.
KeyLight - A business on the Crystal Square bus stop seemingly associated with with the Atlas casino/hotel.
PNJ Agency - Another building behind Crystal Tower.
Crystal Entertainment - The entertainment company owned by Jimmy Crystal.
Crystal Tower - The seemingly main offices of Crystal Entertainment.
Mist - A cleaning product seen in the supply closet the troupe hides in.
bog - Another building behind Crystal Tower.
Hot News - A news station heavily focusing on gossip and celebrity culture owned by Crystal Entertainment.
Crystal Tower Hotel - A luxury hotel heavily featuring an indoor water park along with several restaurants and stores that is owned by Crystal Entertainment.
Ice Cream Paradise - An ice cream store in Crystal Hotel’s main lobby.
Donuts - A donuts and pastry shop inside Crystal Hotel’s main lobby.
Cherry Blossom - An establishment inside Crystal Hotel’s main lobby.
Tea Salon - Seemingly a tea parlor and spa in Crystal Hotel’s main lobby.
Crystal Tower Theatre - The theatre that is within Crystal Tower Hotel. It has a minimum of six stages. Out of this world was located on said sixth stage.
Lift-Bub - A construction equipment brand used by Crystal Theatre.
Redshore News - A newspaper used during the hunt for Clay Calloway.
Rock News - A newspaper used during the hunt for Clay Calloway.
Facilisi - A fashion magazine displayed in the costume and design studio.
Scene - A fashion magazine displayed in the costume and design studio.
Cars - A newspaper the tech crew frog is reading during rehearsal that is entirely about cars.
Vacation -  A newspaper the tech crew frog is reading during rehearsal that is entirely about vacations and only costs a dollar a year to get. Guys, this dude is like constantly reading these. I’m starting to think he doesn’t like his job.
Sylvia’s Bakery - A cake and coffee shop advertising in Vacation Newspaper.
Air Sun One - A airline advertising in Vacation Newspaper
Marock - A music store near the Crystal Hotel.
Eclips - A hotel/casino near the Crystal Hotel.
Newshore - A hotel/casino near the Crystal Hotel.
TV underdog - A TV studio near the Crystal Hotel.
Royalty Rental Cars - The rental place Mrs. Crawly got the red car from that specializes in luxury vehicles.
Loopee - The shop where Johnny buys his new skateboard, though we also see it advertise on the main strip as well.
StarTV Channel - A tv channel seemingly about celebrities that is advertising in the square where Nooshy is performing.
Digital Seeds - A company/brand that is advertising in the square where Nooshy is performing.
Canyon Cafe - The cafe that Johnny and Nooshy got to to discuss the training contract. It has a vintage western style.
Lunch Paris - A brand on one of Porsha’s shopping bags.
Alfonso’s Ice Cream - Alfonso’s ice cream truck that he has seemingly been running since he was a kid, which is super cool cause I knew a kid to do the same thing.
Raadio - The brand of speaker that Nooshy has.
Fruity Juicy - The food truck behind Alfonso’s that serves smoothies.
Sweet Jazz Cafe - A cafe near Crystal Hotel.
Community Food Service - The organization that the gang are working with during their parole.
Lantani Car Rental - A rental spot right across from the garage. 
WOAW - A brand that Porsha has a shopping bag for in her bedroom.
Flowers - An establishment along the road Jimmy is driven down to get to the theatre.
Orion - An establishment along the road Jimmy is driven down to get to the theatre.
Deckard Inc - An establishment along the road Jimmy is driven down to get to the theatre.
Beckaro’n Hotel - An establishment along the road Jimmy is driven down to get to the theatre.
Xendary - An establishment along the road Jimmy is driven down to get to the theatre.
Boom Vinyl Records - A records store right behind the Crystal Square bus stop.
Tattoo Shop - An establishment advertising on a billboard seen along Redshore’s main strip.
XEND - An establishment seen along Redshore’s main strip.
The Majestic Palace Theatre - Apparently a famous theatre and hotel combo, commonly shortened to ‘The Majestic’.
The Majestic Palace - The hotel side of the Majestic Palace Theatre.
