#the bob krane show
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chasesvillainera · 1 year
Sebastian and Marcus are on basically the same level of evil and I’ll prove it.
Bad Dads: Douglas my absolute beloved but he wasn’t great to Marcus, and with the timeline we get the only thing that makes sense is that Krane also had a hand in raising him. Marcus chose to be evil but the way he grew up left him no other option.
And of course, Sebastian had Krane and he was mind controlled probably most of his life.
In conclusion: Fuck Krane (no Douglas not like that)
Relationship with the Rats: Marcus sought them out specifically for the purpose of capturing them, it worked like a charm because they really wanted friends. We didn’t see much of it but he integrated himself enough to become their bestie. It was a plan from start to finish. (Side note: In Concert in a Can when he meets Donald for the first time and is like “omg you’re Donald Davenport!!” I like to imagine that Douglas told him “yea just stroke his ego a little. He’ll be putty in your hands)
The first time Sebastian meets the gang (we’re ignoring Secret Soldiers for this purpose because actions under mind control don’t count) he’s bonded with Adam like a baby duck, trying to find a home for his siblings. When they’re at the academy he’s super into the learning and wants to go on missions! Then he learns about Krane, and when he stages his rebellion he manipulates Chase into helping the same way Marcus did, just with less planning.
Crimes Begin: Marcus tried to murder Leo many times before the first Showdown to get him out of the way—the self-driving car, the robot in the lair, and then many times in Showdown. Leo’s only alive because he’s extraordinary clever, and because they weren’t gonna kill the protagonist on a Disney show.
Sebastian tried to kill Donald as a method of revenge—“a father for a father” type thing.
Crimes Continue: In Showdown, the goal was to abduct Adam, Bree, and Chase and make them bionic soldiers. Marcus then tried to shove Chase into a giant meat grinder (which we don’t talk about enough wtf) and tried to kill Leo again. Basically, doing what his dad had trained him to do for as long as he’s been alive. It’s bad but he doesn’t know how to be good.
I honestly don’t know what the goal of Rebellion was, but I’ll take the worst interpretation and say Seb wanted to kill the Rats + Donald and break everyone off the island. Not great but there’s very likely some residual brainwashing lingering there. I’m thinking about that scene in Screaming Skull where Adam tells Bob “oh right, you’re a blank slate cause of Krane’s mind control” when he doesn’t know what Halloween is. It’s possible the soldiers have been under his control most of their lives, and I can’t imagine what that kind of constant exposure to the Triton app would do to their brains. Anyway, in his head, Davenport wiped out his father and then took him and his siblings and made them into his soldiers. Which is basically Bionic Showdown from the Rats’ perspective. Again, not good, but can see how he got there.
Ending: Marcus got crushed by the rubble, then brought back, then killed again, then killed again. No that’s not a typo it happened twice.
Sebastian went to prison, and based on what we learned about the virus in One of Us it’s possible he blew up.
Neither of them got vindicated by the show.
Anyway I don’t know what the point of this is but I wanted to share it.
(PS: They’re both gay)
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Controversial Opinion: I like season four of Lab Rats. I just like seeing Leo going on missions. The season overall feels unfocused and doesn’t have a clear plot like season two with Marcus and season three with Krane. The fourth season just doesn’t have a focus. Like Giselle shows up in the two-parter “Bionic Action Hero” and gets Marcus. Giselle isn’t seen until finale which is a lot later. Then in the “Space Colony” two parter, Krane comes back and gets killed off again. I still ask the question, why was Krane brought back again? His ending in season three was fine and worked. The season often plotless in places.
The season isn’t character focused. Granted the specials did try and focus on one member of the main cast. “Bionic Action Hero” was Bree focused. “Space Colony” was Adam focused. “On the Edge” was Leo focused. Still, didn’t feel like character centered season. Plus, students aren’t really developed outside of Spin, Bob, and Taylor. That is also the whole Daniel thing(I actually like Daniel despite being a can of worms). I think everyone in the Lab Rats fandom could talk for days about the mess that is Daniel.
I just like seeing Leo in the field despite Leo getting short end of stick a lot for time. There is something satisfying after watching Leo work his way from little brother to mission specialist to working in the field along side his family. Plus, the moment when Leo become a mentor is just so great! Leo finally gets some recognition from his family and those around him. “On the Edge” special is mess, but it has some really great Leo moments. Season four has a lot of Leo just talking to people and showing some humanity to them. Overall, season four is a mess but I enjoy the mess overall.
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skeleton-richard · 6 years
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
Tagged by @tollers-and-jack
Nickname: Cassius, Chief Inspector
Zodiac: Leo
Height: 6′
Last Movie I Saw: I haven’t watched any movies lately, last movie I remember watching was The Princess Bride.
Last Thing I Googled: Macbeth
Favourite Musician: Bruce Springsteen
Song Stuck in My Head: Unsurprisingly, “Heirloom” by Sleeping at Last.
Other Blogs? Some sideblogs I don’t use much....
Do I Get Asks? Every once and a while! Come talk to me!
Following: 1,023
Followers: 928
Amount of Sleep: Not enough.
Lucky Number: I don’t think I have one.
Dream Job: Archivist
What I’m Wearing: Jeans, t-shirt, flannel shirt.
Favourite Food: Pizza?
Can I Play an Instrument: No.
Languages: English, German, just started French, does Middle English count?
Favourite Songs:
New York City Serenade by Bruce Springsteen
Heaven Forbid by the Fray
Audience of One by Rise Against
Heirloom by Sleeping at Last
70 Million by Hold Your Horses!
Taxi Cab by twenty one pilots
Psycho Killer by Talking Heads
Show Me What I’m Looking For by Carolina Liar
Krane by Gisbert zu Knyphausen
The Diary of Jane by Breaking Benjamin
Baba O’Riley by the Who
Orphan by Empires
Voices by Saosin
Bill and Annie by Chuck Brodsky
Take Up Your Spade by Sara Watkins
Paint It Black by the Rolling Stones
One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later) by Bob Dylan
Random Fact: My hair is usually purple.
Describe Yourself as Aesthetic Things: Piles of old homework, petrified wood, an old copy of Walden, music on an AM station, the royal portrait of Richard II.
I don’t know to tag since this has been making the rounds, I think all of my friends have been tagged at some point. Do it if you want!
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Oh good, you made it!
