Kuroshitsuji, OHSHC, And Death Note Imagines.
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Masterlist here. Imagines- Open Headcanons- OpenMatch ups- OpenI do not write nsfw content or character x character ships.
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iamsimplyonehellofawriter · 7 years ago
I don't have anything to do either but instead of doing something productive like writing helloooooo YouTube
Marrying Sherlock one shot request
Hey its me again, can I get a one shot for getting married to Sherlock and having a Gothic wedding combined with a murder mystery theme,near the location of one of his favourite cases. Using the vows from the corpse bride. And having a hen do with Mary, Molly and Mrs. Hudson whilst SH is out on a stag do with John and Greg. Maybe we see both of hers and Sherlocks wedding jitters,but all in all they have a great wedding and first dance to danse macrabe, an odd choice but beautiful nonetheless: just like their relationship,weird in the best way possible :) @miyakokurono
Bold italicised quote: the Corpse Bride vows. I don’t own them!
word count: 628 words.
You were the impossible person for one reason: you were engaged to the Sherlock Holmes. Your wedding was Gothic and took place on the sight of what was to this date, Sherlock’s only favourite case. You had been engaged for just under a year and tonight was the night that you had your hen do with your girls; Mary, Molly and Mrs Hudson as well as some family members, and Sherlock was distracting himself from your absence by going on his stag do with John and Greg. The fact that Sherlock had chosen to use Lestrade’s real name instead of pretending to forget it spoke volumes about how much the man had come to mean to him.
Both you and Sherlock were very nervous, not only because you were getting married but because you were getting married to each other. You used to speak about getting married but you had never really taken it seriously because marriage and Sherlock are not words spoken in civilised conversations together in one sentence. 
Sherlock, a man who outwardly mocked tradition, had been the one to propose, the one to plan most of the wedding, the one to organise seating arrangements and colour schemes and centrepieces. Sherlock was your rock, your reason, and you loved him so much that sometimes you thought that your heart would burst from the strength of the love that you felt for him.
In turn, you were Sherlock’s rock. You darkened his room with blackout curtains when he had a migraine due to sensory overload. You played with his chocolate curls when he was so tired but couldn’t sleep. You helped John to dress Sherlock’s serious wounds when he refused to go to the hospital, because a doctor was better than no doctor. You helped Sherlock double check his facts before he solved a case. 
The point was that, through it all, thick and thin, you had been there for each other and nothing and no one, not even Mycroft, had managed to separate the two of you.
On the day of the wedding, John, as the best man, had taken the liberty of taking messages between the two of you. Sherlock wanted to do this right and so, no matter how ridiculous the traditions were, he followed them for you and no other. So, John would sometimes put his head in through the door and deliver a message from Sherlock in such a bad imitiation that you could only laugh - this was done very deliberately on John’s part. He could feel your nervousness coming off you in waves and he wanted to support you as best as he could. When it came to delivering messages to Sherlock, John would put a hand on the back of Sherlock’s neck to convey the familiarity of friendship and love.
Finally, you were stood at the altar together, both teary-eyed (though Sherlock blamed it on someone putting onions in his coat pocket) and hand in hand as you recited your personalised vows to each other. They were from the Corpse Bride, a film deeply loved by the both of you.
“With this hand I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way into darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine.”
With shaking hands, tears on your faces and smiles so wide they threatened to split your faces in half, you and Sherlock were married, forever and always. 
“May I have this dance?”
“Sherlock, you may have every dance.” You smiled softly as you took his hand in yours and the two of you danced to Danse Macabre, a strange but sweet composition - just like your relationship with each other.
Sherlock: @hczardousparadox  @ll-kirra-ll  @bingewatchingmylifegoby @deanssweetheart23  @cutie1365 @cardboard-box-of-stuff @hagridsbeasts @shingeki-no-julchen @firenationandrecreation @sanity-is-overratedxp @ohokaybyethen @miyakokurono @chill-satan-chill
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iamsimplyonehellofawriter · 7 years ago
Is there an anime character that you think that would be a great lover for L? (It can be in any anime and any gender) ❤
Elizabeth Midford.
