#the cardboard stegosaurus
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svnnyd4ys · 2 days ago
SFTH texts between characters <3
(does this make sense? who knows anymore)
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artstantpansies · 2 months ago
finally realized i don't have to choose between my love of traditional art and my love of tumblr incorrect quotes. sfth hand drawn meme blast (character ids in alt)
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sfth-daily-quotes · 12 days ago
"Then why did you bring us to the cliff where she jumped? …I mean fell!"
– Sam Russell, The Cardboard Stegosaurus
Edit credit to @we-could-go-off-together
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dingdinghq · 4 months ago
all sfth knows is play sad, traumatized children and LIE
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i-may-be-an-emu · 4 months ago
“So why did you bring us to the cliff where she jumped- 😟🫢😬 I mean fell 😌😃”
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hidden-by-a-trench-coat · 6 days ago
Hi does anyone want to hear about my SFTH Orchestra AU???
I've had it in the back of my mind for a little while but I was suddenly struck with intense inspiration, so here's what I have so far ideas-wise with my favorites/more elaborated ones on top and going down with less detail (I'll split them up by longform for your convenience):
(Kind of a long post so beware. It should also be noted I have only been in orchestra and I know depressingly little about the choir and band so. I apologize in advance - please feel free to add input about either of those if you want!)
Unrelenting Aubergine
I'm not fully sure about what Margaery's role would be, but for some reason she gives me cellist vibes. Maybe it's the way Sam sits while playing her, idk- regardless I feel like she'd be really good at it and would have lots of experience
She can play baroque-style as well because I said so. (I'll get to it later but she plays in the group with Father Andrews and Begruvia, too)
She could also be the conductor... I feel like she'd fit the role well, but I want to keep that slot open for now
Titch and James, I'm not exactly sure what they'd play, but with Margaery playing cello it makes me think they could, too and Margeary's magic in this AU is instead her teaching their father to play and then also teaching them how to play. With them playing the same instrument, it still allows them to have their rivalry as they try to live up to their father's legacy! Maybe he leaves them a really really nice instrument and they're kind of competing for it
James also gives me double bass vibes so maybe he's just doing it to try to make their father proud but in reality he kind of just wants to play double bass. Maybe he likes jazz, he kind of gives me those vibes
And Derek!!! I can't forget about him. He gives me viola vibes for some reason. Or maybe second violinist. He just wants to support Titch!!! But I think he could play piano as I could see that fitting for him. He’s Titch’s accompaniment! Basically his assistant, still
(He also gives me music theory nerd vibes for some reason, so maybe he composes from time to time)
Phantom of Hornchurch
Begruvia plays baroque-style viola because I said so. (This is what inspired the AU, actually-) He can also play modern viola but he just prefers baroque-style
Andrews, meanwhile, plays the organ! (it's so associated with churches I though it would be fitting) That and maybe harpsichord/piano, too, since if he can play organ he can probably play those two as well
(He also kind of gives me conductor vibes, but that's usually reserved for the first violinist in ensembles [or, well, leading, is. Not exactly 'conducting']. He'd probably be second to lead, though)
They respect each other's skills but they don't really get along - probably because they have completely different musical interpretations of the pieces and things
Since it's probably a small group, however, - and as I mentioned earlier - Margaery is there, too, and they both respect her skills. She finds it amusing to watch them bicker when it's not interfering with their practice time. She is not afraid to scold them about them wasting time
Cardboard Stegosaurus
Cliff plays cello (I swear I'm not that biased- they just all give me cello vibes). He's in his own ensemble before meeting Maire-Claire
Marie-Claire plays either violin or harp, but I'm leaning towards violin. It mimics the voice, it can have such a sweet but intense sound; she steals the show and yet she is still so collaborative and knows how to work with a group so well and Cliff absolutely loves it (but she would also be so majestic with a harp so. Either or!)
Pierre plays viola or cello, too, but I'm actually leaning towards viola. Him and Marie-Claire used to do lots of duets together and they played in an ensemble together
Marie-Claire and Cliff meet at some kind of ensemble gathering together where they play in a group together and they are both just enamored by each other's playing and it goes from there.