Did you guys know Joss was coming? She brought Lowell Crane, The Hurricane! And just on time! Grab a drink, find a spot, and make sure you finish everything on thechecklist. The band is just getting started – you have 24 hours to send in your account! We’re so glad you’re here!
                                       I. OUT OF THE STUDIO
AGE: 32
                                                II. ON STAGE
NAME: Lowell Crane
FACE CLAIM: Henry Cavill (first choice), Chris Evans, Dan Stevens
AGE: 35
TITLE: The Hurricane
DREAM: Lowell wants to be a Somebody, but is too afraid to try again
OCCUPATION: Owner of Daredevil’s Bar
                                              III. INTERVIEW
Answer the following questions in your character’s voice:
If you could do anything in the world for a living, what would it be?
“Well, ain’t that a question. Not sure how to answer that. I could say I wanna be a lighthouse keeper, or a park ranger in Antartica. Or an astronaut. But that’s not really an answer, is it? Cuz nothing’s holding me back from, well, maybe the lighthouse keeper, and the rest, never gonna happen, and maybe I wouldn’t really like it anyway. Be a trip though, floating in space. Can’t imagine anything else feels quite the same, except maybe acid. I could say I wanna hit that perfect note, and it rings like a bell inside your chest, and everyone else is hitting it too, and you all just float in that perfect sound as long as you can. But I don’t think that’s really a job description. Or I could just say fuck it, I wanna be a rock star, cuz isn’t that what we all want, at least a little, if we’re still here? Can’t imagine a reason to stick around otherwise.”
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
“Vietnam. I know, not the ideal vacation spot. Don’t worry, I’m not gonna go full Jane Fonda or anything. I went to some protests and sit-ins, but I can’t even claim I was that invested. That’s fucked up, right? If you fight for something, you should at least have conviction. Not like I’m pro-Nixon or anything, but I just … it was what everyone else was doing. And people liked to listen to my songs. What bullshit. I was cribbing off Dylan half the time anyway. We all were, but it doesn’t exactly make you proud, you know? I was running around playing flower child the whole time, and Mick was off getting his ass blown up in Khe Sanh. Or God knows where, everything was redacted, so fuck if I know. You know? Sorry, I can’t answer a question to save my life. Probably why I’m here and not an accountant like Ma always wanted me to be.Vietnam. I wanna go to see where he was, before he got sent home in a pine box. He was just a kid, he was supposed to be the smart one, he was supposed to get out of Texas and come see me and I was supposed to be his impressive older brother. Fuck, I sound like a bad country western song. Ignore me.”
What is one thing that makes you different than anyone else?
I can eat 50 eggs. (Author’s note: this is a reference to Cool Hand Luke, a 1967 film which in many ways encapsulates Lowell’s aesthetic and ethos. He’s also just a huge fan of Paul Newman and if he had any acting talent whatsoever, he’d want to be him.)
                                              IV. BACKSTAGE
Lowell Crane grew up in the unusually average town of Ding Dong, Texas, an hour outside of Austin. He was the first boy, the second child, and grew up singing in choir and learning to play the guitar, though admittedly he was hardly dedicated to the pursuit. It wasn’t until he hit puberty and discovered girls that musical talent became something he valued. Though he was born in Holland, he was often told he had ‘all-American’ looks, and even spoke Dutch, his first language, with a soft southern twang. He didn’t really consider it a career, but liked playing at parties and joined a band with his friends on a whim. They were just good enough to get to tour parts of Texas, and Lowell caught the fame bug. By the time he was in his early 20s, he wanted to take it further. As it so happened, he had a cousin in California who invited him to come out and stay for a while.
The California music scene was a hard hit of culture shock for Lowell, and he bounced around different bands, never quite fitting in, never really making a splash with anyone, but continuing because people said he had talent. He joined a band, The Lonely Boys, who were in need of a guitarist, and they toured for a couple of years before breaking up because nothing was happening, quite discouraged. Lowell took a plane to New York just in time for the Summer of Love, and all of a sudden, he was a flower child. Somehow that alchemical magic happened and he took off. He had a recording contract with a big name, he played at Woodstock, he was going to be another Bob Dylan. Then he got the news his younger brother, Mick, was dead, and simply … dropped out of his own life. He was just another broken person left behind by the hippie movement, and it took him until 1972 to drag himself back to something like normalcy. He ended up in an ashram in Southern California getting clean and seeking enlightenment. He got clean, but as for enlightenment, all he got were the keys to a dive bar in Los Angeles that one of the new converts no longer wanted.
Lowell has spent the last year building up Daredevil’s Bar as a venue for up-and-coming musicians, and it’s now one of those places where you “pay your dues” in the rock scene. People even say some of the big name studios scout there sometimes. Lowell is just the owner and the guy behind the bar who can tune your guitar, help you break down your setup after a show, and who only occasionally has to threaten the crowd with a baseball bat when they get rowdy. He’s still putting the pieces of his life together, and he’s aware on some level that his music career is done, but he can’t quite give it up. He’ll provide backup guitar for any of the bands doing shows at his bar in a pinch, but he doesn’t perform by himself at the bar, though sometimes he will hit up a late open-mic or jam with the few friends he has in town, or the odd person who remembers who he used to be.
                                                  V. ENCORE
Lowell can play by ear and can play a song if he’s heard it once. He isn’t as good at remembering lyrics and will sometimes make up his own if he can’t remember them.
The last name “Crane” is an anglicized form of Krane or Krahn, which is Dutch. His family fled Holland after the war. Lowell’s parents lost most if not all of the rest of their family during the war. The effect on the Crane children of being the children of survivors has left the family split between those who strive to be as American and unobjectionable as possible, like their parents, or those who reject their parents’ attitudes and seek to be as unusual as possible.
Lowell is the second of five children, with three sisters and one brother, Michael Crane, now deceased. His sisters are Emmeline, Virginia, and Dorothy. Emmeline and Virginia are married and live in Texas, Dorothy currently lives in upstate New York on a commune with her female lover, and is estranged from her family, other than Lowell, who lived with her during his period of “dropping out”.
Lowell’s favourite food is peanut butter, and he eats it straight from the jar, to the consternation of his family and roommates over the years, as he often double dips the spoon to lay claim to a jar.