Naomi Misora.
Haruhi Fujioka.
Kaoru Hitachiin.
Hange Zoe
Maka Albarn.
Tsubaki Nakatsukasa
Franken Stein.
Rokuro “Rock” Okajima
Izaya Orihara
Celty Sturluson.
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iamsimplyonehellofawriter · 7 years ago
Heyo. You got me fucked up with your child headcanons for Sebastian. I love the way you portray all the characters cuz it feels so real. Like wow. You also got me wonderin'? How would Sebastian react to having a half human/half demon child? And how would everyone else react? Obviously you don't have to do this part but I'm still curious. How would Ciel or Undertaker, hell, even fucking William or Claude react to it. I just assume it'd be negative cuz demon and humans ain't supposed to mix.
Anywho.....I can just imagine most of them freaking out like the audience off of the Maury Show whenever he says "YOU ARE THE FATHER". Then you just here a bunch of bleeping and chairs being thrown. Lol. Sorry I talk to much. 2/2
Sorry, I only did Sebastian and Ciel, didn’t have much time.
Why should he care? He would leave his child to fend for themselves. A half-demon growing up in the human world? May god have mercy on the humans.
If he did stick around, he would get irritated at how human it could be. Much too sentimental, of course, he can be caring, but nine times out of ten, it’s when he wants something.
He wouldn’t let it interfere with his contracts, end of story. A child being directly related to him and not able to take care of themselves? What an embarrassment.
He would teach them to master their abilities a bit but would prefer to have them learn as they go along.
He would be interested more than anything. A child of Sebastian’s? This ought to be amusing. 
Would make sure the child did not impair Sebastian’s duties, an attached Sebastian is a less competent Sebastian. 
Would be curious about the child’s abilities, can it make contracts? Can it control fire? Can it consume souls? He would have plenty of questions.
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iamsimplyonehellofawriter · 7 years ago
hello!! this isnt a request, i just wanted to drop by and say that i freaking ADORE your writing!! 💓 I hope everything is going great for you, i just feel the need to say this because i really love your writing and it makes me sad to see the bare amount of notes they get; with the kind of content you're putting out! i feel like you deserve a whole lot more, and i hope you arent discouraged by the lack of response here :( hope you have a great day!!
Thank you! This was really encouraging! Yeah I’m pretty sure my inconsistency is entirely to blame, I haven't written a request in over a month. Consistency is a key factor in building an audience, and when I was writing often, I had a much more active following. Things have been extremely busy the last few months and my obsession with these animes has kind of left. I still LOVE them, I’m just not as into writing for them. I’ve actually started writing my own book! I have around 7,000 words done and want to get to at least 15,000 by new years! Despite my inactivity, this blog immensely helped me improve my writing, and I’ll always be thankful for it. It was an outlet for my creativity when I was just getting into writing, and if I hadn’t kept it up, my writing would be much lower in quality. Have a great day, and I’m still shocked you would take the time to send this to me!
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iamsimplyonehellofawriter · 7 years ago
Are you participating in nanowrimo?? Good luck!
I am now! Thanks for telling me about it. I actually started because when I get back to school, there’s going to be a book week, and I am not okay with trying to write a book in a week with no idea so I’m starting early. Does anyone know anything about school published books?
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iamsimplyonehellofawriter · 7 years ago
Yo happy Halloween and 1 year anniversary of this blog. I'm plotting out a book right now and hope it's okay
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iamsimplyonehellofawriter · 7 years ago
What type of person would L be most attracted to? Any physical characteristics he would find particularly attractive? What type of person would he immediately hate?
Things L would find cute in an S/O
What personality trait L would like most.
Whenever I am asked to write about physical appearance, I always find myself gravitating towards characteristics which portray character. 
