#samantha sfth
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svnnyd4ys · 3 months ago
go ahead and imagine yourself in Sally Xavier-Leftenmostwindow's shoes after the events of TLW for a minute.
how could you ever trust anyone in your family ever again?
your mother used her fucking superpower to make you think you fucked your sister's husband, which is just- majorly fucked up, on so many levels.
your sister has the same fucking superpower, which is just- unfair!
your father's fine, most of the time, but Samantha and Mother both need him more, so when have you ever gotten anything from him?? you had to practically jump him to get any sort of information, but you still wear the act of being 'Daddy's Little Princess' because Samantha cannot take another thing from you.
she has Egbert (which is fine, you don't even want that life anyway) but people are talking.
about you, about the family, about the scullery maid you got sent away- Sally, you cannot even breathe wrong, without one of father's old war buddies (from the Boer war. God, men in this family and their need to feel useful) offering up a son, a family friend, a distant cousin, for you to marry.
mother always had the most stability in these situations. there would be a cold, clammy, comforting hand to the nape of your neck, or to your forehead, and a polite denial.
she could always see that you were different, and now she can't see you at all.
none of them can.
Egbert could, but now he doesn't even speak to you. Father says that Samantha is still uncomfortable around you, even though it wasn't even you. none of this was you.
it still isn't.
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farraday-yes · 1 month ago
I inflicted this in the discord so I will inflict it on Tumblr as well: SFTH Character Ghost Hunting Show AU
(Brought to you by a Phasmophobia stream I recently watched)
The working cast is
Titch (TUA) - the skeptic/host
Derek (TUA) - camera man
Samantha (Egbert’s Wife, TLW) - resident medium
Jimmy (TSP) - scaredy cat/intern
Older!Julian (PoH) - supernatural informationist/other intern
Titch gets away from the family business to run a local history/nature show but ends up turning into a ghost hunting show. He meets Derek as a camera man first. Julian was his first hire followed by Samantha and, recently, Jimmy who is doing a summer internship.
Julian’s play takes place and so does Jimmy’s. After the events of TSP, Jimmy was advised to take a leave of absence. He was originally hired to be a body guard/security specialist but that plan went off the rails. Titch still hired him though since the kid seemed spooked in his own skin.
Samantha’s play doesn’t take place but she still has her family’s weird family values and dynamics. Egbert’s is in the military and Samantha didn’t want the life of a military wife. She left everything and took the first supernatural-esque job because 1) it’s easy money and 2) she’s the most goddamn authentic “medium” then any other schnub they might hire.
Extra shit:
If I ever write this, it would open up in a tour of various haunts in (unspecified country so I can use both European and American sites since space is fake). They’re on episode 10 of this show and every other one was a dud.
Titch ensures the show is 100% honest and talks about things like “that previous house had a gas leak, people ate shrooms near here, this building’s wiring is way out of code.” He does play the skeptic after all.
Jimmy overreacts to everything but he’s also the fan favorite. It also adds a nice comedy to everything.
Samantha is pretty done with everyone. She makes sure Jimmy and Julian don’t get into trouble like the big sister she is.
Julian is a baby duck by Titch’s side and does want to pursue a career in supernatural television (mostly because I love the “TV Show” bit with Father Andrews haha).
Derek is the camera man/video editor. He’s 100% responsible why most of the scenes focus on Titch even if he’s not the main focus of the shot. That’s why he makes sure he’s the editor so nobody has to see all of that.
Now their show is nearly the end of its current run and no actual supernatural stuff. (Though Samantha was very insistent there were some in Episode 3.) Episode 10’s stop?
The Langbrook Manor, home to the mysterious deaths of the Langbrook family and the equally mysterious disappearance of the previous Lady, Annabelle.
Their “no supernatural” streak ends there.
This has been on my thoughts all night.