Childhood music: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DWSV3Tk4GO2fq?si=qDmRsNAZS9-XTnB27Abs0Q
Playlist reference/requests that Lowell will play: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DX504r1DvyvxG?si=7xvqYDnBSxmyQ5WxX5He-w
Voice reference: Lowell sounds similar to, and his songs resemble, those of Nick Drake.
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may85 · 7 years
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Title: Coming Home Character: Denny Duquette TV: Grey's Anatomy Warnings: None. Fluff Photo/GIF credits go to the original maker/owner Denny checked his watch and adjusted the cuff of his sweater as he sighed. He was a jealous, impatient man at times. Not in a bad way, of course; he was just missing his girl. Y/N Krane was the light in his life. She gave him a new meaning to living when he was at his lowest. There for him during his troubles and transplant, she did everything to take care of him. Even when he was a righteous asshole and didn't deserve an ounce of sympathy or love. It had been two years since his successful surgery and Denny dedicated his life to making Y/N feel loved. There had been a death in her family, one of her cousins having passed away from their injuries resulting from a car crash. He had wanted to go, but he had an important check up scheduled for his heart. Y/N wasn't going to let him miss it. The door to Gate C3 opened, the passengers all hurrying to get to their belongings. Denny craned his neck this way and that, trying to see the top of Y/N’s head. Standing on his tiptoes, he finally saw the familiar pattern of Y/N’s favorite plaid button down shirt. It was open, a black shirt underneath it with her jacket draped over her arm. She wore a backpack and had the other bag in her hand. Stopping at the edge of the carpet, he watched her as she scanned the busy airport, a frown was on her face and her brow pinched. The smile that Denny had when he originally saw her, slowly slipped from his face. He knew that there were very few of her family that she got along with and he was instantly worried. She finally spotted him. He saw her bottom lip quivering before her she bit it. Oh this was not good. She briskly walked over to Denny, dropping her bag and jacket when she got to him. Without any words, Y/N hugged him, her arms tight around his shoulders. Their faces buried in each others necks, they both breathed in deeply, a content sigh leaving them at the familiar scent of one another. Denny lifted his head slightly, his lips near her ear, “I missed you, baby,” He felt her squeeze him as she kissed his neck, “Missed you too Denny,” Her voice was teary and thick with emotion. He pulled back lifting her head with both hands. He wanted to ask her if she was alright, but she beat him to it, “Can we go home? I'm so wore out,” His thumbs caressed the dark circles under her eyes just below her glasses, “Yeah. Let's go Sweetheart,” Kissing her forehead, Denny then bent at the waist and picked up her bag as she put on her coat. He held his hand out to her, threading their fingers together the second her palms touched his. The ride home was too quiet; not even the sound of the radio helped fill the void. Even though Y/N napped, her face and body were strained. °°°°°° Denny touched the half hoop, gauge earring that dangled from Y/N’s earlobe, waking her up. “We're home,” he said, softly. As she sat up and gave him a tired smile, her back popped. Denny was out and over at her door, helping her swaying body out of the car. As soon as they were inside, Y/N sighed as some of the tension left her shoulders. “I'm gonna go take a shower,” she whispered. Denny was growing more and more concerned. He wanted to address the elephant in the room, but he didn't want to add to her stress. “Mind if I join you?” he asked. Y/N blushed, adding some much needed color to her cheeks, “Please,” “You go get in. I'll be there in a minute,” he said. After putting her bag by the washer for later, Denny went to their bedroom and turned down the bed. He undressed, leaving his clothes in a pile by the dresser. Steam had already risen from the shower, giving the mirror a frosted look. The fresh scent of Y/N’s shampoo and conditioner was welcomed, letting Denny know that she was finally and truly home. Opening the curtain, Y/N covered her breasts as a blast of cool air hit her. “Sorry, baby,” Denny apologized, quickly closing the curtain. She moved out from under the spray, letting Denny use the hot water to wash his own hair. In a comfortable silence, they took turns washing one another. Once Y/N was rinsed, Denny pulled her to him. His hand slicked back her short, wet hair, then cupped her cheek. “You okay?” he asked, wiping away some droplets of water with his thumb. She shrugged, the dullness coming back into her eyes. Holding her close to him, his hands now resting on her waist, he leaned his head back slightly to look into her eyes, “You know you can tell me anything, Sweetheart.” “I know. I just…” she trailed off on a sigh. “Just what Y/N?” he caressed her side as he waited for her to speak. “I just want to enjoy a quiet evening. There was so much noise this past weekend,” Denny nodded, reaching back to shut the water off. “C'mon, let's eat something and watch a movie.” °°°°°° Dressed in pajamas and looking slightly more alert, Denny had the night planned out with some classic comedies, pizza and ice cream. Y/N was laid out on the couch, and Denny was more than ready to snuggle up with her. Just as soon as he had started to climb over her body, her phone rang. “Damnit,” He leaned over her, boxing her in, “Don't answer it,” She dropped her arm, looking up at him with the first genuine smile that he'd seen from her all night. He grinned, bending his arms as he leaned down to kiss her. Just as the kiss took a turn for the heated, her phone rang again. Denny was becoming aggravated at the person calling. He rested his head on her breast, sighing, “We're turning that thing off,” She chuckled, lifting the phone. The smile fell from her face as she swiped across the screen to answer. Putting her finger up to her lips, she turned on the speakerphone, “Hello?” “Too good to answer your damn phone the first time?” The male voice said, angrily. Denny's brows shot up to his hairline as he watched Y/N’s eyes close. He knew what her family was like, but never had met them. Now he understood why. “I just got home-” she replied, only to be interrupted. “You want to tell me why I had to hear about the funeral from your Grandmother?” Y/N sighed, sitting up while Denny straddled her legs. “It wasn't my place-” “I don't care who's place it was!” the man roared. “I didn't even know your number, Dad!” That was her father?! Denny felt his anger rise. “You are so ungrateful, you know that?! Just like your mother!” Denny saw red when he heard Y/N whimper. “Don't ever call me again,” she said, her voice shaking. She hung up, turning the phone off. “Y/N?” Denny said, touching her hand. “I'm nothing like her… nothing,” she whispered. When Denny tried to hug her, she held up a hand, a sob breaking from her. He understood, knowing that she needed a moment. “I'm sick of always being the whipping boy. No matter what I do, I'm constantly in the wrong. I'm just… sick