The eyes are the window to the soul. L believes that avidly, the eyes are always what attracts or repels him. 
Darting eyes. Eyes that move almost as fast as what’s behind them, eyes that flit from subject to subject faster than most people can think. When they move you can see cogs turning, facts upon facts being layered to make a foundation that will soon support a theory. 
Or lost eyes. Ones that when you look in them, you can see entire worlds beyond comprehension. Eyes that betray such character, you feel like you know their hopes and dreams them when you see them. 
Playful eyes. They seem permanently set to portray a look of unwavering amusement. A sparkle of intrigue and mystery, that make you wonder what’s so amusing, and make you want to find out, preferably in their arms. 
The eyes portray everything to L, and is the only physical characteristic he finds himself attracted to.
Traits L loathes are as follows.
A superiority complex one can’t fulfil. When you’re smug, confidently above everyone else, no one can beat you. That’s not what annoys L. To L that’s a challenge, it excites him. It gives him high expectations, and you better not disappoint him. If you think you’re that good, he’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. But your arrogance damn well be justified.
Lack of ambition. L is actually quite the optimist, he sees potential for great things in everyone. And the worst is when someone won’t fulfil it, when someone doesn’t want to fulfil it. L doesn’t indulge in fairytales of destiny and fate, of things “meant to be”, but having undeniable, endless potential, and squandering it is a matter of major irritation. 
Docility. He doesn’t hate docile people, but he will never respect them. Knowing the right time to yield is an invaluable characteristic, but as is knowing when to not. Someone who won’t even stand up for themselves in the face of adversity would be a subject of his distaste.
Contrastingly, an explosive temper is most inconvenient. It’s counterproductive and only displays the immaturity and untrustworthiness of an individual. If they can lose their temper at such trifles, there’s practically a guarantee they won’t be able to when it matters. Best to steer clear of these people.
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iamsimplyonehellofawriter · 7 years ago
Hello~🍁! May I request some HCs for Undertaker,Charles Grey and Sebastian with a Shy S/O who makes them a flower crown and hugs them? Thank chu~🍁!
Amused, would wear the flower crown proudly, especially around people who judge. Not-so-subtle “fuck you’s” are something he endeavours to do consistently.
Hugs. Yes, hugs. He gives them, he receives them, as long as he and his S/O are cuddling, he’s fine. 
He would find a shy S/O adorable and entertaining.
Charles Grey.
Would get flustered at first when given a flower crown and exclaim “I’m not wearing that!”, five minutes later he’s wearing it. Just don’t comment on it.
Hugs would be “meh” to him. He wouldn’t give them (unless it was dark and scary) but would be overall neutral.
Shy S/O could be inconvenient, they would have to be shy but strong, he would never date someone he didn’t respect, and he would never respect someone he could walk on.
He would keep up appearances, “I am sincerely touched by the sentiment”, would wear them if it made you happy though it might not be his favourite fashion accessory.
Displays of affection can be public, unless it was a situation where it would appear improper. Though in private he would be infinitely more affectionate.
Shyness would amuse him, he would even tease you lightly, because it’s simply adorable seeing you flustered.
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iamsimplyonehellofawriter · 7 years ago
I just thought of something. Can we ask the characters questions and get the answer they would normally give, but then underneath we get their honest answer? For example: Hey L, do you ever dance/sing when you're alone? L: No. Honest answer: Sometimes.
I could try, sounds fun! I’m so sorry for not posting... ever. I’ve got a 9-5 school day and some homework, but after Friday I have 2 weeks off! I’ll try to answer your request soon.
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iamsimplyonehellofawriter · 8 years ago
The ace imagine was perfect. Thank you for a flawless portrayal
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I’m so glad you liked them!
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iamsimplyonehellofawriter · 8 years ago
Thank you so much for the last ace HCs!!! I loved them so much~!🌸🌸🌸 QwQ
Thank you! I’m so glad you enjoyed them! 