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mikkstaape · 2 months ago
The Leftenmost Window <3
Inspired by Hjerteknuser - Kaizers Orchestra
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rubber-glovs · 5 months ago
Guys in computer science/coding class I did it about Leftenmost window😼😼
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i-may-be-an-emu · 4 months ago
very random thought but if The leftenmost window was an actual movie, it would be in black and white until Eggbert and Samantha meet again
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thenightshadowqueen · 5 months ago
Top ten SFTH character couples
(in my biased opinion)
Okay, first of all I’m so sorry to anyone who followed me for anything other than Shoot from the Hip content; I swear I’ll put in more variety. Someday. (Also go check out Shoot from the Hip.) Second of all, I did not join Tumblr with the intention of making a bunch of lists, but they’re fun to write and people seem to enjoy them, so here goes.
10. Justin x the Beetroots MC (headcanon)
Listen, I do NOT condone the whole “if they’re bullying you, that means they like you” bullshit. That being said, years and years later, after both of them have grown as people, I think they could have a really sweet relationship, at least after they work through everything.
9. André Beetroot x Xavier (canon, somehow)
I kind of ship this in a joking way, but also kind of not? They make sense together in a really weird, fucked-up way, and I’m so here for it. (I cannot believe that they’ve canonically hooked up. Multiple times. I love AJ so much for giving us this.)
8. Andrew x Nigel (headcanon)
It’s so toxic. It’s so toxic, and I know that, and it would never be okay in real life, but some dark part of me is really fascinated by the possibilities. (I cannot emphasise enough how much I am intrigued by this in FICTION ONLY.)
7. Jack and Jackie (canon)
Complete turnaround from the last two, but these two are genuinely so sweet. I honestly don’t even have much to say about them, but I love them. So much.
6. François x Mimi (canon)
They are so toxic. They’re horrible people, and they only make each other worse. And I love it. (You know, making this list did make me worry about my mental health slightly. Just slightly.)
5. Toby x the meth wife (canon)
First of all, this is the gayest straight-presenting relationship I’ve ever seen, and I love it. (I totally headcanon them both as bi/pan/queer/etc., but that’s not the point of this post.) And honestly, they’re so supportive of each other. They’re, like, genuinely a healthy couple (in a SFTH play? Can you imagine?). They have so much love for each other, and I could talk about them all day, but I’m fairly sure no one needs that, so I’ll stop.
4. Andrews x Betruva (headcanon)
Listen, I might be a little biased because they’re new, but they kind of have everything I look for in a ship. They have millennia of history, which is always a good start. They’re ancient nemeses. They founded a church named after them both???? Honestly how much more gay can you get?
3. Esmerelda x the vampire slayer (canon)
I like to imagine that Esmeralda survived, and they fall in love, and they have to work through the trauma of the slayer (I think I saw the fanon name Samantha? But I’m not sure) trying to kill Esmeralda. There’s just so much angst potential, and oh, now I want to write a fanfic.
2. Bubba x Jeramiah (canon)
They’re a fucking classic, okay, and they’re a classic for a reason. They are the best gay cowboys, and I love them so much. I know I should have more to say, but I feel like it would just be incoherent screaming.
1. Derek x Titch (canon)
Listen, who else could it be? They are so fundamentally amazing. It’s a classic case of “he fell first, he fell harder” (even if we don’t get to see a lot of the “he fell harder” part, I believe it with all my heart). I love Titch working though his issues and learning to open up, and I love Derek being so helplessly in love with him. I love them so much, and they deserve the top spot.