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beautifullache · 1 year ago
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🦄The Sims 4🦄
🥪Sub Bundle🥪
💕Early Release 5.10.2024💕
The Subway® restaurant chain is the world's largest submarine sandwich franchise, with more than 28,500 locations in 86 countries. In 2002, the Subway® chain surpassed McDonald's in the number of restaurants open in the United States and Canada. Headquartered in Milford, Conn., the Subway® restaurant chain was co-founded by Fred DeLuca and Dr. Peter Buck in 1965. The Subway® chain was named the number one global franchise opportunity by Entrepreneur magazine in its Annual Franchise 500 Ranking for 2008.
Sandwich Artist
Shift Manager
Allow Teen
Allow Young Adult
Allow Adult
Allow Elder
Jason's Deli
Family owned and loved since 1976, Jason’s Deli works hard to ensure that our employees are rewarded with advancement, recognition and quality of life. We’re looking for people who want more than just a job. If you possess energy, drive and the will to lead, we want to talk to youWe set the standard for our niche and we continue to work hard to give our employees and customers the appreciation they deserve! Advancement with Jason’s Deli is based on performance, knowledge and leadership. If you possess energy, drive and the will to lead, Jason’s is the company for you! Jason’s appreciates our managers, and we reward them with advancement, recognition and quality of life!
Customer Service
Line Cook
Delivery Driver
Shift Supervisor/Manager
Assistant Manager
Sales/Catering Assistant
Allow Teen
Allow Young Adult
Allow Adult
Allow Elder
Jersey Mike's
Jersey Mike’s, a fast-casual sub sandwich franchise with more than 2,000 locations open and under development nationwide, has a long history of community involvement and support. Started at the Jersey Shore in 1956, Jersey Mike’s serves authentic East Coast-style subs on fresh baked bread – the same recipe it started with over 60 years ago. The company’s mission is to bring its customers the highest quality, freshest made sub in the industry and give back to the communities in which it operates.
Team Member
Shift Leader
Assistant manager
Assistant Store Manager
Allow Teen
Allow Young Adult
Allow Adult
Allow Elder
Jimmy John's
Freaky Fast! Freaky Fresh!™ Jimmy John’s is all about fresh, fast, tasty sandwiches. We hand-slice fresh meats and veggies daily, and we bake our homemade bread all day, every day, so it’s always served fresh. We greet our customers genuinely when they come in the door, and then we make them one of the fast, flawless sandwiches that Jimmy John’s is famous for! Everything we do goes back to serving our customers. That means fast service, high-quality products, and a consistent customer experience to keep ‘em coming back. And none of it would be possible without the rockstar teams in the stores making it happen every day.
Team Member
Shift Leader
Sandwich Maker
Delivery Driver
Assistant Manager
Allow Teen
Allow Young Adult
Allow Adult
Allow Elder
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londranotizie24 · 6 days ago
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Di Annalisa Valente Sabato 12 luglio torna l’Italian Summer Market a Nottingham, evento benefico organizzato dalla Scuola Italiana di Nottingham. Un pomeriggio tra artigianato, cibo italiano e musica dal vivo, con i fondi destinati al Nottingham Hospitals Charity. Confermati espositori d’eccezione e il sostegno delle istituzioni locali. L’Italian Summer Market 2025 di Nottingham: eccellenze italiane per un evento solidale L’Italian Summer Market di sabato 12 Luglio a Nottingham inizia a prendere forma. L’appuntamento benefico organizzato dalla Scuola Italiana di Nottingham (Italian School of Nottingham) di Alessia Beneventi registra i primi espositori che confermano la loro presenza. Importante esserci, per regalare alla comunità locale un pomeriggio ricco di suoni, colori, buon cibo (rigorosamente italiano) insieme alla possibilità di mettere in mostra manufatti e prodotti unici da ammirare e regalare. Ma non solo. Ad oggi presenza confermata per: - Franco Specialty Coffee - caffè e assaggi di diverse tipologie di caffè, per intenditori e per chi è semplicemente curioso; - Mr Delis - prodotti italiani confezionati, la cultura del buon cibo arriva ovunque; - Little Big Sicily - Sicilian street food, la tradizione culinaria incontra la modernità; - Dolly and Pops Uk - orecchini e gioielli fatti a mano, colorati, sfiziosi, per ogni occasione; - Rosa’s Jewels - gioielli fatti a mano, easy ed eleganti, da sfoggiare ogni giorno; - The Marriott Gluten Free - dolci senza glutine, per chi ne ha bisogno