I imagine they don't pressure Chip into playing any instruments, but he still wants to try. I think Marie-Claire would try to teach him some violin and maybe in the future if anything happens with Cliff and Pierre (because I kind of love them) Chip can pick up viola, too, and use what he learned about violin to transition to viola. Maybe he plays both - either way Pierre is impressed by how much Chip knows and probably recognizes the skills that he learned from Marie-Claire right away
Toby's Secret Pocket
Toby would play something really elegant. I could see him playing harp and being really proud of it - but I could also see him playing piano. Maybe he knows both
He could also compose music, that might make a little more sense (he'd probably play a bit, too, though)
I don't have any ideas for his wife yet, but I imagine she'd have some kind of role in the orchestra, too
Clancy and Doohickey, meanwhile, should be like, a really loud section. Either somewhere in the like band section (brass and woodwinds or whatever) or like. First violins. Something where they can fight about their positions all the time. I don’t know enough about band instruments to assign them any, though and I don't know if they fit violin
They also don't have to be in the same section, they could also be two different instruments always fighting about which instrument is better or which has better solos/pieces and stuff, which can do cooler things, that kind of stuff. They could have some funny stuff being at the front of their sections and constantly glaring at each other as they try to be the better player but also have to communicate so they just glare (I think they'd secretly respect each other's playing, though)
Jimmy can be there, too! I think he could play something like trombone, maybe. One of the brass instruments, I feel like. Or maybe we can give him a triangle. I think he’d like triangle. Regardless, he's just having a great time in the background
From here on I don't have as elaborate of ideas, but I still want to include them
Inside the Mysterious Cube
Jeremiah and Bubba I feel like would play something like the fiddle (which, fun fact, I'm pretty sure is literally just violin and all of the difference comes from the style of play, actually) or something like saxophone. Which, I know would make them be kind of out of place in an orchestra, but idk, I think it suits them for some reason
Regardless they just enjoy themselves. I feel like they'd do a lot of duets and things rather than like full group performances
Clarissa's DIY Wedding
Amanda could sing. I think she’d have a great singing voice. That or like. Bassoon??? Idk why I just like. I just see it.
Clarissa, meanwhile I could also see singing. But maybe she picks up another instrument. I could see her playing flute
I think they would have met when they were young at some kind of music camp or at a music class at school and they just hit it off and became best friends from there. I think they would have done some great duets when they were younger
Mark would either play one of the brass instruments or like, keyboard. Some kind of electric instrument. Or maybe percussion. Admittedly I don't have many ideas for him (and I know too little about band to give him an instrument...) but he should be there, too
Priscilla's Final Petal
Priscilla! She still plays piano, she still pretty young (maybe somewhere around 18), still pressured into it by her parents (probably getting her into college, too), and she’s good at it, but… she doesn’t enjoy it.
Because of this she doesn’t have much musicality (or like. Putting emotion into the music, kind of). She plays the notes on the page as they’re written and doesn't really try much else. It doesn't have much emotion and it sometimes hinders the performance.
Everyone in the orchestra worries about her because she doesn’t seem to enjoy herself… (I like to think they try to take care of her or at least check in on her because she's still pretty young compared to most of them and she doesn't seem to be enjoying herself, but she's a good kid - I feel like Derek especially would check in on her, but people like Amanda, Jeremiah and Bubba, and Cliff do, too - oh, and Margaery! She acts like she doesn’t care but she does)
One time she gets really angry during a rehearsal and just stands up and yells at the conductor (whoever that ends up being, I still don't know) about how much she hates music and playing and how dumb it all is. Maybe she throws her music to the ground, of which some sections are just scribbled frantically out, and she just walks out and doesn’t return for the next few rehearsals
I think she would just need to find out how to enjoy music on her own or find something else to do - maybe a different instrument, maybe something else entirely, who knows
Wild, Wet, and Worrisome
Persephone!!! Maybe she sings but she just isn't great at it. Or maybe she is but she doesn't like it all that much. But the others still like her, even if they can be a bit rude at times (her sisters can be there, too). In my mind she desires to play another instrument and hasn't gotten a chance to try anything different (for some reason I want to say flute)
Maybe that’s how she meets Geoff. Maybe he plays something else - percussion? They’re both a bit awkward and they still hit it off - I don't have many other ideas about them, though, but I want them to be there
And that's it for now! I really want to include Tarquin and Amanda from Lost In Your Eyes (who would've guessed), but I don't have any ideas for them yet... I kind of want to include Beetroot Sam/Rupert and Justin, too, cause I like them, but I'm not sure. Maybe the Bandit Brothers, too. Jemima, David, and Mr. Steven from Milkman could also fit in... Caesar and Juliet could join in on the baroque-style playing group. Nigel, Andrew, and Uncle Sam could be fun to put in there, too. I should probably go to sleep now, but I might add onto this later with more ideas for them as I think of them.