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toddandersonwithtrustissues · 4 months ago
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More sfth fanart; this time it’s Samantha and Egbert in their secret garden
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svnnyd4ys · 11 days ago
The Leftenmost Window characters in a (modern) British school
(this is based off of my school, so yk might not be accurate for everywhere ofc)
SALLY XAVIER - she is one of the netball girls (PE teachers love her) - "You going shops at break?" - in year 10 (9th grade) - took PE, Food Tech, Art and Geography GCSE (a lot of coursework) - she and her netball gang basically occupy one of the girl's bathrooms in the geography block every break and lunch - very good at maths/sciences, doesn't try but still manages to get good results, so even when she isn't paying attention, the teachers don't really get mad at her - has about 5 Victoria's Secret or So...? body sprays in her bag at all times - always accidentally leaves her food tech ingredients at home - always gets called Samantha by teachers (even though they don't really look *that* similar) - nice when she's not with her netball friends, but will ignore you if she is - spends a lot of time in her head of years office because she gets overwhelmed by everything very easily, and her HOY is her biggest support system - her school tie is criminally bad (it starts off good but as soon as she gets into the school building, she gets 'swot-knotted' and gives up) and she never wears her blazer
SAMANTHA XAVIER - used to be a netball girl, but quit in year 11 (unlike Sally, she wasn't close with the people on her netball team) - "Who took my lanyard?" - in year 13 (final year of high school) - took English Literature, English Language and Biology for her A-Levels - suffers from migraines and spends a lot of her time in the medical office/listening services because they're the quietest places in school - building on that, she has an LSS pass which means she can take breaks from lesson if she needs and the teachers aren't allowed to stop her - passed all of her GCSEs apart from German (she took Computer Science, German, Drama and PE) - has been going out with Egbert since year 10, because they were in the same GCSE Drama group - pretends not to know Sally in the hallways, but will go into Sally's classrooms to drop off bags and any books that she forgot by loudly announcing it and embarrassing her - applied to be head girl, but got rejected because of her attendance - has at least 5 hair bobbles on her person at all time, because her biology teacher gives them a lot of practicals and goes mad if you don't tie your hair back - absolutely despises assemblies
EGBERT BABB-DAILEY - used to be a roadman, but pulled his act together at the end of year 11 and managed to pass all of his GCSEs (everybody was very proud of him) - "You're actually such a beg." - in year 13 and took German, Maths and Economics A-levels - student librarian because he feels bad for the amount of chaos he used to cause to the actual librarians - his teachers chose his GCSEs for him, because he really just didn't care and got good grades in everything anyways (ended up in RE, Drama, German and Triple Science) - pushes in line in the canteen because he's a sixth former and therefore priority /hj (the teachers love him, so he doesn't get in trouble) - gets in trouble for being on his phone in the lower school - has at least 5 hair bobbles of Samantha's all the time, just in case she loses hers - his mum is an ICT teacher so he always goes and hangs out in her classroom - lives next door to Peter Stephen and is always late because he has to walk Peter to school, and Peter is always late
ALEXANDER XAVIER - Economics/Woodwork teacher and year 8 tutor - "If you swing on that chair you'll fall backwards and smash your head open. I saw it happen!" - strict, but most of the students love him - when he has to give an assembly, he mysteriously goes off sick - whenever Egbert comes over to see Samantha, it turns into a tutoring session - never immediately tells people the answers, and will stare at them until they at least say something - comes into school very early to set things up, and Sally usually goes in earlier with him
THOMASIN XAVIER - part time drama teacher (has dizzy spells which means she has to take time out) - "Uh, girls! This isn't a salon!" - loved by students who have her for A-Level/GCSE but those who only have her because they're forced to despise her lessons - lets you eat in her class as long as you have brought enough for everyone and are actually doing work (she will check) - takes note of which students are comfortable performing vs those who aren't and acts accordingly - comes into school later than her husband, and Samantha drives her in
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i-may-be-an-emu · 6 months ago
thank you so much for the tag!!
open tags because my memory is so bad I’m so sorry
Make a poll of your favorite female characters (no limits – as many or as little as you want) and see which your followers like the most
Thanks for the tag @eternalergo and @corffiser 🌟
No pressure tagging: @six-demon-bag, @andromedaholic, @zemos-bathrobe, @ithilien-wolf, @coffee-without-anesthetics
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svnnyd4ys · 23 days ago
oughh Samantha taking after her mother, even when she was younger and not even knowing it.