of it… I'm done,” Denny's eyes shot up to her face. He knew that broken tone. That tone that said, ‘I'm done with life!’, that tone that was nothing but defeat. “Y/N,” he said. The second she looked at him, he swooped down, moving his lips over hers using soft caresses and firm pulls as he kissed the very life from her. Her breath hitched as she returned the kiss, her hands bunching at his shirt on his sides. Y/N whimpered as Denny bobbed his head slowly with hers as the kiss went on. Finally, he slowed the kiss, holding her lips between his as he slowly pulled back. The slight smack of their lips disconnecting was tempting him to go back in for more. “I want you to listen to me,” he started, moving his fingers over her closed eyelids, “You are perfect,” Her eyes popped open, swimming in unshed tears. “You are everything, do you understand?” Denny's bottom lip trembled at the realization at how she had been treated all her life, “You are my everything,” “Denny-” “It's my turn. I won't let you give up, Y/N… I can't let you,” The tears finally ran down her cheeks as she listened. “Sweetheart, I'm sorry that you had an damn awful upbringing, but you are not the whipping boy. I see a strong, beautiful woman that I have the privilege to call mine... Okay,” “I love you, Denny,” she cried, resting her head on his shoulder. “I love you too, baby,” he said, just as tearfully. That night, Denny showed Y/N that she was loved and cherished… and that she was finally home. Tagging: @thedeadmost @krissy25 @fancybubble @superprincesspea @cherieann-2001 @darshaya @ladylorelitany @ali-pennell @wadeyourebarelyalive @fangirlindenial @negans-dirty-girl @smuttwd @justacaliforniandreamer @piilow-talk @pan-and-proud-writes @memphisgirl1977 @5sos1dsex @deviousginga @strangersangel9 @mogaruke @crzcorgi @siobhan-elizabeth @thecynicalnerd @cookiemunster10 @laureng-99 @danleto97 @miss-nori85 @rhysiecupcakes @texasgal2222 @magikat409 @jmackie1983 @sweatersandcaffeine @andillica @brandivstheworld @persephinii666 @jasoncrouse @rushernparadise @ferpyferp @neganscatleesi @lynnliciousadnan @astrangegirlsmind @kitcat44 @daintyunicorn @warriorqueen1991 @kellyn1604 @raspberrypuddle @zombeeegurl @shanaatjelove11 @arrow-dactyl @bebe-a7x1369 @sweetsweetpeach @prurose @--countrygurl-- @king-mcnaughty-negan @asshatry @lucifer-azrael @robertdowneyjr-rdj @gloria1995 @muldaaah @intimeandspacewithyou @meanandshallow
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[FN] Ecstasy!! 💕
Four months ago…
Sebastian Krane. A name no one forgets in this town of Wiseville. A self-established business tycoon, he started his life from assisting in the work of labourers in the vineyards. Now, he holds the reins to the most influential liquor company. No one dares question him, as he had his influence in every business around the corner. In short, he has everything anybody would ever need.
The only thing nobody knew was, Sebastian could never sleep peacefully at night.
Wiseville is known for its long stretches of vineyards that can be seen as far as one's eyes can see. Almost every family in this town has someone or the other working for the vineyards, be in whichever rank. So, there was a custom of holding a Gracing Ceremony every year, where everyone in town came together, and graced one another with gifts and good wishes for the year. This year too, the Gracing Ceremony was edging near. People were in the haste of preparing for the event. One such family was the Graysons. Mama Grayson had begun her preparations for her popular Dark Chocolate pie. Papa Grayson was chopping wood for the bonfire. And Mercy, their daughter, was due to reach home in two days. She lived outside town in the State University.
The night had finally arrived when Mercy was reaching home. Papa Grayson was waiting outside on the porch, his eyes yearning to see his daughter again. And then, just about twelve minutes later, a cab came to a halt in front of his gate. Mercy stepped down and went towards the back of her car to retrieve her suitcase. Seeing her, Papa Grayson was thrilled. Running hastly down the porch, he went ahead to help her. To his surprise, another head bobbed up from behind the open door of the car. A girl stepped out. Looking straight into his eyes, she gave a sheepish smile.
“Hello Mr. Grayson!! I'm Gabrielle.”
Mercy pulled out the suitcase and moving towards the front of the cab, she paid the driver and let him go. Then, turning towards her father, she ran ahead and clung to him in a beary hug. Pulling back, she looked back and forth between her father and Gabrielle.
“Papa, this is Gabrielle. She's my best friend in the college. The writer girl I talk to you about. Apparently, the charity home she stays in had asked her not to return because of a virus panic that has taken over the other people. If I hadn't brought her home, she would have been alone at the hostel. I did the right thing, yes Papa?”
Mr. Grayson looked through at Gabrielle for a moment. And then, with a big grin, gave a big shout,
“Welcome to this family my dear!! Beware we will make you fat and lazy.”
And saying this, he broke into a shaking laughter.
The morning of the Gracing Ceremony has finally dawned. Along with all other families, the Graysons had their specialty for the evening( ChocoPie) parceled up in exquisitely beautiful containers and trays. Both Mercy and Gabrielle were in a dilemma as to what to wear to the party. Girls never have anything to wear, right?
Anyway, they decided to go shopping. The store for party dresses were on the farthest end of the town, on the edge of a stooped hill. It was named ‘The Frills'. When the girls reached the shop, Mercy parked the car near the bent of the road and then went inside.
About half an hour had passed. Gabrielle had already chosen her attire for the evening and was waiting for Mercy to grab hers. Since it was almost noon, the heat inside the store was impossible to bear. Gabrielle excused herself and came out of the store for a fresh breeze of air. As she took the bent while walking down, she suddenly came to a halt.
A few steps farther, lay a black mustang. And beside it, was a man decorated in mud splashes. But that wasn't what caught her eye. Another person, probably the man's chaffeur, was spraying him with water by a water hose. As the mud started falling off, Gabrielle's jaw dropped with awe. Standing in front of her eyes was a literal Greek God. With a wet white shirt and shiny black pants, every bend of his muscles were clearly visible. His small, yet puckered nipples peeked out from behind the shirt and Gabrielle couldn't help herself from looking straight at them. And then, the unbelievable happened. He started to take of his shirt, turning his back to her. As he started to pull his shirt out, his shoulders flexed in and out, forming a sexy V-curve along the backbone. Gabrielle started to feel a tingle in her private areas. She could feel her nipples getting erect at the mere sight of his skin drenched in droplets of water. A slow, but loud moan left her lips. The man turned around. With his hands nearly opening the zip of his pants, he directly looked into Gabrielle's eyes, both confused and curious. As soon as Gabrielle realised what she had done, she gave out a shriek and ran away back towards the store.