Thank you for reading my ramblings! Feel free to add more ideas, I'm now very invested in this AU. Maybe I'll write something for it in the future but I'm not sure (Also, I need ideas for a conductor... I keep forgetting… Conductor Nigel, maybe…? I don’t know)
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letsbesharkfriends · 3 months ago
was looking for a screenshot but I just love this one
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iamonlypartlymajestic · 2 months ago
I made another comic because the Pierre x Marie-Claire feels slapped me in the face (ᗒᗩᗕ) (and also I could not stop looping T-Swift's Wildest Dreams while drawing them)
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boogflake · 5 months ago
I think "The cardboard stegosaurus" was made for me, the stegosaurus has ALWAYS been my special interest (i have proof) and i'm a frenchie 🤔🤔
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From the results of this poll, I bestow upon you all.. Three playlists!! Why? Because I suddenly got motivation to do them since those 7 days
In first place, The Lefternmost Window, a playlist about Sally!!
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In second place, The Cardboard Stegosaurus, a playlist about Marie-Claire!! Playlist image from The Clovers and Crows :)
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In third place, No! I Always Loved That Caravan!, a playlist about the O'Hands!!
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moulinruno · 5 months ago
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Oh, I've been low, but damn it I bet it don't show It was heaven a moment ago I had it, almost We had it, almost
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svnnyd4ys · 5 months ago
SFTH character tweets!!
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youling-the-ghost · 4 months ago
paralysed – a cliff & chip ficlet
TW: suicidal ideation When grief struck him, Cliff felt no sadness or anguish or anger, he simply felt...numb. (inspired by this edit by @i-may-be-an-emu) word count: 838
Cliff felt nothing.
Those words might feel like hyperbole, but they weren't.
Looking out the window, Cliff barely flinched as he saw a squirrel be reduced to a pile of blood and guts on the side of the road by some reckless driver. He should feel bad, he should want to rush out and cradle the squirrel in his hands and scramble to save it.
But he didn't.
He tried that once before; tried cradling her head, did everything he could to try and save her life, cried and screamed and begged. And yet here he was, sitting on the couch, the familiar weight in his lap no longer there.
Cliff took a sip of his drink. The tea had long since turned cold.
He wasn't sure when it started—last week, maybe? All he knew was that one night, he went to bed with tearstains on his pillowcase and woke up unable to cry.
His co-workers told him that it was a good thing, that he was finally moving on. Cliff tried to believe them.
Cliff turned to look behind him. "Yes, Chip?"
Chip's eyes glossed over for a split second before they blinked back to normalcy and he said, "Um, I need you to drive me to school."
"Ah, yes, of course."
Chip was Marie-Claire's nickname for her darling son. For Cliff, his son was always "kiddo".
Cliff got up from his couch and looked at his son, his precious son that he once adored with his whole heart and more, his son who had Marie-Claire's eyes and Marie-Claire's smile and a hint of Marie-Claire's French accent when he talked. He felt no affection in his heart, even when he tried squeezing it dry.
Cliff grabbed his jacket and headed out the door.
The steering wheel was cool against his hands. Cliff ignited the car and let the rumbling noises ring out.
"Um, dad?" Chip's squeaky voice piped up. "Your seatbelt..."
"Oh, right."
Frankly, Cliff didn't care to do up his seatbelt.
The seatbelt secured with a quiet click.
Chip stayed quiet as the car drove forward. Normally—no, formerly—Marie-Claire would blast rock music from the speakers and Chip would giggle at the songs that he recognised and Cliff would chuckle helplessly because he knew none of the songs. BBC News muttered some burglary case from the speakers.
Neither Cliff nor Chip knew how to connect their phones to the car speakers.
How unfair the world was, Cliff thought as the car approached a red light. So many rules and regulations and standard in place, just to ensure the safety of the people. And yet, one wrong move and it all comes crumbling down.