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iamsimplyonehellofawriter · 8 years ago
Hey~!🌸 I love your blog lots!It's really great ^^. Could I request some HCs for Sebastian and Undertaker with an asexual S/O who loves hugs and cuddles and sometimes needs reassuring that there's nothing wrong with them? Thank you so much,beautiful people~♡!
Thank you! 
From what I’ve seen, I don’t think Sebastian enjoys sex, at least with the two human women he is showed with, and while it is usual for most humans to have a sex drive he wouldn’t give it much thought.
He sees affection as a way to satisfy his lover, sexual or not, and hugs and cuddles serve the same purpose as sex in his perspective.
Would assure you there’s nothing “wrong” with you just because you don’t want to initiate in sex, and wouldn’t understand the conception there is.
He would make sure to shower you with a lot of physical affection regularly.
He would love running his fingers through your hair with your head in his lap.
Lots of hugs, he likes wrapping his arms around you and playing with your hair.
Likes receiving as well as giving, he loves receiving hugs and kisses and other forms of affection.
Would be very defensive of you, if anyone accused you of being “damaged” for being asexual they might end up maimed/injured/or disappeared.
Likes PDA but wouldn’t initiate it if you disliked being affectionate in public.
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iamsimplyonehellofawriter · 8 years ago
Hey there! I hope you don't mind me requesting for a shoutout... I'm @kurogamimessenger-xreader. If you don't like this kind of asks, please ignore it. I love you, by the way!
Of course! Everyone check out @kurogamimessenger-xreader for Kuroshitsuji, Noragami, and Mystic Messenger writing! ^_~
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iamsimplyonehellofawriter · 8 years ago
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He keeps staring at his reflection, remind you of someone?
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iamsimplyonehellofawriter · 8 years ago
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He keeps staring at his reflection, remind you of someone?
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iamsimplyonehellofawriter · 8 years ago
LMFAO my friend just said this while we were watching DN parodies: "Honestly I wouldn't even rip him a new asshole, I would just rip the asshole he already has out. Like from his gooch to his intestines to his mouth I would just rip it all the way out. I don't know how but I would do it. I'll be the first person in history to do it. It would be a scientific discovery." Talking about Light. What would be his reaction?
… probably the same reaction as mine, staring blankly into space, wondering what happened to humanity…(He might also coincidentally kill him.)
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iamsimplyonehellofawriter · 8 years ago
How about L having to deal with an American significant other who is very good at reading others but is an expressive and a mostly happy person that weasels her way into the Kira investigation to keep an eye on L because she's worried about this case. And Light's thoughts/ reaction to her please if that's not too much~
L would protest at first, saying it is far too dangerous for you to work on the case, especially since the number 1 suspect would be working along side you.
Once he resigned himself to the fact that he can’t stop you, he would delete everything, anything that could trace back to your name, your family, he would destroy your background.
He would then make a new identity for you, new addresses, new hometown, new social media, new everything.
He would introduce you to Light saying “Light, this is my girlfriend, Y/N” in a monotone voice, and carefully search for a reaction.
He would regularly ask for your input, had you noticed something he didn’t? Or vice versa? A fresh point of view would be incredibly helpful to him, even if he disagreed with it.
Light would seem polite, but would be incredibly apprehensive. Why would L be with you? What could L gain? More importantly, what could he gain?
He would assume you were just a pawn in Ls mission to catch Kira, and not that he was emotionally attached to you. Why would L introduce his girlfriend to the number 1 suspect?
He would try to gain your trust to have you spill secrets of Ls plans, if you ever did say something that seemed revealing, he may be too arrogant to think you said it on purpose.
While he never underestimates L, he may underestimate you, he is aware of L’s intelligence because on day 1, L outsmarted him. So while he would be guarded around you, he would consider himself intellectually superior.
Your observations would not deter him in the slightest, he would be confident in his abilities to hide his thoughts and emotions, an arrogance that could lead to his downfall.
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