Sebastian had been out since morning 5, closing of the deals for the day sooner, so that he could focus on the ceremony that was to be organised at his villa that evening. The whole town was coming over. His work was far from over. But you know what happens if you are running late. There always are things that delay you further. So when he had closed the deal at the ranch down the hill on the edge of the town, he was finally cleared for the day. Just as he was returning to his car, a frantic and scared retriever ran past him in haste. But in that process, it splashed up the pool of mud beside him, onto him. And since he had to visit his aunt's home before returning home, he had no other choice but to clean himself up then and there. While Rob, his Chaffeur and bodyguard, was helping him wash, he suddenly heard a low moan from behind him, probably a female voice.
And there she was. With a loosely tied-up bun, her hairs fell lazily on her ears and face. With eyes so small, yet poked out of frame, she had a set of round full reddish lips that were slightly parted letting out that moan. She looked like an angel, so fragile and innocent, yet sexy and hot as if she has crawled just out of a bed. Drawing his eyes down to sweep over her body, he could see two small crooked folds on her shirt, her nipples standing out. She stood with a 4.5 inch heels legs that were slightly parted. He could hardly change his breath when suddenly, she gave a shriek and ran back of in the opposite direction.
Oh boy, he was screwed.
That very evening, people from the town started flooding over to the Krane mansion. Mr. Sebastian Krane was the host of the evening, and he was the secret fantasy of every woman in Wiseville, starting from young teenagers to those olderly women who played poker every Sunday at his Aunt's place, just to have one look at him. Today too, almost every family in town were gathering at his house. The Graysons were getting ready. Both Mama and Papa Grayson were sitting in the living room waiting for the girls upstairs, who had still not gotten ready.
“Gab, I think you should just stop dreaming about that man and put on your dress. Not that I'm complaining. You look ravishing in that lingerie of yours. I'm sure if you show up like this, there will be many like him hoping for a chance to grope you”, Mercy teased Gabrielle and gave a wink.
“Stop pulling my leg, will you? It was best if I hadn't told you. Its so embarassing.”
After a few minutes later, both the girls were ready. Mercy wore a emerald green gown, with a deep neckline and two small pair of golden studs and golden stilletoes. Gabrielle, on the other hand, wore a prussian blue body-hugging maxi-dress, with a plunging back, and a slit starting from the lower thigh of her right leg. She paired it with a long dangling peal earring and black pumps. Her hairs were kept open loosely, with a clutch that held them a little back.
When they reached the Ceremony, Papa Grayson went off with some friends of his to the bar and sat down for drinks. Mrs. Grayson too, went in and presented her Chocopie to her neighbours and started talking. The girls, with nothing else to do, started to mingle with the other girls present, some of whom were Mercy's childhood friends.
Around an hour had passed. It was around 7:30 in the evening. Suddenly, there was a clink of a glass somewhere from the first floor of the mansion. Everyone stopped talking and whatever else they were doing to look up.
Mr. Krane had come.
“Welcome all, to this place I call home. Thankyou all for gathering today. As we know, this day is a very important day to all of us. I would like to appreciate the efforts of everyone present here that strives to make Wiseville a better place to live, everyday. I hope you all are enjoying yourselves. I'll be down in a moment, I assure you. Have a great night people!!”, Sebastian announced.The whole crowd went up in cheers.
Little did they know that at one corner of the lawn, stood a girl whose jaw had dropped open, twice on the same day, looking at the same man.
During that whole evening, Gabrielle tried her level best not to come into the view of the host of the evening. She was way to embarrassed to even face him and apologise. When the night drew closer to an end, she carefully looked inside whether the host was there or not. She was in urgent need to pee. After quite many drinks, she was already in cloud nine. So, tip-toeing inside the mansion, she searched for a washroom. Since most of the people had left, the mansion was almost empty. The only people left to still leave were out at the lawn. Heaving a sigh of relief at noticing the washroom, she ran towards it and open the door that was left a bit ajar.
“Oh I wouldn't come in If I were you.” A husky voice spoke up.
Shook by the sudden interruption, Gabrielle looked up. There, under the full force of the shower, stood Sebastian.
Embarassed for a second time, she turned around to open the door and leave, when a hand shot out and grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her back. The next thing, she was drenched under the shower, in the tights arms of an almost-naked man, with her chest tightly pressed to his. She was drunk already. It was becoming difficult for her to fight his grasp. Still she tried wringling out of his arms.
Sebastian was surprised to see his afternoon fantasy standing in front of him, in his own washroom. And God, she was gorgeous. Her open hair did so many tricks to his body that he found himself fighting against his control, for the very first time in life. And that wasn't all. When she turned to leave, her exposed back sent him going crazy. Plush-white, she had a small round mole sitting right in the middle of her vertebral lining. All he could imagine was sliding his tongue over that mole. And then, unable to fight any longer, he pulled her into his arms and looked into her eyes. They were the most sensual of all. Brown eyes, with a small nose and those moist lips, he felt his body sparkle at the mere touch of her.
With a sudden force, he pressed his lips over hers.
Both of them were shocked at the current that ran throughout their bodies. Entwining their lips, they both slipped into an ecstasy so deep that they didn't realise they were moaning loud and clear.
They got pulled back to the reality by a frantic knock on the door.
“Sir, this is Rob. Your Aunt wants to speak to you. I'm afraid if you don't show up soon, she will come finding you, sir."
Letting go of Gabrielle, Sebastian looked deep into her eyes and let her go.
“Oh little one, this is far from over. I'm going to find you again. I'm Sebastian. And you are?”
“Uh-huh. Gabrielle”, she replied sheepishly looking down.
“Gabrielle, you are now mine”.
Few days later
Gabrielle had been quite busy helping Mercy in her volunteering works in town. Apparently Mercy has been doing this since she was a child. But since yesterday, Mercy had fallen ill, of fever. So Gabrielle vouched to do full time volunteering for Mercy's sake. So today, she went to this vineyard that stretched beside the Wiseville lake. The workers needed help storing the grapes in the barrels and so she was giving them a hand. As noon neared, all the workers went inside for their lunch. Gabrielle wasn't hungry. She walked out to the edge of the lake and sat down.