having visions of Sally (who was always the more rambunctious of the two) falling out of that leftenmost window; of meeting Egbert (who was destined to be with her, always with) at her uncle's stables for the first time. the most important events of her life always came with the same feeling, the same funny turn, the same things would happen every time:
Sally would knock on her bedroom door, begging her to play. (Samantha would turn her down, sobbing once she finally heard the sigh of discontent from her sister as she finally left)
Thomasin would come into the room after she thought Samantha had fallen asleep, and gently brush the hair from her face, before taking a silent vigil by that window. (how still Samantha would be, as her mother would finally be looking at her instead of past her)
she didn't remember the visions. it was always an intense feeling of deja vu, an intense "i've been here before. i've seen this but i can't stop it"
she remembered the migraines. the nursemaids and nannies fluttering and fussing around her. (her father never coming to her room, "Sally needs him more. You have your mother!" the governess would explain, as she and Samantha did their private lessons)
unlike Sally, Samantha loved reading and writing. the lessons with the governess were the highlight of her week, and she was encouraged by her to keep a journal.
so she'd sit in that leftenmost window (the same one that Sally fell out of, the same one that her mother would take her to the astral plane through, the same one that she sees Egbert coming back home from) and she would write.
and when Samantha is finally told the truth, she picks up those journals for the first time in years, and she reads and she writes.
when Egbert comes home, she reads and she writes.
pieces slowly click into place. Samantha is starting to understand herself, but she's not sure that she'll ever be able to forgive herself, or her mother, or her father, not fully. but Samantha feels like herself for the first time in years.
it's just about midnight on Sally's 18th birthday, and she knocks on Samantha's bedroom door. it's tentative, and unsure, and Samantha thinks she might be hallucinating at first, but when she goes and sees her little sister stood there (crooked smile and crooked teeth, and her crooked nose that never fully healed after the window incident)-
"Sam? Do you- Can- Would you like to sneak down to the kitchens with me?" Sally asks. she's nervous and Samantha's nervous. and then Sally starts to turn, "It was stupid- actually- nevermind- I just thought, for old times sake-"
"Can I grab my housecoat first?"
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svnnyd4ys · 2 months ago
Fellas, if your girl:
Has a mother who often suffers mysterious migraines
Has a father who fought in the Boer War
Has a younger sister (with lovely cheekbones) who is convinced she fucked you
Can project her consciousness across space and time
Spies on the Germans for you
She is not your girl! She is Samantha Xavier, and you should probably stop taking her sister into the gardens (and talking about her cheekbones, no matter how much you prefer some 'cushion for the pushin'', it won't help your case). Her mother sees everything. And somehow since you've been gone, so does darling Samantha.
I mean, how do you think her father won the Boer War?!
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svnnyd4ys · 4 months ago
SFTH character tweets!!
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svnnyd4ys · 22 days ago
updated SFTH family tree!
i've created a new post so that it is easier for me to explain all the little bits and bobs involved :)
thank you to not-an-idiot for helping me and for the amazing ideas!! (idk if they're okay with being tagged, but i hope that you see this :) )
here's the overview, more details under the cut!
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"Big-Dick" has been Arthur's nickname for all his life, and it's his pen name. He is the main source of any and all 'powers' within the family, as he is also able to traverse across the astral plane (he's either immortal or a time traveller, but either way, he dedicates his books to his great-grandson - Samuel 'Big-Dick' Babb-Dailey, which is )
Jonas Langbrook is the manor owner from 'Too Big to be a Jockey'. He loves his nieces on Thomasin's side (Samantha and Sally) and encourages Samantha to spend more time out of the Xavier household by inviting her to come and help in the stables. This is where Samantha and Egbert meet for the first time.
Earl changes his last name because he is ashamed to be associated with his family, especially after Jonas' antics... He is the father from 'Priscilla's Final Petal'.