e per chi ne ha semplicemente voglia; - Martina’s craft - gioielli fatti a mano, come da tradizione artigiana, per tutti i gusti; - Write Good Words - scritte personalizzate e gioielli fatti a mano, la fantasia al potere; - Da Vinci Dough - Pizze italiane, immancabili nella tradizione culinaria made in Italy; - Toads Adorbs - articoli fatti con l’uncinetto crochet, l’originalità che va a braccetto con la fantasia. E come lo scorso anno, anche in questa edizione 2025, la musica dal vivo promette ritmi coinvolgenti e molto estivi (visto anche il periodo): ci saranno i Mas y Mas, gruppo musicale con un travolgente repertorio latino-americano. Anche l’Italian Summer Market 2025 ha uno scopo benefico, i fondi ricavati dall’iniziativa andranno quest’anno al Nottingham Hospitals Charity (https://www.nottinghamhospitalscharity.org.uk/) punto di riferimento della città per l’aiuto alle persone fragili, ai bambini, ai pazienti terminali. E’ l’obiettivo che ci si pone quando si ha un cuore grande e si lavora a beneficio dei meno fortunati, di chi ha più bisogno di cure, di vicinanza reale, di aiuti concreti. E l’Italian Summer Market di Alessia Beneventi è tutto questo. Anche le istituzioni locali iniziano a dare supporto tramite la propria adesione all’iniziativa, a voler sottolinearne la rilevanza degli obiettivi: il Councillor Hari Om di Ruschliffe Council ha già confermato la propria presenza. E altri, come è sempre stato in passato, presto si aggiungeranno. A questo punto, l’Italian Summer Market non aspetta altro che continuare a riempirsi di espositori, di venditori desiderosi di esserci, di mettere in mostra la loro produzione, di non mancare a un appuntamento così importante. Londra Notizie 24 c’è già, quest’anno il nostro magazine è media partner dell’Italian Summer Market of Nottingham, perché essere parte dell’evento è importante, un’occasione da non perdere. Quando: Sabato 12 Luglio A che ora: dalle 1 pm alle 4 pm Dove: Rushcliffe School, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7BW Per info: https://www.italianschoolnottingham.co.uk/ alessiaitalianschool@gmail.com. #ItalianSummerMarket #Nottingham #CiboItaliano #MadeInItaly #Solidarietà #EventoBenefico #Artigianato ... Continua a leggere su
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fugengulsen · 1 year ago
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'The thing that bothered me the most was when I had to return to the public eye in ’95 or ’96 when my husband died. We lived a very simple lifestyle in a more reclusive way in which he was king of our domain. I don’t drive, I didn’t have much of an income, and without him, I had to find a way of making a living.
Besides working in a bookstore, the only thing I knew how to do was to make records—or to write poetry, which isn’t going to help put your kids through school.
But when I started doing interviews, people kept saying “Well, you didn’t do anything in the 80s,” and I just want to get Elvis Presley’s gun out and shoot the television out of their soul. How could you say that? The conceit of people, to think that if they’re not reading about you in a newspaper or magazine, then you’re not doing anything.
I’m not a celebrity, I’m a worker. I’ve always worked. I was working before people read anything about me, and the day they stopped reading about me, I was doing even more work.
And the idea that if you’re a mother, you’re not doing anything—it’s the hardest job there is, being a mother or father requires great sacrifice, discipline, selflessness, and to think that we weren’t doing anything while we were raising a son or daughter is appalling.
It makes me understand why some human beings question their worth if they’re not making a huge amount of money or aren’t famous, and that’s not right.
My mother worked at a soda fountain. She made the food and was a waitress and she was a really hard worker and a devoted worker. And her potato salad became famous! She wouldn’t get potato salad from the deli, she would get up at five o’clock in the morning and make it herself, and people would come from Camden or Philly to this little soda fountain in South Jersey because she had famous potato salad.
She was proud of that, and when she would come home at night, completely wiped out and throwing her tip money on the table and counting it, one of her great prides was that people would come from far and wide for her potato salad.
People would say, “Well, what did your mother do? She was a waitress?” She served the people, and she served in the way that she knew best.'
Patti Smith
Via Alan Light interview in Medium
Photo by Frank Stefanko
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