“If I knew I could find you here, I would have come for supervision everyday”.
Looking back, there was Sebastian. She flushed in pink recalling the night in his shower.
“What are you doing up here, Sebastian? If I knew you would come here, I would have never come at all.”
“Oh no no. Don't pretend. Your face says it all. You enjoy my presence as I enjoy yours. Your body does things to me, Gabrielle. And It has never happened before. I need to get to the bottom of that mystery shouldn't I?”, saying so, he chuckled.
His laughter was a music to her ears. This man, was more than perfection. Sebastian walked up near her and sat down. Rubbing her hands in his, he softly, but with a strong hold, whispered near her ear, “Will you go out with me, oh little one?”.
Sebastian was asking for a date. Gabrielle was ecstatic. She longed to jump into his arms and bob up and down, but she tried hard to refrain from doing so. Composing herself, and slightly lifting her eyes to match his, she said yes. Quite many days passed since their first date. Both Gabrielle and Sebastian met and spent time every week, but even that was less for them, considering the busy schedule Sebastian had to be in every day. But their relationship evolved quite well. For starters, Sebastian wasn't a one-woman man. For him, this was a big deal and he wanted to be perfect in it. And for Gabrielle, well, she thought that Sebastian was a catch every girl wanted to have, but she was the lucky one.
Present day
One night, Gabrielle had been out grocery shopping. Both Mr. and Mrs. Grayson were out of town for a family errand and she and Mercy were left to manage the house. Since Mercy had some laundry to do, Gabrielle had offered to go shopping. As she was returning to the house, she saw two guys fighting over something. Looking closely, she notice they were Carter and Carlose, two workers with whom she worked at her time in the vineyard. They were good to her. So wanting to help them, she ran and tried to stop them from fighting. As she was pulling one from the other, she suddenly felt a bolt running through her stomach up to her shoulders. Looking down, she could see her cream dress turning red. Figuring out what he had done, Carlose gave a scared shout. Gabrielle felt her vision growing blur. With thoughts of Sebastian on her mind, she lost conciousness.
Sebastian was looking through the finances of the month that night when suddenly Rob came running into the office. He never does that. Sebastian was curious.
“I'm sorry sir but this was urgent. There was a fight between the workers on 5th street today. That is not the issue sir. I'm afraid there is some bad news.”
Sebastian asked him to continue.
Struggling for a moment, Rob said, “Sir, Miss Gabrielle was at the spot by coincidence. She tried to stop them. But, she was stabbed during that process. Accidentally ofcourse. But she is critical and is at the Town hospital now.”
Sebastian shot up from his table and without any change of clothes ran down towards his car. For the first time, he drove his car, frantically and in tears. He didn't care whom he would hit in the process. Gabrielle was the only thing in his mind. She was the only person he loved after his dead parents.
Oh my God.
He was in love.
And when that realisation hit him, he felt himself dying at the very thought of losing her. His little one.
Two days later, Gabrielle was back to her senses. The doctor had explained to her that other than the skin and the muscles to the front, nothing major had happened. And that was, a miracle. When the doctor left, she looked towards the opposite side of her bed. And what she saw broke her into tears.
Sebastian was seated on a chair, with a night robe and a dishaveled face, tired and sleep deprived. And Rob was standing beside him, allowing his boss to take his nap in peace. “Rob, since when is he here like this?”, Gabrielle asked. “Maam, since the day you had been admitted. Sir hasn't eaten or slept. He has been there maam”.
Sebastian could vaguely hear his girl speak. His eyes shot wide open. And there she was, beautiful as ever, even in a hospital gown, smiling down at him, probably laughing at his weirdsome attire. He could bear no more.
“Rob, get out. Come in only when I call. And yes, don’t allow anyone to come in.” Saying so, he sped straight to Gabrielle and lay a kiss on her forehead.
“Oh little one, what am I to do with you?”.
A few days later…
It was a Wednesday. Gabrielle had almost recovered. Her wounds were gone, and she could slip into small household works at home slowly. Though Mrs. Grayson didn't allow her, she couldn't be stopped. That very night, after Gabrielle was done with everything, she got ready to go over to Sebastian's place. He had called her up for a dinner date and she couldn’t skip that.
As she reached his place, Sebastian was standing on the doorsteps of his home, wearing a…wait, is that a tshirt? He never wore tshirts. Atleast not after his parents died. Gabrielle was confused.
“Come up Gabrielle. I didn't call you over to gawk at my perfect muscles. The table is set.”
Both of them went in.
As they neared the dining area, Sebastian could wait no more. He lifted her up in his arms and took her straight to the terrace. Laying her down on the soft grass carpet, he looked into her eyes, like he did the first time, and touched her forehead with his, like he did the last time.
Gabrielle felt a hint of moistness on her right cheek. She opened her eyes and looked up. He was in tears. Knowing what troubled him, she held his face in her hands. He could control the piercing agony no more. Grabbing her by the waist, he pulled her into his arms with a grinding force, and devoured her lips into a passionate kiss. Hot tears and subdued emotions had finally taken over. He made love to her gently that night. Every part of her body was devoured with utmost care and love. He couldn’t spread his love enough. The moon was at its full, the stars at its brightest, and both of them, naked and dripped in sweat, but in each other's arms, content.
“Will you marry me, Oh little one?”
And all Gabrielle could do was break into his arms with a stupid yet the happiest smile.