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Annabelle is Priscilla's biological mother, and the child of Inga and Hugh from Marigolds, Bluebells and Hugh (which I haven't watched in ages so if this is incorrect pls tell me!!)
(feasibly, she could be adopted and they are just raising her together bc of societal standards at the time, am not saying it has to be romantic!!)
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Samuel is the protagonist from Beetroots & Murder - Samantha and Egbert die when he is young, Sally/Earl are unable to take him in so he gets adopted and moves to Somerset with his adoptive parents, Cyrus and Summer Setchell.
He becomes a single father to James Babb-Dailey (the father from 'The Neighbour's Under The Bed') who is the father of Johnny and Janae, which explains the future dreams. (and if Samantha and Egbert die in a fire, then it kind of adds to the lore)
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svnnyd4ys · 13 days ago
updated update of the Xavier (SFTH) family tree!!
@not-an-idiot thank you very much for your help with this!!! i made this post because there have been quite a few developments to it and it's nice to have it all in one post :))
here is the overview, and then we'll dive deeper into each branch/backstory on the tree! (long post under the cut because i cannot stop rambling about this stuff, it's so interesting)
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BUS: Celia is just a random name, but felt fitting! 'Big Dick' has always been a nickname of the family's patriarch, Arthur. He is also the main source of any sort of 'powers' within the family, as he is able to time travel/project his consciousness across space and time (much like his daughter, Thomasin).
He has some kind of immortality deal going on, and he dedicates his books to his great-great grandson, Samuel Babb-Dailey (aka the protagonist from Beetroots & Murder).
TOO BIG TO BE A JOCKEY: Jonas Langbook is the youngest of Celia and Arthur's 3 children, and he is also the manor owner from Too Big To Be A Jockey. He's the family 'embarrassment' but the parents favour him, because he reminds BD of himself. he did not 'earn' the manor, in fact- it was a gift.
Despite his flaws, Jonas loves his nieces and in fact, often has Samantha visiting as she often struggled with leaving the house, (his sister was always the same, little did they know it's a side affect of the visions) and so this encouraged her in doing so, and helped her build her confidence. Jonas would also teach both Sally and Samantha how to ride, and one night, Samantha was out in the stables, and that's where she met Egbert for the first time (but more on that later).
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PRISCILLA'S FINAL PETAL: Earl is both his name and title- he moved to Germany from England because he wanted to stay as far away from Jonas as possible. (because he's a dick)
He met Annabelle at a German flower shop, they got married, had Priscilla etc. but much like his brother, Earl struggles to keep his eyes on one thing, and he ends up meeting one of Thomasin's friends, Lily, when he is visiting Celia on her deathbed. (something something, their entire relationship has been built upon important people in their lives dying).
Unfortunately, Annabelle dies, but Lily's there to comfort him, and be a good mother figure for Priscilla. How wholesome!
MARIGOLDS, BLUEBELLS, AND HUGH: Annabelle is the daughter of Inga and Hugh (aside, i've not watched this play in ages, so like i'm not saying they're romantically involved or anything bc i don't remember it much at all, so they could've just adopted her etc.), and she's always loved plants. So much so that when she and Earl first move into their estate, she insists on planting all sorts, for example, buttercups.
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THE LEFTENMOST WINDOW: Thomasin is the middle child and only daughter of Celia and BD. From a young age, Thomasin has struggled with fatigue, headaches and leaving the house. Alexander was one of the Langbrook's 'Hallboys' and was Thomasin's only friend for most of her childhood.
They got married at ages 19 & 20 respectively. BD had a lot of respect for Alexander, but Celia would often try to break the pair up. At age 15, Thomasin had her first traverse across the astral plane, and told no one, apart from her father. When the Boer war broke out, Samantha and Sally had both already been born, but Alexander still had no idea.
He only found out when one night, he heard a voice he thought that he'd never hear again.
Samantha is around 6 years older than Sally, and during the Boer war, acted as her main caretaker for a while due to Thomasin's migraines becoming worse and getting more frequent. Sally's always been the more rambunctious of the pair, and at ages 15 and 9 respectively, the two of them travel to Jonas' manor.