He could die right now, Cliff mused. There was nothing stopping him from letting go of the steering wheel and stepping on the gas pedal and crashing into some undeserving house.
But he didn't.
The school was visible through the light fog now. Cliff stepped on the brakes and stopped as a line of children marched down the crosswalk. He thought back to the squirrel. It was probably long dead by now, its skin cold and its eyes lifeless and its mouth curled into the slightest hint of a smile as it used the last of its strength to whisper—
Cliff sped back up as the children all made it safely to the other side. He drove into the drop-off zone and parked. Chip stayed silent the whole time.
"Take care, kid—Chip," he said as his son stepped out of the car with a backpack that was almost twice his size.
"Bye, dad," said Chip in a strained voice. Then he was gone.
Cliff sighed and turned his head back to the road.
Should he just leave?
It would be painful, his bones would hurt, but at least it would be something. He could be with his love again, and there would be no one in this realm to love him anyway. Cliff despaired at the way his heart didn't so much as clench at the idea of ending his own life.
Cliff snapped his head up. It was Chip's voice.
There Chip was rushing towards him, his backpack swaying from side to side like a squirrel's tail as he did so.
"What's up, kiddo?" Cliff didn't catch himself that time.
Chip leaned through the car window and planted a kiss on his cheek.
"I love you, dad," he said with a smile—one of those pure smiles that only a child could wear. And he was off again. Cliff watched as his son sprinted towards the main doors and was scolded by the principal for disdemeanour, and his heart clenched in affection.
He seemed to have forgotten about the one other person who loved him.
Cliff unparked the car and went on his path home. A squirrel obstructed his path, and he slowed down to let the rodent pass.
He will live. For Chip's sake, for Marie-Claire's sake, and, maybe one day, for his own sake too.
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not-an-idiot · 1 month ago
I again have crossover ideas.
What if the guy from the dinosaur translator game was Chip from The Cardboard Stegosaurus?
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weirdagnes · 10 months ago
Epilogue idea for the Cardboard Stegosaurus: after Cliff and Marie Claire’s co-worker (I think AJ named him Pierre?) re-opened the tunnels and united the English and French geologist teams once again, the two find themselves bonding.
So they became friends, often visiting Marie Claire’s grave together, and reminiscing good memories of her. Pierre finds that Cliff isn’t so bad after all, it was his grief and jealousy that prevented him from seeing Cliff in a positive light.
Pierre also warms up to Cliff’s son, Chip, he finds himself spending time with the boy whenever he visits. The boy had his mother’s eyes, and though it brings up painful memories, Pierre felt protective and soft for Chip as he is still Marie Claire’s son after all.
Chip likes making cardboard cutouts of dinosaurs, his favorite the Stegosaurus. Pierre would let the boy infodump about dinosaurs, and would tell him cool rock facts in return. Cliff would return from the kitchen with their merienda, his heart warming at the sight of the two.
The sight felt familiar to Cliff, reminded him of his wife when she would play with her son. Wait - what did that mean?
Pierre slowly comes to a realization that he has found warmth and home whenever he was with Cliff and his son. Wait had he.. fallen for him? His long rival, the lover of his former love?
But wouldn’t falling for one another betray their love for Marie Claire? Cliff, does he even deserve Pierre when he failed saving Marie Claire from her own dark thoughts? And Pierre, does he even deserve Cliff after he’s attempted to destroy the Euro tunnel, where their love first blossomed?
The two navigates these new feelings, they grew and healed together. Their relationship transforms from a classic enemies to friends to lovers. The two confessed their love one night and laughed at the odd turn of events. There was life after Marie Claire, and it is promising.
Pierre financially helps the Cliff and his son, even offering them to stay at his home if Cliff could no longer afford to sustain the family. Pierre would also teach Chip some French, which to their shock, helped him manage his English/French seizures (yes that is integral to the plot).
They married, Chip has 2 dads now, and they lived happily ever after👨‍👨‍👦
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i-may-be-an-emu · 4 months ago
woe Cliff angst be upon ye
warning for distortion/glitching effects
Music credit: “Paralyzed” by NF
Video credit: shootimpro (“The Cardboard Stegosaurus” improvised play #16)
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