Sumana Sarmah
submitted by /u/Sumana01 [link] [comments] via Blogger http://bit.ly/2WsE9mL
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ultrastacion · 7 years
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#Friday #ClublifebyTiesto 528 Tiësto #RadioSHow #tunein http://ultrastacion.com #Venezuela #NowPlaying #NowOnAir @tiesto HOUR 1 Dzeko - Fluxland 2017 (Club Mix) Freejak - Get Up Zara Larsson - She's Not Me (Yanni Fischer Remix) Tiësto & KSHMR ft. Talay Riley - Harder Steve Forte Rio ft. Lindsey Ray - Slumber Jonas Aden - David & Goliath Stadiumx ft. BISHØP - The Fall Jay Hardway - Golden Pineapple RMA - Seduce VAVO vs. Tony Igy - Astronomia 2K17 Leon Lour - Oceans Keys N Krates & KRANE - Right Here (Arc North & Synchron Remix) Tiësto - Red Lights ( Hungry Man Fun Man Remix) John Christian #GuestMix Gnarls Barkley - Crazy ( SWACQ Edit) Bodyrox - Yeah Yeah ( John Christian Remix) Ché - Bam Bam [Freeway Recordings] SWACQ - Float My Boat [Freeway Recordings] VAVO X Redhead Roman Ft Max Landry - We Have Won (John Christian Edit) John Christian - Infinity John Christian - Next Level John Christian - The Grimm John Christian - Where Is The Party 2017 John Christian - Where Is The Party 2017 (SWACQ Remix) HOUR 2 Deepend - Every Little Thing Jason Sando - Is It Love ( Donati&Amato remix) Lincoln Jesser ft. Gabrielle Current - Somebody Will Boris Smith - Baby (ft. Ryan Konline) NDPC - Daylight ( Bodalia & F.O.D. Remix) Funkerman - I Follow The Sun Loud Luxury - Show Me ( Nikki's Wives ) Watermät ft. Kelli-Leigh - Won't Stop (Bob Sinclar & The Cube Guys Remix) Bronze Whale x Popeska - Imagine (ft. Tom Aspaul) ( JLV Remix) Nora En Pure - Waves Redondo Junior.J - Exhale BLR - La Concha Bart B More & Chocolate Puma - Rising Up Funkin Matt - Aurora Oliver Ingrosso Official & Adam Avant - SomebodyClublifebyTiesto 528 Tiësto #RadioSHow #tunein http://ultrastacion.com #Venezuela #NowPlaying #NowOnAir @tiesto HOUR 1 Dzeko - Fluxland 2017 (Club Mix) Freejak - Get Up Zara Larsson - She's Not Me (Yanni Fischer Remix) Tiësto & KSHMR ft. Talay Riley - Harder Steve Forte Rio ft. Lindsey Ray - Slumber Jonas Aden - David & Goliath Stadiumx ft. BISHØP - The Fall Jay Hardway - Golden Pineapple RMA - Seduce VAVO vs. Tony Igy - Astr
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chasesvillainera · 1 year
So what’s this AU about exactly?
It’s basically “I rewrite everything that annoyed me about S4”
I’m especially finding that I want to give the bionic soldiers more of a role, because in the show they were really only a plot device to get everyone on the island. Their relationship with the rats could have been so interesting, because they’re the only other people who sort of understand “raised in a basement”. They’re kindred spirits!
Also I’m shoving all my rare ships into it because it’s my self indulgent AU and I make the decisions. All aboard the SS’s Sebchase and Leogan
(Also more Bob content. Everytime I remember that he would have been one of Krane’s soldiers I get incredibly distressed, he’s a baby)
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leo-dooley-lab-rats · 3 years
So... do Adam, Bree, and Chase have trust isssues post-Marcus? Like we never see the three have friends outside Leo and Caitlin(in Bree’s case). We had an episode where Adam and Bree scare the new kid based off the fact he might be the next Marcus?
Like Leo and the Audience knew Marcus was a bad guy the whole time, but Adam, Bree, and Chase didn’t. To the trio, one of there only other friends turned out to be evil, hated their guts, and tried to kill them. That would be traumatic, or the very least upsetting. To make that day worse, they find out Douglas is their real dad and was planing to use them for evil purposes. Like, that would radically change a person’s life.
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The trio not having friends until the island kind of makes sense. Like Bree hangs out with Caitlin and dates Owen but, both are not the best relationships. Bree almost always ends up fighting with Caitlin and with Owen. I have always wonder why Bree hung out with either, but maybe it’s cause she knows who they are. And that’s people who are kind of jerks.
Chase and Adam, don’t seem to have any friends until the island. Adam befriends Bob. Chase gets Sebastian, then he betrays Chase. Chase clearly trusted Sebastian as he told him about Krane and helped him unlock abilities. Both decisions are somewhat questionable, but shows that Chase trusted Sebastian before the betrayal. Like even Bree had small romance with Sebastian. We don’t see Chase or Bree befriend any of student past that point. Both seem to keep their distance after the Rebellion. Adam who is less emotional involved keeps a close friendship with Bob. We won’t talk about Troy here. He is a different topic.
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The point being that the betrayals in Lab Rats did have a deep impact on the bionic trio. They clearly seemed to isolate themselves post-betrayal.
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leo-dooley-lab-rats · 3 years
Leo Dooley and Compassion
The biggest thing I love about Leo once they got to the Island Leo became this voice of reason. Leo has always been very socially aware. As he moments where he gave a pep-talk. Like defending Mr. Davenport from his Grandmother and giving Mr. Davenport a pep-talk in the season three opener. Once the island stuff started Leo seemed to start having more moments where he just talks through problems with others. It is not something you see often in the action genre outside of Doctor Who. It sticks out and makes Leo standout as a character.
Unauthorized Mission
In Unauthorized Mission, Spin and Bob have decided go on a mission alone. They get caught in some quicksand and call Leo for help. Keep in mind that Leo and Spin do not exactly get along all that well. Yet Leo comes anways to help the pair. He does make a little fun at the mess those two got themselves into, but it doesn’t last along. Leo allows Bob and Spin to explain what happened and how they got into their current mess. Leo explains to them a kind way why they cannot go missions alone and encourages them that someday they will. Along with getting them out of the quicksand.
The scene shows that Leo understands very well what Spin and Bob, mostly Spin, are feeling. As it is close to what he went through in earlier season. Yet, Leo also understands that Bob and Spin are not ready for missions on their own yet. Leo tells them that in a very kind way. He does brag a bit about himself, but does say “you’ll get there”. The moment here reminds me the moment in Armed and Dangerious where Douglas offers to train Leo. The message of both is the same, you’re not ready, yet. It is because of that experience that Leo is able to connect and understand Bob and Spin here. Along with the rest of show, Leo trying to tag along on missions.
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The scene always show how effective Leo is with his ablities at this point. Leo is limited to only the one Bionic arm, but he uses it very effectively. Leo takes tree down and uses as lever to get Bob and Spin out. It goes to shows why Leo is allowed on missions. He is able to scan and use the environment to his advantage while using the tools he has to their fullest. It is a small detail but, shows a clean difference between Spin and Leo. One is ready and the other two are not.