Sally is always up and about, running around the stables, talking to the farmhands, whereas Samantha is usually reading inside, or sitting on the hay bales.
One night, Samantha falls asleep outside on one of those days, and who wakes her up? None other than the son of one of her uncle's friends, Egbert Babb-Dailey. 3 years later, the two of them are getting married and then the First World War breaks out, leading to Samantha's powers to develop.
(i've made so many TLW posts that go further into these ideas, feel free to check them out!!)
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BEETROOTS AND MURDER: Samantha and Egbert have two children (they were both born later on in their lives, as they struggled to conceive), however, when their children are quite young, Samantha and Egbert pass away in a house fire, the cause of which is unknown.
Samuel 'Big Dick' Babb-Dailey is sent away to live with Cyrus and Summer Setchell (get it?). He has repressed all memories of his life before moving to Somerset. All he remembers is that he quite likes fire. The only connections he has to his past are the dedications in the sex books some random guy writes and then drops off at his parents house. This has led to him also getting the nickname 'Big Dick' and quietly resenting the man. He also has no idea about his sister.
The fire gives him back some memories of his past, but all he can really remember are their names.
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THE PILOT'S FINAL FLIGHT: Martha is Egbert and Samantha's second child, and instead of being sent away like her brother, her aunt Sally insisted on taking her in. (possibly because she's aware that it's more likely for Martha to develop the visions than her brother, and she doesn't want her to suffer alone the same way Samantha did).
For most of her life, Martha actually didn't seem that affected by anything. She was more like Sally than Samantha and Sally began to wonder whether or not she'd taken in the right sibling, but then when Martha was 16, she became afflicted by terrible migraines.
Months after the migraines started, Martha awoke in a cold sweat, and explained that she had a vision of a horrible fire and the name Samuel. That was her first ever future dream, and the last time she ever had one... Well. Technically.
Martha and Leyland meet for the first time because he's (attempting) to buy flowers for his mum, but really has no idea what he's doing or what she'd want. Martha has some knowledge of flowers, because her 'Aunt' Priscilla had gifted her several books, so she assisted him in picking the best ones. From there on, the rest was history.
They got married, Leyland graduated and joined the RAF Research project, all whilst raising their son, Michael. When Leyland's mission goes horribly wrong, Sally begins to take up most of the childcare, allowing Martha to develop a drinking problem. There comes a point where Sally refuses to help her anymore, so Martha is left alone to raise Michael for good.
Years go by, Leyland doesn't return, Martha's not had a dream in years and Michael just seems angry. (In my mind, he's inherited more of Arthur BD's traversing powers, than the future dreams)
And then Martha starts to hear him calling to her, and Michael goes into the astral plane to save him, and all is done.
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THE NEIGHBOUR'S UNDER THE BED/DARK MOONS OF SLOUGH Samuel becomes a single father to James and Penelope, who are twins. The pair are mostly raised equally, until Penelope develops her future dreams at age 9 and this majorly scares Samuel. (reminds him of worse times).
With this, Samuel focuses nearly all of his attention on James, bringing him to every football match and providing attention and support, whilst completely ignoring Penelope.
At first, James did feel bad for his sister, and would try and get his dad to pay attention to her, but eventually, just ignoring her and going along with whatever Samuel was doing was easier, and also felt better.
James' first future dream came when he was 15, and Samuel was much more prepared this time. Penelope would watch in envy, and the boys would ignore her completely.
He eventually meets his Martha at one of his matches (Penelope was there too, she always was) and the pair go on to get married, and have Johnny and Janae. After the kids were born, Penelope left and moved to Slough.
When she heard that Janae had also developed future dreams at the same age Penelope had, she came back. Over the years, she'd managed to make a soup which helped to repress the headaches, so she would send batches over to help her family.
does this make sense? hopefully xx
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