This is the episode where Spin seems to gain some amount of respect for Leo. At the end of the episode, Leo about to get into trouble as Mr. Davenport assumes that Leo took Spin and Bob on a mission. Spin defends Leo and tells the truth about the situation. Spin and Leo still fight here and there, but there is amount of respect there. Spin likely called to bail them out because, he saw Leo as someone who could help and not get him in trouble. By the end of the episode, Spin comes to realize that Leo is member of the bionic team while being a student. You can see more of that newfound respect in the episode Bionic Rebellion.
Bionic Rebellion
The next scene is Bionic Rebellion. Leo has his back against the wall after all the students turn against his family and him after learning the truth about Krane and their origins. Leo is able to keep back by basically talking a big game/bluffing. Leo then grabs Spin and Bob and talks them down. Both are them are pretty upset with the lie, but Leo explains who Krane was, why it was kept from them, and who Mr. Davenport is. Leo uses logic, understanding and compassion to win the day.
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The scene shows that Leo’s biggest strength isn’t his Bionic arm, but his ability to connect and understand others. Leo is willing to listen to students’ side of the story, but also seeks to help them understand his family’s side. Leo is able to calm down two of the students then get them to help him. It is really amazing the more you think about it.
Often times in media, the hero has to fight his way through an army not seeing to understand and reason with them. Scenes where the hero has to talk his way out of a fight are always more powerful to me because it requires more than raw strength to win the day. It takes a willingness to listen and understand.
Forbidden Hero
The next scene is from Forbidden Hero. When Leo saves his mother, Leo takes charge. He tell Adam what he needs done and then gets his mom calm enough to trust that he can save her. The moment shows that Leo is natural leader, and what’s he has learned on missions. Leo likely never had to rescue missions before, but by the time of this episode Leo comes up with game plan almost instantly.
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It’s the line, “I am not going to let anything happen to you” that gets me. Leo clearly knows that his mother has her doubts about trusting him in that moment and understands that she has to trust him if she’s going to live. Leo just says that line, and it’s just sweet for one thing. Another, the scene shows that Leo clearly know how to calm people down so he can help save them. It shows that Leo is someone who is able to make human connections very easily.
I really appreciate the episode for showing why Leo is important on missions. While the episode itself has some problems mainly, Leo is pointed out as throwing himself in line of fire over and over again. I do appreciate the moments between Leo and Tasha.
On the Edge
In many ways the scene from Forbidden Hero is mirrored in On the Edge when Leo saves Chase. The scene in On the Edge has Leo beforehand leading the whole mission. Then has Leo send everyone away for safety to get Chase out. All of this shows Leo’s leadership. Leo has always been a leader especially since coming to the Island. When Leo saves Chase, he is holding a whole car up to get Chase out. Leo clearly cannot hold it for long, yet Leo refuses to let go until Chase is safe. While there isn’t a calm down speech like in Forbidden Hero, both scenes show how much Leo will do for his family.
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“I’m not letting go,” line to Chase mirrors the “I am going to letting anything happen to you,” line to Tasha in Forbidden Hero. While slightly different contexts for each line. With Tasha is unwilling to trust Leo to save her, and Chase is telling Leo to save himself. The lines both show how Leo doesn’t give up and will do anything to protect those he cares about.
On the Edge as special was meant to show why Leo is hero. I think the show as whole did that quite well. The special is mess in places. I think in terms of showing some of Leo’s best qualities of never giving up and wanting to protect those he loves, it works. The moment where Leo saves Chase is a strong moment.
Chase had been pretty harsh towards Leo for wanting to be included in the ceremony or even a little more respect at the Academy. I think Leo is allowed to ask for that. Leo did push too far and that did get Taylor hurt in the end. Leo made the one the most adult choices ever, he left. He left due not wanting to make another mistake that could get someone hurt. Leo realized that his mistake, his pride, his arrogance cost Taylor her sight.
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While the choice itself debatable as good or bad one. It was personal to Leo. He didn’t want anyone to get hurt. I think that is a huge part of his character, not wanting those he cares about to get hurt. Leo got someone he cared about hurt which something he always tries to prevent. The choice he made in On the Edge was in the one of the core traits of his character, to protect his loved ones even if it was from himself.
And Then There Were Four
The final scene I am going to talk about is from And Then There Were Four. This is the scene between Daniel and Leo on the beach. Daniel is upset at Douglas for lying to him about being bionic. Leo comes to find him and they just talk. Leo does understand both sides of argument here, and doesn’t seem to pick a side. Leo even tries to cheer Daniel up and show him good/fun side of being bionic by having some fun with his abilities.
The scene is well done. It’s two people who have thrown into the crazy bionic world. Leo who has been in it longer is much more relaxed about everything while Daniel is new and still processing everything. I do like that Leo is one who tries to help Daniel through this. Leo clearly has the most experience with dealing with this. Plus, he likely understands it can be overwhelming at times.
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I truely love that Leo basically lets Daniel goof off bit and have his laser sphere ability. On the island Leo doesn’t have much in terms of ability or power, and as far as I can tell no other student has Leo’s same laser sphere. Leo is sharing something that is personal to him with Daniel. Maybe, I reading too much into things there. I do like what means repersents though. Leo trying to show Daniel how bionic can be fun.
The laser sphere does later cause some damage to the island, but I like that it wasn’t Leo’s fault. I think by making it Daniel’s it further ties the characters together. Leo is known for having a habit of causing/getting into trouble. Often times, Leo doesn’t mean to cause said trouble rather ego, pride, or carelessness reason why this happens. At the end of the day, Leo does most of trouble he causes happens by mistake. It’s the same for Daniel here. I think it’s a way to show that Leo and Daniel are alike.
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Just another quick thing, Leo later goes onto train Daniel. Daniel even tries to manipulate Leo into giving him the upgrade in similar fashion to season 1-2 Leo. Both of the characters are alike.
The last thing here about the scene in And Then There Were Four, Leo explaining how to use the laser sphere shows that Leo is mentor before he actually becomes one. You can even see Leo’s obvious joy of teaching with Daniel. Leo gets this smile once Daniel summons the laser sphere. He looks proud of Daniel and seemed to get a job out showing Daniel how to use his bionics. It’s nice little detail that you notice on rewatch. It really goes to show why Leo was meant to be a mentor at the Academy.
Leo as character was grossly mishandled on Lab Rats once it went off to the island. The show did do one thing right by Leo and that’s lets him have a big heart.
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